Pastor Rick teaches that, from the beginning, God’s plan has been to make you like his Son, Jesus—this is your destiny. The Bible describes Jesus as “the exact likeness of God,” “the visible image of the invisible God,” and “the exact representation of his being” (2 Corinthians 4:4 GNT, Colossians 1:15 NLT, Hebrews 1:3 NIV).
Hey there, everybody, and welcome to Pastor Rick's Daily Hope. And whether today is your first time tuning in or if you're a regular listener, we're really excited that you're here. Well, today, Pastor Rick is continuing his series called Discover Your Destiny. So get ready to explore the practical steps to grow in all areas of your life. spirit, mind, body, relationships, and even your career. So stick with us as we uncover God's incredible plan for your future. And here's Rick with the final part of a message called, How Can I Know My Destiny?
Number three. Now the third thing that Esther did, she not only got disturbed, and she not only looked at what God had given her, but you've got to take the time to hear God's call on my life. I must take the time to hear God's call on my life. You need a retreat. You need a getaway. You need to get away for at least a day, maybe two or three days, where you sit down and you listen to God. You sit down, you shut up, you be quiet, and you pray and you plan and you think about the next 10 years of your life. And you think, what does God want me to do, given my gifts and given my passions and the needs I see around me? What does God want me to do? And you're not gonna do this on your own. So you gotta have like a little retreat time. Now notice this, Mordecai, who's her adopted father, they all know about this plot to kill all of the Jewish people. And in verse 13 and 14 of Esther 4, it says, Mordecai sent this word to Esther. Do not think because you're in the king's house that you alone of all Jews will escape. For if you remain silent, and he said, you can't remain silent. If you remain silent at this time, he said, relief and deliverance for the Jews will arise from another place. In other words, Mordecai said, I've got faith in God. He's not gonna let this God's chosen people be eliminated from the face of the earth. He's not gonna happen. So God will provide, but he says, if you don't do anything about it, you and your father's family will perish. Besides, he says, who knows? but that you have come to this position for such a time as this. Now remember, Esther is a 20 year old, in her 20s, young, poor, orphaned, Jewish girl. And she's now the queen of Persia. And Mordecai's going, Esther, you think this is by accident? I don't think so. Do you not think that God puts you in this position for such a time as this? This is no accident. And don't just think you can ignore these disturbing trends out there in society. You cannot remain silent. You gotta do something about it. Now I wanna tell you, that's not just true of Esther. It's true of you. Some of you young women, you're exactly where God put you for the reason he put you there. Some of you young guys, you're exactly where God put you. It doesn't matter what your age is. You are where you are for such a time as this. And God brought you to Saddleback Church not to sit, soak, and sour, but to make a difference with your life. He has a destiny for your life. God says, I brought you to this place, and I brought you to this time, and I want you to hear my call. Now you gotta take the time to hear God's call on my life. Now God has called everyone. We've talked about this before. A lot of people think God only calls preachers and missionaries and nuns and priests. Those are the called people. No, everybody is called. Your calling is your vocation. As I told you, it's this Latin word, voce, which means vocal. Your vocation is your call, your voice. Everybody has a vocation. Everybody has a calling of God. God has called every one of you to make a difference with your life. Some of you are not picking up the phone. Now here's the point. You don't call God. He calls you. You don't just go, what would I like to do with my life? Sorry, you don't get that option. Unless you don't want any blessing. God says, no, no, I created you for a purpose. I have a vision and values and I have a purpose, plan and a destiny for your life. And God calls you and you gotta pick up the phone. I wish what we were doing were just a matter of life and death. That'd be easy, but it's not. It's more important than life or death because eternity is in the balance, heaven and hell. Jesus talked more about hell than he did about heaven. They're real. We're not just talking about helping people now. We're talking about their eternal destinies. It's bigger than life or death. And God has brought you to this place just like he brought Esther to her place, including the good and the bad that happened. I'm sure it was no fun going and having sex with a king you didn't even love. and knowing that the night before and the night after you, it's gonna be somebody else. But God said, you know what, I can even use that. I can even use date rape. I can bring good out of anything. Esther 4, verse 15. Then Esther sent this reply to Mordecai. Go and gather together all the Jews who are in Susa. They're the capital. and fast for me. Said, I want you to find everybody you can, get everybody who's Jewish, and I get everybody to fast for me, because I'm gonna have to go confront the king. And I know that this is a scary thing. She's going, you know what? First place, it's against the law for me to go to him. You only go to the king if he invites you. It's against the law for me to take the initiative and go to the king. If you read the story, she said, in fact, he hadn't called for me in 30 days, so I haven't had any contact with him in a month. So I don't know if he still loves me or what. And number two, I'm gonna have to reveal that I'm Jewish, which means I'm gonna keep it a secret from my husband. And number three, I'm gonna ask him to publicly renounce a decree he's already signed and he's gonna look foolish. to reverse a command. So I'm gonna probably die for this. I'm gonna probably lose my life for this. I'm taking my life in my own hands. So she says, you go gather all the Jews who are in Susa and fast for me. And do not eat or drink for three days or night or day. And I and my maids will fast as you do. And when this is done, Then I'll go to the king. She's saying, before I initiate any confrontation with the king, which is no light matter and can cost me my life, I'm gonna have to have a little retreat. And I'm gonna need to get off by myself and I'm gonna fast and I'm gonna pray and I'm gonna think and I'm gonna plan out my words and I'm gonna give some serious time to my destiny. Now, Esther does two things that you're going to need for your destiny in the next 10 years. Number one, just like Esther, you're going to need all the support you can get. She said, go get everybody you can to pray for me. That's why you must be in a small group. Because you cannot fulfill your destiny on your own. We get well in community, we serve in community, we share in community. God meant for us to be in community. The very first thing God said to man, it is not good for men to be alone. Whether you marry or not is irrelevant. You have to be in a family. You have to be connected. You have to be in community. She says, get everybody praying for me. You're going to need that. And the second thing Esther did, and you're going to need to, you're going to need some time alone. You're going to need to go on a retreat, at least an overnighter, where you get alone. Because if I tell you, go home and make these lists of all the things that you're gifted in and make a list of all the things you care about, you know what? You're not going to do it. You're gonna walk out of here and you're gonna forget it and you're not gonna do it and you're gonna come back next week and it still won't be done. So I'm going to force you to do it. And in the next three years, I want everybody in this church to take a retreat. a life planning retreat to plan goals in all the key areas of your life. What are my goals financially? What are my goals for my family? What are my goals for my personal life? What are my goals for my health? What are my goals in learning? And I'm gonna help you. Nothing becomes dynamic till it becomes specific. Now, number four, one last thing. The fourth thing you have to do is what Esther did is that is you must make a faith commitment. You must make a faith commitment. The Bible says without faith it's impossible to please God. The Bible says according to your faith it will be done unto you. The Bible says the just shall live by faith. The Bible says all things are possible to him who believes. Now Esther says I know this is scary and I know it's a big risk and I'm scared to death to take this initiative to go to the king and tell him I'm Jewish and ask him to rescind a stupid decree that a bad guy got him to approve. But It's the right thing to do, so I'm gonna do it. She's an amazing woman. Now in Esther 4.16, she makes this faith commitment to do the thing that she's most afraid of. She says, and when this is done, you know, my three-day retreat, we've all prayed, we've all fasted, and I've thought through where I'm going. When this is done, I will go, that's a faith commitment, I will go to the king, even though it's against the law. And if I perish, I perish.
What a woman. What a woman. What an amazing woman. If I perish, I perish.
But I'm gonna die doing the right thing. Friend, you're not ready to live till you know what you're ready to die for. You cannot live until you have qualified and clarified in your heart what you're willing to die for. You're not ready to live the next 10 years. If you don't know what you're willing to die for, you're not living, you're just existing. Not knowing what's worth dying for makes life motion without meaning. You gotta know what's worth giving your life for. On the other hand, when you understand your destiny and you really get it, it grabs you. That calling grabs you and you go after it with total abandonment. And you say, if it takes my life, it takes my life. And if I perish, I perish. But I'm gonna die doing what God tells me to do. Now I want you to write this sentence down. I can only manage what I measure. Would you write that down? I can only manage what I measure. If you don't have measurable goals, it's just a wish, it's a dream, it's a hope, but it's not a real goal. And if you don't set some measurable goals for the next three years, in phase one of Decade of Destiny, to measure, that you can measure, you're not gonna be any different in three years, much less in 10 years. And so I'm gonna help you set some spiritual goals and I want them to be specific. And I'm telling you right now that on the last Sunday of this two month campaign, I'm going to ask you, I'm gonna challenge you to make four faith commitments. You don't have to write these down. But you'll say, four faith commitments. Number one, what do I wanna learn in the next four years, in the next three years? My goal for you is that you'll be smarter, as I said, smarter and sharper, and you'll be more skilled and more successful. What do I wanna learn? What am I gonna commit to become in the next three years? What am I gonna commit to contribute in the next three years? What am I gonna commit to do with my life in the next three years? These three year faith commitments come up in another month, because all the messages are worthless. If we don't make it measurable, I don't need it, you need it. It's not for me, it's for your benefit. So you can measure your progress over the three years. Jesus said it like this on the screen. According to your faith, it will be done to you. You know, every morning, I sit on the side of my bed and I pray a prayer. And that prayer, I pray the same prayer every day. It's a little prayer I've just written and memorized. And then I say the words to a song. I don't sing it because I can't sing, especially in the morning. But I say this as I'm sitting on the bed. I don't even get out of bed until I've done this. I say, Lord, Lord, I offer my life to you. Everything I've been through, use it for your glory. Lord, I offer my days to you. Lift up my praise to you as a living sacrifice. Lord, I offer you my life. I say it every day before I get out of bed. I think this is the attitude Esther had when she knew that going to her husband, the King of Persia would likely mean her head would be cut off because first she did admit she's Jewish. And second, she's asking him to reverse a decree that would make him seem foolish. But Esther says, Lord, I offer my life to you. Everything I've been through. My parents died. I was in the cattle call of a harem. Everything I've been through, use it for your glory. Lord, I offer my days to you. Lift up my praise to you as a living sacrifice. Lord, I offer you my life. And if I perish... I perish. And because she was willing to lay it on the line for the destiny God had planned for her, the Jewish nation was saved. You see, you wouldn't be saved without Esther. Because if the Jews had been annihilated, there would be no Jesus the Messiah. And you would be hopeless. That's the impact of Esther. Let's bow our heads. Would you pray this prayer in your heart? Dear God, I want the rest of my life to be the best of my life, I want my life to count. I don't wanna live for myself, I wanna live for you and for the destiny you've created for me. Help me to recognize the gifts that you've put in my life. Not just the assets, but even the liabilities, the limitations, the handicaps. even the hurts, and to realize that even those are part of the plan to get me where you want me to be in the time and place and what you want me to do with my life. Help me to identify the needs that stir my heart. To realize that when I see something, I go, that's wrong. That needs to be corrected. Somebody ought to do something about that. That you're speaking to me. Help me to take time to hear your call, to be quiet, to settle down. Lord, without even knowing when I'm gonna do it, I commit right now to going on retreat. And in the weeks ahead, help me to consider what faith commitments you want me to make in the key areas of my life. If you've never opened your life to Jesus Christ, regardless of your religious background, say, Jesus Christ, please make yourself real to me. I don't understand it all, but if you're real, I open up my life to you. I want to know you. I want to learn to trust you and love you. I open up my life to your plan and purpose, dear God. I want to fulfill your destiny that you have for me. In your name I pray. Amen. Hi, everybody. This is Rick, and I hope you enjoyed today's broadcast. You know, if you just prayed that prayer for the very first time or you just recommitted your life to Jesus again today, would you let me know about it? There's something real about sharing your commitment. So write me, Rick, at and say, Rick, I prayed that prayer of commitment. I gave my life to Christ, and I'll send you some material that'll help you on your journey with Jesus, and I'll also pray for you. God bless you.
What a life-giving message from Pastor Rick. Now let's join Rick with today's offer. Thanks for listening today.
You know, honestly, I never paid much attention to my health until I had a little epiphany a few years back when I baptized over 800 people in a single day by immersion. Now looking at myself and everybody that I was baptizing, it was real clear that we all needed to get healthy. So I put together a team of nationally known doctors to help me develop a program for our church. I called it the Daniel Plan, based on the passage in the book of Daniel, where Daniel has a contest with King Nebuchadnezzar on who can be the healthiest. The Daniel Plan is centered on five essentials that will help you become healthier. faith, food, fitness, focus, and friends. There are a lot of diet plans out there that deal with food and fitness, but the secret sauce in the Daniel plan is focus, learning to have your mind renewed, friends, learning to grow in community, and faith, trusting God's power rather than willpower. You know, we found that when individuals addressed health issues in each of these key areas, they are transformed. In fact, in the first year of the Daniel Plan, over 15,000 people from 190 countries participated, and the results were life-changing. In fact, our own church, Saddleback Church, lost over a quarter of a million pounds in one year. Can you imagine that? What did it do for our church? It increased our energy. We started sleeping better. It reduced our need for medication. The whole church was healthier. Now, the Daniel Plan has recently been released in a book format, and I want you to have a copy of this book today so you can start getting healthier now. And I'll send you a hardcover copy of the Daniel Plan book as a very special thank you for your gift to this ministry.
Just go to to get your copy of this great resource. That's Or you can just text the word HOPE to 70309. That's the word HOPE to 70309. And thank you so much for your support. Your gift to Daily Hope really helps us share the hope of Christ with people all over the world. Be sure to join us next time as we look into God's Word for our Daily Hope. This program is sponsored by Pastor Rick's Daily Hope and your generous financial support.
Join Sharon Knotts in an insightful exploration of the profound impact of whispers that the enemy plants in our minds. She discusses the role of fear as a crippling emotion first felt by mankind and how subtle differences in truth can lead to significant spiritual consequences. Gain wisdom on discerning between right and almost right, see how Satan's MO of stealing, killing, and destroying can be tackled with the faith in God's unwavering truth.
Greetings, friends and new listeners, and welcome to The Sound of Faith. I'm Sharon Knotts, thanking you for joining us today because we know faith comes by hearing and hearing by the Word of God. Today's message is a true eye-opener and ear-arrester, the whisperer. In Genesis and Revelation, Satan is called a serpent. The Hebrew word is nakash, and its verb form means to whisper like the hiss of a snake. From the moment he beguiled Eve in the garden, Satan has been whispering his cunning lies and accusations against God and his true people because he is the whisperer. He whispers fear. I think everyone is more powerful than the other. Now that I'm going along here, fear is so powerful. It can cripple people. It can cripple people till they can't even hardly function. It can cripple them till they cannot enjoy the blessings God has in their lives. They are so afraid of everything. And I'm not surprised because it was the first negative emotion that mankind ever felt when Adam and Eve sinned. You know, the story goes on to tell us. And then they went and hid and God came walking in the day and he said, where are you, Adam? And he said, well, I hid because I was afraid. I tell you, saints, I don't know how many times through the years that people have come to me and their prayer request is, A spirit of fear. And I can identify with it. I understand it because I was under it. I came under it very strongly. And I've told those testimonies before how I got delivered, so I won't do it today. But I understand how strong a spirit of fear is. I had it from a child. As a little child, I had it. And then as I grew up, I seemed to overcome it. And I didn't have it for many, many, many years. And then it hit me again hard when I had the back issue. So I understand the fear, the things that the devil says to you. Sometimes he'll tell you, you're going to die. You're going to die. And it can become so real to you that you start having symptoms in your body you never even had before. I know that that is true. I know it. So slander, whispers of slander. And this is blasphemy. And, you know, people always think that blasphemy can only be done against God. They always connect blasphemy against God. But you read the New Testament. You read Paul. He says you can blaspheme against other people. And a lot of times they are outright lies. And the thing about it is he is so clever and crafty, he has the ability to make it sound true. To make it seem so plausible, to make it seem true. We looked at Greek, so now we see the Hebrew word for subtle. It means to be shrewd, crafty, cunning, and sly. Again, the word here in the Hebrew, the idea is that it's hard to distinguish between two things. The difference is so subtle that it's hard to differentiate between the two of them. The distinction between them is not obvious immediately. A subtle difference. And, you know, it happens a lot of times in a good way. You know, you're going to paint your bedroom a new color. Okay, we're going to make it a blue bedroom now. And so now you have bought your bedding, and so now you've got to go to the store and get paint, and you want to make sure that it blends. So you're pretty sure you know what color you want, or vice versa. You've already painted the room. Now you're going to go look for bedding, whichever way. And you go into the paint store and you think, okay, we're going to get a light blue. There are 4,235,000 swatches of light blue. And you're like, this is just blue. Put it next to your bedding and they clash. One after another. One after another. You know, you think that it is the same color. But when you get them next to each other, there's a subtle difference. Amen. It's that subtle difference. See, sometimes, saints, it's not a matter of discerning between right and wrong. That's not subtle. It's discerning between right and almost right. Amen. That's where the devil gets in and whispers in your ear. Amen. He uses words of reasoning to camouflage his true intent. So what is the nature of HaSatan? Jesus said in John 10, 10, the thief personifying Satan is come, but, and that means the only thing he's come for to kill and to steal and to destroy. That is his MO. That is his agenda. And everything he does is to the fulfillment of those things. Amen. That's what he's come to do, to steal, to kill and to destroy. And I want you to know that you might say, well, kill and destroy. If you're dead, you can't be destroyed. Here's what you've got to understand. The word destroy there means to ruin. ruin see kill means what it means he would like to actually kill you but if he can't kill you if he can't take you out then he wants to ruin your life he wants to ruin your life with bondage and lies and fear and torment amen That's his nature. And as I've told you before, the word Satan, Satan in Hebrew, if we look at its root, remembering the original Hebrew language was written in word pictures that later became letters. And when we look at the three consonants in the word Satan, because they did not write vowels in ancient Hebrew. So we would spell it S-T-N. So when we look at the Hebrew letter S, it's shin. It's a picture of teeth or fire. Either way, it means to devour. When we look at the word T, it's tet in Hebrew, and it's a picture of a snake. And it means a snake. And when we look at the word en, it's nun in Hebrew. It's a picture of a fish swimming in water. Not just a fish, but swimming in water. And it means life. Put the three together. Satan is a snake that comes to devour life. That is the hidden layer in the name of Satan in the Hebrew. Amen? And so he comes often in whispers. And I correlate Satan's whispers to what I call white noise. Now, our ears are bombarded all day long, everywhere we go, with sound. Everywhere. Sound, sound, sound. If it's not the TV, it's the radio. If it's not that, it's machines that are running. If it's not that, it's traffic that you can hear in your home as well as if you're in your car. It's kids making noise. Everywhere we go, it's... Noise. And I dare say that a majority of people have the habit of having their TV on even when they're not watching it. It's in the background. They can be doing something completely different, but they put the TV on and they're not even paying attention to it, but it's on. And they're accustomed to noise at all times. Amen? And so we're bombarded with all of this noise. But I tell you, if at night... When everyone is asleep and you turn off the TV, you don't go to bed with the TV on and you turn off the radio or whatever else and completely silent. And you happen to live on a street where there's not traffic out there and everything is completely silent and you're laying there. I tell you, you will hear a low level of A very low level of some kind of buzz in your ear. How many have ever done that? And you know what I'm talking about? Because we're so used to sound. We're so used to be bombarded with it that when we're totally, completely quiet. And hopefully if you're married, your mate doesn't snore. If your mate snores, you won't hear the white buzz. The little white noise. Amen. But you will hear that. It is like this low level of noise. And saints, that noise, that sound is not coming from external stimuli. From external noises. That sound is coming from inside your own head. How many know what I'm talking about? It's not outside. There's not something on in your home or in your bedroom that's making this noise. It's coming from inside your own head. And you see, this is how the serpent whispers to your mind. Now, that is a physical illustration that I gave you. But can we connect it and go in the spirit and see that that's how Satan whispers to your mind? And he knows when to whisper. For you to hear him. And that's why we've got to learn to drown out the whispers with the word of God. We've got to cast them down with God's word. And for me, it means sometimes I've got to completely go to speaking out loud. I have to answer out loud. I might in my mind think of a verse or of a song or something. But you know what? I find out when I start singing. I don't hear those whispers anymore. When I start quoting the word of God, I don't hear them anymore because I'm resisting the devil and he has to flee from me. Amen? And I have learned not to wait. See, a while back before I learned all this, I would wait a while. And the thoughts kept coming. And I would just wait a while. And before I would finally, you know, because I was under a spirit of fear to a point. But I have learned now, I don't wait until he tells me two, three, four, five things. As soon as I hear the hiss. As soon as I hear it and my spiritual ears are sensitized to know that is not the voice of my shepherd. That is not the voice of my beloved. That's not the voice of my Holy Spirit. Immediately I begin to speak against it. Immediately I rebuke it. I block it before it can become a fiery dart to go from my mind to my heart, my spirit. Amen. That's what you have to do. You've got to take scripture and counteract it at the very first whisper. So many times when I pray for people, they'll say, Sister Sharon, the devil told me. And I mean, they got this long drawn out story about what the devil told them. And after a while, I have to stop them because they're going to affect my ability to pray for them. You know, tell me, give me the gist. Give me the gist. Don't tell me everything he said. Amen. Why are you repeating it? I know you're trying to explain to me, but I don't need to hear you give me that whole big long thing. I need you to just tell me the main points because I'm getting ready to rebuke the devil. I'm getting ready to command him to back off of you and leave you alone. And I don't need to hear whatever he said because whatever it is, it's a lie. It's a lie. It's a lie. And you know when you're telling me that it's a lie, you know it. So why are you letting the devil beat you up with it? Now I'm not fussing at you. I'm telling you what I know because I know what he did to me. And I know God gave me the victory and he's not a respecter of persons. He'll give it to you. So when it's just a notion, a suggestion that you know is wrong or you know that it's untrue, you cannot let that thing develop. I'm going to go one further. Let's suppose it's not a whisper. Let's suppose the devil's got bold enough to send somebody to you and tell you something about someone or something that immediately your spirit says, that's not right. That's not true. I don't believe that you need to tell that person right then you need to say, you know what? I don't think that's right. i don't believe that it doesn't witness with my spirit and i don't believe it and you better be careful what you're saying about that person because if it's a lie you may be touching god's anointed now if the person they're speaking of is a godly person a godly person then they need to be careful i mean if it's a hypocrite and everybody knows they're a hypocrite you know you just say well you know the bible says you'll know by their fruits So let's pray about them. But when they speak against someone that is a godly person that you have never had any reason to think anything about them, then you need to be careful because it's probably the slanderer. And if it's not and it's true, it will come out. It'll come out. They'll either get right with God. And if they get right with God, then that's the good thing. If they don't get right with God and persist in whatever this thing is, it's going to come out anyway. Be sure your sin will find you out. You know, it reminds me of when they'd already beaten Peter and John and threw him in prison. Amen. And they wanted to keep doing things to him. That's how they were. And then finally, Gamaliel stood up and said, you know, if this thing is not of God, it's going to all fall apart just like he named other things. But he said, if it be of God, you may find yourself fighting against God. See, he wasn't sure. He didn't know. And he was afraid that just in case they were wrong, they would be fighting against God. So we need to proclaim God's word over our mind. And here's the thing. You may have to repeat it and repeat it and repeat it. You may have to repeat it, but you keep doing it until you've drowned out that whisper. And you will. Eventually you will. But don't let the whispers accumulate. Because then they can become a stronghold. Let's go back to 2 Corinthians. And this time let's look at chapter 10. Looking at verse 4 and 5. For the weapons of our warfare are not carnal or they're not of the flesh, but mighty through God to the pulling down of strongholds, casting down imaginations and every high thing that exalts itself against the knowledge of God and bringing into captivity every thought to the obedience of Christ. Now, here is what the Lord moved on my heart for myself, and it's helped me, and I will share it with you because I think it will help you. I like to reverse the order. In other words, I start with bringing into captivity every thought to the obedience of Christ. Because if you will capture something when it's a thought... When it's a whisper. If you will catch it when it's a thought and cast it down and bring it into the obedience of Christ, make it line up with the word of God. If it doesn't line up with the word of God, then immediately. You cast it down. If you do it when it's just a thought, it will not become an imagination. And that's a stronger because now it has become this thing of reasoning in your mind that now is actually hostile and fights against God and the knowledge of God. It's going up a step. And if you continue to have those imaginations, then they will begin to be one on upon another upon another. And then it becomes a stronghold. And a stronghold is like a fort that is surrounded with walls. So the enemy cannot get in. But in this sense, it's your mind and your mind now has these walls and the truth. cannot get in the enemy has built up walls around your mind he's so filled you with these thoughts and these imaginations and then imagination means fallacious reasoning fallacious reasoning oh you reason this to be true it's not it's false but you do so that allows you then to reason this and reason that and reason the other till it's built up this big thing amen And Satan has successfully put this wall around your mind until it's hard for truth to get in. Then what do you got to do? You got to pull it down. It's a lot easier to take one thought captive than to pull down the walls of a stronghold. I'm not saying it's not possible. Obviously it is, but it's harder and you will suffer much in the process. Amen. So that's how the Lord dealt with me and it really helped me and hopefully it will you. So we have been talking about don't listen to the whisperer. Learn how to resist him and rebuke him. Now I might step on more toes about this time because I'm going to say not only don't listen to the whisperer, don't become a whisperer. Because you know there are whisperers in the church. I'm going to prove to you. Let's look to Romans 1 29. Now in Romans 1, we have a whole catalog of deadly sins. But we're zoning in on our subject. So let's look at verse 29. Being filled with all unrighteousness. Now that's a very key description. Being filled with all unrighteousness. And here is the symptoms, the outgrowth, the fruit, fornication, wickedness, covetousness, maliciousness, full of envy, murder, debate, deceit, malignity, whisperers, whisperers. Now, several of the traits that we just read here are synonymous with words we've already looked at in connection with the serpent Satan. For instance, malicious and then envious and the murderers. These are all Satan's nature. Deceitful. Malignity here is the same word as craftiness that we've read in the other verses. It's the same word. But the last one is one of Satan's titles. The whisperer. So let's look at the Greek word for whisperer, whisperings and whisperer. What is the Greek word? I'm not even going to say it because it's a little tough. Not that you really care, but here's the meaning. This you do care about. A secret slanderer. Because the devil is a coward and he's like a snake in the grass. He does all his things. He tries to do secretly incognito. So you don't realize it's the devil. Amen. Slander to speak false charges, which defame and damage another's reputation to assassinate their character. That's what Satan does. revelations 12 10 names him one of his titles the accuser of the brethren amen accused means to charge someone with an offense to claim they have committed something wrong or bad and this is what satan's mo is he's always slandering someone slander is a direct connection to satan And I hate to say this to you, but he's got some saints in the church he can use to do his dirty work. I'm not saying just faith tabernacle. I'm saying the church. Amen. The body of Christ. You know, the Bible tells us in 2 Corinthians 2 that there are vessels of honor and there are vessels of dishonor. And the enemy knows who he can use, that he can whisper to them, accuse godly people to them, and get them to do his work of starting to slander them. Amen? Back in 2 Corinthians 12 and looking at verse 20. For I fear, lest when I come, I shall not find you such as I would, and that I shall be found unto you such as you would not. But here's the point. Lest when I come, there be debates, envians, wraths, strifes, backbitings, whisperings. swellings, and tumults. So here we have that word again. I fear less when I come. This is what I'm going to find. I'm afraid when I come to see you again, Corinth. And I want you to know that this would be his third trip there. He's already been there twice. He's saying, I'm afraid, even though I've been there two times already, I'm afraid when I come back, this is what I'm going to find. Debates and envies, raps and stripes and backbiting, whispering, swellings and tumults. Saints, there was a lot of bad stuff going on in this church at Corinth. It's even all the more remarkable when you consider they are the ones to whom he wrote all about the gifts of the Spirit. But he also wrote to them the chapter on love.
Amen. Amen.
Amen. What a bondage breaking word of the Lord, the whisperer. One of Satan's most dangerous and effective tactics is not just to lie against God, but to subtly whisper his accusations like the hiss of a deadly serpent. He is called the serpent and the accuser of the brethren. He could also be called the whisperer. Paul wrote to the church of Corinth, I fear lest by any means as the serpent beguiled Eve through his subtlety, So your mind should be corrupted from the simplicity that is in Christ. There are five significant Greek words in this verse that tell the story of Satan, the whisperer, and reveal how he whispers thoughts to the mind that accuse God and godly members of the body of Christ. If they are not taken captive when just a thought, a notion, or suggestion, they can become mental strongholds of deception. Whisperers can tear up a church with jealousy, slander, suspicion, and lies, maligning leadership and wounding members. Learn how to discern the whispers of the enemy and take captive every thought. Make sure not to allow the hedge of protection around your life to be broken down because Proverbs says, where the hedge is broken, the serpent bites. Order The Whisperer on CD for a love gift of $10 or more for the radio ministry. Request SK208. Mail to Sound of Faith, P.O. Box 1744, Baltimore, Maryland, 21203. Order online at, where MP3s are available. To order by mail, send your minimum love gift of $10 to P.O. Box 1744, Baltimore, Maryland, 21203. Request SK-208. Till next time, this is Sharon Knott saying, Maranatha.
Join us as Adrian Rogers delves into the depths of genuine faith, exploring the synergy between belief and action. Using scriptures from both Matthew and James, Rogers illustrates how true faith results in works that reflect one's commitment to Christ. Through thought-provoking examples and a call to action, he urges listeners to secure their spiritual foundation before the storms of life test their resolve.
WOULD YOU TAKE GOD'S WORD AND BE FINDING THE GOSPEL ACCORDING TO MATTHEW CHAPTER 7. AND WE'RE COMING ALMOST TO THE END OF THIS GREAT, GREAT PASSAGE THAT WE CALL The Sermon on the Mount. Now before I read the Scripture that will begin in verse 24 in just a moment, let me tell you this, that we have a very, very, very serious problem in today's world and in what we call the Christian world. And the problem is dropout disciples, collapsing Christians, banishing church members. People who, when they ought to be standing up, are folding up. They get baptized. They come to church for a while. And then, trouble, persecution, heartache, temptation comes, and they fall away. I call them Alka-Seltzer Christians. You drop them in water, they fizzle a little while, and then they're gone forever. You know folks like this? I think there are many like this. They are superficial saints. And the reason they fall away, the reason they cannot stand, is they have no real foundation in their lives. And when the storms come, they are blown away. Now that's what Jesus Christ is talking about right here. Many of us know people that will come to mind when I read this scripture. And many of you may be here today and you have no real foundation. You think everything is fine. But when the storm comes, you'll be gone too. Because you don't have a foundation. I want you to listen to this. Jesus says in verse 24... Therefore, whosoever heareth these sayings of mine, and doeth them, I will liken him unto a wise man, which built his house upon a rock. He built his house upon a rock. And the rain descended, and the floods came, and the winds blew. But what happened? Look at it again. And they beat upon that house, but it didn't fall. It fell not, for it was founded upon a rock. Now look in verse 26. And everyone that heareth these sayings of mine and doeth them not... shall be likened unto a foolish man, which built his house upon the sand. And the rain descended, and the floods came, and the winds blew, and beat upon that house, and it fell, and great was the fall of it. That means, and tragic was the fall of it. Now that's the passage that we have before us today. what a pertinent passage it is jesus here is talking about building on a firm foundation and friend if the bottom has fallen out of your life you had better go back and examine the foundation there was something wrong with the foundation now if you would learn how to weather the storm and by the way the storm is coming There are three categories here today. Those who are just getting out of a storm, those in the midst of a storm, and those who are getting ready to get in a storm. All right? The storm is coming. Now, if you would weather the storm, there are three things I want to lay on your heart out of this passage of Scripture. The very first is this, that you need to erect a sturdy building. Now the Lord says that we're all building a house. Our lives are like a house. Whosoever heareth these sayings of mine and doeth them, I will liken him unto a wise man that built his house upon a rock. Now you're all building some kind of a spiritual house. Everybody is. I cannot live in the house you build. You cannot live in the house I build. I am stuck with the house that I build, and I will stand or fall in the house that I build. Now, our Lord here is talking about two kinds of builders. In verse 24, He talks about a wise builder who built his house upon a rock. And in verse 26, He talks about a foolish builder who built his house upon the sand. Now wait a minute. In many ways these two builders are very much alike. The Lord in this passage is not talking about the out and out pagan. He's talking about two categories of persons who have heard His Word. Two so-called followers of the Lord Jesus Christ. But there was a vital, vital difference in these two. But the difference was below the surface. The difference is not what we see when we look around. The difference is in the foundation. There was the rock builder, first of all. The rock builder. He built his house upon a rock. Luke says in Luke chapter 6 and verse 48 that the builder dug deep. He dug deep and laid the foundation upon a rock. You know that a house with a good foundation can stand the storm. But then he said there was another man. This was the sand builder. Now you can build a house more quickly if you don't bother with the foundation. Just go out to a sandy lot and begin to build. Lay the joists on the ground. put down a base, build the walls, put the roof on. Hey, that's easier. That's quicker. That's less costly. And your house will look just as good as your neighbor's. As a matter of fact, you can take some of the money that you would have put in the foundation and maybe put a little more gingerbread on your house. Now, these are the two kinds of builders. Very, very similar and yet vitally different. Now what makes a firm foundation? What is building on the rock? Jesus makes it very clear. Look in verse 24. There are two things necessary to have a firm foundation. What two things make the rock? Well, first of all, hearing the Word of God. Jesus said, Whosoever heareth these sayings of mine. Now that's what we're doing today. We're listening to the Word of God because the Bible says in Romans chapter 10 verse 17 that faith cometh by hearing and hearing by the Word of God. So that's part of having a rock foundation for your life. You must hear the Word of God. Whosoever heareth these sayings of mine. But that's only half of it. Now look very carefully in verse 24. Whosoever heareth these words of mine, and what's that next word? And doeth them. And that's where we begin to separate the rock builders from the sand builders. Now one of those who must have been there to hear Jesus give this sermon was a man named James. And I don't think that James ever forgot it. Now remember, James heard Jesus say that it is the man who hears the Word of God and does the Word of God, whose life is built on a firm foundation. And notice what James says in James chapter 1, verse 22, "'Be ye doers of the Word, and not hearers only, deceiving your own selves.'" I believe that James was thinking about what Jesus said in Matthew chapter 7 right here. Be ye doers of the Word and not hearers only. Because any man is self-deceived who comes to church and hears the Word of God does not do the Word of God and has the idea that he has done what he's supposed to do. You know, it's like a person who would come this morning and they would say, you know, I enjoyed the message. Oh, the music. The music was wonderful. But then there is no change whatsoever in their lifestyle and the way they live. James said that man is deceived. And he has deceived himself. He is self-deluded. Be ye doers of the word, and not hearers only, deceiving your own selves. Jesus said, whosoever hears this word and does it. Now, let's just stay with James for a moment. I want you to go to James chapter 2, and I'm going to read an extended passage of Scripture. And it is one of the most controversial passages of Scripture in all of the Bible. But I am totally convinced that what I'm about to read this morning is the message that most churches in America need. Here's James. James is very straightforward. He says, if you are a hearer of the Word and you're not a doer, you are deceived. And then he asks a question in chapter 2, verse 14. What does it profit, my brethren, though a man say he hath faith? and hath not works. Can faith save him? Now the Greek manuscript would give it this way, can that faith save him? That is faith without works. If a brother or sister be naked and destitute of daily food, and one of you say unto them, Depart in peace, be warmed and filled. Notwithstanding, you give them not those things which are needful to the body. What good does it do? What does it profit? Even so, listen, faith, if it hath not works, is D-E-A-D, dead, being alone. Yea, a man may say, Thou hast faith, and I have works. Show me thy faith without thy works, and I will show thee my faith by my works. Thou believest there is one God, thou dost well. The devils also believe and tremble. That's more than some folks do. But wilt thou know, O vain man, that faith without works is dead? Was not Abraham our father justified by works when he had offered Isaac his son upon the altar? Seest thou how faith wrought with his works, and by works was faith made perfect? And the scripture was fulfilled which saith, Abraham believed God, and it was imputed to him for righteousness, and he was called the friend of God. Ye see then how that by works a man is justified, and not by faith only. Likewise also was not Rahab the harlot justified by works when she had received the messengers and sent them out another way? For as the body without the spirit is dead, so faith without works is dead also. Also, I wanted to read the whole passage. I didn't want to leave anything out. Now what is all of this talking about? I want to make this absolutely, totally clear. You are saved by grace through faith alone and not of works of any kind. Now I want that to be very, very clear. It is not by works of righteousness that we have done, but according to His mercy He saved us. The Bible says in Ephesians 2, verses 8 and 9, For by grace are you saved through faith, and that not of yourselves. It is the gift of God. not of works, lest any man should boast. And Paul said in Romans 11, 6, and I love this, he says, and if by grace it is no more works, otherwise grace is no more grace. And if by works it is no more grace, otherwise work is no more work. That sounds like some sort of a little conundrum, a little riddle. What's he saying? He says you can't mix grace and works. You just have to make up your mind. Either you're saved by the grace of God or you're saved by self-effort. And James says that faith without works is dead. Are James and Paul having an argument? No! They are in agreement. All Scripture is given by inspiration of God. What James and Paul are talking about are heads and tails of the same coin and And they're exactly what Jesus is talking about when He says, whosoever hears these sayings of Mine and does them is like a wise man that built his house upon a rock. Now we need to understand this. While we are saved by faith alone, the faith that saves is never alone. Did that get through? While we are saved by faith alone, the faith that saves is never alone. Now the difference between James and Paul is, Paul is talking about how to be justified in the sight of God, but James is talking about how to be justified in the sight of men. Look in verse 18, Yea, a man may say, Thou hast faith, and I have works. Show me thy faith without thy works, I will show thee my faith. By my works. You can't see my heart. You can't see any faith in me. God can see it, but you can't see it. The only way you can know my faith is what you see in me. Paul is talking about being justified before God. James is talking about being justified before men. Paul is talking about the root of our salvation. James is talking about the fruit of our salvation. Paul is talking about the foundation. James is talking about the building. Paul is talking about the provision of our salvation. James is talking about the proof. Paul is talking about the marks. James is talking about the means. Paul is talking about a no-so salvation. James is talking about a show-so salvation. They're all the same. What James is saying is that if you're truly saved, if you're truly saved, it is more than just mental ascent. It is more than just head belief. Now, he says in verse 14 that without true faith... What you say is just a profitless profession. Look, if you will, in verse 14. What does it profit, my brethren? Though a man say he hath faith and hath not works, can that faith save him? Friend, it will take more than a pious platitude to get your soul to heaven. You may have profession without possession. James said it's like saying to a man who's hungry and cold, go your way, be warm, be full. James says what good does that do if you don't give him some food, you don't put some clothes on him? And what good is just saying I know the Lord when you don't know him? And there are many people who think just because they have a mental assent to the facts of the gospel and just because they're working in the church some way that they're going to heaven and they have no more faith than the devil himself. because they have never, ever surrendered to the Lordship of Jesus Christ. Now, James makes it very clear. He gives two examples and one illustration. Look in verse 21. Was not Abraham our father justified by works when he had offered Isaac his son upon the altar? Now wait a minute. If you know your Bible history, when was Abraham counted righteous? Well, he offered Isaac upon the altar in Genesis chapter 22. But in Genesis chapter 15, the Bible says that Abraham believed God and it was counted to him for righteousness. What's the difference? What happened in Genesis 15 when Abraham believed God was seen over here 30 years later in Genesis 22 when he offered up Isaac. That's what Paul is talking about over here. Abraham truly believed God. And it showed up over here. Don't tell me that you are saved and you love God if you're not living by the Word of God. Jesus Christ said, Why call ye me, Lord, Lord, and do not the things that I say? And then he gives another illustration. Was not Rahab the harlot justified by works when she hid the spies? Remember, James is talking about being seen before men. You couldn't see Rahab's heart. But let me tell you what happened to Rahab. Rahab was a harlot in the Old Testament who got saved, and her life was so changed that she married a prince in Israel, became the great-great-grandmother of King David, is in the house and lineage of the Lord Jesus Christ Himself. Her life, her life was changed. Now some who are members of churches... are still living like a harlot. And you're going to die in split hell wide open. Listen, if your religion has not changed your life, you better change your religion. Just simply saying, I believe, just hearing the Word of God, that does not save. It is faith. And then he gives the classic illustration. He gives two examples. And then here's the illustration. Look at it. And verse 26, For as the body without the spirit is dead, so faith without works is dead also. There are the lungs. There's the liver. There's the heart. There's the esophagus. Here's the stomach. Here are the intestines. There's the spleen. What a wonderful specimen of anatomy that is. All of those are facts. But the body is dead. What good are theological facts without life? As the body without the spirit is dead, so faith without works is dead. Now, it's not works that make a body alive. It is life that enables you to do those works. Do you see the difference? You can't make a body alive by manipulating the body. That doesn't give life. It is life that gives the works. There's no contradiction. What we're saying is this, that if you would be a rock builder, you must hear the Word of God and heed the Word of God. Be ye doers of the Word and not hearers only. There are millions of people who are trudging to churches on Sunday, listening to sermons, and they're going to die and go to hell because there's never been a change in their life. Jesus said, Whosoever heareth these words of mine, and does them, he's like a man that built his house upon a rock. So the very first thing I want you to see, listen to me. If you would weather the storm, you must erect a sturdy building. Now let's move to the second point very quickly. Not only must you erect a sturdy building, that's one that has a firm foundation. But after you erect a sturdy building you can expect a stormy blast. A sturdy building, a stormy blast. It is coming. Go back now to our passage of Scripture there that we're looking at in Matthew chapter 7 and see what our Lord says. And we need to understand this. Children of God you need to understand this. Listen very carefully. Jesus says that the storm fell upon both houses. In verse 25, And the rain descended, and the floods came, and the winds blew and beat upon that house. Which house? The house built upon a rock. Verse 27, And the rain descended, and the floods came, and the winds blew and beat upon that house. What house? The house on the sand. Now when you get saved, does that mean there are going to be no storms in your life? There will be storms. The rain comes down. that's pressure from above. The floods come up, that's pressure from beneath. The wind blows, that's pressure all around. Man that is born of woman is full of trouble. Storms come to every life, saved or lost. Built on the are built on the sand, I can tell you from the authority of the Word of God, you are going into storms. And you know what the storm is going to do? The storm is going to show whether or not you have a foundation. That's all it's going to do. The storm is going to test your faith. And a faith that cannot be tested is a faith that cannot be trusted. Don't get the idea that simply when you get saved that there's going to be no more trouble, no more difficulty. The storms are going to come. And if you get your theology from circumstances rather than from the Word of God, you're going to get the idea that God doesn't love you. Let me tell you, friends, storms are going to come. There's going to be sickness. There's going to be suffering. There's going to be persecution. There's going to be heartache. There's going to be difficulty. But these things cannot separate a man whose life is built on the rock. Romans 8, verses 35 and following. Who shall separate us from the love of Christ? Shall tribulation, or distress, or persecution, or famine, or nakedness, or peril, or sword? As it is written, for thy sake we're killed all the day long. We're counted as sheep for the slaughter. Nay, in all these things, not in the absence of these things, but in all of these things, in the eye of the storm, we are more than conquerors through him that loved us. And difficulty in your life does not mean that God has abandoned you. It does not mean that. He has said, I will never leave you nor forsake you. Hebrews 13, verses 5 and 6. You must erect, my dear friend, a very stable, a very secure, a very strong building. You must do that. And then you must expect a stormy blast. And then you can experience peace. the steadfast blessing. Notice again what Jesus says. Jesus says here in verse 24, And whosoever heareth these sayings of mine, and doeth them, I will liken him unto a wise man which built his house upon a rock. And the rain descended, and the floods came, and the winds blew, and beat upon that house. Luke says it beat vehemently upon the house. But it fell not, for it was founded upon a rock. Why do some people fold up? Why do some people cave in? Why are some just blown away? I'll tell you why. They have built upon the shifting sand of good intention. They have built upon the silt and the muck of religious activity but they have never built upon the Lord Jesus Christ where the Bible says other foundation can no man lay than that is laid which is the Lord Jesus Christ you say pastor I know one of the finest families in our church they used to serve God but difficulty came and we don't see them anymore but they were such a fine family pastor yes beautiful house well furnished well painted, well designed, and that was a wonderful family living in that spiritual house, but it had no foundation. John says in 1 John 2 verse 19, they went out from us, but they were not of us. For if they had been of us, no doubt they would have continued with us, but they went out that they might be made manifest that they were not all of us. I'm not talking to you this morning about sinless perfection. I'm not saying that if you get saved and give your heart to Jesus and the storms come that you won't have some doubts. You will. I'm not saying that you won't stumble. You may. You may. I'm not saying that you might not have a relapse. You might have a relapse. You know, standing in the crowd when Jesus gave this Sermon on the Mount about two kinds of builders, you know who was there most likely? A man named Simon Peter and a man named Judas. They're both there. They heard Jesus say, "'Whosoever heareth these things of mine and doeth them, I liken him unto a wise man that buildeth his house upon a rock.'" The winds, the rains, the floods came, beat upon the house, but it stood. Then they heard Jesus say, But a foolish man is like a man to build his house upon the sand. The winds, the rains, the floods came, and the house fell. And tragic, great was the fall of it. Judas was there, and Simon Peter was there. Two kinds of builders. Very similar. They both erected a spiritual house. Peter built one and Judas built one. And had you looked at the two houses, you know what you would have said? You would have said Judas can build a better house than Simon Peter. Do you know who was the best man outwardly? Do you know who had the prettiest house? Not Peter. Judas had the best looking house. He did, didn't he? Do you know what they did with Judas? They made Judas the treasurer. Now, who do you get for the treasurer? The best. I mean the most trustworthy. When Jesus said, one of you is going to betray me. Not a one of them said, oh, I know who it is. It's that rascal Judas. Not a one of them said that. They said, I wonder if it's me. None of them said, I know it's Judas. Not a one. You know why? He had a good looking house. I mean a good looking house. He knew how to build a house almost. But there was a difference. Old Simon Peter, bless his heart, Jesus said, Peter, who do you say that I am? Peter said, you are the Christ, the Son of the living God. And Jesus said, that's right. And upon this rock I'll build my house. I'll build my church. And the very gates of hell will not prevail against it. Peter knew that. Peter was weak just like I am and like you are. He wasn't much of a house builder, but boy did he have a good foundation. Did he have a good foundation. He laid his faith on a firm foundation. And I want to tell you that a storm came and it blew through the life of Judas. And a storm came And it blew through the life of Simon Peter. And when the storm was over, Judas' house was gone. It was gone. And Judas died and went to hell. You say, did Judas lose his salvation? He never had it. The Bible says... Jesus speaking of Judas, have I not chosen you twelve and one of you is the devil? The Bible says that Jesus knew from the beginning who they were that believed not. Judas never ever had real faith. Simon Peter did. Jesus said to Simon Peter, Simon Satan has desired you that he can sift you as wheat. But I have prayed for you that your faith will not fail. He had faith. And the Savior interceded for him. Now you know when the storm hit old Simon, a few windows were broken out. Did you know that? And some shingles blew off the roof. And some things happened to that house. But I want to tell you something. After the storm, he was still standing. He became the flaming apostle of Pentecost. And you know why? I'll tell you why. He had the real thing. He had the real thing. He knew God. He'd heard the Word of God. He'd believed the Son of God. He'd bowed his knee to Jesus Christ. Weak, yes. Failing, yes. But the house stood. It was built on a rock. I wonder if you can say my hope is built on nothing less than Jesus' blood and righteousness. On Christ, the solid rock I stand. all other ground is sinking sand. There are thousands of people in churches today, when the storms hit, they'll be gone. When the storm comes, rather than standing up, you will fold up. And I'll tell you why. You don't have a foundation. And the storm is going to come for all of us. And you better make certain that you have a sure foundation. And when the bottom falls out, just examine the foundation. Other foundation can no man lay than that is laid, which is Jesus Christ.
If you would like to learn more about how you can know Jesus or deepen your relationship with Him, simply click the Discover Jesus link on our website, For a copy of this message or additional resources, visit our online store at or call 1-800-274-5683. Thank you.
In this enlightening episode of Call to Freedom, Barbara Carmack reflects on recent political events, drawing profound parallels with biblical stories and spiritual lessons. As she delves into recent occurrences involving President Trump and their impact on the nation, Barbara calls on listeners to find solace and strength through prayer and faith. There is emphasis on the transformational power of biblical figures such as Daniel, encouraging individuals to look beyond immediate circumstances and seek divine guidance.
Welcome to Call to Freedom with Barbara Carmack. This is Jimmy Lakey, and I'm delighted that you are joining us for this half hour. You can reach Call to Freedom at Box 370367, Denver, Colorado, 80237, or by going to the website at If you want to leave a message or order a word-powered daily reading Bible guide or a Freedom Street Express newsletter, you can call us toll free at 1-877-917-7256 and leave your name and address, including your zip code. If you want to talk to Barbara right now, she is expecting your call. You may call that same toll-free number, 1-877-917-7256 to speak to her. And now, let's join Barbara in the studio.
Welcome to Call to Freedom. Oh, the sun is out. Finally, it was a cold, cold week last week, even though, wow, last Monday, just a week from today, last Monday was the inauguration of President Donald J. Trump. And what an exciting week this has been. He has just kind of turned the world upside down. And to add attention to his words, even the World Economic Forum that was at Davos, Switzerland, He zoomed in and he talked to them about having equal trade and having them give their fair share into these organizations and not United States paying for everything. I'm so grateful. It's just really been a wonderful turn of events. And as we have prayed, friend, you and I have prayed that God would turn this around and help. I realize that as our prayer goes up, he begins to do his will in this world. So many times I've tried to make it happen. Well, God, we've got to go out and do this and we've got to do that. And God says, I want you just to pray. I want you to pray. I will go to work for you. I will make sure that it is done. And I'm going to be talking about Daniel today because he's the kind of person who, that did not fight back. He did not try to defend himself. He prayed to God and God absolutely delivered him. We're going to read more about that in this program. Let's do our Monday Bible slogan. This is my Bible. I am what it says I am. I have what it says I have. I do what it tells me to do. This is my Bible. It has given me new life. It is the word of God. I hope you're involved in some kind of reading your Bible this year and not just jumping from one verse to another. Let's go from Genesis clear through to Revelation. And even though you may not understand some books, um, Do it. Just do it. And you will understand. Even into four or five years, I was reading some of these books like Haggai, Zephaniah. I was reading Numbers. I was reading books that I really didn't truly understand. And it's becoming clearer and clearer to me as I'm reading and I'm reading. I'm asking Holy Spirit to help me to see the clarity of these verses that were given to us. Remember, These men gave their lives. They sacrificed so much that we could have the word today. And don't you think it would be good if you just respected them and honored them by getting into the word? I pray that you will today and this year. 2025, a year that we're going to read through the Bible. Praise the Lord. You are blessed to dispense, for in him you live and move and have your being. And if you would like to listen to programs of Call to Freedom, you can go to and click on Radio Show. You can also give at that time at the Donate button. It's so ready for you to hit that button and give to Call to Freedom. I hope it's been an encouragement. I hope this program has been an encouragement to you. And if you've been listening to Call to Freedom for longer than two or three years, why don't you think about giving a donation? I really appreciate it. God has blessed us so much. And, you know, just like you and your household, the bills just keep coming through. I realize that this is going to change. And I know that we're in a blue state here in Colorado. And it just seems like everything is going up and up and up. But God will take care of you, my friend, when you begin to give. because you are a cheerful giver and you want to give into the kingdom of God. It was such a joy to see Franklin Graham standing beside President Donald and Melania in the cold January weather in Asheville, North Carolina. What President Trump said brought relief to many people of that devastated region because some of them had been living in tents and others had no electricity until the week before. Many did not want President Trump to visit North Carolina. They just want to get it going to California and we're going to take care of this situation in California. He has a lot of conditions. After he talked with a council in California, and especially to Mayor Bass, I mean, they were sitting at the same table. He came down pretty hard, and he says, you've got to accomplish some conditions here before you get aid from the government. Really good. I'm so grateful to him. But he decided to visit North Carolina, and I appreciate that. Melania had this wonderful knit cap over her long hair and these aviator glasses with this heavy, heavy coat. And she looked so good. She looked like a soccer mom. It was really precious. But these people needed relief, and they needed someone to bring them hope of the relief. They've been living in tents and had no electricity until the week before, and many did not want President Trump to visit there. But he wanted to show the nation what had not been done in 120 days. Yeah, 120 days since Helene and all the floods came through. And some of these people were still without electricity. FEMA had not stepped in and given sufficient aid to those Americans and yet had spent billions of dollars to put up illegal aliens, and we can call them illegal aliens again, in expensive hotels and given them free medical aid and provide for them three squares a day, which many of them threw into the trash. Now, how would you like to get free food, lodging, and medical aid without paying taxes? By the way, my property taxes, which the Lord is going to help me pay, he always has, he always will, they went up $400 over the last year. So they're going to continue probably to rise until we see some relief from our president. But we're living among greedy politicians. And I'm saying this about this blue state that I live in. And Barbara, why are you living there? Well, because some of us are called into a wilderness area. And I am so pleased and grateful to God that I have the opportunity to tell people about Jesus. And so, you know, those greedy politicians will keep increasing and increasing and increasing on homeowners. His justice, friends, is going to prevail in his perfect timing. And I'm really believing for that, and I'm going to see it someday. Praise the Lord. And, yes, I've applied for all kinds of senior citizen stuff. And, in fact, the last time I called, did this apply to the heritage or whatever it's called for senior citizens? Yes. And you got into that program in 2021. I said, well, why is it increasing every year? Well, we have to do it according to inflation. They have an answer for everything. So what do you do? You go back to the word of God and you pray. Yes, you do. Thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven, Father God. Our memory verse for this week is Psalm 33, verse 10 through 12. And I love the 12th verse. Blessed is the nation whose God is the Lord, the people whom he has chosen for his inheritance. Oh, I'm in his inheritance right now. We're going to start in the 10th verse of Psalm 33 in the New American Standard. The Lord nullifies the counsel of the nations. He does away with the counsel of the nations. He frustrates the plans of the people. And we saw that at the World Economic Forum last week in Davos, Switzerland. when President Trump did a Zoom call to the council sitting there, and they listened, and if they don't join with the land of the free and the home of the brave, they will get left behind. The counsel of the Lord stands forever, the plans of his heart from generation to generation. Blessed is the nation. This is verse 12 of Psalm 33. Blessed is the nation whose God is the Lord, the people whom he has chosen for his own inheritance. And in the living translation, I just love these different translations. And Kimberly had given me a Bible guide with all these translations. So I can just kind of zoom into there and copy and paste. I'm a copy and paster. I am. So here's Psalm 33, 10 through 22. The Lord frustrates the plans of the nations and thwarts all their schemes. It's as if, like President Trump says, you don't take these illegals back and you won't get aid, or your tariffs are going to go up to 25%. He's got all the marbles now, and he can really tell people what they need to do. The United States of America has totally been treated unfairly, and your taxpayer dollars have gone to things that were not even planned. Praise God that he is now in office, and I'll be talking about him quite often. But the Lord's plans stand firm forever. That's in Psalm 119 as well. His intentions can never be shaken. What joy for the nation whose God is the Lord, whose people he has chosen as his inheritance. The Lord looks down from heaven and sees the whole human race. From his throne he observes all who live on earth. You can't hide from God. Nope, you can't. I don't care where you are. You can't hide from God. He made their hearts so he understands their motives. The best equipped army cannot save a king, nor is great strength enough to save a warrior. Don't count on your war horse to give you victory. For all its strength, it cannot save you. But the Lord watches over those who honor and reverence him, those who rely on his unfailing love. And that's from the living translation. He rescues them from death and keeps them alive in times of famine. We put our hope in the Lord. He is our help and our shield. In him, our hearts rejoice. Yes, we say the Lord be exalted. The Lord be magnified. Oh, praise his holy name. For we trust in his holy name. Let your unfailing love surround us, Lord, for our hope is in you alone, in you alone, on Christ alone. Our hope is built in Christ alone. Oh, he's such a wonderful, wonderful Lord and Savior. And there was a time in my life that, yes, I counted him as a savior for saving me from my sins. But now I've made him Lord, master of my life every minute of every day. And I hope he's that for you, too. Trust in the Lord with all your heart and do not lean on your own understanding. And there are many times when I haven't been the happiest I knew I could be because I wanted my situation to be different. I had my plans and Lord, why are you thwarting my plans? It took me a while, but learned that God can use me in whatever situation I'm in. Even if I'm not thrilled about it, God is so merciful. Even when I'm kind of stubborn about it, I want this. I want it this way, Lord. No, he's going to be very gentle and merciful. The Bible is replete with heroes who were in situations they didn't like, but were able to live mission possible because they chose to trust in God, who then used them greatly. I'm going to go to Daniel. It's such a marvelous book, and especially about the end times which we're in. And in Daniel 6, 1 through 18, we read where Daniel was opposed on every side by jealous administrators, kind of like we've seen in the last four years in our government. Darius the Mede decided to divide the kingdom into 120 provinces, and he appointed a high officer to rule over each province. The king also chose Daniel and two other administrators to supervise the high officers and protect the king's interests. Daniel soon proved himself more capable than all the other administrators and high officers. Because of Daniel's great ability, the king made plans to place him over the entire empire. Ah, but here is where jealousy enters the picture and plans for Daniel's demise. They couldn't find anything to criticize or condemn, so they made it up. He was faithful, always responsible, completely trustworthy. And so they concluded our only chance of finding grounds for accusing Daniel will be in connection with the rules of his religion. And we saw that. We saw people who are great spiritual people arrested at the Planned Parenthood clinics. They were arrested and they were still in jail when President Trump pardoned them last week. So, verse 6 of Daniel. Is it 6? Yes. So the administrators and high officers went to the king and said, Long live King Darius. Give orders that for the next 30 days, any person who prays to anyone, divine or human, except you, your majesty, will be thrown into the den of lions. This sounds like the January 6th committee. And I believe that's why Liz Cheney was pardoned by Biden. They knew that they had planned wicked schemes against President Trump's supporters. So King Darius signed the law. But when Daniel learned that the law had been signed, he went home and knelt down as usual in his upstairs room with its windows open toward Jerusalem. That's the holy city. He prayed three times a day, just as he had always done, giving thanks to his God. Then wicked officials went together to Daniel's house and found him praying and asking for God's help. And they went straight to the king and reminded him about his law. Hearing this, the king was deeply troubled, and he tried to think of a way to save Daniel. He spent the rest of the day looking for a way to get Daniel out of this predicament. I know, we've done that. We've gone to our lawyers. We've gone to our therapists. We've gone to psychiatrists. We've gone to the banker. We've gone to the loan officer. He spent the rest of the day looking for a way to get Daniel out of this predicament. But at last the king gave orders for Daniel to be arrested and thrown into the den of lions. Then the king said to him, May your God, whom you serve so faithfully, rescue you. A stone was brought and placed over the mouth of the den. The king sealed the stone with his own royal seal and the seals of his nobles so that no one could rescue Daniel. No human being, no human being could get in there and rescue him. Then the king returned to his palace and spent the night fasting. Here's a wicked king, an ungodly king, and he fasted the entire night. Now, probably in their world, they were eating until all hours. Kind of reminds me of the cruise we were on last. We went to a cruise sponsored by the company that had our piano and organ store, the pianos and organs for our store. And you could go to the buffet at midnight. You could go to the buffet at 2 o'clock in the morning. It was always open, and the ship was always ready for anybody to eat. So it was probably the way they spent, you know, these rich people, they just spend the night eating and drinking. And you know the rest of the story, this story. You know that God delivered him and in the morning the king came running and said, Daniel, has the Lord delivered you? And he said, yes, the Lord has delivered me. And the Lord delivered Daniel. You know the story of Joseph because of the jealousy of his brothers. He was sold to a caravan going to Egypt. Was this all in God's plan? Yes, it was. Yes, it was. It was all in God's plan. And maybe the rough times that you've had, the hard times you've been through, the challenging times you thought, oh, I'm going to rebuke the devil. I've done that. I've done that. I'm sorry. I'm kind of laughing because we thought the devil was in all this. Well, God sometimes pushes us against a wall because we will not bend to his plan. We will not submit. And remember what James 4 says. Submit to God. Submit to God. Be obedient to God. Resist the devil and he will flee. So we first of all must submit to the plans that God has for us. And each one of us has different plans. So just as Daniel was seeing injustice every day of his life as a captive in Babylon, he saw Babylon fall and the Medo-Persians take over and Cyrus ruled then. There is another prophet who lived a lifestyle as a farmer until the Lord called him. He lived around Judah and he gave prophecies about the world he was enduring under the Assyrians and Sennacherib. And we see here his name is Micah. And the prophecies of Micah are divided into three parts. Number one, the condemnation against Samaria and Judah because of various sins the people committed. It sounds like the last administration with DEI ruling no matter what those people in the Civil offices knew what they were doing. I mean, they just appointed people. And remember, DEI, diversity, equity, and inclusion. Equity is not the same as equality. Equality means all men are created equal. Equity is give everybody the same playing field. Every level of economy. There won't be any economy. It's like Russia right now. There's the rich, rich ruled by Putin. And then there are the poor, poor. So that's what equity means. D.I. are gone. Praise God. And also, Micah saw the future punishment of these negative actions, including the the doom that the Assyrian armies would bring about. And number three, the hope for a restoration of Israel after their repentance. Remember, it's repentance, folks. And that's why we prayed 2 Chronicles 7.14. If my people who are called by my name, that's us, that's those people in the United States that are spiritual, but we've got to see revival in our own souls, in our own hearts first. Not spread our hands out and, oh, everybody has to repent. Everybody has to have a revival here. No, you must have revival in your heart. So my people that are called by my name shall humble themselves and pray and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways. Then God says, I will hear from heaven and I will forgive their sins and I will heal their land. Throughout the book of Micah, condemnation and punishment and hope for restoration repeatedly and consistently follow each other. And I want to say right here that you will not see reconciliation of any kind until you see equality, as Abraham Lincoln said so eloquently. All men are created equal. Let's look to a God who is a loving God, a merciful God, and say, oh, amazing grace, how sweet the sound that saved a wretch like me. Here's a Gaither vocal band.
Amazing grace, how sweet the sound that saved a wretch like me. I once was lost, but now I'm found. Was blind, but now I see. This was grace that taught my heart to fear. And grace my fears relieved. How precious did that grace appear. My chains are gone, I've been set free. My God, my Savior, has ransomed me. And like a flood, His mercy rains unending love. The Lord has promised good My chains are gone, I've been set free. My God, my Savior, has ransomed me. Unending love, an amazing grace. The earth shall soon dissolve like snow. The sun forbear to shine. But God who called me here below will be. Forever
He's forever ours, friend. He's forever ours. Oh, what a loving God we serve. He's truly remarkable, wonderful. It's like an old Lanny Wolf song that John and I used to sing. You're more than wonderful. You're more than wonderful. There are no words to describe God. He's out of the box, out of the universe, bigger than what we could describe. He's wonderful. And in God's eyes, we are all equal. Galatians 3, 28 through 29 says, "...there is no longer Jew or Gentile, slave or free, male or female." For you are all one in Christ Jesus, and now that you belong to Christ, you are the true children of Abraham. You are his heirs, and God's promise to Abraham belongs to you. So we're equal in God's eyes. We have different economic levels in this world because of our appointments in this world, our assignments in this world. And God still prospers and blesses each and every one of us who are obedient to his call. And that means, you know, I can't look jealously at someone who has more money than I have or bigger home than I have or a beautiful car and a newer car than I have. No, we praise God for what he has done in our individual lives. And then one day we're going to see him and understand all of this, just like I'm going to read on about Micah tomorrow. He's a farmer who came out of nowhere. Nobody knows too much about him. And yet he presented the plan of God to the people so that they could repent, be born, not born again, but know God, seek him again and know his name. God bless you and keep you and take joy.
Call to Freedom is a listener-supported radio ministry. Barbara and her power partners invite you to come on board with us and become a network of hands holding up Call to Freedom ministry. Power partners support Call to Freedom with prayer and monthly financial support. You will be blessed supernaturally. We invite you to visit Call to Freedom's website,, where you can hear Barbara's daily radio broadcast 24 hours a day or order materials. You may share your praise reports and heart cries by mailing them to Call to Freedom, Box 370-367, Denver, Colorado, Or you may email us at barbracarmack at Until next time, remember, Jesus loves you, Barbara loves you, and take joy.
Thank you.
In a time where spiritual battles are intensified, discovering the power and necessity of maintaining a strong consecration becomes paramount. This episode navigates through the pitfalls of spiritual complacency and the vital need to renew one's spirit daily. As we uncover the secrets to staying spiritually steadfast, SPEAKER_02 encourages us to keep our eyes on the ultimate prize—an incorruptible crown that awaits us beyond life's challenges.
If you've ever wondered why you can't seem to maintain a level of liberty in your spiritual or sometimes have difficulty overcoming your fleshly desires. And if you want more than just a breakthrough, but you want to stay through, this message is for you. One more time.
Tell me a lot of people didn't come to the service Sunday morning because they didn't want to hear the truth. Well, ignorance of the word don't excuse you. It's going to get you. You know what they say? Ignorance of the law is no excuse. The judge gives you 20 years. You better know because you're never dying so. They don't like me, Jesus. They don't like me, Lord. But I love them. I'm trying to save them from the trap. I'm trying to save them from the pitfall. I'm trying to save them from heartaches and griefs and sorrows and misery and woe. I'm trying, Lord, help me. Open up their eyes. Open up their hearts. I am concerned, Shirley. I can't see the church that God may be a pastor over. I can't see the people leaking out and falling in the devil's track and getting places where he can destroy them. For he is a thief and he came up not to steal and to kill and to destroy. But Jesus said, I have come that you might have life and have it more abundantly. We cannot fall in the trap of the devil. The Bible said, be not unequally yoked with unbelievers. No Christian is supposed to marry a sinner. As soon as you marry, you backslid. You hear me? I'm going to say it again. As soon as you marry a sinner, you backslid. What? Know you not that your body is the temple of God? Shall I take the temple of God and join it to an idol? Or Christ with Belial? Know you not that he that joins himself with a whore is a whore? And when you join yourself to an unbeliever, you are an unbeliever. And you never win them. They win you. I've watched it 45 years in my church with young people. I told them, I warned them, oh, I'll get them saved. Brother, if you can't get them saved before you marry them, then you're not going to get them saved. After you marry, you're the one to compromise. They don't like me, Jesus. But I hear something say preach. I even heard it in the congregation. And I'm going to preach it because the preachers are on me. The anointing's on me. Because God cares about you. God cares about you and I care about you. Hey, I'm not here to play church, how to win friends and influence people and have an easy good living. I'm here to make heaven my home and help you to make heaven your home. And I want to tell you, the finishing line is just ahead. Press towards the mark for the prize of the calling upon high, the calling up. God wants to call us up. What was Paul talking about? Press towards the mark for the prize of the high calling of God in Christ Jesus. Bad translation in the King James. He's talking to the Greeks, the Olympians. He's talking about the Olympic Games. And it's not press, but it's pursue, run. For the mark in the Greek word is gold line. And the prize is a crown of life that fadeth not away. Huh? And the calling up on high would happen when the Olympic ends one even today in the Olympics. What did they do? They called them up on the podium and standing them up there. And today they put a gold medal around their neck. The winner. How many say amen? In those days, they put an ivy wreath around their head. Paul said they do that to win a temporal crown. We do it for a crown that fadeth not away. Paul reasoned with us. He said if these people will buffet their body and bring it under subjection, they'll win an earthly crown that fades away. Because pretty soon, ivy dies. But we do it for an incorruptible crown. That does not fade away. It won't die. And we won't die with it. If they'll do it for an earthly crown. How much more am I to buffet my body. And let it say amen. I want more than a heavy weight belt on me. I want a crown of life. And a crown of rejoicing. And let it say amen. How many's out there? I'm going to pursue it. I'm going after it. I'm going to hunt it down. That's also a hunting word. I'm after my adversary. I'm after the crown. I'm hunting the gold line. Nobody better get in the way. I got the ball. I'm running for Jesus. It's the last moment. It's the last play of the last quarter. If I score... We win. Everybody say amen. I don't care how much the blood's running down and the body's aching. Wipe the sweat off. Wipe the blood off. Put the head down. And let's go for the touchdown for Jesus. Give him a clap, all friends. I'm going to make it, devil. I'm in a fight. I'm going to fight the good fight of faith. I'm going to fight, brother. I'm going to fight. Lift that hand up high. I'm going to fight. Get the elbows in and protect that gut. my god first he's down here then he's up here he's so inside i get on him like a sword over i want to make it my mind's made up my heart's fixed i got my eye on the sky i got my eye On the gates of the city of God. And I tell you what devil. If you get in the way. You're in for a battle. Because I'm going to whip you. I'm going to whip you in the name of Jesus. Because I can. I can. I can. I can do all things through Christ. Who strengthens me. If I stay in the spirit. He's going to energize me. But don't leak out. I can hear. I can hear. Satan speaking to Samson said, see, you still got the power with you. It was all right to lay in Delilah's lap. He laid in there the first time. Laying with the enemy. God lays him up and anoint him to destroy the Philistines. Not to lay in their lap. Not to fraternize with them. How about I say amen? He laid there and she's trying to find a source of his strength. And his strength is his consecration. For though the outward man perish, yet the inward man is renewed day by day. But if you don't renew that measure day by day, Here you are, full of the Spirit, totally enveloped. But you don't renew that measure. First thing you know, the top of your head begins to show. Huh? And you begin to get your own mind instead of the mind of Jesus. And you go another day. Huh? And pretty soon you get eyes to see things you shouldn't. But you're shaking yourself because the Spirit's still there. But you don't know you're leaking out. And you go and you get down your nose and you start getting your nose in other people's business. And you get your mouth into it. And then you're going to get it in the neck. Pretty soon you're full and half-covered. He didn't renew that measure. And the devil's just waiting. I got you. He's just like a fisherman trying to bring in a big marlin. He's giving you a little rope, but he's got your hook. He's got your hook. He's going to let you run and wear yourself out. Let you wear yourself out. And you go another day. And now you're covered and you're down to your knees. You're leading the line of slap again. you begin to get weak you begin to start telling close to your secret and she's not your friend philistines are on you but you jump up the spirit of god is still there thank god i can still feel the anointing but that's what deceives you because the devil said see see you laid into lana's lap you got away with it you did this little worldly thing you did this little fleshly thing you got by you let up reading the bible you didn't pray like you know you're all You don't have to do all that stuff. Harding's a fanatic. How many say him? You got by? You still feel that? Get up and jump and do it. It goes by another day. And it's so easy now. Oh, it hurts your conscience in the beginning. But it's so easy now because it's getting seared. You know what seared means? It's like a branding arm. You've been branded. You can't feel it anymore. They brand that cattle. They can't feel it. And that means God can't trouble you anymore. I've still got the anointing on me. I still feel the spirit of fulfill the power. He's shaking me. All of a sudden now, you know, more coverage are just full. A lot of demarcation. You go another day, you lay in Delilah's lap, the type of the world, and she's trying to steal your anointing and power in your life. And all the blessings of God, because he's a thief. The devil's a thief. He came up with the steal. Steal your blessings. Steal your anointing. Steal your peace. Steal your joy. Steal your victory. How many say amen? To kill. Kill you spiritually. And then to destroy you. You go another day and you're three quarters full. Another day you're half full. Another day you're a quarter full. And another day you're empty. And there you are on the line of demarcation. And the Spirit's calling to you, but it's real faint. But the flesh is stronger. And there you are tore to pieces. And if somebody with the anointing don't come and deliver you, you're in big trouble. Because when the enemy comes in like a flood, the spirit of the Lord lift up a standard. And the anointing, it breaks the yoke, but you've leaked out. There's no anointing to break the yoke.
Come on now.
You done got down to one Sunday a month to church, and oh, you got all kind of excuses. I mean to tell you, hell is full of people with excuses. Come on, come on, breathe. I want an excuse to go to heaven. Yeah, yeah. I want an excuse to pray. Somebody some time ago told me, said, Brother Hardy, I only pray when I see the need. I said, Brother, if you don't see the need, you need prayer. Be first in my line. You don't see the need. You can't look in the church. You can't look in your family and see the need of your loved ones that need to be saved and healed and delivered. You can't see the need of your brothers and sisters in a battle. You can't see the need of the city being torn apart by the devil. America. And the wild going crazy. How many nations are having civil wars and fighting one another and killing? I don't want to go to the Holy Land now. Now with all these suicide bombers and all this stuff. And the city of peace is not the city of peace. There's no peace on the earth. There's no peace in Baltimore tonight. People are getting murdered. Murdered. Saints are dying. A whole lot of people. Were just drugged by the devil. In a false mind. And then he say amen. Spiritually drugged. I was reading an article. It says that we think from the highest part. And our emotions and passions from the lower part. And the enemy numbs our highest part. That we don't think and reason. But we act on our emotions and animal instincts. And people are drugged. And when you're drugged, you don't have your sound, mind, and perception. You can't think right. What you're thinking about is that fix, that fix, that fix, that fix. You're empty. My God, the most terrible place in the world for a Christian in this world is to be in a place called empty. Empty. Samson laid one time too many in Delilah's lap. He got away with it for a while because he had that much of spirit on him. But when he came down to the last measure, because he didn't renew it every day, one last measure he probably thought let me see if i still got it before i sit down with the law and he spoke in tongues still had the measure on him one real lamb forceful but it was just enough to say and he laid down in delilah's lap the world and the flesh And the secret of his power was not his hair. It was the sign of the secret of his power. There were seven locks, and seven is a perfect, complete number. It meant God wanted absolute, entirely perfect consecration. But the minute he laid in Delilah's lap, he began to break it. Until he laid the last time in Delilah's lap, and he totally lost his consecration to God. In the meantime, that devil was tearing his people all to pieces. He wasn't where he was. Anointed to be a deliverer. A type of Jesus. You'd have thought that he'd appreciated that anointing. He was the only one on the face of the earth that had it. We have this treasure. It's a treasure. It's a treasure. My God! It's more of treasure than silver or gold or anything. The anointing! I wake up sometimes in the night, I check to see if the anointing's still there. The anointing breaks the yoke. The anointing. You can say in the name of Jesus all you want. The seven sons of Sceva said in the name of Jesus, but nothing happened because the anointing wasn't there. And Samson lost his consecration and the devil took the sign of it away. Shaved his head off. Shaved the hair. Said you've lost your consecration. You don't have any power. Your power is in your consecration. Your dedication being set apart for God as a vessel that God could use. He couldn't use her laying in Delilah's lap. He didn't have no mind and burden for God's people. All he wanted to do was fulfill his ungodly lust. And she said, Samson, the Philistines are on you. Now, up until the time, if you read his story, it said, and the spirit of the Lord fell on him and shook him. But now he's got his own mind. And he jumped up and he says, I will shake myself. And the devil ain't afraid of your shaking. Whole lot of shaking going on, but God's not in it. You can shake all you want, but the devil's not afraid of your shaking. He's only afraid when you're being shook by the Holy Ghost. That's what shakes him up. You get shook by the Holy Ghost, let the shaker shake you, then the devil is shook up. But if you get up and shake, you ain't bothering the devil. He ain't worrying. The Philistines came and he shook himself, but nothing happened. No anointing. There was no inherent anointing in him. There was no power in himself. He was in the anointing. But the anointing was gone because he broke his consecration and God let him be a plucked chicken. What a thousand Philistines couldn't do in full armor, Delilah did it laying in his lap. The enemy couldn't whip him. When he was on the battlefield of the Lord. He was safer with a jawbone of an ass. With a thousand of the elite soldiers of Philistines coming to kill him. Than he was laying in Delilah's lap without an anointing. God said you don't have an anointing. Cut that hair off. Take the sign away. You lost your consecration. And the most unprofitable thing. Minister on the earth is a minister that's lost his consecration and his anointing and message. Now, preachers, I'm going to tell you how you know when you're leaking out. The first thing you do is, and if you're a Christian per se, you lose your burden. That's the first thing you lose. A preacher, you can lose your burden, but you can still go on to be a professional preacher. Get in there and preach without a burden. Amen. Just business. But then the next thing you do is you lose your message. How many say amen? And you start bringing in a bunch of foolishness. But you know most people are living at that level. So they'll go along with you. You're quiet. I hope you got blessed quietness tonight. It's time to get serious. Because I don't know whether you know it or not. But God's got his fan going through this church. And you look and people are shook out of here. I've been real burdened today, Shirley. I've been all shook up. What are you doing, God? I said, it's springtime. I'm pluming my bloom and trimming my limb. I'm getting the dead wood off. It's only sucking the life out of the church. And I'm shook up. And God said, don't worry. It's my tree. It's my limb. It's my bloom. You're just a tool in my hand. I'm the husbandman. Jesus said, I am the vine, you are the branches, and my father is the husband. And every limb in me that brings forth fruit, he purges it to bring more fruit. And if it don't bring forth fruit, then he cuts it out. And it's cast forth, and men gather it and cast it in fire. Now, that's not once saved, always saved. They were in it, brother. They were in it. And in the ninth chapter of Romans, it says, don't be boastful, you Gentiles, over the Jew because you're in the vine and the Jews have broke off because you were a wild other branch and put it in the vine and you stand by faith. Because if God didn't spare the natural branches, that sin neither is equal to spare you. The unnatural branches. And if they don't remain in unbelief, he can draft them back in again. You stand by faith. By obedience. You can't have faith when you're not obeying God. Your heart condemns you. God's greater than your heart and knows all things. How many say amen? The little fox is full of violence. A little bit at a time. A little bit at a time. And the devil's playing with you. He's playing with you. He's playing with you. And I'm on the sidelines seeing it. And I'm hollering, hollering. Alert. Red alert. Red alert. Red alert. Danger. Mayday. But people are drunk. They can't see it. They're going on anyhow. They got their heads stuck in the ground like an ostrich. Did you hear what God said about the ostrich? It was one creature he made that didn't have sense. Because the ostrich reasons this way. He sees the wolf on the line coming. So the ostrich says, if I stick my head in the ground, I won't see him and he won't be there. But you can stick your head in the ground all you want. The wolf's coming. And the next thing you know, his head's not in the ground. It's in the wolf. Help me Jesus. I got help me to reach your people. For they get empty. One time too many. Empty. The last measure is going. Measures of the spirit. Didn't John say in John 3.35 and 6. And in that area. For the father love of the son. I give him not the spirit to him by measure. Measures. According to your measure, how quick, if you don't renew it every day, you leak out. Some that's got a whole lot takes a little longer. But if they just keep it up, they're going to leak out. You're going to leak out. You're going to leak out. You don't want to read the Bible. It's a burden. You don't want to pray. It's too hard. And you sure don't want to go to church. No, no, no. Especially, you don't want to hear Brother Harney because he never tells you good things. Is that what Ahab said? When Josaphat had all these false prophets, he had 750 of them. And Josaphat said, ain't there a prophet of the Lord here? He said, it's only one, but he never speaks good things of me. He said, I don't want him here. Josaphat said, bring him here. I want to hear from God. How many say amen? Thank God Jehoshaphat wanted to hear from God. And the prophet Maokai came and said, Go on up. God will give you the victory. And Ahab said, I adjure you in the name of the Lord. Tell me the truth. He said, you want to know the truth, you devil? All right. I saw Israel scattered on the hills of Baal, a shepherd. He said, see, Jehoshaphat, I told you he wouldn't speak good things. Put him in prison till I come. And he said, if you come, God didn't speak by me, brother. How many say amen? How many hears me? I want to hear the God. I want to have an ear. Let him that have an ear hear the word of God. I want to hear the word of God. If the devil's fighting me to read a chapter, I'll read the whole book. If the devil fights me for praying 10 or 15 minutes, I'll stay down at least an hour. If the devil's fighting me to come to church, I'm going to come to church that much more. Because what you've got to do is fight the devil on the thing he's fighting you on. You've got to fight him back. I'm going to get here. I don't care. I'm going to get here no matter what. Some of them have got that biggest trick of the devil at all. They're working. Instead of going to hell easy, they're working their way into hell. I'm working. I'm working. I'm getting the overtime. And you're getting leaked out. You're getting empty. Okay. You can't pay your bills because God said, he that forgets my house and my work, earneth a wage and put it in a bag and I cut a hole in it. It's not how much you got. It's how much you got with God's blessing on it. How many say amen? It's how much you got with God's blessing on you. God can multiply your money. God can give you bargains. working yourself to death leaking out of the anointing and the devil's got all these traps waiting said one more time if they don't shake their self this time and get back and pray and read the Bible and get that spiritual mindset again Get that determination to get in the church and pursue. Pursue for that goal line. Press their way through. How many say amen? I got it.
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In today's episode of Family Talk, Pastor Paul Blair brings a compelling message about cultural engagement and faithfulness. Dive into his fascinating journey from the fields of the NFL to the sacred halls of ministry, where he challenges Christians to live out their faith boldly and consistently in every aspect of life. Pastor Blair reveals how the early church's understanding of faith as shown in the Hebraic mindset remains relevant for believers today, encouraging us to see life as a single, undivided commitment to God.
Welcome everyone to Family Talk. It's a ministry of the James Dobson Family Institute supported by listeners just like you. I'm Dr. James Dobson and I'm thrilled that you've joined us.
Well, hello and welcome to Family Talk. I'm Roger Marsh, delighted to be with you today. You know, in these challenging times, Christians face a profound calling to be salt and light in our culture. But this raises an essential question that many of us struggle with. How do we effectively stand for biblical truth in today's rapidly changing world? Well, our guest today here on Family Talk has walked an extraordinary and unique path to answer this question. From the roaring crowds and intense competition of the NFL gridiron with the Chicago Bears to the sacred calling of shepherding his congregation at Fairview Baptist Church in Oklahoma, his journey is nothing short of remarkable. He is Pastor Paul Blair, and he now leads Reclaiming America for Christ and is the visionary founder of the Liberty Pastors Network. His powerful message today here on Family Talk brings fresh biblical insights on how to stand firm in our faith while engaging our culture with both truth and grace. Before we dive into Pastor Blair's compelling message, I have some exciting news to share with you. This message, of course, is part of our 2024 Best of Broadcast Collection, a six-CD set or digital download that features all of the most popular programs that we've aired here on the radio in 2024. Now, this December presents an extraordinary opportunity for you to double your impact. Through a special matching grant, every gift to Family Talk between now and December 31st will be matched dollar for dollar. But as Christmas is drawing closer, you know the days are drawing shorter as well, so your generosity will have twice the power to help families thrive and to strengthen the biblical foundations for our society for just a few days more. To double the impact of your year-end giving and to receive your copy of the six-CD collection called the 2024 Best of Broadcast Collection, go to and give a gift through our secure website. That's Or call us at 877-732-6825. And now let's dive into this powerful message from Pastor Paul Blair, a message on cultural engagement and biblical faithfulness recorded right here in beautiful Colorado Springs.
Well, good morning, everyone. It is a honor to be here. Dr. Dobson, Shirley, thank you so much for the invitation. If I can get the slides up here, I'll introduce you to myself. Now, for those of you, a little football trivia, how many of you recognize the guy that's in the picture there with me? How many of you knew that Jimmy Johnson began his head coaching career at Oklahoma State University back in 1979? So J.J. is actually who recruited me to play college football. And, of course, he went on to, rumor has it, had a little bit of success at the University of Miami Hurricane. And then, I don't know, some team called the Dallas Cowboys. I don't know. I try to keep up with them. But then I was drafted by the Chicago Bears, the defending world champion Chicago Bears, and had the privilege, as Bob said, of playing with some Hall of Famers and some legends, you know, Dick Butkus would travel with us in our games because he was working for WGN. Gail Sayers would come by just to say hi to the guys and be around Hallis Hall. So that was really a privilege to be a part of that family. And then at the age of 37, I was called into ministry. And understand, my father was a bivocational pastor, so I loved pastors. I walked an aisle and trusted Christ when I was six years old. I loved pastors, but having been a pastor's son, I saw what the work entailed. and I never wanted to be a pastor. As a matter of fact, most days now, I still don't want to be a pastor. That explains why I'm so bold in the pulpit. I've been trying to get fired for 23 years, but they refused to do so. But I'm a retired NFL football player. I had my own business in Oklahoma City, and I was serving as a volunteer youth pastor in our youth ministry in our church at the time when God called me clearly. And at the age of 37, my wife and I Well, my wife gave me great counsel because, you know, I didn't want to be a pastor. She didn't want to be a pastor's wife. So we agreed on that deal. But she said, if God is calling, that's where we need to be because the safest place to be is in God's will. And of course, having my background, I've had an unusual opportunity to be around the country and participate in a number of different events, even got to teach about biblical economics that the pilgrims brought with them to the new world and biblical civil government on Glenn Beck's show with his chalkboard. And those of you that know him know he is very selfishly greedy over his chalkboard So I count that a privilege, as Bob said, detoured with throat cancer back in 2019. And that was not a pleasant journey, as many of you know, but I am now considered a cancer survivor. And a good friend of mine came to work on our staff there five years ago. And we worked together with Liberty Church of Edmond and now a satellite branch in Liberty, Orlando. But Bob mentioned, I've got some good news. It tracks right what you've been hearing the last couple of days, but we are trying to respond to it. as we have done. In fact, next week in Hershey, Pennsylvania, a week from today, we begin our last Liberty Pastors training camp of the year. We bring 100 pastors at a time together with their wives into a luxury hotel, and we hold them hostage there for three days. We want them to have great fellowship, get to meet one another and love each other, and have a second honeymoon. Because, you know, most pastors only pastor churches that run around 75 to 100 people. So most of them can't afford to come to a place like the Broadmoor or something like that. So we reward them. We want to be a blessing to them. But in return, they give us 20 hours of their time for continuing education. And we teach them to think biblically in areas of their life that seminary taught them not to think biblically. So we begin our camps with this question. And I'll start my remarks this Sunday morning with you with the same question. What part of your life is Jesus, not the Lord over? The answer is obvious, ladies and gentlemen. He's supposed to be the Lord of all of our lives. Therefore, there should be nothing off limits in our preaching and disciple-making at church. Jesus is not just the Lord of Sunday morning. Jesus is the Lord of our families as Dr. Dobson and Shirley know. He's the Lord of education. He's the Lord of our work habits. He's the Lord of our work ethics, all of you business owners. He's the Lord of our sex lives. He's the Lord of how we handle money in the realm of economics. He is the Lord of our politics. Jesus is Lord of all. So why is it that we compartmentalize our lives? Why do we believe that there are subjects that can't be talked about in church? Well, I'm going to explain that to you this morning. And let me just say this, your pastor has been trained to think this way. This concept is a lie straight from the pit of hell that the church has bought hook, line, and sinker. Now, let me explain. There's no question that early on the church at Pentecost was 100% Jewish. They had a Jewish worldview with a great knowledge of the Old Testament. As a matter of fact, ironically, Andy Stanley, the only Bible that the New Testament church had for about two decades was what we call the Old Testament. The Old Testament is the Bible that Jesus would have used to teach the disciples and those on the road to Emmaus how it all spoke about him. That's the Bible that the Apostle Paul would have been debating over in Jewish synagogues throughout Asia and Europe. The Tanakh was the only Bible for the New Testament church for about two decades. As a matter of fact, the question of the early church was not about baptism or the work of the Holy Spirit. The question among the early church was about circumcision. Christianity was treated as just another sect of Judaism by the Romans. At the time of Jesus, there were 24 sects, S-E-C-T-S, or I would say denominations among Judaism. You're familiar with many of them. There were the Pharisees, there were the Sadducees, there were the Essenes, there were the Herodians, and now you had this new group called the Nazarenes. all gathering together under the umbrella of the temple in Jerusalem. Christianity was Jewish to its very core. In fact, the question was not whether a Jew could become a Christian. It was whether a Gentile could become a Christian. But as the church grew into Asia and Europe, And after the destruction of Jerusalem, let me tell you, as the church grew exponentially through across Asia, after the destruction of the temple at Jerusalem, after the Hebrew apostles died off with John being the last living apostle, the Greek line of thought affected the thinking of the church. In fact, much of the New Testament addresses the error of Gnosticism as the apostles warned against this heresy in their many epistles. Now understand what this Greek line of thought was. The Greeks viewed the world in two compartments or two spheres. There was the spiritual world and there was the material world. the spiritual was good and could be redeemed, but the material world was inherently irredeemably wicked. Well, this led to the logical conclusion, but heresy in the early church that Christ could not have actually come in the flesh. How could he, which is holy, become a part of this irredeemable, unholy material world? So they had a number of theories. Some theorized that Jesus was actually A phantom spirit wasn't really there. If he was walking along a seashore, he wouldn't leave prints in the sand because he was just this phantom spirit. Others theorized that the spirit of the Messiah came upon this man, Jesus of Nazareth, at his baptism by John the Baptist in the Jordan River, and then departed the body of this man, Jesus of Nazareth. as he hung on the cross. But either way, they came to the conclusion that the word had not become flesh and given his life as a substitutionary sacrifice for us, that his blood had not been poured out for our atonement, that the resurrection did not, he wasn't actually raised from the dead, declaring our justification. So this obviously, this Gnostic thought was heresy theologically. But it was also ungodly in practice. In fact, they were pushing the concept that you can sin all you want to in your body as long as your spirit was pure. That's what John was addressing in 1 John and addressing that error head on. But again, this led to the concardinalization between the spiritual world and the material world. And we have adopted the same mindset in modern day America as we have compartmentalized Christianity. Much like a picnic plate. We keep our Christianity, if I could have the next slide, please. We keep our Christianity in its proper place, but we don't dare let Christianity spill over and influence any other sphere of our lives. That obviously is our secular life and the spiritual realm doesn't belong there. Christianity has become something that we do on Sunday morning, but we don't let our church thing interfere with real life in the material world. We have our spiritual life where we place all of our sacred things that we can talk about in church. By the way, this box is getting smaller and smaller and smaller. Then we have reality, which is our physical life, which is reserved for secular thinking. And we can't talk about those things in church. But the Hebraic mindset, ladies and gentlemen, was they understood that God created the material world and the spiritual world. Therefore, Rabbi Apostle Paul said, whatever you do, you are to do to the glory of God. Paul again said, glorify God in your body, i.e. the material world, and in your spirit, the spiritual world, as they both belong to God. So salvation and subsequent lordship was understood in the Hebrew mentality. You cannot separate them. Let me give you another example. I was sitting next to a wonderful gentleman, Craig, the other night. We were talking on our opening night. And he brought up the Shema. The Shema is the John 3, 16 of Judaism. Deuteronomy 6, 4. Shema Yisrael, hear, O Israel, Adonai Eloheinu, the Lord your God, Adonai Ikad, the Lord is one. Hear, O Israel, the Lord your God, the Lord is one. This is the passage of scripture that they put on the masseuses that they hang on the doorpost. This is the passage of scripture that's inside the Teflon when they put their prayer boxes on their foreheads and on their hands. This is the fundamental, it's a rededication of life twice a day. It's a pledge of allegiance done twice a day in the morning and evening. But understand in biblical Hebrew, there are only about 7,000 words. In modern day American English, we have about 100,000 words that we use. So when you're studying the Bible and you go back and you look in the Hebrew, and whether you speak Hebrew or not, you all have Hebrew lexicons, so you can, with a little effort, do this. But you have to understand that the words there have a broader and deeper meaning than what we might first conclude reading it from an English or from a Western mind. So it's important that we look at the passages in context. So this word Shema, to hear, hear O Israel, literally means when you look at the lexicon, Shema means to hear. But you know what the Hebrew word for obey is? Take a guess. Shema. Shema was understood among the Hebrews to hear is to obey. You have read it in your King James Bible, he that hath an ear to hear, let him hear. No, what it's saying is that if you have an ear to hear, then do what I'm telling you to do. So there was no controversy between James and Paul from a Jewish theological perspective. although we have wasted volumes of ink debating this conflict that didn't really exist. They were both addressing two sides of the same coin. The apostle Paul was emphasizing the fact that it is faith alone that produces our salvation. And James is emphasizing that true faith will produce works. So the natural result of one falling to his knees to call upon the resurrected Christ as his personal savior is to recognize that he is in fact the Lord of your life. In other words, to put it simply, the confession of our faith should match the expression of our faith. We should be consistent. Now don't misunderstand a word that I'm saying. We are not saved because of a transformed life, but a transformed life is the natural result of one being saved. In fact, I put it like this. The new birth is a prayer of faith as a heart's confession that's based upon the revelation that Jesus is the Lord and that results in a transformation. Just as Thomas doubted, he said, I don't believe it. I saw his dead body. There's no way that guy's alive. I'll not believe unless he stands right here and I can put my fingers in the nail prints in his hands. A week later, he shows up, says, Thomas, go ahead. Thomas, when coming face to face with the resurrected Christ, hit his knees and cried out, my Lord and my God. That is a Jesus moment. The Apostle Paul on the road to Damascus going to persecute Christians came face to face with the resurrected Christ and permanently transformed his life. That is a Jesus moment. Now, I love this page I'm going to put up here because it doesn't come from a Christian website. This actually comes from a Jewish website. But it analyzes the difference between the Greek thinking pistis, which means faith, and the Hebraic meaning faith. Imunah, which means faith, says this, Imunah is more than belief that certain statements about God are true. It is a belief in God, trust and reliance upon God, all of which call forth behavior consistent with that trust and reliance. So our expression of faith should be consistent with our confession of faith. Now, Consider as an example, if you happen to be a member of a church that's not active, and your pastor says, oh, we shouldn't talk about those things. That's part of the secular world. Consider this list of charges, and it's rather exhaustive. I may have missed a couple, but this is pretty exhaustive. You go through all of the books of prophecy in the Old Testament, and you compiled a list of charges of the things that God was upset with Israel and Judah over. I want you to think in your mind as I go down each of these point by point very quickly about whether you would consider this a spiritual issue or a secular issue. Whether this is something your pastor would talk about in church, or if you are a pastor, is this something that you would consider talking about in church? Okay, things that God was upset with. They were dishonest in business. Is that spiritual or secular? Yeah, it is. Actually, it's both. So that's a trick question. They ignored the sabbatical year of release. That's an economic issue. That's a personhood issue. They used unjust weights and measures. By the way, When we just simply inflate the amount of dollars in the money supply, that is an example of ungodly, unjust weights and measures. And not only are they stealing from us, but we are stealing from our children and our grandchildren simply by putting digits into a computer. There's nothing about what the Federal Reserve or our government is doing right now with this deficit spending that is in accordance with biblical principles of civil government or economics. They removed landmarks. They didn't recognize private property rights. Ticked God off. They bribed judges. Leaders fed off of the flocks rather than caring for them. They were disrespectful to their parents and elders. They didn't care for their family. God had designed it where we were to take care of our children when they were young, and when we were old, our children were to take care of us. They lived for revelry and drunken parties. They murdered their children. Religion became big business. They were no longer ashamed of immorality, even celebrating homosexuality, and paraded and reveled in their debauchery. Things that common sense and God said were evil, they called good. Things that experienced common sense and God called good, they called good. they called evil. They were proud and arrogant. Their court system became corrupt. The government was corrupt. They denied and abandoned God. And when Jeremiah would come to the temple and face the people of Jerusalem and say, repent, they would point to the temple and say, what are you talking about? We're God's people. We go to church on Sundays. Ladies and gentlemen, God is not impressed with how pretty we look on Sunday mornings. God wants to see the reality of our love for him with our obedience. Remember what Jesus said? If you love me, keep my commandments. With our obedience and following him 168 hours out of the week. That's 24-7. Now, it's what James was emphasizing. Go ahead and talk about your faith here. Let me show you my faith. Now, here's where our pastors have that come to Jesus moment. The Great Commission tells us to go into all the world and make disciples. Doesn't say make church members. Doesn't say make professors of faith. Doesn't say make people repeat the sinner's prayer. But that's not what we've been called to do. We've been called to make disciples. And what do we do? How do we make a disciple? We teach that convert to observe all things whatsoever the Lord has commanded us. Now, folks, Ephesians says, We will often misappropriate, Christians often misappropriate verses that really weren't intended for us. We have books of devotionals where God made a promise to David and we take it because it sounds good and it's encouraging. We'll put it in a little something and we'll apply it to us. Sometimes that's good. Sometimes it's really not a correct or exegesis of scripture. But understand that Ephesians is clearly written to the New Testament church. So everything here is directly to us. And my responsibility as a pastor is, one, I'm supposed to be an evangelist. Boy, you better believe it. In fact, I have a little booklet if any of you want it. It's a wonderful book. We've had great success with this in college campuses. Just 24 pages. It's a heavy track, heavily influenced. In fact, Frank Turek did the editing for me. Frank Turek, Josh McDowell, but it's called Not Blind Faith, Verifiable Evidence That God Exists and Rose From the Dead. We have found this to be a real plus. Hey, we are huge on evangelism. I required my church members about a month ago to write out their testimonies. I wanted a copy of it. Reason being is I wanted them to consider whether they actually had one. And if they didn't, then we needed to talk. But evangelism, of course, what does it profit a man if he should gain the whole world but lose his own soul?
Well, you know, our faith isn't just for Sunday mornings. It's meant to be lived out every moment of every day. It should flow naturally into every aspect of our lives, from the business decisions we make to how we raise our families, the way we engage with our communities, and how we serve others. That is the powerful message we just heard today from Pastor Paul Blair here on Family Talk as he challenged us to live authentic Christian lives in an increasingly secular world. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Well, with every single day, we receive incredible testimonies about how Family Talk is transforming lives nationwide. We hear from moms who found hope and practical guidance while dealing with troubled teens. Or couples write to us to tell us how they've rediscovered God's divine plan for their marriages. Well, fathers are sharing how they've embraced biblical leadership in their homes after years of struggling as well. And even young parents are writing and calling us, telling us how our broadcasts have given them confidence to raise their children with godly principles. Please know that your faithful financial support makes all these life-changing moments possible. And right now, your giving will have twice the impact. Thanks to some generous ministry partners who have stepped forward with an incredible matching grant opportunity, your donation will be matched dollar for dollar now through December 31st. This means a $50 gift becomes $100, $500 becomes $1,000, $10,000 becomes, well, you get the idea. Every gift, no matter the size, will go twice as far to bring biblical truth, practical wisdom, and lasting hope to families nationwide. So we boldly invite you to be part of this mission to help families grow closer to God and to each other. You can make a secure donation online when you go to That's You can also call our dedicated customer service team at 877-732-6825. That's 877-732-6825. And if you prefer, you can send your donation through the mail. Our ministry mailing address is Dr. James Dobson's Family Talk. P.O. Box 39000, Colorado Springs, Colorado. The zip code 80949. And while you're on the line with us, whether you call or click or write, make sure you also ask about the brand new 2024 Best of Broadcast Collection. that captures the most powerful and transformative programs from the past year. Rabbi Jonathan Cahn, Victor and Eileen Marks, Dr. Dobson's timeless wisdom on strengthening marriages and more. This carefully curated six CD set is also available as a digital download, and it's our way of thanking you for your gift of any amount in support of the JDFI today. So have that gift doubled when you go to or call 877-732-6825. Well, I'm Roger Marsh. Hope you've been encouraged by today's program. Please join us again next time for part two of Pastor Paul Blair's inspiring message about living out our faith in every area of life. That's right here next time on Dr. James Dobson's Family Talk. This has been a presentation of the Dr. James Dobson Family Institute.
Saying no to our children can sometimes become an unfortunate habit in the home. With another Dr. Dobson Minute, here's Dr. James Dobson. Every child needs to be acquainted with denial of his more extravagant wishes, and there's a need for parents who have the courage to say no when circumstances warrant. But this responsibility of holding the line and turning down a child's petitions can lead us to say no when we really ought to say yes. What's behind the habit of saying no? Well, it's like an umpire who immediately calls a runner out or safe at home plate. He knows that to waver is to invite an avalanche of protests. And because the kids ask for a thousand favors a day, we find it convenient to refuse them all. But this knee-jerk negativism is irritating for the child and unduly restrictive to him. Say yes to your child unless there is a very good reason for saying no. For more information, visit
In this transformative episode of Discovering the Jewish Jesus, Rabbi Schneider delves into his God-given vision for witnessing without fear. Through a compelling dream, Rabbi Schneider was shown a unique approach to share faith authentically and effectively, emphasizing the importance of personal connection and divine security in our lives. Join him as he recounts this heavenly encounter and shares insights that promise to revolutionize your approach to faith-sharing. Learn how to adopt a secure and confident stance in your faith journey, and discover how to ask the ultimate question that cuts through pretense: "What do you think of Jesus?" Embrace a new level of boldness and clarity as Rabbi Schneider guides you through powerful, real-world applications and scripture revelations. This episode is a call to action for all believers to stand firm, address insecurities, and present Jesus with genuine love and personal engagement.
Hello, and welcome to Discovering the Jewish Jesus. I'm your host, Dustin Roberts, and today Rabbi Schneider reveals the secret to witnessing without fear. Every single one of us has felt uncertainty when it comes to sharing our faith. We wonder if we'll say the wrong thing or if the other person will reject us. And that's why Rabbi Schneider today, he wants to give us some natural and authentic ways that we can transform the way we witness to the world. And you can learn more about Rabbi Schneider and this ministry by visiting And right now, let's begin our message on sharing our faith with prayer. Here's Rabbi.
Father, we ask you to come today, Father, that you'll move through this broadcast with power, God. Let your word, Abba, run swiftly, we pray in Yeshua's name, in Jesus' name. Amen and amen. Beloved, we're in the midst of a series entitled Sharing Your Faith. This is part number four. I'm not going to go back and review. This has been a very exclusive series, very important. I really encourage you to get it and study it. We're talking about how to share our faith. Today, beloved, I'm going to talk to you about a subject that I've spoke on before, but I want to bring it up afresh and anew on this series. I want to talk about the specific strategy I am talking about the divine cutting edge strategy that's come to me directly from heaven that the Holy Spirit has given me in terms of how to share our faith. Beloved, there are many good ways to share our faith, but I am about to tell you that the Holy Spirit came to me and spoke to me verbally a specific question teaching me to share my faith in a specific way and encouraging me in doing so to teach others to do it in this same way. I believe you'll find it extremely effective because what I'm about to share with you, beloved, it's not from me. It came from God. Here's how it happened. Early this year, the Lord spoke to me in a dream. In the first phase of this dream, I found myself in a room. The room was shaped like a rectangle. I don't know exactly how big the room was. It wasn't a real big room. In the room, there was a couch. The coloring in the room was darkish grayish. It wasn't like the windows were open and a lot of sun was coming in, but it wasn't totally black either. It was just kind of a darkish grayish color in the room, but you could still see in the room. And I go onto the couch and there's a lady sitting on the couch. Next to the lady on the far end of the couch, so I'm at one end of the couch, and then on the other end of the couch, there's a man sitting. He looked to be about maybe 50 years old. The dream opens. My head is kind of leaning on this lady's shoulder. It was just like there was kind of like a mother or something like that. It was just kind of a comfort thing. You know, David said in one of his writings, he said that he had stilled his soul like a child at rest leaning against his mother. I believe it just meant that I was secure. And then this man is sitting at the other end of the couch. And I asked the man, beloved, in this dream, this specific question. What? Do you think of Jesus?" Immediately after this phase of the dream, the dream rolled into a second dream that was connected to it. And it was this second phase of the dream that made me absolutely sure, beloved, that I was having a dream from God. In the second part of the dream, I find myself in a room almost identical to the room that I was in in the first dream, about the same size. Again, there's a couch. Again, it's kind of gray in terms of the coloring of the room. There's not a lot of light in there, but you can still see it's not totally dark either. I believe that represents the spiritual climate of the world right now. And we can still see, but it's dark right now. Morality is dark. Hopelessness is pervading. Things are becoming more and more chaotic. Jesus described this world as a place where Satan dwelled. And so I'm in this room, the second phase of the dream. I'm on the couch and a young girl is in the room. She's standing in the center of the room. She looked to be about 20 years old. And I asked her in the dream, listen, beloved, the same exact question, what do you think of Jesus? And when I asked her the question, this is what she said. She said, well, I know he said a lot to the church, But he never said anything to me like about being boyfriend, girlfriend. And as soon as she said that, the dream was over. And I knew that I was having a dream from God because her statement was so unique and so profound. And it said volumes. This is what she was meaning, beloved, that she had heard maybe some preaching before. Maybe she was raised in church or had sat in church at some points in her life. But she never said, heard and understood that Jesus loved her. And I knew through this dream that the Lord was telling me several things. He was first of all telling me that my people need to be secure. This was communicated to me, beloved, in the dream when I found myself as the dream opened with my head leaning on that lady's shoulder, like David said, like a child leaning on his mother. It represented security, that you and I need to break off the lie of insecurity because we are secure in Jesus. Insecurity is part of our old life. We need to step out of it. We need to break it. We need to confess, I am secure in Jesus. My father is with me. Jesus is with me. His presence is all around me. He's going to provide for all my needs. It doesn't matter what anybody else thinks about me. It only matters what he thinks about me. So I will be secure. Part of being secure, beloved, is a decision. So the Lord was communicating that if my people are going to be obedient to me, ensuring their faith, they're going to have to step out of insecurity and into security. And beloved, that is a choice that you need to make. Remember when Jesus gave out the talents and when he called those he had given the talents to, to return and to show them the investment that they had made on the talents and how their talents had multiplied. Remember the one said, Lord, you gave me 10 and now here's 20. And the other one came and said, Lord, you gave me five talents, now here's ten talents. And then Jesus called the one that he had given one talent to. And the man came to Jesus with his one talent and he said, sir, you gave me one talent and here's your one talent back, for I knew you to be a hard man. He had a wrong concept of God. And because of that, he was insecure and fearful. And Jesus rebuked him. He was displeased. And beloved, you and I need to make a decision that we're going to obey God, because God has not given us a spirit of fear or timidity, but of love and of power and of a sound mind. So the first thing that you and I need to know, beloved, is we need to break off insecurity and fear and step into security and boldness and confidence. That was what the Lord showed me by showing me with my head leaning against that woman's shoulder. Then the next thing was that the man was sitting on the couch. And I asked him the question, what do you think of Jesus? And beloved, he was kind of a macho looking man. And I believe the Lord was communicating, you don't bow down to asking anybody this question. Don't fear being intimidated. Don't be afraid of what someone's going to think about you. Don't be concerned that someone's going to think you're weak because you're talking about my son. I want you to ask the world the question, what? do you think of Jesus?" And then, as I indicated, as the dream shifted, I found myself in the room, once again, similar room with the young lady, 20 years old. I asked her the same question, beloved, what do you think of Jesus? And she said to me, I know he said a lot to the church, but he didn't say anything to me like about being boyfriend, girlfriend. And what the Lord was communicating to me here was that people need to not just be presented with the doctrine of the Bible. They don't just need to hear that God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son. What we need to be communicating, beloved, to people as we're witnessing to them is that God loves them. individually, personally, that God knows the number of hairs on their head, that God knows where they work. He knows what their phone number is. God says, when you share me with people, I want you to communicate to them how much I love and care about them as individual people. that I care about them in their work, that I care about what happens to them in their future, that I care about their relationship with their husband or wife, that I care and I'm concerned with them and I want to be involved in every detail of their life.
You're listening to Discovering the Jewish Jesus and Rabbi will be right back in a moment. It's our prayer that today's message has been a blessing to you so far and we hope that it enriches your walk with Yeshua. If you have a prayer request, we invite you to submit it online at Our team lifts up every individual request before the Lord and it would be our pleasure, privilege and honor to pray for you and your family. At Discovering the Jewish Jesus, we are looking for like-minded people who are ready to partner with us. If you're sensing the Lord leading you to offer a financial gift of support, would you please contact us today? Become a monthly partner. Go to or to give a gift of any amount today, just call 800-777-7835. That's 800-777-7835. And now here's Rabbi Schneider with the rest of today's message. And so God shared with me, beloved, this strategy
when we're out there witnessing for him to be asking people the question, beloved, what do you think of Jesus? You see, when you ask somebody that question, we're not even asking them, what do you think about Jesus? Because if we ask them, what do you think about Jesus, that can get to be kind of a heady question. But when we ask them, what do you think of Jesus, that's a hard question. And when they respond to us, we can know when somebody responds where they're at in their walk with God. And then hearing their response, we can know how to proceed, beloved, to present the love of God to them. This is the time for the church to get bold like never before. I'm not talking to just a few. I'm talking to all of us and to begin to share our faith, beloved, like never before. I want to encourage you. Don't be afraid of somebody getting mad at you. People will get mad at you. But you know, sometimes when someone gets mad at you, that's the first step to them coming to faith. Oftentimes, beloved, someone gets really mad, but they get mad because they're being faced with something that's really disturbing them and upsetting them. And this is the beginning with them wrestling with the issue. And God may use you to do it so the outcome is not based on whether they got mad or not. The outcome may be that they got mad, but six weeks later they received Jesus. And it had to do with you boldly presenting the gospel to them. What do you think of Jesus? And also when we're sharing with people, we want to be humble. And one of the best ways to do that is not to place ourselves above them, but to share with them what Jesus has done for us. making ourselves voluntarily weak. In other words, saying, oh, it wouldn't have been for Jesus. And everything that we say, we say, praise Jesus. It's a good God. We're making ourselves voluntarily weak. So we're showing them that we need Jesus just like they do so that they don't think that we're condescending. Also, beloved, I want to encourage you. To be prepared. The more prepared you are, and I'm not telling you you have to know the Bible backwards and forwards. No, I'm not telling you that. But I'm saying be as prepared as you can be. And don't wait till you're prepared perfectly to start. Start right now. But it's like this. As you learn some of the strategies that I've shared in this broadcast, and as you continue to read the Bible on a daily basis, beloved, Even if it's just a chapter a day, you're going to get more and more prepared to be able to respond to people and to be able to bring up Scripture, because the Scripture itself has life and power in it. See, the Word of God is living and active and sharper than a two-edged sword. It's able to pierce between the division of soul and spirit. So when you know the Word of God, you can bring it to the table. It's kind of like a carpenter. A carpenter can do almost any job. Why? Because he's got the tools. And so the more prepared you are, the more tools you'll have. But I don't want anybody to wait until they're more prepared. Start right now. God will train you as you go. Some of you have heard it said before, God can't steer a parked car. Just start and God will teach you and train you along the way. And again, don't be thrown when people get defensive. Don't let it throw you. Just be convinced in your heart, beloved, that the message that you bring is real. You need to be convinced that Jesus is the only way. If you have a mindset that simply says, well, Jesus is good for me. but, you know, this person doesn't believe in Jesus, so God bless them, that's fine too. A lot of people that call themselves Christians are like that. It's like they claim that Jesus is the only way. They sing praises to God in church that Jesus is the only way. But when it comes to the way that they relate with other people, it's evident by the way they relate to other people that they really don't believe that. Because they've got all these people that they know that they're in relationship with, and they know these people aren't believers in Jesus, and yet they don't tell them about Jesus. If you and I were really convinced that those people were going to hell, we would be telling them about Jesus. Jesus said, unless you believe that I am he, you'll die in your sins. We must be convinced that people need Jesus, that he is who he said he was, that Jesus said there's no other name under heaven by which men can be saved but the name of Yeshua HaMashiach. Be convinced, beloved, that people need him. And don't be afraid, beloved, that someone's going to know more than you know. No, beloved, the Bible tells us that we shouldn't be afraid because the Holy Spirit, the Scripture says, will give us what we need in the hour thereof. one of the secrets to becoming free and fluent and powerful in the abundant life of God. It's stepping out and trusting him. We have a supernatural God. And one of the things that our supernatural God does for us is he anoints us by the Holy Spirit to witness. So don't worry about having to think everything through that you're going to know exactly what you need to say in every situation. He'll give you the words Jesus taught us in the hour thereof. Now, a few practical things. Try to avoid words that people won't relate to. In other words, when Paul was on Mars Hill in the book of Acts, these people didn't know the Torah. They didn't know the scriptures. So Paul didn't start out talking to them about the Torah. But rather what Paul did is he started relating to them where they were at in life. He says, I see you have many statues here where you're worshiping an unknown God. And so Paul began by meeting them where they were at, and then he began to move from there, teaching them that this unknown God, that his name was the God of Israel and his son's name was Yeshua. And so we need to have that same mindset when we're speaking to a secular world and we're speaking to people that don't know the Lord. We want to avoid kind of Christian jargon that we might know what it means, but to them, they might not understand what we're saying. And so we need to be trying to communicate with them, beloved, in a language Hallelujah, that they can understand. Well, we began, beloved, at the beginning of this broadcast talking about how to approach the atheist. And I shared with you early on that the scripture tells us that deep inside everybody that's ever been born into the world knows there's a God. The scripture tells us that it's evident within them. And not only is it evident within them, Not only is their conscience bearing witness with them that there is a God, but when they look at creation and they see the sky that goes on forever and the beauty and the colors, deep inside they know there's a God. So when we come across an atheist, don't be intimidated and don't let the strength of their personality or their hostility or their condescending attitude throw you. Deep inside, every man knows there's a God. I talked about three ways to respond to the atheist. I talked about the argument of intelligent design, that in creation, beloved, we have intelligence. In other words, intelligence is built in to creation so that the body, beloved, when it begins to overheat, it automatically perspires to bring the temperature back down to normal. When we get sick, our body automatically begins to create antibodies to combat the sickness. And we could go on and on. There's intelligence in creation. Beloved, intelligence could not be in creation if there wasn't an intelligent designer behind it. So the first argument that we have for the atheist is the argument of intelligent design. The second argument, beloved, for responding to the atheist is the law of absolute morality, that deep down inside, all over the world, mankind at the most basic level has a sense of right and wrong. Now, the atheist will say he doesn't believe in moral absolutes, that there's no such thing, he'll say, as absolute right or wrong. But rather, he says, morality is relative, that morality is culturally defined, that morality isn't defined by a god, but they say instead, morality is defined individually. But you take that same atheist and somebody steals something from them, and what do they want? They want God. justice and so deep inside the atheist when he's wrong automatically now they revert back into a position of morality and then the third response beloved to the atheist is the response of first cause all the other theories beloved of the existence of life all the other theories of evolution have to do with beloved something that began in other words you begin with many evolution theories with what a big bang But the most obvious question when you begin to talk about a Big Bang is, well where did the Big Bang come from? What caused the Big Bang? And the only answer to this dilemma, beloved, is that there had to be a first cause that was without cause. God, by nature of who He is, has always been, He has no first cause, and that is the only possible explanation that one can come up with for the existence of life. There had to be something in the very beginning that was without cause, that has always been, and that is God. That's why God is beloved eternity. We talk about the exclusive claim of Jesus. Jesus said, I am the way, the truth and the life. No man comes to God but through me. So what we do now is we bring a person to the place of having to face making a decision about Jesus. And here's what we say. If I can show you that Jesus is who He said He was, will you receive Him and will you receive His truth? We want to get them in a position that they're getting ready to have to make a decision. And then what we do, beloved, is we explain the historical accuracy of the Bible that I've covered in my earlier broadcast, why we can trust the Bible as being a historically accurate document, recording accurately the claims of Messiah. And finally, beloved, I talked about on this broadcast, we need to be asking people the question, what do you think of Jesus? I don't know about you, but for me, it seems like time keeps on going faster and faster and faster. Remember when we were little kids and it seemed like a summer was endless, like a whole lifetime was enveloped in a summer? Well, the older we get, it just seems like the years fly by. And so here we are, another year is coming to an end. As we come to the end of 2024, can I ask you humbly to give your very best love offering to the Lord through Discovering the Jewish Jesus? Because of you, beloved ones, millions of people are being reached through this ministry. In fact, I just received a testimony recently of a Jewish man that came to faith directly as a result of discovering the Jewish Jesus, and he's just one of many Jewish people that are coming to the Lord. And not just Jews, but people from all over the world are coming to the Lord, beloved, because of your sowing financially into this ministry. Thank you for your love. Would you give your best offering right now? Thank you, I love you, and shalom.
Amen. That testimony from the Jewish man was so encouraging to receive. And like Rabbi said, we're at the end of the year, so there's not a lot of chances left to give an end of your offering. So if God is leading you to financially support discovering the Jewish Jesus with a special end of your gift of any amount, then please reach out to us today. You can call us at 800-777-7835. That's 800-777-7835. You can also send your financial gift in the mail. Our address is Discovering the Jewish Jesus, P.O. Box 777, Blissfield, Michigan 49228. And as a token of our appreciation back to you when you give, we want to send you our insightful newsletter. We'll make sure that it arrives at your door each month. This resource, it's a great way to keep track of what's happening here at the ministry. It also includes exclusive teaching from Rabbi, a letter from his wife, Cynthia, and also testimonies from people who've been touched because of listeners like you who financially support us. I get it myself every month, and I am definitely encouraged seeing all the testimonies. So if you want to be connected with this ministry in a greater way, please give today. Visit Thanks so much for your support. Now here's Rabbi with the Aaronic Blessing.
In the book of Numbers, chapter six, we find a personal blessing from God our Father. This blessing should touch our hearts because it's so personal. Father God wants to intimately bless you, so receive his blessing into your life today with gladness and an open heart.
Yevarechecha Yahweh, vayishmarecha Ya'er Yahweh, P'navei Lecha, Vichu Ne'echa Yissa Yahweh, P'navei Lecha, Ve'asem Lecha
The Lord bless you and keep you. The Lord make his face shine on you and be gracious to you. The Lord lift you up with his countenance. And the Lord give you, beloved one, his peace. God bless you and shalom.
I'm Dustin Roberts, and this program is produced and sponsored by Discovering the Jewish Jesus. Join us again next time when Rabbi Schneider explains how you can prepare for spiritual breakthrough. Learn more Friday on Discovering the Jewish Jesus.
Join us on this empowering episode of the Concepts of Faith broadcast as Charles Capps dives deep into the spiritual dynamics of authority on Earth. Explore how believers, simply by being born on this planet, hold a powerful legal status that surpasses the feared forces of darkness. Through biblical references and practical teachings, learn how to stand firm against the adversary with the assurance that your birthright is your guarantee of victory.
We are glad you could join us today for the Concepts of Faith broadcast. This program is dedicated to teach you how to put the Word of God to work so that it will make a positive difference in the everyday circumstances of your life. And now, here's Charles Capps.
Now, Satan is illegal on this planet. He has no authority here, but he has lorded it over God's heritage by fear and trying to con you into believing that he is the big devil with all the almighty power. Satan, the devil, is no match for any Christian born of the Spirit of God that knows his right standing in Jesus and his righteousness in Christ. If you're born again, you have become the righteousness of God in Christ. And Christ dwells in you. And Jesus gave him a licking that he has never forgotten. And when he looks at you and sees the righteousness of God, he don't know whether that's you or God in there. All right, we're in 10th chapter of John. Jesus said, Verily I say unto you, he that enter not by the door of the sheepfold, but climbeth up some other way, the same as a thief and a robber. You see, every one of you that are born on this planet have a legal document in your possession somewhere, almost every one of you, that will prove in the Supreme Court of this land that you have legal authority over demons and evil spirits. It's called a birth certificate. If you don't know nothing else to do, When the devil comes around your business, around your house, around your family affairs, if you don't know anything else to do, get your birth certificate out. Say, hey, Mr. Devil, look. Born January 4, 1934. Bromitt, Arkansas. Somebody say, big deal. What's that mean? The devil knows what it means. You have a legal document that says you're a legal resident of this planet, which gives you authority on this planet. He doesn't have one. He does not have a physical flesh, blood, and bone body. Therefore, he's illegal on this planet. And the only way that he can do anything on this planet is he has to get in some body, right? He has to have a body to manifest himself. Don't give him your body. That's the only way he can get any authority. And the Garden of Eden, you notice, he borrowed the body of a serpent. You see, spirit beings, unless they have a body, can do very little on this planet. You see, the devil would destroy this planet in an instant of time if he could. He destroyed it years ago. But he can't do it. He has to get in somebody to do it. Now, right on the other hand, God is limited by the same means. God and the Holy Spirit can do very little on this planet unless they can get in somebody. You know why the devil wants your body sick, crippled, or dead? Because it'll inhibit your authority. Have you noticed people, when they lose their body, they don't vote, they don't demonstrate. You lose your right to operate on this planet when you lose your body. Now see, demons and evil spirits, they climbed up some other way. They were not born here. Somebody said, well, Adam wasn't born here either. No, but God gave him dominion. And you see, we inherited it through the fact that we were born here. We're legal residents of this planet. No Christian should ever be afraid of demons and evil spirits. Isaiah said they'll narrowly look upon him. And they'll say, is he the one that deceived the nations? Probably some little hairy monkey looking thing about a foot and a half tall. And the Christians run from him for years because he portrayed himself as the big devil. Somebody said, oh, aren't you afraid to say that? No, I want him to hear me say it. I want him to know that I know that he has no authority on this planet. People that have physical flesh, blood, and bone bodies have the authority on this planet. Satan has none. He'll exercise your authority if you'll lend it to him. If you'll lend him your mouth, he'll cause you more trouble than you know how to get out of. If you lend him your body, he'll send you to hell. He'll destroy you. Right on the other hand, God says, I sent my word and healed them and delivered them from their destruction. But you're going to have to lend your body to God. Paul said, present your bodies to God. You remember what Jesus said? Jesus said, sacrifice an offering thou wouldest not, but a body thou hast prepared me. Jesus got his authority on this planet by having a physical flesh, blood, and bone body. Now, Luke chapter 4. Now, you'd have thought they'd want to vote Jesus in as pastor after he's preached that great sermon. But they didn't. They wanted to kill him. You think you've had it hard. First sermon he preached in his own hometown. They wanted to kill him. They wanted to throw him down a hill headlong. Now he went from there to Capernaum. And verse 32 says, And they were astonished at his doctrine, for his word was with power. And in the synagogue there was a man which had a spirit of unclean devil, cried out with a loud voice, saying, Let us alone. What have I to do with thee, thou Jesus of Nazareth? Art thou come to destroy us? I know thee who thou art, the Holy One of God. Now listen to this. Here's a demon crying out and said, I know who you are. You're the Holy One of God. Now what's going on? You mean to tell me now demons have started witnessing for Jesus? Why in the world would a demon witness for Jesus? Well, it looked to me like demons would say, don't believe this fellow. He's a false prophet. Why would a demon tell the truth? Only if he thought it was to his advantage to do so. You know what he was doing? He was challenging the authority of Jesus. He said, I know who you are. You're God manifest in the flesh. You're not pulling any wool over my eyes. You're Jesus of Nazareth, the Holy One of God. And you can't cast me out. It's illegal because you gave man authority on this planet. And I happen to know you're God manifest in the flesh. You're the Son of God. You're not a man. And Jesus, I like what he said. He just said, shut your mouth and come out of it. Thank God he did. He came out of him. Confused as the devil himself. How did he do it? How did he cast me out? I can just hear the demon whining. How did he cast me out? Devil, you told me that he didn't have authority to do it. But you see, the devil didn't know everything. See, he was confused about the virgin birth too. The Bible says if the prince of this world had known, he wouldn't have crucified the Lord of glory. I guess not, because all he did was plant him. And he came up. One of the worst things Satan ever saw was when Jesus arose from the dead. Then the next worst thing he ever saw was on the day of Pentecost. You see, he couldn't handle one Jesus. And on the day of Pentecost, there was 120 poured out of the same mold. With demon, devil casting out powers to heal the sick and raise the dead. And if that wasn't bad enough, before the day was over, there was 3,120. And there's been more every day since. And it's not getting any better for the devil. Glory to God. The more people that get born again, the more Satan gets on tranquilizers. Brother, he's had it going in. Now watch the things that happened here. Go to Matthew, the eighth chapter again. Let's see it again in the Scripture. Verse 29, And behold, they cried out, saying, What have we to do with thee, thou Jesus, the Son of God? Art thou come hither to torment us before the time? Now what's he talking about? This demon is saying, Jesus, I know who you are. You're the Son of God. Here he goes witnessing for Jesus again. Have you come to torment us before the time? What time? See, the devil and demons know there's a time set. He's talking about when the lease runs out. When the lease on this planet runs out. He's had it and he knows it. But he's challenging Jesus. It's not time yet. You can't torment us. But he cast him out. Now if you notice in Mark the 5th chapter. There again Jesus is challenged. He challenges his authority. In verse 7, he cried with a loud voice and said, What have I to do with thee, Jesus, thou Son of the Most High God? I adjure thee by God that thou torment me not. Now what's going on? Here is a demon trying to bring God in on the deal. He thought God was going to take up for him. Can you imagine that? The demon thought, if I say I command you, see, that's a military term. A juror is a military term. I command you by God that you torment me not. Now, see, he thought he had some authority to do that. because he knew that it was illegal for God to destroy the works of the devil, and he knew that Jesus was, in essence, God manifest in the flesh. But what he didn't understand was what Philippians 2 says, he made of himself no reputation. The Greek says he stripped himself when he came to the earth. Though he was rich, yet for your sakes he became poor. He stripped himself of his divine authority. He came to this earth as a man. He had the legal authority and the legal body of a man, which gave him legal authority to exercise dominion in the planet earth. But until the Holy Ghost came upon him, he didn't have the ability to cast out the devil. Now let me show you something where we've missed it. We've said he did it because he was a son of God. Jesus said, the Spirit of the Lord is upon me because he's anointed me. Now, if it were true that he was God manifest in the flesh and all of his divine Godhead powers, why would God have to anoint him? That proves that he wasn't. He came as a man. He was a son of God, all right. He was God in essence manifest in the flesh, but not in his divine Godhead powers. But after he lived 30 years perfect and upright under the old covenant, it was legal for God to anoint him with the Holy Ghost and healing power. I'm glad you joined us for the Concepts of Faith broadcast today. Now we're talking all this week about authority and we're offering CD offer number 7411. It's called the Authority Series. Four CDs for $29 plus $5 postage and handling. A total of $34. Now, if you don't understand that you have authority on this earth, you're going to let the devil run over you roughshod. I'm telling you, folks, there's some things that you need to understand about authority that God has given us. First of all, you need to understand that You have a physical flesh, blood, and bone body. Your body gives you authority on this earth. And so many times you hear people saying, oh, we just got to beat the old flesh to death because the flesh is so sinful. No, it's not. No, you can train the flesh to be righteous or sinful or any other way. It is neutral, really, and you train it the way you want it. When Jesus was born on this planet, he had to be born here to have authority here. The Bible says that he came to destroy the works that the devil had done. Well, he had the authority to do that because he was born on this planet. He was a legal resident of the planet Earth, and that gave him authority to destroy the works of the devil. But did you notice he didn't destroy the works of the devil until the Holy Ghost came upon him when he was baptized in the River Jordan? And then he began to do great and mighty miracles and cast out demons, heal the sick, raise the dead, and kill fig trees and stop storms. I'm telling you, he had authority on this planet because he was a man. Now, why didn't he do it before he was 30 years of age when he was baptized in the River Jordan? because he didn't have the ability to do it, because he was born here as a man. He was a son of God, all right, but he took on him the authority of a man so he'd have authority, and it was legal for God to anoint him then to cast out demons and heal the sick and destroy the works of the devil. You need this series. It's offer number 7411, Authority Series, four CDs for $29 plus $5 postage and handling. A total of $34. We have a toll-free order line, 1-877-396-9400. Until tomorrow, this is Charles Capps reminding you, the enemy is defeated, God is exalted, and yes, Jesus is coming soon.
To order the product offered today, call 1-877-396-9400 or write Charles Capps, P.O. Box 69, England, Arkansas, 72046. A complete list of CDs, books, and DVDs are available online at Through the website, you can listen to this radio program again and subscribe to our podcast. This broadcast is sponsored by Charles Capps Ministries and our listeners in this area.
Barbara Carmack, along with her daughter Kimberly, invites you into a heartfelt exploration of spiritual life on Call to Freedom. Reflecting on the importance of being a light in the world, they discuss the transformative power of faith and the peace that comes with accepting Jesus as Savior. With passages from Isaiah 9 and personal stories of overcoming darkness, this episode serves as a reminder that we are never alone in our journey towards spiritual fulfillment and eternal joy.
Welcome to Call to Freedom with Barbara Carmack. This is Jimmy Lakey, and I'm delighted that you are joining us for this half hour. You can reach Call to Freedom at Box 370367, Denver, Colorado, 80237, or by going to the website at If you want to leave a message or order a Word Power Daily Reading Bible Guide or a Freedom Street Express newsletter, you can call us toll free at 1-877-917-7256 and leave your name and address, including your zip code. If you want to talk to Barbara right now, she is expecting your call. You may call that same toll-free number, 1-877-917-7256 to speak to her. And now, let's join Barbara in the studio.
Ah, what a wonderful time to be alive. I hope you're praising God that you are alive today. Welcome to Call to Freedom. May God work in you what is pleasing to Him through Jesus Christ to whom be glory forever and ever and ever. Oh, amen. He is going to give us such a wonderful eternal life we can't even begin to imagine. Just today I was seeing some beautiful photographs from Austria and and Bavaria in Germany. And I said, Oh, Lord, I'd love to see that. And this little voice inside of me, yes, I mean, it wasn't vocal, it wasn't verbal, but it was, you're going to see it. And I said, oh, thank you, Lord. Thank you. I'm going to see it someday. Oh, this world, this earth, this global earth is going to be gorgeous someday, folks. And when you accept Jesus Christ as your Savior and Lord, you're going to see all that he has planned for you. You are blessed to dispense for in him you live and move and have your being. And you can give online to Call to Freedom by going to And if you donate in the month of December, you get a 2025 calendar. And it's beautiful. It's a motivational calendar. It has an adjective for every month. And you can just work on all those different characteristics that you're working on. And I am working on them still. Amen. My life has not been complete. Hallelujah. He's still working on the things. Oh, the hurrying. This morning he said, Barbara, there's time. You can just take a few moments. You don't have to hurry. You don't have to run. And it's been my life. So just taking a moment and saying, thank you, Father. Thank you for being in every moment of my day and encouraging me to stop and rest and take a moment. So if you go to, you can not only... give online but you can also listen to radio shows and if you want to listen to a radio program from there you can go down a couple three months i know our webmaster says you've got shows for from a year back and so we're going to kind of trim those up but You may go back and listen to all those shows and the Friday shows of Darren. It's just a wonderful thing. And as I said before, you're going to get a 2025 motivational calendar if you give during the month of December. So you've got some days left. And today we're going to... be talking about such a wonderful verse, a prophecy that came true. If that prophecy came true in the Old Testament, do you think that the prophecies about Jesus returning are not going to be true? Boy, do people have another thing coming. Praise the Lord. Well, I am talkative this afternoon, so I'm going to let my daughter, Kimberly, God bless you, Kimberly, come in and take over for this wonderful teaching.
Hey, I miss you. I miss just being with you and seeing each other's faces across that table there.
I know. I know. It is really different, isn't it? When you're sitting alone and it's blank. It is.
Not being able to see you.
I know. I know.
And I just wanted to say that. But you know what? I'm going to say thank you real quick. Brett, if you're listening, I just want to say thank you for the matching mugs. I'm holding mine right now. It's full of warm tea. And this morning, Mom and I were talking, and she said, oh, yeah, my mug is right here. I'm just very grateful to have these matching mugs so that when you're drinking coffee, Mom, and I'm drinking tea... And it's really fun to just know that we're connected. We're still connected. We're looking at the same thing and holding the same thing, holding it in our hearts, too, holding the word of God in our hearts. And I love that connection.
Yeah, it was so sweet of Brett. I mean, he had to go to work, and yet he came and knocked on the door, left not only those Duffy donuts. Oh, my goodness. Cinnamon rolls, I guess.
They're rolls. Yeah.
Yes, but also those mugs for you and me. And I think we have a game tonight and one more left. And so tonight I'm going to be using my mug, my Bronco mug. It's so cute. Thank you, Brett.
Thank you so much. Yes.
We were talking about Isaiah 9, 2-7, and it's the season to be reminded that a child has been given to us. And I would like for you to start out reading that passage from Isaiah 9.
Yes. Isaiah 9, verse 1. And this is in the message, folks. And if you don't have a message translation, you need to go to and just order one. The message is such a beautiful description. It may not be literal translation, but boy, it's so close. And it's so beautiful. Here it is. But there will be no darkness for those who were in trouble. Earlier, he did bring the lands of Zebulun and Naphtali into disrepute. And I've got to say right here, sometimes God may disturb you and your habits because you have been in such a habit of doing something. He wants you to change. And so he's going to bring you into disrepute for just a season to teach you some new things. That's what he's doing for me. So he did bring the lands of Zebulun and Naphtali into disrepute. But the time is coming when he'll make that whole area glorious, the road along the sea and the country past the Jordan, international Galilee. Isn't that beautiful?
Yes. Keep going. Are we still in Isaiah 9? Yes. Verse 2. Just keep reading. Verse 2. Read the whole thing.
Oh, the whole, okay. Verse two, the people who walked in darkness have seen a great light. For those who lived in the land of deep shadows, light, sunbursts of light. You repopulated the nation. You expanded its joy. Oh, they're so glad in your presence. Festival joy, the joy of a great celebration, sharing rich gifts and warm greetings. And we can say with them, Nehemiah 8, 10, let's eat the fat and drink the sweet and share with others for the joy of the Lord is our strength. Verse four of Isaiah nine, the abuse of oppressors and cruelty of tyrants, all their whips and cudgels. Now I had to look up the word cudgels. It's a short, thick stick used as a weapon, as a club. Have you been beating yourself up? Do you want me to stop there? No, keep going. Here comes the best part. Okay, right in the middle of all this burning. Verse 6, for a child has been born for us. For us, folks. The gift of a son for us. He'll take over the running of the world. His names will be Amazing Counselor, Strong God, Eternal Father, Prince of Wholeness. His ruling authority will grow and there'll be no limits to the wholeness he brings. Excuse me. He'll rule from the historic David throne over that promised kingdom. He'll put that kingdom on a firm footing and keep it going with fair dealing and right living, beginning now and lasting always. The zeal of God of the angel armies will do all this.
I love that in the message version. That is so beautiful. The way that it's talking about a celebration, sunbursts of light, festival, joy. This is a time of celebration. It's holy to the Lord. You had inserted Nehemiah 8.10 there. Eat the fat and drink the sweet and do not be sad. Don't be grieved. This is a holy time of celebration to the Lord for what he has done. And then it just mentions right in here, it inserts love. The the cruelty of the oppressors and the tyrants that have beaten us up with whips and clubs. And that might just be our own generational curses and our own thoughts in our own head that are so cruel to us. And they're gone. They're done away with. We've been delivered from all of that. And it's going to be. heaped up in huge heaps and burned so that they'll never bother us again. The fire's going to burn for days. Why? Because a child has been born for us. And what a gift this child is. What a gift. The son for us. He will take over the running of the world. He will take over the running of your mind. And I was just looking at some of these words. It starts out talking about those who live in a land of deep shadows and Those deep shadows, they can come in a lot of different forms. If you're going through a transition in your life, you might have been shaken up unexpectedly and that can feel dark. And if you've been in the same old job with the same old people, the same old things for so many years, that can feel dark. If your relationships with your family keep ending up in the same old loops and you just keep going around and around the same old arguments, the same old mountains, that can feel dark. And maybe you're struggling with an addiction. That can feel really dark too. So deep shadows can touch all of us in different ways. And addictions, I don't know why, that's standing out to me right now, they can flare up during this time of year. Addictions can really be a problem. And I think what feels darkest about an addiction is that you feel like you have been struggling with this thing for so long and you're never going to beat it. That feels really dark. But the good news is you're right. I know that's not what you were expecting me to say. You're right. You're not going to be able to beat it on your own. And nor were you meant to. You were not meant to beat it on your own. The good news is that someone else with a capital S and a capital O, someone else beat has beat it for you and the whole point is to be in touch with him i really appreciated your program monday mom you played breath of heaven and you encouraged us to make time and give time to the one we were made for. The more we talk with him, the more we spend time with him and he reveals himself to us in that time, the more we are aware of his help and his victory in our lives. We can't beat this stuff on our own. We need him. And that's what it means that his strength is perfected in our weakness. We're too weak to handle it in our own strength.
We need him. Yes. Oh, this morning, Kimberly, it was a prime example. I had my day all figured out. This is what I'm going to do. Oh, God is so precious. And, you know, I go into the office. I'm going to print off all the name labels so I can just stick them on the calendars and take them to the post office and stand in line and get them sent. Well, I start getting into the programs and something's happened. And so the publisher won't talk to Excel, and I'm stuck. And I'm going, oh, Father, I had all this planned out. I was going to do this. And I said, okay, Father God, I guess I know who to call. So I called Chris. He's precious. And I called his direct line. He's given me his direct line, and he says hello. And I said, Chris, I've got just a little issue here. He went right into the computer, even though he was online with another person. He put them on hold and went right into the computer. And while he was fixing it, it took about 20 minutes. I got to clean my desk, which I haven't cleaned for five years. And I was just throwing stuff in the trash and throwing up. And I'm saying, wow, Lord, you just picked this time for just some cleaning up. And so when he got back online, we talked and talked. And I thanked him for having some time last week for you and him and me to meet for lunch and whatever. We just had such a good conversation. That's what God wanted. He didn't want me just printing off these mailing things and getting it to the post office. He wanted some communication and some wonderful fellowship. Yes. Yes. Yes.
So it worked out. Yes, it did work out. And when we go back into our routines like that, that's what can start feeling dark. And we don't even know it. We don't even know that we're just walking in darkness. Right. But we keep putting one foot in front of the other, doing the same old thing, and that's when we need light. And Isaiah 9, is that verse 5? The light, sunbursts of light that God brings to us. It says here, you, God, repopulated the nation. You expanded its joy. That is so wonderful to hear that. We can be so glad in His presence and have this kind of a festivity, festival, joy, celebration, great celebration, and share, share rich gifts and warm greetings with one another because of this light, this light. Now, remember when Jesus told us that we are the light of the world? That's in Matthew 5, 14 and 16. He says, you are the light of the world. A city that is set on a hill cannot be hidden. Neither do people light a lamp and put it under a basket, but on a lamp stand. And it gives light to all who are in the household. So we are the light of the world. It also says in John 8, 12, that's where it's recorded that Jesus is the light of the world. Whoever follows me will never walk in darkness, but will have the light of life. So this is what we want to remember. Jesus is the first light of the world. When we are following in his ways, in his footsteps, when we are practicing the fruits of the spirit, we are then the light of the world also.
And it breaks my heart when I see those who have lost hope, who have lost the light in their lives, because we've all been created to be light in this world. And if we get stuck or lost in such a way that we are no longer a light in to others, that is really sad. We need to find our way back to the light, back to relationship with the one who is the first light. And being in relationship with the light brings you back to shining your light as well. Romans 8 reminds us that nothing can separate us from the love of God. You know, that could read, nothing can separate us from the light of God. Yeah. So if you're feeling separated from that light, it's not because he walked away from you because nothing can separate us from his light and his love. He stays with us. So if you're not seeing the light, if you're not feeling the love. more than likely you were the one that walked away. And if that's true, then find that place where you felt like you had to leave him. Find that place in your life and move back toward him today because we want to stay in relationship with the light of life.
Yes. Oh, in John one for Kimberly, it says of Jesus in him was life and the life was the light of men. You can't have light without Jesus. You cannot know light. And then it says, and the light shines in the darkness and the darkness cannot overpower that light. Who is Jesus Christ? Right.
the light of the world. Oh, that's right. That's good. Yes. Yes. So if you're not in relationship with the light of life, consider reading or listening to the Bible. or make it a habit to listen to praise and worship music or hymns. There are many sources that sing the word of God. And that's one thing that I actually appreciate about the Catholic church. They love to make Bible verses and word for word verses available in songs. And I know there are other churches that do it too, but I just think it's wonderful that the Catholics still practice that. They like to put those Bible verses in song. And if we go back to Isaiah 9, and we're talking about the oppressors and the cruelty of their whips, cudgels, clubs, and curses, you know, so many of those are our own thoughts that we get stuck in. Or habits and ways of our generations. We just do it a certain way and we don't even realize that it's doing damage. And it goes on to say that the boots of all those invading troops along with their shirts, those boots and shirts are going to be piled up in a heap and burned. I was thinking, okay, what's so important about boots? You know, there's an old song, these boots were made for walking and they're going to walk all over you. If you have ever felt trampled in this life, or if you've been given the boot, you know, that saying, they gave him the boot, you've been kicked around, you've been kicked out or made to feel like you're less than. Well, those boots are going to burn, along with the shirts. Or you could think of shirts as somebody's money and resources. You've heard the saying, he lost his shirt in that deal. Oh, that's good. So that's one way of looking at resources or power and substance. And if the enemy has taken that shirt, you've lost your shirt in the deal. We're going to watch those shirts and those boots burn because a child has been born to us. There's a beautiful song by Bebe and Cece Winans called For Unto Us a Child is Born. And I would like to hear that song right now.
Unto us a child is born Unto us a son is given Unto us a child is born Unto us a son is given Unto us a son is given. For unto us a child is born. this one to judge with justice and love. Almighty God, everlasting love. Right this one I know It shall be mine to own Oh Jesus, for unto us a child is born You're a transgression Yes, yes, yes.
That is such a beautiful song.
Oh, it is. And as the message says, amazing counselor, strong God, eternal father, prince of wholeness or peace. Kimberly, if our listeners need someone to counsel or get advice from, they need a strong God surrounding them and wrapping them around with love. It's Jesus. It's Jesus. All they have to do is reach out to him.
That's right. You had pulled up a scripture from Revelation. You might still have that in front of you. The kingdoms of this world.
I'll let you read it. The kingdoms of this world shall become the kingdom, capital K, of our God and of his Christ. And he shall reign forever and ever. Revelation 11, 15. Yes. Yes.
Yes. The kingdoms of this world, they can beat us up. They can walk all over us. Those boots that just keep kicking us to the side, kicking us to the curb and losing our shirts because we just haven't had any kind of an upper hand in any way. But here is one, a child who has been born to us and his kingdom, the kingdom of our Lord and of his Christ. This is what's taking over. It's a new administration. It's a new authority that is taking over on the inside of every one of us. We're all so weary and tired of the deep shadows. We're tired of the darkness and trying to find our way in the dark. We're ready for the light. the light has been given to us and all of those old kingdom ways with the boots that have been kicking us the shirts that have been stained with innocent blood that's going to be gathered up in a heap burned with fire burned and burned and burned it might take a few days for it all to burn away and it's being burned Because of our Lord, because of Jesus. And we are so blessed to be called his own. We are so blessed to be pulled into that kingdom of light. And I'm just encouraging each one of you to live in that light. Go back and find where you may have walked away from it and let that light be restored in your life because we miss you. If your light has grown dim, know that you are missed in this world. Your light is missed and we really want you back. So come back to us. Come back with the light and come back and live in that love and in that peace.
Yes. We won't have you here this next Wednesday because it's Christmas. So Kimberly, we all wish you a Merry Christmas. We love you dearly and we thank you for all your wonderful anointed teaching. God bless you.
Thank you. Take joy.
Thank you for listening to Call to Freedom with Barbara Carmack. You may get in touch with Barbara at Call to Freedom, Box 370-367, Denver, Colorado, 80237. Or you may leave your message at 1-877-917-7256. Call to Freedom is a listener-supported radio ministry. Barbara and her power partners invite you to come on board with us and become a network of hands holding up Call to Freedom ministry. Our partners support Call to Freedom with prayer and monthly financial support. You will be blessed supernaturally. We invite you to visit Call to Freedom's website,, where you can hear Barbara's daily radio broadcast 24 hours a day or order materials. You may share your praise reports and heart cries by mailing them to Call to Freedom, Box 3703675. denver colorado 80237 or you may email us at barbara carmack at freedom street dot org until next time remember jesus loves you barbara loves you and take joy
When sharing our faith, one of the major obstacles we face is the skepticism of whether or not Jesus existed and if the Disciples truly witnessed Him walk on earth. Join Rabbi, as he gives an answer to dispel these skepticisms using factual reasoning and supportive scripture.
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Welcome to Discovering the Jewish Jesus. I'm your host, Dustin Roberts, and today Rabbi Schneider is diving into the deep waters of something that should be near and dear to each one of us, sharing our faith. Do you ever feel the gentle nudge of the Holy Spirit to share your faith, but you're not quite sure how? Or maybe you're wondering if you're even doing it right. Well, you are not alone. And that's why Rabbi wants to give us some practical tips on sharing our faith. You can learn more about Rabbi Schneider or this ministry by visiting That's But Right now, let's explore how we can be Jesus' ambassadors every day. Rabbi?
Father God, we ask you to come and touch us by your spirit as we're tuned in together to this broadcast. Strengthen our hearts, O God, with faith by your word. Strengthen us and empower us, I pray, Father, for it's in Jesus' name and for his name we pray. And all God's people spoke Hebrew together and said, Amen and Amen and Amen. Beloved, if you're a born-again believer, if you're a believer in Messiah Yeshua, you have a desire in your heart to obey him. That's what the Spirit of God does. He comes in us and He imparts God's divine nature to us. And when the Spirit of God imparts His own nature to us, it puts within us a desire to obey the Father. That's why the Bible says that we're calling out Father. We want to obey. Jesus said, if you love me, you'll obey me. Part of obeying the Father, beloved, part of obeying Yeshua is being obedient in the realm of sharing our faith. You see, the scripture tells us that God didn't save us to hide our life somewhere, to put them under a bushel where no one could see us. But the Bible tells us that God saved us, that he would put us on a hill. that our light would shine for people to see. In other words, he wants to use our lives to draw others to himself. The Bible says that Yeshua taught, as the Father sent me, Yeshua said, so also now I send you. Paul tells us we have been made ambassadors of Jesus, that God wants to use us to go into the highways and the byways of life, into the grocery stores, into the dentist office, into our school systems, into our neighborhoods, into every aspect, every corner that our life goes into. He wants us to bring into all those nooks and crannies, beloved, the fragrance of His Son, both in the way that we live, in the presence of His Spirit that emanates through us, as well as, beloved, in the proclamation of our mouth. We can't just live in such a way that we're living as Christians without telling anybody. We have to tell people also. Think about it for a second. I'm a Jewish person. If the fragrance of the Lord is emanating from me, if people are maybe drawn to me because they just sense something positive coming from me, if they're drawn to me and then I treat them real kindly and they sense a lot of peace from me and they sense a lot of love from me and they see me wearing the yarmulke, but I never tell them about Jesus... I might actually lead them away from Jesus because they're thinking, you know, he was such a good person and look at how good he was. He treated me so much better than some of the Christian people I know, and he's not even a Christian. See, they could actually look at me and my life could be used to lead them away from Jesus if I don't tell them about Jesus. So the point is, is that we can't just live in such a way that demonstrates who Yeshua is. We can't just be kind to people. We also have to verbally tell them about Jesus and we need to tell them why we live the way we live and why we are the way we are. That's why the apostle Paul said in the book of Romans, he that calls upon the name of the Lord will be saved. But then he goes on to say, but how shall they call upon him whom they've not heard? How should they believe in him whom they've not heard about, he says? And how shall they believe unless they hear? And how shall they hear unless we tell them? So, beloved, you and I have been chosen to be his witnesses. God said to Israel, you are my witnesses, declares the Lord. And now he's saying to the church as well, beloved, You are my witnesses. And that's why Yeshua said to his disciples, go wait in Jerusalem for the Holy Spirit. And when he comes on you, he's going to clothe you with power and you will be my witnesses. Sometimes when we're sharing our faith with people, it's important to find out what they think about the Bible. Because if we begin to quote Bible scripture to them, but yet they're saying, I don't believe the Bible is true. It may be difficult for us to make the point as powerfully as we like to make it. Now the reason I say it that way is because God's Word speaks for itself. Jesus said, the words that I speak unto you, they are spirit and they are life. So the power of God is in the Word. If a person says he doesn't believe it, that doesn't stop the power of God from throwing through His Word. The Word of God is living and and sharper than a two-edged sword, able to pierce between the vision of soul and spirit and the bone and its marrow. The Word of God has power and accuracy in and of itself. On the other hand, beloved, it's good to be aware of some of these truths that I'm about to share with you. When a person says they don't believe the Bible, as I indicated on last broadcast, I talked about the archaeological evidence that we have for the Bible's historical accuracy. All over Israel, we've dug up all these things that give credence to the historical accuracy of both the Hebrew Bible, the Old Testament, as well as the New Testament. Nobody can deny that. Archaeologists don't deny it anymore. They have found too many archaeological artifacts that teach us and tell us that, yes, the Bible is a historically accurate document. Another argument that we have for the historical accuracy and reliability, beloved, of the Scriptures is the nation of Israel. I mean, think about the nation of Israel, the Jewish people. Here they were, a small group of people. And all these other nations have come and gone. The Babylonians have come and gone. The Persians have come and gone. The Medes have come and gone. The Roman Empire has come and gone. And yet here's this little group of people that God said, I've chosen you to be a people for myself out of all the peoples in the face of the earth. And all these other empires and all these other people groups have come and gone. And yet here's this group of people today we call the Jewish people, the nation of Israel, still here today. making contributions to society far beyond their numbers. It is supernatural. The Jewish people and their existence and their contribution to society, beloved, is evidence that what the Bible teaches is true and accurate and real because the scriptures teach us that God has his hand on the nation of Israel and the Jewish people in a special way. The third thing that I want to talk about in relationship, beloved, to the historical accuracy of the Bible, I'm relating now specifically to the New Testament. You see, when we look about what is an accurate historical source, in other words, is the New Testament a reliable, historical, accurate source? Can it really be trusted? Beloved, when we think about an accurate historical document, We think in ancient history, we think, for example, of somebody like Alexander the Great. As far as the earth is concerned and historians are concerned, Alexander the Great was absolutely a real person, and we have facts about his life from history. But yet did you know that the earliest historical document that we have concerning Alexander the Great is 100 years old? And yet no one questions the historical accuracy of it. Well, guess what, beloved ones? The historical document of the New Testament is a far more superior historical document than the documents that we have about Alexander the Great. Here's the reasons why. Number one, with the New Testament that we call in Hebrew the Brihadashah, we have people that wrote about him, beloved, that were his contemporaries. We have people that wrote about Yeshua that lived with him, that knew him, that saw what he did and heard, beloved, his voice. So, for example, I'm going to start out. with the book of Peter. Listen to what the Bible tells us, what Peter tells us in 2 Peter, beginning in chapter number 1 of verse 16. Peter, Kepha says this, For we did not follow cleverly devised tales. So he's right from the beginning. He's saying this is no myth. He's right off the bat cutting that argument down to its root. He said this is no myth. Listen once again. For we did not follow cleverly devised tales when we made known to you the power and coming of our Lord, Yeshua Mashiach. He says, but we were eyewitnesses. He continues on. He's speaking now of the transfiguration experience described in the Gospels. Verse 17, for when he received honor and glory from God the Father, such an utterance as this was made to him by the majestic glory, this is my beloved Son with whom I am well pleased. And he says, and we ourselves are heard this utterance made from heaven when we were with them on the holy mountain. This is referred to in the gospels. We call it the transfiguration experience where Yeshua took the three with them. on top of the mountain and was transfigured before them. And the Spirit of God spoke there that they all heard, this is my beloved Son in whom I'm well pleased. Peter said, I was a witness of this thing. I'm writing real history here. And so the historical documents of the New Testament, beloved, are written by people that walked with Jesus, that held his hand, that walked arm in arm with him. Listen to what John said similarly. In the book of 1 John, the first chapter, beloved, hear the word of God. John begins, chapter 1, verse 1, by saying, what was from the beginning, what we have heard, what we have seen with, listen now, our eyes. He said, I heard it with my own ears. I heard his voice. I saw it with my own eyes. I saw the miracles. I saw him heal people. Let's read it again. What was from the beginning, what we have heard, what we have seen with our eyes, and what we beheld with our hands handled. In other words, John's saying, listen, I touched him. I touched him. I was with him. And now I'm going to share with you what happened when I was with him. He continues on in verse number three. What we have seen and heard, we proclaim to you also. So the New Testament, beloved, is the best type of historical document that we can get because it was written by eyewitnesses that were with him, not secondhand witnesses, but direct witnesses. And not only that, but it was written by a multiplication, a multiplicity of eyewitnesses, right? Peter, John, Mark, Paul, who had a different type of encounter after Yeshua was raised from the dead. These were people that experienced him firsthand.
You're listening to Discovering the Jewish Jesus with Rabbi Schneider, and he'll be right back with the second half of today's message. But first, I want to share an announcement about a special podcast we're going to release this coming Sunday. We have a special podcast called Seize My Word. And it is a great way to fall asleep or just sit back and listen and soak in God's Word. It's a calming audio presentation from Rabbi with relaxing music in the background. And Rabbi gently reads passages of Scripture that are designed to quiet your mind and help you focus your heart on God's promises. It's a really unique resource and it's perfect for winding down and disconnecting from the chaos of the day. And even God modeled us an example of rest and a time to connect with him on the Sabbath. So I want to encourage you to find Seize My Word on YouTube and all your favorite podcasting platforms, including Spotify and Apple Podcasts, this coming Sunday, December 22nd. And now back to Rabbi.
I love what Luke tells us concerning the historical accuracy of the New Testament, that we can trust it, that we're standing, beloved, on solid ground, that we don't have to be shaken when somebody says, I don't believe the Bible. I believe it was written from man. No, no, no. That's why Peter says this is real. And none of this came from one's own interpretation, but men that were moved by the Holy Spirit spoke from God. And so listen to what we have here concerning the historical accuracy of the New Testament as it is recorded by Luke. The grass withers and the flowers fade, but hallelujah, the word of the Lord abides forever. Hear the word of God as I begin reading, beloved, from the book of Luke chapter one, verse one. And as much as many have undertaken to compile an account of the things accomplished among us, Just as those who from the beginning were eyewitnesses, he's speaking about some of those that I just wrote about, Peter and John. He says, just as those who were from the beginning were eyewitnesses and servants of the word have handed them down to us. He says it seemed fitting in verse number three. So what he's saying here is just as these eyewitnesses like John and Peter and Mark wrote their account, Luke's about to say it seemed fitting for me also. So I'm beginning again, verse three. It seemed fitting for me as well having investigated everything carefully from the beginning to write it out to you in consecutive order, most excellent Theophilus. And so Luke is writing this out for us in consecutive order. He's researching carefully. Notice the way he goes about it. He's doing it scientifically as real history. And so if a person says these things to you concerning like, you know, I think the Bible was just, you know, man trying to grasp who God was, but it isn't really breathed from God. No, it is breathed from God. And you can tell them that the Hebrew Bible and the New Testament are historically accurate documents by any historian standards. If you apply the same historical standards to the New Testament as you would any other ancient historical document, this comes through, beloved, as a viable, vibrant historical document that can be trusted. Hallelujah. Praise God and amen. Now, with that being said, knowing that the Brihad Hashah, the New Testament, is a historically accurate document, and in as much, it accurately records to us both the things that Yeshua did and said in our defense of our faith, let's consider what Yeshua said. Jesus said, "'I am the way, the truth, and the life, and no one comes to the Father but through me.'" Jesus said, unless you believe that I am He, you will die in your sins. And many other statements like this that are exclusive So considering Yeshua's words of exclusivity, that he alone is the way to God, and now thinking about this in relationship to sharing our faith, I want to share with you a response, an argument that many of you have heard before, but it's very, very, very powerful. It might have been coined by C.S. Lewis, I forget. I have found it very extremely effective. It's called the liar, lunatic, or Lord argument. Here's what we do. We first of all explain this. The New Testament is an accurate historical document that is actually recorded for us the words of Jesus. Jesus said he was the only way to God and the only way to heaven. And so we only have three choices to determine who Jesus was. The first option is that he was a lunatic. What do you mean by that? I mean that there's people all over in mental institutions throughout the world that think there's somebody that they're not. So when we consider who Jesus is in relationship to his words, option number one is that he's a lunatic. He thought he was somebody that he wasn't. Option number two was that he was a liar, that he was claiming to be somebody that he knew he wasn't. So option number two was that he was deliberately lying, that he was claiming to be somebody that he wasn't. But option number three, beloved, is that he is who he said he was. He is the Lord. You see, you only have one of three choices. Either he's a liar claiming to be somebody that he knew he wasn't. Option number one is that he's a lunatic that he thought he was somebody that he wasn't. Option number three is that he's the Lord. He was who he said he was. To just have an opinion of Jesus that he was a good man or a prophet, that isn't a possibility, because he claimed to be the only way to God. And so a good man wouldn't claim to be the only way to God. A prophet, someone that was just a prophet, wouldn't claim to be the only way to God. I am the way, the truth, and the life, he said. No one comes to God but through me. And so we can only be a liar, the lunatic, or the Lord, who He says He was. And you need to face that decision because what you do with this will determine your destiny. Listen, I just shared with somebody who Jesus was. I asked them, What do you think of Jesus? Because, beloved, the Holy Spirit gave me that specific question to ask people. What do you think of Jesus? Because when people respond, we know exactly where they're at. When I asked this man today the question, what do you think of Jesus? He said, I believe in God. What did that tell me? That's why that question is so precise. It's an exacto knife. Listen, beloved, when you ask that question, the Holy Spirit uses it to help us to diagnose where a person's at. When that person said, I believe in God, you know what? I knew that he didn't know Jesus. Because if he would have known Jesus, he would have said, I love Jesus. He's my savior. I love him. He didn't say that. And knowing where he was, beloved, I was able to proceed and witness to him. People need to be challenged with the reality of heaven and hell. Jesus talked more about hell in some measurements than he did about heaven. Of course, we have the book of Revelation, et cetera, but Jesus talked often, often about hell. And beloved, you and I are his ambassadors. As he was sent into the world, so also now are we sent into the world. So I'm going to pray for you right now that God will quicken you, beloved, to begin to share your faith. Listen, you haven't been chosen to be accepted by everybody. Jesus said, if the world would have loved me, it would have loved you. But he said, I'm not from the world. He said, I have not chosen you to be accepted by everybody. He said, woe to you if everyone speaks well of you and puts their arm around you. He said, I haven't come to bring peace but a sword. Beloved, we're not in this world to be loved and liked by everybody. We're in this world, beloved, to be his witnesses. And Jesus said, if we're ashamed of him and his words in this wicked and adulterous generation, then he's going to be ashamed of us. when he comes again with the glory of the Father. You know what? You don't have to be ashamed any longer. From this point forward, beloved, you can repent. You can make up your mind from this day onward that you will be a witness. You may stumble. You may fall. It doesn't matter. God can still use your witness. What's most important is that you're being obedient. So, Father, I pray for these beloved ones that, Father, are listening to the sound of this broadcast right now. Father, I pray right now that you will quicken them, Father, by the Spirit of God, by the Ruach HaKadosh. I pray for divine age, Father, for them, for fire. Quicken, come alive, Father God. Those that have been passive, those that have been sluggish, those that have been secret Christians, quicken them, Father, that they would become alive, that they would, Father, take upon the mantle of Jesus, God, and go to the highways and the byways preaching the gospel. Father, sharing their testimony, inviting people into a relationship with God, for you've told us, Father, that you've made us ambassadors of Messiah, reconciling the world back to you through him. So, Father, I bless your people today. Raise up your church, Abba, to be your witnesses. In Second Samuel, chapter 24, verse 24, we read about David wanting to offer up to Father God an extravagant offering showing his love. When he got to the place that he wanted to offer his offering from, he went there to purchase the threshing floor as the altar for it. When the owner of the threshing floor saw David and heard what David wanted to do, he offered to give the threshing floor to David that David could offer up his sacrifice from. David said, far be it from me to make an offering to Father God that cost me nothing. David insisted on purchasing the threshing floor even though someone had offered to give it to him. David then proceeded to pay for it and he offered to Father God an extravagant offering showing his love. The next part of the text says this. It says, the Lord's heart was moved. When you and I present our offerings to the Lord out of love, you know what, beloved one? It moves God's heart. I want to encourage you. Let's love him today by presenting to him an offering that will move his heart because it comes from a pure place.
Amen. And to give a gift of any amount, call 800-777-7835. That's 800-777-7835. And we want to say thanks for your gifts. So when you give, we'll send you a copy of our latest newsletter. It's packed with the most current news and updates. And you know, the Feast of Dedication or Hanukkah, it begins this year at sunset on Christmas Day, December the 25th. And did you know that this holiday, it was celebrated by Jesus? Yep, that's right. In the book of John chapter 10, while the people are celebrating the festival of lights, Jesus is asked if he's the one they've been waiting and hoping for. They were looking for a Messiah-like figure who rescued them from the Greek Assyrians. They were looking for a Messiah to rescue them from the Romans. It is a wonderful passage of Scripture, and these feasts, they are great ways for believers to share the good news of Messiah with Jewish friends and family. If you'd like to learn more about this, visit our website. You can also give an offering there to support this ministry, And now here's Rabbi to share God's sacred and special blessing.
The words from the Aaronic blessing in the book of Numbers chapter 6, verses 22 through 27, helps us to realize how good God is to you and I personally. So receive His blessing into your life, and then beloved one, go bless somebody else in Jesus' name today.
Yevarechei Yahweh vayishmarecha Ya'er Yahweh, P'navei Lecha, Vichu Ne'echa Yissa Yahweh, P'navei Lecha, Ve'asem Lecha
The Lord bless you and keep you. The Lord make his face shine on you and be gracious to you. The Lord lift you up with his countenance. And the Lord give you, beloved one, his peace. God bless you and shalom.
This program is produced and sponsored by Discovering the Jewish Jesus. And I'm your host, Dustin Roberts. Join us again tomorrow when Rabbi Schneider shares how to witness without fear. Hear more Thursday on Discovering the Jewish Jesus.