[Music] Welcome to Call to Freedom with Barbar Carman. This is Jimmy Lakey and I'm delighted that you are joining us for this half hour. You can reach Call to Freedom at box 370-367 Denver, Colorado 802-37 or by going to the website at www.freedomstreet.org. If you want to leave a message or order a word-powered daily reading Bible guide or a Freedom Street Express newsletter, you can call us toll-free at 1-877-917-7256 and leave your name and address including your zip code. If you want to talk to Barbara right now, she is expecting your call. You may call that same toll-free number 1-877-917-7256 to speak to her. And now let's join Barbara in the studio. Welcome to Call to Freedom. I am so looking forward to this half hour with you to be able to just pray with you and I know many of you have needs. And next week I'm going to provide just a little time of meeting those needs and then the following Monday, yes, is the Monday before November 5th election day. We're going to take communion. So I just want to get ahead a little bit about that. But some of you do have physical needs and I want to pray for them because I know that when we pray in agreement cooperating with one another two or three together, then God is going to meet that need. And I thank God so much for his wonderful, powerful word. His divine power has given us everything we need for life and godliness through our knowledge of him. You got to know him, friends. You got to know him. That second Peter 1, 3 in Kimberly is going to be telling us more in second Peter. What a wonderful book. You are blessed to dispense for in him you live and move and have your being. And you can go to FreedomStreet.org and listen to previous radio programs. And you can also go and donate, especially right now to Samaritan's Purse. You can hit that little donate button at FreedomStreet.org and then you can put your destination of your donation in the slot or in the space where it says to donate. And so I'm going to send a check tomorrow so that it's too late for most of you except if you donate. And then next week I will be sending another check to Samaritan's Purse. God bless them for all their work. And as far as the voters guide is concerned, your vote is your seed to plant for a government for the people and by the people. I want you to know that your ballot isn't just a piece of paper. It's you seeding the future of this country, my friend. Yes, it is. If you don't get an email of the voters guide, if you've emailed me and you don't get an email of the voters guide, I either don't have your address. And Teresa, if you're listening, your email is full. And I couldn't get mine to you. I'm so sorry girl, you got to empty your email. And then I can send you a voters guide. And this is so frustrating for me because when you email, I don't have a phone number or anything. I don't have an email and when it says it's full, I can't do anything about it. So I hope that you will look at your emails. And if you haven't received anything in the mail, call me again after the program. 1877 9177256. I just want to tell you that three judges, everybody is asking about the judges. So all the judges, a score of judges, I put no. And this is Barbara. I put no except Judge Gilbert and Roman, Judge Jerry and Jones, and Judge Andre L Rudolph. This was so good for me to be able to do this beforehand this last month and look them all up. Why the breeze? I just went through them. No, no, no, yes. No, no, no, no, no. So I hope this helps you as you try to get through this long voting ballot. And I don't have anything else to say about that except pray over it. When you get your ballot and you fill it out, pray over your ballot that it will count and you'll get to this destination. And the enemy will have no, no jurisdiction over your, or over your ballot. And that's what we've got to do. We've got to pray folks. We've got to pray, pray, pray. That's our weapon. That's the word of God, the scripture that we've learned and praying. Praise the Lord. Well, yesterday was so exciting. The 4,000 year plan that Kimberly was talking about from Genesis, clear through to now that I'm excited to hear from her again. So welcome to Call the Freedom, Kimberly. Thank you. Yes. If you didn't hear yesterday's program, we started talking about how we're living in the last days. And we are very close to our Lord's return. And in 2 Peter chapter 3, it tells us that 1,000 years is like a day. And a day is like 1,000 years in the eyes of our Lord. So I was looking at that scripture and realizing, you know, Jesus actually came at the end of 4,000 years. So maybe we could consider that day 4. And I was kind of mapping that out according to the days of creation. And then day 5 and day 6, that would be the last 2 millennia that we have been in. So 2,000 years now since Christ's death would represent day 5 and day 6. And so we're at the end of the 6th day. We're at the end of 6,000 years since the beginning of creation. And if you take the 1,000 years and treat them like one day, then you can kind of look at the days of creation and see that at the end of the 6th day, God rested. Praise God. So we're about to enter the 7th day. The 7th day is the day of rest. And as a part of his own description of the end times and how we will know when he will return, Jesus describes what is to come in Matthew 24. So that's kind of how I got on to the subject of the 10 virgins yesterday at the very end of the program. We were talking about how the 5 foolish virgins didn't have any more oil left in their lamps. And the wise ones, they turned to the wise ones and asked them for oil. And those wise ones said, "No, we won't have enough for ourselves. You need to go to the one who's selling." That's the Hebrew translation of it. The one who sells. And who is the one that has the oil? That is our Lord. He has the oil. The oil represents the Holy Spirit. And he has the oil. So that little kid's song that we mentioned, "Give me oil in my lamp. Keep me burning, burning, burning. Give me oil in my lamp. I pray." I pray. It's a little kid's song. But that's exactly how you get oil in your lamp is you pray. You pray, you ask. And over and over again, Jesus reminds us that when we have need, we ask. Ask and keep on asking. You know, knock and the door will be open to you. Seek. Keep looking. You will find he's not the kind of God who's going to keep it from you. When you ask him, he will give to you. That's right. So that's how we get the oil. We pray that he will give us oil. He's the one who has the oil. He's the one who gives it freely when we ask. So come to him when you're burdened. And you pointed out yesterday, Mom, that we want those foolish, the ones that are described as foolish, you know, in quotes that we want them to have the oil. We tell them, if we have oil, if we're the ones with the oil, we tell them, "Go, go get some. We want you to have the oil. We want you to join us in the speech that awaits us." But what is it that makes these five, that gives them the description of foolish, you know, that puts that term on them? What is it that makes them foolish? I believe that it's the way they think they're supposed to acquire the oil. I believe that they're so embarrassed that they ran out of oil, that they don't even go to their Lord to ask for it. They go to a different source. They go somewhere out in the market. And while they're gone looking for their oil, the bridegroom returns. He lets the others in and closes the door and locks it. And then those five don't make it to the feast. All because they didn't go to the one who has the oil. I think that's what makes them foolish. You know, trying to cover up for our mistakes, for our inadequacies, our lack. Trying to hide that is our biggest mistake in life. That's right. Going to him and saying, "I'm empty. I don't have the oil, but I want to be with you." This whole relationship, that's what it is. It's a relationship. Returning to the Lord means you're returning to relationship with him. It doesn't mean that you've learned where to buy the oil or how to buy the oil or what to do next. We're not human doings. We're human beings. And to be with him is our main purpose in this life. That's right. It really is. So I grew up in such a narrow-minded religious atmosphere that if you don't do this and do this and do this, well then you're going to hell. And Kimberly, Jesus is so merciful and loving. I was just reading in Luke 9 today. And right after the test of greatness, they arose among them. This is the 46th verse of Luke 9. There was an argument who might be the greatest. Jesus knowing what they were thinking in their heart. Took a child. A child that didn't know him. A child that had no kind of knowledge about what to do to be saved. And he took him by his side and he said, "Whoever receives this child in my name receives me." And whoever receives me receives him who sent me. Then John answered and said, "Master, we saw someone casting out demons in your name. We tried to hinder him because he does not follow along with us. He does not follow along in our religious concept." And Jesus said, "Do not hinder him for he who is not against you is for you." The Lord is just opening a whole new horizon of how He thinks and how He believes that He is reaching the hearts of people that aren't like me. They don't believe like me, but they love Him. And that's important. So I'm just learning a whole new thing of God. Who God loves? It's just not the people that go to church every week and that abide by all these laws. No. It's knowing Him. It's knowing Him. When Jesus is giving His description of the end times what it's going to look like, then He starts describing in Matthew 25. Now see, His description to His disciples when His disciples asked Him, "When will this happen? What are the signs that we look for?" That's Matthew 24. We put that number. We in the latter years here have put the number 24 in there just so that we can find scriptures. But this was all written out without numbers. So going from Matthew 24 to Matthew 25, Jesus just kept talking. You know, He kept giving a description there. He wasn't finished with what He was telling His disciples in Matthew 24 when you got to 25. That wasn't the end of one conversation. And now He's starting a new conversation is what I'm trying to say. That's right. He was continuing the conversation. And the continued conversation in Matthew 25 was describing those 10 virgins. Okay, He's describing them and wanting people to see that the ones who trust Him and just enter in to relationship with Him. Yes. The ones who come to Him are the ones who really know Him. They know Him to be kind. They know Him to be good. They know Him to be generous. That's what He wants. He wants us to get to know Him. He is the kindest being in the universe. And it is His kindness that leads us to repentance. That's what His Word tells us. It also tells us that His gentleness makes us great. You know, so when we assume that He is harsh and not loving and not kind, then we've assumed the wrong things about our God. We need to get to know Him who He really is. He goes on in Matthew 25 to describe three different servants. And one version here says they, he called His trusted servants to Him. So this master is going on a trip. And He calls His trusted servants and wants to give them all some talents. One of the versions just says His own slaves and trusted His possessions to them. So to one He gave five talents to another two and to the other He gave one talent. And what is so interesting to me, I don't think we're supposed to focus on the chores or the rituals or what we can do to earn extra to buy and trade and sell. And you know, how do we do the things that make us faithful? I don't think that's where we're supposed to focus. Or even the count of the talents. All my life, it's been the talents. The talents have been the important thing here. Yeah, I don't think it's either of those things. It's not what we can do and it's not the talents themselves. It's getting to know who our master is. That's right. He is. And taking care of what He's given us the way He would take care of what He's given us. You know, instead of us abusing those talents in any way. And instead of focusing on what we can do to earn our way into His kingdom or help His return come sooner in these last days. So many of us might be feeling pretty stressed and anxious about what's going on all around us, what's going on in politics and in our own families. And across the ocean in different countries, you know, we can become full of anxiety and wonder, wow, are my prayers working or not? Well, do you know Him? Yes. And instead of getting too upset about whether or not you need to buy this or sell that or trade this and being faithful with all the chores. And I'm not saying that it's useless to be faithful with the property that God has entrusted you with. That's right. I just want to point us to the bigger message. Yes. The bigger message, that message is all wrapped up in what you think and how you feel about our master. Our Lord, are you like the foolish virgins who go to find oil for themselves from this world's resources? Or do you trust Him? Do you trust Him to give to you when you ask the three servants in Matthew 25 that I was mentioning they were entrusted with talents and they enjoyed using their talents. Except for one, one who thought that his master was harsh and ruthless. And that's what he says to his master. He says, "I knew you to be a hard man, reaping where you did not sow and gathering where you scattered no seed. And I was afraid and went away and hid your talent in the ground." Okay, this is, I'm reading from Matthew 25 verses 24, 25. And then in verse 26, his master answered and said, "You wicked lazy servant. You knew that I reap where I did not sow and gather where I scattered no seed. So what is it that made the servant wicked and lazy? Was it really because he didn't buy and trade and sow his talent well? It's saying here that he did not know his master well." That's right. That's what that's saying. The master was upset not because he needed more money from this servant. He didn't need more money. Our Lord doesn't need more money. But the fact that the servant had it all messed up in his mind. He thought that this was a harsh master who reaps where he does not sow and gathers where he scattered no seed. That's just not who our God is. No. If it was... Our God is so generous. That's right. If it was in this day and age that evil servant would take that money, whatever talent amount it was, and he'd spend it. He wouldn't even respect his master in this day and age. I find that really interesting too. He would have spent it. Not have anything then. And then he'd gone to the government for help. Well, we all go through experiences where we wonder what we should do with what we have. And we go through situations in this life that cause us to question God's goodness. I just want to caution you. If you're in that place, it's not wrong to question work through them though. Work through your questions. Keep coming back to the Lord. He is the one with the answers and he's the one with the oil. And don't let your questions develop into bitterness. Remember that it was God Himself who went to the cross and spoke forgiveness to those who put Him on that cross. He is more generous and more kind than any human is able to give Him credit for. That's right. So we need to come to Him in our weariness and in our resentment and our bitterness. We need to come to Him in our anger and come to Him in our grief. He is so kind, He's mindful that we're dust. He's so patient and He's generous and He waits for us. Yes, I will. I'll wait for us. We were talking about that in 2 Peter also. I'm sorry, did I interrupt you? Well, I just want to bring up a verse from Romans 8, verse 32. "He God did not spare his own son, his very best, his own son, but delivered him up for us all." He knew we were in a deep pit. He did. He knew that we were all headed for hell. But God gave His very best gift. So why are we so afraid to give to Him? And then it says, "Will how will He not also with Him?" "Will He not give us all things?" "Will He not give us all things?" "Will He not give us all things?" Why don't we trust Him? We do experience things in this life that bring great confusion and pain. And in the pain and confusion we experience grief and anger. And that's just what we want to be cautious about. Don't let it develop into a bitterness and a resentment that goes deep. Ask Him to help you uproot that. Ask Him to help you see Him with new eyes and have a fresh vision of Him. In 2 Peter 3 and verse 9 it says that His delay simply reveals His loving patience toward you. Because He does not want any to perish but all to come to repentance. And so He's waiting. He is waiting for us and it's okay to learn how to wait for Him and to wait on Him. He knows what He's doing. He's working all things together for good. And He knows the timing, the perfect timing and how to do that. So may we all learn to wait for Him with hope and with joy. My question for you today is what do you think of God? If you don't know what to think of Him, are you able to ask Him? Can you go to Him and ask Him and trust that He will answer your questions? Because this whole journey here, this is not religion for us. As we're talking here on the radio, this is not religion, this is relationship. It goes so much deeper than the things that we were taught rituals and traditions and liturgy and just saying words. It's so much deeper. It's a relationship that's so personal and so intimate. And as we get to know and grow in the grace and in the knowledge, as we get to know Him, more knowledge. Not just facts, but to really know Him. Intimately know Him as we ask more questions and become more a part of His life, His dream, wanting His plans to take place in this world, not our own. As we grow in that, then we become more and more full of peace and full of trust and full of hope. And then we're able to talk about these things that seem impossible, knowing that our God does impossible things every day. He's good at it. Yes, that's right. I love the last part of second Peter 3 and it's the last part of second Peter, the book. And it says, but continue to grow and increase in God's grace and intimacy learning how to really love learning that love from our Lord Jesus. Intimacy with our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. And may He receive all the glory both now and until the day eternity begins. Oh, that's beautiful. All man. And you know, all men means yes. So when we say, Amen, we're agreeing with what was just said. Praise the Lord. Yes. That's right. My personal belief is that the day of the Lord is a beautiful invitation for His beloved ones to enter His rest. And what makes us beloved is the fact that we are able to put our eyes on Him, to focus on Him in the midst of this world that is so distracting. Yes. And you know, even when I go to prayer, I have so many distractions that start running through my brain. That's the way it happens for me. I don't, I haven't talked to too many people who are able to just quiet themselves and be truly quiet in prayer and not have one distraction come up, you know. So that's how it works in my mind. And I can't wait for the day when there will not be any distractions left. But in the midst of them offering Him yourself, just say, I am coming and I want to know more about you and just keep asking every day. That beautiful invitation that He is giving to enter His rest will become rest for you. And this is how He's perfecting His plan. For those who are determined to work things out in our own strengths, that might be difficult to actually see how His plan is coming together. It might be hard for you to let go of control and to pry your fingers off of this life in order to enter that realm of rest that He has waiting for you. Yes. But God is walking us through all of these perilous days. He is walking with us in the confusion and in the chaos. He is giving grace. He is showing mercy and He is so good. And I'm just going to read from 2 Peter 3 again those last two verses. As for you, divinely loved ones, since you are forewarned of all these things, be careful that you're not led astray by the error of the lawless. Don't lose your firm grip on the truth. But continue to grow and increase in God's grace and intimacy with our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ. May He receive all the glory both now and until the day eternity begins. Amen. Amen. Oh, that's beautiful. Thank you so much, Kimberly. If you'd like to get a Voters Guide, you can go to Barbara Carmax, C-A-R-M-A-C-K, at freedomstreet.org. And I'll get you one really quickly. God bless you and keep you and take joy. Thank you for listening to Call to Freedom with Barbara Carmax. You may get in touch with Barbara at Call to Freedom. Box 370-367, Denver, Colorado, 80237. Or you may leave your message at 1-877-917-7256. Call to Freedom is a listener supported radio ministry. Barbara and her power partners invite you to come on board with us and become a network of hands holding up Call to Freedom Ministry. Power partners support Call to Freedom with prayer and monthly financial support. You will be blessed supernaturally. We invite you to visit Call to Freedom's website, www.freedomstreet.org, where you can hear Barbara's daily radio broadcast 24 hours a day or order materials. You may share your phrase reports in heart prize by mailing them to Call to Freedom. Box 370-367, Denver, Colorado, 80237. Or you may email us at Barbara Carmax at Freedomstreet.org. Until next time, remember Jesus loves you, Barbara loves you, and take joy. [Music] [Music]
Derin and Barbara have taught that there is no situation that is too difficult for GOD! He wants His children blessed and enjoying an Abundant Life in JESUS Christ! On August 5, 2009, Derin went to be with the LORD but Barbara has continued on with the daily radio show teaching the Word of GOD. The name of the 1/2 hour show as been changed to "Call To Freedom." Barbara's spiritual motto for the show is found in Galatians 5:13, "For you were 'called to freedom', Brothers and Sisters, only do not turn your freedom into an opportunity for the flesh, but through love serve one another." Barbara welcomes your comments and prayer requests, Monday - Friday at 1:00 PM on 670 KLTT Radio. If you have a prayer request and you need agreement in Faith, call Barbara on the LIVE! show at 1:00 PM every day Mon - Thurs at 1-877-917-7256. Repeat broadcasts at 10:15 pm, 2:30 am, and 5:30 am, and 11:00am on 1220 KLDC. Call To Freedom is a listener supported ministry. Barbara not only welcomes your financial support but your prayers are important to this ministry, because prayer truly does change things! Call To Freedom is broadcast on a 50,000 watt station, the most powerful Christian station in the nation. Call To Freedom can be heard in the following areas over-the-air, and anywhere in the world through the internet via this podcast! Boulder, CO; Cheyenne, WY; Burlington, CO; Vail, CO; Canadian, Texas Fort Collins, CO; Scotts Bluff, NE; Grand Junction, CO; Wheatland, WY; Garden City, KS; Santa Fe, NM Call To Freedom reaches 32,000 square miles, and it has a potential listening audience of over 4 million people. Anyone can listen to Call to Freedom, live-stream, as long as they have internet access.
[Music] Welcome to Call to Freedom with Barbar Carman. This is Jimmy Lakey and I'm delighted that you are joining us for this half hour. You can reach Call to Freedom at box 370-367 Denver, Colorado 802-37 or by going to the website at www.freedomstreet.org. If you want to leave a message or order a word-powered daily reading Bible guide or a Freedom Street Express newsletter, you can call us toll-free at 1-877-917-7256 and leave your name and address including your zip code. If you want to talk to Barbara right now, she is expecting your call. You may call that same toll-free number 1-877-917-7256 to speak to her. And now let's join Barbara in the studio. Welcome to Call to Freedom. I am so looking forward to this half hour with you to be able to just pray with you and I know many of you have needs. And next week I'm going to provide just a little time of meeting those needs and then the following Monday, yes, is the Monday before November 5th election day. We're going to take communion. So I just want to get ahead a little bit about that. But some of you do have physical needs and I want to pray for them because I know that when we pray in agreement cooperating with one another two or three together, then God is going to meet that need. And I thank God so much for his wonderful, powerful word. His divine power has given us everything we need for life and godliness through our knowledge of him. You got to know him, friends. You got to know him. That second Peter 1, 3 in Kimberly is going to be telling us more in second Peter. What a wonderful book. You are blessed to dispense for in him you live and move and have your being. And you can go to FreedomStreet.org and listen to previous radio programs. And you can also go and donate, especially right now to Samaritan's Purse. You can hit that little donate button at FreedomStreet.org and then you can put your destination of your donation in the slot or in the space where it says to donate. And so I'm going to send a check tomorrow so that it's too late for most of you except if you donate. And then next week I will be sending another check to Samaritan's Purse. God bless them for all their work. And as far as the voters guide is concerned, your vote is your seed to plant for a government for the people and by the people. I want you to know that your ballot isn't just a piece of paper. It's you seeding the future of this country, my friend. Yes, it is. If you don't get an email of the voters guide, if you've emailed me and you don't get an email of the voters guide, I either don't have your address. And Teresa, if you're listening, your email is full. And I couldn't get mine to you. I'm so sorry girl, you got to empty your email. And then I can send you a voters guide. And this is so frustrating for me because when you email, I don't have a phone number or anything. I don't have an email and when it says it's full, I can't do anything about it. So I hope that you will look at your emails. And if you haven't received anything in the mail, call me again after the program. 1877 9177256. I just want to tell you that three judges, everybody is asking about the judges. So all the judges, a score of judges, I put no. And this is Barbara. I put no except Judge Gilbert and Roman, Judge Jerry and Jones, and Judge Andre L Rudolph. This was so good for me to be able to do this beforehand this last month and look them all up. Why the breeze? I just went through them. No, no, no, yes. No, no, no, no, no. So I hope this helps you as you try to get through this long voting ballot. And I don't have anything else to say about that except pray over it. When you get your ballot and you fill it out, pray over your ballot that it will count and you'll get to this destination. And the enemy will have no, no jurisdiction over your, or over your ballot. And that's what we've got to do. We've got to pray folks. We've got to pray, pray, pray. That's our weapon. That's the word of God, the scripture that we've learned and praying. Praise the Lord. Well, yesterday was so exciting. The 4,000 year plan that Kimberly was talking about from Genesis, clear through to now that I'm excited to hear from her again. So welcome to Call the Freedom, Kimberly. Thank you. Yes. If you didn't hear yesterday's program, we started talking about how we're living in the last days. And we are very close to our Lord's return. And in 2 Peter chapter 3, it tells us that 1,000 years is like a day. And a day is like 1,000 years in the eyes of our Lord. So I was looking at that scripture and realizing, you know, Jesus actually came at the end of 4,000 years. So maybe we could consider that day 4. And I was kind of mapping that out according to the days of creation. And then day 5 and day 6, that would be the last 2 millennia that we have been in. So 2,000 years now since Christ's death would represent day 5 and day 6. And so we're at the end of the 6th day. We're at the end of 6,000 years since the beginning of creation. And if you take the 1,000 years and treat them like one day, then you can kind of look at the days of creation and see that at the end of the 6th day, God rested. Praise God. So we're about to enter the 7th day. The 7th day is the day of rest. And as a part of his own description of the end times and how we will know when he will return, Jesus describes what is to come in Matthew 24. So that's kind of how I got on to the subject of the 10 virgins yesterday at the very end of the program. We were talking about how the 5 foolish virgins didn't have any more oil left in their lamps. And the wise ones, they turned to the wise ones and asked them for oil. And those wise ones said, "No, we won't have enough for ourselves. You need to go to the one who's selling." That's the Hebrew translation of it. The one who sells. And who is the one that has the oil? That is our Lord. He has the oil. The oil represents the Holy Spirit. And he has the oil. So that little kid's song that we mentioned, "Give me oil in my lamp. Keep me burning, burning, burning. Give me oil in my lamp. I pray." I pray. It's a little kid's song. But that's exactly how you get oil in your lamp is you pray. You pray, you ask. And over and over again, Jesus reminds us that when we have need, we ask. Ask and keep on asking. You know, knock and the door will be open to you. Seek. Keep looking. You will find he's not the kind of God who's going to keep it from you. When you ask him, he will give to you. That's right. So that's how we get the oil. We pray that he will give us oil. He's the one who has the oil. He's the one who gives it freely when we ask. So come to him when you're burdened. And you pointed out yesterday, Mom, that we want those foolish, the ones that are described as foolish, you know, in quotes that we want them to have the oil. We tell them, if we have oil, if we're the ones with the oil, we tell them, "Go, go get some. We want you to have the oil. We want you to join us in the speech that awaits us." But what is it that makes these five, that gives them the description of foolish, you know, that puts that term on them? What is it that makes them foolish? I believe that it's the way they think they're supposed to acquire the oil. I believe that they're so embarrassed that they ran out of oil, that they don't even go to their Lord to ask for it. They go to a different source. They go somewhere out in the market. And while they're gone looking for their oil, the bridegroom returns. He lets the others in and closes the door and locks it. And then those five don't make it to the feast. All because they didn't go to the one who has the oil. I think that's what makes them foolish. You know, trying to cover up for our mistakes, for our inadequacies, our lack. Trying to hide that is our biggest mistake in life. That's right. Going to him and saying, "I'm empty. I don't have the oil, but I want to be with you." This whole relationship, that's what it is. It's a relationship. Returning to the Lord means you're returning to relationship with him. It doesn't mean that you've learned where to buy the oil or how to buy the oil or what to do next. We're not human doings. We're human beings. And to be with him is our main purpose in this life. That's right. It really is. So I grew up in such a narrow-minded religious atmosphere that if you don't do this and do this and do this, well then you're going to hell. And Kimberly, Jesus is so merciful and loving. I was just reading in Luke 9 today. And right after the test of greatness, they arose among them. This is the 46th verse of Luke 9. There was an argument who might be the greatest. Jesus knowing what they were thinking in their heart. Took a child. A child that didn't know him. A child that had no kind of knowledge about what to do to be saved. And he took him by his side and he said, "Whoever receives this child in my name receives me." And whoever receives me receives him who sent me. Then John answered and said, "Master, we saw someone casting out demons in your name. We tried to hinder him because he does not follow along with us. He does not follow along in our religious concept." And Jesus said, "Do not hinder him for he who is not against you is for you." The Lord is just opening a whole new horizon of how He thinks and how He believes that He is reaching the hearts of people that aren't like me. They don't believe like me, but they love Him. And that's important. So I'm just learning a whole new thing of God. Who God loves? It's just not the people that go to church every week and that abide by all these laws. No. It's knowing Him. It's knowing Him. When Jesus is giving His description of the end times what it's going to look like, then He starts describing in Matthew 25. Now see, His description to His disciples when His disciples asked Him, "When will this happen? What are the signs that we look for?" That's Matthew 24. We put that number. We in the latter years here have put the number 24 in there just so that we can find scriptures. But this was all written out without numbers. So going from Matthew 24 to Matthew 25, Jesus just kept talking. You know, He kept giving a description there. He wasn't finished with what He was telling His disciples in Matthew 24 when you got to 25. That wasn't the end of one conversation. And now He's starting a new conversation is what I'm trying to say. That's right. He was continuing the conversation. And the continued conversation in Matthew 25 was describing those 10 virgins. Okay, He's describing them and wanting people to see that the ones who trust Him and just enter in to relationship with Him. Yes. The ones who come to Him are the ones who really know Him. They know Him to be kind. They know Him to be good. They know Him to be generous. That's what He wants. He wants us to get to know Him. He is the kindest being in the universe. And it is His kindness that leads us to repentance. That's what His Word tells us. It also tells us that His gentleness makes us great. You know, so when we assume that He is harsh and not loving and not kind, then we've assumed the wrong things about our God. We need to get to know Him who He really is. He goes on in Matthew 25 to describe three different servants. And one version here says they, he called His trusted servants to Him. So this master is going on a trip. And He calls His trusted servants and wants to give them all some talents. One of the versions just says His own slaves and trusted His possessions to them. So to one He gave five talents to another two and to the other He gave one talent. And what is so interesting to me, I don't think we're supposed to focus on the chores or the rituals or what we can do to earn extra to buy and trade and sell. And you know, how do we do the things that make us faithful? I don't think that's where we're supposed to focus. Or even the count of the talents. All my life, it's been the talents. The talents have been the important thing here. Yeah, I don't think it's either of those things. It's not what we can do and it's not the talents themselves. It's getting to know who our master is. That's right. He is. And taking care of what He's given us the way He would take care of what He's given us. You know, instead of us abusing those talents in any way. And instead of focusing on what we can do to earn our way into His kingdom or help His return come sooner in these last days. So many of us might be feeling pretty stressed and anxious about what's going on all around us, what's going on in politics and in our own families. And across the ocean in different countries, you know, we can become full of anxiety and wonder, wow, are my prayers working or not? Well, do you know Him? Yes. And instead of getting too upset about whether or not you need to buy this or sell that or trade this and being faithful with all the chores. And I'm not saying that it's useless to be faithful with the property that God has entrusted you with. That's right. I just want to point us to the bigger message. Yes. The bigger message, that message is all wrapped up in what you think and how you feel about our master. Our Lord, are you like the foolish virgins who go to find oil for themselves from this world's resources? Or do you trust Him? Do you trust Him to give to you when you ask the three servants in Matthew 25 that I was mentioning they were entrusted with talents and they enjoyed using their talents. Except for one, one who thought that his master was harsh and ruthless. And that's what he says to his master. He says, "I knew you to be a hard man, reaping where you did not sow and gathering where you scattered no seed. And I was afraid and went away and hid your talent in the ground." Okay, this is, I'm reading from Matthew 25 verses 24, 25. And then in verse 26, his master answered and said, "You wicked lazy servant. You knew that I reap where I did not sow and gather where I scattered no seed. So what is it that made the servant wicked and lazy? Was it really because he didn't buy and trade and sow his talent well? It's saying here that he did not know his master well." That's right. That's what that's saying. The master was upset not because he needed more money from this servant. He didn't need more money. Our Lord doesn't need more money. But the fact that the servant had it all messed up in his mind. He thought that this was a harsh master who reaps where he does not sow and gathers where he scattered no seed. That's just not who our God is. No. If it was... Our God is so generous. That's right. If it was in this day and age that evil servant would take that money, whatever talent amount it was, and he'd spend it. He wouldn't even respect his master in this day and age. I find that really interesting too. He would have spent it. Not have anything then. And then he'd gone to the government for help. Well, we all go through experiences where we wonder what we should do with what we have. And we go through situations in this life that cause us to question God's goodness. I just want to caution you. If you're in that place, it's not wrong to question work through them though. Work through your questions. Keep coming back to the Lord. He is the one with the answers and he's the one with the oil. And don't let your questions develop into bitterness. Remember that it was God Himself who went to the cross and spoke forgiveness to those who put Him on that cross. He is more generous and more kind than any human is able to give Him credit for. That's right. So we need to come to Him in our weariness and in our resentment and our bitterness. We need to come to Him in our anger and come to Him in our grief. He is so kind, He's mindful that we're dust. He's so patient and He's generous and He waits for us. Yes, I will. I'll wait for us. We were talking about that in 2 Peter also. I'm sorry, did I interrupt you? Well, I just want to bring up a verse from Romans 8, verse 32. "He God did not spare his own son, his very best, his own son, but delivered him up for us all." He knew we were in a deep pit. He did. He knew that we were all headed for hell. But God gave His very best gift. So why are we so afraid to give to Him? And then it says, "Will how will He not also with Him?" "Will He not give us all things?" "Will He not give us all things?" "Will He not give us all things?" Why don't we trust Him? We do experience things in this life that bring great confusion and pain. And in the pain and confusion we experience grief and anger. And that's just what we want to be cautious about. Don't let it develop into a bitterness and a resentment that goes deep. Ask Him to help you uproot that. Ask Him to help you see Him with new eyes and have a fresh vision of Him. In 2 Peter 3 and verse 9 it says that His delay simply reveals His loving patience toward you. Because He does not want any to perish but all to come to repentance. And so He's waiting. He is waiting for us and it's okay to learn how to wait for Him and to wait on Him. He knows what He's doing. He's working all things together for good. And He knows the timing, the perfect timing and how to do that. So may we all learn to wait for Him with hope and with joy. My question for you today is what do you think of God? If you don't know what to think of Him, are you able to ask Him? Can you go to Him and ask Him and trust that He will answer your questions? Because this whole journey here, this is not religion for us. As we're talking here on the radio, this is not religion, this is relationship. It goes so much deeper than the things that we were taught rituals and traditions and liturgy and just saying words. It's so much deeper. It's a relationship that's so personal and so intimate. And as we get to know and grow in the grace and in the knowledge, as we get to know Him, more knowledge. Not just facts, but to really know Him. Intimately know Him as we ask more questions and become more a part of His life, His dream, wanting His plans to take place in this world, not our own. As we grow in that, then we become more and more full of peace and full of trust and full of hope. And then we're able to talk about these things that seem impossible, knowing that our God does impossible things every day. He's good at it. Yes, that's right. I love the last part of second Peter 3 and it's the last part of second Peter, the book. And it says, but continue to grow and increase in God's grace and intimacy learning how to really love learning that love from our Lord Jesus. Intimacy with our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. And may He receive all the glory both now and until the day eternity begins. Oh, that's beautiful. All man. And you know, all men means yes. So when we say, Amen, we're agreeing with what was just said. Praise the Lord. Yes. That's right. My personal belief is that the day of the Lord is a beautiful invitation for His beloved ones to enter His rest. And what makes us beloved is the fact that we are able to put our eyes on Him, to focus on Him in the midst of this world that is so distracting. Yes. And you know, even when I go to prayer, I have so many distractions that start running through my brain. That's the way it happens for me. I don't, I haven't talked to too many people who are able to just quiet themselves and be truly quiet in prayer and not have one distraction come up, you know. So that's how it works in my mind. And I can't wait for the day when there will not be any distractions left. But in the midst of them offering Him yourself, just say, I am coming and I want to know more about you and just keep asking every day. That beautiful invitation that He is giving to enter His rest will become rest for you. And this is how He's perfecting His plan. For those who are determined to work things out in our own strengths, that might be difficult to actually see how His plan is coming together. It might be hard for you to let go of control and to pry your fingers off of this life in order to enter that realm of rest that He has waiting for you. Yes. But God is walking us through all of these perilous days. He is walking with us in the confusion and in the chaos. He is giving grace. He is showing mercy and He is so good. And I'm just going to read from 2 Peter 3 again those last two verses. As for you, divinely loved ones, since you are forewarned of all these things, be careful that you're not led astray by the error of the lawless. Don't lose your firm grip on the truth. But continue to grow and increase in God's grace and intimacy with our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ. May He receive all the glory both now and until the day eternity begins. Amen. Amen. Oh, that's beautiful. Thank you so much, Kimberly. If you'd like to get a Voters Guide, you can go to Barbara Carmax, C-A-R-M-A-C-K, at freedomstreet.org. And I'll get you one really quickly. God bless you and keep you and take joy. Thank you for listening to Call to Freedom with Barbara Carmax. You may get in touch with Barbara at Call to Freedom. Box 370-367, Denver, Colorado, 80237. Or you may leave your message at 1-877-917-7256. Call to Freedom is a listener supported radio ministry. Barbara and her power partners invite you to come on board with us and become a network of hands holding up Call to Freedom Ministry. Power partners support Call to Freedom with prayer and monthly financial support. You will be blessed supernaturally. We invite you to visit Call to Freedom's website, www.freedomstreet.org, where you can hear Barbara's daily radio broadcast 24 hours a day or order materials. You may share your phrase reports in heart prize by mailing them to Call to Freedom. Box 370-367, Denver, Colorado, 80237. Or you may email us at Barbara Carmax at Freedomstreet.org. Until next time, remember Jesus loves you, Barbara loves you, and take joy. [Music] [Music]
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Dr. Stanley explains the tactics Satan uses to keep people spiritually blind.
Welcome to Grace in Focus radio. Bob Wilkin and Mike Lii are answering a question about the word “believe” and the phrase, “believe in Him.” What is it about Jesus that I am supposed to believe in order for Him to fulfill His promise and give me eternal life? Bob and Mike will offer clarity on this phrase, its origin and the word “believe.”
Welcome to Call to Freedom with Barbara Carmack. This is Jimmy Lakey and I'm delighted that you are joining us for this half hour. You can reach Call to Freedom at box 370367 Denver, Colorado 80237 or by going to the website at www.freedomstreet.org. If you want to leave a message or order a word-powered daily reading Bible guide or a Freedom Street Express newsletter, you can call us toll-free at 1-877-917-7256 and leave your name and address including your zip code. If you want to talk to Barbara right now, she is expecting your call. You may call that same toll-free number 1-877-917-7256 to speak to her. And now let's join Barbara in the studio. Welcome to Call to Freedom. What a joy to have you with me today. I really believe that you're with me. I know that we may be hundreds of miles even for those of you in Nebraska and Kansas and the little bit, there's just a little bit of Texas that can hear this. This is a strong station, though, 50,000 wads. It just really goes into all kinds of different places, including Wyoming and the western slope of Colorado. It goes across the mountains. It's wonderful. Praise the Lord for Crawford media. God's love is the most powerful life-changing force on earth. You have God's love in you, the most powerful life-changing force on earth. There's no room for shrinking back, friend, when we are in Christ Jesus. So we're going to march confidently into the future. Praise the Lord. May you allow it. God's love to flow freely through you today. It's so important that we convey to others a love that they may not know about at all. I want you to know that you're blessed to dispense for in Him you live and move and have your being and leaves are falling all over. Finally, we're getting the fall that we were asking about and asking God for. And it's beautiful. It's just beautiful. I just need a strong wind to come along. No, I'm just... No, no, no. It's like bring a strong wind and put all the leaves in the neighbor's yards. No, no, no. We will get the leaves taken care of. Our memory verse for this week is Micah 6 verse 8. And it's a beautiful verse. And in fact, in my new American standard Bible, Dr. Zodiatis put the footnotes and all of the references in that Bible. It's a keyword study Bible. It's just the most thorough translation that I have had for 25 years. Now there are new translations coming out and they may clear and more succinct the things that I'm wanting to clarify. But as far as a foundational fundamental translation, that new American standard, and he says at the footnote of Micah 6 verse 8, that this is the watermark of all of the Old Testament. God is trying to convey to us His people. He has told you, O man, O woman, what is good and what does the Lord require of you but to do or seek justice to love kindness and to walk humbly with your God. And I remember telling you on the air here that when we were when Darren was deeply in debt, I didn't know he was so deeply in debt when I married him. And I don't think he really wanted to tell me how deeply in debt he was from all the television programs. And you can get deeply in debt if you don't stay up with the payments. And so here we were sitting on not only the $1.5 million debt, but $80,000 to IRS. And so one afternoon we got a knock on the door. Have you ever had an IRS agent actually come to your door and knock on your door? I think this is probably for people that owe over $50,000. And he came in a wonderful man, very gracious. And as we sat down in the living room, he said, Darren, I just really recommend to you that you bankrupt. And Darren says, I won't. I won't bankrupt. I want to see God working his power in my life. And it was so important that Darren convey that to the man. And as he was leaving, and we opened the door for him to leave, and he said, Micah 6, 8, an IRS agent, yes. Oh, he has told you, oh man, what is good and what does the Lord require of you but to do justice, to love kindness and to walk humbly with your God. And so we knew that was a sign that God was going to take care of that huge debt. And you know what? He did. Don't ask me how he did. But when we bought this house that I'm living in and I have meetings in, we were debt free. Don't ask me. I'm just so grateful to God. He just took that and washed it all away. So don't fear when you're in debt. God's going to take care of it. As you thank him and praise him, that's the important thing. No fear, no doubt, no unbelief. You ought to get rid of all that, all the trio of death. Get rid of them and thank and praise God that he's going to take care of you and he's going to wipe out that debt. The message, translation of Micah 6, 8, 9, I'm going to include another verse. He's already made it plain how to live, what to do, what God is looking for in men and women. It's quite simple. Do what is fair and just to your neighbor. He compassion it and loyal in your love. And don't take yourself too seriously. Take God seriously. Attention, God calls out to the city. If you know what's good for you, you'll listen. So listen, all of you, this is serious business boy and I've lived for a long time on this earth and this is the most serious business I think I have ever been living in is this time on this earth and especially in this country. So we've got to pay attention, pay attention to God and take him seriously. Don't take him for granted, my friend. Take him seriously. I find that our scripture for this week is coming to us with a new outlook on life. We must take on Jesus' love and mercy to win the lost. And it's a different ballgame folks and we must not look on people who are in the party that we are against with disdain or contempt. We must look at them with a kindness that Micah 6/8 tells us. Yes, seek justice but not at the cost of losing someone to hell. Ha ha. We just can't seek that kind of justice or even be vindicated by what someone has done to us. Let God take care of that. Here is what, yesterday I talked to you a little bit about Elon Musk. And here's the rest of the article that I didn't bring with me yesterday. Elon Musk says about our country and don't ignore this because he isn't where you are spiritually. Okay? We're just going to take this man and what he says is something that we can learn from and also look with new perspective at others who aren't at our spiritual level. He says in an interview, "I am not a particularly religious person but I am drawn to the teachings of Jesus." Ah, Holy Spirit, you are doing your gentle and compassionate work on all these people. Praise the Lord on us. And Elon continues, "I believe that his teachings are good and wise and that there is tremendous wisdom in turning the other cheek." Ooh, the richest man in the world is saying this, "Not by being offended all the time but by believing in other people." Oh, I really appreciate that. And he's not offended at criticism and you think you have criticism. Not allowing God, yes, God, to give him all the wisdom that his inventions entail to bring them into manifestation. It's God's creative mind who is blessing even the worldly man. You read in the Old Testament how he bless Cyrus, how he bless these worldly kings, even Nebuchadnezzar. So we're not going to judge people by the spiritual level that they are at. He goes on to say, "This notion of forgiveness is important and I think it's essential because if you don't forgive," I forgive. There's that word for give, "An eye for an eye makes everyone blind." I'm going to read that again. This notion of forgiveness is important and I think it's essential because if you don't forgive, an eye for an eye makes everyone blind. So I'm a big believer in the principles of Christianity. See, he grew up in a Christian environment. His grandfather, great grandfather, they were believers. And he experienced a crisis of faith in his childhood. How should Christians respond to Elon Musk's comments with understanding? Just as each one of us received understanding when we were young and dumb and newly converted. So here in the eyes of many Bible scholars is the verse from Micah 6/8 again. That is required of you, people of God, but to seek justice, love, kindness, exhibit, kindness, kindness does not mean you're wimpy. Jesus is kind and loving and he's not wimpy and to walk humbly with your God. That is a beautiful verse of Scripture. I hope you memorize it because I have memorized it. My confession for today by Rick Renner, I boldly declare by faith that I will not stop or give up until I have apprehended that which Christ Jesus apprehended me. I will resist the devil's attacks and successfully achieve all God has called me to do for I have determined that I will never stop until I have finished the task set before me. And when you resist the devil's attacks, those are in your mind. You're going to say, I cast down every evil and vain imagination. And those thoughts come into your mind. Just get them out of your mind right away. Those thoughts of being unworthy, those thoughts of bad thoughts about a neighbor or someone that just flipped you off in traffic. Nope, I forgive you in Jesus name and I pray for you right now that you will receive Jesus love in your heart. So I just want you to know your battle is in your mind. Rick Renner goes on to say, I have the stamina, spunk and doggedness. Endurance and perseverance, friends, to get the job done. I have made the decision to stay in faith and slug it out with the power of God at my side. I can and will do exactly what God called me to do. I declare this by faith in Jesus name. And I remind you again of Philippians 4 verse 13 in the Passion, the strength of Christ's explosive power infuses me to conquer every difficulty, every difficulty. And I do have a voting guide for you. You can email me at Barbara Carmack at freedomstreet.org and then you can ask me for a voting guide. I have judges and amendments and initiatives for the Denver region. I don't know if they're the amendments and initiatives are on the ballots for different counties, but we'll see. I'm sending that out anyway. A lot of them I'm sending out. So if you would like a voting guide, you can either call me after the program at 1-877-917-7256 or email me at Barbara Carmack, C-A-R-M-A-C-K, at freedomstreet.org, all one word and lower case. God bless you. I'm so grateful. You're going to vote. You're going to go out there and vote. You're not going to be afraid that they won't count your vote. We're going to be positive in our thinking. Your vote is going to get to the polling place. They're going to count it. It's going to count. Hallelujah. No doubt. No doubt. No fear. No unbelief in Jesus' name. And I am sending a check this Friday and another one next Friday. If you would like to help send a donation in help Samaritans purse, send a donation to call to freedom and we will put the donations together and send one check to Samaritans purse. God bless you for your willingness to help a people absolutely devastated. You can donate online by giving to go online at www.freedomstreet.org and hit that donate button and just put Samaritans purse where there's a reply. And I will include that with all the other checks and write one check to Samaritans purse. It's just wonderful to know that you're generous. You're willing to do that. Come on. Let's get our pockets. Empty. Yeah. Empty for a change like the little widow that came into the temple. Jesus was sitting at the treasury. He was sitting there at the offering box. He wanted to see what was going on and all the rich guys came and threw in their rich, the money they were rich and wealthy and they threw in a lot. But here came this little widow and she threw in a mic. You know the story. And Jesus brought the disciples to his attention and said, look at this. This precious woman gave all that she had, all that she had. And I believe from that day on, folks, I believe this with all my heart. She was taken care of just like the widow in Elijah's day. Just like the widow in Elijah's day. It's so precious. Oh, it's so beautiful. So it's important that we are trusting God through these trying times. You see Bible prophecy unfolding in Israel and around the world today. And after the rapture of the bride of Christ, that's us believers. I hope that you're born again. I hope that you said, Jesus, I'm a sinner. I've never looked to you for helper guidance. And I just pray that you will make me free of the sin that I've carried around. Oh, I believe that I'm born again. Hallelujah. I make you Savior and Lord of my life. I don't care how you say it, but with a sincere heart, you're born again. There's a man who will come and cut a covenant of peace with Israel. And they're going to go through a terrible time like never seen before, even before, even worse than October 7th. And that was a holocaust. Right now your spiritual principles are being attacked, but remember Jesus was persecuted and went through every temptation that you have and are enduring going through. And President Trump was just quoted as saying, our country is being destroyed from within. It's not the outside countries that are threat. It's the inside of the United States of America. So our duty as believers is to test everything that's being said and not believe everything you hear. Don't do it. Don't believe everything you hear. It's Jesus who was described in Isaiah 11, 3 and 4, who does not judge by what he sees or make decisions by what he hears. But he decides by the righteousness that is ours through his blood. We have his righteousness according to 1 Corinthians 1 30. His righteousness, his redemption, his wisdom and his sanctification praise God. And this is not the time to trust in the money you've accumulated. It won't last. It will not last. I don't care if you've got a million dollars in the bank saved up or in gold. Oh, gold is a big thing right now. It's not going to last. James 5, I want you to turn to James 5 if you have the Bible. He is speaking to the church right now. James is. And here is the message translation. It's really a serious time to look at what you're believing in. Who are you trusting in? And he says, and a final word to you, arrogant rich. This is a confrontation to rich people who have trusted in money more than God. They have labeled themselves Christians. Oh, yeah, I'm a Christian. But have they believed in money more than God? Here is what James says. Take some lessons in lament. That means crying in repenting. You'll need buckets for the tears when the crash comes upon you. Your money is corrupt and your fine clothes stink. Your greedy luxuries are a cancer in your gut, destroying your life from within. And that includes our eating habits too. I'm really beginning to discipline my eating habits and take in what I can and cannot. I'm really looking at what I have been eating. And it's not been good, folks. And so I'm just really examining what I am eating now. And especially the different food. We're so spoiled and you take a little snack of this and a little snack of that and pretty soon you're piling up all kinds of fruit and snacks and carbos and fats. And then you wonder why your stomach's upset and you've got to take pepto bismol. I do not have pepto bismol in my house. No, sir. So it's destroying your body as well as your spirit. So let's watch what's going into, as James says in the message, our gut. You thought you were piling up wealth. What you've piled up is judgment. All the workers you've exploited and cheated cry out for judgment. The groans of the workers you used and abused are a roar in the ears of the master of danger. And those are capital M, capital A in a danger. That's God. You've looted the earth and lived it up. And all you have to show for it is a fatter than usual corpse. I think of Diddy Combs and all that he has done on this earth. He's worth about $580 million. And that man has abused and tormented and sexually abused so many people. He has over 100 people that have come against him as his trial looms. And I'm thinking, look what that guy did at 54 years of age. Look what his life has been made of. And I'm sure he's going to go to prison. And that estate that he has, if it's not given over to relatives, it's going to be given to the government because if he doesn't have anything to say about it, the government is going to take that money away from him. All you show, all you have to show, verse 5 of James 5, all you have to show for it is a fatter than usual corpse. In fact, what you've done is condemn and murder perfectly good people who stand there and take it. Meanwhile, friends wait patiently for the master's arrival. You see, farmers do this all the time, waiting for their valuable crops to mature, patiently letting the rain do its slow but sure work. Be patient like that. Stay steady and strong. The master could arrive at any time. Oh, the master could arrive at any time. Friends don't complain about each other. A far greater complaint could be lodged against you, you know. The judge is standing just around the corner. He sees what you're doing. Does that convict you knowing that he is seeing what you're doing every day? You're not hiding anything from God. Ha, ha, nope, you're not. He sees everything you do. Is everything you do honorable and honoring God? Take the old prophets as your mentors. They put up with anything, went through everything and never once quit. All the time honoring God. What a gift life is to those who stay the course. You've heard of course of Job's staying power and you know how God brought it all together for him at the end. That's because God cares. God cares right down to the last detail in your life, in your life. That's what he cares about you. He really does. And as you cast all your care on him, that's 1 Peter 5, 7, cast all your care on him. He's caring for you, but cast it on him. Don't take it. It's going to affect your body and your mind and everything in your life. If you don't let go of those burdens in your life and those worries in your life. And some of you I know have heavy duty burdens. I don't think you have any heavy duty or burden in your life. Then when Darren and I had a 1.5 million dollar debt over our heads, I'll tell you what. That can get pretty heavy. Oh, I'm glad we're willing to give it all to Jesus. Just give it all. Give it all to Jesus. Oh, in the words of Keith Green, I was so lost, but you showed the way because you are the way. I was so lost, but you showed the way to me. He took it from John 14 verse 6. I was lied to, but you told the truth because you are the truth. I was lied to, but you told the truth to me. I was dying, but you gave me life because you are the life. I was dying, but you gave your life for me. Oh, Jesus is the way the truth and the life, my friend. Listen to Keith Green. [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] Thank you for listening to Call to Freedom with Barbara Carmack. You may get in touch with Barbara at Call to Freedom. Box 370-367 Denver, Colorado-80237. Or you may leave your message at 1-877-917-7256. Call to Freedom is a listener-supported radio ministry. Barbara and her power partners invite you to come on board with us and become a network of hands holding up Call to Freedom Ministry. Power partners support Call to Freedom with Prayer and Monthly Financial Support. You will be blessed supernaturally. We invite you to visit Call to Freedom's website, www.freedomstreet.org, where you can hear Barbara's Daily Radio broadcast 24 hours a day or order materials. You may share your praise reports and heart cries by mailing them to Call to Freedom. Box 370-367 Denver, Colorado-80237. Or you may email us at Barbara Carmack at FreedomStreet.org. Until next time, remember Jesus loves you, Barbara loves you, and take joy. [Music]
Daniel’s life teaches you how to stay faithful, even when surrounded by people who don’t live according to the Bible. Join Pastor Rick as he teaches how to remain strong in your convictions at all times.
[Music] Welcome to Call to Freedom with Barbar Car Mag. This is Jimmy Lakey and I'm delighted that you are joining us for this half hour. You can reach Call to Freedom at box 370-367 Denver, Colorado 802-37 or by going to the website at www.freedomstreet.org. If you want to leave a message or order a word-powered daily reading Bible Guide or a Freedom Street Express newsletter, you can call us toll-free at 1-877-917-7256 and leave your name and address including your zip code. If you want to talk to Barbara right now, she is expecting your call. You may call that same toll-free number 1-877-917-7256 to speak to her. And now, let's join Barbara in the studio. Welcome to Call to Freedom. It's so good to have you join me today. A beautiful new week and we always are expecting great mighty things to happen. I know that you are. This is Indigenous People Day. So the banks are closed, the post office is closed. To me, growing up and old school kind of, it's Columbus Day. And I really respect that wonderful discoverer who was willing to just sacrifice everything. Go into his little boat and just go across the Atlantic Ocean to a new land. Oh my goodness. It's like, I'm almost a little anxious to go across the United States and hear this man cross that big huge ocean. So it's not Indigenous People Day for me. It's Columbus Day. So we celebrate that, celebrate his memory and honor him. I know a lot of people today are tearing down statues and destroying things. But there is rising up of people that say, "No, we're not going to have this any longer. We're not going to put up with this." And if you went to the Rally Saturday, then you know that thousands upon thousands of people, they should have gotten the arena, the Bronco arena to house the people. Because, oh, I guess people were standing. I know in the, I was listening to the other sister station Crawford. And they were saying that line after line after line from two o'clock in the morning, they were willing to stand for hours just to say, "I'm here. I'm supporting President Trump." Oh, what a blessing. I believe, and I hope you're believing with me. I'm believing for an absolute victory in the United States of America, come November 5th. Now, if you haven't, well, you're not going to get early voting because we haven't gotten our ballots yet. But when you get your ballots, fill them out, fill them out, and pray over them that it will get to its destination and the devil will not hinder your voting sheet, your ballot. And so if you need some more voting ballots, let me know at the end of the show. Call me at 1-877-917-7256. I've got a sheet and it may help you. You may not even agree with everything that I write down. But at least it will guide you and help you a little bit with the judges and with the amendments and initiates and also the table debt and increase in debt. That's all no. So I hope that if you need just a little guidance, call me after the program. At 1-877-917-7256. And Kimberly is almost home. She left this morning early. We prayed over each other. That's what's so wonderful about having a godly daughter. And I really don't deserve that. But God has just really blessed me with some daughters that love him and they honor their mom. And I am so grateful. So she's going to be home. And for two weeks, I rode with her in her beautiful Honda van. And I didn't get my high lander out of the garage for two weeks. It was really, I'm spoiled. It was really wonderful. I am spoiled. So we bless Kimberly. We bless her. She gets home that she can acclimate and get adjusted to being home again. And I'm going to the Lord willing. I'm going to go to Broken Arrow for Thanksgiving. I'm looking forward to that. And we were watching as we were praying yesterday around the table. She said, "Mom, I want you to watch unsung hero." And it's about the small-bone family in Australia that came to the United States with nothing. And they have seven children. Hello. And we started watching this movie. It was beautiful because I wasn't really enthused about it. But as I watched it, I looked over to Kimberly. And I said, "Well, without the seven children, this is so much like our life," Kimberly says. "Yeah, mom, that's why I wanted you to watch this movie." So if you get a chance, watch Unsung Hero. And you'll find who was the Unsung Hero in this beautiful movie. And we know that Rebecca St. James came from that family and also for King and Country. Oh, my goodness. The sacrifices that they went through. And yet God blessed them so mightily. I'm so grateful that we had that time together to go back and realize that we were in a good mood. And realize how good God really is. Kimberly and I, as we were watching the movie, which some mom just think what he took us through in that motorhome going across the United States. And I reminded her of the 17 cents that her father had in his pocket. And he just gave them to them for the gum machine. We were out of gas. And we were there at the church, though, in Pennsylvania. And after the weekend revival that we sang for had enough offering to go to Exignio Ohio for the midweek meeting there in a church and then also to Indiana and then up into northern part of Colorado on those last days of that trip. I am just so grateful. God is a good God. And that's our verse for today. It's from Nahum. Nahum 17. And Nahum means consolation. And both Nahum and Micah, I was reading Micah and Nahum this last weekend. These are prophets. And I don't like to title them minor prophets. Nah, they're not minor. But the books are small. The books are short, but they're powerful. And here was the destruction of Assyria, who was a constant enemy of Israel. And Nahum in the very first chapter at the destruction of Nineveh. And Nineveh was the capital of Assyria in which Jonah was called to warn the people. So all these little books are building up to the destruction. God is going to destroy our enemy's friends. We don't have to be afraid. We don't have to get up all kinds of equipment. I know I had a call this morning for security, a security thing for my home. And I said, I don't need security. I've got God. And I said, thank you for calling and I hung up because we've got security friend. We've got a refuge. And that's what this Nahum 17 talks about. And it's in the New American standard. The Lord is good. The Lord is a good God. He's so good to us. Oh, friend, just look at the good things that are happening in your life. Don't look at all the stuff that you're not getting or all the wants that you're not getting or the desires of your heart because we say, Father God, not my will. But yours be done. Knowing that we have the confidence that he hears and answers our prayers. And if he hears us, we know that we have those things which we have asked of him. And hopefully in my stage of life, I'm asking him for the things that are going to cooperate with the word of God and be a blessing to his heart. It says here in Nahum 17, the Lord is good. A stronghold in the day of trouble. And he knows those who take refuge in him. He knows those that put their trust in God. That's such a blessing to know that. So remember, Nahum 17. This is a great scripture. I'm going to be repeating it this week. Kimberly is going to join me. She said before she left, she says, Mom, remember, I'll see you on Wednesday. So she enjoys you so much. And Saturday at our meeting, we just had, I don't know if I want to use that worldly word, but we had a blast. We really did. We had a wonderful time. We dedicated a car, anointed and dedicated a car. And just had a great time of worship and praising God and praying for people. And then lunch on the patio. Next month, we may not have lunch on the patio again, but oh, what a gorgeous beautiful day it was to honor God to worship him and to praise his name. So we're going to go over this scripture in Nahum 17. The Lord is good. The Lord is good to me. And a stronghold in the day of trouble. And he knows those who take refuge in him. And then over in the 15th verse of Nahum 1, these little books are so powerful, friend. Don't overlook them just because, well, I don't know what they're about. If you've got any kind of a Bible, like a New American standard, even a passion. Well, a passion doesn't have the Old Testament right now. But some of these other, like a new living translation, they have little introductions and footnotes. So be sure and read those footnotes. In the 15th verse of Nahum 1, it says, "Behold on the mountains, the feet of him who brings good news, who announce peace." That's what I'm praying for you today. That as you go out, you're announcing good news and you don't have to say anything. You're just praising God in your heart and it's going to be transferred from you to whoever is around you. And that becomes really a reality to me when I see someone like Kimberly Duel who can go around people and she's just a light. She's just a light because she's had a great struggle in her life. And she's had some opposition even from her own family. And yet she has decided. See that's choosing, choosing the right way, choosing the light way. And she has decided that she is going to serve God even if her own family turns against her and slowly but surely we've seen as the interview with Matthew and her this last week. Let's see the week before, wow these weeks go and go, that they are coming together in agreement. Their marriage may be totally unorthodox and not like any other marriage, but they're coming in agreement. And as a mother and a mother-in-law, I consider Matthew a son. I saw them cooperating as they were trimming my trees and doing all kinds of work in the yard. They were cooperating and agreeing with each other. Such a blessing. I mean such a blessing. So I want you to go to Nehem and that's right after Micah. And tomorrow I'm going to, for all those of you who see me going from one subject to another, I forgot my notes for the first time in 15 years. Yes sir. And so I'm relying on totally, on Holy Spirit today. I want you to know that tomorrow I'm going to have an article, an interview, thank you Archie, of Elon Musk and what he considers, how he considers Christianity to be a great thing in America. And if we don't have Christianity, America is going to go down the drain. Really an enlightening article. But today as I was watching some of the news, I realized that the space X rocket that went out and around the world came back at the very spot that it was launched. What a victory. I mean it usually happens that when NASA or some other organization launches a, launches a rocket or a spaceship, it goes around, but then it either goes into the ocean or goes into the desert. Well, this is a great victory today for space X. And I was thinking God that he was going to bring the light of the truth even to the richest man in the world. Elon Musk. I'm grateful. I am really grateful friend. It's just wonderful to know that God is in the business of touching each and every heart of the eight billion people out there. And we may not agree with him. We may say a Christian, he can't be a Christian. Well, let's not judge. Let's just pray that these people will come to know the Lord Jesus as we know him. That's such a wonderful thing. Father God in Jesus name I ask that we just drop all the judgment and criticism towards those people that just don't believe like we do. On Father God just love and just have some kindness for these people. Oh, walk in kindness because we know Lord that it is in kindness and knowing you that it's going to come to pass just as you said in Micah 6 verse 8. What is required of us as believers in God? What is required of you? But to seek judgment to love kindness love kindness and you are to go and preach the good news in kindness on the mountains. You bring the good news of kindness and love and to walk humbly with your God Micah 6, 8. What a wonderful versus scripture. So I hope you're doing that. I hope you're getting involved with changing. I am. I. Wow. I am changing so much at my age. And in this time of my life more than ever before. Just small little things well I got to do this differently and I got to do that differently and wow I didn't know that God wants me to go this way even coming into the parking lot of Crawford media today. And there's two really tall buildings on this parking lot. Well the paving company decided to pave everything. I mean we're talking dozens of parking lots and everybody's going into the garage while the garage is full and they've got cones all over the place. And I thought you know what Lord I am so glad I came early and Rachel is nodding her head thumbs up. I am so glad you told me to leave early because I did not know this paving was going on and it is a big huge project and oh hundreds of people go in and out of these buildings every day. So I am so grateful that I'm listening. I'm beginning to listen to really listen to the Lord praise the Lord. So I want you to turn with me to Psalm 42 right now. I know this is a familiar versus scripture for you and it's a wonderful song that John sings on his album and it is not written by David. It is a a masculine of the sons of Korah and these were sons that were trained by David's worship and his writings to continue those writings and in Psalm 42 thirsting for God and trouble and exile as the dear pantas for pants for the water Brooks. So my soul pants for the oh God my soul thirst for God for the living God when shall I come and appear before God. Now this is a dear and he's he's making it in a analogy of a dear that comes to a brook and the brook is dry and he's saying to himself where shall I go for water. So the instinct of these animals is to find the water and they do holy spirit in his wonderful infinite wisdom even for the animals the birds of the air the animals that come to look for water and can't find them. He directs them to the water so why shouldn't he direct us he directs us to the water the living water Christ Jesus what a blessing it is to know that even when we're thirsty he comes and directs us. I want to just read a little bit more here in Psalm 42 it's so beautiful as a dear pants for the water brook so my soul pants for me the oh God my tears have been my food day and night. And some of us have gotten into situations and situations have slammed us unexpected things have happened in our lives and we're going why God why well I've decided to not ask why anymore my friend because it just gets us into a position of unbelief and doubt and fear. And so I'm just saying father God whatever comes my way I'm going to praise you no matter what comes my way and it's just such a wonderful thing to know that he is my food day and night and he is there all the time these things are when I these things I remember and I pour out my soul within me for I used to go along with the song song I used to go along with a crowd yeah I just to do that. And lead them in the procession to the house of God with the voice of joy thanks giving an a multitude keeping festival why are you in despair oh my soul and why have you become disturbed within me what is he doing here he's talking to himself he's saying okay I am in a bad attitude right now what is happening here I cannot imagine why I am disturbed what I'm not going to do is I'm not going to do that. What is making me anxious and you know in Matthew 6 it says 6 it says don't be anxious about anything so here I am anxious I'm ringing my hands I'm worried why am I worried then he speaks to him soul his soul hoping God this is Psalm 42 verse 5 and again in the 11th verse go to the end of the chapter this praise and worshiper is saying why do we get disturb we get disturbed why do we get upset why did I forget my notes today do I get upset do I tell Rachel oh let's just have the program from Thursday I don't have my notes and I'm so sad and I I can't say what I was going to say today well God said just just rest just take a breath just rest and I was in my vehicle I was saying can I do this in Holy Spirit says I'm here I'm here with you I'll take you through the half house you through the half hour isn't you wonderful so this praise praise and worshiper is saying why are you into spare why are you worried hoping God for he shall again bless you and what do you do in response you praise him you praise him you don't oh well that it's over with I'm so glad that's over with no you praise him and thank him he's a wonderful God and then he says even in trouble deep calls to deep in the sound of the waterfalls all the breakers and waves have rolled over me the Lord will command his loving kindness even when trouble comes you're out in the storm in the middle of the lake you're out there I just pray so much for the people that have gone through the hurricanes in in North Carolina and in Florida and in Georgia oh Father God bless them and help them in Jesus name see when deep calls to deep in the storms come rolling over the Lord will command his loving kindness in the daytime and his song will be with me in the night yes when we are thirsty when we're longing for a drink of water and I do quite quite frequently now Kimberly had has four bottles of water and she puts them up in the in the beginning of the day and she's got to drink out of those four bottles in a day and that's how she gets her hydration and I've been learning to drink more water friends you've got a drink water you really have to drink water it will not only sustain you but it will keep your body and your heart pumping and your everything flowing so well so remember that on a practical application but remember this God in his loving kindness loving kindness will surround you even as you are thirsty when you praise him he will fill you up to overflowing oh here is a song from Isaiah 55 here's Kimberly's dad singing "Ho" oh everyone who is thirsty and spirit oh everyone who is really sad come to the fountain there's fullness in season all that you're longing for come and good life I will pour water on him who is thirsty I will pour flood upon the dry ground open your heart to the gift I am bringing while you are seeking me I will be sad oh I will pour water on him who is thirsty I will pour flood upon the dry ground open your heart to the gift I am bringing while you are seeking me I will be sad oh praise God I will pour water on him who is thirsty you know it's okay with God that you don't have your act together it really is Lord I don't have this done I don't have that done and he says it's okay it's okay take my yoke upon you and be at rest with me I'm taking you know he's yoking up with us we're yoking up I should say we're yoking up with him with Jesus and he says just take my yoke upon you and learn of me I'm gentle and humble of heart oh it's so wonderful in John 7 Jesus is not only the door he's not only the living bread but why all the Pharisees are coming against him so strongly in fact there are several times they just want to do away with him it's kind of like our precious president Trump they just want to do away with him well God has a better idea and a better plan and he's made this time if he's escaped now three assassination attempts you know God has a plan for president Trump he could be out gulping he could be out on an island somewhere enjoying the wonderful time with his wife he's decided he wants to be here for the people praise God Jesus says here in the 37th 38th verse of John 7 now in the last days the great day of the feast Jesus stood and cried out if any man is thirsty let him come to me and drink and drink and drink he who believes in me as the scripture said from this innermost being from he from your innermost being my friend shall flow rivers of living water that's Holy Spirit he is in you now as you have accepted Jesus as your savior and he is bringing forth water to water everyone else around you praise God what a wonderful time with you today and Lord willing I'll be with you again tomorrow God bless you and keep you and take joy thank you for listening to call to freedom with Barbara Carmack you may get in touch with Barbara at call to freedom box 370 367 Denver Colorado 80237 or you may leave your message at 1 877 917 7256 call to freedom is a listener supported radio ministry Barbara and her power partners invite you to come on board with us and become a network of hands holding up call to freedom ministry power partner support call to freedom with prayer and monthly financial support you will be blessed supernaturally we invite you to visit call to freedom's website www.freedomstreet.org where you can hear Barbara's daily radio broadcast 24 hours a day or order materials you may share your phrase reports and heart prize by mailing them to call to freedom box 370 367 Denver Colorado 80237 or you may email us at Barbara Carmack at Freedom Street .org until next time remember Jesus loves you Barbara loves you and take joy . . . .
This broadcast is the final of three broadcasts as we conclude our study of the parables of Luke 15—in this broadcast, the elder brother and his actions to His father and toward his brother.
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How do you respond to a child who’s doing everything you taught him or her not to do? According to Pastor Jentezen Franklin, the answer is in love! On today’s edition of Family Talk, Dr. James Dobson concludes his encouraging conversation with Pastor Franklin about some of his life experiences using unconditional love. Jentezen openly shares his personal journey with his daughter, which partly contributed as the basis for his book entitled, Love Like You’ve Never Been Hurt: Hope, Healing and the Power of an Open Heart. Hear more of Pastor Jentezen’s inspirational story about God’s love that never fails.
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