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Victorious Faith with Cherri Campbell

Victorious Faith

Rev. Cherri Campbell is an ordained minister, Bible teacher, and missionary from Colorado who has ministered internationally in 25 nations in ministers’ conferences, churches, and Bible schools, as well as youth conferences and women’s conferences. She is the author of the Bible school curriculum called Foundations of Victorious Living, which she has taught in numerous Bible schools around the world.

Cherri is a 4th generation minister of the gospel on her father’s side and a 3rd generation minister on her mother’s side of the family. Her paternal great-great-grandmother attended Angeles Temple when Aimee Semple McPherson was there and also Aimee’s L.I.F.E. Bible College in Los Angeles. Cherri’s paternal great-great-aunt was a Pentecostal preacher in Los Angeles and provided a mission house where she fed and ministered to alcoholics and the homeless. Her maternal great-uncle and great-aunt were missionaries in the Philippines, and both Cherri’s paternal and maternal grandparents were pastors. Her parents are ministers who founded Hope Ministries International.

Cherri was born again at age three, baptized in the Holy Spirit at age seven, and heard her calling to be a missionary when she was twelve. After studying two years at Oral Roberts University, she attended two years and graduated from Rhema Bible Training Center (founded by Rev. Kenneth E. Hagin) in Tulsa, Oklahoma, in 1993. Following graduation, she worked for various ministries, both on the mission field and in the United States, during which time she also began writing her curriculum. From 1996 to 2000, Cherri worked on staff at Kenneth Copeland Ministries in Fort Worth, Texas, until the Lord directed her it was time to begin her own ministry. From 2001 to 2013, she ministered around the world in Bible schools, churches, and conferences. In 2013, the Lord instructed her to begin a radio broadcast called Victorious Faith at home in Colorado and to plant a church called “Victorious Faith International Church.”

Cherri’s calling is to build, train, and equip the Body of Christ to live and operate in the Kingdom of God, maturing the saints to be a glorious and triumphant Church and to do the works of Jesus Christ.

You can find the messages from Victorious Faith with Cherri Campbell on her YouTube channel here. 

