Cherry Campbell continues her exploration of "A Spiritual Kingdom First," focusing on the disciples’ journey from confusion to clarity about Jesus’ mission. Discover how His death, resurrection, and teachings unveiled the deeper truths of God's Kingdom.
Good morning. Welcome to Victoria's Faith. I'm Cherry Campbell. This morning I'm going to continue sharing with you the message I've been sharing with you in the last several broadcasts that I preached in a series of messages in our Victoria's Faith Services called the Kingdom of God. And this is message three in that series called a spiritual kingdom first. And if you'd like to listen this message again or either of the previous two messages or if you'd like to share them with your friends and family, you can go to my YouTube channel which is under my name Cherry Campbell. CHE RRI Campbell CAM PBELL. And there on the top category called Radio Broadcasts you will see this series called the Kingdom of God. Now join me in our live service for the continuation of message three called a spiritual kingdom first. They never saw and comprehend it his death even though he said it several times and go through the gospels read again and see how many times he told them about his death before it happened. He said, I'm going to die three days and nights and then I'll be raised again. And several times he told them they never got it because in their mind that can't happen. He's going to be crowned king. He's going to live. We're going to sit on kings with him. We're going to rule with him. We'll fight to protect him. So don't worry. Jesus, you're not going to die. We won't let that happen to you. And so here they are now facing the Romans and Jesus says put away your sword and mass of confusion just blows through their mind. What do you mean? We don't understand. What's going on? And then Jesus gives himself over into the hands of the Romans. Well, at that, that's why the disciples fled. They were confused. What about the battle we were supposed to have? This was our moment of making him king and now he's in chains. We lost our king. Our king is now a prisoner. And we were the ones who were saying we were going to fight. So if they were to come after his army, they'd be coming after us next. And so they fled. And then Jesus is killed. Now that was never in their thinking. So here was their hero who was going to be crowned king. And he's dead. And there's no more kingdom. Think of the depth as they were on such a high for three three and a half years. We're going to sit on kings. We're going to rule. He's going to be our king and our hero. I mean, these huge high hopes and dreams and expectations and plans and plots. Shot down in just moments as he has taken away as a prisoner and then killed. And then after he's buried in the tomb, the darkness. I mean, they plummeted to the depths of confusion, despair, hopelessness. Their dreams are shattered. Their expectation is shattered. And with the confusion, what's going on, they still can't understand. And perhaps some shame is there as other people perhaps even who knew them said, where is your king now? The one you were going to make king he's dead. So they could have even felt shame and embarrassment. And thinking, okay, here was this teacher. You followed for three and a half years. You gave up three and a half years of your business to follow a teacher and he's dead. Now what about everything he said, bunch of lies, everything he said was alive. There was massive confusion among them. Darkness, hopelessness, despair, heartbreak. They loved him. They loved him truly. But what about everything he taught? What about the kingdom? What about what about endless questions? Why did you say this? What did you say? What did you mean when you said this? We'll say what you want to know. Nothing made sense anymore. Think about the depth of discouragement, hopelessness, darkness, and confusion. Mixed with some shame and embarrassment perhaps because they followed a teacher who's no longer there and he's dead and what's going to happen next. And that's why some of them said, what's left to do now? Let's go back to fishing. Where we were three and a half years ago. So they went back to fishing. And that's where Jesus found them. They didn't know anything else to do. Let's try to just forget these last three or three and a half years ever happened and maybe God will answer and make it all clear to us someday. But we've got to pick up the pieces, pick up our lives. We've got to move on. And what we know is go back to fishing. So let's just do that. He's dead and he's gone and we have to go on with our lives. Because they did not expect him to raise from the dead. They didn't. Now go to Acts chapter 1. And you know that he went to the seashore after he was raised from the dead. And he called them in to the fire and then they recognized him and I think it was John that jumped out of the boat and swam to the shore. It's the Lord. And then different ones of them began to see Jesus alive. Let's go to Acts chapter 1. Now I want you to see this because I want you to see again. And I want you to read the four gospels again and make a note if not even underline everywhere you read Kingdom of God. It was the whole theme of everything that was said. Even their eating and sleeping was all around the Kingdom. And now he's raised from the dead. Acts chapter 1. In my former book Theophilus I wrote about all that Jesus began to do and teach until the day he was taken up to heaven. After getting instructions to the Holy Spirit to the apostles he had chosen. Now verse 3. After his suffering that's his death and resurrection he showed himself to these men these apostles and gave many convincing proofs that he was alive. And make a note of this or underline this. He appeared to them over a period of what forty days and spoke about what the Kingdom of God. So they're completely confused in darkness. What is this kingdom that he talked about? You know he died and they don't understand and the king is gone and the kingdom is gone. And what? What? What? What? So he raised from the dead and he said it's not over. It's not over. The Kingdom of God is still here. And so he preached for forty more days about what? The Kingdom of God. Yay! He preached to them about the Kingdom, the Kingdom, the Kingdom, the Kingdom. And now the blinders are coming off and they're beginning to understand. Now they've been born again because on the first day of the week it says in John 20, early on the... Okay John 21st one, early on the first day of the week while it was still dark Mary Magdalene went to the tomb so it was empty. So he was raised early on the first day of the week. But John 20 verse 19 on the evening of that first day of the week. Same day he was raised from the dead. He had gone into heaven with his blood and he came back. And in the evening when the disciples were together with the doors locked for fear of the Jews Jesus came and stood among them. He said, "Shalom be with you peace." And after he said this he showed them his hands inside. The disciples were overjoyed when they saw the Lord. Jesus said, "Peace be with you as the Father has sent me. I'm sending you. I'm still sending you as apostles and preachers of what? The gospel of the Kingdom of God. I'm still sending you." And with that he breathed on them and said, "Receive the Holy Spirit." Now that is the new birth right there. The baptism of the Holy Spirit happened in Acts chapter 2. The new birth happened in John 20, 22. So they're born again now. Well being born again makes a huge difference in understanding. Jesus said even in John, "Everything you read, John 3, to Nicodemus, no one can see the Kingdom of God unless he is born again." See what? See what? The Kingdom of God and see meaning two things, see physically with your eyes be there, be in it. But it also means understand. So you won't understand the Kingdom of God unless you're born again. So that's why born again is part of the gospel of the Kingdom but it's the entrance. But it's only the first step. It's the entrance into the Kingdom. You can't see the Kingdom. You can't enter in and be a partaker and inherit the Kingdom unless you're born again. But neither can you see or understand or conceive the Kingdom unless you're born again. So it was a mystery while they were sinners before they were born again. It was a mystery they couldn't see. But now they're born again. The veil is removed. Now they're beginning to get revelation. They're seeing and understanding what Jesus is talking about the Kingdom of God. So they were born again in John 20, 22 and he's talking to them in Acts 1 verse 3, over and over for 40 days about the Kingdom of God. The scales are coming off. They're opening their eyes are beginning to see. Oh, now we see the first time you came you had to die on the cross, save man from sin, not from King Herod and the Roman Empire. So his first coming was not to rescue them from the Roman Empire and King Herod and the Roman Emperor. The first coming was to rescue them from sin. But his second coming which is still in our future is when he will set up a throne in Jerusalem and he will rule the whole earth with an iron scepter. So he is coming again the second time to rule the physical Kingdom on earth with the iron scepter and the whole earth will be subjected to him. But his first coming in other words was to bring a spiritual Kingdom not to set them free from the Roman Emperor but to set them free from Satan. Set them free from the real tyrant, the real oppressor, Satan. You are free from Satan. You are free from sin. And in the meantime, keep going and preaching the gospel of the Kingdom of God in the whole earth. And let me take you back to this verse. I love this verse of Matthew 24, 14 because people have misunderstood the gospel as being the message of the cross. And Jesus said, and this gospel and I'm going to skip the next three words right now and I'm going to read it the way the body of Christ has stopped it was read. This gospel will be preaching the whole world as a testimony to all nations and then the end will come. So people are thinking we need to preach the cross all over the world and then the end will come. Well guess what? The cross has been preached all over the world. It's been preached in the depths of Africa. It's been preached across China and Indonesia and the satellites give it all over the world. What you just heard was a continuation of message three that I preached in a series of messages in our victorious faith services called the Kingdom of God. And this message three is called a spiritual kingdom first. We will continue and conclude this message tomorrow. So join me again tomorrow and remember God loves you. You are blessed and highly favored by the Lord.
Cherry Campbell continues her exploration of "A Spiritual Kingdom First," focusing on the disciples’ journey from confusion to clarity about Jesus’ mission. Discover how His death, resurrection, and teachings unveiled the deeper truths of God's Kingdom.
Good morning. Welcome to Victoria's Faith. I'm Cherry Campbell. This morning I'm going to continue sharing with you the message I've been sharing with you in the last several broadcasts that I preached in a series of messages in our Victoria's Faith Services called the Kingdom of God. And this is message three in that series called a spiritual kingdom first. And if you'd like to listen this message again or either of the previous two messages or if you'd like to share them with your friends and family, you can go to my YouTube channel which is under my name Cherry Campbell. CHE RRI Campbell CAM PBELL. And there on the top category called Radio Broadcasts you will see this series called the Kingdom of God. Now join me in our live service for the continuation of message three called a spiritual kingdom first. They never saw and comprehend it his death even though he said it several times and go through the gospels read again and see how many times he told them about his death before it happened. He said, I'm going to die three days and nights and then I'll be raised again. And several times he told them they never got it because in their mind that can't happen. He's going to be crowned king. He's going to live. We're going to sit on kings with him. We're going to rule with him. We'll fight to protect him. So don't worry. Jesus, you're not going to die. We won't let that happen to you. And so here they are now facing the Romans and Jesus says put away your sword and mass of confusion just blows through their mind. What do you mean? We don't understand. What's going on? And then Jesus gives himself over into the hands of the Romans. Well, at that, that's why the disciples fled. They were confused. What about the battle we were supposed to have? This was our moment of making him king and now he's in chains. We lost our king. Our king is now a prisoner. And we were the ones who were saying we were going to fight. So if they were to come after his army, they'd be coming after us next. And so they fled. And then Jesus is killed. Now that was never in their thinking. So here was their hero who was going to be crowned king. And he's dead. And there's no more kingdom. Think of the depth as they were on such a high for three three and a half years. We're going to sit on kings. We're going to rule. He's going to be our king and our hero. I mean, these huge high hopes and dreams and expectations and plans and plots. Shot down in just moments as he has taken away as a prisoner and then killed. And then after he's buried in the tomb, the darkness. I mean, they plummeted to the depths of confusion, despair, hopelessness. Their dreams are shattered. Their expectation is shattered. And with the confusion, what's going on, they still can't understand. And perhaps some shame is there as other people perhaps even who knew them said, where is your king now? The one you were going to make king he's dead. So they could have even felt shame and embarrassment. And thinking, okay, here was this teacher. You followed for three and a half years. You gave up three and a half years of your business to follow a teacher and he's dead. Now what about everything he said, bunch of lies, everything he said was alive. There was massive confusion among them. Darkness, hopelessness, despair, heartbreak. They loved him. They loved him truly. But what about everything he taught? What about the kingdom? What about what about endless questions? Why did you say this? What did you say? What did you mean when you said this? We'll say what you want to know. Nothing made sense anymore. Think about the depth of discouragement, hopelessness, darkness, and confusion. Mixed with some shame and embarrassment perhaps because they followed a teacher who's no longer there and he's dead and what's going to happen next. And that's why some of them said, what's left to do now? Let's go back to fishing. Where we were three and a half years ago. So they went back to fishing. And that's where Jesus found them. They didn't know anything else to do. Let's try to just forget these last three or three and a half years ever happened and maybe God will answer and make it all clear to us someday. But we've got to pick up the pieces, pick up our lives. We've got to move on. And what we know is go back to fishing. So let's just do that. He's dead and he's gone and we have to go on with our lives. Because they did not expect him to raise from the dead. They didn't. Now go to Acts chapter 1. And you know that he went to the seashore after he was raised from the dead. And he called them in to the fire and then they recognized him and I think it was John that jumped out of the boat and swam to the shore. It's the Lord. And then different ones of them began to see Jesus alive. Let's go to Acts chapter 1. Now I want you to see this because I want you to see again. And I want you to read the four gospels again and make a note if not even underline everywhere you read Kingdom of God. It was the whole theme of everything that was said. Even their eating and sleeping was all around the Kingdom. And now he's raised from the dead. Acts chapter 1. In my former book Theophilus I wrote about all that Jesus began to do and teach until the day he was taken up to heaven. After getting instructions to the Holy Spirit to the apostles he had chosen. Now verse 3. After his suffering that's his death and resurrection he showed himself to these men these apostles and gave many convincing proofs that he was alive. And make a note of this or underline this. He appeared to them over a period of what forty days and spoke about what the Kingdom of God. So they're completely confused in darkness. What is this kingdom that he talked about? You know he died and they don't understand and the king is gone and the kingdom is gone. And what? What? What? What? So he raised from the dead and he said it's not over. It's not over. The Kingdom of God is still here. And so he preached for forty more days about what? The Kingdom of God. Yay! He preached to them about the Kingdom, the Kingdom, the Kingdom, the Kingdom. And now the blinders are coming off and they're beginning to understand. Now they've been born again because on the first day of the week it says in John 20, early on the... Okay John 21st one, early on the first day of the week while it was still dark Mary Magdalene went to the tomb so it was empty. So he was raised early on the first day of the week. But John 20 verse 19 on the evening of that first day of the week. Same day he was raised from the dead. He had gone into heaven with his blood and he came back. And in the evening when the disciples were together with the doors locked for fear of the Jews Jesus came and stood among them. He said, "Shalom be with you peace." And after he said this he showed them his hands inside. The disciples were overjoyed when they saw the Lord. Jesus said, "Peace be with you as the Father has sent me. I'm sending you. I'm still sending you as apostles and preachers of what? The gospel of the Kingdom of God. I'm still sending you." And with that he breathed on them and said, "Receive the Holy Spirit." Now that is the new birth right there. The baptism of the Holy Spirit happened in Acts chapter 2. The new birth happened in John 20, 22. So they're born again now. Well being born again makes a huge difference in understanding. Jesus said even in John, "Everything you read, John 3, to Nicodemus, no one can see the Kingdom of God unless he is born again." See what? See what? The Kingdom of God and see meaning two things, see physically with your eyes be there, be in it. But it also means understand. So you won't understand the Kingdom of God unless you're born again. So that's why born again is part of the gospel of the Kingdom but it's the entrance. But it's only the first step. It's the entrance into the Kingdom. You can't see the Kingdom. You can't enter in and be a partaker and inherit the Kingdom unless you're born again. But neither can you see or understand or conceive the Kingdom unless you're born again. So it was a mystery while they were sinners before they were born again. It was a mystery they couldn't see. But now they're born again. The veil is removed. Now they're beginning to get revelation. They're seeing and understanding what Jesus is talking about the Kingdom of God. So they were born again in John 20, 22 and he's talking to them in Acts 1 verse 3, over and over for 40 days about the Kingdom of God. The scales are coming off. They're opening their eyes are beginning to see. Oh, now we see the first time you came you had to die on the cross, save man from sin, not from King Herod and the Roman Empire. So his first coming was not to rescue them from the Roman Empire and King Herod and the Roman Emperor. The first coming was to rescue them from sin. But his second coming which is still in our future is when he will set up a throne in Jerusalem and he will rule the whole earth with an iron scepter. So he is coming again the second time to rule the physical Kingdom on earth with the iron scepter and the whole earth will be subjected to him. But his first coming in other words was to bring a spiritual Kingdom not to set them free from the Roman Emperor but to set them free from Satan. Set them free from the real tyrant, the real oppressor, Satan. You are free from Satan. You are free from sin. And in the meantime, keep going and preaching the gospel of the Kingdom of God in the whole earth. And let me take you back to this verse. I love this verse of Matthew 24, 14 because people have misunderstood the gospel as being the message of the cross. And Jesus said, and this gospel and I'm going to skip the next three words right now and I'm going to read it the way the body of Christ has stopped it was read. This gospel will be preaching the whole world as a testimony to all nations and then the end will come. So people are thinking we need to preach the cross all over the world and then the end will come. Well guess what? The cross has been preached all over the world. It's been preached in the depths of Africa. It's been preached across China and Indonesia and the satellites give it all over the world. What you just heard was a continuation of message three that I preached in a series of messages in our victorious faith services called the Kingdom of God. And this message three is called a spiritual kingdom first. We will continue and conclude this message tomorrow. So join me again tomorrow and remember God loves you. You are blessed and highly favored by the Lord.
The giving of God unto everyone—what great gifts and blessing await the one who responds in gratitude and obedience. Let’s grow in gratitude with the giving of God!
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In this heartwarming episode of Call to Freedom, Barbara Carmack reflects on the abundant love of God and the importance of gratitude, especially during the Thanksgiving season. Drawing inspiration from scriptures like 1 John 3:1 and Ezekiel 34:26-27, Barbara reminds listeners of God’s promises, His blessings, and the joy of praising Him in all circumstances.
Barbara shares personal anecdotes, encouraging stories, and a powerful testimony of deliverance that highlights the transformative power of praise. Listeners are also invited to embrace love and forgiveness around the Thanksgiving table and to let the Holy Spirit guide their hearts.
Tune in to be uplifted, and remember: "Taste and see that the Lord is good."
For more encouragement, visit, where you can listen to broadcasts, order materials, or connect with Barbara. Happy Thanksgiving, and take joy!
[Music] Welcome to Call to Freedom with Barbar Carmac. This is Jimmy Lakey and I'm delighted that you are joining us for this half hour. You can reach Call to Freedom at box 370-367 Denver, Colorado 802-37 or by going to the website at If you want to leave a message or order a word-powered daily reading Bible Guide or a Freedom Street Express newsletter, you can call us toll-free at 1-877-917-7256 and leave your name and address including your zip code. If you want to talk to Barbara right now, she is expecting your call. You may call that same toll-free number 1-877-917-7256 to speak to her. And now let's join Barbara in the studio. And a big welcome to you from Call to Freedom. I'm so happy that you're here today and so blessed that I can tell you that God loves you. Right at the top of this program, God loves you. Oh, how great is the love the Father has lavished on you that you should be called a child of God. I want you to remember that when you feel down, when you feel depressed, when the enemy is coming at you, just thwart all those arrows that he's throwing at you. Just push him away because he doesn't have any more victory over you. He doesn't have any say over you as a child of the most high God. That's first John 3-1. Oh, how great the love of the Father has lavished upon us that we should be called children of God. That's such a wonderful assurance that we have right now in this day and age. And Christmas being just a month away, it's just this year. Where has it gone? I know there were some tough times in this summer and early fall, but now we see a victory. We see a future that's a golden future, a future where the best is yet to come. And I hope that you're realizing that and at Thanksgiving this year that we will say, thank you, Father. Thank you, Father, for the victory. Praise the Lord. Oh, praise the Lord. I'll be on the road tomorrow or I start out early. So Tuesday morning, I'll be on the road probably by this time I will be near Salina, Kansas. Or somewhere like that. Yep, I go I 70 to I 35 down to the crossroads where you go to into Tulsa. So thank you for your prayers. I appreciate them and I'll be with Kimberly then the Lord willing tomorrow night. And tomorrow she will take the program as well as Wednesday. And I appreciate that. I might be sitting there with her on Wednesday and just enjoying listening to my teacher daughter. God has been so so so good. When you look at your life and you see how God is blessed. Oh, he is so good. I heard from my friend Mary the other day and she just was so full of thankfulness. I saved I saved your call Mary because it's wonderful to know that these voicemails that I get, they are full of gratitude and thanksgiving. That's what I desire for you. Oh, to be full of thanksgiving and gratitude. Let's do our Monday Bible slogan. This is my Bible. I am what it says I am. I have what it says I have. I do what it tells me to do. This is my Bible. It has given me new life. Oh, hallelujah. It is the Word of God. Praise the Lord. You are blessed. You are so blessed to dispense like some of the precious power partners I have when they write that on their checks. That they send to a call to freedom. They say, "I am blessed and I am blessed to dispense. I am so blessed to dispense for in him you live and move and have your being." And you can go online at You can click on the radio shows to listen to radio shows. You can also go online to donate and just hit that little donate button. And you can donate to call to freedom if call to freedom has been a blessing to you this year. And I hope we have. I hope our daily program has given you assurance, has given you a blessing to go through your days that you go through. And it hasn't been an easy year. No, it hasn't. Just had it take a drink. Our memory verse for this week is from Ezekiel. And it's Ezekiel 34 verse 26 and 27. From the living, I will bless my people and their homes around my Holy Hill. God's Holy Hill is of course Jerusalem. And in the proper season, I will send the showers they need. Excuse me. I've got a little frog there. And there will be showers of blessing. Praise the Lord, showers of blessing. In the Passion, Ezekiel 34, 26 says, I will make a covenant of peace with them and rid the land of wild beasts. Sometimes we think the wild beasts are human. No, but these are animals. And then they will be able to live securely in the wilderness and sleep soundly in the forest. And I will make them and the places around my sacred hill of blessing. And I will send showers of blessing. And the showers will come down on their season and in their season. Praise the Lord. And from, I just, I want to give you one story. I got a whole myriad of stories from ACLJ. And I just want to give you one story. They are busy at work keeping the left from totally overrunning the country and parts of the world. I received numerous contacts over concerns that Walmart had implemented a new scheduling policy that appeared to no longer allow religious accommodations for its employees to attend church. And ACLJ sent a letter to Walmart's corporate counsel asking that our clients' religious beliefs about not working on Sundays be accommodated. Thankfully, within a week, this is one of the largest corporations in the world. Within a week, Walmart's corporate counsel reached out to us and worked with us to ensure that its policy would, in fact, provide religious accommodations for its employees under the law. Not only were our clients told that they would be able to continue having Sundays off and keep their 40-hour work week. But we also received word from Walmart's corporate leadership that it would accommodate our clients' religious beliefs about not working on Sunday. Not only the 40-hour week, but it would continue even though they would get Sundays off. Oh, that's a praise the Lord. That's a hallelujah. That's a wonderful thing to know that even these corporations, these big tech companies, will listen to an organization like ACLJ because they know that they have legal rights to give us freedom of speech and freedom for our religious affiliations, whatever they are. Who is the Lord? Who is the Lord? Psalm 148 gives a list of different kinds of people and creatures in God's created world that are to praise the Lord. As I look into the heavens and the sky and the stars at night, oh, haven't the moons been beautiful? Oh, I've enjoyed it so much. I believe nature praises him more than the special creation that God made in his image and likeness. That's right. Sometimes we don't praise him when we really should praise him for what he's done for us. Psalm 148 says, "Let everything that has breath praise the Lord." That leaves no one out. In fact, there is just one class of people who do not praise the Lord. You know who that is? The dead. That's right. Psalm 115 verse 17 says, "The dead do not praise the Lord." Of course, the dead, the spirit. When you die, your spirit goes to be with the Lord. So I'm sure you're praising the Lord up in heaven, but your body is no longer praising God. Now, for some of you who have found it hard to praise God, you just have to make a little adjustment in your prayer life and you will begin to praise him in no time. You switch from a needy person to one who praises God for supplying your every need through Jesus Christ, your Savior. When you begin to look at the bright side of living and there is a bright side, my friend, you will begin to rejoice in the one who deserves all the praise. I want to read the whole Psalm 148, verse 1 through 14, in the living. Praise the Lord. Praise the Lord from the heavens. Praise him from the skies. Praise him all his angels. Praise him all the armies of heaven. Oh, myriads and myriads. Praise him sun and moon. Praise him all you twinkling stars. Praise him skies above. Praise him vapors high above the clouds. Verse 5 of 148 says, "Let every created thing, every created thing, give praise to the Lord. For he spoke his command and they came into being. He sent them in place forever and ever. His decree will never be revoked. He will never go back on his word. Let them all praise the name of the Lord. For his name is very great. His glory towers over the earth and heaven. And he has made his people strong, honoring his faithful ones, the people of Israel who are close to him. Now, boy, those are a special class of people. He loves them. And as we love Israel, he will bless us abundantly. And the next administration who is coming into the United States to rule and reign for a while, they love Israel. I'm so grateful and to have Mike Huckabee to be the ambassador is to Israel is just profound. That man is something else. And the people who are called by his name, praise the Lord. Sing praise to the Father. Sing praise to the Son. Sing praise to the Spirit who makes all creatures one. Sing praise for the goodness of what the Lord has done. Let all creatures praise the Lord. Kimi and Dana are saying this song in the late 70s. Large creatures, small creatures, short and tall creatures. Oh, come now and praise the Lord. Here they are. [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] Oh, amen. Let all creatures praise the Lord. That's such a wonderful memory for me. Kimberly and Dana from the time Dana was three years old. She was on stage at churches with us. And they never used any kind of notes. No kind, they memorized everything. And especially this last song, "Little Creatures Praise the Lord." I mean, there are three verses of very interesting, complex phrases. And they just learned it so well. I'm amazed at the gift that God has given those girls. And I praise the Lord for Kimberly now. It used to be Kimi. And Dana used to be D-A-N-A. And now it's D-A-Y-N-A because Dana wanted it changed legally when she was a sophomore in high school and she did it. She went to the courthouse and she changed it. And it had to be in the paper for so long. And she changed the spelling of her name to D-A-Y-N-A because a lot of kids were calling her Dana. And she said, "Mom, I don't want to be called Dana." So we did that. And she has loved that. She's loved that spelling, ever since. Oh, praise the Lord for them. It's a good thing to give praise to the Lord. The greatest prazer in worshiper was King David. And when you read through the Psalms, especially the ones he wrote, although ASAP also had wonderful, wonderful verses of scripture, he learned to worship God in a place where most people wouldn't find opportunity to praise the Lord in a sheep pasture. And there must have been a smell. Yeah. You know, when we get into a place where, you know, there's a fragrant odor or something like that. We don't find it real easy to praise the Lord. It's more difficult. Anywhere is a good place to praise the Lord. I just read about a story of deliverance that Derek Prince tells in his booklet on Thanksgiving. And Derek was a wonderful English scholar. I'm so enjoyed his TV programs. And in his own words, I want to tell you what happened this one time. He writes, many years ago, when I was pastoring a small congregation in West London, and he was English, there were two Russian Jewish sisters who used to come and visit my wife and me. They had met the Lord Jesus inside Russia. There is no place on earth where God cannot get to. And especially with Rick and Denise Renner now in Russia, thousands upon thousands have come to know the Lord Jesus. And later they were delivered from the Russians by a miracle. And after their escape, they had been filled with the Holy Spirit. By denomination, they were baptists. But when they prayed with us, they were noisier than most Pentecostals in the West. Now, Derek Prince was a Pentecostal, but he was very stoic and English in his emotions, very upright. He knew how to praise the Lord. Well, the four of us were there having a wonderful time praising the Lord when there was a ring at our front door. I went to answer it and there stood a lady who was a member of our congregation, leading a man by the hand. This is my husband, she said. He just came out of prison. He has a demon. Will you pray for him? I know some of us think our relatives have demons, but this one was true. Now, in those days, Derek goes on to say, "I stayed a long way from demons. I was embarrassed by them." And just now I had no idea what to do. So I said, "Well, come on, we're praying. Come on in, we're praying." It was all I could think to say what to say. And so we went upstairs and just went on praying, really making a noise until the husband came to me and said, "I don't like this. Too much noise. I'm going." And God inspired my answer. Isn't that wonderful when we don't know what to say? And God just fills our mouths. God inspired my answer, says Derek Prince. Listen, I said, "It's the devil who doesn't like the noise because we're praising Jesus." And he hates that. You have two options here. If you go now, the devil will go with you. And if you stay, the devil will go without you. All stay, he said, and about 10 minutes later, he came up to me again. It's gone. I can't imagine. Now, he didn't lay hands on him. He didn't pray against any spirits. They just kept praising Jesus. It reminds me of James 4 verse 7, "Submit to God, resist the devil and he will flee." So he said, "It's gone. I fell that leave my throat." Now, see what the devil loves to do is take charge of your speech and your confession. And as long as you don't say the word of God or say confessions, the devil will have a hate it with you. I have never forgotten that because it demonstrates how praise embarrasses the devil much more than he can embarrass us. In Psalm 33 verse 1, the Psalmist says that praise from the upright is beautiful. Praise glorifies God. Praise is indeed a beautiful garment of praise that you put on. You put on that garment of praise. So when you are tempted to be depressed or moody or unhappy, put on the garment of praise in place of the spirit of heaviness. It will work for you just as it worked for me and for thousands of others. Thank you so much, Derek Prince. Isaiah 61 verse 2 and 3 in the message says, "God sent me to announce the year of His grace." Oh, this is a year of grace, folks. A celebration of God's destruction of our enemies and to comfort all who mourn, to care for the needs of all who mourn in Zion. Give them bouquets of roses instead of ashes, messages of joy instead of news of doom. I'll tell you, some of you you'd like to really email and speak of the negative that's going on. Try praising God for what He's done. Get rid of the negative information and begin to give the good news of the gospel of Jesus Christ. A praising heart instead of a language, spirit, and language is a slow spirit lacking in energy. So don't be that. Get up awake. Rename them oaks of righteousness planted by God to display His glory. Oh, how can we say thanks? How can we say thanks for the things He's done for us? Things so undeserved yet He gave to prove His love for us. Here's John in me. [Music] How can I say thanks for the things You have done for me? Things so undeserved yet He gave to prove Your love for me. The voices of a million angels cannot express my gratitude. All that I ever need to be. I owe it all to thee. To God be the glory to God be the glory to God be the glory to God be the glory for the命 He must have. With His glory He must save me with His glory as raised me. To God be the glory for the命 He must have. Just let me live my life, let me please Him, Lord, to be. And if we may embrace Him, let Him go to God be the glory. With His glory He must save me with His glory as raised me. To God be the glory for the命 He must have. With His glory He must save me with His glory as raised me. To God be the glory for the命 He must have. Oh praise God, there's no way we can thank Him enough. There is no way, no human way. That's why we need Holy Spirit here in Psalm 34 verse 1 through 9. Oh just one of my favorite Psalms as so many are. I know you're probably listening and saying, wow there are so many Psalms I can say that for. Oh I will bless the Lord at all times. His praise shall continually be in my mouth. My soul will make its boast in the Lord. The humble will hear it and be glad. Oh magnify the Lord with me and let us exalt His name together. I sought the Lord and He heard me and answered me and delivered me from all my fears. Throw those fears on Him. Cast them on Him on Him, my friend, because He's going to take care of them. They looked to Him and were radiant and their faces will never be ashamed. This poor person cried and the Lord heard Him and saved Him out of all His troubles. The person that you just heard singing with me, John Wells, had been in a mental hospital. He had been in a straight jacket. You may not even believe that, but He had. And He was so broken down in spirit and in body that they had Him in a straight jacket for of time. I remember praying for Him in college and then realizing that this is the man God wanted me to marry. It was really quite a thing to think about. But I realized that when His Father prayed over Him and God bless Marie Wells, who came to Him and said, "This poor man cried and the Lord heard Him and saved him out of all His troubles. The Lord delivered Him and healed Him." Kind of like Derek Prince. He didn't lay hands on Him. He didn't bind the spirits and cast them out in Jesus' name. He just said the word of God and God saved John Wells for us and for Kimberly and Dana. The angel of the Lord encamps around those who fear Him and rescues them. Oh, taste and see that the Lord is good. Oh, that's the best food you can have. Oh, taste and see that the Lord is good. How blessed is the one who takes refuge in Him? Oh, fear the Lord, you His saints. For to those who fear Him, there is no want. There is no lack when you trust God and thank Him for all that He has done and all that He's going to do in your life. Oh, and friend, we need to love. We're called to love no matter what the circumstances and during this Thanksgiving season. I pray that you'll just put aside your own grudges, your own thinking and just love whoever is around that table this Thanksgiving and let the Lord know that you need Holy Spirit to love. You can't love without Holy Spirit. Ask Holy Spirit to help you to love all those around you in Jesus' name. And again, I say happy Thanksgiving. God bless you. It's just been such a joy and an honor for me to be here every day behind this mic. I love you. God bless you and take joy. [Music] Thank you for listening to Call to Freedom with Barbara Carmack. You may get in touch with Barbara at Call to Freedom, Box 370-367, Denver, Colorado, 80237. Or you may leave your message at 1-877-917-7256. Call to Freedom is a listener supported radio ministry. Barbara and her power partners invite you to come on board with us and become a network of hands holding up Call to Freedom Ministry. Power partner support Call to Freedom with prayer and monthly financial support. You will be blessed supernaturally. We invite you to visit Call to Freedom's website,, where you can hear Barbara's daily radio broadcast 24 hours a day or order materials. You may share your phrase reports in heart prize by mailing them to Call to Freedom, Box 370-367, Denver, Colorado, 80237. Or you may email us at Until next time, remember Jesus loves you, Barbara loves you, and take joy. [Music]
Raising godly children is not easy and it’s even more difficult for parents when their son or daughter walks away from their Christian faith. On today’s edition of Family Talk, Dr. James Dobson discusses prodigal children with author Allison Bottke. She shares the story of her own wayward son, and reminds parents to never forget the restorative love of Jesus Christ. Joshua 1:9 says, Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged, for the Lord your God will be with you wherever you go.
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Join Barbara Carmack and Darren as they explore the transformation of Peter from an impulsive follower to a steadfast disciple of Christ. Delve into the wisdom of 1 and 2 Peter, uncovering themes of humility, perseverance, and godly character amidst persecution. Learn how to cast your cares on Jesus, resist the enemy, and grow in faith through God’s Word. Discover practical steps to align your heart and mind with the divine power that equips believers for life and godliness.
[Music] Welcome to Call to Freedom with Barber Carmac. This is Jimmy Lakey and I'm delighted that you are joining us for this half hour. You can reach Call to Freedom at box 370367 Denver, Colorado 80237 or by going to the website at If you want to leave a message or order a word-powered daily reading Bible Guide or a Freedom Street Express newsletter, you can call us toll-free at 1-877-917-7256 and leave your name and address including your zip code. If you want to talk to Barbara right now, she is expecting your call. You may call that same toll-free number 1-877-917-7256 to speak to her. And now, let's join Barbara in the studio. On this encore program, Darren and I study more in the life of Peter and his rapid growth from being a wishy washy on again, off again coward, to a dynamic disciple of Jesus Christ. Second Peter 1-3 tells you to be ever learning about God's divine power that he has granted to you and everything else pertaining to life and godliness. This second book gives the believer an incentive to grow up to maturity in Christ. May this message give you motivation to become a student of the word and learn more about our Lord Jesus Christ. Now let's join the program. Well, Barbara, I've enjoyed this study on Peter so very, very much and I have to be honest, I've never taken the time to really dig into Peter like we have this time. And when I think about the scriptures have been written, the least the copies that we have here written over about the period of 1500 years by 34 writers. And it's just awesome to me how God brought all of us together. When we look at Peter in the time that he was writing this, the church was really under persecution from the Romans because they were really pagans and they were in absolute conflict with the way Christians were living and preaching. And then they were also under persecution by really the known church, religious persecution by well, we would say probably Pharisee types. And Christians were being killed and persecuted and massacred and during this period of time and Peter writes from that point of view and is warning of a future persecution is to come. Well, the first book of Peter is so very much more loving in context, Darren, and there are scriptures like for a year, chosen generation, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, a peculiar people. And when it goes on to talk, we talked about 1 Peter 2, 24 and he himself bore our sins in his body on the cross that we might die to sin and live to righteousness for by his wounds you were healed. And he went on to discuss personal relationships, the relationship of husband and wife and how they should love one another, hold their tongue, not return evil for evil. Now we're getting into the fifth chapter. I'm so glad whoever put this Bible together and it isn't chronologically but Peter is kind of riding between the wonderful book of James and first, second and third John. And I believe it's in a perfect place because Peter grew so much and we can learn so much from this mighty man of God. Here in the fifth chapter of 1 Peter, he says, "I exhort the elders among you as your fellow elder and witness of the sufferings of Christ and our partaker of the glory that is to be revealed. Shepherd the flock of God among you, exercising oversight, not under compulsion but voluntarily according to the will of God and not for sorted gain but for eagerness. And not yet as lording it over those allotted to your charge but proving to be examples to the flock. And you younger men likewise be subject to your elders and all of you clothe yourself with humility toward one another. For God is opposed to the proud but gives grace to the humble." Now he knows this from personal experience, Darren, that there were times that he was very proud and he realizes that humility comes before honor. It really does and it says that in Proverbs, before honor comes humility. And he says here that we need to oppose the proud or being proud ourselves because God gives grace to the humble. And would you read verse 6? That is so good. Well, I was going to say, "Humble yourselves, therefore under the mighty hand of God that He may exalt you at the proper time, casting all your anxiety upon Him because He cares for you. Be sober of spirit, be on the alert. Your adversary, the devil, prowls about like a roaring lion seeking someone to devour. And I think that's putting the two worlds there on one stage, so to speak. Here you've got the world of the godly, humble yourself under the hand of God. And then He's giving us a warning about the devil who prowls about like a roaring lion." And he says, "Resist Him in verse 9. So one of your favorite verses as you're listening to this is probably 1 Peter 5, 7, casting all your care on Him for He cares for you. And I have to do that on a daily basis. And I know probably you have to do that on a daily basis because sometimes when we get involved with situations, we don't look at casting it. We keep it at holding it in. And here he is saying casting all your anxiety upon Jesus because He cares for you. And then be sober and spirit vigilant towards the attacks of the enemy. Be wise. Don't let the enemy just side swipe you. Be wise about what his tactics are. And Darren, as we grow in the Lord, we've got to realize the enemy is going to come to you in a different way than he comes to me. And we've got to start being on guard with that. Well, one of the things I'm thinking about right now is that people that take so much responsibility, they say, "Well, I've got myself into this mess. I've got to get myself into it." Oh, I've heard that, yes. Well, I've even said that at times, certain things. Maybe some of you are fighting a battle of the credit cards. You say, "Oh, man, I've got myself into this." Or maybe I shot my mouth off at work. And I just made a fool of myself and ended up hurting people and hurting my witness and so on. I'll tell you, we need to give those complex and they are complex issues to the Lord. We need to put it over in His lap and say, "You know, I'm sorry I did this or I'm sorry I did that or presented myself in this way." And I need your help getting through this thing. And it goes on to say, "Resist the devil, stand firm in your faith knowing that the same experiences of suffering are being accomplished by your brethren and who are in the world." And then he goes on to say, "After you've suffered for a little while, the God of all grace who called you to His eternal glory and Christ will Himself perfect, confirm, strengthen and establish you." Now, I believe that God allows these persecutions to come against us in these hard times. I do too. Because that's when we're pumping iron spiritually and that's when we will be perfected, we'll be confirmed and strengthened and established according to His image and likeness. And He wants us to be like Him. We're called His children, we're to be like Him. And then it goes on to say to Him, be dominion forever and ever, amen. Amen. I'd like to talk about verse 10 about God of all grace who called you to His eternal glory and Christ will Himself perfect. Now that word perfect therein is 2675 and it means to adjust to fit in, to equip with great wisdom and propriety. And therein I believe is children of the most high God, we need to adjust ourselves to His pattern for us. We need to fit in to His working for us. He is making us and establishing us and we need to humble ourselves and adjust ourselves to His plan. We really do. But now here's what a lot of people say and I've said it. What do I have to do to change? Now a more appropriate way to approach that is what changes would you like to make in me Lord? Oh yes. Because we really can't change ourselves and become compliant and fully acceptable to the Lord. It's beyond us. So we need to allow Him to be our teacher, our changeer, our change agent. And so that we're conformed and then we're strengthened and established according to His plan for us. Yes. And when you say something like what do I have to do to change that puts so much stress and again anxiety and He's saying casting all your anxiety or care on Him because He cares for you. And so that's making us putting us really in the throne on the throne of our lives. And we're saying what do I have to do to change Lord? You're so right Darren. It's Lord, what do you want to do in me? See I believe Carl Gertis when we interviewed him on the air gave us a great key. Now he was in jail and all of his options have been taken away from him and he says he lost his family and he lost his vehicle. He just lost everything. He was there in jail and he finally said to God when he hit the wall, fix me or kill me. He didn't say tell me how to fix myself. He knew he was out of resources. He was out of options. And really if we stop and think about it in a human sense, we are out of options already. We may still think we have some way to get out of certain things or way to work it out. But you know, it's really wisdom when we come to the end of ourselves and say, God, I can't even fix myself. I can't fix the situation. I mean, here I need your help. And I believe Peter was talking about that in a way. He was saying, come on. Let's do it this way. So besides the word perfect in this 10th verse, we see the word confirm. And that's number 4741 in the Strong's Concordance. And if you have a Dr. Zodiatis Bible, you can look in the back and it's 4741 in the New Testament. Steadfastly set strong to set fast, to turn resolutely in a certain direction. So you're allowing your creator and father to turn you in the direction he wants you to go. And that's so good. You're humbling yourself and you're allowing him to change you. And then the next word is... Before you go on, I want to say some people do not have a moral compass and you're struggling with issues of immorality. And Peter talks about that quite a bit. You need to ask the Lord to help you fix the compass of your life in a moral way so that you do have a moral compass, a moral basis for making your decisions. And you're going to be pressed in that area. If that was an old area of weakness and sin, the devil is not going to give up. He's going to still try to come through those doorways and try to drag you back down. And he'll argue with you like, well, it's just too hard. You just can't live the way that some people think you ought to live. In fact, probably in their private lives, they don't live that way. I mean, the devil is going to commit you with all kinds of arguments. But I'll tell you, if you ask God to help you and for him to set your moral compass, you'll be weighed down the road. Yes. Now this third word, strengthened, is 45.99 in the Strong's Concordance. And it's the only time this word is used as a verb. It means strengthened in body. You're being strengthened in your body by doing the will of God, by humbling yourself to what God wants you to be. And establish you. God is going to establish you as you humble yourself before him and cast all your care on him. Darren, this is such a wonderful book. And we're going to go into this second book of Peter. And it's a second Peter. And in this book, I'll tell you, he gets right down and dirty with the false teachers and the false prophets. But this first part in chapter one is absolutely wonderful. Well, I'd like to begin by reading that it says here in verse one of second Peter, Simon Peter, a bond servant and a apostle Jesus Christ of those who ever see faith of the same kind as ours. By the righteousness of our God and Savior Jesus Christ, grace and peace be multiplied to you in the knowledge of God. And that's what we've just been talking about. Grace and peace be multiplied to you in the knowledge of God and of Jesus our Lord. And hear this verse, I love you. See that his divine power has granted to us everything pertained to life and godliness through the true knowledge of him who called us by his own glory and excellent. For by these he has granted us his precious magnificent promises in order that by them you might become partakers of the divine nature having escaped the corruption that is in world by lust. Well, what he's saying is that Darren, he's provided everything for us to be strengthened and confirmed and to grow in him. Now, you know this makes me say, okay, now what inventory do I have that I've not recognized? And that is such an interesting study. That's where I am right now. My personal walk with the Lord. I'm saying, okay, in the name of Jesus, if I could take a tabletop here and I could say on top of this table is all inclusive. Everything is there that is in the name of Jesus that belongs to me. And here I am an underachiever. I am under recognizer. Let me see if I don't know if that's probably the wrong word, but I've only recognized a piece of the pie, not the whole pie, not the whole tabletop here. And Jesus, you have granted to me all of these magnificent promises, what in the world are they? There are some of these areas I've never probed into. I've never tried to find out what they're all about. But they're there when you do open the door. That's right. You know, it's like when you have hamburgers and you've got the bun, but you need all these other little extras to make that hamburger taste so good. And you need the pickle and the lettuce and tomato and the mustard and the ketchup and all these extras. And God has all these extras for us as we open the door and call on him. Well, you know, some people say in getting another person, they say, you know, you're really deficient. You're a pickler too shy of a happy meal. Well, it's kind of the way I feel using your illustration there. Sometimes I say, do I have the passion I need to follow the pursuit that I need to have to find you Jesus? So sometimes I just throw everything down in a way and I say, all right, listen, I don't have our roles mixed up. I'm the student, you're the teacher. You know exactly what lesson I ought to be in right now. Now there's some things I think I ought to know about, but you have the perfect plan for me. Now when I was a teacher in the public schools, in fact, when I went out and did my, as they called it, practice teaching, we had to make lesson plans. We said, what is your goal here and how do you, how do you plan to get there? You know, you want to teach children certain things. Now how are you going to get there? And we had to write it down in detail. And it was, it was really quite a, quite a hard exercise. Sometimes a disgusting exercise because they checked our lesson plans. All right, what is our plan here for learning? Well, it talks about this in verse five and six and it is a lesson plan, a spiritual lesson plan for all of us. And because he has just told us now by God's divine power, we're going to obtain all this. And here it's, here's a step by step. Now for this very reason, also applying all diligence in your faith, supply moral excellence. Now you can, you can actually circle that moral excellence. Your, your goal here is to get into moral excellence. And that's virtue. That's being a truthful person. That's, that's striving to be an honest person. That's striving to lay down lies, lay down exaggerations, lay down things that you may have had in your life and seek for moral excellence in your life. And in your moral excellence, knowledge. Now Darren, when we begin to ask God to make us a truthful person, an honest person with those around us in that we're going to gain knowledge. He's going to give us knowledge of how to be truthful and moral and honest. And verse six, in your knowledge, self control. Well, here we go. One of the fruit of Holy Spirit is self control. And do you need self control when you're trying to get rid of old habits? Absolutely. That's step number three in this, in this goal. You know, if you're talking about old habits, one of the best ways to do that is with confession. And if you confess the word of God and you put it in your heart, you will, the word of God is stronger than your old habits. That's one of the things that you need to do to renew your mind is to get into confession. So God's word, which is stronger than your attempts at self control, your attempts at perseverance. I mean, folks and human beings, we just don't have it in our own selves. That's right. But perseverance in its own right, Darren, is confessing scripture. And when we persevere in confession of scripture day after day, it's going to come that breakthrough that we've wanted that godly character that we've wanted of ourselves. It is going to come because we're persevering with our confession. I'm so glad you introduced the confession of the word because that's so important here. And that's what's going to give us perseverance, that confession of the word. But let's take a look at Peter's life when he first finding was a fisherman. And then of course, when he was we're going to talk about that in a little bit, but when he was up on the mountain of transfiguration with Jesus. Okay, he still had unrenued flesh. He still had some characteristics that were absolutely stink go. But you know, he met Holy Spirit and he was changed. And you can look at Peter before the Pentecost experience. And you can look at him afterwards, a totally different man. I mean, not even the same guy, we'd say it that way. What happened? How was he so transformed? He was transformed by the baptism of the Spirit. And I know I'm speaking to some of you today as we teach this lesson. You're having a hard time assimilating and understanding. And I would take you to first Corinthians 2 that says, natural man does not understand the spiritual man. Well, Peter was a natural man running around with Jesus even even though a great close contact with Jesus, he was a natural man until Holy Spirit came on him. Then he became a spiritual man. And the difference in his life is absolutely nothing shorter profound. Now in this walk that we're taking through the different goals and self control and perseverance into godliness, Darren, I see a metamorphosis of a certain kind saying, now I'm going to take the focus off of myself. And as we grow in the Lord, the focus does go off of our self. Before that, it's usually a self focus. Me, I, you know, people who are growing in the Lord, it's always I'm sick. I have a pain. I have an ache. And they can't get over that hump to get into others because that's what the Christian walk is. It's becoming other focused instead of self focused. But here when we get into perseverance and into godliness, then we're going to step right into brotherly kindness. And that's going to get us over that hump of always looking and concentrating on our own little piddly needs and getting into the body and saying, what does my brother need? So brotherly kindness is the next step. And then eventually we're going to I believe we can really step into an unconditional love here, Darren, that Jesus knew that Peter knew I believe each and every one of us can get into unconditional agape love. But it has to be given to us by the Lord. Absolutely. It's not something we figure out, not something we earn, not something we always suddenly start doing. Folks, I want to tell you one of the deceptive things about our life here on earth is this flesh that's hanging on us because it reasons against you. It reasons against the word. And when I think about I think it's Romans 10 to says you have a zeal for God, but not in relationship with knowledge in accordance with knowledge. We need to develop biblical knowledge so we know where we're going. We cannot make the decisions and do it on our own. And here in verse 8, Peter agrees with you, Darren, he says for if these qualities say the other way I agree with Peter for if these qualities are yours and are increasing they render you neither useless nor unfruitful in the true knowledge of our Lord Jesus Christ. What are these qualities? They're moral excellence. That means you are striving to become an honest person, a truthful person, no more exaggerations. You are increasing in knowledge, in self control, in perseverance, in godliness, in brotherly kindness and in love. Circle all those in your Bible in the first chapter of second Peter. Then he goes on, Darren, in verse 9 to say for he who lacks these qualities is blind or short-sighted having forgotten his purification from his former sins. Now I don't know what goes on in your mind, what you say about yourself, what you say about the Lord, what you say about other people. But here is something that would just challenge us to say okay outwardly I'm a moral Christian man or Christian woman. But what am I in my private thought life? Am I pornographic in my thoughts? Am I devious in my thoughts? Am I lusting after someone else's money or occupation or their position in life? See I think when we say okay how can I grow it am I really? If everybody around me could just really read my mail as we would say in other words know what's the inner man of the hearts really thinking and doing how would I measure up? Would they say will you phony balloon to get out of here? Would they say that and they might if you're living a double life? And I think we have to bring our secret life into congruence with the word. I think we have to say okay I choose to have a moral standard both privately and my most I would know not even my wife or my husband would know this but I know it. How congruent am I really and am I really living the word? And in verse 10 it says you practice you practice and you practice and you practice and I want you to I want you to circle that way it's really good Darren because we've got to get straight with God both inner man and outer man and here in verse 10 it says therefore brethren be all the more diligent to make certain about his calling and choosing you for as long as you practice these qualities you will never stumble and it's exactly what we've been talking about. Let's say for example you're tempted in the very moral part of your secret life you're tempted to get into pornography or you're tempted to lust. I'm going to recommend what you really need to do here is a scripture Matthew 5/8 that says blessed are the pure and heart for they shall see God. So when that pornographic temptation comes to you or that lustful temptation comes to you you need to fire scripture at it. And that means the inner man of the heart in time is going to be conformed to the image and likeness of Jesus Christ and his purity. Yes. And let me tell you folks you can't straighten that out you can't change that by willpower will power is not as strong as say the power of lust and the power of temptation or pornographic or perversion or thoughts in that way. You have to take the word of God and go after that and then it's going to take some time it'll take some discipline. You have to say okay now when I'm tempted there now let me tell you a little secret when you put that word blessed are the pure and heart for they shall see God down in your heart. Holy spirit knows when you're being tempted he's going to recall that to your remembrance and then you can agree with it and speak it out of your mouth, you're going to be a winner and you're going to become becoming morally congruent with the word of God inside and outside and in your most private thought life. Well and this confirms this here in verse 20 I'm going to skip over to verse 20 and 21 what you were just talking about Darren know this first of all that no prophecy of scripture is a matter of one's own interpretation. That means we don't just glibly and generally say a scripture God wants us to be very specific in saying the scripture and confessing his word to become who we are to become in Christ Jesus for no prophecy was ever made by an active human will but men moved by the Holy Spirit spoke from God. And this speaking from God is when we speak the word when we speak the pure unadulterated word of God that's when he begins to move and that's what we're going to see great changes. You know I believe that people that really want to see God really want to see Jesus can go to the 16th and 17th 18th verse of this chapter. It says we did not follow cleverly devised tales when we made known to you the power and coming of our Lord Jesus Christ but we were eyewitnesses of his majesty. Now what he's talking about is when he was standing on the amount of transfiguration with Jesus verse 17. But when he received honoring glory from God the Father such an utterance as this was made to him by the majestic glory I've never in scripture remember the Father God referred to as a majestic glory. This is my beloved son now this is what the Father said about Jesus in the presence of the disciples when Jesus was being transfigured there and he was also there with Moses and Elijah standing on the mountain. This is my beloved son with whom I am well pleased and we ourselves heard this utterance made from heaven when we were with him on the holy mountain. So there's no doubt about this book was written by Peter. Here's what I'm going to suggest we can have a majestic experience with the Father of glory the majestic glory it says here if we ask for it if we press in and say Jesus I want you to make yourself so real to me I don't care if you come and stand in my bedroom you wake me up you sit out on the edge of my bed and I know it's you say I believe if you press in you're going to have that kind of intimacy with with Jesus he obviously had that that's how he could write these marvelous scriptures. That's right. Thank you for listening to the broadcast may you ever be mindful that it is entrusting in Jesus that you will advance in the kingdom for no prophecy was ever made by an act of human will but men and women moved by the Holy Spirit speaking from God I hope that you've gained new insight into God's word and may he bless you and keep you until the next time. Thank you for listening to call to freedom with Barbara Carmack you may get in touch with Barbara at call to freedom box 370 367 Denver Colorado 80237 or you may leave your message at 1 877 917 725 6 call to freedom is a listener supported radio ministry Barbara and her power partners invite you to come on board with us and become a network of hands holding up call to freedom ministry power partner support call to freedom with prayer and monthly financial support you will be blessed supernaturally we invite you to visit call to freedom's website where you can hear Barbara's daily radio broadcast 24 hours a day or order materials you may share your phrase reports and heart prize by mailing them to call to freedom box 370 367 Denver Colorado 80237 or you may email us at barbra carmac at freedom street 4 until next time remember Jesus loves you Barbara loves you and take joy you you you you
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