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Messages about the crippling emotion of FEAR. How it impacts our lives and our walk with Christ, along with ways to mitigate it in our day-to-day lives through the power of prayer and community. This podcast collection is not intended to take the place of counseling, or psychological assistance. If you need someone to pray with or have an additional need that we can help you pray with, please reach out to us using the form below, or if you'd prefer it you may also call us at 303.481.1800 during business hours and someone will be happy to pray with you about fear or anything else you need.
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On today's program, hosted by Jody Hice: Meg Kilgannon, FRC's Senior Fellow for Education Studies, debunks Vice President Kamala Harris's lies about abortion at her recent campaign rallies. Aaron Baer, Center for Christian Virtue President, reacts
Was Jesus a liberal or a conservative? Looking around the political landscape today, you would sort of think that he must have been one or the other because there are people out there who are Christians who would take very strong positions on the political left or right. Since they’re Christians and they’re supposed to be following Jesus, then one of those groups must be wrong about something. Jesus can’t be both places, can he? Now, I feel fairly sure that the words liberal
and conservative
did not mean the same thing when Jesus was carrying out his earthly ministry as it does today. In fact, today both terms are basically pejorative. I mean, you say somebody’s a liberal
, you’re insulting them. If you say he’s a conservative
, well that’s putting him down. Well, what do they mean, even today in the political climate? If you go to the dictionary and look them up, you get one definition. If you listen in on the talk shows and pundits, you might get something else.
A conservative
defined is supposed to be someone who is disposed to preserve existing conditions and institutions, or to restore traditional ones, or to limit change. Now, when you look at the political landscape, I’m surprised anyone wants to accept the label of conservative
—especially Christians. Oh sure, we want to preserve or restore traditional values and institutions. We think traditional morality is a good thing. We think the family is a wonderful thing and we want to preserve and restore those things. But surely we don’t want to preserve the status quo. Nor do we wish to limit change. Surely, not Christians. Conservative
is a useless label, frankly, unless we understand what it is we are trying to conserve. You don’t understand what I’m saying? Well, how long has abortion been the law of the land? It’s been that way for a long time now. Now, since that is the status quo, aren’t the people that are fighting to preserve abortion conservative? They are trying to conserve what is, they are trying to conserve this institution of abortion which is now the status quo, the law of the land, what’s expected.
You know, there are a lot of good people in this country that are Democrats and a lot who are Republicans, and Christians, in my opinion, are making a big mistake by sticking out a Christian political position—a position on the political right or the political left. Dedicated Christians are—by nature or in the nature of things—ideologues and, consequently, we just don’t have the pragmatism to work effectively in the political arena. There’s a lot of lying that goes on in there. The people who go in to the political arena and try to tell the truth are very likely to turn themselves into victims. Christians can turn up at the meetings of both political parties. And if they did turn up in both places they might be able to heal some of the terrible political divisions in the country. But the problem is: if you take a look at us Christians in the world, we have to be about the worst peacemakers around. We can’t make peace among one another, why in the world should anyone think that we could ever make peace among political parties? But nevertheless, Jesus said, Blessed are the peacemakers, for they shall be called the children of God.
And if you’re really serious about abortion, the place to deal with it is at the intellectual level in both parties. You will never get anything done about abortion one way or another by making it a party issue. I would think that would be clear by now, but I don’t see any signs of it starting to dawn on anyone.
Now in the interest of full disclosure, I am neither a Democrat nor a Republican. I am independent politically, as a disciple of Jesus—an evangelist, as it were—as a preacher of Christian values. I don’t feel it’s my job to be in one political party or the other. Now, liberals and conservatives in this world are defined by political values. If you are Republican you are conservative and if you’re a Democrat you’re a liberal, supposedly. But that brings me back to my original question. And this is why I’m not a Republican or a Democrat. What about Jesus? Was Jesus a liberal or a conservative? In the Sermon on the Mount, which has to be the most fundamental of Jesus’ teachings, He had this to say…
On today's program: Kevin Cramer, U.S. Senator from North Dakota, responds to Vice President Kamala Harris's call to eliminate the filibuster in the Senate to enact her extreme abortion agenda and shares details of the forthcoming Stand with Israel Kim Monson’s 2024 Voter’s Guide offers clear, independent analysis through the lens of Freedom vs. Force, Force vs. Freedom to help you make informed decisions at the ballot box. This guide cuts through the complexity, focusing on what matters most—your rights, your money, and your future.
I'm Rachel mains with Crawford Media Group and joining me today is Kim Munson with the Kim Munson show the airs on our sister station AM560. Kim welcome Rachel great to be with you. Great to have you to discuss the 2024 Colorado Voters Ballot Guide. Kim you've done the legwork you know it is voting season this is really necessary for us to really understand the issues I've said to you multiple times they make it confusing. You think right? I think Rachel that people have ballot fatigue as you look at just on the state issues not including any of the local issues or county or school district issues there's 14 issues on the state ballot alone and people are busy they want they want to do their civic duty they want to vote they want to be informed and then you have all of the this chatter out there and all of these campaigns that are coming up people to try to convince them to pass something the probably isn't in our best interest so that's why I did the voter's guide. Yes Kim how many years have you done a voter's guide? I think I started in 2015 and Rachel it was one of the first voter's guides out there now there's all kinds of voter's guides but I think people have come to really trust this because I'm not paid or quote earth to take a position I look at each of these issues as what is best for the individual and also how does that match up with our American idea of limited government where the individual has liberty and so that's my lens that I work on as I put this voters guide together how long does it take you to study the issues hours the hours and hours between Zach my media marketing guy and we put together he put together something beautiful if you've taken a look if you go to my website just request the guide you all you need to do is put in your name and your email and that way if something changes or some update we can let you know but then you'll get a link you'll receive a link for the one page summation of everything and then also the online version and Zach went through and actually chose historical and Renaissance paintings that had some relevance to the the actual issue and so it makes it somewhat pleasant to go through and do that research but it took us hours and hours. Well thank you for doing this so many of us we don't have time within our busy lives but we want to be good citizens and we want to make sure that we're voting correctly and with the value system that you have and that you talk about on your show now can let's go over we can't we don't have time to go over all of them but let's highlight some really important issues here. Okay let's go through one that was really difficult first of all amendments to the constitution should be very few and far between and there's one two three four five six seven questions on the ballot as amendments to the constitution and I'm a no on all those and we shouldn't be cluttering the constitution with a lot of different amendments but the the first one was difficult for me to take and that was it's a tax a property tax break for unemployable veterans and Rachel as you know I love our veterans I love our military and it's almost like they use use our veterans to get us to pass things that are not good so the underlying issue here well two things is first of all putting people into groups dividing us and then taxing people differently is unfair and it's based in Marxism and so the bottom line though is we really think about it as property taxes are too high and so ultimately what we should do instead of passing amendment G is lower property taxes across the board for everyone that way then are unemployable veterans get a tax break but also we need to lower that for everyone so that's the premise that I took and it was gut wrenching to to take that position but I think it's the right thing to do yeah that's what happens the language with a lot of these amendments it confuses you because you think yeah I love veterans and then if you don't really take the time like you've done to really look at that and have the proper lens we end up voting yes and we don't really know what we voted for right and so that's it's so important to delve into this another one this um let's see is amendment 79 and that would enshrine in our constitution taxpayer funded abortion so this is not really the abortion question uh although that that is certainly part of it but to enshrine in the constitution that taxpayers pay for someone else's abortion that should not be an amendment to the constitution right really good okay what's another one Kim uh this has been one that has actually been supported by a number of Republicans and conservatives and as amendment 80 which is school choice and initially when I read the ballot question of course we love the fact that we could have school choice but we link the text to what you're really voting on because the ballot question is just a summation and if you go to the text the second bullet point uh well the first bullet point says that parents should have the right to direct the education of their children um school choice and that sounds good but the second bullet point says uh children K through 12 have the right to school choice that looks to me like it is boxing parental rights out and when I asked the the organizers that have put this on the ballot I said I'm very concerned about this language and they said well we've talked to our attorneys and they're just fine with it I see this is danger danger to enshrine this in the constitution where it's ambiguous regarding parental rights or does the child have the right to school choice because it is probably well intentioned but poorly written I recommend a no yes really good Kim thank you let's talk about another issue uh let's go to proposition 131 which is ranked choice voting and that is being sold as modernizing our elections are you tired of the parties fighting with each other all that rhetoric and of course people are tired of politics but what rank choice voting would do is basically take away your one person one vote uh it is uh there's actually two questions in this uh ballot question one is first of all what's called jungle primaries so you could have 10 15 20 different people on your ballot first of all Rachel how are you going to research each each and every one of them and then many times politicians don't tell you who they really are right so it would be very difficult to research all of these people in this jungle primary and you can only vote for one but then out of that the top four vote getters then go to the general ballot and you would rank them one two three and four and so you do that and so a person might get 49% of the vote they might be the top vote getter but then there's all these different rounds of computer calculations of the lowest vote counter uh they are removed from the ballot their second and third choice is recalibrated and uh they go through another round and ultimately you could have a candidate that maybe only got 25 or 30% of the vote uh ultimately being declared the winner because of this computer algorithm recalculation very difficult to audit and it really takes away your dilute your vote of the person who you really want to get elected so it's very bad but there's big money that is being put into it last I checked just under 11 million dollars to try to get people to vote for it and people from both sides of the aisle are supporting it which is very disappointing but uh bear in mind that kind of money coming in is not because they want to make sure that we the little guys our voices are heard what will happen is only the rich or the candidates that the rich choose will ever be able to get onto the ballot so I'm a strong no on prop 131 ranked choice voting yeah sounds so confusing and that's a red flag to me it's like I I can't even understand this you know it's like this percentage and that when when it gets real confusing it's like why are we trying to make it confusing simple is always best in my opinion well and I think it was James Madison one of our founding fathers said that at the law should not be so voluminous that we can't understand them right and that's how we've gotten into this position right now we have all these laws and amendments and propositions and we need to have less not more exactly all right Kim what's another issue well I guess I'll go big picture a rapaho county Jefferson County and R.T.D. and Lakewood they are all asking to detabird now taper is our Colorado's taxpayers bill of rights and you hear respondents all the time talk about greedy businessmen or is it Thomas Sol the economist said is it really greedy for me to want to keep more of my own money but so this detaboring would mean that excess revenue above a very generous formula under taper of inflation plus population growth if these entities want to keep that additional revenue then they just need to ask us well they want these questions are saying we don't want to ever have to ask you again and also under a rapaho and Jefferson County they have property tax caps and this would get rid of that as well so the answer on all of those a rapaho county Jefferson County R.T.D. and Lakewood detaboring should be no and the reason is so that you can keep more of your money in your pocket instead of greedy governmental entities wanting to keep it all yeah that's good Kim and I'm talking to Kim Munson the host of the Kim Munson show and you can go to her website Kim also we have some great resources including Kim's voter guide if you go to our website that's so Kim what's another issue a proposition KK which is an excise tax on firearms and ammunition and this is a direct assault upon the second amendment and what I'm really concerned about is that it is going to make it more expensive particularly for that single mom that might be in a neighborhood that is dangerous and right now we're having our neighborhoods become more and more dangerous and she may want to have a firearm to protect herself and her family this excise tax would make it more difficult for her to do that and so that is why I am really recommending a strong no on proposition KK because it is unconstitutional but it also makes it more difficult for law-biting citizens to protect themselves and the bad guys are not going to pay this tax it's only going to be us the law-biting citizens that would pay it so we're strong no on that as well great what's another issue Kim I would say that this proposition 127 regarding limiting the hunting of predators of big cats and there still will be management of those cat populations but it will be done by government which means we'll be paying taxes to do that right now we have a very healthy management of predators between the Colorado public while wildlife and our hunting industry which brings a lot into the economy and so this is really I think trying to prevent hunters from being able to hunt these big cats and keep those populations in check and Rachel a man hunting predators has been part of the big circle of life since the beginning of time and so when you take that out of the equation then the predator populations grow makes it more dangerous for our livestock producers but it also makes it more dangerous as people like to go to the mountains to hike and so that's a strong no on prop 127 as well and I just want to mention once again you can go to Kim's website and learn more about her radio program where she talks about these issues daily and has great guests on and you can put your name in and email and sign up for the butter guy as well Kim anything else we can go over we have a couple minutes left okay basically on my voters guide I am recommending a no on all of the state issues except proposition 128 which seemed like it made sense to me that violent offenders would serve most of their sentences before they were eligible for parole that seemed to make sense to me I've had some some people that have reached out and said that know that they would disagree with me on prop proposition 128 but that would still make sense to me so I am a yes on that otherwise I'm recommending no on everything but don't take my word for it look at my reasoning see if it makes sense to you great if if you see it differently I'm not offended I just want you to think about these issues right get us involved in the process thank you so much I've been talking with Kim Munson you can go to her website learn more about her radio show also go to our website we have a link to Kim's voter guide but we also have more resources at Rachel thank you
On today's program: Mike Waltz, U.S. Representative for the 6th District of Florida, shares how a recent Pentagon leak exposes the Biden-Harris administration's lack of intelligence gathering in the Middle East and discusses the latest regarding
In this episode of the National Crawford Roundtable, we'll discuss all the latest in the presidential race. Was Trump's McDonald's day silly or shrewd? Is Trump in good shape in the polls? Why is Kamala Harris' "joy" balloon deflating? Hamtramck, Michigan is the only city in the U.S. entirely run by Muslims. Its Mayor has now openly endorsed Trump, along with a prominent Dearborn, Michigan Islamic Center Imam endorsing Trump. Muslims for Trump? Hispanics? Black men? Why/how is Trump making inroads with these groups?
According to Dr. Del Tackett, Just having a worldview is not sufficient because God calls us to be stewards in this world that He has placed us in, and that means we have to be engaged with the world around us. On today’s edition of Family Talk, Dr. Tackett encourages listeners that now is not the time to be passive when it comes to the issues at stake in the public square, and we must stand firm on God’s Word in all matters. Joshua 1:9, Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged, for the Lord your God will be with you wherever you go.
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On today's program: Mike Rounds, U.S. Senator from South Dakota, discusses Secretary of State Antony Blinken's trip to Israel and responds the FBI's investigation into the leak of Pentagon documents possibly revealing Israel's plans to attack Iran.
On today's edition of Family Talk, Dr. William Lile, a Christian obstetrician and gynecologist, documents 2,500 successful abortion pill reversals through Each baby saved is a precious victory against the abortion industry. Dr. Lile explains that those who support abortion are clearly going against the Lord’s design. Not surprisingly, they're attacking the babies created in the very image of God. Psalm 139:13-14 says, For you created my inmost being; you knit me together in my mother’s womb. I praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made; your works are wonderful, I know that full well.
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