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Real Life Radio with Jack Hibbs

About This Show
Pastor Jack’s desire is to see your relationship with Christ deepen and your effectiveness for His purposes maximized. His bold preaching will encourage and

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Today, Pastor Jack teaches us that an effective church will build up the people, while making sure everything is…
Today, Pastor Jack teaches that God ordained priorities are to govern our way of life. To come to the…
Today, Pastor Jack teaches that if we are the church, then we’re to be clear about our call, our…
Today, Pastor Jack teaches that we need to ask the Lord to give us understanding. We can go to…
Today, Pastor Jack teaches that the Lord provides all that we need to be used for His purpose. God…
Today, we will learn that whenever we share the Word of God, it has the power to reach people…
Today, we will learn that in order to reach the world for Jesus, it will take unity and power…
In today’s message we will learn that true Christians will care deeply about building up the church, and will…
Today, we will learn that the church is not a company, or a business, or simply a movement. It…
Today, Pastor Jack teaches that body building within the church is to first strengthen our own personal faith, focus,…
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