What are TV Apps?
TV apps let you stream KLTT on your TV!
There are a few different types of hardware that allow your TV to stream this content.
The benefit to listening to KLTT Radio on your television, first and foremost is quality. Your home sound system, or even the speakers in your TV are generally better than your iPhone or iPad. You can use a home theater or whole-home audio system to listen as well. This is massively handy when you’re doing housework or you work from home!
To encourage our listeners to try these apps, we have included a few pages of instructions. Click the link below that corresponds to the device you use to stream TV. If you have not yet purchased one of these devices, some VERY inexpensive options have been provided in the following pages. You can buy a Roku or Amazon Fire Stick for around $20!
We’ve also provided you with links to the easiest way to purchase on each page.
Streaming Devices

AppleTV - $149.99 and up
AppleTV is the cream of the crop. 4K versions are available and the unit include seamless integration to your phone and tablet for Apple users. There is a myriad of games, software and movies available, and you can store up to 512GB directly on the device. Click the link above for more info and instructions on downloading the KLTT app to your AppleTV

Amazon Firestick - $20 and up
Amazon Fire TV is packed with content, games and apps and at a price that is unbeatable. These are great for travelers; at the price point you're not worried if you leave it behind, and you can plug it directly into almost any AirBnB or hotel television set.

Roku - $22.99 and up
Roku is very much like the firestick. There are less apps and software, but more in terms of streaming content. You can access your personal video and photo content as well. Once again, the Roku is a GREAT choice for travellers or kids, you simply plug the dongle into the HDMI port on your tv and start browsing content!