Could the hardened layers of disbelief be hindering your prayers? This gripping discussion explores how Zacharias overcame his skepticism, while Mary embraced her calling with unwavering confidence. Through their stories, you'll discover how holding on to God's word can help clear the path for your answered prayers. As we explore their journeys, you'll learn the necessity of speaking and believing in the word, ensuring you don't make your angel mad when God's answer is on the way.
Greetings friends and new listeners and welcome to the Sound of Faith. I'm Sharon Knotts thanking you for joining us today because we know faith comes by hearing and hearing by the Word of God. Today's message, Don't Make Your Angel Mad When God Answers Your Prayers. I know it's an odd title, but this Word of the Lord can help you to know if you're truly believing that your prayers will be answered or if past disappointments have calloused your heart with unbelief. And don't make your angel mad when God answers your prayers. Wow. Don't make your angel mad when God answers your prayer. He said, look, I'm not here on some little mission. I'm here on one of the greatest missions of the entire history of mankind. And what I came to bring you is a tidings of great joy. You should be jumping with joy. Amen. And I'm going to tell you, they are going to come to pass in spite of you. They're coming to pass. Amen. You want to know how this is going to happen. You want to know you want to sign. Well, you just got your sign. Amen. You just got your sign. So let's see what happened after that. Verse 22, And it came to pass that as soon as the days of his ministration were accomplished, he departed to his own house. So apparently, this happened early in the week. And he had to finish his week out. Amen? And after those days, his wife Elizabeth conceived and hid herself five months, saying, Thus hath the Lord dealt with me in the days when he looked on me to take away my reproach among men. What a powerful thing. So he went home after his week of service was up. And when he got home, he had to get out some of those big yellow legal pads and carry them around with him everywhere. And he had to keep writing everything down and writing everything down. Elizabeth is saying, now, honey, I want you to tell me exactly what he looked like. I want to know every detail. Don't leave nothing out now. Zacharias, I want to know all about it. I want to know exactly what he said. Tell me what he said. And there he is sitting down there, writing it all down over and over and over again. Amen? And now the news is spreading and their relatives are coming. They're traveling and they're getting there and they say, what happened? Why can't you speak, Zacharias? What happened to you? Did you have a stroke? No. No. Shaking his head no. Well, what happened? Are you ill? Are you sick? What did the doctor say? No. Get the legal yellow pad out and write it down again. And write it down again. Do you see what's happening? Every time he writes down the angel's words, the word of God is like a scalpel that cuts away another layer of his unbelief and another layer of his doubt. That's what God's word will do for you if you get it out and you speak it and you write it down. He couldn't speak anything negative. He couldn't speak his doubt and unbelief. He just kept writing down what happened, what the angel said. He didn't have Microsoft. He didn't have WordPerfect. He didn't even have a Xerox machine. He had to keep writing it down and writing it down. I want to read to you. You don't have to turn there unless you want to. But there's a powerful verses in Habakkuk. Chapter 2 verses 2 and 3 says. And the Lord answered me and said. Write the vision. And make it plain upon tables. Of course they wouldn't have had paper like we have. Make it plain that he may run that readeth it. For the vision is yet for an appointed time. But at the end it shall speak and not lie. it, Terry. Wait for it. It will surely come to pass. And that's what God had Zacharias doing. He had him writing it down and writing it down. Your wife is going to have a baby. It's going to be a boy. You're going to name him John. He's going to be great. He's going to be a prophet. He's going to be the prophet that brings the Messiah into his ministry. He had to write it down. And I don't know if you've ever used that, but that is a great tool for myself. Especially when I'm trying to memorize scriptures that have to do with whatever I'm going through. And sometimes I get hung up and I get mixed up and I leave a phrase out and I reverse the order of the words. But when I write it down... Something about writing it down. It gets into my spirit. Amen. It gets into my spirit. That's why to this day I still have handwritten notes. For my messages. I do not do them on the computer. It's something about writing them down. Amen. That when I'm writing them down. It's like I'm writing them on the paper of my heart. The parchment of my spirit. It's inscribed in my spirit. And then I can say my tongue is the pen of a ready writer. I'm ready to declare and extol the majesty of my king. So every time he wrote it down, I believe another layer, another callous of hardness was removed from his heart. Amen. How many know you can get a callous on your heart? But he had nine months that he couldn't speak, and he had to just keep writing that down. You know how it is when you get a callus. If you go to the salon, and you might go there and get a pedicure, and you know that they have those things that get those calluses off, you're sitting there, you don't feel nothing. They're just rubbing away and rubbing away, and here you see all that dead skin, and you don't feel nothing. But all of a sudden... They start getting where it's live, live flesh there. Amen. They hit that spot. Oh, wait a minute. That hurts. I feel that. You know, you don't feel it when you're working on the calluses. You don't feel it when you're, when you're working on them, but boy, when you get them calluses off and you get to that living flesh, you feel it. Amen. And you see, sometimes you've been saved for so long. You've been saved for so many years and you've seen so many prayers that you felt like didn't get answered the way they should have been answered. And you've saw too many people that didn't get healed. And you saw too many people that didn't make it and you just feel all of that has disappointed you and let you down and it's put another callous on your heart and another layer of hardness on your heart and it hinders you when you pray so guess what happens you don't get the answer and when you don't get the answer because you didn't really believe you get another callous and it just perpetuates itself You got to get the calluses off. You have to say, I believe the word of God. Zachariah should have said, this is the most outlandish thing I've ever heard in my life. But I know what God did for Abraham and I know what he did for Sarah. And he's no respecter of persons. I know what he did for Isaac and Rebecca. I know what he did for Samson's parents. And if he could do it for them, he'll do it for me. Amen. I don't want to hear about people that died. I want to hear about people that lived, that got the victory, that overcame. Those of you who know my situation, someone sent me for my birthday three CDs that go back to 1989 of Joyce Meyer. 27 years ago. She had breast cancer and it just threw her a curve. Her ministry was just starting to really launch and become big. And she had surgery. But the question was, they told her her cancer was aggressive. Now, I don't know what it was. That's all I know she said on the CD. But she never had any treatment after. And she had to walk by faith that she was going to live and not die. And someone said, God is going to bring out of this something great. Your message, your audience is going to be greater because people will know that you've been through this. Now, that's been 27 years ago. Amen. And I want to hear those kind of testimonies. That's what you need to hear. You need to get in the word of God. And what does God's word say that God will do? Amen. And so you have to keep speaking the word of God. And God fixed him good. Gabriel fixed him good and zipped his lips. And he could not rain on her parade. Right. You see, when you're pregnant with a promise, and I think we can use that word, and you know what I'm saying. If you're pregnant with a promise, you've got to go the whole nine months. You don't want to abort early. You don't want to have a miscarriage. You don't want your promise to abort before it's fulfilled. Amen? Even in the natural, for someone who wants to have a child and then has a miscarriage, it's devastating. And even today with technology being what it is, a preemie is like, you know, it's come and go. You don't know from day to day whether or not they're going to pull through. Amen? And so you want to carry it the whole time. Before I had my first child, Scott, right before that I had a miscarriage. And then I got pregnant with him. And you know that doubt's always in your mind. You always have that there. And I remember the doctor said, okay, your due date is May the 8th. Guess what day he was born on? May the 8th. In other words, I went the whole nine months. I didn't have a miscarriage. I didn't have a preemie. It's like God was saying, okay, this one you're going to go the whole time. Right on the due date. Amen? And that's the way it is in the spirit. You've got to go the whole nine months. And I'm using that as a figure of speech, of course. Amen. So when his course was over, he went home. And we know that she conceived right away. And we know that those next nine months were the most joyful, happy, wonderful days of Elizabeth's whole entire life. Think about it. I can think of at least five good reasons. Number one, finally, she was pregnant. She had never been able to get pregnant before. It says she was barren. So now she's pregnant and she knows already they didn't have ultrasound back then, but she knew she was going to have a son. And not only that, according to the word of the Lord, he was going to be a prophet. I mean, hey, mama's going to have a baby boy. He's going to be a prophet. And not only a prophet, but the prophet. So that's four good reasons. And then number five, I'll throw this one in. Number five was for the whole nine months, her husband couldn't talk. So what does that mean? That means that all he could do was listen to her. For nine months, he couldn't interrupt her. And what did she do for nine months? He heard her going around the house singing songs, singing lullabies. Amen. Going around the house like a silly little schoolgirl giggling. I'm going to have a baby. Amen? For nine months he had to listen to her and he couldn't say a thing. And if you think that was enough, maybe to get on his nerves, Elizabeth's joys were about to be multiplied, and Zachariah's troubles about to be multiplied, because it won't be very long, they're going to get a house guest. And then he's not only going to have to put up with one pregnant woman, but he's going to have to put up with two pregnant women. Amen? Because somebody else is coming to the house. Let's look at verse 26. And in the six months, that means the six months of Elizabeth's pregnancy. We just read the verse before she was five months pregnant. Now she's six months pregnant. The angel Gabriel sent from God into a city of Galilee named Nazareth to a virgin espoused to a man whose name was Joseph of the house of David. And the virgin's name was Mary. Right. And the angel came in unto her and said, Hail thou that are highly favored. The Lord is with thee. Blessed art thou among women. And when she saw him, she was troubled at his saying and cast in her mind what manner of salutation this should be. And the angel said unto her, But they always say, Fear not, Mary, for thou hast found favor with God. And behold, thou shalt conceive in thy womb and bring forth a son and shalt call his name Jesus, Yeshua, the Lord's salvation. He shall be great. and shall be called the son of the highest, Elyona. And the Lord God shall give unto him the throne of his father David, and he shall reign over the house of Jacob forever, and of his kingdom there shall be no end. Amen. So Gabriel gets two assignments in six months. I mean, God hasn't sent an angel for 400 years. It's been over 400 years since Malachi, the last prophet, had a word of the Lord. And now 400 years, they don't get any assignments, and he gets two in six months. And it's about having a baby. Now the first one just seemed over the top that an old man and an old woman were going to have a baby. But now the impossibilities are going up in magnitude. Because now he's sent to a virgin. And I taught on this last week about the virgin. How many remember from Isaiah 7.14? So now it's a virgin. You see, Zacharias, he was struggling with the idea that him and his wife could have a baby at their age. But at least they had two to tango. Right? And they had the right configuration. Male and female. Very important. When you want to have a baby, it's very important you get the right configuration. Male and female. That's how God made them and married them. Okay, I'm getting another message here. Now look about Mary. She's a virgin. She is engaged. She's espoused. She's betrothed. But they are not married yet. And they're certainly not at the point of consummation. Amen? And so she was afraid. That's normal. As we've already said, you react to that supernatural thing. But here where it says that she was troubled... It doesn't mean she was trouble in the sense of unbelief. It meant she was perplexed. She was confused. Amen? She was trying to figure out how this was going to be. Amen? Consider now, she is not a priest like Zacharias was. She's just a teenage girl. She hasn't been schooled in the word of God like he has been, serving before God in the temple at the altar. She's just a simple teenage girl. Amen? And so she cast in her mind, it means, or she considered, I wonder what he's talking about. What exactly does this mean? Amen? So let's look what she says to the angel. Verse 34, then said Mary unto the angel, how shall this be, seeing I know not a man? Now there is a huge difference between her question and the question of Zacharias. Zacharias had asked, how do I know this is really true? Give me a sign. But hers was different. How is this going to happen? I'm not married yet. You see, she could have assumed, well, it's going to happen after me and Joseph get married. She could have assumed that that would have been a natural assumption. After we get married, we're going to have this happen. But that's not what God meant at all. Amen. He was going to be the son of God because he told her he will be the son of El Yonah. She knew what El Yonah meant. The most high God. She got that much, amen? She understood Yeshua meant Jehovah's salvation. So she's saying, how is this going to be? We are not married yet. Now, as I said, Zacharias had three examples, Abraham and Zerah, Isaac and Rebekah, and Manoah and his wife. As far as I know the scriptures very well, and I could be wrong, but as far as I know, there was only one tiny scripture in all the Old Covenant that might have given Mary something to hold on to. Zechariah had plenty to hold on to, and he did not believe. All that she could have maybe had is what I preached on last week, Isaiah 714. Behold, a virgin shall be with child, and shall bear a son, and you shall call his name Emmanuel, meaning God with us. Did she know that verse? She may have known that verse. And if she did know that verse, that would have been the only thing that she had to hold on to. Amen? But she wanted to know how was it going to happen. See, her faith was like Manoah's faith. Manoah didn't question that it would happen. He just wanted to know how we're supposed to raise the kid right. And obey your word. And she wants to know, how is this going to happen? You know, it had to be almost amazing for her to comprehend it. So the angel said, verse 35, and the angel said, The Holy Ghost shall come upon you. The power of the highest shall overshadow thee. Therefore also that holy thing which shall be born of thee shall be called... The son of God. You're going to have a baby. And he's going to be God's son. What do you think was going on in her mind? What was she imagining? What was she thinking? How did she think that this was going to come to pass? And he goes on to say, And behold, thy cousin Elizabeth, she hath also conceived a son in her old age. And this is the sixth month with her, who is called barren. Verse 37 says, he answered whatever thought she may have had in her mind but she had not spoken for with god nothing shall be impossible and mary said behold the handmaid of the lord be it unto me according to thy word and the angel departed from her so here is mary this young girl and she says asked simply how is this going to be i'm not married yet And he told her, something is going to happen to you that has never happened before and will never happen again. The Holy Ghost is going to come upon you, and you're going to conceive in your womb, and you're going to become pregnant, and you're going to become pregnant with the seed of God. This child is not going to have a human father. God himself shall be his father. This is going to answer that first prophecy in Genesis 3.15 that the seed of the woman would crush the hen. of the serpent. Amen. And here's this young girl getting this tremendous, phenomenal, fabulous, fantastic word of the Lord. And what does she say? Let it be unto me according to your word. I'm your handmaiden. Here I am. Use me. Do it, Lord. I'm ready. I surrender. I don't get it all, but I say yes, Lord. I believe the word of the Lord. Amen. Amen. And then she acted on it because the next verse tells us she got up with haste and left town and went to see Elizabeth. She believed the word of God. She thought, oh my goodness, my cousin Elizabeth, who was quite a bit older than her, is also pregnant. I can't wait, I can't wait to go and see her. Oh, this is just so wonderful. Amen. And she got there to Elizabeth's house and knocked on the door. And when they opened the door and she walked in and said, Elizabeth, as soon as Elizabeth heard the voice of Mary, the babe leaped up in her womb. Hallelujah. And she was filled with the Holy Ghost. Amen. And the Holy Ghost came on her and John the Baptist was filled with the Holy Ghost in his mother's womb. Hallelujah. That might be why Jesus said he was the greatest prophet ever was. I don't know. I have a lot of speculation about why Jesus said that, but that's one good reason there. He was filled with the Holy Ghost. And when the babe leaped in her womb, then Elizabeth began to speak the word of God. And I want you to see what Elizabeth said to her. Verse 42, And she, being Elizabeth, spake out with a loud voice and said, Blessed art thou among women, and blessed is the fruit of thy womb. And whence is this to me that the mother of my Lord should come to me? For lo, as soon as the voice of your salutation sounded in mine ears, the babe leaped in my womb for joy. And here's the key. Verse 45, And blessed is she that believed. Amen. For there shall be a performance of those things which were told her from the Lord. Because Mary believed. And when you believe, there will be a performance. When you believe the word of God, it shall come to pass. So write it down. And revisit it. And read it. And declare it. And speak it. And declare it. And as you do, you will see that in the delay, while you're waiting, your heart won't get calloused over with unbelief. You'll begin to believe and believe that when the word of the Lord comes, amen, you'll be like Mary. You will believe instantly. And you will say, behold, here's the handmaiden of the Lord. I'm all yours, Lord. I belong to you. I am sold out 100% to you. So whatever you want for my life, whatever you say, whatever is your will, I say yes, Lord. Amen? And Mary believed the word of the Lord. And now Zacharias is sitting over there in the corner. He's got two women running around the house, leaping for joy, singing, dancing. You know, they're doing the dance and they're doing the dance. He's sitting there thinking, I cannot believe this is happening to me. Amen. I can't believe this. Amen. And Mary stayed right up until the time she wasn't there for the birth. She went back home by that point. But she stayed there, and all that time, Zacharias could not speak a word. Can you imagine? He was thinking, when I finally get to talk, I'm going to say this and I'm going to say that. I got to remember to tell her this. I got to remember to tell her that. But you know, when the time came, he didn't do none of that. When that baby came, when Elizabeth went into labor and she had that boy and her family came there and said, what is his name? Now, normally the father would name the child in the Jewish custom. The father would name the child. And of course, he couldn't talk. So they said, what is his name? And Elizabeth said, why, his name is John. Because, see, that's what the angel Gabriel said. And they said, well, why are you naming him John? Nobody in your family is named John. Don't you want to name him after his daddy? Amen. Don't you want to name him after your uncle or your grandfather? Amen. And at that point. God loosed the tongue of Zacharias and he said, his name is John. And he took off prophesying. He took off prophesying about what God was going to do in Israel. Amen. And when God answers your prayer, you're going to leap for joy. You're going to sing. You're going to dance. You're going to declare the glory of the Lord. So you need to know that as we celebrate Christmas, it's a season of miracles. It's a time of miracles. And God is saying to some of you today, your prayer is heard. Your prayer is heard. God wants you to know your prayer is heard. He still had to wait nine months for the baby to come. Amen? And because God says your prayer is heard, I can't tell you the time that it will be for the manifestation. But if God says it's heard and it's done, if you don't cast away your faith, if you don't get an Ishmael in the middle of it all, If you don't go off on your own trying to help God and making a mess of things, God will do it. He said, though it tarry, wait for it, for it shall come to pass. Amen. Come on, stand on your feet here this morning. Amen. God wants you to know that there's a breakthrough anointing here. A breakthrough anointing is in this place. Amen? A breakthrough anointing. And if you have been struggling and there's a prayer that maybe you've just sort of stopped praying it because you think it's no point in praying that prayer anymore, let me preface what I'm about to say by this. Make sure that you are hearing the will of God. If we know that he hears us, we know that we have the thing that we have asked of him and desired of him. And we know that if we ask anything according to his will, he hears us. I mean, that's pretty simple instructions. So first, let's find out if it's his will. And if we know it's his will, we can pray and we can know that God hears us. And if he hears us, we know he's working on it. He's working on it. And sometimes he doesn't let you see that behind the scenes. He's orchestrating it until it's ready and it comes to pass. And when it comes to pass, it usually does happen suddenly all at one time. Amen. I hope you're being blessed by our message today. Don't make your angel mad when God answers your prayers. Have you ever thought how frustrating it must be for God when we doubt his word and constantly demand reassurances and affirmations? And imagine how his ministering angels must feel when Christians repeatedly fall into doubt and unbelief. Zacharias learned this when he was visited by Gabriel with the good news of the coming birth of his son John. But instead of rejoicing, he was skeptical and asked for a sign, saying, How do I know this is true? Well, he got his sign when Gabriel zipped his lips for the next nine months, and he couldn't speak his unbelief to Elizabeth, his wife, or anyone else. Then Gabriel visited Mary, a young virgin, with an even more impossible announcement of the birth of God's Son. But she received his message with simple faith and said, Let it be unto me according to thy word. I believe your spiritual perception can be greatly influenced by this study of Zachariah's stubborn unbelief versus Mary's exemplary faith. Don't let delays make you cynical. If you've been waiting a long time for answers to prayers, this message can instruct you how to rid your heart of unbelief and carry your promise to full term. Don't Make Your Angel Mad When God Answers Your Prayers is available on CD for a love gift to the radio ministry of $10 or more. Request offer SK133. Our mailing address is Sound of Faith, P.O. Box 1744, Baltimore, Maryland, 21203, or you may order online at, where you can order on MP3s. But to order by mail, send your minimum love gift of $10, request offer SK133, mail to P.O. Box 1744, Baltimore, Maryland, 21203. Until next time, this is Sharon Knott saying, Maranatha.
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Could the hardened layers of disbelief be hindering your prayers? This gripping discussion explores how Zacharias overcame his skepticism, while Mary embraced her calling with unwavering confidence. Through their stories, you'll discover how holding on to God's word can help clear the path for your answered prayers. As we explore their journeys, you'll learn the necessity of speaking and believing in the word, ensuring you don't make your angel mad when God's answer is on the way.
Greetings friends and new listeners and welcome to the Sound of Faith. I'm Sharon Knotts thanking you for joining us today because we know faith comes by hearing and hearing by the Word of God. Today's message, Don't Make Your Angel Mad When God Answers Your Prayers. I know it's an odd title, but this Word of the Lord can help you to know if you're truly believing that your prayers will be answered or if past disappointments have calloused your heart with unbelief. And don't make your angel mad when God answers your prayers. Wow. Don't make your angel mad when God answers your prayer. He said, look, I'm not here on some little mission. I'm here on one of the greatest missions of the entire history of mankind. And what I came to bring you is a tidings of great joy. You should be jumping with joy. Amen. And I'm going to tell you, they are going to come to pass in spite of you. They're coming to pass. Amen. You want to know how this is going to happen. You want to know you want to sign. Well, you just got your sign. Amen. You just got your sign. So let's see what happened after that. Verse 22, And it came to pass that as soon as the days of his ministration were accomplished, he departed to his own house. So apparently, this happened early in the week. And he had to finish his week out. Amen? And after those days, his wife Elizabeth conceived and hid herself five months, saying, Thus hath the Lord dealt with me in the days when he looked on me to take away my reproach among men. What a powerful thing. So he went home after his week of service was up. And when he got home, he had to get out some of those big yellow legal pads and carry them around with him everywhere. And he had to keep writing everything down and writing everything down. Elizabeth is saying, now, honey, I want you to tell me exactly what he looked like. I want to know every detail. Don't leave nothing out now. Zacharias, I want to know all about it. I want to know exactly what he said. Tell me what he said. And there he is sitting down there, writing it all down over and over and over again. Amen? And now the news is spreading and their relatives are coming. They're traveling and they're getting there and they say, what happened? Why can't you speak, Zacharias? What happened to you? Did you have a stroke? No. No. Shaking his head no. Well, what happened? Are you ill? Are you sick? What did the doctor say? No. Get the legal yellow pad out and write it down again. And write it down again. Do you see what's happening? Every time he writes down the angel's words, the word of God is like a scalpel that cuts away another layer of his unbelief and another layer of his doubt. That's what God's word will do for you if you get it out and you speak it and you write it down. He couldn't speak anything negative. He couldn't speak his doubt and unbelief. He just kept writing down what happened, what the angel said. He didn't have Microsoft. He didn't have WordPerfect. He didn't even have a Xerox machine. He had to keep writing it down and writing it down. I want to read to you. You don't have to turn there unless you want to. But there's a powerful verses in Habakkuk. Chapter 2 verses 2 and 3 says. And the Lord answered me and said. Write the vision. And make it plain upon tables. Of course they wouldn't have had paper like we have. Make it plain that he may run that readeth it. For the vision is yet for an appointed time. But at the end it shall speak and not lie. it, Terry. Wait for it. It will surely come to pass. And that's what God had Zacharias doing. He had him writing it down and writing it down. Your wife is going to have a baby. It's going to be a boy. You're going to name him John. He's going to be great. He's going to be a prophet. He's going to be the prophet that brings the Messiah into his ministry. He had to write it down. And I don't know if you've ever used that, but that is a great tool for myself. Especially when I'm trying to memorize scriptures that have to do with whatever I'm going through. And sometimes I get hung up and I get mixed up and I leave a phrase out and I reverse the order of the words. But when I write it down... Something about writing it down. It gets into my spirit. Amen. It gets into my spirit. That's why to this day I still have handwritten notes. For my messages. I do not do them on the computer. It's something about writing them down. Amen. That when I'm writing them down. It's like I'm writing them on the paper of my heart. The parchment of my spirit. It's inscribed in my spirit. And then I can say my tongue is the pen of a ready writer. I'm ready to declare and extol the majesty of my king. So every time he wrote it down, I believe another layer, another callous of hardness was removed from his heart. Amen. How many know you can get a callous on your heart? But he had nine months that he couldn't speak, and he had to just keep writing that down. You know how it is when you get a callus. If you go to the salon, and you might go there and get a pedicure, and you know that they have those things that get those calluses off, you're sitting there, you don't feel nothing. They're just rubbing away and rubbing away, and here you see all that dead skin, and you don't feel nothing. But all of a sudden... They start getting where it's live, live flesh there. Amen. They hit that spot. Oh, wait a minute. That hurts. I feel that. You know, you don't feel it when you're working on the calluses. You don't feel it when you're, when you're working on them, but boy, when you get them calluses off and you get to that living flesh, you feel it. Amen. And you see, sometimes you've been saved for so long. You've been saved for so many years and you've seen so many prayers that you felt like didn't get answered the way they should have been answered. And you've saw too many people that didn't get healed. And you saw too many people that didn't make it and you just feel all of that has disappointed you and let you down and it's put another callous on your heart and another layer of hardness on your heart and it hinders you when you pray so guess what happens you don't get the answer and when you don't get the answer because you didn't really believe you get another callous and it just perpetuates itself You got to get the calluses off. You have to say, I believe the word of God. Zachariah should have said, this is the most outlandish thing I've ever heard in my life. But I know what God did for Abraham and I know what he did for Sarah. And he's no respecter of persons. I know what he did for Isaac and Rebecca. I know what he did for Samson's parents. And if he could do it for them, he'll do it for me. Amen. I don't want to hear about people that died. I want to hear about people that lived, that got the victory, that overcame. Those of you who know my situation, someone sent me for my birthday three CDs that go back to 1989 of Joyce Meyer. 27 years ago. She had breast cancer and it just threw her a curve. Her ministry was just starting to really launch and become big. And she had surgery. But the question was, they told her her cancer was aggressive. Now, I don't know what it was. That's all I know she said on the CD. But she never had any treatment after. And she had to walk by faith that she was going to live and not die. And someone said, God is going to bring out of this something great. Your message, your audience is going to be greater because people will know that you've been through this. Now, that's been 27 years ago. Amen. And I want to hear those kind of testimonies. That's what you need to hear. You need to get in the word of God. And what does God's word say that God will do? Amen. And so you have to keep speaking the word of God. And God fixed him good. Gabriel fixed him good and zipped his lips. And he could not rain on her parade. Right. You see, when you're pregnant with a promise, and I think we can use that word, and you know what I'm saying. If you're pregnant with a promise, you've got to go the whole nine months. You don't want to abort early. You don't want to have a miscarriage. You don't want your promise to abort before it's fulfilled. Amen? Even in the natural, for someone who wants to have a child and then has a miscarriage, it's devastating. And even today with technology being what it is, a preemie is like, you know, it's come and go. You don't know from day to day whether or not they're going to pull through. Amen? And so you want to carry it the whole time. Before I had my first child, Scott, right before that I had a miscarriage. And then I got pregnant with him. And you know that doubt's always in your mind. You always have that there. And I remember the doctor said, okay, your due date is May the 8th. Guess what day he was born on? May the 8th. In other words, I went the whole nine months. I didn't have a miscarriage. I didn't have a preemie. It's like God was saying, okay, this one you're going to go the whole time. Right on the due date. Amen? And that's the way it is in the spirit. You've got to go the whole nine months. And I'm using that as a figure of speech, of course. Amen. So when his course was over, he went home. And we know that she conceived right away. And we know that those next nine months were the most joyful, happy, wonderful days of Elizabeth's whole entire life. Think about it. I can think of at least five good reasons. Number one, finally, she was pregnant. She had never been able to get pregnant before. It says she was barren. So now she's pregnant and she knows already they didn't have ultrasound back then, but she knew she was going to have a son. And not only that, according to the word of the Lord, he was going to be a prophet. I mean, hey, mama's going to have a baby boy. He's going to be a prophet. And not only a prophet, but the prophet. So that's four good reasons. And then number five, I'll throw this one in. Number five was for the whole nine months, her husband couldn't talk. So what does that mean? That means that all he could do was listen to her. For nine months, he couldn't interrupt her. And what did she do for nine months? He heard her going around the house singing songs, singing lullabies. Amen. Going around the house like a silly little schoolgirl giggling. I'm going to have a baby. Amen? For nine months he had to listen to her and he couldn't say a thing. And if you think that was enough, maybe to get on his nerves, Elizabeth's joys were about to be multiplied, and Zachariah's troubles about to be multiplied, because it won't be very long, they're going to get a house guest. And then he's not only going to have to put up with one pregnant woman, but he's going to have to put up with two pregnant women. Amen? Because somebody else is coming to the house. Let's look at verse 26. And in the six months, that means the six months of Elizabeth's pregnancy. We just read the verse before she was five months pregnant. Now she's six months pregnant. The angel Gabriel sent from God into a city of Galilee named Nazareth to a virgin espoused to a man whose name was Joseph of the house of David. And the virgin's name was Mary. Right. And the angel came in unto her and said, Hail thou that are highly favored. The Lord is with thee. Blessed art thou among women. And when she saw him, she was troubled at his saying and cast in her mind what manner of salutation this should be. And the angel said unto her, But they always say, Fear not, Mary, for thou hast found favor with God. And behold, thou shalt conceive in thy womb and bring forth a son and shalt call his name Jesus, Yeshua, the Lord's salvation. He shall be great. and shall be called the son of the highest, Elyona. And the Lord God shall give unto him the throne of his father David, and he shall reign over the house of Jacob forever, and of his kingdom there shall be no end. Amen. So Gabriel gets two assignments in six months. I mean, God hasn't sent an angel for 400 years. It's been over 400 years since Malachi, the last prophet, had a word of the Lord. And now 400 years, they don't get any assignments, and he gets two in six months. And it's about having a baby. Now the first one just seemed over the top that an old man and an old woman were going to have a baby. But now the impossibilities are going up in magnitude. Because now he's sent to a virgin. And I taught on this last week about the virgin. How many remember from Isaiah 7.14? So now it's a virgin. You see, Zacharias, he was struggling with the idea that him and his wife could have a baby at their age. But at least they had two to tango. Right? And they had the right configuration. Male and female. Very important. When you want to have a baby, it's very important you get the right configuration. Male and female. That's how God made them and married them. Okay, I'm getting another message here. Now look about Mary. She's a virgin. She is engaged. She's espoused. She's betrothed. But they are not married yet. And they're certainly not at the point of consummation. Amen? And so she was afraid. That's normal. As we've already said, you react to that supernatural thing. But here where it says that she was troubled... It doesn't mean she was trouble in the sense of unbelief. It meant she was perplexed. She was confused. Amen? She was trying to figure out how this was going to be. Amen? Consider now, she is not a priest like Zacharias was. She's just a teenage girl. She hasn't been schooled in the word of God like he has been, serving before God in the temple at the altar. She's just a simple teenage girl. Amen? And so she cast in her mind, it means, or she considered, I wonder what he's talking about. What exactly does this mean? Amen? So let's look what she says to the angel. Verse 34, then said Mary unto the angel, how shall this be, seeing I know not a man? Now there is a huge difference between her question and the question of Zacharias. Zacharias had asked, how do I know this is really true? Give me a sign. But hers was different. How is this going to happen? I'm not married yet. You see, she could have assumed, well, it's going to happen after me and Joseph get married. She could have assumed that that would have been a natural assumption. After we get married, we're going to have this happen. But that's not what God meant at all. Amen. He was going to be the son of God because he told her he will be the son of El Yonah. She knew what El Yonah meant. The most high God. She got that much, amen? She understood Yeshua meant Jehovah's salvation. So she's saying, how is this going to be? We are not married yet. Now, as I said, Zacharias had three examples, Abraham and Zerah, Isaac and Rebekah, and Manoah and his wife. As far as I know the scriptures very well, and I could be wrong, but as far as I know, there was only one tiny scripture in all the Old Covenant that might have given Mary something to hold on to. Zechariah had plenty to hold on to, and he did not believe. All that she could have maybe had is what I preached on last week, Isaiah 714. Behold, a virgin shall be with child, and shall bear a son, and you shall call his name Emmanuel, meaning God with us. Did she know that verse? She may have known that verse. And if she did know that verse, that would have been the only thing that she had to hold on to. Amen? But she wanted to know how was it going to happen. See, her faith was like Manoah's faith. Manoah didn't question that it would happen. He just wanted to know how we're supposed to raise the kid right. And obey your word. And she wants to know, how is this going to happen? You know, it had to be almost amazing for her to comprehend it. So the angel said, verse 35, and the angel said, The Holy Ghost shall come upon you. The power of the highest shall overshadow thee. Therefore also that holy thing which shall be born of thee shall be called... The son of God. You're going to have a baby. And he's going to be God's son. What do you think was going on in her mind? What was she imagining? What was she thinking? How did she think that this was going to come to pass? And he goes on to say, And behold, thy cousin Elizabeth, she hath also conceived a son in her old age. And this is the sixth month with her, who is called barren. Verse 37 says, he answered whatever thought she may have had in her mind but she had not spoken for with god nothing shall be impossible and mary said behold the handmaid of the lord be it unto me according to thy word and the angel departed from her so here is mary this young girl and she says asked simply how is this going to be i'm not married yet And he told her, something is going to happen to you that has never happened before and will never happen again. The Holy Ghost is going to come upon you, and you're going to conceive in your womb, and you're going to become pregnant, and you're going to become pregnant with the seed of God. This child is not going to have a human father. God himself shall be his father. This is going to answer that first prophecy in Genesis 3.15 that the seed of the woman would crush the hen. of the serpent. Amen. And here's this young girl getting this tremendous, phenomenal, fabulous, fantastic word of the Lord. And what does she say? Let it be unto me according to your word. I'm your handmaiden. Here I am. Use me. Do it, Lord. I'm ready. I surrender. I don't get it all, but I say yes, Lord. I believe the word of the Lord. Amen. Amen. And then she acted on it because the next verse tells us she got up with haste and left town and went to see Elizabeth. She believed the word of God. She thought, oh my goodness, my cousin Elizabeth, who was quite a bit older than her, is also pregnant. I can't wait, I can't wait to go and see her. Oh, this is just so wonderful. Amen. And she got there to Elizabeth's house and knocked on the door. And when they opened the door and she walked in and said, Elizabeth, as soon as Elizabeth heard the voice of Mary, the babe leaped up in her womb. Hallelujah. And she was filled with the Holy Ghost. Amen. And the Holy Ghost came on her and John the Baptist was filled with the Holy Ghost in his mother's womb. Hallelujah. That might be why Jesus said he was the greatest prophet ever was. I don't know. I have a lot of speculation about why Jesus said that, but that's one good reason there. He was filled with the Holy Ghost. And when the babe leaped in her womb, then Elizabeth began to speak the word of God. And I want you to see what Elizabeth said to her. Verse 42, And she, being Elizabeth, spake out with a loud voice and said, Blessed art thou among women, and blessed is the fruit of thy womb. And whence is this to me that the mother of my Lord should come to me? For lo, as soon as the voice of your salutation sounded in mine ears, the babe leaped in my womb for joy. And here's the key. Verse 45, And blessed is she that believed. Amen. For there shall be a performance of those things which were told her from the Lord. Because Mary believed. And when you believe, there will be a performance. When you believe the word of God, it shall come to pass. So write it down. And revisit it. And read it. And declare it. And speak it. And declare it. And as you do, you will see that in the delay, while you're waiting, your heart won't get calloused over with unbelief. You'll begin to believe and believe that when the word of the Lord comes, amen, you'll be like Mary. You will believe instantly. And you will say, behold, here's the handmaiden of the Lord. I'm all yours, Lord. I belong to you. I am sold out 100% to you. So whatever you want for my life, whatever you say, whatever is your will, I say yes, Lord. Amen? And Mary believed the word of the Lord. And now Zacharias is sitting over there in the corner. He's got two women running around the house, leaping for joy, singing, dancing. You know, they're doing the dance and they're doing the dance. He's sitting there thinking, I cannot believe this is happening to me. Amen. I can't believe this. Amen. And Mary stayed right up until the time she wasn't there for the birth. She went back home by that point. But she stayed there, and all that time, Zacharias could not speak a word. Can you imagine? He was thinking, when I finally get to talk, I'm going to say this and I'm going to say that. I got to remember to tell her this. I got to remember to tell her that. But you know, when the time came, he didn't do none of that. When that baby came, when Elizabeth went into labor and she had that boy and her family came there and said, what is his name? Now, normally the father would name the child in the Jewish custom. The father would name the child. And of course, he couldn't talk. So they said, what is his name? And Elizabeth said, why, his name is John. Because, see, that's what the angel Gabriel said. And they said, well, why are you naming him John? Nobody in your family is named John. Don't you want to name him after his daddy? Amen. Don't you want to name him after your uncle or your grandfather? Amen. And at that point. God loosed the tongue of Zacharias and he said, his name is John. And he took off prophesying. He took off prophesying about what God was going to do in Israel. Amen. And when God answers your prayer, you're going to leap for joy. You're going to sing. You're going to dance. You're going to declare the glory of the Lord. So you need to know that as we celebrate Christmas, it's a season of miracles. It's a time of miracles. And God is saying to some of you today, your prayer is heard. Your prayer is heard. God wants you to know your prayer is heard. He still had to wait nine months for the baby to come. Amen? And because God says your prayer is heard, I can't tell you the time that it will be for the manifestation. But if God says it's heard and it's done, if you don't cast away your faith, if you don't get an Ishmael in the middle of it all, If you don't go off on your own trying to help God and making a mess of things, God will do it. He said, though it tarry, wait for it, for it shall come to pass. Amen. Come on, stand on your feet here this morning. Amen. God wants you to know that there's a breakthrough anointing here. A breakthrough anointing is in this place. Amen? A breakthrough anointing. And if you have been struggling and there's a prayer that maybe you've just sort of stopped praying it because you think it's no point in praying that prayer anymore, let me preface what I'm about to say by this. Make sure that you are hearing the will of God. If we know that he hears us, we know that we have the thing that we have asked of him and desired of him. And we know that if we ask anything according to his will, he hears us. I mean, that's pretty simple instructions. So first, let's find out if it's his will. And if we know it's his will, we can pray and we can know that God hears us. And if he hears us, we know he's working on it. He's working on it. And sometimes he doesn't let you see that behind the scenes. He's orchestrating it until it's ready and it comes to pass. And when it comes to pass, it usually does happen suddenly all at one time. Amen. I hope you're being blessed by our message today. Don't make your angel mad when God answers your prayers. Have you ever thought how frustrating it must be for God when we doubt his word and constantly demand reassurances and affirmations? And imagine how his ministering angels must feel when Christians repeatedly fall into doubt and unbelief. Zacharias learned this when he was visited by Gabriel with the good news of the coming birth of his son John. But instead of rejoicing, he was skeptical and asked for a sign, saying, How do I know this is true? Well, he got his sign when Gabriel zipped his lips for the next nine months, and he couldn't speak his unbelief to Elizabeth, his wife, or anyone else. Then Gabriel visited Mary, a young virgin, with an even more impossible announcement of the birth of God's Son. But she received his message with simple faith and said, Let it be unto me according to thy word. I believe your spiritual perception can be greatly influenced by this study of Zachariah's stubborn unbelief versus Mary's exemplary faith. Don't let delays make you cynical. If you've been waiting a long time for answers to prayers, this message can instruct you how to rid your heart of unbelief and carry your promise to full term. Don't Make Your Angel Mad When God Answers Your Prayers is available on CD for a love gift to the radio ministry of $10 or more. Request offer SK133. Our mailing address is Sound of Faith, P.O. Box 1744, Baltimore, Maryland, 21203, or you may order online at, where you can order on MP3s. But to order by mail, send your minimum love gift of $10, request offer SK133, mail to P.O. Box 1744, Baltimore, Maryland, 21203. Until next time, this is Sharon Knott saying, Maranatha.
In today's episode of Sound of Faith, Sharon Knott explores the powerful dynamics between faith and doubt, drawing lessons from the experiences of Zacharias and Mary. Through God's message brought by the angel Gabriel, Zacharias' initial skepticism teaches us the significance of unwavering belief when confronted with divine promises. Meanwhile, Mary's response exemplifies how faith can unlock miraculous possibilities. Join us as we delve into how past disappointments can layer our hearts with callouses of unbelief and how persevering prayer can remove these barriers, allowing us to fully embrace God's blessings. Discover how to nourish your spiritual journey, dismiss cynicism, and carry your promises to full fruition by revisiting these timeless biblical narratives.
Greetings friends and new listeners and welcome to the Sound of Faith. I'm Sharon Knotts thanking you for joining us today because we know faith comes by hearing and hearing by the Word of God. Today's message, Don't Make Your Angel Mad When God Answers Your Prayers. I know it's an odd title, but this Word of the Lord can help you to know if you're truly believing that your prayers will be answered or if past disappointments have calloused your heart with unbelief. And don't make your angel mad when God answers your prayers. Wow. Don't make your angel mad when God answers your prayer. He said, look, I'm not here on some little mission. I'm here on one of the greatest missions of the entire history of mankind. And what I came to bring you is a tidings of great joy. You should be jumping with joy. Amen. And I'm going to tell you, they are going to come to pass in spite of you. They're coming to pass. Amen. You want to know how this is going to happen. You want to know you want to sign. Well, you just got your sign. Amen. You just got your sign. So let's see what happened after that. Verse 22, And it came to pass that as soon as the days of his ministration were accomplished, he departed to his own house. So apparently, this happened early in the week. And he had to finish his week out. Amen? And after those days, his wife Elizabeth conceived and hid herself five months, saying, Thus hath the Lord dealt with me in the days when he looked on me to take away my reproach among men. What a powerful thing. So he went home after his week of service was up. And when he got home, he had to get out some of those big yellow legal pads and carry them around with him everywhere. And he had to keep writing everything down and writing everything down. Elizabeth is saying, now, honey, I want you to tell me exactly what he looked like. I want to know every detail. Don't leave nothing out now. Zacharias, I want to know all about it. I want to know exactly what he said. Tell me what he said. And there he is sitting down there, writing it all down over and over and over again. Amen? And now the news is spreading and their relatives are coming. They're traveling and they're getting there and they say, what happened? Why can't you speak, Zacharias? What happened to you? Did you have a stroke? No. No. Shaking his head no. Well, what happened? Are you ill? Are you sick? What did the doctor say? No. Get the legal yellow pad out and write it down again. And write it down again. Do you see what's happening? Every time he writes down the angel's words, the word of God is like a scalpel that cuts away another layer of his unbelief and another layer of his doubt. That's what God's word will do for you if you get it out and you speak it and you write it down. He couldn't speak anything negative. He couldn't speak his doubt and unbelief. He just kept writing down what happened, what the angel said. He didn't have Microsoft. He didn't have WordPerfect. He didn't even have a Xerox machine. He had to keep writing it down and writing it down. I want to read to you. You don't have to turn there unless you want to. But there's a powerful verses in Habakkuk. Chapter 2 verses 2 and 3 says. And the Lord answered me and said. Write the vision. And make it plain upon tables. Of course they wouldn't have had paper like we have. Make it plain that he may run that readeth it. For the vision is yet for an appointed time. But at the end it shall speak and not lie. it, Terry. Wait for it. It will surely come to pass. And that's what God had Zacharias doing. He had him writing it down and writing it down. Your wife is going to have a baby. It's going to be a boy. You're going to name him John. He's going to be great. He's going to be a prophet. He's going to be the prophet that brings the Messiah into his ministry. He had to write it down. And I don't know if you've ever used that, but that is a great tool for myself. Especially when I'm trying to memorize scriptures that have to do with whatever I'm going through. And sometimes I get hung up and I get mixed up and I leave a phrase out and I reverse the order of the words. But when I write it down... Something about writing it down. It gets into my spirit. Amen. It gets into my spirit. That's why to this day I still have handwritten notes. For my messages. I do not do them on the computer. It's something about writing them down. Amen. That when I'm writing them down. It's like I'm writing them on the paper of my heart. The parchment of my spirit. It's inscribed in my spirit. And then I can say my tongue is the pen of a ready writer. I'm ready to declare and extol the majesty of my king. So every time he wrote it down, I believe another layer, another callous of hardness was removed from his heart. Amen. How many know you can get a callous on your heart? But he had nine months that he couldn't speak, and he had to just keep writing that down. You know how it is when you get a callus. If you go to the salon, and you might go there and get a pedicure, and you know that they have those things that get those calluses off, you're sitting there, you don't feel nothing. They're just rubbing away and rubbing away, and here you see all that dead skin, and you don't feel nothing. But all of a sudden... They start getting where it's live, live flesh there. Amen. They hit that spot. Oh, wait a minute. That hurts. I feel that. You know, you don't feel it when you're working on the calluses. You don't feel it when you're, when you're working on them, but boy, when you get them calluses off and you get to that living flesh, you feel it. Amen. And you see, sometimes you've been saved for so long. You've been saved for so many years and you've seen so many prayers that you felt like didn't get answered the way they should have been answered. And you've saw too many people that didn't get healed. And you saw too many people that didn't make it and you just feel all of that has disappointed you and let you down and it's put another callous on your heart and another layer of hardness on your heart and it hinders you when you pray so guess what happens you don't get the answer and when you don't get the answer because you didn't really believe you get another callous and it just perpetuates itself You got to get the calluses off. You have to say, I believe the word of God. Zachariah should have said, this is the most outlandish thing I've ever heard in my life. But I know what God did for Abraham and I know what he did for Sarah. And he's no respecter of persons. I know what he did for Isaac and Rebecca. I know what he did for Samson's parents. And if he could do it for them, he'll do it for me. Amen. I don't want to hear about people that died. I want to hear about people that lived, that got the victory, that overcame. Those of you who know my situation, someone sent me for my birthday three CDs that go back to 1989 of Joyce Meyer. 27 years ago. She had breast cancer and it just threw her a curve. Her ministry was just starting to really launch and become big. And she had surgery. But the question was, they told her her cancer was aggressive. Now, I don't know what it was. That's all I know she said on the CD. But she never had any treatment after. And she had to walk by faith that she was going to live and not die. And someone said, God is going to bring out of this something great. Your message, your audience is going to be greater because people will know that you've been through this. Now, that's been 27 years ago. Amen. And I want to hear those kind of testimonies. That's what you need to hear. You need to get in the word of God. And what does God's word say that God will do? Amen. And so you have to keep speaking the word of God. And God fixed him good. Gabriel fixed him good and zipped his lips. And he could not rain on her parade. Right. You see, when you're pregnant with a promise, and I think we can use that word, and you know what I'm saying. If you're pregnant with a promise, you've got to go the whole nine months. You don't want to abort early. You don't want to have a miscarriage. You don't want your promise to abort before it's fulfilled. Amen? Even in the natural, for someone who wants to have a child and then has a miscarriage, it's devastating. And even today with technology being what it is, a preemie is like, you know, it's come and go. You don't know from day to day whether or not they're going to pull through. Amen? And so you want to carry it the whole time. Before I had my first child, Scott, right before that I had a miscarriage. And then I got pregnant with him. And you know that doubt's always in your mind. You always have that there. And I remember the doctor said, okay, your due date is May the 8th. Guess what day he was born on? May the 8th. In other words, I went the whole nine months. I didn't have a miscarriage. I didn't have a preemie. It's like God was saying, okay, this one you're going to go the whole time. Right on the due date. Amen? And that's the way it is in the spirit. You've got to go the whole nine months. And I'm using that as a figure of speech, of course. Amen. So when his course was over, he went home. And we know that she conceived right away. And we know that those next nine months were the most joyful, happy, wonderful days of Elizabeth's whole entire life. Think about it. I can think of at least five good reasons. Number one, finally, she was pregnant. She had never been able to get pregnant before. It says she was barren. So now she's pregnant and she knows already they didn't have ultrasound back then, but she knew she was going to have a son. And not only that, according to the word of the Lord, he was going to be a prophet. I mean, hey, mama's going to have a baby boy. He's going to be a prophet. And not only a prophet, but the prophet. So that's four good reasons. And then number five, I'll throw this one in. Number five was for the whole nine months, her husband couldn't talk. So what does that mean? That means that all he could do was listen to her. For nine months, he couldn't interrupt her. And what did she do for nine months? He heard her going around the house singing songs, singing lullabies. Amen. Going around the house like a silly little schoolgirl giggling. I'm going to have a baby. Amen? For nine months he had to listen to her and he couldn't say a thing. And if you think that was enough, maybe to get on his nerves, Elizabeth's joys were about to be multiplied, and Zachariah's troubles about to be multiplied, because it won't be very long, they're going to get a house guest. And then he's not only going to have to put up with one pregnant woman, but he's going to have to put up with two pregnant women. Amen? Because somebody else is coming to the house. Let's look at verse 26. And in the six months, that means the six months of Elizabeth's pregnancy. We just read the verse before she was five months pregnant. Now she's six months pregnant. The angel Gabriel sent from God into a city of Galilee named Nazareth to a virgin espoused to a man whose name was Joseph of the house of David. And the virgin's name was Mary. Right. And the angel came in unto her and said, Hail thou that are highly favored. The Lord is with thee. Blessed art thou among women. And when she saw him, she was troubled at his saying and cast in her mind what manner of salutation this should be. And the angel said unto her, But they always say, Fear not, Mary, for thou hast found favor with God. And behold, thou shalt conceive in thy womb and bring forth a son and shalt call his name Jesus, Yeshua, the Lord's salvation. He shall be great. and shall be called the son of the highest, Elyona. And the Lord God shall give unto him the throne of his father David, and he shall reign over the house of Jacob forever, and of his kingdom there shall be no end. Amen. So Gabriel gets two assignments in six months. I mean, God hasn't sent an angel for 400 years. It's been over 400 years since Malachi, the last prophet, had a word of the Lord. And now 400 years, they don't get any assignments, and he gets two in six months. And it's about having a baby. Now the first one just seemed over the top that an old man and an old woman were going to have a baby. But now the impossibilities are going up in magnitude. Because now he's sent to a virgin. And I taught on this last week about the virgin. How many remember from Isaiah 7.14? So now it's a virgin. You see, Zacharias, he was struggling with the idea that him and his wife could have a baby at their age. But at least they had two to tango. Right? And they had the right configuration. Male and female. Very important. When you want to have a baby, it's very important you get the right configuration. Male and female. That's how God made them and married them. Okay, I'm getting another message here. Now look about Mary. She's a virgin. She is engaged. She's espoused. She's betrothed. But they are not married yet. And they're certainly not at the point of consummation. Amen? And so she was afraid. That's normal. As we've already said, you react to that supernatural thing. But here where it says that she was troubled... It doesn't mean she was trouble in the sense of unbelief. It meant she was perplexed. She was confused. Amen? She was trying to figure out how this was going to be. Amen? Consider now, she is not a priest like Zacharias was. She's just a teenage girl. She hasn't been schooled in the word of God like he has been, serving before God in the temple at the altar. She's just a simple teenage girl. Amen? And so she cast in her mind, it means, or she considered, I wonder what he's talking about. What exactly does this mean? Amen? So let's look what she says to the angel. Verse 34, then said Mary unto the angel, how shall this be, seeing I know not a man? Now there is a huge difference between her question and the question of Zacharias. Zacharias had asked, how do I know this is really true? Give me a sign. But hers was different. How is this going to happen? I'm not married yet. You see, she could have assumed, well, it's going to happen after me and Joseph get married. She could have assumed that that would have been a natural assumption. After we get married, we're going to have this happen. But that's not what God meant at all. Amen. He was going to be the son of God because he told her he will be the son of El Yonah. She knew what El Yonah meant. The most high God. She got that much, amen? She understood Yeshua meant Jehovah's salvation. So she's saying, how is this going to be? We are not married yet. Now, as I said, Zacharias had three examples, Abraham and Zerah, Isaac and Rebekah, and Manoah and his wife. As far as I know the scriptures very well, and I could be wrong, but as far as I know, there was only one tiny scripture in all the Old Covenant that might have given Mary something to hold on to. Zechariah had plenty to hold on to, and he did not believe. All that she could have maybe had is what I preached on last week, Isaiah 714. Behold, a virgin shall be with child, and shall bear a son, and you shall call his name Emmanuel, meaning God with us. Did she know that verse? She may have known that verse. And if she did know that verse, that would have been the only thing that she had to hold on to. Amen? But she wanted to know how was it going to happen. See, her faith was like Manoah's faith. Manoah didn't question that it would happen. He just wanted to know how we're supposed to raise the kid right. And obey your word. And she wants to know, how is this going to happen? You know, it had to be almost amazing for her to comprehend it. So the angel said, verse 35, and the angel said, The Holy Ghost shall come upon you. The power of the highest shall overshadow thee. Therefore also that holy thing which shall be born of thee shall be called... The son of God. You're going to have a baby. And he's going to be God's son. What do you think was going on in her mind? What was she imagining? What was she thinking? How did she think that this was going to come to pass? And he goes on to say, And behold, thy cousin Elizabeth, she hath also conceived a son in her old age. And this is the sixth month with her, who is called barren. Verse 37 says, he answered whatever thought she may have had in her mind but she had not spoken for with god nothing shall be impossible and mary said behold the handmaid of the lord be it unto me according to thy word and the angel departed from her so here is mary this young girl and she says asked simply how is this going to be i'm not married yet And he told her, something is going to happen to you that has never happened before and will never happen again. The Holy Ghost is going to come upon you, and you're going to conceive in your womb, and you're going to become pregnant, and you're going to become pregnant with the seed of God. This child is not going to have a human father. God himself shall be his father. This is going to answer that first prophecy in Genesis 3.15 that the seed of the woman would crush the hen. of the serpent. Amen. And here's this young girl getting this tremendous, phenomenal, fabulous, fantastic word of the Lord. And what does she say? Let it be unto me according to your word. I'm your handmaiden. Here I am. Use me. Do it, Lord. I'm ready. I surrender. I don't get it all, but I say yes, Lord. I believe the word of the Lord. Amen. Amen. And then she acted on it because the next verse tells us she got up with haste and left town and went to see Elizabeth. She believed the word of God. She thought, oh my goodness, my cousin Elizabeth, who was quite a bit older than her, is also pregnant. I can't wait, I can't wait to go and see her. Oh, this is just so wonderful. Amen. And she got there to Elizabeth's house and knocked on the door. And when they opened the door and she walked in and said, Elizabeth, as soon as Elizabeth heard the voice of Mary, the babe leaped up in her womb. Hallelujah. And she was filled with the Holy Ghost. Amen. And the Holy Ghost came on her and John the Baptist was filled with the Holy Ghost in his mother's womb. Hallelujah. That might be why Jesus said he was the greatest prophet ever was. I don't know. I have a lot of speculation about why Jesus said that, but that's one good reason there. He was filled with the Holy Ghost. And when the babe leaped in her womb, then Elizabeth began to speak the word of God. And I want you to see what Elizabeth said to her. Verse 42, And she, being Elizabeth, spake out with a loud voice and said, Blessed art thou among women, and blessed is the fruit of thy womb. And whence is this to me that the mother of my Lord should come to me? For lo, as soon as the voice of your salutation sounded in mine ears, the babe leaped in my womb for joy. And here's the key. Verse 45, And blessed is she that believed. Amen. For there shall be a performance of those things which were told her from the Lord. Because Mary believed. And when you believe, there will be a performance. When you believe the word of God, it shall come to pass. So write it down. And revisit it. And read it. And declare it. And speak it. And declare it. And as you do, you will see that in the delay, while you're waiting, your heart won't get calloused over with unbelief. You'll begin to believe and believe that when the word of the Lord comes, amen, you'll be like Mary. You will believe instantly. And you will say, behold, here's the handmaiden of the Lord. I'm all yours, Lord. I belong to you. I am sold out 100% to you. So whatever you want for my life, whatever you say, whatever is your will, I say yes, Lord. Amen? And Mary believed the word of the Lord. And now Zacharias is sitting over there in the corner. He's got two women running around the house, leaping for joy, singing, dancing. You know, they're doing the dance and they're doing the dance. He's sitting there thinking, I cannot believe this is happening to me. Amen. I can't believe this. Amen. And Mary stayed right up until the time she wasn't there for the birth. She went back home by that point. But she stayed there, and all that time, Zacharias could not speak a word. Can you imagine? He was thinking, when I finally get to talk, I'm going to say this and I'm going to say that. I got to remember to tell her this. I got to remember to tell her that. But you know, when the time came, he didn't do none of that. When that baby came, when Elizabeth went into labor and she had that boy and her family came there and said, what is his name? Now, normally the father would name the child in the Jewish custom. The father would name the child. And of course, he couldn't talk. So they said, what is his name? And Elizabeth said, why, his name is John. Because, see, that's what the angel Gabriel said. And they said, well, why are you naming him John? Nobody in your family is named John. Don't you want to name him after his daddy? Amen. Don't you want to name him after your uncle or your grandfather? Amen. And at that point. God loosed the tongue of Zacharias and he said, his name is John. And he took off prophesying. He took off prophesying about what God was going to do in Israel. Amen. And when God answers your prayer, you're going to leap for joy. You're going to sing. You're going to dance. You're going to declare the glory of the Lord. So you need to know that as we celebrate Christmas, it's a season of miracles. It's a time of miracles. And God is saying to some of you today, your prayer is heard. Your prayer is heard. God wants you to know your prayer is heard. He still had to wait nine months for the baby to come. Amen? And because God says your prayer is heard, I can't tell you the time that it will be for the manifestation. But if God says it's heard and it's done, if you don't cast away your faith, if you don't get an Ishmael in the middle of it all, If you don't go off on your own trying to help God and making a mess of things, God will do it. He said, though it tarry, wait for it, for it shall come to pass. Amen. Come on, stand on your feet here this morning. Amen. God wants you to know that there's a breakthrough anointing here. A breakthrough anointing is in this place. Amen? A breakthrough anointing. And if you have been struggling and there's a prayer that maybe you've just sort of stopped praying it because you think it's no point in praying that prayer anymore, let me preface what I'm about to say by this. Make sure that you are hearing the will of God. If we know that he hears us, we know that we have the thing that we have asked of him and desired of him. And we know that if we ask anything according to his will, he hears us. I mean, that's pretty simple instructions. So first, let's find out if it's his will. And if we know it's his will, we can pray and we can know that God hears us. And if he hears us, we know he's working on it. He's working on it. And sometimes he doesn't let you see that behind the scenes. He's orchestrating it until it's ready and it comes to pass. And when it comes to pass, it usually does happen suddenly all at one time. Amen. I hope you're being blessed by our message today. Don't make your angel mad when God answers your prayers. Have you ever thought how frustrating it must be for God when we doubt his word and constantly demand reassurances and affirmations? And imagine how his ministering angels must feel when Christians repeatedly fall into doubt and unbelief. Zacharias learned this when he was visited by Gabriel with the good news of the coming birth of his son John. But instead of rejoicing, he was skeptical and asked for a sign, saying, How do I know this is true? Well, he got his sign when Gabriel zipped his lips for the next nine months, and he couldn't speak his unbelief to Elizabeth, his wife, or anyone else. Then Gabriel visited Mary, a young virgin, with an even more impossible announcement of the birth of God's Son. But she received his message with simple faith and said, Let it be unto me according to thy word. I believe your spiritual perception can be greatly influenced by this study of Zachariah's stubborn unbelief versus Mary's exemplary faith. Don't let delays make you cynical. If you've been waiting a long time for answers to prayers, this message can instruct you how to rid your heart of unbelief and carry your promise to full term. Don't Make Your Angel Mad When God Answers Your Prayers is available on CD for a love gift to the radio ministry of $10 or more. Request offer SK133. Our mailing address is Sound of Faith, P.O. Box 1744, Baltimore, Maryland, 21203, or you may order online at, where you can order on MP3s. But to order by mail, send your minimum love gift of $10, request offer SK133, mail to P.O. Box 1744, Baltimore, Maryland, 21203. Until next time, this is Sharon Knott saying, Maranatha.
In this inspiring episode, Sharon Knotts delves into the profound stories of Zacharias and Manoah, exploring the power of belief and the pitfalls of doubt. Through biblical narratives, we learn about the importance of faith in God's promises, even when circumstances seem unlikely. The episode illustrates how disbelieving prayers can lead to unexpected consequences, as seen with Zacharias when the angel Gabriel silenced him. Yet, much like the story of Manoah, there's redemption in belief and the assurance of God's plans. Listeners are encouraged to let faith guide them and learn to trust the divine timing, reinforced with vivid stories and personal reflections.
Greetings friends and new listeners and welcome to the Sound of Faith. I'm Sharon Knotts thanking you for joining us today because we know faith comes by hearing and hearing by the Word of God. Today's message, Don't Make Your Angel Mad When God Answers Your Prayers. I know it's an odd title, but this Word of the Lord can help you to know if you're truly believing that your prayers will be answered or if past disappointments have calloused your heart with unbelief. And don't make your angel mad when God answers your prayers. Did Zacharias know this? Of course he knew it. He knew all about that. Amen? And then he knew that Isaac grew up and married a beautiful girl named Rebecca. And they were very much in love. If you read their story, they were married many years and were still flirting with one another. And still having, you know, their sweet little ways they treated one another out in public. So even the king who thought that they were brother and sister said, wait a minute, brothers and sisters don't act like that. I think they might be married. But as beautiful as their marriage was and as happy as they were, they didn't have any kids. And 20 years went by and they still didn't have any children. And the scripture says that Isaac entreated the Lord on behalf of his wife. And the word entreated in Hebrew is very strong. It is very strong. You come before God and you beseech him with everything that was within Isaac. He said, Father God, I am the product of a miracle. I was born to a man who was 100 and a woman that was 90. And if you could bring me forth, then you can give my wife, Rebecca, children too. And God heard him. And you know what? Rebecca didn't get one baby, but she got two at one time. So she had to wait 20 years, but then she got two kids out of one pregnancy. Amen? So Zacharias knew about this. He's got two strong precedents. But there's another strong precedent. Hold your place in Luke. There's a couple of verses I want you to read because you're not as familiar with this story as you are with Abraham and Sarah and Rebecca and Isaac and in Judges, Judges the 13th chapter, we have another very compelling story that we know Zacharias would have been familiar with. And not only that, we can see the difference between someone who believes God immediately... in contrast to someone who falters and wavers. Now, we have the story of Samson. We don't know his mother's name. She's just referred to as his father, Manoah's wife. But let's look in Judges, the 13th chapter. And let's see, verse 2. And there was a certain man of Zorah of the family of the Danites, whose name was Manoah, and his wife was barren and bare not. And the angel of the Lord appeared unto the woman and said unto her, Behold, now thou art barren and barest not, but thou shalt conceive and bear a son. And then he goes on to tell her that this is going to be a special son, that he's to be raised according to the Nazarite law, which means that he was never to have anything to drink of the vine. In fact, his mother was not even allowed to eat raisins while she was pregnant. That's another message, but I want you to see that. And that he was to be raised in a certain way because verse 5 tells us, For the child shall be a Nazarite unto God from the womb, and he shall begin to deliver Israel out of the hand of the Philistines. I'll paraphrase a little bit. So the woman is so excited about everything that she went and found her husband. And she said, a man of God has come to me. And she says he had a countenance that was like an angel of God. And the reason was is because he was an angel of God. And so she told her husband everything the man said, how that they were going to have a son. Now let's see what Manoah says in verse 8. Then Manoah entreated the Lord. It's the same word I just quoted to you about Isaac entreated the Lord for Rebekah. And Manoah entreated the Lord and said, O my Lord, let the man of God, which thou didst send, come again unto us and teach us what we shall do unto this child that shall be born. Do you see the difference here? His wife comes and tells him this fantastic thing. And he goes and he entreats God. And he says, God, I want you to send that man back. Why? Because I think my wife has just lost her mind. Because I think my wife is having hallucinations. Because I think that her grief over not having a child has now affected her mind and she's going through some strange scenario where she's dreamed this up in her head. How many know that there's a true condition where women want to be pregnant so badly they start having all kinds of symptoms? that they're pregnant. I knew someone personally that went through that. And I kept telling her, you are not pregnant. She was saying, look at me, I'm gaining weight. I said, yeah, you're getting fat. She says, my back is killing me and it killed me with my other kids. I said, yeah, it's because you're getting fat. Started wearing maternity clothes. And eventually the doctor told her, you are not pregnant. So there is a real condition that people can go through. So maybe he thought his wife was going through that. And maybe he thought, I need this man of God to come back and tell me. I just can't trust what she's saying. I don't know about that. You know, it sounds a little far-fetched to me. I want to hear it for myself. Is that what he did? No. He entreated the Lord and said, let him come back because I want to get all the instructions right. She explained how that we've got to raise him in a particular peculiar way. And I want to get it right. I mean, wow, we're going to have a baby. Hey, we're going to have a son. I'm going to be a father. And he's going to grow up to be a deliverer in Israel. But we've got to do our part and raise him correctly. We've got to follow a certain protocol. And I want to make sure I've got it all right. There were no words of unbelief in his prayer. There were no, I think my wife has gone off the deep end. No, he said, praise Jehovah. I'm going to have a son and I want to be obedient. I want to do exactly what we're supposed to do. So please let him come back. And he came back. And you know what? Manoa was still wasn't there. I don't know what he was off doing, but he wasn't there. And when the woman saw the man, she said, will you please wait right here? I'm going to get my husband. Don't go nowhere. And she ran and got her husband and he came back. Manoah came back. Amen. Now let's look at verse 12. And Manoah said, now speaking to the angel, now let thy words come to pass. How shall we order the child and how shall we do unto him? He finally gets to see the angel for himself and he goes right to the first words out of his mouth. Let it come to pass. Let what God said, I believe it. Let it be done. I'm ready to get started. Amen. I believe the promise. I believe that what you said will come to pass. I believe that nine months from tonight, we're going to have a baby boy. And I just want to make sure I know how I'm supposed to raise this child. Amen. Let's drop down to verse 17. And Manoah said to the angel of the Lord, what is thy name that when thy sayings come to pass, we may do thee honor? Do you hear what he's saying? When they come to pass. Because they're going to come to pass. Because I believe they're going to come to pass.
Because I believe that even though we've been waiting for this baby and all of our married life and we don't have had no hope it would ever happen.
I believe it's going to come to pass. And I want to know, prophet of God, what is your name? So that when it comes to pass, I can tell everybody. Prophet Jeremiah said this would come to pass. Prophet Ezekiel. Prophet Noah. Prophet... And you can fill in the name. Amen. I want to know your name. I want everybody to know it was a prophet of God that said this and he was a true prophet because it came to pass just like he said it would. But of course we know it wasn't just a prophet. We know that it was an angel of the Lord. Amen? And we know then that the angel of the Lord demonstrated this in a supernatural way. But here's the point. The point is they believed. The point is they believed the word of the Lord. They didn't even know they were talking to an angel. They still thought they were talking to a man. Even the second time they thought they were talking to an ordinary man who was a prophet who got a word of the Lord. Didn't even know that they were actually speaking to an angel. But they believed the word of God. And I am saying to you that Zacharias knew about this story. He knew about Abraham and Sarah. He knew about Isaac and Rebekah. And he knew about Manoah and his wife who were the parents of the great Samson. And boy, did he deliver Israel out of the hands of the Philistines. He knew that he had at least three powerful precedents in the word of God. But what did he say? He said, back into Luke we are now. He said, whereby shall I know this? For I'm old and my wife is old. So basically what he said is, how do I know this is going to come to pass? I mean, after all, you can see I'm old and my wife is really old. That's basically what he said. Well stricken in years. She's very old. And whereby shall I know this? I don't hear a shred of faith in his words. I don't hear no let this come to pass. I don't hear a when this comes to pass, we're going to have a party. I don't hear none of that. All I hear is unbelief. How am I supposed to know this? Basically, he was saying, if this is true, give me a sign. That's what he was saying. Whereby shall I know? How shall I know? Give me a sign. You want me to believe this preposterous story? You want me to believe this now after all these years? Yeah, it's true. I've been praying for hundreds and hundreds and hundreds of times. In fact, I prayed before I got here this morning. But I don't believe my prayers. I pray them, but I don't believe them. Because now you show up with the answer and say that prayer is heard. And I'm saying to you, give me a sign. If it's true, give me a sign. And saints of God, this goes to show you that when a person's heart is full of unbelief, it wouldn't matter if an angel showed up on their doorstep. It wouldn't matter. They still aren't going to believe. That's why when people start asking for signs, they're getting further and further into unbelief. Amen? Because they'll say, Lord, show me a sign so I can believe. So God gives them a sign. Well, Lord, if that was really you, then show me another sign. Just one more sign, Lord. See, that's Gideon. Let the fleece be dry and the ground be wet. We'll let the fleece be wet and the ground be dry. How about a trumpet sound? How about an angelic visitation? How about a dream? Amen. And so when you become dependent on those things, you'll just want another sign and another sign and another sign. Amen? We've all been guilty of it. I'm not scolding you. I've been there too. Amen? But the problem is, is the devil can talk you out of them. He can tell you you imagined it. You let your mind play a trick on you because that's what you wanted so badly. Amen? And so we can't be dependent on signs. There are some people who are very, very susceptible to this. Not everybody, but some are very susceptible. And they always amaze me at the way they can take the smallest little detail and make it a huge, big thing. And I'm like, huh? How did you get all that out of that? I looked at the clock, and it said 12.02. And I remember that on 12.02, I dropped the pencil on the floor, and I bent over to pick up the pencil, and there was a piece of paper. And I picked it up, and the piece of paper had my name on it. And they can go on and on and on. I'm like, really? And it leads to some great big thing. I'm not saying that can't happen because God does things like that sometimes. But we need to back all that up with scripture. Amen. We need to make sure we have something that we can stand on that is more solid than that. Because if you're saying, Lord, if this is you, let somebody come to my door and ring the bell. And when I answer it, they're going to say, Mary had a little lamb, little lamb. And then it doesn't happen because that is really out there for somebody to come to your door and start singing that. That's really out there. So it's not going to happen unless God orchestrates it. But he's not going to orchestrate things like that when we ask for them because we're in unbelief. If you're in unbelief and ask it, then God is only going to be reinforcing it. your tendency to be unbelieving. I found that he does these crazy things when we're not asking for them or expecting them. And then we're like, whoa, was that God or what? That was truly God. Or when maybe it's a thought that's in our spirit, but we say, you know, I'm going to back off of that. I'm just going to leave that there with the Lord. And then God does it. Amen? But you see, Zacharias had these wonderful things. Three powerful precedents. In the mouths of two or three, let every word be established. And yet he says, if this is true, if you expect me to believe that my wife now is going to have a baby, if you want me to believe this, then you're going to have to show me a sign. Amen? because he did not believe in his heart. So my question is, why in the name of heaven did he waste all his time and years and breath and energy praying for a prayer that he didn't really believe was going to be answered? Why was he praying that prayer all those years if he did not believe it was going to come to pass? Because had he believed it, when Gabriel came with those words, he would have been jumping for joy. He would have been looking at the big clock on the back of the temple wall, and he's been thinking, I'm getting off, and I only got another half hour, and I'm out of here. I'm going home to Elizabeth, and I'm going to tell her the good news. He would have been waiting for his time to leave to get back home. if he would have really believed it, but he didn't believe it. And so what we're about to read now, I want to preface it with this. Don't make your angel mad when God answers your prayers. Let's look at verse 19, back in Luke where we were. And the angel answering said unto him, I am Gabriel. I think he expected Zacharias to recognize what that meant. I am Gabriel that stand in the presence of God and am sent to speak unto thee and to show thee these glad tidings. And behold, thou shalt be dumb. In a way, he's already dumb. but now he's going to be mute is the better word, okay? And not able to speak until the day that these things shall be performed because thou believest not my words, which shall be fulfilled in their season. Don't make your angel mad when God answers your prayer. I think he ticked him off a little bit, don't you? I think he had Gabriel a little bit mad. Gabriel said, look, do you know who I am? I'm not only an angel, I am an archangel. I am Gabriel, and you know what my main assignment is? I stand in the presence of God. Oh, my Lord. I just came from the presence of God and I came on a mission to change your life forever and to change the course of Israel's history and ultimately the history of the world. I just came straight from God and the words that I spoke to you were out of God's mouth. But you didn't believe me. And he goes on to say this, but they shall come to pass. You see, I think if maybe, can I read his mind? Will you let me speculate a little bit and read his mind? He was probably thinking, if I had the authority, I would say, never mind. I'm going to somebody else. Forget about you. You don't believe. You don't deserve to be the father of this great prophet. Uh-uh, I'm going to find somebody else who believes God. But you see, he couldn't do that. He had to do what God told him to do. And he had to give this great word unto a man that was full of doubt and unbelief. And it upset him. He didn't like it. And he thought, well, you know, I can't change the message. And I can't leave you and go to somebody else. But I'll tell you what, I'm going to fix you. I'm going to zip your lips and you won't be talking no more doubt and unbelief. Somebody else is going to have to go and tell your wife about this because you're not going to go home and spew your doubt and your unbelief on Elizabeth.
You're not going to go home and rain on her parade when she gets the good news that she's going to have a baby. You're not going to speak your doubt and unbelief and ruin it all for her.
So you're not going to say another word until that baby is born. Wow. Don't make your angel mad when God answers your prayer. He said, look, I'm not here on some little mission. I'm here on one of the greatest missions of the entire history of mankind. And what I came to bring you is a tidings of great joy. You should be jumping with joy. Amen. And I'm going to tell you, they are going to come to pass in spite of you. They're coming to pass. Amen. You want to know how this is going to happen. You want to know you want to sign. Well, you just got your sign. Amen. You just got your sign. So let's see what happened after that. Verse 22, And it came to pass that as soon as the days of his ministration were accomplished, he departed to his own house. So apparently, this happened early in the week, and he had to finish his week out. Amen? And after those days, his wife Elizabeth conceived and hid herself five months, saying, Thus hath the Lord dealt with me in the days when he looked on me to take away my reproach among men. What a powerful thing. So he went home after his week of service was up. And when he got home, he had to get out some of those big yellow legal pads. And carry them around with him everywhere. And he had to keep writing everything down. And writing everything down. Elizabeth is saying, now honey, I want you to tell me exactly what he looked like. I want to know every detail. Don't leave nothing out now. Zacharias, I want to know all about it. I want to know exactly what he said. Tell me what he said. And there he is sitting down there. Writing it all down over and over and over again. Amen. And now the news is spreading and their relatives are coming. They're traveling and they're getting there and they say, what happened? Why can't you speak, Zacharias? What happened to you? Did you have a stroke? No. No. Shaking his head no. Well, what happened? Are you ill? Are you sick? What did the doctor say? No. Get the legal yellow pad out and write it down again. And write it down again. Do you see what's happening? Every time he writes down the angel's words, the word of God is like a scalpel that cuts away another layer of his unbelief and another layer of his doubt. That's what God's word will do for you if you get it out and you speak it and you write it down. He couldn't speak anything negative. He couldn't speak his doubt and unbelief. He just kept writing down what happened, what the angel said. He didn't have Microsoft. He didn't have WordPerfect. He didn't even have a Xerox machine. He had to keep writing it down and writing it down. I want to read to you. You don't have to turn there unless you want to, but there's a powerful verses in Habakkuk chapter two, verses two and three says, and the Lord answered me and said, write the vision and make it plain upon tables. Well, of course they wouldn't have had paper like we have. Make it plain that he may run that readeth it for the vision is yet for an appointed time, but at the end it shall speak and not lie. and though it tarry, wait for it. It will surely come to pass. And that's what God had Zacharias doing. He had him writing it down and writing it down. Your wife is going to have a baby. It's going to be a boy. You're going to name him John. He's going to be great. He's going to be a prophet. He's going to be the prophet that brings the Messiah into his ministry. He had to write it down. And I don't know if you've ever used that, but that is a great tool for myself. Especially when I'm trying to memorize scriptures that have to do with whatever I'm going through. And sometimes I get hung up and I get mixed up and I leave a phrase out and I reverse the order of the words. But when I write it down... Something about writing it down. It gets into my spirit. Amen. It gets into my spirit. That's why to this day I still have handwritten notes. For my messages. I do not do them on the computer. It's something about writing them down. Amen. That when I'm writing them down. It's like I'm writing them on the paper of my heart. The parchment of my spirit.
It's inscribed in my spirit. And then I can say my tongue is the pen of a ready writer. I'm ready to declare and extol the majesty of my king. Amen.
Amen. I hope you're being blessed by our message today. Don't make your angel mad when God answers your prayers. Have you ever thought how frustrating it must be for God when we doubt his word and constantly demand reassurances and affirmations? And imagine how his ministering angels must feel when Christians repeatedly fall into doubt and unbelief. Zacharias learned this when he was visited by Gabriel with the good news of the coming birth of his son John. But instead of rejoicing, he was skeptical and asked for a sign saying, how do I know this is true? Well, he got his sign when Gabriel zipped his lips for the next nine months and he couldn't speak his unbelief to Elizabeth, his wife or anyone else. Then Gabriel visited Mary, a young virgin, with an even more impossible announcement of the birth of God's Son. But she received his message with simple faith and said, Let it be unto me according to thy word. I believe your spiritual perception can be greatly influenced by this study of Zachariah's stubborn unbelief versus Mary's exemplary faith. Don't let delays make you cynical. If you've been waiting a long time for answers to prayers, this message can instruct you how to rid your heart of unbelief and carry your promise to full term. Don't Make Your Angel Mad When God Answers Your Prayers is available on CD for a love gift to the radio ministry of $10 or more. Request offer SK133. Our mailing address is Sound of Faith, P.O. Box 1744, Baltimore, Maryland, 21203. Or you may order online at where you can order on MP3s. But to order by mail, send your minimum love gift of $10, request offer SK133, mail to P.O. Box 1744, Baltimore, Maryland, 21203. Until next time, this is Sharon Knott saying, Maranatha.
Join Sharon Knotts as she expounds on the lessons of faith and doubt through the narrative of Zacharias and Gabriel from the book of Luke. Delve into the biblical accounts of Isaac's plea for offspring and Manoah's entreaty, to understand how belief paves the way for divine interventions. Sharon brings a fresh perspective to these age-old stories, illustrating the consequences of hesitation and the empowering nature of faith.
Greetings friends and new listeners and welcome to the Sound of Faith. I'm Sharon Knotts thanking you for joining us today because we know faith comes by hearing and hearing by the Word of God. Today's message, Don't Make Your Angel Mad When God Answers Your Prayers. I know it's an odd title, but this Word of the Lord can help you to know if you're truly believing that your prayers will be answered or if past disappointments have calloused your heart with unbelief. And don't make your angel mad when God answers your prayers. Did Zacharias know this? Of course he knew it. He knew all about that. Amen? And then he knew that Isaac grew up and married a beautiful girl named Rebecca. And they were very much in love. If you read their story, they were married many years and were still flirting with one another. And still having, you know, their sweet little ways they treated one another out in public. So even the king who thought that they were brother and sister said, wait a minute, brothers and sisters don't act like that. I think they might be married. But as beautiful as their marriage was and as happy as they were, they didn't have any kids. And 20 years went by and they still didn't have any children. And the scripture says that Isaac entreated the Lord on behalf of his wife. And the word entreated in Hebrew is very strong. It is very strong. You come before God and you beseech him with everything that was within Isaac. He said, Father God, I am the product of a miracle. I was born to a man who was 100 and a woman that was 90. And if you could bring me forth, then you can give my wife, Rebecca, children too. And God heard him. And you know what? Rebecca didn't get one baby, but she got two at one time. So she had to wait 20 years, but then she got two kids out of one pregnancy. Amen? So Zacharias knew about this. He's got two strong precedents. But there's another strong precedent. Hold your place in Luke. There's a couple of verses I want you to read because you're not as familiar with this story as you are with Abraham and Sarah and Rebecca and Isaac and in Judges, Judges the 13th chapter, we have another very compelling story that we know Zacharias would have been familiar with. And not only that, we can see the difference between someone who believes God immediately... in contrast to someone who falters and wavers. Now, we have the story of Samson. We don't know his mother's name. She's just referred to as his father, Manoah's wife. But let's look in Judges, the 13th chapter. And let's see, verse 2. And there was a certain man of Zorah of the family of the Danites, whose name was Manoah, and his wife was barren and bare not. And the angel of the Lord appeared unto the woman and said unto her, Behold, now thou art barren and barest not, but thou shalt conceive and bear a son. And then he goes on to tell her that this is going to be a special son, that he's to be raised according to the Nazarite law, which means that he was never to have anything to drink of the vine. In fact, his mother was not even allowed to eat raisins while she was pregnant. That's another message, but I want you to see that. And that he was to be raised in a certain way because verse 5 tells us, For the child shall be a Nazarite unto God from the womb, and he shall begin to deliver Israel out of the hand of the Philistines. I'll paraphrase a little bit. So the woman is so excited about everything that she went and found her husband. And she said, a man of God has come to me. And she says he had a countenance that was like an angel of God. And the reason was is because he was an angel of God. And so she told her husband everything the man said, how that they were going to have a son. Now let's see what Manoah says in verse 8. Then Manoah entreated the Lord. It's the same word I just quoted to you about Isaac entreated the Lord for Rebekah. And Manoah entreated the Lord and said, O my Lord, let the man of God, which thou didst send, come again unto us and teach us what we shall do unto this child that shall be born. Do you see the difference here? His wife comes and tells him this fantastic thing. And he goes and he entreats God. And he says, God, I want you to send that man back. Why? Because I think my wife has just lost her mind. Because I think my wife is having hallucinations. Because I think that her grief over not having a child has now affected her mind and she's going through some strange scenario where she's dreamed this up in her head. How many know that there's a true condition where women want to be pregnant so badly they start having all kinds of symptoms? that they're pregnant. I knew someone personally that went through that. And I kept telling her, you are not pregnant. She was saying, look at me, I'm gaining weight. I said, yeah, you're getting fat. She says, my back is killing me and it killed me with my other kids. I said, yeah, it's because you're getting fat. Started wearing maternity clothes. And eventually the doctor told her, you are not pregnant. So there is a real condition that people can go through. So maybe he thought his wife was going through that. And maybe he thought, I need this man of God to come back and tell me. I just can't trust what she's saying. I don't know about that. You know, it sounds a little far-fetched to me. I want to hear it for myself. Is that what he did? No. He entreated the Lord and said, let him come back because I want to get all the instructions right. She explained how that we've got to raise him in a particular peculiar way. And I want to get it right. I mean, wow, we're going to have a baby. Hey, we're going to have a son. I'm going to be a father. And he's going to grow up to be a deliverer in Israel. But we've got to do our part and raise him correctly. We've got to follow a certain protocol. And I want to make sure I've got it all right. There were no words of unbelief in his prayer. There were no, I think my wife has gone off the deep end. No, he said, praise Jehovah. I'm going to have a son and I want to be obedient. I want to do exactly what we're supposed to do. So please let him come back. And he came back. And you know what? Manoa was still wasn't there. I don't know what he was off doing, but he wasn't there. And when the woman saw the man, she said, will you please wait right here? I'm going to get my husband. Don't go nowhere. And she ran and got her husband and he came back. Manoah came back. Amen. Now let's look at verse 12. And Manoah said, now speaking to the angel, now let thy words come to pass. How shall we order the child and how shall we do unto him? He finally gets to see the angel for himself and he goes right to the first words out of his mouth. Let it come to pass. Let what God said, I believe it. Let it be done. I'm ready to get started. Amen. I believe the promise. I believe that what you said will come to pass. I believe that nine months from tonight, we're going to have a baby boy. And I just want to make sure I know how I'm supposed to raise this child. Amen. Let's drop down to verse 17. And Manoah said to the angel of the Lord, what is thy name that when thy sayings come to pass, we may do thee honor? Do you hear what he's saying? When they come to pass. Because they're going to come to pass. Because I believe they're going to come to pass.
Because I believe that even though we've been waiting for this baby and all of our married life and we don't have had no hope it would ever happen.
I believe it's going to come to pass. And I want to know, prophet of God, what is your name? So that when it comes to pass, I can tell everybody. Prophet Jeremiah said this would come to pass. Prophet Ezekiel. Prophet Noah. Prophet... And you can fill in the name. Amen. I want to know your name. I want everybody to know it was a prophet of God that said this and he was a true prophet because it came to pass just like he said it would. But of course we know it wasn't just a prophet. We know that it was an angel of the Lord. Amen? And we know then that the angel of the Lord demonstrated this in a supernatural way. But here's the point. The point is they believed. The point is they believed the word of the Lord. They didn't even know they were talking to an angel. They still thought they were talking to a man. Even the second time they thought they were talking to an ordinary man who was a prophet who got a word of the Lord. Didn't even know that they were actually speaking to an angel. But they believed the word of God. And I am saying to you that Zacharias knew about this story. He knew about Abraham and Sarah. He knew about Isaac and Rebekah. And he knew about Manoah and his wife who were the parents of the great Samson. And boy, did he deliver Israel out of the hands of the Philistines. He knew that he had at least three powerful precedents in the word of God. But what did he say? He said, back into Luke we are now. He said, whereby shall I know this? For I'm old and my wife is old. So basically what he said is, how do I know this is going to come to pass? I mean, after all, you can see I'm old and my wife is really old. That's basically what he said. Well stricken in years. She's very old. And whereby shall I know this? I don't hear a shred of faith in his words. I don't hear no let this come to pass. I don't hear a when this comes to pass, we're going to have a party. I don't hear none of that. All I hear is unbelief. How am I supposed to know this? Basically, he was saying, if this is true, give me a sign. That's what he was saying. Whereby shall I know? How shall I know? Give me a sign. You want me to believe this preposterous story? You want me to believe this now after all these years? Yeah, it's true. I've been praying for hundreds and hundreds and hundreds of times. In fact, I prayed before I got here this morning. But I don't believe my prayers. I pray them, but I don't believe them. Because now you show up with the answer and say that prayer is heard. And I'm saying to you, give me a sign. If it's true, give me a sign. And saints of God, this goes to show you that when a person's heart is full of unbelief, it wouldn't matter if an angel showed up on their doorstep. It wouldn't matter. They still aren't going to believe. That's why when people start asking for signs, they're getting further and further into unbelief. Amen? Because they'll say, Lord, show me a sign so I can believe. So God gives them a sign. Well, Lord, if that was really you, then show me another sign. Just one more sign, Lord. See, that's Gideon. Let the fleece be dry and the ground be wet. We'll let the fleece be wet and the ground be dry. How about a trumpet sound? How about an angelic visitation? How about a dream? Amen. And so when you become dependent on those things, you'll just want another sign and another sign and another sign. Amen? We've all been guilty of it. I'm not scolding you. I've been there too. Amen? But the problem is, is the devil can talk you out of them. He can tell you you imagined it. You let your mind play a trick on you because that's what you wanted so badly. Amen? And so we can't be dependent on signs. There are some people who are very, very susceptible to this. Not everybody, but some are very susceptible. And they always amaze me at the way they can take the smallest little detail and make it a huge, big thing. And I'm like, huh? How did you get all that out of that? I looked at the clock, and it said 12.02. And I remember that on 12.02, I dropped the pencil on the floor, and I bent over to pick up the pencil, and there was a piece of paper. And I picked it up, and the piece of paper had my name on it. And they can go on and on and on. I'm like, really? And it leads to some great big thing. I'm not saying that can't happen because God does things like that sometimes. But we need to back all that up with scripture. Amen. We need to make sure we have something that we can stand on that is more solid than that. Because if you're saying, Lord, if this is you, let somebody come to my door and ring the bell. And when I answer it, they're going to say, Mary had a little lamb, little lamb. And then it doesn't happen because that is really out there for somebody to come to your door and start singing that. That's really out there. So it's not going to happen unless God orchestrates it. But he's not going to orchestrate things like that when we ask for them because we're in unbelief. If you're in unbelief and ask it, then God is only going to be reinforcing it. your tendency to be unbelieving. I found that he does these crazy things when we're not asking for them or expecting them. And then we're like, whoa, was that God or what? That was truly God. Or when maybe it's a thought that's in our spirit, but we say, you know, I'm going to back off of that. I'm just going to leave that there with the Lord. And then God does it. Amen? But you see, Zacharias had these wonderful things. Three powerful precedents. In the mouths of two or three, let every word be established. And yet he says, if this is true, if you expect me to believe that my wife now is going to have a baby, if you want me to believe this, then you're going to have to show me a sign. Amen? because he did not believe in his heart. So my question is, why in the name of heaven did he waste all his time and years and breath and energy praying for a prayer that he didn't really believe was going to be answered? Why was he praying that prayer all those years if he did not believe it was going to come to pass? Because had he believed it, when Gabriel came with those words, he would have been jumping for joy. He would have been looking at the big clock on the back of the temple wall, and he's been thinking, I'm getting off, and I only got another half hour, and I'm out of here. I'm going home to Elizabeth, and I'm going to tell her the good news. He would have been waiting for his time to leave to get back home. if he would have really believed it, but he didn't believe it. And so what we're about to read now, I want to preface it with this. Don't make your angel mad when God answers your prayers. Let's look at verse 19, back in Luke where we were. And the angel answering said unto him, I am Gabriel. I think he expected Zacharias to recognize what that meant. I am Gabriel that stand in the presence of God and am sent to speak unto thee and to show thee these glad tidings. And behold, thou shalt be dumb. In a way, he's already dumb. but now he's going to be mute is the better word, okay? And not able to speak until the day that these things shall be performed because thou believest not my words, which shall be fulfilled in their season. Don't make your angel mad when God answers your prayer. I think he ticked him off a little bit, don't you? I think he had Gabriel a little bit mad. Gabriel said, look, do you know who I am? I'm not only an angel, I am an archangel. I am Gabriel, and you know what my main assignment is? I stand in the presence of God. Oh, my Lord. I just came from the presence of God and I came on a mission to change your life forever and to change the course of Israel's history and ultimately the history of the world. I just came straight from God and the words that I spoke to you were out of God's mouth. But you didn't believe me. And he goes on to say this, but they shall come to pass. You see, I think if maybe, can I read his mind? Will you let me speculate a little bit and read his mind? He was probably thinking, if I had the authority, I would say, never mind. I'm going to somebody else. Forget about you. You don't believe. You don't deserve to be the father of this great prophet. Uh-uh, I'm going to find somebody else who believes God. But you see, he couldn't do that. He had to do what God told him to do. And he had to give this great word unto a man that was full of doubt and unbelief. And it upset him. He didn't like it. And he thought, well, you know, I can't change the message. And I can't leave you and go to somebody else. But I'll tell you what, I'm going to fix you. I'm going to zip your lips and you won't be talking no more doubt and unbelief. Somebody else is going to have to go and tell your wife about this because you're not going to go home and spew your doubt and your unbelief on Elizabeth.
You're not going to go home and rain on her parade when she gets the good news that she's going to have a baby. You're not going to speak your doubt and unbelief and ruin it all for her.
So you're not going to say another word until that baby is born. Wow. Don't make your angel mad when God answers your prayer. He said, look, I'm not here on some little mission. I'm here on one of the greatest missions of the entire history of mankind. And what I came to bring you is a tidings of great joy. You should be jumping with joy. Amen. And I'm going to tell you, they are going to come to pass in spite of you. They're coming to pass. Amen. You want to know how this is going to happen. You want to know you want to sign. Well, you just got your sign. Amen. You just got your sign. So let's see what happened after that. Verse 22, And it came to pass that as soon as the days of his ministration were accomplished, he departed to his own house. So apparently, this happened early in the week, and he had to finish his week out. Amen? And after those days, his wife Elizabeth conceived and hid herself five months, saying, Thus hath the Lord dealt with me in the days when he looked on me to take away my reproach among men. What a powerful thing. So he went home after his week of service was up. And when he got home, he had to get out some of those big yellow legal pads. And carry them around with him everywhere. And he had to keep writing everything down. And writing everything down. Elizabeth is saying, now honey, I want you to tell me exactly what he looked like. I want to know every detail. Don't leave nothing out now. Zacharias, I want to know all about it. I want to know exactly what he said. Tell me what he said. And there he is sitting down there. Writing it all down over and over and over again. Amen. And now the news is spreading and their relatives are coming. They're traveling and they're getting there and they say, what happened? Why can't you speak, Zacharias? What happened to you? Did you have a stroke? No. No. Shaking his head no. Well, what happened? Are you ill? Are you sick? What did the doctor say? No. Get the legal yellow pad out and write it down again. And write it down again. Do you see what's happening? Every time he writes down the angel's words, the word of God is like a scalpel that cuts away another layer of his unbelief and another layer of his doubt. That's what God's word will do for you if you get it out and you speak it and you write it down. He couldn't speak anything negative. He couldn't speak his doubt and unbelief. He just kept writing down what happened, what the angel said. He didn't have Microsoft. He didn't have WordPerfect. He didn't even have a Xerox machine. He had to keep writing it down and writing it down. I want to read to you. You don't have to turn there unless you want to, but there's a powerful verses in Habakkuk chapter two, verses two and three says, and the Lord answered me and said, write the vision and make it plain upon tables. Well, of course they wouldn't have had paper like we have. Make it plain that he may run that readeth it for the vision is yet for an appointed time, but at the end it shall speak and not lie. and though it tarry, wait for it. It will surely come to pass. And that's what God had Zacharias doing. He had him writing it down and writing it down. Your wife is going to have a baby. It's going to be a boy. You're going to name him John. He's going to be great. He's going to be a prophet. He's going to be the prophet that brings the Messiah into his ministry. He had to write it down. And I don't know if you've ever used that, but that is a great tool for myself. Especially when I'm trying to memorize scriptures that have to do with whatever I'm going through. And sometimes I get hung up and I get mixed up and I leave a phrase out and I reverse the order of the words. But when I write it down... Something about writing it down. It gets into my spirit. Amen. It gets into my spirit. That's why to this day I still have handwritten notes. For my messages. I do not do them on the computer. It's something about writing them down. Amen. That when I'm writing them down. It's like I'm writing them on the paper of my heart. The parchment of my spirit.
It's inscribed in my spirit. And then I can say my tongue is the pen of a ready writer. I'm ready to declare and extol the majesty of my king. Amen.
Amen. I hope you're being blessed by our message today. Don't make your angel mad when God answers your prayers. Have you ever thought how frustrating it must be for God when we doubt his word and constantly demand reassurances and affirmations? And imagine how his ministering angels must feel when Christians repeatedly fall into doubt and unbelief. Zacharias learned this when he was visited by Gabriel with the good news of the coming birth of his son John. But instead of rejoicing, he was skeptical and asked for a sign saying, how do I know this is true? Well, he got his sign when Gabriel zipped his lips for the next nine months and he couldn't speak his unbelief to Elizabeth, his wife or anyone else. Then Gabriel visited Mary, a young virgin, with an even more impossible announcement of the birth of God's Son. But she received his message with simple faith and said, Let it be unto me according to thy word. I believe your spiritual perception can be greatly influenced by this study of Zachariah's stubborn unbelief versus Mary's exemplary faith. Don't let delays make you cynical. If you've been waiting a long time for answers to prayers, this message can instruct you how to rid your heart of unbelief and carry your promise to full term. Don't Make Your Angel Mad When God Answers Your Prayers is available on CD for a love gift to the radio ministry of $10 or more. Request offer SK133. Our mailing address is Sound of Faith, P.O. Box 1744, Baltimore, Maryland, 21203. Or you may order online at where you can order on MP3s. But to order by mail, send your minimum love gift of $10, request offer SK133, mail to P.O. Box 1744, Baltimore, Maryland, 21203. Until next time, this is Sharon Knott saying, Maranatha.
It was Zacharias’ turn to burn incense at the altar as priest, when an angel showed up with the answer to a prayer he had prayed for decades. But did he get happy? No! And Gabriel was not happy with his unbelief, so he zipped his lips! Six months later Gabriel delivered another miraculous promise to Mary, a virgin teen, whose pure faith latched onto the impossible! Find out if you really believe your own prayers! To support this ministry financially, visit:
Join Sharon Knotts as she delves into the powerful lessons derived from Zacharias and Elizabeth's story. An enlightening discussion unfolds, highlighting the contrast between Zacharias' initial disbelief and the unwavering faith other biblical figures have demonstrated in similar circumstances. This episode challenges listeners to reflect on their own levels of faith, urging patience and trust in God's promises. With rich biblical context and personal reflection, Knotts presents an inspiring call to remain open-hearted, allowing spirit-led conviction to clear away skepticism and welcome divine answers.
Greetings friends and new listeners and welcome to the Sound of Faith. I'm Sharon Knotts thanking you for joining us today because we know faith comes by hearing and hearing by the Word of God. Today's message, Don't Make Your Angel Mad When God Answers Your Prayers. I know it's an odd title, but this Word of the Lord can help you to know if you're truly believing that your prayers will be answered or if past disappointments have calloused your heart with unbelief. And don't make your angel mad when God answers your prayers. Amen. That's my prayer for every one of us, that the eyes of our spiritual understanding might be enlightened. Amen. Because we walk by faith and not by sight. And today we're going to read about two different people. that had a promise of a great miracle, but one was looking in the natural, and the other accepted the word of the Lord and looked in the spirit. And if you have your Bibles, turn with me into Luke chapter 1. The last week we ministered on unto them that... Look for him, shall he appear. And we talked about how that by the time that Jesus was born, that there were two very elderly people. One was Simeon and the other was Anna, who served and worshipped in the temple every day. They were old, but they were looking for the Messiah. And God had promised Simeon that before you check out of this world, you're going to see him with your own eyes. And he did. He said, my eyes have seen thy Messiah, thy salvation. Amen. And then Anna came in and she also said, this is the one we've been looking for, our redemption. Amen. So we're going to take the story another step further. And in the book of Luke, let's look at verse five. There was in the days of Herod, the king of Judea. A certain priest named Zacharias of the course of Abiah, and his wife was of the daughters of Aaron, and her name was Elizabeth. And they were both righteous before God, walking in all the commandments and ordinance of the Lord, blameless. And they had no child because that Elizabeth was barren and they were both now well stricken in years. But it came to pass that while he executed the priest office before God in the order of his course, according to the custom of the priest office, his lot or his turn was to burn incense when he went into the temple of the Lord. And the whole multitude of the people were praying without at the very time of incense. And there appeared unto him an angel of the Lord standing on the right side of the altar of incense. And when Zacharias saw him, he was troubled, and fear fell upon him. But the angel said unto him, Fear not, Zacharias. For thy prayer is heard. There are no sweeter words than this. For thy prayer is heard. And thy wife Elizabeth shall bear thee a son. And thou shalt call his name John. And thou shalt have joy and gladness. And many shall rejoice at his birth. For he shall be great in the sight of the Lord and shall drink neither wine nor strong drink. And he shall be filled with the Holy Ghost even from his mother's womb. This had never happened before. And many of the children of Israel shall he turn to the Lord their God, and he shall go before him in the spirit and power of Elijah to turn the hearts of the fathers to the children and the disobedience to the wisdom of the just to make ready a people prepared for the Lord. And Zacharias said unto the angel, Whereby shall I know this? For I'm an old man, and my wife is well stricken in years. Zacharias was a priest, as we read here, of the Lord. And if you were to read in 1 Chronicles 24, you would see that David had set up in the house of the Lord, as well as having singers and instrumentalists and a choir, all of these things that had never existed in the temple before that time. But also, the priesthood was set up in a course. And what that meant was they would take turns. According to the sons of Aaron, they fell into various settings, and then they would take turns. There were 24 courses in all, and Zechariah was of the course of Abiah, which was the eighth course. And every course would have an opportunity to serve in the temple for one week twice a year. So they would serve two weeks out of the year, but one week at one time and one week at another time. Abiah's course, they served a week in the month of December and a week in the month of June. And Zacharias was of the course of Abiah. It was their week in the month of June. and he got the lot, or he got the short straw or the long straw, whichever the case was, it came up it was his turn to burn incense at the altar. Now think about this. He only had two weeks out of the year, and it happened to be his turn out of that one week that it came up for him to serve, and while he's serving, an angel shows up. at the right side of the altar of incense. Amen? And this angel shows up, and of course, Zacharias' response is typical. As we've said many times, if an angel shows up even with good news, even with great news, you're going to be afraid. Your physical body is going to like start trembling and turn to jello. Amen. Even if he's grinning from ear to ear, you're going to start feeling fear come on you because of the awesomeness of their supernatural presence and the effect it would have on the human body. Amen. And so we find out that Gabriel is the angel and he shows up. We're going to see that in a moment. And he shows up for Zacharias. Now, Zacharias is a righteous man. And we read here that his wife also was righteous. In fact, we read that said they were blameless. Now, that does not mean they were perfect.
And we're going to find that out in a minute. They weren't perfect. You see, you can be blameless before the Lord because you're walking in the truth and the light that God has given to you. And you're being obedient to what God has said to you and you're obeying. And as far as the law was concerned, they were blameless in that they were walking according to the law. Amen? And sometimes people point their fingers at other people because they're not in their denomination and they're not a Pentecostal and they don't speak in tongues and they think, oh, well, they can't be saved. They can be very saved in the light that they're in. Now, if they're living in sin, that's another story. Amen? But I'm talking about sometimes we point our fingers at other people and we get this superior attitude and we don't know where they are with the Lord in their heart. Amen? And we don't know what God is, how he's working on them and the light that he's given them. And he's bringing them a little by little, just like any little toddler's got to learn little by little to walk. And they fall down tons of times. My grandson's already been walking now. You know, he's been walking over a month. But you know what? Sometimes he gets like this. And down he goes. But you know what? He's right back up. Taken off again. Amen. And that's how it is sometimes in the spirit. And so they were blameless because in God's sight, they were righteous in the law of Moses. They weren't born again, of course, but they were righteous according to the law of Moses. And you know something? There's something about righteousness that gets God's attention. There's something about living right that causes God to smile upon you. I don't mean that you're earning anything with works because he said all your righteousness is a filthy rag. That's what he said through Isaiah chapter 64. But I'm talking about when you are desiring to please the Lord and walk in the light as he is in the light and walk in the truth, you get God's attention. Amen? Amen. I mean, it was God that started that whole scenario with Job. He said to Satan, have you seen my servant Job? God's the one that started that, not the devil. Amen. He said, have you seen my servant Job? What a righteous and upright man that he is. Amen. And so when God sees that we are a servant, striving to obey his word. Here's a good verse for you. I love this. Isaiah 66, 2 says, but to this man, this is God speaking in the first person, but to this man will I look, even to him that is poor and of a contrite spirit and trembles at my word. May I always tremble at the word of God. Amen. May I always tremble. May I never be so self-confident, so spiritually smug that I don't tremble at the word of the Lord. You know, God can convict me very quickly. I start trembling on the inside. I say something, and as soon as I say it, I think, I wish I hadn't said that. I'm not talking about cursing. I'm not talking about speaking vulgarity. I mean just saying that remark. It was not necessary. It wasn't kind. It wasn't nice. And as soon as I say it, I'm convicted. And you know what? That's how I want it to be. I want to be convicted. I don't want to throw it off and say, well, I know people are worse than that. I want to say, Lord, I shouldn't have said that. And I'm sorry. Amen. I want to tremble at the word of God. I want to know that if I'm flirting with sin. If I'm flirting with somebody that's not my mate. And you know I'm saying this in a generic way. I'm not confessing anything here. I'm way over. I'm way beyond that stuff. I'm saying this for somebody else. If I am getting too flirtatious with that guy or that girl on the job, I want to start trembling inside of me. Amen? Because God says when I see that person, I look on them and I'm going to have favor to them. I'm going to help them in their weakness. Amen? So they had God's attention. And now... It's his turn. He must have been really feeling really special anyway. It's his turn now to serve at the altar and burn the incense. And here comes this fearsome angel. And what does he say? He said, don't be afraid. I have come on a mission. This is mission impossible. But I've come on a mission with a good message for you. And my message to you is... Your prayer is heard. Your prayer is heard. Hallelujah. God is saying to somebody here today, your prayer is heard. Amen. Now, what prayer? What prayer was heard? Well, we read what the situation is. He's old. His wife is old. And they've never had a child. Now, we have to know they had a beautiful marriage. Because the Bible says they were blameless. Amen? So they had a wonderful marriage. They loved each other. They had spent decades together as husband and wife. And they cared deeply for one another. And they were happy with one another. But there was an empty hole in their hearts. Because they had never had a child. Amen? And especially we know that with Jewish women especially, not to have a child to them was a reproach. Because not only were women, that was really their lot in life, was to be married and bear children, but it was the hope of every Jewish young woman that when she got married, that maybe she would be the mother of the Messiah. Amen. And so not to have a child for a Jewish woman was a great reproach. And yet the angel said, your prayer was heard. I have to wonder, they've been married a very long time. How many times do you calculate in your imagination had they prayed for a child? Just a couple times? Or a few times? Maybe a few hundred times? I mean, this is something that I could imagine that for many years that Elizabeth prayed every day. And that when, if Zacharias didn't pray it for her every day, at least on Sabbath... when they would be ready to celebrate the Sabbath meal, he would have laid hands on his wife and he would have blessed her and he would have said, Father God, please bless my wife Elizabeth and touch her womb and let her have a child. There is no telling how many times that he had prayed that prayer. Countless times. And now after all these years and what could have been hundreds and hundreds of prayers, an angel shows up and said, this is your day. Your prayer is heard. Amen? Your wife Elizabeth is going to have a child. And not only is she going to have a child, she's going to have a boy. She's going to have a son. And not only is she going to have a son, but she's going to have a special son. He's going to be a prophet of God. Amen. Oh, and that when he is born, there is going to be joy. You have never had so much joy as that day is going to bring. You are going to laugh. You're going to have so much happiness and your relatives are going to come to the house and the neighbors are going to come and the people from church are going to come and you're going to have a celebration because it's going to be such a marvelous thing that you and Elizabeth are going to become parents in your own age. Amen. And he said he's going to be great. He's going to be a prophet, and not only a prophet, but the prophet. The prophet that will go before the Messiah and say, prepare you the way of the Lord. Because this is fulfilling Isaiah 40, the prophecy that God would raise somebody up in the spirit of Elijah. Not Elijah reincarnated. No, someone with the same anointing and message. Amen. Elijah amen and go forth to prepare the way of the Lord now the news can't get any better you're finally going to have a baby you're going to have a son he's going to be great he's going to be a prophet he's going to be the prophet to usher in the Messiah I mean how much good news can you get all at one time without bursting sounds to me like a replay of Abraham and Sarah amen old barren years have gone by amen but finally god gave them isaac which meant laughter and boy did they laugh that day amen and so it sounds like a replay to me but what did zachariah say look at verse 18 and whereby shall i know this for i'm an old man and my wife well stricken in years i mean just the fact that an angel showed up isn't that enough of a sign amen you see but more than that that would seem to be enough of a sign but we have to be careful because if we become dependent on angels and supernatural signs and we must always always confirm it with Scripture And if it confirms with scripture, then we receive that message. And if it doesn't, then we say, well, wait a minute. I need to take this before God. But think about this. Zachariah had at least three scriptural precedents that he could look to to know that this is what God specializes in doing. He specializes in making the barren womb, amen, bring forth children. Now, Zacharias, at age 13, he would have had his bar mitzvah, which means that he would have known the scriptures. He would have known the old covenant inside and out, amen? And not only that, but he went into the priesthood, amen? Because he was of the sons of Aaron. And so he was a priest. So he would have had even more preparation in the scriptures. Amen. And he surely, surely would have known about Abraham and Sarah. That's something that every Jewish person knows about because they're the seed of Abraham. And Abraham is the one that God made the covenant with, amen, for the Jewish people. So they all knew about Isaac's miraculous birth. They knew that when God first gave that promise to Abraham and Sarah, they were 75 and 65 years old. And I mean, that's already pushing it. I mean, that's pushing it. Amen? Especially when you've never had a child anyhow. And so that's pushing it. But even after God told him that, he waited another 25 years. Amen? Before this child was born. Before they had the manifestation of their prayer. He knew about that miraculous birth. And he also knew that they struggled with unbelief. And because of that, they produced an Ishmael. That God never intended. Ishmael wasn't supposed to be in the picture. And a lot of Israel's problems to this day stem from Ishmael. Amen? So he knew that unbelief can get you into deep trouble. And God, because he's God, can work things out. But there's some things like scrambled eggs you can't unscramble. Amen? So he knew about Abraham and Sarah, and he knew that they got their beautiful child, Isaac, but they went through that snag because they began to doubt the word of the Lord because in the delay, it's the delay where people get dismayed. Don't dismay in the delay, or you may end up with an Ishmael. Amen? And he knew that God told Sarah, She was laughing when she heard that God told Abraham, your wife's going to have a baby this time next year. And by this time, she was 89 and Abraham was 99. And she overheard it and she laughed. And God said, why are you laughing? And then she lied and said, I didn't laugh. How many know when you get under pressure, sometimes you say stuff you... And as soon as she said it, she thought, well, that was a stupid thing. Of course I laughed. He heard me laugh. But God overlooked that, and he said, you know, you did too laugh. But you think you're laughing now? You're laughing that mocking laugh. I am going to make you laugh from your belly. I'm going to make you laugh with so much joy the tears will run down your eyes while you're laughing. Because you are going to bring forth a baby. Yes, you are going to at age 90. Sarah, you are going to have a baby. And you're going to name him laughter. Because you're never going to forget. That day, the rest of your life. Amen. And did Zacharias know this? Of course he knew it. He knew all about that. Amen. And then he knew that Isaac grew up and married a beautiful girl named Rebecca. And they were very much in love. If you read their story, they were married many years and were still flirting with one another. And still having, you know, their sweet little ways they treated one another out in public. So even the king who thought that they were brother and sister said, wait a minute, brothers and sisters don't act like that. I think they might be married. But as beautiful as their marriage was and as happy as they were, they didn't have any kids. And 20 years went by and they still didn't have any children. And the scripture says that Isaac entreated the Lord on behalf of his wife. And the word entreated in Hebrew is very strong. It is very strong. You come before God and you beseech him with everything that was within Isaac. He said, Father God, I am the product of a miracle. I was born to a man who was 100 and a woman that was 90. And if you could bring me forth and you can give my wife Rebecca children too. And God heard him. And you know what? Rebecca didn't get one baby, but she got two at one time. So she had to wait 20 years, but then she got two kids out of one pregnancy. Amen? So Zacharias knew about this. He's got two strong precedents. But there's another strong precedent. Hold your place in Luke. There's a couple of verses I want you to read because you're not as familiar with this story as you are with Abraham and Sarah and Rebecca and Isaac and in Judges, Judges the 13th chapter, we have another very compelling story that we know Zacharias would have been familiar with. And not only that, we can see the difference between someone who believes God immediately in contrast to someone who falters and wavers. Now, we have the story of Samson. We don't know his mother's name. She's just referred to as his father, Manoah's wife. But let's look in Judges, the 13th chapter. And let's see, verse 2. And there was a certain man of Zorah of the family of the Danites, whose name was Manoah, and his wife was barren and bare not. And the angel of the Lord appeared unto the woman and said unto her, Behold, now thou art barren and barest not, but thou shalt conceive and bear a son. And then he goes on to tell her that this is going to be a special son, that he's to be raised according to the Nazarite law, which means that he was never to have anything to drink of the vine. In fact, his mother was not even allowed to eat raisins while she was pregnant. That's another message, but I want you to see that. And that he was to be raised in a certain way because verse 5 tells us, For the child shall be a Nazarite unto God from the womb, and he shall begin to deliver Israel out of the hand of the Philistines. I'll paraphrase a little bit. So the woman is so excited about everything that she went and found her husband. And she said, a man of God has come to me. And she says he had a countenance that was like an angel of God. And the reason was is because he was an angel of God. And so she... told her husband everything the man said, how that they were going to have a son. Now let's see what Manoah says in verse 8. Then Manoah entreated the Lord. It's the same word I just quoted to you about Isaac entreated the Lord for Rebekah. And Manoah entreated the Lord and said, O my Lord, let the man of God, which thou didst send, come again unto us and teach us what we shall do unto this child that shall be born. Do you see the difference here? His wife comes and tells him this fantastic thing. And he goes and he entreats God. And he says, God, I want you to send that man back. Why? Because I think my wife has just lost her mind. Because I think my wife is having hallucinations. Because I think that her grief over not having a child has now affected her mind and she's going through some strange scenario where she's dreamed this up in her head. How many know that there's a true condition where women want to be pregnant so badly they start having all kinds of symptoms? that they're pregnant. I knew someone personally that went through that. And I kept telling her, you are not pregnant. She was saying, look at me, I'm gaining weight. I said, yeah, you're getting fat. She says, my back is killing me and it killed me with my other kids. I said, yeah, it's because you're getting fat. Started wearing maternity clothes. And eventually the doctor told her, you are not pregnant. Amen. I hope you're being blessed by our message today. Don't make your angel mad when God answers your prayers. But instead of rejoicing, he was skeptical and asked for a sign saying, how do I know this is true? Well, he got his sign when Gabriel zipped his lips for the next nine months and he couldn't speak his unbelief to Elizabeth, his wife, or anyone else. Then Gabriel visited Mary, a young virgin with an even more impossible announcement of the birth of God's son. But she received his message with simple faith and said, Let it be unto me according to thy word. I believe your spiritual perception can be greatly influenced by this study of Zachariah's stubborn unbelief versus Mary's exemplary faith. Don't let delays make you cynical. If you've been waiting a long time for answers to prayers, this message can instruct you how to rid your heart of unbelief and carry your promise to full term. Don't Make Your Angel Mad When God Answers Your Prayers is available on CD for a love gift to the radio ministry of $10 or more. Request offer SK133. Our mailing address is Sound of Faith, P.O. Box 1744, Baltimore, Maryland, 21203. Or you may order online at where you can order on MP3s. But to order by mail, send your minimum love gift of $10, request offer SK133, mail to P.O. Box 1744, Baltimore, Maryland, 21203. Until next time, this is Sharon Knott saying, Maranatha.
Manifesto: A public, official, declaration of a person or group's statement of beliefs, mission, and its implementation. Jesus stated Satan's manifesto:"The thief has come not but to steal, and to kill, and destroy."This is his one and only agenda, and he is actively carrying it out. 1 John 3:8 is Jesus' manifesto:"For this purpose was the Son of God manifest, that he might destroy the works of the devil."Jesus was manifest to destroy the destroyer! He came to loose us from the power of sin, bondage, sickness, and torment, and to take back what the devil stole from us! To support this ministry financially, visit:
Explore the compelling narrative of Jesus's manifesto versus Satan's plan as shared by Sharon Otts in The Sound of Faith. This episode dives deep into theological discussions about faith, the power of consecration, and the enduring battle against sin and evil. Sharon passionately articulates the importance of adhering to God's teachings, standing for life, and embracing a Christian identity that is unshaken by worldly challenges, highlighting the transformative power of spiritual dedication.
Greetings, friends and new listeners, and welcome to the program. I'm Sharon Otts, thanking you for joining us today on The Sound of Faith, because we know faith comes by hearing and hearing by the Word of God. I'm excited to bring you today's message, Jesus Manifesto and Mandate, because it's a true devil-chasing sermon. A manifesto is a public official declaration of a person or group's beliefs, mission, and plan of action. And Jesus said Satan's manifesto is to steal and to kill and to destroy, and the evidence is all around us. But Jesus was manifest to destroy the works of the devil, and he was sent with heaven's authority to carry it out in Jesus' manifesto and mandate. And in his name shall the Gentiles trust. I just got to throw that out here. And it's not really that important to what we're preaching about, but it came to pass. It really came to pass. You know what I'm talking about? What do we call ourselves? What do we call ourselves? I am a, say it loud, don't be afraid, a Christian. How many call yourself a Christian? Amen. How many know we're Christians? And who are we named after? Christ, Jesus Christ, we have literally come to trust in his name. I'm not ashamed to say I'm a Christian. Amen. But it was Gentiles who first started calling themselves Christians. Amen? It was Gentiles who first said, Hey, how about we call ourselves Christians? That's my manifesto. I'm a Christian. Jesus came to destroy the works of the devil. I'm on his team. I'm working with him. I want to join him in destroying the works of the devil. Amen? Okay, let's go on to, where are we? Read verse 22. Then was brought unto him one possessed with a devil, blind and dumb. And he healed him in so much that the blind and dumb both spake and saw. And all the people were amazed and said, is not this the son of David? Or is not this the Messiah? Because one of the signs of Messiah was that he would cast the devil out of someone that is dumb. He would loose the dumb tongue. But when the Pharisees heard it, they said, oh, this fellow does not cast out devils, but by Beelzebub, the prince of the devils. And Jesus knew their thoughts and said unto them, Every kingdom divided against itself is brought to desolation. And every city or house divided against itself shall not stand. And if Satan cast out Satan, he is divided against himself. How shall then his kingdom stand? And if I by Beelzebub cast out devils, by whom do your children cast them out? Therefore they shall be your judges. But if I cast out devils by the Spirit of God, then the kingdom of God is come unto you. Now pay attention to verse 29. Or else, how can one enter into a strong man's house and spoil his goods except he first bind the strong man and then he will spoil his house? Folks, a thief will not break into an empty house. A thief doesn't break into an empty house. There's no treasure there. There's no goods there. He's going to break into a house that he knows has treasures. Amen. A lot of times they're going to go into neighborhoods and they see what people put out in the trash. They put out a big box from a brand new large screen television. Ah, there's a TV in there. Oh, they got a new, what do you call it, DVD player. They got all, oh, I see this box and that box. Amen? There are some thieves that their favorite time to burglarize is Christmas because they know all the presents are sitting under the tree. Amen? A thief doesn't break into an empty house. He only breaks into a house that has treasures in it. And this is a word for someone here today. That's why the devil is attacking you. That's why sometimes we come under attack. And we look in our lives and we say, I'm walking in obedience. As far as I know, I'm walking in obedience. My conscience is pure. My conscience is undefiled. What's going on here? The devil wants the treasure in your house. He's a thief. It's what he's come to do. So when he comes under that attack, he wants to come in. But the only way that he can do that, and we're talking spiritually now, the only way that he can do that is to bind us. He's got to bind us first before he can steal my treasure. The devil can't just come and steal your treasure. He cannot just come and steal your Holy Ghost anointing, your Holy Ghost word of God. Oh, the things that you have in your spirit that you have received from the Holy One, the unction of the Holy Spirit that we have received of God that abides in us, teaching us all things, guiding and leading us into all truth, giving us revelation by telling us of things to come. John said in 1 John 2 and 20 and 27, the devil can't just come and take that. He can't take this treasure that we have in our earthen vessel, that it is the excellent power of God, not of us, but of his excellent power in 2 Corinthians 4, 7. He can't just come and take it. We're strong. He's got to bind the strong man. He's got to bind the strong man. Amen? And he doesn't come all at once with this big chain. Because, I mean, when you see the devil coming with a big chain, anybody that has any sense at all is going to rebuke and resist him. He does like he did Samson. Well, let's start off by, you know, just putting my hair in pigtails. That won't hurt nothing. well let's next time let's put some string in it with the pigtails or whatever the braids amen until finally he fooled around enough until what happened he told the secret which wasn't just the hair the hair was nothing but a symbol of his consecration there was no power in that hair because if it was i'd let mine grow to the ground It was the symbol of consecration. He broke his consecration. And when they cut it off, and he rose up to shake himself like he'd done so many times before, the spirit was gone. And Samson, that mighty hero, they mocked him, put his eyes out, and bound him. Amen? So Jesus said, you can't steal the treasure... Of a strong man's house. You've got to bind him. Amen. But Jesus said. My manifesto. My mandate is for this purpose. Was I manifested. To undo. To untie. To unbind. Those that are bound. Amen. And if you have anything. Going on in your life. That's a bondage. And you know if you do. You know if you do. Whether you are given to a spirit of fear and you allow fear to conquer you and it happens again and again. Whether you're given to a spirit of... You might have an addiction. Maybe you keep falling into addiction. You mess up and you should be set free but you go back and you drink and you take drugs or you... Get into things that are sinful that the Bible talks about. If you have any bondage at all, amen? Jesus said, I came to loose you, to untie it, and to set you free. Amen? To loose you from the power of sin. Now we're going to go back to 1 John 3, 8, where we began. Because we saw in verse 5, he said he came to loose you from the power of sin. For this purpose was the Son of Man manifested, to take away our sin. Take it away, not leave us in it. Not leave us in it, but take it away. He was manifested not to save us in our sins, but from our sins. Amen? I don't care what you call yourself. Once saved, always saved, half saved. If you are practicing sin, you are not saved. What does it say? Well, we read it right here. We already read these verses that he that doeth sin is a sinner. He doesn't know God. And Jesus said in John 8, 44, he said to a group of people, you're of your father, the devil. And his lust he will do, for he was a liar and a murderer, and he sins from the very beginning. Amen? So Jesus came to destroy the works of the devil, including sin, because sin is a killer. You know, sin never travels alone. Never. It always travels with death. The Bible says the soul that sinneth, it shall die. The Bible says in Romans 6, 23, the wages of sin is death, but the gift of God is eternal life through Jesus Christ our Lord. So we left off at verse 8. Let's look at verse 10. In this, the children of God are... Manifest. Oh, so now we've talked about Satan's manifesto. We've talked about Jesus, the Son of God's manifesto. So now we're going to talk about our manifesto. In this, the children of God, how many are a child of God, meaning you were born again, amen, is manifest, and the children of the devil. How many are children of the devil? Oh, man, I didn't catch anybody here. Okay? Well, here's how we tell. The children of God are manifest, and the children of the devil are manifest. Whosoever doeth not righteousness is not of God. Number one, you're in sin. And here's number two. Neither he that loveth not his brother... For this is the message that we heard from the beginning, that we should love one another, not as Cain, who was of that wicked one and slew his brother. And wherefore or why did he slay him? Wherefore he slew him? Because his own works were evil and his brother's righteous. So marvel not, my brethren, if the world hate you. And by inference means want to slay you, want to kill you. We know that we have passed from death unto life because we love the brethren. He that loveth not his brother abideth in death. Whosoever hateth his brother is a murderer. And you know that no murderer hath eternal life abiding in him. Hereby perceive we the love of God because he laid down his life for us. We ought to lay down our lives for the brethren. And he goes on and gives some practical things that you can do. Talking about if you see a brother in a genuine need, don't close up your bowels of compassion. Okay, that's practical things. But let's stay on the spiritual side. Amen? So, now what is our manifesto? Well, obviously... If we are committing sin and we're not doing righteous, we're a child of the devil. Let's go over to chapter 5 and look at verse 18. I love this verse. We know that whosoever is born of God sinneth not. But he that is begotten of God keepeth himself and that wicked one touches him not. And we know that we are of God and the whole world lies in darkness or lies in wickedness. Now, if you have the old King James, which I do have, you notice that the words sinneth and keepeth have that th on it. And what it means is we could take it off and make it smoother for us and just put S on there and say he that sins, amen, is not begotten of God. And he that is begotten of God keeps himself. But what I want to draw your attention to is whenever you do see that TH on a verb in your King James Version, know that it is saying this is in the present tense, meaning it is a habitual, continual action. And that is very important, especially in some verses such as this. Because it means that whosoever continually and habitually sins, it doesn't mean that you will never ever sin at all, ever, ever. Because if we back up to chapter 2, he said, my little children, I would that you sin not. But if you do... You have an advocate with the Father, even Jesus Christ the righteous. But someone who practices sin, someone who continues to live in sin, they are not born again. They may be religious, they may belong to a denomination or church, but they are not born again because he that is begotten of God does not commit habitual sin. Amen. But what does he do habitually? What does he do constantly and habitually? He keeps himself. He keeps himself. He keeps himself from what? We read in verse 19. He keeps himself from the world. He keeps himself from the world. And here is the bonus. Because he does that, the wicked one touches him not. And that word touch there is strong. It means to lay hold on something in order to hurt it, in order to bring it harm. Amen? The devil will come against us. He will attack us. But when we keep ourselves from the wickedness of the world and we're not practicing sin, we're practicing righteousness, he cannot hurt us. Amen? Amen? Because we're keeping ourselves from the world. And why wouldn't we want to keep ourselves from the world? The whole world lies in wickedness. There's nothing good in the world. Nothing good. Don't take my word for it because if you don't like what I'm saying, read the Bible. Jesus said, and it's right here in 1 John 2, all that is in the world is the lust of the eye, the lust of the flesh, and the pride of life. These are not of God. The world passes away and the lust thereof. There's nothing good in the world. We're talking about the worldly system. Amen? And it's getting more rotten all the time. It's getting more corrupt all the time. If you're a part of the world, then you are subject to its wickedness. And you're going to be subject to Satan's destruction. Amen? But when you keep yourself from the world, the wicked one touches you not. My friends, there is a line of demarcation from the world and from those who are in Christ. But people blur the lines. Amen? They blur the lines, and when you blur the lines, you run the risk of putting yourself in the devil's territory. And when you get in the devil's territory, you know what his manifesto is. To steal, to kill, and to destroy. Amen? I love Galatians 1.4. Let me quote it to you. Jesus gave himself for us that he might deliver us from this present evil world. That's his manifesto, to deliver us. And our manifesto is, we are the children of God. Therefore... We love one another. That is the number one thing that we see that identifies us is that we have love one for another. How do we tell the difference? It's so conspicuous, the difference. One does righteousness, one does wickedness. One walks in the light, one walks in darkness. Amen? And the most conspicuous attribute of the children of God are that they have love one for another. And he contrasted it with Cain, that wicked one who slew his brother. Now Cain claimed to be righteous. He brought an offering to God. He wasn't an atheist. He wasn't a God-hater. He went to church. in respect of what God required of them. Obviously, the parents, Adam and Eve, had taught them to build altars and bring sacrifice to God. He brought a sacrifice to God. Amen? But he had envy and wickedness and hatred in his heart. until he slew his own brother. Amen? And he calls it the spirit, a spirit of wickedness. It's a spirit of Cain. It's a spirit of violence. It's a spirit of hatred. It's a spirit of murder. Amen? He said that was what the people of the world do. But he said, marvel not if the world hates you. Jesus said in John the 15th chapter, because... It hates me. So don't you be surprised if the world hates you because the world hates me. And if the world hated me, it's going to hate you. Here's what I don't understand. I don't understand this. I don't understand how some Christians will align themselves and stand with unbelievers of the world and stand against fellow believers. How many understood what I just said? I don't understand that. How can a child of God align themselves with the world and the things that the world stands for when the whole world lies in wickedness? We know we have passed from death unto life because we love the brethren. Satan's manifesto is seen in Cain. It's a spirit of hatred and violence and murder. It's unleashed in our world today. I mean, every day you expect to hear what will be the newest report of a terror attack. I mean, we're here, they're coming so much now that we can't even keep them all straight. Amen? We stand against death! Satan came to steal, kill, and destroy. Jesus came that we might have life. He's the author of life. We stand with life. We stand against death. I don't care how it manifests itself. Gang banging out in the streets. Racism. Terrorism. Abortion. No Christian should ever have an abortion. That's the devil's manifesto. Not God's. So you made a mistake. And now you feel like you've got this big problem. Amen? You're going to add sin to sin? And have an abortion. God's talking to somebody because I wasn't planning on saying this. I'm not saying somebody here has had one, going to have one, but you might know someone who does. Amen? Because that is Satan's manifesto. And how anybody, a Christian, can have an abortion or support those who are for abortion. Amen? That is Satan's manifesto. to snuff lives out, to kill and to destroy. We stand for life. Amen. Jesus came to seek and save that which was lost. There's already a couple of states in our country up in the Northwest that they're already now passed legislation for euthanizing old people. And then, you know, they'll say this is compassionate. This person is in the last stages of cancer and they don't want to, you know, go through chemo or whatever. They would just like to go peacefully. do you think it'll take for somebody to abuse that? How long do you think it'll take for unscrupulous people who may want to get their hands on that person's money? Who maybe don't want to pay for them to have medical treatment because that's less money they'll get. How long do you think it'll take because Satan is the author of death? Any death comes from Satan. How long do you think it'll be before It's already happened in European countries where they've had it for a long time. It's already happening where they're pressuring people. I saw one where a woman was 90 years old and they're pressuring her to be euthanized and she doesn't have a terminal illness. She has, I forget what it is, it's like something wrong that gives her pain in her body, but she's not dying from it. And they're pressuring her, you need to just be euthanized. You see, that's Satan's agenda. We've got to stand for life and we've got to stand loudly and boldly and clearly. And if you have made a mistake in the past and had an abortion, it's under the blood. Don't feel guilty. It's under the blood. Don't let the devil dig it up. It's not the unpardonable sin. But for the love of heaven, do not support abortion now. There's no gray line. There's no gray part. It's either you're for life or you're for death. There is no in between. God said in Ezekiel the 16th chapter, I passed by, I saw you laid on the ground, polluted in your blood. No one cared for you. No one cut your navel. No one washed off the stuff off your body. And I saw you dying and I said live. I said live. I said live. God says live. The devil says he's going to kill you. And if you serve him, he'll make good on his promise. He'll make good on his promise. Amen. God wants us to stand for life. He's come that we might have life and that more abundantly. Amen. We've got to stand boldly against the powers of darkness. Amen. Amen, what a devil-chasing sermon Jesus manifesto and mandate. Jesus said of Satan, the thief has come but to steal and to kill and to destroy. This is his one and only agenda, and he is working in great wrath knowing his time is short. 1 John 3.8 tells us what Jesus manifesto is. For this purpose was the Son of God manifest, that he might destroy the works of the devil. This means to undo. Jesus was manifest to loose us from the power of sin, bondage, sickness, torment, and to take back what the devil stole from us, to destroy the works of the destroyer. Because he was sent by his father with heaven's authority, it was his mandate, and he went forth implementing his mission by the anointing upon the authority. The first time he walked into a synagogue, the demons and a man cried out, Let us alone now, Jesus of Nazareth. Are you come to destroy us? The answer is yes. Jesus came to destroy the works of the devil. You need to add this message, Jesus Manifesto and Mandate, to your spiritual library. Order SK189 on CD for a love gift of $10 or more for the radio ministry. Mail to Sound of Faith, P.O. Box 1744, Baltimore, Maryland, 21203. Or go online to, where you may also order on MP3s. but to order by mail, send your minimum love gift of $10 to P.O. Box 1744, Baltimore, Maryland, 21203. Request SK-189 for Jesus Manifesto and Mandate.
Manifesto: A public, official, declaration of a person or group's statement of beliefs, mission, and its implementation. Jesus stated Satan's manifesto:"The thief has come not but to steal, and to kill, and destroy."This is his one and only agenda, and he is actively carrying it out. 1 John 3:8 is Jesus' manifesto:"For this purpose was the Son of God manifest, that he might destroy the works of the devil."Jesus was manifest to destroy the destroyer! He came to loose us from the power of sin, bondage, sickness, and torment, and to take back what the devil stole from us! To support this ministry financially, visit:
Join Sharon Otts on a profound journey as she unfolds Jesus' Manifesto and Mandate, an inspiring sermon focused on liberation from spiritual bondage. With a deep dive into scriptural passages, Sharon reveals the authority and mission of Jesus as He confronts the works of the devil. From binding the strong man to setting captives free, learn how to apply these powerful truths in your life. Let this sermon inspire you to walk in the freedom and authority that Jesus provides, reclaiming what the enemy has stolen.
Greetings, friends and new listeners, and welcome to the program. I'm Sharon Otts, thanking you for joining us today on The Sound of Faith, because we know faith comes by hearing and hearing by the Word of God. I'm excited to bring you today's message, Jesus Manifesto and Mandate, because it's a true devil-chasing sermon. A manifesto is a public official declaration of a person or group's beliefs, mission, and plan of action. And Jesus said Satan's manifesto is to steal and to kill and to destroy, and the evidence is all around us. But Jesus was manifest to destroy the works of the devil, and he was sent with heaven's authority to carry it out in Jesus' manifesto and mandate. My God, you don't have to beat yourself up anymore. You don't have to regret and have remorse over all your sins and the mistakes that you've made in the past. And if you could go back and do it again. Yeah, all of us, if we could go back and do it again, knowing what we know now. See, that's the difference. Knowing what we know now, we'd all do it differently. Amen? But you can't go back and undo that. But through the blood of Christ, he can undo all of the bad that come out of it. All of the bad things that came out of it. All the product of it. That's his manifesto. He came to restore our joy. Our peace. Our hope. Healing if you need healing. Amen. He came to break every chain. See, that's another way we could, the definition of this word means to undo, to unbind, to untie, to unloose, to break the chain. He came to break the chains of bondage, sin, and sickness, and addiction, all of those things. He came to set us free, to liberate us. Amen? He said, this is my manifesto, and this is my mandate. To destroy the works of the devil. What you and I have got to learn to do is we always got to determine the source of something. When something is occurring, we've got to determine the source of it. Okay? Satan's come to steal, to kill, and to destroy. Anything that falls in that category comes from Satan. Amen. Not from God. Amen? He is the author of life. He is the author of healing and peace. Amen? But Satan is always giving God a bad rap. Coming around telling us what God has done to us. Amen? If it falls into those categories, we've got to determine the source of it. And when we know the source is Satan... then we know we are not under his authority. And Jesus came to destroy the works of the devil in our lives. Amen. Let's turn to Mark. Hold your place and John will come back, but let's turn to Mark the first chapter and verse 21. And they went into Capernaum and straightway or immediately on the Sabbath day, he entered into the synagogue and taught. And they were astonished at his doctrine, for he taught them as one that had authority and not as the scribes. And there was in their synagogue a man with an unclean spirit or a demon. And he cried out, saying, Let us alone. What have we to do with thee, thou Jesus of Nazareth? Art thou come to destroy us? I know thee who thou art, the Holy One of God. And Jesus rebuked him, saying, Hold thy peace, or shut up. And come out of him. And when the unclean spirit had torn him and cried with the loud voice, he came out. He came out of him. So what is happening here? Jesus goes into the synagogue in the city of Capernaum. And this is very beginning of his ministry because this is Mark, the first chapter. See, Mark dispenses with all of the other stories about the wise men and the shepherds. He just gets right to Jesus' manifesto. He just skips all that and he starts right away with Jesus out there. performing and acting on his mandate. So Jesus goes into Capernaum, and the word Capernaum, the very name of Capernaum, Caper meaning city and Nahum meaning healing. A city of healing. And this is where Peter lived and had his house. So he goes into the synagogue and he teaches. He's already got everybody on the edge of their seats. They've never heard anybody teach like this before. Now the scribes knew the scriptures inside and out because they were the copyist. They're the ones who wrote them down. So it's not that they didn't know the word. They just didn't have the authority. Amen? And so he preached with authority. And now after he's preached and the people are astonished, here is a man who's got a demon in him in the middle of the synagogue and he shouts out, Let us alone! Notice the plural pronouns. Us. And what do we... Now, does that mean there was more than one demon in him? You think so? I see a lot of people saying yes. Well, let me tell you something. It's that he had an unclean demon, and Jesus cast out the unclean spirit. So it was only one demon, but he was speaking on behalf of the kingdom of darkness. Amen. He was speaking in the authority of Satan's manifesto. And not only that, the devil is a liar. So he likes to bluff you. We're a lot of demons in here. You better let us alone. You better get scared right now. You better watch out. It's a lot of us here. Amen. And what do we got to do with you anyway? Jesus of Nazareth. Amen. And here's the part that I absolutely love. Have you come to destroy us? See, the devil says, let us alone. You know, that demon had been hiding in the synagogue all that time, right under the noses of the religious leaders and the chief priests. Amen. That demon had been hiding there all along, and they had never discerned that demon was there. Or if they had discerned that demon was there, they never tried to do anything about it. They were too busy playing church. Amen. Amen. The devil said, let us alone. The devil likes to hide in church. The devil likes to work undercover. The devil likes to work incognito. Amen. And I'm telling you, there are a lot of churches today that are giving the devil his wish. They just leave the devil alone. Just leave him alone and let's go on and have church. You know, let's just have church. Everything's wonderful. They don't bother to identify the devil, and they sure don't bother to cast him out. How many churches do you know of that deal with demon spirits, that deal with deliverance? How many do you know that deal with deliverance? Because that's what deliverance is. Amen? It doesn't mean necessarily the demon is going to fall on the floor and foam at the mouth. You deal with people that are bound, and a lot of times there's a spirit there. They may not be possessed, but they are surely oppressed. And I've known many people that are obsessed in their minds. And when they're obsessed in their minds, and you tell them every scripture that pertains to their situation, they can recite them, they can all of that, and they still have this obsession. It's time to take authority over a demon spirit. it's time to rise up and cast the devil out. If you're reading the Bible and you're reading the scriptures and you wrote them all over the walls of your house and your mind is still filled with all of that fear and doubt and unbelief, it's time to cast the devil out. You've got to evict him. But how many churches do you know that deal with that? I mean, are all the demons gone? Have all the demons left the earth? I don't think so. I think they're on the loose. But they're getting very little opposition from the church. Amen? Demons should not feel at home in church. Demons should not feel comfortable in the house of God. amen they said let us alone we've been comfortable we've been coming to this synagogue forever and we just come in here and nobody bothers us Nobody bothers us at all. Amen. But when the anointing, the spirit of the Lord that is upon me, for he hath anointed me to set the captive free. When that anointed one walked in the synagogue that day. The Geiger counter went up in that demon measure. Amen. That demon came in contact with the anointing. And that demon could not hold itself any longer. It could not play possum any longer. It could not hide under cover any longer. It cried out. We know who you are. You're the Holy One of God. Have you come? To destroy us? Yes! Yes! Absolutely! Exactly! That's exactly what I've come to do. I've come to destroy you. Because this is my manifesto. For this purpose was the Son of God manifested. To destroy the works of the devil. You got it right. I've come to destroy you. And they cried out. He put on a little show toward the man. I take that to mean that the man probably convulsed and writhed a little bit. You know, and a loud voice. The devil will try to put a show on. You know, the last thing he does before he vacates, the last thing he does before he's evicted is try to put on a show. Amen? I remember growing up when I was a kid, I don't know how many of you remember A.A. Allen's meetings, but he used to have a demon ministry where he cast demons out. And he would sell the actual... communications that he had on you could buy it on records back then and he would he would be casting the devils out and the devil would say i hate you and brother alan would say that's good i never found a devil like me yet and then the devil you know he would let he would just do it for a little while and then the devil would start saying we're not coming out we're not coming out And then when Brother Allen had his, got to that point, I don't know, it was between him and the Holy Ghost, whenever he had his point and he was ready, the last thing the devil would say is, we're not coming out. Amen? And that's what the devil did here. He cried with a loud voice and he carried on and he made a show. Amen? And then he came out. because Jesus came to destroy the works of the devil, and he wasn't going to leave the devil alone. Did you hear what I said? He wasn't going to leave him alone. He came to heal sick people. And when he saw people that were blind, he wasn't going to leave the devil alone. He'd say, come out. When he saw people that had leprosy, he wasn't going to leave the devil alone. He would lay hands on them and say, be clean. Amen. And when he believed that it was premature and not a person's time, and he saw a young man who died leaving his widowed mother with nobody, he didn't leave the spirit of death alone. He hadn't paid the price yet. He hadn't paid the price yet on the cross. But he took his authority and said, rise up. Amen? He didn't come to let the devil alone. You know, people won't admit it, but people are afraid of the devil. They won't say that. Of course they won't say that. They're a Christian, so they wouldn't say that because they know that's antithetical to what the Bible tells who we are in Christ. But the fact is, is people will tiptoe around the devil and hope he doesn't notice them and leaves them alone. And their manifesto is, if I leave you alone, then you leave me alone. But you see, you can't trust the devil. He might say, okay, okay, and he'll wait until you've got your guard down and then he'll jump on you. You can't let your guard down. Amen. You can't let the devil alone when he's trying to ruin and wreck your life and your family and your marriage and your kids and your grandchildren, your body and your finances. You can't just sit there and take it off the devil. Jesus said, for this purpose was I manifest to destroy the works of the devil. Turn to Matthew 12. Matthew 12, looking at verse 14. Then the Pharisees went out and held a council against him. How they might... destroy him. How they might destroy him, Jesus that is, but when Jesus knew it, he withdrew himself from thence, and great multitudes followed him, and he healed them all, because he came to destroy the works of the devil through sickness and and charged them that they should not make him known, that it might be fulfilled which was spoken by Isaiah the prophet, saying, Behold my servant whom I have chosen, my beloved, in whom my soul is well pleased. I will put my spirit upon him, and he shall show judgment to the Gentiles. Now this is something now, because he was only sent to the lost sheep of Israel. He shall not strive, he shall not cry, neither shall any man hear his voice in the streets. But a bruised reed shall he not break, and smoking flax shall he not quench, till he send forth judgment unto victory. And in his name shall the Gentiles trust. Stop here for just a moment and look at this. You see, he came to destroy the works of the devil. And one of my favorite verses in the Bible is Matthew 12, 20. And it's actually in the book of Isaiah. And it says, So in other words, Jesus came to undo the works of the devil, and the devil goes around bruising people and crushing them. A reed is a very flimsy, fragile thing. How many know that? You know, it's those tall, tall things that grow by the water. You know, folks, you can't build anything with a reed. You can't do much with a reed, amen? You can maybe use it for some decor, but you're not going to use it for anything that has to have strength and has to support weight or anything like that. And it is so easy to bruise a reed. It's very easy to do that. Amen? And, you know, if you want to pluck some up and have them in decor, if you just throw them in the back of your car, throw them somewhere in the house until you get around to it, you will find out when you go to use them, they're going to be broken. And you say, oh, this one's no good. Throw it out. But Jesus said, when I came and saw my people, when I saw them, they were like a broken and bruised reed. What someone else would say, it's beyond repair. It's no good. Just pitch it. He said, no, a bruised reed I'll not crush. When you're in your most broken and vulnerable state, when you feel like you don't have any hope, what you're facing has taken your hope and your joy. Jesus comes in that place. predicament. He comes in that situation and he heals you and makes you whole. No matter what your life has done to you, maybe because of poor choices you have made, doesn't matter to the Lord. It doesn't matter to the Lord. A bruised reed he's not going to crush. The devil is a liar. He doesn't say, except for these mitigating circumstances. He said, no, a bruised reed I'll not crush and a smoking flax. What does that mean? It's a candle that is burned down and the wick is almost gone and now it's smoking. How many know that? It's starting to smoke. He said, I am not going to crush that or put that little flicker out. If all you have is a flicker of hope, if all you have is one flicker of life, and it seems like it's smoking, and it's not going to last much longer, he said, when I come and find you in that situation, I'm not going to put the lid on and snuff it out. You know what I'm going to do? I'm going to breathe on it. I'm going to breathe on it. I'm going to breathe life into it. I am going to come and heal it and make it whole. That's my manifesto. And in his name shall the Gentiles trust. I just got to throw that out here. And it's not really that important to what we're preaching about, but it came to pass. It really came to pass. You know what I'm talking about? What do we call ourselves? What do we call ourselves? I am a, say it loud, don't be afraid, a Christian. How many call yourself a Christian? Amen. How many know we're Christians? And who are we named after? Christ, Jesus Christ, we have literally come to trust in his name. I'm not ashamed to say I'm a Christian. But it was Gentiles who first started calling themselves Christians. Amen? It was Gentiles who first said, Hey, how about we call ourselves Christians? That's my manifesto. I'm a Christian. Jesus came to destroy the works of the devil. I'm on his team. I'm working with him. I want to join him in destroying the works of the devil. Amen? Okay, let's go on to, where are we? Read verse 22. Then was brought unto him one possessed with a devil, blind and dumb. And he healed him in so much that the blind and dumb both spake and saw. And all the people were amazed and said, is not this the son of David? Or is not this the Messiah? Because one of the signs of Messiah was that he would cast the devil out of someone that is dumb. He would loose the dumb tongue. But when the Pharisees heard it, they said, oh, this fellow does not cast out devils, but by Beelzebub, the prince of the devils. And Jesus knew their thoughts and said unto them, Every kingdom divided against itself is brought to desolation. And every city or house divided against itself shall not stand. And if Satan cast out Satan, he is divided against himself. How shall then his kingdom stand? And if I by Beelzebub cast out devils, by whom do your children cast them out? Therefore they shall be your judges. But if I cast out devils by the Spirit of God, then the kingdom of God is come unto you. Now pay attention to verse 29. Or else, how can one enter into a strong man's house and spoil his goods except he first bind the strong man and then he will spoil his house? Folks, a thief will not break into an empty house. A thief doesn't break into an empty house. There's no treasure there. There's no goods there. He's going to break into a house that he knows has treasures. Amen. A lot of times they're going to go into neighborhoods and they see what people put out in the trash. They put out a big box from a brand new large screen television. Ah, there's a TV in there. Oh, they got a new, what do you call it, DVD player. They got all, oh, I see this box and that box. Amen? There are some thieves that their favorite time to burglarize is Christmas because they know all the presents are sitting under the tree. Amen? A thief doesn't break into an empty house. He only breaks into a house that has treasures in it. And this is a word for someone here today. That's why the devil is attacking you. That's why sometimes we come under attack. And we look in our lives and we say, I'm walking in obedience. As far as I know, I'm walking in obedience. My conscience is pure. My conscience is undefiled. what's going on here the devil wants the treasure in your house he's the thief it's what he's come to do so when he comes under that attack he wants to come in but the only way that he can do that and we're talking spiritually now the only way that he can do that is to bind us he's got to bind us first before he can steal my treasure the devil can't just come and steal your treasure He cannot just come and steal your Holy Ghost anointing, your Holy Ghost word of God. Oh, the things that you have in your spirit that you have received from the Holy One, the unction of the Holy Spirit that we have received of God that abides in us, teaching us all things, guiding and leading us into all truth, giving us revelation by telling us of things to come. John said in 1 John 2 and 20 and 27, the devil can't just come and take that. He can't take this treasure that we have in our earthen vessel, that it is the excellent power of God, not of us, but of his excellent power in 2 Corinthians 4, 7. He can't just come and take it. We're strong. He's got to bind the strong man. He's got to bind the strong man. Amen? And he doesn't come all at once with this big chain. Because, I mean, when you see the devil coming with a big chain, anybody that has any sense at all is going to rebuke and resist him. He does like he did Samson. Well, let's start off by, you know, just putting my hair in pigtails. That won't hurt nothing. Well, next time, let's put some string in it with the pigtails or whatever, the braids, amen? Until finally, he fooled around enough until what happened? He told the secret, which wasn't just the hair. The hair was nothing but a symbol of his consecration. There was no power in that hair, because if it was, I'd let mine grow to the ground. It was the symbol of consecration. He broke his consecration. And when they cut it off, and he rose up to shake himself like he'd done so many times before, the spirit was gone. And Samson, that mighty hero, they mocked him, put his eyes out, and bound him. Amen? So Jesus said, you can't steal the treasure... of a strong man's house. You've got to bind him. Amen? But Jesus said, my manifesto, my mandate is for this purpose was I manifested to undo, to untie, to unbind those that are bound. Amen? And if you have anything going on in your life that's a bondage, And you know if you do. You know if you do. Whether you are given to a spirit of fear and you allow fear to conquer you and it happens again and again. Whether you're given to a spirit of, you might have an addiction. Maybe you keep falling into addiction. You mess up and you should be set free, but you go back and you drink and you take drugs or you get into things that are sinful that the Bible talks about. If you have any bondage at all. Amen. Jesus said, I came to loose you, to untie it and to set you free. Amen. Amen. What a devil chasing sermon. Jesus manifesto and mandate. Jesus said of Satan, the thief has come but to steal and to kill and to destroy. This is his one and only agenda, and he is working in great wrath knowing his time is short. 1 John 3.8 tells us what Jesus' manifesto is. For this purpose was the Son of God manifest, that he might destroy the works of the devil. This means to undo. Jesus was manifest to loose us from the power of sin, bondage, sickness, torment, and to take back what the devil stole from us, to destroy the works of the destroyer. Because he was sent by his father with heaven's authority, it was his mandate, and he went forth implementing his mission by the anointing upon the authority. The first time he walked into a synagogue, the demons and a man cried out, Let us alone now, Jesus of Nazareth. Are you come to destroy us? The answer is yes. Jesus came to destroy the works of the devil. You need to add this message, Jesus Manifesto and Mandate, to your spiritual library. Order SK189 on CD for a love gift of $10 or more for the radio ministry. Mail to soundoffaith, P.O. Box 1744, Baltimore, Maryland. 21203 or go online to where you may also order on mp3s but to order by mail send your minimum love gift of ten dollars to p.o box 1744 baltimore maryland 21203 request sk 189 for jesus manifesto and mandate