Learn from the life of Noah how to be bold and obey God despite facing barriers or difficulties.
A collection of podcasts from our wonderful programs and hosts that specifically discuss Anger. How to navigate it when it happens, and what Jesus says about it. These messages are not meant to replace any psychological assistance you might need, however they might help you gain valuable perspective. If you're in need of prayer for your or someone else's anger, or any other needs, please reach out to us using the form below, or you can call us at 303.481.1800 and we will pray with you over your issue or need. We are in this life together and Jesus wants us to love one another. Let us help.
Learn from the life of Noah how to be bold and obey God despite facing barriers or difficulties.
Let us see what God wants and what man did in responding to God. This is a special article broadcast to guide our studies in the scriptures.
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No matter where you work or go to school, do you know what to do when you’re asked to do the impossible? Join Pastor Rick as he teaches about the connection between difficult situations and pointing people to God.
Dress yourself in the full armor of God and win the spiritual war each day.
To support this ministry financially, visit: https://www.elsitiocristiano.com/donate/1102/29
To the church the words are penned, “Do you not know that you are the temple of God...?” Wow—strong words when one thinks of a temple—a holy place. Are we the temple of God?
To support this ministry financially, visit: https://www.oneplace.com/donate/1561/29
Dr. Stanley reveals what it means to be a soldier for Jesus.