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Prayer Requests

Have a problem that you’d like someone to agree in prayer with you?  You can call us anytime at 303-481-1800, or, simply complete the form below!  You can write your prayer request in or just ask us to call you back.  We know that you’re under pressure and want to be there in whatever way we can to help you walk through it with clear focus on Jesus’ healing Word.

If you’d like to explore messages about specific issues or needs, simply go to our podcast page, find the need you have and start listening on the page, or in the app!

Prayer Request

Use this form to submit a prayer request. Someone can call you back if you'd like, or we will simply include you in our daily prayers here at the KLTT office. You're not alone in what you're going through and we want you to know that we care about you.
Your Name(Required)
What do you need from us right now?
