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Real Life Radio with Jack Hibbs

About This Show
Pastor Jack’s desire is to see your relationship with Christ deepen and your effectiveness for His purposes maximized. His bold preaching will encourage and

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Today, Pastor Jack teaches that if the God designed hope for us is only for the here and now,…
Today, Pastor Jack teaches that many are willing to die for what they believe in. But, what have other…
Today, Pastor Jack teaches that if Jesus didn’t rise from the dead, then nothing has changed in our lives…
Today, Pastor Jack teaches that opposition can only strengthen our testimony that Jesus rose from the dead. A clear…
Today, Pastor Jack teaches that when it comes to sharing the Gospel, God wants us to use our minds,…
Today, Pastor Jack teaches us that denying Jesus rose from the dead, will not remove it from reality. It’s…
Today, Pastor Jack teaches us that when we die, what happens next goes beyond what we can imagine or…
Today, Pastor Jack teaches us that pride is the single most effective way to keep us out of Heaven….
Today, Pastor Jack teaches us that there are issues in life, death, and eternity that we will all experience….
Today, Pastor Jack teaches us that Heaven is where Jesus is, and where God’s best is. A place of…
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