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Saturday: 10:00 PM - 10:30 PM


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Having trouble being patient?  You’re not the only one, join these pastors and teachers as they give us practical ways to have more patience,

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Sermon Overview   Scripture Passage: 1 Corinthians 12:12   It is important that we understand that while Jesus Christ and the Church are…
Pastor Jack teaches us that God designed us to be a team player. This includes our co-workers, even the…
Sermon Overview   Scripture Passage: 2 Timothy 2:15   If we want to live holy lives, to be sanctified and powerful in the…
Grace in God’s eyes amongst wickedness; the builder of the Ark and one who walked with God—that’s Noah—the one…
Ep. 1525 – The Good News with Angie Austin – Tony D’Urso #1 Podcaster Launches Fiction Bestseller / Jim…
Receive a refreshing perspective on how to find joy despite your circumstances….
When you’re in a crisis, you should ask, “Where is this problem leading me? Where does God want me…
As believers in Christ, we need to aggressively pursue unity in our homes and with each other. Learn how…
Satan is the author of confusion and he desires to destroy all believers. Today, Joyce shares heartfelt truths from…
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