Sermon Overview
Scripture Reference: 2 Corinthians 4:3-6
Our thought lives are the root of many of our problems in this world gone wild. It is crucial that we have mastery over our minds and control over our thought lives.
First, we must be sure of our salvation.
2 Corinthians 4:3-4 says, “But even if our gospel is veiled, it is veiled to those who are perishing, whose minds the god of this age has blinded, who do not believe, lest the light of the gospel of the glory of Christ, who is the image of God, should shine on them.”
The devil wants us to stay in the dark and blind our minds to the light of the Gospel.
There’s a difference between the mind and the brain; the devil does not come after our intelligence, rather he wants to distort our minds. We become what we think about. (See Proverbs 23:7.)
The carnal mind, which is at war with God, must be converted. There is no second step until we are sure we are saved.
Second, we must pursue single-minded, heart-felt devotion to God.
A converted mind can be corrupted; we can lose so much ground in the battle for our thought lives if we do not take action and give everything over to God.
Third, we must root out the strongholds in our thought lives.
A corrupt mind must be conquered. We must conquer compulsiveness, obsessions, fixations, and fears. We cannot let bitterness and resentment, uncontrollable lusts, phobias, criticisms, or distrust have a hold on us.
This warfare is not carnal, so our weapons aren’t either. Education, psychology, nor positive thinking can help us take down these strongholds. Our fighting chance is the blood of Christ, the Word of God, and the authority in the name of Jesus.
Finally, we must surrender our conquered minds back to the Lord.
We cannot be neutral; we cannot merely dethrone the enemy—Christ must be enthroned in our thought lives.
Adrian Rogers says, “No man can think two things at one time. If you’re thinking what is right, you cannot be thinking what is wrong. You can choose your thoughts like you can choose your friends.”
Our great hope is that the conquered mind can be controlled by bringing every thought to Jesus Christ.
Apply it to your life
Bring every thought to obedience, and let the Lord Jesus Christ screen your thought life today.
What's the difference between our mind and our brain? Listen to Adrian Rogers.
You need to understand that there is a difference between the mind and the brain. The brain is what the mind thinks with. When you get saved, you don't get a new brain, you get a new mind.
And the God of this world has blinded the minds of them that believe not. He doesn't, the devil doesn't hurt your intelligence. Why?
Because the Bible says as a man thinketh, so is he.
Welcome to Love Worth Finding, featuring the profound messages and practical lessons of Pastor Adrian Rogers. Our thought life is the root of many of our problems in today's world. It's crucial that each of us has control over our thought life.
The devil wants us to stay in the dark and blind our minds to the light of the gospel. He does not come after our intelligence. Rather, he wants to distort our mind because he knows we become what we think about.
If you have your Bible, turn to 2 Corinthians chapter 4 as Adrian Rogers shares how to have mastery over your mind.
Would you take God's Word and open it if you would please to 2 Corinthians chapter 4. And in a moment we are going to begin reading in verse 3. I'm going to be talking to you today about how to control your thought life, how to control your thought life.
That is, how to have mastery over your mind. And if there was ever a significant message, this would be it. 2 Corinthians chapter 4 and verse 3.
But if our gospel be hid, it is hid to them that are lost, in whom the God of this world, now notice that's a little G and it refers to Satan, the God of this world, that is the God of this age, hath blinded the minds. Underscore that phrase. Hath blinded the minds of them which believe not.
Lest the light of the glorious gospel of Christ, who is the image of God, should shine unto them. For we preach not ourselves, but Christ Jesus, the Lord, and ourselves, your servants, for Jesus' sake. For God who commanded the light to shine out of darkness has shined in our hearts to give the light of the knowledge of the glory of God in the face of Jesus Christ.
Now this deals with the problem of the mind and a blinded mind. You see, the devil is controlling the thought life of so many. But thank God, he doesn't have to.
I mean, there is a way to gain control of your mind, and I want to speak to you today in a very significant message on how to control your thought life. How to control your thought life. Now, I want to give you four principles.
And the very first factor that I want to give you is what I call the salvation factor. The salvation factor. You must get saved.
You see, the devil doesn't want you to know the gospel of Jesus Christ. Look in verse four. In whom the god of this world hath blinded the minds of them which believe not.
You know what the devil wants to do to you right now? The devil right now wants to pull the veil of darkness over your mind. He doesn't want you to hear what I'm about to say.
He doesn't want a shaft of gospel sunlight to penetrate the dark, murky recesses of your soul. The devil wants you to stay in the dark. He doesn't want God to turn the light on in your soul, so he wants to blind your mind.
Now let me say something very significant here. You need to understand there's a difference between your mind and your brain. I didn't used to know that.
I never had really even thought about it. But it's a fundamental thought. You need to understand that there's a difference between the mind and the brain.
The brain is what the mind thinks with. The relationship of mind and brain would be very similar to the relationship of a pianist and a piano. You see, the piano is the brain.
The pianist is the mind that uses the brain. For example, who plays that piano makes a lot of difference as to what comes out of it. You want me to tell you the most dangerous thing in the world?
The most dangerous thing in the world is a man with a bad mind and a good brain. A bad mind and a good brain. He is a clever devil.
Now, it is the mind that the Bible speaks of that I'm talking about, not the gray matter. When you get saved, you don't get a new brain. You get a new mind.
And the God of this world has blinded the minds of them that, believe not, he doesn't... The devil doesn't hurt your intelligence. What he does is distort your mind.
He blinds your mind. Why? Because the Bible says, as a man thinketh, so is he.
It is your mind that controls you. Legendary Bear Bryant, the great coach at Alabama, had his team on the field and they were playing in arch rival. There were only two minutes left in the game.
Alabama was ahead by five points. Two minutes left. Alabama has the ball, and they're on the opponent's 20-yard line.
And they call a play, and the number one quarterback for Alabama is hurt on that play. Bear Bryant pulls him out, and he takes the second string quarterback, and he gives him these instructions. He says to him, Now listen, I want you to go in there and run three more plays.
Regardless, don't throw the ball. Do not put the ball in the air. Just try to keep from losing yardage if we don't score.
Okay, yes sir coach. The boy went in, and on the second down, no yardage at all. On the third down, they gained a yard.
On the fourth down, the clock winding down, this rookie quarterback takes the ball, and he turns to hand it off to this man coming through, and there's a bobble, and the man doesn't catch the ball, and the quarterback still has the ball in his hands. And so he begins to move out, and to try to get away from the defense, and he looks over there in the end zone, and there's one of his players. This boy knew he could throw the ball that far, he knew he could put it right in there, and so he just put the ball right over there to this boy with his waiting hands.
But what he did not know was the all-American safety on that other side had been watching the entire thing. And when the ball was put in the air, he zipped over there, plucked the ball out of the air, and started down the field with only one person between him and a touchdown, and it was that boy who had thrown that ball. And he ran with this quarterback behind him the entire length of the field, and finally on the two-yard line, the rookie quarterback caught up with him and brought him down as the whistle blew and the game ended, and Bama had won by five points.
After the game, Bear Bryant went over and was shaking hands with the other coach, and the other coach said, well, he said, I just don't understand it. He said, according to our scouting reports, your second quarterback is slow, and our man is the fastest man on the field. He said, how did he catch him?
Bear Bryant in his southern drawl said, well, he said, you have to understand. He said, your boy was running for six points. He said, my boy was running for his life.
What's the difference? It's the mind, not the legs, the mind. As a man thinks, so is he.
Now, the very first principle is the salvation principle. Now, there's a second factor, not only the salvation factor, but there is this sincerity factor. Now, just fast forward, if you will, to 2 Corinthians, chapter 11, and read with me in verse 2.
And I want you to get the picture. The Apostle Paul thinks of himself as a father. He thinks of the church as the bride of Christ.
He thinks of Christ as the bridegroom. And so what Paul is saying is, as a father, I am bringing you and I am presenting you to Jesus Christ. Now, catch the figure of speech.
Paul says, For I am jealous over you with a godly jealousy, for I have espoused you to one husband, that I may present you as a chaste virgin to Christ. Now, the word chaste here means pure. I want to present you as a pure virgin to the Lord Jesus Christ.
But now notice in verse 3, this fear that Paul has, this apprehension that Paul has, this danger that Paul sees. But I fear, lest by any means, as the serpent beguiled Eve through his subtlety, so your mind should be corrupted from the simplicity that is in Christ. Now, look at the word simplicity.
The word simplicity means single-minded devotion. A heartfelt devotion. That is, I am to love Joyce, my wife, with single-mindedness, with sincerity.
There's to be no other girlfriend, no other thoughts. She is to be number one in my life, and I can tell you frankly and gladly, she is. She's been number one in my life.
But now, listen, that's what the word simplicity means. It actually means single-minded, sincere devotion to Jesus. Because, you see, a divided mind means a perverted mind, and then it means a broken relationship.
And so I am to keep my relationship to Christ sincere. That is, I am to be single-minded. Why?
Because the carnal mind must be converted. But, oh, my dear friend, we need to understand that a converted mind may be corrupted. Just because you're saved, that doesn't mean that you're not going to have to battle about your thought life.
Paul here is talking to Christians. He said, I am presenting you as a pure virgin to Christ, but he said, I'm afraid that your mind might be corrupted as the serpent seduced Eve with his subtlety. So, your mind might be corrupted from the sincerity, the single mindedness that's in Christ.
The salvation factor, the sincerity factor, and then there's the stronghold factor. Now, notice, go back to chapter 10, if you will, 2 Corinthians chapter 10, and look in verse 3. For though we walk in the flesh, that is, we're in these human bodies, we do not war after the flesh.
Now, he tells us there's a war, but it's not a war of the flesh. For the weapons of our warfare are not carnal. The word carnal means fleshly.
A carnivorous animal is what? A flesh-eating animal. And so, carnis is the Latin word that we get our English word carnal from.
For the weapons of our warfare are not carnal, that is, they're not fleshly, but mighty through God to the pulling down of strongholds. Now, underscore the word stronghold. Now, let me just illustrate what some of these strongholds might be.
It is a system of thought that brings you as a believer into bondage. The devil uses that system of thought to establish in your mind imaginations. Now, the King James calls it there, imaginations.
The word imagination is the word that we get our word logic from in the Greek, or logistics from. That is, the devil is warring a logistical war against God, and he's very clever. He has seduced a believer.
He has suddenly come into the mind of a believer. He has implanted in the mind of that believer a stronghold, a fortress. He gets inside that fortress, and with logistics, he now wars at God.
Logically, with philosophies and thoughts, he wars against the idea of God. He always wants to war at God, and he wants to use your mind as a battlefield to war against God because the devil knows if he can control your mind, he can control you because as a man thinketh, so is he. Now, we're talking here and now about Christians.
What are some of these strongholds? I don't have time to just talk about them, so let me just list them and see if we're talking about you. Compulsiveness.
Do you find yourself just compulsed to do certain things? Acting compulsively and you say, I don't know why I do that, just do it. Obsessions.
Are you just obsessed with certain things that you think about all of the time? Fixations, fears, bitterness and resentment. Uncontrollable lust.
I'm speaking to some men who would be embarrassed if their fellow Christians, their wives, their children knew the whole that lust and pornography have in their lives. Phobias and criticisms, distrust, the inability to trust anybody or anything. And it's not just a passing thing that comes through your mind.
There is a fortress. Satan, who has seduced you, has taken control. He's moved in, and he is logistically warring against God with these imaginations, and he's there.
A carnal mind must be converted. A converted mind can be corrupted, and a corrupted mind must be conquered. Now listen to what he says.
He says that we can take back the fortress. This is what he is saying in verse 4. For the weapons of our warfare are not carnal, but mighty through God to the pulling down of strongholds.
What are the weapons of our warfare? The Word of God, prayer, repentance, the blood of Christ, the authority, the Holy Spirit, so many of them. I don't even have time to talk about the weapons of our warfare, but let me tell you what they are not.
They are not carnal, and you listen to me. The weapons of our warfare are not education. You'll never control your mind by education.
I'm not against education, but you educate a man without Christ, you make a clever devil. The weapons of our warfare are not psychiatry and psychology. They're good as far as they go, but they do not dispossess Satan and take him out of his stronghold.
It cannot be done with psychiatry and psychology. They have their place, but the weapons of our warfare are not carnal. Carnal people can use psychiatry and psychology.
Carnal people can use education. I'll tell you the weapon of our warfare is not positive thinking. Many Christians get hooked on positive thinking.
Did you know that many Christians don't know the difference between positive thinking and faith? Did you know that? They think that faith and positive thinking are the same thing.
They're 10 billion light years away from each other. Not positive thinking. Positive thinking is fine, but it doesn't always work.
Little boy came home and he said, Dad, I think I'm going to fail my math test. He said, Son, don't say that. Think positively.
He said, I'm positive I'm going to fail it. Now, positive thinking is not going to release you from the stronghold of Satan. They all have their place.
They're all fine, but the weapons of our warfare are not carnal. They are mighty through God to the pulling down of strongholds. Now, what you need to understand is this, that when you use your spiritual weapons, the blood of Christ, the word of God, the authority that's in the Lord Jesus Christ, you can take back that conquered ground that you gave to Satan and conquer it yourself and dispossess Satan.
But the only way you're going to do it is with the authority of Jesus Christ and the word of God. I was reading about a woman in St. Louis who was living with a man who was not her husband. She had allowed this man to come into the apartment and he was living there in the apartment with her.
She got into conviction. She knew the thing she was doing is wrong. She wanted to break up the relationship and she told this man that he had to move out.
Do you know what he said? He said, I'm not moving out. He said, you invited me in here?
He said, we've been living like this and legally you can't put me out. She didn't know whether legally she could or not. She got a lawyer and the lawyer said, legally you can make him move.
And she got a judgment from the court, a court order that said he had to go. And she read it to him and said, now you're going to move out or I'm going to call the law on you. And grudgingly he moved out and she changed the key.
My dear friend, I want to tell you that when you get right with God and you bring the weapons of our warfare against Satan, legally you can move him out. That's the only way you're going to move him out, is legally with the authority of Jesus Christ. Jesus said, I give you authority over all the power of the enemy and what you can say to Satan, if you have that stronghold that is there, you can say to Satan, Satan, I'm not asking you.
I'm not pleading with you. I'm not reasoning with you. I am telling you in the name of Jesus Christ and the authority of the word of God, my heart belongs to Jesus Christ.
I've confessed those sins. I've repudiated that stronghold. I put it under the blood.
God has forgiven me. You have no right, no authority. You are trespassing on my father's property.
And in the name of Jesus, be gone. You're gonna have to take back the stronghold. I mean the weapons of our warfare.
There's a battle. And you're gonna have to go in there with the word of God and the authority of God and take back that stronghold that you've let Satan have. There is a war, and the weapons of our warfare are not carnal but mighty through God to the pulling down of strongholds.
The salvation factor, the carnal man must be converted. The carnal mind must be converted. The sincerity factor, the converted mind can be corrupted.
The stronghold factor, a corrupted mind must be conquered. And then, my dear friend, the surrender factor. Listen, it's not just enough that you take back your mind.
If that's all you do, before long, you're going to be back in the same difficulty. Now, look here, if you will, again, 2 Corinthians chapter 10, verse 5. Casting down imaginations.
That's what we're to do. Say, devil out. And every high thing that exalted itself against the knowledge of God.
Now, watch this, it doesn't end there. But notice what else it says. It says, and bringing into captivity every thought to the obedience of Christ.
That's the surrender factor. You cannot be neutral. Not only must Satan be dethroned, Christ must be enthroned in the thought life.
You bring that mind back to Jesus Christ and you enthrone Jesus Christ. You cannot be neutral in your thought life. No man can think 2 things at one time.
And if you're thinking what is right, you cannot be thinking what is wrong. You can choose your thoughts like you can choose your friends. Did you know that?
You can refuse to let things into your mind. You go to the airport and you walk through that little door, you know, that's got that sensor that tells whether you have any metal, you know, whether you're packing a gap, and you walk through there and if you've got too many keys in your pocket or too much change in your pocket, that sensor says... and you back out and she hands that little dish and you take everything out of your pocket and put it in that dish and then you go through.
You go through. And it checks to see whether you're clean or not. Now, my dear friend, you ought to have something like that on your mind that just screens out the thoughts.
It keeps you from thinking these things. You can choose your thoughts like you choose your friends. Bring every thought to obedience.
Let the Lord Jesus Christ screen your thought life. Now, you may think that what I'm saying is just sanctified psychology, but that's where you're wrong, mister. It's the Word of God.
It's the Word of God.
The carnal mind must be converted, but that's not enough. You must beware lest the converted mind be corrupted. But if the converted mind is corrupted, the corrupted mind can be conquered, and the conquered mind can be controlled by bringing every thought to Jesus Christ.
You can choose your thoughts just like you choose your friends, and you can say with the Apostle Paul, we have the mind of Christ, and as a man thinketh, so is he. So if you think like Christ, what are you going to be like? Jesus.
Isn't that wonderful? Praise God.
Well, what a great reminder today that we are to be the people who think like Christ and become more like him every day. You know, at Love Worth Finding, we love hearing how the ministry and the messages of Pastor Rogers have inspired you in your faith journey. If you can, go to our website and submit your own testimony or read others who share their stories.
We often select stories to be shared throughout our Love Worth Finding community and will always protect your privacy if that's what you desire. We can't wait to hear your story at
Now if you'd like to order a copy of today's message in its entirety, call us at 1-877-LOVE-GOD. Mention the title, How to Have Mastery Over Your Mind. This message is also part of the insightful series, Change Your Thought Life.
For that complete 6-message collection, call 877-LOVE-GOD. Or you can order online. Or write us at Love Worth Finding, Box 38600, Memphis, Tennessee, 38183.
You can also purchase our new Bible studies, much like this message, in our online store. Thank you for studying in God's Word with us today. Remember, our great hope is that the conquered mind can be controlled by bringing every thought to Jesus Christ.
Let the Lord Jesus screen your thought life today. And tune in next time for more from Adrian Rogers, right here on Love Worth Finding.
In a recent survey we conducted, we received this wonderful word of encouragement from a listener. I have listened to Pastor Rogers for so many years now. I feel he's part of my family.
I love his practical application of biblical truths and his faithful adherence to God's word. You know at Love Worth Finding, our mission continues to be to draw people to Jesus and help believers go deeper in their faith. And to thank you for your gift right now, we'd love to send you a copy of the book, A Final Charge to the Church.
The contents of this book were delivered by Pastor Rogers in 2005, but the messages are as relevant today as ever. As the church, we're called to seek gospel-centered lives, and this final charge from Pastor Rogers emphasizes that. Request a copy of the book when you call with a gift at 1-877-LOVE-GOD or give online at
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Sermon Overview
Scripture Reference: 2 Corinthians 4:3-6
Our thought lives are the root of many of our problems in this world gone wild. It is crucial that we have mastery over our minds and control over our thought lives.
First, we must be sure of our salvation.
2 Corinthians 4:3-4 says, “But even if our gospel is veiled, it is veiled to those who are perishing, whose minds the god of this age has blinded, who do not believe, lest the light of the gospel of the glory of Christ, who is the image of God, should shine on them.”
The devil wants us to stay in the dark and blind our minds to the light of the Gospel.
There’s a difference between the mind and the brain; the devil does not come after our intelligence, rather he wants to distort our minds. We become what we think about. (See Proverbs 23:7.)
The carnal mind, which is at war with God, must be converted. There is no second step until we are sure we are saved.
Second, we must pursue single-minded, heart-felt devotion to God.
A converted mind can be corrupted; we can lose so much ground in the battle for our thought lives if we do not take action and give everything over to God.
Third, we must root out the strongholds in our thought lives.
A corrupt mind must be conquered. We must conquer compulsiveness, obsessions, fixations, and fears. We cannot let bitterness and resentment, uncontrollable lusts, phobias, criticisms, or distrust have a hold on us.
This warfare is not carnal, so our weapons aren’t either. Education, psychology, nor positive thinking can help us take down these strongholds. Our fighting chance is the blood of Christ, the Word of God, and the authority in the name of Jesus.
Finally, we must surrender our conquered minds back to the Lord.
We cannot be neutral; we cannot merely dethrone the enemy—Christ must be enthroned in our thought lives.
Adrian Rogers says, “No man can think two things at one time. If you’re thinking what is right, you cannot be thinking what is wrong. You can choose your thoughts like you can choose your friends.”
Our great hope is that the conquered mind can be controlled by bringing every thought to Jesus Christ.
Apply it to your life
Bring every thought to obedience, and let the Lord Jesus Christ screen your thought life today.
What's the difference between our mind and our brain? Listen to Adrian Rogers.
You need to understand that there is a difference between the mind and the brain. The brain is what the mind thinks with. When you get saved, you don't get a new brain, you get a new mind.
And the God of this world has blinded the minds of them that believe not. He doesn't, the devil doesn't hurt your intelligence. Why?
Because the Bible says as a man thinketh, so is he.
Welcome to Love Worth Finding, featuring the profound messages and practical lessons of Pastor Adrian Rogers. Our thought life is the root of many of our problems in today's world. It's crucial that each of us has control over our thought life.
The devil wants us to stay in the dark and blind our minds to the light of the gospel. He does not come after our intelligence. Rather, he wants to distort our mind because he knows we become what we think about.
If you have your Bible, turn to 2 Corinthians chapter 4 as Adrian Rogers shares how to have mastery over your mind.
Would you take God's Word and open it if you would please to 2 Corinthians chapter 4. And in a moment we are going to begin reading in verse 3. I'm going to be talking to you today about how to control your thought life, how to control your thought life.
That is, how to have mastery over your mind. And if there was ever a significant message, this would be it. 2 Corinthians chapter 4 and verse 3.
But if our gospel be hid, it is hid to them that are lost, in whom the God of this world, now notice that's a little G and it refers to Satan, the God of this world, that is the God of this age, hath blinded the minds. Underscore that phrase. Hath blinded the minds of them which believe not.
Lest the light of the glorious gospel of Christ, who is the image of God, should shine unto them. For we preach not ourselves, but Christ Jesus, the Lord, and ourselves, your servants, for Jesus' sake. For God who commanded the light to shine out of darkness has shined in our hearts to give the light of the knowledge of the glory of God in the face of Jesus Christ.
Now this deals with the problem of the mind and a blinded mind. You see, the devil is controlling the thought life of so many. But thank God, he doesn't have to.
I mean, there is a way to gain control of your mind, and I want to speak to you today in a very significant message on how to control your thought life. How to control your thought life. Now, I want to give you four principles.
And the very first factor that I want to give you is what I call the salvation factor. The salvation factor. You must get saved.
You see, the devil doesn't want you to know the gospel of Jesus Christ. Look in verse four. In whom the god of this world hath blinded the minds of them which believe not.
You know what the devil wants to do to you right now? The devil right now wants to pull the veil of darkness over your mind. He doesn't want you to hear what I'm about to say.
He doesn't want a shaft of gospel sunlight to penetrate the dark, murky recesses of your soul. The devil wants you to stay in the dark. He doesn't want God to turn the light on in your soul, so he wants to blind your mind.
Now let me say something very significant here. You need to understand there's a difference between your mind and your brain. I didn't used to know that.
I never had really even thought about it. But it's a fundamental thought. You need to understand that there's a difference between the mind and the brain.
The brain is what the mind thinks with. The relationship of mind and brain would be very similar to the relationship of a pianist and a piano. You see, the piano is the brain.
The pianist is the mind that uses the brain. For example, who plays that piano makes a lot of difference as to what comes out of it. You want me to tell you the most dangerous thing in the world?
The most dangerous thing in the world is a man with a bad mind and a good brain. A bad mind and a good brain. He is a clever devil.
Now, it is the mind that the Bible speaks of that I'm talking about, not the gray matter. When you get saved, you don't get a new brain. You get a new mind.
And the God of this world has blinded the minds of them that, believe not, he doesn't... The devil doesn't hurt your intelligence. What he does is distort your mind.
He blinds your mind. Why? Because the Bible says, as a man thinketh, so is he.
It is your mind that controls you. Legendary Bear Bryant, the great coach at Alabama, had his team on the field and they were playing in arch rival. There were only two minutes left in the game.
Alabama was ahead by five points. Two minutes left. Alabama has the ball, and they're on the opponent's 20-yard line.
And they call a play, and the number one quarterback for Alabama is hurt on that play. Bear Bryant pulls him out, and he takes the second string quarterback, and he gives him these instructions. He says to him, Now listen, I want you to go in there and run three more plays.
Regardless, don't throw the ball. Do not put the ball in the air. Just try to keep from losing yardage if we don't score.
Okay, yes sir coach. The boy went in, and on the second down, no yardage at all. On the third down, they gained a yard.
On the fourth down, the clock winding down, this rookie quarterback takes the ball, and he turns to hand it off to this man coming through, and there's a bobble, and the man doesn't catch the ball, and the quarterback still has the ball in his hands. And so he begins to move out, and to try to get away from the defense, and he looks over there in the end zone, and there's one of his players. This boy knew he could throw the ball that far, he knew he could put it right in there, and so he just put the ball right over there to this boy with his waiting hands.
But what he did not know was the all-American safety on that other side had been watching the entire thing. And when the ball was put in the air, he zipped over there, plucked the ball out of the air, and started down the field with only one person between him and a touchdown, and it was that boy who had thrown that ball. And he ran with this quarterback behind him the entire length of the field, and finally on the two-yard line, the rookie quarterback caught up with him and brought him down as the whistle blew and the game ended, and Bama had won by five points.
After the game, Bear Bryant went over and was shaking hands with the other coach, and the other coach said, well, he said, I just don't understand it. He said, according to our scouting reports, your second quarterback is slow, and our man is the fastest man on the field. He said, how did he catch him?
Bear Bryant in his southern drawl said, well, he said, you have to understand. He said, your boy was running for six points. He said, my boy was running for his life.
What's the difference? It's the mind, not the legs, the mind. As a man thinks, so is he.
Now, the very first principle is the salvation principle. Now, there's a second factor, not only the salvation factor, but there is this sincerity factor. Now, just fast forward, if you will, to 2 Corinthians, chapter 11, and read with me in verse 2.
And I want you to get the picture. The Apostle Paul thinks of himself as a father. He thinks of the church as the bride of Christ.
He thinks of Christ as the bridegroom. And so what Paul is saying is, as a father, I am bringing you and I am presenting you to Jesus Christ. Now, catch the figure of speech.
Paul says, For I am jealous over you with a godly jealousy, for I have espoused you to one husband, that I may present you as a chaste virgin to Christ. Now, the word chaste here means pure. I want to present you as a pure virgin to the Lord Jesus Christ.
But now notice in verse 3, this fear that Paul has, this apprehension that Paul has, this danger that Paul sees. But I fear, lest by any means, as the serpent beguiled Eve through his subtlety, so your mind should be corrupted from the simplicity that is in Christ. Now, look at the word simplicity.
The word simplicity means single-minded devotion. A heartfelt devotion. That is, I am to love Joyce, my wife, with single-mindedness, with sincerity.
There's to be no other girlfriend, no other thoughts. She is to be number one in my life, and I can tell you frankly and gladly, she is. She's been number one in my life.
But now, listen, that's what the word simplicity means. It actually means single-minded, sincere devotion to Jesus. Because, you see, a divided mind means a perverted mind, and then it means a broken relationship.
And so I am to keep my relationship to Christ sincere. That is, I am to be single-minded. Why?
Because the carnal mind must be converted. But, oh, my dear friend, we need to understand that a converted mind may be corrupted. Just because you're saved, that doesn't mean that you're not going to have to battle about your thought life.
Paul here is talking to Christians. He said, I am presenting you as a pure virgin to Christ, but he said, I'm afraid that your mind might be corrupted as the serpent seduced Eve with his subtlety. So, your mind might be corrupted from the sincerity, the single mindedness that's in Christ.
The salvation factor, the sincerity factor, and then there's the stronghold factor. Now, notice, go back to chapter 10, if you will, 2 Corinthians chapter 10, and look in verse 3. For though we walk in the flesh, that is, we're in these human bodies, we do not war after the flesh.
Now, he tells us there's a war, but it's not a war of the flesh. For the weapons of our warfare are not carnal. The word carnal means fleshly.
A carnivorous animal is what? A flesh-eating animal. And so, carnis is the Latin word that we get our English word carnal from.
For the weapons of our warfare are not carnal, that is, they're not fleshly, but mighty through God to the pulling down of strongholds. Now, underscore the word stronghold. Now, let me just illustrate what some of these strongholds might be.
It is a system of thought that brings you as a believer into bondage. The devil uses that system of thought to establish in your mind imaginations. Now, the King James calls it there, imaginations.
The word imagination is the word that we get our word logic from in the Greek, or logistics from. That is, the devil is warring a logistical war against God, and he's very clever. He has seduced a believer.
He has suddenly come into the mind of a believer. He has implanted in the mind of that believer a stronghold, a fortress. He gets inside that fortress, and with logistics, he now wars at God.
Logically, with philosophies and thoughts, he wars against the idea of God. He always wants to war at God, and he wants to use your mind as a battlefield to war against God because the devil knows if he can control your mind, he can control you because as a man thinketh, so is he. Now, we're talking here and now about Christians.
What are some of these strongholds? I don't have time to just talk about them, so let me just list them and see if we're talking about you. Compulsiveness.
Do you find yourself just compulsed to do certain things? Acting compulsively and you say, I don't know why I do that, just do it. Obsessions.
Are you just obsessed with certain things that you think about all of the time? Fixations, fears, bitterness and resentment. Uncontrollable lust.
I'm speaking to some men who would be embarrassed if their fellow Christians, their wives, their children knew the whole that lust and pornography have in their lives. Phobias and criticisms, distrust, the inability to trust anybody or anything. And it's not just a passing thing that comes through your mind.
There is a fortress. Satan, who has seduced you, has taken control. He's moved in, and he is logistically warring against God with these imaginations, and he's there.
A carnal mind must be converted. A converted mind can be corrupted, and a corrupted mind must be conquered. Now listen to what he says.
He says that we can take back the fortress. This is what he is saying in verse 4. For the weapons of our warfare are not carnal, but mighty through God to the pulling down of strongholds.
What are the weapons of our warfare? The Word of God, prayer, repentance, the blood of Christ, the authority, the Holy Spirit, so many of them. I don't even have time to talk about the weapons of our warfare, but let me tell you what they are not.
They are not carnal, and you listen to me. The weapons of our warfare are not education. You'll never control your mind by education.
I'm not against education, but you educate a man without Christ, you make a clever devil. The weapons of our warfare are not psychiatry and psychology. They're good as far as they go, but they do not dispossess Satan and take him out of his stronghold.
It cannot be done with psychiatry and psychology. They have their place, but the weapons of our warfare are not carnal. Carnal people can use psychiatry and psychology.
Carnal people can use education. I'll tell you the weapon of our warfare is not positive thinking. Many Christians get hooked on positive thinking.
Did you know that many Christians don't know the difference between positive thinking and faith? Did you know that? They think that faith and positive thinking are the same thing.
They're 10 billion light years away from each other. Not positive thinking. Positive thinking is fine, but it doesn't always work.
Little boy came home and he said, Dad, I think I'm going to fail my math test. He said, Son, don't say that. Think positively.
He said, I'm positive I'm going to fail it. Now, positive thinking is not going to release you from the stronghold of Satan. They all have their place.
They're all fine, but the weapons of our warfare are not carnal. They are mighty through God to the pulling down of strongholds. Now, what you need to understand is this, that when you use your spiritual weapons, the blood of Christ, the word of God, the authority that's in the Lord Jesus Christ, you can take back that conquered ground that you gave to Satan and conquer it yourself and dispossess Satan.
But the only way you're going to do it is with the authority of Jesus Christ and the word of God. I was reading about a woman in St. Louis who was living with a man who was not her husband. She had allowed this man to come into the apartment and he was living there in the apartment with her.
She got into conviction. She knew the thing she was doing is wrong. She wanted to break up the relationship and she told this man that he had to move out.
Do you know what he said? He said, I'm not moving out. He said, you invited me in here?
He said, we've been living like this and legally you can't put me out. She didn't know whether legally she could or not. She got a lawyer and the lawyer said, legally you can make him move.
And she got a judgment from the court, a court order that said he had to go. And she read it to him and said, now you're going to move out or I'm going to call the law on you. And grudgingly he moved out and she changed the key.
My dear friend, I want to tell you that when you get right with God and you bring the weapons of our warfare against Satan, legally you can move him out. That's the only way you're going to move him out, is legally with the authority of Jesus Christ. Jesus said, I give you authority over all the power of the enemy and what you can say to Satan, if you have that stronghold that is there, you can say to Satan, Satan, I'm not asking you.
I'm not pleading with you. I'm not reasoning with you. I am telling you in the name of Jesus Christ and the authority of the word of God, my heart belongs to Jesus Christ.
I've confessed those sins. I've repudiated that stronghold. I put it under the blood.
God has forgiven me. You have no right, no authority. You are trespassing on my father's property.
And in the name of Jesus, be gone. You're gonna have to take back the stronghold. I mean the weapons of our warfare.
There's a battle. And you're gonna have to go in there with the word of God and the authority of God and take back that stronghold that you've let Satan have. There is a war, and the weapons of our warfare are not carnal but mighty through God to the pulling down of strongholds.
The salvation factor, the carnal man must be converted. The carnal mind must be converted. The sincerity factor, the converted mind can be corrupted.
The stronghold factor, a corrupted mind must be conquered. And then, my dear friend, the surrender factor. Listen, it's not just enough that you take back your mind.
If that's all you do, before long, you're going to be back in the same difficulty. Now, look here, if you will, again, 2 Corinthians chapter 10, verse 5. Casting down imaginations.
That's what we're to do. Say, devil out. And every high thing that exalted itself against the knowledge of God.
Now, watch this, it doesn't end there. But notice what else it says. It says, and bringing into captivity every thought to the obedience of Christ.
That's the surrender factor. You cannot be neutral. Not only must Satan be dethroned, Christ must be enthroned in the thought life.
You bring that mind back to Jesus Christ and you enthrone Jesus Christ. You cannot be neutral in your thought life. No man can think 2 things at one time.
And if you're thinking what is right, you cannot be thinking what is wrong. You can choose your thoughts like you can choose your friends. Did you know that?
You can refuse to let things into your mind. You go to the airport and you walk through that little door, you know, that's got that sensor that tells whether you have any metal, you know, whether you're packing a gap, and you walk through there and if you've got too many keys in your pocket or too much change in your pocket, that sensor says... and you back out and she hands that little dish and you take everything out of your pocket and put it in that dish and then you go through.
You go through. And it checks to see whether you're clean or not. Now, my dear friend, you ought to have something like that on your mind that just screens out the thoughts.
It keeps you from thinking these things. You can choose your thoughts like you choose your friends. Bring every thought to obedience.
Let the Lord Jesus Christ screen your thought life. Now, you may think that what I'm saying is just sanctified psychology, but that's where you're wrong, mister. It's the Word of God.
It's the Word of God.
The carnal mind must be converted, but that's not enough. You must beware lest the converted mind be corrupted. But if the converted mind is corrupted, the corrupted mind can be conquered, and the conquered mind can be controlled by bringing every thought to Jesus Christ.
You can choose your thoughts just like you choose your friends, and you can say with the Apostle Paul, we have the mind of Christ, and as a man thinketh, so is he. So if you think like Christ, what are you going to be like? Jesus.
Isn't that wonderful? Praise God.
Well, what a great reminder today that we are to be the people who think like Christ and become more like him every day. You know, at Love Worth Finding, we love hearing how the ministry and the messages of Pastor Rogers have inspired you in your faith journey. If you can, go to our website and submit your own testimony or read others who share their stories.
We often select stories to be shared throughout our Love Worth Finding community and will always protect your privacy if that's what you desire. We can't wait to hear your story at
Now if you'd like to order a copy of today's message in its entirety, call us at 1-877-LOVE-GOD. Mention the title, How to Have Mastery Over Your Mind. This message is also part of the insightful series, Change Your Thought Life.
For that complete 6-message collection, call 877-LOVE-GOD. Or you can order online. Or write us at Love Worth Finding, Box 38600, Memphis, Tennessee, 38183.
You can also purchase our new Bible studies, much like this message, in our online store. Thank you for studying in God's Word with us today. Remember, our great hope is that the conquered mind can be controlled by bringing every thought to Jesus Christ.
Let the Lord Jesus screen your thought life today. And tune in next time for more from Adrian Rogers, right here on Love Worth Finding.
In a recent survey we conducted, we received this wonderful word of encouragement from a listener. I have listened to Pastor Rogers for so many years now. I feel he's part of my family.
I love his practical application of biblical truths and his faithful adherence to God's word. You know at Love Worth Finding, our mission continues to be to draw people to Jesus and help believers go deeper in their faith. And to thank you for your gift right now, we'd love to send you a copy of the book, A Final Charge to the Church.
The contents of this book were delivered by Pastor Rogers in 2005, but the messages are as relevant today as ever. As the church, we're called to seek gospel-centered lives, and this final charge from Pastor Rogers emphasizes that. Request a copy of the book when you call with a gift at 1-877-LOVE-GOD or give online at
[Music] Welcome to Call to Freedom with Barbar Carmac. This is Jimmy Lakey and I'm delighted that you are joining us for this half hour. You can reach Call to Freedom at box 370-367 Denver, Colorado 802-37 or by going to the website at If you want to leave a message or order a word-powered daily reading Bible Guide or a Freedom Street Express newsletter, you can call us toll-free at 1-877-917-7256 and leave your name and address including your zip code. If you want to talk to Barbara right now, she is expecting your call. You may call that same toll-free number 1-877-917-7256 to speak to her. And now, let's join Barbara in the studio. Welcome to Call to Freedom. I hope you're enjoying your day or you're getting ready to go to bed and I hope that you have sweet sleep tonight in Jesus' name. As I came into the studio and I saw on my desk this, I have a calendar, a scripture calendar on the desk here in the studio and I'm glad nobody's ever taken it. Oh, and I saw he guides me in passive righteousness for his name's sake. And that's just a little portion of the chapter that most of us know. So why don't we try to go through the whole chapter, Psalm 23. Oh, the Lord is my shepherd, I shall not want. He makes me to lie down in green pasture. See, some of you are so busy. He makes you, he forces you to lie down in green pastures. He makes me lie down in green pastures. He leadeth me beside the still waters. He restores my soul. He leadeth me in the paths of righteousness for his name's sake. Ye, though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil. Oh, for thou art with me thy rod and thy staff, they comfort me. Thou preparest a table before me in the presence of my enemies. Thou anointest my head with oil, my cup runth over. You know, David had been anointed by Samuel. So he knew that anointing from the top of his head and all the oil coming down over his shoulders. Oh, thou anointest my head with oil, my cup runth over. Surely goodness and mercy shall follow me all the days of my life. And I will dwell in the house of the Lord forever. Oh, thank you, Lord, for David. Thank you for all the wonderful Psalms that sometimes we take for granted. We look them over and we say, "Oh, that's a good one." And we don't really take it in. So thank you that today, Lord, our people that are listening are taking in your wonderful word in Jesus' name. Oh, let's do the Monday Bible slogan. This is my Bible. I am what it says I am. I have what it says I have. I do what it tells me to do. This is my Bible. It has given me new life. It is the Word of God. Praise the Lord. And as your assignment is to know Jesus and to let people know Jesus, we're going to go through, "Oh, I didn't go through you are blessed. You are blessed. You are blessed to dispense for in him you live and move and have your being." I say that every day. I should be saying that all the time on the radio also. You are blessed to dispense for in him you live and move and have your being. That's from that last part in him you live and move and have your being is in Acts 17 verse 28. Acts 17 verse 28. Praise God for Paul. Praise God for David. Praise God for Paul. We're going to read some portion of scripture from Isaiah. And we're going to also read portions of scripture from 1 Peter. So thank you, Lord, for all these wonderful men, these prophets that wrote the Word of God, that we can enjoy every day of our lives. Oh, and so I was telling you that your assignment here is to know Jesus and let people know him. That's what your assignment is. And when Kimberly gave me this passage of this monologue from John Rodel, it was so good I'm going to read it again because maybe some of you missed last week altogether. And so I'm going to give it to you again. And this is part of the assignment, part of the reason that you are here. Maybe we are here to teach each other how to love. Yeah, that's what I've learned. I've learned from other people how to love. Yes, and from Holy Spirit and Father God, of course. But maybe we are here to teach each other how to love. Maybe Earth is a classroom and we take turns being students and professors. Maybe we need to quit grading each other so harshly. Yes, maybe the only homework assignment we have been given is solving the equation of kindness. Maybe empathy is just a study abroad program where we spend time in the hearts of strangers. Maybe forgiveness is the final exam. Maybe we are never meant to graduate. Maybe we remain forever students of how to love and care for each other. Isn't that beautiful? John Rodel, and his last name is spelled R-O-E-D-E-L. Rodel. This week we're going to concentrate on Israel in our prayers. I know an election is coming up on November the 5th and I hope you've done your patriotic duty and registered to vote. But this week has just really been a firestorm in Israel. And the rockets are being lobbed continually now from Lebanon. In the word of God, I hear such beautiful things about Lebanon. How beautiful it is, how they cut down trees from the forests of Lebanon and carried them down the waters to the temple of sight where Solomon built the temple. Yeah, he got wood from Lebanon. And so we see it's a whole different world we live in. But I thank God for Israel and I want you to know that as you vote and I pray that you have registered your voting sheet will be all over the city and county. You don't have to get scared when you get your ballot. What is the first thing you do? The first thing you do is pray over it. Yes, pray over your ballot. Put your hands on it and pray over it. That you will be wise in choosing and who you're choosing or what you're choosing and that your ballot will get to the right place at the right time and be counted. That's what you pray. Father, God, I thank you that this ballot is going to get into the precincts and they're going to count my ballot. And when you pray like this, God will get it to the place where it needs to be counted. Yeah, when we pray like that. Just not mumbling around, but just praying in Jesus name, I thank you for that ballot getting to the right place. Our memory verse for this week is Isaiah 43 verse one. And it's centered on Jacob and Israel. But you can take this. You can take this verse as part of the new covenant that we're involved in. So here it is. Isaiah 43 verse one. But now, thus says the Lord your creator, O Jacob, he who formed you, O Israel, remember that God formed Israel, the smallest people, the fewest and number of people in the earth. And what did God do? He chose her. I love it because you never have to feel like you're a nobody. God always sees you as somebody. Oh, praise God. So he's saying to Israel into Jacob, your creator is saying this, do not fear for I have redeemed you. I have called you by name. You are mine. And from the message translation, Isaiah 43 verse one through four. This is so good. But now God's message, the God who made you in the first place, Jacob, the one who got you started Israel. Don't be afraid. I've redeemed you. I've called you by name. You are mine says the Lord. When you're in over your head, I'll be there with you. When you're in rough waters, you will not go down. When you're between a rock and a heart place, it won't be a dead end because I am God, your personal God, the holy one of Israel, your savior. I paid a huge price for you, all of Egypt with rich, kush and sabah thrown in all these countries around you. Oh, I have paid a huge price for you. That's how much you mean to me. That's how much I love you. I'd sell off the whole world to get you back. Trade the creation just for you. Isn't that beautiful? That's how much he loves us. Oh, don't take the words of the enemy that you're nothing. You don't amount to a hill of beans. No, don't do that to yourself. God loves you so much. He says in 1 John 3, 1, "Behold what manner of love. The Lord has lavished upon you that you are called a child of the Most High God." Praise the Lord. My confession for today by Rick Renner. I confess I will remain steadfast in my commitment. And nothing can sway or move me to change my mind. I refuse to relinquish any of my God-promised territory. My faith is strong and my spirit is tenacious and refuses to let go of God's promises. Amen, amen. I am so serious about my walk with God that I'm telling him to fix any part of my character that is out of whack. I give him permission to delve deep into my soul. You know, he does surgery. Yeah, he's not like the surgeons that we see in America and in the world when there is surgery to be done. That he goes deep inside, inside our soul. And he examines everything to see that he's the number one priority in our lives. Oh, praise the Lord. And so I give him permission. Here's Rick Renner. I give him permission to delve deep into my soul and extract those traits that would keep me from the blessings of God. I declare this by faith in Jesus' name. That's so good. Now Romans 9, verse 20 says, This is for the person that is thinking, I can handle this. I can handle all this by myself. I've had an education and so all of this is something that I can handle. But here, Paul says in Romans 9, 20, But who do you think you are to second-guess God? How could a human being molded out of clay say to the one who molded him? Why in the world did you make me this way? That's why Rick Renner is saying, I give God permission to delve deep into my soul. He's opening up totally to God. And that's why Paul is saying, How could a human being molded out of clay say to the one who molded him? Why in the world did you make me this way? Or are you denying the right of the potter to make out of clay whatever he wants? Doesn't the potter have the right to make from the same lump of clay, an elegant vase or an ordinary pot? And if I'm an ordinary pot, you know what? The person that's going to use me uses me every day. That elegant vase isn't going to be used very often. But the ordinary pot? It's going to be used. Praise the Lord. Oh, and how can we sum this up? All those people who didn't seem interested in what God was doing actually embraced what God was doing, as he straightened out our lives. Praise the Lord. And Israel, this is verse 31 of Romans 9, and Israel, who seemed so interested in reading and talking about God, missed it because they didn't have a personal relationship with God. They just talked about him. How could they miss it because instead of trusting God, they took over. They were absorbed in what they themselves were doing. They were so absorbed in their churchy God projects that they didn't notice God right in front of them like a huge rock in the middle of the road. And so they stumbled into him and went sprawling. I love the message because of its practical applications to what we go through every day. And when we get hit in between our eyes, we're going, "Okay, what's going on, God? What am I doing here?" And he says, "Well, you didn't listen to me and you made a decision that might be hurtful to you, so I'm wanting to get your attention." So in verse 33 of Romans 9, Paul is saying, "Izea again gives us the metaphor for pulling all this together." And this is in Isaiah 28, 16, and it is quoted in Romans 9. "Behold, I land Zion a stone of stumbling and a rock of offense. He who believes in him will not be disappointed or put to shame or disgraced. Praise God. We don't have to think about living a life of shame any longer. Careful, I put a huge stone on the road to Mount Zion." Now that's on the road to Jesus. We're on the road to Jesus, to Jerusalem, to see Jesus. In fact, this metaphor is to come into the very heart of who Jesus is. I put a huge stone on the road to Mount Zion. A stone you can't get around. But the stone is me. If you're looking for me, you'll find me on the way, not in the way. This is so good. I hope you've been reading your word. And we're getting into parts of Isaiah in the Old Testament, in the word power for every hour. Where the first 39 chapters were destruction, and there were some gems in there. They're really where. And that's why I enjoy reading through the first 39 chapters. But oh, beginning in the 40th chapter, it's comfort, comfort you, my people. Oh, it's just so beautiful. So I hope that you will go to Isaiah 40 and read with me a chapter a day. That's all you need to read a chapter a day. And we'll get through the few chapters that are left in Isaiah. Oh, I love reading Isaiah. And when I looked into the meaning of the stone, it's really interesting. The verse that found the foundation stone that God is talking about is in all these references is Jesus. He's our foundation stone. The Hebrew word for stone is from the root word for son. He took the word stone and it's a metaphor for his son, our Lord Jesus. Isn't that interesting? God's foundation stone is his son. And now that foundation stone has become many, many foundation stones. Now in Isaiah 28 verse 16, the one that I just read to you, behold, I lay in Zion a foundation stone. A tridestone, a precious cornerstone. He that believeth in me will never be disgraced. That is the most written about verse in the whole Bible, in the whole Bible. And I've looked through this for years. I finally come up with how many verses of this scripture behold, I lay in Zion. It's found not only in Isaiah 28 16, but it starts in Psalm 118 verse 22, the rock, the stone. Acts 4 verse 11, Romans 9, 32, I just read that Ephesians 2, 20, and 1 Peter 2, 6. I'm going to be reading that. In 1 Peter 2, 5 through 7, we see these stones being built into God's temple. Oh, this is so exciting. Yes, I'm not getting older, I'm getting better. 1 Peter 2, 5 through 10. And you are living stones that God is building into his spiritual temple. What's more, you are his holy priests. Through the mediation of Jesus Christ, you offer spiritual sacrifices that please God. Praising him by lifting up your hands and your heart to him. As the scriptures say, I am placing a cornerstone in Jerusalem chosen for great honor and anyone who trusts in him will never be disgraced. And he's talking about his son Jesus. Yes, you who trust him recognize the honor God has given him. But for those who reject him, the stone that the builders rejected has now become the cornerstone. And it goes on to say, he is the stone that makes people stumble. The rock that makes them fall. When we aren't in one accord with God, there's a lot of stumbling going on. It was in my early years, oh my goodness, stumbling and falling and stumbling and falling and making the wrong decisions and stumbling and falling. They stumble because they do not obey God's word. And so they meet the faith that was planned for them. Oh, but verse nine, a first Peter 2 says, but you are not like that for you are a chosen people. Royal priests, a holy nation, God's very own possession who has called you out of darkness into his marvelous light. As a result, you can show others the goodness of God. Once you had no identity as people, see, I didn't have, I was so scattered when I was younger, I didn't have any identity. Why do you want to be when you grow up? Oh, I want to be a teacher. Oh, I want to be a firefighter. Oh, I want to be a nurse. Oh, I want, it goes on and on and on. And even in high school, I changed my wanting my desire for what I wanted to be often, often very often. But see, now we have an identity in Jesus Christ. Now you are God's people. Once you received no mercy, now you have received God's mercy. And that mercy is so wonderful because first John 1.9 says, if we confess our sins, when you recognize a sin, my dear friend, you go to him. And you say, wow, I have done wrong. I have sinned against you. Please forgive me. And you know what? He forgives you. First John 1.9 says that as we confess our sins, he is faithful and just to forgive our sins and cleanse us from all unrighteousness. Look at what God has given you as a believer in Jesus Christ. As our verse for this week, we're no longer afraid. For God has redeemed us. We are His. We belong to Him. You are now walking in the confidence of God, knowing that He has given you peace while the world is running around in panic. Because you are relying on God and not on this world system, the Lord is gracious to you and He has compassion on you. For the Lord is a God of justice. You want to see justice? Your God is the judge. And He will bring justice upon the unfairness and dishonesty that is happening all over the world. How blessed are those who long for Him? Oh, people in Zion, inhabitants in Jerusalem, you will weep no longer. He will surely be gracious to you at the sound of your cry. When He hears it, He will answer you. Even though the Lord has allowed you to go through a season of hardship and difficulty, He Himself will be there with you. He will not hide Himself from you as your eyes constantly see Him as your teacher. When you turn to the right or turn to the left, you will hear His voice behind you to guide you saying, "This is the right path, follow it." And you're going to read scriptures like that from the 40th chapter of Isaiah, "Clear through to the 66th. You're going to enjoy all these verses. I hope you're going to read with me. I really encourage you to. I challenge you to do that." Oh, behold, I lay in Zion a foundation of stone, a tried stone, a precious cornerstone. He, that believe us, shall never be dismayed. Here's Leon Patilla. [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] Oh, hell, Lou, I love that song. I wonder if Leon is still with us. Or if God's called him home. That would be really interesting. I'll have to go home and find out. What a wonderful, wonderful composer he was. Oh, God is with us in our troubles, friend. He will not hide himself from us in the times of distress, teaching us even in our trials. I believe I've learned more in my trials about my Lord and about me, about me, than in the good times that I've had. I really do believe that. He will lead us into making good decisions and we will have his promise of constant guidance as we listen to him. He will lead us into making good decisions and we will have his promise of constant guidance as we listen to his voice. Look, listen to God. He's saying, look, the Lord is coming from far away, burning with anger against our enemies, surrounded by thick rising smoke. His lips are filled with fury. He's going to come and be judge. Oh, Lou, your words consume like fire. His hot breath pours out like a flood up to the neck of his enemies. He will sift out the proud nations for distress. He will bridle them and lead them away to ruin. But the people of God will sing a song of joy like the songs that the Holy Feast has sung. He will sing a song of joy like the songs of the Holy Feast. He will sing a song of joy like the songs of the Holy Feast. In October, you will be filled with joy as when a flutist leads a group of pilgrims to Jerusalem, the mountain of the Lord, to the rock of Israel. And the Lord will make his majestic voice heard. He will display the strength of his mighty arm. It will descend with devouring flames, with cloud bursts thunderstorms and huge hail stones. Oh, at the Lord's commandeus serians, that's Israel's enemy today. That's that name, Assyrians. That's Hamas, that's Palestinians. That's G-Hod, that's all of it thrown together. Assyrians are a symbol of that. They will be shattered. He will strike them down with his royal scepter. It will not be by man's sort. That they will be destroyed. It will be gods. It will be gods' arm. His right arm is going to destroy Israel's enemy. Remember that friend. And remember that victory is ours. Oh, in the end, we're going to find that God is the one who is going to be victorious in all this earth. God bless you and keep you. I hope you will remember that as you go through your day and as you sleep tonight. That he will give you that blessed sleep that you need to be restored and revitalize. God bless you and keep you and take joy. Thank you for listening to Call to Freedom with Barbara Carmack. You may get in touch with Barbara at Call to Freedom. Box 370-367. Denver, Colorado, 80237. Or you may leave your message at 1-877-917-7256. Call to Freedom is a listener supported radio ministry. Barbara and her power partners invite you to come on board with us and become a network of hands holding up Call to Freedom Ministry. Power partners support Call to Freedom with prayer and monthly financial support. You will be blessed supernaturally. We invite you to visit Call to Freedom's website,, where you can hear Barbara's daily radio broadcast 24 hours a day or order materials. You may share your phrase reports in heart prize by mailing them to Call to Freedom. Box 370-367. Denver, Colorado, 80237. Or you may email us at Barbara Carmack at Until next time, remember Jesus loves you, Barbara loves you, and take joy. [Music]
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Welcome to Yankee Arnold Ministries. Dr. Arnold will be with you in just a moment, but first, we want you to know how much we appreciate your prayers and financial support. You may help this radio ministry by donating online at or by mail at Yankee Arnold Ministries, 7028 West Waters Avenue, Suite 316, Tampa, Florida, 33634.
Feel free to send Dr. Arnold your questions or comments to yankee at, and he will respond as quickly as possible. Now, here is Dr. Arnold with today's message.
The book of Colossians, chapter 3. Colossians and chapter 3. As you know, we are doing some studies in the book of Colossians.
It's a wonderful book. It's got so much to offer us, so much that would help us. Now, let me give you three things.
I wrote down three things. These are not things you have to write down, but the three things that I want to give to you that I believe will help you. It helped me years ago when I understood these three little things that I want to give to you.
Number one, if you can get upset because you're not top dog, can you still get upset because you are? Think about it. If you can get upset because you're not top dog, can you still get upset because you are a top dog?
Now, I want you to think about this. Let me give you another statement. Do you realize that to some people, your present position is top dog to someone else?
Do you realize that to some people, your present position is top dog to someone else? You once thought that also. You used to think, boy, if I could do what you're doing right now at one time in your life, you'd be top dog.
You'd be so pleased. You'd be so blessed if you could just do what you're doing. But there's something about human nature.
We are always wanting, what, more. We always want more. We're never satisfied.
We're always grabbing for more. Well, in the Book of Colossians, it's trying to help us to get a proper perspective. See, there's a divine perspective and a human perspective, and sometimes people can't seem to tell the difference.
But another statement I wanted to give you. If we murmur and complain about the job or position we don't have, then we don't deserve the one we do have. You ever heard of a story in the Bible about a guy named Saul, the first king?
Do you realize that Saul was the first king? He was head and shoulders above everybody. He had it made.
I mean, he was exactly what the people were looking for. But did you know there came a time in his life when he despised God blessing somebody else? Do you realize that you ought to be thrilled to death that God is using you?
And you need to be thrilled to death that God uses somebody else. Did you know that part of serving the Lord is being blessed by seeing what God does in the lives of everyone else? You want everyone to be blessed by God.
You want everyone to be used by God, don't you? You don't have to be top dog on anything, do you? It's so easy preaching and hard living, but that is what the Book of Colossians is talking about, this very thing.
Now, God says that when we trusted Christ as our Savior, we are seated in the heavenlies in Christ. We're with the Lord. When He died, I died.
When He was buried, I was buried. When He rose from the dead, I rose from the dead. When He ascended, I ascended.
And I am seen in the heavenlies in Christ. He is my life. When you and I were born again, we were born from above.
Our citizenship is in heaven. That's where your citizenship is. You see, we are just down here temporarily.
As a child of God, God allowed us to come into this world temporarily. Just for a short period of time. So that we would have an opportunity to lay up treasures in heaven.
Because see, once you are in heaven, you can't lay up treasure in heaven. You can only do it from here. But you are supposed to keep heaven in view.
We live on the earth remembering who we are, the child of God, where we came from heaven, and that I'm here temporarily in order to gain rewards, and then I'll be going back. So if you can understand that, it can help you. God, see, has done some wonderful things for us, given us opportunities to live.
We didn't ask for it. Just ask the way it is. God gave us the freedom to choose whether or not we would spend in eternity with the Lord or in hell.
I'm so thankful for the person who explained to me how to have eternal life. I was 18 years old. Heard it for the first time.
And so far, in another 52 years since then, nobody has ever talked to me about how to go to heaven. Nobody's ever tried to win me to Christ. In all these years, except that one man.
Boy, am I glad he didn't miss me. But he went to be with the Lord in heaven. And before he left, he told me an awful lot of things about heaven.
I didn't know any of it. But it created a desire within me that I begin to set my affections on things that are above. Because I begin to realize I'm not here for long.
I'm going there. And I want to please the one who saved me. I'm going to see God one of these days, face to face.
And I would love for him to say, Yankee, well done, thou good and faithful servant. So it doesn't matter if I've got money or no money, house or no house, good health, bad health. None of that matters.
All that matters is, did you, with what you have, where you are, were you faithful? Were you faithful to please and to honor God? You see, we think it's because of all the things in the world you can grab a hold of.
And God says just the opposite. It was everything they could get rid of. Do you know the apostles when they were here?
You realize how poor they were? I remember a statement made by Peter when they went into the temple, silver and gold have I none, but such as I have, give I thee. Silver and gold have I none.
Well, they must have been a failure. All just some of the most successful people in all the world. It all depends on perspective.
You see there in verse 1, if ye then be risen with Christ, seek those things which are above, where Christ sitteth on the right hand of God. Look in verse 2, set your affections on things above, not on things on the earth. For if ye are dead, for you are dead and your life is hid with Christ and God, when Christ who is our life shall appear, then shall you also appear with him in glory.
Now, we know that one day, Jesus Christ is coming back in the air, and he's going to take us out of this world. That's called the rapture. We'll be caught up and meet the Lord in the air, and so shall we ever be with the Lord.
Seven years later, he's coming back in power and great glory to the earth. And he says, then shall we appear with him in glory. We're going to have glorified bodies, perfect bodies.
He says, you're going to change these old vile bodies. We have no sinful nature. We're getting old.
We get sick. We get aches and pains. We start losing body parts.
Everything seems to go downhill. See, this is my hope chest. Someday, I hope that it will be a chest.
It ain't happened yet. I have to tell James Hayslip, he needs to do a little work on me. But I wouldn't mind looking like that, but it just seems like an awful lot of work.
Just too much work. So I just hope that God will just let me stay healthy enough until I can get done all that He wants me to do, and then I don't mind. See, I don't want to live forever.
I just want to live long enough to bury the rest of y'all, and then I'll be ready to go. I mean, somebody's got to bury you. And he makes this statement here in verse 4, Then shall you also appear with him in glory.
That day's coming. We're not there yet. We're still down here on planet Earth.
And look what he says in verse 5, Mortified therefore your members which are upon the earth. Now here in verse 5, we have what is called the perverted love. You see, there's things that you love, but it's perverted love.
Did you know that it's a perverted love that loves the things of the world? The lust of the eyes, the lust of the flesh, and the pride of the... That's perverted love.
It's not the way that God intended to be. God wants us to love him more than the things of this world. But most people love the world and the things of the world, and they work all their life just for the things of this world, and you're going to lose them.
You're going to die one day, and you can't take anything with you. Naked you came into the world, and naked you shall return. And in between, you're going to get a little bit and lose a little bit.
And when the Lord really blessed Job, he says, The Lord giveth, and the Lord taketh away. Blessed be the name of the Lord. You see, when God gives you something, bless the Lord, oh my soul.
When the Lord takes it away, I'm sorry, this was your song.
Blessed is the Lord, who giveth and taketh away. What kind of an attitude would you have if God took away your health? What kind of an attitude would you have toward God if He allowed all of your money to be gone?
You say, that's already happened. What if He took away a loved one? Will you turn against God?
What could God allow to happen in your life to reveal to you that you don't really love Him like you think you do? You see, God is a jealous God. It means that He doesn't want to be replaced.
Idolatry is when you put something in place of God. You see, here's you and here's God. Anything you put between you and God, God can take and remove it.
God doesn't want anything between you and Him. And He can take anything and everything out of your life. Do you understand the power that God has?
And that all of life is temporary, and you need to focus upon that which is heavenly. As He says in verse 1, If ye then be risen with Christ, seek those things which are above. Look at verse 2.
Set your affections on things above, not on things on the earth. But if you go ahead and you violate that, let's just say, Okay, I'm a Christian. I have eternal life.
I'm going to heaven when I die. And know you can never lose your salvation. You can't go to hell today.
You can't go to hell in the future. You can never go to hell. But you can, as a child of God, you can fall in love with the world.
You can love yourself and make yourself God. And you can have a form of idolatry, where you worship you and your will and your way, and not God's. But did you know that God says there's a price to pay?
You may not have known that, but let me explain it to you. You see, God says that you and I have an old sinful nature. We got it when we were born into this world.
It's in our body. It's the desires of the flesh. We are naturally children of rebellion.
We want our own way. We are stubborn. We are hard headed.
We lie. We cheat. We deceive.
You name the sin, and every one of us in this room is capable of committing it. You say, well, I would never do that. Don't ever say never.
You'd be surprised what you are capable of doing. You just have some restraints upon you, but you can lose those restraints just like that. I know people who have been married for 40 and 50 years, and all of a sudden, I don't want to do no more.
I'm going to trade you in for another model. That's why Henry Ford was so successful. He says, I did my marriage like I did my business.
One model. Y'all will get that after a while. My dad used to have his old model T.
Well, anyway, look what he says in verse 5. The word mortify is where we get the word mortician or mortuary. It means to put to death, to render as dead.
The desires that you have for the things of the world, because if you love the world, you're not going to mortify the deeds of the flesh. You're not going to take those desires that you have for the things of the world. You're not going to count them as dead.
You're going to make sure they stay very much alive. Can you still love pornography? Yes, you can.
All the filthy movies, you can love all of it, every bit of it. You can still commit adultery and fornication. You name the sin, you're capable of doing it.
He says, even as a Christian, as a Christian. Now, most preachers will never tell you the truth. They'll lie to you because they don't understand it.
You see, God loves me. He died and paid for my sin so that I can go to heaven whenever I die. I'm not going to heaven because I love God.
I'm not going to heaven because I stop all my bad things. I'm going to heaven because 52 years ago, in a little old living room, I believe Christ died and paid for all of my sins. There's no sins for me to pay for.
I'm going to heaven. Some people say, well, that just gives you a license to sin. It's not a license to sin.
It's the freedom to do right. I still have the old sinful nature. And yes, I can live like the devil and still go to heaven.
And any preacher that tells you otherwise, he ain't worth a quarter. Don't support him and don't go to the church. He's lying to you.
Eternal life is the gift of God. It's not of works before or after. But should I, as a child of God, should I do right?
Should I serve the Lord? Yes. What I should do and what I must do is not the same thing.
God will allow His children to still live a rebellious life. You can resist the Holy Spirit. You can do wrong.
But God says it's a choice. And I want you to make the right choice. I want you to set your affections upon heaven.
Think about where you're going. Because this is so short. You know, it wasn't long ago.
I was just a little baby. I remember as though it was yesterday. The first thing I remember after being born was hitting a bottle and being behind bars.
Mortify, therefore, your members which are upon the earth. This body you have is a flesh body. You are upon the earth.
But God wants you to live thinking about where you're going, to heaven. And there's things that God is going to reward you for if you obey Him and serve Him. So God says, when you get through down here with this life, you're going to be there.
And when you get there, I want to reward you for what you did for me while you were here in this body upon the earth. So He says, even though you have a body that desires the things of the world, He said, I want you to set all of that aside and live by faith. Take me at My Word.
It will be worth it. And you can think about the sex drive that you have. You can think about all the pornography and so forth in the world.
And you can dwell on all that junk and trash if you want to. But there's something that's costing you. The things that you could have had when you get to heaven, that will be the treasures or the rewards or the positions that God has for you.
The praise and the honor and the glory that you faithfully served the Lord and He meant more to you than all that trivial junk that's down here. Serve God. Put Him first in your life.
Live now the way you'll wish you'd lived when you get to heaven. And so He says here, fornication, He says uncleanness, inordinate affection, evil concupiscence, and covetousness, which is idolatry. Concubiscence, that's just lusting.
And when you talk about the fornication, all that is all manner of evils that you can think of, where you get the word porno. It's all the sexual sins and so on. God knows the desires of your flesh.
God knows that. God knows. See that?
When you see that good-looking bomb shell walked by, you know something on so tight, you don't know if she's outside getting in or inside getting out.
You can't see clearly. You can't see, you know, like the blind snake fell in love with a rope. You're learning to fall in love with the things that is junk, trash.
And you don't use your discernment. You're just letting your natural desires of rebellion control your life. And some of you are going to ruin your marriage because of it.
Some teenagers are going to go for this hunk. Listen, all that muscle is going to go to the bottom, just like all that beautiful hourglass figure she has. All the sand goes to the bottom sooner or later.
And you're going to give up everything God has for you for this junk. Think about what you're doing. Set your affections on the things that God has for you.
And you'll be surprised what God will do for you. Look what else he says here. You see, in verse 5, it's kind of giving you the idea about the impurities of the mind.
The impurities of the mind. And it talks a little bit about sometimes the actions that are the result of the motives. And then in verse 8 and 9, you're talking about the motives that produce the actions.
And so, you're looking at this, and you're dwelling and trying to think about it. You see, some of these things are like in verse 5, talking about personal sins. And then in verse 8, talking about your social sins.
You see, against other people, things you do to somebody, but there's all these results that comes from it. And he makes the statement there in verse 6, for which things sake, the wrath of God cometh on the children of disobedience. See, you still have an old sinful nature.
You still have a body that desires the things of the world. And whether you're saved or lost, God hates sin. And God says that his wrath comes upon the children of disobedience.
You may be a child of God, but if you're going to act like a child of disobedience, you need to understand. God will not force you to love him. He won't force you to serve him.
You can live like you please, but there's consequences to it. Everybody in this room can do exactly what you want to do. You can live any way you want to do, and you know it.
I am a Christian. I am going to heaven when I die, and I can live any way I please. I can become as rebellious as I want to be.
I can live as mean and ugly and as dirty as I want to. And I'm still going to heaven, not because I deserve it, but because of grace. God loved me that much that he paid for all of my sins, and he'll give me eternal life.
And I go to heaven on what he did for me. I do not deserve that. But because I am God's child, I know that if I become a child of wrath, if I become a child of rebellion, he's my father.
I'm God's child. And if I rebelled against the will of my heavenly father, I know that my heavenly father, because he loves me, is going to beat the living daylights out of me, maybe even take me home before my time. So, you can't live as you please and get away with it.
Understand that. But you can live as you please. Many adults' problems today is because they sold wild oaks when they were young.
And now years later, they reap wild oats. You reap what they call the law of the harvest. You reap what you sow.
Same thing you sowed much later than you sowed. But a lot more, of course. So God says, I got something so much better for you.
But I want you to put off something. In other words, there is responsibility. God holds us responsible for the decisions that we make.
You can't hide behind, well, I just have a so sinful nature. It's just the way that I am. Yeah, everybody has that.
But God doesn't accept that as an excuse. You're to be responsible for your decisions. You can also make right decisions.
You can make godly decisions. And so he makes this statement in verse 7, in the which you also walk sometimes when you lived in them. You used to be a lost man.
You had an old body with a sinful nature, and that's what you did. But it looks like God wants you to live a different life after you're saved. Not to be saved.
Not to prove you are saved. But because of what Christ has done for you, what He's done for me, God wants me to serve Him. And He says if I would serve Him, He promised that He would bless me.
I've looked over my life for the last 52 years, and I can say God has blessed me. I don't have regrets, because I've tried to give the Lord all of my years. And if He gives me another 10 years, I like to give Him those or whatever He else has left for me.
You should want the will of God for your life, but you've got to set your affections on things that are above, not on things of this world. You're going to lose things down here. People aren't going to please you.
People are not living to worship you. Chances are, their life doesn't revolve around you. If you die, they'll keep on living.
I mean, they'll mourn for a little while, a couple of days, and then you know. You've got to understand, people have something about, it's me, please me. Everybody make me happy.
Nobody makes me happy. I'm down and I'm down. I'm miserable.
Go out in the garden and eat worms. Little pet rock died, you know. But look what he says.
In verse 8, he says, But now, but now, but now, that's the way you were. That's what you did. But now, he says, I want you to know this.
I want you to put off all these anger and wrath and malice, blasphemy. You see, anger and wrath and malice, see, that deals a lot with the way that you're thinking. It deals with your feelings.
When you get hurt, you become bitter, and you get bitter, and you get angry, and angry you say things you shouldn't say, and it builds up into malice where you want to hurt somebody. And God says the external part of that there is the filthy communication out of the mouth. Because you see, how you think and how you feel, it's got to come out sooner or later.
And it'll come out. But it's because of the focus in your life. That's what you love, what you're thinking about, what you're dwelling on.
And so God says, out of your mouth. Look there in Ephesians in Chapter 4. Just turn to your left just a few pages, but the book of Ephesians and Chapter 4.
And look at verse 29. See, this is talking to the Christian, to those that know the Lord, those that are going to heaven when they die. Not all of God's children automatically do right.
That's why they have to be taught, to be trained. They have to be warned. They have to be rebuked at times.
But in Ephesians Chapter 4, verse 29 says, let no corrupt communication proceed out of your mouth. But that which is good to the use of edifying, not edifying, edifying, get this, that it may minister grace unto the hearth. You should say and do the things that you're trying to help and build up a person, not tear them down.
You see, your light doesn't become brighter because you blow out everybody else's light. When you try to destroy someone else's character, your doesn't become better. But some people, they get blind, they can't see.
Is it possible to trust Christ as my Savior without making him Lord of my life? Is it true that if Christ is not Lord of all, he is not Lord at all? Pastor Yankee Arnold has prepared just the right book with answers straight from the Bible.
The book is called Gospel Driven Man and Pastor Yankee wants to send it to you free of charge. Simply write to PastorYankee at Yankee Arnold Ministries 7028 West Waters Avenue Suite 316 Tampa, Florida 33634 and request the book or write by email at yankee at That's yankee at
Jesus is coming, so keep looking up.
Thanks for listening to today's broadcast. We pray that today's message was a blessing to you and your family. You may help support this radio ministry by donating online at or by mail at yankeearnoldministries7028 West Waters Avenue Suite 316 Tampa, Florida 33634.
Friend, one day it will happen. The trumpet will sound and we will be changed, caught up to meet the Lord in the air. So live today and every day believing that the Lord is coming soon and just keep looking up.
Today, Pastor Jack teaches that the grave and death are powerless against eternity. We make a big deal out of death, but through our Lord Jesus, we can hold steady knowing we have the victory over its power.
The post On Your Mark, Get Set… – B first appeared on Pastor Jack Hibbs.
Today, on Real Life Radio.
The talk today about the rapture, I think, is more than ever before. Maybe the world is even talking more about the rapture than some churches. And the temptation for you today is saying, oh, Pastor, you know, that's really controversial stuff.
Of course it's controversial, it's biblical.
This is Real Life. Welcome to Real Life Radio with Pastor Jack Hibbs. I'm David Jay thanking you for joining us today as we listen, learn, and are challenged by God's Word, the Bible.
What if the rapture happened tomorrow? Are you prepared? In Dr. Charles C.
rirey's enlightening book called What You Need to Know About the Rapture, you'll dive into the profound truths that unravel the mysteries about this pivotal event. This September, Pastor Jack Hibbs invites you to explore this month's featured resource and gain a deeper understanding of the end times. In this insightful book, Dr. rirey addresses key questions about the timing, the significance, and the surrounding events of the rapture, offering clear and straightforward explanations that really simplify complex topics.
Whether you're a seasoned student of prophecy or just beginning that journey, this book is an invaluable resource.
This book will help clarify the confusion that surrounds the doctrine of the rapture. You know Jesus taught it? The Bible teaches it?
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What you need to know about the rapture by Charles reiry, it's available for a gift of any amount at On today's edition of Real Life Radio, Pastor Jack now continues his series called first Corinthians with a message titled On Your Mark, Get Set.
first Corinthians, of course, was written by the Apostle Paul to the Church of God in Corinth. And he shares with us how we shall all not sleep, but we shall all be changed in a moment in the twinkling of an eye. You see, Paul is speaking about the rapture.
No one knows when it's going to happen, but it could happen anytime. And our corruptible bodies will become incorruptible. So today, Pastor Jack teaches us that the grave and death are powerless against eternity.
We make a big deal out of death, but through our Lord Jesus Christ, we can all hold steady knowing we have the victory over its power. Now, with his message called On Your Mark, Get Set, here's Pastor and Bible teacher Jack Hibbs.
The talk today about the rapture, I think, is more than ever before. Maybe the world is even talking more about the rapture than some churches. And the temptation for you today is saying, Oh, Pastor, you know, that's really controversial stuff.
Of course, it's controversial, it's Biblical. But are you going to say that this portion of scripture is never going to happen? Well, it's spiritually speaking.
Really? Well, after we get raptured up out here, we'll explain it to you on the way up. But this is not a metaphor.
This is the real thing. In fact, didn't Elijah get caught up? Huh?
Think of that. God's able to do this. How big is your God?
It's pretty amazing. Dr. H. A.
Ironside writes this, that there are two reasons why this is a good picture for us. Number one, every citizen of the Roman empire during the time of Paul was familiar with the last trumpet, meaning a Roman general would have the first trumpet blast blown to call his troops to detach camp. And the last trumpet would be announced to fall in line as the army departed.
Interesting. Some have said that regarding the Jewish mind, there was the first trumpet that gathered God's people together or would gather God's people together. I believe we have seen this.
I believe that God's trumpet spiritually has been going out and gathering the nation of Israel together. You think of the Zionist movement, you certainly think of May 14th, 1948. You cannot deny no matter what your views are, that God has drawn the Jew from all four corners of the earth, where?
To Israel. God is certainly gathering his people. Ultimately, of course, he'll gather them in belief.
That's yet to happen. But also keep this in mind, that God blew a trumpet to gather his people unto himself. It's an exciting thing to realize.
Now, let me read it again. What is it going to be like? 1 Thessalonians 4.13, I do not want you to be uninformed.
The Bible uses the word ignorant. It's not being insulting here. Uninformed.
No, the mystery. Concerning those who have fallen asleep, lest you sorrow, get your pen ready, as others who have no hope. For we believe Jesus died and rose again.
Even so, God will bring with him those who sleep in Jesus. Verse 15, for this we say to you by the word of the Lord, that we who are alive and remain until the coming of the Lord will by no means precede those who have died or fallen asleep. For the Lord himself will descend from heaven with a shout, with the voice of the Archangel, and the trumpet of God, and the dead in Christ will rise first.
Verse 17, then, number four, he says it fourth time, we who are alive and remain shall be cut up together to meet them in the clouds, to meet them in the air. And thus we, number five, shall always be with the Lord. What an awesome, awesome confidence.
Verse 53 teaches us that we can go with expectancy. We can go and be ready and live now with expectancy. Now, this is blunt.
Verse 53, for this corruptible must put on in corruption. What you're wearing right now, your human suit, it's not, you can't wear it there. It can't happen.
And this mortal, this is good news, must put on immortality. Last service, there's a man, he's been battling with cancer, he doesn't have long to live. Let me tell you something.
When I came to verse 53, he just melted with joy. Melted with joy. He said, Pastor, last week was one of the best things I've ever heard when you said that one statement.
I don't remember anything else about your message, but I remember this. When the doctor told me I had six weeks to live, and you said, no, no, it's not true. You have six weeks to leave.
Put everything in perspective, and now this verse? He said, now this verse? And he's got it!
We walk around, we pamper. I have a wart right here. I guess it's a wart.
I don't know what it is. It's growing. I told Lisa, I said, get some compound W.
I don't like it. And now my granddaughter is looking at it. And I don't want her to look at that.
What is that thing? What is it? And it's funny, because man, you know, I started caring so much about my flesh this week.
I gotta get that removed. Why? It's my arm!
Nobody else cares if it's removed or not. Why? It's not their arm.
It's my arm. I care about my arm. I love you, but I don't care about your arm.
And I'm thinking, but this flesh... And I'm getting on these H-spot things. What is that?
And I've noticed driving in my car, and the sun hits it just right. Holy cow. You know what I'm talking about?
Okay, then I'll move on, then. It's all corruptible. It's all corrupted.
It's all mortal. But that guy got it. He got it.
I'm going home. I'm leaving. See, we get so caught up in taking care of this carcass.
Are you okay? Are we all right today? Want some lotion?
We'll fix that. It's dying, man. These days are numbered.
Must. Must. The change must happen for us to get to heaven.
1 John 3, verse 2, great verse. Listen, 1 John 3, 2. It says, We shall be like him, for we shall see him as he is.
And everyone, verse 3, who has this hope, in himself purifies, or he himself purifies himself. He walks with the Lord, walks in the spirit, does not fulfill the lust of flesh. Why?
Just as he is pure. Walking after Jesus. If you believe Jesus could come back to you, it's gonna change the way you live.
That's good news, right? I don't know, man, backsliders, it's gotta be a tough way to live, backslidden. Man, I hope the Lord doesn't come right now.
Think of that. Are you a believer, but you haven't been walking with God? Are you far from the Lord?
I mean, you're his, but you've been off doing your own thing, and the thought of him coming back just terrifies you, and you see, well, am I gonna go up or not? A lot of people debate that stuff. I'll just say this.
The Bible says, don't be ashamed that it's coming. Can you imagine? I mean, instead of us going, yes!
You're gonna go. What's the matter with you? You're going up.
And you're like, you got this look on your face. What is wrong with you? Man, I didn't think it would come right now.
Not a good thing. Be expecting him. Listen, verse 54, we learn this, that we're to go with peace.
So when this corruptible has put on incorruption, oh, happy day, huh? And this mortal has put on immortality, then shall be brought to pass the saying that is written, death is swallowed up in victory. Oh, death, where is your sting?
Oh, Hades, where is your victory? If God was ever gonna mock publicly, it's right there.
Death, ha ha ha!
You're powerless! My son destroyed you! If God would ever mock and ridicule, it would be death in the grave.
What a tool Satan had. I say had, because the Bible says precious in the sight of the Lord is the death of his saints. The Bible says that it is a valley of the shadow of death we walk through.
I gotta tell you, I'm thinking about that right now, because I've never been hit by a shadow. Have you ever been hit by a shadow? You're not gonna get hit by a shadow either.
And I'm thinking about that, because I wrote that down in my notes last night, and then at midnight last night, midnight, boom! Is that the Lord? Perfect timing, God, the message.
It wasn't the Lord. It was some guy crashing into my truck. Yeah.
No, I got the guy. I got him. I'm not gonna tell you how I got him, but I got him.
Crashing into my truck. It's, I mean, bang, boom. Death's like that.
Boom! And I understand that if you're not a Christian today and death comes up and goes, boom, you ought to be scared. Satan's about a millimeter away to grab his, take his claws and sink them into your skin and pull you into hell.
You better be scared of that. But listen, when death comes up and says, boom, to the believer, you can go, ha! My God says, that death, this valley, just a shadow, that guy that hit my truck, yeah, it would have been great, but it was no shadow.
It was his truck, and the damage is there. If it would have been a shadow, no problem. You get in a shadow box with somebody, you're not going to get hurt.
But if somebody lands one on you, you're going to get hurt. Jesus or the Bible says that Satan is like a lion roaming about seeking whom he may devour. But listen, for the believer, for the believer, he is like a gigantic cat with no claws, and he hits you with death, and it's like, like a pillow.
And he growls, and he goes to bite you, and he's got no teeth.
God did that. He took it away. And I don't know about you.
I'll be honest here, I've read my Bible, and I don't mind what's after I die. I got that down. I got that.
I am a wimp. And I'm afraid of all the needles and tubes before the death part. Can we just skip this part and get to the death part?
I don't want to have any pain, but those of you who are going through pain, suffering, and sorrow, I told you guys before, Lisa and I buried a dear friend of ours not too long ago. She battled cancer for 27 years, five different types of cancers, and they had to be the worst cancers. I can't even name them.
They were the worst. And all I know is she will be great in the kingdom of heaven. I'll be out back selling churros or something in heaven.
I'll be happy to be there, but she'll be up front sitting on Jesus' lap and playing with his crown. It's going to be amazing.
You're listening to Real Life with Pastor Jack Hibbs. You know, to hear more episodes and maybe catch up in the series, just go to That's
And for now, let's get back to our teaching. Once again, here's Pastor Jack.
Many of you are suffering, but know this. Death will liberate you. You're a believer.
God will use it as a tool. third, we'll end with this. We'll wrap it up in this point.
No. You see that now? Do you see why I had to use the word bro, which I don't like that word, but bro, go!
Why, no. Know this. Verse 56.
Know the victory that's in Jesus. The sting of death is sin. Watch this.
And the strength of sin, what is it? What is it? It's the law.
This is why being a legalistic person is such a joke. Are you crazy? Yes, pastor.
Well, you know, I understand that some of you are struggling, but I have arrived at this place of, oh, you know what? Go sit in the corner. That's insane.
When you look into the law, which is perfect, no one survives the law. That's why it's in stone. The law condemns us.
It's gloriously holy, but it's got no emotion. It's got no feeling. It's got no blood.
It's got no life. It's the law. It's just like this.
That's why when you go to the Supreme Court of the United States, Moses is sitting there right in the middle. He looks right at the face of the Supreme Court justices, and he's holding the Ten Commandments, looking right at him. Can you imagine?
I wish they would have been looking at him a few weeks ago, but... Ten Commandments, immovable righteousness. Wow.
The law does what the law does. Listen, the word in Greek is pedagogus. Book of Galatians.
It drives like a schoolmaster, someone to Christ. You can't get saved by the law. The law is to make you run, like this.
You run from Moses in the law, and you run to Jesus, and you grab him. And the law comes down, and Jesus takes the law. He fulfills it.
He doesn't break it. He fulfills it. And listen, in your Christianity, if you got it right, and you're a believer, in all that Jesus has done, know this.
That Jesus Christ met all the demands of the law. He satisfied the law's requirement. Once that was done, it was happy.
I'm, of course, I'm personifying the law, but play with me here, will you? It's happy now. Then Jesus turns and says, well, the law's been fulfilled.
I die on the cross, paying debts price for all of humanity, resurrected from the dead for our justification. Law is fulfilled, the power of sin is broken. Death has nothing on you.
It's missing some parts. It won't work. Believer, you need to remember this.
Growing up in Orange County, now look, I already checked this out, so don't tell me I don't know what I'm talking about. Growing up in Orange County, at least I remember back seven summers doing this, but if you research this on the internet, you're gonna find about three people that know what I'm talking about, and all the young people on the internet are saying, that's not possible. That never could have happened.
There's no such thing. See, what are you talking about? In Orange County, we grew up playing with bees.
You know bees? We would every summer, because look, you know what? We didn't have video games back then, thank God, hallelujah.
We actually played outside in the sunshine with real air. And we would go and find a bush. And if somebody knows what I'm talking about, just start like start going, okay, yeah, right on.
We would look and find bees, and we would look real carefully, and we'd find a bee that had a certain mark on it. Say it again. It had an H on his back.
And you grab him just like that. H, yes. Grab him.
You put him to your ear. You hold him.
No more, no more buzzing. He's tired. You take him, set him on your kitchen table, or whatever, hood of the car.
You got 24 inches of mom's sewing thread. You tie a little noose around his body. I'm not kidding.
Some of you have not even begin to live your life yet. I tell you now, I gotta do this with my grandkids. It's gonna be great.
I'm telling you, it works. Tie it around there, and then the bee, you wait. You have to wait.
And then he feels good, and then he takes off. It's the coolest thing.
And he'll land on your arm. And then what? He lands on your arm, takes a break and he flies around again.
Then, I learned this from my brother, get a cotton ball and tape it onto the thread and then turn them loose. I'm not kidding, we did this in the summer. We innocently made up the H that's on the back of the B for harmless, we would find them and grab them.
People would go, oh no, don't do that, you're gonna get stung. There's no stinger.
Death has no sting no more, no more. Remember that, the unbeliever, terrified of death, he should be. The believer, it's like that B, I play with it.
God has defeated it. Know the victory, it's wonderful, it's exciting. Romans chapter eight, verse one.
There is therefore now no condemnation to those who are in Christ Jesus. Remember in Christ, remember the armor? Who do not walk according to the flesh, but according to the spirit.
For the law of the spirit of life in Christ Jesus has made us free from the law of sin and death. For what the law could not do and that it was weak through the flesh, God did by sending his own son in the likeness of sinful flesh. On account of sin, he condemned sin in the flesh that the righteous requirements of the law might be fulfilled in us who do not walk according to the flesh, but according to the spirit.
You've been born again. Next thing, verse 58, we're almost done. Know the power, the power.
Therefore, my beloved bro, brethren, watch this, be steadfast. What does that mean? Steadfast means to sit down, to, we would say, to hunker down, to become like a rock.
Be steadfast, immovable. What is that? Like an anchor that is tied.
What does he say next? I love this. Always abounding in the work of the Lord.
The word abounding or always abounding is super excess. Listen to the boldness, the excitement, and the power that is given to the believer. Colossians 1 very quickly, verse 23.
Colossians 1, 23 says, For indeed, if you indeed continue in the faith, grounded and steadfast, there it is, and are not moved away from the hope of the gospel. And then finally, it's this, know the mission, verse 58. Knowing that your labor is not in vain in the Lord.
Church, this is good news. Are you living for Jesus? You ever get tired of living, I don't say tired of Jesus, tired of living for Jesus in the sense that, man, how long can I put up with this husband of mine?
How long can I put up with this wife? How long can I put up with this job? Or my unbelieving family, or this or that or the other?
Or how long can I, how long, listen. Or how long can you put up with, I'm doing this work for God, and it just doesn't seem to be making a difference. I've been serving God, I've been following God, I've been doing this to the glory of God.
When's there gonna be a convert? Or when's there gonna be some effect? Don't grow weary at well doing.
You guys, we could die today? Don't say that. I'm gonna say it again, we could die today.
We're believers. Number two, the Lord could come today. I'm telling you, it would be great though, if he waited to the baptism.
Wouldn't it be fun? Can you imagine all these people looking at us? Those crazy Christians.
Yeah, watch the people today, they'll go like this. Yeah, those ridiculous Christians, what are they doing next? Oh, I know some Christians.
Then can you imagine, hey everybody, thanks for coming, that was a great baptism, God bless you guys. And then.
Can you imagine? See you guys. Oh, man.
Anyway, let's pray. Oh, boy. Father, you're awesome.
Your word is exciting.
Father, we must confess, this body's all that we've experienced in this life to a large degree. We must confess also, though, that there's been those times of worship, there's been those times of study, where, if I might put it this way, all theory goes out the door. Even the science of it, the theology goes out the door.
The hesitation goes out the door, and for a millisecond of time, we sense your presence beyond human description. And, Father, if there's anyone in this house today that does not yet know this joy, that they would cry out to you now, right where they're at, calling upon Jesus, the Lord and Savior, the one who alone can forgive sin, who rose from the dead, who's coming back, this Christ, our God. May they choose him today.
Pastor and Bible teacher, Jack Hibbs, here on Real Life Radio, with his message called, On Your Mark, Get Set. Thanks for being with us today. You know, this message is part of Pastor Jack's series called first Corinthians.
It's a series on the Corinthian Church and the Apostle Paul's bold call for purity. And we'll continue on the next edition of Real Life Radio.
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Until next time, Pastor Jack Hibbs and all of us here at Real Life Radio wish for you solid and steady growth in Christ and in His Word. We'll see you next time here on Real Life Radio.
Welcome to Thru the Bible, our five-year journey through the entire Word of God continues as we begin in Ezekiel chapter 28 at verse 25. Now you'll notice immediately that Dr. McGee sounds excited. And that's because this passage contains what he calls over and over a remarkable prophecy.
So stay tuned. I think you're going to be fascinated by what he has to say. I'm Steve Shwetz.
And as you hop aboard the Bible bus and find your seat, here are a few letters from some of our fellow passengers who are frequent travelers with us. The first one comes from James. I am over two years into my first Bible bus journey.
I have listened daily since the beginning of Revelation and look forward to staying on the Bible bus for years to come. Please pray for my daughters that they would come to a personal relationship with Jesus Christ. I am truly blessed to have found you and will continue to listen as a babe in Christ.
I will also be providing a yearly gift to help the word reach the whole world. So as you go about your day, would you remember to pray for James and for his daughters? I know the burden for loved ones to come to faith in Jesus Christ is something that many of us carry, including many on our staff at Thru the Bible.
So let's pray for each other. Just know that God knows the names of our family and friends who we pray for. The next letter comes from David in Louisiana.
I am a 65 year old surgeon in Louisiana, David writes. I have been listening since November 1984, and will continue to listen as long as you and I are here. I learn new things all the time.
Thank you to all who keep this ministry going. Let's get the whole word to the whole world. All glory to God who watches over and guards his word.
Yes, all glory to God. Thanks for that note, David. Our last letter comes from Robert, who picks up the Bible Bus in Reston, Virginia, and he writes.
I lived in sin with the mother of my children for seven years before we got married, but my job became my God, and after 13 years, she asked for a divorce. I was crushed and took it out on her physically. She got a restraining order and I had to leave.
My family was falling apart before my eyes. I took a different position at work with fewer hours and started working beside a godly man who told me about Jesus. On July 13th, 2001, I was saved, and today my wife and three sons are as well.
My journey on the Bible Bus began in 2001, and I haven't stopped listening since. I had passed Dr. McGee's voice on the radio before, but kept turning the dial. But praise the Lord, God kept on pursuing me.
Well, thanks so much for writing to us, Robert. And thanks also for reminding us how God will pursue us and restore us even when we make a mess of things if we turn to him and ask. Let's pray.
Heavenly Father, thank you for pursuing us, and thank you for not giving up on those who refuse your saving grace. Now as we listen to your word taught, Lord, open our hearts and then show us something about yourself. In Jesus' name, amen.
Let's open to Ezekiel 27 as we travel through the Bible with Dr. J. Vernon McGee.
Now, friends, we do need to think clearly. We are coming to another very wonderful prophecy, and we are in the section here of Ezekiel, where we have the glory of the Lord and the judgment of surrounding nations and we've already had Ammon and Moab and Edom and Philistia and Tyre and Sidon. And it was quite interesting that Tyre, the more prominent city, the great city, the capital city, it was to be destroyed, scraped like a rock, never to be rebuilt.
And that's literally fulfilled. Now Sidon, up next to it, just a few miles, I guess 15, I've been there, but I didn't notice the exact distance, but I think it's 15 miles up the coast from Tyre. Well Sidon, no word about it being destroyed, did say the enemy would take it.
But that city and you find there, that old fortress right out on the rocks at the edge of the water, that's been there from the early days and that city is stood, it was never destroyed, it's there today and it's the place where the oil is brought in from the Near East and it comes by pipeline and put on ship. There's Sidon as a thriving port right now, whereas down the coast, you have the city of Tyre, the great city, it's destroyed and there's no city there. It's a fishing village, but there's nothing where old Tyre was.
God says it will never be rebuilt and I take it that he knows what he's talking about and after 2500 years, wouldn't you go along and say that apparently somebody knew what they were talking about. Now we concluded that section because in the darkest moment of the history of these people, you find the light breaking through and never is it so bright and he sees a future regathering of Israel. In verse 25 of chapter 28, he'd said, thus saith the Lord God, when I shall have gathered the house of Israel from the people among whom they are scattered and shall be sanctified in them in the sight of the nations.
Now God makes it very clear. He's not through with the nation Israel. One of the reasons that there are so many theologians that get by by saying God is through with the nation Israel is because God's people are not acquainted with Isaiah, Jeremiah, Ezekiel, Daniel, and the minor prophets.
The theme song of these prophets was God's not through with the nation Israel. It sounds like a stuck record when you go through these prophecies and they should be steady because of that fact, it will throw absolutely new light on the word of God and it will no longer be a jigsaw puzzle, but everything begins to fall into place. Now, we come in Chapter 29 to Egypt, the last nation here in 29, 30, 31, and 32, it's all about Egypt.
Now, there are many commentators that take the position, and these are conservative men, that the prophecies here concerning Egypt are of more interest than the one concerning Tyre. Now, I must confess, I do not concur in that. I think that prophecy concerning Tyre is remarkable, but we are going to find here a very remarkable prophecy, and one of these prophecies is that Egypt was to be destroyed.
Now, Egypt was a great nation, and had not been destroyed. It had maintained its integrity down through the centuries. One of the most ancient nations actually did not need to put up a wall of defense.
After all, that desert was a pretty good defense, and there was only one entrance in there, and that was through the Nile River Valley. And frankly, all they had to do was to put up a good defense there, and you will find the cities of Egypt were not walled cities. Wasn't necessary to wall them at all.
Now, God says, though, they're going in the captivity for 40 years. Now, will you notice here, and this is a remarkable prophecy, and I do not want to be tedious with it, but I would like to call attention to just a few things. We have here, in the 10th year, in the 10th month, in the 12th day of the month, the word of the Lord came unto me saying, Son of man, set thy face against Pharaoh, King of Egypt, and prophesy against him and against all Egypt.
Now, God here takes a very definite position against this land of Egypt that had put his people in the brickyards, had introduced them to idolatry, and had been a thorn in their flesh for years. And Israel was constantly running to Egypt for help. They seemed to lean upon it.
Now, God says, I'm against Egypt, and Egypt is to be destroyed. Verse three, speak and say, thus saith the Lord God, behold, I'm against the Pharaoh, king of Egypt, the great monster that lieth in the midst of his rivers, which hath said, my river is mine own, and I've made it for myself. Now, the crocodile apparently is the sea monster here, and Pharaoh's likened unto a sea monster.
And like the crocodile says, this is my river. And the very interesting thing is that Egypt worshiped all manner of birds and beasts and bugs, the scarab, you know. And if you'll notice, the plagues of Egypt were leveled against actually the gods of Egypt that they worshiped.
I think that in spite of the terribleness of the plagues, that they also revealed God had a sense of humor. Imagine, friends, worshiping Hicca, the frog-headed god, and then waking up one morning and frogs are all in your bedroom. What are you going to do?
Start killing off the gods? I think the Lord must have got, you know, smiled at that anyway. Now will you notice the pharaoh that's mentioned here is Pharaoh Hophra, and he's called in Greek, Aparis.
He was the grandson of Pharaoh Niko, who had defeated King Josiah, that Megiddo. In fact, Josiah was slain there. And King Zedekiah, and also we find the other rulers, even before him, Jehoiakim, Jehoiachin, they turned to Pharaoh Hophra when Jerusalem was besieged.
This Egyptian army came up and came through Phoenicia and forced the Chaldeans to raise the siege of Jerusalem. You remember, we looked at that in Jeremiah. Now, the prophet Jeremiah, he announced the doom of Hophra also.
And we had it in Jeremiah, thus saith the Lord, Behold, I will give Pharaoh Hophra, King of Egypt, into the hands of his enemies, to the hand of them that seek his life, as I gave Zedekiah, King of Judah, into the hand of Nebuchadnezzar, King of Babylon, his enemy, and that sought his life. The critic here has found fault, and I'm not going into detail here, but I would like to recommend to many folk who listen to this that our Bible students, and they like to go into something. The critic has come along here and made the statement that this prophecy was not fulfilled at that time.
It was fulfilled 17 years later. But the interesting thing is, if you read it carefully, God made it very clear it wasn't gonna be fulfilled then, but the prophecy was given then that later it would be destroyed. That is, Egypt was.
Now, what would happen to Egypt? I dropped down to verse 13 and I must hit high points now. Yet, thus saith the Lord God, at the end of 40 years will I gather the Egyptians from the people among whom they were scattered.
Now, 17 years later, to be exact, the king of Babylon, Nebuchadnezzar came, and he took the Egyptians into captivity at that time. And they were in captivity 40 years, not 70, like Israel. And we are told here, from among the people among whom they were scattered.
Now, I read on, verse 14 of chapter 29 of Ezekiel. I will bring again the captivity of Egypt, and I will cause them to return into the land of Pathras, into the land of their habitation, and they shall be there a base kingdom. Now, I wouldn't have you miss this for anything in the world.
Notice what he says now, in verse 15. It shall be the basis of the kingdoms, neither shall it exalt itself any more above the nations, for I will diminish them, that they shall no more rule over the nations. Now, Egypt had been the great power of the ancient world.
They come out of the dawn of history as a great nation, and the monuments there and the tombs there reveal the fact that they had a civilization that was actually second to none. And it's believed today by many historians that the Greeks got a great deal of their information from the Egyptians. It was a great civilization, and it was a great nation of the ancient world.
Now, at this time, God says, I'm going to let Nebuchadnezzar take you. And not only that, you're going to return in 40 years, and when you do, you're going to be a base kingdom. You'll never rule over the nations, and you're going to be the basis of kingdoms.
May I say to you, we and our tours visit many lands in the Near East. You don't get any lower than Egypt, I can assure you that. No one can go to Cairo without your heart being sick.
And you see the poverty there, and the low level to which the people have come. You know, the Lord was accurate, friends, if you just listen to him. Now he goes on in this particular chapter to talk about that there would be a judgment on Nebuchadnezzar, king of Babylon, but he was going to come.
He'll cause this army to serve a great service against Tyre. That's verse 18. You see, he'll take Egypt, he'll take Tyre, and we read here verse 19.
Therefore, thus saith the Lord God, behold, I will give the land of Egypt under Nebuchadnezzar, king of Babylon. And now you find out that not only Tyre, not only Egypt, but the nation Israel will all be given over to Babylon, actually the first great world empire. Now in chapter 30 here, we have what I have actually labeled a lamentation.
You have here a lamentation. And he speaks here of the desolation of Egypt. And that is a very desolate country, by the way, very desolate nation.
Chapter 30 verse one. And again, here we go. This has been repeated.
I really do not know how many times, but I'm sure there's already been several hundred times that we've had this expression, the word of the Lord came again unto me saying, son of man prophesy and say, thus saith the Lord God, wail ye, alas for the day, at time of morning, you see, this is the lamentation, for the day is near, even the day of the Lord is near. A cloudy day, it shall be the time of the nations. And that was unusual.
You don't have many clouds in the land of Egypt because they have less than an inch of rain in that section. They depend upon the river Nile. And by the way, they worship the crocodile of the Nile as well as everything else in the animal world, in the bird world, in the bug world.
Beasts, birds, bugs. And they worship them all in the land of Egypt. Now we go on here, and it shall be the time of the nations.
And we're living actually in that time today, the nations are really stirring throughout the world. Now he goes on to say here, and the sword shall come upon Egypt, and great pain shall be in Ethiopia, when the slain shall fall in Egypt, and they shall take away our multitude, and our foundations shall be broken down. I won't go into that today, but we will be referring to Ethiopia again.
There was quite an alliance between Egypt and Ethiopia. Although, we do not consider it very much in studying the Bible, but there was a great deal of enmity and warfare between Egypt and Ethiopia. It's believed by many conservative scholars that Moses, when he was Pharaoh's daughter's son, and would been the next Pharaoh, that he actually led an expedition against Ethiopia.
Now, we read here verse 5, Ethiopia and Putt are Libya and Ludd, and that's Lydia, Libya and Lydia now, and all the Mingal peoples and Cub and Putt, Ludd and Cub. And the man of the land that's in league shall fall with them by the sword. So that at this time, there was an alliance and they would all go down and be subject to Nebuchadnezzar.
You can see he was actually a world ruler. In fact, he is the head of gold in the four great world kingdoms. Now, we read here verse 6.
Thus saith the Lord, they all sow that uphold Egypt shall fall. You see, not only Israel had looked to Egypt for help, but these other nations had. And they're going down just as Israel would go down in judgment.
Now, I want to drop down here and look at another remarkable prophecy that's here in this 30th chapter. He says here, verse 12, I will make the rivers dry. Now, the rivers, as we've seen before, are actually those different branches down in the delta of the Nile.
And there were many of them. And there were canals down there. That was the rich area, by the way.
It's right near there, the land of Goshen, a very rich section that the children of Israel were in. I'll make the rivers dry, God says, and I'll sell the land into the hand of the wicked, and I'll make the land waste and all that's in it by the hand of foreigners. I, the Lord, are strangers.
I, the Lord, have spoken. Now, that fell, as you know, later on. Actually, Alexander the Great took Egypt later on.
And when he died, his generals took over. Cleopatra actually was not an Egyptian. She was a Greek, but she ruled over Egypt.
And this country came in under the control of the other nations. Foreigners, strangers, control this very rich section, but it's filled up. And I'm told today, although I've never gotten into that particular section, but a friend of mine that had just come from there that I met in Cairo, he told me, oh, that's really a swamp down in that section.
God says that is what would happen. Now, here is something, another remarkable prophecy. Thus saith the Lord God, this is verse 13, I will also destroy the idols, and I'll cause their images to cease from Memphis.
And that's the name of this place here. And there shall be no more a prince of the land of Egypt, and I'll put a fear in the land of Egypt. Now, that's quite interesting.
This has been literally fulfilled. Now, Memphis at that time was the great city in Egypt. That was a city that probably had more idols in it than any other, and it was a very wealthy city.
And along the streets, one idol right after another, that was the decoration, up and down both sides of every street. No place would ever have as many as that. Now, God says here, I'm going to make the images, the idols, to cease from Memphis.
I'll get rid of them. Now, I've walked over what is supposed to be the ruins of Memphis. In fact, it's been cleaned out so that today, they're not even quite sure.
And the only one there is that great big statue of Ramesses that lies on its back there and its house. Now, in fact, the house is built around it. That's the only thing that's there.
God did exactly what He said. I'll make the idols to cease, and there'd be no prince in the land Egypt. There's no royal line there anymore.
I don't think you could call Nasser a Sadat or any of the ones that had been in the past. You couldn't say they were a royal line. And they've never been great rulers.
They've had to look to other nations today, and they do at the present moment. Now, God goes on to say here that this is the thing that would happen. I will pour out my fury upon sin.
And also, he mentioned, no, no is Thebes, by the way, and cut off the multitude of no. Thebes in the upper Nile, great city. Ruins of that, it's disappeared.
The greatness is all gone. And God goes on to speak along that line concerning these great cities of Egypt that have now disappeared all together. Now, God says that Babylon will have a victory over Egypt.
And he's repeating this. He's already said it once. But just as he said concerning Jerusalem, he's making it clear here.
And it came to pass in the 11th year, in the first month, in the seventh day of the month, that the word of the Lord came unto me saying, son of man, I've broken the arm of Pharaoh, king of Egypt, you know, the king holds the scepter. And if you'll notice these pictures of the rulers in Egypt, they always got something in the hand. That says, I'll break their arm.
That's a token of their power. I'll break it. It shall not be bound up or be healed to put a bandage to bind it, to make strong, to hold it.
In other words, Babylon will take Egypt. Now, may I say that that was literally fulfilled. And now, you come in chapter 31 to something that I think is quite remarkable.
Here is a chapter and we won't have time to get into it. But this was such a great kingdom that God is reluctant to let it go. And he speaks of the Pharaoh as being here, a great tree and Egypt being a great tree.
And then we have in this chapter, the fall of the tree. And then there is a lamentation throughout the ancient world because of the fall of Egypt. We'll see that next time.
Until then, may God richly bless you, my beloved.
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I'm Steve Shwetz and as we break for the weekend, I pray that the Lord blesses you as you seek him in his word. Until we meet again next time.
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Want to be a happier person? Today, Joyce shares the secret to living a happier life, and it all begins with your thoughts!
This program is made possible by the partners of Joyce Meyer Ministries.
You think, I've lost my joy, I don't know why I've lost my joy. Well, one of the things you could do is ask yourself, what have I been doing for somebody else? You might connect the dots really fast.
I'm Joyce Meyer and I believe that God can heal you everywhere you hurt.
Father, thank you for the word today. We know that selfishness is just ingrained in all of us and we really need to hear the word in this area over and over and over to ever hope to keep it out. So help us today, keep our ears open and hear everything that you have to say.
In Jesus' name, amen. Well, it's not good to start your day with your mind set on you. Colossians 3.2 says, set your mind and keep it set on things that are above.
Now, that doesn't mean to just sit around somewhere and think about the stars and the clouds and the angels and, you know, I mean, that may all have its place and it's good. But I believe when he says, set your mind on things above, that he's talking about setting your mind on the will of God. Set your mind.
You have to make your mind up. And the earlier you do it in the day, the better off you're going to be. Sometimes if you get a wrong start, a whole day can go bad.
So I just want to urge you, from the time you open your little peepers in the morning, or before they're even open, but you're awake inside not wanting to open them, don't let yourself get into that what about me mentality. It's very easy to lay there and think about everything that could make you happy that day, and how mad you are at all the people that aren't giving you what you need. And you can just work yourself up into a real fit before you ever put your feet on the floor just with your thoughts.
And I used to be that way, spend a lot of years like that, but I also spent a lot of years miserable. And I've learned on purpose, and I want to teach you on purpose, to start thinking about how you can be a blessing to somebody else, and start early in the day. Don't start the day with your mind on you.
Start your day with your mind on how you can be a blessing to someone else for God's glory. Jesus said, One new commandment I give unto you, that you love one another, just as I have loved you. By this shall all men know that you are my disciples.
How is the world going to know Jesus? If they see us, number one, getting along and loving each other, we've got to stop all the fighting in the church, and all the fighting between denominations. Who has the 100% perfect doctrine?
None of us. We're all going to find out some things when we get to heaven about who was right, and who was wrong. And God wants us to exercise ourselves, to get along and stay in unity.
And then we need to reach out to other people. Yes, to believers, but also to unbelievers. It's really hard to argue with somebody who just keeps being kind to you over and over and over.
You can preach to somebody to your blue in the face, but if you put no works with it, what you say is not going to mean very much to people. On the other hand, I think we can all preach a loud message and never open our mouth. I said, I think we can all preach a very loud message and never open our mouth.
Not that there's anything wrong with opening our mouth, but many times people are not at a point where they will let you preach to them. We all like to preach that God would prefer that we live the life that He's calling us to live in front of them consistently, silently, day after day after day. Doesn't take long and people can't argue with that.
Jesus, the Bible says in Acts 1038, I love this, says, See how God anointed Jesus of Nazareth with the Holy Ghost in power, who went about doing good. It just seems so simple. Our wonderful, powerful, amazing Jesus got up every day and just went about doing good.
Well, you know what? I don't think that he laid on his mat or wherever it was he was sleeping. And when he woke up in the morning, I doubt that he laid there and thought about himself.
I doubt that he laid there and thought about how mad he was at the disciples because they didn't listen to him and didn't get it the first time he told them. I doubt that he was thinking now, what about me, how can I get what I want today? No, I'm sure that he had to think about being a blessing to everybody in order to do good.
If you think bad, you won't do good. On the other hand, if you think good, you won't do bad. Where the mind goes, the man follows.
Let me say that again. If you think bad, you won't do good. But if you think good, you won't do bad.
Because your mind prepares you for action. Now, just to be practical, give you some examples. Most every day, I say, God, I want to be a blessing to everybody that I'm around today.
Let me add value to them. I spent enough time in my life taking something from everybody that I got around. I want to add value to people.
So what you should do early in the morning is kind of go through who you think you're going to be around that day. And then just set yourself to bless them in some way, whether it's to just give a compliment, to tell them they look nice. You appreciate them, to help them with a need, to pray for them if you see something taking place in their life that you feel like needs prayer.
The more, now listen to me, the more you keep your mind off of yourself, the happier you will be.
Some of you, you think I've lost my joy, I don't know why I've lost my joy. Well, one of the things you could do is ask yourself, what have I been doing for somebody else? You might connect the dots really fast.
It's impossible to really walk in love and stay very miserable. John 13 verse 17. In chapter 13 of John, we see that Jesus was doing an amazing thing.
He was washing the disciples' feet. And he goes on all the way through and tells them that he's done this, as an example of them, that they might do in their turn exactly as he had done. And you know, the whole story there, the whole recording of that event was not about the feet.
It was about doing things for other people. Literally, washing feet means that you're going to be willing to do even little insignificant things for people, no matter what your station in life might be. Nobody was higher than Jesus.
Nobody had more authority than Jesus. Nobody had more power or preeminence or dignity than Jesus. And yet, he put on a servant's towel.
And he washed their stinky, dirty feet. The Bible says he took off his garment and put on a towel. When he was done, I'm sure that he took off the towel and put back on his garment.
You know, if you really know who you are in Christ, and if I really know who I am in Christ, then we know we have nothing to prove and we're not belittled by doing little menial tasks for other people.
It's actually one of the things that puts a smile on God's face. And if God does happen to be using you in a great way, or you are the boss where you work, or you do have some authority somewhere, one of the ways that we can keep ourselves in check and make sure that we don't get the big head, is by doing little things for other people. John 13, 17, the culmination of this whole example of washing feet.
And if you know these things, blessed and happy and to be envied are you if you practice them. If you act accordingly and really do them. So, we can connect the dots there.
If you are willing to add value to everybody's life that you come across, it is going to increase your joy. Can anybody say amen? How many of you think that you need a good reminder to be a blessing to more people?
You know why? Because it's really easy to just get ourselves on our mind. I mean, this is a message, honestly, that we could hear every single solitary day and it wouldn't hurt us.
We're born selfish. You don't have to try to get selfish. If you don't think that you're born selfish, just watch a little kid.
If we don't keep ourselves in check, we become the exact same way. How easy is it to think only about what people don't do for us and forget what they do?
How easy is it to start thinking about what we don't have that we want, instead of thinking about what God has already given us that we wanted at some other time in life. And now he wants us to continue to remember those things and keep being thankful for those things while we're waiting on the other things. The answer is for nothing, but in all things, by prayer and supplication, with thanksgiving, let your request be made known unto God and the peace that passes understanding shall keep your hearts and minds in Christ Jesus.
Let your request be made known unto God with thanksgiving. That means that we need to pray from an already thankful heart for what God's doing. If we're already complaining about everything in our life, God spoke to me one time when I was asking him for something, he said, why should I give you something else?
All you do is complain about what you've got. It'll just be another thing to complain about.
Oh, I think we're going to have fun today. I was always on my mind. Second Corinthians 515, I love this scripture.
Do you know that Jesus died mainly to set you free from yourself? And until you get thoroughly fed up with yourself, you probably will never do anything about yourself.
All selfish people have in their life is themselves. They're very lonely, because there's nobody in there but you. When I was like that, there was nobody inside of me but me.
Everything was, what about me? How can I get what I want? And getting upset when everybody didn't give it to me.
Now, I think part of that in my life was caused by not being taken care of properly as a child. My father never did anything for me but hurt me. And so you begin to make vows to yourself, well, when I get away from this, nobody's ever going to hurt me again.
I'm going to make sure I get taken care of in life. And it's very easy to take what would be a naturally selfish nature and ramp it up to a whole new level. And so it took a while for God to break this nonsense out of me.
And it took a long time for me to realize that was my problem. It's amazing what we think our problem is, when really we are the biggest problem we have.
I mean, it's really true. Don't give somebody else the responsibility for your joy. Just decide you're going to be happy.
Serve the Lord with gladness. We don't have to have our way all the time to be happy. You know, we should pray on a regular basis.
God, I'm so blessed, and I thank you for my blessings. But if the day comes when I don't have any of this, I want to be just as happy as I am right now. Get a mindset that you're not happy in God just because of what he does for you, but you're happy in God just because he loves you, he sent his son to die for you, and you're a person that's going to live forever.
I wonder how many people there are watching the program today, where this conference will ultimately be on TV. And let's just say that you are a Christian, you go to church, but you are just not happy. I mean, not happy.
Like, really not happy. No peace, no joy. Nothing's ever right.
Nobody suits you. You don't even like the church you're going to. You leave there on Sunday and complain about everything you can possibly complain about.
Well, you know what? You don't have to live like that. I lived like that for a long time, and I was a Christian.
I thought I loved God. And I did to a certain degree, but myself was so much in the way of my relationship with God that I couldn't break through to anything. And my walk with God has been a long, long journey.
But I want to recommend to you today, if you're watching me by TV, and you're the very person that I'm talking to, take a step of faith and just make a decision to get yourself off your mind and start being a blessing to somebody else. Do it on purpose. And I can guarantee you that your joy will increase.
What would happen in the world, what would happen in the world if every Christian actually acted like one?
It wouldn't be very long, and the world would be very convinced that there's something that God has done in us that is very abnormal. It's very natural to live for yourself. It's not very natural to live for other people, but that is exactly what God is calling us to do.
No less than that. He's not calling us to do anything less than to lay our life down in a similar way that he did, only we don't have to die physically. But the apostle Paul said, I died daily.
You know what he meant? Every day I have to say no to myself in order to say yes to God. It's not always comfortable, but it's always the best thing to do in the long run.
Let me tell you something, getting our own way may be a thrill for a moment, but we pay a high price for a cheap thrill. You can have momentary, what you think. Well, okay, momentary happiness.
But then you lay down at night, and that same old misery is still inside you, and you don't understand why you're so miserable.
We have to learn how to obey God. I remember a time when Dave and I were out chopping for something. It was a picture for our house.
And I found something I liked, and he didn't care for it, which is not uncommon, you know, when people are married, you have different tastes. The thing that's not so important is that we agree about everything, but that we learn how to disagree agreeably and respectfully. And so Dave didn't like this picture, and he wanted to keep looking for something that we could both like.
Well, I didn't care if we both liked it or not, I liked it. Come on now. Yeah, I mean, you can laugh at me all you want to today, but I mean, that's just the truth.
I mean, we really don't care if other people are happy most of the time. As long as we're happy, that's all that matters. I warned you that I was going to preach good today.
So, you know, Dave is a real man of peace. And so, after I had a couple of little temper tantrums there, you know, like, you don't like anything I like. Finally, he just kind of said, just do what you want.
Well, you know, that's really not like, yes, honey, do what you want. I mean, you got to watch body language and voice tone. The words can be the same, but the meaning can be totally different.
Amen. And so, I thought, I just felt so smug for a minute. Ha, got what I wanted.
And you know what the Holy Spirit spoke in my heart? You think you won, but you totally lost. You know why?
I might have won to get what I wanted in the flesh, but I totally lost out spiritually. Because I did not behave the way God wanted me to behave, and I wasn't even loving enough to be willing to search a little while longer to get something we both liked. I didn't care as long as I liked it.
Now, thank God I've come a long way. How many of you are glad that I've grown some over the years? And I believe that God gives me the grace to tell you all this stuff, which it doesn't bother me at all if it helps you, because I think really we're all pretty much alike.
It's just that most people aren't going to tell you about it. We like to give our testimony, but we don't like to talk about the test. And sadly, many people, after they have the test, only have the monies.
They never get the testimony.
I tell you what, I would not, there would not be enough of anything to buy and take away from me my experience with God over these last 35 years. Oh my God. Un, unbelievable how God can change a person.
Coming up, we have a story you don't want to miss.
So sometimes what we think will bring us happiness still doesn't do it for us. We try everything. Look out for number one.
But life still feels empty.
Well, you know, we typically look at our circumstances and try to change them in order for me to be happy. I know this because I thought this way for years. I was always on my mind.
I would constantly think what about me, what about me? I had no idea that the root of my unhappiness was something I could actually change. I was getting in my own way and missing the blessings that God has for me.
You see, selfishness steals our joy. But God has such a better way for us to live. I firmly believe that people need to realize that there is great power in an unselfish life.
That's why I've written What About Me? Inside, I share why it's important to get out of that me mindset and how to change your perspective in a way that will benefit you and others.
Request What About Me today and take important steps to living an unselfish life. It is available to you right now for your gift of any amount. Call us today at 1-800-727-9673 or visit us online at
I have absolutely no doubt that what I share in this book will change your life. Just like it completely changed mine. You can get out of your own way, walk in love and live unselfishly.
Request your copy of What About Me Today. And if you would like to go even deeper with Joyce by declaring war on selfishness, consider giving a gift of $45 or more. And you'll receive Joyce's What About Me Study Guide in addition to the book.
This in-depth study is a great addition alongside the book to ensure you master contents with confidence. And remember, you'll not only receive Joyce's book What About Me, but your gift today allows us to share the love of Christ around the world through our hand of hope outreaches. What About Me is available to you now for your gift of any amount.
Or go the extra step to receive the What About Me Study Guide too for $45 or more. It is a great opportunity for a book study with family or friends. And it's yours today.
So give us a call at 1-800-727-9673 or visit us online at
If enough of us become unselfish followers of Jesus, we can change the world.
We all have times in our life where the needs of others are not at the forefront of her thoughts. I want to introduce you to a man who says himself that there was a time where he was the only person on his mind. But God took Pat Bradley from a miserable selfish lifestyle to something very different and wonderful, and almost overnight.
And this man says he will never go back.
My life was about me. Ever since I was a little kid growing up, everything was about me. What could I get?
What could I do? Who could I become? And it just centered around myself.
But at some point, I began drinking. I was like 12 years old. As I graduated college, I was an alcoholic.
I was married at the time. I had two children. I had a decent job.
But everything was about me and everything was about my next drink. My wife got tired of it and she divorced me. I went home and there she was in our living room with two plastic trash bags.
Basically, all my worldly belongings were in those bags. The day I got kicked out, that was the last night I ever drank. After the divorce went through, I took a new job.
We became wildly successful in that business. At this point in my life, I'm single. I'm making more money than I ever thought I would ever make in my life, and everything was going well.
But at night, when you're by yourself, as much as I thought I hated my wife, I knew inside I loved her. But it just never went away. But I would deny it.
But late at night, laying in bed, it would just haunt you.
Pat's visitation arrangement only allowed him to see his kids for six hours on Saturday. So he devised a plan to get them back.
One day, I decided to go see where my kids were going to church. And I thought it was going to be a cult.
He thought if he could prove to the judge that his ex-wife had his kids in a cult, that he'd get full custody.
Again, the thought was, I am getting my kids for me. It wasn't about what's best for them. It's about what I want.
But something else happened instead.
That morning, I had an encounter with God. I heard the gospel like I never heard it before. I ended up giving my life to Jesus.
And when I did that, it was like, my whole life, my view was just like, just central, like this. Like, that's my worldview. And everything I see is that.
And it's all about me. But when I gave my life to Christ, that lens, I pulled away and all of a sudden there's a range of gorgeous, beautiful mountains which represented the best of my life and the rest of my life. And everything changed immediately for me then.
And I started thinking about my children and my ex-wife. Like, what would be good for my ex-wife? Isn't that strange?
So, kind of a long story short, we ended up getting remarried six months later, and we haven't looked back since. Now, our hearts are, it's about serving other people. It's about serving God.
It's about serving Jesus, helping other people.
And that's what Pat's been doing ever since, bringing hope and help to people around the world. It's no longer just himself on his mind, but he continually puts himself in other people's shoes. Whether it's feeding malnourished children, bringing medical care to communities, being first on the ground after disaster, or helping girls escape sex trafficking.
The first girl that we rescued out of that red light district, she's 16 and she's been there five years. She went back, got all her stuff, and came back about five, ten minutes later with a shopping bag. And all her earthly possessions were in this bag.
Because of his own experience, Pat knew what it was like having all earthly possessions fit into a plastic bag. At that time, he had no idea how God was about to transform his life or the adventure on which he was about to take him. His own escape from selfishness.
And now God was using Pat to rescue this girl out of a dark place into a whole new life.
And I believe with all my heart that the Christian life should be the greatest adventure on the planet. And if we are Christians don't live it that way and don't experience that, I'm going to challenge you and say, who's your mind on? You or God?
As believers, we can get confused, even frustrated trying to discover what God wants us to do with our lives. But it doesn't have to be that way. Joyce Meyer wants to help walk you through the process of finding God's will for your life.
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Greetings, friends and new listeners, and welcome to The Sound of Faith. I'm Sharon Knotts thanking you for joining us today because we know faith comes by hearing and hearing by the Word of God. I believe you or someone you know needs to hear today's message, Defeating Self Doubt.
While there is a need for preaching against the pitfall of pride that snares many in the church and ministry, at the other end of the spectrum are those who grapple with a false sense of inferiority and worthlessness. They need this word of the Lord, Defeating Self Doubt.
Now there is a story, I haven't told it for a very long time, I'm going to tell it again today. And in this story, I don't know when it took place, I'm assuming maybe back during World War II era, I don't know. But there was an American military person, I don't know what branch of the military he was in, but he was stationed in Japan.
And he had a three-week leave. And so he rented a boat, and he sailed to an island that was part of a island group, a whole bunch of islands all close together in the South Pacific. And he sailed to an island called Keniwata.
And he stayed at the guest house on the island. And the thing about it, the guest house was managed by an American from Chicago. I'll call him the manager, going forward.
And I'm going to call this other man, I'm going to call him a sailor, because he got a boat, okay? So the manager used to give the islanders American nicknames. And so there was one person on the island that he named Johnny Lingo.
Johnny Lingo. And so one day they were all just, you know, shooting the breeze and talking, sitting around talking, and the manager, the American manager, began to tell the American sailor about this guy, Johnny Lingo. And he said Johnny was the brightest, smartest, quickest, strongest man in all the islands.
He was kind of like a legend among the people. He was the best trader in the islands. He had many connections and he was very rich.
He had actually built a five-room house for his family on another island. And that was considered there an extreme luxury. He said, if you want to go fishing, Johnny Lingo knows the best places to fish.
If you want fresh vegetables, he's got the best gardens in all the islands. If you want to buy jewelry, island jewelry like pearls, he'll get you the best deals. But, you know, the sailor noticed that even while the manager was bragging on Johnny Lingo, he still was kind of like stickering a little bit.
And everyone else that was sitting around the other islanders, they were snickering. It was even a little kid sitting there laughing in a mocking way. And so he picked up on it.
And he asked, you know, I noticed that you all were kind of like snickering and sort of making fun of Johnny Lingo. And he says, why? So the manager explained to him, he says, five months ago, Johnny Lingo came here to Kinewata to get a wife.
And he paid her father eight cows for her. This happens in places over there like that. Amen.
And he paid eight cows for her. He says, now this was a ridiculous price. You could get a very good wife for four or five cows.
At the most, maybe six. But yet he paid eight cows for her. And so the sailor said, wow, she must be a beauty.
And the manager said, well, to call Sarita a beauty would be kind. To call her plain would be kind. He said, she's very skinny.
And not only that, she walks around with her shoulders hunched over, looking down. And so he said, she's scared of her own shadow. So the sailor said, well, then how do you explain the eight cows that Johnny Lingo paid for her?
And the manager said, well, that's the thing. We don't, we don't get it. And that's why the villagers always laugh whenever we talk about Johnny, because I mean, he's the sharpest person in all the islands.
Yet he was tricked by her father to pay eight cows for her, to be his wife. And he's a dull old man. Well, you know, this really got the sailors mind turning and he decided, I've got to meet this Johnny.
So the next day he sailed to the island where Johnny lived, to his home. And he was greeted and they went in and they sat down and they were talking. And while they were talking, in walked Sarita.
The sailor said she was the most beautiful woman he had ever seen. She walked regally. Her shoulders were erect and she carried herself regally.
And her chin was up. And her eyes were beautiful. They just dazzled with light.
He could not believe it.
How beautiful she was. So when she left the room, he said to Johnny Lingo, he said, I don't get it. I don't understand.
She's glorious. And yet all the villagers on the other islands, they're laughing at you. And they said she was homely.
And they make fun of you because you got cheated by her father. And Johnny Lingo said, well, do you think eight cows was too much? And the sailor answered, oh, no, no.
But how do you explain the difference between what they said and what I just saw?
And here's what Johnny answered.
He said, do you know what it would mean to a woman to know that her husband bought her for the lowest possible price that could be paid to get a wife? Do you understand how that would make her feel? And then later on, when all the women of all the villages got together and yacked and talked like women do, and they began to talk about their husbands, and this one said, well, my husband paid four cows for me.
And someone else said, well, my husband paid five. And someone said, well, my husband paid six. But Sarita could know that her husband paid more for her than any other woman on all those islands.
He paid eight cows for her. And so the sailor said, oh, so you did it to make her happy. He answered, Johnny answered and said, yes, but there's more to it than that.
You say she's different. Yes, she's different. It's true.
She's different and many things, many things can change a woman, but nothing so much as what she thinks about herself. What a woman thinks about herself. How many know we can take this in the spirit now for us?
What she thinks about herself. Sarita believed that she was worth nothing. And now she knows she's worth more than any other woman in all the islands.
He said, I wanted to marry her. I wanted Sarita. I love her.
I wanted her. I didn't want any other woman to be my wife, but I also wanted an eight-cal wife.
And you know what?
He got her because it changed what she acknowledged about herself. Amen. It changed how she felt about herself.
And this shows why what we read in Philemon, to acknowledge the good stuff, the good things that are in you. Stop saying, I can't do this. Stop saying that's too hard for me.
Well, I'm not as smart as that one. Well, I can't do what you do. I'm not as smart as you.
I'm not as capable. Stop saying the negative things about yourself. Stop saying, well, I'm not a good reader.
I can't read the Bible because I'm not a very good reader. I can't study because I don't know how to study. I'm just not good at that.
Stop saying that about yourself and any of the negative things you say about yourself. I can tell you about myself years and years ago. This is when I was in my twenties.
I got a job at General Index in Cherry Hill, and they actually were a manufacturer who manufactured office supplies. And I was hired as a secretary. Fine, I could handle it.
I could do it.
I'd already done that at the church. But then they started asking me, before you leave today, can you do this and can you do that? And it was getting to be harder and harder, the things they were giving me to do, because it was involving more and more math.
And all my life, I never liked math. I hated math. I loved English and French and language and history and all those wonderful things.
And math was like, ugh, do what you got to do to get your credits and move on. Well, one day, the boss asked me to come in on a Saturday. I really didn't want to do it.
I was a young mother. I had two little boys. I was so busy, but I wanted to make points with the boss, so I agreed to come in.
And he gave me this work involving inventory. Now I can count inventory. But what I want you to understand, it was more complex than that.
You not only had to say, we've got so much pieces of cardboard that went into this particular product, but you had to say how much you paid for each piece of cardboard, how much it cost to print on it, how much the metal was on it, how much the tape was that went on it, and then how much the labor. And you had to do this for all of these different things. And it was a lot of decimal points.
Nothing was just like ten cents. No, it had to be points, something, something, something. I worked for two hours.
I had a headache like you would not believe. Finally, I finished. I went in there and I put it on the boss's desk, and he picked it up and he looked at it.
He said, it's all wrong. I could have cried right there on the spot. And now you've got to remember, this is way back in the days of chauvinism.
You wouldn't say this today. He looked at me and he says, don't worry. I've never met a woman yet.
He knows what to do with a decimal point. He's trying to make me feel better. That was his way of trying to make me feel better.
But here's to his credit. To his credit, he sat me down. Now he had degree in accounting.
He sat me down and he taught me. I opened my mind up. I was astounded at how easily I was learning it.
I was learning it and I was like excited because all of a sudden I could do it. And after that, he would just go off and just leave stuff for me to do. And it got to the point he wouldn't even have to check it because I learned it.
And I thought to myself, Sharon, you are not dumb in math. You may never love it. It may never be your favorite subject, but you're not dumb in math.
You can do it. And I can do all the math I need to do to handle all the bookkeeping I do. And you know, if I want to go to the store and figure out how many yards of carpet I need, I can figure it out.
Amen. I'm not just saying Google it. I mean, figure it out.
So I had to learn, stop saying you're dumb in math because you're not. Now, if you want to be an engineer or something like that, then you're going to have to be great in math. But you see, I had to stop communicating that to myself.
And getting back to Philemon 1,6, he says that the communication of your faith may become effectual by the acknowledging of every good thing in you. Now, I want you to tell me that's in you in Christ Jesus. Put the first part of the verse back up on the screen.
I want you to look at that. And I want you to tell me what is the verb in that sentence. Which word is the verb?
Anybody want to tell me what the verb is in that sentence? Acknowledging. Acknowledging is the verb.
The communication of your faith, communication is a noun. Of your faith is a prepositional phrase, just describing the noun. But the action, what is the action in that verse?
The action is you've got to do something. The verb is an action word. What do you got to do if you want to have the effectual communication?
You've got to acknowledge. You've got to acknowledge. What are we acknowledging?
The good things that are in us. Amen. And if we will acknowledge the good things in us, then our communication will be effective.
We will have an effective testimony. Instead of sabotaging ourselves all the time, well, I don't know. I just don't see how I'm going to get through this test.
This is too hard for me. You sabotage yourself. Your test is going to get longer and harder.
You've got to acknowledge the good things in you. Remember, we always put ourselves in Christ Jesus. God has dealt to every one of us the measure of faith that we need to exercise the gifts and the talents that He's given us.
And there's always grace upon grace upon grace available to us. So that we can be effectual. And our Christian service can be effectual.
The word effectual means just what it says, effective, productive, fruitful, profitable. The Greek word is enegero. I've told you before, enegero comes straight into the English as energy.
God wants to energize. Oh, he wants to energize the good things in us. He wants to energize the gifts in us.
He wants to energize the anointing in us. But we can sabotage it if we're always going around speaking negative things about ourselves. We've got to speak the positive things.
Amen. Here's another illustration. I don't know if it's a good one, but it's the only one I could think of.
OK, so you have an automobile. We're going to make it a new fancy, expensive automobile. It could even be a V8.
It's got all the bells and all the whistles. It's got everything. It's got a full tank of gas.
And it's sitting in your driveway. And it will sit there. That engine will be a cold hunk of steel in your driveway.
And even though it possesses extraordinary power, it could go 100 miles per hour, maybe higher. Even so, nothing but nothing is going to happen till somebody puts the key in the ignition in terms that are now pushes the button. It will sit there forever until someone activates the power with the key in the ignition.
And then that will spark the engine. And then you can get going. And in the same way God has placed in every one of us power, power to be effective, we read it, he gives us wisdom, righteousness, sanctification, redemption.
Amen. We got a sound mind, we got a spirit of power. All of this is so we can energize our gifts and then bring glory to God.
But without the key to put in the ignition, we'll never go anywhere in God. We'll stall out, we'll stall out, we'll stall out. We've got to have the right key to unlock the power.
And we got to use it. So what is the key? Anybody want to know what the key is?
How are we going to turn it on? What is the key that's going to turn it on? By the acknowledging of every good thing in you.
The word acknowledge, let me give you the Greek word, because it's two words, epinosis. You've heard of gnosis because you've heard, preached through the years, gnosis means knowledge. How many know gnosis means knowledge?
You've heard of Gnostics. They think they got superior knowledge. Okay, you've got the ordinary word knowledge, but then you turn around and you put epi on it, E-P-I.
And it's a preposition. It means upon. So you put upon knowledge.
What does that mean? When you put that on there, it intensifies it. It means you not only have knowledge, but you have full understanding.
You completely know and understand. It's someone who is sure of their information. And certain of their facts.
And they don't hesitate to communicate what they know about this particular subject, because they know this subject. How many know if you know that you're fully schooled on a subject, you're not afraid to speak about it? Now if they ask you about something you don't know anything about, you'll sit there with your lips zipped.
But when you were in school, and the teacher asked a question that you knew that you do, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh. Amen? And when they got on other things, you're looking down in the floor, see if you drop something.
How many can see we can take all of these things and bring it in the spirit? So we have the acknowledging, we are fully aware of who we are in Christ and who He is in us. We are fully persuaded of it.
You cannot talk me out of it. I said, you will not talk me out of it. Now tell the devil, you will not talk me out of it.
I know who I am in Christ and who He is in me. You're not going to heap doubt on me. I'm going to stop self-doubting.
I'm not going to do the devil's work for him. Amen? I know who I am in Christ.
I'm an expert in this knowledge. I know who it is. Amen?
And that's how I turn that key. I turn that key by speaking, confessing, boldly declaring who I am in Christ and who He is in me. And it gives me unshakable confidence.
Even when the devil comes and I got pain in my body, I'm feeling bad, I'm really down, and you know, the coward that he is, that's when he comes. He always waits till you're in pain or this is happening. That's when he jumps on you.
And it's easy then to give in to those feelings. But oh, no, no, no, that's when you've got to turn the key in the ignition. Amen?
Knowing, possessing is not enough. You got to turn the key. Amen.
So how do we turn it on? Well, it's pretty common to see what we would do. We speak it out.
We declare the good things that God has put in us. Amen. That means speaking sometimes out loud to yourself.
How many ever do that? Let me tell you something that's a good idea.
And I do it.
I not only will speak out loud, because I do that a lot.
I talk a lot.
I'll go so far as to say this. The person who speaks to me the most in my entire life, the person who would come in first place for speaking to me the most, would be my husband Benny. Because in the morning we talk, when we're having coffee, he goes to work, he comes home, we talk, we eat dinner, we talk.
All evening long, we talk. We talk all the time. The number two person who speaks to me after Benny more than anybody, is Sharon.
I talk to Sharon all the time. And I not only say, you need to stop doing that. I'm not going to do that anymore.
No, that's not right. Okay, but if I do this, you know what I even do? I'll say, Sharon, I will use my name.
Sharon, you need to stop it. I've even said this. Sharon, you're getting on my last nerve.
I don't know, by saying Sharon, it's like I'm talking to you, or you, or you. I like I would talk to a friend. So I'm going to talk to myself, like I would be talking to somebody else, instead of just saying, oh, you're mumble, mumble, mumble, mumble.
Sharon, stop it right now. You know the Lord's going to work it out. You know that this is going to pass.
I do it all the time. I think you should do that. That's how you acknowledge.
That's how you turn the key in the ignition. Amen. We've got this treasure in our earthen vessel.
It's the excellent power of God. 2 Corinthians 4, 7. We have the treasure in our earthen vessel.
The excellent power of God is of him and not of us. And we release it by speaking out loud and using that key. Most of the time, the key is going to be a specific scripture or scriptures that pertain to your problem at the time.
The specific scripture, that's why you've got to be in the word. In fact, the Holy Spirit will bring it up in your spirit. Then you speak it out, and that's how you turn the key in the ignition.
Amen. It turns it on and you open your mouth. There's a very powerful verse, Hebrews 4.2.
And Hebrews 4.2 is talking about the saints that were out there in the wilderness for the 40 years. And listen to what it says in 4.2. For unto us was the gospel preached as well as unto them.
Don't ever forget that. It says that the gospel was preached to the wilderness saints. But look what happened.
But the word preach did not profit them not being mixed with faith in them that heard it. I think that's remarkable information that they heard the same gospel ahead of time. But they did not believe it.
It didn't profit them because they did not mix it with faith. There's nothing wrong with the gospel. The problem was they didn't mix it with faith.
So how do you mix the word with faith? What is the mixer? Everybody stick out your tongue.
That's the mixer. That's how you mix your faith with the word of God. You speak it.
You speak it. And faith comes by hearing the word of God. Last verse, 2 Corinthians 4.13.
I believed, therefore I have spoken. I believed, therefore I have spoken. It's possible to speak the word of God without faith.
You can speak the word of God and have no faith. Just blah, blah, blah, blah, blah. But it's impossible to have faith and not speak the word of God.
Amen. When you've got faith, you're going to open your mouth and you're going to speak it. Amen.
And when you stop saying negative things about yourself and you start saying what God's word says about yourself, you're going to have an exciting communication to share with others. Amen. It's going to be credible.
It's going to be powerful. It's going to be effectual in Jesus' name. Amen.
Amen, what a bondage-breaking word of the Lord, Defeating Self Doubt. I have observed that the primary tactic Satan uses to snare Christians, especially those in ministry, is pride. I mean, after all, it's what caused him to fall.
But on the extreme opposite are Christians who struggle with their worthiness in Christ and in life in general. They are handicapped by self doubt that holds them back from being what God designed them to and steals their joy in Christ. They have not learned how to acknowledge every good thing that is in them in Christ, as Paul wrote to Philemon.
Knowing who we are and what our value is in God's mind is vital to be able to stand when we face satanic attacks against our minds and emotions. Defeating self doubt is a word that will lift the clouds of doubt, worthlessness and despair, open one's eyes to our value and worth in Christ, accepted in the Beloved. It can be ordered on CD for a love gift to the radio ministry of $10 or more.
Request offer SK222. Please consider an extra love gift to help with rising postage costs. Mail to soundoffaithpobox1744BALTAMORMARILAND21203 or go online to our e-store on where it is available on MP3s.
But to order by mail, send your minimum love gift of $10 to PO. Box 1744BALTAMORMARILAND21203 and request SK222. Till next time, this is Sharon Knotts singing Maranatha.
Are you building walls or bridges? Discover how being determined to trust in God's justice can build a bridge between you and God, rather than a wall.
This program is made possible by the partners of Joyce Meyer Ministries.
Most of our depth in God comes through the pain that we go through. But it is a choice. And you have to be determined when things happen that you don't understand, to not let it become a wall between you and God.
I'm Joyce Meyer. I've seen God's power transform my own life. And He will do it for you.
Thank you for joining me today on Enjoying Everyday Life. I believe you're going to really enjoy the program today. I want to talk about, are you building walls or bridges?
Do you have questions about your life? Why was I abused? Why do I look the way I look?
Why wasn't I born into a family with more money or better social standing? Why, why, why? Why did my loved one die?
What about birth defects? What about children with cancer? Do you know, the whys of life can build a wall between you and God if you're not wise to Satan's deception?
God is good, period, end of the conversation. And there is no injustice in God. When I study the character of God or I teach on the character of God, my favorite aspect of God's character is that he is just.
And what that means is that he always makes wrong things right. In the world, there's a lot of injustice. Life is not fair.
But God will always make things that are wrong right in your life. If, there's always that if, isn't it? If we trust him, keep a good attitude.
We need to be people of integrity. You know, a lot of people today don't even know what that word means. You could go out and do what they call a man on the street interview, and we've done that.
And it's amazing how many people today don't even know what that word means. And integrity just means you're honest. You do what you say you're going to do.
How hard is it to find people today that actually do what they say they're going to do? God is good. There's no injustice in him.
He's perfect. But we do live in an imperfect world, with imperfect people, in a world where the sin principle has been at work for generations and generations and generations. Satan is at work.
For many, tragedy becomes a bridge to God. It's kind of interesting. It seems like unbelievers, many times when they have a tragedy, it will drive them to God.
But believers, it seems like many times when they have a tragedy, it separates them from God. Which is kind of an interesting thought, you know. I guess believers think that everything should turn out good for them because they're believers.
But that's not always the case. We go through things that are unfair. Things happen that we don't understand.
But we need to be careful about what I call why God, why. Now, you can ask God all the questions you want to, but generally you're not going to get the answer that you want. And probably to tell you the truth, a lot of times when we ask God why, we'd really rather He not tell us.
Because we might not like it if He did. And this is my personal opinion. I'm not saying that it's wrong to ask God why.
But I think instead of hearing why God, He'd much rather hear, I trust you, Lord. And we'll say that again. Instead of hearing why God, I think He'd much rather hear, I trust you.
There's a pastor that I know in El Paso, Texas, whose beautiful little wife died of cancer. And of course, him and all the church were praying for her. And she died.
And he said the first thing he said to God was, I'll never ask you why. And I don't know about you, but to me, that's, that's proving that your faith is deeply rooted in God. I mean, when you really get right down to it, but God does not have to explain himself to us.
He wants to hear, I trust you. I don't understand it. It hurts.
It seems unfair, but I know you're good. I know the devil's bad. But I trust you to take this and work it out for my good.
I lean on that scripture so much because I believe that with all my heart. I've seen that in my life, the sexual abuse that I went through from my dad and my mom knowing it, but not doing anything about it. Mary, the first guy that came along when I was 18, that was five more years of injustice and him cheating on me.
And, you know, uncles that tried to abuse me, a grandfather that tried to abuse me, a boss that I worked for that tried to abuse me. And, you know, I really got to the point where I thought, I will never, ever trust a man, ever. Well, I had to get over that.
What we do when we've been hurt many times is we feel like we're owed something. And really, the truth is, you are. But we always try to collect from people that can't pay us.
See, for a long time, I tried to collect from Dave for what my dad did to me. You say, well, what do you mean by that? Well, I wanted him to make me feel good about myself.
I wanted him to give me security and make all those feelings, those bad feelings I had go away. But there's a scripture in Matthew 18, where the man was trying to collect a debt. And I love what the Bible says.
It says, and he could not pay. And you know how God is with the scriptures. Sometimes it just jumps off the page at you and comes alive.
And I was reading that one day, and that he could not pay. It was just like, and I realized my dad couldn't pay me back for what he took away from me. How could he give me back my innocence?
He stole my childhood. He couldn't give that back to me. Dave couldn't give it back to me.
There's only one person that could give it back to me, and that was God. And that's why it's foolish to try to collect from people, even the people who hurt you. That's why it's silly to say, I'm going to think I'm going to get you back.
Well, no, you really won't. You'll just hurt yourself more and more and more. And I know I harp on this thing about forgiveness a lot, but I don't really intend to shut up because there are so many, there's so many angry Christians.
It is probably the single biggest problem that we have in the church. Satan gains more ground in the life of believers to unforgiveness than to any other thing. And we say, but it's so hard.
Well, yes and no, you know. I mean, Jesus forgave us. On the cross, he said, Father, forgive them, for they know not what they do.
You say, yeah, but that was Jesus. Well, Stephen said the same thing, and he wasn't Jesus. He said, Father, forgive them, for they know not what they do.
You know, my dad knew that what he was doing was wrong, but I honestly don't think that he understood how bad it was going to hurt me. And he actually, when he got around to apologizing to me, which was not until he was 80, he told me that he said, I had no idea that what I was doing to you would hurt you that bad. There was no talk about sexual abuse then.
There were no television programs where people were sharing what people had done to them. And he came from that background himself. And so what good was it going to do me to hate him?
A statement that God gave me that has helped me over the years is hurting people hurt people. And if you can believe that when somebody hurts you, that they hurt you because they're hurting. And that doesn't excuse it.
That doesn't excuse what my father did. He was responsible. He knew it was wrong.
But I do think a lot of times when people hurt us, they don't really realize how bad they're hurting us or how deep those wounds may go. And so it's useless to spend your life, or I should say waste your life, trying to collect from somebody who really can't pay you back. You know, how could he give me my childhood back?
He couldn't, he couldn't do that. Trust requires unanswered questions.
See, if you're gonna trust God, you have to not know something, not understand something, but trust him anyway. So you're always gonna have some unanswered questions, and my advice to you is stop trying to figure so many things out. I was a person, I say, that was addicted to reasoning.
Well, how can you be addicted to reasoning? Well, when I was having a problem, I could not settle down until I thought I had it figured out. Which was interesting because you can think you have something figured out and still not know what you're doing.
We used to have these, I don't think they have them now, maybe they do, these little mail slots for each person that worked here.
And every once in a while, I'd send somebody a message and they wouldn't respond. And I would say, well, why didn't you respond? They'd say, well, I didn't get it.
And I would find out that I put it in the wrong slot. And that's why God told me, he said, you think you've got so many things figured out, but you got a lot of stuff in the wrong slot.
And only God really knows, and we need to trust him, that if we need to know, if you need to know, he will tell you. And someday you will know. The Bible says that when we get to heaven, we will know then even as we are known.
So you will know at some point, but it may not be when you want to know. So even now, I look back at my life, and there's so many things that I understand now that I didn't understand then. And I heard the statement, I love it, we live life forward, but we understand it backwards.
How many of you can look back at some of the things that happened in your life, and maybe even something you thought was so terrible, and now you realize it was the very thing that brought you closer to God?
Most of our depth in God comes through the pain that we go through. But it is a choice. And you have to be determined when things happen that you don't understand to not let it become a wall between you and God, but let it become a bridge that leads you to Him.
And especially people that don't have a personal relationship with Christ. If you've had a tragedy in your life, don't get into that, well, I don't believe there's a God. If there was really a God, then this wouldn't have happened.
If God is good, then this wouldn't have happened. God never promised us a trouble-free life. He just promised to always be with us in everything.
And I don't know where we ever got the idea that we should be the special group that never has any problems. All through the Bible, people had problems. Couple of days ago, we talked about Joseph.
Look at all the unfair things that happened to him. And yet, he trusted God, and God gave him favor. And everywhere he went, he was promoted.
It's the same thing with the life of Daniel. If you read about him, I think he outlasted about five kings. He was thrown into the lion's den, and his friends were thrown into the fiery furnace.
But they always trusted God. And I love what it says about his friends, Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego. They said, we will not bow down to you.
And if God can deliver us from this, he will. And he didn't mean that he wasn't able, but if it was his will to deliver them, he would. And if not, we're still not bowing down to you.
See, that's the attitude we need to have. Even if I have to suffer to do the right thing, I'm not going to bow down to you. You remember when Jesus was being tempted in the wilderness, the devil said, if you'll bow down to me just once.
Just once. But see, the devil will tell you, well, it's just once. I mean, that can't hurt anything, just once.
That just once lie, boy, you got to watch out for that. He said, if you will bow down to me just once, I'll give you all these kingdoms and their preeminence and their glory. And I realized something recently by looking at that scripture.
You know, the devil can bless you.
So see, we can't, we can't always assume, well, this person must be doing what's right because look at how blessed they are. You know, there's all kinds of ungodly people in the world that are blessed a lot more. Than people that are godly and that makes us mad.
We don't understand that. But I don't care how much money you have or how many things you have. You have nothing if you don't have righteousness, peace and joy.
In the Holy Ghost. Romans 14 17 says, the kingdom of God is not meat and drink. It's not stuff.
It's knowing who you are in Christ. Peace and joy. Those are the most valuable things to have.
So don't bow down to the devil in any way, shape or form because you think it's going to get you something. Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego went into the fiery furnace and they turned it up seven times hotter than it normally was. But I love the end of the story.
Don't you like the end of the stories? And when they came out, it says they didn't even smell like smoke. I love that.
I went through a lot in my life, but I don't even smell like smoke. In other words, who would think from looking at my life now, the things that I went through? But that's what makes it even all the better, that I went through all that stuff and God turned it all around for good and is using it to bless a lot of people.
Proverbs 20, 24, man's steps are ordered by the Lord. How then can a man understand his way? Why do we even try to figure out our way?
You know, when I was so addicted to reasoning, I just could not settle down until I thought I had things figured out. And God had to work with me a long time to get me to give that up, because all it does is torment you. Exodus 13 and 17 says, When Pharaoh let the people go, God led them not by way of the land of the Philistines, although that was nearer.
For God said, Lest the people change their purpose when they see war and return to Egypt. So, he led them the long hard way, because they really were not ready for the promised land yet. Now, maybe you have a promise from God, something that he's told you, that he's going to do for you.
And don't get mad at me when I tell you this, but maybe you're just not ready for it yet. You didn't like that much, did you? See, we always think we're ready.
But when we are ready, it will come to pass.
You just say, God, I trust your ways and I trust your timing. My times are in the hands of the Lord. But boy, we don't like that weighting stuff.
We want it now. You know, when we don't like things about ourself, by whose standard are we measuring ourself? Who says how tall is too tall or how short is too short?
You know, God has a plan for your life, and he farmed you in your mother's womb carefully and intricately with his own hand. Those are some of the adjectives used in the Amplified Bible. Carefully and intricately.
You are not a mistake. You're not put together wrong. God has a purpose for everything he does, and the worst thing that you can do is not like yourself.
isaiah 45, 9, Woe to him who strives with his maker, a worthless piece of broken pottery, among other pieces equally worthless, and yet presuming to strive with his maker, shall the clay say to him who fashioned it, What do you think you're making? Or your work has no handles? And Romans 9, 20 and 21 says, But who are you, a mere man, to criticize and contradict and answer back to God?
Well what does farm say to him that farmed it? Why have you made me this way? Has the potter no right over the clay to make out of the same mass lump one vessel for beauty and distinction, and honorable use, and another for menial or ignoble or dishonorable use?
I mean, so what if one person's a CEO of the company I mean, another is a janitor. Why should we crab and complain? All we're responsible for is to do the part that God gives us.
And to do it with a good attitude and a thankful attitude. Because you know what? And I think we don't think about this enough.
The amount of time that we're here is so short, compared to eternity. And we really need to be more eternity minded. We really need to think more about that.
I'm going to live forever and ever and ever and ever. And so really when you get right down to it, why should we care so much what happens to us in these 70 or 80 or 90 or even if you live to be 100, which very few people do? It's nothing compared to eternity.
And I always say we need to spend here getting ready for there. Not acting like here is all there is. And you know, nobody likes to hurt.
We don't want to hurt. We don't want to have pain. We don't want to have losses in our life.
But is it really going to make us feel any better if we know why?
Romans 11, 33 and 34 says, Oh, the depth of the riches and the wisdom and the knowledge of God, how unfathomable, inscrutable, unsearchable are his judgments, his decisions, and how untraceable, mysterious, undiscoverable are his ways, his methods and his paths are past finding out. We need to believe with all of our heart that God is a God of justice, Jeremiah 9.24 says, I am the Lord who practices loving kindness, judgment, and righteousness in the earth, for in these things I delight, says the Lord. And in Zephaniah 3.5 it says, the Lord in the midst of her is uncompromisingly righteous, he will not do iniquity, every morning he brings his justice to light, he fails not, but the unjust person knows no shame.
Men fail, but God never fails. Now, blaming God for anything that you think is bad in your life is the absolute worst thing that you can do. Don't ever blame God.
Always say, God, I know you're good, I don't know why this happened, it hurts, it feels unfair, but you are good. You know, in talking to God about the abuse in my childhood, he did give me a partial answer. You know, parents have authority over a child until they become of age and can make their own decisions.
So many times, the things that happen to us in our life that are painful, they are the result of somebody else's bad choice that you got in the way of. And see, we forget sometimes that free choice carries with it a lot of responsibility. And so my parents made choices that not only hurt them, but hurt me.
However, and this is the big thing, when I became of age and got away from their authority, I was free to start making my own choices. And listen, every good choice you make overrides one of the bad choices that somebody else made that hurt you. Can I say that again?
Every good choice that you make overrides one of the bad choices that either you made or somebody else made that hurt you. So no more blaming God. Build bridges, not walls.
God is good, and we don't have to know why.
So sometimes what we think will bring us happiness still doesn't do it for us. We try everything. Look out for number one.
But life still feels empty.
Well, you know, we typically look at our circumstances and try to change them in order for me to be happy. I know this because I thought this way for years. I was always on my mind.
I would constantly think, what about me? What about me? I had no idea that the root of my unhappiness was something I could actually change.
I was getting in my own way and missing the blessings that God has for me. You see, selfishness steals our joy. But God has such a better way for us to live.
I firmly believe that people need to realize that there is great power in an unselfish life. That's why I've written, What About Me? Inside, I share why it's important to get out of that me mindset and how to change your perspective in a way that will benefit you and others.
Request What About Me today and take important steps to living an unselfish life. It is available to you right now for your gift of any amount. Call us today at 1-800-727-9673 or visit us online at
I have absolutely no doubt that what I share in this book will change your life, just like it completely changed mine. You can get out of your own way, walk in love, and live unselfishly.
Request your copy of What About Me today. And if you would like to go even deeper with Joyce by declaring war on selfishness, consider giving a gift of $45 or more, and you'll receive Joyce's What About Me Study Guide in addition to the book. This in-depth study is a great addition alongside the book to ensure you master content with confidence.
And remember, you'll not only receive Joyce's book, What About Me, but your gift today allows us to share the love of Christ around the world through our hand of hope outreaches. What About Me is available to you now for your gift of any amount, or go the extra step to receive the What About Me Study Guide too for $45 or more. It is a great opportunity for a book study with family or friends, and it's yours today.
So give us a call at 1-800-727-9673, or visit us online at
If enough of us become unselfish followers of Jesus, we can change the world.
As believers, we can get confused, even frustrated, trying to discover what God wants us to do with our lives. But it doesn't have to be that way. Joyce Meyer wants to help walk you through the process of finding God's will for your life.
Learn to hear God's voice in the big decisions and the day to day. You can live with confidence, one step of faith at a time. Finding God's will for your life.
Order your copy today.
Hey, friends, fun things are happening with Joyce's Talking Out Podcast, and we are ridiculously excited to tell you about it.
We love you so much, and the waiting for a new episode, it's just too hard.
It's too much, so we had a brilliant idea.
Let's get together more often.
Join us along with Joyce and our guests for a new episode every week.
We have a spot saved on the pink couch just for you every Tuesday starting September 3rd.
We hope you enjoyed today's program. We are so grateful to our Joyce Meyer Ministries partners who make this and all we do possible, including sharing God's Word and offering help to people in need all over the world. This program has been made possible by the partners of Joyce Meyer Ministries.
Do you try to fix your own problems? Today, discover how determination plays a vital role in overcoming anxiety and trusting God to fix what you cannot.
This program is made possible by the partners of Joyce Meyer Ministries.
God is not just trying to make it hard on us. He wants to set us free. And you can't run away from the hard things.
If you run away from the hard things, then you always, they're always there chasing you. I'm Joyce Meyer. I've seen God's power transform my own life, and He will do it for you.
Well, thank you so much for joining me today on Enjoying Everyday Life. I hope that you enjoy the teaching, and not only that you enjoy it, but that it makes a real positive difference in your life. I'm talking about determination.
We started yesterday talking about being determined to keep a good attitude no matter what's going on in your life. Today we want to talk about being determined to not be anxious and upset every time you have a problem. because you can't solve your problems anyway, only God can.
So believe it or not, it's perfectly okay for you to give your problem to God and then go ahead and enjoy your life while he solves it. I think I might need to say that again. because you know, we kind of automatically think that if we have a problem, we should be miserable the whole time we have the problem.
Or if you've got a kid that's not doing well in school or whatever. But you don't have to be miserable if you really believe that God is working on it and that he's going to solve it. Then why not go ahead and be happy because the joy of the Lord is your strength.
And we're in the business of making the devil mad. And he does not like it if you're happy. So the happier you are, the madder you make him.
A couple of scriptures that use the word determination. And when I say determination, I want to repeat what I said yesterday. That doesn't mean just self will.
We can't do anything apart from God. But it does mean that whatever the word tells us to do, or whatever God asks us to do, we do need to be determined if we're going to do it because the enemy will work overtime trying to make sure that we don't. And so God wants us to be peaceful.
jesus said in John 14, 27, my peace I leave with you. Not as the world gives do I give unto you, but my own special peace I give and bequeath unto you. So stop allowing yourselves to be upset and disturbed.
And stop allowing yourselves to be fearful and intimidated. So God's done his part, I've given you peace. Now your part, you stop allowing yourself to get upset.
How many of you can feel upset coming from down in here somewhere? Well, the key is to stop it before it gets to your mouth. because once it gets there, then you only start magnifying the problem by then you have more to repent for.
1 Peter 5, 8, and 9 says be well-balanced, temperate, which means discipline, sober of mind, be vigilant and cautious at all times, for that enemy of yours, the devil, roams around like a lion roaring in fierce hunger, seeking someone to seize upon and devour. Withstand him, be firm in faith against his onset, rooted, established, strong, immovable and determined. Knowing that the same identical sufferings are appointed to your brotherhood, the whole body of Christians throughout the world.
And Paul said in Philippians 3, my determined purpose is to know him and the power of his resurrection that lifts me out from among the body, what lifts me out from among the problems while I'm still in the body. You can be lifted above your problems into a place where God is, even though you have problems. And Paul said, I'm determined to know him in such a way that I'll be able to do that.
It seems that some people are always anxious and upset about something. You know, that can become a habit. You can make problems out of things that really don't even have to be problems.
I think some people call it making mountains out of molehills. And it's amazing to me now, after 45 years of studying the word and walking with God, the things that I don't get upset about that I would have gotten very upset about when I was more of a immature baby Christian. And we all go through those stages, but the point is, is if you've been saved 50 years and you're still in that first stage, then there's a problem with that.
God is not upset with us if we haven't arrived, but he does expect us to always be growing and making progress. So we should be able to look at our lives and see some difference every year. Some area where you're making progress.
We must learn to live the deeper life rather than a surface life. If you think about a body of water, if there's a storm, on the top of that water, it'll be rough and waves. But if you could go down deep, it would be just as still as it could be.
And see, that's the way that God wants us to be, because really we are a spirit which is deep. We have a soul, next layer, and we live in a body. So it's our soul that gets upset, our mind, our will, and our emotions.
And a lot of why we get upset is based on how we think, how we think about a situation. Do you really believe that all things work together for good to those who love God and are called according to his purpose? See, I really do believe that because I've had enough experience with God now that I've seen it happen over and over and over.
And I've also learned to say, this won't last forever. See, the enemy, he talks to us like, well, I can't stand this because we think it's going to last forever. But you know something, you can do anything if you do it one day at a time.
I want to make sure that our viewing audience gets that. Whatever it is you're going through, if you take it one day at a time, God, just give me the strength I need for today. And don't let the devil tell you it's going to last forever because think of all the other things that you thought were going to last forever, that God took care of and you don't have them anymore.
You know, we worry about all that stuff and we get upset and what we should do is P-R-A-Y, who can spell? Pray. Our first response to every problem should be to pray.
And when I say pray, don't think of it like, oh, I've got to get somewhere in this certain place and I've got to get in this certain posture and I have to have enough time to pray for a long time. No, we need to learn that we can pray about anything, anytime, anywhere. You can pray out loud or you can pray silently, depending on where you're at.
So, we have to learn that the world is not going to change. If anything, it's going to get worse. And I spent a lot of time praying for God to change my circumstances.
And he really didn't. So I finally figured out he wants me to change. It's not my circumstance.
Oh, you know, maybe one circumstance would go away, but then another one would come right behind it. How many of you have something going on in your life on a pretty semi-regular basis? Okay.
We all do. You know, I mean, I could tell you just in the last week, things that have happened to me and, you know, I'm here today doing what I'm supposed to be doing. And, you know, when we're having problems, we should not withdraw and isolate and stop keeping our commitments and just stay home and feel sorry for ourselves.
Activity, the Bible says be alert and active. And we should be actively continuing to do what God wants us to do. Keep your commitments.
If you've committed to do something, if at all possible, go ahead and do that thing. I love these scriptures in Luke 5, 1 through 8. I use them often and they really have taught me a lot.
Now, it occurred that while the people pressed upon jesus to hear the message of God, he was standing by the lake of Gennesaret, the Sea of Galilee, and he saw two boats drawn up by the lake, but the fishermen had gone down from them and were washing their nets. And getting into one of the boats, the one that belonged to Simon Peter, he asked him to draw away a little bit from the shore, and then he sat down and he continued to teach the crowd of people from the boat. I don't know if you know it or not, but when you talk across water, it amplifies your voice.
He didn't have microphones, but that was why he asked him to draw away a little from the shore. When he had stopped speaking, he said to Peter, put out into the deep water and lower your nets for a haul. Now listen to what Peter said.
Master, we toiled all night exhaustingly, and we caught nothing in our nets. Now, let's think about how they felt. No sleep, been up all night, fishing all night, catching nothing.
How many of you know if you're fishing, so to speak, in life? Or let's just say that you've been doing the right thing for a long time and you still haven't had a breakthrough. It gets kind of hard, doesn't it?
You need a refreshing. You need a little bit of encouragement. But you know, the Bible says that God will never allow more to come on us than what we can bear.
But with every temptation, He always also provides the way out. And He does. So Peter told jesus how he felt.
He said, look, we're tired. We are exhausted. And these nets were not easy to wash and get all cleaned up and put away.
He said, we didn't catch anything. But on the ground of your word, I will lower the nets again. I love that.
So what's he saying? I don't think this is going to work. I don't feel like doing it.
And I don't want to do it. That's his soul. But because you said to, I will do it.
Now what do you think would happen in our world if everybody who calls themselves a Christian would just start to read the book, the Bible, and just do what it says?
I mean, and that's really what it comes down to. Everything that the Bible says is for us. Even the things that are hard to do.
God is not just trying to make it hard on us. He wants to set us free. And you can't run away from the hard things.
If you run away from the hard things, then you always, they're always there chasing you. Anything you run from is always chasing you. But if you turn and confront it, then you can win over it.
You can master it. You can't get rid of fear by running away from it. You have to confront it.
That's the only way you can get rid of it. And so, sure enough, they did what he said. When he had done this, they caught a great number of fish, so many that their nets were at the point of breaking.
When jesus said a hall, he meant a hall. How many of you are ready for a hall of blessings in your life? Amen.
And I love this part. So they signaled to their partners in the other boats to come and take hold with them, and they came and filled both the boats so that they began to sink. What I love about that is, if we do what God tells us to do, not only will we have more than what we need, we will have so much that we will be able to bless all the other people around us.
And I love that. We should not just want blessings for ourselves, but we should want to be able to bless other people because that's where the real joy comes in your life, is being able to bless other people. So when Simon Peter saw this, he fell down at jesus' knees saying, depart from me for I'm a sinful man.
So we need to learn to act on what we know, not what we feel, or what we think. So the next time that you're really upset, and sure enough, you just got yourself more upset by just talking about it for an hour, and now you're really in a mess and you've got a decision to make and you're all emotional, well, trying to make that decision based on those emotions is the wrong, wrong, wrong, wrong, wrong, wrong thing to do because your emotions will lie to you. You say, well, what should I do?
Go get somewhere where it's quiet, take a few deep breaths, and try to calm down and just see what's in your heart. And you know what? You'll find out that you do believe that jesus will deliver you.
If you've been around the Word very long, you do believe that. In your spirit, you know that, because he fills our spirit full of good things, but that's why our mind has to be renewed. The Bible says in Romans 12 that unless we renew our mind according to the Word of God, we will never really experience the good plan that God has for our lives.
So isn't that interesting that God's got a good plan for our lives? But just our, just wrong thinking can keep us from ever actually experiencing that plan. I remember all the years that I had no idea that my thinking or my words made any difference at all in my life.
I wasn't being taught that in the church that I was going to. I was just being taught doctrinal things, which is important. But we need to learn how to live.
We need to learn about our soul, and it's our mind, our will, and our emotions, and how we need to learn to keep that area calm so God can actually have his way in our lives. We need to act on what we know, not what we think or feel. And you know a lot more than you think you do.
You just let your soul take over. That's why we need to learn how to live deeper. The deeper life manifests itself in the fruit of stability.
The more spiritually mature you are, the more stable you will be. The Bible says, for example, be rooted deep in love, in the love of jesus. You don't just, jesus loves me on the good days.
How many of you have ever said when you've been having problems, well jesus, don't you love me, or I don't feel like you love me?
I've said that when I was a younger Christian. Well, don't you love me? I feel like you don't love me.
I would never say that now. No matter what happened to me, I would never say that. You know why?
because I know, I don't just know, it's not just information, it's revelation. And that's what happens when something becomes revelation to you. Nobody, no devil in hell, can take it away from you.
And so, he said, you need to be rooted deep in love, so nobody can take it away from you. Ephesians 3, 17 and 18, may Christ through your faith actually dwell, settle down, abide, and make his permanent home in your hearts. You know, I think about that sometimes, and I think, I really want to just think about it more, that God lives in us.
I mean, even though I say it, it's like, really? I mean, we're the home of God. God lives in us.
We're full of the Holy Spirit. And the bottom line is, you've got what it takes to face any situation that comes along. You just have to remember who you are in Christ, and not listen to the lies of the devil.
Oh, he's such a liar. And he wants us to believe his lies, so we'll be deceived, and think that God doesn't love us, and he's not going to come through for us, and this is, you know, never going to end, and it's not going to work out good, and my life is terrible. May Christ, through your faith, dwell, settle down, abide, make his home in your hearts.
Has to be through your faith, because you don't always feel that way. May you be rooted deep in love, and founded securely on love. You see, how can you put your faith in God when you're having problems, if you don't know that you know that you know that he loves you?
And he loves you with a perfect love. And I'm going to tell you something today that we really need to realize. No matter how much more you improve in behavior, God is never going to love you any more than he does right now today.
You say, well, then why should I keep trying to improve? because you love him. You're not trying to buy God's love by having better behavior.
He loved you while you were still yet in sin and sent his son to die for you. He has a perfect love for us. We can't buy his love with our good behavior, but if you have something in your life that needs to change, trying, say patience, for example, trying to be patient, it ain't gonna work.
You ever try so hard to change and the more you tried, the worse you acted? Man, I've had that, but you know what the Apostle Paul did, too? He said, the thing I wanna do, I can't do, and the thing I don't wanna do, that's what I always end up doing.
I said, well, Paul, I relate to that. And then toward the end of chapter seven in Romans, he said, who will deliver me from this body of death? And then it says, oh!
Exclamation mark. Thank God, he will! Exclamation mark.
Who's gonna deliver us? He will. So the thing to do is to fall more and more and more in love with jesus.
And so, if you're gonna work on something, work on your love relationship with jesus, tell him a hundred times a day how much you love him. because jesus said, if you love me, you will obey me. So, I believe that the degree of our obedience lines up perfectly with the degree of our love for God.
The more you love him, the more you're going to want to do everything he wants you to do, and the more you're gonna not want to displease him. Be founded securely on love, that you may have the power and be strong to apprehend and grasp with all the saints, God's devoted people, the experience of that love. Do you know that we actually should experience God's love?
And in 1 John 4 it says that we should be conscious and aware of God's love. And that actually was, that scripture was very life changing for me because if you pay attention, you'll catch God loving you. I call them winks from God.
Little things that he does for you that maybe would only mean something to you, but you know it's God showing you that he loves you. And I've also discovered, I believe very much, that God loves us through other people. because God wants to work through us to edify and encourage and build other people up.
You want a ministry? Be an encourager. People need to be encouraged.
It's amazing sometimes when I'll, you know, give somebody a compliment and they say, you made my day. That's pretty amazing when you have the power to make somebody's day just by giving them a compliment. So start watching for God's love in your life.
And you might even keep a journal and just write down all the little things that God does for you that really, to be honest, nothing God does is little. Everything he does is big. And then it goes on to say that who can ever separate us, Romans 8.35, from Christ's love?
Shall suffering and affliction and tribulation or calamity and distress or persecution or hunger or destitution or peril or sword? Then it goes on to say, but we are more than conquerors. Through Christ, who loves us?
What does it mean to be more than a conqueror? I think it means that you already know you have the victory before you even get the problem. So therefore, you don't have to be afraid of trouble.
I can remember when I used to get the first hints of trouble, I'd be like, oh no. I was afraid of trouble. Oh no, not again.
But see, now, I know I don't like to go through them, but I know that I will have the victory, and so therefore, I am more than a conqueror. I don't even have to wait to see what I'm gonna conquer. And you don't have to either, because you are more than a conqueror.
Thank you for being with us today. We really do love you, and I pray that you will have a great rest of the day.
So, sometimes what we think will bring us happiness still doesn't do it for us. We try everything, look out for number one, but life still feels empty.
Well, you know, we typically look at our circumstances and try to change them in order for me to be happy. I know this because I thought this way for years. I was always on my mind, I would constantly think, what about me?
What about me? I had no idea that the root of my unhappiness was something I could actually change. I was getting in my own way and missing the blessings that God has for me.
You see, selfishness steals our joy, but God has such a better way for us to live. I firmly believe that people need to realize that there is great power in an unselfish life. That's why I've written, What About Me?
Inside I share why it's important to get out of that me mindset and how to change your perspective in a way that will benefit you and others.
Request What About Me today and take important steps to living an unselfish life. It is available to you right now for your gift of any amount. Call us today at 1-800-727-9673 or visit us online at
I have absolutely no doubt that what I share in this book will change your life. just like it completely changed mine. You can get out of your own way, walk in love, and live unselfishly.
Request your copy of What About Me Today. And if you would like to go even deeper with Joyce by declaring war on selfishness, consider giving a gift of $45 or more, and you'll receive Joyce's What About Me Study Guide in addition to the book. This in-depth study is a great addition alongside the book to ensure you master content with confidence.
And remember, you'll not only receive Joyce's book What About Me, but your gift today allows us to share the love of Christ around the world through our hand of hope outreaches. What About Me is available to you now for your gift of any amount. Or go the extra step to receive the What About Me Study Guide too for $45 or more.
It is a great opportunity for a book study with family or friends, and it's yours today. So give us a call at 1-800-727-9673, or visit us online at
If enough of us become unselfish followers of jesus, we can change the world.
Hey, friends, fun things are happening with Joyce's Talking Out Podcast, and we are ridiculously excited to tell you about it.
We love you so much, and the waiting for a new episode, it's just too hard.
It's too much, so we had a brilliant idea.
Let's get together more often.
Join us along with Joyce and our guest for a new episode every week.
We have a spot saved on the pink couch just for you, every Tuesday starting September 3rd.
Thank you.
We're so grateful to our Joyce Meyer Ministries partners who make this and all we do possible, including sharing God's Word and offering help to people in need all over the world. This program has been made possible by the partners of Joyce Meyer Ministries.
Are you determined to keep a good attitude, even during hard times? Today, learn how determination, along with God's help, can lead to a right attitude and a joy-filled life.
This program is made possible by the partners of Joyce Meyer Ministries.
When I found out that the way to overcome evil was with good, now that's something every single one of us can do. And it's especially powerful when you're good to your enemies. I'm Joyce Meyer, and I believe that God can heal you everywhere you hurt.
Well, thank you for joining me today on Enjoying Everyday Life. And you know, the truth is, the more of the word that you know, and the more of it you apply to your life, the more you will enjoy every single day of your life. Today and for the next two days, I'm going to talk about something that I think is really important.
I'm going to talk about determination. Now, let me just say, first of all, that we can't do anything just by self-will apart from God helping us. So we're not talking about just, hey, just toughen up and do it without God.
But we do have to apply our determination to do the things that God wants us to do, whether that's something that is in His word, or whether it's something that He puts on our heart. And so, in this first message today, I want to talk a lot about being determined to keep a good attitude. That's all the eyes go up.
That's good. That means you need it. Keeping a good attitude no matter what is going on in your life.
And that is a challenge. But the more spiritually mature we are, the more we're able to do that. I don't think Jesus ever had a bad attitude.
And He certainly had a lot more tests and trials than we do. And so, we're going to start by talking about Joseph. Because Joseph was a guy who started out being thrown in a pit by his brothers, sold into slavery, ended up going to prison for something that he didn't do for 13 years, and yet he ended up in the palace, second in charge of all of Egypt.
But what happened from the pit to the palace? We all have a pit of some kind. We have something happen in our life that hurts us.
Somebody hurts us. We have a disappointment. We have a loss.
Something that's intended to pull us down. You see, Satan knows that he is destined for the bottomless pit. And he wants to make sure that he can take as many of us with him as he possibly can.
And he doesn't want you to enjoy your life. He wants you to live a pit existence. Matter of fact, he'd like us just to get in our pit, decorate it, and stay there, and just like it.
And, but when we study the life of Joseph, the one thing that I find is with all the unjust and unfair things that happened to him, there's no record that he complained about anything. You say, well, Joyce, maybe he complained, there's just no record of it. Well, Job complained, and there's a record.
You know, Jonah complained, and there's a record. So even David complained, and there's a record. He said, I pour out my complaint to God.
And, but there's no record at all that Joseph ever had anything other than a good attitude. He had a dream for his life, and his brothers were jealous of him. He was the baby.
Lots of times in families, older siblings are jealous of the baby, because the baby has a tendency to get treated like a baby. And usually, like the older kids, the parents didn't have as much when they were born and growing up. And so by the time the baby comes along, the parents are more established financially.
They're able to do more for that baby. So there's always this one, I had to do this, and he doesn't have to do anything. I had to work and earn money for my clothes, but you just buy him everything.
And it's not a matter of loving the baby more, but you're just able to do more for them than you could. Well, Joyce's father had waited a long, long time to have him, and he showed him favor, but that didn't mean that he didn't love his other children. And he gave him what the Bible calls a mini-colored coat.
It was a beautiful coat that was made for him, and the brothers were jealous of the coat. Can I tell you that being jealous of somebody never causes them not to have what you're jealous of? All it does is make you miserable.
If we would ever just learn to think, what good is this doing me? What good is it doing me to worry? What good is it doing me to be mad at that person and refuse to forgive them?
All those things that we do that we think are hurting the other person, they're really hurting us. And so, they got to the point where they were so jealous of Joseph and they hated him so much that they decided they were going to kill him. So they took him with them on a trip, got him out in the wilderness and they were going to kill him, but one brother talked to him instead of killing him to just throwing him in this pit.
So they put him in this pit and they were going to just go off and leave him and they were going to go home and tell the father that he'd been killed by a wild animal. And in the meantime, a caravan of Ishmaelites were coming along and so one of them said, well, let's just make some money. Let's sell him to them.
So they sold him to them. They took him to Egypt and sold him to a man named Potiphar and he became a slave in Potiphar's household. The thing that is so interesting about Joseph's life, and you'll see this, everywhere that he went, God gave him favor.
So he ended up in charge of Potiphar's house. Now, he had a little too much favor with Potiphar's wife and she wanted to have sex with him. And he was a godly man and he kept saying, no, no, no, no.
You know, that's what godly people do. They say no to temptation, no matter what it's going to cost them. So she finally basically attacked him, and he still said no.
So she told Potiphar that he had attacked her, and although Potiphar didn't want to because he really loved Joseph, he had him put in prison. So, in prison, he got so much favor with the warden, that he ended up in charge of the prison, all the other prisoners. I think it's so amazing that, let me just say this, if you can keep a good attitude, no matter what's going on in your life, God will give you favor.
I love the statement that they hated Joseph but God. See, don't you love that little two words but God? It doesn't really matter what anybody else wants to do to you that's painful.
If God interferes, you can be blessed in the middle of your mess. That's so true, you know, it's not our problems that really are our problem. It's our attitude toward our problems that are our problem.
So he was put in charge of the jail, and there was a butler and a baker in there, that had been in Pharaoh's house, and they got put in jail for something they did. And they had a dream. They both had a dream, but they didn't understand the dream.
Well, God gave Joseph a lot of wisdom, so he was able to interpret both of their dreams, and the dreams meant that within three days, they were gonna get called back to Pharaoh's house. And he said, he'd been good to them, right? And he said, when you get back to Pharaoh's house, don't forget me.
Well, they did. It's painful, isn't it, when you've been good to somebody, and then they just forget all about you. Anybody ever have that little nice experience?
You know, or you've been really good to people, and then you need them, and they're like, they don't have time for you, they forget all about you. And so he stayed in prison. He was there a total of like 13 years, then Pharaoh had a dream, and nobody could interpret it.
And so he was told about Joseph, there is a man who's known to be able to interpret dreams. And so Joseph was called, and he gave the interpretation of Pharaoh's dream, and he said, there's gonna be seven years of plenty, and then there's gonna be seven years of famine. And so he told him what should be done was during those seven years of plenty, they should save and save and save and save.
So when the seven years of famine came, they would have what they needed to feed the people. Well, Pharaoh bore witness that that was a great idea, and he said, you know, there's nobody that has the wisdom that this man's God gives him. The thing that I find as I study this is, you know, if you keep a good attitude, and you'll see in some of the other messages, it actually causes other people to believe in God.
You know, we have some of the same kind of problems that other people out in the world do, but they'll have a bad attitude, and if you can have a good attitude, they may say to you, well, how can you have such a good attitude when you know you're losing your job? Or how can you have such a good attitude with what's going on in your life? And that opens the door for you to be able to witness for our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.
You know, if somebody, if they have their heart closed, it doesn't really do you much good to try to witness to them. That's why I believe wholeheartedly that if we get out in the world and our first mission is just to let our light shine, just to be a Christian in front of people, you don't have to try to preach to them first, you just be a Christian because if they don't want to hear it, you can share and share and share and they're not going to listen. But when they ask you, like when my husband still worked in the engineering field before he came into ministry with me, everybody knew he was a Christian, and they didn't have a lot to do with him a lot of times.
And but when they would get in trouble, then he would be the one they'd come to like, well, they, my wife left me, you think I could talk to you for a few minutes. So he stood his ground as far as what he believed in. And sometimes when you do that, initially, you feel like you're losing.
You know, it's hard when you do the right thing and you get a wrong result. But God saw that you did the right thing, and then your reward will come from God. Well, he got so much favor with Pharaoh, don't you love that favor, favor, favor?
He got so much favor with Pharaoh that Pharaoh gave him so much authority and power that only Pharaoh had more power than Joseph did. So, from the pit to the palace, and I can't find any reason other than he just had a really good attitude, and he kept saying no to the temptation to compromise. So that's a big takeaway from this message today.
Keep a good attitude, and in order to do that, you're going to have to pray. That's just, you know, when somebody hurts me, the first thing that I do is I ask God to comfort me, because the Holy Spirit is our comforter. Doesn't do you any good to call your friends and start talking about what they did, ba-ba-ba-ba-ba-ba-ba.
All that does is make the situation worse. You ask God to comfort you. The second thing you do is ask God to help you forgive them, because the quicker you forgive somebody, the easier it is to do.
Let's say that again. The quicker you forgive somebody, the easier it is to do. The longer you wait, the more deeply rooted it gets on the inside of you, and the harder it is to let go of.
I had a man yesterday, I was at an appointment, and he came over to me, and he said, can I talk to you for a minute? And I said, sure. He said, I just watched a program where you talked about forgiving, and he said, I was able to forgive somebody that I really hated, and he said, it has helped me so much.
And I want to make sure that I say, not only just to our lovely audience here today, but to those of you watching by TV, don't harbor offenses and bitterness and resentment in your heart toward anybody, because it's not hurting them. Matter of fact, they may be out enjoying their life, having a good time, and couldn't care less that you're upset. And a lot of times people don't even know they hurt you.
Sometimes, you know, you just run into somebody when they're having a bad day, and they say or do something, and don't even know they did it, and you can end up being hurt and miserable for weeks on end. And we have to choose to believe the best. The Bible says love always believes the best.
And I want to leave you with that little tidbit of wisdom. No matter what happens, believe the best. And you say, well, what if I believe the best, and they really didn't have good intentions?
Well, at least you're happy. See? I mean, this is all about doing something for yourself.
And so Joseph ended up in a great place from the pit to the palace, and I think that a big majority of it was about his attitude. Attitude, they say, determines your altitude. Attitude determines how far you can go in life.
Attitude really, really is important. Let me just give you a few examples. Don't feel sorry for yourself when you're having problems.
Everybody has problems. Everybody. You can talk to your friends about it, but don't talk about it, talk about it, talk about it, talk about it, talk about it, talk about it, talk about it, talk about it, talk about it, talk about it, talk about it, because you know what?
People get tired of hearing it. And it won't be long, and they're going to go in the other direction when they see you coming, because they're tired of listening to you feel sorry for yourself all the time. One of the best things you can do when you're having problems, and I know this by personal experience and the Word of God, is go be a blessing to somebody else.
You talk about something that makes the devil mad, that makes the devil mad. I remember a woman who lost her child to cancer, and this was back when I used to have weekly meetings here in St. Louis, and she came to one of those weekly meetings every week. And the very next week, it had only been a few days since her child died, she was back at that meeting, which is also important that we don't turn away from God but toward him, and she brought a bunch of clothes out of her closet to give away to other people.
She not only just heard the message, she applied the message to her life. Giving is a powerful thing, and especially when you don't feel like doing it. When you'd rather just go sit in a corner somewhere and feel sorry for yourself and be mad at everybody.
Now, who really was David's enemy? It wasn't really his brothers. Ephesians 6-12 says, We wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places.
So, even though people are responsible if they mistreat you, it's still the devil working through them. Somehow, they're not smart enough, or wise enough, to not take his temptations, and so it's the enemy working through them. So, trying to get them back really doesn't do any good.
The thing to do is to get the devil back, and there's only one way to get the devil back, and that's to be good to other people.
Romans 12, 21 was a saving scripture for me. We overcome evil with good. When I found out that the way to overcome evil was with good, now that's something every single one of us can do, and it's especially powerful when you're good to your enemies.
Some of you are making faces I'm not sure about here in your life.
But it works. And not only does it work, but it makes you happy. You lose all that junky bitterness and weirdness that's in your life.
There's a story that I've heard that I think is really cute about a donkey that fell in a pit, and his master was debating on whether or not to get him out of the pit, or to just leave him in there, because, you know, the donkey weighed quite a bit, and it was going to be quite a job to get him out of the pit. And so he just decided, this donkey is old, and I've gotten most of the use out of him I'm going to get, so I'm going to call some of my friends and neighbors, and we're just going to cover him up with dirt and kill him. Well, that's what the devil likes to do to you.
He likes to throw you in a pit and then throw dirt on you all the time. And so they're shoveling dirt on top of him, shoveling dirt on top of him, and then they noticed something odd. Every time they would throw a shovel of dirt on top of him, he'd shake it off and then get up on top of it.
And after enough dirt got thrown down there, he just walked out of the pit. See? Yeah, go ahead, you can clap if you want to.
Keep a good attitude no matter what's going on in your life. You know, Satan has dug a pit for all of us, but that doesn't mean we have to live in it. A trap, a hurt so deep that he hopes you never get over it, a disappointment, a shattered dream, a broken relationship, the loss of something precious, a pit of depression, a pit of financial lack, a pit of pain.
But you know what? It's time to come up out of the pit. And one of the best ways to do that is by having a good attitude and realizing, and I mean this, you know, with a loving attitude, everybody has got stuff going on in their life.
And everybody is probably hurting in some way. And no matter how bad you're hurting, there's probably somebody in this room that's hurting worse than you are. You see, the more immature Christians, they tell you about all their pain.
You can point them out. But the really mature Christians, they'll still be the same and still be helping you and being good to you, and you don't even know what's going on in their life. I've been in ministry for 45 years, and I have never missed one of my conferences because I was having a personal problem in my life.
I've had times where I've gotten up and preached and then went to the back room and cried, and then went back and preached and went back to the back room and cried. But it's so important when we're hurting that we keep our commitments, and we continue, what should I do when I'm hurting? What should I do when I'm hurting?
You know what you should do? The same thing you would do if you weren't hurting.
That's the best advice. The Bible says, by the blood, he brought us up out of the pit and gave us hope. That's in Zechariah 9.11.
But listen to Zechariah 9.12. Return to the stronghold of security and prosperity, you prisoners of hope. Even today do I declare that I will restore double your farmer prosperity to you.
There's these promises in the Bible. There's about four different scriptures that promise that if we keep a good attitude, if we continue to obey God, He will give us double what the enemy tried to take away from us. The Bible talks about Job, and he had some friends that weren't too friendly.
He had friends that should have been comforting him, but they were accusing him. Well, how does it feel when you have a problem and somebody says to you, well, you probably opened the door this way, Art? If you just had enough faith, then, you know, this wouldn't be happening.
You know, those are not friends that are comforting you. They're friends that are accusing you. And everybody has got people like that in their life.
Well, Job had people like that, too. And God told him to pray for them. And the Bible says right at the end of the book of Job that after Job prayed for his friends, come on, after Job prayed for his friends.
Come on, are you praying for the people that have hurt you? Should be.
After Joe prayed for his friends, the Lord restored double everything that he had lost. I love that whole principle of double for your trouble. Amen.
Matthew 12 says that when there is among you one sheep that falls into a pit on the Sabbath, the Lord will stop and get him out. So if it's just one, Jesus is in the business of lifting people up out of the pit. Satan is in the business of putting them in, but Jesus is in the business of lifting them out.
You know, if you're watching the program today, and you've never received Christ as your Savior, there's a phone number on your screen right now, and you can call that number and tell somebody, I'd like to have somebody pray with me to receive Christ as my Savior, and they'll be very happy to do that. Thank you for being with us today.
So sometimes what we think will bring us happiness still doesn't do it for us. We try everything. Look out for number one.
But life still feels empty.
Well, you know, we typically look at our circumstances and try to change them in order for me to be happy. I know this because I thought this way for years. I was always on my mind.
I would constantly think, what about me? What about me? I had no idea that the root of my unhappiness was something I could actually change.
I was getting in my own way and missing the blessings that God has for me. You see, selfishness steals our joy. But God has such a better way for us to live.
I firmly believe that people need to realize that there is great power in an unselfish life. That's why I've written What About Me? Inside I share why it's important to get out of that me mindset and how to change your perspective in a way that will benefit you and others.
Request What About Me today and take important steps to living an unselfish life. It is available to you right now for your gift of any amount. Call us today at 1-800-727-9673 or visit us online at
I have absolutely no doubt that what I share in this book will change your life, just like it completely changed mine. You can get out of your own way, walk in love, and live unselfishly.
Request your copy of What About Me today. And if you would like to go even deeper with Joyce by declaring war on selfishness, consider giving a gift of $45 or more, and you'll receive Joyce's What About Me Study Guide in addition to the book. This in-depth study is a great addition alongside the book to ensure you master content with confidence.
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