Maximized Manhood Minute
God’s love is always connected to the Cross. The Cross reveals the characteristics, evidences and provisions of Christ’s love for the church. There are males, immature men and real men. A real man is man enough to take everything to the Cross to come away with God’s plan, and with God’s will and God’s strength to do it.
Manhood 101 is a reprise of patterns and principles in God’s kingdom. Each page is a nugget of truth you can apply to your life, such as . . . “God puts no limitations on faith and faith puts no limitations on God.” “Obedience is better than sacrifice. You can’t compensate through sacrifice what you lose through disobedience.” Fill your heart with truth!
Love is the desire to benefit others, even at the expense of self, because love desires to give. Lust is perverted love. Lust is the desire to benefit self, even at the expense of others, because lust only wants to get. Love is easily satisfied. Lust is insatiable and can never be satisfied. Love is the nature of heaven. Lust is the nature of hell. Discover how marriage can be the closest thing to a heaven or a hell on this earth, depending on whether it is based on love or lust.