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Welcome to Grace in Focus radio. Today, Kathryn Wright and Ken Yates give an answer to a question about legalism. What constitutes legalism? How can you know if you are a legalist? Please listen for an interesting discussion and lessons related to this topic.
The following is a listener-supported ministry from the Grace Evangelical Society.
Legalism was a great concern to the Apostle Paul and others. Even spent a great deal of Galatians talking about it. But for you and me, what would constitute legalism?
How can you know, how can I know if I am a legalist? An interesting discussion just ahead here on Grace in Focus, and we're so glad that you've joined us today, friend. Grace in Focus is the radio broadcast and podcast ministry of the Grace Evangelical Society.
You can find us at Lots of information about our resources and our conferences. You can also listen to and watch our short videos on our Grace Evangelical Society YouTube channel.
Once again, our web address, Now, with today's question and answer discussion, here are Ken Yates and Kathryn Wright.
We were just talking in between episodes and we had a call-in question. And I like talking about this topic because it's, I think it's something that Christians struggle with, or sometimes we don't think of it this way. And so you were the one who got the call.
So and his name was Fred.
That's right.
What did he say and what was his question?
Yeah. So sometimes we have folks call in to the office and we try to call y'all back and answer questions. Same thing with these write-in questions that we get and respond to.
So if you ever have a question, please send it in to the office, We'd love to get your questions. But yeah, I had a long conversation with a guy, his name was Fred and the conversation went all over the place like they often do.
But one question that came up and I just thought it was a really interesting one was how do we define legalism? And I agree with Fred on this, but I think we should add to it. But he defined legalism as when we elevate our traditions over the commandments.
So it's not the commandments, but it's our tradition.
So like with the Pharisees, when they added so much to the Sabbath, right?
How to wash your hands.
Right. And you can only walk so far, and mothers couldn't lift up their children. And I mean, they just added to what was...
No healing on the Sabbath.
Yes, no healing on the Sabbath. So yes, they were to keep the Sabbath, it was supposed to be a day of rest, but they added to that commandment with all of these additional traditions. And those traditions became more important than following the Lord, ultimately.
And I think that that's a really good point. I think a lot of times, that's... even if they do it subconsciously, I think that's the way Christians see it.
You know, like my traditions, I elevate them.
So like, for example, in our context, right, we... you might... myself, I'm using myself, I go to a church and we start at this time, and we sing this many hymns, and we do the doxology at this time, or maybe we do the advent candles at Christmas.
Well, technically none of that is...
Or the preacher, and boy, I've seen this, the preacher has to wear a tie.
If the preacher doesn't wear a tie, he's not honoring God.
He's disrespecting God in the way he dresses.
This seems personal, Ken Yates, you understand?
I'm on the soap box here.
Right. And those are traditions, and it's not that traditions are inherently bad, but they do become problematic when they become... They are elevated beyond actually serving others and the teachings of Christ, certainly.
But what's interesting about this topic, and this is maybe something that some of our listeners, or maybe many of our listeners never thought of, I remember when I first was exposed to Grace teaching in GES. I don't remember if it was in a conference or where it was, but it was brought out that legalism involves the law. And I remember being listening and being told, and I don't know if I'd ever thought of it that way.
Maybe I did, but legalism can also, of course, it's legalism if I think I gotta keep the law in order to be saved. Or if I preach that. Or let's say I'm a believer, I believed in Jesus for eternal life, but later I go, oh no, no, no, no, that was wrong.
I still have eternal life, but I can preach a legalistic gospel, a false gospel, which is, oh no, no, no, no, you gotta keep the Ten Commandments. You gotta do whatever. Or Jesus commanded us to be baptized.
There's a commandment. We're gonna go into the New Testament, right? So if you wanna go to heaven, you gotta be baptized, okay?
That's legalism.
Sure. And that's not tradition.
That's not tradition.
To Fred's point, which I agree with Fred again, but I think that you make a good point that it's not just the traditions where we can get hung up on, it's also the actual commandments.
The commandments that are holy, as Paul says in Romans, right? The commandments are holy, but I can turn them into legalistic practices, either in the gospel or, and this might be everyone I hopefully heard that about the gospel, say, well, yeah, obviously, that's a legalistic gospel. It's not a saving gospel.
But we could also do it for Christian living.
That's right.
That, and again, this is when I was first exposed to Grace teaching. Legalism can be, okay, I've got to keep the 10 commandments, not to be saved, but to please God in the sense that I check them off every day. I have a checklist, okay?
I do these things, and if I do these things, okay, I don't lie, I don't steal, I don't commit adultery. I worship the Lord, I don't covet. That's a tough one though.
But if I do all those things, then I'm good to go.
You know, and...
I'm keeping the commandments. Everything's hunky dory.
I'm keeping the commandments, and therefore I'm pleasing to God.
That's a problem.
That's not always true.
That's not always true. And because that attitude... And by the way, this comes from Acts 15.
If you go to Acts 15, there's two groups.
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If you go to Acts 15, there's two groups. One group comes up and says at the council, you have to be circumcised to be saved. And that's legalism.
Everybody, okay, yeah, okay, yeah, that's wrong. But then the next group come and says, well, we need to teach these believers to keep the law of Moses, here in the Old Testament. So no, circumcision doesn't save me, but I still need to do that in order to please God.
Both of those are rejected at the Jerusalem Council there in Acts 15. So let's talk about that. How can, if I understand that I don't have to keep the law, here we're talking about the Ten Commandments, in order to be saved, how is it that keeping the law can turn into legalism for me?
Before we got on, I gave just a real simple example of this, that, okay, the scriptures tell us that we shouldn't forsake the assembly, that we should be going to church, that we should be part of the body of Christ. Okay, we see that. But what if somebody's homebound?
What if somebody, you know, is really sick? You know, they're in a season, and it's a long season. Maybe they can't go to church consistently.
Or they have a handicapped child.
They have a handicapped child, or they struggle with depression, and it's just really difficult for them. There's so many things that could prevent someone from attending church regularly. Maybe you're in an area where there isn't a church for you to attend.
I've got some friends in New Zealand, and boy, oh boy, it's hard. Are they displeasing the Lord? And there's going to be some people who look at them and say, well, they should go anyways.
And that's where the legalism comes in.
Or they should move.
I do these things and you don't.
That's right.
Therefore, I have a critical attitude of you.
That's exactly right.
And in 1 John, when John talks about keeping the commandment, he's primarily talking about loving your brothers and sisters in Christ. So if you say you are keeping the commandments, but you hate your brother, in other words, you're critical of them.
That's right.
You're judging them. You are not merciful towards them. Then, therefore, you've turned it into...
In other words, I've checked the block. I've done all these things, and you didn't.
So therefore, nanny nanny boo boo, I'm better than you.
Better than you.
That's right. I've been teaching through 1 John with a group, and we were in 1 John 2.9. And one of the observations that has been made a few times with 1 John is, there seems to be these claims that are made.
If someone says, I have no sin, then they're a liar, right? If someone were to say, I'm walking in the light, but you hate your brother. So it's not...
So you're doing all those things.
Right. You're doing these things. And that's the point.
This is not the believer who is the prodigal son out in the wilderness, you know, the carnal, like, believer in our mind. Like, they know they're out of fellowship. These are people who think they are in fellowship with the Lord.
Right, because they're doing those things.
Because they're doing the righteous things, and they're making these claims of, oh no, I'm in fellowship with the Lord, but you're mistreating your brother and sister. You hate your brother or sister in Christ. Well then, no, you're not in fellowship with him.
And so, yeah, I mean, that's such a small example of they're not attending church, but it's fleshed out in so many other ways.
Yeah, believers who have a list of things to do, like we're told to study the Word. Okay, so somebody says, well, I've studied the Word an hour today, and then he looks around and he judges those who don't. That's a legalist.
That's right. That is exactly what we're talking about, because yes, the laws are there, and they're good, but we don't keep them in our own power. And that's the thing with the legalist.
The legalist says, I do these things. I'm going to do these things where true sanctification or the sanctification that pleases the Lord is when he accomplishes these things through us.
This is a big part of Romans as well, right? Paul is saying, I tried to do this in my own power, in the flesh, but I couldn't do it. I couldn't keep it, and I, in my experience, died.
It's a big problem in the Christian life that we can become so focused on the commandments and not the commander.
So a legalist, that's a good way to put it. I'm focusing on the commandments and not the one who gave them, and relying upon him to change me. This is a huge problem in the church.
I don't know if everyone would agree with me on this, but if you are a churchgoing, Bible reading, praying, serving person, but you find, or we find, certainly could happen to me as well, maybe it does, that I'm critical, that I'm judgemental, that I look at other people and say they're not as holy as I am. That kind of thing.
Yes. And I think probably most of the time, it's going to go to Fred's question, then it's probably going to turn into, also we're going to add our traditions. That's right.
That's what the Legalist does. They don't do the Commandments as I do, but you know what else I've noticed? They don't dress as nice at church, and they don't go to church as much as I do.
I go on Sunday night and I go on Wednesday night, and they don't. That's what happens with the Legalist. So we hope this conversation maybe expands the way we see Legalism.
We see that for the Legalist, he takes what is good, the commandments, and turns it into a self-righteous pride, pride kind of thing. Well, and that is the opposite of grace. And remember, Keep Grace in Focus.
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On our next episode, have you ever heard of soul sleep? What's that? Please join us, and until then, let's keep Grace in Focus.
The preceding has been a listener-supported ministry from the Grace Evangelical Society.
God created you for a close relationship with him. When you’re honest with God about your sin and ask for forgiveness, you’ll grow in intimacy with him. Join Pastor Rick as he explains why confession is an important part of our communication with God.
This is Pastor Rick Warren's Daily Hope. If you're new, we're so glad you found us. And if you're a daily, daily hoper, welcome back.
Today, we're going to continue with our series called 40 Days of Prayer. Such a great series because Rick is going to help you cultivate a powerful prayer life, so you can experience breakthroughs. Breakthroughs in your relationships, breakthroughs in finances, health, and really every area of your life.
So don't miss a day of this life-changing series. And now let's join Pastor Rick for the final part of a message called How to Pray Throughout Your Day.
Now you come, you should go back to work. Mid-afternoon, that's when you want to take a nap. And you're starting to get a little sluggish there.
You're not real bright. But by mid-afternoon, I don't know about you, you know, I'm in the people business. And so I'm dealing with people all the time, and I don't know if you notice this, some of them are kind of goofy.
Some of them are frustrating. Some people, don't look at them, some people are disappointing. Some people hurt you intentionally, and some unintentionally.
And I don't know about you, by the time I get to mid-afternoon, I've got a stack of bad attitudes. Because of the people that I've had to listen to or deal with. And so in the afternoon, I got some attitudes and some actions, and I've got some sins that have piled up by mid-afternoon.
And so, the fifth thing I do, write this down, I ask for forgiveness in the afternoon. I ask for forgiveness in the afternoon. And when I take a little prayer break in the afternoon, and I don't even tell people that I'm doing this.
sometimes I just get up from a meeting, go to the bathroom, and while I'm going to the bathroom, I talk to God. And in that point, in the afternoon, I just say, Lord, is there anything in my life I need to clean out? Is there any sin?
Search me, oh God, and know my heart. Try me and know my thoughts. See if there be any wicked way in me and lead me in the way everlasting.
God, is there something here that I need to just admit to you? I need to confess? I don't want to carry the garbage into the rest of the day.
Now, it doesn't take a long time. It's just like taking out the garbage. Taking out the garbage doesn't take a long time, but it keeps your house from stinking.
And if you don't take out the garbage in your soul every day, your soul starts stinking. Don't let sin stockpile in your life. In the first place, you can start carrying guilt, and that's dumb.
But now we come to the fifth statement in the Lord's Prayer, Matthew 6 verse 12. Forgive us our sins as we forgive those who sin against us. This is the kind of prayer.
I told you there are different kinds of prayer. We've had Thanksgiving or adoration, and we've had petition, okay? And we've had dedication.
Now we've got confession. And confession, what do I do? I just own up to my own wrong reactions.
I admit my sins. And while I'm at it, I forgive everybody else who's sinned against me. Because I certainly don't want to hold on to grudges.
They hurt you more than they hurt anybody else. You don't want to be carried around by resentment. Now listen, read your pastor's lips right now.
There is never any reason for you to walk around feeling guilty if you know the Lord. Some people actually think they're more spiritual by feeling guilty. I remember one time years ago, this lady who she come to Saddleback, and after every service, I'd be out on the patio, and she said, You know, Pastor Rick, today God just spoke to me.
And it was always something bad. Like, you're doing this wrong, you're doing that wrong, you're doing this wrong, you're doing that wrong. And she did this for like months.
And finally one day, I said, Mem, does God ever say anything nice to you? Because my God isn't always, you know, causing me to be focused on that stuff. He knows I'm going to see it.
But if you do this on a regular basis in the afternoon, you just kind of take out the garbage. That's forgive us our sins as we forgive those sins against us. Doctors say most people could leave the hospital today except for guilt and resentment.
Guilt over things I've done to hurt others. resentment over what other people have done to hurt me. And as a result, we regret the past, and we worry about the future, and we waste today, and we crucify ourselves on the cross of guilt and resentment.
You're not more spiritual feeling guilty. jesus died on the cross, so you don't have to carry guilt. And so every day, you need to take out the garbage.
It might be a good idea to do it in the afternoon. Forgive us our sins as we forgive those who sin against us. Here's what I do, write this down.
I admit my sins, and I forgive others who frustrated me. There is no rational reason for carrying around guilt. Just confess it.
Should I ever feel guilty? Yeah, for about three seconds. That's about how long it takes to admit it and ask forgiveness.
And then it's cleaned up. Psalm 32 verse five, a great, great verse. I confess my sins to you, and I didn't try to hide them.
Then you forgave me, and now all of my guilt is gone. I remember driving down the street one day and I saw a sign on a service station, gas station, and it was talking about a certain kind of oil, and it said, a clean engine has more power. That's true of people too.
When you let sin stockpile in your life, and you have stuff there that you haven't confessed to God, it just clogs up the system. You're not running on all your cylinders. A clean engine has more power.
A clean soul has more resilience, and you need resilience in today's world. So, in the afternoon time, that break where it's 3 o'clock or whatever it is in the afternoon, you just take a little time and say, let's do some house cleaning. God, is there any sin, any attitude, any action?
I just need to admit, I'll admit it to you. Now, you're closing up your work, and you're heading home. And you get in your car, and you start to head home.
By the way, did you know, studies have shown this, 90% of all arguments in the world happen one hour before dinner. Two, three words, low blood sugar. Cranky, cranky, cranky.
And you're tired, and you're hungry, and you got a low blood sugar, and you come home, and everybody takes it out on each other. The husband yells at the wife, and the wife yells at the kids, and the kid kicks the dog. The dog chases the cat.
The cat bites the head off the Barbie doll. And there's a chain reaction going on. You need to just be aware that at the end of the day when you go home, that's a prime time for you to get an argument.
And knowing it is wise to ask for help. And so now we come to the sixth prayer time, and that's when you get home, and you just take a minute. You know, and I'll tell you what I used to do.
When my kids were growing up, you know, I listened to people's problems all day. I want to talk to people, and I carry them. And when I come home, I would pause at the door to our house, and I was going to go, I'm not taking these problems in the house and dumping them on my wife and kids.
I'm just not going to do it. And so what I did is I found an old milk can at some antique store, and I painted it blue, and I stuck it out there in front of the front door, and I called it my worry and problem can. And every day, when I'd come home, I would walk up and I'd go, Lord, you know all those problems?
Half of them aren't solved yet, but I'm not taking them inside. I'm going to dump them in this can right here, and tomorrow morning when I walk out, they'll still be there. But I'm not going to load them on my wife, and I'm not going to load them on my kids, because I don't want to do that.
The sixth thing you pray in this time of day, late afternoon, is you ask God to help me make wise decisions. Whether you've got kids at home or not anymore, or you're living with some friends, you need to ask God to help you make wise decisions, and by the way, to protect you from making dumb decisions too. And this is the sixth phrase of the Lord's Prayer.
And it goes like this. And lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from the evil one. Now, I don't know about you.
You're probably different. But I don't know about you. My worst temptations actually come in the evening.
And they come from two very demonic sources. The television and the refrigerator.
There are the devil.
You know, I can stay on a diet till at least 6 p.m. But between 6 p.m. and midnight, oh, brother, when you're tired, your resources are low. You're gonna get in arguments, you're gonna say things, you're gonna hurt people unintentionally. And it's a good thing to pray before you go walk back in the home.
Lord, lead me not into temptation, but deliver me from evil. Some of you, the television is a big temptation. And I'm talking about you're watching stuff you shouldn't be watching.
Or maybe it's your computer, and you're watching some stuff on the computer you shouldn't be watching. Before you get home, Lord, lead me not into temptation. God has given us great promise.
Let's look up here on the screen, 1 Corinthians 10, 13. Remember that the temptations that come into your life are no different from what other people experience. Now, this is a good thing.
It says we all go through the same common temptations. Okay? You think you're special, you're not when it comes to temptation.
You have the exact same temptations everybody else does. You have the same temptations they've had for thousands of years, and jesus had them in the same way, the same root temptation. Now, the good news is if there are common temptations, it means there are common solutions.
And it says this. Remember, the temptations come in your life, they're no different from what others experience. We're all in the same boat.
So don't act so higher and mighty and holy, holy. We all have the same temptations. And God is faithful.
He will keep the temptation from becoming so strong that you can't stand up against it. And when you're tempted, this is a great promise, you might memorize this. When you're tempted, he'll show you a way out so that you will not give into it.
Anybody who says, I can't help myself was lying because God's promised I'll always make a way out. But you gotta choose it. You gotta choose it.
But say, it was overpowering, I couldn't help myself. yes, you could. God says, I'll always make a way out for you.
Now, you need to understand two very important things about temptation. It's not a sin to be tempted. jesus was tempted.
It's a sin to give into temptation. In fact, a lot of people, when they get tempted, they go, ooh, I shouldn't even be tempted. Like, where did that thought come from?
I'll tell you where it came from. It came from the evil one. It came from the devil.
You can't, Martin Luther said, you can't keep the birds from flying over your head, but you can keep them from building a nest in your hair. So, you can't control every idea that's put into your mind. Some of it comes from stuff you saw at a movie theater 20 years ago, and Satan pulls it back out.
That's why you want to watch what you put in your mind. Everybody's worried about air pollution and water pollution. Are you worried about mind pollution?
Some people are so open-minded, their brains fall out. And they just allow anything, a tractor pull through their brain with all kinds of garbage. You should worry about mind pollution more than you worry about water pollution, because your brain affects your character.
But I'm saying, God says, I'll give you a way out. By the way, if you're watching stuff that's no good for you on the internet, you might want to memorize this verse up here on the screen. Psalm 1013.
I will refuse to look at anything vile and vulgar. Nowadays, that might mean the news.
So you have to worry. Worry about that. So ask God to help me wake up my decision.
Finally, we come to the end of the day. Now you're getting ready for Betty Bye, you're putting on your PJs. And here's the last thing you pray.
You prayed when you get up. Here's the last phrase in the Lord's Prayer. I end my day with an encouraging truth.
Write that down. I end my day. This is called a benediction.
A good word. You end your day with a good word. It's good to read scripture, promises, read some promises from God.
I end my day with an encouraging truth. And the Lord's Prayer ends with one of the most encouraging truths around. And it goes like this.
Matthew 6 13. For yours is the kingdom and the power and the glory forever. Amen.
Now, let me tell you what that means. If you'll think of that verse and you'll remember what it means, you can sleep a whole lot better. Because what that verse says is three incredibly encouraging truths.
Number one, God is in control. God is in control. The politicians aren't.
Other nations aren't. Your boss isn't. God is ultimately in control.
And the Bible says the heart of the king is in the hand of the Lord, and he can turn it with or so ever he wishes. It's just enough people pray. That's why the world changes when God's people pray.
He's waiting on us. sometimes we say, God, we're waiting on you to do something. God's saying, I'm waiting on you to pray.
This is a partnership. But when I pray, yours is the kingdom and the power and the glory forever, amen. Good night, Lord.
I'm saying, God, number one, you're in control. Second, this is not the end of the story. And third, God and his family win in the end.
I've read the last chapter of the book. God wins. God wins.
And so that's when you're looking, if you go to bed and the last thing you watch is either news or late night TV talking about the news, you're gonna go to depressed. Cory Ten Boom said it, if you look at the world, you'll be distressed. If you look within, you'll be depressed.
If you look at Christ, you'll be at rest. It all depends on who you're looking at. Yours is the kingdom and the power and the glory forever.
God, you're in control. This is not the end of the story. And we win in the end.
Good night, Lord. I'll see you in the morning. And when I wake up, it's gonna be get up with gratitude.
And then bless your name at breakfast. So I'm in the positive, and I'm gonna start positive. You'll sleep a whole lot better.
Now, I want to encourage you to not just listen to this, but to actually try this format of using the Lord's Prayer to mark out six, seven times during the day. I'm not talking about 20 minutes a day. I'm just talking about a minute here, a minute here, five minutes here, whatever.
What you've got time for. God just wants to, he just wants to hear from you. Now, I know what you're thinking.
Rick, you don't know how busy I am. You're busier than me. I would love to compare schedules.
Martin Luther once said, I have so much to do today, I must pray three hours. Because I can't get it all done if I don't go pray. When you pray, God helps you.
Seek first the kingdom of God, and all these other things will be added into you. God can do more in a few minutes less if you use some of that in prayer. And if you say, with your excuse, I don't have the time to pause and pray, then you're too busy.
And you can explain that to God when you get to heaven one day, why you were too busy to talk to him. Let me give you a promise. You need to write this down, Proverbs 10, 27, on the screen.
I love it in the living Bible. Well, the living Bible says, reverence for God adds hours to each day. Hello.
Do you need more time? Reverence for God adds hours to each day. It's kind of like tithing.
God can make 90% of my money go further than 100%. And God can make my time go further when I give part of it to him in prayer. Reverence for God adds hours to each day.
Proverbs 10, 27, Living Bible. The Lord's Prayer is not just a ritual that people pray. It is a pattern for living.
It is a model for how to manage your day. And if you do this, you'll have more energy, you'll have more peace, you'll be closer to God, you'll have more power in your life, you'll have more confidence. If you'll do it, jesus says this is the way you ought to pray.
Pray throughout your day. 150 years ago, a young Boston woman married a printer, and they got married and had three kids, but the Civil War ended their happiness because Mary's husband got conscripted in the Civil War in the Northern Army, and he died in the Battle of Antietam. And then, after her husband died, her 12-year-old son drowned.
And then, her only daughter died. It was one calamity after another. And in her grief, Mary Ann Kidder began to turn to writing hymns.
And if you've been in a traditional church, you've sung Mary Ann Kidder hymns, because she wrote hundreds and hundreds of them. It would be very well known. Helped millions of people.
In fact, she wrote, I think, 181 hymns. There's one that she wrote that I remember as a little kid hearing my parents sing, and it was called Did You Think to Pray? And we'll end with this.
When you left your room this morning, did you think to pray? In the name of Christ our Savior, did you ask for loving favor as a shield today? When you met with great temptation, did you think to pray?
By his dying love and merit, did you claim the Holy Spirit as your guidance day? When your heart was filled with anger, did you think to pray? Did you plead for grace, my brother, that you might forgive another who had crossed your way?
When strong trials came upon you, did you think to pray? As your heart was filled with sorrow, did the love of Christ you borrow at the gates today? And the refrain goes like this, Oh, how praying rests the weary.
Prayer will change your night today. So when life seems dark and dreary, don't forget to pray. Let's bow our heads.
What I've just taught you will change your life if you actually practice it. You'll grow closer to Christ. You'll have more energy.
You'll make better decisions. You'll have less stress. You get better ideas at work.
You'll be more productive. You'll be healthier. That could go on and on and on.
The Lord's Prayer covers every major need in your life. And if you use it as a model for a daily schedule of checking in with God, God, I'm checking in with you. It's mid-morning.
God, I'm checking in with you. It's noon. God, I'm checking in with you.
It's the afternoon. Remember, I told you there are two ways to pray throughout your day. One is conversationally, where you just talk to him all the time, and that's a good thing.
But it's also a good thing to set aside specific times and say, these are gonna be the times that I check in with you every day. Our Father, who art in heaven, your good God, and I'm going to be grateful for everything you've done. How would be your name?
Your name, Lord, tells me all the things you've promised to do in my life. Why don't you pray it right now? Say, Our Father in heaven, just say it in your mind.
Say, God, you're a good, good God. I want to be grateful. I want to start each day with gratitude, the healthiest emotion.
I don't want to start it with news. I don't want to start it with bad news. I want to start it with the goodness of God.
And then say, Lord, I want to bless your name at breakfast. I want to learn these names of God so that I can know what you've promised to do in my life. That you're my healer.
You're always present. You will give me power. You're my forgiver.
All of the things that you've promised by your names. And I want to bless your name.
Your kingdom come, Lord, your will be done on earth as it is in heaven. I wanna seek first your kingdom. God, I want your plans and purposes for the world and for my life to be number one.
I don't wanna be in cross purposes with you. I wanna seek first your purpose, believing that everything else I need, you're gonna take care of. And Lord, every day I wanna say, give me this day our daily bread.
Just enough to get me through today. Give me strength for today. Give me wisdom for today.
Give me the finances I need for today. And I wanna make a list at lunchtime. As I eat my sandwich, you would give me more than that but inner food, soul food.
And Lord, I wanna ask you to forgive me of all my sins as I forgive those who have sinned against me. Remove guilt and shame and resentment and bitterness from my life. I can't waste energy on those energy drainers.
And Lord, there's some things in my life that you know I'm tempted by. And I'm not very good at handling them on my own. And I'm asking you to lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil.
And I wanna ask you to help me make wise decisions, and not impulsive ones, and not dumb decisions.
Deliver us from evil. For yours is the kingdom and the power and the glory forever. Lord, when I'm down, when I'm depressed, when I feel overwhelmed, when I feel discouraged, help me remember that you're in charge, you're in control, you're still on the throne.
But this is not the end of the story. There was more to life than here and now. And that ultimately, we win.
When the world outside looks darker and darker and dimmer and dimmer, help me to realize that you hold the keys to the future. And then because I'm on your side and I'm in your family, ultimately, it'll all work out. If you've never opened your life to jesus Christ, say, jesus Christ, come into my life right now.
I want to get to know you. I humbly ask this in your name.
Hey, if you've just prayed along with Rick to accept jesus in your life, Rick would love to hear from you. Just email Rick at We'll send you free tools to help start your relationship with jesus.
And now here's Rick to tell you how you can partner with Daily Hope to take the Word of God to the world.
There are nearly 8 billion people on this planet, and God wants us to reach every one of them with the Gospel. jesus said, Go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, and teaching them to obey everything I've commanded you. And surely I'm with you always to the very end of the age.
That's called the Great Commission. It often seems like mission impossible, but if we'll work together to fulfill the Great Commission, God will turn it into the Great Completion. You know, the Bible says that in heaven, an enormous crowd of people from every race, every tribe, every nation, and every language will one day stand before jesus Christ to worship him.
That's in Revelation 7, verse 9. And that's why I'm asking you, friends, to partner with Daily Hope by becoming a partner in hope. What is a partner in hope?
Well, right now, we're able to take the good news of jesus into almost every country of the world, including regions where it's difficult or dangerous to share the gospel. But thanks to your prayers and your financial support, we reach millions of people around the world every month through radio, the internet, podcasting, TV, and we're translating Daily Hope into 25 languages that enable us to reach over 80% of the world's population. That's because of your faithfulness.
And yet, there are still billions of people that need to hear about the hope we find in jesus. So please, pray about becoming a partner of hope today. Partners in hope provide vital monthly support that will help us reach millions more people around the world, including these regions we're going to that have no bibles, no believers, and no bodies of Christ.
If God puts it on your heart, then please join us. Become a partner of hope today. With your first monthly donation, we'll send you a special gift to welcome you to the partner in hope family.
Now there's nothing more important that we can do together than to make sure people all around the world hear the good news of jesus Christ and have a chance to grow in God's Word. Join us today as a partner in hope.
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Again, that's or text the word hope to 70309. And we can't tell you how much we appreciate your support. Thank you.
We hope you'll join us next time as we look into God's Word for our daily hope. This program is sponsored by Pastor Rick's Daily Hope and your generous financial support.
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Welcome to Yankee Arnold Ministries. Dr. Arnold will be with you in just a moment. But first, we want you to know how much we appreciate your prayers and financial support.
You may help this radio ministry by donating online at or by mail at Yankee Arnold Ministries, 7028 West Waters Avenue, Suite 316, Tampa, Florida, 33634. again, that's 7028 West Waters Avenue, Suite 316, Tampa, Florida, 33634. Feel free to send Dr. Arnold your questions or comments to yankee at, and he will respond as quickly as possible.
Now, here is Dr. Arnold with today's message.
Well, it's good to see y'all this morning. Anybody been watching the news? Anything going on in the world?
The Bible says in the last days, it's going to get better and better, right? Now, if you'll notice, this is where we are right now. Everything has happened just like God said it would take place.
Prophecy about Christ coming into the world, he's done that, just like he said he would. He was taken up into heaven, and the Bible says that we are now in this period of time called the church age, the grace age, the body age. But then right after us, after we are taken out of this world, the rapture, the worst period of time upon the earth is right ahead of us.
So, if this is true, and the rapture is close, then the world has got to be sitting on a powder cake. Isn't it true that there's people in the... How in the world are you going to have peace?
You won't have peace in the world unless you have peace in the Muslim world. And I don't see peace coming to the Muslim world. They are looking for their 12th man, their Iman.
You know, they are going to come on the scene, and they are going to conquer the world. Did you know the Bible talks about somebody coming on the scene in the last days, and he will claim that he is God and demand that everybody worship him. So anyway, this is where we are headed.
I want you to take your Bible and turn to the book of 1 Corinthians and chapter 15. 1 Corinthians and chapter 15.
There's many miracles in the Bible. I would love to have been there and seen some of these miracles. But if I live long enough, I'm just liable to see a great miracle.
The miracle of the rapture, not rupture, rapture. I believe everyone who's trusted Christ as Savior will be changed in a moment, the twinkling of an eye, and caught up to meet the Lord in the air. That's those that are believers in Jesus Christ, regardless of where they are on the face of the earth.
And so, there's an interesting statement made here in verse 51. Behold, I show you a mystery. This is a truth that's been hidden in times past, but now revealed for the first time.
A mystery. We shall not all sleep. I wonder what that means.
It means that we will not all physically die. There is a time coming which I believe is right ahead of us. We shall not all sleep, but we shall all be changed.
So those that are alive and live in a mortal body will put on immortality. Bodies that have already died and placed into the grave, and they have been absent from the body present with the Lord, then corruptible will put on incorruption. And the Bible says, when this happens, then shall be brought to pass the saying that death, where is thy sting, grave, where is thy victory, because we escape the grave, those of our death, and we escape the sting of death.
We won't die. So those two things is something that we ought to be thankful for. The rapture will take place and we will not see death.
I believe that that time is coming very, very soon. Look at what he says in verse 52. In a moment, in the twinkling of an eye.
Here we are, sitting here at Calvary Community Church, minding our own business, doing our thing, and all of a sudden the rapture takes place. And when it takes place, we're out of here. Change in a moment in the twinkling of an eye.
Look at what he says. For the trumpet shall sound and the dead shall be raised incorruptible and we shall be changed. Now, we know that, you know, we can talk about the seven feast in the Book of Leviticus chapter 23.
Three of them is in the spring feast and it happens in the spring. So you have Christ, who is the, you know, came into the world and was a Passover lamb. And then he came back from the dead.
And then the Pentecost fifty days later. So those three feasts have already taken place. Now there's a few more coming.
They call them the fall feast. And in the fall, well, lo and behold, we're heading to the fall, aren't we? So there's some feast that's going to take place.
And one is going to be when you hear the trumpet, because the trumpet not only will we be taken out of here, but it's also like a gathering for the children of Israel. It's going to be because there's going to be war, or something important going to take place. And then the Jews usually have a time of repentance, sorrow, looking at those things that they've done and how to correct it and get things better.
And so God is really going to give them something to think about, because there's going to be a move to annihilate the Jews, annihilate the nation of Israel. So it's going to be a very terrible time upon the earth during this period of time. And then you talk about the feast of Tabernacles, where in the Old Testament, they would do this, but it was to remember that you used to be in the wilderness, and God took you and brought you out, and you lived in tents, so that when you get into the land, you'll remember where you were, so that you'll appreciate where you are.
And then there's going to be when Christ comes back and he tabernacles among them here. Now, he tabernacled here when he came in the flesh. And it says, and the word became flesh and dwelt among us.
Dwelt among us means he tabernacled among us. Here he's going to come and he's going to be here during the millennial reign, 1,000 years upon the earth. So God has broken down various periods of time, we call them dispensations, and how God deals with a particular person and a group of people regarding a responsibility and consequences if we fail.
Well, in every dispensation, man always seems to fail. And so we got one more ahead of us. Now, some people say that this year belongs back there under the law, but it is a period of time.
It's a seven-year period of time, and it is in the future, but not too far in the future, I don't believe. I believe it's going to happen very soon. Now, if you'll notice in verse 54, so when this corruptible shall have put on incorruption, and this mortal shall put on immortality, then shall be brought to pass the saying that is written, death is swallowed up in victory.
Oh, death, where is thy stink, grave, where is thy victory? Because we're going to escape. The bodies that are in the grave are going to be made incorruptible.
Right now, they're corrupted. We that are alive, mortal means subject to death, but we won't die. We shall not all sleep.
And we'll be changed in a moment, the twinkling of an eye, and caught up to meet the Lord in the air. So that's why he says in verse 15, thanks be to God, which giveth us the victory through our Lord Jesus Christ. We often ask the Lord, you know, deliver me from this problem, this problem, this health problem, this financial problem, you know, these people problems, and all these problems.
Well, lo and behold, one day, God is going to literally give you the total victory. He's going to take you out of here. When He takes us out of here, we win.
Because you have just received the total victory of sin, you don't have to worry about that no more. The great, you don't have to worry about that no more. Because you see, His victory is put to your account.
But we're waiting for the day when He comes back and literally takes us out of here. A great victory. That's why He says in verse 58, since this hasn't happened yet, but it's going to.
So, 1 Corinthians is a chapter on the resurrection of Jesus Christ. And He says, because we preached unto you the gospel unless you have believed in vain. And the only way you can believe in vain or trust Christ in vain is that He didn't come back from the dead.
But did He come back from the dead? Yes. Because He came back from the dead, our preaching is not in vain, our faith is not in vain, our hope is not in vain.
Therefore, because He left, He's coming back. But before He get back, and we're out of here, He says in verse 58, Therefore, my beloved brethren, be ye steadfast, unmovable, always abounding in the work of the Lord, for as much as you know that your labor is not in vain in the Lord. It is not in vain in this period of time to continue keep serving the Lord.
See them right here. Because this day, the rapture is fast approaching. And if you look at the things that are happening right now in the world, you can see that.
Now turn in your Bible to the book of 1 Peter. 1 Peter and chapter 1. 1 Peter chapter 1.
1 Peter chapter 1, and notice here something in verse 11. In verse 11, it makes the statement concerning the Old Testament prophets. And let's just start there in verse 10.
He said, Of which salvation the prophets, Old Testament, have inquired and searched diligently, who prophesied of the grace that should come unto you, searching what or what manner of time the Spirit of Christ, which was in them, did signify, when it testified beforehand the sufferings of Christ and the glory that should follow. The sufferings of Christ, look up here, the sufferings of Christ is the cross, Mount Calvary. The glory that should follow is over here, when Christ comes back in power and great glory.
This is when every eye will see him. The rapture is not the same. Matthew knew nothing about the rapture.
A lot of people read in the book of Matthew, and one was taken and one was left. One taken, one left. Well, they usually never read the rest of it, or Luke chapter 17.
They don't see that the ones that are taken in those scriptures are taken to judgment. They're not taken up in a rapture. And they are destroyed, and these are not destroyed.
The rapture, you're caught up to meet the Lord in the air. In Matthew, they're taken to be destroyed, and it uses several illustrations, like the flood, they were destroyed. And like Lot, they were destroyed.
And so, Christ is coming back in power and great glory. Always keep these two things separate. One is revelation, when he's revealed in power and great glory, every eye shall see him.
This is when he comes back here at the end of the tribulation period. When he comes for us, it's in a moment, the twinkling of an eye, and we're caught up to meet the Lord in the air, and so shall we ever be with the Lord. So we'll always be with the Lord after this.
So here it makes the statement in verse 11. They had problems trying to distinguish between the sufferings of Christ and the glory that should follow, because they saw these two things mentioned in the Old Testament. They could not see all this that took place in between.
And so they did not see the rapture. It's not in the Old Testament, but there's types in the Old Testament. There's a lot of types in the Old Testament.
Look there in the book of Hebrews and chapter 11. Hebrews chapter 11. Hebrews chapter 11.
And you'll notice there's a verse here that talks about a man by the name of Enoch. See there in verse 5, by faith, Enoch was translated that he should not see death. Now that is, some people say, a type of the rapture before the judgment upon the earth.
It is a good possibility that it is a good type, because in the Old Testament, there were a lot of types of things that are stories, but in the New Testament, we have the doctrine. As we said before, he says in the Psalms 19, the testimonies of the Lord are sure, making wise the simple. The testimonies.
It means all those stories in the Old Testament is to make us wise, gives us illustration. The New Testament gives us doctrine. They both say the same thing, but one is told in stories, and the other one is told in the doctrinal truth.
So when you want to understand sometimes the doctrine, there's a story in the Old Testament that is a type of that doctrine. So you take the nation of Israel. Israel was a real person.
Israel, Jacob, had some sons, and they became the twelve tribes, and lo and behold, you got the nation, and God dealt with Israel as though Israel was a person. Talks about Israel as an individual, even though it was a whole nation. And the promises that God made to the miracle child that was born, the Abraham and Sarah, that is like a picture of a man in the New Testament who trusts Christ as Savior.
He's born of God, and he is always a child of God. He cannot be annihilated. Israel cannot be annihilated.
Though they can chase him to whip him, but there's always a remnant. So you have a story in the Old Testament that teaches the eternal security of every believer. You also have a lot of things.
You can go to Joseph, and you can go to Daniel, and you can go to so many things, and it talks about stories and illustrations that will teach you some good Bible truths in the Old Testament and in the New Testament. In the Old Testament, you have the teaching of a guy named Amalek. Anybody ever heard of Amalek?
Amalek is a type of the flesh. As a type of the flesh, the Bible says that God wanted them wiped out. This is how come Saul got into trouble because he wouldn't do it.
And Samuel comes along, takes a sword, and he'd away, gag into pieces. That's how you're supposed to deal with the flesh. In the New Testament, we have the flesh.
It's that old sinful nature that you have. It's supposed to be crucified. But there's an Old Testament story.
The Bible tells us that even Moses, when he built the tabernacle in the wilderness, he says that's after the pattern of what he saw in heaven. And so, in the Book of Hebrews, in chapter 9, it says that there is a real temple, a real ark, mercy seat, in heaven, of which Moses built the one up on the earth as a pattern after it. There's a real one up there.
And so, there's a shadow. And as I said before, if the light was over there shining real bright, and it was dark over here, you could see my shadow, my shadow. Well, in the Old Testament, there's the shadow, but they couldn't really distinguish everything because, you see, all they had was the shadow.
And the shadow talked about the sufferings of Christ. The shadow pointed about the glory that should follow. But you see, when Christ came, you don't need the shadow.
You've got the real person. So we have Christ, which is better than the law of the Old Testament. God has given us something better, so you find that in the book of Hebrews in chapter 7.
So there's a lot of good things that God gives to us, but there's stories in the Old Testament, and some of these things help us to see this. Look in verse 5. By faith, Enoch was translated that he should not seek death, and was not found because God had translated him, for before his translation he had this testimony that he pleased God.
Wouldn't it be neat if everybody would please God so well he'd just take us home? Well, then there wouldn't be nobody left, except the worst of the crop. And then who's going to win all these other people to the Lord?
God is picking flowers here and there, and he's taking people out of here. But one day he's going to take them and come and get a harvest. And so he says, he had this testimony, he pleased God.
But without faith, it is impossible to please him, for he that cometh to God must believe that he is, and he is a rewarder of them that diligently seek him, or seek to please him. So Hebrews chapter 11 is to teach us how to live by faith. So in the book of 1 Corinthians chapter 15 verse 58, therefore be steadfast, unmovable, always abounding in the work of the Lord, for as much as you know that your labor is not in vain in the Lord.
Your labor is not in vain, but your labor is according to your faith. And your faith is because you believe what God's word says, and your faith means you must believe that he is a rewarder of them that diligently seek to please him. So you study the word of God so that you can learn how to please the Lord.
So in Hebrews chapter 10 verse 35, when he makes this statement, casting not away therefore your confidence, which hath great recompense of reward. So you labor, and God's going to reward you. But your labor is because of your work, and your work is because of your confidence.
Your confidence is because of your faith. Do you believe what God says? So until this day happens, we should be found faithful, serving the Lord with all our heart, because we're running out of time.
And because we believe that, that's what we do. Now in 2 Peter chapter 2, let's look at it real quick. 2 Peter chapter 2.
2 Peter chapter 2, there's an interesting little tidbit here for you. And he talks here about a problem that somebody had in the Old Testament. You see there in verse 7, and delivered just Lot.
Doesn't mean he was the only one delivered. It means that Lot was justified. It means he was a believer in Jehovah, and he had trusted in Jehovah.
Just like Abraham believed God, and it was counted on him for righteousness. I don't believe Abraham was the only one. But the Bible talks about how that God, God got him out of the city of Sodom and Gomorrah, and then God rained down fire and brimstone and destroyed those places, burned them up, ignited a fire, big explosion, nuclear war, you name it, it happened.
And people died. But it didn't happen until God got his man out of there. Now you know what happened to his wife.
She was told not to look back. But did she do it? You know, a lot of times, it's hard to get a woman to just listen, just do what you're told.
They just got to do it. They just got to do it. Don't eat this fruit.
And she just had to do it. Just had to do it. And so, curiosity killed the cat and the wife.
She turned into a pillar of stone. This one woman, she looked back and turned into a telephone pole. So you really got to be careful.
And you'll notice here in verse 7, and delivered just like vexed with the filthy behavior of the wicked, for that righteous man dwelling among them. Who was he dwelling among? The people in Sodom and Gomorrah.
And by being there and seeing and hearing, it vexed his soul. You're not like put a curse upon you. You're not a blessed man.
And therefore, because of what he saw and because of what he heard, he was not the testimony that he should have been. I don't believe he probably should have been there. But remember, he made his decision because of the watered plains, and he gave the leftovers to Abraham.
You see, it's not always best to try to choose the best in this world, as far as the world goes, but what God wants you to have. He would have been better off doing it the other way, but he didn't do it. But look what he says.
It says, And from day to day, with their unlawful deeds, the Lord knoweth how to deliver the godly out of temptation, and to reserve the unjust unto the day of judgment to be punished. All right, look up here. The Lord knoweth how to deliver the godly out before the day of punishment up on the earth.
Now take your Bible and turn to the book of 1st Thessalonians in chapter 4. 1st Thessalonians in chapter 4. 1st Thessalonians chapter 4.
And you know from verse 13 down to verse 18 talks about the rapture and why we should not sorrow as those who have no hope. Now we have sorrow, but we know we will see those people again. And remember whenever it talks about in the Old Testament that so-and-so died and he was gathered unto his fathers, gathered unto his fathers, gathered unto his fathers.
Well, that means that if they left here and they gathered unto their fathers, then their fathers must be somebody they know. Because if they're not the same one, then what's the value of saying that? So, and it's another place, and so therefore they're not just dead and in the grave and there's no more to it.
No, that means that they're still alive. God is not the God of the dead, he is the God of the living. And he had mentioned this to the Pharisees and the Sadducees.
But in 1 Thessalonians, he talks about down here in verse 16, the Lord himself shall descend from heaven with a shout, the voice of the archangel with the trump of God and the dead in Christ shall rise first. Then we which are alive shall remain and remain shall be caught up together with them in the clouds to meet the Lord in the air, and so shall we ever be with the Lord. And some people think that during the kingdom, God's people may not be in there if they are not faithful.
Well, then if Christ is going to be here, so shall we ever be with the Lord. Wherever he is, is where I am going to be. We will all be together.
When he comes back in the rapture, it doesn't say he is coming back just to get the faithful. He is coming back to get his church, his body, his bride. And he says in heaven, the whole church is named, both in heaven and earth.
So we have Christ, who is the head, and the body, which is the believers. And what he is going to do is join the body with the head. And I don't think that the body is ever going to be severed from the head ever again.
But he makes this statement here in chapter 5. Look in chapter 5. In verse 3, For when they shall say, Peace and safety, then sudden destruction come up upon them, and travail upon a woman with child, they shall not escape.
But ye brethren are not in darkness, that that day should overtake you as a thief. You're all the children of light, and the children of the day, and we are not of the night, nor of darkness. You know, you can get a little confused with all this.
But let me just kind of simplify for you. This is a day. This is a day.
So what separates two days is a night. This is a night. And so we are of the day, we and us.
They and them are of the night. So whenever this period of time comes, they are the one that will be here when the thief in the night comes. This is not so much the thief in the night.
The thief in the night is over here. But regardless, there is two days separated by a night. This will be the worst period of time upon the face of the earth, and it's coming.
But look what he says in verse 9. For God hath not appointed us unto wrath but to obtain salvation by our Lord Jesus Christ. That word salvation there is means in reference to deliverance, because you see, God has not appointed us to this period of time, the wrath upon the earth.
But we are going to be delivered. You see, he's already talking to believers, but we're not talking about how to be saved from heaven and hell. This is talking about a period of time that's coming, the wrath that's coming upon this earth.
And you and I are living at a very, very interesting, exciting period of time, because there's going to be such spiritual darkness upon this earth. The Antichrist is coming. And buddy, are we ready for an Antichrist right now?
All right, let's pray, shall we? Our Father, thank you so much for all you've done for us. We're thankful for the time in which we live.
It does get exciting. But Lord, we know that you're coming soon. We believe that.
Help us to live accordingly. Bless our church. Bless each person here.
And give us a good service for following Christ in your faith.
Is it possible to trust Christ as my Savior without making him Lord of my life? Is it true that if Christ is not Lord of all, he is not Lord at all? Pastor Yankee Arnold has prepared just the right book with answers straight from the Bible.
The book is called Gospel Driven Man, and Pastor Yankee wants to send it to you free of charge. Simply write to PastorYankee at Yankee Arnold Ministries, 7028 West Waters Avenue, Suite 316 Tampa, Florida, 33634, and request the book. Or write by email at yankee at
That's yankee at Jesus is coming, so keep looking up.
Thanks for listening to today's broadcast. We pray that today's message was a blessing to you and your family. You may help support this radio ministry by donating online at, or by mail at Yankee Arnold Ministries, 7028 West Waters Avenue, Suite 316 Tampa, Florida, 33634.
Friend, one day it will happen. The trumpet will sound, and we will be changed, caught up to meet the Lord in the air. So live today and every day, believing that the Lord is coming soon, and just keep looking up.
[Music] Welcome to Call to Freedom with Barbar Carmac. This is Jimmy Lakey and I'm delighted that you are joining us for this half hour. You can reach Call to Freedom at box 370-367 Denver, Colorado 802-37 or by going to the website at If you want to leave a message or order a word-powered daily reading Bible Guide or a Freedom Street Express newsletter, you can call us toll-free at 1-877-917-7256 and leave your name and address including your zip code. If you want to talk to Barbara right now, she is expecting your call. You may call that same toll-free number 1-877-917-7256 to speak to her. And now let's join Barbara in the studio. Welcome to Call to Freedom. He will not let your foot slip. He who watches over you will not slumber. I love Psalm 121. If you're feeling afraid or maybe uncovered, you know, want to go hide. Go pull the quilt over your head in bed. That kind of thing. You're feeling desperate because not only are we looking toward the holidays, but then we're looking to the IRS for the days that we're going to have to submit some papers to our CPA or the bookkeeper. And so we're looking at days ahead that can be kind of frustrating and make you anxious. But don't be anxious because God says, I am the Lord your God who teaches you to profit, who leads you in the way you should go. God is right there. As Psalm 121.3 says, he will not let your foot slip. He who watches over you will not slumber. I want you to be content and assured that God is with you, even though it seems sometimes really precarious. Like we're on a cliff and we're going to fall if something doesn't happen. God's going to have you, all of you if you trust him. That's the word friend, it's trust. You are blessed to dispense for in him you live and move and have your being. And I know that he's taken care of me all these years right before the program, Kimberly and I were talking. And I said, I wonder how many times I've put these headphones on. So I average 20 days a month that I'm in the studio. And then I multiplied that times 29 years and I got 6,910 times I've put these headphones on. And their good headphones praise the Lord. Well, I'm through with that Kimberly now you can segue. You can stop me now. How do we segue from that to the script or for the day? I know. But it's so fun. It's just really fun to laugh and I find I'm looking forward to you being here. I find it's just so fun to be able to be free and comfortable with a person and you can laugh with them. Even about silly things like putting on headphones. Yes, well we can talk about the faithfulness of God yesterday. We were laying groundwork for becoming that peaceful place for God, for him to dwell in us. Because he calls us a sanctuary for himself. And wow, is he faithful? You know, we don't know how to make that peaceful place. We don't know how to be a sanctuary and over 6,000 times of putting headphones on our ears. We get into these routines. And then we don't even know, am I the sanctuary that you wanted me to be? Or am I just running? And I'm in my stuck in a routine. Oh yeah. And so we were talking about that yesterday and I'm wanting to focus individually for wanting to encourage people to just look in your own life and find do you have the peace that you need, the grace that you need for today for every day of living. Yes. Because trying to make someone else a peaceful place, that doesn't work. Trying to create a beautiful peaceful dwelling in a community of many people like it work or even your church. There's so many people, there's so many different opinions. There's so many other ideas. And it becomes an impossible task to create a peaceful dwelling place without God being involved. And God can do the impossible things. Yes, you can. Just like the week that you were telling us about changing from the key of E because one of your singers wanted it transposed. And so wow, that moment of real, I'm probably almost fear, but anger also that can come upon us so quickly, Kimberly, when you've only got 10 or 15 minutes before the service. And then what do I do, Lord? What do I do? No, we've got to do it. Yeah, do you ever remind me of that? Wow. Kimberly, that was such a transformation in just a short amount of time. Well, my, the struggle there was that I was looking at the other person thinking, you need you. Uh-huh. Yeah, right. That's the point. It doesn't even matter how I finish that sentence. You know, it's me looking at them thinking, you. That's it. Well, what about me? Am I now a peaceful place, a peaceful dwelling place? Am I a sanctuary for the Lord right now? Now in my emotions and in my frustration and in my fear, it really all came down to fear because I don't like the key of ease, so I don't practice in the key of ease, so I would not know how to even transpose to that key. And God made it happen. And my hands and made it the impossible happen. I remember when we were, this is way back there, Kimberly, when we were moving you and Christy into your little apartment and you were supposed to sing for a wedding. And I remember your dad and me moving all the stuff into the place. And you said, oh, I just can't do it. I just can't do it. And your father stepped up and says, oh, I can go, give me the directions and I'll go sing. Well, and play, it was, he, that was to play also and to play and to sing. And what are the song? Just tell me what songs? Yeah, what songs? Your father was just, you know, that's the kind of trust believing that God will equip you. He didn't trust in himself. We both know that. That's true. He was a man who trusted that God would show up if he was the willing vessel to be there for him. And I've, it took me a long time to learn that lesson. He was younger. And I am older. And I'm so thankful that I'm finally getting to that place where I can trust that God will do the impossible things when I take them to him. That's right. And I say, okay, the idea of being the team player that will change a key for everyone, the whole choir, the whole band, you know, everyone's going to a new key now, just because one person actually felt like she needed. She had maybe more fear than I did. Yes, she was probably anxious over being, being so low that she couldn't reach that note. Even though you said she sounded good, but are our, it's, but it's okay because we're team players. And, and that's who God is. He's a team player. And I was reading Second Corinthians 9.8 today. It says, God is more than ready to overwhelm you with every form of grace so that you will have more than enough, not more than enough grace, more than enough of everything. That's right. Every moment. And in every way, he will make you overflow with abundance in every good thing you do. That's so good, Kimberly. It's like your, your scripture you gave us yesterday in James 4.5. He, yours for us. He, he, he hungers his intense desire is longing is for relationship with us. Yes. It starts with that yearning. It does. And so wanting to become that peaceful sanctuary for God himself to dwell in us. It's, it's just having the desire. Now, we can't actually make that desire come true. God can't. When we have the desire and keep getting frustrated with ourselves because we're not working it out, well, it's because we're trying in our own efforts and we're trying to do an impossible task. But only God can do the impossible. That's right. It does start with that longing though, that yearning and that desire. And once we realize, you know what? Everything else I'm trying to do in this life is not what I really want. What do I really want? Yeah. You know, I go back to that memory again and how I think of the relationship between you and your dad. And I think of what he saw about everything's upside down and you're just moving in and so much on your mind. And that's a loving father when they see the circumstances of his daughter. And see God sees the circumstances were in Kimberly. He sees his sons and his daughters going through impossible things and he says, I'm here. I can do it. Yeah. I heard it take this load off of you. Yes. And it's that love, not just a tolerant being tolerant of a person. And for instance, the singer that wanted to change the key, maybe you were tolerant at the moment. Right. God had to do a work. Yes. And then came that love. Okay. Yes. I can do this. Yes. Yes. Oh. With God's help, I can do this. Yes. Oh. Yesterday we talked a little of Psalm 8 also from the mouth of infants and nursing babies. You have established strength, Lord, because of your adversaries to make the enemy and the revengeful cease. The enemy in us, the thoughts, the negative thoughts and the tendency to blame, to point and to blame. And to be in competition and to try to have your opinion heard so that you can win someone over to your opinion. So that you can control what? Well, there's so many of us. There's too many of us for us all to be heard. Right. And how does that create a peaceful dwelling place for God? So looking at the scripture about the mouth of infants and nursing babies, God has established strength from the mouth of infants and nursing babies. So a human beings are made in the image of God and they start out as infants and nursing babies. God loves the little children. He says, let the little children come to me. If you want to be great in God's kingdom, you must come to Him as a little child. This is what the Word of God tells us. And He establishes His strength from the mouth of infants and nursing babies. Well, infants and nursing babies are constantly crying out for help. They are. They are. They're all the same. And that's the point. Yeah. From the mouth of infants. See, we become so smart as we grow. We are educated and we learn things and we become smart and we form opinions and we become independent in our life. When will we figure out that we need to choose total dependence once again? When do we finally figure out that, oh, I'm not made to be independent. I'm not supposed to do this on my own. I need you, God. I need my creator, my Heavenly Father. I need the lover of my soul and He needs me. And He desires. He longs. He earnestly desires. That relationship with us and the Spirit within us. He's jealous, long, you pour it. I'm ready to be just focused on that and jealous, long for Him. Yes. For Him to have His desire and His dream come true. So the answer is to become dependent. The answer is to become dependent, to come to Him as little children. And this time by choice, you know, we've learned enough, we've experienced enough. We've tried it all on our own. We've got so many opinions and being able to lay those down and say, you know what? I just want you to have your way. Yes. What a wonderful way to... It's an amazing plan. What a wonderful way to just kind of blow our minds. You can try all of this. Go ahead. Have at it. Here's your world. Here's this realm that I've made for you. Try it all. And He knows we're going to come back to Him. Yes. I have assurance that His people are coming back to Him. Kimberly, yes. Yes. Yes. So we also looked at Zefania yesterday because in the first chapter of Zefania in those first verses, there's a prophecy that says that God will completely remove all from the face of the earth. And in chapter three, it says, all the earth will be devoured by the fire of my zeal. And then I will give to the people's purified lips. And you have to kind of, I tilt my head at that weight. Everything was just destroyed, but now you're giving people's... Where did these people come from? See, God can do impossible things. And when we trust Him to do those impossible things, we can think outside of the box. We don't have to think of Him as this angry God that's just wiping everything out and anger. That's human. That's a human thing to do. That's not a God thing to do. I think so kind and so patient. Yes. I think there's a twofold meaning here. Not only a metaphor for our hearts, because in the Lord's Prayer, it says, our Father who art in heaven, hallowed be thy name, thy kingdom come, thy will be done on earth. And some have translated in earth in me and me as it is in heaven. So when He says, all the earth will be devoured. And I think that's the earthiness of each and every one of us, the selfishness. I like that. Yeah. That's good. Earthiness. Yeah, the earth. You know, the flesh. And you know that's where I'm headed, but yeah, I like your word, earthiness. Yes. Going to be devoured. Yes. And I want that, Kimberly. I want the fire of Holy Spirit to devour and clean out everything that has been carnal in me. Yes. Yes. Right. It's a beautiful plan. And He can do this devouring by fire. He can do this wiping out and cleansing beautifully because He's beautiful. He can do it in a kind way because He is kind. He can do it in a good way because He is good. And we can trust Him to be gentle in the process even. We can trust that because He has said in His Word that it is His gentleness that makes us great. And it is His kindness that leads us to repentance. That's right. Oh. And this is the plan to make us like Him, to be like Him. So I really am determined to keep encouraging people to learn to think outside of the box and to truly listen to ways that defy our natural tendency to compete, our natural tendency to push an opinion on others that anger or rage or pride that comes up and wants to have our way. Our God overrides and supersedes all of this. Yes. We are able to think outside of that box and then even outside of science and logic and philosophy and the laws that we have observed in this natural world, God is higher than all of those ways. His ways are higher. His thoughts are higher as Isaiah 55 tells us. And it's just being willing. So I've come down to this word "willing" this. You know, willing to think differently. And what is it that causes us not to be willing? Willing to listen and to see the heart of a person behind their opinion. You know, sometimes we'll hear an opinion and we just automatically go, "Oh no, no, that's not right." Yes. But that's the opinion that triggered it. What about the heart of the person that's talking? You know, what about what their true motive might be? We don't know. That's too hard to dig after and really get into in just a few seconds of passing and hearing an opinion. So it takes some time. And you know, this is the season for political debates. I just didn't want to talk about politics today. So I was choosing something else like evolution versus creationism. Or what I did is I watched a debate between some very highly educated scientists who believe that our earth is a globe. And that's what we've been taught. It's a globe. And then they were debating with some people who believe that we actually have a flat earth. And this is a concept that has become a hot topic lately. And I didn't tap into this debate wanting to decide for myself which opinion that I want to hang on to. Just like when I watch political debates or I watch creationism versus evolution, I watch the debates because I want to know what is in the heart of the person that's holding on so tightly to this idea. And they really don't want to change their mind about it. Yeah, we were talking the other day and it was like I was finally getting the idea that if somebody was talking to me about the earth is flat, that as a believer that the earth is a globe, I would not just, no, no, I can't believe that at all. How ridiculous that is. And then is the defense that comes up. Why don't we just step back and say, well, that's an interesting concept. What got you into that? And ask them the questions like Jesus asked a lot of questions, Kimberly. Yes. And he was very willing to listen. Yes. Listen to the answer. That's right. That's right. So being that peaceful place, that dwelling place where people feel safe, where you have the sense of safety to allow others to hear what you've been thinking about and what you're considering and why? Why are you considering that? And that feels safe. That feels peaceful to me to have people who won't just shut me down, who will ask more questions. And I thought it was interesting that the, in this debate, I was watching between the scientists who really wanted to give scientific evidence and consensus that the earth is a globe. That they were a little more condescending to the people who were debating about the flat earth. And the ones, the thing about it is the ones who believe that the earth is flat, they came from the idea that it was a globe. Because that's what they were taught in school. Yeah. Yeah, like you were. Yes. You had different. Yeah. And they had come up with a completely different idea. They, they had a lot of gymnastics to do in their brain. You know, their brain had to go through quite a bit to come to a place where they would actually change their mind about this. Uh-huh. And have their own scientific evidence. Have their own evidences? Um, that, that just made me really curious because the personalities that were interacting with each other, you could see the one side that was so stiff and saying, "I will absolutely not change my mind." But the other side was saying, you know, yeah, I would be willing to change back and believe that it's a globe again. If, if you could, and you know, then you fill in the blank. But I was actually just really, really impressed with the people who were saying, you know, I'm willing, I'm open. Well, wow, what happens in a heart that makes you willing to listen? Yeah. It's when you don't get the wall of defensive argument against you. And, yeah, yeah, just people who are concerned and loving in their approach. Yeah, Kimberly, we, as believers, as Christians, who know the way the truth in the life is in Jesus Christ, sometimes we cross paths with people that don't believe Jesus is the only way. And so instead of just putting up this wall, "Oh, how can you, how can you think that way?" It's in the Word of God. Don't you read your Bible? And, well, yes, I do, but I believe there are, and they come into a new theory. Well, why not sit down with it? Well, let me hear your theory. And then follow with more scriptures. What I love is the idea that we're not even supposed to land on one. I don't think that's what God made us for. He's not sitting there waiting for us to all be in agreement and have the same opinion. Because I don't think that's supposed to work. I think Hitler tried that, and it didn't work. You know? Yes, there was only one race. Yes. So I don't think it's supposed to work that way. That's not how that wasn't God's initial dream. We're made in His image, and He is so full of variety. The differentiation between every being is so beautiful and so amazing. Learning to appreciate that. Learning to be a willing person that will listen to others, listen to other perspectives, and see the beauty in the different perspectives. Yes. So I think the human... I don't want to call it a problem, but our conflict that we have is... It's like a cookie cutter thing. We see one thing and we think, "Oh, that's great. Let's all do this now." We hear one thing and we all... Okay, let's all get on the same boat and we're all going to believe this now. I really believe that the goal is learning to be amazed and wowed by the differences, by all the variances. The varieties. Yes, the varieties. And to be in awe of God. It's like doing a recipe. It's like doing a recipe. I made chili just a certain way all these years because my mom made the chili that way. You come in with a chicken chili that, "Oh, I don't know if I like that." Kimberly, I am just absolutely a fan and we can have those different varieties in our life and enjoy people where they are instead of putting these walls up. I agree with you. I really do. We're reconciling with each other and with God is the big dream. The God dream. The God dream. And the angels were not created to do that. We are. And so by being able to listen to one another and coming shoulder to shoulder with each other for the sake of the dream, God's dream to come true, he needs you to be a willing listener today. So I pray that over you that your heart would be willing to hear other people and to give all these opinions and all these ideas to the Lord who can work impossible things. That's right. He makes all things possible. That's making us like him. Praise the Lord. Thank you so much for this teaching, Kimberly. Widen's our perspective of acceptance of people. And I appreciate that so much. God bless you and God bless all of you listening today and take joy. Thank you for listening to Call to Freedom with Barbara Carmack. You may get in touch with Barbara at Call to Freedom. Box 370-367 Denver, Colorado 80237. Or you may leave your message at 1-877-917-7256. Call to Freedom is a listener supported radio ministry. Barbara and her power partners invite you to come on board with us and become a network of hands holding up Call to Freedom Ministry. Power partners support Call to Freedom with Prayer and Monthly Financial Support. You will be blessed supernaturally. We invite you to visit Call to Freedom's website,, where you can hear Barbara's daily radio broadcast 24 hours a day or order materials. You may share your phrase reports in heart cries by mailing them to Call to Freedom. Box 370-367 Denver, Colorado 80237. Or you may email us at Until next time, remember Jesus loves you, Barbara loves you, and take joy. [Music]
Today, Pastor Jack teaches that we are to be public Christians, not private believers. According to the Bible, we come from a long line of cultural crusaders, including the Apostle Paul, who used his political standing in Rome to appeal to Caesar.
The post Politics And Your Faith: Why Should The Christian Care ? – A first appeared on Pastor Jack Hibbs.
Today, on Real Life Radio.
If you can't mix religion and politics, then listen, what does politics mix with? I come from a worldview background, because I've read my Bible a whole lot, that everything is to be mixed with my biblical religion, that is my faith in Christ. Everything, there's nothing segregated from my biblical worldview.
This is Real Life. Welcome to Real Life Radio with Pastor Jack Hibbs. I'm David Jay, thanking you for joining us today as we listen, learn, and are challenged by God's Word, the Bible.
Hey, everybody. First of all, I want to thank you, all of our Real Life Radio listeners, for being so faithful, so kind. Keep praying for us.
But listen, the reason why I'm talking to you right now is to let you know that we have an amazing, wonderful offer, and it is the book titled What You Need To Know About The Rapture by Dr. Charles C. Reiry of Dallas Theological Seminary. Dr. Reiry was a profound theologian, highly respected even though he is now in heaven.
His work continues on. I was honored and blessed to write the forward to this book. This book will help clarify the confusion that surrounds the doctrine of the rapture.
You know Jesus taught it. The Bible teaches it. But do you know it?
Get a copy for yourself. What you need to know about the rapture by Dr. Charles Ryrie.
What you need to know about the rapture by Charles Ryrie. It's available for a gift of any amount at,
On today's edition of Real Life Radio, Pastor Jack now begins a series called Politics And Your Faith with a message titled Why Should The Christian Care? Now, when we look at our Christianity, there's no place in life where a Christian should not be a Christian, including politics. Now, this is why this series is vitally important, especially when it comes down to how we vote in the upcoming election.
So we urge you to tune in and tell your friends and family about it too. You see, as Christians, we are not only living by a spiritual mandate, but a cultural one as well. Jesus tells us in Matthew chapter 5 that we are the light of the world, and we have a responsibility to be a public witness of our faith to the world.
Today, Pastor Jack teaches that we are to be public Christians, not just private believers. According to the Bible, you and I come from a long line of cultural crusaders, including the Apostle Paul, who used his political standing in Rome to appeal to Caesar. But before we get into today's message, I had a chance to sit down with Pastor Jack for a few minutes just to talk about it.
And so here's me with Pastor Jack. So Pastor Jack, being in the Politics And Your Faith series, a short series.
Yeah, yeah.
Why should a Christian care about politics?
The Christian should care because the Christian does politics every day.
What do you mean?
You can't avoid it. Well, did you put gas in your car? Did you eat?
Did you eat this morning? Did you drive through some place? Did you stop at a stoplight?
Did you look at the cleanliness or not regarding your city? Politics, friends! The price of gas is a political price.
It's made. It's made that way. So the answer is this.
In our nation, we've been granted the privilege to send to the halls of power those that should represent our view. That's called a republic, okay? And so the reason why the Christian should vote and get involved in politics is because we decide who's going to make decisions for us.
We're going to decide how we're going to live. What will be the standard of living? What will be the quality of life?
Will we have the freedom to go on vacation and the resources to do so, or will we become those that are subject to a tyrant and really pay the taxes and pay the tyranny for their own interest? And sadly, it's very much how America is today because, quite frankly, the Christian sits it out. The Christian has been a horrible, horrible steward of this remarkable opportunity called voting.
It's part of the politics, but no one's going to avoid politics. When you go buy today a burger, the cost of that burger is based on politics.
I never thought of it that way. It's interesting. Now with his message called, Why Should The Christian Care?
Here's pastor and Bible teacher, Jack Hibbs.
Father, we ask you, Lord, in Jesus' name, that you by the power of your Holy Spirit would speak to us from your word, give us ears to hear. And Lord, may we just grow up real quick right now that our theology is not emotionally based theology. Our theology is biblically based theology.
We name the name of Jesus. And tonight, as we look for this next several weeks in this dynamic topic that is going to lead us into incredible areas of reason, of debate, of logic, of conclusion, we pray that you would give us, Lord, wisdom. Your Bible tells us that wisdom is available for us.
And so we ask it now, Lord, in Jesus' name, and all God's people said amen. Well, church, grab your Bibles tonight, and I'm excited because we have a series within a series. Number one, obviously on Wednesday nights, we are looking at the Worldview series, and we're looking at topics that are topics where most of our young people today, if not all of them, if you are in high school or college university campuses, you are dealing with the issues that we've been covering, and we'll cover more of them.
But this isn't a very amazing time right now, because we are going into a topic regarding politics and how it relates to Christianity. Why? Because it is the big issue on college campuses.
It's the issue at water coolers and companies across America. It's what's being talked about with friends and families. It's what is being talked about with neighbors about politics.
You would say tonight, I can't believe I'm hearing the word politics in a church. I was brought up not to mix religion and politics. Then you grew up in a very boring home.
If you can't mix religion and politics, then listen, what does politics mix with? What does religion mix with? Are you saying that you can't mix things?
Listen, I come from a worldview background because I've read my Bible a whole lot, that everything is to be mixed with my biblical religion. That is my faith in Christ. Everything.
There's nothing segregated from my biblical worldview. And I'm going to challenge you that right now as we get into this. And I'm going to want you to be thinking, because we are looking at the worldview series topic of politics, but specifically tonight, why should a Christian care?
We are in the midst of a political season, and it is going to get very hot and very heavy as things get underway or as they approach the big day. Acts chapter 17. Grab your Bibles and turn there if you would.
And we'll use this Paul's visit to Athens, as we have been in our series, to launch us into this topic. As you're turning there, Acts 17, we'll be talking tonight about leadership, about politics, obviously, government. A lot of people don't realize government is created by God.
God invented government. We'll be looking at and challenging our worldview. This has to do with apologetics.
And ultimately in our lives as Christians, righteousness. How do we live? It really matters.
In Acts chapter 17, look at verse 28. Paul says to the Athenians regarding this God who is unknown to the Greeks, that he is in fact the one for in him we live and move and have our being. That this God of the Bible is the all-powerful God.
He is the all-knowing God. He is the God that is very intimately involved in our lives. He's aware of everything.
Our thoughts, our motives. He is God and there is no other God according to the Bible. That he is the one true and soul living God.
And as we live and move and have our very existence in him, Paul makes that argument. It's interesting to note that the apostle Paul's argument was simply this to them, that there's no place on earth that they could go, that is the Greeks, where God was not at. And I want to, I want to grab that and take it into your thinking tonight.
Is there, church, listen, is there anywhere that you can go where God is not at? Do you really believe that? If God is God and he is, and if he's everywhere, as Paul was telling the Athenians there, and if you're a Christian tonight, then listen, if the Holy Spirit dwells in you, that means wherever you go, he is, and oh, by the way, read the fine print, wherever you show up, he's already been, that if we go where we go, is not God interested in that place where we go?
Absolutely yes. So then where as Christians are we not to take our Christianity? Where are we as Christians not to speak in the name of Jesus?
Where are we as Christians not to be a witness? Everywhere, there is no place where we are exempt from being Christians. Can someone say amen to that?
We are Christians 24-7-365. And for us to think for a moment that I'm a Christian, but when it comes to my job, I'm not a Christian. That would make you a profound hypocrite.
I'm a Christian, but when I go and do this, then I'm not a Christian. You're living a lie according to 1 John. I'm a Christian, but when I vote, I don't vote the things that concern God.
Then you are missing the very purpose of your Biblical worldview, of having the Bible dictate in our lives all these things. Proverbs 29, verse 2, Church, jot it down. Proverbs 29, verse 2 says, When the righteous are in authority, the people rejoice.
And you need to underline the word authority. Empower over the people. When good people are in power, the people are happy about that.
But when wicked men rule, people groan. Jesus Christ gave you and I, the Christian, a cultural mandate as believers. Because tonight, our culture would have us, listen, right now, our culture would speak into this sanctuary tonight and say, Christians, you can do anything you want in that room that you're in right now.
You can do anything you want. Just don't take it outside the walls of this building. Do not take your Christian belief into the culture.
The Bible says the exact opposite. You're going to need to make a decision tonight about where Jesus Christ is to be Lord in your life. If you're really smart, you will understand very quickly, Jesus Christ is Lord all the time everywhere in my life.
In my opinion, there's no other type of Christianity. But Jesus Christ, I believe, as we'll see tonight, gave us a mandate to reach our culture with the gospel number one. Will you jot that down?
The number one thing that you and I are to be doing, every believer, is to let the world know that Jesus Christ died on the cross for our sins and their sins, for the sins of the world. And the Bible says that he rose again from the grave for our justification. Jesus died, but thank God he didn't stay dead.
He rose again from the grave and empowered what he did at the cross so that you and I in the 21st century tonight can experience salvation by putting our faith into his finished work. Jesus did it all, all to him I owe. Sin had left its crimson stain, but what?
He washed it as white as snow. Our Jesus. In Matthew 5.13, look in your Bibles, look on the screen, mark it down as a mandate regarding our involvement in our culture, that we are public Christians, not private believers.
Matthew 5.13, Jesus said to us, You are the salt of the earth. Salt used for purification, salt used for preservation, salt used for healing. But if the salt loses its flavor or its sting or its taste, how shall it be seasoned or re-seasoned?
It is then good for nothing but to be thrown out and trampled under the foot of men. You are the light of the world. Listen, keep the verse up on the screens.
Listen to that. You are the light of the what? World.
That means the world is to see your light. And listen, you don't have to answer. Just let it provoke your thinking.
Well, we don't talk about these things in the church I attend. Or we don't talk about these things where I live. We leave God out of these things, not according to Jesus.
Let's keep going. You are the light of the world. A city that is set on a hill cannot be hidden, nor do they light a lamp and put it under a basket, but on a lamp stand.
Why? Why would they do that? Because, look, it gives light to all who are in the house.
Let your... Listen to this command. Let your light so shine before men.
The word implies all men, saved and unsaved, Christian, non-Christian, all mankind, that they may see your good works. You have to circle those two words. Good works and glorify your father, which is in heaven.
That is an amazing statement. There's gonna come a day when the world, in that moment of standing before God, will somehow give glory to God. I don't know how it's gonna happen, but they're gonna give glory to God somehow by your godly witness in that day.
They may not appreciate us now, but there's gonna be a day because of the reality of your Christianity, that you really lived it out, that they will be giving honor to God.
You're listening to Real Life with Pastor Jack Hibbs. You know, to hear more episodes and maybe catch up in the series, just go to That's
And for now, let's get back to our teaching. Once again, here's Pastor Jack.
Point number one tonight in our arguments, and I say arguments lovingly, we are presenting these. Our biblical worldview on politics as Christians, as we approach this election season, the question is tonight, why should the Christian care? For this number one reason.
First, because we have a responsibility to God. Will you write that down? We have a responsibility to God.
You've all heard this saying, and I'll read it. Don't be so heavenly minded that you are no earthly good. You ever heard that before?
How many of you heard that before? Don't be so heavenly minded that you're no earthly good. Listen, I personally do not think that that's the church's problem tonight.
Oh, you're so heavenly minded you're no earthly good. Translation, your head's in the clouds all the time, and your faith really doesn't make any difference. You're so praising God and so in touch with heaven that you're in some sort of a fog bank here on earth.
I don't think that's the situation. I think, listen, that's far too many believers today, far too many churches, far too many pastors, far too many Christian leaders are so earthly minded that they're no heavenly good. It's all about how big the church can get.
It's all about how much money can come in. It's all about this, that, it's how cool and how hip the church can be. It's how, you know, we've got a movement going, but nothing over time seems to come out of it.
Cultures don't change. And what kind of Christianity is that? It looks good.
A shooting star looks awesome. It looks fantastic. It looks spectacular.
But it doesn't affect anything. And it's for a moment. No, I think the challenge tonight is if we're gonna be real Christians, that we should be so in touch with heaven, receiving from God the heartbeat of God, the things that concern God, and those things that concern God will be right here on earth in our culture.
We will be heavenly minded, and we will be earthly good. So as we consider this, we have a responsibility to God. Listen, the Christian is to be a public witness in this world everywhere at all times.
You might be sitting here tonight, or maybe you're watching right now on Internet TV, and you're saying, I've decided not to vote. You cannot, are you a Christian? You can't decide that.
You've got to be involved. That is a horrific manifestation of a fancied up form of an apathy. Can't go there, can't do that.
Listen, number one thing, I'll give you some motivation because it motivates me. There's a day coming in 2 Corinthians 5 verse 9. It says, Therefore, we make it our aim, whether present or absent, that is, in this world to be well pleasing to God, to him.
For we must all appear before the judgment seat of Christ. That's where every Christian will stand for judgment, not the great white throne. You and I will stand before the Bema seat of Christ, that each one may receive the things done in the body.
What did we do in this body of ours in the time that we had? According to what he has done, whether good or bad, knowing, therefore, the tear of the Lord, here it is, we persuade men. That will be the passion of these weeks ahead of us as we get down to the election on these Wednesday nights, as we go through these hot button topics, is to persuade men.
That is a biblical thing. We are, as Christians, to persuade people. What's a fancy word for persuading?
We are to offer up apologetic, apology, not sorry apology. Apology as in the defense of an argument. An attorney gives an argument for his case, and he does it in an apologetic manner, not, I'm sorry, Your Honor.
That's not what the word means. It's, Your Honor, here's the reason why. I'm presenting my case.
Here's the evidence. Here's the fact. I make my apologetic presentation.
It is an argument. It is a presentation. We're going to do that.
We, as believers, come from a long line, if you're wondering, of cultural impacting people. Let me name a few of them who have influenced their culture, listen, in the realm of politics slash governments. Because someone's going to tell you, well, you know what, that church or that pastor or that, you know, you Christian, you're too political.
And I'm against being political. I take up issues that are Biblical. And I, listen, over my dead body, will I allow politics to come and steal God-ordained topics and have them make it their own?
It's not going to happen. No way. And hallelujah someday, government will answer to God.
God will never answer to government. And on top of it, he's the inventor of government. It's one of the three great sacred institutions that God has established.
Think of that. When someone wants to argue with you, you argue back and say, who invented government? The Bible tells us.
We'll look more and more of that as the weeks progress. So here's your examples. Men of God who encountered politically in a governmental way, their cultures.
Have you ever heard of a guy by the name of Daniel? Daniel saw no problem taking his faith into the public arena. What about Esther?
Wow. What about Jeremiah? You know, I left out Moses, but Moses, did Moses take his faith before the very ruler of the world, Pharaoh?
Absolutely. What about Isaiah? Boy, Isaiah did that.
What about this guy? He pulled no punches. This one.
He walked right into the den of government and said, You're in trouble with God. John the Baptist. John the Baptist walked right into the governmental halls of power and said, You're sinning against God by having your brother's wife.
Even Paul the Apostle, I love this. Paul the Apostle used his political privilege to demand to the Roman Empire regarding his case of Christianity, I appeal to Caesar as a Roman citizen. And the law, listen, the law said any Roman who had a case could appeal to Caesar in Rome.
And the Roman government would pay for your trip to argue your case. And Paul the Apostle, being a Christian, said, I want to make my case, and I want to tell it to everybody. And so I'm in trouble right now for preaching the resurrection of the dead.
Okay, well here it is. I appeal to Caesar. I'm a Roman citizen.
I want to go to Rome. I want to tell Caesar my case. And he did.
He saw no difference of separation of church and state, which by the way does not exist. I challenge you, I invite you go find it, and I'll read it. In 1st Timothy chapter 2 verse 1, the Bible says, Therefore I exhort first of all that supplications, prayers, and intercessions, and the giving of thanks be made for all men.
For kings and all who are in authority, that we may lead, listen, here's the reason why. Isn't this amazing? That we may lead a quiet and peaceable life in all godliness and reverence.
Did you hear that? Everybody, you guys awake? You're so quiet.
My goodness, you think we're talking about something controversial tonight. Look at that. Pray for the authorities over your life.
What authorities? All authorities, governments, military, police, all of it.
Pastor and Bible teacher Jack Hibbs, here on Real Life Radio with his message called Why Should The Christian Care? You know, this message is part of Pastor Jack's new series called Politics And Your Faith. It's a series on obeying God in all things, politics, government, and our world view.
And we'll continue on the next edition of Real Life Radio.
So it's about time to vote. And you happen to have in a particular office, two candidates that do not represent your biblical worldview. In fact, they might be two candidates that are of an opposing party or whatever the case might be.
Well, listen, my friend, you must vote. But here's how you do it. You first of all, pray, and then you vote, and then you pray again.
But when you vote, realize this. You need to vote with some intelligence. And you need to look at a voter's guide, or you need to find out about these candidates.
So for example, if you have two extreme progressive liberals that are running against each other, and you think you have no choice, I would like to offer you this opportunity. If you look at both of their previous voting records, or if they've never had a previous voting record, look at their position on the issues. And one of them will be closer to a biblical worldview than the other.
Now granted, both of them are far from a biblical worldview, but one of them might be, for example, pro-life, or they might have a less aggressive view of abortion. Or if that's not the option, it might be taxes, or it might be the topic of Israel, or the border. Vote for the individual that represents your concerns biblically based, even if it's only one issue.
By all means, exercise your freedom to vote. People died that you and I might have the freedom to vote. So let's pray right now for the wisdom of God.
Father, we come to you in Jesus' name, and we ask you, Lord God, that you would give us wisdom from coast to coast, border to border, in this election, that we would be people who would not sit it out, that we would not be idle servants, that we would not in any way miss an opportunity to do good. And so Father, give us wisdom to vote, even for those really, really difficult candidates that do not represent us at all. Show us the one that's less evil than the other.
And God, we pray for your mercy upon this nation. We need it in Jesus' name. Amen.
This program is made possible by the generous contributions of you, our listeners. Visit us at, that's Until next time, Pastor Jack Hibbs and all of us here at Real Life Radio wish for you solid and steady growth in Christ and in His Word.
We'll see you next time, here on Real Life Radio.
Sermon Overview
Scripture Reference: Philippians 4:4-8
Adrian Rogers says, “You can choose your thoughts like you choose your friends.”
As Christians, we must have a standard regarding the kinds of thoughts we allow into our minds. Scripture shows us how and why we should control our thought lives.
Philippians 4:4-7 says, “Rejoice in the Lord always. Again I will say, rejoice! Let your gentleness be known to all men. The Lord is at hand. Be anxious for nothing, but in everything by prayer and supplication, with thanksgiving, let your requests be made known to God; and the peace of God, which surpasses all understanding, will guard your hearts and minds through Christ Jesus.”
Every Christian who is in control of his thoughts will have conscious, contagious joy in the Lord.
We will obtain healthy mental attitudes when we remember God is near, and we will recognize His presence continually.
We must refuse to worry about anything; Jesus Himself tells us that worrying is worthless, wasteful, and wicked. (See Matthew 6.) Instead, we must bring every need to God—all the while, developing thankful spirits.
Philippians 4:8 says, “Finally, brethren, whatever things are true, whatever things are noble, whatever things are just, whatever things are pure, whatever things are lovely, whatever things are of good report, if there is any virtue and if there is anything praiseworthy—meditate on these things.”
This verse reveals exactly how we should screen our thoughts and what to admit into our minds:
1, Reliance Test: Is it true? Does it come from a reliable source?
2, Respect Test: Is it honest, honorable, and worthy of respect?
3. Rightness Test: Is it straight-line thinking or is it crooked thinking?
4. Reverence Test: Is it pure, free of contamination, worthy of being lifted up in worship?
5. Relationship Test: Does it cause you to love rather than criticize?
6. Refinement Test: Is it a good report, high-toned, refined, and beneficial?
We can win the war on our minds and control our thoughts, but it will not happen if we stay neutral. We must be intentional about thinking what is good. We will not overcome evil with anything other than what is good.
Apply it to your life
There is a correct standard for the thoughts we allow into our minds. Do you think about what is true, noble, just, pure, lovely, or of good report? Be intentional today, as you meditate on what is good.
Listen closely as Adrian Rogers helps us put our thoughts into perspective.
Do you have anything that you really think is a big problem? I want you to think about the biggest problem in your life right now, got it in your mind? All right, now, double it, make it twice as big.
Now, I want to ask you a question, is that big to God? See it in the light of God.
Welcome to Love Worth Finding. Pastor, teacher and author Adrian Rogers said, You can choose your thoughts like you choose your friends. As Christians, we need to have a standard of what kind of thoughts we allow into our minds.
The believer who's in control of his or her thoughts will have conscious, contagious joy in the Lord. On the contrary, the believer whose thoughts run wild will find themselves worrying. If you have your Bible, turn to Philippians chapter 4 as Adrian Rogers gives practical insights on how to control your thought life.
Find in God's Word, please, Philippians chapter 4. And in a few moments, we're going to begin reading in verse 4. They put on cigarette packages that smoking may be hazardous to your health.
I want to tell you, dear friend, that wrong thinking can also be hazardous to your health. And we're going to find out if you have been guilty of bad thinking, the wrong kind of thoughts, depression, self-pity, worry, fear, anger, and all of these many things. You say, well, preacher, what do you know about it anyway?
I mean, you've always had it easy all your life. You've never had any problems, so who are you to tell me about these things? Well, the truth of the matter is, I want to tell you what someone else said.
His name was Paul, and what he wrote, he wrote in a slimy hole called the Mammartine Prison as a sufferer and a prisoner for preaching the gospel of Jesus Christ, okay? Now, I want you to hear what the Apostle Paul had to say, and I began in verse 4. Rejoice in the Lord always.
Who said that? Paul. When did he say it?
In prison. Rejoice in the Lord always. And again, I say rejoice.
Let your moderation be known unto all men. The Lord is at hand. Be careful for nothing.
That is, don't worry about a single thing, but in everything by prayer and supplication, with thanksgiving, let your request be made known unto God, and the peace of God which passeth all understanding shall keep your hearts and minds through Christ Jesus. Now remember, we're talking about controlling your thought life. The peace of God which passeth all understanding shall keep, and the word keep means guard, shall guard your thoughts, your hearts, your minds through Christ Jesus.
Finally, brethren, whatsoever things are true, whatsoever things are honest, whatsoever things are just, whatsoever things are pure, whatsoever things are lovely, whatsoever things are of good report, if there be any virtue, if there be any praise, think on these things. Now the Bible says, as a man thinketh, so is he. And I want to show you today how to guard your thought life.
An unsaved man has a blinded mind. The God of this world has blinded the minds of them that believe not. By nature, we have what the Bible calls a carnal mind that is at warfare with God.
And so we said in order to control your thought life, first of all, what? The carnal mind must be converted. But then we showed you also that a converted mind may be corrupted.
Paul said, I have a concern, lest Satan corrupt you through his subtlety from the simplicity which is in Christ, that your minds be corrupted. And Satan can come in and seduce us, and even a Christian's mind can be drawn away. And Satan can build into that heart and into that mind what the Bible calls a stronghold.
And so we said then that a corrupted mind must be conquered. You must take that ground back. And we showed you how to do that.
And then we said that a conquered mind must be controlled. That the Lord is to be in charge of our new mind. And that I said, and I hope you will remember, that you can choose your thoughts like you choose your friends.
Now, you have to have some sort of a standard to know what kind of thoughts that you can allow into your mind and what kind of thoughts you can say no trespassing to. But Paul, when he's getting ready to give this standard, first of all, he just builds sort of a context in which you can do what I'm talking about. And let me give you three or four things that he says just to set the stage.
He says first of all in verse 4, that you're to find your joy in the Lord. Now, he doesn't say rejoice always. That would be silly if he just said that.
But it's not silly when he says rejoice in the Lord always. Rejoice in the Lord, find your joy in the Lord. Every Christian who is controlling his thought life will have a conscious joy, he'll have a continual joy, and he will have a conspicuous joy, and he'll have a contagious joy if he finds his joy in the Lord.
Did you know that I stay busy, but I have found the secret of strength? I really have. The joy of the Lord is my strength.
Really. That's not a slogan, it's not a song, it is a downright reality. There are times when I leave my office to come up here to preach, and I find my body getting weary, and I find my mind getting tired, and I just stop, and I say, Jesus, I love you.
I thank you for who you are, and what you mean to me, and I'll quote this verse. The joy of the Lord is my strength. And folks, I feel power and strength that comes into my mortal body.
The joy of the Lord is my strength. You see, we're to rejoice in the Lord. Jesus said in John 15 verse 11, These things have I spoken unto you, that my joy might remain in you, and that your joy might be full.
By the way, it's only joy in him that remains. If you get your joy in the other place, something can take it away. I'm glad Paul didn't get his joy in his freedom, because if he got his joy in his freedom, he wouldn't have had it when he was in prison.
Don't get your joy out of circumstance. Don't get your joy out of amusements. Don't get your joy out of business.
Don't get your joy out of your friends. Don't get your joy out of your health only. Those things can give you joy well and good, but don't let them be the ultimate source of your joy.
Rejoice in the Lord always. Joy in him is full, and it is complete. Now the second thing, we're just setting the stage now.
Find your joy in the Lord, okay? We're talking about how to have a healthy mental attitude. Secondly, always remember that God is near.
Always remember that God is near. Recognize his presence continually. Look if you will in verse 5 now.
Let your moderation be known unto all men. The Lord is at hand. Now he doesn't mean that Jesus is coming soon.
He is coming soon, but that's not what he meant by that. What he meant by that is, hey, he's right here with me in this prison cell. The Lord is at hand.
Jesus said, I will pray the Father, and he will give you another comforter that he may abide with you forever. And the way to have a healthy mental attitude is to find your joy in the Lord and to constantly practice the presence of the Lord. You see, when you can do this, then the wonderful thing about it is that your problems are his problems.
Paul said, I'm here in prison, but so is the Lord. Jesus didn't come to get you out of trouble. He came to get into trouble with you.
Isn't that wonderful? And Paul said, well, I'm in prison, but he's in here too. The Lord's right here with me.
And I was reading about some prisoners who, back in Stalin's day, when they were really persecuting Christians and putting them to death, there were 30 Christians who were meeting in a building. And Stalin's crash troops came in there to persecute these Christians, and they were making a list and they counted them. And one of the officers said, one, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine, there are 30 in this room.
And one of them smoked up and said, no, you're wrong, there are 31. Jesus is here with us. Jesus is here with us.
All right, now, the third thing, first of all, just find your joy in the Lord. Secondly, recognize his constant presence. Thirdly, just refuse to worry about anything.
Look in verse six, be careful for nothing. Now this word careful here, the Greek word means to be pulled apart. That's exactly what worry does.
Worry just pulls you apart. Over here is fear and over here is hope and you're just being pulled between the two. Paul says, hey, don't worry about anything.
You know what Jesus said about worry? Jesus said it's worthless. No one can add a cubit to a stature by worry.
Worry never solved a problem, lifted a burden, dried a tear. It's worthless, but not only is it worthless, it's wasteful. You know, it just takes energy.
That doesn't do any good. If it's worthless, it's bound to be wasteful. Worry doesn't take the sorrow out of tomorrow.
It takes the strength out of today. It's just pulling tomorrow's clouds over today's sunshine. But not only is it worthless and is it wasteful, it's wicked.
Jesus said, after these things, do the Gentiles seek. These are the things that pagans think about. Why, don't be like them.
God watches over. So Paul here, he's getting ready now to tell us how to guard our thought life, but he's just setting the stage and he's just giving us an atmosphere. Just find your joy in the Lord.
Recognize that He's present with you. Refuse to worry about a single thing. You say, well, how do you do that?
Well, he goes on to tell us how to do that. In verse 6, be careful for nothing, but in everything by prayer and supplication, with thanksgiving, let your request be made known unto God. Bring every need to God in prayer.
Every need. Now, surely we ought to pray about the big things. Do you have anything that you really think is a big problem?
I want you to think about the biggest problem you can think of right now. I mean the absolute bigness. You got the biggest problem in your life right now?
Got it in your mind? All right, now double it. Make it twice as big.
Now is it in your mind? Now I want to ask you a question. Is that big to God?
See it in the light of God. The Lord says, I'm the Lord. Is there anything too hard for me?
Well, surely then, you can pray about the big things. What about the little things? You know, the danger is not that we fail to pray about the big things.
The danger is that we fail to pray about the little things. He says, in everything, by prayer and supplication, with thanksgiving, let your requests be made known to God. All right, now next.
Not only bring every need to God, verse 6, but develop a thankful spirit. All of this is just getting you ready now to check these thoughts at the door, whether or not you're going to let them into your heart and in your mind. Just a thankful spirit.
Notice again, be careful for nothing but in everything, pray about everything and thank God for everything. With thanksgiving, let your requests be made known unto God. You know, sometimes we complain when we ought not to complain.
I was sitting in an automobile with a man. We were driving across country and I had all of my children. We're in private school, somewhere in college and somewhere in Christian school.
And well, we, Joyce and I were just paying out the money. I was dying of maltuition. And I, I was complaining a little bit to this man, and I was talking to him about the great cost of sending a son to college.
And he looked at me. He'd said, I'd give anything in the world if my son would go to college. I thought, oh, what an ungrateful spirit I had.
He had a son that was rebellious, and a son that was a hellion and a maverick. You ever complain about dirty dishes? You know, there are lots of folks in Bangladesh who'd like to have some dirty dishes.
Did you know that? I mean, the dirty dishes are a sign that you've had something to eat. Listen, in everything, by prayer and supplication, with thanksgiving, let your requests be made known unto God.
Now, all of that, he just sets the stage now to tell you how to guard your thought life. Kind of like going to the airport and you have to pass through that security gate, and that security gate has a sensor on it, and there's certain things that are contraband. There's certain things that you're not to let through.
Now, the Apostle Paul also gives us a checklist, and I want you to look at them right now in verse 8, and we'll get right into the heart of the message. Finally, brethren, whatsoever things are true, whatsoever things are honest, whatsoever things are just, whatsoever things are pure, whatsoever things are lovely, whatsoever things have a good report. If there be any virtue, if there be any praise, think on these things.
All right, now here are the tests as to whether or not you will admit anything into your mind. First of all, is what I want to call the reliance test. The reliance test.
Is it true? Can you bank on it? Can you rely on it?
Whatsoever things are true. Do you know that we live in a generation today that doesn't ask, is it true? We ask, does it work?
Don't let anything come in to your thought life, consciously dwell there. Don't absorb it into your heart, into your philosophy. Don't dwell on it.
Don't let it be a part of your thought patterns if it is not true. And of course, the Bible is the prime source of truth. Now, secondly, not only the reliance test, but the respect test.
Second question, is it honest? Whatsoever things are true. And then he says, whatsoever things are honest.
Now, the word honest here literally means honorable. Things that are honorable. Do you let dishonorable things get into your mind?
Are there things that are not really worthy of your respect? Things that are not worthy to occupy your time? Some things are not bad because they're vile.
They're bad because they are inane. Just silly, stupid, and not worth it. All right, here's the third thing.
Not only the reliance test, and not only the respect test, but the rightness test. Whatsoever things are just. And the word just here means straight, as opposed to crooked.
Don't let any crooked thinking come into your mind. Do you think straight? Do you think on a straight line?
In my Bible study and in my preaching and in my devotional life, I try to think in a straight line. I think many of us let things that are crooked come in. We don't lay down a measuring rod by what we do.
We just kind of go this way and that way a little bit. Now, Paul says that there are certain things that are not to get through the gate. Anything that is unreliable, disrespectful or not right should not come through the gate.
The rightness test. Is it right? Now, here's one.
He mentions also whatsoever things are pure. Now, the word pure here means free of contamination. And what it was used for was to say, is this animal or is this object, is it good enough, is it pure enough to be used in worship?
That is, could it be offered to God? So, the next test is what I call the reverence test, whatsoever things are pure. That is, is this something that I would not be ashamed to offer to the Lord?
Could I take this story? Could I take this movie? Could I take this friendship?
And could I say, Lord, I worship you with it? Well, you say, you're not supposed to worship God with everything. Oh, no.
You are supposed to worship God with everything. The Bible says, whether you eat or drink or whatever you do, do all to the glory of God. Is this relationship a relationship I could say, Lord, I offer it to you?
I just offer it to you. Just this good time, just this joy, just this beauty. I offer it, Lord, to you.
It is pure. It is worthy. Anything that you're doing that cannot pass the reverence test, that is, that you could not offer up to God any relationship, any activity, any meal, any recreation, any business deal.
Don't let it in to your mind. And then, next of all, the relationship test. He says, whatsoever things are lovely.
Now, the word lovely here doesn't mean beautiful, but it literally means in the Greek language, causing you to love. Does it cause you to love? If there's something that comes into your mind that causes you to criticize unjustly, or brings division between human beings, it is wrong.
This word lovely is a combination of two words which actually means toward love. Toward love. Does this thought move you to love?
The relationship test. And then finally, the refinement test. Look, if you will, here as he goes on to say, whatsoever things are lovely, and then whatsoever things are of good report.
Actually, this word means things that are high-toned. High-toned. That means that it sounds good.
It is refined. You know, I think gossip is a form of insanity. Really.
I'll tell you why I think it's a form of insanity. I've never met a gossip who knew they were gossip.
And this is what they say. They say, you know me, I don't gossip. And then they start to gossip.
Well, if a person is doing something, they don't know they're doing it. I think they must have rooms to rent upstairs, unfurnished. It's a form of insanity.
They love to listen to things that are not of good report. People use their ears for garbage cans. They say, you know, I don't know why people always come and tell me these things.
I know why they tell you those things. They know you want to hear them. They know that you will allow them to track mud on the carpet of your mind.
They know that. And if you're one who has all the latest news about everything, you know those kind of folks. I mean, buddy, if it's bad, they've got it.
I mean, it just comes to them. And, you know, they say, well, you know, I don't start all these rumors, just the ones I tell them to. They're the ones that start them.
But the refinement test, these are things that you ought to put up at the gate of your mind and do not allow them to come in. Now, Paul is finally, he's running out of time. He's already said finally, like some preachers, but he doesn't mean immediately.
And so, and then he just, he just kind of wraps it up. And he says, if there be any virtue, if there be any praise, think on these things. Now folks, it is so simple and it is so wonderful.
You can absolutely take back that conquered ground and you can say, I'm only gonna let these thoughts in my mind. And you don't have to think on anything you don't want to think on. But now listen, you must be thinking something.
You cannot control your thought life by keeping your mind in neutral. You will think something and if you're not thinking something right, you're gonna think something wrong. If you're not thinking something good, you're gonna think something bad.
And the way not to think bad thoughts is not by trying not to think bad thoughts. Try not to think of a submarine right now.
Are you sure you're not thinking about a submarine right now? All right. The only way not to think about a submarine is not by trying not to think about a submarine, but by thinking about something else.
And people who are trying not to think about submarines are thinking about the submarines they're trying not to think about, isn't that right? Sure. You see, the Bible says, be not overcome with evil, but overcome evil with good.
Just let these thoughts come in to your mind, and just keep your hearts and minds stayed on him. Thou will keep him in perfect peace, whose mind is stayed on thee. We have the mind of Christ.
Learn to think God's thoughts after him. And use Paul's standard here in Philippians 4 as the grid through which everything must come before it finds lodging in your mind.
And if you'd like to learn more about how to cultivate a faith that flourishes, we invite you to check out our Grow Your Faith page at the website where you can get grounded and dig deeper as you walk with Christ. Go to and click the tab that says Grow Your Faith. We can't wait to hear from you today.
Now if you'd like to order a copy of this message in its entirety, call us at 1-877-LOVE-GOD and mention the title, How to Control Your Thought Life. This message is also part of the insightful series, Change Your Thought Life. For that complete six message collection, call 877-LOVE-GOD or you can order online at or write us at Love Worth Finding, Box 38600, Memphis, Tennessee, 38183.
There is a correct standard for the thoughts that we allow into our minds. Do you think about what's true, what's noble, just, pure, lovely, or of good report? Be intentional today, as you meditate on what is good.
And tune in next time for more from Adrian Rogers, right here on Love Worth Finding. We were so encouraged by a listener who left this comment, Pastor Rogers was definitely a preacher personified, and preached only the pure word of God. My goal is to be more like Jesus than I was yesterday, more like him tomorrow than I was today.
I want to share Jesus with all that I come in contact with. Well at Love Worth Finding, our mission continues to be to do that, draw people to Jesus, and help believers grow deeper in their faith. And to thank you for your gift of support right now, we'd love to send you a copy of the book, A Final Charge to the Church.
Request a copy of the book when you call with a gift at 1-877-LOVE-GOD.
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