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Grace in God’s eyes amongst wickedness; the builder of the Ark and one who walked with God—that’s Noah—the one that made the difference.
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Using the life of Daniel, Pastor Rick teaches about the qualities God wants you to develop in your life: integrity, discipline, control, and humility.
Liz talks with John Ramirez, internationally known evangelist, author, and highly sought‐after speaker who teaches believers around the globe how to defeat the enemy. A former high‐ranking satanic priest, John talks about his new book “Exposing the Devils Playbook.” Many believers are not victorious and not living lives of purpose and destiny because they don't understand the schemes and wiles of the devil. Using powerful teachings, this book will unveil and expose the devil and his kingdom to the very core of his ministry, strategies, and weapons he uses against the church today.
This is Liz Frenzel with Crawford Media Group and today our guest is John Ramirez, internationally known evangelist, author and highly sought after speaker who teaches how to defeat the enemy. We'll be talking about his testimony and his new book titled "Exposing the Devil's Playbook in this Part 1" segment of our interview. Welcome to our program, John. Thank you so much to having me, the blessing to be on your platform and we're going to bring truth and revelation to the hyp listeners to know how to fight the good fight of faith. Amen. God always said, "All these disciples, all the men and powerful women of God, they always said we fought the good fight." Amen. And from Esther to David Moses, we told Madame the Lord to the disciples, Paul, everybody fought the good fight. So it's time that we fight the good fight. Amen. Amen. John, you have quite a testimony that I want you to share with our listeners before we talk about your book. Tell us about being a former high ranking satanic priest. Well, you know, it's amazing because sometimes I pinch myself because the last thing I thought really would say about me and I don't say this in a harsh way, I never wanted to be a Christian. I didn't mean Christian, it was weak, it was silly, it was ignorance, it was for people that didn't know better, they want to hold on to a fantasy. But one thing about God, He can prove He wrong any given time and 25 years of my life. Quarter of a century of my life, I was in the satanic realm under Kingdom of Devil completely and fully. Not just a wannabe, I was in Wayne, a little rock t-shirt painting my nails black. That's a wannabe satanic of a worship. But the ones they show up at the state capital and they addressed up with the little costumes and painted the nails black and those are wannabes. I was in the highest archival at the Dysentanic Kingdom of Darkness, Dirt Herm ranked them a worship in New York City, from New York City to Miami, Cuba, Haiti and back. And I was in the realm of the spirit of the highest second heaven which is the principality for heaven and down Territory Spirits, Marie Spirits were spirits. I had contract with the Monarchs Spirits as cemetery. They had to do a premature death. I had a satanic wedding and on Halloween. I remember the ranks, my father was a war lot from the highest levels of witchcraft. We bought the witchcraft immigrated from Puerto Rico to the Bronx. We immigrated from the United States. We knew people that were not right, double worshipers from different realms of culture and nationalities that we were connected with. We had demon church. I grew up in that, from the age of 7 and a half years old. At first in Conte with the Docks, I was a necklace that fell from the sky. I was in a yard, well I was in a, we call it a playground. But it was an empty broken, a lot that was a building with that one time and it took it down in the 70s and the soft Bronx of New York City and the necklace, fell from the ground. I was there with buddy of mine breaking windows from the empty buildings. That was a hobby we had. The necklace fell down to the ground and just to sum up the whole opportunity because of time. The necklace fell from the demonic dark powers of the dark side. I took the necklace, put it in my pocket. I remember my mother called my name. I told my friend I got to go. My mother's call on me. I took off. It was a familiar spirit because it was too far distance to him. My mom yelling my name. I put the necklace on my neck at the age of eight. I was in a witch house getting my first demonic ceremony initiated to the dark side. It was a, I did all the demonic ceremonies on my body. I actually projecting rituals of animal blood, rituals of human blood, rituals of learning how to go to demotry from seven in the evening to five in the morning, being trained by a warlock in which is marrying Halloween, move up the ranks to the third level of witchcraft of the demonic worlds of the highest archaed, the kingdom of darkness from hardship projecting, leaving my body, curses and ringes, curses and neighborhoods putting witchcraft on people. In 1999, I had an encounter where I heard the voice of craft for the first time. He said, "My son, I'm coming soon when he will do it himself." And it was such a revelation. I know the voice of the devil. I sat with the devil for 25 years, talked to him, communicated with him, had contracts with demonic forces of every aspect of the spirit around the dark side from Marie spirit, water spirits, feminist spirits, territorial spirits, abstract projectors spirit, principal personalities, the devil himself. I was in and dated in the dark side in 1999. I went to bed, died, went to hell, met the cross of Jesus Christ and the devil showed up to and how. So they convinced me not to leave him to stay in the occult, which is called the religion. And when he went to grab me and hell, the cross of Jesus Christ appeared in hell between him and I, which means intercession. And when he went to grab me to cross, he made contact with the cross that he fell on, he fell on the floor like a piece of paper. But the amazing thing was that when I died, I ended up in a train going so fast. There was people in the train. The train was crowded with people, but you couldn't see the faces. The people had no faces. But they knew the terror on this train that was going fast and then pie the speed of sound. People in the train, they were going somewhere that there was a coming back. And when the train hit hell, there was an explosion. And when I got out, the train went to hell. I stepped on the ground and hell. And it felt like you stepped in on marshmallows and in Paris, like a human person. The ground is alive, nothing on the earth, you can compare it to. And then when you step to hell, the fear is not like the one on the earth that you can, you get fear for a minute or two or you shake it off. This one wraps around your life a pie song. And it's alive. It breathes on your life a human person every time it's easier and don't mention it. As I was going to the point of how the devil showed up and he was saying, "I loved you. I had you, my son. I gave birth to you from the age of age virtually. I loved you. I protected you. I gave everything you wanted while you were leaving me now." And I was so confused that I know where I was at. And I was trying to talk to him. He was talking in the monotunks. And I was talking back to him. And then when he went to grab me to destroy me, the cross appeared. Twice in hell. And then the second, the twice in hell, it doesn't. And then I ran into the port of hell. And then I ran to the port of hell. The second time the devil came out, he came out with his true identity. The wings, the horns, the tail, everything. I mean, this thing was probably about 20 feet tall or bigger. And he had stains on his body because he fell from grace and his car was stained. And as he went to grab me again, the cross appeared. The wooden cross, the cover appeared. I never read the Bible. I didn't have no clue. I didn't have no idea what the Bible was. The Bible told me what the fantasy was. A fake book. A book that people would hold onto it because they have known it better to do. The Bible told me it was just nonsense. And I never read, I may have heard about Jesus being crucified, read it all the time. But I never knew a cross. I never knew the details of the crucifixion. I never knew that I saw. I know Jesus rose again. I heard the rumors, but I never actually knew the details of what took place because I never read the Bible. I had no interest in reading the Bible. So, telling people can read the Bible, we read the Bible, we get punished by the devil. They even punished it upon a death. If I were to step into a church at the devil's worshiper, without asking the devil permission, then I'd be dead the next day. It's just the way it is. You cannot step into a church without the devil's permission. And you cannot pick up a Bible without the devil's permission because punishment is death and it demonic Kingdom of darkness. So as I, he went to grab me again, I put him from hell. I was put back into my body like a lightning bolt. And it felt like I would be in an ICU and I would do an electrical paddles in my chest to bring me back to life. That's the best way I can describe it. When I came back into my body, I knew that I was my only opportunity to be born again a believer and I gave my life to the Lord. And at a hundred thousand out of which Christ of my house, human bones, everything you can imagine my house from a hundred thousand out of which Christ of my home. And I threw all that stuff out and I left a daddy that I was able to see which was the devil for 25 years to follow a daddy that I couldn't see. I knew that he loved me and I knew he had a plan for my life and I left the dark side and I came to the other side of the cross to follow Jesus. How did you know it was the voice of God? You know why I knew it was the voice of God? This is the priority and the relation of the voice of God for me. I know the voice of the devil. I know the voice of principalities. I know the voice of territorial spirits, marine spirits, water spirits. I know the voice of all these demons. 25 years of this, it's like you living in a country for 25 years. I mean, you've got to know the language of the country, of the country wherever country, whether you in Japan, you're in China or you in South America. You don't learn the language after 25 years. So I don't talk much of spiritual language at the demon side. I know it. Like the back of my hand. But the voice of God, it is, let me just describe the voice of God. I was watching Jeremy Springer. I came back from a nightclub recording people from the dark side, putting witchcraft spells on people in clubs. So I will go like three or four clubs a night to put witchcraft spells on people and record people to the dark side because that was the devil's playground. The nightclub's of New York City or any nightclub is the devil's playground. I mean, to the music, the activity that goes on the club, the drinking, the people don't cocaine in the bathroom. That's the devil's playground. So they were in the devil's playground and I was the ruler in the devil's playground, cursing the people that were coming to the clubs. So I came back from the club. I got up that morning. I put on Jeremy Springer to show. That was so like addicted, not addicted, but so always watching that show, which is ridiculous. At the time, it was fun, but this thing is just garbage. But yeah, I heard the voice of God. He said, "My son, I'm coming soon. What are you planning to do with your life?" You knew that that voice, if you wanted to shake the universe, it could shake the universe. But I had a gentle sound to it at the same time. You can't even mimic that voice. The voice of the devil and the demons and the principalities and the spirits, the demonic spirits. The voice of the devil is so funny and empty when I talk to you. But the voice of the Lord Jesus Christ has a command and authority that can shake the world upside down. But also, you can hear the love of that voice like a stream you're standing by the broken water. That's the voice of God. We've been visiting with John Romero's former high ranking satanic priest, now born again, internationally known evangelist, author and highly sought after speaker, who teaches how to defeat the enemy. And we've been talking about how he went from a powerful advocate for the Kingdom of Darkness to a powerful warrior in the Kingdom of God. John, where can our listeners go to learn more about your ministry and get your book, which we will talk about in part two? Well, you know, I was, you know, my ministry's in install at John That's my website and I'd love to hear from minister. I'd love to hear from brother and sister, so I love daily. And I might book, if you put John Romero's an Amazon, all the books are there that I've written to help believers fight to fight how to deal with spiritual warfare, how to deal with that enemy, how to deal with stronghold bondages, besetting sins, how to deal with generational curses, bloodline curses, how to deal with social oppression and depression, how to deal with sickness. Sickness is a devil. It's a curse of the enemy to bring sickness to your body, sickness to your mind. I teach people how to break these things. They're strong. I'm uproot of living in the victory side. The law Jesus Christ asked for you. Nothing missing, nothing broken. Yeah, you're going to have battles. Yeah, you're going to have fights, spiritual warfare. Yes, but you're going to have Jesus and you're going to be victorious always. What an eye-opening talk we've had. I encourage all of our listeners to look for part two on our website. John, thank you for joining us today. Thank you so much. Blessings to you and I'm blessed to be here with you today. Amen. [Music]
The devil aims to steal your peace and joy because that's where your strength lies. Today, Joyce explains how the enemy uses your thoughts and attitudes against you, as well as how to win the battle.
Sermon Overview
Scripture Reference: Mark 8:34
Our souls are of infinite worth. When God made the human soul, He made it in His own image, therefore, our souls are endless, timeless, dateless, and measureless. The soul is the most valuable part of each of us, and so often, the first thing we sacrifice for the things of this world.
Mark 8:35-36 says, “For whoever desires to save his life will lose it, but whoever loses his life for My sake and the gospel’s will save it. For what will it profit a man if he gains the whole world, and loses his own soul?”
No one ever gains the whole world, and whatever part of the world you would gain, you cannot keep forever. The world cannot satisfy our deepest longings—neither pleasure, possession, nor philosophy could ever satisfy because God made us for Himself.
Our souls are priceless treasures of tremendous worth; each one was formed with incredible creativity. Every soul has the potential to be transformed into the likeness of Jesus Christ. Our souls are also valuable because of their durability; they last for all eternity.
Adrian Rogers says, “God never makes duplicates. You are the handiwork, the crafting, of Almighty God.”
Our souls are also extremely rare; each is unique. Our souls are of inestimable worth. Jesus died upon the cross, paying the price with His blood and agony to show how much He desired our souls. Therefore, we must be extremely careful with our souls. Any one soul not given to the Lord is a waste of a soul. It is a foolish transaction.
Adrian Rogers says, “Your soul was made for God and until your soul finds its rest in God, your soul will never find satisfaction. You’re His poem—His masterpiece.”
To lose your soul would be a tragic, immeasurable loss—all the wealth of this world cannot compare to the value of a soul. It is an irreplaceable and irreversible loss—after death, we don’t get a second chance.
It’s an inexcusable loss—completely avoidable. Because of Jesus Christ, our sin has been atoned for. And if we belong to Christ and confess our sins, those sins are forgiven.
We can be saved, through conviction, conversion, and confession.
Apply it to your life
Are you playing games, gambling with your soul? To lose it to this world would be a foolish, fatal tragedy. Give it to Jesus, who saves it and keeps it for all of eternity.
Satan is the author of confusion and he desires to destroy all believers. Today, Joyce shares heartfelt truths from the Word of God to help you fight the devil and win.
Welcome to Grace in Focus radio. Today, Kathryn Wright and Ken Yates are looking again at another question about believing. Is faith a choice or not a choice? If it isn’t a choice, is there not an element of the will? How does that work? Listen and be challenged by today’s episode of the Grace in Focus podcast!
The following is a listener-supported ministry from the Grace Evangelical Society.
A question about believing. Is faith a choice or not a choice? And if it isn't a choice, isn't there an element of the will in there somewhere?
Welcome, friend. This is the Grace in Focus radio broadcast and podcast coming to you from the Grace Evangelical Society. Learn more about us at our website,
We have a subscription-free magazine called Grace in Focus, which you can sign up for right there on our website. Caveat, it is free if you live in the lower 48 United states. Otherwise, you only have to pay for the postage to get it there.
Find it at Now with today's question and answer discussion, here are Ken yates and Kathryn Wright.
Welcome to another episode of Grace in Focus. I'm Ken yates and I'm here with Kathryn Wright, and we're answering questions that have been sent in. And Duane asked a question that sometime asked, but he puts a little different spin on it.
And he's struggling with this issue of faith is not a choice. I do not choose to believe in Christ. It's a decision.
A decision. And of course, for those of us who grew up in Baptist churches, you know, how many times, not just Baptist, but a lot of different churches, you need to make a decision. You need to make a decision for Christ.
And sometimes you'll go to a sermon and you'll go, well, I'm not ready to make a decision for Christ. And what that normally means is, okay, next time we're together, I'll make a decision. And for those of us in the Baptist church, that usually meant I'll walk down the aisle.
You've got to raise your hand too. Raise your hand if you're ready to make a decision for Christ, and then you're going to walk the aisle. Right.
And of course, at GES, we have said all along that faith is not a decision. It is being convinced that something is true. And like I said, Dwayne, he puts a little bit of a different spin on this when he asked his question.
If we say it like that, he says that it's not a choice, it's not a decision I make. Isn't that really what Calvinists say? Because the Calvinists say we're unable to believe.
In other words, I can't decide to believe. And he doesn't go into it that much detail, but he's saying, Dwayne is saying, well, then if I can't decide to believe, then isn't it something that God has to give me? God does it.
And that was his point. Well, let's talk about that a little bit. First of all, we still maintain that faith is not a decision.
And we've talked about this in the before, but I can't decide to believe something. If I'm not convinced something is true, then I don't believe it. And I can't decide to be convinced that something is true when I'm not convinced that it's true.
OK, so that's part of it. But the distinction we make is that we still have the ability to believe. The Calvinist says we don't.
The Calvinist says we cannot be convinced that something is true. And in this case, we cannot be convinced that jesus gives eternal life to everyone who believes in him for it. He must give us that faith.
I think also to add to that, not only is the Calvinist saying that the unbeliever is incapable of belief, the unbeliever is also incapable of responding or hearing the message. We talked about this in our last episode as well, that they'll use passages like ephesians 2 and say, well, you are dead in your trespasses and sins, and so if you're dead, that means you're a corpse. Well, a corpse can't even hear the message.
A corpse can't even be willing to listen to John 3.16, because they're a corpse, they're dead, they're incapable of even hearing. So I guess that would be our distinction. Not only are we rejecting the Calvinists' perspective on our inability to believe, but we're also rejecting the inability that they argue for the unbeliever and their lack of being able to hear the message either.
Right, so they would, the Calvinists would say the unbeliever cannot be drawn to faith, because he's not, he's not, he can't even hear it. yes. He's completely dead.
That's right. And, but what we're saying is a couple things. Number one, no one can come to faith without God drawing them.
But God draws people.
He draws all men to himself.
He draws all men to himself. Through creation, through his conscience, through his word, through preachers.
The Holy Spirit is drawing.
Yeah, the Holy Spirit is convicting the world of all these things in various ways. But of course, the Calvinist says that, no, if you're not elect, you're not being drawn. You can't be drawn, right?
Is the point. And then they would say you have to be given faith. So when God draws the unbeliever through any of these means or through a number of these means, usually that's the way it is, through a number of these means, the issue is not, am I able to believe or am I able to respond to his drawing first off, but am I willing to do it?
And that's what we see in the scriptures. For example, in John chapter 5 verse 40, jesus is talking to a number of unbelievers, and he tells them, well, starting in verse 39, these are Jewish unbelievers. You search the scriptures.
He says, for in them, you think you have eternal life, and these are they which testify of me.
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these are Jewish unbelievers. You search the scriptures. He says, for in them you think you have eternal life, and these are they which testify of me.
But then he says in verse 40, but you are not willing to come to me that you may have life. Now, in that verse, the verb come is an illustration of believing in him. You see that in the Gospel of John, you have a number of illustrations or metaphors of believing.
Come to him, drink, eat, follow. Okay. And so these Jews that he was talking to were unwilling.
Now, why were they unwilling? What does that mean? He doesn't say they were unable.
And what's also interesting is that they're technically looking at the evidence, right? They have the scriptures before them. He says, you're reading them and these testify of me, but you're unwilling to really see it.
You're unwilling to believe in him. And I think, and I don't know if we've ever discussed this on the radio or you and I've discussed this, but in that verse 39, he says, you search the scriptures. He's talking to these self-righteous Jews who thought that eternal life was by keeping the scriptures, by keeping the commandments, by doing good works.
And if you get somebody like that, it's not that they're unable to believe, they're just not willing to look at the evidence. And like you said, the evidence was right in front of their eyes. The miracles that jesus performed, his teaching, they could see that he was the Christ, but they were unwilling.
He was not from their approved schools. He was teaching a message that they rejected. And we can see this, for example, when you meet somebody who is heavily involved in works righteousness.
And I know many of our readers have met people like that. They are simply unwilling to have that belief, that tradition, their background, their culture challenged, and they're not willing to look.
I mean, we see it even like, for example, I'm unwilling to even look at the evidence that we came from apes.
I'm just not, I'm not, you could show me, you know, a teacher of evolution could show me a chart, and they could show me all that stuff. But I'm unwilling to even consider the evidence. Right.
I'm just not.
We can say the same thing about a flat earth.
Right. There's people who believe that the earth is flat, and they have reams of evidence, quote unquote. I'm not willing to look at that.
It's not that I'm unable to believe that, to be convinced that that's true. I'm perfectly able, but I'm unwilling.
You could say, well, I'll fly you up in an airplane, and you'll see that the world is flat. No, I would reject that. I'm not willing to do that.
It's not a decision I make. In other words, I don't decide not to believe that. It's just I'm unwilling.
And that's what we see here. And by the way, we see it in other places in the scriptures as well. For example, in Matthew chapter 23, jesus is weeping over Jerusalem as he is heading to the cross here.
He knows what's going to happen here. As he weeps, he says in verse 37, how often I wanted to gather your children together as a hen gathers her chicks under her wings. But notice what he says, but you were not willing.
And here he's specifically talking to Jerusalem as he's weeping over the city. And in the previous verses, he talks about the religious leaders.
Well, we see that too, right? Where he's performing these miracles. I was just in class last night, and we were talking about, I don't think this is a proper title for it, but the unpardonable sin in Matthew 12.
And it's a similar thing where he's performing these miracles, and it's obvious that they are. In fact, they don't deny that there are miracles that are taking place, but they're unwilling to be convinced that those are from God. And so what in their legalism, what do they do?
They attribute it to Beelzebub. They twist it. They have to come up with their own excuse for why they're not going to listen or have this evidence right before them and see utterly unwilling to look at it.
Yeah, we have people, and by the way, it's not just self-righteous religious people who are unwilling. You have people who grew up in an atheist home, for example, in some homes, very secular, academic. And when they hear of eternal life, when they hear of resurrection from the dead, they mock that, and they're simply not willing to believe that.
They're not willing to look at the evidence to see if it is true. And so, to go back to the original question, this is not what the Calvinist is saying. The Calvinist is not saying you don't have a choice.
We're saying something different. We're saying that the unbeliever is able to be drawn by God, but there are some who, when that drawing happens, are unwilling to look at the evidence. And there would be the difference.
So, we hope this helps. And until next time, remember, Keep Grace in Focus.
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The preceding has been a listener-supported ministry from the Grace Evangelical Society.
Sermon Overview
Scripture Reference: 2 Corinthians 4:3-6
Our thought lives are the root of many of our problems in this world gone wild. It is crucial that we have mastery over our minds and control over our thought lives.
First, we must be sure of our salvation.
2 Corinthians 4:3-4 says, “But even if our gospel is veiled, it is veiled to those who are perishing, whose minds the god of this age has blinded, who do not believe, lest the light of the gospel of the glory of Christ, who is the image of God, should shine on them.”
The devil wants us to stay in the dark and blind our minds to the light of the Gospel.
There’s a difference between the mind and the brain; the devil does not come after our intelligence, rather he wants to distort our minds. We become what we think about. (See Proverbs 23:7.)
The carnal mind, which is at war with God, must be converted. There is no second step until we are sure we are saved.
Second, we must pursue single-minded, heart-felt devotion to God.
A converted mind can be corrupted; we can lose so much ground in the battle for our thought lives if we do not take action and give everything over to God.
Third, we must root out the strongholds in our thought lives.
A corrupt mind must be conquered. We must conquer compulsiveness, obsessions, fixations, and fears. We cannot let bitterness and resentment, uncontrollable lusts, phobias, criticisms, or distrust have a hold on us.
This warfare is not carnal, so our weapons aren’t either. Education, psychology, nor positive thinking can help us take down these strongholds. Our fighting chance is the blood of Christ, the Word of God, and the authority in the name of Jesus.
Finally, we must surrender our conquered minds back to the Lord.
We cannot be neutral; we cannot merely dethrone the enemy—Christ must be enthroned in our thought lives.
Adrian Rogers says, “No man can think two things at one time. If you’re thinking what is right, you cannot be thinking what is wrong. You can choose your thoughts like you can choose your friends.”
Our great hope is that the conquered mind can be controlled by bringing every thought to Jesus Christ.
Apply it to your life
Bring every thought to obedience, and let the Lord Jesus Christ screen your thought life today.
What's the difference between our mind and our brain? Listen to Adrian Rogers.
You need to understand that there is a difference between the mind and the brain. The brain is what the mind thinks with. When you get saved, you don't get a new brain, you get a new mind.
And the God of this world has blinded the minds of them that believe not. He doesn't, the devil doesn't hurt your intelligence. Why?
Because the Bible says as a man thinketh, so is he.
Welcome to Love Worth Finding, featuring the profound messages and practical lessons of Pastor Adrian Rogers. Our thought life is the root of many of our problems in today's world. It's crucial that each of us has control over our thought life.
The devil wants us to stay in the dark and blind our minds to the light of the gospel. He does not come after our intelligence. Rather, he wants to distort our mind because he knows we become what we think about.
If you have your Bible, turn to 2 Corinthians chapter 4 as Adrian Rogers shares how to have mastery over your mind.
Would you take God's Word and open it if you would please to 2 Corinthians chapter 4. And in a moment we are going to begin reading in verse 3. I'm going to be talking to you today about how to control your thought life, how to control your thought life.
That is, how to have mastery over your mind. And if there was ever a significant message, this would be it. 2 Corinthians chapter 4 and verse 3.
But if our gospel be hid, it is hid to them that are lost, in whom the God of this world, now notice that's a little G and it refers to Satan, the God of this world, that is the God of this age, hath blinded the minds. Underscore that phrase. Hath blinded the minds of them which believe not.
Lest the light of the glorious gospel of Christ, who is the image of God, should shine unto them. For we preach not ourselves, but Christ Jesus, the Lord, and ourselves, your servants, for Jesus' sake. For God who commanded the light to shine out of darkness has shined in our hearts to give the light of the knowledge of the glory of God in the face of Jesus Christ.
Now this deals with the problem of the mind and a blinded mind. You see, the devil is controlling the thought life of so many. But thank God, he doesn't have to.
I mean, there is a way to gain control of your mind, and I want to speak to you today in a very significant message on how to control your thought life. How to control your thought life. Now, I want to give you four principles.
And the very first factor that I want to give you is what I call the salvation factor. The salvation factor. You must get saved.
You see, the devil doesn't want you to know the gospel of Jesus Christ. Look in verse four. In whom the god of this world hath blinded the minds of them which believe not.
You know what the devil wants to do to you right now? The devil right now wants to pull the veil of darkness over your mind. He doesn't want you to hear what I'm about to say.
He doesn't want a shaft of gospel sunlight to penetrate the dark, murky recesses of your soul. The devil wants you to stay in the dark. He doesn't want God to turn the light on in your soul, so he wants to blind your mind.
Now let me say something very significant here. You need to understand there's a difference between your mind and your brain. I didn't used to know that.
I never had really even thought about it. But it's a fundamental thought. You need to understand that there's a difference between the mind and the brain.
The brain is what the mind thinks with. The relationship of mind and brain would be very similar to the relationship of a pianist and a piano. You see, the piano is the brain.
The pianist is the mind that uses the brain. For example, who plays that piano makes a lot of difference as to what comes out of it. You want me to tell you the most dangerous thing in the world?
The most dangerous thing in the world is a man with a bad mind and a good brain. A bad mind and a good brain. He is a clever devil.
Now, it is the mind that the Bible speaks of that I'm talking about, not the gray matter. When you get saved, you don't get a new brain. You get a new mind.
And the God of this world has blinded the minds of them that, believe not, he doesn't... The devil doesn't hurt your intelligence. What he does is distort your mind.
He blinds your mind. Why? Because the Bible says, as a man thinketh, so is he.
It is your mind that controls you. Legendary Bear Bryant, the great coach at Alabama, had his team on the field and they were playing in arch rival. There were only two minutes left in the game.
Alabama was ahead by five points. Two minutes left. Alabama has the ball, and they're on the opponent's 20-yard line.
And they call a play, and the number one quarterback for Alabama is hurt on that play. Bear Bryant pulls him out, and he takes the second string quarterback, and he gives him these instructions. He says to him, Now listen, I want you to go in there and run three more plays.
Regardless, don't throw the ball. Do not put the ball in the air. Just try to keep from losing yardage if we don't score.
Okay, yes sir coach. The boy went in, and on the second down, no yardage at all. On the third down, they gained a yard.
On the fourth down, the clock winding down, this rookie quarterback takes the ball, and he turns to hand it off to this man coming through, and there's a bobble, and the man doesn't catch the ball, and the quarterback still has the ball in his hands. And so he begins to move out, and to try to get away from the defense, and he looks over there in the end zone, and there's one of his players. This boy knew he could throw the ball that far, he knew he could put it right in there, and so he just put the ball right over there to this boy with his waiting hands.
But what he did not know was the all-American safety on that other side had been watching the entire thing. And when the ball was put in the air, he zipped over there, plucked the ball out of the air, and started down the field with only one person between him and a touchdown, and it was that boy who had thrown that ball. And he ran with this quarterback behind him the entire length of the field, and finally on the two-yard line, the rookie quarterback caught up with him and brought him down as the whistle blew and the game ended, and Bama had won by five points.
After the game, Bear Bryant went over and was shaking hands with the other coach, and the other coach said, well, he said, I just don't understand it. He said, according to our scouting reports, your second quarterback is slow, and our man is the fastest man on the field. He said, how did he catch him?
Bear Bryant in his southern drawl said, well, he said, you have to understand. He said, your boy was running for six points. He said, my boy was running for his life.
What's the difference? It's the mind, not the legs, the mind. As a man thinks, so is he.
Now, the very first principle is the salvation principle. Now, there's a second factor, not only the salvation factor, but there is this sincerity factor. Now, just fast forward, if you will, to 2 Corinthians, chapter 11, and read with me in verse 2.
And I want you to get the picture. The Apostle Paul thinks of himself as a father. He thinks of the church as the bride of Christ.
He thinks of Christ as the bridegroom. And so what Paul is saying is, as a father, I am bringing you and I am presenting you to Jesus Christ. Now, catch the figure of speech.
Paul says, For I am jealous over you with a godly jealousy, for I have espoused you to one husband, that I may present you as a chaste virgin to Christ. Now, the word chaste here means pure. I want to present you as a pure virgin to the Lord Jesus Christ.
But now notice in verse 3, this fear that Paul has, this apprehension that Paul has, this danger that Paul sees. But I fear, lest by any means, as the serpent beguiled Eve through his subtlety, so your mind should be corrupted from the simplicity that is in Christ. Now, look at the word simplicity.
The word simplicity means single-minded devotion. A heartfelt devotion. That is, I am to love Joyce, my wife, with single-mindedness, with sincerity.
There's to be no other girlfriend, no other thoughts. She is to be number one in my life, and I can tell you frankly and gladly, she is. She's been number one in my life.
But now, listen, that's what the word simplicity means. It actually means single-minded, sincere devotion to Jesus. Because, you see, a divided mind means a perverted mind, and then it means a broken relationship.
And so I am to keep my relationship to Christ sincere. That is, I am to be single-minded. Why?
Because the carnal mind must be converted. But, oh, my dear friend, we need to understand that a converted mind may be corrupted. Just because you're saved, that doesn't mean that you're not going to have to battle about your thought life.
Paul here is talking to Christians. He said, I am presenting you as a pure virgin to Christ, but he said, I'm afraid that your mind might be corrupted as the serpent seduced Eve with his subtlety. So, your mind might be corrupted from the sincerity, the single mindedness that's in Christ.
The salvation factor, the sincerity factor, and then there's the stronghold factor. Now, notice, go back to chapter 10, if you will, 2 Corinthians chapter 10, and look in verse 3. For though we walk in the flesh, that is, we're in these human bodies, we do not war after the flesh.
Now, he tells us there's a war, but it's not a war of the flesh. For the weapons of our warfare are not carnal. The word carnal means fleshly.
A carnivorous animal is what? A flesh-eating animal. And so, carnis is the Latin word that we get our English word carnal from.
For the weapons of our warfare are not carnal, that is, they're not fleshly, but mighty through God to the pulling down of strongholds. Now, underscore the word stronghold. Now, let me just illustrate what some of these strongholds might be.
It is a system of thought that brings you as a believer into bondage. The devil uses that system of thought to establish in your mind imaginations. Now, the King James calls it there, imaginations.
The word imagination is the word that we get our word logic from in the Greek, or logistics from. That is, the devil is warring a logistical war against God, and he's very clever. He has seduced a believer.
He has suddenly come into the mind of a believer. He has implanted in the mind of that believer a stronghold, a fortress. He gets inside that fortress, and with logistics, he now wars at God.
Logically, with philosophies and thoughts, he wars against the idea of God. He always wants to war at God, and he wants to use your mind as a battlefield to war against God because the devil knows if he can control your mind, he can control you because as a man thinketh, so is he. Now, we're talking here and now about Christians.
What are some of these strongholds? I don't have time to just talk about them, so let me just list them and see if we're talking about you. Compulsiveness.
Do you find yourself just compulsed to do certain things? Acting compulsively and you say, I don't know why I do that, just do it. Obsessions.
Are you just obsessed with certain things that you think about all of the time? Fixations, fears, bitterness and resentment. Uncontrollable lust.
I'm speaking to some men who would be embarrassed if their fellow Christians, their wives, their children knew the whole that lust and pornography have in their lives. Phobias and criticisms, distrust, the inability to trust anybody or anything. And it's not just a passing thing that comes through your mind.
There is a fortress. Satan, who has seduced you, has taken control. He's moved in, and he is logistically warring against God with these imaginations, and he's there.
A carnal mind must be converted. A converted mind can be corrupted, and a corrupted mind must be conquered. Now listen to what he says.
He says that we can take back the fortress. This is what he is saying in verse 4. For the weapons of our warfare are not carnal, but mighty through God to the pulling down of strongholds.
What are the weapons of our warfare? The Word of God, prayer, repentance, the blood of Christ, the authority, the Holy Spirit, so many of them. I don't even have time to talk about the weapons of our warfare, but let me tell you what they are not.
They are not carnal, and you listen to me. The weapons of our warfare are not education. You'll never control your mind by education.
I'm not against education, but you educate a man without Christ, you make a clever devil. The weapons of our warfare are not psychiatry and psychology. They're good as far as they go, but they do not dispossess Satan and take him out of his stronghold.
It cannot be done with psychiatry and psychology. They have their place, but the weapons of our warfare are not carnal. Carnal people can use psychiatry and psychology.
Carnal people can use education. I'll tell you the weapon of our warfare is not positive thinking. Many Christians get hooked on positive thinking.
Did you know that many Christians don't know the difference between positive thinking and faith? Did you know that? They think that faith and positive thinking are the same thing.
They're 10 billion light years away from each other. Not positive thinking. Positive thinking is fine, but it doesn't always work.
Little boy came home and he said, Dad, I think I'm going to fail my math test. He said, Son, don't say that. Think positively.
He said, I'm positive I'm going to fail it. Now, positive thinking is not going to release you from the stronghold of Satan. They all have their place.
They're all fine, but the weapons of our warfare are not carnal. They are mighty through God to the pulling down of strongholds. Now, what you need to understand is this, that when you use your spiritual weapons, the blood of Christ, the word of God, the authority that's in the Lord Jesus Christ, you can take back that conquered ground that you gave to Satan and conquer it yourself and dispossess Satan.
But the only way you're going to do it is with the authority of Jesus Christ and the word of God. I was reading about a woman in St. Louis who was living with a man who was not her husband. She had allowed this man to come into the apartment and he was living there in the apartment with her.
She got into conviction. She knew the thing she was doing is wrong. She wanted to break up the relationship and she told this man that he had to move out.
Do you know what he said? He said, I'm not moving out. He said, you invited me in here?
He said, we've been living like this and legally you can't put me out. She didn't know whether legally she could or not. She got a lawyer and the lawyer said, legally you can make him move.
And she got a judgment from the court, a court order that said he had to go. And she read it to him and said, now you're going to move out or I'm going to call the law on you. And grudgingly he moved out and she changed the key.
My dear friend, I want to tell you that when you get right with God and you bring the weapons of our warfare against Satan, legally you can move him out. That's the only way you're going to move him out, is legally with the authority of Jesus Christ. Jesus said, I give you authority over all the power of the enemy and what you can say to Satan, if you have that stronghold that is there, you can say to Satan, Satan, I'm not asking you.
I'm not pleading with you. I'm not reasoning with you. I am telling you in the name of Jesus Christ and the authority of the word of God, my heart belongs to Jesus Christ.
I've confessed those sins. I've repudiated that stronghold. I put it under the blood.
God has forgiven me. You have no right, no authority. You are trespassing on my father's property.
And in the name of Jesus, be gone. You're gonna have to take back the stronghold. I mean the weapons of our warfare.
There's a battle. And you're gonna have to go in there with the word of God and the authority of God and take back that stronghold that you've let Satan have. There is a war, and the weapons of our warfare are not carnal but mighty through God to the pulling down of strongholds.
The salvation factor, the carnal man must be converted. The carnal mind must be converted. The sincerity factor, the converted mind can be corrupted.
The stronghold factor, a corrupted mind must be conquered. And then, my dear friend, the surrender factor. Listen, it's not just enough that you take back your mind.
If that's all you do, before long, you're going to be back in the same difficulty. Now, look here, if you will, again, 2 Corinthians chapter 10, verse 5. Casting down imaginations.
That's what we're to do. Say, devil out. And every high thing that exalted itself against the knowledge of God.
Now, watch this, it doesn't end there. But notice what else it says. It says, and bringing into captivity every thought to the obedience of Christ.
That's the surrender factor. You cannot be neutral. Not only must Satan be dethroned, Christ must be enthroned in the thought life.
You bring that mind back to Jesus Christ and you enthrone Jesus Christ. You cannot be neutral in your thought life. No man can think 2 things at one time.
And if you're thinking what is right, you cannot be thinking what is wrong. You can choose your thoughts like you can choose your friends. Did you know that?
You can refuse to let things into your mind. You go to the airport and you walk through that little door, you know, that's got that sensor that tells whether you have any metal, you know, whether you're packing a gap, and you walk through there and if you've got too many keys in your pocket or too much change in your pocket, that sensor says... and you back out and she hands that little dish and you take everything out of your pocket and put it in that dish and then you go through.
You go through. And it checks to see whether you're clean or not. Now, my dear friend, you ought to have something like that on your mind that just screens out the thoughts.
It keeps you from thinking these things. You can choose your thoughts like you choose your friends. Bring every thought to obedience.
Let the Lord Jesus Christ screen your thought life. Now, you may think that what I'm saying is just sanctified psychology, but that's where you're wrong, mister. It's the Word of God.
It's the Word of God.
The carnal mind must be converted, but that's not enough. You must beware lest the converted mind be corrupted. But if the converted mind is corrupted, the corrupted mind can be conquered, and the conquered mind can be controlled by bringing every thought to Jesus Christ.
You can choose your thoughts just like you choose your friends, and you can say with the Apostle Paul, we have the mind of Christ, and as a man thinketh, so is he. So if you think like Christ, what are you going to be like? Jesus.
Isn't that wonderful? Praise God.
Well, what a great reminder today that we are to be the people who think like Christ and become more like him every day. You know, at Love Worth Finding, we love hearing how the ministry and the messages of Pastor Rogers have inspired you in your faith journey. If you can, go to our website and submit your own testimony or read others who share their stories.
We often select stories to be shared throughout our Love Worth Finding community and will always protect your privacy if that's what you desire. We can't wait to hear your story at
Now if you'd like to order a copy of today's message in its entirety, call us at 1-877-LOVE-GOD. Mention the title, How to Have Mastery Over Your Mind. This message is also part of the insightful series, Change Your Thought Life.
For that complete 6-message collection, call 877-LOVE-GOD. Or you can order online. Or write us at Love Worth Finding, Box 38600, Memphis, Tennessee, 38183.
You can also purchase our new Bible studies, much like this message, in our online store. Thank you for studying in God's Word with us today. Remember, our great hope is that the conquered mind can be controlled by bringing every thought to Jesus Christ.
Let the Lord Jesus screen your thought life today. And tune in next time for more from Adrian Rogers, right here on Love Worth Finding.
In a recent survey we conducted, we received this wonderful word of encouragement from a listener. I have listened to Pastor Rogers for so many years now. I feel he's part of my family.
I love his practical application of biblical truths and his faithful adherence to God's word. You know at Love Worth Finding, our mission continues to be to draw people to Jesus and help believers go deeper in their faith. And to thank you for your gift right now, we'd love to send you a copy of the book, A Final Charge to the Church.
The contents of this book were delivered by Pastor Rogers in 2005, but the messages are as relevant today as ever. As the church, we're called to seek gospel-centered lives, and this final charge from Pastor Rogers emphasizes that. Request a copy of the book when you call with a gift at 1-877-LOVE-GOD or give online at
Daily Radio Program
Good afternoon, and welcome to The Narrow Path Radio Broadcast. My name is Steve Gregg, and we're live for an hour today, as usual. And during that hour, you can call in with your questions about the Bible or the Christian faith, if you have them.
Feel free to call. I'd be glad to talk to you about them here. The number to call is 844-484-5737.
Right now, I'm looking at a switchboard with quite a few open lines. So if you want to get through today, this may be the best chance you'll have during the hour. The number is 844-484-5737.
And if you live in Washington state, you may be interested in knowing that I'll be speaking at a variety of places in Western Washington for the next two weeks. And tonight I'm speaking in Arlington, which is pretty far north of where most of the places are I'm speaking. But if you're interested in joining us there or at any of the other meetings, they're all listed at our website,
That's Under a tab you'll find there that says Announcements. There you'll find all the information about this meeting tonight and all the other meetings that we'll be involved in.
All right, we're going to go to the phones now and talk to Michael in Connecticut. Michael, welcome to The Narrow Path. Thanks for calling.
Hi, Steve. Just a minute. I wanted to talk to you today.
Thank you so much for taking the call. So I found a new church. I've been to it before, but I couldn't go consistently to an Anglican church, a church of the Redeemer in Santa Cruz, Father Rob Patterson.
I don't know if you've met him. Are you aware?
I don't know him.
Have you heard of him?
All right. No, I don't know him. All right.
All right. Anyway, I've been going to the Sunday morning service. And just, you know, for years and years, I come away, I'm so touched at the core of my being.
And yesterday, Father Rob had a... He has an occasional class, How to Connect After the Service, Connect Class, I think he calls it. So I actually am considering being baptized, because it's so profound.
Well, that's great. Have you decided to finally surrender to Christ after all these years?
Well, that's what I wanted to talk to you about, because my theology or world view is at odds with my heart. And I, you know, what I've experienced is just, and this was at the Calvary Chapel in Athos for years, and other churches that I went to, and being in your meetings, and listening to Christian radio, the quality of love is off the meter. You know, it's just such...
Well, you've often mentioned that, and for those of you who are new listeners, Michael has been calling this program for 20 years, probably. 2004. Yeah, 20 years now.
And Michael has not been identified as a Christian, but he's of Jewish background who became Buddhist in his adult life, and he's been a Buddhist seeker, I guess, for 20 years. But he has been attending Christian churches. Like he mentioned, he attended the Calvary Chapel for a long time.
Now he's looking into an Anglican church or Episcopal church. Well, it'd be a real step for you. And like you've said, you've said many times you feel much more of the presence of God or the Holy Spirit when you're in Christian groups.
And so it's always surprised me and many others over the years why you haven't taken the plunge, but you still, as you say, your theology in your mind is probably more along Buddhist lines than Christian lines. Is that what I'm to understand you say?
Yeah. The theology, of course, etymology, theos is God, I guess.
It's technically true Buddhism.
Yeah. Atheistic, in a certain sense. But anyway, for years and years and years, as you know, and people know me, I was trying to reconcile a seemingly un-reconcilable, radical philosophical or theological difference.
Well, let me suggest this to you, Michael, because you're asking about being baptized. Yeah, you should realize that being baptized is making a commitment to be a follower of Christ, which, as you know, is not going to hurt you any, after all the followers of Christ you've been around, you've had a good experience with them. But it does mean you're going to have to embrace Christ as your Lord, and that's a great thing.
You know, everyone should do that. Once you do so, you should be prepared to be humble enough to allow the teaching of Christ to change your world view in any area where it may need to be changed. So if you say, well, I'm very much interested in following Christ for the rest of my life.
A lot of things I believe or have always believed might not be in line with what Christ said, but I'm going to put Christ in the position to correct me, if he will. And that's pretty much what submission to his Lordship means. You know, if he comes your rabbi, he comes your Lord, you're going to look to him for answers to the big questions.
And every person, no matter whether they come out of Buddhism or atheism, or even just out of even a nominally Christian background, everyone has got to be prepared for the fact that we've got some ideas wrong. We need to be corrected on some things. And as far as deciding what to use as the standard for correcting beliefs, the Christian view is that Jesus is that standard.
So if you feel that you want to make your commitment to Christ and from this point on, learn from him. because that's what Jesus said. Jesus said, take my yoke upon you and learn from me.
He didn't say that the moment you become a follower of his, you'll know everything, right? But you'll learn from him. You'll have his yoke upon you.
That's a term the Jews use for being under the yoke of a rabbi. That is, you had accepted or submitted to his teaching and were his follower now. That's taking his yoke upon you.
So Jesus said, we have to take my yoke on you and learn from me. And if that's the commitment you want to make, then I'd certainly encourage it. On the other hand, if you're thinking, well, I'm still going to hold on to all the views that I don't want to let go of, but I do like the good vibes, I feel when I'm in the presence of Christians.
No, no, no, no. I would not be the wishy-washy. That's why I'm talking to you and other people.
Well, that's great.
Yeah. But I know you have other cause, but here's the last thing I want to say. So I dropped out of Hebrew school before I was bar mitzvahed, because the teaching, the curriculum in the Hebrew school was asking me to believe things that I thought I could not possibly know, you know, empirically.
I can't see a God in heaven. All of this is beyond my perceptual range. I'm not saying there is no God, but if I just took that out of the belief, it's not anything that I can know scientifically or empirically.
Well, there are many things that people cannot know scientifically, even very basic things like the love you say you feel or the presence of God when you're in a church. Science can't test that, because we're not merely physical beings. And as a Buddhist yourself, you would recognize that we're spiritual beings of a sort.
And therefore, a lot of the most genuine experiences are those that are of a spiritual sort that the scientific laboratory could say nothing about. So, I'd say that you've been thinking about this for a long time. And if this is the commitment you're going to make, by all means, do so.
And I'll be glad to talk to you afterward and hear what you thoughts are.
Yeah, the main, Steve, my final thought. Are you still there? Yes, quickly.
You know what, my final thought. The thing that again and again, it just sort of boils down to for me is that this is what maybe is not so much in Buddhism. The sense that there's something, someone, presumably Jesus, that actually cares for the plight of human beings, the compassion.
That's what touches me to the max.
Which is something Dharma does not do.
Well, on paper it doesn't, in later forms of Buddhism. But in actual practice, it doesn't feel quite the same.
Well, Michael, I'm really glad to hear this news, and I appreciate you calling to let us know. And I hope you'll, if you take that step, you'll call me back and we'll talk about it some more.
Okay, Steve. Thank you so much.
Thanks, Michael. Good talking to you.
Same here. Bye-bye.
Bye now. All right. Our next caller is also another Michael from Inglewood, California.
Michael, welcome to The Narrow Path. Thanks for calling. Hello.
Thanks, Steve.
I'm calling because I have a quick question about Luke 1737, where it says, Where's over the body is? There there will the eagles be gathered together. What does that mean?
I'm kind of lost.
Sure. Actually, Jesus made that statement twice. He made it when he was on the Mount of Olives, Jesus giving me all of the discourse in Matthew 24.
But he also gave it in another context in Luke 17, when he was talking about the second coming of Christ, in my opinion. And just before he says that, he says, In that day, there will be two sleeping in one bed. One will be taken at the other left.
Two will be grinding at the mill. One will be taken at the other left. Two will be working in the field.
One will be taken at the other left. And his disciples said, Where, Lord? So that's what leads to his statement here.
He said that one will be taken and the other will be left. And his disciples don't seem to have a clue of what he's talking about. What do you mean they'll be taken?
Where? Where will they be? Where will they be taken?
And he says, Well, where the corpse is or where the body is, that's where the eagles will be gathered together. Some translators think maybe it should be vultures, but eagles works also because both vultures and eagles do accumulate around dead bodies to eat the corpse. I've seen both.
But the point here is they said, where are they taken to? And he says, Well, wherever the corpses are, you'll see the eagles gather. In other words, it's like saying where there's smoke, there's fire.
You know, if there's a fire, you'll see the smoke. If there's dead bodies, you'll see the gathering birds. Now, this is suggesting very cryptically, that those who are taken are taken in judgment.
They are killed. And that's not too surprising because Jesus also compared it to in a parallel passage in Matthew 24. He compared it to the days of Noah, where he said that in the ark, the day that Noah entered the ark, the flood came and it says the people outside the ark didn't know it was coming until the flood came and took them all away.
And then he says, And so shall it be, when the Son of Man comes, one will be taken and be over left. Those that were taken away were the ones outside the ark who were killed. Taken means they were taken out of this world.
They were taken, not carried into the sky. They just died. They departed.
They were judged and died. And so Jesus, when he talks about one should be taken and be over left, is saying that when Jesus comes back, though two people may be in close proximity, if one of them is an unbeliever, that person will be taken. That is killed, judged, just like those people outside the Ark were taken.
Whereas the others that are left are like the people in the Ark. They survived. They remained untaken.
They were unhurt. So this statement about where the corpses are, the eagles will be gathered, is basically kind of a cryptic answer to their question. You said, Lord, these people will be taken.
Where are they taken? And Jesus is essentially, maybe even in a flippant sort of way, saying, well, if you really want to find them, it shouldn't be too hard to find a corpse. There's a lot of birds around.
So, I mean, that's where you'll find them. Now, the statement that where the corpses, the eagles will be gathered together, is actually a proverb. Like I said, Jesus used it on another occasion, in another context.
And I believe it was a proverb, sort of like I said, where there's smoke, there's fire. Or that kind of a proverb. We would use it in a variety of different kind of situations.
But this one, in my opinion, has come from something that was in the Book of Job, where it's talking about eagles. And it says in Job 39, 28-30, on the rock it dwells. He's talking about the eagles.
On the crags of the rock and the struggles, from there it spies out the prey, its eyes observe from far. It said, its young ones suck up blood, and where the slain are, there it is. That is, there is the eagles and the young eagles.
Where the slain are, where the corpses are, that's where the eagles are. And that's essentially what Jesus said also a couple of times. And my guess is that other Jews use that expression too, probably in a proverbial way, based on originally appearing in the Book of Job.
Thanks, Steve.
All right. Thank you for calling. It's good talking to you today.
All right.
We're going to talk next to George, calling from Detroit, Michigan. And by the way, we have a few lines open still, or again. So if you'd like to be on the program today, the number to call is 844-484-5737.
844-484-5737. George from Detroit. Welcome.
Thanks for joining us.
Steve, how are you for the day?
We don't have a very good connection on your phone. You're kind of distorted.
Okay. It's just trying to make the room work.
No, we can't even understand what you're saying. It's just all golly. Can you hear me?
Not much better. Maybe you should call on a landline or something. You apparently don't have a very good connection on your cellular.
Is there another room you can go to? Are you driving or how?
Yeah, I'm driving.
So you're probably just not in a very good area. I'll tell you what. I'm going to take another call.
I can hear, but I can't understand. It's garbled. So I'm going to ask you to call back when you get to a better position.
And hopefully we can get a good call in from you when you're in a better cellular spot. I'm going to take another call right now. We're going to talk to Kara from Sacramento, California.
Third call in a row from California. Hi, Sarah. Welcome.
Oh, Kara, hi. Hi. Honored to talk to you.
My question is, I went to a Pentecostal church yesterday, and the Pentecostal pastor pointed at someone in the audience, and he's going to give prophecies. And so several, well, I guess I have several people raise their hand at working prophecies because he declared he was going to give prophecies. The pastor declared, okay, the first person, and her name is like Lillian, and he says, what's your name?
She says, Lillian. And he says, I see that the Lord, your son is dating someone, and your son tries to make each date exciting, like go on a picnic with a scowl, and I see the Lord being giddy for you, and some other things. Okay.
Okay. So then, he told the audience to actually put our hands extended in faith to God, like around that person, something like that. Okay.
Then he goes, he gives an example, then he goes to someone else, raise their hand, me mom is raising my hand too, interested in the prophecy. So anyway, so then he points to a man, what's your name? My name is Edward.
Oh, Edward, I see that you do not have to fear being a friend, you are a good friend and you're, you have a very reverent relationship with the Lord. And I raise my hand, and he threw his hand, and I raise my hand, and he wouldn't answer, and he wouldn't select me. Now, is this like a phony prophecy?
because if you have a prophecy, for anyone that raise their hand, why wouldn't he acknowledge me? Or is it just that he knows background information about two people, you know, sort of knows what's going on in their lives, so he could just say some general statements?
I can't answer for him, actually. It's a cultural thing in Pentecostal churches sometimes for the pastor or a visiting preacher, or someone who professes have a prophetic gift to operate in what they call the word of knowledge. And in that culture, it means that you see or know something about somebody that's information given by divine revelation, stuff that you couldn't otherwise know.
Now, the Bible does talk about a gift called the word of knowledge. Although it's only listed as one of many gifts, it never actually describes what is meant by it. In 1 Corinthians 12, paul says, to one is given the word of wisdom by the spirit and to another, the word of knowledge by the same spirit, and then he lists some more gifts.
So, all we really know about the expression the word of knowledge is that that phrase appears in a list of gifts and never appears anywhere else again in the Bible. So, we have knowledge of something called a word of knowledge that's a gift of spirit, but we aren't told what it is, what it looks like, how it operates, or anything like that. Now, what they are calling a word of knowledge, that's what this pastor is doing professedly, is what prophets in the Bible typically did.
Elijah had this kind of revelation, or Elisha did, about his servant, Gehazi. When Jesus had this kind of information about the woman at the well, he said, you've had five husbands and the man you have is not your husband. She said, sir, I see you were a prophet.
In other words, this kind of ability to see and to say things that the person didn't ordinarily know in biblical times was called a prophet's activity, a prophecy. Now, we're not sure when paul said word of knowledge, if he meant something different than prophecy. If so, we don't know what he meant.
But if it is a genuine gift, there is biblical precedent for it. As I said, Elisha knew that something Gehazi had done, an unscrupulous thing that he had done, even though Elisha was not there to see it. And Jesus knew that woman's marital history.
So Peter knew in Acts chapter 5 that Ananias and Sapphira had lied about how much they had sold their property for, and they were giving it so forth. So I mean, there are cases in the Bible where somebody under the power of the Holy Spirit can say things about somebody else that they wouldn't otherwise know. But I don't know of any cases where this was done as sort of like a carnival trick or something just, okay, let me just give out some words of knowledge to people at random who would like to hear them.
When people, some denominations, emphasize the gifts of the Spirit in such a way as if they are something to give credentials to the minister in a way, I mean, if he can convince you that he can see things about you that he couldn't otherwise know, then of course, that gives him prestige, that gives him respect in the movement, probably gets him more invitations to speak, maybe bigger offerings, and therefore, he might do that whether he really has the gift or not, whether it's really something God's revealing to him or not. Now, there are cases, I'm not going to put this man in that category since I don't know him, but there are cases of ministers that used to do that kind of thing, but they got busted because they were faking it. They were, in a few cases, they actually had ear pieces in their ear that were concealed from the audience and their wife was in the back feeding them information about people that was, that she got information from them filling out cards or some other kind of thing.
And so he would act like he knew. Now, I do believe that a lot of people who do this, even if they don't have ear pieces, I think they're just making their best guess. I certainly had people who thought or pretended to be speaking through the Holy Spirit, tell me things that they thought were true about me, which actually they were just misinformed.
It wasn't true. But they, you know, so I obviously wasn't the Holy Spirit. Now, I don't know what to tell you to do with the word that this man gave you at this church, because I don't know you and I don't know the details of what he said.
I don't know him. So I can't really say much except this, that if he was giving out what they call words of knowledge, this would be on the same order as prophecy. And the Bible says that prophets can speak in the church, but what they speak must be judged.
paul said in 1 Corinthians 14, you know, let the prophets speak two or three, and let the others judge, which means that you're not just going to accept everything they say without critically examining it to see if it's credible or true. And also in 1 John 4, verse 1, it says, Beloved, do not believe every spirit, but test the spirits, whether they are of God because many false prophets have gone out into the world. So whenever somebody says they're speaking by the power of the Holy Spirit or indicates that they are, some kind of supernatural knowledge.
Well, the Bible makes it very clear, don't just trust it. Don't just believe everything they say. Now, there may be people who very clearly are gifted in this area and they've got a track record and they're, you know, they're honest, they're not cheating and this just happens to be a gift God has given them.
Well, then, of course, if they say something to you along those lines and it's not untrue or not, it's not unscriptural or something like that. Well, then, believe them. What's it going to hurt?
On the other hand, people might say things to you that, like, one, you know, a lot of fake preachers are, you know, fakes, they're fake Christians, too, and they go and hold means like this and they're trying to seduce the women and get money and things like that. And I heard of a preacher, a guy who was traveling, came to town and he met a woman at the door as she was leaving and he shook her hand and then he acted like he got a word for her and said, The Lord has shown me that I'm to be your husband. Well, the woman is already married, but she because she was foolish, she thought she's supposed to divorce her husband and marry this guy.
You know, anyone who says stuff like that, run as far as you can away from them. But if what they do say is harmless, if there's if nothing they have said gives you reason to be concerned about them, then I would say I would still take it with a grain of salt because you never know for sure. But I've had someone give me a word of wisdom, a word of knowledge before more than once.
And one of them really seemed to become true, and really seemed to be true. So I mean, I just say, take these case by case. I have to say I'm a bit skeptical about many of them.
But I don't want to be so skeptical as to, as paul says, not to do despised prophesies. I need to take a break. I appreciate your call.
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Welcome back to The Narrow Path Radio Broadcast. My name is Steve Gregg, and we're live for another half hour, taking your calls. If you have questions about the Bible or the Christian faith, you want to bring them up for conversation.
The number to call is 844-484-5737.
Once again, that's 844-484-5737.
Our next caller is Doris, who's calling from Arkansas. Doris, welcome to The Narrow Path. Thanks for calling.
Yes. Hello. Good afternoon.
So my question is, do you remember what it says, what kind of stone the commandments were written on?
No, I don't believe we're told what kind of stone it was.
I think in Exodus 24.10, it says sapphire.
Sapphire? No, I don't believe that is, I don't think that's talking about the stones that the stone tablets were made from. Give me the reference again.
Exodus 24.10.
Yeah, I'll take a look at that, see what it is saying. 24.10? Okay, it says, and they saw the God of Israel.
This is the 70 who went up on the mountain to have a covenant meal with Moses and God. They saw the God of Israel, and there was under his feet, as it were, a paved work of sapphire stone. And it was like the very heavens in its clarity.
So, this is not talking about the stone tablets. This is talking about like there was, as it were, it appeared like a pavement under God that was like sapphire stone. So, yeah, that's not referring to stone tablets.
Oh, okay.
Well, I must go.
Thank you.
All right. Thanks for your call. Rodney from Michigan.
Welcome to The Narrow Path. Thanks for calling.
Hi, Steve. Thanks for taking my call. I wanted to balance comment with you on a call you had on Friday, I believe, about Zechariah 14.
I believe you said that Zechariah 14 was talking about destruction of Jerusalem, I mean, in 70 AD, is that correct?
And I believe you said you compared God's standing on with the seed on the Mount of Olives as you compared it to Ezekiel as figurative speech of, you know, how God's glory departed from the temple in Ezekiel? Okay, so my question is in Ezekiel, it shows God leaving the temple and leaving Jerusalem, so that Jerusalem can be taken by the Babylonians. And yet, when you read Zechariah, it shows God coming to Jerusalem, and it says that in that day that Jerusalem will be safely inhabited, and the living waters will flow from Jerusalem.
So it seems in Ezekiel, you see God leaving Jerusalem, but in Zechariah, you see him coming to Jerusalem to preserve it. And also, you mentioned about the... it's talking about 70 AD destruction, yet it says in Zechariah 14.1, I mean 14.2, that when this happens, that God is going to fight against those nations in that day.
And we know that in 70 AD, that Jerusalem was destroyed and for 2,000 years didn't even exist. And Rome still existed till 5,476 AD, so God didn't fight against Rome when he took it. So it seems contradictory to say what you said.
Okay, I appreciate you pointing those things out. Yeah, in verse 2, here's what he says, for I will gather all the nations to battle against Jerusalem. The city shall be taken, okay, so it's conquered.
The house is rifled and the women raped. Okay, that is the destruction of Jerusalem. That happened.
Now, of course, many people, perhaps the teachers you've heard, would say that's a future destruction of a future Jerusalem. But the point here is that Zachariah never knew anything about a future Jerusalem. He knew about the Jerusalem he lived in.
It had been destroyed by the Babylonians before his time, but had also been restored through Zerubbabel, and Zachariah was contemporary with that. So Zachariah is writing at a time where Jerusalem had been destroyed by the Babylonians and now was restored. And now he's talking about it being conquered again.
Now, of course, it was conquered again in 70 AD. We have no knowledge, at least from scripture, of any future Jerusalem after 70 AD that will ever be attacked. And I don't think Zachariah knew of one.
If he did, he didn't mention it. Now, it's true that God says in verse 3, then the Lord will go forth and fight against those nations as he fights in the day of battle. And in that day, his feet will stand on the Mount of Olives and it will split in two and it will make a valley going east to west and so forth.
This, I believe, I think God does fight against the nations. There's a spiritual warfare that's going on. See, I believe that after Jerusalem fell, Jerusalem continues as the new Jerusalem, the heavenly Jerusalem, the church.
That's what the writer of Hebrews called the church is the heavenly Jerusalem, the city of God, Mount Zion. This is in the prophets. Jerusalem is the people of God.
Zion is the people of God. And when the physical city of just of Jerusalem is destroyed, the remnant, which was the church, the body of Christ, is the Jews who were followers of Jesus. They were the spiritual Jerusalem.
And they continue. And I believe that after the fall of the physical Jerusalem, the prophecy is about the safety and the blessing of the continuing Jerusalem, which is the body of Christ. And in that connection, it says, for example, it says that, then living waters shall flow.
In verse, what is that? Eight. And that they live in water shall flow from Jerusalem.
Now, Jesus said in John 7 to the Jews in Jerusalem, he said, whoever thirsts, let him come unto me. And out of his belly, as the scripture has said, living waters will flow. Now, Jesus said that those who come to him, living waters will come from them and flow out from them.
Now, John tells us when he makes that quote in verse 39, John 7, 39, he says, he spoke this about the Holy Spirit. So, the living waters are the rivers of the Holy Spirit going out to bless the nations. Isaiah spoke about this too, where he talked about how everything would be a spiritual waste until the Spirit of God is poured out, and he pours out rivers in the desert and it becomes fruitful and so forth.
This is all imagery of the Spirit's work, bringing forth spiritual fruit throughout the world. And this is the same image, the river flows out from Jerusalem, but Jerusalem is God's people. And Jesus said that.
He said, as the scripture has said, living waters will flow from the believers. He said, whoever believes in me, out of his belly shall flow living waters. So the living waters flow from the believing disciple community, which is the church.
And it is the church that carries the ministry of the Holy Spirit out to the world, which it has done, and which continues to be done. So I believe this is spiritual. And my reasons for it are multiple.
But have you listened to my lecture on Zechariah 14?
OK. So I thought not. And yet I think the last time I talked about Zechariah 14, which I think you were listening to because you called about that, I said, if anyone wants to know all the reasons for this position and a verse by verse exposition comparing scripture to scripture, listen to my lecture on Zechariah 14, which is at the website.
It's free. Anyone can listen to it. Now, nobody has to listen to it.
But it would seem strange when I've invited you to do that, that instead of listening, you call me and say that my view doesn't make sense. You don't know if my view makes sense until you listen to the defense of it, which you'll find in the lecture. But I'll accept the fact that you probably won't listen to that and that you probably won't agree with me.
And of course, as I always say, the Bible doesn't require anyone to agree with me. You don't have to agree with me. I'm not the standard.
But I'm telling you what I believe the Bible teaches and means. And if you want to know why I think it, you can also listen to my lecture, because I tell in great detail why.
I got you. Just in passing, though, before I go, I've listened to you long enough to know your stand on it. And it's nice to talk to you in person to get your quick response, because in my opinion, what you just said, you're comparing similar scriptures that say similar things, yet you're not addressing the chapter itself.
I mean, anyone could compare two verses in the Bible that say similar things, but might not even be talking about the same thing. So, it seems you're just saying that's a support of you, and that's the problem.
You're saying that an apocalyptic book like Zechariah should be interpreted simply by its contents without any reference to other apocalyptic books that talk about the same subject, even though they use the same image, and it frequently occurs. I actually don't know any other way to responsibly study a prophet without cross-referencing that when he gives these images, oh, this image is used over here, oh, and it's used here, and it's used over here. It's all the same image, and there's no reason to believe that living water is going to flow multiple times at different times in history.
That's simply to assume that is not a very reasonable one in my opinion.
Well, John's not an apocalyptic book.
No, but he interprets this apocalyptic book. He said, as the scripture is said, and I believe he's referring to Zechariah, because Jesus says, as the scripture said, living waters will flow, and there's no other passage in the Old Testament that uses the term living waters. This is the only one in Zechariah.
So, if Jesus said, the scriptures have said that living waters will flow from the believers, and we look in the scriptures, and the only scripture in the whole Bible that uses, or the whole Old Testament, that he could be referring to is Zechariah 14.8, then we think, I think he must be talking about that scripture. And look, it does say that. If we understand him for what he's saying, the Jerusalem from which the living waters flow, are the spiritual Jerusalem comprised of the followers of Christ, just like he said.
Now, obviously, you can, if you want to, and many people do, just interpret the passage without reference to any other scripture anywhere else in the Bible. But since it's written in apocalyptic language, I think you'd be shooting in the dark. I think we're supposed to take the whole of scripture.
And when some subjects are repeatedly talked about by many prophets and by the New Testament writers, I think that's supposed to be helpful to us. I think that's especially when the New Testament writers will quote or allude to difficult passages in the Old Testament and tell us what they mean. I take that as an advantage.
I'll take that anytime rather than just guess. because without comparing scripture to scripture, we just have to guess what it means. And I don't know that any of us are very good at that.
Okay. Yeah, you just forgot my original question though. That's all.
Remember, my original questions were... Just now, you went off on the tangent somewhere else. My original questions were that Ezekiel is talking about God departing, yet Zechariah is talking about God coming to.
And that's contradictory to what you said.
God is coming to Jerusalem in judgment. That's the point.
No, you keep reading the chapter. It says that God will be king over all the earth in that day, and then living waters will flow from Jerusalem. Jerusalem will be safely inhabited.
He is.
That's not talking about God coming in judgment.
Well, that's the result of him destroying Jerusalem in the temple. That's the end of the Old Covenant. because that has happened, God is now king not only over the Jews and Jerusalem, God is the king over all the earth.
And that's what Jesus said when he came out of the tomb. He said, all authority in heaven and earth has been given to me. He's the king over all the earth.
That if he's all authority in heaven and earth is his. This is talking about the present age. This is not talking about the end times.
This is talking about how, and by the way, this is one of about maybe 30 passages I can come up with in the prophets that talk about the destruction of Jerusalem and then of the new order in Christ, which is now, this is a very common theme in the prophets. That God takes out the old rebellious order and what remains is the faithful remnant, which is a main theme of many, many prophets. So, I mean, to me, that's not hard to see, but it's obviously not easy for you to see, so you can see it another way.
When it's talking about God preserving and saving and things, he's talking about his remnant, the faithful Jerusalem, the new Jerusalem, which is us. When he's talking about destroying the city and having the women raped and the houses rifled and so forth, the city taken, that's talking about the physical city, of course, because that will never happen to the church. I mean, the church will be persecuted, but it's not going to be destroyed ever.
So anyway, you and I really have different ways of looking at scripture, obviously, and that's true of many people. A lot of people don't agree with me, and I'm glad you called because I do invite people like you to call to balance comment. But I don't think we're going to get to an agreement on this one.
But I thank you for sharing your view because you're certainly welcome to have it and even share it. Okay, let's talk to Twila from Fresno, California. Welcome to The Narrow Path, Twila.
Hi, I'm calling in regarding a passage of scripture, Mark 14, 50, 51, and 52. We're just calling to get some clarification who the man in the linen cloth was in the garden.
Yeah. Mark tells us that when Jesus was arrested in the Garden of Gethsemane and the disciples scattered to flee for their lives, he inserts this little bit that you mentioned, verse 50 to 52, talking about, he says, there was a young man. He doesn't give any clue to who that young man was.
We said there was a young man there who was dressed in nothing but a bedsheet. And he also fled, as everyone else did. And one of the people, probably one of the soldiers, grabbed at him to arrest him.
And they grabbed his sheet. And he ran off and left the sheet behind, naked. He went off naked into the night, leaving his bedsheet behind.
Now it's interesting that that little bit of information is given by Mark that's not mentioned in Matthew or Luke or John. And it doesn't seem to have any significance. I mean, nothing is made of it.
And this has led many commentators to believe that Mark is that young man himself, that he was the one. And he's kind of giving his backhanded testimony, but not mentioning himself by name, that he too fled. He also was there and fled.
But of course, it raises the question, why would he be dressed in only a bedsheet? Well, here's an explanation that makes sense. It may not be absolutely correct, but it could be.
The last supper of just an hour or so earlier had been held in an upper room. Most gospel scholars assumed that this was probably the upper room of Mark's mother's house. We later read in Acts Chapter 12 that Mark's mother had a house in Jerusalem where she hosted Christian meetings.
And many feel that it was in the upper room of Mark's mother's house that Jesus had the last supper. Now, the members of the household were not invited to the supper. It was just Jesus and his disciples.
But the members of the household knew he was there. They knew something was going on. And they certainly would know because it was the talk of the town that people were out to arrest Jesus.
So, Jesus was kind of there secretly under the radar. Very intriguing stuff. And the thought is that perhaps the last supper had gone quite late.
Mark was a young man. He'd gone to bed for the night. You know, he's trying to sleep.
And then when Jesus and the disciples got up to go to the garden of Gethsemane, Mark's curiosity got the best of him. And not wishing for them to get out of his sight, instead of taking time to get dressed, he just wrapped himself in his bedsheet because he was in bed, and followed them at some distance. So that by the time Jesus was arrested, maybe an hour later or so at the garden, Mark was there, but he didn't have any regular clothes on.
He had a bedsheet, and then he fled too. But now, this may not, this may be filling in too many gaps, but it at least fills in all the gaps, because first of all, who is this guy? He's apparently not one of the 12.
How did he even know to be there? Why didn't he have, why wasn't he dressed? Why did he have only a bedsheet around him?
Why does Mark even mention it? And no one else does. I think that the scenario I just gave you is very possibly the correct one, and if so, it explains why Mark would mention it, because it was his own sort of way of confessing, as it were, that he too had had the chance to stand for Christ, but failed, and like the other disciples, he fled off into the night too.
So that's what I think about it.
Well, the context is why they fled. Yeah, I think the context is, well, they fled, and that makes sense as well. That's a very interesting commentary on that.
It was actually the first time I've seen that in the scripture today.
Like, what does this mean?
It does get your attention, doesn't it? It was a strange story. Let me try to get a couple more calls in if I came before.
We're out of time here, and we almost are. We're going to talk to Jay from Las Vegas. Next, Jay, welcome to The Narrow Path.
Thanks for coming.
Hi, Craig. First comment before I ask my question, since I heard your call earlier, I just want to comment and share with you that I've come out of the dispensationalism, the pro-Zionist, probably about a year and a half ago now. My eyes completely opened up, and I've been doing my research.
I've actually traveled to Eurasian countries or Eastern countries, where they have the Orthodox Church there to find libraries with the, do you know from the patriarchs on that side, what their church writings were? Great.
We only have a few minutes, so maybe we can get to your question. I appreciate the research you've done. That's great.
Do you have a question? Yeah.
So my question is, and this is, in Revelations where we talked in 12, where we talked about the woman who bore the seed, bore the seed of the man that will rule all nations. And is that Mary? And also, what do you think of Mary being a second Eve, even though that's not doctrine, it's just a thought there, because it was just something that ran through my mind.
All right. Well, no, I don't think it's Mary, though it could be. The thing is that what is said in Revelation 12 about that woman, as you get to the later verses in the chapter, don't seem to apply to Mary.
The Roman Catholics sometimes apply it to Mary, but they also, the Roman Catholic scholars also recognize, as I do, that it's probably not primarily about Mary, but about, it's a personification of the faithful remnant of Israel. Mary was one of them. I mean, there was the faithful remnant of Israel is the means, the woman, as it were, figuratively speaking, through whom Christ came.
And Mary was one representative of that group. In the Book of Revelation, women are usually representative of something larger than individual women, like the bride and the harlot and things like that, are women who are certainly not referring to individual women in Revelation. So I think the woman probably represents the Jewish remnant through whom Christ was born into the world.
Mary, of course, was the individual in that remnant, who actually carried the baby. So Catholics, they generally speaking, see it as a reference to that faithful remnant, or they sometimes say the church, which is also the faithful remnant. But they also see it as Mary.
I don't see it as Mary, but it's not a problem if it were. Now, what about Mary being seen as the new Eve? Catholics sometimes make this point, too.
They say, well, Jesus is the second Adam. Maybe Mary is the second Eve. Well, if Eve was Adam's mother, I guess that would make some sense.
But Eve wasn't the mother of Adam. So the second Eve would not likely be the mother of the second Adam. Eve was, in fact, the wife of Adam.
And therefore, the wife of Christ would be the second Eve, if he's the second Adam. Now, the bride of Christ is us, the church. And paul makes that very clear, of course.
In fact, in talking about Adam and Eve, Genesis 2.24 says, For this cause, an aunt shall leave, this father and mother cleaved to his wife, and the two should become one flesh. That's the prototype of marriage. And paul quotes that in Ephesians 5.
And he said, this is a great mystery, but I speak of Christ and the church. That is, Christ's bride is the church, as Adam's bride was Eve. So, you know, seeing Adam as this, Christ as the second Adam would suggest that the church is the second Eve.
And Eve was not the mother of Adam, so the mother of Jesus would not be necessarily the second Eve. I appreciate your call. We're going to try to get one more call in.
Connie from Spokane, Washington. Welcome to The Narrow Path.
Thank you, Steve. I just recently heard about this doctrine of rewards where some people in heaven will gain more rewards than other people based on what they've done in this life. And the people that don't receive those rewards, they will suffer losses.
And I'm just curious about that. And I can take my answer, Othir.
Okay. Well, the Bible definitely does... Thank you for calling.
The Bible definitely does talk about people having various rewards and losses. You know, in 1 Corinthians 3, paul talks about ministers who... They build the church in their ministries, but they do not do it with the right stuff.
So when it's tested by fire, they lose it, and they lose, you know, they suffer loss, paul said. They suffer loss, but they themselves are saved. So a saved person may suffer loss in the final judgment, in the final testing.
That doesn't mean they lose their salvation. paul specifically said they'll suffer loss, but will be saved. So even people who are saved can come through the judgment having less than they otherwise would have had in terms of their reward.
They lose something. Now, as far as differences in positive rewards, that seems clear enough from parables that Jesus taught like the parable of the pounds in, I believe it's in the 19th chapter or 18th chapter of Luke. And he talked about how the ones who are faithful with little and turned it into more will be entrusted with certain responsibilities.
He said, the man who produced five towns, not towns, but pounds, that he'll be a ruler over five cities. And the one who came up with ten will be the ruler over ten cities. In other words, those who stewarded what they had and produced more for the kingdom of God than others will be entrusted with more responsibility.
That probably is what the rewards are. I don't think rewards refer to bags of gold or jewels and things like that. Who cares about those?
I don't even care about those now, much less in heaven. But the reward is being entrusted by God with more responsibility, which is referred to ruling, actually. We're going to reign with Christ.
But reigning doesn't mean we're just going to have privilege and rank. It means that we get to be carry some of the responsibility of the kingdom that He has, He's vetted us for, that we've qualified for, because we've shown ourselves faithful. And that which is least, He therefore knows that He can entrust us with more.
The music is telling us it's time to quit. Hour goes by so quickly. You've been listening to The Narrow Path Radio Broadcast.
My name is Steve Gregg, and we are listener-supported. If you'd like to write to us, the address is The Narrow Path, PO. Box 1730, Temecula, California, 92593.
Or you can go to the website, which is At the website, everything is free, all kinds of downloads for free, but you can donate there if you wish at And tune in again tomorrow.
We'll continue our discussion. God bless.