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A collection of messages about LOVE, whether that’s the love of God, relational love between humans, or in any other context.  These messages come

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Today, Pastor Jack teaches us that divorce causes so much pain and heartache. It creates a lot of emotional…
This message will help you better understand the glory which has been restored and the exaltation that He alone…
God has already taken care of your greatest need—your salvation—and he can take care of every other need you…
This message will help you better understand the glory which has been restored and the exaltation that He alone…
King David was a great man of faith, yet he understood that he could do nothing apart from God….
Sermon Overview   Scripture Passage: Acts 5:27-32   Being a Christian is a joyous thing; the reason we are not filled with joy…
If you want to know what’s really important to someone, you just have to look at their calendar and…
Mike Triem and Actor/Producer Daniel Roebuck talk about his career projects in television and movies (Matlock on TV and…
Paul’s earnest prayer for believers in Christ is to comprehend what is the width, and length, and depth, and…
In this message, Pastor Rick teaches how you can focus on the things that God loves so that God…
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