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Messages about the crippling emotion of FEAR.  How it impacts our lives and our walk with Christ, along with ways to mitigate it in

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LEGACY BROADCAST * The Future is Open: Dr. Richard Rice, Loma Linda theology professor and a leading advocate of open…
Daily Radio Program…
Start paying close attention to the people and situations God is using to accomplish His purpose in your life….
Rachel Mains talks with Joe Massa about how to step our of our comfort zones and take some risks….
Who is the Devil? Where did he come from? Is he a god possessing omnipotence? How much power can…
Sermon Overview   Scripture Passage: Acts 24:24-27   Many of us struggle with procrastination, but do we realize that is doing great damage…
Our thoughts are connected to our emotions, which can change just like the wind. Today, Joyce shares ways God’s…
A special segment of IGH Q & A addresses “sinful nature” or is man born as a sinner? To support…
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