Join us as we explore Paul's teachings in Romans Chapter 6, a passage that offers a breathtaking view of the Christian spiritual journey. Discover how the realms of existence shift from the oppressive sin kingdom of Adam to the liberating kingdom of Christ. In this exploration, we embrace the idea of grace that overwhelms sin, inviting us to live with a renewed mind focused on Christ's righteousness.
So now we move to chapter 6 of Romans, Paul's great message in the book of Romans of the gospel, the good news of our heavenly Father's love for us through Jesus, his Son, and all that he is doing through his Son to bring us to his home again. We've looked at chapter 5, which was about the freedom from the judgment of God and returning us to his home, his heart, his throne room. We are freed from wrath, and just as the kingdom of Adam came in and brought sin and death to all people, so the kingdom of Christ brings righteousness and life to all peoples also. So Paul described in chapter 5 life in the kingdom of God, the kingdom of grace, as a reconciliation to our heavenly Father through his Son. Now then, we come to chapter 6. Not only are we in chapter 5 freed from the judgment and wrath of God, we're also freed from sin in chapter 6. Now that scares people a great deal. Because Christians are facing sin every day, and they are facing their failures. And if some of you have addictions, in reality, really all of us are addicted. We're addicted to our escapes from God. then when we see this message of freedom from sin, we say, oh boy, that cuts me out. There's no chance for me. But I'm asking you now to bend your mind, to expand it beyond all you can imagine by faith, because Paul is not talking about individual sins primarily. Paul about the moral lapses that we make, the moral sins and misbehaviors we do. He is talking about the sin kingdom of Christ. He says, what shall we say then? Shall we continue in sin that grace may abound? Well, now, why does he ask that question? because of what he has said previously in chapter 5. So let's go from verse 18 of chapter 5 down to 21 and see its connection with 6 verse 1. Remember that the chapters of the Bible, that is the chapter headings and the chapter divisions and the verse divisions, do not exist in the Greek. So this is a continual demonstration or a continual presentation of the gospel here. Verse 18 then of chapter 5, Therefore as through one man's offense judgment came to all men, resulting in condemnation, that's Adam's sin and fall of course, even so through one man's righteous act, that's Christ, his righteous life and death and resurrection, the free gift came to all men resulting in justification of life. For as through one man's disobedience, that's Adam's, many were made sinners. Of course, many there means everyone, because everybody was made sinners. Even so, also, by one man's obedience, many will be made righteous. That's the parallel to the many who were made sinners. So that's all of them. All will be made righteous. Moreover, the law entered that the offense might abound. We explored that the other day. The law enters to make us aware of our sins and to cause us to return to Jesus and to the mercy of God. But where sin abounded, grace abounded much more. Wherever there is sin, there is much more grace that you need to take personally into your heart when you're struggling with difficulties and sins. So that as sin reigned in death, so then sin isn't simply something we do. It's a kingdom that reigns. As sin reigned in death, even so grace might reign. That's Christ's righteousness. through righteousness to eternal life through Jesus Christ our Lord. And then 6 verse 1, what shall we say then shall we continue in sin? So do you see how the connection is here? He's not talking about individual sins. He is talking about the kingdom of sin and death that Adam brought to the world. And he's saying, are we going to continue in that kingdom of sin and death, in our spiritual life, in our faith life? Do you see what this is asking us? It's a fantastic question. Many Christians, surrounded by their familiar settings, their wounded life, their damaged emotions, their broken sinful habits, their families that are perhaps partly dysfunctional, their job situation, their finances, their health, everything, surrounded by all of that, they are pressured by it to continue living in the sin kingdom of Adam, which is the kingdom of sin and death. Which implies what then? that there is no grace, that there is condemnation and judgment, that we're all the time being condemned for our behavior or our failures, that everything that we do will end up in disaster and death and loss. You see, if you're living that way, you're still living in the sin kingdom of Adam. Now look at the whole verse. What shall we say then? Shall we continue in sin that grace may abound? Oh, now he's adding another phrase to this, well, actually a clause to this sentence, which gives it a different kind of twist. You see, why does he ask us, shall we continue in sin that grace may abound? Because he has just said, Moreover, the law, in chapter 5, verse 20, Moreover, the law entered that the offense might abound, but where sin abounded, grace abounded all the more. In other words, God always outdoes sin. He reveals his love and his mercy and his grace to us, right in the midst of the kingdom of sin that's surrounding us. And he's telling us, don't by faith live in it, because my grace abounds much more. Whenever you sin, my grace comes in with greater mercy. well, then our minds might be inclined to say, well, then why not continue in the sin kingdom of Adam, because grace abounds all the more, and God is all the more graceful to us and merciful to us. No, he says, don't take advantage of God's grace by continuing to live in the sin kingdom of Adam. And then he says this, Do you not know that as many of us as were baptized into Christ Jesus were baptized into his death? Now, why does he bring up baptism? Because baptism is a symbol. It represents something. It's a type, if you like. Well, not really a type. It's a symbol. And what is it a symbol of? It is a symbol of us going down into the water as if we were dying, going down into the earth like the water. and then rising up to new life when we come up out of the water. So he says, don't you know that as many of us as were baptized into Christ Jesus were baptized into his death? Why does he ask that question? Because the death of Jesus Christ is the central point. I want another word there. It is the demarcation line between the old form of living in the sin kingdom of Adam, and the kingdom of sin and death, and the new kingdom of life and peace. It is the most major historic point and historical event that redefined the world. Before Christ is the sin kingdom of Adam, which brings death. After Christ is the kingdom which brings life and resurrection. But don't be confused with before and after, because it doesn't mean in time. That is, before Jesus came, that was the sin kingdom of Adam, and after he came, that's the sin kingdom of Christ. He's not talking about time, and we will see that very clearly as we go along. He's talking about spheres of existence. He's talking about The way the mind lives without faith in the sin kingdom of Adam where there's only judgment, condemnation, death, disappointment, discouragement, the wrath of God, all of the things that have troubled us throughout our Christian life. And that's one realm of existence, a sphere or realm of existence, the kingdom of existence in Adam. But we, by faith, no longer live there. We live now with a new, renewed mind. It's a mind of faith that directs and instructs our regular mind. And it says, well, though things went badly at work today, though things have gone wrong in my family lately, though one of my children is now addicted and I didn't know that, and now I understand what the disaster was all about, and I am deeply troubled by that condition my child is in. Nevertheless, this is happening in the kingdom of Christ, not in the kingdom of Adam. Lord God, I therefore lift up my heart to you and give you praise that you are taking my child through the darkness in order to bring him or her into the light. This is how we pray now, now that we've discovered that there is a new sphere of existence, a new realm of existence, a new kingdom we are in. Yes, we still have our feet in the kingdom of Adam because we have a natural, fallen, broken body and mind. But by faith, we live in the sphere, the kingdom of the realm of Christ's righteousness and life, in which there's no judgment and no condemnation. Now, this is the big, big idea of Romans chapter 6. Yes, it affects our personal sins, but that's not where it begins. There are so many Christians who've lost their way in chapter 6 of Romans, because they think Paul is talking about their individual sins, and they say, well, I haven't died to all my sins. You have died to your sins. You have died to the kingdom of Adam, the kingdom of sin and death. How? By your conversion? By your new birth? By your sanctification? No, by the body of Jesus Christ, for Jesus Christ died took you by his death out of the kingdom of Adam, which is the kingdom of sin and death. How did he do it by his death? In that his death was on behalf of you. And that death that he suffered was a judgment. And God took the judgment away. your judgment upon his son so that you could be removed from the kingdom of Adam into the kingdom of Christ in which there is no judgment and no condemnation. So start lifting up your heart and training your faith in the reality of that kingdom. Thanks for listening today, everyone. Colin Cook here and how it happens. This program comes to you on KLTT AM 670 in the Denver and Colorado and surrounding states areas, which you can hear at 10 o'clock in the evening, repeated at 4 in the morning for those of you who can't sleep or get up early. And you can also hear it, though, any time of the day or night on your smartphone. Simply download a free app, or and key in how it happens with Colin Cook when you get there. And if you would like to make a donation to this listener-supported radio, simply make that donation at or send your donation to Faith Quest, P.O. Box 366, Littleton, Colorado, 80160. Thanks so much. See you next time. Cheerio and God bless.
Colin Cook teaches you how faith-training in the Gospel of Christ can help you to intercept your addiction, whether it’s alcohol, drugs, food, sex, or obsessive worry. Episodes released daily
Join us as we explore Paul's teachings in Romans Chapter 6, a passage that offers a breathtaking view of the Christian spiritual journey. Discover how the realms of existence shift from the oppressive sin kingdom of Adam to the liberating kingdom of Christ. In this exploration, we embrace the idea of grace that overwhelms sin, inviting us to live with a renewed mind focused on Christ's righteousness.
So now we move to chapter 6 of Romans, Paul's great message in the book of Romans of the gospel, the good news of our heavenly Father's love for us through Jesus, his Son, and all that he is doing through his Son to bring us to his home again. We've looked at chapter 5, which was about the freedom from the judgment of God and returning us to his home, his heart, his throne room. We are freed from wrath, and just as the kingdom of Adam came in and brought sin and death to all people, so the kingdom of Christ brings righteousness and life to all peoples also. So Paul described in chapter 5 life in the kingdom of God, the kingdom of grace, as a reconciliation to our heavenly Father through his Son. Now then, we come to chapter 6. Not only are we in chapter 5 freed from the judgment and wrath of God, we're also freed from sin in chapter 6. Now that scares people a great deal. Because Christians are facing sin every day, and they are facing their failures. And if some of you have addictions, in reality, really all of us are addicted. We're addicted to our escapes from God. then when we see this message of freedom from sin, we say, oh boy, that cuts me out. There's no chance for me. But I'm asking you now to bend your mind, to expand it beyond all you can imagine by faith, because Paul is not talking about individual sins primarily. Paul about the moral lapses that we make, the moral sins and misbehaviors we do. He is talking about the sin kingdom of Christ. He says, what shall we say then? Shall we continue in sin that grace may abound? Well, now, why does he ask that question? because of what he has said previously in chapter 5. So let's go from verse 18 of chapter 5 down to 21 and see its connection with 6 verse 1. Remember that the chapters of the Bible, that is the chapter headings and the chapter divisions and the verse divisions, do not exist in the Greek. So this is a continual demonstration or a continual presentation of the gospel here. Verse 18 then of chapter 5, Therefore as through one man's offense judgment came to all men, resulting in condemnation, that's Adam's sin and fall of course, even so through one man's righteous act, that's Christ, his righteous life and death and resurrection, the free gift came to all men resulting in justification of life. For as through one man's disobedience, that's Adam's, many were made sinners. Of course, many there means everyone, because everybody was made sinners. Even so, also, by one man's obedience, many will be made righteous. That's the parallel to the many who were made sinners. So that's all of them. All will be made righteous. Moreover, the law entered that the offense might abound. We explored that the other day. The law enters to make us aware of our sins and to cause us to return to Jesus and to the mercy of God. But where sin abounded, grace abounded much more. Wherever there is sin, there is much more grace that you need to take personally into your heart when you're struggling with difficulties and sins. So that as sin reigned in death, so then sin isn't simply something we do. It's a kingdom that reigns. As sin reigned in death, even so grace might reign. That's Christ's righteousness. through righteousness to eternal life through Jesus Christ our Lord. And then 6 verse 1, what shall we say then shall we continue in sin? So do you see how the connection is here? He's not talking about individual sins. He is talking about the kingdom of sin and death that Adam brought to the world. And he's saying, are we going to continue in that kingdom of sin and death, in our spiritual life, in our faith life? Do you see what this is asking us? It's a fantastic question. Many Christians, surrounded by their familiar settings, their wounded life, their damaged emotions, their broken sinful habits, their families that are perhaps partly dysfunctional, their job situation, their finances, their health, everything, surrounded by all of that, they are pressured by it to continue living in the sin kingdom of Adam, which is the kingdom of sin and death. Which implies what then? that there is no grace, that there is condemnation and judgment, that we're all the time being condemned for our behavior or our failures, that everything that we do will end up in disaster and death and loss. You see, if you're living that way, you're still living in the sin kingdom of Adam. Now look at the whole verse. What shall we say then? Shall we continue in sin that grace may abound? Oh, now he's adding another phrase to this, well, actually a clause to this sentence, which gives it a different kind of twist. You see, why does he ask us, shall we continue in sin that grace may abound? Because he has just said, Moreover, the law, in chapter 5, verse 20, Moreover, the law entered that the offense might abound, but where sin abounded, grace abounded all the more. In other words, God always outdoes sin. He reveals his love and his mercy and his grace to us, right in the midst of the kingdom of sin that's surrounding us. And he's telling us, don't by faith live in it, because my grace abounds much more. Whenever you sin, my grace comes in with greater mercy. well, then our minds might be inclined to say, well, then why not continue in the sin kingdom of Adam, because grace abounds all the more, and God is all the more graceful to us and merciful to us. No, he says, don't take advantage of God's grace by continuing to live in the sin kingdom of Adam. And then he says this, Do you not know that as many of us as were baptized into Christ Jesus were baptized into his death? Now, why does he bring up baptism? Because baptism is a symbol. It represents something. It's a type, if you like. Well, not really a type. It's a symbol. And what is it a symbol of? It is a symbol of us going down into the water as if we were dying, going down into the earth like the water. and then rising up to new life when we come up out of the water. So he says, don't you know that as many of us as were baptized into Christ Jesus were baptized into his death? Why does he ask that question? Because the death of Jesus Christ is the central point. I want another word there. It is the demarcation line between the old form of living in the sin kingdom of Adam, and the kingdom of sin and death, and the new kingdom of life and peace. It is the most major historic point and historical event that redefined the world. Before Christ is the sin kingdom of Adam, which brings death. After Christ is the kingdom which brings life and resurrection. But don't be confused with before and after, because it doesn't mean in time. That is, before Jesus came, that was the sin kingdom of Adam, and after he came, that's the sin kingdom of Christ. He's not talking about time, and we will see that very clearly as we go along. He's talking about spheres of existence. He's talking about The way the mind lives without faith in the sin kingdom of Adam where there's only judgment, condemnation, death, disappointment, discouragement, the wrath of God, all of the things that have troubled us throughout our Christian life. And that's one realm of existence, a sphere or realm of existence, the kingdom of existence in Adam. But we, by faith, no longer live there. We live now with a new, renewed mind. It's a mind of faith that directs and instructs our regular mind. And it says, well, though things went badly at work today, though things have gone wrong in my family lately, though one of my children is now addicted and I didn't know that, and now I understand what the disaster was all about, and I am deeply troubled by that condition my child is in. Nevertheless, this is happening in the kingdom of Christ, not in the kingdom of Adam. Lord God, I therefore lift up my heart to you and give you praise that you are taking my child through the darkness in order to bring him or her into the light. This is how we pray now, now that we've discovered that there is a new sphere of existence, a new realm of existence, a new kingdom we are in. Yes, we still have our feet in the kingdom of Adam because we have a natural, fallen, broken body and mind. But by faith, we live in the sphere, the kingdom of the realm of Christ's righteousness and life, in which there's no judgment and no condemnation. Now, this is the big, big idea of Romans chapter 6. Yes, it affects our personal sins, but that's not where it begins. There are so many Christians who've lost their way in chapter 6 of Romans, because they think Paul is talking about their individual sins, and they say, well, I haven't died to all my sins. You have died to your sins. You have died to the kingdom of Adam, the kingdom of sin and death. How? By your conversion? By your new birth? By your sanctification? No, by the body of Jesus Christ, for Jesus Christ died took you by his death out of the kingdom of Adam, which is the kingdom of sin and death. How did he do it by his death? In that his death was on behalf of you. And that death that he suffered was a judgment. And God took the judgment away. your judgment upon his son so that you could be removed from the kingdom of Adam into the kingdom of Christ in which there is no judgment and no condemnation. So start lifting up your heart and training your faith in the reality of that kingdom. Thanks for listening today, everyone. Colin Cook here and how it happens. This program comes to you on KLTT AM 670 in the Denver and Colorado and surrounding states areas, which you can hear at 10 o'clock in the evening, repeated at 4 in the morning for those of you who can't sleep or get up early. And you can also hear it, though, any time of the day or night on your smartphone. Simply download a free app, or and key in how it happens with Colin Cook when you get there. And if you would like to make a donation to this listener-supported radio, simply make that donation at or send your donation to Faith Quest, P.O. Box 366, Littleton, Colorado, 80160. Thanks so much. See you next time. Cheerio and God bless.
Join us as we explore the freeing aspects of life in the kingdom of grace as outlined in Romans Chapter 5. This conversation highlights the essential journey from wrath to reconciliation, where faith plays a pivotal role in overcoming the destructive forces of sin and death. Discover the assurance of peace with God through Jesus Christ, and how this assurance empowers believers to live in hope and confidence despite life's challenges.
So we've come to the end of Romans chapter 5, and we need to review it. And why do we need to review it? Because we need to remind ourselves what we believe. Our human nature, our natural mind, hasn't a clue what we believe. Faith in Christ does, and we therefore tell our minds how to believe. We direct our minds. We instruct our minds. And we first need to remember that this chapter 5 is one of four parts, 5, 6, 7, and 8, of Romans describing life in the kingdom of grace. Life in the kingdom of grace is freedom from wrath, chapter 5, freedom from the power and identity of sin, chapter 6, freedom from the condemnation of the law, chapter 7, and freedom from the power of death, chapter 8. So we're looking at freedom from wrath. Well, let's remind ourselves, first of all, what wrath is. Wrath is God's love acting against the destructive forces of sin. God's wrath is motivated by love. God never suspends his love in order to be wrathful. That wrath, motivated by love, is to hand the world over to the powers of sin because of their choice, humanity's choice, to suppress him. So humanity says, no, we don't want God. Adam created it, started it all off, and resisted God. And God, in his love... motivated or rather not motivated, expressed in wrath, hands people over to the choice that they make of rejecting him and choosing alternative gods. Now, why does he do that? because he's seeking to win them back. God's wrath is not sending people away and abandoning them so that they are in oblivion for eternity. No. God's wrath is his tough love, and that tough love moves upon humanity to bring it to an end of itself by its idols. so that he can then give them mercy. For it says in Romans 11.32, you remember, that God has imprisoned all under sin that he might have mercy on all. That is the great goal of God's creation and the great goal of his heart. So, what is Romans 5 telling us about wrath? that we have been reconciled to the heart of the Father, brought back. Now, do you understand how being reconciled and brought back to God is the opposite of wrath, which was to hand over to the powers of sin? If God's wrath is to hand people over to what they choose instead of him, then his mercy, then the opposite of that wrath is to bring them back, to reconcile them to his heart. Well, how does he do that? Through Jesus Christ. Christ represents all humanity. Christ stands in for all humanity. When he dies, he takes the judgment of the human race. And then when he rises from the dead and ascends to the Father, he does so on our behalf, so that in him we are reconciled. Now listen to this. Even before we were born, even before the creation was made, even while we were enemies, Romans 5 verse 10. You see how the gospel turns reality on its head. And, I might say, the gospel turns our modern perceptions of the gospel on their head. Because this salvation of ours is not a choice for God by human beings, but it is God's choice of human beings himself. Let's say that in another way. Salvation is not... man's choice for God, it is God's choice for man. That is the wonder of the good news. God has a passionate, fierce love for the human race that he made, and he is determined to restore it, and he is sending his Son to atone for the sins of the world and to rise again for the new human race that will be made in him. We shall all be renewed. And thus, you see, Paul is saying here, we have been justified, that is declared innocent, by faith, which is shorthand for by Christ in whom we have faith. We have been declared innocent in that he took the judgment on the cross. And when he took the judgment, then we are declared innocent. You may struggle with all kinds of problems. You may worry. You may get depressed. You may have an addiction of one kind or another. And you may be in trouble with the law or in trouble with your family. And you feel that all is lost. And yet as you trust in Jesus Christ as your sacrifice, you are declared and counted as if you were innocent. And therefore you have peace with God. That's verse 1, you see. But this is not a peace in the heart necessarily. You may still be troubled, but you are understanding now that you have peace with God by Jesus Christ, through Jesus Christ. Jesus has established a peace pact between you and the Father. so that even though you are troubled, you can say, Lord God, I'm burdened with trouble, but I thank you that Jesus is my peace, and therefore this trouble that I have has no power to unsettle me. I praise you that in Christ I can be calm, I can sing, I can praise you, and when you do that and pray in that way, and exercise faith in that way, you slowly begin to realize, or you begin to realize that the disturbance in your heart is lessening. It is lowering its impact in your mind and heart, and you are realizing that faith has the power to redirect your mind. And so we have access, you see, into this faith, into this grace in which we stand. By faith we have access. This means we have entrance into God's throne room, into his home. When you feel cast away, when you feel like an outcast, when you feel that you're out there in the cold and God doesn't love you, you counter that by the faith that God has given you, that you have access to the Father's heart, access to his home, access to his throne room. You stand in this. The idea in verse 2 of standing is being secure. You're not sort of hoping you're there. You're secure. You're standing there, and you're rejoicing in the hope of the glory of God. You see how this faith of ours is simply superhuman. It is not an act of the will. It is a gift of God. That is why it is so strong. And you can say, Father, I, in my human heart, in my mind, have no faith at all. I feel weak. I feel hopeless. But I praise you that you give me faith to believe in Jesus. Now, you see, this is the second part that Romans 5 talks about. While we were without strength, ungodly, sinners, that's verses 6 and 8, Christ died for us. But understand that that is more than a potential. In other words, I will die for your sins as long as you repent and have faith and believe. As if God and we had a bargain together, and he does one part of the bargain, and we have to fulfill the other part. That is not the truth. Because verse 10 is parallel with verses 6 and 8, and it says there, If when we were enemies we were reconciled to God through the death of his Son, oh, so you see, the death of Christ is the reconciliation of the human race. God has already reconciled the human race to himself before the human race even existed, before the creation of the world, and before you were born. The good news of the gospel is you are reconciled. Turn to God. Believe in Him. Reconcile with Him because you are reconciled to His heart. And you can be sure that God's message of reconciliation will bring your heart around because God is the creator of faith. You will have faith either in this world or you will hold out against Him until you go through the judgment, and that's a scary thing, and then you will have faith. So do it now to escape from the judgment. You see then how awesome all of this is. And then Paul goes even further. Having started with our individual hearts, presumably, now he launches into the world, into the stratosphere, into the universe. And he says that as in Adam—well, he doesn't say that exactly here. This is first—I'm just about to quote 1 Corinthians 15. As in Adam all die, so in Christ shall all be made alive. But verses 12 to 21 of Romans 5— is rather an expansion of that. Verse 18 summarizes this passage by saying, Therefore, as through the one man's offense, that is Adam's, judgment came to all men, resulting in condemnation, see, Adam brought sin and death upon the planet, Even so, through one man's righteous act, that is Jesus Christ, the free gift came to all men resulting in justification of life. And so, the message of the gospel is that the wrath of God has been removed from the world in Jesus Christ. But then we look at verse 21 that makes it a little bit more precise. So that, as sin reigned in death, even so grace might reign through righteousness to eternal life through Jesus Christ our Lord. So, you see, there are two realities. There's the reality of this fallen, broken world in which our body and mind still exist, and that is under the reign of death. But there's the reality now that we know by faith which is greater than that sin and death reality, and that is that we are now in the reign of righteousness through Christ's righteousness to eternal life. And so the question then becomes, which kingdom are you living in? You, by faith, can know that all the troubles that you go through, the disappointments, the loss of your job, the worries of family life, the issues of ill health and finances, all of these issues, or addictions as well, They are now in the kingdom of life. You say, how can all these troubles be in the kingdom of life? Because Christ has conquered the power of evil. And therefore we lift our hearts up and say, Lord God, I thank you that this sickness, this loss of a job is not unto death. I thank you that it is unto life. I thank you that through this I will be drawn closer to you. I thank you that the future is bright for me. Not necessarily the future in this world, but the future of eternal life, which is now impacting your life in this earth. So you're freed from this abandonment under wrath. You are reconciled to the heart of the Father. That is one of the wonderful realities of the kingdom of grace. Thank you. Thanks so much. See you next time. Cheerio and God bless.
Join us as we unravel the spiritual and psychological dimensions of faith that Paul describes with such fervor. Understand how the kingdom of righteousness and life through Christ challenges our secular perceptions, offering an alternative reality rooted in spiritual truth. As we journey through the complexities of belief, learn how faith acts as an unseen force, turning teachings into lived experiences and shining as a beacon of hope in a world shadowed by suffering.
So we're looking now at the last verse in Romans chapter 5. You remember Paul has developed this incredibly interesting and beautiful and enormously redemptive argument that the full extent of Adam's sin is more than equaled by the full extent of Christ's righteousness. That is, the extent that Adam brought sin and death upon the whole planet, that's upon all of us, of course, is the same extent that Jesus brought righteousness and life upon the whole planet, all of us. So Jesus completely undoes everything that Satan did through Adam. This is the marvel of the gospel. This is why we believe that all are destined for eternal life as they go through faith in Jesus. Or if they resist faith, they go into judgment until they come to an end of themselves, the humanity, and then they call out for mercy from the Lord. So now the last verse is this, so that as sin reigned in death, even so grace might reign through righteousness to eternal life through Jesus Christ our Lord. What a marvelous verse this is. Ponder it. Slow down. Think about these verses. You remember I've told you that Paul makes six efforts to explain this glorious truth. Verse 15 and 16 and 17 and 18 and 19 and 21. Six efforts to explain the same thing. You can see why he's trying to get his mind around it, because it's so big. The message of the gospel is incomprehensible, beyond all we can imagine. So wonderful of God to be so good and merciful to all of us. So then we look at this verse and we see, " sin reigned in death." Now, I've mentioned this thing about reigning before. Paul is talking about kingdoms when he talks about sin and righteousness, the kingdom of Satan, which is the reign of sin, and the kingdom of Christ, which is the reign of righteousness. And I want you to think again of the issue of sin. Sin is not simply something we do. It is something that does us, because it is a kingdom, and it's a tyrannical kingdom. It's not a kingdom of democracy, spiritual democracy. It's a kingdom of tyranny that holds us in bondage. We don't have a choice to get out of this kingdom. What we have to have is a deliverer who releases us from the bondage of this kingdom, and that is Jesus Christ. So when you are dealing with addiction and struggles with sin, don't simply think, I've got to stop doing this. What you need to think, and we'll be talking more about this in chapter 6, is who will deliver me from this kingdom? Christ will. It is God's act of salvation and deliverance that we're looking at, not our choice to serve him and to love him. God comes with the good news and the gift to believe it. And that is where we stand before God, helpless, and yet here he comes helping us. So, you think of the reign of sin, then. It is a kingdom, and it's a reign of sin and death. All humanity is in that kingdom. All of humanity. No exceptions. When you go to work and you do your job and frustrations take place and disappointments and harassments and trouble everywhere, or you get fired for that matter, or you simply haven't a job and your health is breaking down and all kinds of relationship struggles are taking place and the economy that your personal economy is at rock bottom, All of this is the reign of the kingdom of sin and death. But here is the good news. So that as sin reigned in death, even so grace might reign through righteousness. Now, wait a minute. How can two kingdoms be reigning at the same time? Well, you say, maybe they're not. We get delivered from the kingdom of sin and death, and then we're into the kingdom of righteousness and life. Well, yes and no, because the fact is we're still alive in this body, aren't we, which is subject to sickness and death and financial loss and disappointment in relationships and all the rest of it, and moodiness and depression and addictions. We're still in that body. So that is in the kingdom and the mind, by the way, because the mind is also part of the body and is what depresses us so often. So that's part of the reign of death, isn't it? Well, you see, we're also in the kingdom of righteousness and life by faith in Jesus. So this is what you and I need to bring to the fore in our mind by faith. The kingdom of Christ, which is righteousness and life, eternal life even now, for whoever believes in Jesus has eternal life. It starts now and continues on through our aging, through our death, to right into our resurrection and our presence with Jesus and the Father in the kingdom. That kingdom is reigning over the kingdom of sin and death. It's not that there are two equal kingdoms side by side. It's that one has broken through the power of the other. Christ's resurrected victorious life has broken through to the kingdom of sin and death. so that all that goes on in our secular life, as I mentioned earlier, our job, our health, our finances, our sicknesses, our disappointments, our addictions, our problems, our relationships, and the disappointments that we feel through all of them, all now are in the kingdom of Christ's resurrected life, so that we now give thanks for everything that happens. We say, Father, I thank you. I just lost my job. You know all about that, dear Lord. But I give praise to you that this thing, this loss of my job, which seems to be under the kingdom of sin and death, reigning in that kingdom, yes, it is part of that kingdom, but your kingdom of life, resurrection and life, righteousness and life, is also reigning and has broken through the kingdom of sin and death. And therefore I thank you, Father, for the loss of my job, because this is going to be an instrument of grace. This is how we crazy Christians believe. It is life to the soul, health to the body. It is the perpetuation of health. It brings to us a new way of seeing things because we are seeing beyond this secular world, this one world of fallenness and evil, into the kingdom of God which has broken through to the kingdom of sin and death. Let's read the verse again. " that, as sin reigned in death, even so grace might reign through righteousness to eternal life through Jesus Christ our Lord." Whose righteousness? Not ours, for sure. "...through Jesus Christ our Lord." It's His righteousness that grace is reigning through. so grace might reign through righteousness to eternal life through Jesus Christ our Lord. This is so great, so wonderful, it simply cannot be put into words. I'm sort of doing my best to put it into words right now, but you can see how difficult it is for me to do that. And so what's the answer to that problem of not being able to put this into words? Put it into faith. Let faith be exercised in the reality of this. The moment you believe is the moment that faith... turns these teachings into reality. The moment you exercise faith and give praise to God for the things that are happening to you even when they are negative is the moment reality strikes your mind because faith sees the invisible. Faith knows what is going on because of what Christ has done for us. So you can see the psychology, the spiritual psychology of all this, can't you? Not the secular psychology, the spiritual psychology of it. you can see, first of all, how that spiritual psychology completely contradicts your secular mind. Don't expect your mind to think that this is rational. Yes, it is a sort of rationality. The rationality of faith is very valid. But don't expect the secular mind, your secular mind, to think it's rational. It sounds utterly stupid, utterly breathtaking nonsense. But you and I are men and women who have seen the invisible. God has gifted us with faith in his mercy as he will gift all the world in that similar faith and mercy. He has gifted us because we are not only his election as all the world is elected, but we have been called. Not all are called yet, even though they're elected. Israel is elected, but hasn't been fully called yet by any means. But we have been called. And what have we been called to? To believe in the grace of God, the kingdom of God that Jesus Christ has brought. And then, in little bits and pieces, here and there, to explain it to others, whether by example or verbal expression, so that they may suddenly have a bright light turned on in their head, and that light is the grace of God, for God is light and there is no darkness in Him at all. And those people go ahead and go home with all their family troubles to face, and they say, you know, I think I'll try to believe, like that guy said at work today. And they try, and they find it's not a matter of trying. The Holy Spirit rushes in and gives them the gift of faith, and they believe. And when they believe, the family is affected. Maybe all the family becomes believers and are baptized, or maybe it's just one or two for years and years until others realize it. But you see that we are the lights, we are the vessels of mercy, and we are sent to the vessels of wrath to tell them about it so that they can believe as well. So look, this is serious business, but it's as light as a feather. This is heavy, but it's light as joy, because God has come to us in a way we could never have expected, and he has told us, look to me. I am the kingdom, and I have come to your heart. Thank you so much for You can also hear the program, though, any time of the day or night on your smartphone. Simply download a free app, SoundCloud, or, and key in how it happens with Colin Cook when you get there. If you'd like to make a donation to the program, it would be so much appreciated. It's listener-supported radio. Make your donation online at or send your donation to Faith Quest, P.O. Box 366, Littleton, Colorado, 80160. Thanks so much. See you next time. Cheerio and God bless.
Join us as we explore the intriguing intricacies of Paul's writing in Romans, delving into the surprising function of the law and its profound implications for humanity. This episode sheds light on how the increased awareness of sin leads us closer to God's mercy, emphasizing that even in our failures, divine grace prevails. Embrace a richer comprehension of the faith as we delve deep into Paul's theological wisdom and its practical impact on our lives.
So Paul now throws an unexpected line in his arguments about the salvation of all humanity, and it's very typical of Paul. He often throws a curveball or a wrench into the works, and this is what he's going to do right now in Romans chapter 5. Let's look at the few verses just before it to get the idea. Paul says in verse 18, "...therefore as through one man's offense judgment came to all men, resulting in condemnation," that's Adam's fall, resulting in the condemnation of the world, sin and death coming into the world, "...even so through one man," that's Christ's righteousness, "...even so through one man's righteous act, the free gift," came to all men, resulting in the injustification of life. So Christ brings in righteousness and life for all humanity. And then he goes on, for as by one man's disobedience many were made sinners, that's all, of course, so also by one man's obedience many will be made righteous, which is equally all. But now here's this Odd verse that seems not to fit. Moreover, the law entered that the offense might abound. But where sin abounded, grace abounded much more. Well, it's interesting that he's introducing the law here because he's going to spend a whole chapter on that subject in chapter 7. But he's sort of giving us a warning, if you like, of what's coming. Why did God introduce the law? The law entered. Was it that... God saw the world getting increasingly wicked, so he thought as an afterthought, as it were, well, I'd better bring in the law in order to put a brake on the world's sin. Is that what Paul had in mind in describing this situation? Is that what God had in mind? No. The verse says, "...the law entered that the offense might abound." So, law was introduced not to put a brake on sin, but, shockingly, to increase it, so that it might abound. Well, boy, let's take a look at that for a minute. There are two ways of thinking of sin abounding. Sin could abound in the actions of sin, so that sinful actions abounded, or sin could abound in our awareness of sin, in that we become more aware of it when the law is introduced. That is how most people understand it, and of course rightly so, but only partly so. Romans chapter 3, for instance, says that, verse 19, we know that whatever the law says, it says to those who are under the law, that every mouth may be stopped and all the world may become guilty before God. Well, that's kind of an odd thing for Paul to say, that the world is—God wants people to feel guilty. God wants the world to feel guilty. Is that what God likes? Is God so heartless that he just wants us to carry around this massive boulder of guilt everywhere we go? No, that's not the point. The point is that as we become aware of our sin, and as we become aware of our guilt, then we are more ready to call upon God for mercy and help. We see the relevance of Jesus more fully when we're aware of our guilt. That is, once Jesus, of course, reveals himself, otherwise guilt will never redeem us. It'll never bring us closer to God. Verse 20 says, Therefore, 3 verse 20, by the deeds of the law no flesh will be justified in his sight, for by the law is the knowledge of sin. And so, when Paul says in chapter 5, Moreover the law entered, that the offence might abound, he may mean that the offence that we might become more aware of our offence. so that we might want the mercy and love of God through Jesus' Son more readily. But there's more to it than that. According to chapter 7 of Romans, verse 5, it says this, For when we were in the flesh, the sinful passions which were aroused by the law... Wow. Aroused by the law? Passion aroused by the law? So the law was not meant to put a brake on sin, but to arouse it. Not only was the law then to make us more aware of sin, but also to excite it. How does that work? Well, let's suppose you have a struggle with alcohol, and you've been doing pretty well for a day or two or three or four, maybe a month or two, and suddenly a temptation to drink hits your mind. Now, you're a Christian. Well, maybe not necessarily a Christian, but you're certainly a person who wants to be free from alcoholism because it's devastating your life, it's crippling your economy, it's ruining your health, it's affecting your relationships, and you want to be free from it. And so when the urge comes to drink, but let's say you're a Christian, You feel guilty. You feel afraid if you're a non-Christian and afraid and guilty if you're a Christian. And what happens when you feel guilty? Now, remember where guilt comes from. It comes from a knowledge of the law, not to put anything before God like an idol. Well, you are suddenly wanting this drink. And you know you can go before God and call upon his aid to help you, or you can block God so that you can enjoy another drink. And in this instance, you block God. And when you block God, something terrible happens in your mind. It becomes darkened and isolated and lonely. And loneliness and that sense of separation from ourselves, let alone separation from God, is so terrifying that we need the comfort of God or the comfort of drink. But since we've sort of decided to block God, we don't want his comfort, so we go to the drink. Do you see then how the law, the guilt that the law produces and the fear and the shame, can actually arouse passions? That's what it does. And so Paul says here, going back now to chapter 5, verse 20, the law entered that the offense might abound, that sin might abound. It is a very strange thing. We need to be careful of it because we don't want to think, well, God encourages sin because he doesn't. He doesn't encourage temptation. But he does encourage a revelation of ourselves. We have to know what we're made of, the stuff that's inside of us that creates such chaos in our lives. He has to reveal this because we are stuffing it. We're not prepared to know the full truth. Remember Romans 1 verse 18, the wrath of God is revealed because men suppress the truth. Humanity is in a state of suppression. Well, what does that mean exactly? It means several things. It means the suppression of God in our consciousness, but also the suppression of ourselves. Because when we suppress God, in whose image we were originally made, We are suppressing our own image, our sense of what it is to be a man or a woman, our sense of what it is to be human. And so we fall into this pit where it is so difficult to see any light and any way out, and we are in a mess, and we cannot bring ourselves together, pull ourselves together. So, you see, God has to reveal the true state of the human heart. Again, let's think of it another way. Sin is pride. It is, I don't need you, God. Just bug off. I want myself to take control. I want to be my own God. And in that process, then, is a pride that develops that completely blinds us to who we are and what is really going on. And so God introduces the law, which not only makes us aware of sin, but also actually excites sin, so that we become fully aware of what's going on and of who we are. Now, why does he do that? so that we might come to him for help, for mercy, for grace, for redemption, for rescue, that's why, so that we may break this terrible condition of independence. Now, if you're not sure that I'm interpreting this rightly, or if you're not sure that Paul is interpreting it rightly, remember the book of Ezekiel. God allowed Israel to go into terrible, terrible idolatry those 800 years prior. Such terrible idolatry that they even sacrificed their children, their babies to Molech and Baal. And God said that he did it to devastate them. He did it, that is, he allowed them to do it. He didn't stop them from doing it. He handed them over to it to devastate them. Well, why? Because he hated them? Because he was going to destroy them? No. because he was devastating their hearts and minds to help them to see what they were fully capable of as sinners, so that they would call upon Jehovah so that they might know that he is the Lord. A phrase, then they shall know that I am the Lord, a clause that appears over 60 times in those 49 chapters, I think it is, 49 chapters of Ezekiel. So you see, God has a real tough way of dealing with us because we have a very tough way of resisting him. He wouldn't need to do all this if we were just compliant and if we were willing to listen. But we're so darn stubborn, aren't we? We just have it all backwards. And he has to let us go the full way of our rebellion in order to see our need of a Savior. So then, moreover, the law entered that the offense might abound. But look what follows. But where sin abounded, grace abounded much more. When God devastated Israel by letting them have the sins of idolatry that they exercised, God's grace was revealed all the more because he said that he will provide an atonement and forgive them for all that they had ever done, so that they would never open their mouth again in pride and arrogance. My goodness, how wonderful God is to be able to reveal his mercy through the instrumentality of our sin. That is how God is, and that's what you must take to heart. Don't be overwhelmed by your sin, but say, Lord God, thank you for revealing through my sin the mercy that I need to deal with it. Thanks for joining me today. Colin Cook here, and this is my broadcast, How It Happens. If you want to hear any repeats or a repeat of this broadcast, go online to download a free app, or, and key in How It Happens with Colin Cook, and you can listen to this program all over again or other archival programs. If you would like to make a donation to the broadcast, please consider it. Thank you very much. You can send it via the web. Go to or make your donation by sending it to Faith Quest, P.O. Box 366, Littleton, Colorado, 80160. Thanks. See you next time. Cheerio and God bless.
Discover the compelling narrative that Christians believe about the world's brokenness and the hope of restoration through Christ. An insightful exploration into the spiritual groaning felt universally, we unpack the scripture's promise of a re-creation where sorrow gives way to divine joy. With references to Isaiah, Philippians, and other biblical texts, Colin Cook invites listeners to contemplate the transformative power of faith and the steadfast certainty of God's love and determination to redeem humanity.
So we are at these verses where Paul makes six attempts in seven verses to explain himself. And that to me is really significant. I can't remember anywhere else in the Bible where such repetition takes place except there is a psalm or two that repeats the glory and the praise that we give to God. But that is so understandable because that is similar to what we're looking at here, the glory of God to save the world, to have mercy on the world. This is Romans chapter 5, of course, and we came up to the verse yesterday that says, Therefore... as through one man's offense, that's Adam's, judgment came to all men, that is, the judgment of sin and death, resulting in condemnation upon all the world, of course. Even so, through one man's righteous act, that's Jesus Christ's death and resurrection and his whole life of devotion to his Father, the free gift came to all men. So Christ brought all the blessing of righteousness and life to the planet. and resurrection, resulting in justification of life, just as Adam brought death and sin to the world. So remember, in these verses, chapters 5, verses 15 to 21, we see a comparison of opposites and a comparison of similarities. The opposites are this, that Adam brought in sin and death, but Christ brought in righteousness and life. That's the opposite comparison. But the comparison of similarity is that as Adam brought in sin and death to everyone, so also Christ brought in righteousness and life to everyone. What Paul is showing us here is that the extent to which Adam brought devastation to the world is the same extent to which Christ brought reconstruction and life to the world. I don't know that this can be argued in any other way than this means the salvation of all humanity. Paul makes it at struggles. I want you to read these verses yourself in chapter 5, verses 15 to 21. You can see how he struggles to make it clear to us what is being said. So let me read them again. And don't be fooled again by the many, whether Paul is referring to a few. No, he's using the word many in the same way he is using the word all. So, this many is referring to the masses. Let's read them, these verses. But the free gift is not like the offense. For if by the one man's offense many died, that's all, of course, much more the grace of God and the gift by the grace of the one man, Jesus Christ, abound to many. Just as many applies to all, means all, so also Christ's gift of righteousness and grace abounds to all, as he uses the word many here for all. Verse 16, And the gift is not like that which came through the one who sinned. For the judgment which came from one offense resulted in condemnation, but the free gift which came from many offenses resulted in justification. For if by the one man's offense death reigned through the one, much more those who receive, that is the receivers of, abundance of grace and of the gift of righteousness reign in life through the one Jesus Christ. Therefore, as through one man's offense judgment came to all men, resulting in condemnation, even so through one man's righteous act the free gift came to all men, resulting in justification. What an incredible blessing this is! This is not simply dry theology that we're trying to work out here. It's not biblical interpretation. It is the grace of God declaring to his human race that he, by his love and compassion and mercy, is determined to win back the human race. As it says in Isaiah 45, before me every knee shall bow, every tongue shall acknowledge or take an oath that in me alone is righteousness and strength. And that promise in Isaiah 45 is repeated constantly. in the book of Romans 14 and in the book of Philippians, referring, and it's referring to Christ. Every knee shall bow to Christ, realizing finally that in him alone is their righteousness and strength. These words cannot be sidestepped. They cannot be put to one side. We must take these verses as well as many others. For instance, Ephesians 1 and Colossians 1, where God is going to reconcile the whole world to himself through Christ. And Acts chapter 3, I think it is 2, that the day will come When all things will be restored, these verses have to be brought in to help us to understand what the judgments are. Do the judgments mean eternal death? No. If we are to harmonize Scripture, then the judgments must mean that they are ultimately redemptive. They are going to bring people to an awareness of their brokenness, and they're going to bring people to the hope of eternal life through Jesus, who is their righteousness and strength. And so they bow the knee. And so Paul then says this in verse 19, which is the verse we are looking at today. For as by one man's disobedience, Many were made sinners. Now, how many were made sinners? All were made sinners. And, of course, Paul has used the word all already in the previous verse. So, obviously, he is using many and all interchangeably. They're the same thing. For as by one man's disobedience many were made sinners, so also by one man's obedience, that's Christ's, many will be made righteous. All will be made righteous because all were made sinners by Adam. Christ is going to undo everything that Adam did. Or to put it another way, everything that Adam undid, that is the righteous, glorious, perfect creation, Christ is going to restore. You see, it says a little further on, though we'll jump ahead for a minute, though we're not there yet in the book of Romans, that the whole creation groans and labors with birth pangs together until now. All humanity and all nature and all animals and all sea creatures and birds all are groaning, waiting for that day when the sons of God will be revealed. And so, you see, we know that the whole creation groans and labors, Now notice, not with pain simply, but with birth pangs, because the whole creation is going to be made new. That's what it says in the book of Revelation. Behold, I make all things new. What an incredible promise this is. What an expectation that is simply buried under the pain of being sinners and under the pain of death. We feel a groaning, we feel a weakness, we feel the sorrow of the lost creation, but we don't know how to identify it. We don't know what it is. But Christians do, you see, because Christians have had the revelation of Christ and the gospel revealed to them. So you and I have the wonderful privilege and responsibility of explaining to the world what their pain is all about. that they don't need all the antidepressants, they don't need all the psychoanalysis, they don't need, yes, they certainly need to get to terms, come to terms with the abuse maybe and the neglect in their childhood. But they need to know that even though they come to terms with that abuse and neglect, it still will not reach the deeper level of pain which comes from the lost creation. You and I, all of us, all humanity, groan like a lost creation because we are a lost creation. We can't figure it out. But once we become Christians, once we learn that there was once a perfect world and there was a fall, a terrible fall away from God, and mankind has been suppressing God and Christ ever since, once we understand that and that Christ brings us back to the Father, reconciles us to the Father's heart, then we can understand what that pain and sorrow has been all about. And so, looking at this verse again that we are looking at today, " by one man's disobedience, that's Adam's, many were made sinners, that's all human beings, so also by one man's obedience, that's Christ's, many were made righteous." You see, you and I now need to understand that Christ is our righteousness. If you think that this is talking about your human righteousness, your righteousness, you will be in despair. You will have no hope at all, because you'll say, but I've tried all my life to become righteous, and I can't make it. I've tried all my life to be good, to be sanctified, and it works for a few days, but then I fall flat on my face. You see, we have to recognize that the gospel is not about making you righteous. The gospel is not about making you righteous. It is about Christ having made himself righteous by his worship and following and obedience towards his heavenly Father and his sacrifice for our sins so that we are no longer charged with unrighteousness as we trust in Christ. All our sins are taken to the cross. We are treated as if we were righteous. God justifies, that is, treats as righteous, the ungodly. That's Romans 4, verse 5. And so, this is what gives you hope for eternal life. Not simply that God is going to raise all the dead and give them all eternal life, but but that God is going to give that eternal life to us because Christ is accounted to us as our righteousness. Now, you can see where this is going in regard to your own life. Don't fall for the trap of depression and being overcome by deeply sorrowful thoughts because you simply don't seem to be able to plow through your sins and make it to the other shore. Don't be so overwhelmed with your failures that you feel that you will not make it into the kingdom. The issue is not whether you will make it. The issue is whether God is determined by his faithfulness to bring you through. Of course he is. That's what he does. That is his love and his mercy and his passion towards us. And so lift up your heart. even though the struggles are many and you fail and fall and you repent and you say, Father, I thank you that you are going to bring me through that I am certain of because you are my certainty. Well, thank you for joining me today, everyone. Colin Cook here and you're listening to my program, How It Happens, which you can hear any time of the day or night on your smartphone. Simply download a free app, or and key in How It Happens with Colin Cook when you get there. I do appreciate all the support you have given and thank you for your notes that encourage me. If you would like to make a donation, you can make it online at See you next time. Cheerio and God bless.
Join Colin Cook as he navigates through the complexities of Romans chapter 5, uncovering the depths of Paul's message concerning Adam and Christ. Cook emphasizes the equal yet opposite effects of Adam's fall and Christ's resurrection, making a compelling case for understanding this pivotal scripture. He underscores the shared human experience of sinfulness and the miraculous provision of salvation through Christ's sacrifice. In this thought-provoking episode, Cook describes the transformative power of recognizing God's sovereignty in our lives. He addresses common misconceptions about Christian faith, advocating for a reliance on God's grace rather than human effort. As listeners journey through these teachings, they are encouraged to embrace their spiritual journeys with renewed understanding and commitment. Cook concludes by connecting these spiritual truths to the beauty of nature, inviting listeners to see God's handiwork in the world around them. For those seeking solace and guidance, Cook provides inspiring insights on faith and a reminder of the ever-present opportunity to turn towards God's mercy and grace.
You can tell that Paul is struggling to get his idea across in Romans chapter 5. Remember, this is the mountaintop, the Himalayan top of Paul's arguments and Paul's message in the book of Romans, that as... Adam brought death and sin, sin and death to the whole of humanity, not excluding anyone. So also Christ brought righteousness and life to the whole of humanity, not excluding anyone. I doubt, in fact, I'm almost sure that there is no other passage in Scripture where somebody, where a writer is trying to convey his thought and repeats it six times in different wording in order to get his point across. I can imagine Paul walking up and down his room with his hands behind his back, perhaps his face looking to the floor, while he's walking up and down and his secretary is dictating what he says. And I wouldn't be at all surprised if Paul were not saying occasionally, no, no, strike that, not exactly like that, write it like this, and on and on. You can read this for yourself if you are at all sensitive to the fact that The writers of the Bible are not simply empty vessels through whom the Holy Spirit is dictating. They are moved on by the Holy Spirit unquestionably, but they're still human beings, and they're still going through their thought processes, but they think that their thought processes are theirs when in fact they happen to be the Holy Spirit's. And so here is Paul struggling to get this message across, that the extent of Adam's sin, is equal to the extent of Christ's righteousness, that the effect of Adam's fall, bringing death to all, is comparable to the extent and effect of Christ's righteousness and resurrection. I said the other day, and I'll say it again, that these verses that we're looking at are a comparison, of similarities and a comparison of opposites. The similarity is that Adam's action had an equal effect to Christ's action. That's the similarity, which is universal. That is that his work, Adam's life and sin, brought death to all, had an effect upon everybody. So also Christ's life and resurrection and death and resurrection has an effect upon everybody. That's the comparison of similarities. But the comparison of opposites is that Adam brought in death to everyone and Christ brings in life to everyone. And so you come to this high point now in verse 18, chapter 5, Romans chapter 5, verse 18. Therefore, as through one man's offense, and remember he says therefore, which means that verse 18 is a gathering up of the one, two, three ways of saying it in verses 15 through 17. Therefore, as through one man's offense, That is the sin of Adam. Remember, by the way, let's have a break here, that that sin is not minor. It was not a simple, silly little thing about eating an apple and, oops, what a mess he's made of things. What Adam was doing was wrenching his mind out of its socket because his mind was an innocent mind. It was not like our mind, which has a natural inclination towards evil. Adam did not have a natural inclination towards evil before he fell. He had a natural inclination towards good. And so when he sinned, when he turned away from God and suppressed God in order to take that fruit which was forbidden to him, he was doing something which caused his mind probably to scream out loud, don't do it. And yet he did it. And so it was a monumental sin to turn away from God like that and to suppress God. You and I, we find it quite comfortable, quite easy to suppress God. We've been doing it all the time. What's new? But for Adam, the light was switched off. The warmth of his soul turned into a shivering cold. Poor man. Thanks be to God, we know that he's a forgiven man and he is redeemed. How do we know that? Well, Jesus, as you recall, rather in the book of Genesis, as you recall, God provided skins for Adam when he sensed the nakedness of his soul. Well, what does that imply? That a sacrifice was made, a sacrifice typifying Jesus Christ's coming sacrifice. And so Adam was clothed with skins. So, therefore, it says, as through one man's offense, judgment came to all men. Now, you see, you understand that human beings after Adam, they did not sin Adam's sin. That's what Paul makes a point of in verse 14. Nevertheless, death reigned from Adam to Moses, even over those who had not sinned, according to the likeness of the transgression of Adam. In other words, the human race suffered the effects of Adam's sin and the judgment of Adam's sin, which was death, even though they did not sin as Adam had sinned. And why is Paul stating that? Because of the parallel with Jesus Christ. The world will receive the effects of Christ's righteousness, even though they did not have any part in Christ's righteousness. Therefore, it says, as through one man's offense, judgment came to all men, resulting in condemnation, not just effects. We don't just suffer the effects of Adam's sin. We suffer the judgment, the condemnation of it, because we are part of the human race. We come from his body. And so, you see, if you want to understand or explain the cry of the soul, the sorrow that people feel when there's no one around and there's total silence and we don't know what we're sorry for, and we look at a beautiful sunset standing on the beach, looking at the sun dip into the horizon, and we feel sorrow as well as beauty, why is that? because we are carrying about Adam's burden as well as our own. We are not only sinners in our own right, we are sinners under the judgment of Adam's sin. Accept that, whether you like it or not, because then you can understand and accept that we are recipients of Christ's righteousness even when we had no part in it. So look at verse 18 then again, completing it now. Therefore, as through one man's offense judgment came to all men, resulting in condemnation... Even so, notice even so, because that's where he's making the comparison, even so, through one man's righteous act, that's Christ's sacrifice on the cross, the free gift came to all men, all men, women, and children, resulting in justification of life. That is the verdict of not guilty. It is astonishing what is being said here. Most Christians, and I say most without any hesitation, do not believe it. They cannot accept it. Why? Well, there are many reasons, but I'll tell you the main one. Because Christianity is corrupt. and not the gospel, but Christianity. Why? What is it corrupt over? It has placed man in the place of God. It has placed humans in the place of God, so that unconsciously, Without our realizing it, we are putting man at the controls of his own salvation. So when he decides, and when he chooses to have faith, whether he chooses to accept Christ or not, he is the arbiter of his own salvation. Well, that is not biblical, and it is not the gospel. The gospel is that God so loved the world that he gave. The gospel is that God is the one that justifies even when we are sinners and that he reconciles us to the Father, that is Jesus, while we are still enemies, while we don't have anything to do with it. That is the wonder of the gospel, and you will find it hard to believe that salvation comes to all people unless you recognize that God is in the pilot seat, that God is in control, that he is able to maneuver human beings to a place of helplessness and to a place of... undone-ness so that they call out to him for mercy. It is not that God is, what shall I say, fainting everybody to salvation. It's that he will bring us all to a place where we cannot resist his mercy anymore. To hold out against God is a psychological and a spiritual impossibility, ultimately. It will break us down. And instead of wanting to be totally destroyed, we will go before God and say, Oh, Father, have mercy upon me. And this is exactly what the book of Romans says in chapter 11, verse 32. God has imprisoned all under sin that he might have mercy on all. Can you think of that? We don't just sin, you understand, do we? We're prisoners of it, and we need to be released. God is the governor of the prison, and he unlocks the doors, and he lets the prisoners free. And he will only let those prisoners free when he has brought them to a place where they long for his mercy. And that is where the whole issue of judgments and the story of our lives is going. Where do you think you are in the story of your life, for instance? I mean, if you're still strutting around as if you owned the world, if you are still in that attitude of mind where you don't give a thought to who gave you life, and who gave you birth, and who is going to bring you to death and resurrection, if you're not in that place, don't be there. You're in danger. Every breath we have is from the Lord. Every heartbeat is from Him. Look at the wonder of nature. I've recently been looking at a documentary on hummingbirds and the utter miracle of those little teeny weeny birds. How amazing. God's glory is all over the world, all over the earth. You only have to look. But are you looking? And when you do look, you see the glory of God. You can see the salvation of God in nature. It is an amazing thing. And so we need to recognize that there's something going on outside of us, and that is God maneuvering people to his arms, to his grace, to his mercy. Now, you may be listening to this program because you've reached the level of despair. Maybe you can't go to church anymore but you desperately want to get to find help somewhere. Let me tell you, your ultimate destiny is eternal life, and it is your call, that is God's call upon you, to say, Lord God, please maneuver my life to the place where I long for your mercy. Thanks for listening today, everyone. Colin Cook here and How It Happens. You can hear this program on the radio at 10 o'clock in the evening, repeated at 4 in the morning in the Denver and Colorado and surrounding states areas on KLTT AM 670. But you can also hear it any time of the day or night on your smartphone. Simply download a free app, or and key in How It Happens with Colin Cook. And if you would like to make a donation to this program or donations in the new year, you're most welcome to do so. It's listener-supported radio. Send your donations to FaithQuest, P.O. Box 366, Littleton, Colorado, 80160. Or you can make your donation online at Thanks for all your support in the previous year. Thank you for your notes that you send, which are so encouraging. I'll see you next time. Cheerio and God bless.
Join us as we explore the book of Romans with a focus on understanding the dynamic interplay between sin and grace. Learn how Paul’s comparison emphasizes not just the similarities in the extent of Adam’s and Christ’s impact on humanity but crucially highlights their differences—death versus life. This episode brings hope to listeners burdened by sin, encouraging them to embrace faith as the channel through which they experience God's abundant goodness, ultimately leading to salvation.
So continuing this comparison that Paul makes between the extensiveness of Adam's sin and death with the extensiveness of Christ's righteousness and life, it's a wonderful bit of good news. And Paul now moves to verse 16, or we move to verse 16. of Romans, and the gift is not like that which came through the one who sinned. Now, remember, this is a comparison of opposites, not at this point the comparison of similarities. The gift is not like that which came through the one who sinned. Well, what was the gift of the one who sinned? Adam, of course, and that sin was death. Death came to the whole planet. No one was accepted. But look at the comparison now with Jesus. For the judgment which came from one offense resulted in condemnation, that's Adam, that one sin of his that caused the whole human race to go down. Now then, the judgment which came from one offense resulted in condemnation, but the free gift which came from many offenses resulted in justification. So you see then that first of all is a comparison. That is a comparison of similarities. The extent of Adam's sin, which was death upon all, was the same extent of Christ's gift, which is life and justification upon all. That's the comparison of similarities, the extent of it all. But the difference, the comparison of difference, is that Adam brought death and Christ brought life and justification. So what we're seeing in these passages, once again, and Paul is repeating himself, let's see, one, two, three, four, five times in this chapter, because he is struggling like you and I are to put it into words that are best understood, to put this massive plan of God into expressions that can be grasped by us. That's what Paul's doing. And if you find you have a difficulty, well, don't worry. You're the same with Paul. He has a difficulty too. We're trying to put our minds and our words around this massive grace of God. What is being said here is that everything that Adam did is going to be undone by Christ. That all that Christ does is to undo everything that Adam did. This is the salvation of all the world. This is what you want to grasp in regard to the book of Romans. When you hear about faith in the book of Romans, that the righteous are justified by faith, your mind probably begins to limit that justification because it says, well, it's only to those who have faith. But that is not Paul's intent. Paul's intent is salvation is to all who have faith because works will never save everybody, but faith will. It's not salvation is by Christ as long as you have faith, but salvation is by Christ who gives you faith. That's what we're looking at here. And this is why this is so encouraging for all of us. You think of your loved ones. You think of your family who are going through struggles, or your sons and daughters who may be going through addictions and dark places in their lives, and you worry for their salvation. Lift up your heart and let your prayer be to God, Lord God, take my sons and daughters through the valley of the shadow of death if you have to, but bring them out into life, and I thank you that you are doing that. And you have to think of yourself. Many people who listen to radio, listen to Christian radio, do so because they don't go to church. And why don't they go to church? Because they've lost confidence in their right to do so. They feel that they're unworthy Christians. Or maybe some people are lazy, but that's a separate issue. The issue is whether you feel unworthy. and you feel that you cannot cross the threshold of the church because you've sinned too much and God may have had enough of you. The message that you and I must hold within our hearts is that God's grace is invincible. His love will never be denied until it has accomplished what He determines. When you are overwhelmed with sin and you get into anxiety praying, Oh God, forgive me. Oh God, help me. Oh God, be merciful to me. Also pray to God, Father, though I am such a broken down sinner and just cannot say no to my sins, I thank you that you are drawing me to yourself, that you will complete the work you started in me. He that hath begun a good work will bring it to conclusion. Where is that? Is that in Philippians? I've forgotten for a minute. And so we go on. We keep trusting and believing. So one of the repetitions Paul makes is now in verse 17. For if by the one man's offense death spread through the one, Now remember, how far did death spread? To everyone, to the ends of the earth, for all are under the power of death. For if by the one man's offense, Adam's offense, death reigned—I said spread, but the word is reigned here, and that's an important word I'll mention in a minute—reigned through one man— much more those who receive abundance of grace and of the gift of righteousness will reign in life through the one man, Jesus Christ. Now, there are some people who run afoul of this verse, and they say, ah, this is not a complete comparison, because Adam brings death upon everyone, but Christ brings grace and life only to those who receive it. That is the mistake you make, because Paul is not saying much more those who receive abundance of grace will reign in life, but the receivers of grace. It's not an action described here, but a passive state, the receivers. We are all receivers of God's abundant grace. and the gift of righteousness, and we will reign. Now, how does God make us all receivers? Well, we'll come to chapters 9 through 11. God elects people. Oh, you say he's going to elect a few and not the rest. No. Romans 9 through 11 reveals that God is going to elect all. God's election plan is the election of the whole human race, but he calls different people at different times. And when does he call them? He calls them when he's maneuvered them into a state of helplessness in regard to their own righteousness. Have you been brought to that place where you've sort of given up on your own ability to be righteous and you have received and accepted Christ's righteousness? Then you are a receiver, you see, of this abundant grace and righteousness in Christ. So this is a comparison again. One man's offense brought the reign of death. But one man's sacrifice, Jesus Christ, will bring the reign of righteousness. And I want you to notice, as I pointed out a short while ago, the word reign here. Death isn't simply something that happens to us. It reigns over us. There's nothing we can do about it. We can't stop it. We can't reverse it. We can't decide not to go there. We are victims of death. Adam's sin made us victims of death. We had no part in that death, that sin, but we had part in his death for sure. In the same way, we have no part in Christ's righteousness, but it reigns over us. How wonderful! And the process of becoming a Christian, coming into God's heart, is the process of learning that God has already taken us into his kingdom. We are heirs of the kingdom, and we start to believe it. God is saying, I have reconciled you to myself. When did you do that, Lord? At the cross. Well, where was I, Lord? At the cross. You were dead. Well, where was I when I was alive? I mean, I didn't come to you of my own accord. No, God says, I brought you to myself while you were an enemy. You remember that verse 5, verse 10? If God can bring one man to himself while he is an enemy still, he can bring the whole world to himself while they are enemies still. That is God's work of grace. It is beyond our comprehension. It is so wide and deep and high. God's grace is his determined love to rescue every last sheep and goat. He's able to do it because he brings us to the crises of faith. No man accepts God by a calm faith, by a faith that just sort of sails into the kingdom because he's good at heart and thinks he deserves it. No, we are all brought to a crisis, a crisis that makes us realize that our humanity simply doesn't cut it. that we have too much brokenness to accomplish this task on our own, and we are frightened and nervous and worried and anxious, and God reveals His grace to us in Jesus Christ at that moment, at that time, and we reach out our hand for His mercy because He has brought us to our own emptiness, and this is what enables us to receive His mercy. So, read that verse one more time. For if by the one man's offense, that's Adam's, death reigned through the one, that is, death reigned upon everyone, of course, much more those who received, that is, the receiver's, of the abundance of grace and of the gift of righteousness, will also reign in life through the one man, Jesus Christ. Now, you may be a defeated enemy. You may be defeated right now. Perhaps an addiction has just thrown you completely off kilter, and you're down on your luck, you're broke, your health is damaged, and you are in despair. But according to the gospel, now listen to this, you reign. How in the world can that be said? because Christ is reigning over sin, over evil. He has gained victory over it on your behalf. So though your voice may be weak and your faith trembling, you say to God, Father, I am broken, I am ruined, I am overcome. But I thank you that in Jesus Christ I reign, and you by faith, by you, dear Lord, by your grace, revealing it to my faith, will show me the reality of that as time goes on, bit by bit, day by day, year by year, until you enter the kingdom. And so, you believe. This belief is absurd, and yet it conquers death. Thank you for listening today, everyone. Colin Cook here, and how it happens. I want to wish you a very happy new year. May you be prospered in health and above all in spirit and faith in Jesus Christ. And may you get a few extra dollars in your pocket, too. God bless you. And also keep listening to this broadcast because I believe it will help you throughout the new year of 2025. So you tune in at any time of the day or night on your smartphone. Simply download a free app, or and key in how it happens with Colin Cook when you get there. Happy listening. See you next year. Cheerio and God bless.
In this thought-provoking episode, we delve into the depths of Paul's epistle to the Romans, specifically chapter 5, to explore the fascinating concept of Adam as a type of Christ. We unravel the comparison of opposites and similarities between the two figures and how this impacts our understanding of salvation. The episode sheds light on the universality of death and salvation, challenging listeners to expand their perception of faith as the mechanism through which God's grace operates for all humanity.
So now we go into some of the details that Paul is about to make and describe in regard to the salvation of the whole of humanity. In chapter 5 of Romans, he says that Adam is a type of him who is to come. Remember that? Verse 14, Nevertheless, death reigned from Adam to Moses, even over those who had not sinned according to the likeness of the transgression of Adam, who is a type of him who was to come. Now, that's interesting right from the get-go, because it's suggesting or telling us that Christ was not a type of Adam who You know, we talk about Christ being the second Adam. Paul doesn't mention that in Romans here, but he mentions it in 1 Corinthians. We talk about Christ as a second Adam, as if Christ were a comparison of Adam. But in fact, Paul says that Adam is a type of Christ. Let me state that again. We talk about Christ as the second Adam, as if he were a type of the first Adam. but it's the other way around. Adam is a type of the one who is to come, which suggests something very, very interesting, and that is that possibly all humanity in its fallen state is a type of Jesus Christ. Well, how can all humanity be a type of Jesus Christ if they're fallen and sinners? Well, Paul, you are going to notice in a minute, makes comparisons of similarities and comparisons of opposites. And in this case, he is comparing the opposite effect of Adam's life to that of Christ's life. And that's what he says in verse 15. But the free gift is not like the offense. Oh, okay. So what Christ brings in is different from what Adam brings in. Christ brings in something that is not like the offense of Adam. Well, why compare them then? Because there is something that Adam brings about that is comparable and very similar to what Christ brings about, but it is opposite in its effect. Are you following me? Let's read the verse again. The free gift is not like the offense. For if by the one man's offense, that's Adam's, many died. Now stop right there. People get thrown off track by this word many and they say, well, oh, this is only a few that's going to be saved then. No, no, Paul is not using the word many in the sense of a few. He's using the word many in the sense of masses. How do we know that? Because it says here, for if by one man's offense many died, well, how many died? Everyone. Death is a universal phenomenon. It is a universal power over all humanity. So, if by the one man's offense all died, and of course we are coming to all a bit later, because Paul is going to interchange these words many and all, indicating, of course, that he means all by many. If by the offense of one man many died, much more, so this is a comparison of opposites now, the grace of God and the gift by the grace of the one man, Jesus Christ, abound to many. Not many in the sense of a few, just as the word many was not used in the sense of a few in regard to everybody dying, but many in the sense of the masses and all. So let's read it again, verse 15. But the free gift is not like the offense. So this is a comparison of opposites. For if by the one man's offense many, that is, all died, much more, now there's a comparison of similarities, rather, sorry, still the comparison of opposites, much more the grace of God and the gift by the grace of the one man, Jesus Christ, abound to many. This is fantastic news. It is glorious in its breadth and its depth and height. Death is going to be removed from the planet. Everybody is going to experience life. As in Christ, as in Adam all die, Paul says in 1 Corinthians 15, even so, in Christ, all shall be made alive. The salvation that Christ has brought is not limited to the few. It is going to be brought to effect all people. Now this is enormously encouraging to us who have families, who have children, who are going through terrible trials and addictions and troubles, whose life is messed up by the misfortunes of having gone in the wrong direction in this world, people whose life was short-circuited by an early death, people who have struggled and died and suffered with cancer, Others who are not believers at this point and refuse, God is able to bring them all to the place where they finally believe. It may not be in this world, but it will certainly be in the final judgment when God says in chapter 14 of Romans that every knee shall bow before the judgment seat of Jesus Christ. Every knee. Willingly. Not forced. But making a promise and an oath that in Christ alone is their righteousness and strength. What a glory this is. And so you can start praying differently for your family members. You don't simply ask, oh God, please deliver them from this or that or the other. Oh God, please heal them. Oh God, please set them free and all the rest of it. Yes, the ultimate... The goal of all our prayers is that people be set free and healed and be brought to salvation and faith in Jesus Christ. But we mustn't deny the journey, the journey that people have to go through to get there. And that journey is often incomprehensible to us. That journey may be darkness, though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death. Our family members many times are walking through the valley of the shadow of death. Our sons and daughters that we worry about like crazy may be going through situations that we can hardly bear and we pray for their deliverance. It may be better not to pray for their deliverance at the moment. but rather to say, Father, thank you for taking my sons and daughters through the valley of the shadow of death. Thank you that you are bringing them to you even through the darkness. And I thank you that I can have confidence in you that you will bring them into the light in the end. Yes, that is the glorious faith prayer and many like it that we can pray. Let's read the verse again. But the free gift, that is Christ, the gift of God's Son to the world, is not like the offence. How is it different? Well, Christ brought in salvation. He brought in atonement, forgiveness. He brought in righteousness. He brought in resurrection. But what did Adam bring in, the offense? He brought in sin. He brought in death. He brought in misery. He brought in separation from God. For if by the one man's offense, many, that is all, died, because many died, obviously means all, because all die, much more the grace of God, how wonderful, God's loving kindness, God's mercy, much more the grace of God and the gift by the grace of the one man. You see how the gift of Jesus Christ is an indication of God's grace. Christ is not more loving and merciful and good than God the Father. No, Christ's coming to the earth is is God's gift of grace, much more than the grace of God and the gift by the grace of the one man, Jesus Christ, abounded to many, that is, to all. He's comparing the two. This is phenomenal news. It is, you need to recognize from this that Paul in the book of Romans has reached his high point here, right here in the book of Romans chapter 5 verses 12 to 21. That high point is that Christ undoes everything that Adam did. That's why John in the book of Revelation declares that God says, Behold, I make all things new. All things, not a few things, everything will be made new. And this high point in the book of Romans, chapter 5, verses 12 to 21, helps us to discipline our minds to think far more expansively and in depth and in height and broadly about the message in the book of Romans than we have previously. When we see verses like, salvation is to those who have faith, we have tended to limit salvation only to those who have faith, as if salvation by faith, the phrase by faith, is a qualifying, moderating, limiting term. No, it is not. It is a descriptive term. It is not that salvation is for people. Oh, but only if you have faith. Rather, salvation is for people and everybody because it's all by faith. And God will bring faith to all people. So what you need to do when you're reading the book of Romans is expand your mind, stretch it, get it beyond its paradigms because you are not thinking correctly and nor am I. When we think of God's grace, we don't think of it as too expansive and all-embracing because we're scared to believe it. We think it's presumptuous. We think it's diminishing our sin that God could save everybody. But no, it's the very opposite. God's grace is what we need to be looking at, not man's sin. Man's sin, yes, is terrifyingly horrible. It has brought devastation upon the planet. We must not diminish mankind's sin, but do not let mankind's sin diminish the grace of God, because where sin abounds, grace abounds all the more. Is there an area of the world where sin abounds, in places where there is no message of the gospel, in isolated tribes in Borneo? Yes. Well, then grace abounds there. They may not see it. They may not know it yet, but it is there. Where sin abounds, grace abounds all the more. And so we lift up our hearts. We have courage. We have a brazen courage to believe that the gospel is for all mankind. And not only is it for all mankind, it will rescue all mankind because God loves the human race. Thank you. Thank you for joining me today, everyone. Colin Cook here, and you've been listening to my program, How It Happens. You may hear this program on the radio in the Denver and Colorado and surrounding states areas, KLTT, the call letters and the call numbers. AM 670. But you can also, oh, it's at 10 o'clock at night, that is, and 4 o'clock in the morning repeated. But you can also hear the program on your smartphone. Simply download a free app,,, and key in how it happens with Colin Cook when you get there. And if you would like to make end-of-year donations, that would be so much appreciated. Please send your donation to FaithQuest, P.O. Box 366, Littleton, Colorado, 80160. Or you can make your donation online at I do thank you for all the support you have given this year and all the little notes you have sent in kindness. Thank you so much. See you next time. Cheerio and God bless.
In this enlightening episode, we traverse the heights of Paul's teachings in Romans about the divine plan for humanity’s redemption. From Adam's fall to the resurrection life in Christ, the conversation highlights the revolutionary truth of grace bestowed upon all. Despite sin pre-existing the law, we explore the profound assurance that Christ’s righteousness is a free gift available to every soul. The discussion challenges long-held beliefs about individual salvation by shedding light on God’s inclusive promise to undo the effects of Adam’s sin. With references to deep scriptural insights, the episode reassures listeners about a compassionate God determined to restore His creation, inviting all to partake in His mercy and life.
So we're reaching a pinnacle. We're reaching the Himalayan heights, as it were, of Paul's message to us about what Jesus Christ has done for the human race. You remember yesterday we talked about the fact that Paul is about to introduce... the great truth that as every human being went down in Adam's sin and death, so also every human being will come up in Christ's resurrection and life. And we started to introduce this based upon what preceded it, and that is chapter 5 of Romans, verses 6 through 11. Let's just remind ourselves of that, shall we? Because Paul says there, when we were still without strength and ungodly, Christ died for us. And while we were still sinners, verse 8, Christ died for us. And while we were enemies, God reconciled us to himself through the death of his Son. So here we're looking at an incredibly powerful and revealing passage. The limitation that we Christians have had is that we tend to think it's talking about us on an individual and personal basis. Well, of course, it definitely includes that. But it's not simply talking about Christians, because it says the ungodly. Who are the ungodly? All the world are the ungodly. Who are those who are without strength? All the world. Who are those who are sinners? All the world. And who are those who are enemies of God? All the world. and yet Christ died for them, verse 6, Christ died for them, verse 8, and Christ reconciled them to the Father while they were enemies through his death, verse 10. So this shows us, as I pointed out in the last few days, that Jesus Christ's death is not conditional on It's not, Jesus will save you if you accept him. Of course we must accept him. But the point is, that isn't a condition, that's part of the grace. Because God gives the gift of faith to everyone, ultimately, that is why he is able to say that every knee shall bow before him and every tongue shall confess and acknowledge and take an oath, actually, the literal word is, that in the Lord alone is there righteousness and strength. Now, to understand or to come to the conviction and persuasion that this argument that I'm giving you is accurate, Paul then goes on to say, therefore, verse 12, and notice as I pointed out yesterday how important that therefore is, because he's gathering up all that he's just said about sinners being ungodly and without strength and enemies nevertheless being reconciled. He's gathering that all up and saying, therefore, just as through one man's sin, that's Adam's, of course, the whole world, Therefore, just as through one man sin entered the world, and death through sin, so now he's going to say, through one man righteousness entered the world, and life through that righteousness, you see. But first of all, he's got a parenthesis, as I mentioned yesterday. He's saying, for until the law... Sin was in the world. Okay, sin was in the world before the law came, in other words.
But it wasn't imputed because there was no law until Moses, you see.
So what's he getting at? Nevertheless, even though sin wasn't imputed to humanity before the law of Moses... They died as a result of sin. Well, if it's not imputed to them, how come they died for their sins? Well, they didn't die for their sins. They died for Adam's sin. Look what it says. Nevertheless, death reigned from Adam to Moses, even over those who had not sinned according to the likeness of the transgression of Adam. who is a type of him who was to come. So death reigned from Adam to Moses upon the whole human race who had not sinned the sin that caused that death to come, because Adam who headed up the human race, he sinned, and he's brought sin and judgment upon the whole of humanity. He put humanity under judgment because of his sin. Now, note what Paul says in verse 14, that Adam is a type of him who was to come. Well, who is to come? Jesus Christ. Adam is a type of Christ. Christ isn't a type of Adam. Adam is a type of Christ. Just as Adam brought sin upon the human race, and the human race suffered for that sin, but did not commit that sin of Adam, so also Jesus Christ has brought in righteousness and life upon the human race, even though that human race did not commit sin. or did not obey the law, or did not bring in righteousness of themselves. Christ did. So, just as Adam's race fell because of Adam's sin in which they had no part, so Christ's race rises again in righteousness and resurrection in a righteousness that they had no part. That's what Paul is saying. Now, I know that sounds a little bit complicated, but it's not really when you just think it through. What it is basically saying is this. God has decided in his love and mercy and grace and richness towards us to completely undo what Adam did by bringing in Jesus Christ, who will completely redo what Adam did. And that is why the book of Revelation says, Behold, I make all things new. God is going to redo it all, and we're all going to bask in it and enjoy it and reap the benefits of it. Look, You may have considered so far in your Christian experience that the message of the gospel is that everybody is lost, but those who put their faith in Jesus Christ, if they will so decide to do so, will be saved, but unfortunately the rest, which is the majority, possibly two-thirds or ninety percent, will be lost and burn in hell for judgment for rejecting him.
That is not the gospel.
It is not the message of Christ. It is not the message of the Bible. Scripture is revealing, not only here, but in many, many other places, that God will redo everything that Adam undid.
And this makes for glorious news for all of us.
It says in verse 18 of chapter 5 of Romans, Therefore, as through one man, that's Adam, as through one man's offense, judgment came to all men, resulting in condemnation. How odd, how strange, I don't understand it fully myself, that we experienced the condemnation of Adam, even though we had no part in it. Even so, Through one man's righteousness, that's Jesus Christ, through one man's righteous act, the free gift came to all men, resulting in justification of life, even though we had no part in that righteousness, just as we had no part in Adam's sin. The message of the gospel is so expansive and extraordinary that it is almost impossible to believe it unless God brings faith to the heart of human beings. It is beyond comprehension. It is wonderful beyond words. Many, many people have doubted God because of false teachings of hell. teachings that make God appear to be some kind of sadist who would have people burn eternally in hell for having rejected Christ. Now, rejection of Christ is very serious business. It brings the judgments of God upon us. But those judgments are not meant to destroy us, but to sober us, to make us desolate, according to the book of Ezekiel, I think it's 37, it might be chapter 16, so that we may awaken to what we have done. And we may call upon God for mercy, and God brings mercy once he has brought desolation. Because desolation seems to be the only thing that wakes us up, the only thing that makes us realize how much we need God. And so, you see, this is what we are facing here. We are looking at an incredibly loving, compassionate, merciful God. who lost his creation and is determined to win it back and has sent his son, so that, according to 1 Corinthians 15, as in Adam all die, so in Christ all shall be made alive.
We do not have a God who is going to burn the human race, for goodness sake.
This is so incomprehensible that it causes even rational atheists to turn away from God, rational non-Christians to say, I can't take that, I just can't understand it, how it could possibly be. Not that they are more enlightened than we are, But the fact is that Christianity has taken on an aberration, a mollusk which has stuck to the body of the whale, as it were, and is swimming around with it, but does not belong to that whale. We have many mollusks that have stuck to the Christian faith over the centuries, and this is the worst of them. Now look, you may argue with me, and I don't wish to argue with you. My message on this is going to be made clear in the manuscript, in the book that I've almost finished, just redoing the introduction, then I have to look for a publisher, and I hope you will take note of that book when it's published. But What I want to say right now is that you have a promise before you. It is given by the Lord God himself in the book of Isaiah, and it is repeated twice in the New Testament. Here it is. Look to me and be saved, all you ends of the earth. So it's talking to everyone in the world, not just to Jewish people or Israelites or Christians. For I am God and there is no other. I have sworn by myself. Oh, God has taken an oath by himself. I have sworn in my name, as it were. The word has gone out of my mouth in righteousness, and it shall not return. It is irrevocable. It will never be brought back. That to me every knee shall bow, every tongue shall take an oath, and he shall say, that is every knee, every tongue, Surely in the Lord I have righteousness and strength. To him shall all men come, and all shall be ashamed who were incensed against him. Finally, even those who are ashamed, when they see the realities in the great judgment, will turn and bow to him. Make your donation online at Thanks. See you next time. Cheerio and God bless.
Dive into an in-depth exploration of Romans 5 with Colin Cook as he delves into the profound narrative of reconciliation. This episode invites you to look beyond personal salvation and see the global scope of Christ's act of redemption. From understanding how humanity was drawn back to God while still sinners to uncovering the universal application of Jesus' sacrifice, you'll gain a deeper appreciation of grace and mercy. Each verse and passage guides us to the central message: the salvation that encompasses the whole world.
So last time, well, the day before Christmas, we talked about needing to see the larger picture. Paul, in Romans chapter 5, talks about when we were still without strength, ungodly, sinners, and enemies, Christ reconciled us to his Father. It's an incredible story. expression or statement that we were brought back to God while we were still enemies, while we were sinners and ungodly. That's Romans 5, verses 6, 8, and 10. But I urge you not simply and not only to look at that in regard to your own personal salvation, the fact that you were drawn back to God while you were still an enemy, so that even in all of your struggles, you can say to God, Oh, Father, even though I'm a sinner and I acknowledge my sin and I am sorry for my sin, I thank you that you have reconciled me even before I have overcome everything. And even though that is a truth that you can apply to yourself, you need to see it in the broadest meaning, which is that Paul is referring to the whole world. For the whole world are sinners. The whole world are ungodly. The whole world are without strength, and the whole world are enemies towards God. And yet he has reconciled us. and then goes through the process of drawing the people to himself. Now, you may ask myself, well, how sure can we be of that, Colin? And the answer is the very next section, which is the high point, in my opinion, of the gospel in the book of Romans and is probably the high point of the Bible anywhere. It is an astonishing passage. Let me read some of it to you. I won't read it all. Therefore, as through one man sin entered the world—and then, of course, death through sin—and then Paul says—there's a gap, I'll come to that later— But the free gift is not like the offense. For if by the one man's offense, this is Adam, of course, many died, that's everybody died, of course, much more the grace of God and the gift by the grace of the one man, Jesus Christ, abound to many. So the many or the all who died are Those same people, the many or all, receive the grace and gift of that grace by one man, Jesus Christ. And verse 18 says, therefore, as through one man's offense, that's Adam's, judgment came to all men resulting in condemnation, even so through one man's righteous act, that's Jesus Christ's righteous act of dying on the cross for us and rising again, the free gift came to all men resulting in justification of life. So this is a passage about the salvation of all the world. It is a passage that makes it very, very clear that when Paul was talking about us being without strength and ungodly and sinners and enemies, Christ died for us, he was talking not simply about those who have already come to believe, but the whole world who will come to believe, because the whole world... are rather without strength and ungodly and sinners and enemies. Do you see then where this is going? So let's go into some detail now. Paul in verse 12 says, therefore, well, let's stop right there. Therefore, Why is he saying that? Whenever you see therefore there, you have to ask yourself, well, what previous passage is he connecting with the present one that he's about to start? And the previous passage is, of course, the one we were talking about a moment ago and that we studied the other day. That when we were without strength, when the world was without strength, in due time Christ died for the world of ungodly people. Verse 8 says, But God demonstrates his own love towards us, towards the world, in that while the world was still sinners, Christ died for the world. Verse 10, For if, when the world were enemies, the world was reconciled to God through the death of his Son, much more, the world having been reconciled, shall the world be saved by his life. Now, I'm switching the word world there for we, because the context justifies it. Paul is talking about all humanity. The plan of salvation in the great mercy of God, whose mercy endures forever, is that he is going to bring the world back into his home. Now, verse 12, Therefore, just as through one man, Sin entered the world. So notice, just as. What does that imply? It implies Paul's making a comparison. First of all, just as through one man sin entered the world. So who was that one man? That was Adam. Adam brought sin and death into the world. I think we can know that he repented of it because God told him of the plan of salvation. Skins were made to cover their nakedness. Where did those skins come from? Obviously, that implies a sacrifice. A sacrifice was made, typifying the sacrifice of Christ to come. So then, just as one man through one man's sin entered the world, if that's a comparison, then what is it a comparison of? Well, it's not, first of all, a comparison of similarities, is it? It's a comparison of opposites. One man brought sin and death into the world so that everybody sinned and died. and one man brought righteousness and life into the world so that everybody will live. That's the comparison. It's not a comparison of similarities. It's a comparison of opposites. It's comparing the opposite effect, but nevertheless the universal application of both Adam and and Christ. Therefore, just as through one man sin entered the world, and death through sin, and thus death spread to all men, because all sinned, and then he goes into a sort of diversion for a minute, in a parenthesis, for until the law, and let's, by the way, notice what this parenthesis is about. It's very interesting. For until the law, sin was in the world. But sin is not imputed where there is no law. So we don't have the law until Moses, you see. Yet sin was in the world and death was in the world, before the law. So what's he getting at here? What's Paul trying to say? He's saying that sin and death came upon all the inhabitants of the world from the time of Adam's fall to Moses, who gave the law, even though there was no law before that time, sin and death came upon the world because of Adam. In other words, then, The people of the world suffered Adam's sin, not their own. They were experiencing the death, the judgment that was upon Adam, not the judgment that was upon themselves. Now, why is that important for Paul to point out? because he's going to say in verse 18, listen to this, therefore, as through one man's offense, that's Adam's, judgment came to all men. Well, wait a minute, how come judgment came to all men? Well, they suffered Adam's judgment, even though they had not sinned Adam's sin. and that resulted in condemnation, they came under the condemnation of Adam. Then notice the comparison. Even so, through one man's righteous act, okay, one man, Jesus Christ, his righteous act, The free gift came to all. Now, wait a minute. How come the, well, let's read on. The free gift came to all, resulting in justification of life. How come the justification of life came to everybody when they had not done Christ's righteousness? You see what Paul is doing? He's saying everybody suffered Adam's condemnation even though they didn't sin Adam's sin. And in the same way, everybody suffers or rather experiences Jesus' justification even though they didn't live Jesus' righteous life. So, God is making sure that true justice enters the whole world. He's saying, I know you didn't do Adam's sin, but because of Adam, the seed of death and condemnation has passed upon you all. But because of that, and my love for you, I'm sending another Adam, Jesus Christ, and his righteousness will pass to you all also, even though you didn't do any of his righteousness. Just as you didn't do Adam's sin, yet you were condemned for it, so you have not done Christ's righteousness, but you are justified by it. Do you get that? I mean, it's an astonishing reality. It is what makes your faith really buoyant and courageous. You say, Lord God, I have sinned. I am unworthy. I'm under the kingdom of Adam, the judgment of Adam. And I didn't do his sin, Lord. It's not fair, really. But I'm under the mess of it. But I thank you that I'm also under the blessing of Christ's righteousness, even though I never did any of his righteousness. Even though I'm not a righteous man, I'm justified and counted as if I were. And so, you see, just as Adam was the representative of the human race and brought it all down, so Jesus is the new representative of the human race and brings it all up. Well, I realize I'm stretching your mind a bit, but that's not me. Paul's doing that, and the gospel does it, and we need to be ready to be offended by the gospel because what a shocker it is. Well, look, thank you for listening. Colin Cook here. You can hear this broadcast any time of the day or night. 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