Join us as we embark on a spiritual journey reflecting on Abraham’s unwavering faith in God’s plan. This episode sheds light on the pivotal moments where faith dictated monumental life decisions, emphasizing the importance of trusting God blindly. Through Abraham's story, listeners are encouraged to embark on their own journeys of faith, stepping away from comfort zones, and embracing the unknown with God's guidance, reinforcing the resilient nature of spiritual growth.
Welcome to the InTouch Podcast with Charles Stanley for Wednesday, January 8th. We can gain valuable insights from the men and women of the Bible, like Abraham, who trusted God's guidance. In this podcast, we'll explore how his faith-filled response to God offers inspiration for believers seeking to live a life of faith.
Our God is a loving, kind, and good Heavenly Father who always desires the very, very best for us. In fact, not only does He desire it, He provides the very best for us every single time. That is, in every decision that we're trying to make. in everything that we're asking for, whatever God provides is His very, very best. Now, one of the questions we have to ask is, if that's true, why do I not experience His best, and why is it that that doesn't always work out that way in my life? Well, the primary reason is because we fail to use the key that unlocks the treasure house to God's best, and that is the key of faith. And all through the Scriptures, He tells us again and again and again to trust Him, to believe Him, to follow Him, to obey Him. But it all boils down to trusting Him and believing Him. One of the ways that He teaches His faith is not only by what He does in our life. One of the ways He teaches His faith is in the Word. And one of the ways he teaches his faith in his word is how he works in the lives of others. And thinking back in the Old Testament, how he worked in the lives of Old Testament saints and purposing in my heart to go back and start reading how God worked in their lives to see, Lord, would you do the same thing in my life in your own way? And so I began to read Abraham, Joseph, Moses, David, Daniel somehow became my favorite ones. And as I began to read and to search how God worked in their life, though we're talking about several thousand years earlier, somehow the principles were always there. And I knew in my heart, God, if you would work that principle in my life, and I probably didn't call it a principle then, but I said it was your way, then... Somehow I've got to believe that you'll do the same for me in a different way because you've never changed. You're the same yesterday, today, and forever. So I begin to just sort of saturate my mind and heart with those. Well, one of those is Abraham. And I want you to turn, if you will, to Genesis chapter 12. And in the life of Abraham, there are scores and scores of wonderful, vital things. practical principles of the word of God that will give direction for our life. And we're in the series now on faith. And I want you to think about this theme that is forward by faith, because everything God calls us to do in our life, he calls us to move forward, never backwards. And that is always an act of faith on our part. And if you recall, the Bible says we're saved by faith. We walk by faith. We die by faith. We pray by faith. Everything is the result of faith. And so as you think about the life of faith and how God works in your life, I want us to look at the life of Abraham just in one chapter, this 12th chapter of Genesis. And I want us to look at it under this title. And that is the call of faith. Because it's just the way God works in your life and mine every day. He says, now the Lord said to Abraham, or Abram was his first name before his name was changed. Go forth from your country and from your relatives and from your father's house to the land which I will show you. And I will make you, he says, a great nation. And I will bless you and make your name great, and so you shall be a blessing. And I will bless those who bless you, and the one who curses you I will curse. And in you all the families of the earth shall be blessed.' So Abram went forth as the Lord had spoken to him, and Lot went with him. Now Abram was seventy-five years old when he departed from Haran. And Abram took Sarah his wife and Lot his nephew and all their possessions which they had accumulated and the persons which they had acquired in Haran. And they set out for the land of Canaan. Thus they came to the land of Canaan. Now, I want you to jot down four things because this is the way God works in our life. And if you recall that the Bible says in the 103rd Psalm that God made known his ways to Moses, his acts to the children of Israel. What you and I want to know are the ways of God. How does God work? If you can just grasp that. In this message, these simple four simple truths, it will make a difference in your life if you will grasp them, believe them, and apply them to your life. Because God doesn't really work differently today than He used to work in the lives of people in the Old Testament and the New Testament. We just live in a different environment and things around us are different and circumstances are different, but the principles are the same. And the truth is that God has called all of us. He called you to salvation. That's the reason you're saved. He calls you in your life's work. Some of you may have chosen the right one, didn't even know that it was God's leading. And some of you chose to do what you chose to do. And you know that somehow things aren't right, never dawned on you that God had a will and a purpose and a plan for your life. And if we're to live according to His plan, we have to live by faith. And he always moves us forward in our Christian life, never backwards. Even when we are going through deep, dark valleys and everything around us seems to be so wrong and so absolutely out of sync, that doesn't mean that you're out of the will of God. Because oftentimes he leads us through those valleys for very specific reasons. But in the life of Abraham, just in this chapter, I want us to see four things primarily. First one is this, and you'll be wise to jot this down. The call of faith oftentimes is a call to step out into the unknown. The call of faith oftentimes is a call to step out into the unknown. To go where we are unfamiliar to some area and some direction that is untried and that is unknown to us. Now let me say very quickly. The call of faith is oftentimes a call to step out to the unknown. Listen, unknown to me? Yes. Unknown to those about me? Yes. Unknown to God? No. God has never asked you and me to step out in anything that is unknown to Him. And whatever he calls you to step out into, he's going to see to it that he gets you there. All of heaven's power is behind God to see to it that he gets you where he's called you to go. Your response and my response is to trust him. And if I trust him, I will obey him. When I cease to trust him, I cease to obey him. And thank God, these saints of old, in whose lives God has given us so many wonderful principles to live by, these men not only were successful, they were equally failures. They succeeded here. They failed there. They obeyed God here. They didn't trust Him here. And so it's because we can identify with both sides of their life that you and I can ask the question, God, if you work that way in their life, how will you work in my life the same way? And the first thing here is that God oftentimes, most of the time, when He issues us a command, it is a step to go into that which is unknown. We don't know how it's going to work out. But remember this. that he does not call us to follow him by reason. He calls us to follow him by faith. Reason usually interferes with faith. It is a call to the unknown, the unfamiliar, the things that are untried to us. And I believe one of the reasons that many people go through their life never quite satisfied and never fulfilled is they were never willing to take that first step. Every time God leads you and challenges you in some area, it is a step of faith. It is a step that appears to be a step into the unknown. But listen, since God knows everything absolutely perfectly, He sees the darkness and the light the same. He can see just as well in the dark as He can in the light. Nothing is unknown to Him. So remember, you can't go by reasoning. And please don't listen to all the advice of your friends. Because oftentimes what God tells you to do, he's not going to ask someone else to do that. if you listen to your friends to make your decisions more than likely you'll never find God's will you'll never follow what he wants you to do because oftentimes your friends will be threatened by your faith and your courage if you say to them that here's what I believe God's calling me to do well deep down inside sometime it's something that they would like to do or they wish they had the courage to do or they wish God would do something like that in their life and some people can't handle watching other people grow, and so they try to drag them down a little bit. Don't tell your friends what God tells you until God gives you permission to share it. If you do, most of the time, you're going to be sorry. So, if you'll notice what God said to Abraham here. He says, I want you to go forth from your country, from your relatives, from your father's house to the land which I will show you. He didn't have any idea where he was going at first. And if you'll turn to Hebrews chapter 11, and the writer of Hebrews, speaking of this very incident, makes this extremely clear in this 11th chapter. He's talking about Abraham's call. He says in the eighth verse of the 11th chapter of Hebrews, he says, by faith, Abraham, when he was called, obeyed by going out to a place which he was to receive as an inheritance. And he went out not knowing where he was going. He didn't wait for God to say, all right, I'm going to give you a roadmap. Here's where I want you to go. Here's how I want you to get there. And this is the destination. So no problem. He called him to go out knowing that he had to face robbers, thieves on the way, that his family, that is his close family that he would carry with him, that his flocks, his herds, and he would be subject to all kinds of problems. And he was asking him to leave a very, very fertile land in the Euphrates River area there and the fertile lands there, the kind of climate they had. And as he went along, he knew it wouldn't take him very long because any distance he went from there, he'd have to face a desert, which is exactly what he did. And to leave all these fertile lands and everything that was so securing and going out, he said to a land that I will show thee. Now let me ask you a question. Are you willing to follow the leadership of the Lord when you don't know where he's going to lead you? When God says, this is what I want you to do, this is the next step. Are you willing to do that without being able to reason it out? Without being able to figure out how it's going to work out. You see, if I am following Christ, that is a walk of faith. And if I'm going to follow him, I have to follow him by faith. You see, he's under no obligation to tell me what the end result is. He's under no obligation to tell me why. He's under no obligation to make me any promises. He's under no obligation to give us any details. He's under no obligation to do anything wrong. but to tell me what to do next and then to guide me step by step. And you see, every parent, listen to me parents, every parent should instill within the mind and the spirit and the emotions of your children to follow the Lord Jesus Christ, to obey Him, to learn very early in life how to listen to God. And how to know that it's the voice of God that you're hearing. And while God doesn't speak audibly, I don't believe he needs to speak audibly today, he does speak very silently, sometimes so silently and so absolutely pure that it's as if he has shouted in your ear. You can't teach your children a greater lesson than to learn to listen to God and to trust him. Not to try to figure it out, just trust him. Just do what he says and don't try to reason it out. And where that will lead you is into and through situations and circumstances that oftentimes will be very difficult. Ultimately, absolutely fantastic. Through deep valleys, dark valleys, trials, tribulations, heartaches. All kinds of things. All kinds of circumstances. He doesn't say, just follow me and I'll just put you on a cloud and we'll just float you right on across this desert. No. He took him through it. And he took him in a way that he had to listen and follow him. Second principle I want you to notice here, not only in the life of Abraham is this walk of faith a step into the unknown, but it is also a call to separation. Listen to what he said to him. The call of faith is a call to separation. Now listen. He says, "'Abraham, go forth from your country.'" from your relatives, from your father's house, to the land which I will show you. Now, what he was saying to Abraham is this. I want you to get up and leave the things that are dearest to you, the things that are most valuable to you. I want you to leave where your heart's been. There and there are the Chaldees and later into Haran before he left, finally his father died there. He says, I want you to get up and leave all of this. Leave your family, leave everything and follow me. Listen carefully. Most people never follow the will of God because they camp on the doorstep of home base until God gives them all the details and they have perfect assurance that everything is going to be all right. That's not even faith. What I want you to see is that faith doesn't guarantee me, listen, faith doesn't guarantee me the details. Faith says, I'm willing to trust this God in whom I have trusted my eternal salvation. I'm willing to trust Him a step at a time if I don't know where it's going to lead me. And usually that will require some separation. This is where oftentimes we falter. He said to Abraham, you to leave your homeland, your relatives, your father, He says, your father's house. He said you to leave all of this and go where I tell you to go. Now, do you know what the biggest problem is? Listen, all of us have a comfort zone. The comfort zone is where faith goes to sleep. Because you see, as long as you're in your comfort zone, you don't have to trust God. Sometimes we miss out on God's best because we won't let go. And some things are very, very difficult to let go in life. We don't like to let go the security of our finances. We don't like to let go the security of... friends and our hometown where we grow up and all of these things. But God said to Abraham, Abraham, get up and leave them. Now listen, listen carefully. Whatever God calls you to is better than what you have. Whatever God calls you to is better than what you presently have. You say, well, now wait a minute. No, I don't have to wait. I know better. Whatever God calls you to is better than what you have. The reason I know that is because the call of faith is always a call forward. That is, He is building something into our life. And if he's building something into my life, what is he doing? He is getting me ready for something better in my life. And he's moving me toward the fulfillment of his will for my life. And so if I am walking in the will of God, moving in the direction of the will of God, then it's always going to be better than what it was back here. And if I wait till I can make it look better, and if I wait till I can manipulate it till I am persuaded, well, now things are going to work out the way I want them. I'll never be obedient to God. You see, it is a walk of faith. I must trust him. And trusting him sometimes means that I have to tear myself away from something that I love dearly. And so once in a while, somebody gets this all been out of shape and God's called me and I'm to leave everything and I'm to sacrifice for God. Listen, you know what I've discovered? How do you sacrifice for God? Is it not true that he says, given it shall be given to you, good measure pressed down? And we limit that to money. Listen, the most important things in life are not money. Cannot be bought with it, cannot be purchased, cannot be bartered, cannot be traded. Contentment. peace and a sense of satisfaction that you're in the will of God, doing what God wants you to do. Your life's counting, at least with somebody, and your life isn't just being spent. You're just not living your life to make money. You're living your life to make a difference in somebody else's life. And you're not just leaving footprints in the sand, but in stone and concrete and steel. It's eternal because of the consequence. All of you, every single one of you can be making eternal steps, steps in your life every day that leave an eternal consequence and an eternal impact. But you can't do it unless you're willing to follow the Lord Jesus Christ. And sometimes that means pulling me away from things that I love and things that give me security and giving up circumstances and situations and opportunities and Oftentimes, someone will give up an opportunity that looks like their world is wrapped up in it. And what happens? And they choose to step out into the unknown, untried, unfamiliar, and a little scary. And what does God do before long? They look back and they say, Hallelujah. Thank God I didn't hold on to that because, wow, look at this.
Thank you for listening to The Call of Faith. If you'd like to know more about Charles Stanley or In Touch Ministries, stop by This podcast is a presentation of In Touch Ministries, Atlanta, Georgia.
Dr. Charles Stanley and In Touch Ministries’ daily radio program.
Join us as we embark on a spiritual journey reflecting on Abraham’s unwavering faith in God’s plan. This episode sheds light on the pivotal moments where faith dictated monumental life decisions, emphasizing the importance of trusting God blindly. Through Abraham's story, listeners are encouraged to embark on their own journeys of faith, stepping away from comfort zones, and embracing the unknown with God's guidance, reinforcing the resilient nature of spiritual growth.
Welcome to the InTouch Podcast with Charles Stanley for Wednesday, January 8th. We can gain valuable insights from the men and women of the Bible, like Abraham, who trusted God's guidance. In this podcast, we'll explore how his faith-filled response to God offers inspiration for believers seeking to live a life of faith.
Our God is a loving, kind, and good Heavenly Father who always desires the very, very best for us. In fact, not only does He desire it, He provides the very best for us every single time. That is, in every decision that we're trying to make. in everything that we're asking for, whatever God provides is His very, very best. Now, one of the questions we have to ask is, if that's true, why do I not experience His best, and why is it that that doesn't always work out that way in my life? Well, the primary reason is because we fail to use the key that unlocks the treasure house to God's best, and that is the key of faith. And all through the Scriptures, He tells us again and again and again to trust Him, to believe Him, to follow Him, to obey Him. But it all boils down to trusting Him and believing Him. One of the ways that He teaches His faith is not only by what He does in our life. One of the ways He teaches His faith is in the Word. And one of the ways he teaches his faith in his word is how he works in the lives of others. And thinking back in the Old Testament, how he worked in the lives of Old Testament saints and purposing in my heart to go back and start reading how God worked in their lives to see, Lord, would you do the same thing in my life in your own way? And so I began to read Abraham, Joseph, Moses, David, Daniel somehow became my favorite ones. And as I began to read and to search how God worked in their life, though we're talking about several thousand years earlier, somehow the principles were always there. And I knew in my heart, God, if you would work that principle in my life, and I probably didn't call it a principle then, but I said it was your way, then... Somehow I've got to believe that you'll do the same for me in a different way because you've never changed. You're the same yesterday, today, and forever. So I begin to just sort of saturate my mind and heart with those. Well, one of those is Abraham. And I want you to turn, if you will, to Genesis chapter 12. And in the life of Abraham, there are scores and scores of wonderful, vital things. practical principles of the word of God that will give direction for our life. And we're in the series now on faith. And I want you to think about this theme that is forward by faith, because everything God calls us to do in our life, he calls us to move forward, never backwards. And that is always an act of faith on our part. And if you recall, the Bible says we're saved by faith. We walk by faith. We die by faith. We pray by faith. Everything is the result of faith. And so as you think about the life of faith and how God works in your life, I want us to look at the life of Abraham just in one chapter, this 12th chapter of Genesis. And I want us to look at it under this title. And that is the call of faith. Because it's just the way God works in your life and mine every day. He says, now the Lord said to Abraham, or Abram was his first name before his name was changed. Go forth from your country and from your relatives and from your father's house to the land which I will show you. And I will make you, he says, a great nation. And I will bless you and make your name great, and so you shall be a blessing. And I will bless those who bless you, and the one who curses you I will curse. And in you all the families of the earth shall be blessed.' So Abram went forth as the Lord had spoken to him, and Lot went with him. Now Abram was seventy-five years old when he departed from Haran. And Abram took Sarah his wife and Lot his nephew and all their possessions which they had accumulated and the persons which they had acquired in Haran. And they set out for the land of Canaan. Thus they came to the land of Canaan. Now, I want you to jot down four things because this is the way God works in our life. And if you recall that the Bible says in the 103rd Psalm that God made known his ways to Moses, his acts to the children of Israel. What you and I want to know are the ways of God. How does God work? If you can just grasp that. In this message, these simple four simple truths, it will make a difference in your life if you will grasp them, believe them, and apply them to your life. Because God doesn't really work differently today than He used to work in the lives of people in the Old Testament and the New Testament. We just live in a different environment and things around us are different and circumstances are different, but the principles are the same. And the truth is that God has called all of us. He called you to salvation. That's the reason you're saved. He calls you in your life's work. Some of you may have chosen the right one, didn't even know that it was God's leading. And some of you chose to do what you chose to do. And you know that somehow things aren't right, never dawned on you that God had a will and a purpose and a plan for your life. And if we're to live according to His plan, we have to live by faith. And he always moves us forward in our Christian life, never backwards. Even when we are going through deep, dark valleys and everything around us seems to be so wrong and so absolutely out of sync, that doesn't mean that you're out of the will of God. Because oftentimes he leads us through those valleys for very specific reasons. But in the life of Abraham, just in this chapter, I want us to see four things primarily. First one is this, and you'll be wise to jot this down. The call of faith oftentimes is a call to step out into the unknown. The call of faith oftentimes is a call to step out into the unknown. To go where we are unfamiliar to some area and some direction that is untried and that is unknown to us. Now let me say very quickly. The call of faith is oftentimes a call to step out to the unknown. Listen, unknown to me? Yes. Unknown to those about me? Yes. Unknown to God? No. God has never asked you and me to step out in anything that is unknown to Him. And whatever he calls you to step out into, he's going to see to it that he gets you there. All of heaven's power is behind God to see to it that he gets you where he's called you to go. Your response and my response is to trust him. And if I trust him, I will obey him. When I cease to trust him, I cease to obey him. And thank God, these saints of old, in whose lives God has given us so many wonderful principles to live by, these men not only were successful, they were equally failures. They succeeded here. They failed there. They obeyed God here. They didn't trust Him here. And so it's because we can identify with both sides of their life that you and I can ask the question, God, if you work that way in their life, how will you work in my life the same way? And the first thing here is that God oftentimes, most of the time, when He issues us a command, it is a step to go into that which is unknown. We don't know how it's going to work out. But remember this. that he does not call us to follow him by reason. He calls us to follow him by faith. Reason usually interferes with faith. It is a call to the unknown, the unfamiliar, the things that are untried to us. And I believe one of the reasons that many people go through their life never quite satisfied and never fulfilled is they were never willing to take that first step. Every time God leads you and challenges you in some area, it is a step of faith. It is a step that appears to be a step into the unknown. But listen, since God knows everything absolutely perfectly, He sees the darkness and the light the same. He can see just as well in the dark as He can in the light. Nothing is unknown to Him. So remember, you can't go by reasoning. And please don't listen to all the advice of your friends. Because oftentimes what God tells you to do, he's not going to ask someone else to do that. if you listen to your friends to make your decisions more than likely you'll never find God's will you'll never follow what he wants you to do because oftentimes your friends will be threatened by your faith and your courage if you say to them that here's what I believe God's calling me to do well deep down inside sometime it's something that they would like to do or they wish they had the courage to do or they wish God would do something like that in their life and some people can't handle watching other people grow, and so they try to drag them down a little bit. Don't tell your friends what God tells you until God gives you permission to share it. If you do, most of the time, you're going to be sorry. So, if you'll notice what God said to Abraham here. He says, I want you to go forth from your country, from your relatives, from your father's house to the land which I will show you. He didn't have any idea where he was going at first. And if you'll turn to Hebrews chapter 11, and the writer of Hebrews, speaking of this very incident, makes this extremely clear in this 11th chapter. He's talking about Abraham's call. He says in the eighth verse of the 11th chapter of Hebrews, he says, by faith, Abraham, when he was called, obeyed by going out to a place which he was to receive as an inheritance. And he went out not knowing where he was going. He didn't wait for God to say, all right, I'm going to give you a roadmap. Here's where I want you to go. Here's how I want you to get there. And this is the destination. So no problem. He called him to go out knowing that he had to face robbers, thieves on the way, that his family, that is his close family that he would carry with him, that his flocks, his herds, and he would be subject to all kinds of problems. And he was asking him to leave a very, very fertile land in the Euphrates River area there and the fertile lands there, the kind of climate they had. And as he went along, he knew it wouldn't take him very long because any distance he went from there, he'd have to face a desert, which is exactly what he did. And to leave all these fertile lands and everything that was so securing and going out, he said to a land that I will show thee. Now let me ask you a question. Are you willing to follow the leadership of the Lord when you don't know where he's going to lead you? When God says, this is what I want you to do, this is the next step. Are you willing to do that without being able to reason it out? Without being able to figure out how it's going to work out. You see, if I am following Christ, that is a walk of faith. And if I'm going to follow him, I have to follow him by faith. You see, he's under no obligation to tell me what the end result is. He's under no obligation to tell me why. He's under no obligation to make me any promises. He's under no obligation to give us any details. He's under no obligation to do anything wrong. but to tell me what to do next and then to guide me step by step. And you see, every parent, listen to me parents, every parent should instill within the mind and the spirit and the emotions of your children to follow the Lord Jesus Christ, to obey Him, to learn very early in life how to listen to God. And how to know that it's the voice of God that you're hearing. And while God doesn't speak audibly, I don't believe he needs to speak audibly today, he does speak very silently, sometimes so silently and so absolutely pure that it's as if he has shouted in your ear. You can't teach your children a greater lesson than to learn to listen to God and to trust him. Not to try to figure it out, just trust him. Just do what he says and don't try to reason it out. And where that will lead you is into and through situations and circumstances that oftentimes will be very difficult. Ultimately, absolutely fantastic. Through deep valleys, dark valleys, trials, tribulations, heartaches. All kinds of things. All kinds of circumstances. He doesn't say, just follow me and I'll just put you on a cloud and we'll just float you right on across this desert. No. He took him through it. And he took him in a way that he had to listen and follow him. Second principle I want you to notice here, not only in the life of Abraham is this walk of faith a step into the unknown, but it is also a call to separation. Listen to what he said to him. The call of faith is a call to separation. Now listen. He says, "'Abraham, go forth from your country.'" from your relatives, from your father's house, to the land which I will show you. Now, what he was saying to Abraham is this. I want you to get up and leave the things that are dearest to you, the things that are most valuable to you. I want you to leave where your heart's been. There and there are the Chaldees and later into Haran before he left, finally his father died there. He says, I want you to get up and leave all of this. Leave your family, leave everything and follow me. Listen carefully. Most people never follow the will of God because they camp on the doorstep of home base until God gives them all the details and they have perfect assurance that everything is going to be all right. That's not even faith. What I want you to see is that faith doesn't guarantee me, listen, faith doesn't guarantee me the details. Faith says, I'm willing to trust this God in whom I have trusted my eternal salvation. I'm willing to trust Him a step at a time if I don't know where it's going to lead me. And usually that will require some separation. This is where oftentimes we falter. He said to Abraham, you to leave your homeland, your relatives, your father, He says, your father's house. He said you to leave all of this and go where I tell you to go. Now, do you know what the biggest problem is? Listen, all of us have a comfort zone. The comfort zone is where faith goes to sleep. Because you see, as long as you're in your comfort zone, you don't have to trust God. Sometimes we miss out on God's best because we won't let go. And some things are very, very difficult to let go in life. We don't like to let go the security of our finances. We don't like to let go the security of... friends and our hometown where we grow up and all of these things. But God said to Abraham, Abraham, get up and leave them. Now listen, listen carefully. Whatever God calls you to is better than what you have. Whatever God calls you to is better than what you presently have. You say, well, now wait a minute. No, I don't have to wait. I know better. Whatever God calls you to is better than what you have. The reason I know that is because the call of faith is always a call forward. That is, He is building something into our life. And if he's building something into my life, what is he doing? He is getting me ready for something better in my life. And he's moving me toward the fulfillment of his will for my life. And so if I am walking in the will of God, moving in the direction of the will of God, then it's always going to be better than what it was back here. And if I wait till I can make it look better, and if I wait till I can manipulate it till I am persuaded, well, now things are going to work out the way I want them. I'll never be obedient to God. You see, it is a walk of faith. I must trust him. And trusting him sometimes means that I have to tear myself away from something that I love dearly. And so once in a while, somebody gets this all been out of shape and God's called me and I'm to leave everything and I'm to sacrifice for God. Listen, you know what I've discovered? How do you sacrifice for God? Is it not true that he says, given it shall be given to you, good measure pressed down? And we limit that to money. Listen, the most important things in life are not money. Cannot be bought with it, cannot be purchased, cannot be bartered, cannot be traded. Contentment. peace and a sense of satisfaction that you're in the will of God, doing what God wants you to do. Your life's counting, at least with somebody, and your life isn't just being spent. You're just not living your life to make money. You're living your life to make a difference in somebody else's life. And you're not just leaving footprints in the sand, but in stone and concrete and steel. It's eternal because of the consequence. All of you, every single one of you can be making eternal steps, steps in your life every day that leave an eternal consequence and an eternal impact. But you can't do it unless you're willing to follow the Lord Jesus Christ. And sometimes that means pulling me away from things that I love and things that give me security and giving up circumstances and situations and opportunities and Oftentimes, someone will give up an opportunity that looks like their world is wrapped up in it. And what happens? And they choose to step out into the unknown, untried, unfamiliar, and a little scary. And what does God do before long? They look back and they say, Hallelujah. Thank God I didn't hold on to that because, wow, look at this.
Thank you for listening to The Call of Faith. If you'd like to know more about Charles Stanley or In Touch Ministries, stop by This podcast is a presentation of In Touch Ministries, Atlanta, Georgia.
Join us as we explore the dynamics of faith with Charles Stanley. From assurance and anticipation to awareness and access, learn how these aspects of faith provide us with a deeper connection to God. The episode also highlights the significance of authority and action as expressions of our trust in divine promise. With compelling stories and spiritual truths, this conversation offers a roadmap for living a faith-filled life that's aligned with God's will.
Welcome to the InTouch Podcast with Charles Stanley for Tuesday, January 7th. The Bible describes the Christian life as a walk. The question is, are you advancing in the right direction? Or has inactivity stalled your movement? Join us as we move forward by faith.
Faith is neither secular nor spiritual. It is both natural and it is neutral. Everybody has faith. The only distinction is who is the object of my faith. That is the key issue about the whole idea of faith. Now, the question we want to deal with is this whole matter of how do we get our life moving forward by faith? The primary problem is our understanding of it. Once we begin to understand the real, true nature of faith, what is it really all about? What's really involved in believing God? Faith involves several things. I want to give you seven single words. It's really that simple. And yet it's complex to some degree when it comes to living it out. But I want you to jot these down. And if you really want to see God make a reverse in your life, you'll be wise enough not just to sit and listen, but you will jot them down. When we think about faith, the first word I want to share with you is the word assurance. Because you see, faith, that is believing God, is expressing assurance. That is, there is no question in my mind that God will keep his word. Assurance says, I have confidence that what I have asked God to do, which I know is his will, he is going to bring about in my life. Assurance doesn't look around for a lot of evidence. Assurance says, God, if you said it, that settles it, period. That's what faith is all about. Faith is assurance that God is going to keep His Word. Not hope He will, not maybe He will, not intense desire, but strong, blessed confidence. The first word is assurance. The second word is anticipation. Anticipation, that is, if I really and truly believe that God is going to do what I ask, then I am going to anticipate it. That is, I'm going to prepare for it. I'm going to make plans. If you go to God and you ask Him for something and you make no preparation to answer, listen, more than likely you don't really and truly anticipate God answering your request. You may hope He will. You may be crying out to God that you do it, but are you making any plans? Anticipation is a vital part of our faith. We're looking forward to it. Listen, we're living it ahead of time. You see, what faith does, it gives me the privilege to reach out in the future, bring it into the present, and enjoy it even now. Listen, it's hard to be down in the mouth and be negative. And listen, it's very difficult to be walking backwards when you're planning on God doing something. If you're planning on God doing something, what are you doing? You're moving toward the goal because you have trusted God. You're not just hoping so. You're making preparations and plans for God to do something very vital in your life. Assurance is a part of that faith. Anticipation is a very, very vital part of that life. The third word I want you to jot down is awareness. When you are believing God, you become aware of the presence of God. You begin to be sensitive. The Holy Spirit begins to enable you to see oftentimes little itsy-bitsy evidences that God is already up to something, that He's already working in this circumstance, in this situation about which you're concerned. He's already concerned. Now listen. The awareness of the presence of God, listen to me carefully, gives you the spiritual capacity to see what the human naked eye cannot see, but the spiritual eye can see vividly as an accomplished, finished deal. And if you cannot, more than likely you need to turn your focus toward the Lord God and begin to become more and more aware of Him. Well, there's a fourth word I want you to notice, and that word is access. You see, faith involves access. And what I mean by that is simply this, that everything you, listen, all of our access to Almighty God comes by faith. In fact, faith is the key that unlocks the treasure house of every single one of God's blessings. How did you come to God in the first place? You said, well, I came by grace. You sure did. And that was the gift of God. The Bible says the gift of God through what? Through faith. And that is, you responded to the offer of forgiveness by expressing faith in God who made the offer that He was offering something that had validity to it. That is, if He made the offer, He would fulfill His promise. All of our access to everything that we have is by faith. We're to live by faith. Listen, faith isn't some fuzzy feeling you have on Sunday sitting in a worship service. Faith is what we live by. It is believing God. It is placing our trust in God. It is an assurance. It is an awareness. It is an anticipation. It is access to the Father's throne. That's why he says don't be anxious about anything. Why? Because you hold in your hand the key to everything you and I need. Does that mean God's going to give me everything I want? Certainly not, and I certainly hope he doesn't. Because all of us have wanted things we had no business having. He certainly has given us the key to open the treasure house of God's blessings for every single thing that fits his will in his timing. And that means it's absolutely perfect. Faith involves access. Think about this. Because you and I have placed a trust in Jesus Christ as our personal Savior, the very throne room of holy God, where God in all of His glory and His matchless, indescribable glory sits upon His throne, we have access there. Not that we would walk in, but you and I can kneel on our knees in our bedroom or in our den or our living room or wherever, or sit in the automobile or stand on your job and talk to Almighty God. And listen, by faith in the throne room, you stand before Him and the Lord Jesus Christ is there as your mediator, as your advocate. which means that you have access to God the Father simply because the Lord Jesus Christ, who is your blood mediator, whose death at Calvary opened the door of heaven for you. It is access. But there's another word I want you to jot down, and that is authority. And let me distinguish between what I mean by authority and arrogance and pride. I don't mean you can come to God and say, God, I demand that you do so and so. Can you imagine a gnat demanding of an elephant to move aside? That's about what it would be like. We have no right to demand anything of God. This is not arrogance and pride. Here's what I want you to see. Our authority, listen to this, our authority is the Word of God. By the authority... of the Word of God. You and I have authority to come to God. The authority has been given to us through His promises. He says, ask and it shall be given to you. Seek and you will find. Knock and it shall be opened to you. Heavenly Father, I come to you in Jesus' name. I come to you by faith. I'm trusting you. I come to you not begging. I come to you not pleading. I come to you as a servant, but I come to you with the authority given to me by the person of Jesus Christ, who is my life. You have drawn back the veil. You are living on the inside of me. I have access to you, and I come based on the promises that you have given to me, and I have blessed assurance that what I'm asking for, somehow, in some way, according to your will, it will be done. We come not as beggars, but as children who have authority with their parents. When you look at the 11th chapter of the book of Hebrews, these men and these women came, verse 33, who by faith, he just listed some there whom you know, conquered kingdoms, performed acts of righteousness, obtained promises, shut the mouths of lions, quenched the power of fire, escaped the edge of the sword, from weakness were made strong, became mighty in war, put fallen armies to flight." Women received back their dead by resurrection. Others were tortured, not accepting their release in order that they might obtain a better resurrection. Then he goes on to talk about scourgings and mockings and chains and imprisonment and stoning and being put to death in swords and sheepskin, goatskin, destitute, afflicted, ill-treated, and all the rest. You say, well, it looks like their faith didn't work. Yes, it did. Their faith did work. You mean to tell me That you believe that those saints of God who trusted God and whose head was severed from their body in faith in the Lord Jesus Christ, they didn't conquer. They conquered the trials and the temptations of denying the living God and in a brief moment of time were catapulted in their spirit toward heaven in the presence of Almighty God. They conquered the fear of death and they conquered temptation and they conquered Satan So I don't want to say to you that, and some people tell you, you just believe God and everything's going to turn out right. Everything is going to turn out according to the will of God. It may not always turn out the way I want it. And it's interesting and I'm grateful that he didn't just stop before he talked about all of these things that came to pass. But what does he say? He says, all of them had the approval of God. Why? Because they placed their trust in him. We have authority with him. But do you come as a scraping, begging child, hoping with intense desire, or do you come with the authority of the Word of God? This is why I said to you over and over and over again, this book needs to be a part of your daily diet. You see, listen, if I know what the promise of God is, and I know what the will of God is, I can come to Him and say, I just want to thank you, Lord Jesus, for what you're going to do. I accept it as a done deal. I don't have to feel anything. You know why most folks don't trust God? They can't feel it. Friend, I've had to trust Him and my feelings were 10,000 miles away and I felt absolutely nothing. All you have is the promise of God. That's all the authority you need. The Bible doesn't say that just you live by feelings. We should walk by feelings. He said we're not even to walk by sight. We're to walk by faith, trusting Him, believing, assurance, confidence, anticipating, access to Him, aware of His presence, the authority of God in our life. And that authority is authority that comes as a result of believing God. You see, part of the problem is there's a whole lot more of self in us than we realize. Well, now, Lord, I'm going to trust you, and I'm going to do this, and I'm going to do that, and I'm going to do the other. You know what the Christian life's all about? The Christian life is all about trusting Him to be in me and to do through me and to provide for me everything His perfect will chooses. When those people came to Jesus and they said, What are the works we shall do? He said, there's only one work for you to do. Believe. That's the work. Trust Him. It isn't our efforts. It is the work of God. That's the authority we have. Another word I want you to jot down is the word action. For example, Noah believed God and therefore built a what? He built an ark. Now, suppose Noah said, yes, God, I believe it's going to rain. You're going to wipe out everything. God said, build an ark. Do you believe it? Well, God, I really believe what you're saying. And God says, Noah, if you work 24 hours a day, starting today, it's going to take that to build this ark. God, I'm believing you. If you said it, God, I believe it. Now, I want you to listen real carefully because I want this one to get so deep down inside of you, you cannot pull it out. The acid test of your faith is your obedience, right? Don't tell me you are believing God when you will not obey Him. Obedience is the acid test of my faith. It doesn't make any difference what I tell God. It doesn't make any difference how much I pray, how intense my desire is. If I do not obey the thing that God tells me to do, that is not faith. I am deceived. And let me say one other thing. I want you to think about something. Do you realize that when you don't believe God, that you're insulting God? That you're grieving His Spirit to tell a sovereign, omnipotent God who has the power to do everything? Yeah, I'm asking you. I hope so. My friend, the basic problem, every sin that you and I commit and every failure in our life is the result of Of insulting God. We don't believe him. If I believe God's going to meet my needs, I'm going to stop trying to meet him myself. The acid test of your faith is obedience. Now listen carefully. Don't come to God praying about 15 other things over here, disobeying him in an area that you know is an act of disobedience. Because listen, you can say, well, I'm believing God for these things, but somehow I can't believe Him for that. Forget it. Acid test of my faith is my obedience to God. I serve. I love. These are action words. Now, I hope that just grinds real good inside of you. And you may not like it, but that's okay. I want to ask you again. Does your life declare that you believe in God? then what you have to ask is, am I living obediently before God? Last word, approval. Listen to this. In the second verse of the 11th chapter, he says, for by it, that is by faith, men of old gained what? Approval. Do you realize that when you genuinely trust God for anything, that God is, put it in human terms, is happy. That is, God is delighted. You realize that when you trust God, He just wants to do more. You know what really frustrates me as a pastor? When I see God wanting to bless people and you won't let Him. He's trying and you won't let Him. Because you won't obey Him in something simple. Obey Him and let Him bless you with the best. Now, All of that's been rather self-centered to some degree, but it's all the truth. And we're talking about us and our faith and what we want. But let me just step one step beyond that and listen very carefully. There's something more important than God just answering my prayer and honoring my faith for my sake. In the 40th Psalm, I want you to listen to this. I waited patiently for God to help me. He listened and heard my cry. He lifted me out of the pit of despair, out from the bog and the mire, and set my feet on a hard, firm path, and steadied me as I walked along. Now many will hear of the glorious things God has done for me, and they will stand in awe before the Lord." and they will put their trust in Him. Listen to that. Do you know the ultimate primary reason that God is going to honor your faith? Because you see, when you and I believe God, and God does these things in our life, what happens? Other people see God working in your life, and they stand, listen to this, they stand in awe, not of you, but of God. And the Bible says, then they too learn to put their trust in Him. That's what the walk's all about. It is by faith that we move forward in our life. And the question is, which direction are you moving? If you've never trusted Him as your personal Savior, I can tell you which direction you're moving in, in reverse, backwards. And things are not going to ever get any better for you. Oh, you may make more money and get a promotion here and there, but on the inside, there'll never be peace, never be assurance, never be the confidence that you're looking for. And you'll never be satisfied in life until Christ Jesus becomes your Savior. And He becomes your Savior how? By placing your trust in Him that His death at Calvary paid your sin debt in full and that you're willing to believe Him and receive Him as your Savior and accept His forgiveness for your sin. Then you're in a position because God hands you the key and if you're willing to trust Him, God's treasure house is open to you.
Thank you for listening to part two of Which Direction. For more inspirational messages like this one, visit our online 24-7 station. And if you'd like to know more about Charles Stanley or InTouch Ministries, stop by This podcast is a presentation of InTouch Ministries, Atlanta, Georgia.
In this episode of 'Forward by Faith,' we discover how faith serves as the cornerstone for living a fulfilling Christian life. Through insightful discussions, we learn the importance of recognizing faith as more than just hope and desire, highlighting how genuine faith requires assurance and active anticipation. With practical advice on how to align one’s life into forward momentum, listeners are prompted to break free from the reverse cycles and stride confidently towards their God-given destinies.
Welcome to the InTouch Podcast with Charles Stanley for Monday, January 6th. Would you describe your faith as active? Be honest with yourself about where you are and where you need to be as you listen to part one of the series challenging you to move forward by faith.
The Bible portrays the Christian life as a walk. It speaks of walking in the Spirit, walking in the flesh, walking in light, walking in love, walking in truth. All through the Scriptures we find the Christian life being portrayed as a walk. Not something that is stagnant, but something that is moving. Well, this is the beginning of a series entitled, Forward by Faith. And the title of this message is, Forward by Faith, Which Direction? Everybody's not moving in the right direction, and the question is, how do we change gears? Well, in 2 Corinthians chapter 5... There is a passage that deals primarily here with the matter of our body here in this life and what's going to happen to it in the life hereafter. And in the midst of some wonderful promises about our life hereafter, the Apostle Paul makes one statement. And I want you to notice that he makes this between two verses that speak of courage. And if you'll notice here, he's talking about our body disintegrating one of these days. We're going to be clothed with a new body. And he says, beginning in verse 6, "...therefore, being always of good courage and knowing that while we are at home in the body, we are absent from the Lord." And look at this. "...for we walk by faith, not by sight." We are of good courage, I say, and prefer rather to be absent from the body than to be at home with the Lord. His whole concept of the condition of this body and that it is going to be better to be absent from this body and present with the Lord is a matter of trusting God. For he says in verse 6, "...therefore being always of good courage..." knowing that while we're at home in the body, we're absent from the Lord. But we're walking by faith, not by sight. Therefore, we have good courage, preferring to be absent from the body, present with the Lord, because we know where we're going to be. The Apostle Paul is saying, our understanding... That it is better to be absent from the body and present with the Lord is a matter of trust, of faith in God, and not going by our feelings or our sight. We've not seen what's on the other side, but we're trusting that what He says is true. Now, there are many people whose life... is moving in reverse. They don't understand that the Christian life, we said, is a walk. The Christian life is just that. It is a life of faith. Listen to what the Bible says. He says, we're saved by faith. We live by faith. We walk by faith. We conquer by faith. We resist the devil by faith. The Bible says that we are of the household of faith, so that the entire Christian life is a matter of trusting God. Everything that you have is a result of that, and you can't separate the two. but many people's lives are lived in reverse for example things just don't seem to work out for them instead of getting ahead they're getting further and further behind their life is in reverse and no matter what they seem to try to do it just doesn't seem to work out for them They look at their life. It seems to be negative. It seems to be in a reverse mode. And I don't know whether you've thought about it or not, but you know it's real, real easy to walk forward. In fact, you can walk forward and never think about it. But try walking backwards. You have to think about walking backwards. And oftentimes we don't realize that somewhere out there we change gears. And for some reason, instead of getting ahead, things don't seem to be doing too well. And we look around us and we see other people who seemingly have less abilities and less talents and less opportunities and less privilege. And yet somehow in spite of all the things that they're going through, difficulty, hardship, trial, suffering, they keep seemingly... are able to walk ahead. Sometimes it's a little itsy-bitsy step here and a little step there, and yet you look at yourself and you think, how is it that I keep going backwards and they keep going forward? Maybe somewhere out there you need to change gears. And maybe somewhere out there you really think that you've got your life in forward gear, and yet somehow it's not there. Because you see, listen, God cannot, listen, by His nature, He cannot ignore genuine, true faith. And if you are believing God, God must respond to your faith. So if you find yourself in a reverse mode, And for some reason, in spite of your attempts and your desires to be moving forward in your life, in every area of your life, your spiritual life, your relationships, whatever it might be, that somewhere along the way you've thrown that thing in reverse and you're going backwards instead of forward. How do you get your life in the forward position? One of the primary reasons that many people are walking in the wrong direction It's because they do not understand the true nature of faith. The Bible says we are to live by faith. We walk by faith. Our whole life is a life of faith. If you should ask them, they'll say, well, I am trusting God. I am believing God. My life is a life of faith. Well. Genuinely, they believe that their life is a life of faith, but it is not. Because you see, some people confuse strong desires, some people confuse prayers, some people confuse hope with faith. Strong desire and hope and praying is not faith. All of those are important, but they don't add up to faith. Well, what I hope to help you to see today is that you're not waiting on God to God is waiting on you to get your life in forward motion so that you can move forward and become the person God wants you to be and achieve the things God wants you to achieve and accomplish those goals out there in life that you want to accomplish. One of the primary reasons is our confusion about faith. We think we believe in God when we're not. And you see, secondly, those people oftentimes have a very, very barren diet. And their diet is composed of many things, one of which they leave out is the Word of God. The one who's moving forward, most of those folks, if you'll check their life out, It's those people that they're genuinely moving forward in their spiritual life, their relationship to God and the other areas of their life. No matter how many difficulties they face, how many times they stumble and fall, how often they have to get up and keep on walking, those people are feasting on the Word of God. Another part of their confusion is the fact... Their idea is that faith is a gift that God gives to certain people and certain people don't have it. And so their excuse is, well, you know, he has the gift of faith and she has the gift of faith. God didn't give it to me, so I guess I'm just going to sort of have to plod along in life and do the best I can. First of all, faith is indeed a gift. But remember this, that faith is neither secular nor spiritual. Faith is neither secular nor spiritual. It is both natural and it is neutral. Everybody has faith. It doesn't make any difference what the man has lost to save when he gets up in the morning and he walks into the bathroom and turns on the faucet. He turns it on, not standing there thinking, I wonder if any water is going to come out of there. I certainly hope it does. I'm really going to try to get it out. No, he walks over and he turns the faucet in absolute confidence that when he does, water is coming out. God has given to every single one of us the gift of faith. And I mean by that, that every single person who's alive has faith. Your whole life is a life of faith. And so we're the ones who've separated secular faith and spiritual faith. There's no such thing. The only distinction is who is the object of my faith? What is the object of my faith? That is the key issue about the whole idea of faith. Now, The question we want to deal with is this whole matter of how do we get our life moving forward by faith. What I want to ask you to do is to ask yourself this question. Lord, let me be honest now and listen carefully and be honest about what I hear and evaluate my prayers. It's real easy to say, especially when you're having a tough time, well, I am believing God. I am trusting God. Listen carefully. Many people who think that they believe in God are dominated by fear, dominated by doubts, dominated by anxiety, overwhelmed in their life by many things. If you ask them, do they believe God? They say, yes, I do. If you ask them, are you praying in faith? Yes, I am. And yet things aren't working out. And what we want to do oftentimes is blame it on someone else or something else. Now listen, let me remind you of something. Remember that there are those folks over here who are facing almost, it seems, insurmountable barriers in life. Difficulties, hardships, they live with them, they face them day by day. And what happens? They're moving forward, sometimes slowly and sometimes they're taking great leaps forward. And here you are, and you're believing, you say, and you're trusting, and they're moving by, life's passing you by, years are going on, and you're saying, God, why am I not getting ahead in life? What's going on? What I want to ask you to do is lay down your guard, drop your barriers, and be willing to listen carefully and ask the Holy Spirit, Spirit of God, speak to my heart. No matter what I'm thinking, if I am hearing the truth, witness to my heart. And if you will, God is about to do something in your life to throw your life in forward motion. Which direction is your life moving in? Faith is the disposition of the mind that moves you forward in life. It is the way I think. It is the way I think. It isn't a question of mind over matter. It isn't a matter of a positive mental attitude. Faith in itself is a positive expression of the mind toward a very specific object and that is God. And so as we examine what genuine true faith is, listen carefully. And I want to say this again now. It's not going to work unless you are honest enough to evaluate your own praying Your own request, your own relationship and your own conversations with God, and the words you use are your primary words, I hope so. I'm really hoping that things are going to change. I want to tell you that hope and faith are not synonymous. And no matter how strongly you desire something, how intensely the need, how overwhelming this thing may appear in your life, that is not faith. Faith involves several things. I want to give you seven single words. It's really that simple, and yet it's complex to some degree when it comes to living it out. But I want you to jot these down. And if you really want to see God make a reverse in your life, you'll be wise enough not just to sit and listen, but you will jot them down. When we think about faith, the first word I want to share with you is the word assurance. Because you see, faith, that is believing God, is expressing assurance. That is, there is no question in my mind that God will keep His Word. And assurance says this. Assurance says, I have confidence. That what I have asked God to do, which I know is His will, He is going to bring about in my life. You see, confidence is not hope so. Confidence is a sure thing. This is why the Apostle Paul said, listen to this. He said, don't be anxious about anything. You say, yeah, I know that's what he said. Well, why did he say it? Because Paul understood the nature of faith. Faith says, I can rest now that I have made my petition to God. If I have genuine faith in him, and I have the promises of God, and listen, assurance, faith must be based on the promise of God. the promise of God, which is the will of the Father. And if I am willing to trust him, then I have confidence that he's going to bring it to pass. I don't have to keep begging him for something. I don't have to be worried and fretting and anxious about it. Listen to what Paul said. He said, don't be anxious about anything. But what? In everything by prayer and supplication, make your request known to God. That is, we're to make it known to him in faith. We're to believe him. And if I make my request known to Him and I believe Him, then I can expect God to do something. Here's what faith does. Faith quietens my spirit. You see, what happens is when I cease to believe and begin to put my emphasis on my works and what I'm going to do and my schedule and my thing, something begins to happen. I lose my sense of contentment and joy. Faith involves assurance. I have assurance that whatever God said He's going to do, He's going to do it. Assurance doesn't look around for a lot of evidence. Assurance says, God, if you said it, that settles it, period. That's what faith is all about. Faith is assurance that God is going to keep His Word. Not hope He will, not maybe He will, not intense desire, but strong, blessed confidence. And I think what you will discover in your own prayer life and your own thinking is this. You'll find yourself beginning to thank God for more, ask Him for less. You see, as long as I'm pleading and crying out to God for something, either I don't know it's His will, either I don't have the assurance, or either something in my life is short-circuiting my confidence. Listen, sin in any form will short-circuit your assurance, your confidence, your faith in God. But you see, when you can begin to thank Him for it, you say, well, and somebody says, well, what are you even thanking Him for? I don't see any evidence for it. Well, listen, you don't have to have any evidence. The Word of God is better than anything you see because you and I can be deceived by a lot of things that we can see with our naked eye. God never deceives anyone. The first word is assurance. The second word is anticipation. Anticipation, that is, if I really and truly believe that God is going to do what I ask, then I am going to anticipate it. That is, I'm going to prepare for it. I'm going to make plans. Now, sometimes we think that we are really believing God and anticipating what He's going to do. And yet, if we examined it, we wouldn't really believe that's what's happening. For example, if you said to me, well... Going to Europe tomorrow for a three-week vacation. Wonderful. I want to ask you some questions. Do you really believe that? Why, sure, I believe that. Have you packed your clothes? No. Well, have you bought your plane ticket? No. Made a reservation? No. Have you got your money together? No. Have you told nobody you was going? No. I'm here to tell you, my friend, you're not going. You may think you're going, but you're not going. If you don't have a ticket, you don't have any money, and you don't have a reservation, you're not packed, you're not going. Now, here's what I want you to see. There are a lot of people who come to God and make requests, and they really believe that they're believing God, but they're making no preparation. You see, if I believe that God's going to do something, I'm getting ready. If you go to God and you ask him for something and you make no preparation to answer, listen, more than likely you don't really and truly anticipate God answering your request. You may hope he will. You may be crying out to God that he do it, but are you making any plans? Anticipation is a vital part of our faith. We're looking forward to it. Listen, we're living it ahead of time. You see, what faith does, it gives me the privilege to reach out in the future, bring it into the present, and enjoy it even now. Listen, it's hard to be down in the mouth and be negative. And listen, it's very difficult to be walking backwards when you're planning on God doing something. If you're planning on God doing something, what are you doing? You're moving toward the goal because you have trusted God. You're not just hoping so. You're making preparations and plans for God to do something very vital in your life. Assurance is a part of that faith. Anticipation is a very, very vital part of that life. The third word I want you to jot down is awareness. When you are believing God, you become aware of the presence of God. You begin to be sensitive. The Holy Spirit begins to enable you to see oftentimes little itsy-bitsy evidences that God is already up to something, that He's already working in this circumstance, in this situation about which you're concerned. He's already concerned. You see... When you are aware of God, here's what happens. Faith, genuine faith, lives in the ever-present awareness of God. And sometimes I will share with people and talk to folks who are going through this, that, and the other kind of problem, and they'll talk about, this is what I'm doing, and this is what I've done, and this is what I want to do, and this is what I think I ought to do, and this is what I've asked God about. And for the most part, it's I, I, I, I, I. Little about God. Little about trusting Him. You see, genuine faith lives in the ever-presence of the living God. He is the object of our faith. And so many times when we think we are expressing faith in God, we are really expressing faith in circumstances that we hope will change, people that will be able to do so-and-so, and this person who will become involved over here, and what I'm going to be able to do. That's not faith in God. That's faith in myself, my plans, and what I want to achieve. Faith in God. My faith is directed toward Him. I am aware of Him. I am aware of His involvement. I am aware of His promise to be involved in every facet of my life.
Thank you for listening to today's podcast titled, Which Direction? For more inspirational messages like this one, visit our online 24-7 station. And if you'd like to know more about Charles Stanley or InTouch Ministries, stop by This podcast is a presentation of InTouch Ministries, Atlanta, Georgia.
Gain a proper understanding of the true meaning of discipleship and how to follow Jesus wholeheartedly.
Welcome to this weekend's In Touch Podcast with Charles Stanley. What are your goals for 2025? Today, we begin a new series for the year, helping us understand and embrace what it means to be a disciple of Jesus Christ. Here's part one, the demands of discipleship.
Discipleship is one of those scriptural words that we talk about, have heard about, have repeated many times, have read in scripture and in books all of our life, and have little or no understanding of its true meaning. If I should ask you this morning, what is a disciple? More than likely, most people would begin to name Peter, James, John, Judas, Levi, or one or the other, twelve apostles. Our concept of discipleship is more than an idea or way of life. All the way through the New Testament, you'll find that word. You'll find the word disciple and discipleship. When you come to the Great Commission, you and I read it in the King James Version. that says this go ye therefore and teach all nations we can just quote that off just like that we learned that in the first grade or while we were beginners we could quote that in Sunday school but it would be better had we learned that the way Jesus said it in the original which says going therefore make disciples of all nations But you see, we have read it as it has been translated. Go ye therefore and teach all nations. And so we've sort of relegated that to missionaries and preachers and teachers and all kinds of church workers. But somehow we've not understood what Jesus meant. He said... As you go. As you go where? As you go everywhere you go. As you who? Apostles? Preachers? No. Every disciple. As ye go. Therefore, make disciples of all nations. When I read the New Testament, what God is saying concerning discipleship, I realize today why the church is collapsing all about us. While it is growing in areas, it is absolutely collapsing in other areas. While there are some that are on the cutting edge and the fire and the power of God is so evident, there are those that are drying up and withering like dead stalks. Withering. How can the power of God wither? How can the presence of God in the presence of people, how can they wither spiritually? But it's happening everywhere. And I believe there's a principle I've discovered as I read that book of Acts over and over and over again. And that is, without discipleship, it is disaster for the church of God. If the concept of discipleship is not preached and taught and lived, it means ultimate disaster for the church of the Lord Jesus Christ. And we look about us to see what's happening. And we wonder why. And I believe the reason is evident in the word of God. Now listen carefully. Some of you are just sitting on ready and you're going to get it. And you're going to say, God, that's exactly what I want. That's what I want you to do in my life. That's what I've been hungering and thirsting for. Any hungry believer will take what God has to offer. But do you know the group of people here this morning who will have the most difficulty with the concept of true discipleship? It is all of us who have been a Christian for 20, 30, 40, and 50 years. We will have the greatest difficulty with accepting and absorbing and listen, applying the concept of New Testament discipleship. We will have the most difficult time. Now watch this. Because we have grown up in churches where you go to church, you give your heart to Jesus, You just do some mechanical things like give and you go to Sunday school class and you read the Bible and you pray and you serve on a committee, you serve as a deacon, you teach a Sunday school class. And we have a generation after generation after generation of the product of breeding and growing and producing churchmen who know everything about the facilities of a church. Everything about how a church operates, all about programs, all about the system, but little or nothing about Jesus Christ and almost zero when it comes to what he meant about discipleship. Amen? Now that is the condition of the church. We have churchmen by the millions. We have few disciples. And I go right back again to the pulpit. I believe the responsibility primarily rests upon the pulpit. It is not all there, but primarily that's where it rests. I want us to talk about this matter of discipleship. And this is just a beginning this morning of what it's all about. Now listen, listen carefully. It will be very, very easy for you to say to me or in your own mind, watch this. The devil do everything in his power to keep this from your mind. It will be easy for you to say, well, I've heard that definition before. Well, I've been knowing that's what a disciple is all of my life. Now watch this. The devil, if he can get you to think just for a moment, well, I know what a disciple is, he'll have you exactly where he wants you because you'll miss the whole point of the message. I want you to listen as if you had never known what a disciple is because more than likely, I doubt if many people here really do. All I ask you to do is to give me your heart for a little while and ask God to speak to you and help you get in your heart, in your mind, so you can apply what I'm going to say. First thing I'm going to do is to define what a disciple is. Now, the word disciple in the Greek is mathetes, which simply means a learner. That is, a disciple, according to the New Testament, is a person, first of all, who learns the doctrine of his teacher, and secondly, equally important, who makes application of that doctrine in his life, whereby the doctrine of the teacher becomes a way of life for the one who's listening. Therefore, a disciple is one who is learning from his teacher, making application in his life, and thereby whose life is continuously growing and growing and growing. Now, which says it is a contradiction in terms to talk about being a disciple and being spiritually stagnant. A backsliding in your spiritual life. A disciple is one who is continuously learning, continuously making application. A disciple is one who is hungry and thirsty after the things of God. I simply ask you, do you have a hunger for God? Do you have a thirst for him? Do you want him to carry you as deeply as he intends to carry you? Now, discipleship. Listen, a genuine New Testament disciple. Let me give you a simple definition of it. That's the word in the New Testament. That's the implication there. But a New Testament disciple is one who has accepted Jesus Christ as Savior, who has yielded to Jesus Christ as Lord, and who, listen, accepted Jesus Christ as Savior. You've done that. Yielded to Jesus Christ as Lord. I certainly hope you've done that. and through whom Jesus Christ is reproducing His life in the life of another. A New Testament disciple is one who has accepted Jesus Christ as Savior. You've done that. Yielded to him as Lord. He's king in your life. And through whom he is reproducing himself in the life of another. That's the key. And this is where we have fallen short and hit zero in our score. He said, as you go to work, as you go home, as you go in your community, as you go to church, we are those who have accepted Christ as Savior, yielded to Him as Lord, and through us, He is reproducing His life through us in the life of someone else. That is the simple way Jesus intended to evangelize the whole known world. You know how we can do that? Simply putting into practice the definition I just gave you. Having accepted Jesus Christ as my Savior, having yielded to Him as my Lord, I will allow Him to reproduce His life through me in the life of someone else. And when that someone else understands what it means to be saved, to have him as Lord, and that reproduction of another believer is his command from Jesus, that's how Jesus intended that the gospel reach the world. Isn't that simple? It is just that simple. Having accepted Him as my Savior, having yielded to Him as my Lord, and allowing Him to reproduce through me His life in the life of someone else. That is the God-given command to every single believer, period. There is no exception to that. And when I think of how far short we've fallen from that, I could weep on the inside. Just refreshing my own mind and heart of what the Lord wanted to say through me today. God working in my own heart, speaking to my own life. And I had to confess to him, dear God, how could I have been so blind so long when I began to realize the sudden picture of this thing. I have known it for a long time. But all of a sudden it hit me just like a ton of steel. This is the way he intends to evangelize the world in a simple formula available to every believer. And there's not a soul in this place this morning who is saved who cannot do what I'm talking about. Amen? not a one of us every single one of us can do it now that's what a disciple is but now let's talk about this matter of the drift of the new testament church for a moment that's the definition what about the drift all the way back in the new testament day when jesus talked about discipleship he talked to a group of people who followed him now He was not nearly as interested in people's response in some way, as oftentimes we are, because when he talked about discipleship, he didn't have the same response that we do when we talk about other things. Now watch this. Today we talk about membership. We talk about salvation. We talk about all kinds of things. When Jesus got through, the scripture says, therefore I said unto you that no man can come unto me except it were given to him of my father. From that time, many of his disciples went back and walked no more with him. And I believe that in many churches in America, before they'll ever grow and get fired up for God, there's got to be a purging and a pruning and a cleansing and the doctrine of obedience to God. That is the heart and the core of discipleship. When they saw what he was saying, having healed, having fed them, and all the rest. When He got down to obeying Him, the Scripture says that the vast majority of them turned and walked away. And He said to His apostles, will you also turn and walk away? Discipleship is more than believing in Jesus Christ. So then, Jesus with His disciples, He taught them in order to reproduce His life through them to others. Then you come to the early New Testament church, and if you'll turn that to Acts chapter 11 for a moment, I want you to notice something. The scripture says that Antioch was a great center of the Christian faith. And verse 25 says, Now listen. Those who had believed in Jesus Christ were called disciples. That's how they knew each other. They were disciples of the Lord Jesus Christ. When the pagans in Antioch, as they watched the influence and the witness and the testimony and the way of life of these who were disciples, they are the ones, the scripture says, who tagged them Christianos, that is, followers of Jesus. Those whom they... Saul, who were attempting to interpret the life of Christ. Now, a disciple is one who has received Jesus Christ as Savior, yielded to Him as Lord, and is available for the Holy Spirit to reproduce the life of Christ through him in the life of someone else. Discipleship is not optional. It is mandatory upon every believer. Now, I suppose you could place a discipleship in three stages. That is, believing in the Lord Jesus Christ, first of all, learning of Him, and then having His life reproduced through your life and the life of someone else. But that New Testament church... discipleship to them was very, very simple. They knew exactly what was involved. When I turn to the fifth and sixth chapters of Acts, the last verse, the 42nd verse of the fifth chapter of Acts says, "...and daily in the temple and in every house they ceased not to teach and preach Jesus Christ." And chapter 6, verse 1 says, "...and in those days..." when the number of the disciples was multiplied. Verse 7 says, And the word of God increased, and the number of the disciples multiplied in Jerusalem greatly. What were they doing? Here's what they were doing. They had accepted Jesus Christ as Savior. They had yielded to Him as the resurrected Lord. And they were preaching in the church house. And they were going from house to house. And they were doing what? They were allowing Jesus Christ to reproduce Himself. In the lives of people all over Jerusalem. And the Bible says that disciples were being multiplied everywhere. Why? They understood the true meaning of discipleship. That when you give your heart to Jesus, you are saved to lordship for reproduction. Reproduction. It is not optional. It is mandatory. The reproducing through us of the life of Jesus Christ in the life of someone else. And that is not only sharing my faith with them, but building that person up in the faith. Instructing them how to do the same thing for someone else. What have we done? We've said, come forward. Sign a card, be baptized. And my friend, the churches today that are dying are the churches that are doing nothing but getting members. And listen, that is a disaster to tell a man, come give your heart to Jesus and sit and listen to me preach. That is disastrous because Jesus saved that man to reproduce himself through him. And what I'm asking you today is this. When and how and to whom and in whom has Christ been able to reproduce his life because of the life you've lived? That's what it's all about. He says, make disciples of all nations, not optional command, mandatory upon every single believer. But the church today has watered it down. And what do we have? We have a watered-down church that's lost its power. It is no longer exercising and experiencing the supernatural work of God. And there are bright flames here and there all over the world. But for the most part, the church has lost the understanding of discipleship. And because it has, we have scores of millions of people in Christendom who are ignorant of the Word of God. And that's why they're willing to do anything. And choose any kind of liberal theology because they're not disciples. They're just believers. My friend, you can be a believer, but if you're not doing what 2 Timothy 2, verse 2 says, my friend, you're not a disciple of Jesus. And that is not optional. It is mandatory. It is a command. Follow me. Be my disciple. Listen to what he says. 2 Timothy chapter 2. Let's begin in verse 1. Thou therefore, my son, be strong in the grace that is in Christ Jesus. Listen. And the things that thou hast heard of me among many witnesses, the same commit thou to faithful men who shall be able to teach others also. That is discipleship. And did you know that all the coming of church in the world is no substitute for that? All the worship in the world is no substitute for that. There is no substitute for reproducing the life of Christ in the life of someone else. Now listen. Jesus offers men a way of life. That is that a man's walk, the way he walks, where he goes, what he says, that his walk is a way of life that is characterized by the reproduction of the life of Jesus. Now, friend, he is saying that a disciple is one whose way of life is characterized by reproduction of the life of Jesus in the life of the man to whom he speaks. And I want to ask you this morning, do you want to be a disciple? Or do you just want to sit and take it easy and miss the best God's got? I believe there are enough people who mean business for God, who will take what has been said today, ponder it, think over it, look at what they've said they are, what they know they are, what they ought to be doing, what they've chosen as options, what they know now to be mandatory in their life, and that there is no substitute. I believe God will do something in your life, my friend, if you will allow Him the privilege of reproduction of His Spirit through you.
Thank you for listening to The Demands of Discipleship. For more inspirational messages like this one, visit our online 24-7 station. And if you'd like to know more about Charles Stanley or InTouch Ministries, stop by This podcast is a presentation of InTouch Ministries, Atlanta, Georgia.
In this insightful episode, Charles Stanley explores the artistry involved in God's design for our lives. Using the imagery of a potter working with clay, listeners are invited to reflect on their unique spiritual journeys. Discover how God’s loving hands work through all circumstances to purify and shape us, turning our lives into something beautiful and purposeful. Stanley emphasizes the significance of understanding God’s purpose and trusting His divine blueprint. Witness how the metaphor of the potter serves as a reminder that imperfections are opportunities for growth under God's expert craftsmanship. This episode encourages listeners to be open to God’s persistent and patient shaping, affirming that no past mistakes can outpace His grace.
Welcome to the In Touch Podcast with Charles Stanley for Friday, January 3rd. Sometimes believers struggle with God's will for their lives. Today, you'll be assured that you can always trust God's plan to craft us into the image of His Son, Jesus Christ.
Do you know what God is up to in your life? Well, you can know. Now, you may respond, well, why do you think you can tell me what God is up to in my life? Simply because in His Word, He tells us what He's up to in every one of our lives, with no exception. God is up to something in everybody's life. And so as you think about what's happening in your life and what's going on, the things that are good, bad, or indifferent, you may be in a trial, some tribulation, some heartache, or things may be going just the way you want them. What is He up to? God is certainly not a distant God. He is a personal Father. And that's what I want to talk about in this message entitled, Molded by the Master. And I want you to turn, if you will, to Jeremiah chapter 18. Something happens here in Jeremiah that is a perfect setting for what I want to share with you about what God is up to in all of our lives. Jeremiah chapter 18, he says in verse 1, the word came to Jeremiah from the Lord saying, arise and go down to the potter's house. The potter's house is where they make a pottery of all sorts. And there I shall announce my words to you. Then I went down to the potter's house, and there he was making something on the wheel. But the vessel that he was making of clay was spoiled in the hand of the potter, so he remade it into another vessel as it pleased the potter to make. Then the word of the Lord came to me, saying, Can I not, O house of Israel, deal with you as this potter does? declares the Lord, behold, like the clay in the potter's hand, so are you in my hand, O house of Israel. Now, God would use the most common things throughout the scriptures to teach some of his most profound lessons. And that is certainly an example here as he sends Jeremiah down to the pottery, where the potter is making something on the wheel. And in the process of him watching this potter mold something out of the clay, God gave to Jeremiah a very, very important lesson to the nation of Israel. Because what he said is, Jeremiah, I am working in the life of the nation of Israel. And they oftentimes are like this piece of clay that's having to be reshaped and remade and remolded. I believe one of the most profound lessons in all the Scripture, and one that I think all of us need to understand clearly, is right here in this particular passage. And that is simply this. I want to say two things in essence. And that is, first of all, God the Master Potter, listen, God the Master Potter has a purpose for every lump of human clay. God has made every single one of us and is in the process of making us. He has a definite purpose in all of our lives. And therefore, what we have to discover is what that purpose is. There's some things he says he keeps only for himself, but certainly what he wants to do with your life and my life, he does not intend to keep that a secret. He doesn't always show us exactly when we'd like to know it. But He doesn't keep secrets. He wants us to know His purpose for our life, His plan, His will, what He has in mind. And so God doesn't make something for the purpose of nothing. You were born into this world. God allowed you to be born for a purpose, for a specific purpose that He has. Now, when the potter places the clay on the potter's wheel, He has a specific design in mind. You see, in his mind, he already knows what's going to happen. So he's not looking at clay. He's not looking at mud. He is looking at it and threw it into it. And what he is doing is simply bringing forth from it what he has already preconceived in his mind. And so when you think about your life and mine, God has already foreseen, predetermined what he's going to do in our life. So when you and I were saved, we were sort of like that glob of clay. Nothing attractive about that. It's just sort of a formless, shapeless kind of glob of mud. And spiritually, that's the way we were when we were saved. There was nothing beautiful about us spiritually. We were living in sin, disobeying God, transgressing the law of God, falling short, going our way, doing our own thing. Then God began to work in our life. Because He had purpose for saving us. And He had a design in mind, and you'll recall He says in Romans chapter 8, that God has predestined all of us to be conformed to the likeness of His Son. Does that mean that we're going to look like Him? Not necessarily. No, it doesn't. But it means that in character, God is shaping and working in your life and mine so that we will indeed be like His Son. One of the things we make a mistake about is we look around and we say, well, you know, if I could just be like him and if I could be like her, or if I had the gifts and talents that she has or he has, no, God, nowhere in the Scripture even intimates that he's ever made two vessels alike, no two fingerprints alike, no two persons exactly alike. And if you can think about how absolutely infinite God must be in his creative power that no two persons are the same, So, when we look to see how God is working in our life and His purpose and plan for us, we can see that there is a design behind what He does because He has a different work for us. And so, God has designed all of us for a specific purpose. What is that purpose? It is not my purpose or your purpose, but His purpose. And so, the issue is not whether God is working in our life or not. The issue is, am I in agreement with what God is trying to do in my life? And if I am in agreement, it doesn't make any difference what he makes out of me. If I'm in agreement, it doesn't make any difference whether he uses me over here in a small way, in a larger way, with a few people, with a lot of people, it doesn't make any difference. The issue is, what did God have in mind when... He put this old blob of clay on the wheel and it began to turn and it had your name on it. And he began to work in your life. You see, he'd already pre-designed what he wanted to do. And so he put his loving divine hands on the clay and he brought out of that clay what he had in mind. You see, he's not looking at the clay. He's looking at the finished product and he sees it in his mind. He's designed for each one of us to fulfill his purpose in our life. Now, When the potter looks at that clay, it's pure clay. In other words, that's just a pure lump of clay. If he sees in that clay a stick of wood, or if he sees leaves, or if he sees gravel or some kind of rocks, he has to deal with that because, you see, in order for him to mold that and to make it the kind of vessel, beautiful vessel that he wants it to be, it must be smooth. The clay must be pure. Or when he put his hands upon it, he would quickly begin to realize there are foreign elements in that clay that don't belong there. That's why God, in working in your life and my life, he has to remove those things that are hindrances to his purpose. That is, anything that would hinder him when he puts his loving divine hands upon our life to mold us and make us into what he wants us to be, those things have to go. God is a master at taking broken things and crushing them and smashing them and beginning to mold and throw them back on the wheel and to remake. My friend, you could never sin so much that you out-sin the grace of God. nor can you be so broken over your past. And no matter what you've done, God in His loving care will take you in His loving hands, begin to mold and begin to shape and make something beautiful and something good out of your life. He is the master potter. So first of all, I simply say that God has a purpose for every single lump of human clay. Now, the second thing I want to say is this, that God has a plan. Listen, God has a plan for by which to fulfill his purpose for these lumps of clay, these old human lumps of clay. He has a plan by which to make it a reality. For example, when the potter takes his lump of clay and he knows in his mind what he wants to do. He wants to create a beautiful vase or a bowl or a pitcher of some sort or some utensil. Remember that he already knows, and here's what he does. He takes that lump of clay and he throws it on the wheel. And he begins to turn. One very important thing I want you to remember. The only way the potter can form this piece of clay into something beautiful is he has to get it in the center of the wheel. And as I watched at the pottery house the other day, those people who were working, I remember watching this. And this young lady said, I have to get this right in the center of the wheel because if I don't, I can't mold it. And so she kept working until she got it right in the center. One of the reasons God is not able to mold us and make us in the persons he wants us to be is because we insist on doing things our way. And what do we do? We get off center. When we get off center... And we get out of the will of God, out of the center of his will, wanting to do our thing. We want to be over here on this side. God says, I want you in the center. It is my purpose, my plan. It is my goal. I have the best for you. Now, if you insist on doing it your way, this isn't going to work. And so what does he do? He puts it in the center of the wheel. Now, one of the things that Potter does is he dips his hands in water. And the reason he dips his hands in the water is because he wants to lessen the friction as much as he can. Now, as it begins to turn, he places his hands on the clay. What happens is the pressure that he places on it begins to show. And what happens is the rough places begin little by little to smooth out. Little by little, that shapeless form takes on the most beautiful form. And you can watch it happen right before your eyes. And the more skilled the potter... the more beautiful the vessel that comes out. Now, when I walked into this class, there was not a sound except the whir of the wheel. Not anybody even looked up when I walked in. They had their mind exact in what they were doing because you see, they knew what they intended to draw out of that blob of clay. And I stayed long enough to watch them do just that. Now, As I watched that happen and sat there and thought about how God works in your life and my life and watching how he purposes to bring something out of our lives, and we look at ourselves and think, God, what could you do in my life? And, you know, as I thought about how many people that I have known in history and have read about who came from a situation maybe that was very, very negative and Or maybe had absolutely nothing. And we talk about today dysfunctional families. If you look around, everybody's got a dysfunctional family. I mean, we have tags we put on everything. And everybody's either addicted to something or come from a dysfunctional family. Some kind of psychological term we put on everything. Nobody came out of a perfect family. Some people were more blessed than others. But it doesn't make any difference where you came from. It's what God's up to, you see. It isn't where you came from. It's what God is up to and what you're willing to allow Him to do in your life. And so, as I thought about watching this take place, right in front of my eyes, I could not help but to see here what God was saying to Jeremiah. He said to him, The potter is making something on the wheel. He's not down there just playing with clay. He's making something on the wheel. And so, as he saw him, he said, as he was making the clay, the clay was spoiled. That is, it didn't turn out exactly like he intended for it to be. So, he says he remade it as it pleased the potter to make. Now, sometimes we rebel against God. Go, if you will, to Romans chapter nine. In Romans chapter nine, Paul referring to this very thing, speaking of being molded and made. Listen to what he says. He says in verse 20, on the contrary, who are you, old man, who answers back to God? The thing molded will not say to the molder, why did you make me like this? Will it? That is, think of the clay saying to the potter, what are you doing making me like this? Or does not the potter have a right over the clay to make the same lump out of one vessel for honor, for honorable use, and another for common use? He says now, who are we to say to God, God, I don't like you making me what I am. Once in a while I'll hear somebody say, I don't want the gift of service. I want the gift of prophecy. I want the gift of exhortation. I want the gift of giving. Lots of folks want that gift. Want the gift of giving. Well, does not God know what is best for your life and my life? And so what happens? So the potter's it turns. He puts a little pressure here and a little there and keep dipping his hands in the water. And as he does, what happens? Something begins to smooth out and things begin to look a little better and begins to take on some form and some shape. And I think, hey, that's not Lord. You are working in my life. And so what I want you to notice is this. that in the potter's hand, he puts his hands in water to lessen the friction. You know what God does? Once he gets us in the center of his will on his wheel, and he begins to turn your life and mine, and he begins to allow the pressure, you know what he dips his hands in? Pure love. You see, it is a loving potter who takes the glob and makes it into something like his son. Now, I think it's important for you and me to know something about the potter, and I want you to jot down about six words. Because as I sat there and watched these potters and thinking about what was going on and thinking about how God works in your life and my life and the fact that he is daily molding, allowing those circumstances and situations in our life, I thought about this. There are six words I want you to jot down about the potter. First of all is power. Because you see, the potter down at the potter's house... He has power over that lump of clay. He can do with it what he chooses because, you see, this lump of clay has no mind and no will of its own. And so he has the power to mold it. The truth is that God has power in your life and my life because he's omnipotent. You and I could evaporate in a split second if he chose to do it. But he recognizes because he gave us a will of our own. And so when somebody says, is there any such thing as absolute free will? You better believe there is not. God is in ultimate, absolute control over all things. He gives us free reign up to a certain point. the father, the master potter has absolute power over the clay. The second word is purpose. As we spoke about in the first part of the message, he has a specific purpose in mind for this human clay, just as the potter does. The third word is plan. He has a plan and his plan is a plan of molding, working daily throughout our whole life to conform us to the likeness of his son. The fourth word is patience. God does not get in a hurry. It was interesting as I watched these potters work, nobody was in a hurry. Nobody was pumping a wheel or speeding up the pottery wheel to say, I've got to hurry, hurry, hurry, hurry, hurry, hurry, rush, rush, rush. That is because you see spiritual maturity is not something you rush. Sometimes I think the pressure gets worse the older I get. And I think, God, what are you up to? And anytime I ask him what he's up to, he says, same thing I've been up to. That is making you what I want you to become. I can't rush him. You can't hurry up and learn it because it's a lifetime process of learning the ways of God. The next word is perseverance. And I want you to remember something extremely important here, perseverance. That is, you know, when the potter's clay does not work out exactly like he wants it to or she wants it to, they just take it up and throw it back on there again and begin to reshape and remake and remold. One thing he doesn't do is throw it away. Now, listen to me carefully. Listen and say amen. God never discards human clay. My friend, He'll never throw you away. He'll never say, well, you're hopeless. That's the end of you. Forget that. You won't work. He never says that because, listen, the omnipotent loving hands of a loving Father, when He places His loving hands into your life, He has the power to make you what He wants to make you. And you know what He does? As I think about it and you think about it in your own life, you know how many times you've disobeyed God and confessed and repented and gotten right with God and moved on in your Christian life and you're growing. Then you stumble, you fall, and you get up and you go on. And we do that all throughout our lifetime. What's he doing? He's patiently making and working and molding. And what's he doing? He's persevering. He's not giving up on us. And then the last word is personal. And I think this is so very important because as I watched the potters leaning over their clay and working, I could just see them putting themselves into it, leaning into it and backing off and looking gently and sometimes with pressure. They were just putting themselves into that. And I thought about, God, that's the way you do us. You're just so personal and so intimate in our life. You're not some distant God who's up yonder in heaven working on us, but you are in the process of molding and shaping us step by step, one by one. And you see, God doesn't put all human clay in one big lump. And he's not, listen, he isn't forming the human race. He is molding you and you and you and me, all of us individually. The Father doesn't. You say, well, how can He do that? Because He's infinite in power and infinite in wisdom and infinite in knowledge. He knows exactly what He's got in mind for each one of us. Listen carefully. Do you know why you may not be where you want to be in life at this point? Maybe it's because when the Father put His loving hands upon you, you said, no, I'll do it my way. Or you may have, in a very sophisticated way, just sort of tightened up and said, no. You can rebel in the most comfortable fashions, in the most deceitful kind of way, but rebellion's rebellion. What God wants is to make something beautiful out of your life. And you don't have to ask Him to do it. All He wants is a yielded heart so that when He places His hands in your life, you say, yes, Father. Yes, Father. To the pressure, yes, Father. To the light touch, yes, Father. You may understand what He's doing or you may not, but this you'll know, that a loving Father who has your best interest at heart, who is all-wise and all-powerful, will always make a view, listen to this, will always make a view the maximum of everything you can become, being what you are in the hands of God.
Thank you for listening to Molded by the Master. If you'd like to know more about Charles Stanley or InTouch Ministries, stop by This podcast is a presentation of InTouch Ministries, Atlanta, Georgia.
Discover the essential teachings and steps for new Christians in this insightful episode of the InTouch Podcast. Join Charles Stanley as he explores the critical truths every believer needs to know to thrive in their faith journey. From understanding who Jesus is in your life to the significance of daily Bible reading and prayer, this episode covers key elements that will fortify your spiritual foundation and guide you toward a life filled with peace and purpose.
Welcome to the InTouch Podcast with Charles Stanley for Thursday, January 2nd. Once a person expresses faith in Jesus, how well could you instruct them in what to do next? Today, you'll hear some crucial truths every believer needs to know to thrive in the Christian life.
When you were saved, did anybody sit you down and say, well, let me explain to you just what happened to you? I want to talk to you about God so you'll understand who He is. I want to explain to you who Jesus is and His relationship to God. Did anybody say to you, now there are certain things you need to know now that you are a Christian? And one of the things that you need to realize is it's very important that you read the Bible every day. It's food for your soul. It'll make a difference. You'll find a lot of information that's more than information. It's divine guidance. Not only that, you need to be sure to spend time praying every day, asking for the Lord's leadership in your life, whatever the needs may be. And you need to be baptized now that you're saved because that is the command of the Lord Jesus Christ. And to wait on that is not a wise idea. Because you'll always think that something and feel that something is missing, and what's missing is you were not obedient to God at that point. And then, of course, not only to be baptized, but to join a church where they're teaching the Word of God, where the Word of God is preeminent above everything else. Because what you'll be doing, you'll be filling your mind with the Word of God. You'll be growing in your Christian life. Things will begin to change in your life. You'll begin to have understanding. You'll have a peace. You'll have a joy. You'll have trials and difficulties and hardships. But because you're in that book every day, God will be giving you wisdom and direction. And because you're talking to Him every day, He will be quieting your spirit, calming your spirit, and giving you clear direction. Not only that. You will be wanting to give because, you see, God gave His Son for you, and He has a principle by which we're to give, and that is a tithe of our income, ten percent. When you do that, what you're going to learn is you're going to learn to trust God. You're going to find Him blessing you in ways financially that you never dream of. And not only that, you also need to tell somebody else what Jesus has done and what He's doing in your life. Because you see, He said we're to be like salt and light. Our life is to make a difference in somebody else's life. Did anybody set you down and tell you those things? become a child of God, and nobody ever tells them what they should expect as a result of that. When they join a church, nobody ever tells them, here's what you can expect and here's your responsibility. So I want you to turn, if you will, to Philippians chapter two. Beginning in verse five of this second chapter of Philippians, Scripture says, Have this attitude in yourselves, which was also in Christ Jesus, who, although He existed in the form of God, did not regard equality with God a thing to be grasped, but emptied Himself, taking the form of a bondservant and being made in the likeness of men. Being found in appearance as a man, He humbled Himself by becoming obedient to the point of death, even death on a cross. For this reason also, God highly exalted him and bestowed on him a name that is above every name, so that at the name of Jesus every knee will bow of those who are in heaven and on earth and under the earth, and that every tongue will confess that Jesus Christ is Lord to the glory of God the Father. Now watch the next phrase. So then, that is on the basis of all that, so then, My beloved, just as you have always obeyed, not as in my presence only, but now much more in my absence, work out your salvation with fear and trembling. For it is God. who is at work in you, both to will and to work for His good pleasure." That is one of the most important verses in the Bible when it comes to living a Christian life. And the first thing I want us to talk about is simply this, and that is the person and place of Jesus Christ in your life. You say, oh, well, I've been a Christian for years and years and years. But just listen carefully. Who is He? When you trusted Jesus Christ as your personal Savior, you didn't just get your sins forgiven, you assumed a position of followership. That is to follow Jesus Christ who is the Lord of everything and all things. And so many people who trust Christ as their Savior, nobody ever tells them about that. They say, well, I trusted Jesus as my Savior, now I'm a Christian. A Christian to do what? A Christian to live how? No name to equal His name. He is the Lord, every knee will bow, every tongue confess. Why? Confess that He is Lord to the glory of God the Father. That's the will of the Father, that I confess that He's my Lord. And what I'm saying is simply this, put it in modern terms, I see Jesus Christ as my Savior. I also know Him in a practical way daily. He's the boss. He has the right to call every single play in my life. He has the right to tell me where to go. He has the authority and the enablement and the power to not only tell me what to do, but also enable me to do it. He is the Lord of our life. So, the first thing a person needs to understand is the person and the place of Jesus Christ in their life. He's the boss. Look at this verse. He says that we are to work out our salvation with fear and trembling. What does he mean by that? He simply means this, that we're to put our salvation experience into the operation mode. It's to be operational. That is, now having trusted Jesus Christ as my Savior, I am to live out what God has placed within me, which is the life of Christ. When you trusted Him as your Savior, the Bible says the Holy Spirit came to indwell you, in you, with you, and upon you forever. And it is the Holy Spirit working in and through us that God works out our life. We're not talking about salvation. We're talking about sanctification. That's what sanctification's all about. Sanctification's all about this. Having trusted Jesus Christ as my Savior, the sanctifying process is this. He sets us apart. purpose, and for His work, and for His glory and honor. Once Jesus saved you, at that moment, He went to work in your life. Now, for us is one thing, but for Himself ultimately. He created you, He saved you, and He intends to live through us in order to do what? To bring about His purpose in this world. That is, all of us are His followers. And I cannot imagine somebody saying, well, I've been saved and I've been baptized and I'm a church member and so, you know, what else is there? I had a friend of mine that said to me one time, I was talking about something he needed to do, and he said, look, I'm not crossing that line. I'm not getting that committed under any condition. And I want to say to you, if you're one of those believers You say that you're a Christian and you've drawn a line in your life and you've said, I'm not going to be that committed. It doesn't make sense what it is. You have told the boss what you're going to do and what you're not going to do. Where in the world, you'd probably get fired. In your relationship to Jesus, you'd suffer something worse than that. Listen, your fellowship with Him would suddenly get severed. I'm not going to do the will of God. I'm going to have it my way. I'm going to do what I want to do. That is a disastrous attitude. And what I want you to see is this. Because somebody didn't explain all this to you early in life is no excuse. You say, well, you know, I want to do the best I can. Well, you're hearing it. That is that Jesus is the Lord of your life. And He's living and working within you to accomplish His purpose for you. And so, what does that say? It says, you and I have responsibility. That's what it's all about. That is, if I trust Him as my Savior, He writes my name in the Lamb's Book of Life, I know I'm going to heaven, He's preparing a place for me, I have a responsibility. This is what I would say to any church member, for example. When you join a church, wherever it might be, And you become a part of it, you have a responsibility. Pray for them, support it, because you're a part of something. Getting the gospel to the world. He says, work out your salvation. Don't get saved and sit. That's totally unscriptural. He said to those apostles, follow Me. And when He walked along the seashore and He said to Peter and John, He said, follow Me. For them to have followed Him meant they had to obey Him. When He said, I'll make you fishers of men, He gave them a big signal. Don't save your boat. Sell it. It's a different story. It's a different life. Follow Me and I'll make you fishers of men. When you got saved, listen carefully, Jesus had a plan for you and a purpose for you, and He made you some big promises. I'm sorry nobody told you what they were. Because you see, many people struggle in their Christian life and they struggle oftentimes out of ignorance. They struggle because nobody ever gave them any instruction. They look around at other church members and say, well, I guess that's the way it is. I see how they're living and I see how they're living. Somebody may say, if that's a Christian life, I don't want it. Jesus Christ is the Lord. of your life, and He has the most awesome plan. But you've got to be willing to follow His leadership and His guidance. And that is, I'm going to get up every morning recognizing and realizing this, that by my conversations with people and by my conduct before them and by my character, I'm going to make an impact of some sort. That's what He wants you to do. You see, people say, well, you know, I can't preach, I can't teach. You don't have to do either one of those. Because what you're doing is you're sending a message. Well, whether a person is standing on a platform sending a message or living among other people sending a message, you're sending a message. And the issue, I would ask you, is this. What is the message you're sending? Are you sending a message that you've been saved by the grace of God, that you have peace and joy in your heart? Are you sending the message? that the power of God is working in your life? What kind of message are you sending them? That God answers prayer? That you're not threatened and fuming over things? That you're putting your trust in Him? You're sending a message. He says, work it out. In your home, what are you working out that's inside of you in Christ? What about where you work? What do they see? What do they hear? What's implied by the life that you're living? Watch this. The more conscious you are of the Lordship of Jesus Christ who is living within you, the more conscious you are of His presence, the more quickly you're going to give the right answer. There is a responsibility to live a godly life. And He says you're to work it out. You're to live it out. That's our responsibility. So first, here's what he said. He said, you need to know who He is in the place of Jesus in your life. And secondly, you need to realize you have a responsibility. You have a responsibility to live out what He's placed in you. And the third thing he says is simply this. Every one of us has this powerful resource within us. So listen to what he said. So then, my beloved, just as you have always obeyed, not in my presence only, but also in my absence, work out your salvation and do it with fear and trembling. Now, what does that mean? Does that mean I'm to be afraid? No, here's what it means. What I say to you often, you must take it seriously. You must not relate to Jesus Christ and His Lordship in a casual sort of way. That is, does it make any difference the things you say, the things you do, the places you look, the places you go? Yes, it does. With fear and trembling means this. Not that I'm to be afraid that I'm going to make a mistake. We all make mistakes. But it means that I take seriously that Jesus is my Lord. I want to take it so seriously that I consider carefully before I make decisions. Before I'll say, I'll do this or I'll do that, or that I agree with somebody about something they want to do that I'm not sure about. And see, if Jesus is my Lord, it's serious business. Because you see, we're talking about eternal life. We're not talking about just these few years. We're talking about eternal life. We're talking about an eternal reward. We're talking about taking seriously what Jesus said when He said, follow Me. When you trusted Him as your Savior, you didn't hear an audible voice, but I can tell you this. His Spirit to your spirit, you may have been young, follow Me. I'll never mislead you. I'll always guide you right. He says, with fear and trembling. Then watch what this last thing is, and that is, We have the most powerful resource. And I love what he says and the way he says it in this particular passage. The last thing he says here is this, in verse thirteen, it is God who is at work in you both to will and to work of His good pleasure. Now, let me show you why that's important. Here's what this means. It is God who gives us places within us His will. He will tell you what He wants you to do in any and every situation. And if He wants you to do something, He'll place that will in you. He says, not only does He give us His will, but He says, and He uses the term, He energizes us to get it done. That is, He would never ask you to do anything. He will not enable you to do. So, when the Lord speaks to somebody's life, and I've met guys who the Lord called them to preach and they say, I can't do that. I just can't do it. And so, they rebel against God. They say, I can't do it. They don't believe that verse of Scripture. This is a powerful verse. Listen to this. He says, whatever He says, It is God who is at work in you, both to will and work for His good pleasure, which means this, that whatever you have faced in life, God says, I am at work in you. Whatever I will, I work. So that it's not left up to us. And here's something else. It leaves me totally inexcusable. When God tells us to do something, we say, oh, I can't do that. What you're saying is, God, you lied. The Bible's not true because the Scripture says whatever He wills us to do, He will work it out in our life. And so, you and I have the right to be determined and to be confident and to be assured that when we start walking His path, He will be there every single moment to enable us to accomplish it, whatever it is. That is His divine commitment, that He is in us. Listen, He who wills it, works it. And the next time you come up to some difficult situation, you think, well, Lord, now what am I going to do about this? And what am I going to do about that? Remember this verse of Scripture. Just look at it. Whatever He wills, He works. That's real simple, but it's powerful. Because this is God's awesome promise, whatever He requires of you, you can absolutely be confident that He is going to equip you, enable you to do it, no matter what it is. Just be sure it's the will of God. That is, that He's the one who said it and not someone else. He says in verse thirteen, it is God who is at work in you, both to will and to work for His good pleasure. Now, what's that? This is God's good pleasure that you and I follow Him and become Christlike as we work out and play out our salvation experience, that we become Christlike. That's what He's up to. That brings Him the most glory. Listen, watch this. What you and I become in the eyes of God is far more than what you and I do. He will work in us what He wills for us, and it'll bring Him great pleasure. And the verse of Scripture to prove that is Romans 8, 29. He says He predestined, He predetermined, what? That you and I would be conformed to the likeness of His Son. That's the will of God. That's His purpose in your life. That's His plan for your life. And if you will acknowledge His Lordship, He is the Lord. He's the boss in my life. If you don't like bosses, you just remember this. He's loving, kind, generous, and I could just go on and on and on with the wonderful attributes of God. He's the boss. But He guides and leads us for our own good and for His great pleasure. He says it's a pleasurable thing to God. that you and I would walk in His Spirit.
Thank you for listening to part two of I'm Saved, Now What? For more inspirational messages like this one, visit our online 24-7 station. And if you'd like to know more about Charles Stanley or InTouch Ministries, stop by This podcast is a presentation of InTouch Ministries, Atlanta, Georgia.
Explore the profound truths of Christianity with Charles Stanley as he answers the burning question of 'What next?' following salvation. This episode delves into the significance of understanding the identity and lordship of Jesus Christ and clarifies the common misconceptions about salvation and works. By highlighting the essential scriptures, Stanley provides practical guidance on how to truly embody your faith, become spiritually energized, and allow your life to impact others positively.
Welcome to the InTouch Podcast with Charles Stanley for Wednesday, January 1st. Whether you're a new Christian or have been a believer for a while, start this new year by learning practical answers to the question, I'm saved, now what?
When you were saved, did anybody sit you down and say, well, let me explain to you just what happened to you? I want to talk to you about God so you'll understand who He is. I want to explain to you who Jesus is and His relationship to God. I want you to understand the presence and the work and the power of the Holy Spirit that now will begin working in your life. I want to help you see that you have some responsibility now that you've become a Christian. Because what you've said is you are willing to become a follower of Jesus Christ. Did anybody set you down? and tell you those things? Or did they say, we certainly are glad that you're a Christian now, and get along the best you can. They probably didn't say that, but that's the way they acted. For the simple reason, they didn't open the Word of God and say to you, well now, let me give you a couple of passages of Scripture that it would be good for you to learn or to begin to read in the Psalms or John or whatever it might be. Most people who join a church, even after they're saved, they're sort of left on their own. become a child of God, and nobody ever tells them what they should expect as a result of that. When they join a church, nobody ever tells them, here's what you can expect and here's your responsibility. So what I want to do in this message, I want to answer three questions. I want to deal with three specific things. The three specific things every person should understand if you are going to become a Christian, or if you are one, If you're going to be the kind of person God wants you to be, and your life's going to count, and you're going to have success in living a Christian life, then you need to know these three things. Because you see, if you don't, here's what happens. You attend church for a while, and then you begin to drift a little bit. Next thing you know, can't find you. Or you go to church and you know that you're saved, but you just sort of sit back there and days go by and Sundays go by and months go by and years go by. I want you to listen carefully because there's a passage of Scripture that takes all of this in. And if you'll think about it for a moment, it is a serious thing to receive Jesus Christ as your personal Savior and choose, by an act of your will, to follow Him. So, I want you to turn, if you will, to Philippians chapter two, beginning in verse five of this second chapter of Philippians. Scripture says, Have this attitude in yourselves, which was also in Christ Jesus, who, although he existed in the form of God, did not regard equality with God a thing to be grasped, but emptied himself, taking the form of a bondservant and being made in the likeness of men. Being found in appearance as a man, he humbled himself by becoming obedient to the point of death, even death on a cross. For this reason also... God highly exalted him and bestowed on him a name that is above every name, so that at the name of Jesus every knee will bow of those who are in heaven and on earth and under the earth, and that every tongue will confess that Jesus Christ is Lord to the glory of God the Father. Now watch the next phrase. So then, that is on the basis of all that, so then, My beloved, just as you have always obeyed, not as in my presence only, but now much more in my absence, work out your salvation with fear and trembling. For it is God. who is at work in you, both to will and to work for His good pleasure." That is one of the most important verses in the Bible when it comes to living a Christian life. And the first thing I want us to talk about is simply this, and that is the person and place of Jesus Christ in your life. You say, oh, well, I've been a Christian for years and years and years. But just listen carefully. Who is He? Many people get saved and think Jesus was a man who died on the cross for my sins. But listen to what Paul said. Paul said that Jesus Christ was the incarnate Son of God. What does that mean? That means He was God who came in the flesh, walked among men and made it possible for us to understand who God is and what He's like. That's what he's saying in this Scripture. And He said, He emptied Himself, taking upon Himself the form of a bondservant. That is, Jesus came into this world as the Son of God, taking upon Himself as a servant to obey His Father. Not only that, the Scripture says He was found in appearance as a man, humbled Himself as a man, just like any other man, only He was sinless. And not only that, the Scripture says in this passage, that He obeyed the Father even to the point of going to the cross. That is, the reason Jesus came was to die for you. Now, watch this carefully. If God the Father sent His Son Jesus and He died on the cross to make it possible for you to be forgiven and have a right relationship with Him and go to heaven, there must be something very, very serious about living a life of sin. Because the Father sent His Son to down the cross and pay your sin debt in full. That was the only way you and I would ever get to heaven. And so, He says He came and He went to the cross to pay your sin debt in mine. That's who He is and that's what He's about. Then He says in this passage, for this reason, Because He did that, God highly exalted Him so that His name is above every other name that exists. That is, the name of Jesus is the highest name there is. There is no name that carries more quality. There is no name more heavenly. There is no name that has the power and the energy that the name of Jesus Christ has. He gave Him that awesome name. Then the Scripture says not only that, but, He says, For that reason God highly exalted Him and bestowed on Him the name which is above every name, so that at the name of Jesus every knee will bow of those who are in heaven, on earth, and on the earth. And that is, Jesus Christ came as Lord, not only as Savior. Every knee would bow, every tongue will one day confess that Jesus Christ is Lord, as He says, to the glory of God the Father. Now, let me interpret that word, Lord. What that means in essence is this, He is the boss. Lord here means He is the sovereign ruler, the Creator, as Paul described Him in Colossians. He created all things and all things exist and are sustained by Him. He's the boss. No name to equal His name. He is the Lord, every knee will bow, every tongue confess. Why? Confess that He is Lord to the glory of God the Father. That's the will of the Father, that I confess that He's my Lord. And what I'm saying is simply this, put it in modern terms, I see Jesus Christ as my Savior. I also know Him in a practical way daily. He's the boss. He has the right to call every single play in my life. He has the right to tell me where to go. He has the authority and the enablement and the power to not only tell me what to do, but also enable me to do it. He is the Lord of our life. And somewhere along the way, we've separated Jesus Christ as Savior from Lordship. When you deny His position, as the Lord right up front and say, well, I'll take Him as my Savior, but that Lord business, I don't know about that. Listen, you know what? He's not two persons. He is Jesus Christ, our Savior and Lord. And the Bible says He is exalted to the point of being Lord because, listen, it brings glory and honor to the Father. So, the first thing a person needs to understand is the person and the place of Jesus Christ in their life. He's the boss. Look, if you will, at verse eleven when he says that every tongue will confess and every knee is going to bow. That's the will of the Father. Now, watch this carefully. When I came to First Baptist, I came as an associate pastor for a couple of years. So, when I walked into a staff meeting as a new member of the staff, they weren't going to pray. I said, well, why don't we pray? You pray. I said, okay. So, I hesitated for a second. I thought they'd all bow their heads and we'd pray. Nobody bowed their heads. So, on another occasion I said, well, we need to get on our knees and talk to God about this issue. We don't need to get on our knees. Rebellion. If you're not willing to bend your knees to the Lord, you have a problem. You have a problem with a divine boss. revered person who has ever walked the face of this earth, who has the right by His life and death to ask anything of us He chooses, and our answer should always be, yes, Lord. Yes, Lord. Now, watch what happens in the next verse here. Having said all that, here's what Paul says, So then, my beloved, just as you have always obeyed, not as in my presence only, but now also more in my absence, work out your salvation with fear and trembling. Now, what does he mean by that? Work out your salvation with fear and trembling. Well, Paul was writing to Christians. When he starts out this book, he says the very first verse to the saints at Philippi. So, he's talking about Christians. And he says in this particular passage, he says, but while I was with you, you were very obedient and followed the Lord's work. And now that I'm gone, you're still doing the same thing. That's wonderful. And here's what he said. Now, so then, work out your salvation with fear and trembling. What in the world did he mean? Well, here's what many people think. And this is the most deceptive idea that Satan could ever perpetrate. And he's very successful at it. When He says, work out your salvation, listen carefully. He did not say, work for your salvation, but having been saved, work it out. And there's a vast difference. Because you see, many people believe and many people have been taught, well, if you be good enough, If you just live a good life, you're going to heaven. And God approves, you just live a good life. Well, what's a good life? Now, watch the fallacy of this, because this is what Satan perpetrates upon multitudes of people. And if you ask your friends, you ask your friends, people you work with, why do you think when you stand before God, He's going to accept you into heaven? Well, I'm a pretty good person. I'm not bad. I don't steal, lie, and cheat, and I don't commit adultery, and never have been to prison. And I try to do a hard day's work if I can. In other words, why shouldn't I go? What's all of that about? All that's about I. Now watch this. This is one of the most critical things in the Bible. God does not accept us on our works for the simple reason that salvation is not based on what I do. Salvation is based on what Jesus did when He went to the cross and shed His blood at Calvary. That's what salvation's about, because you see, it's righteousness that God wants in our life. And there's not a single one of us who is righteous within ourselves. Every single one of us has sinned and sinned and sinned and sinned. We could never boast of righteousness. We could just boast of our works. But you see, what God was dealing with at the cross is our sin problem, not our works. By our very nature, we came into this world as sinners. So, it's not our works. It's our sin. He dealt with our sin problem. And what it caused him was the death of his son. When he died on the cross, he made it possible for every person who is willing to accept Him as their personal Savior to be accepted by Him and become a child of God. And your name written in the Lamb's Book of Life. So, this whole idea that if I'm good enough, I'm going to be acceptable in the eyes of God. How good do you have to be? You can't answer that. How long do you have to be good? Suppose you make a big mistake. Suppose you do something terrible. Then what? It has nothing to do with works. That is a lie of the devil. And I want to give you four verses of Scripture, because I want to explain this one. Four verses of Scripture to just underline that. In Romans 3, verse 20 through 28, he says, "...there is no justification or salvation by works." In Galatians two sixteen, salvation is not by works or trying to keep the law. Somebody says, I live by the Ten Commandments. Oh, you do. You mean you don't ever steal, you've never stolen, you've never lied, you've never gossiped, you've never coveted, you've never committed adultery. No one has ever kept the law. And in Ephesians two eight nine, which all of us know, and you know this in my heart, for by grace are you saved through faith. not of works, lest any person should boast." And then, of course, in Titus three, five, he said, not by works of righteousness or good deeds that we've done, we've been saved, but by the mercy of God. Here's what I want you to see. When it comes to that verse, he says, work out your salvation, he does not mean work for it. You cannot work for it because you're dealing with sin, you're dealing with your nature, you're dealing with the inside, not things that you do. So, people who think they're going to heaven by good works, I can tell you, my friend, you are not going to heaven by good works. You cannot bring one single verse of Scripture to me to prove that you can. I can give you many that prove that you cannot. And if you can get to heaven by good works, God made a horrible mistake by sending His Son to the cross and having Him crucified for your sins and mine. Biggest mistake ever made in human history. God doesn't make mistakes, and so He sent Him to the cross because that was the only way. He paid your sin debt in mine in full. Now, with that, look at this verse. He says that we are to work out our salvation with fear and trembling. What does He mean by that? He simply means this, that we're to put our salvation experience into the operation mode. It's to be operational. That is, now having trusted Jesus Christ as my Savior, I am to live out what God has placed within me, which is the life of Christ. When you trusted Him as your Savior, the Bible says the Holy Spirit came to indwell you, in you, with you, and upon you forever. And it is the Holy Spirit working in and through us that God works out our life. And so, it is a progressive thing. And so, when you trust that Christ is your personal Savior, from that point on, you and I were to work out what He's placed in us. Let's say, for example, you start reading the Word of God, you begin to learn. You begin to pray to Him and you begin to trust Him, and God begins to work in your life in an unusual way, or just the normal way He works. You begin to share your faith, you begin to give, what happens? God begins to work out. through those avenues. He begins to work out in your life the things He's placed within you. So, when He says we're to work out our salvation, that doesn't mean that we are to do anything in order to be saved. It's to work out what's already there. And so, we working out our salvation, what are we doing? We are living out what He's placed within us. And so, we're not talking about working for it, but we're talking about having been saved by His grace. We're to work it out. You say, well, where am I to work it out? Where do you live? You work it out among your family. You work it out on your job. You work it out in your school. You work it out among your friends. You work it out among people that you meet who are strangers. That is, in every place of our life, what we should be doing is what? Working out. And that is, he uses the word for energy here. We should be energized to give ourselves wherever we are, in whatever situation we find ourselves, doing what? Living in a way that our conversation and our conduct and our character are exemplifying the life of Christ. In your office, for example, if you use some profanity, what you've done, you have short-circuited your testimony. You tell a dirty joke, you've short-circuited your testimony. That's not, he says, work out your salvation with fear and trembling. That is, we're to live in such a fashion that somebody knows you're different. This is why he said, once you trust Him as your Savior, you're to be like salt. You're to make a difference. It may be healing to some and agitating to others, but it depends upon their response. You're to be like salt and like light. You impact. That is, when believers live a godly life in recognition that the Lord is their boss and they're following Him because they love Him and they understand what He's done for them, then what happens? Their life impacts other people's lives. You cannot live around a godly person without it impacting you one way or the other. It will either draw you to Christ or your rebellious spirit will increase and you'll walk away to your own dismay and your own destruction.
Thank you for listening to I'm Saved, Now What? If you'd like to know more about Charles Stanley or InTouch Ministries, stop by This podcast is a presentation of InTouch Ministries, Atlanta, Georgia.
Join us for today's episode of Investing in Eternity, where we explore the pivotal role believers have in sharing the gospel. Charles Stanley delves into why the message of redemption is essential not only for individual salvation but for the transformation of societies globally. Discover how Jesus' unique sacrifice bridges the gap between God and humanity, offering everyone the chance of eternal life if they accept His sacrificed as their own.
Welcome to the In Touch Podcast with Charles Stanley for Tuesday, December 31st. Jesus solved the problem of sin through His death on the cross. Believers need to be serious about sharing that message. Here's part two of Investing in Eternity.
Well, what I want to talk about in this message is why should I be giving to send some missionaries somewhere else when we have our own problems in this country? Well, that's a reasonable question. But the answer to that is very simple. The answer to that is not somebody's opinion. The answer to that question is a very clear biblical statement. And that's what I want us to examine because the truth is, every believer has a responsibility to sharing and spreading the truth of the gospel of Jesus Christ. So, I want you to turn, if you will, to First Timothy. And Paul writing to Timothy here in this first epistle, In the second chapter, I want us to read these first eight verses, and especially three of these verses I want us to notice. And what he begins doing here is challenging us, encouraging us to pray for those who are in authority over us. And so he begins in this manner. First of all, I urge that in treaties and prayers, petitions, and thanksgiving be made on behalf of all men. for kings and for all who are in authority, so that we may lead a tranquil and quiet life in all godliness and dignity. This is good and acceptable in the sight of God our Savior. Now listen to this. This is good and acceptable in the sight of God our Savior, who desires all men to be saved and to come to the knowledge of the truth. Here is the truth that most people overlook. Holy God versus sinful man. How does God, on the basis of being a holy God, accept sinful man to begin with? And this is what He says in His Word. There is one God, one mediator between God and men, the man Christ Jesus, who gave Himself as a ransom for all the testimony given at the proper time. Now, he says Jesus Christ gave himself a ransom for many. Well, first of all, what's a ransom? A ransom is something you pay to free someone else. That is, you set them free by paying that ransom. And he says that Jesus Christ paid the ransom for all of us, which simply means this. Because holy God desires you and me to be saved and to come to a knowledge of the truth. What did He do? In man's helpless, hopeless situation, there is nothing that sinful man can do to save himself. Because it took the sinless Son of God, shedding His blood on the cross, so when Christ came, the sinless, virgin-born Son of God, He went to the cross on purpose to be your substitute and my substitute that so when He died, His death was so powerful that He took upon Himself the sin of all mankind, and when He died, He made it possible Because of His sinless death, it made it possible for anyone, everyone, anywhere, everywhere, who was willing to accept His death as payment for their sins, surrender their life to Him, listen, to be saved, to be rescued, to be delivered, to become a brand new person in Christ Jesus. And 1 Peter says that in several different ways, in several verses. And he says, for example, in the eighteenth verse of the first chapter. Knowing that you were not redeemed with perishable things like silver or gold from your futile ways of life inherited from your forefathers, but with the precious blood as of a lamb, unblemished and spotless, the blood of Christ. Listen, it's very clear, the only way sinful man can face holy God and be acceptable in His sight is through the death of Jesus Christ, not being good, not doing this, not doing the other, through the blood of Jesus Christ. In the second chapter, for example, in the twenty-fourth verse, he says, And He Himself, Jesus, bore our sins in His body on the cross so that we might die to sin and live righteousness for, listen, by His wounds you and I were healed, we were saved. Jesus' death on the cross is the only event that has ever taken place in all of human history that makes it possible for sinful man to be accepted from the eyes of God. And the reason people don't believe that is they don't understand who God is. The reason people don't believe that is they have no comprehension whatsoever of who God is. God is absolutely holy beyond our comprehension. He cannot accept sin. He cannot, listen, a person who says, well, I've not been too bad and so when I die, I think God's going to take me in because I've been as good as others. Your goodness compared to other people has nothing to do with getting to heaven. It's only by the blood of Jesus, it's only by acceptance of that sacrifice that you are made acceptable in the eyes of God. Everything else is to no avail. Somebody says, yeah, well, but, but, but, but, but, and they give me all these buts. And the truth is, here's what you have to decide. You believe this book or you don't believe it. You see, now watch this. If you don't accept the Word of God, all I've done is read you the Scripture. If you don't accept the Word of God, As the basis for our relationship to Him, all you have is your opinion. Your opinion has absolutely no basis whatsoever. Because what that means is His opinion is as good as His opinion, and her opinion is as good as her opinion, and they have no authoritative basis. It's the Word of God. This is what God says. I've sent My only begotten Son to the world, that those who believe in Him will not perish but have eternal life. The gift of eternal life is just that. It isn't being good and being bad. It isn't doing these things and doing these things. It's believing. It's trusting. It's surrendering my life to Him because He is the only One. Now, I want you to look at a verse here. Listen, and this verse is the most stinging verse to people who don't want anything to do with Christianity. This is the one that just absolutely tears them up on the inside. And here's what he says. Verse five of this chapter, second chapter, I Timothy, verse five. There is one God and one mediator, also between God and men, the man Christ Jesus. Now, think about all the other religions in the world. They all have some kind of a Savior or some kind of a prophet or something. God says there's only one mediator, that is, there's only one person that that mediates our salvation between us and God, and thus Jesus Christ. Think about it. All the rest of them have died. All the other gods have died and all the prophets have died. Not a single one of those prophets or gods has ever risen from the grave. Not a one. There's one mediator. There is only one person that stands between sinful man and holy God and makes it possible for you and me and the whole world to be made acceptable in the eyes of God. The world hates that message. They don't, you know what they say? They say, you're narrow-minded and we say yes. We're as narrow-minded as God said. Listen, He said there's one mediator between God and man and I either have to, listen, I have to do one of two things. I have to say, you know what? Forget it. I cannot believe the Word of God and think that there is more than one way to get to heaven. So therefore, a person who says, well, I'm, here's how I'm going to get there and I believe this and God wouldn't do this and God wouldn't do the other, the truth is, What does God say? How much more could God do than to send His Son? Listen, the one mediator between God and man is the person of Jesus Christ. And so, when somebody says to you, well, that's very narrow-minded, here's what you say to them. Right, because He only had one Son and one was adequate. One was sufficient. It's the only way. And so you might say to someone, if you think there's another way, who's your mediator? Who is standing between you, a sinful human being, and holy God and making it possible for you to be made acceptable in the eyes of God? Who is your mediator? They cannot answer that question. They have to go back on their own goodness and righteousness, which the Bible says is as filthy rags in the eyes of a holy God. It's our lack of understanding of His holiness and His righteousness. Read the book of the Revelation. What's happening in the presence of holy God upon His throne? The reason He sent Him is to die for your sins and mine so that, listen, we could be rescued from the guilt of sin, rescued from the penalty of sin, rescued from the power of sin, and ultimately rescued from the very presence of sin by eternal life in heaven. God desires that you and I be saved. God desires that you and I come to truth. And God has made the provision for you and me to be saved by simple placing our faith, our trust in the Lord Jesus Christ. Listen, the Lord Jesus Christ who went to the cross, the sinless Son of God, laid down His life willingly. He said, no man takes my life from me. I willingly lay it down. He came for the purpose of dying and laying His life down for you and me. If you want life eternal, you have to deal with the Word and you have to deal with the Son of God who is the only mediator between you and holy God. And that takes place by your acceptance of the fact that Jesus Christ is the Son of God and that He went to the cross, laid down His life, paid the penalty, and God had you in mind also. When He did it, and the moment you accept Him as your personal Savior, He seals you forever as a child of God. You're indwelt by the Holy Spirit. Your name is written in the Lamb's Book of Life, and you are forever a child of the living God. But there's only one way through one person, and that is Jesus Christ, the Son of God. Listen, that's the reason. The second reason. You and I have a responsibility to tell other people. There are people, listen, you think, well, maybe anybody who lives in America has heard about Jesus. No, that's not true. There are millions of people who've never darkened a church door. They don't know anything about Jesus. So we have a responsibility. He says, first of all, listen, it's my desire that people be saved. And I want them to come to the knowledge of the truth. And I've made provision for that through My Son, Jesus Christ, that the most sinful, vile human being can be saved by the grace of God. And the third reason, the third reason He says we are to tell it, because He has commissioned us to do so. Now, why do you think Jesus said, I've made you like salt and light? Listen, any darkness you send light into does what? Drives away the darkness. Anything you place salt on is going to change the flavor and change the taste. That means that your very presence where you work and where you live ought to be making a difference. Now, for some people, they meet you and you're a wonderful Christian and they love you and you start talking about Jesus, your light suddenly becomes salt. Mmm, they don't have to tell me about Him. Well, they don't understand why you're happy, why you have peace, why you have joy, why you have confidence, why you have assurance in life. They don't understand the joy in your life and the spirit that you have. They need to know that it is Jesus within you. And think about what is the mission of the church? What's the church all about as far as the world is concerned? Well, here's what he said. He said, as you go, make disciples of all nations. Don't just tell them, but teach them the truth. Make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit, teaching them to observe all the things that I've commanded you. And I'll be with you, listen, in your office, in your home, when you're playing, around the world. I'm going to be with you as you're sharing the truth of the gospel. He says in Mark, that sixteenth chapter, He says, go into all the world and preach the gospel to all creation. That is, He involves everyone. He cares about everybody. In Luke He says, listen, that repentance of sin is to be preached in all the world. And then He says, for example, in John, the twentieth chapter, Jesus said, As the Father sent Me, so send I you. Tell them what you've seen. Tell them what you've experienced. Tell them what you've heard. You and I have a personal responsibility to get the gospel to other people. Everybody, every one of us knows someone. You know some people, and you may be one, who does not know Christ as your Savior. You know some folks who are unsaved. And here's what Jesus said, for God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son that whoever believes in Him should not perish but have eternal life. So, we're either going to have eternal life or we're going to end up one of these days and die without Christ and stand before the judgment and be rewarded for our sinfulness and be separated from Him for all eternity. Your unbelief will not stop the judgment of God. And I'm saying that to you out of pure love. He says He desires that you be saved. He wants you to know the truth. He's made it possible for you to be saved through the death of His Son. He wants you to know. And not only that, He wants us to tell everybody else, not keep it to ourselves. We have a responsibility. It's in obedience to God. He said, we're to get the gospel to the world. possible way we can. And think of all the wonderful ways He's given us to do it. And the Internet, for example, is an awesome gift of God. If somebody's got a computer, I don't care where they are, you know what, they're going to hear the gospel and people are hearing the gospel all over the world. They're not just behind some curtain, whether it's bamboo or iron or stone or whatever it might be. People are hearing the gospel and you know what's happening? They're getting saved. Lives are being changed. But as I've said before, we can do that and we are doing that through In Touch, the radio, the television, and magazines, and all the things, the internet, you name it. But just like in any warfare, you've got to have the air force, but you've got to have ground troops. You've got to have missionaries. You've got to have pastors who are teaching people individually and helping them to grow in their relationship to God. And that's why we send missionaries. That's why we go. That's why we give. That's why we pray. Because it isn't enough just to get it in the air. How do we invest in eternity? We invest in eternity. Watch this. We invest in eternity by doing what? By sharing the gospel of Jesus Christ with another person. Seeing them coming to a saving knowledge of Christ, the forgiveness of their sin and salvation. That's an investment in eternity because that person is going to live eternally. Investing in eternity, listen, there's not anything else you and I can invest in with such a sure thing. Secondly, nothing that lasts eternally except the soul of someone else. You cannot make a wiser, greater, more everlasting investment than in somebody's soul. Now, how do we get it out there? Well, you can pray for other people. You can give that they may go. We can send them as they volunteer. There are different things we can do. But I want to ask you first of all this. What about the people you work around? You say, well, in my office, we're not allowed to talk about Jesus. I understand that. If I owned a business, I'd want you to talk about Him. If they tell you you can't talk about Jesus, I do understand why they do that. But one thing they cannot keep, they can't keep you from living it out. And as you live it out, here's what's going to happen. As you live it out, somebody's going to say, well, You know, I know you've been through a hard time. You seem to have real peace and what is it? I don't hear you moaning and groaning and complaining about things and what is it about you? And you can say, well, you know what? I will be tickled to death to tell you about it. Listen, you want to share your testimony, I guarantee you God will open the door. The reason we say invest in eternity is because that's what God says. He says it's His desire that people be saved, come to knowledge of the truth. He's made it possible through the sacrificial death of His Son. And now it's our responsibility to get the truth to them and help them to understand by their saving faith that God grants to them, they can be saved, forgiven, and have the gift of eternal life forever and ever and ever a child of God.
Thank you for listening to Investing in Eternity. For more inspirational messages like this one, visit our online 24-7 station. And if you'd like to know more about Charles Stanley or InTouch Ministries, stop by This podcast is a presentation of InTouch Ministries, Atlanta, Georgia.
Join us in this episode as we explore what it truly means to invest in eternity. Through a compelling discussion on the importance of spreading the Gospel of Jesus Christ, we delve into the responsibility of every believer to impact lives for the Kingdom. With references to vital biblical teachings, we unpack God’s desire for all to be saved and His invitation to a life of faith that resonates with purpose and truth.
Welcome to the InTouch Podcast with Charles Stanley for Monday, December 30th. Before Jesus returned to heaven, He instructed His followers to go and tell others about Him. Let's embrace our role while we focus on investing in eternity.
What does it mean to invest in eternity? Eternity is a long time, and if you look around at the circumstances today, you think, well, I don't think I want to invest in anything very long. Because the situation's not very inviting. But there is some way and one way that you and I can invest that we don't ever have to worry about whether we get a good return or not. So when we think about investing in eternity, we're talking about investing in people's lives all over the world who desperately need to hear the truth of the gospel of Jesus Christ. The reason you may be a Christian is because somebody told you. And the reason somebody told you is because somebody sent someone and made it possible for you to hear. You heard. You believed. You trusted Jesus Christ as your personal Savior. He made you a brand new creature in Christ. Your whole life has been changed. There is a world of people out there, first of all, who've never heard. Many of them have heard but have not believed. Does that mean we have to stop telling them? No. We have to keep on telling them. Keep on shouting the truth of the gospel of Jesus Christ to the ends of the earth. Well, what I want to talk about in this message is why. Why should I be giving to send some missionaries somewhere else when we have our own problems in this country? Well, that's a reasonable question. But the answer to that is not somebody's opinion. The answer to that question is a very clear biblical statement. And that's what I want us to examine because the truth is, every believer has a responsibility to sharing and spreading the truth of the gospel of Jesus Christ. So, I want you to turn, if you will, to First Timothy. And Paul writing to Timothy here in this first epistle, In the second chapter, I want us to read these first eight verses, and especially three of these verses I want us to notice. And what he begins doing here is challenging us, encouraging us to pray for those who are in authority over us. And so he begins in this manner. First of all, I urge that in treaties and prayers, petitions, and thanksgiving be made on behalf of all men. for kings and for all who are in authority, so that we may lead a tranquil and quiet life in all godliness and dignity. This is good and acceptable in the sight of God our Savior, now listen to this, who desires all men to be saved and to come to the knowledge of the truth. Two things. Here is one of the primary reasons you and I are to share the gospel to the world. First of all, it's the desire of the heart of God. He says He desires that everyone be saved and come to the knowledge of the truth. Now, if someone should ask you, what do you mean by salvation? Because people have all kind of ideas. But think about this, and as you write it, I want you to think about what it says. Salvation is the gracious act of God. whereby He rescues us from our guilt of sin, the penalty of sin, and ultimately its power and presence, and makes us a new person, a whole person through faith in the Lord Jesus Christ. That's what salvation's all about. That is the message the world needs to hear, that they can be rescued from their sinfulness, from their separation from God, and become a new person in Christ Jesus. God says He desires that all people be rescued from their sinful condition and become a follower of Jesus Christ. That's what we're about. That's what we're up to. That, He says, is His will and His desire. He says, who desires that all men be saved and come to the knowledge of the truth." Now, when He says, for example, all persons, what does He mean by that? Well, what does A-L-L mean? A-L-L means what? All. And so, when He says He desires that all to be saved and to come to the knowledge of the truth, that means He's not excluding anybody. Now, listen to what He says in Scripture. He desires that everyone come to a knowledge of the Christ. There's a reason for that. So let me give you a couple of Scriptures. For example, look in 1 John, slip on over to 1 John, and I want you to notice a couple of verses here. Because if He desires that we are all saved, there must be a reason for that. And here's what he says in the second chapter of 1 John. My little children, I'm writing these things to you that you sin not. And if anyone sins, we have an advocate with the Father Jesus Christ the righteous. An advocate is someone who stands between us and someone else, but in our behalf. Here's what he says. And he himself, listen, and he himself, that is Jesus, is the propitiation or the sacrifice for our sins and not for ours only, but also for the whole world. When somebody says to you, well, Jesus just died for the elect, what you have to ask is what does the Scripture say? He died for the sins of the whole world, that is for everyone. And there's a reason for that. There's only one person, and I want to show you something very important in a moment, who could die for the sins of the world because there's only one person who's ever lived a sinless life and therefore only one person could be that sacrifice. So He says He died for the sins of the whole world. Then what do we quote? We quote very freely John three sixteen which says, For God so loved the world. He's not talking about the earth. He's talking about the world of mankind. For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son that whoever, whosoever What does that mean? Whosoever believes in Him would not perish but have eternal life, which says there are only two ways to go. You'll either perish or you'll have eternal life. And He so loved us that He gave His only begotten Son that if a person, whoever you may be, would believe in Him, you would have the gift of eternal life. He says, God desires that all men to be saved and to come to a knowledge of the truth. Now, It's not enough just to be saved. God isn't satisfied with just people being saved. And I think many people probably had the same thing happen to them. It happened to me when I was saved as a twelve-year-old kid. I walked down the aisle, always sat on the second row, gave my life to Jesus Christ. Nobody ever said, now here's what you do. They didn't say, read the Bible. They didn't say, pray. They didn't say, come to church, give money. They didn't say anything. They just sort of left me hanging out there. Well, with the grace of God, He began to speak to my heart very early. He says it's the desire of God that everyone come to a knowledge of the truth. Now, knowledge of the truth about what? He wants us to have a knowledge of the truth about Himself. But watch this. You will not understand who God is. You will not understand His ways. You will not understand why He does the things that He does and why He operates in your life the way He does. Until first of all, you have acknowledged your sinfulness, accepted Jesus Christ as your personal Savior as the only way to heaven. Until that happens, that's not going to be in this knowledge business. But the simple truth that when you're saved, the Holy Spirit comes into your life to dwell within you. And one of His primary responsibilities is to give you understanding of what happened. Understanding of who God is. Why does He operate the way He operates? Understanding of His Word. He gave us the Holy Spirit in order to enable us to learn how to walk in the Spirit, and to walk in obedience to Him, and to grow in our Christian life, and to become godly men and women. It isn't enough just to be saved. For the simple reason He has a work for all of us to do. And you have nothing to share if you do not know who He is. And so many people are so willing to say, well, I got saved and I'm going to heaven, period. That's like stepping into eternal life and then God closing the door behind you and let that be it. No. Listen, He says that we're children and we're to grow in our knowledge and understanding of who He is. It's the desire of the heart of holy, righteous, eternal God for you and me to be saved and then to begin to grow in our knowledge and understanding of Him. And at the same time, as we're growing, sharing it with someone else. If God desires to save us, listen, He will also equip us because He never requires of us something that He will not equip us to do. So, I just want you to get this in your heart. Whoever you are, wherever you are, it doesn't make a difference what kind of life you've lived. It doesn't make a difference where you are at this point in your life. God, according to His Word, desires that you, listen, be saved and come to the knowledge of the truth about who He is, who Jesus is, who the Holy Spirit is, how He works in your life. You can find His will, how He answers prayer, the meaning of God's Word. Listen, God is for you desiring for you to become, listen, conformed to the image of His Son. He's got the best in mind for every single one of us. The primary reason you and I are to be sharing the truth is the simple reason God desires everyone to be saved. But listen to what He says secondly. He says, God desires all men to be saved and to come to the knowledge of the truth, for there is one God, one mediator also between God and man, the man Christ Jesus, who gave Himself as a ransom for all the testimony given at the proper time. Now that, those two verses are very important. Now think about it for a moment. If God desires for you and me to be saved, then God must provide a way for us to be saved. Now listen very carefully. Many people will tell you they're all right. They'll say, well, you know, I'm not worried about when I die because I'm going to be okay. Well, on what basis do you say that? Because I haven't been a bad person. Because I do good works and I'm true to my family and I pay my taxes and they'll give you all this list of things. What I want you to see, my friend, is this. That has absolutely nothing to do with God saving you. Not a thing. You mean to tell me that all of my good works won't count? No. The Bible says, not by works of righteousness which we've done, but according to His mercy provided at the cross He saves us. He says, for by grace you save through faith that not of yourself. It's a gift of God, not of works, lest any person should boast. There's not a single verse in the Bible that says that God's going to accept you and me on the basis of how good we've done. Now, here's what I want you to remember. He says it's His desire for us to be saved. If it's His desire for us to be saved and to come to the knowledge of the truth, then He must provide it. How does He provide it? Listen carefully. Here's what God says, not somebody else's opinion. He says, for all of us have sinned. and come short of the glory of God. We have fallen short. There's no possible way. We came into this world with a sinful nature, bent away from God, not toward God. We've all sinned against Him, disobeyed Him, rebelled against Him, violated the laws of God. So, how do we get to God? Simply by doing better. Better in whose eyes? Now listen. Here's the thing you do not understand. That holy God, holy God cannot remain in the presence of sin. Therefore, God must do something about this sin issue within ourselves. You can't do anything about it. You say, well, I can forgive myself. You're going to turn right around and sin again. First of all, how are you going to forgive yourself? You have to remember this, and this is why He says He desires that all of us be saved and come to a knowledge of the truth. Here is the truth that most people overlook. Holy God versus sinful man. How does God, on the basis of being a holy God, accept sinful man to begin with? And this is what he says in his word. There is one God, one mediator between God and men, the man Christ Jesus, who gave himself as a ransom for all the testimony given at the proper time. Now, he says Jesus Christ gave Himself a ransom for many. Well, first of all, what's a ransom? A ransom is something you pay to free someone else. That is, you set them free by paying that ransom. And he says that Jesus Christ paid the ransom for all of us, which simply means this. Because holy God desires you and me to be saved and to come to a knowledge of the truth. What did He do? In man's helpless, hopeless situation, there is nothing that sinful man can do to save himself. Because it took the sinless Son of God, shedding His blood on the cross, so when Christ came, the sinless, virgin-born Son of God, He went to the cross on purpose to be your substitute and my substitute, that so when He died, His death was so powerful that He took upon Himself the sin of all mankind, and when He died, He made it possible Because of His sinless death, it made it possible for anyone, everyone, anywhere, everywhere, who was willing to accept His death as payment for their sins, surrender their life to Him, listen, to be saved, to be rescued, to be delivered, to become a brand new person in Christ Jesus. The reason we say invest in eternity is because that's what God says. He says it's His desire that people be saved, come to knowledge of the truth. He's made it possible through the sacrificial death of His Son. And now it's our responsibility to get the truth to them and help them to understand by their saving faith that God grants to them, they can be saved, forgiven, and have the gift of eternal life forever and ever and ever a child of God. Now, all that being true, because I just read it to you out of the Bible. As a believer and a follower of Jesus and one who owns a Bible and one who reads one, I'm sure you do. What are you going to do about the people around you who are just as lost as they can be? What about your son? What about your daughter? Your grandson, your granddaughter? What about your mom? What about your dad? What about the people you work with? What about some of your friends? What about your enemies? We've been commissioned by the Son of God to get His message to the world. And every single one of us has the privilege, the message within us, if we will share it. And that's my prayer. And you may be listening from somewhere in the world, I don't know where, but you know enough English that you've heard and you understand what we've been talking about. I want to plead with you, my friend, to believe the message of the Word of God. There's one mediator, Jesus. There's only one salvation and that's His gift. He's willing to forgive you and to cleanse you no matter what you've done. And if you're willing to ask Him simply by faith because He said it. to forgive your sins and to save you, He will do that right now. So, I want to pray this simple prayer that you can pray. Wherever your situation, circumstance, if you will pray this prayer based on what you've heard because you believe that I've simply told you the truth, He will save you right now. If that's what you desire, pray this prayer. Heavenly Father, I don't know you, but I do know that I've sinned against you. I want you to forgive me. I need to be rescued from my sinful condition. I'm accepting by faith what I've just heard from Your Word, that Your Son, Jesus Christ, is my mediator, my one and only Savior. I believe that He went to the cross in my behalf, shed His blood, made payment for my sin. By faith, I here and now receive Jesus Christ, the Son of God Savior and my Lord. In Jesus's name, amen." If you prayed that prayer, you just got rescued. And the beginning of your Christian life just began the moment you prayed that prayer. And I pray that wherever you are, if you don't own the Bible, start praying for God. to provide you a copy of the Word of God. If you don't know any Christians around you, ask God to introduce you to a Christian so they can help you grow in your Christian life. Whoever you are, trust Him. He will meet every single need that you have. Because today, you just got born again. You just stepped into a whole new life. Will it be easy? No. Will He be with you every step of the way until you enter heaven? Will He ever forsake you for any reason? Never. Will He be your heavenly Father forever? Forever and ever and ever. That is the promise of Almighty God.
Thank you for listening to Investing in Eternity. For more inspirational messages like this one, visit our online 24-7 station. And if you'd like to know more about Charles Stanley or InTouch Ministries, stop by This podcast is a presentation of InTouch Ministries, Atlanta, Georgia.
In this episode, we delve into the profound contrast between light and darkness as illustrated in the Scriptures. The Gospel's transformative message of hope is explored through the lens of Jesus Christ's teachings and the Apostle Paul's unwavering commitment to spreading this light. As we wrap up the year, we're reminded of our role as bearers of this eternal truth—a truth that brings salvation and hope in an often dark world. We unpack Paul's unparalleled example of faith and dedication, highlighting his sense of obligation and the burning desire within him to share the Gospel. From the Greek philosophers to modern-day believers, the superior message of Christ remains unchanged and is as relevant today as it was then, challenging us to not only carry this light ourselves but to ensure it reaches the far corners of the earth. Explore the call to action for every believer, the obligation that binds us to each other and to those who have yet to hear the Good News. We reflect on the unprecedented opportunities we have in today's world to share the Gospel and how every believer can contribute, either directly or by supporting those who go out into the mission fields. The message is simple, enduring, and universal—one of love, hope, and eternal life.
Welcome to this weekend's In Touch podcast with Daryl Stanley. The message of the gospel brings hope and transformation to all who accept it by faith. Let's wrap up 2024 with a reminder to carry the light wherever we go.
In the very first chapter of the Bible, we find God separating light from darkness. In chapter 1, verse 4, and He calls this separation the first day. If you'll go through the Bible, what you'll find is that God oftentimes identifies darkness or light with things that are evil. For example, in Romans chapter 1 and the 21st verse, He talks about a person's foolish heart being darkened. On the other hand, light is usually identified with things such as good, such as holy, and also of truth. So that all through the Bible, God identifies darkness one way and light the other. For example, Jesus said, I am the light of the world in John chapter 8 and again in John chapter 9. He again said He was the light of the world as long as He was here. And then in Matthew chapter 5, in the Sermon on the Mount, He said that you and I are the light of the world. Now that Jesus Christ is seated at the Father's right hand, you and I are walking lights of truth, that is, of the gospel of Jesus Christ. In 1 John chapter 1, the fifth verse, He said, God is light, that is, God is holy, there is no darkness in Him at all. And then in the seventh verse, He said, we are to walk in the light, even as He is in the light, and the blood of Jesus Christ, His Son, would cleanse us from all sin. So all through the Scriptures, we see this distinction, this contrast between light and darkness. For example, the Bible says that you and I have been translated. from the kingdom of darkness into the kingdom of light so that we as believers are identified with light and that light in essence is the simple truth of the saving gospel of jesus christ it is the message of truth and that truth is that god the only eternal god sent his only begotten son jesus christ into the world And through His death at Calvary paid our sin debt in full. And all who are willing to respond and receive Jesus Christ as their personal Savior can be saved and their salvation is forever. That is the gospel message. That is the truth. That is the light. And you'll recall that John in his gospel in his first chapter talked about the life within us... being the light within us, which is the very life of Christ. And Jesus said, I am the way, the truth, and the life. It is the truth of the message of the gospel of Christ that we are to carry. I know of no one who has carried it like the Apostle Paul. And in Romans chapter 1, which is our text for this message, Romans chapter 1, I want you to turn, if you will, to verse 14, 15, and 16. For herein lies, I believe, the sense of motivation that stirred this man of God who was not only a sinner but an enemy of the gospel of Christ, an enemy of the church of Christ. And upon his conversion... God so radically changed his life, he became the greatest carrier of the light this world has ever known apart from the light himself, and that is Jesus Christ. And Paul is saying in this first chapter, writing to the Romans and desiring to come to see them, he says in verse 11, I long to see you. In verse 12, he says, that is, that I may be encouraged together with you. And then he talks about... And then he says in verse 14, I am under obligation both to Greeks and to barbarians, both to the wise and to the foolish. Thus, for my part, I am eager to preach the gospel to you also who are in Rome. For I'm not ashamed of the gospel, for it is the power of God for salvation to everyone who believes, to the Jew first and also to the Greek. And then Paul begins in this 17th verse, the rest of this chapter, an explanation of the condition of lost man. As I think about the Apostle Paul and the world in which he shared the gospel of Christ, it is different in many ways than the world in which you and I live, but on the other hand, it is not. He shared the gospel of Christ to a world desperately in need, living in darkness. That hasn't changed. Many people have been saved, but there are hundreds and hundreds and hundreds of millions of people who have never even heard one single solitary time the truth of the gospel of Christ because no one has ever carried them the light of that truth. So as we look at this passage, I want us to think about the church today because I believe what was true of the apostle Paul is certainly true of us today. And what he felt is certainly what we should feel. Here's a man who felt an inescapable obligation to preach and teach the Word of God to the people of his day. He says, I am under obligation, both the Greeks and the barbarians. That was their way of describing people who were cultured and those who were uncultured, people who were wise and those who were unwise or educated and uneducated. He said, I feel an obligation. He said... I feel this weight, this burden, this indebtedness. Now, I want you to think about something. He felt an indebtedness, first of all, to the Lord Jesus Christ, of course, who saved him. And naturally, he was motivated by love and devotion to Christ. But Paul also felt an indebtedness to another group of people. He felt indebted to people who were wicked, people who were evil, people who were sinful, people who never heard the gospel. He didn't simply feel indebted to those who shared it with him. He felt indebted to a world that desperately needed to hear what he had heard and it so transformed his life. He could not keep it quiet. There was something burning on the inside of him. And I believe when the gospel of Jesus Christ is burning in your heart, you're not going to be worried about how you say it and what you say and if you do it exactly right and everybody accepts it or if everybody rejects it. You're not concerned about that. When something is burning on the inside of your heart, you've got to tell it no matter what the response may be. That was the Apostle Paul. And he told it and told it and told it and told it, preached it, proclaimed it, and he taught it until finally they took his life. Only by the permissive will of the Lord Jesus Christ was his life taken. When God knew he had finished the work that God had called him to do, then he took him home. But here was a man who felt an inescapable obligation to the world of his day. Now you think about this. Are we not obligated? Do we not have a debt to the people who share the gospel with us? The man who shared the gospel with me for the first time that I ever remember anybody sitting down with me telling me how to be saved came to my home. He was the pastor. And he may have left and went home and told his wife, well, I went by to see Charles today, but probably was a waste of my time because I don't know that he's interested in being saved. But just a few months later, I was saved. He took the time to share the gospel with me. And I want to ask you a question. When is the last time you got on your knees and just thanked God for saving you? And when is the last time you brought up the name of the person, of the persons who shared the gospel with you in your lifetime? Or the one person who confronted you, prayed for you, and you thought they were badgering you and being a little overbearing and you wanted to just push them away and tell them to just forget it, you're not interested, but they kept on and they kept on and they kept on until you yielded and you received Christ as your Savior. Now you're grateful to God they didn't quit. When is the last time you thanked God, called their name, and praised Him that He didn't give up on you and they didn't give up on you, and today your name is written in the Lamb's Book of Life? Isn't it interesting how we take things for granted? You see, we've heard the gospel so many times. Listen, it takes something absolute, dramatic, and traumatic to shake us up. Because you see, this is old hat for us. And many of you who are listening or who are watching, you've heard enough truth, enough gospel. You've read the Bible enough. You know enough verses. You've read enough books. You've experienced enough in your own Christian life. You know enough gospel to convert the whole world. And the reason many of them will never hear is because we sense no obligation. But I want to tell you, we are indebted to the world of our day to get the gospel to them. That's the only reason your name is written in the Lamb's Book of Life. That's the only reason that you're saved is that somebody felt the same obligation and came to you and said, I want to tell you about Christ. I simply want to ask you, are you satisfied? Selfishly, self-centeredly satisfied? You've got it. Your family's got it. You're all saved. You're all going to heaven. And once in a while I hear people say, well, you know, my wife or my husband, my sons, my daughters, we're all saved. We're just so grateful, just thankful to God. There's nothing wrong with that. But what about those other children of your neighbors and your friends? And what about hundreds and millions of people out there who've never heard it one single time? Jesus had gone to all the world and preached the gospel to every creature. Then he says, as my Father hath sent me, so send I you. That doesn't mean he's going to send everybody. But here's what he is going to do. He's going to send all of those whom he chooses to the uttermost parts of the earth. Those whom he does not choose to send, he's going to choose to work in our hearts to be sure that we're able to hold the ropes while they're out there doing the work that God has called them to do. We have an obligation. If it isn't to go, it's to give so that those who go can do the work God has called them to do. Which means that there's no such thing as a believer who does not have a personal missionary obligation. It is an inescapable obligation. And if I love Christ, I'm going to love people. And if I don't love Him, then I won't love them. Paul said, I have an obligation. The second thing I think is true of Paul here in this passage is this. Paul saw not only that he had a personal inescapable obligation, but he also saw that he had an unparalleled opportunity. Now think about this. He knew what the Greeks believed. He argued with them in Athens. He knew what the Romans believed. He knew what the philosophers believed. And he knew that his message was superior. It was superior to every religion, every philosophy. And he knew that though there may be arguments and someone may attempt to get the best of him, but Paul knew that his message was superior to any message that ever existed. There is no message to equal the gospel of Jesus Christ. And that is that Jesus Christ came into this world, the only begotten Son of the only one eternal God, laid down His life at Calvary to pay the sin debt of the entire world. And every single one who would respond to the resurrected Christ will be saved. The Apostle Paul knew by experience it was a superior message. He knew in logic it was a message that was superior, and this is why he challenged those in Athens. He said, you've got gods. He says, you have images to the unknown God. I want to tell you, the real true God who can forgive you of your sins, who can set you free, who will live on the inside of you through the Holy Spirit, who will answer your prayers, who will meet your needs, who will make life meaningful to you. He says, I can identify Him in the person of Christ. He knew that his message was superior. You want to know why Paul says, he says, I'm indebted and I'm ready and I'm not ashamed. Because he wasn't ashamed of Christ. And he wasn't ashamed of the message. And he wasn't ashamed of the end result. And he wasn't ashamed of making someone a promise and being ashamed that someone would come back and say, oh, but God isn't what you say he is. You and I have the only eternal message. We have the only philosophy that's going to last beyond this life. We have the only message that can give men true genuine hope. And every single religion in the world, what do they say? They say you have to do the following things in order to reach some kind of state of acceptance before their God. In the Christian faith, we simply receive what the Lord Jesus Christ did at Calvary. Listen, I believe Paul was so excited when he wrote Galatians and he said to them, listen, let me tell you how to get free. You don't have to keep the law because Jesus Christ paid your sin debt in full and the law has been fulfilled in the crucifixion and resurrection of Jesus Christ. You are free. Here's a man whose heart was burning because he knew the truth and the only truth that would set men free forever. You have the message. You have the same message the Apostle Paul had. In fact, you've got one on the Apostle Paul. You've got all of his epistles written. Plus you've got the Gospels. Plus you have in one book called the Bible all of the Old Testament revelation. Plus you have the book of the Revelation, the last book of the Bible which Paul did not have. You and I have it all. And I want to ask you, can you give me one reason For being ashamed of the one message and the only message that can give men hope for now and absolute assurance of eternal life. Here's what I want you to see. Apart from Jesus Christ, the Word of God, and the Gospel, life has absolutely no real purpose and meaning. But if the gospel is true, and it is, there is meaning and purpose. Every single person is important. Every single person is valuable. Every single believer is a walking, living light of the gospel of Christ. And we have an obligation. And we have a superior message. Listen. One of the reasons it is superior is not only because of what it offers, but also because of how applicable it is. Listen. Listen. There is a universal need for the message we have. Every single person on the face of this globe desperately needs what we have. And some have it and some don't. You see, there are many messages that may apply to some folks, but think about this. We don't have to say, well, we send this missionary here because those folks don't need it. Send this missionary to that culture because this culture doesn't need it. Send the missionaries over here to this language group because these folks don't need it. Every single nation on this globe needs the gospel. America needs the gospel, and every other nation needs it. And God has opened this awesome opportunity. I believe there are more people turning to the gospel today from other religions than ever before. And while that ultimately may create warfare and bloodshed, The truth is, we have the greatest opportunity to get the gospel of Jesus Christ to our whole world. Listen, a greater opportunity than any single group of people who have ever lived on the face of this globe, second to none. Today, you and I have the privilege of sharing it by our life and our lips and through the media to every single corner of this earth. You see, the problem with the church today is we have become satisfied. Listen, we've become satisfied being a Christian, being the recipients of the blessings of God. I want to ask you a question. Why does God send a single blessing to anyone at any time? In order, listen, to do something in us with a greater purpose to do something through us as we share it with someone else. The Apostle Paul knew his message was superior, is applicable to everyone, available to anyone who would believe it. The one thing you and I can say, listen, we can say this to the entire world. If you are willing to receive Jesus Christ as your personal Savior, He will forgive you of your sins on the spot. And I'm going to tell you, it is forever and ever and ever. And think about this. The message of the gospel of Jesus Christ needs no additions. You don't have to come back one of these days later on and say, well, you know, you were saved some time ago. Now we've got to have an update on your salvation. Or we've got to have a repeat performance. No. Saved once and forever. We have the only message in the world that can change a person's eternal destiny. And the question is, what is the body of Christ in the most opportune time in human history to obey God and to get His message in every corner of the earth? What are we going to do? You see, because His message was so simple, listen, it was superior. It was so simple. What's the simple message of the gospel? Somebody says, well, what is the gospel of Jesus Christ? Well, there may be many definitions, but you could wrap it up in one sentence. The one and only eternal God, Jehovah, sent His virgin-born, eternal, divine Son of God into the world. for the purpose of laying down his life at Calvary. And upon doing so, God the Father placed the sin debt of all mankind upon him. And he paid in one glorious, eternal, dramatic act the sin debt of the whole world. And anyone who is willing to accept his death at Calvary as payment for their sin personally and receive him by faith is saved by the grace of God the moment they do it. That is the gospel. And Paul was so excited. He says, I feel a debt. And he says, I see this awesome opportunity. The simplicity of his message. And the fact that it lasts forever. Paul didn't have anything you and I don't have. We've been filled with the Holy Spirit. We've got something Paul didn't have. We've got the whole revelation of God. And here's a man who was committed not to allow his life to be wasted. but to be invested in something that has eternal and lasting value.