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In Touch with Dr Charles Stanley

About This Show
Dr. Charles Stanley and In Touch Ministries’ daily radio program.

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Oppose the world’s viewpoint of gaining riches and glory and instead follow the pattern of service Christ set before…
Find out how to tame your tongue by bringing it under the authority of the Holy Spirit…
Dress yourself in the full armor of God and win the spiritual war each day….
Dr. Stanley reveals what it means to be a soldier for Jesus….
The devil may try and entice you to sin, but arm yourself with God’s Word and you’ll win every…
When you walk with God’s Word, you’re ready to fight temptation with a weapon that wins….
Have you considered whether you’re ready to meet the Lord?…
Find out the eternal result of those who remain in a state of spiritual blindness….
Dr. Stanley explains the tactics Satan uses to keep people spiritually blind….
Learn the consequences of rejecting Christ and be motivated to accept God’s mercy and share the gospel….
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