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A collection of messages about LOVE, whether that’s the love of God, relational love between humans, or in any other context.  These messages come

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On today’s edition of Family Talk, Dr. William Lile, a Christian obstetrician and gynecologist, documents 2,500 successful abortion pill…
Welcome to Grace in Focus radio. Bob Wilkin and Mike Lii will answer a question about marriage. Does God…
Sermon Overview   Scripture Passage: 1 Corinthians 12:12   It is important that we understand that while Jesus Christ and the Church are…
Pastor Jack teaches us that God designed us to be a team player. This includes our co-workers, even the…
Today, Pastor Jack teaches us that Christians are to have a strong Biblical work ethic. We are to embrace…
The newly refurbished, beautified earth was ready for inhabitants: birds and bees, beasts of the field, and in His…
Today, Pastor Jack teaches that when we go and vote for someone who opposes the life of the pre-born,…
OCT 10…
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