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Real Life Radio with Jack Hibbs

About This Show
Pastor Jack’s desire is to see your relationship with Christ deepen and your effectiveness for His purposes maximized. His bold preaching will encourage and

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Today, Pastor Jack asks the question, “Should the government be involved in the family?” The answer is yes, but…
Today, Pastor Jack teaches that traditional marriage is God’s plan for the family. It’s why parents, and not the…
Today, Pastor Jack teaches that God’s plan for marriage starts with the husband. He is to love his wife…
Today, Pastor Jack teaches us that American foreign policy is heading down a dangerous path of judgment. In this…
Today, Pastor Jack teaches that the people of Israel are the most persecuted, the most hated, and the most…
Today, Pastor Jack teaches that other than God Himself, there is nothing that touches our lives more than the…
Today, Pastor Jack teaches us that our Christian influence throughout history cannot be ignored. Our Biblical worldview speaks to…
Today, Pastor Jack teaches that Paul’s final words in this first letter to the church at Corinth brings comfort…
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