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Join Cherry Campbell in this inspiring episode of Victorious Faith as she delves deep into the boundless nature of God's kingdom. Through Biblical revelations and personal reflections, Cherry reveals the unwavering promise of God to never let us down. Even when we feel helpless or stuck in life's challenges, God’s mercy and strength are ever-present, inviting us to repent and follow His divine guidance towards restoration and abundance.


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Join Cherry Campbell in this inspiring episode of Victorious Faith as she delves deep into the boundless nature of God's kingdom. Through Biblical revelations and personal reflections, Cherry reveals the unwavering promise of God to never let us down. Even when we feel helpless or stuck in life's challenges, God’s mercy and strength are ever-present, inviting us to repent and follow His divine guidance towards restoration and abundance.


Liz talks with Joe Beckler, Vice President of Christian Business Men’s Connection (CBMC) – the largest marketplace ministry in the world with local sites all across the country.  Men account for over 75% of all suicides.  Men are twice as likely to be addicted to drugs and alcohol.  36% of children don’t live with their fathers.  And yet, only about 10% of churches have a men's ministry!  That is why CBMC equips men to be an ambassador for Christ within the marketplace and their sphere of influence. Encouraging and training men to invest in other men, while surrounding themselves with a trusted team of advisors and accountability is  what sets CBMC apart in today’s culture.


Luke 12:48 says, From everyone who has been given much, much will be demanded. On today’s edition of Family Talk, Dr. Ben Carson gives a stirring speech about our society today, and the responsibilities that Christians have been given by our Father in Heaven. Let your heart be inspired as Dr. Carson reminds you that all of us are fearfully and wonderfully made in God’s image.

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Are you in control of your spirit? Do you know what it takes to walk in freedom from the frustrations of life? In today's episode, explore God's promises to you as revealed in Psalm 103, and learn how you can strengthen your inner man to walk in glory daily.

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Sermon Overview


Scripture Passage: Acts 5:1-11


In Acts 5, the Early Church was in the blaze of revival. However, the devil crafted a new attack from within the church, through Ananias and Sapphira.


After seeing another church member receive praise for selling his property and giving everything to the church, Ananias, and his wife Sapphira, lied about their own offering to receive the same praise. Right on the spot, God struck them both dead. Considering this grave warning, each of us must ask ourselves if we are living supernaturally or superficially.


Filled with pride, Ananias and Sapphira pretended to have a devotion to Jesus they did not have; they became hypocrites. The Holy Spirit gave Peter the gift of discernment and exposed the lie through him. Peter then revealed that this couple didn’t just lie to men, they lied to the Spirit of God. It is unspeakably serious to lie to the Holy Spirit; we could never fool Him.


As Christians, we will be judged as sinners, servants, and sons.


Our judgment as sinners was settled at the cross of Jesus Christ. The judgment for our service will be dealt with at the judgment seat of Christ. The judgment of sons is the way God the Father disciplines us and grows us day by day.


What happened to Ananias and Sapphira was their judgment as children of God. This punishment can sometimes be very severe.


But the judgment of God can save us, too. God doesn’t take vengeance on his own children. God, in mercy, took Ananias and Sapphira to keep them from further sin. It was a saving judgment for the church, as well. Through this example, the church saw how God felt about sin.


Adrian Rogers says, “God will do certain things as an example in the physical world to show how He feels in the spiritual world.”


Their hypocrisy did not stop the Early Church; hypocrisy shouldn’t stop us today. Hypocrites come and go, but the church of the Lord Jesus marches on.


Apply it to your life


We are saved by grace, but one of these days we will face the judgment seat of Christ and give an account for how we stewarded our lives. If you’re a child of God, sin in your life is more serious than sin in the life of an unsaved person. Be careful that you do not lie to the Holy Spirit.


Today, Pastor Jack teaches being a Christian means we no longer belong to ourselves. Marriage is a covenant with God, putting Him first, and then our spouse. Marriage is designed by God to bring depth to our ministry, and is worthy of being protected, and fought for.

The post Life And Bible: Being A Christian And Avoiding Divorce – B first appeared on Pastor Jack Hibbs.


An awesome text study from Ecclesiastes that gives one comfort, strength, assurance and hope.

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Dive deeper into God's promises and how they relate to humility.


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