In this inspiring episode, Dr. Dobson and Dr. Hawkins discuss The Nehemiah Code, emphasizing its message that it’s never too late for a new beginning. Explore how Nehemiah's biblical account can inform our approach to leadership, teamwork, and personal growth today. Listen as they highlight the importance of building strong foundations and fostering community to overcome life's obstacles.
Well, hello everyone. I'm James Dobson and you're listening to Family Talk, a listener-supported ministry. In fact, thank you so much for being part of that support for James Dobson Family Institute.
Well, welcome back to Family Talk. I'm Roger Marsh, and on today's program, we're going to hear part two of a fascinating conversation featuring Dr. Dobson and his guest, Dr. O.S. Hawkins, former pastor of the historic First Baptist Church in Dallas, Texas, and president emeritus of Guidestone Financial Resources. On our last broadcast, Dr. Hawkins shared about his ministry helping retired pastors through Mission Dignity, and he introduced his popular series of code books that help believers dive deeper into Scripture. Today, he'll take us into the powerful story of Nehemiah, showing us how this ancient tale of rebuilding Jerusalem's walls offers practical wisdom for anyone seeking a fresh start in life. Now, these insights come from Dr. Hawkins' book, The Nehemiah Code. It's never too late for a new beginning. Through the story of Nehemiah, we'll discover timeless principles for starting fresh. whether we're rebuilding relationships, restoring faith, or seeking a new direction in life. Dr. Hawkins will remind us that with God's help, genuine transformation is always possible. And now let's rejoin Dr. James Dobson for part two of this inspiring conversation here on Family Talk.
Dr. Hawkins, thank you so much for being with us again today. I love the program we did together last time. And we've got a lot more to talk about related to your book, The Nehemiah Code. It's never too late for a new beginning. And what I... love about this book is that I really love the story of Nehemiah. But I want to take that story back before you start with the book to how we pick up Nehemiah in Babylon. He was a cupbearer for the king, wasn't he?
To King Artaxerxes, yes. And the beautiful thing about Nehemiah, what I like to remind people is he wasn't a preacher. He wasn't a prophet. He wasn't a theologian. He was not a theologian. He was a civil servant. He had a civil service job as cupbearer to Artaxerxes with all the fringe benefits, retirement benefits, everything, and he left it all to be the rebuilder of the broken walls. You know, after the death of King Solomon, as you know, the kingdom of Israel divided into a northern kingdom and a southern kingdom. In the northern kingdom, They were ruled by all wicked kings. There wasn't one good king among them. And in 722, the Assyrians took them away into captivity, and they never returned. The southern kingdom— Did Nebuchadnezzar's army do that? No, that was the Assyrians in 722. In 586, then, to the southern kingdom, Nebuchadnezzar came and besieged Jerusalem. in a horrible siege, and they destroyed the city, broke the walls down, burned the gates, and they took the brightest Jewish minds they could find back to Babylon.
Daniel was one of them.
Daniel, Shadrach, Meshach, Abednego, and others. And they took them back to re-educate them. They tried to change their language. They tried to change their literature. All those things you can read about in the book of Daniel. And so after a period, the Persians broke the Babylonian supremacy. A remnant had returned to Jerusalem to rebuild the walls, and they got so discouraged that they quit. And Nehemiah heard a report that Jerusalem was a reproach, and the walls were still broken, the gates burned. And he went to the king and begged permission to go back to Jerusalem, and he was granted. And Nehemiah went back to Jerusalem. He made a midnight ride on a horse around the walls, and he wept over the ruins. He did. And he began fasting. He fasted and prayed before the God of heaven, the Bible says. And then he moved and mobilized that remnant that was there that for years had left that city dormant. And in 52 days, they rebuilt the city. And there's some incredible evidence. applications there to how any of us, whoever we are, whatever our circumstance, can rebuild our own broken lives. Because as the subtitle of the book says, and the message of Nehemiah is this, it's never too late for a new beginning.
And that's exactly what he did and began building the wall. And it wasn't that he didn't have opposition. Sanballat, as I recall, was out on the edge of town, and he was making fun of him.
He said if a fox runs up on it, it'll fall down. Sanballat and Tobias and others, he faced incredible opposition. But he kept focused. He kept going forward. The book is divided into several sections of what you need to do to be a rebuilder. First of all, you've got to get started right. And that's what Nehemiah did. Rebuilders get started right. They make an honest evaluation of the situation. They identify with the need. They take personal responsibility. And then they move out of their comfort zones. You know, we live today in comfort zones. Some of us don't have anything to do with anybody unless they're in our socioeconomic level. or political level, or whatever, educational level. So he got started right. Then the second thing he did, he built a team spirit. And that is so vital in rebuilding. He was a great organizer, wasn't he? He was a credible organizer. And if I had a pencil in my hand right now, a wooden pencil, I could easily break it. But if I put two or three together, it's exponentially more difficult to break. We call that synergy. That's what he did. You know, the Bible says if one can chase 1,000, two can chase 10,000. He understood and recognized that we all need each other in the rebuilding process. So he built this team spirit of those around him. He started with his goal in mind, seized his opportunities, and motivated his people to get off a dead center. One of the most important things he did, he was an example himself. You know, the greatest leadership principle I know in or outside the Bible, and there are millions of leadership books, I suppose. But Gideon, in Judges 7-7, he got his army down to 300 people, as you remember, and was going out to fight thousands of the Midianite host with that little army. And the last thing he said to them, he turned to them in Judges 7-7 and said, do as I do. It's the greatest principle of leadership, I know, because eventually, those of us in leadership, the people on our team are going to do what we do. And so this was one of the real secrets of Nehemiah. He was there with them. He was putting those stones in with them. He was building. He was up and down the lines, showing them appreciation. One of the greatest motivating factors in the rebuilding process is to give people a pat on the back. To say they're appreciated. Let them know that they're appreciated. This is what Jesus did. He went around.
And do as I do.
Yeah, and do as I do. This is what Jesus did. He went around affirming people. Affirmation is vitally important.
You know, a related passage in Scripture. related to Nehemiah is found in the book of Ezra. And Ezra was a priest. And they got in there. This is a wonderful passage. I think it's in the 10th chapter of Ezra. And Nehemiah had to be close at hand. And they got into the ruins of of Jerusalem and came across the scrolls, and they began reading them, and their eyes were opened to their sin, and they were marrying foreign wives and so on. And there was a platform there, and Ezra got up on that platform. and began reading the scrolls.
Just read the Word of God.
And their eyes popped open, and they began weeping. If there's a moment in Scripture, or one of them, that I would most like to have been there, is to be there when this repentance, this revival broke out through the people. And they say, we sinned against the God of heaven. And they fell on their faces, and Nehemiah was weeping. And that was the beginning of the energy that helped to rebuild the wall, wasn't it?
And as the Bible says, it's not my word, God said, like a hammer that breaks a rock to pieces. And when the word of God goes forth, not just in Ezra and Nehemiah's day, but in our day, When we get the word of God into our heart, it makes a huge difference.
Don't you wish that spirit would spring across this country and that people would say, oh, I didn't know that was in the Bible. I didn't know what I was doing. Was that wrong? We have sinned against God. Forgive us, Lord. We repent of our sin.
Exactly. And that's really the motivating factor that I have behind all these code books, because every one of them go to the Scripture, because it's the Bible. It's the Scripture that brings conviction. You know, there's a lost word in our Christian vocabulary, conviction. When Peter stood up and read from Joel and illustrated it with some Psalms on the day of Pentecost and preached that great Pentecostal proclamation, do you remember what it says? It says their hearts were cut. They fell under deep conviction, and that only comes from the Word of God. You know, another thing about Nehemiah was how he dealt with, I call it, rebuilders never cut what they can untie.
You know, I read that, and that didn't ring true to me. I didn't know what you meant by that, but now I do. Explain it.
Well, you were a little boy in Fort Worth, and so was I. And in my block over on the east side of Fort Worth, there was an old vacant lot on that block. And that was our ball fit. It was like Yankee Stadium to me and my buddies on Crenshaw Street. And we'd play ball up there. And there was one kid that would come to that vacant lot. And he would always have – he had a pair of black canvas high-top tennis shoes. This was back in the 50s when I was a boy. And those shoes would only be laced up halfway up to the top. And there'd be several eyelets at the top unlaced because he was so impatient that when he would get a knot in his shoelaces, instead of taking the time to untie them, he'd take his pocket knife out and just cut them off. And that's the way a lot of people do in relationships. They don't want to take the time and the effort and the energy to untie those knots that get into a relationship. So they just come along. And for some people, it's easier just to cut them off. And that's why they go from one relationship to another, to another, to another. But when you're rebuilding relationships, You never cut what you can untie. Conflict resolution is a vital important of Nehemiah's story because conflict will tear your team apart. It doesn't matter whether it's at church or at home or in business or wherever. And so Nehemiah, there were four things he did to resolve conflicts. And timing was everything. He said there's a time to back off. There's a time to stand up. There's a time to give in. And there's a time to reach out. You know, some of us don't know when those times are. Some of us, all we do is stand up when we have a conflict and just get in somebody else's face and just move in like a bull and a child. Some of us, just all we do is back off, and we never even deal with it. There's a time to back off and seek God's counsel. That's what I mean about it. But there's also a time to stand up for what's right, and there's a time to give in. You know, when we were raising our daughters with all those books from Dobson – I discovered early on that I would a lot rather lose a few little insignificant battles that didn't amount to a hill of beans and win the bigger war. So I gave in on some non-essentials that I really didn't want to, but they didn't amount to anything. So there's a time to give in, but there's also a time then to reach out. And if you want to know the beautiful illustration of this, we were all in conflict with God. As you mentioned ago, we've all sinned and come short of the glory of God. We're all in conflict with God. So this is the story of the gospel. Christ came to mend the broken relationship. Christ came to reconcile us to God. Christ came to reconcile that conflict resolution. And so what did he do and how did he do it? Those four things. He backed off. See him in Gethsemane's garden the night before the crucifixion, neat those old olive trees, backed off, prayed, took in so he could give out at Calvary. If it's possible, Lord, let this pass from me. Nevertheless, not my will, but yours. Then secondly, we see him after backing off, standing up. He stood up before Caiaphas. He stood up before Annas. He stood up before Pontius Pilate. And then we see him giving in. Nobody pushed him or shoved him up the Via Dolorosa. He went as a lamb for the slaughter, willingly laid down. And finally on the cross, with arms outstretched, we see him reaching out as though he were saying, whosoever will may come. And through him, we can be reconciled to God.
And the Lord will forgive and embrace and love. But it requires something on your part. We confess our sins.
He's faithful and just to forgive us and cleanse us of all unrighteousness.
Hey, tell me that phrase again that I said I didn't understand in the beginning. Never cut what you can untie. All right. And related to the strings? Right.
Related to conflict resolution. Take the time to untie those broken relationships.
What's the next point from your book, The Nehemiah Code?
Well, we talk about how Nehemiah let go without letting up. The secret to what he did was his ability to delegate and to use other people. He let go without letting up. He was the master of this. He set clear objectives. Some of us are trying to rebuild businesses or churches. Set some clear objectives with specific tasks if you want people to be on your team. Let them know what to do. Pick the right person for the right job. So often we put the right person in the wrong job or the wrong person in the right job. Somewhere there's a job that each of us can do.
Can you imagine Nehemiah setting out to rebuild a wall?
What is it, 14, 18 feet thick?
Well, anybody that's been to Jerusalem has seen those stones.
And they still last today even though they were torn down.
Yeah, right.
Well, he was a builder. And, you know, there's another principle I call yak. I like that. I got it from John Madden.
I know about this one.
Nehemiah would use this because it's a secret to rebuilding. You know, John Madden was an NFL coach and then color commentator on football games, NFL games. One of the best. One of the best. He coined an acronym, YAC, he called it. Yards After Contact. And it was the amount of yards that a running back, after he was hit initially the first time, how he moved forward, didn't crumble on the ground, didn't fall to the ground, how he kept moving forward toward the goal line. And from the time he was hit to where he went down, that was a new stat called yak. And this is exactly what Nehemiah did, because rebuilders deal with conflict head on. When they get hit, and we're all going to get hit, they don't just crumble or fumble the ball. They keep moving. They keep moving forward. They make some proper adjustments. They keep doing what's right. They rally their troops to greatness.
I love that. YAC, Y-A-C, Yards After Contact. Every great runner keeps going when he's been hit. And he carries sometimes three or four or five people with him and sometimes across the goal line.
And, you know, we're all going to face opposition. If you're not facing opposition from the devil, you're going in the same direction he is. So we're going to face opposition. And it's all a matter of how we deal with it.
Our country is in the midst of conflict right now. And some people have given up. They sit down. Nehemiah did that to start with. He sat down and thought about it. But he got up and went and built a wall. And I think where we are now, we really ought to be doing some of that kind of thinking. I agree 100%.
That's what the Nehemiah Code is about. It sets a pathway to us to rebuild anything. What did he eventually do? Did he finish the wall? In 52 days, the wall was completed. He finished strong. And the way he finished strong, actually, was that he stayed off the side streets by keeping focus, and he stayed off the sidelines by being faithful. And, you know, you and I both have seen people that, when they're running the last lap of life, fall on the track. Right. And I don't know about you, and I do know about you, but I know about me also. And one thing I want to do is I want to finish strong. I want to be like Nehemiah, get the job done, finish strong. God's given me a task to do, and that's exactly what I want to be about. You know, there's one of the secrets that I've found in my life. It came from a question that's actually in the Jesus Code, 52 Scripture questions every believer should answer in this code series. And it's the question that was asked in Isaiah 50. Does anyone fear the Lord anymore? Is there anyone who still fears the Lord? And you know, Dr. Dobson, if there is a forgotten subject in the church, it's the fear of God. How long has it been since you heard a sermon on the fear of God? How long has it been since you heard somebody teach on the fear of God? It's a forgotten subject. And the fear of God is not the fear that God is up there and has this big club of retribution. If we say something wrong or do something wrong, he's going to pound us over the head with it. We have to walk on eggshells. It's not the fear that God's going to put his hand on us. The fear of God is the fear that God might take his hand off of us. And if people would just live with that concept every day.
You know, instead of fear, I don't want to edit the Bible, but instead of fear, I think of the word awe.
Well, that's the word for fear in the Bible, reverential awe. In fact, in the book of Acts, it says that the early church was walking in the fear of the Lord and the comfort of the Holy Spirit, and they were multiplied. So, you know, they were walking in the fear of the Lord. They were living in this environment of the fear of the Lord that they didn't want to do anything that might cause God to take his hand of a blessing off him. All those Old Testament prophets lived in the fear of God. Noah, by fear, moved the ark, Hebrews 11 says. Moses. But he was going to the promised land. What does the Lord require of you, Deuteronomy 10? He asked him. But to fear him as you go. Joshua got the end of his life in chapter 24. His last words to his people. Now then, fear the Lord and serve him in all faithfulness. The Proverbs woman, 31. We bring her out every Mother's Day and make all the women feel guilty because they can't measure up to her. But the secret of her life is way down in verse 31. A woman who fears the Lord, she shall be praised. It's all through the Gospels.
It is.
Everywhere throughout Scripture. It's all through the book of Acts. It's all through the epistles. Submit yourselves one to another in the fear of the Lord, the Bible says. In fact, this is the way that we keep from sin. Proverbs 16, 6 tells us that by the fear of the Lord, one departs from evil. You know, there's a supernatural principle there that if you walk in the fear of God, he'll keep you from sin. What about Moses at Sinai when he talks about the fear of the Lord? It's all through the Bible. It'll keep us from sin. When we're walking in the fear of the Lord. God gives us a supernatural ability to overcome our sinful desires. I'll tell you something else he'll do. He'll give us supernatural wisdom to know the Word of God you're talking about a moment ago. Psalm 25, 14 says, By the secrets of the Lord are for those who fear him, and to them he'll reveal his covenants.
You know, I heard my dad say many times that never forget. And never doubt that the universe has a boss. Exactly. And he's not a winking, blinking grandfather who gives you everything you ask for. But he calls us to righteousness. Exactly. He calls us to stand for truth.
And that same God hasn't abdicated his throne. His eyes still run to and fro over this whole world to show himself strong in behalf of those whose hearts are fixed on him.
That's what worries me about our country because we have forgotten that fear, that awe. No question. And it's all through scriptures. If you read it, it'll speak to you.
Yeah, no doubt about it. In fact, I would challenge your listeners that in your normal devotional time, every time you come across that concept, fear of God, circle it in your Bible, you'll be shocked. how many times it's there. And again, if our listeners today could just understand that the fear of God is not the fear God's going to put his hand of retribution on us, but the fear that he might take his hand of blessing and anointing off of us. And if we'd walk in that environment, it'd make a difference in what we do, what we say, where we go, and all those things of life. And we'd understand, as Nehemiah, that it's never too late for a new beginning.
You are preaching still today in many places, aren't you?
I am. In fact, I just ran into some of your friends at Scottsdale Bible the other day, and I preached at Michael Youssef's. Jay Snyder's a wonderful guy. I just was out at Church of the Apostles in Atlanta with Michael Youssef. I preach at First Baptist Dallas, my old church still, four or five times a year. Dr. Jeffers is so good to have me back. And so, yeah, but this is God has enlarged my coast. And I'd encourage people if they want to know more about all the code books or mission dignity to go to and they can get all the information.
Let me remind people of what they are. You've written the Joshua Code, the Jesus Code. The James Code, the Daniel Code, the Believer's Code, the Christmas Code, and the linkage between all of those and the Nehemiah Code is taking a stand for what's right and what God has to say. Put it into your words. I'll put it into Joshua's words in Joshua 1.8.
This book of the law shall not depart out of your mouth, but you shall meditate on it day and night in order that you may do all that is written therein, and then you'll make your way prosperous. Then you'll have good success. So these codes are just about getting us, not getting us into the Word of God, but getting the Word of God into us.
You know, one of the great pleasures of what the Lord has allowed me to do here is meeting people like you who come in, and I learn from every one of you. And you have been a blessing to me today, and I know to all of our listeners. The title of the book we've been talking about is The Nehemiah Code. It's Never Too Late for a New Beginning. Dr. O.S. Hawkins. You took a lot of time to come and be here. Thank you. Let's do it again. I'd love to. Thank you so much. God bless you, friend. Thank you, brother.
Well, just like Nehemiah's careful work of rebuilding Jerusalem's ancient walls, we too are called to be rebuilders in our own time, whether that means repairing broken relationships, strengthening our communities, or restoring what's been lost in our culture. You've been listening to Dr. James Dobson's Family Talk. and a hope-filled conversation about rebuilding and renewal featuring Dr. Dobson and his special in-studio guest, Dr. O.S. Hawkins. Now, if you missed any portion of today's broadcast, or if you'd like to share it with a friend or loved one, visit forward slash family talk. That's forward slash family talk. And once you're there, you'll find the complete program, both parts one and two, along with information about Dr. O.S. Hawkins' book called The Nehemiah Code. And by the way, if you're looking for more practical ways to strengthen your family, we've partnered with the Bible app by YouVersion to bring you free, easy-to-use reading plans that fit your busy schedule. Each plan offers Dr. Dobson's trusted insights on marriage, parenting, and family life delivered right to your phone or tablet. Ready to get started? Well, simply open the Bible app and then search for Dr. James Dobson or JDFI, more family talk, and discover resources that can transform your family one day at a time. Well, I'm Roger Marsh, and from all of us here at Family Talk, thanks so much for listening. Be sure to join us again next time right here for another edition of Dr. James Dobson's Family Talk, the voice you trust for the family you love. This has been a presentation of the Dr. James Dobson Family Institute.
Family Talk is a Christian non-profit organization located in Colorado Springs, Colorado. Founded in 2010 by Dr. James Dobson, the ministry promotes and teaches biblical principles that support marriage, family, and child-development. Since its inception, Family Talk has served millions of families with broadcasts, monthly newsletters, feature articles, videos, blogs, books and other resources available on demand via its website, mobile apps, and social media platforms. The Dr. James Dobson Family Institute (JDFI) is a Christian non-profit organization located in Colorado Springs, Colorado. Founded initially as Family Talk in 2010 by Dr. James Dobson, the ministry promotes and teaches biblical principles that support marriage, family, and child-development. Since its inception, Family Talk has served families with broadcasts, monthly newsletters, feature articles, videos, blogs, books, and other resources available on demand via its website, mobile apps, and social media platforms. In 2017, the ministry rebranded under JDFI to expand its four core ministry divisions consisting of Family Talk, the Dobson Policy and Education Centers, and the Dobson Digital Library. Dr. Dobson's flagship program, "Family Talk," is aired on more than 1,300 terrestrial radio outlets and numerous digital channels that reach millions of people each month.
In this inspiring episode, Dr. Dobson and Dr. Hawkins discuss The Nehemiah Code, emphasizing its message that it’s never too late for a new beginning. Explore how Nehemiah's biblical account can inform our approach to leadership, teamwork, and personal growth today. Listen as they highlight the importance of building strong foundations and fostering community to overcome life's obstacles.
Well, hello everyone. I'm James Dobson and you're listening to Family Talk, a listener-supported ministry. In fact, thank you so much for being part of that support for James Dobson Family Institute.
Well, welcome back to Family Talk. I'm Roger Marsh, and on today's program, we're going to hear part two of a fascinating conversation featuring Dr. Dobson and his guest, Dr. O.S. Hawkins, former pastor of the historic First Baptist Church in Dallas, Texas, and president emeritus of Guidestone Financial Resources. On our last broadcast, Dr. Hawkins shared about his ministry helping retired pastors through Mission Dignity, and he introduced his popular series of code books that help believers dive deeper into Scripture. Today, he'll take us into the powerful story of Nehemiah, showing us how this ancient tale of rebuilding Jerusalem's walls offers practical wisdom for anyone seeking a fresh start in life. Now, these insights come from Dr. Hawkins' book, The Nehemiah Code. It's never too late for a new beginning. Through the story of Nehemiah, we'll discover timeless principles for starting fresh. whether we're rebuilding relationships, restoring faith, or seeking a new direction in life. Dr. Hawkins will remind us that with God's help, genuine transformation is always possible. And now let's rejoin Dr. James Dobson for part two of this inspiring conversation here on Family Talk.
Dr. Hawkins, thank you so much for being with us again today. I love the program we did together last time. And we've got a lot more to talk about related to your book, The Nehemiah Code. It's never too late for a new beginning. And what I... love about this book is that I really love the story of Nehemiah. But I want to take that story back before you start with the book to how we pick up Nehemiah in Babylon. He was a cupbearer for the king, wasn't he?
To King Artaxerxes, yes. And the beautiful thing about Nehemiah, what I like to remind people is he wasn't a preacher. He wasn't a prophet. He wasn't a theologian. He was not a theologian. He was a civil servant. He had a civil service job as cupbearer to Artaxerxes with all the fringe benefits, retirement benefits, everything, and he left it all to be the rebuilder of the broken walls. You know, after the death of King Solomon, as you know, the kingdom of Israel divided into a northern kingdom and a southern kingdom. In the northern kingdom, They were ruled by all wicked kings. There wasn't one good king among them. And in 722, the Assyrians took them away into captivity, and they never returned. The southern kingdom— Did Nebuchadnezzar's army do that? No, that was the Assyrians in 722. In 586, then, to the southern kingdom, Nebuchadnezzar came and besieged Jerusalem. in a horrible siege, and they destroyed the city, broke the walls down, burned the gates, and they took the brightest Jewish minds they could find back to Babylon.
Daniel was one of them.
Daniel, Shadrach, Meshach, Abednego, and others. And they took them back to re-educate them. They tried to change their language. They tried to change their literature. All those things you can read about in the book of Daniel. And so after a period, the Persians broke the Babylonian supremacy. A remnant had returned to Jerusalem to rebuild the walls, and they got so discouraged that they quit. And Nehemiah heard a report that Jerusalem was a reproach, and the walls were still broken, the gates burned. And he went to the king and begged permission to go back to Jerusalem, and he was granted. And Nehemiah went back to Jerusalem. He made a midnight ride on a horse around the walls, and he wept over the ruins. He did. And he began fasting. He fasted and prayed before the God of heaven, the Bible says. And then he moved and mobilized that remnant that was there that for years had left that city dormant. And in 52 days, they rebuilt the city. And there's some incredible evidence. applications there to how any of us, whoever we are, whatever our circumstance, can rebuild our own broken lives. Because as the subtitle of the book says, and the message of Nehemiah is this, it's never too late for a new beginning.
And that's exactly what he did and began building the wall. And it wasn't that he didn't have opposition. Sanballat, as I recall, was out on the edge of town, and he was making fun of him.
He said if a fox runs up on it, it'll fall down. Sanballat and Tobias and others, he faced incredible opposition. But he kept focused. He kept going forward. The book is divided into several sections of what you need to do to be a rebuilder. First of all, you've got to get started right. And that's what Nehemiah did. Rebuilders get started right. They make an honest evaluation of the situation. They identify with the need. They take personal responsibility. And then they move out of their comfort zones. You know, we live today in comfort zones. Some of us don't have anything to do with anybody unless they're in our socioeconomic level. or political level, or whatever, educational level. So he got started right. Then the second thing he did, he built a team spirit. And that is so vital in rebuilding. He was a great organizer, wasn't he? He was a credible organizer. And if I had a pencil in my hand right now, a wooden pencil, I could easily break it. But if I put two or three together, it's exponentially more difficult to break. We call that synergy. That's what he did. You know, the Bible says if one can chase 1,000, two can chase 10,000. He understood and recognized that we all need each other in the rebuilding process. So he built this team spirit of those around him. He started with his goal in mind, seized his opportunities, and motivated his people to get off a dead center. One of the most important things he did, he was an example himself. You know, the greatest leadership principle I know in or outside the Bible, and there are millions of leadership books, I suppose. But Gideon, in Judges 7-7, he got his army down to 300 people, as you remember, and was going out to fight thousands of the Midianite host with that little army. And the last thing he said to them, he turned to them in Judges 7-7 and said, do as I do. It's the greatest principle of leadership, I know, because eventually, those of us in leadership, the people on our team are going to do what we do. And so this was one of the real secrets of Nehemiah. He was there with them. He was putting those stones in with them. He was building. He was up and down the lines, showing them appreciation. One of the greatest motivating factors in the rebuilding process is to give people a pat on the back. To say they're appreciated. Let them know that they're appreciated. This is what Jesus did. He went around.
And do as I do.
Yeah, and do as I do. This is what Jesus did. He went around affirming people. Affirmation is vitally important.
You know, a related passage in Scripture. related to Nehemiah is found in the book of Ezra. And Ezra was a priest. And they got in there. This is a wonderful passage. I think it's in the 10th chapter of Ezra. And Nehemiah had to be close at hand. And they got into the ruins of of Jerusalem and came across the scrolls, and they began reading them, and their eyes were opened to their sin, and they were marrying foreign wives and so on. And there was a platform there, and Ezra got up on that platform. and began reading the scrolls.
Just read the Word of God.
And their eyes popped open, and they began weeping. If there's a moment in Scripture, or one of them, that I would most like to have been there, is to be there when this repentance, this revival broke out through the people. And they say, we sinned against the God of heaven. And they fell on their faces, and Nehemiah was weeping. And that was the beginning of the energy that helped to rebuild the wall, wasn't it?
And as the Bible says, it's not my word, God said, like a hammer that breaks a rock to pieces. And when the word of God goes forth, not just in Ezra and Nehemiah's day, but in our day, When we get the word of God into our heart, it makes a huge difference.
Don't you wish that spirit would spring across this country and that people would say, oh, I didn't know that was in the Bible. I didn't know what I was doing. Was that wrong? We have sinned against God. Forgive us, Lord. We repent of our sin.
Exactly. And that's really the motivating factor that I have behind all these code books, because every one of them go to the Scripture, because it's the Bible. It's the Scripture that brings conviction. You know, there's a lost word in our Christian vocabulary, conviction. When Peter stood up and read from Joel and illustrated it with some Psalms on the day of Pentecost and preached that great Pentecostal proclamation, do you remember what it says? It says their hearts were cut. They fell under deep conviction, and that only comes from the Word of God. You know, another thing about Nehemiah was how he dealt with, I call it, rebuilders never cut what they can untie.
You know, I read that, and that didn't ring true to me. I didn't know what you meant by that, but now I do. Explain it.
Well, you were a little boy in Fort Worth, and so was I. And in my block over on the east side of Fort Worth, there was an old vacant lot on that block. And that was our ball fit. It was like Yankee Stadium to me and my buddies on Crenshaw Street. And we'd play ball up there. And there was one kid that would come to that vacant lot. And he would always have – he had a pair of black canvas high-top tennis shoes. This was back in the 50s when I was a boy. And those shoes would only be laced up halfway up to the top. And there'd be several eyelets at the top unlaced because he was so impatient that when he would get a knot in his shoelaces, instead of taking the time to untie them, he'd take his pocket knife out and just cut them off. And that's the way a lot of people do in relationships. They don't want to take the time and the effort and the energy to untie those knots that get into a relationship. So they just come along. And for some people, it's easier just to cut them off. And that's why they go from one relationship to another, to another, to another. But when you're rebuilding relationships, You never cut what you can untie. Conflict resolution is a vital important of Nehemiah's story because conflict will tear your team apart. It doesn't matter whether it's at church or at home or in business or wherever. And so Nehemiah, there were four things he did to resolve conflicts. And timing was everything. He said there's a time to back off. There's a time to stand up. There's a time to give in. And there's a time to reach out. You know, some of us don't know when those times are. Some of us, all we do is stand up when we have a conflict and just get in somebody else's face and just move in like a bull and a child. Some of us, just all we do is back off, and we never even deal with it. There's a time to back off and seek God's counsel. That's what I mean about it. But there's also a time to stand up for what's right, and there's a time to give in. You know, when we were raising our daughters with all those books from Dobson – I discovered early on that I would a lot rather lose a few little insignificant battles that didn't amount to a hill of beans and win the bigger war. So I gave in on some non-essentials that I really didn't want to, but they didn't amount to anything. So there's a time to give in, but there's also a time then to reach out. And if you want to know the beautiful illustration of this, we were all in conflict with God. As you mentioned ago, we've all sinned and come short of the glory of God. We're all in conflict with God. So this is the story of the gospel. Christ came to mend the broken relationship. Christ came to reconcile us to God. Christ came to reconcile that conflict resolution. And so what did he do and how did he do it? Those four things. He backed off. See him in Gethsemane's garden the night before the crucifixion, neat those old olive trees, backed off, prayed, took in so he could give out at Calvary. If it's possible, Lord, let this pass from me. Nevertheless, not my will, but yours. Then secondly, we see him after backing off, standing up. He stood up before Caiaphas. He stood up before Annas. He stood up before Pontius Pilate. And then we see him giving in. Nobody pushed him or shoved him up the Via Dolorosa. He went as a lamb for the slaughter, willingly laid down. And finally on the cross, with arms outstretched, we see him reaching out as though he were saying, whosoever will may come. And through him, we can be reconciled to God.
And the Lord will forgive and embrace and love. But it requires something on your part. We confess our sins.
He's faithful and just to forgive us and cleanse us of all unrighteousness.
Hey, tell me that phrase again that I said I didn't understand in the beginning. Never cut what you can untie. All right. And related to the strings? Right.
Related to conflict resolution. Take the time to untie those broken relationships.
What's the next point from your book, The Nehemiah Code?
Well, we talk about how Nehemiah let go without letting up. The secret to what he did was his ability to delegate and to use other people. He let go without letting up. He was the master of this. He set clear objectives. Some of us are trying to rebuild businesses or churches. Set some clear objectives with specific tasks if you want people to be on your team. Let them know what to do. Pick the right person for the right job. So often we put the right person in the wrong job or the wrong person in the right job. Somewhere there's a job that each of us can do.
Can you imagine Nehemiah setting out to rebuild a wall?
What is it, 14, 18 feet thick?
Well, anybody that's been to Jerusalem has seen those stones.
And they still last today even though they were torn down.
Yeah, right.
Well, he was a builder. And, you know, there's another principle I call yak. I like that. I got it from John Madden.
I know about this one.
Nehemiah would use this because it's a secret to rebuilding. You know, John Madden was an NFL coach and then color commentator on football games, NFL games. One of the best. One of the best. He coined an acronym, YAC, he called it. Yards After Contact. And it was the amount of yards that a running back, after he was hit initially the first time, how he moved forward, didn't crumble on the ground, didn't fall to the ground, how he kept moving forward toward the goal line. And from the time he was hit to where he went down, that was a new stat called yak. And this is exactly what Nehemiah did, because rebuilders deal with conflict head on. When they get hit, and we're all going to get hit, they don't just crumble or fumble the ball. They keep moving. They keep moving forward. They make some proper adjustments. They keep doing what's right. They rally their troops to greatness.
I love that. YAC, Y-A-C, Yards After Contact. Every great runner keeps going when he's been hit. And he carries sometimes three or four or five people with him and sometimes across the goal line.
And, you know, we're all going to face opposition. If you're not facing opposition from the devil, you're going in the same direction he is. So we're going to face opposition. And it's all a matter of how we deal with it.
Our country is in the midst of conflict right now. And some people have given up. They sit down. Nehemiah did that to start with. He sat down and thought about it. But he got up and went and built a wall. And I think where we are now, we really ought to be doing some of that kind of thinking. I agree 100%.
That's what the Nehemiah Code is about. It sets a pathway to us to rebuild anything. What did he eventually do? Did he finish the wall? In 52 days, the wall was completed. He finished strong. And the way he finished strong, actually, was that he stayed off the side streets by keeping focus, and he stayed off the sidelines by being faithful. And, you know, you and I both have seen people that, when they're running the last lap of life, fall on the track. Right. And I don't know about you, and I do know about you, but I know about me also. And one thing I want to do is I want to finish strong. I want to be like Nehemiah, get the job done, finish strong. God's given me a task to do, and that's exactly what I want to be about. You know, there's one of the secrets that I've found in my life. It came from a question that's actually in the Jesus Code, 52 Scripture questions every believer should answer in this code series. And it's the question that was asked in Isaiah 50. Does anyone fear the Lord anymore? Is there anyone who still fears the Lord? And you know, Dr. Dobson, if there is a forgotten subject in the church, it's the fear of God. How long has it been since you heard a sermon on the fear of God? How long has it been since you heard somebody teach on the fear of God? It's a forgotten subject. And the fear of God is not the fear that God is up there and has this big club of retribution. If we say something wrong or do something wrong, he's going to pound us over the head with it. We have to walk on eggshells. It's not the fear that God's going to put his hand on us. The fear of God is the fear that God might take his hand off of us. And if people would just live with that concept every day.
You know, instead of fear, I don't want to edit the Bible, but instead of fear, I think of the word awe.
Well, that's the word for fear in the Bible, reverential awe. In fact, in the book of Acts, it says that the early church was walking in the fear of the Lord and the comfort of the Holy Spirit, and they were multiplied. So, you know, they were walking in the fear of the Lord. They were living in this environment of the fear of the Lord that they didn't want to do anything that might cause God to take his hand of a blessing off him. All those Old Testament prophets lived in the fear of God. Noah, by fear, moved the ark, Hebrews 11 says. Moses. But he was going to the promised land. What does the Lord require of you, Deuteronomy 10? He asked him. But to fear him as you go. Joshua got the end of his life in chapter 24. His last words to his people. Now then, fear the Lord and serve him in all faithfulness. The Proverbs woman, 31. We bring her out every Mother's Day and make all the women feel guilty because they can't measure up to her. But the secret of her life is way down in verse 31. A woman who fears the Lord, she shall be praised. It's all through the Gospels.
It is.
Everywhere throughout Scripture. It's all through the book of Acts. It's all through the epistles. Submit yourselves one to another in the fear of the Lord, the Bible says. In fact, this is the way that we keep from sin. Proverbs 16, 6 tells us that by the fear of the Lord, one departs from evil. You know, there's a supernatural principle there that if you walk in the fear of God, he'll keep you from sin. What about Moses at Sinai when he talks about the fear of the Lord? It's all through the Bible. It'll keep us from sin. When we're walking in the fear of the Lord. God gives us a supernatural ability to overcome our sinful desires. I'll tell you something else he'll do. He'll give us supernatural wisdom to know the Word of God you're talking about a moment ago. Psalm 25, 14 says, By the secrets of the Lord are for those who fear him, and to them he'll reveal his covenants.
You know, I heard my dad say many times that never forget. And never doubt that the universe has a boss. Exactly. And he's not a winking, blinking grandfather who gives you everything you ask for. But he calls us to righteousness. Exactly. He calls us to stand for truth.
And that same God hasn't abdicated his throne. His eyes still run to and fro over this whole world to show himself strong in behalf of those whose hearts are fixed on him.
That's what worries me about our country because we have forgotten that fear, that awe. No question. And it's all through scriptures. If you read it, it'll speak to you.
Yeah, no doubt about it. In fact, I would challenge your listeners that in your normal devotional time, every time you come across that concept, fear of God, circle it in your Bible, you'll be shocked. how many times it's there. And again, if our listeners today could just understand that the fear of God is not the fear God's going to put his hand of retribution on us, but the fear that he might take his hand of blessing and anointing off of us. And if we'd walk in that environment, it'd make a difference in what we do, what we say, where we go, and all those things of life. And we'd understand, as Nehemiah, that it's never too late for a new beginning.
You are preaching still today in many places, aren't you?
I am. In fact, I just ran into some of your friends at Scottsdale Bible the other day, and I preached at Michael Youssef's. Jay Snyder's a wonderful guy. I just was out at Church of the Apostles in Atlanta with Michael Youssef. I preach at First Baptist Dallas, my old church still, four or five times a year. Dr. Jeffers is so good to have me back. And so, yeah, but this is God has enlarged my coast. And I'd encourage people if they want to know more about all the code books or mission dignity to go to and they can get all the information.
Let me remind people of what they are. You've written the Joshua Code, the Jesus Code. The James Code, the Daniel Code, the Believer's Code, the Christmas Code, and the linkage between all of those and the Nehemiah Code is taking a stand for what's right and what God has to say. Put it into your words. I'll put it into Joshua's words in Joshua 1.8.
This book of the law shall not depart out of your mouth, but you shall meditate on it day and night in order that you may do all that is written therein, and then you'll make your way prosperous. Then you'll have good success. So these codes are just about getting us, not getting us into the Word of God, but getting the Word of God into us.
You know, one of the great pleasures of what the Lord has allowed me to do here is meeting people like you who come in, and I learn from every one of you. And you have been a blessing to me today, and I know to all of our listeners. The title of the book we've been talking about is The Nehemiah Code. It's Never Too Late for a New Beginning. Dr. O.S. Hawkins. You took a lot of time to come and be here. Thank you. Let's do it again. I'd love to. Thank you so much. God bless you, friend. Thank you, brother.
Well, just like Nehemiah's careful work of rebuilding Jerusalem's ancient walls, we too are called to be rebuilders in our own time, whether that means repairing broken relationships, strengthening our communities, or restoring what's been lost in our culture. You've been listening to Dr. James Dobson's Family Talk. and a hope-filled conversation about rebuilding and renewal featuring Dr. Dobson and his special in-studio guest, Dr. O.S. Hawkins. Now, if you missed any portion of today's broadcast, or if you'd like to share it with a friend or loved one, visit forward slash family talk. That's forward slash family talk. And once you're there, you'll find the complete program, both parts one and two, along with information about Dr. O.S. Hawkins' book called The Nehemiah Code. And by the way, if you're looking for more practical ways to strengthen your family, we've partnered with the Bible app by YouVersion to bring you free, easy-to-use reading plans that fit your busy schedule. Each plan offers Dr. Dobson's trusted insights on marriage, parenting, and family life delivered right to your phone or tablet. Ready to get started? Well, simply open the Bible app and then search for Dr. James Dobson or JDFI, more family talk, and discover resources that can transform your family one day at a time. Well, I'm Roger Marsh, and from all of us here at Family Talk, thanks so much for listening. Be sure to join us again next time right here for another edition of Dr. James Dobson's Family Talk, the voice you trust for the family you love. This has been a presentation of the Dr. James Dobson Family Institute.
Join Dr. James Dobson on this enlightening episode of Family Talk as he engages with Dr. O.S. Hawkins, a renowned figure in Christian ministry. Discover the remarkable journey of Dr. Hawkins from being a senior pastor to leading Guidestone Financial Resources, where his Mission Dignity program brings hope to retired pastors and their widows. The discussion revolves around the transformative power of faith, drawing wisdom from the biblical story of Nehemiah and how it can inspire us to rebuild important aspects of our lives.
Welcome everyone to Family Talk. It's a ministry of the James Dobson Family Institute supported by listeners just like you. I'm Dr. James Dobson and I'm thrilled that you've joined us.
Well, welcome to Family Talk, the broadcast division of the Dr. James Dobson Family Institute. I'm Roger Marsh, and today we're joined by a beloved voice in Christian ministry, Dr. O.S. Hawkins, former senior pastor of the historic First Baptist Church in Dallas, Texas. After many, many years in the pulpit, Dr. Hawkins followed God's call to lead Guidestone Financial Resources, where he has helped transform the lives of retired pastors and their widows through their Mission Dignity program. Dr. Now, you may know Dr. Hawkins from his popular Code series of devotional books, including The Joshua Code, The Jesus Code, and our topic for today, The Nehemiah Code. In today's conversation with Dr. Dobson, Dr. Hawkins will share an encouraging word about new beginnings, drawing wisdom from the biblical story of Nehemiah. Whether you're looking to rebuild relationships or start fresh in any other area of your life, you will not want to miss what these two doctors have to say on this most important topic. Let's get into this conversation right now on today's edition of Dr. James Dobson's Family Talk.
Doctor? We are so pleased and honored to have a man here that many of you will recognize because his name is very well known in Christendom. He is Dr. O.S. Hawkins, who for years was the head pastor of of the historic First Baptist Church in Dallas, Texas, where Dr. W.A. Criswell was the beloved pastor for 50 years. I love that church. I've spoken there. Of course, Dr. Robert Jeffress is the senior pastor now, but Dr. Hawkins holds a doctorate of ministry from Luther Rice Seminary, and he's working on a PhD now at Southwestern Seminary, which will make him the oldest earner of a Ph.D. in the history of the school. Is that right? I think that's pretty close. And you're about to work on your dissertation. I am. Well, you're a Texan. I'm a Texan. We had dinner together, and I found out I really like you. I mean to tell you, I would like to be your friend for the rest of my life, and it would be just a pleasure to have you here again because you have the same values and the same beliefs that I do, and we have walked a similar path. And it's a pleasure to have you here. You flew here to be with us today. And God is blessing your life, isn't he?
He is. And let me just say, for my wife Susie and myself, in the library of people we've always loved and respected, you and Shirley are way up there on the top shelf, because we couldn't have raised our girls back in the 70s and the 80s without Dare to Discipline, without Hide or Seek, and especially without The Strong-Willed Child. Susie told me today that she got that book out and looked at it again, and It's tear-stained all the way through it.
Well, you've got to bring her here the next time you come. I shall. You have two daughters.
We have two daughters. And they're grown. Wendy and Holly. Wendy is an attorney. She and her husband are both attorneys in Dallas. They have two children. And then Holly, our youngest, is an author with Thomas Nelson with Children's Devotionals. And she's married to a young man who's one of the ministers at Prestonwood Baptist Church in Dallas.
And they have four children. That's Dr. Jack Graham's church. It is. I've been there, too. I have in front of me a copy of the cover of Holly's book, I Can Learn the Bible. Gave a plug to that book some years ago, and I hope that it hasn't disappeared.
No, you did, and she is greatly appreciated. She has that, and then she also has the children's devotional called I Can Learn to Pray, and they're incredible books for teaching our kids. You know, as parents, we want to teach our kids to learn the Bible. We want to teach them to pray. Sometimes we don't know how, and these are books that just help hold hands with parents and help them really know how they can lead their kids to do that.
those things well you are no longer a pastor but you're working in a church context and in a way that is extremely helpful primarily to widows but to pastors and others who are having difficulty financially but describe for me what your application of the ministry is now
In 1997, I left the pastor of the First Baptist Church in Dallas, where I love those people to this day and have such great memories of my days and years there. I left there to become president of Guidestone Financial Resources. It is a Christian evangelical mutual fund that serves 250,000 different participants over 300 years. Christian universities, 40,000 churches with all kinds of financial service needs. We're the world's largest Christian screen mutual fund. You just slurred past that, but say that again. Guidestone is the world's largest Christian screen mutual fund, $16 billion under assets right now. And we just received a few years ago from Lipper and Morningstar in New York, the number one mutual fund. in the country beating out 242 other mutual funds with assets of $40 billion and below. And so we're proving that you can keep your Christian values and still not sacrifice excellence in the investment arena.
So our Guidestone Funds— That means you don't invest in any known association with—
Our investment policy is that we don't invest in companies that are publicly recognized to be involved in alcohol, gambling, tobacco, abortion, pornography, or any other issues like that that are abhorrent to our Christian values.
Now, you call this a ministry, and there's a reason for it. I alluded to it earlier explained.
Right. It's a ministry because we serve these pastors and churches. You know, our goal is to get a couple of these generations on our watch to vocational retirement with enough financial security that they don't have to be on somebody else's relief roll, that they can have enough financial security, they can volunteer for ministry and missions all over the world, because we also serve a lot of folks who don't have that privilege. We have a ministry called Mission Dignity. Dr. Dobson, we're on a mission to bring dignity to some forgotten folks, and that's retired pastors, and in most cases now, they're widows. Average age is about 85 in our program, living at the poverty level. These are folks who pastored out in the crossroads of life in seemingly forgotten places, lived in a church-owned home all their ministry, never made enough to get by much less.
Many of them didn't even get Social Security because the church couldn't pay for it.
Right. And they couldn't get by because they had no money to prepare for retirement. They were just trying to live from week to week and paycheck to paycheck. And so we come alongside them in their declining years. Ten years ago, we raised enough money to give them, I'm talking about thousands of people in this program, to give them $50 a month extra. But we've raised so much money recently, that the neediest among them now get $630 a month. One little pastor's widow, 87 years old, wrote me recently and said, I get to eat at night now, and it's not just a piece of toast. Isn't that unbelievable? Yeah. So to be Christ-hand extended to these people, it's close to the heart of God. In the book of James, the Bible tells us that pure and undefiled religion is this, to take care of widows. And that's all through the Scriptures. It's woven throughout the Scriptures, and it's our privilege to be Christ's hand extended. The beautiful thing about this program... is that we have endowed years ago all the expenses of the program. So everybody that works in the bookkeeping of it, everybody that works in the development program, all their salaries are paid out of this endowment. All the printed materials that we provide for the people, even the stamp that goes on the check to thousands of these people each month is paid for out of that endowment so that everyone who gives to Mission Dignity knows that every single penny they give goes to them. And we've raised $150 million. Wow. in the last 10 or 15 years for this. And all the royalties to my books, we have a code series of devotional books with Thomas Nelson.
And we're going to talk about that today.
Yeah, they've sold over a million and a half copies in the last three or four years. And the reason I can talk about that is because all the royalties to all those books also go to these precious people in mission. You know, there's a baby boomer generation that's coming into retirement, and they're not prepared for retirement. And they're getting a double whammy. Some of them still have... aged parents that they're trying to take care of. And at the same time, they've got kids that are 30 or 40 years old that many of them are still providing for. So we've got a whole situation with mission dignity where we continue to grow it because of the growing need that's there. I would like everybody to remember that name. Say it again. Mission Dignity. Yeah, you can go to and click. There's a page there. You can click on Mission Dignity. Just listen to a few of the videos of these people and learn more about the program there.
Well, I'm glad we had a chance to talk about that. We're actually here to talk about your book. And you mentioned that you have written a number of books. And the linkage to them all is the word CODE, C-O-D-E. And those books are? The Joshua Code, the Jesus Code, the James Code, the Daniel Code, the Believer's Code, the Christmas Code, and the Easter Code, and the one we're going to talk about today, the Nehemiah Code. What is the linkage between all this?
I believe that there are nuggets of truth in Scripture, in these books of the Bible, that really, when they're mine, can give us a code to live on and to live by. And so these are all devotional books. And the secret to them, Dr. Dobson, is in the subtitle. For example, the first one is the Joshua Code. And the subtitle is 52 Scripture Verses. every believer should know. So it's a devotional book for a year where you take one verse of Scripture, memorize it that week. You know, Scripture memories are a lost art in Christian living. Memorize that verse that week. There are devotional helps on it there through it. And it's a year-long devotion. It comes from Joshua 1.8 that says, shall not depart out of your mouth, but you shall meditate on it day and night in order to do all that is written therein. Then you'll make your way prosperous. Then you'll have good success. So what I found was that there were a lot of people who wanted to get into the Word of God. They just didn't know where to start. They start in the book of Genesis, and by the time they get to Leviticus, they're bogged down. Or if they start in the New Testament, they get to Matthew, and they can't pronounce four-fifths of the names in the genealogy in Matthew 1. So I picked out 52 verses in the Bible. If you know these verses, you're going to know the message of the Bible. And if you know these verses, there are 52 verses I believe every believer should know before they go to heaven. And it had such success, it sold several hundred thousand copies, that we followed it up with the Jesus Code. Do you know, one of the things, I was reading through the Gospels just devotionally, and I was astounded by something interesting. I'd seen a hundred times before, but never really seen, if you know what I mean. And that was the numbers of times Jesus asked questions in the Scripture. He was always asking questions. Now, He didn't need answers. He was omniscient. He knew everything. But 150 questions are recorded in the Gospels that escape the lips of our Lord. It dawned on me that there are 52 Scripture questions every believer ought to answer before they go to heaven. And so we wrote the Jesus Code. Again, it's a devotional book, take you through a year, with 52 questions. If a man dies, shall he live again? All these questions in the Bible, most of them from the lips of Jesus. Who do you say that I am? That people ought to know before they get to heaven. And then we followed that up with the James Code of Practical Principles for Christian Living, the Daniel Code, how to really live in this culture, Daniel Code. was taken out of a culture that he lived in. And much like many of us, we're living in a new culture around us today and how he thrived in it. Then we have the Believer's Code, which is a 365-day devotional. And what's really taken off is the Christmas Code. And the Christmas Code is an Advent devotional, 25 sermons from December 1 to 25. And in the back of it is the plan of salvation, plainly experienced, where somebody could put their faith and trust in Christ. And it's a little paperback. There's a church in Syracuse, New York, wrote me, and they bought 9,000 of them and put them on every door ever. in a certain mile radius of their church with an invitation to their Christmas Eve service. That church runs about 800 or 900 in worship. 1,900 people showed up to their Christmas Eve service, and hundreds of people came to know.
Well, you left the pastorate for another assignment, and yet you're probably preaching, quote-unquote, to more people now than you were then.
In the pulpit. I preach almost every Sunday in the pulpit somewhere around the country. But through the printed page, God has just enlarged my coast and my sphere of influence. You know, there's an incredible verse of Scripture in 2 Corinthians 10-13. It says that God has assigned to us an area of influence. Now think about that. Somewhere there's somebody that every one of us can reach like no one else can because God has assigned an area of influence. Now you were a track star in high school. Oh, no. Well, you ran track with Bobby Morrow, the Olympic champion. That's him. Okay. But you ran track. Okay. So when the Corinthians were reading this and they saw that, they would have immediately jumped to their feet when they saw that Greek word Paul used to say that God has assigned an area of influence. It's the same Greek word that they would use in those Grecian games or we would use in track meets to describe a lane in which you're to run. When you run a relay race or you run in a track meet, you're assigned a lane and you can't get out of that. If you get out of that lane, you're disqualified and you have to run that race in that lane. And that's the word Paul used to say that God has assigned to every one of us a an area of influence. And so I want to just say this about you. You know, the word influence comes from two Latin words, in and flow. And the word picture is of this mighty river that's flowing vibrant and crystal clear and with a deep current, and into it run these little tributaries and streams and creeks that flow into it and are carried away in its flow. And that's where we get our word influence. And so I'm thankful to be here today because I'm one of those people of the millions that got caught up in Jim Dobson's flow. in that area of influence God assigned to you.
That brings tears to my eyes because the truth of the matter is I can't take the credit for it. The Lord was doing something, and it was a shock to me all the way along as to what was happening. And the fact that he could use me, you know, Shirley and I were just college kids that got married and we really didn't know where the Lord was taking us. Although I was headed for graduate school, I knew what I wanted to do there. But it's just been amazing how doors have opened. And whenever I've gotten to a barrier, it has moved. And I couldn't do that. There's nothing I could do. And so it's almost scary to me to take the credit for what's taking place.
Well, the last chapter in the new Nehemiah Code that we're going to talk about in a moment is about finishing strong. And if anybody's ever finished strong, you and Shirley certainly are finishing strong. And, you know, going back to influence. In fact, I wrote a book that all the royalties also go to mission dignity called VIP. You know, that acronym. We couldn't exist in our vocabulary in English if we didn't use acronyms. I mean, we were talking about education a while ago. If you want to go to college to earn a BA, you better have a good GPA and you better score well on the SAT or you're not going to get a BA and then can't get an MA. You know, we're being protected by the CIA and the FBI right now. Now, April 15th, the IRS is going to come knocking on my door. I'm cancer-free today because of a test called PSA test. I use the ESV because I think the NIV is a little too eclectic. We live by acronyms, and no acronym has muscled and maneuvered its way into English vernacular more than that one, VIP. Very important person, because being important is the life goal of a lot of people. But I've changed that acronym because I think it's supposed to mean VIP. very influential person. You know, the world has a way of forgetting those people that deem themselves important, but we have a long memory when it comes to those who've influenced our lives. And so VIP, and I want to say this about you before you cut me off, because if you're going to be a person of influence, a VIP, those are the three things that are vital. V is for vision. People who influence others know where they're going. People don't follow people that don't know where they're going. I Somebody says, well, that ought to be intellect because knowledge is power. Somebody says it ought to be intensity and passion. No, it's for integrity. I've known a lot of people with a lot of great intellect had no integrity and aren't in the race anymore. And P is for purpose. They don't just know where they are going and who they are. They know why they're here. And Jim, the one thing about you is this. You've lived your life knowing where you were going, who you were, and why you're here. And because of that, God has enlarged the scope of your ministry, and even to this very day. My goodness.
Again, that's very touching to me, and the Lord's blessed you in the same way, and continues to do so.
I'm simply saying what millions of people would say if they were sitting in the microphone, having the opportunity to say thank you.
I heard you speak at the Ruth Shanahan's funeral. This was, what, two years ago?
Two years ago.
And was very impressed by what you had to say there. She was a great lady, wasn't she?
She was a wonderful lady. Came from a wonderful lady by the name of Mary Crowley, her mom. And I just got through preaching her brother, Don Carter's funeral here the other day. But Ruth Shanahan's one of the greatest women I know. And she loved two organizations. She loved three organizations. She loved our First Baptist Church in Dallas. She loved the Billy Graham Association, and she loved Jim and Shirley Dobson. And she gave her life to those organizations and her money to those organizations.
She helped support Shirley's work in the National Day of Prayer as well as ours. So I love her for a bunch of reasons. Your book, again, is called The Nehemiah Code, but the subtitle is very important. It's never too late for a new beginning. A new beginning reminds me of Ronald Reagan, because when he was inaugurated all over town, there were these billboards and signs saying, A New Beginning. And we had one. And we did have one. And this book really comes back to that phrase in many of the illustrations and points that you make.
And you know, no matter who we are, what we've done, where we live— It's never too late for a new beginning. You know, there are a lot of people needing a new beginning. There are people who've lost their self-confidence looking for a new beginning. People have been divorced and they're trying to start over. They need a new beginning. People have lost a spouse. It opens the page of a new chapter, a new beginning in their lives. Churches are looking to reach revitalized new beginning. Businesses are needing a new beginning. Coaches are rebuilding teams. Rebuilding process is something that touches every single one of us. And while many people just look at Nehemiah for the leadership principles that are there, what I believe the book is really about is the fact that it's never too late to rebuild our lives. It's never too late to rebuild the broken walls and the burned gates of our lives and have a second chance.
That new beginning often involves repentance and reconciliation and forgiveness, doesn't it? You start there. I mean, none of us is perfect. We have all sinned and fallen short of the glory of God. And he can take whatever mess you've made out of your life and make it new.
You're in the middle of the bullseye because broken relationships, for example. There's an offending party and there's an offended party. In most cases, there's a little bit of both of us in all of them that get broken. But by and large, there's an offending party and an offended party. So two things have to happen for a new beginning. There must be, as you just said, a spirit of repentance on the part of the offending party. But there also has to be a spirit of reception on the heart of the offended party. And as a pastor for decades, one of the things I found in dealing with people's lives and broken relationships was often it was more the folks that just couldn't bring themselves to accept the fact the person had repented and received them back than it was the people that didn't repent to mend the broken relationship. So those two things are vital in doing that for sure. And forgiveness is the key.
And we have just barely started the conversation about the Nehemiah Code, and the time is gone. You've flown here. Will you stay long enough to do another program with us? In a drop-dead, heartbeat minute. Well, we've got a lot to talk about here, and I can't wait to get into it. Great. I appreciate you. I appreciate your kind words to me, but they rebound from me to you immediately. And the life you've lived, you've lived a life of integrity and purpose. And thank you for being true to the gospel and to the one that we love, Jesus Christ. And he's continuing to bless you. Let's leave it there and pick it up next time. Wonderful. Wonderful.
Well, you've been listening to Family Talk and an inspiring conversation featuring our own Dr. James Dobson and his guest, Dr. OS Hawkins, about finding new beginnings through God's grace. These powerful insights remind us that it's never too late to rebuild, whether it's in a relationship, our faith, or our purpose in life. Now, if you missed any part of today's broadcast or if you'd just like to share it with someone who needs this message of hope, go to forward slash family talk. And keep in mind, you can also access this program on the JDFI app as well. Well, today's program about hope and new beginnings and others like it are made possible through the generous support of friends just like you. If today's conversation about God's transforming power has touched your heart, would you consider partnering with us? Your tax-deductible donation of any amount helps us continue broadcasting biblical truth to families all across America and all over the world. You can make a secure donation online when you go to That's Or give us a call at 877-732-6825. And before we leave for today, I want to remind you about a helpful way to receive daily encouragement from Family Talk, and that's by signing up for our free reading plans on the Bible app by YouVersion. Whether you're waiting in the carpool or taking a quiet moment before bedtime, these brief devotionals offer practical wisdom for your family journey, featuring topics like a mother's impact on her children, Now, the plans are designed to fit your busy schedule while helping you build a stronger family on God's foundation. To access these free reading plans, simply open the Bible app on your phone or tablet and search for JDFI, the Dr. James Dobson Family Institute. These bite-sized devotionals might be just what you need to bring fresh biblical perspective to your daily routine. I'm Roger Marsh, inviting you to join us again next time for part two of Dr. Dobson's powerful discussion with Dr. O.S. Hawkins. That's coming your way next time right here on Dr. James Dobson's Family Talk, the voice you trust for the family you love. This has been a presentation of the Dr. James Dobson Family Institute.
Join the conversation as Dr. James Dobson and Dr. Carol Swain delve into the fascinating journey of faith, academia, and mentorship. Dr. Swain, who emerged from the depths of poverty, shares her inspiring story of overcoming insurmountable odds to earn multiple degrees and become a university professor. Along the way, she found her true calling in Christ, transforming her life and mission.
Hello, everyone. You're listening to Family Talk, a radio broadcasting ministry of the James Dobson Family Institute. I'm Dr. James Dobson, and thank you for joining us for this program.
Well, welcome to Family Talk, the broadcast division of the Dr. James Dobson Family Institute. I'm Roger Marsh, and today we're continuing a remarkable conversation featuring Dr. Dobson and Dr. Carol Swain. Now, Dr. Swain grew up in rural poverty as one of 12 children, often missing a lot of school simply to survive. Later, she would go on to earn not one, but five college degrees and also teach at some of America's most prestigious universities. But academic success and professional accolades left her searching for something more. So stay with us right now as Dr. Swain shares her extraordinary journey from poverty to PhD right here on Family Talk. Doctor?
Well, those of you who were with us yesterday heard the story, the early home life and experience in college of Dr. Carol Swain. And she had just graduated from when we got to that point at the end of the program. If you didn't hear that broadcast, you really ought to find it on the Internet. I mean, it's just an app away and listen because you're going to really be moved by what you're going to hear today. But it begins with what we said yesterday. Carol, thank you for being back with us. And I want to tell you a story. You told me one yesterday. I had a friend named David Hernandez. David came out of utter poverty in Mexico, and his father was a Christian, a Seventh-day Adventist Christian, and the whole family was Christian, but they had no resources, none, and they were hungry. And they swam the Rio Grande River and made it into the United States. Those who are concerned about illegal entrance into the United States, before you get too angry about that, listen to this story. Reverend Hernandez didn't have food for his family. and couldn't find a job of any type in the United States. So he went to the governor's mansion in Arizona and sat around on the grounds knowing that that man had to come out at some time. And when the governor came out, Mr. Hernandez went to him and said, sir, we're not asking for food. We don't want money. We want a job. Will you give us a job? And he gave them a job. And they began working the potato crop and other crops up and down the state of California. They lived under trees. They had an oil drum stove. And little David was the oldest son. He had never lived in even a chicken coop because they lived out under the trees. You know, you can imagine that little boy being out there. No schooling, no resources, no one to really help him except he was a believer in Jesus Christ. Well, the Adventists saw him out there and gave him a scholarship, and he began going to an Adventist school. And like you, he was brilliant. And he was able to do the work. And he went on at the top of his class, graduated from high school, and went to Loma Linda University, which is an Adventist university, and then to USC School of Medicine and to Loma Linda University School of Medicine. Graduated at the top of his class. went on and became an OBGYN, I think world known, and my friend. And who would have believed that humble little family, you know, with nothing, really nothing, would go on to produce a child who would become just a highly competent physician in that way. That story reminds me of you. in a way, because that is, in essence, what has happened to you. You graduated from college. We heard that last time. And then you began working through graduate school. Tell us that story.
Well, I never anticipated that I would become a university professor. And when I embarked, you know, my college career, all I was thinking about was I had been in bad situations, a bad marital situation. I just wanted to earn enough money, you know, to be able to take care of my children. And so I earned the four-year degree in criminal justice. When I thought about my career options, I knew I did not want a law enforcement career. I thought I would do public administration. So I went to Virginia Tech to get my next degree, and I assumed that it would be – that I would work for the government, and my degree was in political science. But once I got there, professors took an interest in me, and they started encouraging me to go to graduate school. So I applied to graduate school, to UNC and to Duke. I got admitted to the University of North Carolina and started the Ph.D. program there. And while I was there, I was mentored by people that didn't look like me. I gave conference papers. I did whatever they told me I needed to do to be successful, which was come up with original ideas, give conference papers. And I did all of that. By the time I was graduating, I was known across the country as I was able to go on to the job market with my own short list of schools. I got a signing bonus. To be a professor. To be a professor. But growing up as a child, I thought you had to be rich to go to college. And how I see God's hand is that he put people in my life that steered me and circumstances steered me. Becoming a university professor is like the last thing I would have chosen because I didn't know anything about being a professor.
Well, Carol, you turned out to be an outstanding student in all of the schools. You have, what, five degrees now?
Yes, I do.
And one of them is a Ph.D. from North Carolina University. In what?
In political science.
So when I introduced you yesterday as Dr. Carol Swain, that's because you do hold an earned Ph.D. from a big university.
Yes, I have a Ph.D. from University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill and two master's degrees, one from Virginia Tech and the other from Yale in law.
Who would have believed that little girl that you used to be? who didn't go to school 100 and something days per year because of circumstances, would actually earn a Ph.D. from a major university and then go on to be a professor at Princeton.
That was where I got my tenure, my first job, and then I went from there to Vanderbilt. And so I've been at two elite institutions. But to me, the greatest miracle is that I was so painfully shy as a child and throughout my young adulthood that I would literally forget how to speak. And God removed that shyness after I had my Christian conversion experience.
You would write the words out of your lecture.
I would write the words out, and in college I would write down the question I was going to ask or the comment, and I would read it, and my voice would be quivering, and I would clutch the lectrum. If someone asked me my name, I'd be so nervous I would freeze. I would forget it. And the Lord impressed on my mind that he had given me a message that was bigger than me. As long as I focused on him, I could deliver the message. And since then, I would say that I've given thousands of interviews starting in the early 2000s on radio, TV, print, because I believe that God has called me to be a spokesperson to speak truth to power. And I learned a lot along the way about role models because the people that God has used in my life were not people that looked like me. They were white. They were... In almost every case, they were male, they were older, and they were conservative, and they really instilled in me this belief that I could do anything. And I did not see myself as handicapped, disadvantaged, because I was black, I was poor, I was a woman, I had children. Part of that time I was divorced. I did not see myself as handicapped.
And then how did you come to know Jesus Christ?
I became a devout believer late in my life, in my 40s, and this was after I had won national prizes and had been very successful in academia as a professor. Once I got to tenure, I would say that God yanked a rug out from under my feet because nothing I had accomplished brought me satisfaction. I won the highest prize in my profession, the Woodrow Wilson Prize for Best Book in Politics in the United States. It competed nationwide. And, um, I was the first black and the second woman to win that prize. And I won the prize for the best book on Congress. I was a co-winner of the V.O. Key Award for Best Book on Southern Politics. This was my first book. And I was earning more money than I ever imagined I would be earning. I should have been happy, but I was not happy. Those prizes and that recognition did not fill those empty places. God used students in my classes as well as secretaries, staff people, that I always had a heart for those people because, I guess, because of my background. But he was always after me, and he won.
Tell me about that experience. Yeah. Do you remember just literally, consciously opening your heart to Him?
Well, I mean, it was like a long journey, I would say, of just seeking and being interested in spiritual things. But I was in a medical hospital in Princeton in 1997, where I had an experience that I felt as if my life was being played out in front of me with a narrator, and that narrator was showing me different points in my life, telling me to choose. And I felt like, you know, the narrator was showing that, you know, sometimes I was good. Sometimes I was like an angel. Sometimes I was like a devil. You know, what was it going to be? And I chose Jesus Christ. That was a black Pentecostal chaplain at the Princeton Hospital. And anyone that knows about Princeton would know that that's not the kind of hospital that you get a Pentecostal chaplain, that you might get Catholic or Lutheran, Episcopalian. You don't get black Pentecostal. But he was there. And he talked with me and prayed with me. And there was a cleaning lady that threw a book in my bed, in the hospital bed, about Jesus. And she said, this is all you need. And that Pentecostal pastor arranged for me to get baptized, and I got baptized in the winter in a coal metal tub of what felt like ice water in Trenton. It took me two years later to realize what it meant to be a Christian. And so the two years after that baptismal in that little church place, I was blending Christianity, New Age, and Eastern. I had the Swain religion.
But God was still— The Lord really took you on a journey. Yeah.
He kept sending people to me, and it was like there was no way to get away from it. But I started changing my life. And I had been the kind of person that I always felt the church was full of hypocrites, and I would never be one of those hypocrites. That's how I felt. And— I don't think I would have been comfortable going to a church if I was actively practicing sin. You know, if I was involved in fornication or any kind of big thing that I knew was sin. So my life sort of cleaned up before I knew I was ready to become a devout believer of Christ. And at that point, it all came together for me. I realized that my life did not belong to me, that my life was... Belonged to Jesus. And I knew what it meant to be a follower of Jesus, that everything just totally came clear to me. And I've never looked back. And that was the end of my spiritual journey. journey. And I'm sure that people that have known me all my life waited for the other shoe to drop. And this, my faith in Christ, you know, has been enduring.
You know, we don't have time for the complete story. And there are books that you've written, and there's more to it than we're going to be able to cover. But you have become very conservative in your outlook on life and you've been in a very liberal setting at these major universities where you've been targeted by students, very liberal students and sometimes professors and the local paper and everything that has done everything they could to destroy you. You have stood up against all that. There's a wonderful story there, Carol. And I urge you to write this story. I mean, it's remarkable when all aspects of it are understood. It is just really unbelievable what God has done in your life. And it is a story about him, not you.
It is, and the body of Christ, because I don't think I would have survived had it not been for the prayers of the saints. And that was the biggest thing that came out of my salvation experience is that all of a sudden, you know, I had Christ and I had the body of Christ.
Well, and they have supported you and prayed for you and been with you. And you've had the courage to stand up in a place where not very many people would have survived. And I admire you for that. Now, with our remaining time, I wish there were more. You have written a book called Abduction. And it has to do with what the culture is doing to young people today. Our children, the children of Christian people, are being snatched away. And they have been taught an alien philosophy and theology and way of life, things that are wrong. And this is going on in universities all around the country and even in public schools. And you said to me today, even in private schools.
Yes. I mean, there's clearly a war against the children of believers. And a lot of parents, you know, are very trusting of the educational system. And what they miss is that there are people that have chosen to become teachers in public and private schools. just to get access to the children. And they have an indoctrination, this new morality that moves them away from the Judeo-Christian values and principles that Christian children are taught in Sunday school and by their parents. It moves them towards the humanism, the secularism, the political correctness. And the political left is doing a very effective job of stealing the children of believers.
You saw that firsthand.
I saw it firsthand. And there's so many parents that will tell you that when that child went off even to middle school by Thanksgiving, you see them shifting. And the political left shames the children, you know, and they treat Christianity in such a way that it stigmatizes. And I don't believe that we're doing enough to prepare our children for what they're going to confront in the world. One of the things that's needed is worldview training as well as apologetics, and that needs to be a part of the Sunday school curriculum. And parents need to realize that when they send their children to certain institutions, and there are many institutions that have prestige programs They are cooperating sometimes in a system that will destroy that child and everything they've tried to pour into the child.
Would you recommend? that the people who are listening to us today and have high school graduates and young people that are deciding what to do next, go to those big prestigious schools and allow them to be subjected to the belief system that's alien to what Christians believe. What recommendations do you have to them?
Well, part of my recommendations, you know, has to do with the parents need to educate themselves about, you know, the world system. And even some of the Christian schools are not safe places. Many of the people that I've met whose faith has been destroyed, the children's faith have been destroyed. It happened at a Christian school because when you go there, sometimes you let your guard down. You assume you're with people who are going to share your values. That's not always true. And I think that... Before parents pay their hard-earned money or the money they inherited to send their child to a college and university, they need to make sure that that child is sufficiently grounded in their faith and in their knowledge so that they will not be swept away. Because there is an indoctrination system that's designed to unlearn children. Everything they've been taught about their own values. And so parents need to be informed about what's taking place. And they need to, if they have children that are in public schools or elite private schools, to be quizzing those kids about what they're learning, to be looking at the textbooks, to really be meeting the teachers. Because otherwise, by the time they are made aware, it can be too late.
It's impossible for me. to express how strongly I feel about what you just said. And obviously, I agree with you 100%. Let me clarify to say that there are a lot of great Christian teachers who are giving their lives to transmit their faith to the children who have been sent there and doing, even if they're in public schools, everything they can to defend the things that they believe and that they know their parents believe. So a lot of that goes on, and we can't castigate all teachers for that. But I'm telling you, that's not the norm anymore. The norm, especially in the large state universities, the large prestigious schools, but everywhere today, the culture wants to take your children to hell. And they're working on it every day. And you have to be very, very careful what you subject your children sons and daughters too, not only in colleges and graduate schools, but throughout the educational system, starting in kindergarten.
It is amazing what is being done. And when you talk about stealing their minds away, I have seen it, I believe it, and it scares me to death.
And the professors and teachers who are Christian who are fighting against that system, they find themselves targeted a lot. And, you know, it's very important for us to support them and to use the resources God has given us in a way that we are good stewards, but we're not funding things that are destroying the values of our children.
Dr. Carol Swain has been our guest yesterday and today, and I've enjoyed so much not only hearing about your story, but what comes next. You are speaking and using your influence along the line of what we just talked about with this abduction concern. but other things. God's not through with you yet, is He?
No, He's clearing my schedule, I think, for bigger and better things, and I will be still speaking on university campuses and still trying to help the believers strategize about how to restore, you know, what's left of our Judeo-Christian heritage.
What a fascinating conversation this has been, and I especially seeing what God has done with you from those early, early days. When he was saying to you, you're different, Carol. I've got a plan for you. And I'm going to show you what it is as you go along. He's done that, hasn't he?
He certainly has. One of the scriptures that he has impressed on my mind is Jeremiah 1.5. Before I formed you in your mother's womb, I knew you. And that applies to all of us.
It does. And for those who are listening to us who don't know him, who have not met him, who have not had the kind of encounter, you and I have enjoyed. I would simply pray a simple prayer. You don't have to earn it, do you? You don't have to get out and prove it. All you have to do is accept it. And I trust that the Lord will use what we've been saying these two days to have an influence on thousands of people who are listening to us. Blessings to you, Dr. Swain. Thank you so much. I honor you for what you've done with your life and how hard you've worked to get where you are, but it's only the beginning.
To God be the glory.
Amen. Dr. Carol Swain's journey from childhood poverty to becoming a distinguished professor beautifully illustrates how faith, determination, and mentorship can transform a life. Well, this concludes our powerful two-part conversation featuring our own Dr. James Dobson and a special in-studio guest, Dr. Carol Swain, on today's edition of Family Talk. By the way, if you missed part one, I encourage you to catch up by going online at to forward slash family talk and search our broadcast archives there also don't forget you can spend a few minutes every day gaining wisdom for your family and your marriage with free reading plans from the dr james dobson family institute simply download the bible app by you version on your phone or tablet and search for our ministry jdfi to get started today Well, I'm Roger Marsh, inviting you back next time for another edition of Dr. James Dobson's Family Talk, the voice you trust for the family you love. This has been a presentation of the Dr. James Dobson Family Institute.
Join Dr. James Dobson as he speaks with Dr. Carol Swain about her life story characterized by impressive transformation and triumph. Born into a family of 12 children in a two-room shack, Dr. Swain's challenges were immense. Listen as she recounts her path from dropping out of school to ultimately earning a Ph.D., highlighting the pivotal role of education and faith in her life. This episode is a moving reminder that with perseverance and faith, even the most daunting obstacles can be overcome, leading to a fulfilling life of purpose and success.
Hello, everyone. You're listening to Family Talk, a radio broadcasting ministry of the James Dobson Family Institute. I'm Dr. James Dobson, and thank you for joining us for this program.
Well, welcome to Family Talk. I'm Roger Marsh. On today's program, we're going to hear a story of remarkable transformation, literally from a two-room shack with no indoor plumbing to the halls of academia. Our guest is Dr. Carol Swain, and she grew up as one of 12 children in rural Virginia, facing poverty, family dysfunction, and limited opportunities. And yet, through God's providence and her own determination, she would rise to become an accomplished author and respected professor. Dr. Swain's journey from dropping out of school to earning a Ph.D. reminds us that with faith and perseverance, no obstacle is too great to overcome with God's help. Let's get into this fascinating conversation as she talks with Dr. James Dobson about her story right here on Family Talk.
You're about to meet a woman with a fascinating story to tell. I met her at a conference and she stood up and talked at one point in the meeting. And I was so taken with her that afterwards I walked over and introduced myself. and even mentioned the possibility of your being a guest on the program, speaking to my guest. She is named Dr. Carol Swain. If you don't know her, you should. She's written six books, and she has had quite an experience through the years, and Her journey is unlike anything I've ever heard. Carol, welcome to Family Talk.
Thank you. It's quite a pleasure.
I am delighted to have you here, and I want you to take us back to your childhood and give us a glimpse of, I called it a journey, your journey through life. And it began with you being one of 12 children. children in a state of abject poverty.
Yes, I was born and raised in rural Virginia, a little community called Chambersburg that was so small that, you know, if you batted your eye, you could just pass right through it. And the house that I grew up in, it was, for the early part of my life, it was a two-room shack, pretty much.
Literally a shack.
literally a shack. I have some photographs of it that was taken a few years ago, but it was very tiny, and we had a living room and a kitchen, and the firstborn children slept on the kitchen floor. Later, my stepfather expanded the house to four rooms, and then we had a bedroom for the children, a bedroom for my mother and my stepfather, and there was a Bed for the girls. They all slept together in a bed for the boys. And no indoor plumbing. So six, seven, eight kids per bed? Well, at that time, it was not all 12 had been born. Yeah. And so probably there may have been nine of us that lived in that circumstance. Did you go to school? I did go to school, but in my family, we all dropped out after the eighth grade. And I can remember one year that we all failed school. And we failed because we missed 80 of 180 days. And so it didn't matter that when I went to school and my older sister was We would almost always make A's and B's, even though we missed lots of school. That year, it snowed a lot. We did not have snowshoes or boots, so we stayed home until the snow melted, and that caused us to miss 80 of 180 days, and the whole family failed.
How can you do well academically, Lou, missing that much school and still get A's?
Well, I think it was because, for one thing, I realized more and more just how intelligent my mother was and is. And then my grandmother, that these were people that were very intelligent. But I had access through my grandmother to books, the classics. And these were volumes that she had been given by a lady that she worked for. She was paid one time with a library. And so there was a bookcase that had encyclopedias, the classics, and she would give us access to that. And so even though, you know, I was in this dire poverty in Bedford, Virginia, my grandparents were a little bit better off and we could walk to their house and we could get access to those books. And for some reason, my older sister and I, we just did very well in school.
You know, that reminds me of Dr. Ben Carson, whose mother insisted that he read. If a kid will read, he can overcome an awful lot of handicaps.
I certainly will agree with that. And back then, living in the country, there wasn't a whole lot to do. And you didn't have all the competition that young people have today with the Internet and just various things competing for their time. But I was an avid reader, and I suppose my older sister as well. And we did extremely well in school. even though we missed a lot. And I can remember times when teachers would crack jokes, like maybe I'd walk into the classroom and the teacher would say, look, we have a visitor today, or look who showed up today. And if other students laughed, I can remember her saying, what are you laughing at? She knows more than you do, and you're here every day.
Obviously, you were a very bright kid.
I think so.
And your life since those days has proved it because you've gone on academically to do things that no one would have anticipated. Now, how difficult was it for you to live in a dysfunctional family like that? Your real dad, your biological father, left early, and your mother divorced your stepdad soon after that.
Yeah, I don't remember when my mother lived with my biological father and she had three children by him and they divorced. And so I had a stepfather. And in those circumstances, you know, it was difficult. Did you feel poor? I knew. It was very vivid. I knew I was poor. Were you embarrassed by that? We were teased in school. And at the time I started school, it was during the era of segregation, and so we went to a black school, and later that school was integrated. But during the time that I was there, we were the poorest of the poor. It was always that way. And we would be teased for all sorts of reasons. For one thing, my maiden name, was Payne, P-A-Y-N-E. And so that lent itself to quite a few jokes independently. None of them funny. None of them funny. And they would laugh at the lunches, if you didn't have sliced bread. Back then, you know, my mother, she would make biscuits and put whatever she had in the biscuits. And to avoid being teased, we would eat our lunch either before school or after school. And we never had our hair fixed, you know, straightened. Back then, you know, black children that came from middle-class families, they had their hair straight. We had plaits and, you know, torn clothes, and I'm sure we were dirty. I'm sure we were smelly. We were the kids that were poor, and we knew we were poor. And what I can remember is that we act today like bullying is something that was just discovered. I can attest to the fact that bullying has always been around.
It has, and it's still as painful as it ever was.
It is.
Did you change your name to get away from that word pain? No.
I didn't mind leaving pain behind.
Well, you're a beautiful woman today and a very intelligent person. And life has not been easy for you, though, has it?
No, I mean, when I think about my life, there's been so much pain and suffering. I married at 16, not because I was in love, but to get away from home. And even before I married at 16, at some point, the circumstances, my mother was an alcoholic, stepfather, they would fight every weekend. And there was one particular fight that sort of seared in my mind. And And in the minds of some of my siblings, where my stepfather was chasing my mother with an axe, and we were screaming, you know, trying to keep him from killing her. And he eventually broke one of her legs, and she has polio. And so she was always a small woman. But my oldest sister and I went to live with the father we didn't know in our early teens. At some point, you know, he got sick. And I literally went to the juvenile authorities and filed a petition to be placed in a foster home because at that point I knew some children that were in foster homes and I thought that was better. So I filed the petition, and what happened was other members of my family turned on me because they thought that the social workers would take all my mother's children away and that even though I was in a bad circumstance, they made me feel tremendously guilty for having done that. The day of the court hearing, all I did was cry. I didn't talk at all. And so the judge said I could live with my grandmother. And I lived with her for a little while, but that was not a good solution. And so my next wise idea was to get married at 16. And I remember that I was not old enough to get married when I made the decision. My mother had to sign the paperwork. And I didn't marry at that time thinking that I would ever want to get out of it. I was so thrilled. that anyone would have me. And I married a man that lived next door to me. By this time, we'd moved into the city. He purchased my first store-bought clothes at a high-end women's store.
And so they were falling off my— You had never bought clothes before.
No, and they were falling off my little girlish frame because they were women's clothes. And so they were high-end, but they didn't fit very well. Ha, ha, ha.
You moved into town. How many of the 12 kids in your family successfully got out of poverty? How many of them went on to have successful lives?
They've all struggled, and their children have struggled. And there are several that are working, but we all dropped out of high school after the eighth grade. No one went through the system and graduated with a high school diploma. But three of us have high school equivalencies. My oldest sister has a high school equivalency and one of my siblings. And The sibling that has it, he got his while he was in jail and he sent it to me, his prized possession. And he's someone very intelligent. But it's like when the odds are stacked against you and. Our family was downwardly mobile. It's almost impossible to get out. And so I have been extremely blessed in the sense that for some reason, you know, God did set me apart, and he opened doors for me, and I was the only one to reach college. And I've had, you know, a very successful life within academia.
Yeah, I want to talk about that in a minute. But you always felt... a little bit different from the rest of the kids.
You told me you felt like you'd been parachuted in from outer space somewhere because you didn't seem to fit the mold.
Yeah, I can remember my earliest memories of myself. And my mother said I used to hide behind furniture and peer out. I guess I had a lot of fear, but it was like I had been dropped from outer space. I was observing, you know, these people live their lives and I was part of them, but I was not part of them. And from my earliest memories, I remember feeling like there's something I'm supposed to do. And today as a Christian, I would say that it was the call on my life that somehow deep down I knew that there was something I was supposed to do. It didn't make any sense to me. But I always had that sense of urgency and a sense that there was something I was supposed to do and that I was watching these people. And, you know, at some point I had a fantasy life to sort of— endure in those circumstances. But I was in the family, but not of the family.
You said that on the bus, on the way to school, you would fantasize about who you really were.
Yeah, I had a fantasy life. And in my fantasy life, you know, this is probably embarrassing and my enemies could use it against me, but I've always shared the truth about it. I used to fantasize that I was this rich white male named David. And David grew up as I grew up because this was over a period of years. And so when I was a kid, he was a kid. And then when I was a teen, he was a teen. And he was rich and he was powerful. And so even though I was trapped in that poverty, I had that mode of escape, and I sort of could go into my fantasy world while I was on my way to school, on the bus, and on my way back home, which is probably a 45-minute ride.
When did you first become aware that God was alive, God was real, and that He also was watching you?
Well, my first... experience with God that I knew that there was a God was when I was Probably 12, 11 or 12. I remember being in a church program. Now, we were not regular churchgoers, but my grandmother was a pastor's daughter. And every now and then she would do something. And so she did a program, a church program, and she put her grandchildren in it. And I had a poem to recite one Easter. And as I was standing on the stage reciting my poem, The sun came through the window and it shone on me in such a way that I knew there was a God. And I knew I wanted to serve him. And when I got down off the stage, I told people I wanted to get baptized. I didn't get baptized at that point. And then life went on. But that was the first encounter that I remember with God. And growing up, I've always known that there was something bigger than me guiding my life, but I would not have said it was Jesus Christ. I just always knew that there was more than what I was hearing from people around me. And some of what I heard from people around me was... You know, you've probably heard these things. There's no such thing as spirits. Yet I knew that there was a spiritual world, and I don't know how I knew that there was a spiritual world, but I always knew that there was more than what I was being told.
Wouldn't it have been wonderful if a little church nearby had come knocked on your door and got acquainted with you and befriended you and your family? and then introduced you to Christ, because you were sitting duck for him. You were waiting there for him to come along.
Well, I mean, here's what happened. Shortly after that experience in the Methodist church with the Easter program, there was a knock on my door, and it was Jehovah's Witnesses. And they started a Bible study with me. And so part of my teen years was spent in affiliation with them. And I have mixed feelings about that experience. I can see the fact that it was a cult. And I broke away from them, you know, in my early, late teens, early 20s. I broke away from them.
Yeah. So even though you dropped out of high school, you later got a GED, a general education degree.
I did. And Part of the teen years was lots of depression, lots of suicide gestures where I would take bottles of pills and I would call someone and sort of set up my rescue. I guess suicide gesture is the right way to describe it because, no, it was a cry for help. And doing one of those suicide gestures, the doctor, he told me I was intelligent, I was attractive, I could do more with my life. And it stunned me because I had forgotten that I used to be smart. I had forgotten that when I was in school that I had been smart. And I was so embarrassed that I only had a high school equivalency. By that time, I'd had two children. And every time I gave birth, I had to put down the highs. Education of the mother, highest grade completed. And I was so embarrassed to put down eighth grade. When the doctor said that to me and reminded me that I was smart and around this time, my high school class was graduating, the class I would have graduated with. And I certainly knew a lot of the people that were graduating weren't as smart as I was. I learned about the high school equivalency, the GED. And when I learned about it, I was too young to take the test because Virginia had a law that you had to wait until you were 20. But I took the test. I scored really high on everything except math. And that gave me a sense of accomplishment. And 1975 was a turning point year for me. And it was the year that Jehovah's Witnesses had taught that the world would end. I left them before the world was supposed to have ended on October 14th. I had already broken off association because at that point I didn't care. I got my high school equivalency. I had a daughter die of a crib death, and I filed for a divorce. And sometimes when I tell my story, I say my world ended in 1975. 1976, I started college, and the rest was like history for me.
How did you get accepted to college?
Well, it was a community college, and I was making C's without trying. And when I decided to study, you know, I started making the dean's list. And I graduated within the two-year period with a degree in business. That was not my choice. I wanted to do commercial art because I've always been artistic. I wanted to do art. I was told to be practical. And so my practical decision was to take business merchandising. So I graduated with that business degree and started applying for jobs. And I kept being told that I needed a four-year degree to be a store manager. I wanted to manage a store. I also noticed that as I was filling out the job applications that I didn't have enough stuff to distinguish myself. I didn't have many awards. I didn't have these accolades for the application. I'd been on the dean's list twice. So I decided I would get the four-year degree. I went through the college catalog of Roanoke College, which is a Lutheran school, looking for the major that had the least amount of math, and that was criminal justice. And I chose that as a major. But I also made a decision that I would be an honors student, and I graduated from Roanoke College magna cum laude. Did you really? Yeah. I did. And I was inducted into the highest honor societies they had. And later when they got Phi Beta Kappa, I was inducted into that. And I started a scholarship there for minorities that was meant to be an academic scholarship. And I did all of that, even though I was still working at the community college library full time. And this is God's story in the sense that I had favor at that community college library because I was willing to work nights and weekends. I started as a work-study student. The regular employees would call out, you know, sick, or they didn't show up. There would be a crisis about who's going to work at night. I would always volunteer to work. So a full-time position was created for me nights and weekends in circulation, and I was able to keep that job for five years, go to the four-year college, full-time, and do my homework at night and take my children to the library when I needed to. And I see that as God's provision.
You know, Carol, this story of yours really is a story about God and His intervention in your life. You and I were standing in the hall before we came into the studio, and I told you that I thought one of the most incomprehensible things in my life through the years has been that God, the creator of the entire universe, who knows every secret, who is omniscient, who is all-knowing, all-caring, and created this universe that, as far as we know, runs at least 30 billion light years in all directions from the earth. Imagine that. And that's probably not even the start of it because he's infinite and his universe is infinite. And yet, and yet, he knows me. David said, who art thou that you are mindful of us? I can't comprehend that. How did he come to know and care about Carol Swain? Why would he care? Why would he waste his time on us mere mortals? But he does, and he cares about everybody. And he was looking for you and a relationship with you when you didn't even know it. And you were in sin, and you were not looking for him. And yet he was there. That's a story in itself. But he was not through with you, Carol. And he's not through with you yet. And your story is not complete. And we're going to get right back into it tomorrow because it is a wonderful story of God's intervention and God's love here. And I know you love him with all your heart now, which is what I saw in that first encounter with you at a conference not too long ago. Thank you for being our guest today. And tomorrow we're going to pick up with the story with you graduating from college. And now what? Thank you for being with us.
Thank you.
Dr. Carol Swain's story of finding hope through education and faith reminds us that even in life's darkest valleys, God's hand is always at work, weaving a greater purpose than we can see in that moment. Friend, you're listening to Dr. James Dobson's Family Talk and part one of Dr. Dobson's inspiring conversation with Dr. Carol Swain. Be sure to join us again next time when Dr. Swain continues to share her story. You will not want to miss the conclusion of her powerful testimony of God's faithfulness. Now, if you'd like to listen to today's broadcast again or share it with a friend, simply visit forward slash family talk or download the free JDFI app from the Apple or Android store to access this and other great content. Looking for more wisdom for your family? Well, access free reading plans on parenting, discipline, and more when you search for the Dr. James Dobson Family Institute in the Bible app by YouVersion. You can do that today. Well, I'm Roger Marsh inviting you back for part two of Dr. Dobson's conversation with Dr. Carol Swain. You'll hear the conclusion of her journey from poverty to PhD coming up right here next time on the next edition of Dr. James Dobson's Family Talk. This has been a presentation of the Dr. James Dobson Family Institute.
Explore the heartwarming and challenging journey of Pastor Rob McCoy as he navigates personal trials, faith-based triumphs, and an unwavering commitment to pro-life values. With insights from Gary Bauer and the ever-influential words of Dr. James Dobson, this episode highlights pivotal moments that underscore the true meaning of family, courage, and the relentless pursuit of a community that values life.
You're listening to Family Talk, the radio broadcasting division of the James Dobson Family Institute. I am that James Dobson, and I'm so pleased that you've joined us today.
Well, welcome to another edition of Dr. James Dobson's Family Talk. I'm Roger Marsh, and joining me in studio today for a very special program is Gary Bauer. Gary's our Senior Vice President of Public Policy here at the Dobson Policy Center. And today's a very special day. It is March for Life Day. It's Sanctity of Life Day. And Gary, we're going to get into a presentation here that you and I both got to experience last fall at an event here in Colorado Springs that's one of the most powerful declarations for the need for family, ministry, The Sanctity of Human Life, all packed into a 13-minute presentation. I don't know how Rob McCoy did it, Gary, but it's really powerful.
You're right, Roger, and it's always good to be on the air with you as we discuss these issues that are so important to men and women of faith, those of us that believe in faith, family, and freedom. And you're right, we had the honor of listening to this live. The audience was mesmerized when the pastor talked about his own experience with the the sanctity of life issue in a way that wasn't theoretical. It was real.
One of the beautiful things about what we're about to hear is it's a message from Pastor Rob McCoy, who has spent more than two decades as senior pastor of God Speak Calvary Chapel in Thousand Oaks, California. And he has recently, just as of Christmas time, announced that he's moving into more of an emeritus role with the church, kind of stepping away from the regular full-time responsibilities. But he has such a passion for ministry. He has such a passion for community. If you were listening to yesterday's edition of Family Talk, you heard the first part of this presentation where Rob was talking about what motivated him to keep his church open during COVID and to run for city council and actually wound up becoming the mayor of Thousand Oaks simply because he felt this heart for community and that kind of community engagement. But one of the things that he's going to speak to as we are talking about the sanctity of human life is the dignity of human life and something that he experienced potentially as a father who might have been participating in an abortion, but also someone who has his own sanctity of life story too, Gary, and it really drives it home. You mentioned this isn't just theoretical for Rob McCoy. This is his life's journey.
Yeah, you know, it's one thing to memorize all the pro-life talking points that we have, you know, the development of the child in the womb, and very effective and very true, and it ought to inform our decisions. It's quite another thing if you're actually a woman with a pregnancy that wasn't planned and a point in your life when you weren't ready for this and you don't know how you're going to handle it, or in the case of... Pastor McCoy, when you may be the father of a child that you weren't anticipating and how you wrestled with that, then it becomes the way we all live our lives, right? It's not textbook. It's all the emotions and being torn, and we know what's right, but we're tempted to do something that's wrong because it's a special situation, and on and on it goes as fallen human beings try to rationalize on an issue like this. But the bottom line is the Bible is very clear. God says, I put before you life and death, so choose life so that you and your children may live. And Pastor McCoy's story is a great example of that very clear biblical injunction.
Well, today, as we celebrate the March for Life that'll be happening in Washington, D.C. today and all throughout the country, as we know that as believers, we worked hard and prayed for the overturning of Roe versus Wade, and it was overturned on June the 24th of 2022. So this becomes a day of real celebration for us here in the pro-life community. But we also understand, too, that for those of us in the body of Christ, there are resources that churches need to be able to kind of get off the sidelines. I mean, there's no bench now in the culture that we're living in right now. Everyone's called to participate. And Gary, your colleague and mine, Dr. Owen Strand, the senior director of the Dobson Culture Center, has put together a brand new powerful pro-life curriculum. Four churches. There's written materials. There's some videos that were shot. You and I were talking before we came on the air today, too, about the fact that Owen just shot these videos right in front of the largest abortion clinic in Louisville that was recently shut down. I mean, the number of abortion clinics that are operational here in the U.S. has dropped dramatically over the past couple of decades. That's a really good sign.
It really is, and Owen is doing a fantastic job. You know, I follow economic statistics and so forth, and if I see that manufacturing plants are shutting down, I think, oh, what are we going to do? We need to be making things. You know, you hear about different – areas of economic life, and they might be shrinking and we get all concerned. When it comes to the closing down of abortion clinics, that is the one shrinkage of an industry that makes me do a little jig in my office, Roger. It means another killing machine, a place where babies are taken to die before they get to breathe one breath. breath of freedom in the United States. I hope eventually they all shut down for lack of business.
Amen. Love to hear that. And the fact that every time we know, as Gary mentioned, if a manufacturing plant goes down, that harms families, it harms the community, it harms individuals because of the loss of work. But when an abortion industry... facility goes down and a pregnancy resource center takes its place, then that means it's good for the community and it's the preservation of life. And when you go to, you can click on the tab for our brand new pro-life curricula. It is printed word. It is also video that, as I mentioned, was shot in front of the formerly largest abortion clinic in Louisville, which has now been shut down. And it's very, very powerful and compelling. It's will motivate your parishioners into action. Well, let's get into this presentation now. This is actually part two of Pastor Rob McCoy's presentation here on Family Talk. Yesterday on the broadcast, if you were with us, and if you didn't get a chance to hear it, you can always use the Family Talk app or go to and listen to the first part of the program. But what you'll find is that Rob was talking about how important it was for him as a pastor to get involved in the community, which eventually led him to run for city council. We're going to pick it up at that point here because this is when the topic of the conversation turned dramatically, talking about Rob's own story of not only facing an unplanned pregnancy as a parent, but realizing that that unplanned pregnancy part was also part of his personal story as well. Let's get into it right now on this edition of Dr. James Dobson's Family Talk.
I stood in defiance of the governor and of the county. And I was scared. But I'd already been in a place where I was scared. I had been trained for this. I came to Christ and I wasn't raised in a Christian home. My mom and dad were good. They were physical conservatives and socially liberal. My mom worked hard for the Republican Party. My dad had three tours of Vietnam. He was a tender man. My mom was a hard-working woman. Neither of them were Christians. I never grew up praying in my home or reading the Bible with my folks. And when I came to Christ in college, I didn't know what to do. I found the radio, and I came across Focus on the Family with a familiar voice. And in the absence of my father not pouring into me Christian wisdom, Dr. Dobson became in loco parentis. He was the dad that would have that fireside chat as I'd drive in the car. When I graduated, I became, amen. When I graduated, I went into sales for Helene Curtis and then Cheeseboro Ponds and Unilever and rose in the ranks. And before I was a Christian, I'd met a really beautiful gal when I was a lifeguard down in San Diego and Coronado. And I'd met her. And she would send me a birthday greeting every year. And she always had a boyfriend. I had a girlfriend. So we were never connected. But she's the only person I ever carried a picture of in my wallet. I couldn't get her laughter out of my mind. She's just contagious. Well, I end up becoming a Christian in college. I get discipled by a cotton farmer. I was in Fresno State. It's the Harvard of the San Joaquin Valley. I majored in eligibility as an athlete. I'm kidding. I actually picked up Victor Davis Hanson in a plane and he was getting on the plane. I said, I took a class from you. And he goes, I remember you, you were an athlete. I said, yes, sir. Not a good student. But I was discipled by a cotton farmer and he discipled me and my roommate and we grew leaps and bounds. I memorized scripture, went through the entire navigator study. I started a Christian fraternity. It was a national fraternity. I started a chapter at Fresno State. It's still there to this day. Started a Bible study, grew to over 250 people. It was booming. And then I graduated, and I was a moral pagan, but an immoral Christian because as a pagan, I was an athlete, so I didn't have time to get in trouble. Now I had money in my pocket with a really good job, and I got in trouble. When I came back to the San Joaquin Valley, I attended that college and career group or young adults group. There was a girl there. We got involved. It was inappropriate to say the least. I was convicted by it as I was listening to Focus on the Family and learning about all these things and I went and told her we gotta stop. She agreed, we called off the relationship. She came to me thereafter and she said I'm pregnant. Well, that's where I wish I hadn't been listening to Focus on the Family because now I knew I had to do the right thing. That's tongue in cheek. So I had to go tell my folks that my girlfriend was pregnant, we were gonna get married. Now, it was a legalistic church and the pastor said, you need to get married before she's showing. And so my parents weren't Christians. I drive and he was a vice president of a bank. I go and sit down with my folks. It was cocktail hour. And I said, my girlfriend's pregnant. We're going to get married. My mother screams. She was a little bit prejudiced and the girl was Hispanic. My brother had married a Guatemalan woman and I was the last great white hope. My dad says, Rob, I'm sure you care about this woman. You don't need to get married. It's an inconvenient time. Just have her get an abortion and you guys can still date. I go, dad, I can't do that. It's against what I believe. And when I had become a Christian, told my dad, he said, get that Jesus crap out of my house. He'd had a bad experience because I used to laugh at my grandfather who was a town drunk when they'd be at Sunday school and all the kids on the bus would laugh at my grandfather. My dad grew up with a hatred of the church. My mother was orphaned at 17. She didn't think God cared. And now my dad says, have her get an abortion. I said, dad, I can't. It's against what I believe. And this is what my dad said to me, son, look where your beliefs have gotten you so far. And I had listened on how to defend life. And I went through the SLED acronym, size, level of development, environment, degree of dependency. I'd learned all this by listening to Dr. Dobson and all his guests. I was on fire. And my dad couldn't contend with me. And he was a gentle man, but he put his hand up and he says, stop. He says, you marry that woman, give birth to that child. You will never step foot in this house again. And I go, you're serious. He says, I am. And so is your father. I said, well, I love you guys. I'm going to miss you. And I got up and I walked out. That's the day I became a man. And they were true to their word. I was a penny looking for change. My siblings didn't talk to me. The church had had enough. I didn't want to live. But I kept listening to my dad online. I'd find encouragement on the radio. I remember listening to The eulogy when Dr. Dobson put it up for Evie Hill when his wife died, I thought I'd love to love a woman like that. And I took my fiance up to Hume Lake and we're coming down the mountain and she asked me to pull the car over and I do and she takes off her engagement ring, she puts it on the dashboard. And I go, what? She goes, I have to tell you something. What? She said, I slept with Steve. Now, Steve was the college pastor who discipled me and led me to the Lord, was married with three kids, salt of the earth, cotton farmer. I said, well, I would have liked to have known that before I went and told my parents. We're not getting married, but I'll take care of the baby. And through a series of channels, the girl that would call me every year on my birthday, I got word that she had tried to reach me. And so I reached out to her and she was now at Cal Poly San Luis Obispo, which was part of my territory in sales. And she'd become a Christian and And I was dreading calling her because I didn't want to tell her the whole story, but I called her. The definition of a friend is when the whole world goes out, they come in. She stayed with me through the whole deal. Dr. Dobson's wisdom, you have no idea what it meant to a young man. Standing when no one else understood or cared. Even the church didn't grasp it. The fact that he'd stand for truth. and engage in the political arena when no one else would. Churches, they'd nauseated me. Well, we couldn't find out the paternity of the child until after the baby was born because you'd endanger the baby in the 80s. So the baby's born nine months later. We take the blood test. It's his. He doesn't believe it. His wife doesn't believe it. My ex-fiancee doesn't believe it. I don't believe it, quite honestly. We take another blood test, conclusively his. And I called this girl up that's over at Cal Poly and I said, what are you doing this weekend? Can you come over to Fresno? Because it's the garden spot of California. I find that the only place that seemed romantic. And I said, look, I don't know what you're doing for the next 60 or 70 years, but would you do it with me? Would you be my wife? And she said, yes. And I called my mother and I said, hey. And my mother answers, why are you calling? I said, I'm getting married. I thought you already were married. I go, no, it's a long story. Who are you marrying this time? I said, her name is Metta Reese Coletti. But she goes by her middle name, Michelle. No one's ever heard the name Metta Reese. And my mother goes, I know a Metta Reese. I go, you do? She goes, yes, I know a Metta Reese Fowler. I go, well, that's Michelle's grandmother. You're marrying Admiral Richard Fowler's granddaughter? I get here in the back doing the cabbage patch. And I said, yes. She goes, Rob, did you know? That Michelle's grandmother, they called her Med, short for Medarese. Did you know that Med was at your baby's shower before you were born? I said, no. She was best friends with your godmother, Lois Early, who was married to my godfather, Rear Admiral Robert Early. I'm named after him, Robert McCoy, Robert Early. Rear Admiral Robert Early and Michelle's grandfather, Rear Admiral Richard Fowler, were classmates in the academy in 1937. Her grandfather sunk the Nagato, which was a command ship on the attack of Pearl Harbor. And he was given the Navy Cross second only to the Medal of Honor. He's buried at Arlington. My godfather's buried at Naval Academy. And he was decorated Silver Star. He was at Pearl Harbor, December 7th, 1941. My mother shared that with me. My mother didn't like any of my sibling spouses, but she adored Michelle. My mom since passed. But she came to Christ and it changed her profoundly. My siblings are... Nine, eight, and seven years older than me, and I'm a moon that revolves around their planet. When I walked out of the house that day, my mother went and found a Catholic priest who was evangelical. Father Michael Murphy confessed to having had two abortions between my youngest sister and me when she was in Japan. She came to Christ. She became a wonderful Christian woman. So did my dad. He came to the Lord. And then I conclude with this. The wisdom to stand as I listened to my father online, my Christian dad that I adopted, and local parentess, Dr. Dobson. I'd always longed to meet him. His warm voice, his wisdom, formulated and centered me. My mother got lung cancer, and she had surgery. They botched it. My dad was in a home with Alzheimer's. I remember I went in to visit my mother in the hospital and she was looking out the window with her back to me. She was contemplative. She looked over her shoulder. She saw me and she kept looking out the window. And I remember I came in not as her son, but as her minister. And I sat in her peripheral vision. And she said, Rob, if I made a mistake. And I said, what do you mean, mom? She says, having had the surgery so late in life. I said, mom, it's the economy of God's grace. If the surgery takes you get longer with us. And if it doesn't, you get to see the finish line and finish well. And she just, that settled her heart. And it was one of the most profound passings I've ever witnessed. And I'll never forget. She says, Rob, I have to tell you something. I said, what, mom? And this was one of five things she shared. She said, do you remember when I told you that Lois, your godmother, was at your baby shower with med? I go, yeah, mom, they were best friends. They played bridge together. She said, well, that's not the whole story. I said, what, mom? She said, in late 63, when I was pregnant with you and we didn't think we could have any more children, your father didn't want any more. I confided in the commanding officer's wife because she was childless, and I assumed to further her husband's career, and that was your godmother, Lois. And I asked Lois where one would get an abortion in San Diego, late 63, early 64, and she said, Louise, that's my mother's name, Louise, let me get back to you. I'll inquire. And my mother said, without my permission, Lois got together with her best friend, Med, and they put on a baby shower, the two admiral's wives, and they saved her life. Med bought your crib. I wanted to take my life when I'd walked out of my house and I didn't have any friends. I didn't want to live anymore because I didn't think anyone would stand for the things that were right. I felt like, Lord, I was doing the right thing. I screwed up, but I'm trying to make right, and it's getting worse. And had it not been for the fatherly voice of that man on the radio... to carry me through the darkest season of my life. I would never be able to stand before you having stood before the governor and the county. I've already been in front of the devil. He's a liar. And I know that life is worth preserving and so is truth worth standing for. And he's never forsaken me. And that's the power of the voice that Dr. Dobson had all those years for me. And to think that I'd be invited to come and speak with all of you who've supported this man and his wife and this ministry. The biggest honor of my life. I've gone over time, but that's all right because I've been waiting all my life for this. God bless you guys.
Well, what a powerful, tender, and touching tribute from Pastor Rob McCoy of Godspeed Calvary Chapel in Thousand Oaks, California. Today here on Family Talk, we've been listening to Pastor Rob's powerful testimony that he shared at an event that Gary and I were both at at Colorado Springs. And Gary, if I remember correctly, you had to go on a couple speakers after that. And this was not an easy talk to come up after because there was so much ground that Pastor Rob covered. I mean, just to summarize, the fact that this is a guy who became a Christian, He thought he had fathered a child out of wedlock. So when he told his parents, they basically disowned him. He was wrestling with what he was going to do. Then he found out that one of the pastors at the church actually turned out to be that guy. Now he got married. He was born again Christian. He winds up leading his mom and dad to the Lord. And then his mom says, oh, by the way, honey, Did you know and shares with him the fact that he was literally scheduled for an abortion and the woman who now is turning out to be his wife's grandmother was the one who turned things around. Hollywood can't script a story any better than that.
Well, the other point there, Roger, is that Hollywood wouldn't script a story like that because it's just too filled with both the sanctity of life and also how a God that a lot of – unfortunately that a lot of Hollywood doesn't believe in, how God can work his will in our lives. Yes, I was speaking a couple of hours after that, and I found myself as I was listening to Pastor McCoy throwing away my note cards and trying to come up with a completely – You know, another thing jumped out at me during his presentation, Roger, that we heard a lot during this event that was sponsored by the James Dobson Family Institute. And that was how many of the speakers and the attendees had stories to tell, like Pastor McCoy's, on how Dr. Dobson's voice on the radio – had informed and directed their lives. He was alienated from his own parents. And in his presentation, as we just heard, he referred to Dr. Dobson as being his sort of radio father during those years to help him think more clearly about issues that he was wrestling with.
It's so important to have that paternal influence. And of course, Dr. has, we've heard from thousands of people, I would venture to guess there may be millions of people who would make that same claim if we had a chance to go around all of America and all around the world and ask them those questions. Another thing that Dr. Dobson has done over the years, Gary, and I'd love for you to comment on this because you were both in the White House together during the Reagan years and he was special advisor, you were undersecretary of Department of Education. And the idea that we in the body of Christ can move the needle when it comes to something on the political side of the equation. I mean, one of the things we experienced, we mentioned this at the top of the program. A couple of years ago, Roe versus Wade was overturned at the Supreme Court level. And you know the impetus for that, the Doves versus Jackson case in Mississippi. But there were millions of Christians working, praying, volunteering, knocking on doors, doing the prayer walks, if you will, to make that happen. And it seems like the two years-ish since, two and a half years since Roe was overturned, where are we? I mean, has it gotten better? I mean, was it worth the effort? I mean, how would you assess the America post-Roe?
It's a great question, Roger, and yes, it has gotten better. Now, we all would like to see the number of abortions in America plummeting down to near zero. We haven't seen that because there's a bunch of states that are very liberal in their outlook and they've passed laws that go even further than Roe did. And so abortions are up in those states. But, Roger, here's a key thing that the average person is not going to think about, I don't believe. Up until the overturn of Roe, generation after generation of young American women were being told that the ability to take the life of their innocent unborn child was in our Constitution, that it was a sacred right that our founders wanted them to have, along with the freedom of speech, the freedom of assembly, the freedom of religion, etc., And just think of that. I can't think of something more evil than to teach our daughters and granddaughters that our founding fathers and our sacred constitution not only anticipated but wants them to exercise this terrible event, this terrible act of taking the life of an innocent unborn child. That's gone now. That cannot be taught because it's not true. Right. There's a second thing here that's hard to imagine, but I believe it's where we're headed. I believe we had to have this step that basically said abortion's not in the Constitution. It's up to our elected officials to settle the issue. That is, I think, the first step to a future Supreme Court that will say, right, abortion isn't in the Constitution. But the right to life is in the Constitution. And that will be the day when all of our children will be welcomed into the world, be part of the American family, have a seat at the table.
Amen. Gary, so very eloquently stated and fitting footnote for today's edition of the broadcast. Gary Bauer, the Senior Vice President of Public Policy here at the Dr. James Dobson Family Institute. Gary, thanks for being with us on the program today.
Thank you, Roger. God bless everybody.
And friend, thank you so much for your prayers and your support of the JDFI. On behalf of Dr. James Dobson and the entire team here at Family Talk, I'm Roger Marsh. Thanks so much for listening. Join us again next time right here for another edition of Dr. James Dobson's Family Talk. This has been a presentation of the Dr. James Dobson Family Institute.
In today's broadcast, dive into the inspiring presentation by Pastor Rob McCoy, a leader who embodies courage and conviction. Learn about the significant responsibilities of Christians in the civic life, especially during politically charged times. Pastor McCoy, along with his wife Michelle, defied the odds and stood for their belief that church and faith are non-negotiable. He argues that avoiding politics is not an option for believers and highlights the critical need for Christians to take a stand for truth and justice in society.
Welcome everyone to Family Talk. It's a ministry of the James Dobson Family Institute supported by listeners just like you. I'm Dr. James Dobson and I'm thrilled that you've joined us.
Well, welcome to Dr. James Dobson's Family Talk. I'm Roger Marsh, and today here on the broadcast, we're in for a special treat. Pastor Rob McCoy, Senior Pastor of God Speak Calvary Chapel in Thousand Oaks, California, recently gave a presentation to a gathering sponsored by the James Dobson Family Institute. And during this presentation, he shared a variety of different reasons for why it's important to stand strong in the fight for life and liberty. Pastor Ron McCoy was an All-American water polo player turned pastor and civic leader. He brings a powerful message about courage, conviction, and the Christian's role in civic life. He has served his community both as a city council member and mayor, embodying his belief that Christians must be engaged in local government. Now, when government officials declared that churches were non-essential during the pandemic lockdowns, while strip clubs and cannabis shops remained open, this father of five took a courageous stand. Despite facing legal threats and potential loss of property and tens of thousands of dollars in fines to boot, Pastor Rob McCoy and his wife, Michelle, chose to keep their church's doors open, believing that the bride of Christ could never be non-essential. On today's Family Talk broadcast, Pastor Rob McCoy challenges us to examine our understanding of politics, not as something to avoid, but as our biblical responsibility to care for our communities and defend truth in the public square. Let's get into part one of this presentation right now on this special edition of Dr. James Dobson's Family Talk.
It's an honor to be with you all. And I bring you greetings from the People's Republic of California. I'm a California condor. I'm an endangered species, a conservative in California. There were more, but you all moved. We're remaining holding the line. And yes, that's Michelle. She's my wife, not my daughter. She's evil though. When I sleep at night, she connects tubes to my body, steals my youth and transfers her fat. Nobody believes me, but it's true. Well, I understand that last night you heard from Charlie Kirk, Eric Metaxas and Kirk Cameron. And they were saying that each message built on itself and they all said the same thing in a different way. And I thought, that's the Lord telling you something. And as I was praying about it as to what to share, those three men were telling you the problems in America are the pulpits. And they are to some extent. But you know, the pulpits are only relevant because there's people in the pews. And I'm a pastor and those three aren't. So it makes sense that they would attack pastors. I'm going to attack them. You know, pastors are like politicians. They're just actors performing a script written by the audience. You call that church home and you allow them to feed you pudding all day long, no meat of the word, and you put up with that. And you raise Christians that are afraid of the consequences of standing for the truth. What do I mean by that? You know, the biggest thing Michelle and I faced were the consequences of standing for the truth. The truth is the governor said the church is non-essential. The church is the bride of Christ. I've been married to Michelle 35 years. You tell me my wife is non-essential, and this sounds a little brutal, but I'm kind of serious about it. You tell me my wife's non-essential, you'll be picking up your teeth with your broken arm. That's how the shepherds should feel about the bride of Christ. And the governor has power, but he doesn't have the power to say that the bride of Christ is non-essential while abortion clinics are and strip clubs and cannabis distributors and liquor stores. He's not allowed to do that. But he is if everyone remains silent because they're afraid of the consequences of standing for the truth. In California, if you didn't take the shot, you'd lose your job. The lion's share of the people who took the shot, they didn't take it because they believed in its efficacy. And now we're seeing that there's problems with it. Estimated 22 million deaths worldwide. They didn't believe in its efficacy. They just didn't want to lose their job. So we go back, as Eric Metaxas said, it wasn't Hitler and his victims. It was Hitler and a complicit nation. They lied to each other because they were too afraid of the consequences of telling the truth. And that's where we are in America today. There are now consequences for telling the truth. And when I called Michelle and I went through the page and a half on legal document of all the things we would lose if I defied the restraining order, and her response to me was unbelievable. But you know who was even more thrilled? My kids. Because they knew we were defending their future. This is the first generation that the elderly generation have imposed restrictions on the young so they could live a few years longer. They shuttered their schools. They had a .0002% chance of death and they shuttered their schools. And Charlie made the worst prediction in radio history. He probably covered it last night. I came in late because I was doing a clear truth conference. But he said that the churches in California wouldn't take this sitting down. He couldn't have been more wrong. They folded like a cheap suit. And the congregants loved watching church online. Watching church online is like watching a fireplace. You can see it, you can hear it, but you can't feel the warmth. And God didn't say don't forsake tuning in on a television. He said don't forsake fellowshipping with the saints. Koinonia, it's like warmth. But we're afraid of a virus. God hasn't given us a spirit of fear, but a power of love and a sound mind. And I just kept saying I'm immortal until God's done with me. And if he wants to take me with the coronavirus, great. But everything we knew medically, we threw out the window. And if they had told us that the virus could only affect you from five feet down, they could have had all of America crawling on their knees. And here we are at a very critical precip for the nation. And I share this because as I was burdened by it, I thought to myself, Pastors and congregants who say, I don't do politics and politics don't belong in the church. You know what they are? They're heretics. It's called Gnosticism. Gnosticism is a heresy where they say, we don't do politics because politics is dirty. Well, so is the church. What's your point? Well, I'm tired of voting for the lesser of two evils. Unless Jesus is running for office, you're always voting for the lesser of two evils. Gnosticism, having secret knowledge, it has a number of heretical teachings, but one overriding one is that the physical world is evil and the spiritual world is good. Government is considered part of the physical world, therefore it is more spiritual to not be involved in it. Gnostic thought continued to permeate the thinking of many well-meaning Christians today. For example, some Christians think that only two things will last into eternity, God's word and the souls of men. An emphasis on the spiritual and an exclusion of the physical. But this is wrong. The Bible explicitly teaches that not only will these two last into eternity, but so will our bodies as they're in a glorified state. We still participate, and by the way, politics... The pulpits in America and the pews don't understand the meaning of the word politics. They think poly meaning many and tics meaning blood-sucking parasite. But politics is from the word polis, which means the affairs of the city. I love what Aristotle wrote. He said, this is understood by Aristotle to be a study of how people should best live together in communities. The polis being seen by Aristotle as the best and most natural community for humans. Jeremiah 29, seven, pray for the peace of the city for in its peace, you'll have peace, right? So you say, I don't do politics. What you're saying is I don't care about the affairs of the city. And when Jesus was confronted in Matthew 22 by the attorney who said, what's the greatest commandment? He said, well, to love the Lord your God with all your heart, soul, strength, and the second is like it, love your neighbor as yourself. And on these two commandments, hang the law of the prophets. Love your neighbor as yourself. Neighbor, community, city, polis, politics. Love your neighbors yourself. Do you love your neighbor enough to allow their 15-year-old daughter not to receive a double mastectomy because she's been lied to and saying that it's healthcare, that she can become a boy? Do you love your neighbor enough to contend for that truth that there are two genders? Yes. In California, abortion was legal long before 73. We've aborted more babies, it's estimated, in totality than the current population of Canada. And we don't just rip the baby apart in the womb of its mother. We harvest the organs on the downbeat of the heart. We make Nazi Germany look like Girl Scouts. But in 1968, something happened in America. There was an infiltration of communism and socialism that had infected our universities. We'd had the My Lai Massacre and the following year would be the Tet Offensive. In hamlets and villages in a nation we didn't know existed and the hamlets of the names we couldn't pronounce, our young people were dying in battlefields in Far East Asia. And while they had the Kent State shooting and they had the war riots, They had put their hope in these political leaders. My friend Bobby Kennedy Jr.' 's dad was assassinated in 1968 by Sirhan Sirhan in the Hilton. Reverend Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. in 1968 was shot on a balcony of a motel in Memphis, Tennessee. The nation was infiltrated in the warp and the woof of the fabric of its country being torn apart and the young people couldn't find answers in the church because they just do the gospel. So they checked out of the church into Eastern religions and experimental drug use, and they ended up awash on the shores of California, burned out, and it was called the hippie movement. And Chuck and Kay Carl began to minister to these burned out hippies. And they brought them back to the word of God, but the one thing they did is they avoided politics because these kids were burned out on it. Well, how'd that affect it? Interestingly enough, since 1968, Calvary chapels have had a 10,000% growth. There's over 1,800 Calvary chapels around the world, one of the fastest growing church movements in modern church history. And the mission movement, unbelievable. We're in countries all over the world. And how has that changed? Because the lion's share of those 1,800 churches are in California because they're all ex-surfers. Well, they're still surfers. Did you know south of Van Nuys, which is the northern L.A. county, all the way down to the Mexican border, there are more Calvary chapels than there are Dunkin' Donuts? How's that affected the state? 10,000% growth, and that's conversion growth, not transfer growth. That's people never having heard the gospel coming to Christ. Preaching the gospel, teaching the Bible, verse by verse, chapter by chapter, book by book, getting them saved. How has that changed the state of California? Well, we no longer have the fourth largest GDP. We now have the fifth, almost sixth. We have the highest gas tax, sales tax, income tax, corporate tax. We leave the nation in debt. You combine the next four largest states' debt, it doesn't equal the debt of California. We're the authors of no-fault divorce that Reagan signed in 69, became law in 70, decimated marriage across the country. We're the authors of transgender bathroom bills and the most secular progressive sexual education curriculum so vile you can't read a page of it in church. And as I said earlier, we lead the nation in abortion. Vicious, vicious abortion. Where's the power of the gospel? They're all getting saved, but you avoid politics, the affairs of the city. You truncate the gospel, you make it myopic, and you make it real narrow. You leave nothing for generations to come. And that's contrary to what Jesus says in Matthew 16. In Matthew 16, Jesus takes his disciples and he turns to them in the beginning of Matthew 16 and he says, beware of the leaven of the Pharisees and the Sadducees in Mark 7, he adds, and of Herod. And they said, what, we don't have enough bread? It's not about bread, fellas. You had baskets left over. Work with me here. This is Rob McCoy's version. He said, beware of the doctrine of the Pharisees, of the Sadducees, and of Herod. And they understood that. Doctrine of the Pharisees, Sadducees, and Herod. It's real simple. In 6,000 years of recorded history, two classes of people have ruled the masses, the priests and the kings. Pharisees and the Sadducees are the priests and Herod is the king. He says, beware of their doctrine. What's their doctrine? The leaven. The leaven is having civil law separated from moral law. And here's the problem with the congregations. You don't know what the moral law is. I'd be hard pressed to find five of you in this room that can recite the Ten Commandments. And yet God commanded we memorize them, teach our children and our grandchildren. And that is the filter for which we decide every civil law and every decision we make in life. I'm gonna teach them to you. You best remember them and teach them because from the moral law comes civil law and when you apply the two together, it becomes the wise restraints that make men free. You apply restraints towards evil in order to pursue excellence. Any athlete in the room understands this. Any parent understands this if your kids are turned out well. You apply restraints towards those things that easily beset us in order to pursue things that'll give you more options in life. You front load your family. And if you remove the moral law, the law then just becomes a weapon to enslave. You're non-essential. And no one challenges it. We are in a constitutional crisis because we have a Christian form of government, common law, which comes directly from the scriptures, the first 13 colonies, first 13 states. You've heard this. They all had a statement of faith for anyone who was to hold office. We have a Christian form of government, void of Christians who understand the moral law and the need to participate in the public square. What is the moral law? Hold up one finger, please. Say one God. One God. I can mean it.
One God.
Take two fingers and bend the second one. No idols, don't bow down. No idols, don't bow down. Three fingers. Is this beneath you all? Three fingers. Put it over your mouth. Don't take the name of the Lord your God in vain.
Don't take the name of the Lord your God in vain.
Four fingers, make a pillow. Honor the Sabbath day, rest. Five fingers, salute. Honor your mother and father. Six, don't murder. Seven, there's two in a marriage, not five. Don't commit adultery. You got that? All right, when you do eight, hide your thumbs because if you steal, we cut them off. Don't steal. This is don't bear false witness. It's five, not four. It's four, not five. And then number 10 is don't covet. Just do that. Don't covet. So when Jesus said, beware of the leaven of the Pharisees, Sadducees, and of Herod, these are folks that rule your life. And if they don't know the moral law and you're going to endorse them for office, there's two things I ask. You're going to swear to defend the constitution against all enemies, foreign and domestic. First of all, how many articles are in it? How many amendments are there? And please recite for me the 10 commandments, which will be the filter to make sure that you will not use the law to enslave anybody, but cause them to be the wise restraints that'll make men free. If they can't do it, then don't vote for them. The Constitution doesn't give you any rights. It's there to protect the rights given to us by God, and it constrains these folks who have power on loan. And if you don't know what's in it, especially if you're in military personnel or first responder, and you swear to defend something you know nothing about, this is critical for a republic. And so the wiser straights that make men free, as congregants, we need to hold folks accountable. You... need to apply the Ten Commandments to your family and to your life. The Ten Commandments don't save you, but Galatians 3 says that the law is a schoolteacher, guardian, to point us to Christ until faith comes. That's why our founder said the laws of nature and nature's God. We're under an ordered universe with a rational God, and these are laws that if you obey them, you flourish. And if you disobey them, you don't. And this is why we as a people have to demand this from our leaders if they're going to represent us. The leaders are only as strong as the people who are writing the script for them to perform. You're the audience. It's your responsibility. And then the other part that I would share, which is interesting to me, is when folks say I don't do politics, that's exactly what we should be doing. Every church in America should be involved in politics. It's the affairs of the city. And if you say you shouldn't be involved in politics, again, I'm gonna repeat it, you're a Gnostic. This is a no-brainer. How did we get to a place where we allow pastors to truncate the gospel and avoid caring for the citizens of their community? In 20 years, if we don't make a stand with these children who are being lied to and being told that a boy can become a girl and a girl can become a boy... By the way, if you get 100 biological males and take 50 of them and put them through complete transition surgery, which I call mutilation, but take them through complete transition surgery. Give them hormones as early as you want and then put those 50 transition males who are now supposedly female on an island with the 50 biological males who didn't transition and leave them there. Take 10 people, five biological males, five biological females, put them on an island and come back in 100 years. That island will be a pile of bones and that island will be flourished with population. A man will never become a woman. Why are we allowing them to lie? Because we're afraid of the consequences of truth. And this is what's so critical. And this is why I'm so moved by Dr. Dobson. You see, when I made a stand, as Congressman McEwen pointed out in California, I was scared to death. My son had an NROTC scholarship. He was gonna lose it. He said, dad, I'm good with this. Let's make a stand. They were going to take our house. They were going to take our church. They were going to take everything I owned. And you know, I got calls from pastors saying, you're in violation of Romans 13. God appoints all positions of authority and you're to submit to them. And I said, that is not the way to quote that verse. It's not unlimited submission to tyranny. The scripture goes on to say, as Jonathan Mayhew rightly pointed out, that they're there for our good. And if that official ceases to do good, he ceases to be the authority. And he coined the phrase that started the war of independence. And John Adams attributed it to him, and he died in 1766. He never even saw the War of Independence, but he coined this phrase that inspired this nation to be birthed. This pastor said, disobedience to tyrants is obedience to God. And we're like, oh. You know how we got in this place? All that's necessary for evil to prosper is for good men and women to do nothing. And you lamented. Corruption has infiltrated every level of society. The election is rigged. It's always been rigged. Evil's been in every nook and cranny of the world since its inception. When Adam and Eve fell, it's infiltrated. Go back in any generation, you'll see it. How does that give us the right to be apathetic and use eschatology to check out? We have to engage in the culture. I'm not in charge of the outcome, I'm in charge of the obedience. Had folks done that in Nazi Germany, millions wouldn't have died. That's what we do as Christians. We get to be alive for such a time as this. And I'm moved by it because all of you were not a mistake. In the entire history of the world, at the most critical moment in coming up to the 250 year anniversary of this nation, God chose you. You to apply the moral law to the civil law that the wiser strengths would make them free. You who are not afraid of the consequences of standing for truth. You. He called you. You.
Well, friend, you've been listening to Dr. James Dobson's Family Talk. We've been featuring a powerful message about standing firm in our faith during challenging times. A presentation from Pastor Rob McCoy, who will soon be retiring from the pulpit at Godspeed Calvary Chapel in Thousand Oaks, California, and will remain as Pastor Emeritus. Pastor McCoy's passionate call for Christians to engage meaningfully in their communities. reminds us that our faith must extend beyond church walls into every aspect of society. Now, if you missed any portion of today's broadcast, or if you'd like to share it with others, go to forward slash family talk. There you'll find the complete program, along with additional resources to help you put these important principles into practice. Again, that's forward slash family talk. Here at the JDFI, we are committed to equipping families with biblical truth and practical wisdom for facing today's challenges. When you visit our website, you'll gain access to an extensive library of articles, videos, and broadcast archives covering everything from parenting and marriage to faith and cultural engagement. You'll find all of that and more when you go to And if you want even more helpful resources, check out our reading plans in the Bible app by YouVersion. We are meeting families right where they are with bite-sized devotionals that tackle real challenges like handling conflict in marriage and intentionally appreciating our children. These three-day reading plans are perfect for busy parents and couples who want to grow together in their faith. Just open the Bible app on your phone or tablet, and you'll find a variety of plans waiting to encourage and equip you. I hope you'll take a moment right now to sign up for your very first free reading plan and discover biblical wisdom for your marriage and family. Again, that's on the Bible app by YouVersion. Now, these daily broadcasts are made possible through the generous support of friends just like you who share our passion for strengthening families with biblical truth. Your gift today helps us continue broadcasting messages of biblical hope and wisdom to millions of families all across America on the air and online. Amen. Amen. Amen. I'm Roger Marsh, and on behalf of Dr. James Dobson and all of us here at the JDFI, be sure to join us again next time for the powerful conclusion of Pastor Rob McCoy's outstanding message on standing strong in the fight for life and liberty. That's coming up right here on the next edition of Dr. James Dobson's Family Talk. This has been a presentation of the Dr. James Dobson Family Institute.
In this episode of Family Talk, Dr. James Dobson welcomes esteemed guests Dr. Henry Blackaby and Dr. Norman Blackaby to explore the pressing need for spiritual revival in America. Listen as they recount transformative moments of repentance that have swept entire cities and discuss the positive connotations of repentance as highlighted in the scripture. With a focus on personal and communal responsibility, the episode underscores the importance of returning to God to bring about national healing. Hear inspiring testimonies from military personnel and learn about the hope that comes with repentance and genuine encounters with God.
Hello, everyone. You're listening to Family Talk, a radio broadcasting ministry of the James Dobson Family Institute. I'm Dr. James Dobson, and thank you for joining us for this program.
Well, welcome to Family Talk. I'm Roger Marsh, and today we're continuing a powerful conversation about spiritual revival in America. Dr. James Dobson's guests are Dr. Henry Blackaby and his son, Dr. Norman Blackaby. Henry Blackaby, of course, the founder of Blackaby Ministries, and Dr. Norman Blackaby, professor at East Texas Baptist University in Marshall, Texas. Now, previously, the Blackabees shared their hearts about prayer and salvation, reminding us that anyone, no matter their past, is just one prayer away from transformation. Today, you'll hear the Blackabees take us deeper into what true spiritual revival looks like, sharing powerful stories about genuine repentance has transformed entire cities across America, from Charlotte to Cleveland to Pittsburgh. The Blackabees have witnessed how corporate prayer and deep repentance are bringing about dramatic social change, restored marriages, and renewed commitment to God across denominational and cultural lines. So let's rejoin this inspiring conversation about finding new intimacy in prayer right here on today's edition of Dr. James Dobson's Family Talk.
To see God's people revived or have a spiritual renewal. That is one of the passions of your heart. What does that mean? And what would it look like if it came?
Well, there's a need of revival when God's people are no longer seeing and experiencing the mighty works of God being done through them. Where all they see is what they're doing. but they don't see the activity of God. It means their heart has departed. And another way of expressing the need for revival is God's heart cry constantly to His people, return to me and I will return to you. How would you know if you have adequately returned to God or have repented? saying, oh God, I'm not the person that you have wanted me to be. I have moved away from you and therefore you are refusing to do any work through my life. And there's so much in eternity that's being affected when you can't. Oh Lord, would you show me my sin and cleanse me and return me to a relationship to you? You can tell when you have returned to God adequately when God returns to you. And in the great revivals, the heartbeat of revival is when God's people come under incredible conviction of their sin and repent. They turn away from how they've been living and return to God. And that great revival, of course, in Wales under Evan Roberts and others.
In 1904 and 5. There were 100,000 people who were saved in six months. But if you go and look, as I have, and I preached in Evan Roberts' church, you will not find or hardly ever find one message preached to lost people. The messages of revival are preached to God's people. For God's people to return to the kind of relationship which God has demanded all along. And once God's people return, then the lost people have an encounter with God which is incredible.
Now, you are aware, I'm sure, of exceptions to what I'm going to say. But for the most part, you are not seeing that in the church at large today.
Not right across the board, but I am seeing a mighty move of God where God's people are repenting. I was just in a city in Georgia, and almost every person in that large church had an encounter with God. They wept before God. The altars were filled with sobbing people, including pastors from the area, and they were very clear about their sin. And they were telling us, that they met God and he literally convicted them of every sin that they had forgotten. And they had called on God to cleanse them and they were free. But at the end of that conference, I asked for those who have had a deep encounter with God, I tried to make it very clear. If you have responded to God's encounter with you and you know that you're a different person, would you just stand? Almost every solitary person in that auditorium stood. Now, we think of revival as jumping and shouting, and I'd say, no, no, no, no, no, no. Revival is when God's people have a real encounter with God and are literally transformed by that encounter.
And if you're not seeing it, what does that mean?
It means you have not returned to God. That sin still remains in your life. But I am seeing it, and I'm seeing it in cities like Charlotte, North Carolina, and Cleveland, and Pittsburgh. There's a sudden movement of God calling his people to repent and is crossing all kinds of lines, denominationally, culturally, ethnically, and they're coming together to pray. But they're coming together with a prayer commitment to be the people of God in their city. And I'm seeing crime decrease and social changes taking place, marriages restored, deep repentance coming from God's people, pastors repenting. And I'm seeing it. But it needs to be widespread.
I think also with repentance, we put such a negative connotation with it towards God's people. But when you look in the Bible, the most positive word in the scriptures is repent because it always brings life. And when you look when Jesus talked about it, he said, repent for the entire kingdom of God stands right next to you. And so we may look at repentance maybe for the lost or if it's towards – I've often heard people say when a preacher starts even hinting towards repentance, well, the preacher's gone to meddling now. But yet that's the most positive thing that he can preach. He's saying if you would turn the direction you're going and go with God, the entire kingdom of God is waiting to be opened up to your life. All the blessings, all that God has available is there for the person who will repent.
It sounds judgmental today in a very negative way. Of course, judgment is a biblical concept. Quote 2 Chronicles 7.14 for us.
2 Chronicles 7.14 has to be seen in the light of verse 13 because it is an expression of God on the covenant that he made with a special people. These people were to be holy as God was holy so that the world could come to know him. So God says, if you ever see me withhold the rain and you see that disease comes across the land or I'm sending pestilence on my people, then make the connection. If my people immediately who are called by my name will humble themselves and pray and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven and forgive their sin and then heal their land. So the healing of America waits on the repentance of God's people. And if we will not repent and have God cleanse us, then the healing of the land is postponed. And that's my cry to God's people. If you hear that, make the connection between what you're seeing in the land and God withholding his mercy his mighty presence and power through you. Make the connection. The withholding is because you've broken a covenant relationship with me. But if you will immediately pray and humble yourself and seek my face and turn from your wicked ways, then I'll hear you and I will forgive your sin. And then the healing of America will get underway.
That is an if-then conditional promise. The application of it is, if you don't, what happens?
Well, he then says that, if you read on in that same chapter. He says, if you do not, then I'll turn every blessing into a curse. And everyone who walks by will say... This disaster which their God has brought upon them is because they have sinned and would not repent. You read those verses that follow. He describes that. He says, here's what will happen if you respond. But he is very clear. Here's what will happen if you don't respond.
Do you think that's where we are as a nation? I'm not only speaking of America, but Western nations, Canada, where you all lived. Are we in danger of that kind of consequence?
I believe that's the key. That's the heart question. And I believe we're standing very close to the judgment of God. I don't know of a nation in history that has been blessed anymore. God has blessed this nation in incredible ways, including its founding fathers, the leaders he has given us, the freedom from invasion by others. God has blessed this nation, and the nation has turned away from God. Now, no nation in biblical or history has ever received the blessing of God and turned away from God and avoided the judgment of God. And you fear for our future. I am trembling, Jim. I really am. I think we're very close to either revival or judgment. And if God's people will not make the connection between the condition of the nation and their sins, and repent with brokenness before God. If we do not repent, then the nation will face judgment. All the way through the Bible, God says, I will protect you from your enemy. I will intervene. No enemy will ever win against you. If my people, who are a covenant people with me, will walk with me, I will intervene. It's very clear. And that's in the covenant found in Deuteronomy 28. He said, I will deal with your enemies and I'll stand between you and your enemies. Is that true today? I believe it is. And so with all my heart, with all my energy and all my time, I cry out to God's people, make the connection. You hold the future of America in your hand. And the future of disaster is coming very close to us.
When I think of the holiness of God and his righteousness, and then I look at the popular culture around us, and especially Hollywood and the Internet and the pornography and the killing of a million babies a year. And when you see the way God's name is used in vain every day all around us, when you see the wickedness of sin, spring break and what takes place sexually between young people, and knowing that even some sixth, seventh, eighth, and ninth graders are already involved in casual sex, oral sex, things that I am embarrassed to even mention. When I see all of that, I say, Lord, why hasn't your wrath occurred I mean, we're just asking for it. If not, then I don't understand who God is. Because what I read in the scripture says that the wages of sin is death. Mercy.
God extends his mercy. But we are never to take that one for granted. God does not have to extend his mercy. Mercy is the withholding. of what we really deserve for our sin. Grace is giving us what we don't deserve. But when David heard God's indictment and he had not repented for a whole year, he cried out to God, "'Have mercy upon me, O God, according to the multitude of your tender mercies.'" The only reason why God does not judge us immediately is the mercy of God, which extends the opportunity for us to repent just a little longer.
There are people listening to us right now whose hearts have been pricked, as we read in the Scripture, by the Word. What do they do? Where do they begin to say, Lord, here I am. Open my eyes. Let me see my own sin. Bring the conviction. Bring repentance. I've been stone cold dead. I want your pleasure in my life. I want your presence.
Where does he go from there? Well, the moment that we repent, God does what he promised to do. He brings us fullness of life. It's like the woman at the well. You know, the moment she repented, Then the whole presence of God filled her life. And she ran back into her city, and they saw God's salvation. Her eyes were different. Her voice was different. Her walk was different. Her talk was different. Everything about her was different. And God had done something to transform her life. And they all ran out to meet the one who had transformed her life. Our problem is we keep telling the world that we're a Christian, but they don't see any radical transformation in their life that looks different than theirs. And so we try to talk our way with the unbeliever. And I'd say, no, no. God intended that when he transforms a Christian's life, including one who's repented and returned like Peter, he repented. He was a different man. He wept bitterly. He did. And he was then used of God to bring thousands to faith in Christ. So it begins with a solitary person saying, whatever anybody else does, I want my life to be right with God. And when you do, God then fills that life. And your life becomes the center of God's activity in your family. I've watched parents get right with God and it turned their children around. They've been concerned about their children. And the moment they got their lives right, the children began to return to God. And so one life that is totally transformed by an encounter with God, then God does what he promised to do. He fills their life with his presence, and it affects everything and everybody around them. So I would say begin with one person wholly yielded to God, and that can begin a revival because everyone sees the impact of a transformed life.
You speak often at the Pentagon, and you all have had a great burden for our military, for our troops in Iraq and Afghanistan and elsewhere. And you have felt the need to assist and to help, and you have provided materials. Explain how that came about.
I was speaking to some Protestant Army chaplains. And the chief of army chaplains came up to me and said, Henry, your little book, Experiencing God Day by Day, your daily devotional book, has changed my life and radically affected me. He said, if there's any way you could get that put into a little paperback with a camouflaged cover for the military, I'd like 100,000 copies. And then the air force chief of air force chaplains said, I'd like 50,000. So we immediately began to find out what it would cost, and we then asked God to help us to provide it. And we could get them for $1.76, but then the math said that's $176,000, which I didn't have 176 cents.
That's just for the first $100,000.
That's right, and that doesn't include shipping, plus the shipping. But we have proceeded. by faith and never ask for a cent, but let people know what God laid on our heart. And Jim, the people of America have a huge love for our troops. And they want to know, what can I do? Is there anything I can do for them? And when they heard that we were printing this in a military version and sending it to them, they said, can we help? And it just came in. And we've sent over 60,000 to Iraq. We've sent them to Afghanistan and 38 different locations, including the medical centers in Washington, D.C. And one of the top CEOs said, could I go and distribute them with the chaplain to the medical center? And he said it was incredible. They just went like hotcakes. Everyone wanted one.
And we need to be praying for our troops around the world, too. This is a difficult time for them. In fact, Norm, you were telling me when we had lunch together that you're hearing from people who are reading the materials that you all are providing, and they're studying it, and you're getting a marvelous response from them, aren't you?
We are, and it's been amazing. To see the response, we teach online courses and we have troops that are going through that, but we provide the material. But the responses we're getting from the troops in Iraq is breaking our hearts. And I think often we forget how young so many of those troops are. And the stories and the e-mails, and I share with you one 20-year-old that had e-mailed and he said, I'm a Christian, and yet I have to protect my troops that were with me and his fellow soldiers. He said they ran out a little girl in front of him with an explosive strapped to her. And he had to run her over to save himself and the men. And that was his orders was to keep going so they wouldn't get attacked and they wouldn't get RPGs shot at them.
Let me make sure everybody understood just what you said. The insurgents or terrorists, as I call them, had set up a roadblock. And then because we would blast through it, they put a little girl right there.
To have the troops stop because they knew that they wouldn't want to run her down. And then they intended to hit them with – Yes, if you stop, then they hit you with the RPGs. And here is a Christian – 20-year-old calling and emailing the ministry saying, how do I deal with that? And so our troops are hurting. And that's why our ministry has such a heart to try to get material and discipleship material and praying for our troops. Regardless of where you stand on political issues, we need to be praying and we need to be supporting them because they are seeing things that no 20-year-old ever should have to see.
If people have not yet prayed for this nation, this would be a real good place to start. Yes, a great place to start.
And I think we need to bring our little families together and pray as a family. And in the workplaces, if you have the opportunity, bring your employees together. But under all the influence that you can have, bring them together. I spoke to judges and lawyers, about 800 of them. Every judge I spoke to had been through experiencing God, but every judge was leading the course experiencing God with the people in their courtroom. And I thought judges ought to pull their court people together. Policemen ought to stop and get together. Firemen ought to get together. Schoolteachers ought to do. I think we need to gather together and pray, Our Father who art in heaven, hallowed be your name in our nation. Thy kingdom come, thy will be done in our nation. And we need to do it together as well as individually.
Well, we have reached the end of our time for the second day. And I think it's very appropriate that we ask Dr. Blackaby Sr., Dr. Henry Blackaby, to pray for this country, Dr. Blackaby. Thank you.
Father, there is indeed a trembling in our heart as we stand in your presence because you have blessed this nation. You have put your hand upon it for centuries. and you are guiding us even in this hour. And as life begins to unfold in our nation, would you in mercy extend your protection and extend your wisdom and your discernment to the leaders of the nation, from the common person to the chief executive officers, to the government officials, to the military. Hear our cry. and put your hand upon us one more time. We do not deserve it, but we are pleading with you to extend your mercy to us and give us time to return to you as a nation. And we'll be careful to be a catalyst in doing it and to give you the praise as you let us be a partner with you in seeing a nation return to you. And we ask it in Jesus' name. Amen.
Well, amen, indeed. Friend, you've been listening to Dr. James Dobson's Family Talk and a powerful conversation Dr. Dobson recorded with Drs. Henry and Norman Blackaby about experiencing deeper intimacy with God through prayer. Now, Dr. Henry Blackaby went home to be with the Lord early last year, but these insights still ring true today. A powerful reminder that prayer is not just talking to God, it's developing a real relationship with our Heavenly Father. The powerful message we heard today and on the last program, that revival starts in your own heart and spreads through faithful prayer, is exactly what our nation needs during these challenging times. By the way, if you missed either part one or a portion of today's program, and you want to share it with someone who needs to hear this message, visit forward slash family talk. That's forward slash family talk. Once you're online with us, you'll find program information in addition to information about Henry and Norman Blackaby's book called Experiencing Prayer with Jesus. That's forward slash family talk. And keep in mind, the Dr. James Dobson Family Institute offers several inspiring reading plans as well that are all available through the Bible app by YouVersion, covering everything from parenting wisdom to strengthening your marriage to Whether you have three minutes a day or 30, these reading plans bring practical, biblical insights right to your smartphone or mobile device. You'll find topics like the power of forgiveness, being students of our children, and more. Each of these plans are carefully crafted to help you build a stronger family on God's foundation. So why not start today? Just open the Bible app on your phone or tablet, search for Dr. James Dobson, JDFI, and begin your first reading plan. It only takes a few minutes to get started, but the impact on your family could last a lifetime. Well, I'm Roger Marsh, and on behalf of Dr. Dobson and all of us here at Family Talk, thanks so much for listening. Be sure to join us again next time right here for another edition of Dr. James Dobson's Family Talk, the voice you trust for the family you love.
This has been a presentation of the Dr. James Dobson Family Institute.
In this powerful episode, we delve into the essence of prayer and its transformative power. Join Dr. James Dobson as he sits down with Drs. Henry and Norman Blackaby to explore the spiritual discipline of prayer and how it can forge a deeper intimacy with God. Together, they discuss the concept of prayer not as a one-sided dialogue but a dynamic conversation where God lays His heart upon ours. Through personal stories and scripture, the Blackabys shed light on how a prayer life rooted in reverent submission can lead to profound personal and generational blessings.
Welcome everyone to Family Talk. It's a ministry of the James Dobson Family Institute, supported by listeners just like you. I'm Dr. James Dobson, and I'm thrilled that you've joined us.
As Christians, we know that prayer is vital to our relationship with the Lord. But here's a question. How often do we actually pause to listen to what God says back to us? Is prayer a one-sided conversation? Well, today here on Family Talk, you're going to hear a special conversation about the power of prayer, a classic discussion featuring our host, psychologist, and best-selling author, Dr. James Dobson, and a discussion he had on the topic of finding new intimacy in prayer today. with the father-son duo of Drs. Henry and Norman Blackaby. Now, while he was with us, Dr. Henry Blackaby led Blackaby Ministries International, where his pioneering work helped countless believers experience God in profound new ways. He went home to be with the Lord last February. Dr. Norman Blackaby, formerly the ministry's vice president, now shapes young minds as a professor of Christian ministry at East Texas Baptist University, continuing his family's legacy of spiritual leadership. And together they authored the book, Experiencing Prayer with Jesus, which will be the heart of our discussion on today's program. Now, during the next half hour, you'll hear the Blackabees share their family's deep connection to prayer, drawing from generations of faithful ministry and personal encounters with God. They'll also offer fresh perspectives on how we can truly connect with God through meaningful prayer. So thanks for listening in for today's special conversation about finding new intimacy in prayer here on Dr. James Dobson's Family Talk.
Henry, prayer has become the focal point of your life. Why? Why is that what you talk about more than almost anything except what comes out of prayer, which is the experience of knowing God?
Well, it touched my life very early when I was reading The Life of Jesus and realized that prayer was the essence of his life. that every great movement, every great next step in his life was preceded by prayer. And several times the Father called him and said, I need to talk to you. And in that time of prayer, he made some significant decisions. And I knew that God was going to conform me to the image of his Son. And I knew that he would not conform me to the image of his Son in every area of my life except my prayer life because that was so essential to Jesus. And then I thought, well, I don't know that I can have a prayer life like Jesus. And then I realized in the scripture, God says, I put my son within you. And like the apostle Paul, it's no longer I who live, but Christ living out his life in me. And it just overwhelmed me to realize if Christ is living out his life in me, then I will experience his heart in prayer.
You know, in preparation for today's program, I've read a little bit about your background and how you came to this moment. And you've got an incredible heritage of Christian service and prayer. from your father and grandfather going on back, and then your children. You have five children, four of whom are boys and all have doctorates from seminary. And the fifth is a girl with a master's degree from a seminary. And this is, and of course, Norm, you're one of them. So, I mean, you all have really put this into practice at home, haven't you?
No question about that. I've spent hundreds of hours praying for my children and then praying with them. Prayer is really the essence of our home. Many times my children would get up early and find that I was alone with the Bible and in prayer, and most of the time I was praying for them. even though they didn't know that. But their lives have come out of our prayer life. And so our home was basically saturated in prayer.
Norm, you're the recipient of some of those prayers. What was that like?
Well, it's something to know when you're going through struggles in life and you have parents that pray for you. And the example that Dad has shared, that we would get up early in the morning, and it doesn't matter what time you get up. And even to this day when I visit their home, I know no matter how early I get up, Dad's already up praying. And I'll just give one example. This last year, my daughter's been very ill, and we had to rush her into the hospital about one in the morning. We finally took her to the hospital, and she had to go and have an IV put in and was very sick. One in the morning, there's not many people up. But I knew that my dad was two hours ahead in a different time zone. And by the time they put the IV in and I got to a phone and I called my dad at, I think, 4.30 or 5 o'clock, he was already up praying. And I don't know what does your heart, but my heart was that when I was in an emergency in my family, my dad was already up praying. And I knew that I could count on him to pray for my little girl. And so our life has been impacted by watching. But also in my life, we make sure that our kids know when they get up, Mom and Dad have already been up praying. And I want that same example for them.
You know, I've had that same heritage, as some of our listeners know. My dad is buried alongside my mother in Olathe, Kansas. And there's a little plaque as his footstone that said he prayed. And he asked for that because that was the hallmark of his life. And I knew he was out there praying for me. And I knew that he was praying for my kids and my mother, too. So I've grown up with that. And my grandfather was a deeply committed man of prayer. My great-grandfather, who died a year before I was born, prayed every day between 11 and 12 o'clock. for future generations, for his family, for those not yet born. He was praying for me. And toward the end of his life, he announced that the Lord had promised him that every one of us would be deeply committed Christians. Henry, are you praying for your future generations?
And Psalm 78 commands us to pray for our children and their children and those not yet born. That's the command of God. And I've taken that one very seriously. And, of course, we now have 14 grandchildren. And we're praying for each one of them. And the oldest two have already sensed the call of God into ministry in their life. They're 20 and 18. And someone said, you don't expect all of them to respond to God's call, do you? And I said, I do indeed. That's what the scripture says, that if one generation walks with the Lord, it automatically creates the opportunity for all the descendants to experience the same blessing of God. That's a promise of God. And I don't take that one lightly. So I live my life very intensely. And I know it's going to affect my children, my grandchildren, my great-grandchildren, if God gives us the time to see that.
Well, I want to go right to the heart of what I know we're going to talk about today because it is of such import. And I just pray. We had prayer before we came on the air today because what we're going to talk about is of incredible significance. And it has to do with repentance. It is not enough prayer. to pray for our nation, which is what we all should do. We're told to pray for our leaders and those that are in authority over us. But it needs to be a personal prayer as well, praying for ourselves that we would be acceptable to the Lord, you know. I know you can't earn your salvation. I'm clear about that. But it does give me great satisfaction when I think I've pleased him, when I think he looks at me and smiles. It isn't always the case, you know, but there are times when you feel satisfied. His pleasure. And I think we ought to ask the Lord to show us what He wants of us. Speak to that in terms of where we are as a nation, because you're very concerned about the shallowness of our prayer life.
Boy, you're absolutely right. It begins with a personal encounter with God. And I've been impacted with what Paul says in 2 Corinthians 5, 9 and following, where he says, I always seek to please the Lord because I know that we all must stand before the judgment seat of Christ to receive the things done in the body, whether they're good or bad. And then he adds, knowing therefore the terror of the Lord, we persuade men. And that has hit me because... I believe if every believer stood before the holiness of God and allowed God to cleanse their life personally, their life would have an increasing impact because the kingdom of heaven is like leaven. If God has one life wholly yielded to Him, then the impact of God's presence in their life will have an ever-increasing impact in family, friends, community, church. And so I have always sensed I need to have my life thoroughly cleansed before God. Then I will watch to see how God wants to use my cleansed life to touch others.
Norm, do you agree that we're often entirely too casual people in our attitude toward God. He is the king of the universe. You know, everything that exists does so at his pleasure. He is not just the man upstairs. He is a holy God. And the angel said, holy, holy, holy is the Lord God. There's a reverence that is demanded there. I want to tell you all, and I want to say this of my Christian brothers and sisters. I still do not like and will never, ever feel good about using God's name to punctuate a sentence. Oh, God. You hear it all the time. Of course, Hollywood throws it out there. And you can hardly escape it. But I hear Christians doing that. And that is wrong. That's evil. That is not what the scriptures tell us or even the – The commandment to honor the Lord thy God. You know, speak to that, Henry. You must be hearing it as well.
Well, I think our prayer life, the way we approach prayer, is an abomination to God. For instance, I think too much of the prayer is on the base of unbelief. Lord, be with us today. And I think, be with us. He has promised already he's going to be with us. Why don't you say, Father, thank you that you are with me. Help me to recognize and respond to your presence. Or, oh, Lord, come in power. And God says, I never come any other way. Why are you asking me for what I've already given you? And so when I listen to God's people pray, it is very careless, very casual. And basically it is slinging together religious cliches that people have heard. And I don't have a sense that they know the awesome intimacy and fear of a holy God.
Even Jesus said that we know not how to pray as we ought and that he prays for us with groanings that cannot be uttered.
Yeah, see, I think, Jim, that many who may be listening are concerned about their children. And I'd say, do you know that God is far more concerned about your children than you are? And do you know that he is deeply involved in every one of your children right now? And that you need to be saying, Father, thank you for your deep involvement in the life of my children. Help me to recognize when you're at work. Help me to respond to what you're doing. And when you know that God is deeply involved in the life of your children, then you look to see for his activity. And I believe that with every one of my children. And I saw some moments when I knew clearly God was at work in their life. And I've made some changes in my life immediately to respond to what I saw happening in the life. It may be when you're praying with them at night and you hear a certain prayer from your eight-year-old. That prayer could never have come with that kind of an intensity unless God was at work in their heart. So when you hear that prayer, you immediately become a partner with God. And I think that's why all of our children have followed the Lord, in part because my wife and I were very sensitive to the deep involvement that God has in our lives. So we tread with a trembling, knowing that God is working in the life of our children. I do this with businessmen. They can see God at work in the business community. But we do take it too casually and too carelessly just in the way we talk.
I think, too, with that in Hebrews 5, it says Jesus was heard because of his reverent submission or godly fear. And looking at his prayers, he knew that the Heavenly Father would hear and answer. But a lot of times we pray, but we have no intention of that reverent submission when we pray. And like Dad was sharing, when God makes something aware or an adjustment for your kids, are you willing to reverently submit to what God has showed and adjust your life immediately? And it seems that as we pray, God looks and He knows our heart when we pray. And if we're praying with no intent on following what He showed us when we pray, then we shouldn't expect God to be bringing the answers. But if He knows our heart that when we start to pray, We come with that fear that you were mentioning, that awe and wonder of God. But our heart is, Lord, whatever you show us in this prayer time, the answer is yes. Then we can come with confidence and boldness knowing that he'll hear and he'll answer.
That's a little intimidating, isn't it? Because... we are approaching the throne of God, and do we know how to pray? Offer us some instruction in how the Lord would want us to speak to Him. Frequently, it's just a list of things we need Him to do. You know, I need a job, and I've got this health problem, and a number of things. I don't know that that's wrong, but that's not the essence of prayer.
No, the essence of prayer is God making a provision for us to stand in the throne room and let him lay over our heart, his mind and his heart. And when I approach God that way, whatever I have brought to God is immediately altered when he lays his heart and mind over mine. And I pray totally different. The first encounter with God in prayer is for God to talk to me, not for me to talk to God. If we start with the focus on God and what's on His heart, then our whole prayer for our life is totally changed. And I pray different for my children when I know the mind and heart of God for my children. And I'll go through the night praying for one of them. And the Lord will lay on my heart what's on His heart for that child. And he does. He does give us guidance.
You mean that literally? I do.
You pray through the night. I do. And I've done that many a time. And especially if I knew one of my children was going through some difficult time. Certainly when our daughter at 16 had cancer. And we didn't know what the outcome, Carrie. We didn't know what the outcome would be. A couple of her friends, girlfriends, same age, with the same cancer, died. And I was praying very much that God would help me as a parent to see what God was doing in her heart. And so I was listening to hear what was on her heart. And she had a huge sense of stewardship. She honestly believed that God let her live for a purpose. Well, how then should I behave as a father? God just showed me what he was doing in her life. And that set the agenda for for what I do. And so I've walked with her ever since and now she's a career missionary in Germany with two little children and a husband there. And so prayer is for God to lay on our heart what's on his mind and his heart. I think of a scripture that has impacted me from 1 Samuel 2.35 where God says, I will raise up for myself a faithful priest who will do according to what's on my mind and my heart. And prayer is God's provision for me to stand in his presence and know what's on his mind and heart.
Well, we've been talking about having a Christian heritage, which I was blessed to have. And, Dr. Blackaby, you obviously have been blessed, and that means, Norm, that you have as well. What do you say to the people out there? who have found the Lord as a first-generation Christian and did not have that kind of godly heritage? Are they missing something that God can't provide for them? Are they limited in some way?
No, I would say to them immediately, God may have saved you on purpose to be the first-generation Christian, so that your life can begin a whole series of generations that do walk with the Lord. Because you didn't have it doesn't mean you couldn't be the one who could start that. And just say, Lord, with all humility, you have saved me, even though I didn't have this kind of heritage that I'm aware of. But, oh, Lord, help me to be the very first to begin a series of generational things that will honor you.
Well, what do you say to the person who does not yet know the Lord? And there are a lot of them listening to us right now who say, you just don't know the life I've lived. You do not know the sexual things I've done. You don't know the dishonesty in my life. I've cheated many people, cheated on my taxes. I've done many wicked, evil things. And you're talking about a holy God. I don't think a holy God could forgive me or accept me because I'm not worthy of him. There's no way I can undo all the things that I've done. I am hopeless, and I am likely to just continue in the life that I've lived. Well, is there anything I've got to do? Do I have to go out and do a bunch of good things, a lot of penance? Am I required to earn this in some way?
The Holy Spirit always is present by God's assignment to draw. a person who has never known what it means to be forgiven, to draw them to Christ. And when God teaches them, he opens their mind to believe that what God did when he made his son sin for us who knew no sin, that we could be made the righteousness of God in him. Somehow the wonderful Holy Spirit of God opens the mind and suddenly they understand it. And they respond and believe. And with brokenness, they say, you mean that with all of my sin, he put all of that on his son so that if I wanted to repent, all of my sin has already been taken care of and that I could be cleansed and made free? And they'll sob and weep and believe and say, well, the key is do you believe God enough that he did for you what he said he did when his son died. Do you believe that? Well, yes. Well, then ask him to forgive you, not on the basis of your goodness or your works, but on the basis of his pure love for you.
That's why they call it the good news. The gospel means good news. God's good news. Well, I am keenly aware that there's somebody out there who has never really understood what it was like to enter into this relationship with Jesus Christ, to be clean again. And there are people who are broken now, who recognize their own wickedness and their own disgust with themselves, who are saying, you mean I could really be clean?
I've said to many a person, you're just one prayer away from being totally transformed. Just one prayer away. But if suddenly it makes sense and you feel you're being drawn to Christ as your Savior, you are experiencing the activity of God drawing you.
Pull off the road at the next off-ramp. Find a parking lot and bow your head and pray a simple little prayer. It doesn't have to be eloquent. Or if you're at home in a kitchen or you're even at work, bow your head and say, Lord, forgive me. I'm a sinner. I have nothing to bring to you. Mm-hmm. There's nothing I have that you need, nothing that you couldn't do for yourself. But you want a relationship with me. You care about me. You know me. You have known me since before I was born. And your promise says you will do this for me. I believe and I accept it. Wouldn't it be incredible to know there were hundreds or thousands of people listening to us right now who have accepted that invitation?
No matter who you are or what you have done, remember you are always just one prayer away from a new life in Jesus Christ. And if you prayed with Dr. Dobson just now to receive Jesus as your Lord and Savior, or if you'd simply like to learn more about having a relationship with Him, We would love to connect with you here at Family Talk. Give us a call at 877-732-6825. A member of our constituent care team will be happy to talk with you and to pray with you. Again, that number is 877-732-6825. Or keep in mind, you can also contact us through the contact page on our website. Send us an email there at Now, if you've been moved by our conversation with Drs. Henry and Norman Blackaby today here on Family Talk, go to forward slash family talk, and you can hear the program again. You can also learn more about Blackaby Ministries and the book that shaped today's discussion, Experiencing Prayer with Jesus. Again, you'll find that information and more when you go to forward slash Family Talk. You can also hear that program again on the Family Talk app. And keep in mind, we have two new apps to share with you here in 2025. The first, of course, is our Family app, where you find the Dobson Marriage Podcast and the Dobson Parenting Podcast, along with the Dr. Dobson Minute app. in English and in Spanish. You can find those in the App Store. Soon you'll find them in Google Play as well. And also, if you'd like to use the YouVersion Bible app, remember you can now follow JDFI on that YouVersion Bible app and join the more than 75,000 people who have subscribed to three-day devotional plans with practical biblical insights to strengthen marriages and equip parents. You'll find more information about that app as well when you go to Well, I'm Roger Marsh. Thanks so much for listening today. Be sure to join us again next time right here as we continue the conversation featuring Dr. Henry Blackaby and Dr. Norman Blackaby and our own Dr. James Dobson talking once again about experiencing prayer with Jesus. That's coming up next time right here on the next edition of Dr. James Dobson's Family Talk.
This has been a presentation of the Dr. James Dobson Family Institute.
Join Roger Marsh in an enlightening conversation with Gary Bauer on Family Talk, as they unpack the current political climate following the Inauguration Day of 2025. Amidst a new presidential term and changing policies, the dialogue flows around maintaining Christian principles while engaging in today's societal debates. Reflecting on the previous administration, they analyze how political decisions affect cultural values and discuss the necessary involvement of faith communities in shaping moral standards.
Well, hello, everyone. I'm James Dobson, and you're listening to Family Talk, a listener-supported ministry. In fact, thank you so much for being part of that support for James Dobson Family Institute.
Well, welcome to Family Talk, the broadcast ministry of the Dr. James Dobson Family Institute. I'm Roger Marsh, and today here on the program, a very, very special installment of Family Talk. Today is Inauguration Day 2025, and who better than to join me in studio to have a conversation about what we're anticipating with a brand new presidential administration than Gary Bauer. Gary is our Senior Vice President of Public Policy here at the Dr. James Dobson Family Institute and And he knows, he's been around Washington a little bit. He knows a little bit about what happens on Capitol Hill. Gary, Happy New Year and welcome back to the broadcast.
Thank you, Roger. It's an exciting day in Washington, D.C. You know, this is one of the little things that happens every four years here. We inaugurate a president, but this year seems particularly profound. And it's also historic, as you know, because we're inaugurating a president who was Wow, wow. We've already made some history today. Yeah.
Yeah, I love the fact that we do have this history. It does seem like the Trump administration is now going into its third term because the last four years were somewhat tumultuous. I think first and foremost, we are giving glory to God, not because we here at the JDFI were backing any particular candidate, but I know the work that you did and Dr. Dobson did and we did with our Countdown to Decision 2024 program. The whole name of the game there was to encourage people to vote biblically, if you're a Christian, especially to vote for your biblical values. But secondly, to get Christians who typically sit on their hands to get engaged. And I think we saw a huge turnout of people who ordinarily don't engage get engaged.
You're absolutely right, Roger. This is something that's been dear to the heart of Dr. Dobbs in his entire career. He and I, over the years, over the decades, have been complaining about Christians not being good Christian citizens. It seems like for about 100 years we've been complaining about that. But in fact, in recent years, and particularly in this last election, there has been a more encouraging turnout. of men and women that believe the Bible and believe that our liberty comes from God, not from government. And they made a difference. And, of course, it needs to be mentioned. You know this, Roger, but I know a lot of Christians are still confused about it. We hear over and over again from people that say, look, I'm just going to go to church on Sunday. I'm going to worship God. I'm going to leave all that noise outside of the church. It has nothing to do with me. Well, that's really flawed thinking. This is a country whose founders believed that it could only exist, it could only survive if the population were moral people. Everything they built was was based on that idea. It's also a country that has sent more missionaries around the world to bring the good news about our Savior Jesus Christ than any country in the history of the world. So America is deeply intertwined with our Christian faith. So that means today on Inauguration Day, the battle really begins in a very profound way. And one of the things we want to do at JDFI is keep people informed and let them know when they're going to need to weigh in on legislation that's pending or something that the president is or isn't doing as we deal with these great issues that will determine the future of our country.
Well, you know, it's interesting, Gary, because I appreciate the position that you have with us here at the JDFI as the senior vice president of public policy, because a lot of people don't realize. They think, well, that's politics and those are laws and that's not my lane, if you will. And realizing that as Christians, that's absolutely something that we should be concerned with. The policy decisions that are made by an administration have huge ramifications in the culture. And then this year, we also launched, brought in Dr. Owen Strand as our senior director of the Dobson Culture Center to help us understand the policies, kind of set the agenda for what the administration is going to do. And then the cultural impact causes us as believers to head back to Scripture and say, wait, is this forcing me to compromise my values or not? Maybe one of the black eyes, if you will, of the Biden administration has been the fact that they have sought so aggressively to to seek out ways to basically undermine biblical and traditional values that, beyond the fact that they're an offense to God, but they really do bring havoc in society. Talk about, from your vantage point, what we've seen over the past four years and why Donald Trump being in the White House means we're going to see a shift in those policies.
It's a great question, Roger. And I think all of us here at JDFI, we get a little nervous. Maybe that's not the right word, but we don't want to come across as being political partisans or tied to one political party or whatever. But there is a certain reality in American political life and public life right now. And one of the ways we've addressed this is to look at the platforms of the two parties. And nobody in the Democrat Party is going to disagree with what I'm getting ready to say. The Democrat Party platform is all in on abortion on demand, to give you just one example. And it's all in on the political demands of the LGBTQ community or special interest group, however you want to refer to it. And because of that, the Biden years have been four years where our religious liberty, our rights of conscience, have been under constant attack. It's not just that the president promoted abortion and promoted LGBTQ issues. President Biden did that at the expense of our right to not be involved in those things. That's good. So, in fact, right now we're part of a lawsuit against the outgoing Biden administration over regulations they issued to try to make Christian ministries and Christian businesses – violate our conscience by promoting abortion or paying for abortions or promoting LGBTQ issues or being implicated in the whole transgender movement and all that's going on with that that threatens our children. All that ends, all those things that were coming out of Washington, all that ends today on Inauguration Day.
Amen. You know, Gary, you brought up an excellent point in the fact that there are a lot of people who don't see the interrelativity, if you will, the interconnectivity of the things that the previous administration, the outgoing one, thank the Lord that we've survived four years of that. But isn't that a testament to the great American system that we have here, Gary Bauer? I mean, let's face it. There are a lot of people every four years who say, I'm so glad that person's not president anymore. Other people who say, thank the Lord they are. But the system still works. I mean, it really does. It's a testament to the Constitution and to God's hand of providence on our nation that even a fascist dictatorial type and maybe fascist is a bit too strong. But the Biden administration really did have those tendencies in terms of saying, look, we're going to push abortion rights. We're going to push transgender ideologies at the expense of religious liberty. I mean, if it weren't a zero sum game like that. There's no way you can do one without the other, and yet they keep saying, no, no, no, everybody can be accepted. Everybody's welcome. But as you duly noted, that's a place where Christians have to stand in the gap and say, wait a minute, not only is that not morally right, it's also unconstitutional.
That's a great summary, Roger. You know, to stay on the LGBTQ part of this, and I don't know if any new letters have been added since our show began, it seems to be a growing phenomena. But early on in that movement, the appeal that it made to the American public and, quite frankly, to Christians was – look, we know you don't agree with us, but we're not asking you to marry somebody of the same sex. We're not asking you to have an abortion. We're just saying, let us live our lives the way we want to. If we love someone, who are you to question our love? And that was a very effective argument. And I think, quite frankly, there's a lot of evidence that particularly younger Christians believe Found it persuasive and said, well, yeah, why are you being so mean-spirited and not letting those people have the same rights that we do? Well, now that that movement got traction, the LGBTQ movement got traction, it was no longer a live and let live movement. It was an iron fist movement. You will participate and bake cakes for our weddings. Right, right. And all the rest of it, you will not preach about this in your churches or we will sue you for denying us our constitutional rights. So it's been very, I think, instructive to see the live and let live argument really doesn't play out. And there's no society that's neutral. Right. Every society will have a set of things that it admires, that it looks up to, that it wants to teach its children to follow and to be committed to. And it will have a series of things, of ideas and ways of living that that society will say, no, don't do that. That is not right. That is wrong. Somebody always wins in a society. in our society over these sorts of things. And thank God for JDFI, and thank God for Dr. Dobson's voice over the decades, because we have said that the things to look up to here in America are faith, family, and freedom. That's what the country was built on, and that's what we remain committed to following and to defending.
Well, today here on Inauguration Day, Gary Bauer is with us here in studio on Dr. James Dobson's Family Talk. I'm Roger Marsh, and we're talking about what this new administration, we used to call President Trump President 45, now he's also President 47, which is kind of interesting, hasn't happened in this country in well over 100 years. But as I was just thinking, Gary, of the image as Donald Trump placing his hand, left hand on the Bible, right hand in the air to take the oath of office, I could hear the border closing. You know, I could hear the gates, the doors shutting up. And not only that, but I could hear Homeland Security under the capable direction of former South Dakota Governor Kristi Noem coming in and saying, OK, we're shutting things down now. That open border issue, I think that's a hand that the Democrat Party horribly overplayed in the election as kind of downplaying the fact that, well, it's really not that important to American families. And yet the open border has put so many families at risk. So many communities are being overwhelmed. We think about right even here in Colorado, you know, I mean, the gang activity moving into taking over apartment complexes and things of that nature. A lot of Christians are going to say, but Gary, you know what, though? It's not right. People are coming here. And they need a place to flee their homeland and they need a safe place to land. Why is it good and godly for us to close the borders and have not keep people out necessarily, but have a better way of filtering those who come in?
Roger, you're absolutely right. This is another one of those issues that there's been division in the church about. Although when you do polling on it, Americans overwhelmingly are against what they watched the last four years. And that goes for men and women of faith, men and women who are in church every Sunday. Just their common sense told them you can't have 8, 10, 12 million people walk into America without having a profound impact on the country. And now some of it might be a positive impact, but a lot of it is a very negative impact. If a good person can walk across the border and now go wherever they want and never leave, even if a court demands that they leave, well, then what would stop a bad person from walking across the border?
Or a terrorist from walking across the border. And in fact, we know that that has happened. And the reason we know it is that American citizens – The people that our government has the first responsibility to defend and protect have been raped and killed and robbed. That's unacceptable. There's nothing Christian about that. I will often hear someone, usually a progressive, self-identified progressive in the church, who thinks that the argument is over if that person simply says, Jesus loves migrants. Well, Jesus loves all human beings. He sent his son to die for our salvation as the perfect lamb. The fact that Jesus loves men and women that he created does not in any way settle the argument about what a nation's border policy should be. Jesus loves taxpayers. Jesus loves American citizens. So you've got to bring a more— well-thought-out moral mindset to deal with these sorts of issues.
I remember one theologian one night, the guy was trying to do the open border thing with him, and his response was, well, do you lock your door before you go to bed?
Exactly right, yes.
I mean, of course we do. So that's the thing, and last time I checked too, heaven does have a gate and does have a narrow way in, and there is a way that people can get in, but there's also... provisions for keeping people out. That's a godly principle.
You know, there's a half million children we shouldn't forget about. That's the number of children during the Biden years that crossed our border, many of them unaccompanied by an adult. And those children were given to other adults in the United States that claimed they were a relative or claimed that they were somebody that there had been a prearrangement made with the family in the home country. child comes from to take care of that child. And we found out in the closing months of the Biden administration that we were no longer able to locate the great majority of those children. There is absolutely no doubt that some of those children are being abused. They've been trafficked. Others are no doubt working in sweatshop factories as illegal minor workers for businesses that are off the grid. So this is a human tragedy. No country can legitimately allow something like that to happen, and yet that's exactly what happened over the last four years. And I know that the Trump administration – has said all during the transition period, they're going to do everything they can to find those children and rescue them wherever they are. That is something that Jesus would be smiling about.
Amen. Well, we're smiling about it here at Dr. James Dobson's Family Talk in the JDFI. Gary Bauer is our Senior Vice President of Public Policy. He's the host of the Defending Faith, Family, and Freedom podcast and a regular contributor, of course. to the Family Talk program. And today here on Inauguration Day, Gary, also having served in the Reagan White House for many years, and also you served President Trump in a capacity. I didn't want to make you a cabinet member or anything like that at that point if it wasn't more to give you that promotion. But you served the last couple of years of his first term working in an area that I know a lot of people think is kind of an anomaly. Donald Trump and religious liberty, especially as it pertains to Christians, And yet he's got to look at all his foreign policy decisions. Look at the Christians that he's picked to cabinet posts and ambassadorships and things of that nature. It's a very exciting time for Americans, again, to see men and women of faith put in these positions.
Yes. Well, it's an old saying in Washington that personnel is policy. A president brings six, seven, 8,000 people with him to all these posts. There are Christians everywhere. all over the Trump administration. There wasn't his first term. You mentioned the assignment I had. It was not a paid assignment, but he nominated me to be one of the nine members of the U.S. Commission on International Religious Freedom. And our job was to look at every nation in the world and rate them on whether they were allowing the citizens of their country to enjoy the most fundamental right that all human beings should have, which is to seek God and worship God as they see fit. And President Trump was very committed to that issue, remains committed to it.
Did I read this correctly, Gary? There's a new faith office that's going to be coming in as part of the Trump 47 administration? Yes.
Yes, there is going to be a faith office. Now, he had an office in the administration in his first term, and it was very effective. But it still had to deal with bureaucracy and so forth, like all these departments and commissions and agencies do. This faith office is going to report directly to the president. And there's going to be an individual in each government cabinet agency that is part of that faith office and will represent it in each of those agencies around Washington, D.C. For years, Donald Trump has had a faith advisory board— He had that in his first term, and Dr. Dobson is a member of that faith advisory board, continues to be a member of it today. And it will this time report directly to the president, this faith office. So I think it's another example of how seriously Donald Trump is committed to religious liberty. One other thing on this, Roger, that I think a lot of Christians forget – Religious liberty right now at the Supreme Court is in a stronger position than it's been in in 50 years. And the reason for that is that in his first term, Donald Trump had three Supreme Court vacancies that he was able to fill. And that gave us, depending on the issue, somewhere between a five or six vote margin. majority on the Supreme Court in defense of religious liberty. We don't know what's going to happen in the next four years. I believe there could be another vacancy of another one of the liberal justices. And if that happens, I have no doubt that Donald Trump will appoint somebody that is committed to the First Amendment. and its guarantee of freedom of speech, freedom of religion, freedom of assembly, what we call the first freedoms that are part of our Constitution.
Well, it's an exciting time. It's an exciting day, Inauguration Day 2025. We've been having this conversation with Gary Bauer, who's the Senior Vice President of Public Policy here at the Dr. James Dobson Family Institute, former Undersecretary of Education, and served on the advisory board for the—I always get the lettering wrong—the
Yeah, it's USURF is the alphabet name, but it's U.S. Commission for International Religious Freedom. And by the way, Roger, the most persecuted group in the world, we found at the commission, and this won't surprise anybody, are followers of Jesus Christ.
It's come to that point. So this is the world we live in. For such a time as this, we are very hopeful and anticipating that the next four years are going to be years of not necessarily just easy-feasy for Christians, but rather to see the biblical worldview carried out from the highest level of government here in the United States. Gary, thank you for handicapping that with us. Would you take the final moments of our time together and just offer a prayer for the incoming administration, for our nation, and also for maybe believers who are kind of scratching their heads saying, wait a minute, why would God put this man? As our president, how is that a good thing from God, if you would be so kind?
Of course, Roger. Well, Father God, we just thank you for the incredible blessing we received when you allowed us to be born or to immigrate legally to the United States of America. Of all the places in the world that someone could be born in, to be born here is an unbelievable blessing. This is a nation built on the idea that liberty comes from you. You weren't surprised by the fact that we were born in America. You knew exactly where we were going to be born. And so because of this gift you gave us, Father God, we have an obligation to preserve it, to take care of it, to protect it. Otherwise, we would be ingrates. Nobody would want to abuse or ignore a wonderful gift given to them. And you've given us this gift to be citizens in the United States. So thank you for that blessing. Give us the courage as Christian citizens to speak up for our faith and to stand for faith, family, and freedom. And Father God, for some who still don't understand why Christians voted by massive margins for Donald Trump, help them to have the wisdom to know that the Bible is full of stories of heroes and heroines, often unlikely and fallen men and women. who you used for your purposes in ways that helped the world of the time they lived in. Father God, we pray for your protection on President Trump and the members of his administration, that you would keep them safe. We would pray, Father, that all those in the administration, followers of Jesus Christ, would be strengthened in their faith, but also members of the administration that may not yet understand you and your message of salvation to us that may be during their time of public service. This will be when they find Jesus and being even better in the jobs that they've given us. Father God, finally, we ask that this great country that has done so many good things, we're a flawed nation, as all nations are, but we pray, Father, that you would continue to help America follow your will to make us a nation that, in fact, is a shining city on a hill. Father God, we know that America can't be great again until it's godly again. We ask these things in Christ's name and for his sake. Amen.
Amen. Gary Bauer, thank you so much for helping us to get the proper spiritual perspective on Inauguration Day 2025 here on Dr. James Dobson's Family Talk. Gary, it's always a pleasure to be with you.
Always great to be with you, Roger.
Well, you've been listening to Dr. James Dobson's Family Talk, featuring an insightful conversation about Inauguration Day 2025 with our own Gary Bauer, our Senior Vice President of Public Policy here at the Dr. James Dobson Policy Center. Now, if you missed any portion of today's historic broadcast, or if you'd like to share it with others, go to forward slash Family Talk, or you can also access this audio through the Family Talk app. And speaking of apps, you can now follow JDFI on the Bible app, the YouVersion Bible app, which is utilized by millions of people worldwide. You can join the nearly 100,000 people who have subscribed to three-day devotional plans with practical biblical insights to strengthen marriages and equip others. parents. For example, you can get started with one of these popular plans, Dr. Dobson's three-day marriage plan for improving communication skills or finding true love in your marriage. You'll also benefit from Dr. Dobson's three-day parenting plan for a mother's impact on her children and opting for effective discipline. You can follow JDFI when you access the YouVersion Bible app, and you'll find that information in Google Play or the App Store. Well, I'm Roger Marsh, thanking you so much for listening to the broadcast today. Be sure to join us again next time for another edition of Dr. James Dobson's Family Talk, the voice you trust for the family you love. This has been a presentation of the Dr. James Dobson Family Institute.
Join us for an inspiring conversation with Dr. James Dobson as he welcomes Sidna and Tom Massey, who have dedicated decades to supporting pregnancy centers nationwide. This heartfelt dialogue uncovers the unsung heroes working tirelessly to save lives and offer hope and healing to those facing crisis pregnancies. Hear compelling stories of courage, faith, and the relentless pursuit of giving every child a chance at life.
Welcome everyone to Family Talk. It's a ministry of the James Dobson Family Institute supported by listeners just like you. I'm Dr. James Dobson and I'm thrilled that you've joined us.
Well, welcome to Family Talk. I'm Roger Marsh, and today we're bringing you a powerful conversation about hope, healing, and the important work happening in pregnancy centers all across America. Our guests once again are Sidna and Tom Massey, who have dedicated multiple decades to supporting these life-saving ministries through their organization called Rama International. Sidna's own journey through post-abortion healing led her to become a passionate advocate for women facing crisis pregnancies and those dealing with the aftermath of abortion. She's also written about her abortion experience in a book titled Her Choice to Heal, Finding Spiritual and Emotional Peace After Abortion. Together with her husband, Tom, who shares his own touching connection to this issue, they have trained workers at over 2,200 pregnancy centers nationwide. Now, yesterday, we heard Sidna's powerful testimony of finding healing and forgiveness after her own abortion and how God transformed her pain into ministry. Today, she and her husband, Tom, will share about the vital but often overlooked work of pregnancy resource centers all across America. We'll pick up the discussion with a question from Dr. Dobson about how pregnancy resource centers are faring today.
It's in the talk about the workers and the directors in crisis pregnancy centers or pregnancy centers.
They are unsung heroes.
Are they hurting?
They are hurting. Most of them are all independent, relying on churches. This is one of the few areas in our country where ministries combine. You have Catholics, Protestants, Lutherans, all of them working together as volunteers. And they all get along and they can all share Christ in the way they feel like God is instructing them to. But they're underfunded. They're so greatly underfunded that most of them are just praying every single day that they can get a paycheck and most go without.
I don't understand that. I mean they're saving babies. You know, I remember – you wouldn't remember. You're too young. But there was a little child named Kathy Fiscus. who fell down a well many, many years ago. People gathered around for days trying to get that child out. And when they brought that little girl up, I'm referring to Kathy, when they brought her up, you know, she was swollen, her face was dirty, and the whole nation cried. Because of one baby. And now you have these crisis pregnancy centers that are saving babies every day, and they can't get the funds to pay for their meager salaries. Something wrong with that, too.
Well, the political side of abortion is where most of the funding is going. And it's interesting that we, in pregnancy center work, we stop abortion every single day, one life at a time. Legally, we certainly support all the efforts that are going on. Abortion is a horrific thing to have on our books as a legality. But in the pregnancy centers, they are just being Jesus.
What do they say to you, Sidna, when you're talking to them on the phone or face-to-face? What are these workers saying to you?
Most of them are thanking me just for talking to them because they have no emotional support. Many of them have asked me to just say to you today, thank you. Thank Dr. Dobson for us.
And you're still at it, Sidna. That's how many years? Twenty. Twenty years you've been.
Tom and I have been doing this a long time.
Talk a little more about Rama, your ministry, and what you're trying to accomplish.
Rama started out predominantly for a need. There was an unmet need. We did not have enough for post-abortive people. So initially, we started training all these beautiful pregnancy center people. And invariably, obviously, I had a book that came out. It was called Her Choice to Heal, Finding Spiritual and Emotional Peace After Abortion. Had a lot of response to that. And as we moved through the years, we found that the Lord wanted us to come back around and realize that When a woman chooses abortion, she's very likely to choose it again and again and again. And that pregnancy center individuals, graciously beautiful-hearted people, were feeling disqualified to work with post-abortive people. We're here. They were here. They were ministering. But I've never had an abortion. How can I ever minister to someone who has? And my point was, we need you. All we need is God's calling. Don't be intimidated. And I have this wonderful thing I say, which God gave me, is never be embarrassed of not having an abortion. It's a good thing. And we need the stability and the strength of these people. So we started doing a lot more to help pregnancy centers understand why women abort and how simple and easy we are to minister to. And that transformed into a large other ministry where we take an awful lot of calls. We talk directly to abortion vulnerable people. And we've just really been blessed by kind of operating underground. Mm-hmm. And keeping clear of anything but the pregnancy center work. That is our focal point.
Well, you just used the word we because you're not in this thing alone. No, I'm not. And your husband, Tom Massey, is here with us today. And he's been very, very quiet through these two programs. But, Tom, you quit your job and are working with Sidney. We're really full-time trying to accomplish the same thing, aren't you?
Oh, yes, sir, yes. I love the Lord with all my heart, with all my soul. I love the Lord. And I see in Sidna the Lord moving in monumental ways that I could never fathom before.
In my being. Unbelievable. And I stand behind her in everything that God is doing through her and help in any way that I possibly can.
And you're a computer specialist?
Yes, sir. Yes. I work with designing websites. I designed, our website.
You have a sense of fulfillment from what you're doing?
Oh, yes. Again, my sense of fulfillment is standing behind my wife and her ministry, our ministry, and encouraging the work that she does.
Tom, it's really interesting to me that you have dedicated your life to this work that the Lord gave Sidney to do. And then I found out in a conversation in my office an hour ago that you have also had an experience with abortion. I don't know how many times you've told that. I don't know if you've ever told it, and you may not be comfortable in dealing with it. But if you are, tell us what that connection is.
Well, Dr. Dobson, I am post-abortive. When I was 17 years old, my girlfriend got pregnant, and she had an abortion. And I did not know she was pregnant, nor did I know that she had an abortion. When we broke up, she told me, oh, by the way, I aborted your baby. I would have—I was head over heels for the girl. I would have— Married her and had that child and lived happily ever after. But God had other plans. And someday I'll see my child in heaven. And dealing with post-abortive men is an issue that really isn't addressed.
greatly and it does need to be addressed because it affects the there's two people involved in a crisis pregnancy both of them we have a very few men that contact us very few men searching for that there's this element of was it really my child do i need to worry about it and yet there's so many that say yeah i know it's in my heart but i don't know how to approach it And the night that I told Tom about my abortion, as we sat in the dark, I'd known him two weeks. I knew I was going to marry him. He was a man of God, and I had been looking for someone like that. And I remember being terrified that because of my abortion, he wouldn't want to marry me. And I knew truthfully you couldn't start a marriage on a lie. And honesty was something that he so valued. And as I shared my story with him, fully prepared to lose him, He said to me, Sidna, when I was 17, my girlfriend aborted behind my back. And the one thing that has always stuck with me was his next words is, I know your pain. I know your pain. And he didn't bring it up again because he was concerned that it would hurt me. And I hear this in more men that how can I talk about the abortion because I'll make her cry. I don't want to bring that pain to her.
I bet you there are men listening to us right now who will identify with you, Tom. And they have stuffed it down and never really dealt with the pain and the emotion of that experience.
It's hard to have your hands tied and not be able to do anything regarding your own child, having absolutely no rights to your child that's in a woman's womb.
Now, you all have a 501c3. Yes. And you do this incredible work with how many crisis pregnancy centers?
It's about 2,200 around the United States.
Internationally, there's more.
Get this, 2,200. And how much is your budget each year?
I think right around $150,000. Is that incredible?
They take that little widow's mite, that pittance, and spread it around to how many centers and who knows how many babies. And I don't think we've said anything quite like this, and certainly not in a year. But if people would like to contribute to this 501c3 program, They can send the money to us, and we will pass it on to you guys so you can do your job better.
And supporting the pregnancy centers as well in their areas. This is the place where God's at work. They're sitting there day and life. I'll come off a conversation, and Tom will be sitting at his desk next to me. And one day he said to me, It had been an hour and a half call, and I was exhausted. And the Lord had been there. She was a young girl that reminded me so much of myself. And it was, the Lord just said, give her your soul. And we poured out, and she gave right back to me. It's always, he who refreshes others will himself be refreshed. And Tom stood there, and I said, I think I'm done for the day. And he had tears in his eyes, and he said, you have absolutely the best job in the world. And I said, really? He says, how many people can sit there on a telephone line and talk to someone who's considering life and death and be used by God to give her a little bit of information and send her to a wonderful center? And for that, I hadn't really ever looked at the honor and privilege it is to take this incredible dynamo that's abortion and break it down on a person-by-person level and just talk to them normally. It's all they need. Some of them have no support at all. Some of them don't know Christ. Most of them don't. I'll ask a question. What's your spiritual background? And depending on their answer, I will go one way or another. If they find out they believe in God, we'll ask them, what do you think God thinks of this? And sometimes scripture just does all the work. They just need to be reminded. And so many times you hang up the phone and you walk away and you just thank the Lord. But then there are those days when you pick up the phone and the girl is saying, I had my abortion. I did it. I aborted. One time I had been working with this beautiful woman on the Internet. She wouldn't call. She wouldn't visit her center for six weeks. She was 18 weeks pregnant, and she just casually said, I had my abortion yesterday. And I just rolled back in my chair and was horrified. I was horrified at myself. I said, what did I do wrong, Lord? what did I do wrong that she would take the six weeks? And I walked out, I walked around the block, and I was just asking God for some sense of this. And he said something deep into my heart, which is one of the things that Tom always reminds me of in our hard times is, praise me, praise me. And I said, Lord, I can't praise you for abortion. He says, I'm not asking you to praise me for abortion. I'm asking you to praise me for what I'm going to do in her life. Because of this. Who are you to know what I'm going to do with this? And you need to have faith that I've got a plan even when the child's born.
Look what he did in your life.
Amen. And it's incredibly hard to surrender that to the Lord when you know what these women are going to go through in the future. And she disappeared from my email. She's out there somewhere. And there's not a day that I don't remember her and pray for her. That might be the honor God's giving me is that I'm one of the few that's able to pray for her. And in the midst of that, I realized that all these pregnancy center people are going through the same thing. When they abort anyway, we grieve these children. It's not a 100% job. But if God created the life, then he knows what he's going to do with that life.
You may remember a long time ago, we had a conference for the directors of crisis pregnancy centers. That was a large group. I think they were 500 or 700. You were turning them away. All the details, don't you?
I had to decide who could come and who couldn't.
Well, I do remember that day and how many women told me. I mean, we set up microphones and they came and talked to me. How many women told me that the hardest part of their job was not fundraising, as difficult as that is. The most difficult part was working with these lost, lonely girls and bringing them through the pregnancy and have them get halfway through or three-quarters of the way through and then deciding to abort. And there is that sense of failure. What did I do wrong? Just exactly what you were talking about. That's hard. That is tough.
And it's what Jesus has set us to do, is to talk and reach these people and love them regardless. I often address the emotion and the anger that you can have against these women because you're grieving. And one thing I realized when I was going through my healing process was anger was a tool that I would use to keep grief at bay. If I was angry, I wasn't crying. And these are the women on the picket lines of the pro-choice movement. They are the ones that are screaming. They've yet to cry. They're very angry because their grief is so close. And so for these women who watch these children pass away, they're angry initially at themselves. They can be angry at the mothers. But most of the time it takes, they have the Holy Spirit there to say, calm down.
I've got a plan.
I've got a plan. I'm going to use her. I'm going to use this. You may never know it, but wait for it, because I'll make sure it turns to my good.
You know, when I leave my garage and I drive to Family Talk every day, I have to drive past the Planned Parenthood building that has just recently been constructed there. It's a beautiful building, and I'm sure some of our tax money... went to build that structure. And every day I look over there and I see cars that are there. Some days there are none, and I'm grateful for that. But some days there are six or eight cars, and I can imagine what's going on inside that building and that organization. And thankfully, there are Catholic people who stand in the driveway there. They can only get within about a block and a half from there. And they stand there and they pray for those women. and walk back and forth. They're not angry. They're not calling people names. They're not trying to start a fight or anything. They're just there praying for those babies and those women because it's not just the babies that they care about. It is the women and the men, their husbands too and their boyfriends too.
And I pray for the workers. A lot of these people are praying for the workers as well, the people in the clinics doing the work. I've met some incredible people who've come out of the work, and God can use them in an incredible way. While we were yet sinners.
As we close this conversation today, I would like to make an appeal to those who have listened to us and their hearts have been touched. people who have heard a call that they really ought to be doing something about this, about these unborn children. Some won't even talk about it because there's such a stigma politically, even within the Christian community. But it's not political. It's babies. And some might want to join that little band of people who are out there representing life are those that are praying for, as you said, those that are actually working in Planned Parenthood clinics and others. Whatever God calls you to do, I hope people will yield to it. You want to add to that?
You know, it's one of those things that Henry Blackaby said one time, find where God is working and go there. Well, God exists in these centers. God exists in a way that I've seen him only rarely exist in churches. And most of these women are not going to churches. It's not that they don't know God. They don't know Christ. And they see a little sign that says free pregnancy test. And they walk in or they Google on the internet and they find their local center. And the one thing that most people say when they're considering working for pregnancy centers is, this is too big. I'm just a little person. And I say, it has nothing to do with you. It has everything to do with God working through you. So take the pressure off and know that God can use you.
Well, Sidney and Tom, thank you all for what you've done for these 20 years. And thank you for your influence in my life. I've enjoyed working with you. It's been a long time. But you came here today and asked to see me. I didn't even know that you were in town because you live in Arkansas or someplace like that. Northwest Arkansas, home of the Razorbacks. Good to have you all here. We love you. Keep up the good work. And any last thing you want to say?
I would just want to thank you again, Dr. Dobson. I am a life that was changed because you made a decision to run an incredible work and just obey the Lord. And I have never since ever stopped praying for you and been so incredibly proud to serve you in whatever way I can. Thank you.
We hadn't planned to do a radio program.
No. No.
We just talked and we're both in tears, all three of us.
And the work that you have done on behalf of pregnancy centers has been very unique. And on behalf of these centers, I want to thank you. I want to thank you for loving them and standing up and encouraging them and for all that you've done for the unborn.
Do you look forward to the day when you hear the words, well done, thou good and faithful servant?
You know, I do look forward to that. I have my mother and my father in heaven with my son. And I look forward to that. And then I want to go give him a hug.
My dad still has tears in his eyes for what's happened to the unborn child. Bless you. Enjoy the work God's called you to do. And come by and see us when you're in town.
Thank you.
Thank you, Dr. Dobson.
Well, you've been listening to Dr. If you'd like more information about Rama International, or if you'd like to share today's broadcast with someone who needs to hear this important message of hope and healing, visit forward slash family talk. Here at the Dr. James Dobson Family Institute, we are committed to defending the sanctity of human life and supporting those on the front lines of this crucial work. Programs like the one you just heard today are made possible by friends like you who share our passion for protecting life and supporting families. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. The brand new JDFI Multilingual app is available, providing you with convenient access to Dr. Dobson's biblically-based teachings. We're talking about the new Dobson Marriage Podcast, the Dobson Parenting Podcast, and the popular newly remastered Dr. Dobson Minute. Now, the Family app is currently available on Apple devices in both English and Spanish. Now, three additional languages are also in the works for 2025, as well as an Android version as well, to seek to reach as many people, millions, all over the world for the Lord. For more information on how you can download the new JDFI Multilingual Family app, go to Well, I'm Roger Marsh. Thanks so much for listening to our program today. On behalf of Dr. Dobson and the entire team here at the JDFI, we pray that you have a wonderful rest of your day. And be sure to join us again next time right here for another edition of Dr. James Dobson's Family Talk.
This has been a presentation of the Dr. James Dobson Family Institute. With today's Dr. Dobson Minute, here's Dr. James Dobson.
Many years ago, my wife Shirley was working around the house one morning when a knock came at the front door. When she opened it, there stood a young woman in her late teens who called herself Sally. I'm selling brushes, she said, and I wonder if you'd like to buy any. Well, my wife told her she wasn't interested in buying anything that day, and Sally said, I know, no one else is either. And with that, she began to cry. Sally turned out to be an unmarried mother who was struggling mightily to support her two-year-old son. We took her to the market and we did what we could to help her get on her feet. Now, Sally is obviously not the only single mother out there who's desperately trying to survive in a very hostile world. And they could sure use a little kindness to babysit, to have a meal brought over, to have someone repair the washing machine or just show a little thoughtfulness. Not only will it bring encouragement to the mom, but one or more children will bless you as well.