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♪ All the hills, shall go great ♪ - Welcome to Victorious Faith. We believe you will be blessed, encouraged, and receive fresh faith to begin your day as you listen to today's message with International Missionary and Bible Teacher, Cherry Campbell. - Good morning. Welcome to Victorious Faith, I'm Cherry Campbell. This morning, I'm going to begin sharing with you another message that I preached in one of our Victorious Faith Healing Services called Tap the Power. So join me now on our live service for part one of this healing message called Tap the Power. - Father, we thank you and we praise you today for you are faithful and your word is true and you watch over your word to perform it. And Lord, that's what's so exciting because whatever word we are studying, meditating, believing, and acting on, you are there to watch over it and to perform it. And Lord, as your word says in Mark 16, that as they went out and preached everywhere, you confirmed your word with signs following. So we thank you tonight, Lord, that with the preaching of the word, there is the confirmation of the word. There is the signs following the fulfillment of your word as you watch over it to perform it. So Father, I thank you. I ask you for insight, understanding, wisdom and revelation to be given to each and every single person in this room tonight, including myself and all that are here, answers to question, solutions, to problems, and especially Lord, the Yoke destroying, burdening, moving power of God, working in us tonight. We thank you for it and we give you all the glory, Father. You deserve the glory. You deserve the glory. You are great and wonderful. We thank you for it in Jesus name and everyone said, amen, amen, hallelujah. Tonight we're doing a healing service tonight. So we're speaking about the healing power of God and it always comes out differently, but we're gonna be looking at the power and the mercy of God, the power and the mercy of God. And so let's first look at the power of God. Turn over to Isaiah chapter 10. If you have your Bible with you, turn to Isaiah chapter 10. Glory to God. And I'm gonna read it actually to you from the King James translation. And it says in verse 27, Isaiah 10, 27, and it shall come to pass in that day that his burden shall be taken away from off thy shoulder and his Yoke from off thy neck. And the Yoke shall be destroyed because of the anointing. We get a definition in that verse about the anointing. The anointing is the power of God that destroys Yokes and removes burdens. The anointing is the power of God that destroys Yokes and removes burdens. Now I want us to see, let's go over to Luke chapter 10. Verse 4. And we're gonna look at the ministry of Jesus and what Jesus said was his purpose. This was his mission statement. Luke 4, 18 and 19 was Jesus mission statement. In verse 18, it says, the Spirit of the Lord is upon me because He has anointed me. To preach good news to the poor, He has said me to proclaim freedom for the prisoners and recovery of sight for the blind to release the oppressed to proclaim the year of the Lord's favor. So we see here Jesus said, the Spirit of the Lord is upon me because He has what? He has anointed me. So here again, we see the anointing on Jesus. And the anointing definition we have is the power of God to destroy Yokes and remove burdens. Destroy Yokes and remove burdens. So He said, it's on me to do this. To He has anointed me and then He talks about the different things, preaching good news to the poor. Come back to that, but I want you to see that there's an anointing to destroy the Yoke of poverty. As we've been talking on the radio about the love, the sin and death is the same thing as the curse of sin and death. That when Adam sinned, the curse hit the whole earth. Everything on earth came under the curse. And the curse is death. Death working slowly in the body, not on full power that Zaps your Noxy dead, but slowly is sickness. Sickness is actually death. Working in low volume, low power, sell by sell by sell until if it keeps spreading, it will eventually bring death. It's like a slow death. If it doesn't stop, if it doesn't reverse, it'll be a slow death. So sickness is death working slowly, little by little. Well, guess what? Poverty is also death and finances. Poverty and lack are death in finances because the blessing is the anointing to what? Multiply. The blessing multiplies, well, what would be the reverse of that? Decrease. If blessing increases and multiplies, then the reverse of the curse is decrease. And it'll decrease, decrease, decrease, decrease until there's zero left. And that is the curse working in finances. That is death working in finances. It doesn't bring increase, it brings decrease. At times like you say, "I work and I work and I never get ahead." Where is the blessing? The blessing would bring the increase in the fruitfulness that you are looking for and expecting. And so hold your finger here. Jesus came to preach the gospel. And this is the gospel. However, I like to point out, and I've said it on the radio, and I said it before, but traditional Christianity thinks of the gospel message as the message of the cross, meaning specifically new birth. The gospel and we have evangelists that preach the gospel, and they are usually preaching the cross, they're preaching salvation. I don't even like to use the word salvation because I know it's salvation means, but they preach new birth. They preach getting born again. But that's not the gospel that Jesus preached. Hold your finger here and look. This is the gospel that Jesus preached, right here in Luke four. But hold your finger and we're gonna come right back here, but I want you to go over to Matthew. And if you haven't heard my teaching on the kingdom of God, it was the first major foundational teaching that I did. And it's because it's foundational for everything else and it's the foundation for every Christian. And it's the kingdom of God. It was seven weeks, 35 programs. And you need it because most Christians do not know what I'm telling you. And without this understanding, you're gonna be missing a lot of what God has provided and made available without this understanding. The Lord has shown me over the last several years, the kingdom of God became such an all-filling subject. And the Lord kept giving me more insight on it. And then he showed me, it's actually the platform that every other biblical teaching needs to be based on. Faith is a pillar based on the platform of the kingdom. And righteousness is a pillar that needs to be based on the platform of the kingdom of God. Salvation born again is a pillar that needs to be understood on the platform of the kingdom of God. Healing is a pillar that needs to be understood based on the platform of the kingdom of God. And if you don't understand the platform of the kingdom of God, you'll never understand faith correctly, healing correctly, righteousness correctly, even new birth correctly. Until you understand the platform of the kingdom of God because the kingdom of God is the all-consuming package of all of it, you see? Hallelujah. And so let's go back to Matthew chapter four. And let me show you, Matthew chapter four and verse 23, Jesus went throughout Galilee, teaching in their synagogues, preaching the gospel of what? Say it, the kingdom. Jesus preached the gospel of what? The kingdom. And then go to Matthew chapter nine and verse 35. Jesus went through all the towns and villages, teaching in their synagogues, preaching the gospel of what? The kingdom. He didn't just preach new birth. He preached the kingdom. And then you go on and you'll see that actually in the teaching series that I did on the radio, I went through all the scriptures in the four gospels where Jesus preached the gospel of the kingdom, the gospel of the kingdom. Every time it's the gospel of the kingdom, it doesn't ever say gospel of anything else. It's always gospel of the kingdom. And then notice and think and you'll, it'll draw your attention. If you, I really want you to hear that series, if you've not heard it because it shows you that he kept saying things like who is the greatest in the kingdom? And the disciples were arguing about who's the greatest in the kingdom. And Jesus said, if I cast out demons by the finger of God, then the kingdom of God has come to you. And he said, the kingdom of God is near. And the kingdom of God is here. The kingdom of God is here. The kingdom of God is near. Another place he said, the kingdom of God is within you. The kingdom. So then we go back to a definition of the kingdom and it is the rule and authority of God. It is his, we're talking about right now in the series on the radio authority of the believer, the law of spiritual authority in our jurisdiction. Now God has authority. He is supreme in authority. He is the highest of the high and the most of the most. He is the most high and he has a kingdom that rules over what? Overall, the Bible says, the Bible says his kingdom rules over all. Now what does that mean? His rule, his authority and dominion, rules over all. But Jesus came to earth to bring the kingdom of God to earth. To bring the rule of God to earth. In other words, if you think of it like Great Britain, Great Britain 150 years ago was a world ruling power and they had colonies all over the world. India was a colony. The United States were colonies 200 years ago now. Over way back. But we were colonies of Great Britain. What does it mean to colonize? Colonizing is when you spread the kingdom or the rule of one nation or government over other lands and territories. What you just heard was part one of a message that I preached in one of our victorious faith healing services called tap the power. And we will continue this healing message again tomorrow. So join me again tomorrow and remember God loves you. You are blessed and highly favored by the Lord. We're glad you joined us today for victorious faith with Cherry Campbell. We invite you to visit our website at where you can listen to the victorious faith radio broadcast, find biblical study helps, contact Cherry and make donations. You can also write to us at PO Box 509 East Lake Colorado 80614. Victorius Faith is a God and partners supported ministry. As you so seed and partner with this ministry, you will harvest a victory you need in your life. Please join us again Monday through Friday at the same time to begin your day with fresh faith. And remember, faith is the victory that overcomes the world. [Music]

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♪ All the hills, shall go great ♪ - Welcome to Victorious Faith. We believe you will be blessed, encouraged, and receive fresh faith to begin your day as you listen to today's message with International Missionary and Bible Teacher, Cherry Campbell. - Good morning. Welcome to Victorious Faith, I'm Cherry Campbell. This morning, I'm going to begin sharing with you another message that I preached in one of our Victorious Faith Healing Services called Tap the Power. So join me now on our live service for part one of this healing message called Tap the Power. - Father, we thank you and we praise you today for you are faithful and your word is true and you watch over your word to perform it. And Lord, that's what's so exciting because whatever word we are studying, meditating, believing, and acting on, you are there to watch over it and to perform it. And Lord, as your word says in Mark 16, that as they went out and preached everywhere, you confirmed your word with signs following. So we thank you tonight, Lord, that with the preaching of the word, there is the confirmation of the word. There is the signs following the fulfillment of your word as you watch over it to perform it. So Father, I thank you. I ask you for insight, understanding, wisdom and revelation to be given to each and every single person in this room tonight, including myself and all that are here, answers to question, solutions, to problems, and especially Lord, the Yoke destroying, burdening, moving power of God, working in us tonight. We thank you for it and we give you all the glory, Father. You deserve the glory. You deserve the glory. You are great and wonderful. We thank you for it in Jesus name and everyone said, amen, amen, hallelujah. Tonight we're doing a healing service tonight. So we're speaking about the healing power of God and it always comes out differently, but we're gonna be looking at the power and the mercy of God, the power and the mercy of God. And so let's first look at the power of God. Turn over to Isaiah chapter 10. If you have your Bible with you, turn to Isaiah chapter 10. Glory to God. And I'm gonna read it actually to you from the King James translation. And it says in verse 27, Isaiah 10, 27, and it shall come to pass in that day that his burden shall be taken away from off thy shoulder and his Yoke from off thy neck. And the Yoke shall be destroyed because of the anointing. We get a definition in that verse about the anointing. The anointing is the power of God that destroys Yokes and removes burdens. The anointing is the power of God that destroys Yokes and removes burdens. Now I want us to see, let's go over to Luke chapter 10. Verse 4. And we're gonna look at the ministry of Jesus and what Jesus said was his purpose. This was his mission statement. Luke 4, 18 and 19 was Jesus mission statement. In verse 18, it says, the Spirit of the Lord is upon me because He has anointed me. To preach good news to the poor, He has said me to proclaim freedom for the prisoners and recovery of sight for the blind to release the oppressed to proclaim the year of the Lord's favor. So we see here Jesus said, the Spirit of the Lord is upon me because He has what? He has anointed me. So here again, we see the anointing on Jesus. And the anointing definition we have is the power of God to destroy Yokes and remove burdens. Destroy Yokes and remove burdens. So He said, it's on me to do this. To He has anointed me and then He talks about the different things, preaching good news to the poor. Come back to that, but I want you to see that there's an anointing to destroy the Yoke of poverty. As we've been talking on the radio about the love, the sin and death is the same thing as the curse of sin and death. That when Adam sinned, the curse hit the whole earth. Everything on earth came under the curse. And the curse is death. Death working slowly in the body, not on full power that Zaps your Noxy dead, but slowly is sickness. Sickness is actually death. Working in low volume, low power, sell by sell by sell until if it keeps spreading, it will eventually bring death. It's like a slow death. If it doesn't stop, if it doesn't reverse, it'll be a slow death. So sickness is death working slowly, little by little. Well, guess what? Poverty is also death and finances. Poverty and lack are death in finances because the blessing is the anointing to what? Multiply. The blessing multiplies, well, what would be the reverse of that? Decrease. If blessing increases and multiplies, then the reverse of the curse is decrease. And it'll decrease, decrease, decrease, decrease until there's zero left. And that is the curse working in finances. That is death working in finances. It doesn't bring increase, it brings decrease. At times like you say, "I work and I work and I never get ahead." Where is the blessing? The blessing would bring the increase in the fruitfulness that you are looking for and expecting. And so hold your finger here. Jesus came to preach the gospel. And this is the gospel. However, I like to point out, and I've said it on the radio, and I said it before, but traditional Christianity thinks of the gospel message as the message of the cross, meaning specifically new birth. The gospel and we have evangelists that preach the gospel, and they are usually preaching the cross, they're preaching salvation. I don't even like to use the word salvation because I know it's salvation means, but they preach new birth. They preach getting born again. But that's not the gospel that Jesus preached. Hold your finger here and look. This is the gospel that Jesus preached, right here in Luke four. But hold your finger and we're gonna come right back here, but I want you to go over to Matthew. And if you haven't heard my teaching on the kingdom of God, it was the first major foundational teaching that I did. And it's because it's foundational for everything else and it's the foundation for every Christian. And it's the kingdom of God. It was seven weeks, 35 programs. And you need it because most Christians do not know what I'm telling you. And without this understanding, you're gonna be missing a lot of what God has provided and made available without this understanding. The Lord has shown me over the last several years, the kingdom of God became such an all-filling subject. And the Lord kept giving me more insight on it. And then he showed me, it's actually the platform that every other biblical teaching needs to be based on. Faith is a pillar based on the platform of the kingdom. And righteousness is a pillar that needs to be based on the platform of the kingdom of God. Salvation born again is a pillar that needs to be understood on the platform of the kingdom of God. Healing is a pillar that needs to be understood based on the platform of the kingdom of God. And if you don't understand the platform of the kingdom of God, you'll never understand faith correctly, healing correctly, righteousness correctly, even new birth correctly. Until you understand the platform of the kingdom of God because the kingdom of God is the all-consuming package of all of it, you see? Hallelujah. And so let's go back to Matthew chapter four. And let me show you, Matthew chapter four and verse 23, Jesus went throughout Galilee, teaching in their synagogues, preaching the gospel of what? Say it, the kingdom. Jesus preached the gospel of what? The kingdom. And then go to Matthew chapter nine and verse 35. Jesus went through all the towns and villages, teaching in their synagogues, preaching the gospel of what? The kingdom. He didn't just preach new birth. He preached the kingdom. And then you go on and you'll see that actually in the teaching series that I did on the radio, I went through all the scriptures in the four gospels where Jesus preached the gospel of the kingdom, the gospel of the kingdom. Every time it's the gospel of the kingdom, it doesn't ever say gospel of anything else. It's always gospel of the kingdom. And then notice and think and you'll, it'll draw your attention. If you, I really want you to hear that series, if you've not heard it because it shows you that he kept saying things like who is the greatest in the kingdom? And the disciples were arguing about who's the greatest in the kingdom. And Jesus said, if I cast out demons by the finger of God, then the kingdom of God has come to you. And he said, the kingdom of God is near. And the kingdom of God is here. The kingdom of God is here. The kingdom of God is near. Another place he said, the kingdom of God is within you. The kingdom. So then we go back to a definition of the kingdom and it is the rule and authority of God. It is his, we're talking about right now in the series on the radio authority of the believer, the law of spiritual authority in our jurisdiction. Now God has authority. He is supreme in authority. He is the highest of the high and the most of the most. He is the most high and he has a kingdom that rules over what? Overall, the Bible says, the Bible says his kingdom rules over all. Now what does that mean? His rule, his authority and dominion, rules over all. But Jesus came to earth to bring the kingdom of God to earth. To bring the rule of God to earth. In other words, if you think of it like Great Britain, Great Britain 150 years ago was a world ruling power and they had colonies all over the world. India was a colony. The United States were colonies 200 years ago now. Over way back. But we were colonies of Great Britain. What does it mean to colonize? Colonizing is when you spread the kingdom or the rule of one nation or government over other lands and territories. What you just heard was part one of a message that I preached in one of our victorious faith healing services called tap the power. And we will continue this healing message again tomorrow. So join me again tomorrow and remember God loves you. You are blessed and highly favored by the Lord. We're glad you joined us today for victorious faith with Cherry Campbell. We invite you to visit our website at where you can listen to the victorious faith radio broadcast, find biblical study helps, contact Cherry and make donations. You can also write to us at PO Box 509 East Lake Colorado 80614. Victorius Faith is a God and partners supported ministry. As you so seed and partner with this ministry, you will harvest a victory you need in your life. Please join us again Monday through Friday at the same time to begin your day with fresh faith. And remember, faith is the victory that overcomes the world. [Music]

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♪ All the kids, shout your prayers ♪ Welcome to Victorious Faith. We believe you will be blessed, encouraged, and receive fresh faith to begin your day as you listen to today's message with International Missionary and Bible Teacher, Cherry Campbell. - Good morning, praise the Lord, let everything that has breath, praise the Lord. Welcome to Victorious Faith, I'm Cherry Campbell. This morning I'm going to continue and conclude, sharing with you the message that I shared with you all last week that I preached in one of our Victorious Faith services called, "Your provision is in the Kingdom of God." So join me now in our live service for part six and the conclusion of this message. "Your provision is in the Kingdom of God." - Everything God has in heaven is available to us on earth, except heaven itself, the place heaven. Everything that's in heaven is available to us now on earth, except the place heaven. That's the only thing that's left that remains for us to receive is the place and the glorified body. But everything else has already been given. Remember Jesus said in his prayer, "Our Father, which are in heaven, "Holiday, thy name, thy kingdom come, "and thy will be done on earth, "like it is in heaven." His prayer was that you would have everything that's in heaven on earth. That was the prayer of Jesus. Your kingdom come, your will be done, where on earth as it is in heaven. The prayer of Jesus was that you would have everything that's in heaven on earth. And that was a provision under the old covenant also. That was not just a New Testament provision. It's also Old Testament provision under the law. Go back to Deuteronomy. I'll show it to you in the law. God had said to the people if they would keep the law, they would have heaven on earth. Deuteronomy 11. This is not just a New Testament idea, it's Old Testament and new. Deuteronomy 11 verse 18, "Fix these words of mine in your hearts and minds, tie them as symbols on your hands, and bind them on your foreheads, skip down to verse 21, verse 21. So that your days and the days of your children may be many in the land, the Lord's Word to give for your forefathers, as the days of heaven upon the earth, verse 21, as the days of heaven upon the earth." So God said that if you would keep my word, you could even have days of heaven on the earth. Now Jesus came to bring the kingdom of God to earth, and that's why He preached it everywhere He went. If you go back to Matthew 4, go back to Matthew 4 verse 23, Jesus went throughout Galilee, teaching in their synagogues, preaching the gospel of what? Gospel of the kingdom. And healing every disease and sickness among the people. And then you go over to Matthew 9, and verse 35, 935, Jesus went through all the towns and villages, teaching in their synagogues, preaching the gospel of what? The kingdom and healing every disease and sickness. He preached the gospel of the kingdom, going over to Luke, go over to Luke. Chapter 4, Luke 4, 43, verse 43, Luke 4, 43. But he, that's Jesus, said, I must preach the gospel of what? The kingdom of God, the good news, the gospel. I must preach the gospel or the good news of what? The kingdom of God to the other towns also, because that is why I was sent. Jesus came as the ambassador of the kingdom of God to earth, to preach the kingdom of God on earth. As I said in that series of teaching, He came to colonize the earth, to make earth a colony of heaven, to set up the kingdom of God rule on earth. He came as the ambassador, He came as the king of that kingdom, to set up that kingdom on earth. Now, everything that's in the kingdom is here on earth, except heaven itself, hallelujah. So it doesn't matter what's going on in the world around us. You can be safe and secure, living in the kingdom of God. It is like Goshin, Goshin is the type and shadow picture of the kingdom of God on earth, that your needs are taken care of, no matter what's going on around you, no matter what the earth is like, no matter what turmoil comes, don't be afraid. Even that's what Jesus said in Luke 1232, don't be afraid, little flock, for your father's pleased to give you the kingdom. Don't be afraid of bad economy, don't be afraid of Ebola, don't be afraid of Iran and nuclear weapons. Don't be afraid, little flock, for your father's pleased to give you the kingdom. You live in the kingdom, dwell in the kingdom, and the kingdom living and dwelling in you, operating in you, you will not need the world for your resource anymore. If you can learn how to tap and create from within you and receive from God and from the kingdom of God, everything that God has, hallelujah, everything that God has. And let me just mention back again, what I referred to in the last meeting was on the word grace. And grace by a simple definition that God has made clear to me, there's wonderful definitions, and a traditional one we've heard is unmerited favor. Well, unmerited is more easily understood, unearned, but then simplify un-earned and it just means free, right? Free. And then favors, it's actually favors, but you know like when you give out candies and toys to kids and those are called favors, they're actually gifts, they're gifts. And so by definition, grace is God's intense desire. It is not just the gifts, but it's his desire to give as well. Most simply, I translate grace as free gifts. Whenever I read grace in the New Testament now, I encourage you to do the same thing that when you see grace through the New Testament, then translate it free gifts. It will make more sense to you and you'll be able to apply it free gifts, but it's not only the free gifts, but it's also the heart of God behind the giving. It's his intense desire to give to you. Intense, consuming desire. Another synonym is the benevolence of God. God's benevolence, it's his attitude and disposition, his heart, desire, passionate desire to give to you. Everything you need and everything you want that's good. Good gifts, all good gifts to give freely and liberally, liberally lavishly, the word is included, lavish gifts, just to lavishly pour out. And then another word universally, meaning to everyone, without finding fault. James 16, James 15 and 6 talk about wisdom. If any of you lack wisdom, let him ask God, who gives liberally to all without finding fault, that right there is the definition of grace, giving liberally to all without finding fault, giving liberally to all without finding fault. You see the definition of grace right there in James 1, 5. He gives liberally to all without finding fault. And so he is eagerly willing and in the Greek, the word curious, it means God's, let me go back to intense desire to confer gifts, favors and blessings on man to all. Gifts and benefits, favors, it is the absolute free expression of God's favor, absolutely free. And so God, it's the picture of that father in Luke 15, the parable of the two sons, and the father saying, son, everything I have is yours. And then you go back to Hebrews 4, 16, and it says, come boldly to the throne of grace. Let's say free gifts, come boldly to the throne of free gifts. To obtain mercy, that's forgiveness and pardon. You know what would make you feel unworthy? God's got mercy for you. You don't have to feel unworthy, come boldly to obtain mercy and find grace or find free gifts to help in your time of need. Now that free gifts, the grace it also applies to the endowment for a task or empowerment ability to do something. You know, I was a missionary on the mission field for 12 and a half years, a full time going into rough places, sleeping on concrete floor, a board floor, or sleeping out in the bush, no electricity, no running water. And to me, in the natural, that is not easy. But God gave me grace, empowerment for the task. So it's empowerment to do whatever you need to do. But what is it? It's just anything you need for the moment. Do you need empowerment? Empowerment is available. Do you need wisdom? Wisdom is available. Do you need healing? Healing is available. Do you need some money? Money is available. What do you need? Do you need some direction? Directions available. What is it that you need? It's all there. It's all in his kingdom and everything in his kingdom is available to you. Free. Capital F, capital R, capital E, E, free. Take as much as you want. You know, you see signs free, take one. God doesn't say take one. He says take as much as you want. All of his gifts and favors and blessings are free. But we have to know how to tap into them and receive the kingdom. We receive what's in the kingdom into our lives through the laws of the kingdom that I named you, the seven primary laws that if you practice those, you'll do well. Those are the laws that access and take hold, faith, authority, speaking those words, walking in love, wisdom, wisdom tells you what to do, how and when. And I've said many times that these laws are not independent. They are interdependent, interrelated. You use wisdom by love. You exercise faith by speaking words and using your authority by the wisdom of God. You know, they're all interrelated. They all work hand in hand with each other. And so you learn to tap into those. You learn to use your faith, learn to hear and be led by the spirit and learn to speak words with authority when God tells you to say something. And then you can release and create from the inside out, learn to be inside out people. Everything you need is in you. Be the Son of God and draw it out by the spirit of God. Hallelujah. Praise the Lord. Glory to God. Let's close right there tonight. What you just heard was part six and the conclusion of a message that I preached in one of our victorious faith services called your provision is in the Kingdom of God. And if you'd like to listen to this message again in its entirety or share with your friends and family, you can go to my YouTube channel, which is under my name, Cherry Campbell, CH-E-R-R-I, Campbell C-E-M-P-B-E-L-L. And they're in the top category called radio broadcasts. You'll see this message called your provision is in the Kingdom of God. Now join me again tomorrow for another faith-building message. And remember God loves you. You are blessed and highly favored by the Lord. We're glad you joined us today for Victorious Faith with Cherry Campbell. We invite you to visit our website at where you can listen to the Victorious Faith Radio broadcast, find Biblical study helps, contact Cherry and make donations. You can also write to us at PO Box 509 East Lake Colorado 80614. Victorious Faith is a God and partners supported ministry. As you so seed and partner with this ministry, we believe God with you for the full harvest of victory you need in your life. Please join us again Monday through Friday at the same time to begin your day with fresh faith. And remember, faith is the victory that overcomes the world. ♪ Yeah, I'm falling down ♪

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As an obstetrician and gynecologist, Dr. William Lile has performed blood transfusions on babies in the womb as early as 18 weeks gestation. Not to mention operating on the heart of a 22-week-old baby in utero, when the stage of development of that vital organ is just the size of a grape! On today's edition of Family Talk, Dr. Lile asks the logical question, "If I'm providing medical care, doesn't that qualify the developing baby as my patient? It sure does! And if he's my patient, then he's a person, no matter how small." The scientific evidence that life begins at conception has become inescapable.

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We know of Jesus as THE Christ, THE Savior, THE Redeemer among other descriptions. But one young man called Him Good Master. Is Jesus YOUR Master?

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