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Rachel Mains talks with Joe Massa about how to step our of our comfort zones and take some risks. Joe shares his personal and professional experiences on risk taking...

With nearly two decades of experience in radio, media, marketing, PR, and advertising, Joe has honed his expertise in the dynamic world of podcasting. As a seasoned podcast publicist, he specializes in growing podcasts and forging connections between hosts and top-tier, high-quality guests. His passion lies in amplifying voices and stories that resonate, ensuring that every podcast he works with reaches its fullest potential. In addition to his publicist work, Joe is the host of The Measuring Post, a podcast dedicated to self-development, personal growth, and heartfelt storytelling. His goal is to create meaningful conversations that inspire and engage listeners from all walks of life. Whether you’re looking to elevate your podcast’s presence or seeking compelling guests, Joe is here to help you navigate the ever-evolving landscape of digital media.

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Rachel Mains talks with Joe Massa about how to step our of our comfort zones and take some risks. Joe shares his personal and professional experiences on risk taking...

With nearly two decades of experience in radio, media, marketing, PR, and advertising, Joe has honed his expertise in the dynamic world of podcasting. As a seasoned podcast publicist, he specializes in growing podcasts and forging connections between hosts and top-tier, high-quality guests. His passion lies in amplifying voices and stories that resonate, ensuring that every podcast he works with reaches its fullest potential. In addition to his publicist work, Joe is the host of The Measuring Post, a podcast dedicated to self-development, personal growth, and heartfelt storytelling. His goal is to create meaningful conversations that inspire and engage listeners from all walks of life. Whether you’re looking to elevate your podcast’s presence or seeking compelling guests, Joe is here to help you navigate the ever-evolving landscape of digital media.

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What We Believe and Why We Believe It

* 2 Corinthians: Paul constructed Second Corinthians as a key for understanding all of the Pauline Epistles, especially for the Christians who doubt the unique teaching that Jesus revealed through this Apostle.

To undergird his controversial Gospel of Grace (Rom. 4:5; 11:13; 1 Cor. 3:10; 15:1; Gal. 2:7; Eph. 2:8-9; etc.), the Apostle Paul realized that he must defend his own unique authority against his critics and against negative comparisons to the other apostles. He does this more aggressively when writing to the Galatians, but in greater length when writing to the Corinthians, beginning with his initial letter (1 Cor. 1:1, 17; 3:10; 4:16; 9:1-2, 17; 11:1; 14:37; 15:3, 9). Then the first half of Second Corinthians (chapters 1 – 7) describes the characteristics of an apostle as Paul builds toward the defense of his own ministry to rebut the attacks against his own apostleship.

The greater eloquence of the other apostles, for example, in no way diminishes the revelation that God has given to Paul (11:5-6). And though the Lord performed miracles through all the apostles for the sick, no one should doubt the Apostle to

the Gentiles even though God never healed Paul’s own physical infirmity. For through this ordeal God has established that, “My grace is sufficient for you…” (12:9, 11). Also, Paul bluntly recognized that while the Corinthians, “seek a proof of Christ speaking in me”, they should “examine” themselves “as to whether [they] are in the faith”, but regardless, Paul’s own authority is beyond question (13:1-6).

The Ten Commandments, “written… on tablets of stone” are a “ministry of death”. Paul uses this shocking truth to distinguish between the two covenants and therefore, between two covenant peoples, for the “covenant” of the law “kills, but the [new covenant of] the Spirit gives life” (2 Cor. 3:3, 6-7). In chapters 8 and 9 Paul urges Paul’s converts to cheerfully raise funds to give to the impoverished Jerusalem believers. For as we learned from The Acts of the Apostles, the converts of the Twelve, i.e., the circumcision believers, sold their homes and lands, unlike Paul’s converts, those of “the gospel of the uncircumcision” (Gal. 2:7, KJV), who did not sell off their property. For Paul instructs us to test “the things that differ” (Rom. 2:18 KJV margin). Bob Enyart’s study of Second Corinthians helps the diligent believer understand such things!

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Lowell Busenitz has a book, "Soul Work- Finding God in Your Entrepreneurial Pursuits." It is published by Hendrickson Publishing. I first met Lowell on a phone interview with Rita Schulte on Counseling Culture, a little more than a year ago. Lowell has a heart to reach the churches of Colorado with the idea that God is in our work. The book, the audio book and workshops would be great with our Front Range Churches. My goal is to have churches in the Denver Metro and across the Front Range to have small group studies.


I’m sure you realize that there are a lot of prophets scattered around the world—people who claim to speak for God, to foretell the future? Except for a few cult members, no one ever takes them very seriously. Once in a while, one of them will get himself killed, usually because of stupidity rather than his prophecies. Probably more of them kill themselves and their cult members than are killed by others. So you have to wonder what’s going on when one does get himself killed.

Jeremiah had been preaching for over 23 years and was well known around Jerusalem before they first tried to kill him. And the circumstances surrounding all this are truly strange. Jeremiah is not a cult leader. He had a secretary, but that seems to be the sum total of his organization. He had no following that he controlled. All he did was foretell disaster unless the people changed their ways. Foremost among the areas where he called for change was the judicial system, which he said was oppressing the poor. He also condemned the immorality that was rampant among the people. He told them what God said was coming, to wit: the city would be laid level with the ground and deserted of all its people if they didn’t straighten up.

So the priests and the prophets and all the people heard Jeremiah speaking these words in the house of the Lord. Now it came to pass, when Jeremiah had finished speaking all that the Lord had commanded him to speak unto all the people, that the priests and the prophets and all the people took him, saying, You shall surely die. Why have you prophesied in the name of the Lord, saying, This house shall be like Shiloh, and this city shall be desolate without an inhabitant? And all the people were gathered against Jeremiah in the house of the Lord.

Jeremiah 26:7–9 KJ2000


There is the long time saying, “There are none so blind as those who will not see.” Sadly, this is true in matters of things that are spiritual. The Bible warns us of such blindness so that we can see.

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Today Barbara recalls an old disciple she helped, and then she talks a little about how God is moving in Washington D.C.  It can be difficult in times like these to see that He is still in control, and Barbara helps us to understand that today.


On this special encore episode of Call To Freedom, we present to you a classic Derin show, where Derin is helping a listener who has battled fear and unworthiness and inferiority for most of her life.


Barbara talks about things like rejection in the church and how to handle that, and how to be reconciled with Jesus always.


[Music] Welcome to Call to Freedom with Barbara Carmack. This is Jimmy Lakey and I'm delighted that you are joining us for this half hour. You can reach Call to Freedom at box 370367 Denver, Colorado 80237 or by going to the website at If you want to leave a message or order a word-powered daily reading Bible guide or a Freedom Street Express newsletter, you can call us toll-free at 1-877-917-7256 and leave your name and address including your zip code. If you want to talk to Barbara right now, she is expecting your call. You may call that same toll-free number 1-877-917-7256 to speak to her. And now let's join Barbara in the studio. Oh, a great welcome to you. I am so grateful for you. I'm grateful that you love God. In fact, you not only love Him, you are hungering for more and more of what God has for you. God would like to use today to teach you more about His love for you and His plan for your life. May your heart be humble and ready to learn. And I want you to know that you didn't love God first. Huh-uh. Nope. God loved you first. And we love because of His love poured out upon us. That's 1 John 419. We love Him because He first loved us. Isn't that beautiful? So you're not the instigator of all this. God, your father, your Heavenly Father is. Oh, you are blessed to dispense for in Him you live and move and have your being. And I want to tell you that this week has been absolutely a joy for me because Kimberly has been in the studio with me all week long. And I didn't expect that. Isn't that a marvelous surprise? It is. I think I kind of had that expectation. I like being here, especially. Okay, so selfishly in the summertime. It's really nice to be in Colorado rather than Oklahoma. Matthew was telling me that at 10 o'clock last night, he walked outside and it was still 102 degree heat index. That is so warm at 10 o'clock at night. Yes. And your humidity is way high there. So it's a little uncomfortable. We get through that season and then we have a glorious fall and winter. Yes, it is. But we have to kind of endure about eight to nine weeks of this kind of heat in the summertime. So it is always nice when I get to stay a little extra in the summertime. Yes. And I'm glad that I'm still here. And it's not even a worry or a concern to me or to Matthew about the van not performing, you know, up to its standards and having it in shops and trying to find the right people to fix it. Yeah, it's not even a concern. So we're just glad to be here. I'm glad I'm here. But you didn't have to go, you know, and look up different places because Matthew and his friend Nate had given you two really good places here for your Honda van. Well, yeah, because my husband is a BG rep. Yes. And that is an additive for automobiles. He has a lot of contacts. Yes, he does. I am grateful for that. Very, very great. Yeah. In fact, when you went into the pro body shop, the pro auto body shop today on Dalian, that's for any of you that ever have some car issues because it looks really nice. And you walked into the place and you saw some of the features of BG products. In fact, all over a little rain drop is a little oil drop. An oil drop is one of their symbols. And so why did you say to the people where they all turned their heads and looked at you? Oh, I just said, wow, you guys have their BG menus up. And there's a BG oil drop sitting right there on your desk and they all turned because most people don't know what BG is, let alone a woman walks in and starts talking about it. But when you're married to a rep, you kind of have that on your mind. And with automobiles, we expect our cars to run well for us. There's a blueprint that those cars were made by and we expect them to run well for us. And you get a few miles on them and they start wearing out. And that's just one of those laws, one of those scientific laws that the older something is, it wears out in this life. And I was waiting for you today at seven o'clock this morning and while you went in to get your van to take it to pro body. And there are a lot of cars that came in there. They aren't, you know, guaranteed to drive really well and all the time. They don't last forever. They need maintenance. They need repairs at times. And so we need that too. We need maintenance. We need maintenance and we need repairs. And our best maintainer is our Lord and His Word. And that is the maintenance that we have every day is getting in the Word of God. His Word is so precious to me and it's so refreshing. And when we talk about being made in His image, that's, you know, He has blueprints and we're supposed to run a certain way. We're supposed to actually be sound and to have peace and have joy and to have rest in our lives. And if you're not experiencing that real joy that really is meaningful, that fills you up, that kind of joy that overflows, that kind of joy that you can't even put words on. No matter what the circumstance, that's right. If you haven't felt that, well, then you might need a little maintenance checkup, you know, and maybe you need the mechanic with the capital M to get in there and to repair some things that need to be repaired in your heart and your mind. Because we want to have that joy and that peace in this life. And it's very possible. And it really is available to us. Even in times when our bodies don't operate, maybe like our brothers and sisters, as we were watching the chosen, and I had to kind of focus in on little James. Because he walked with the limp all his life. And here Jesus was healing all kinds of people and little James had that limp. It reminds me kind of of who is the prophet. I can't think of him right now. Well, it's good to remember that this is their take to the chosen is choosing to portray little James as someone who has pain and who walks with the limp, even though he was a disciple of Jesus. And they're portraying it that way, not because they read it out of the Bible. They're portraying it that way so that we, the viewers, would actually hook into a greater plan. And they present a greater plan through Jesus and through what God is doing. They present that in this show. I'm really thankful for that because then it does cause us to go ahead and say, well, if there are those that live in pain and you, you are a God who heals and restores and relieves, then how do you want to use this pain? What do you want to do with this to bring the ultimate joy that I can't even put words on to bring the ultimate peace that I'm so settled and I'm so okay. And having you noticed in years past in our younger years, when we've had pain, physical pain, that we can be in worry and anxiety about that and it can cause even more pain. And it can also make us feel like we are limiting our life because of some kind of infirmity that we have that we're limited, that we're limited. And we aren't necessarily limited. No, no. And I do believe that our Lord allows some of that pain and suffering for a season to help us become unlimited in our thinking and in our prayers. And the slate today, right before the one-on-clock show, when I gave this slate, I said, the suffering won't last forever. It won't be long before our generous God will have you put together and on your feet for good. That's right. That's right. And we want to believe that even in the midst of the unrest and the worry and the anxiety. And what we have found when we have grown and we've gone through a few seasons of suffering and a few seasons of some pain, we can then enter a season that we might be feeling that again, feeling some suffering, some loss, some pain, but be much more at peace. And the pain is not nearly as great. It doesn't become our focus. That's right. And we have help in it. We have help in that time of trouble. That help brings us a peace that is so much greater and a joy that is so firm. We can really hold on to that joy. I heard somebody say that the Father and the Son, our Heavenly Father and His Son, have completed their work. And they both sat down. So when our Father completed His work and sat down to rest, Jesus completed His work and sat down at the right hand of the Father, they invited us to enter their rest. That's right. And we did. And that is not what we all do. We don't always enter their rest when we're in full of worry or doubt or anxiety or fear, then we're not focusing on their rest. What we want to do is be able to focus on the rest that they have for us, that they've completed what needs to be accomplished in our lives. And when we come into agreement with that, that's how we come to that understanding like we were talking about in Isaiah yesterday, Isaiah 1. Come let us reason together. Let us come to an understanding together. When we agree with Him, with our Creator, with our Father, then we have that understanding. And in that understanding, we can enter His rest. Yes. If we don't have that understanding, we can remain in anxiety. We can remain in fear. And that's not what they're inviting us to. They're inviting us to overcome that with them. I believe in our imaginations, and He gave us our imaginations, that when Ephesians 2 says that we are seated in the heavenly places in Christ Jesus. When we see ourselves doing that, we can endure almost anything knowing that we are seated at the right hand of God, the Father, with our Lord Jesus. Yeah, you're really talking about that there's two of us, right? There's the one that's here in this realm. That's right. This one that sees you, I see you across from me right now, and we're having this conversation. That part of me can have feelings and senses that go against the part of me that's seated with Him in heavenly places. And so I'm just talking about bringing this one that's in this realm into agreement with the one that's already seated with Him in heavenly places. Yes, they've given us that place right next to them in rest, in peace, in joy, and we just want to be able to come into agreement with that. Okay, some of you listening might think we're just talking like we're out of our minds. Like this is just crazy. There's two of us. There is. There's the physical part of us, and there's the spirit being that knows there's more than all of this. Yes. We're made for so much more than all of this that we're looking at right now. And we want to keep that in our hold it in our hearts. And remember, we're made in his image for good things, for good things. Yesterday, when we were talking about trying to find the right way in life or trying to find the right team to stay with, you're just trying to find the right. And I'm using the word right because that can kind of be a clue for us. When we're looking for something that's right, we might have another agenda on our mind. When we're looking for the Father's heart, and we really just want to be in his image, in his will, here to do the will of our Father. If that's all we really want, then that's when the true joy and the true peace comes. If we're looking for what is right, and we're pairing it up against what's wrong, and we're trying to stay away from the wrong, and we want to stay on the right, we can fall really easily into religion. Yes. And Jesus stands so strong against religion. You were reading about that. Yeah, just read Matthew 22 and 23 when he's talking to the Pharisees. It's not the love that we see from Jesus most of the time, saying to his sheep, "Come unto me, all you who are weary and heavy laden, and I will give you rest." He comes right out and he says, "You have denied me, and I am going to tell you." In 23, he gives seven woes, W-O-E-S, to the Pharisees, the Sadgeses, and the Council. It's just over and over. And what he's doing is he's confronting these ideas that are based on right and wrong. They're based on the law, and they're not based on seeing someone's heart. They're not based on seeing the Father's heart. And our Creator, our Father, is our Creator. He wants us to be like Him. He is full of compassion and mercy. Matthew 5, 45, Jesus tells us, "So that you may be children of your Father in heaven." He's talking to us and he wants us to be like our Father in heaven, his children, act like his children. He, the Father, makes his Son rise on the evil and the good, and he sends rain on the righteous and the unrighteous. He sends it on everyone. So every time that Jesus teaches us, when we've had somebody harm us and do something evil against us, don't repay evil for evil. Don't try to get them back. Act like your Father. Bless them. Bless those who curse you. And when you choose to do that and let it go, let your Heavenly Father take care of the rest of it, you can start seeing all the blessings coming back towards you. We so blessing and we reap blessing. We're not doing it just to reap blessing. We're doing it to be like Him. Yes. That's His, His heart's desire. And His dream, oh, you know, I heard somebody say that Jesus has not received His full inheritance yet. Because this, we're still all in the making. We're still all being molded. So Jesus has not received His full inheritance. And here we are wanting things to be a certain way on this planet. We want a healing or we want a certain level of power. We want a certain job, a certain degree and letters behind our name or healthy bodies. Strong healing. You know, we want all these things. They're not bad things. It's okay to want those things. But our very first and keeping first things first is to want the will of the Father, to want Him to have His inheritance, to want Him to have His dream come true. Before mine. Before mine. Because honestly, He dreams bigger than we dream. You know Isaiah 55 that says, "My thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are my ways, your ways for as high as the heavens are above the earth, so are my ways, above your ways." You can put the word dreams in there. You know, as high as the heavens are above the earth, so are my dreams, above your dreams. So any dream that we have, when we try to put it above His, it really doesn't get us anywhere in this life. It's like craving a mud puddle over the ocean. You know, you don't want to go scuba diving in a mud puddle. You're not going to see anything in that. You want to scuba dive in the ocean so you can see the beauty around you. You know, so we don't want to be clinging to our mud puddle of a dream when He has a whole ocean of dreams for us. Praise the Lord. There's a little verse here in 1 Peter, 4 verse 12, "Friends, when life gets really difficult, don't jump to the conclusion that God isn't on the job. Instead, be glad that you are in the very thick of what Christ experienced. This is a spiritual refining process, and that's what you're talking about, Kimberly. You're talking about our lives here on earth are a process. With glory just around the corner, if you're abused because of Christ, count yourself fortunate. It's the Spirit of God and His glory in you that brought you to the notice of others. And if they're on you because you broke the law or disturbed the peace, that's a different matter. But if it's because you're a Christian, don't give it a second thought. Be proud of the distinguished status reflected in that name. It's judgment time for Christians. We're first in line. I mean, judgment does start in the household of God. It says in Peter, "So if good people barely make it, what's in store for the bad?" We've got to think about that. Even if that man is abusing me, I need to pray the kind of prayer that is going to get him out of that horrible perspective that he has about life, that he can be angry, that he can throw rocks. Praying people through and speaking good things over them. Isaiah 5, verse 7, "This is a section of the Bible that's describing a vineyard that God gave a lot of care to and the master attended this vineyard and gave it everything that it could possibly need. And when he went to look for the fruit instead of producing good grapes, it brought sour grapes. He's talking about us. And in Isaiah 5, 7, it says he looked for justice, but there was only murdering of others. He hoped for fairness, but there were only cries from people that were being treated badly. In the good news translation, it says, "He expected them to do what was good, but instead they committed murder. He expected them to do what was right, but their victims cried out for justice." When we are made in the image of God, we start looking at how much mercy he shows us. He really does show us so much mercy. And he wants us to look like him. You know, if you've ever chosen a pet and you want to bring that pet, welcome that pet into your home. Your hope is that that pet will be friendly, that it will let you pet it and be a friend to it, and that it will sit with you. And it will obey cat. It will be on your lap and you can pet it. You know, you're not hoping to bring a cat in and have them destroy your furniture and your drapes with their claws, you know, swiping at your family members and at your guests that come into your home. That's not what you hope for with a cat. You don't hope that they're going to vomit up on your decorative rugs. That's not what you're hoping for. They're not behaving the way you hoped. Oh my goodness, how much more our father who created us wants us to behave in a manner that is a blessing to him and a blessing to all who come around us. That's right. That's what he's longing for. So, you know, if your cat is causing problems in your home, there are consequences to that. You're either going to drug the cat or you're going to take it and have its claws removed, you know, decline cats is a pretty common thing now. But that's a consequence of a cat using its claws. It's, oh no, we're not going to have that. There are consequences when we act outside of what we were made for. And you know, while I'm talking about pets, if you do have a pet that's having a really hard time right now and you, you might be frustrated with your pet, just start speaking to it. You know, Romans 8, I believe it's verse 22 talks about how the universe is in agony and all creation groans and longs to see the unveiling and revealing of the sons and daughters of God. And what I understand there is that when we are behaving like our father, as sons and daughters of God, and we're revealed as that, whereas we're unveiled and all the masks are coming off of us and the anger comes off of us and the frustration comes off of us and the lust and the greed comes off of us. And we're truly revealed and unveiled to be his sons and daughters, then we can speak good things over creation. Creation is longing for the unveiling and the revealing of the sons and daughters of God. And just like with my birds years ago when I started speaking to those birds, welcoming songbirds back into our area, our sanctuary, it was quiet for many years. And I started welcoming them back and they started coming back. But with them came the predators and the hawks came in and I started speaking to those hawks. This is not your territory. You know, when you have thoughts and maybe even pets that are irritating and frustrating, you tell them this is not how we function. This is not how God made our earth. That's right. He made us in peace, He made us in joy and we get to rest in those things and start speaking those things over your pet, over yourself, over your thoughts, over your family members. I remember when you had Katie and she was beautiful, absolutely long hair beautiful, long hair cat. Yes, long hair cat. And what you do is you just lift that little brush up and she comes alongside and just she brushes herself. Do you remember that? You know, having Katie and talking to her and just giving her a whole lot of love speaking over her, it created an environment that felt like heaven. And instead of holding her down to brush her, I would just hold the brush up. That's right. I would just hold it up in the air and she would walk by and go back and forth, back and forth on that brush and she'd end up brushing herself. That's right. She did. She always hold the brush. That's the kind of pet you want. Yeah, you want something that's loving. Yes, loving time. And you just want that kind of a heavenly environment around you, you know, and being able to bring that from your imagination, you know, you were saying earlier, we can imagine sitting in the heavenly places with our creator, with our father. Well, bringing that kind of an environment here, we can imagine it and the way that it comes about is not through tough. I know love sometimes has to be a tough love. I understand that. But what I'm talking about is not through the chastising and the constant holding on to these rules and laws that hurt people's hearts. Sometimes when we hang on to absolute law, it does more harm than good. That's right. Or being able, even at a restaurant, being able to, if they, if they kind of botch up your order, you can say, I'm sorry, I'm going, I'm going to try this. I'm going to try to eat what you brought me instead of, oh, this is not what I ordered. Send it back. I don't want this. Yes. And you hear that from people. So I had somebody mess up my order. I ordered a Greek salad with hummus. And you know, it has kind of a vinaigret dressing on it usually. They, they messed up. Whoever was in the kitchen didn't grab the vinaigret. They grabbed the poppy seed dressing, which is really sweet. Oh, yeah. I got all over my salad. And I got my salad. And I was expecting a real earthy and kind of a, I don't know what kind of a, not, not sour, but, but I wasn't expecting sweet. Let's say it that way. I wore like a vinegar acidic. Yes, acidic. Thank you. I was not expecting sweet. And you know that sweet flavor with the real earthy flavors of the hummus and the pickled tomatoes and other things that I had on the table. Tomatoes and other things that I had on there. It was so good. I went back to the kitchen and I said, I just want you to know someone messed up and put the wrong dressing on my salad. And it was the best mistake I have ever had. And I'm going to order my salad this way from now on. And I have ever since every time I go to that restaurant, that's how I order it. And they just smiled. You know, bringing joy to others in the midst of this broken life is so important. We want to keep spreading joy and spreading love. So concentrate on being made in the image of your God. He's merciful and compassionate, full of love and full of joy. And that's what we love to say to you at the end of every program. Instead of taking care and anxiety and fear in your life. Take joy. Thank you for listening to Call to Freedom with Barbara Carmack. You may get in touch with Barbara at Call to Freedom. Box 370-367. Denver, Colorado, 80237. Or you may leave your message at 1-877-917-7256. Call to Freedom is a listener-supported radio ministry. Barbara and her power partners invite you to come on board with us and become a network of hands holding up Call to Freedom Ministry. Power partner support, Call to Freedom with Prayer and Monthly Financial Support. You will be blessed, supernaturally. We invite you to visit Call to Freedom's website,, where you can hear Barbara's daily radio broadcast 24 hours a day or order materials. You may share your phrase reports in heart prize by mailing them to Call to Freedom. Box 370-367. Denver, Colorado, 80237. Or you may email us at Barbara Carmack at Until next time, remember Jesus loves you, Barbara loves you, and take joy. [Music]

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[Music] Welcome to Call to Freedom with Barber Carmac. This is Jimmy Lakey and I'm delighted that you are joining us for this half hour. You can reach Call to Freedom at box 370-367 Denver, Colorado, 802-37 or by going to the website at If you want to leave a message or order a word-powered daily reading Bible Guide or a Freedom Street Express newsletter, you can call us toll-free at 1-877-917-7256 and leave your name and address including your zip code. If you want to talk to Barbara right now, she is expecting your call. You may call that same toll-free number 1-877-917-7256 to speak to her. And now let's join Barbara in the studio. Welcome to Call to Freedom. What a wonderful day to be praising the Lord, thinking about Him. Oh, His thoughts are so much higher than our thoughts and His ways than our ways. So we've got to kind of delve into our spirits and say, "Father God, I'm hungry for more of you. I want more of you. I'm tired of my own plans." And so today is a good day for you to be listening to wonderful Christian television and radio. And I hope you're including Call to Freedom. Life is God's precious gift to you. May you spend it bringing glory to Him. Oh, that's so important that we give God the glory. You are blessed to dispense for in Him you live and move and have your being. I'm so grateful that Call to Freedom can come to you live every day, except Friday. And as most of you know, and most of you are not only commenting about Friday's show, but telling me how much you enjoy it, all those encore shows with Darren. So on Fridays, it's Darren Carmack with Darren Live and on Monday through Thursday. It's live. So if you want to call us at 1 o'clock, a Denver time, Monday through Thursday, then you can get us in the studio. And if you go to, you can listen to previous radio shows if you don't get to hear it live. And then you can also give online. Yes, you can hit that little donate button. If you're enjoying what you're learning and what you're what we're teaching from this studio, then you can give online to Call to Freedom. So I appreciate so much your giving hearts and your sacrificial heart in giving. But God is going to reach and I should I shouldn't say but and God is going to return to you all your giving 30, 60 and 100 fold. That's a promise. That's right. That's a promise. I'm so glad to have you here again, Kimberly. Two. Your vehicle is kind of in the garage. I know. Yeah, it's kind of fun. It you know, it is a miracle to get to the place where something breaks down and you're not worried about it. I was just telling you, I feel like it's a miracle that God has brought me to a place where the van can have an issue or break down. And I can say, oh, well, I wasn't expecting that, but I know you, Lord, I know you. And I know you always have good things in store. Yes. And you are on the other side of every situation. And then you were talking about even being in pain or being in discomfort that we can trust him. And you are clinging to a verse Psalm 62 1 that you will wait as long as it takes for his deliverance because you know he will deliver. That's right. He will deliver. When you know the Father's heart, you're not worried. That's right. You got a text today from a friend and she said, I'm so glad you're stuck here. It's stuck here. It's in quotes, right? And it doesn't feel like stuck for me. It just feels like extra vacation. So, yeah, it's good. It's been for me too, also. So thank you for being here, Kimberly. You could be off shopping somewhere or doing something different, not even being being interested in what your mother is doing every day on the radio. You could be one of those children because there are many around there that don't want to have anything to do with mom and dad and what they're doing. Sure. And I went through that season that I didn't really think much about what was going on here in your life. I had enough going on in Oklahoma. I had four children. Yeah, you were homeschooling. And so I didn't think about that. But I can't imagine that now. So I'm thankful. I'm thankful that we have this connection. And today we were reading in Isaiah a little bit. Oh, love it. Isaiah 118 is, "Come, let us reason together." And you and I, we do a lot of reasoning together. We talk a lot with each other. And I have come to realize that in the reasoning what we're doing is we're learning each other's hearts. And that is what the Lord is asking in Isaiah 118. "Come, learn my heart. Let us come to an understanding." That's what the Tanakh says. The Hebrew version of Isaiah has been translated into English by the Hebrew people. And they chose English words that they felt were the most accurate. And it says, "Come, let us reach an understanding," says the Lord. "Before that, Kimberly, as if the Jewish people, they were not godly people at this time." They were compromising all over the place with heathen countries that had influenced them. And God says in the 14th verse, "God, this is God. I hate your new moon festivals and your appointed feasts. They've become a burden to me, capital M. I'm weary of bearing them. So when you spread out your hands in prayer, like a sincere, they're not sincere. God is saying here, you're not sincere. You're doing it as a tradition. When you spread out your hands in prayer, I will hide my eyes from you. Even though you multiply prayers, I will not listen. So you're right, Kimberly, there's got to be an understanding, a hungering for God, more of God. Yes, so when he asks us to come and reach an understanding with him, he's really asking for friendship. Let us be friends here. Let's keep talking about this until we reach an understanding. And then, right after that, it says, "Even though your sins are as scarlet, I will make them white as snow." In the conversation, we as human beings keep bringing up what we think is best in this life. What we, our opinion is just so great, isn't it? Our human opinion. Our human perspective. It's so great to us. We have done a lot of studying. And we have gained a lot of knowledge, haven't we? Aren't you impressed? I'm so impressed with myself. I'm saying that sarcastically. I hope you're catching that as you're listening, because you can't see the look on my face, the look of disgust, because it is disgusting for me to think that I have gained so much knowledge that I might have understanding that could be comparable to the God of this universe. And he is my father, and he has a lot of grace and mercy to sit and listen to my opinions, my perspectives, my ideas, what grace, what kindness, what tenderness. It's when we choose to lay those down, to lay down our perspective, to lay down our opinion, and not lean on our knowledge that we've gained. Not lean on our own understanding. That is when we start acting like the humble people that he created us to be. Not needing a platform, not needing to be recognized by all the people. Not needing to be right. Not needing to be right. Not Kimberly, how could you say that? We spend all our lives in education and in learning, so we can be right. Our human tendency is to gain information and then constantly test it. In science class, if you remember, you would come up with a hypothesis of what's going to happen, and then you create all of these experiments to test your hypothesis. In chemistry. That's how we gain knowledge, and then we think we've come to this one conclusion, and we can make a law. Now we can make a scientific law, because we've come to this conclusion. And God's ways are so much higher than our little experiments. I know you should have, all of you listening should have been in our chemistry class in our little school, and there were 10 of us. I am so appreciative. Miss Wrongkeep was from the University in Greeley. We always had great teachers, and so she'd give us these formulas, and we'd be mixing stuff up. Oh, the smells. We had to clear class several times because the boys, they were always mixing these things to see what the smell was going to be like, or sulfur, you know, baking. So we had all those wonderful little experiments, and none of them really came out right, because we weren't putting the formulas together with the hypotheses, with the results to get the right. There are just too many other factors that we do not take into consideration. That's right. And in Isaiah 55, the Lord tells us, "My thoughts are not like your thoughts. Neither are my ways like your ways. They're different. They're different, and they're not even of this realm. They can override this realm at times, and some of you out there have seen miracles that have completely superseded this realm. You have no explanation for it. And that is our God showing us that He has ways that are higher than the ways of this world. His ways are as high as the heavens are above the earth. So my ways and my thoughts are higher than yours," says the Lord. There is this competitive nature in human beings that it turns into siding with or siding against. We really try to find these things or laws or understanding that we want to siding with. Oh, that makes sense to me. So I'm going to siding with that. That's going to be my platform now. Without any evidence, really. And we can think that we're siding with God when we find scriptures and understanding in the scriptures, and we might not realize that we have actually sited against Him. That can happen. You know, when you consider Paul the Apostle, he really did think he was siding with God. He thought he was doing God a favor by executing Christians and the people of the way, because it was so against the laws of the Pharisees and Sadducees. And he just thought the law was it. He was right. And God had knocked him down off of his whatever horse, donkey, whatever it was. Right. And knock him down to the ground. And not only that, but make him blind, because it is blind people that can't see God's ways and God's thoughts above their opinions or their research or all of this. Yeah, that's good. That's good. And having blindness keeps you humble. You've got to lean on someone else, rather than yourself. So that's really good that you brought that up. Yeah. I believe the Pharisees and Sadducees of Jesus day, they thought they were standing for God's ways. And they missed the way. That's all together. They were persecuting the way. Yeah. And that's why Jesus gave us the teaching of the sheep and the goats, the sheep on his right and the goats on his left. And he gave us that teaching in Matthew 7 of the people who will come and say, "Lord, Lord, did we not prophesy in your name? Did we not cast out demons in your name and do many miracles in your name?" And he will have to say, "Depart from me. I never knew you." I think what's important to notice is that these people were so sure of themselves. And that's what gaining knowledge can do to us. We can be studying the scriptures and gaining knowledge and looking into all kinds of Hebrew and Greek. I've done it myself. And we become so sure of ourselves. And when we do that, we don't even realize that we are leaning toward pride. And humility has gone out the door. It is so important for us to stay humble. Stay humble. Because these people that he says, "Depart from me, I never knew you." That's what stood out to me. If they were so sure that they had been prophesying, they had been doing miracles, they had been casting out demons in his name. And yet he could say he never knew them. Wow. Where does that leave the majority of us? And still, Kimberly, because of the mercy, grace, and love of God, he can turn right around if that person that he said, "I never knew you intimately." That's annoying him intimately. So many say, "Oh, I love God. How do you love God? How deeply do you love him?" They can turn around and be accepted by God by a change of heart, by a change of attitude. That's why he's asking in Isaiah 118, "Come, talk to me. Let's reach an understanding here so that you will see my heart and know my heart. And are you willing to be in discomfort?" We were mentioning that at the top of the hour. We can be uncomfortable in life and maybe be experiencing a little more pain for a season. And we might think, "Oh, no, what have I done wrong? Well, maybe what have you done right?" Maybe this is a season that we can trust God more fully and completely as long as it takes, like it says in Psalm 621. Yes. Jesus could have said that very thing as they were mocking him, spitting at him, hitting him in the face, crucifying him on the cross. "Father, what did I do wrong?" Yeah. He knew it was his divine will. And some of this we've got to go through, because the result we know is going to be a fine tuning in what we're doing with God. Fine tuning. That's what they're doing in the garage with your vehicle. They want it to be a fine tuning, so it will run right. Certainly hope so. Well, it will. But we need fine tuning. And some of us need surgery. Right. We need surgery. Exactly. Yes. Yes. God is there all the time. Yes. One of the things that I've learned as I have been studying Hebrew and studying Greek, I took years of that too, that there are so many different perspectives. And honestly, you can't throw them all out, because it's not about finding one right answer. It's about finding the father's heart and really knowing his heart for any given situation or for any given individual. Knowing that all of us are on a little bit different path, and we all have different personalities, and understanding that someone who has a real strong idea of wickedness being punished, they've come from a background where they need to see. They need to know that our God is a just God that will punish the wicked and the evil because they've been so hurt, so abused and traumatized by wicked and evil. So we want to see that end. And then there are those who are so compassionate that we might not need to be assigning wickedness to individual people. Okay, get the wicked out of that person, but that person, can you save that person, Lord? Can you save their hearts? That is the compassion in me. Yes. And the desire of God is that none would perish. So he's going to go that extra mile, even that extra inch to get our attention, that extra love, that extra mercy, that extra grace. Oh, what would we do without those wonderful, significant parts of who God is? That's his character. Yes, it is. So in Isaiah 1, when he's saying, "Come, let's reach an understanding. Your sins are really bloody, and they have wounded my heart." Yes. And why does snow just come talk to me? And where you have fallen and tripped up, I can make this beautiful again. That's what he's saying. Yes. He longs to do that, and only he can do it. We can't do it in our own works. And that's why yesterday when I was talking about the 10 virgins, and how the wise ones went into him, you brought up the fact they were all sleeping. We were talking about that. And I love the message. It's just not saying wise and foolish, because you get different connotations. But in the message, Dr. Peterson says, "Five silly virgins." So you have just a very different view of those virgins that didn't bring oil, because maybe they're procrastinators, and all of us have procrastinated. At one time or another in our lives, we know what it is to not make a date, or to not be able to make an assignment, or not be there when we are needed. So, five silly. And yes, Kimberly, they were all asleep. And it's really interesting to know that we may be working, eating, sleeping, or pursuing leisure activities when Jesus comes. He's not going to put us down for any of those things, because he knows those are vitally in our lifestyles. He does. He knows that we are human, and that we have human needs in this realm. There are needs that we have even to fall asleep. We need to just fall asleep. We can't stay alert all the time. And we might be found sleeping. And what makes foolish, to me, stand out, or silly, I like that word, what makes them silly is that they didn't trust that he is the source. That his heart is so good and so kind, that to just walk up to him and say, "I ran out of oil." He would give you the oil, because he is the source of the oil. Yes, Holy Spirit is the source, yes. He is the source for all things in our life. And you know, even if you have come to a place where you are so weak, that all you can do is crawl in, see it takes humility to walk in and say, "My hands are empty." All I have is myself, and I just want to be with you. Do you think he is going to turn somebody away like that? Some people, Christians, believers, they are kind of scared at Holy Spirit. They haven't had a huge teaching about Holy Spirit. They haven't known everything there is to know about him, that he was from the beginning. He is the power of the resurrection of Jesus Christ. He is that third person of the Trinity. So maybe that silliness could be as a result of people not recognizing Holy Spirit in their lives. Maybe it is also neglecting putting any Scripture in your life. Maybe you have not filled your little lamp, you haven't filled your extra oil store by filling yourself with the Word of God. Does that make them false believers? No, no. We are just at such extreme levels, and we need to love each other, edify each other, no matter what level. That has been a real issue in my life. Well, you should know script, well, you should know this verse. Oh God, forgive me, because my brother or my sister is just starting out here Lord God. We have a precious friend who she hasn't been born again, maybe five or six years, and she doesn't know the Scripture. I've been at it for 70 years. So she doesn't know the Scriptures. We got to have patience for those precious brothers and sisters. Definitely. Definitely. Yes. And then being willing to see that all the different teachings that are out there about the five wise virgins and the five silly or the five foolish ones, that maybe they all actually compliment one another if we're willing to look at that. And I want to believe that about eight billion different ideas in people on this planet, you know, that there's something in every individual that can compliment who I am. And what I'm thinking, because we were made for one another, we were made to work together, not to cut each other off and to try to live independently from one another. We're the body of Christ. So we need each other. Yes. Another way, now this parable, you cannot just take it by one view of who were the five wise and who were the five silly. There are so many meanings in this. It's so rich in content of these these virgins. And even when the five virgins says our lamps are going out, lend us some of your oil. It's like you cannot be born again on somebody else's salvation. Right. They're not the source. That's right. You can look to someone else. Absolutely. And that's another view you can see from this story. Right. Another thing you can take from this. That's good. This parable. That's good. Oh, yes. Yeah. And I think going also back to the people who were so sure of themselves in Matthew 7, when Jesus is describing the people who say to him, there will be those who say, Lord, Lord, did we not prophesy in your name and cast out demons in your name and do many miracles in your name. So sure of themselves. Well, maybe that's silliness. It's pretty silly to be so sure. That's right. Because he's saying there of these ones who are so positive that they have done well by him. He's saying, depart from me. I never knew you. And when we sit with that for a little bit, I can't say that I've cast out demons. I can't say that about my life and what my experience in my in this life. That's right. And I don't know have I worked mighty miracles in his name have have I prophesied in his name, not intentionally, but wow to have that kind of pride that comes up and says, I am so sure that I've done this so well. That's the place where I think we need to look at and say, well, that might be pretty silly to be so sure to be so sure if I come humbly and say, you know what? I've never cast out a demon and I've never prophesied and I haven't done many miracles in your name, but I really want to be with you. Yes, it's like I was repeating the very first part of this program, the 14th verse of Isaiah one, I hate your festivals. I hate you the way you're raising your hands. So absolutely self righteous in what you're doing. I hate it. That's God. That's the father. And that's us trying to find a right way to please him where he's saying, I don't really care for that. You know, and I go back to the man, the the thieves that were crucified along with Jesus and the one that was on his right, he just humbly turned to him and said, remember me in your kingdom. He didn't confess Jesus is Lord. He could have known. It was at the point of death. Talk about someone who could not say that they've prophesied in his name or cast out demons in his name, you know, and he just simply looked at Jesus and said, please remember me. And yes, today you will join me in paradise. You know, that humble heart that just humbles themselves and says, I deserve to be crucified here. You don't. I recognize that I deserve to be on this cross suffering. And you don't. Wow, that's emotional for me. You know, that's getting to know the father's heart instead of trying to find a right way or a wrong way, find his heart and just tell him, I'm wrong. You're right. And I really want to be with you. Oh, that's so good. I could just spend the next few minutes just in quietness and thanking God for his wonderful mercy towards me that even when I'm a sinner, even when I'm sinning that he comes in his patience and long suffering and says, I love you. We want to convey that to you today. God loves you so much. Yes. He's there for you. He's watching over you every minute of every day. That's right. We want you to know that. And have the assurance that as you search for his heart in every situation that you will know he has arms open wide for you. He is ready to cover you with his best robe. Put a ring on your finger and say, you're mine. Amen. Amen. Oh, thank you so much, Kimberly. I love these discussions. I can't think of another job. Another way to spend our time. Yeah, that I could have in this life. That is more fulfilling than talking about the Lord Jesus. Me too. Me too, mom. Thank you. It's wonderful. Well, to all of you, we just wish the very best for you today, whether it's morning or noon or night. And we just say, God loves you and take joy. [Music] Thank you for listening to Call to Freedom with Barbara Carmack. You may get in touch with Barbara at Call to Freedom. Box 370-367 Denver, Colorado 80237. Or you may leave your message at 1-877-917-7256. Call to Freedom is a listener supported radio ministry. Barbara and her power partners invite you to come on board with us and become a network of hands holding up call to Freedom Ministry. Power partners support Call to Freedom with Prayer and Monthly Financial Support. You will be blessed supernaturally. We invite you to visit Call to Freedom's website,, where you can hear Barbara's daily radio broadcast 24 hours a day or order materials. You may share your phrase reports in heart prize by mailing them to Call to Freedom. Box 370-367 Denver, Colorado 80237. Or you may email us at Until next time, remember Jesus loves you, Barbara loves you, and take joy. [Music]

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