Looking at “foundation and bricks” of the home God desires to be built. He is the Architect and we follow the plans. Let’s build.
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Learn about what evangelism means and looks like from the teachers you trust on KLTT. Learn how to share the gospel, exegesis that makes things make more sense, and news about evangelism around the globe here on the mighty KLTT!
Looking at “foundation and bricks” of the home God desires to be built. He is the Architect and we follow the plans. Let’s build.
To support this ministry financially, visit: https://www.oneplace.com/donate/1561/29
Sermon Overview
Scripture Passage: Acts 8:26-39
Every believer is called, ordained, equipped, and given opportunity to share the Gospel of Jesus Christ. Every Christian is called to be an evangelist. If you are not witnessing, you are disobeying God.
In Acts 8, God used the Apostle Philip to share the Gospel with an Ethiopian man. There are three things in this chapter that help clarify our specific call to evangelism.
First, we must be sensitive to the direction of the Spirit.
“Now an angel of the Lord spoke to Philip, saying, ‘Arise and go toward the south along the road which goes down from Jerusalem to Gaza.’ This is desert. So he arose and went…” (Acts 8:26-27). As we see in this passage, God’s Spirit finds sinners whose hearts are open to the Gospel of Jesus Christ. He also works on soul-winners as well, prompting their hearts with the conviction to share. When the Holy Spirit leads, we must be prepared to listen and obey. God will lead us to someone who needs Jesus.
Secondly, we must be swift for the demands of the Spirit.
“Then the Spirit said to Philip, ‘Go near and overtake this chariot.’ So Philip ran to him...’” (Acts 8:29-30). Philip had to run to catch this Ethiopian man. Many of us can recount times when God has prompted our hearts with an opportunity to witness and we waited until it passed. May we be more like Philip, running to witness to others, not letting a single opportunity pass by.
Finally, we must be steadfast in the desire of the Spirit, which is to share Jesus.
“Then Philip opened his mouth, and beginning at this Scripture, preached Jesus to him” (Acts 8:35). We are all sinners and need to be saved; if the Holy Spirit resides in us, we will have a desire for others to understand this and receive salvation.
Adrian Rogers says, “What a privilege God has given to us—one that angels don’t have, one that we will not have in the world to come—to bring souls to Jesus Christ.”
Apply it to your life
Are you sensitive to the spirit, swift to obey, and desire to bring others to Jesus?
Adrian Rogers says, “God did not save you to be a member of Christians Anonymous; you are to endeavor to bring others to Jesus Christ.”
God loves to bless our generosity! In this message, Pastor Rick teaches the principles you need to follow for God to “bless you abundantly, so that in all things at all times, having all that you need, you will abound in every good work” (2 Corinthians 9:8 NIV).
Discover how to keep the peace within your heart.
* Second Thessalonians: Paul's letters to the Thessalonians tells of the future rapture of the Body of Christ and challenges Christians to be faithful while still here on earth. Bob's audio Bible study of 1st and 2nd Thessalonians helps to make Paul's message more understandable. 1st and 2nd Thessalonians is now available on MP3-CD or MP3 download
For over a quarter century Bob Enyart has studied God's Word praying for the wisdom to share the truth of Scripture with a lost and dying world. Now you can benefit from this very exciting Bible study. The two Revelation albums address matters of eternal consequence head on. Before listening to these tapes, Bob strongly urges that you read The Plot book or listen to The Plot album that will introduce you to the overview of the Bible. Available on MP3-CD or download.
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Do you find it hard to be happy? Is it difficult for you to cultivate gratitude and thankfulness in life? In today's episode find the encouragement you need to change your outlook on life. Discover how changing your perspective can benefit you and your walk with God.
Visit our website at DiscoveringTheJewishJesus.com
Today, Pastor Jack teaches that knowing the truth will set you free. We need to defend God’s truth on our campuses and stand for what is right.
The post Life And Bible: Being A Christian While Being On Campus – 2C first appeared on Pastor Jack Hibbs.
Join Cherry Campbell, international missionary and Bible teacher, as she unpacks the principles of the Kingdom of God. Learn how to transition from the world’s systems into the superior ways of God’s Kingdom. Discover the mindset, methods, and spiritual truths that lead to a life of victory and divine purpose. Deepen your understanding and grow in faith to live as a citizen of God’s Kingdom.
00:00:06 Announcer
Welcome to victorious faith.
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We believe you will be blessed, encouraged and receive fresh faith to begin your day as you listen to today's message with international missionary and Bible teacher Cher Cam.
00:00:21 Cherri Campbell
00:00:21 Cherri Campbell
Welcome to victorious faith.
00:00:23 Cherri Campbell
I'm cherry.
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This morning I'm going to continue sharing with you the lesson that I've been sharing with you all this week that I taught in a class some years ago on the subject. The Kingdom of God.
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You could also call it understanding.
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The Kingdom of God, what it is and how it all operates.
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And this is message 4 in a series of messages that I've been sharing with you for the last few weeks.
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And if you'd like to hear these messages again, or share them with your friends and family, you can go to my YouTube channel, which is under my name, Cherry Campbell. CHERRI Campbell CAMPBEL.
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Well, and they're in the top category called Radio broadcasts.
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Will see this series called the Kingdom of.
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Now join me in our live class for the continuation of Message 4 called 2 Kingdoms 2 Systems.
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When you read about Kingdom of God and Kingdom of Heaven, it's talking about the same thing.
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It's not always necessarily just talking about heaven.
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So the Kingdom of Darkness has another name.
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Also called the Kingdom of this world.
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And also in Ephesians Chapter 2 verse 2 it says the ruler of the Kingdom of the air.
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So it's also called the Kingdom of the air.
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Now the problem is these are two kingdoms. They are two.
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Systems of operating.
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Two ways of doing things.
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Two different worldviews, two different ways of thinking, ways of talking and ways of doing.
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The problem is that when most Christians are born again, they are born into the Kingdom of God.
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But they continue to think, talk and act the same way as the Kingdom of the world.
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So that's why they're not very successful because now they are citizens.
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New Kingdom the Kingdom of.
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But they're still living under the mindset and the laws of the Kingdom of the world, and you cannot.
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It doesn't.
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You can't be in one Kingdom living.
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The laws of a different Kingdom.
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And that's why so many Christians are not successful.
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And so I wanted to look at something.
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At Luke 16.
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Luke 16.
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You see, when people are born again, they have not. Most of the time learned to operate in a new Kingdom with new methods.
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In Luke 16, we see a parable that Jesus told about a manager of a rich man.
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He was the manager of the rich Man's.
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00:03:18 Cherri Campbell
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And the rich man discovered that the manager was wrongfully using his money in his possession.
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He said you cannot be manager any longer.
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And then the manager went to.
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The debtors, the people that owed money to his master.
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And he reduced all of their debt.
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In order to make friends.
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But what's very interesting and what he seemed strange to many people when they've read this is verse 8.
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And let me read it from.
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The King James translation.
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The Lord commanded, or even praised.
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The unjust manager.
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Because he had done wisely.
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For the children of this world are in their generation, wiser than the children of light, and that seems like a very strange verse.
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Why would Jesus say that the children of the?
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Are wiser.
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Well, what he is saying is that the people of this world Kingdom are more skillful.
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And expert in using their system.
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Than the.
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Of God are at using the system of God.
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In other words, they know their system better than we know our system.
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And they're more profitable in their system than we are profitable in our system.
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So that it even looks like our system doesn't work as well.
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But it.
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It's just that we don't know how to work it.
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And that's the.
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And that's what Jesus is talking.
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We don't know the church, the people of God, don't know God system as well as the people of the world know their system.
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Why? They look like they're more successful.
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And that's what he's talking about.
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So we need to change that. We need to become more knowledgeable about the ways of God.
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And So what we need to understand is that when we are born again, that is when Jesus Christ comes into your heart and you give your life to him.
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And say, forgive me of my sins, I surrender myself to you, be my God and my Lord.
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And I will serve you and obey you.
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Then we receive what the Bible calls new birth, and we are born again in the spirit, the Spirit Man on the inside is born over new.
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And we are recreated on the inside and now we are transferred from the Kingdom of the world into the Kingdom of God.
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These are invisible kingdoms, and we'll talk about that in just a minute.
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Are spiritual.
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They are not physical, so it's not like going from the Philippines to America.
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These are spiritual kingdoms and it's being transferred from the Kingdom of the world into the Kingdom of God.
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What we need to understand is that you may be very successful in the world.
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You may be a CEO, Chief Executive, officer of a big corporation.
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Mean you're at the top.
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In this world system, but when you are born again, you are transferred into the Kingdom of God and in the Kingdom of God you.
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Not at the top.
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You don't carry over your status and become CEO.
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In the Kingdom of God also, no, you start at the very bottom. Everybody starts at the bottom. As a baby we are born.
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Were born into the Kingdom.
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Were not just transferred, were born, and therefore when you're born, you start as a baby and you've got to grow up. And so you may be in the world.
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CEO. But in the Kingdom of God, you're a brand new baby.
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And so.
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What we need to understand is that.
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This transfer does not automatically mean you're going to be a success as soon as you enter this Kingdom.
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And I'm going to be comparing these two kingdoms in these two systems for the next few hours I believe and wanting us to see the difference in what they are, where they come from, how they operate, because we need to see the difference. So that we begin to.
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The new system, the Kingdom of God.
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And I want us to see it like this. As I mentioned before.
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Every nation, every culture has a system and a way of doing things.
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And as I go into different countries, when I was in Africa or Asia or in the Pacific islands, when I go in there, I'd have to learn their ways.
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Their ways of doing things and every place they go, it's different. When somebody comes to America, they have to learn the ways here.
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New ways. A new way of even taking the bus as a matter of fact, in my home place, there are some refugees.
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That have been brought from a refugee camp from 1 Nation in Asia.
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And I've become friends with some of these refugees.
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They were.
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Over to America by a US agency that was bringing refugees in to America and.
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They're coming in every day by the thousands all across America, all across America and even right here. There are many refugees coming in.
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And so these people, when they come to America, I met this one man and he said.
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The enhanced nation.
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He was a successful school teacher.
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And he had a good reputation, a good, honorable job as a school teacher.
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But when he came to America, he doesn't qualify to be a school teacher.
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His qualifications from his nation don't qualify him here.
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And as he looked and looked for a job, I mean, some of these have been friends of mine.
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Have to even learn how to.
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The bus.
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Well, I know.
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I understand that 'cause when I go to another country, it'll be hard for me to take the bus.
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I mean, it's hard to figure out how to get on and off and where.
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Sometimes you just jump on as it's flying past.
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And you jump off.
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Try not to get run over so.
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You know, I understand that.
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And so even some of these friends, you know, they need help to get the bus or get to the grocery store and buy groceries. And so the system here, they have to learn it.
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And as he looked for a job, he was having a hard time and he couldn't get one. As a school teacher, he ended up getting a job working in a gas station.
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A fuel station.
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And I actually made friends from another country that have come to America, and that's where they're working.
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They're working in the corner store at the gas station.
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It's the best job they can find for their qualifications.
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What does that?
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They come into the system at the bottom.
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Now, does that mean that America is not as good as their country?
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Does that mean that it's a less system or that it's more poor?
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No, it just simply means that they need to learn a different system and when you transfer systems you need two things. You need education and training.
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And when these people come, if this man who was a school teacher would get education and training, he could be a school teacher here.
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What I want you to see is.
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But I'm getting ahead of myself, but I want to point this out that the Kingdom of God is superior.
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It is a greater Kingdom to the Kingdom of this world.
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Just like America is a greater system than the nation that this man that I was talking about that these refugees had come from, they had come from a country that had very little opportunity.
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And they were living in a refugee camp.
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Mean they were living in check house.
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And so there are opportunities and potential was very limited where they were. But in America the opportunities are great. The possibilities are great, the potential.
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Of success and prosperity is far greater here than it was where they came from. But just because they come in and get a job at the gas station doesn't mean this is a bad system.
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Or not as good or not as successful. It just means that they're at the bottom and they need two things.
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Need education?
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And they made training.
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Now I know of Christians who have said to me, Jerry before I was born again, I always had money.
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I mean, I would just drink and I.
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Party, but there was.
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Always money at hand. When I got born again.
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The money disappeared.
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Well, that does happen sometimes, and that's one reason why so many Christians think that the Kingdom of God is poor.
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And if you're going to serve God, you're going to be poor.
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But it's a lie of the devil.
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What you just heard was the continuation of a lesson that I taught in a class some years ago on the subject. The Kingdom of God.
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Or you.
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Call it understanding the Kingdom of God, what it is and how it operates.
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This is lesson for in that series called.
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2 Kingdoms, 2 systems and we will continue this lesson again tomorrow. So join me again tomorrow. And remember God loves you.
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You are blessed and highly favored by the Lord.
00:13:33 Announcer
We're glad you joined us today for victorious faith with Cherry Campbell. We invite you to visit ourwebsite@victoriousfaith.co, where you can listen to the victorious Faith radio broadcast, find Biblical study helps.
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Contact cherry and make donations.
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You can also write to us at PO Box 509, E Lake, Colorado 80614.
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Victorious faith is a God and partners supported ministry. As you sow seed and partner with this ministry, we believe God with you for the full harvest of victory you need in your life.
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Please join us again Monday through Friday at the same time to begin your day with fresh faith.
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And remember, Faith is the victory that overcomes the world.