In this enlightening episode, Charles Capps shares insights into the dynamic nature of faith as the key to inheriting the promises of God. Explore how the measure of faith can be expanded through the Word of God and learn how to transform trials into triumphs by consistently confessing scripture-based affirmations. Join us to understand the eternal principle that God's creative power is manifest through His Word, providing believers with the strength to overcome life's adversities.
And now, here's Charles Capps.
Now, the scriptural basis for what we're going to talk about in this booklet. This is the way that we're going to be heirs of the world and heirs of the things that God promised us in this world is through the righteousness of faith. And the righteousness of faith would say, Jesus doesn't have to come back and do it. The Word is here and it's as powerful as if Jesus was here. So the Word is as nigh unto me as getting it in my mouth and speaking it into my heart. The word of faith, he calls the word of God, the word of faith. Now what word of faith is he talking about? The promises of the word of God. You go to the promise and you find what God said about your situation in life. See, I said the word of God's practical. There is a practical application of every single promise in the New Testament to your everyday life. From page 16. The top of the page it says, I take the shield of faith and I quench every fiery dart of the wicked one that comes against me. The scripture verse is Ephesians 6, 16. Where it says, wherefore taking the shield of faith you shall be able, you shall be able to quench. That is to put out every fiery dart of the devil. You shall be able. It doesn't mean you will. It means you shall be able if you'll take the shield of faith. Now, where does the shield of faith come from? The shield of faith comes from the Word of God. Have you noticed in the Scripture that it tells you that God has dealt to every man the measure of faith? Now, I'm quite satisfied that we've misunderstood some things about that. We've said, well, everybody got the same measure of faith and God gave you the faith to be saved. But now, wait a minute. God gave everyone the same measure of faith. But how do you measure faith? Have you ever stopped to think about that? Do you have a peck of faith or a bushel or a ton? How are you going to measure it? The only way that you can measure faith is to measure the amount of the words you have in you. You may have a guy highly developed in faith for being saved over here and getting people saved. Then right on the other hand, over here when it comes to finances, he can't believe for nothing. Oh, he's on his way to heaven, all right, and his heart's right with God. But you see, what's the difference? He's highly developed in the Scriptures on getting people saved, but he hasn't studied the prosperity Scriptures about what God will do for you if you'll be obedient in your giving. So you measure his faith by how much word he has concerning salvation. And man, he's got a lot of faith. Because he's got a lot of word. He can quote you a lot of scriptures about being saved. He can prove to you that God will save you. But when it comes to healing or maybe to finances, he'll say, oh, God's not interested in that. He just measured his faith right there. He don't have any. See, you can't believe for something that you don't have knowledge of. So you take the shield of faith and you quench every fire of the wicked one. Now, the shield of faith is not something that you carry around in your hand. Now, we got the idea it's kind of like the Roman shield, you know. You kind of try to hide behind it. If it was, you're going to get a bunch of darts in the backside. The shield of faith comes from the Word of God. The Word of God that's flowing out of you, coming forth out of your lips, builds a shield around you and it reaches from over your head all the way to the floor, all the way around you and just follows you everywhere you go. You can walk in the midst of all kinds of troubles and problems with that shield of faith strong and they'll never touch you. It'll quench every fiery dart. But now I think some people said, well, you take the shield of doubt and quench all the blessings of God. Well, that is right. You can take the shield of doubt and quench every blessing of God. You can walk right into the midst of where everybody's getting blessed all over the place and you won't get anything. Because you got up the shield of doubt. Somebody doubts, oh, I doubt that God's interested in my finances. Well, you reckon he's interested in getting people saved? You reckon he's interested in promoting the gospel and preaching to foreign lands? It costs money to do that. Do you think he wants you to give? Oh, yes, brother. Well, if you don't have anything to give, how can you do it? So, you see, we need to learn that God has made provisions for us. Now, if we take the shield of faith, we can quench all the fire darts of the wicked one. Doesn't mean you automatically will, but you can. But now you have to work at it. You have to be diligent at it. The next one is from Galatians, the third chapter, verse 13, and Romans 8, 11. Christ has redeemed me from the curse of the law, therefore I forbid any sickness or disease to come upon this body. Now, this is scriptural reference I'm giving you. Then we're taking the scripture and building a confession out of it. Christ has redeemed me from the curse of the law. Therefore, I forbid any sickness or disease to come upon this body. Every disease, germ, every virus touches this body, dies instantly. Every organ, every tissue of this body functions in the perfection to which God created it to function. Therefore, I forbid any malfunction in this body. Somebody said, oh, you must think you're God. Oh, no, I just believe what God said about me. He said, if you believe, doubt not in your heart, believe what you say will come to pass, he shall have whatsoever he saith. So, if I say it enough to believe it, then it ought to come to pass, right? See, my basis is the Word of God. My basis is not what I'm saying. My basis is God's Word. It's not going to happen just because I say it. But saying it is involved in working the principle. It causes faith to come, for one thing. Faith cometh by what? Hearing the Word of God. So, I say, thank God every disease, germ, every virus touches my body dies instantly. Somebody said, well, what happened when you started confessing that? I got sick. That's what happened. Well, it didn't work, did it? Yeah, faith is coming. Are you listening? Faith is coming. Well, what happened the next week? I got sick. Wasn't working, was it? Yeah, faith is coming. I kept saying it. I kept saying it. You see, like I said, it never occurred to me it might not work. It takes time to build some of these things into your spirit. This is what I try to get over to people. It don't work just because you say it. If you're not basing it on Scripture, you might say it for a long time and never believe anything you say. Because you see, faith cometh by hearing what God said about it. Let me give you this one instance. I'm told that you've probably heard it on some other tapes, but I want to hear it again myself, so I'm going to tell it. We used to go deer hunting every evening about 3 o'clock, bow hunting. We'd get down there, and it looked like every tree that'd make a good deer stand had poison ivy all over it. And if I ever got around it, it got all over me. And I'd been confessing that for 20 years. I ever get around that stuff, it gets all over me. It worked real good, too. When I learned this principle, I said, thank God, if I'm redeemed from the curse, somewhere in that curse, poison ivy and the reaction of my skin to poison ivy has to be under the curse. It's sure not under the blessing. There's nothing blessing about it. So I said, I'm redeemed from it. Thank God I'm redeemed from it. Thank God I'll never have it again. Glory be to God. So I start confessing. Thank God I'm redeemed from the curse of the law. Galatians 3.13 is flowing in my bloodstream. It flows to every cell of my body. And my body does not react to poison ivy. Glory be to God. And guess what happened? I got poison ivy. I got me some calamine lotion, dried it up, and I just kept confessing. Thank God my body does not react to poison ivy. Thank God I'm redeemed from it. I'm redeemed from it. And guess what? I got poison ivy again. Now this went on for nearly a year. See, somebody at the trier said it didn't work, did it? Yeah, it's working. Faith is coming. Faith is coming. Faith is coming. It's God's Word, not mine. It's God's Word. It's not God's fault it didn't work the first ten minutes. It's the fact that I didn't believe it. I didn't have it in my heart. You've got to get it in your heart. And you get it in your mouth and you speak it in your heart. Now see, this is what the Apostle Paul is talking about. The righteousness which is of faith will go to the Word of God and say, Jesus doesn't have to come back and stop me from getting poison ivy. He sent His Word and healed me. and delivered me from my destruction, so I'm redeemed from the curse, according to Galatians 3.13. Jesus suffered the curse for me, therefore I don't have to, so I build my confession based around the Word of God, and I can have what I say, and I start saying that it won't get on me. Based on the scriptural reference. Now that's what the righteousness, which is of faith, would say. Go and find the promise. Get the promise in your mouth and speak it. And speak it. And speak it. And speak it until faith comes. It may be a week. It may be ten days. It might be a year. It was nearly a year. And then I noticed that when I went deer hunting the next fall and got around the poison ivy, I didn't get any. Glory be to God. Now the way I get poison ivy off a tree, I cut it off at the bottom with a pocket knife, take my hand and strip it off the tree. I have dominion. But you see, I didn't do that the first day I started confessing it. I didn't do it the second day. I didn't do it the second week. I didn't do it the second month. But now it's been seven years and I haven't had a spot on me. And thank God I'll never have another spot on me. Why? Because I convinced my body. I convinced my spirit. In the power of God, I became a partaker of God's divine nature. And Jesus didn't have to come back to get that paused ivy off of me. I just took the Word and put it in my mouth and in my heart. And it manifests itself in my physical body. Now you can do that in any situation in life. that God's Word bears out. See, you've got to have Scripture for it. Now, that's what I want to point out to you, that these things don't happen to you just because it's in the Bible, just because the Scripture says that we're redeemed from the curse. That doesn't mean that none of the curses are going to come to you. They're going to all come to you if you don't resist them with the Word of God. Can you see that? Thank you so much for joining us for the Concepts of Faith broadcast today. We've been talking about God's creative power. In fact, this is the second week we've been talking about this subject. Now, all of this week we have CD offer number 7210, which is two CDs for $15 plus $4 postage and handling. It's entitled God's Creative Power. In this series, we talk about the fact that God's creative power is His Word. You know, the scriptures tell us, in the beginning was the Word. The Word was with God. The Word was God. Now, you know, the Word is still God today. I'm talking about God's Word is still God over every situation and circumstances of life, if you will believe it and act on it in faith. Now, I'm not talking about acting in presumption. You know, sometimes people act like they have faith when they don't have faith. That's not what we're talking about. We're talking about the Word abiding in you. God's creative power is His Word. He spoke the worlds into existence. And when He spoke the world into existence, He looked out and saw darkness and said, Light be, and light was. He called light out of darkness. He used His words to release His faith as carriers. The words were containers to carry His faith out there into the vast nothingness and call light into existence. So God spoke words that created. Now, we are created in the image of God and in his likeness, and we have the ability to speak God's word after him. And when we begin to confess what God said about us until it gets in our heart, you see, Paul said, it's in your mouth and then in your heart, Romans, the 10th chapter. He said, if thou shall confess with thy mouth the Lord Jesus, believe in the heart God raised him from the dead, thou shall be saved. That's the way you get the word of God in your heart. That's the way you get born again. That's offer number 7210. It's entitled God's Creative Power. Two CDs for $15 plus $4 postage and handling, a total of $19. We have a toll-free order line, 1-877-396-9400, 1-877-396-9400. Until tomorrow, this is Charles Capps reminding you, the enemy is defeated, God is exalted, and Jesus is coming soon.
To order the product offered today, call 1-877-396-9400 or write Charles Capps, P.O. Box 69, England, Arkansas, 72046. A complete list of CDs, books, and DVDs are available online at Through the website, you can listen to this radio program again and subscribe to our podcast. This broadcast is sponsored by Charles Capps Ministries and our listeners in this area.
For over 35 years Charles Capps taught on the importance of faith and confession of Gods Word. Scriptural keys to unlocking the abundant life are revealed from his practical teaching that will enable you to act upon the Word of God and change the circumstances of your life. Capps Ministries continues broadcasting these teachings over radio, podcast, television, and streaming devices today, including new programs featuring Charles' daughter, Annette Capps.
In this enlightening episode, Charles Capps shares insights into the dynamic nature of faith as the key to inheriting the promises of God. Explore how the measure of faith can be expanded through the Word of God and learn how to transform trials into triumphs by consistently confessing scripture-based affirmations. Join us to understand the eternal principle that God's creative power is manifest through His Word, providing believers with the strength to overcome life's adversities.
And now, here's Charles Capps.
Now, the scriptural basis for what we're going to talk about in this booklet. This is the way that we're going to be heirs of the world and heirs of the things that God promised us in this world is through the righteousness of faith. And the righteousness of faith would say, Jesus doesn't have to come back and do it. The Word is here and it's as powerful as if Jesus was here. So the Word is as nigh unto me as getting it in my mouth and speaking it into my heart. The word of faith, he calls the word of God, the word of faith. Now what word of faith is he talking about? The promises of the word of God. You go to the promise and you find what God said about your situation in life. See, I said the word of God's practical. There is a practical application of every single promise in the New Testament to your everyday life. From page 16. The top of the page it says, I take the shield of faith and I quench every fiery dart of the wicked one that comes against me. The scripture verse is Ephesians 6, 16. Where it says, wherefore taking the shield of faith you shall be able, you shall be able to quench. That is to put out every fiery dart of the devil. You shall be able. It doesn't mean you will. It means you shall be able if you'll take the shield of faith. Now, where does the shield of faith come from? The shield of faith comes from the Word of God. Have you noticed in the Scripture that it tells you that God has dealt to every man the measure of faith? Now, I'm quite satisfied that we've misunderstood some things about that. We've said, well, everybody got the same measure of faith and God gave you the faith to be saved. But now, wait a minute. God gave everyone the same measure of faith. But how do you measure faith? Have you ever stopped to think about that? Do you have a peck of faith or a bushel or a ton? How are you going to measure it? The only way that you can measure faith is to measure the amount of the words you have in you. You may have a guy highly developed in faith for being saved over here and getting people saved. Then right on the other hand, over here when it comes to finances, he can't believe for nothing. Oh, he's on his way to heaven, all right, and his heart's right with God. But you see, what's the difference? He's highly developed in the Scriptures on getting people saved, but he hasn't studied the prosperity Scriptures about what God will do for you if you'll be obedient in your giving. So you measure his faith by how much word he has concerning salvation. And man, he's got a lot of faith. Because he's got a lot of word. He can quote you a lot of scriptures about being saved. He can prove to you that God will save you. But when it comes to healing or maybe to finances, he'll say, oh, God's not interested in that. He just measured his faith right there. He don't have any. See, you can't believe for something that you don't have knowledge of. So you take the shield of faith and you quench every fire of the wicked one. Now, the shield of faith is not something that you carry around in your hand. Now, we got the idea it's kind of like the Roman shield, you know. You kind of try to hide behind it. If it was, you're going to get a bunch of darts in the backside. The shield of faith comes from the Word of God. The Word of God that's flowing out of you, coming forth out of your lips, builds a shield around you and it reaches from over your head all the way to the floor, all the way around you and just follows you everywhere you go. You can walk in the midst of all kinds of troubles and problems with that shield of faith strong and they'll never touch you. It'll quench every fiery dart. But now I think some people said, well, you take the shield of doubt and quench all the blessings of God. Well, that is right. You can take the shield of doubt and quench every blessing of God. You can walk right into the midst of where everybody's getting blessed all over the place and you won't get anything. Because you got up the shield of doubt. Somebody doubts, oh, I doubt that God's interested in my finances. Well, you reckon he's interested in getting people saved? You reckon he's interested in promoting the gospel and preaching to foreign lands? It costs money to do that. Do you think he wants you to give? Oh, yes, brother. Well, if you don't have anything to give, how can you do it? So, you see, we need to learn that God has made provisions for us. Now, if we take the shield of faith, we can quench all the fire darts of the wicked one. Doesn't mean you automatically will, but you can. But now you have to work at it. You have to be diligent at it. The next one is from Galatians, the third chapter, verse 13, and Romans 8, 11. Christ has redeemed me from the curse of the law, therefore I forbid any sickness or disease to come upon this body. Now, this is scriptural reference I'm giving you. Then we're taking the scripture and building a confession out of it. Christ has redeemed me from the curse of the law. Therefore, I forbid any sickness or disease to come upon this body. Every disease, germ, every virus touches this body, dies instantly. Every organ, every tissue of this body functions in the perfection to which God created it to function. Therefore, I forbid any malfunction in this body. Somebody said, oh, you must think you're God. Oh, no, I just believe what God said about me. He said, if you believe, doubt not in your heart, believe what you say will come to pass, he shall have whatsoever he saith. So, if I say it enough to believe it, then it ought to come to pass, right? See, my basis is the Word of God. My basis is not what I'm saying. My basis is God's Word. It's not going to happen just because I say it. But saying it is involved in working the principle. It causes faith to come, for one thing. Faith cometh by what? Hearing the Word of God. So, I say, thank God every disease, germ, every virus touches my body dies instantly. Somebody said, well, what happened when you started confessing that? I got sick. That's what happened. Well, it didn't work, did it? Yeah, faith is coming. Are you listening? Faith is coming. Well, what happened the next week? I got sick. Wasn't working, was it? Yeah, faith is coming. I kept saying it. I kept saying it. You see, like I said, it never occurred to me it might not work. It takes time to build some of these things into your spirit. This is what I try to get over to people. It don't work just because you say it. If you're not basing it on Scripture, you might say it for a long time and never believe anything you say. Because you see, faith cometh by hearing what God said about it. Let me give you this one instance. I'm told that you've probably heard it on some other tapes, but I want to hear it again myself, so I'm going to tell it. We used to go deer hunting every evening about 3 o'clock, bow hunting. We'd get down there, and it looked like every tree that'd make a good deer stand had poison ivy all over it. And if I ever got around it, it got all over me. And I'd been confessing that for 20 years. I ever get around that stuff, it gets all over me. It worked real good, too. When I learned this principle, I said, thank God, if I'm redeemed from the curse, somewhere in that curse, poison ivy and the reaction of my skin to poison ivy has to be under the curse. It's sure not under the blessing. There's nothing blessing about it. So I said, I'm redeemed from it. Thank God I'm redeemed from it. Thank God I'll never have it again. Glory be to God. So I start confessing. Thank God I'm redeemed from the curse of the law. Galatians 3.13 is flowing in my bloodstream. It flows to every cell of my body. And my body does not react to poison ivy. Glory be to God. And guess what happened? I got poison ivy. I got me some calamine lotion, dried it up, and I just kept confessing. Thank God my body does not react to poison ivy. Thank God I'm redeemed from it. I'm redeemed from it. And guess what? I got poison ivy again. Now this went on for nearly a year. See, somebody at the trier said it didn't work, did it? Yeah, it's working. Faith is coming. Faith is coming. Faith is coming. It's God's Word, not mine. It's God's Word. It's not God's fault it didn't work the first ten minutes. It's the fact that I didn't believe it. I didn't have it in my heart. You've got to get it in your heart. And you get it in your mouth and you speak it in your heart. Now see, this is what the Apostle Paul is talking about. The righteousness which is of faith will go to the Word of God and say, Jesus doesn't have to come back and stop me from getting poison ivy. He sent His Word and healed me. and delivered me from my destruction, so I'm redeemed from the curse, according to Galatians 3.13. Jesus suffered the curse for me, therefore I don't have to, so I build my confession based around the Word of God, and I can have what I say, and I start saying that it won't get on me. Based on the scriptural reference. Now that's what the righteousness, which is of faith, would say. Go and find the promise. Get the promise in your mouth and speak it. And speak it. And speak it. And speak it until faith comes. It may be a week. It may be ten days. It might be a year. It was nearly a year. And then I noticed that when I went deer hunting the next fall and got around the poison ivy, I didn't get any. Glory be to God. Now the way I get poison ivy off a tree, I cut it off at the bottom with a pocket knife, take my hand and strip it off the tree. I have dominion. But you see, I didn't do that the first day I started confessing it. I didn't do it the second day. I didn't do it the second week. I didn't do it the second month. But now it's been seven years and I haven't had a spot on me. And thank God I'll never have another spot on me. Why? Because I convinced my body. I convinced my spirit. In the power of God, I became a partaker of God's divine nature. And Jesus didn't have to come back to get that paused ivy off of me. I just took the Word and put it in my mouth and in my heart. And it manifests itself in my physical body. Now you can do that in any situation in life. that God's Word bears out. See, you've got to have Scripture for it. Now, that's what I want to point out to you, that these things don't happen to you just because it's in the Bible, just because the Scripture says that we're redeemed from the curse. That doesn't mean that none of the curses are going to come to you. They're going to all come to you if you don't resist them with the Word of God. Can you see that? Thank you so much for joining us for the Concepts of Faith broadcast today. We've been talking about God's creative power. In fact, this is the second week we've been talking about this subject. Now, all of this week we have CD offer number 7210, which is two CDs for $15 plus $4 postage and handling. It's entitled God's Creative Power. In this series, we talk about the fact that God's creative power is His Word. You know, the scriptures tell us, in the beginning was the Word. The Word was with God. The Word was God. Now, you know, the Word is still God today. I'm talking about God's Word is still God over every situation and circumstances of life, if you will believe it and act on it in faith. Now, I'm not talking about acting in presumption. You know, sometimes people act like they have faith when they don't have faith. That's not what we're talking about. We're talking about the Word abiding in you. God's creative power is His Word. He spoke the worlds into existence. And when He spoke the world into existence, He looked out and saw darkness and said, Light be, and light was. He called light out of darkness. He used His words to release His faith as carriers. The words were containers to carry His faith out there into the vast nothingness and call light into existence. So God spoke words that created. Now, we are created in the image of God and in his likeness, and we have the ability to speak God's word after him. And when we begin to confess what God said about us until it gets in our heart, you see, Paul said, it's in your mouth and then in your heart, Romans, the 10th chapter. He said, if thou shall confess with thy mouth the Lord Jesus, believe in the heart God raised him from the dead, thou shall be saved. That's the way you get the word of God in your heart. That's the way you get born again. That's offer number 7210. It's entitled God's Creative Power. Two CDs for $15 plus $4 postage and handling, a total of $19. We have a toll-free order line, 1-877-396-9400, 1-877-396-9400. Until tomorrow, this is Charles Capps reminding you, the enemy is defeated, God is exalted, and Jesus is coming soon.
To order the product offered today, call 1-877-396-9400 or write Charles Capps, P.O. Box 69, England, Arkansas, 72046. A complete list of CDs, books, and DVDs are available online at Through the website, you can listen to this radio program again and subscribe to our podcast. This broadcast is sponsored by Charles Capps Ministries and our listeners in this area.
Explore the concept of faith as Charles Capps unpacks the power of speaking God's word in this thought-provoking episode. We journey through scriptures that explain the biblical principle of calling things into existence by embracing God’s creative power. Learn how your words can set the law of faith into motion and lead you to overcome life's challenges through spiritual understanding and practical application.
We're glad you could join us today for the Concepts of Faith broadcast. This program is dedicated to teach you how to put the Word of God to work so that it will make a positive difference in the everyday circumstances of your life. And now, here's Charles Capps.
God talks in past tense. He speaks in results. If we'll learn to imitate God, you'll be astounded at what'll happen in your life. But if you're always talking what is, you'll be astounded again at what'll happen in your life, only it'll be in a different direction. You'll be amazed at the problems you have. Because when you speak the things that are, you are establishing present circumstances. But when you call the things that are not, you're calling for a change. You go to the promise and you find what God said about your situation in life. See, I said the Word of God's practical. There is a practical application of every single promise in the New Testament to your everyday life. Now the problem comes when we don't give the time and meditation to find out how to apply that to our situation. Now notice that God said to Abraham, I made you the father of many nations. Now this is the way God works. He calls things that are not as though they were. Now the problem is that sometimes we get the idea that confession is calling things that are as though they're not. Now this is where a lot of problems come in, in the area of the faith and confession message. Because of misunderstanding. People want to call things that are as though they're not. Now that's not God's method. God's method is to call the thing that's not as though it were. Now somebody said, that's all the same thing. No, no, no. There's a whole lot of difference in that. When you deny what exists, you see, that's calling things that are as though they are not. The Bible doesn't teach you to deny what exists. It teaches you to call for what is not manifest. Now let me show you the difference. When you deny what exists, if you could get rid of it by denying it, it's not replaced with anything. But when you call for the manifestation of what you don't have and call it into manifestation, then you have something to replace it. Now listen to what the Apostle Paul said. Go with me to 1 Corinthians, the first chapter. Now see, we're bordering on the subject of calling things that are not. And we're going to touch on it a little bit here because, like I said, we're going to follow the Holy Ghost. 1 Corinthians, the first chapter, verse 27 and 28. For God has chosen the foolish things of the world to confound the wise. God has chosen the weak things of the world to confound the things which are mighty. And base things of the world and things which are despised hath God chosen. Yea, and things which are not. To bring to naught things that are. Now listen to it. God chose things that are not. Now allow me to add a word here just to amplify it. God chose things that are not manifest to bring to naught things that are manifest. God chose that method. I didn't choose it until after God chose it. Now this is what we need to understand, that the Apostle Paul understood this, and he said God chose this method to use things that are not to bring to naught. You know what naught means? Zero. Reduced to nothing the things that are. Now let me give you a simple and quick illustration of what we're talking about. If you're sick with the flu and sneezing and coughing and your nose running, there is no power in saying, I'm not sick. I'm not sick. If you could get rid of the flu by saying, I'm not sick, you might die with cancer, you know, or something else. So that's not the answer, is it? What's the answer? The answer is to go to the Word of God and find out what God said about you. Start confessing what God said. Get somebody to lay hands on you and say, the Word said that the believers will lay hands on the sick and they shall recover. So they laid hands on me, so I must be recovered. I'm calling my body well. Thank God I'm healed. I'm well in the name of Jesus. See, you're not denying what exists. You're calling for the thing that's not manifest. Somebody said, how in the world could you say you're healed and you're well when you're sick? That's all the more reason to say it. Because you're calling for the thing you don't have. Why in the world would you want to call for what you did have? And that's what a lot of people are doing. They're going around saying, well, I got this flu and I have the flu every year. I always get it the same time every year. Isn't that amazing? Like one fellow told me, he said, I've been trying to take the flu for three weeks. Well, you dummy, you ought to have it. Spent three weeks trying to take it. Resist the devil and he'll flee from you. Now, here's the thing that I want to point out to you, then we're going to get over into the booklet, God's Creative Power. Go back to Romans, the fourth chapter. And then hold your finger there and turn on over to the tenth chapter. Because I want to point out to you the scriptural basis for what we're going to talk about in this booklet. Verse 13 again, For the promise that he should be heir of the world was not to Abraham or his seed through the law, but through the righteousness of faith. Now, the phrase, the righteousness of faith, bring it to chapter 10. Verse 6, But the righteousness which is of faith, notice, same phrase, the righteousness which is of faith speaketh. On this wise. Now first he tells you what it wouldn't say. Say not in thy heart who shall ascend into heaven, that is to bring Christ down from above. Or who shall descend into the deep, that is to bring Christ again from the dead. Now somebody might say, well who in the world would say that? Have you ever said, Lord come down and touch me? Anybody ever said that? Well then that's what you're saying. See, if Jesus had come down and touched me, I'd get healed. Now listen to what Paul said. Verse 8. But what saith it? What saith the righteousness which is of faith? The word is nigh thee, even in thy mouth and in thy heart. That is the word of faith which we preach. Now do you get what he's saying? He said this is the way that we're going to be heirs of the world and heirs of the things that God promised us in this world is through the righteousness of faith. And the righteousness of faith does not say, who will get Jesus to come back and do it for us? Who will raise Jesus from the dead to get him back in his physical body on the earth? Who will bring him down from heaven so he can do it? The Bible says he's seated there at the right hand of the Father until his enemies have made his footstool. So he's not coming back. until his enemies are undefeated. But he said, What saith the righteousness which is of faith? Now remember, that's the way we're going to be heir of the world, is through the righteousness of faith. The righteousness of faith would say, Jesus doesn't have to come back and do it. The Word is here, and it's as powerful as if Jesus was here. So the Word is as nigh unto me as getting it in my mouth and speaking it into my heart. The word of faith, he calls the word of God, the word of faith. Now, what word of faith is he talking about? The promises of the word of God. You go to the promise and you find what God said about your situation in life. See, I said the word of God's practical. There is a practical application of every single promise in the New Testament to your everyday life. Now the problem comes when we don't give the time and meditation to find out how to apply that to our situation. That's why the Lord directed me to put this little booklet into print. It was printed in 1976. It's excerpts from the tongue, creative force. There is now 4,200,000 of these in print. And it simply takes a few of the scriptures in the Bible and shows you how to use it in your everyday life to confess God's Word over your situation in life. Your faith and God's Word will change the situations that you face in life. Now, it may not change them overnight. And most of the time, it won't change them overnight. But this is not something to just get you out of trouble. This is a way of life. And if you're just going to try it, you might as well forget it. Because triers always quit when it looks like it's not going to work. And you're going to have plenty of chance for it to look like it's not going to work. But you know, there's one amazing thing. I was telling my wife the other day. You know, when I saw this in the Word of God... heard it on a tape from Brother Kenneth Hagin, and I saw it was scriptural. You see, I didn't just take it just because he said it, because I tell you, quite frankly, I flew to Shreveport, Louisiana to be in one of his meetings one time. I told my wife, I said, I'm going to go down there and check this guy out. He's saying some good things, but I want to see him. I want to see how he operates. And you might be glad to know I decided he was all right. But anyway, I took the Word of God, and I found it in the Scripture, and I decided, well, that's in the Bible. Now, my first thought was, see, my first thought was, well, now, if that were true, they'd have taught it in my church. But they didn't know anything about it in my church. A lot of churches don't know anything about the practical application of God's Word to the everyday circumstances of life. In fact, they'll tell you you're a fanatic, you're a prosperity cult or something else, you know. They'll call you all kinds of things when you start using God's Word in practical application. And that's what God gave it to us for. That's why we have the Word of God and the Word of promise. But anyway, I started applying these things in my everyday life. And I was telling my wife, you know, it never occurred to me that it might not work. After I saw it in the Word of God, I just decided I'm going to do it. And I started doing it. And I did it until I got the results. And I'm still doing it. But you see, it still doesn't work for me unless I do it. You know, I can stand around and say, well, I wonder why that happened. And the devil will just clobber me just like he does anybody else. You've got to resist the devil with the Word of God. You know what Jesus did? Jesus on the Mount of Temptation took three words and he shook Satan's kingdom beyond repair. It is written. And then he just quoted what God said. And I'll tell you the truth, you can defeat Satan the same way today as just telling what God said. Thank you so much for joining us for the Concepts of Faith broadcast today. And before I leave the broadcast, I'll remind you that all of this week we have CD offer number 7210. It's entitled, God's Creative Power. Two CDs for $15 plus $4 postage and handling, a total of $19. I take the God's Creative Power booklet, the little mini book, and go through these confessions explaining why we use these and why we confess these things. It sets the law of faith in motion. It causes faith to come. It changes the heart. And it keeps the answer before you. You know, some of you, you're keeping the problem before you. You talk your problem. You think your problem. You wake up in the night thinking about the problem. You sleep the problem. You eat the problem. You've got a problem. And the problem is what you're saying because faith cometh by hearing. Paul said the Word is nigh you. It is in your mouth and in your heart. You see, you never solve a problem by talking the problem. You solve the problem by talking the answer. Go to the Word of God and see what God's answer to it is and say what God said about it. If you have lack, he said, give, and it shall be given unto you good measure. Press down, shake it together. Running over shall men give unto your bosom. God said it. Jesus said it. It is a fact. It is the truth, whether you ever do it or not. But when you proclaim what God said and get your mind renewed to the word of God, then you go to thinking like God thinks. renewing your mind, it's like putting a pencil in a glass of water. You start stirring it, it's first of all, it's just cutting water. But you keep stirring it, it'll get the water to fall in the pencil, pull the pencil out, and the water keeps circling the glass. That's what happens when you say what God said in His Word concerning you. When you say it long enough, you go to thinking like God thinks. That's called renewing your mind to the Word of God. God's creative power is just as powerful as it was when He spoke the Word But if you don't confess it, it may never work for you. That's God's creative power. CD offer number 7210. Two CDs for $15 plus $4 postage and handling. A total of $19. We have a toll-free order line, 1-877-396-9400. Until tomorrow, this is Charles Capps reminding you, the enemy is defeated, God is exalted, and Jesus is coming soon.
To order the product offered today, call 1-877-396-9400 or write Charles Capps, P.O. Box 69, England, Arkansas 72046. A complete list of CDs, books, and DVDs are available online at Through the website, you can listen to this radio program again and subscribe to our podcast. This broadcast is sponsored by Charles Capps Ministries and our listeners in this area.
Join us on this enlightening journey as we delve into the concept of God's creative power and how you can actively integrate His Word into your daily life to transform your circumstances. We'll explore practical applications, share stories of faith in action, and equip you with the knowledge to resist satanic influences. This episode is your guide to embracing the power of faith and God's promises.
We are glad you could join us today for the Concepts of Faith broadcast. This program is dedicated to teach you how to put the Word of God to work so that it will make a positive difference in the everyday circumstances of your life. And now, here's Charles Capps.
Now, we're going to talk about God's creative power and how to get it to work in your life. Now, we're teaching from our mini-book. Now, there's a lot of things that I could have shared with you in this meeting that But as I began to meditate on what the Lord would have me to speak and what He'd have me to share, it kept coming to me to share something that you can sink your teeth into. And when you go home, you can do it. Now, you know, you can get people all inspired about some things sometimes. But when they come down and get their feet on the ground, they're still in the same place. But we're going to talk about something that's practical. How many of you know the Word of God is practical? God's Word is practical. The Apostle Paul said, I'm not ashamed of the gospel of Christ, for it is the power of God unto salvation to everyone that believeth. Well, thank God if we believe it, it's the power of God. So God's power, His creative power, is His Word. And as we put that Word to work in our lives, it'll work for us. I want you to open your Bibles, if you have them, with me to the fourth chapter of Romans. I'm going to read some Scripture just as the foundation Scripture, and then we're going to get into the little booklet, God's Creative Power, and going to share some things from that, because I want to show you how to take the Scriptures from the Bible and use them in your daily life to change the circumstances and the situations that you face in life. You can take your faith and the Word of God and you can change every circumstance that you face in life. If you get started on it soon enough. I think the problem is that sometimes we wait, you know, we just kind of stand around and wonder, well, I wonder what's going to happen in this situation. And then all of a sudden we realize that we haven't done what the Word said to do. Now, how many times have you done that? You know, the pain hits you in the stomach or somewhere. You go around three days saying, I wonder what I got. And all of a sudden you realize, hey, whatever it is I got, I don't want it. So you resist it. But we need to learn to do that right on the front end, right when the thing begins. And you can stop a lot of things if you'll just begin immediately to resist the devil. And I don't know why we do that. But I catch myself sometimes. I just sat around two or three days wondering why in the world this is happening or why in the world that's going on. Then it suddenly dawns on me that this is the devil. And I hadn't resisted him. I've just sat around and wondered what was going on. I'll tell you a situation that happened in my life several years ago. And it's amazing how that so many things can happen before you ever recognize it's the devil. Now, I was farming at the time. The air conditioner on my tractor went out. Three of them. Three air conditioners on the tractor went out. My car air conditioner went out. My truck air conditioner went out. I went somewhere in my airplane, the air conditioner went out. We went to a meeting in Memphis and over there we got in the guy's car and his car quit. And we had to catch a ride to the meeting. Had to call a taxi. And we go to a hotel and camp meeting in Tulsa. They put us in a room and the air conditioner wouldn't work. They changed us, put us in another room. We go down to the Chinese restaurant to eat, and the air conditioner went out. Now, by this time, my lightning-fast mind said, something's going on. Now, you know, it's been three months, and now I've decided something's wrong. Wouldn't it have been good if we had decided that about the second day it happened? I looked across the table at my wife and I said, this is satanic. This is the devil. And just as soon as we get back to the room, we're going to stop this. And we did. We broke the power of satanic oppression over us. See, the devil is out to stir you up and get you all out of whack, if he can, by just causing you trouble everywhere you go. And you know what the Apostle Paul called that? A thorn in the flesh. That's exactly what it was. Now, you know, everybody's tried to name Paul's thorn in the flesh. They want to call it everything but what Paul called it. Paul said it was a messenger of Satan sent to buffet him. And that's exactly what was happening in our situation there. And we took authority over it with the power of the Word of God in our faith. And we broke the power of that thing. And it stopped. Now, that didn't mean we never had any more trouble with air conditioners. But it didn't run in that kind of string, you know. And that's what's happened to a lot of people. We just don't recognize what God is saying in His Word, and we don't recognize the fact that the power of God's Holy Word is to put these things back into the right place, right perspective. That's what God wants us to do, is to take God's Word and take authority over it, see, and to set it back in its place. And I'll tell you the best way to do that is just instantly when it happens. Now if you'll learn to live by the Word of God. See Jesus said to the devil when he was tempted him on the Mount of Temptation. He said man shall not live by bread alone. Tried to get him to turn stones into bread. He said man shall not live by bread alone but he'll live by every Word of God. We need to learn to live by every Word of God. And that's what I want to share with you is how to live by every Word of God. Take it at face value. And when the circumstances arise, just get on the devil like ugly on an ape, man. I mean quick. And just stop it. Because you don't have to put up with some things that come to you in life. I know I was sitting in a hospital room with an aunt of mine, and she was telling me about her daughter, about my age, said she was all crippled up with arthritis at age 40, and said, but you know, Brother Capps, we just have to receive everything that comes to us in life, don't we? And she's just nodding her head, and I was shaking mine, and said, no, in the name of Jesus. And it shocked her until she like lost her false teeth. Sounded real religious, you know. We just have to accept what comes to us in life. And I said, no, in the name of Jesus, we don't. The Bible said, resist the devil and he'll flee from you. When the circumstances of life does not line up with the Word of God and what it says about you, it's time for you to resist the circumstances of life and learn how to put it back in the right perspective. And the time to do it is instantly. Immediately, if not sooner. Glory to God. I'll tell you, I get excited about this. Where are we? You found Romans, the fourth chapter yet. Let's read verse 13. For the promise that he should be heir of the world was not to Abraham or his seed through the law, but through the righteousness of faith. Now, underline the phrase, the righteousness of faith, because this is going to mean something to you, very important, in just a little bit. Verse 16. Therefore it is of faith that it might be by grace to the end the promise might be sure to all the seed. What promise? The promise that you would be heir of the world. Now listen to this. We need to realize that we're not just worms in the dust. Let's back up and read that verse 13 again. For the promise that he should be heir of the world was not to Abraham or to his seed through the law, but through the righteousness of faith. Now who was the seed of Abraham? The seed of Abraham specifically was Jesus. But Galatians 3.29 says, If ye be Christ, then are ye Abraham's seed and heirs according to the promise. Glory be to God. What promise? The promise that he would be heir of the world. His seed would be heir of the world. Now that's not just talking about Jesus. We enter into that because if we're Christ, we're Abraham's seed and heirs according to that promise. Therefore it is of faith that it might be by grace to the end, or to this end, the promise might be sure to all the seed. Say all the seed. All the seed. I'm part of the seed. So it's to me, not to that only which is of the law, but to that also which is of the faith of Abraham, who is the father of us all. For as it is written, I have made thee a father of many nations before him whom he believed, even God, who quickeneth the dead, and calleth those things which be not as though they were. Now get a hold of this. God calls things that are not as though they were. Now I can go in several directions from right here. I want to preach 17 different sermons from this point right here. But we'll just have to narrow it down to a few. But we're just going to follow the Holy Ghost. Is that alright? God calls things that are not as though they were. He taught Abraham to call things that were not as though they were. He said to Abraham, I have made you, not going to, I've already done it, I've made you the father of many nations. And he didn't have the promised child. But God said, I've made you the father of many nations. Past tense, see, already done. God talks in past tense. He speaks in results. If we'll learn to imitate God, you'll be astounded at what'll happen in your life. But if you're always talking what is, you'll be astounded again at what'll happen in your life, only it'll be in a different direction. You'll be amazed at the problems you have. Because when you speak the things that are, you are establishing present circumstances. But when you call the things that are not, you're calling for a change. You go to the promise and you find what God said about your situation in life. See, I said the Word of God's practical. There is a practical application of every single promise in the New Testament to your everyday life. Now the problem comes when we don't give the time and meditation to find out how to apply that to our situation. Thank you so much for joining us for the Concepts of Faith broadcast today. We've been talking about God's creative power. In fact, this is the second week we've been talking about this subject. Now all of this week we have CD offer number 7210. which is two CDs for $15 plus $4 postage and handling. It's entitled God's Creative Power. In this series, we talk about the fact that God's creative power is his word. You know, the scriptures tell us in the beginning was the word. The word was with God. The word was God. Now, you know, the word is still God today. I'm talking about God's word is still God over every situation and circumstances of life if you will believe it and act on it in faith. Now, I'm not talking about acting in presumption. You know, sometimes people act like they have faith when they don't have faith. That's not what we're talking about. We're talking about the Word abiding in you. God's creative power is His Word. He spoke the worlds into existence. And when he spoke the world into existence, he looked out and saw darkness and said, Light be, and light was. He called light out of darkness. He used his words to release his faith as carriers. The words were containers to carry his faith out there into the vast nothingness and call light into existence. So God spoke words that created things. Now, we are created in the image of God and in his likeness, and we have the ability to speak God's word after him. And when we begin to confess what God said about us until it gets in our heart, you see, Paul said it's in your mouth and then in your heart, Romans the 10th chapter. He said, if thou shall confess with thy mouth the Lord Jesus, believe in the heart God raised him from the dead, thou shall be saved. That's the way you get the word of God in your heart. That's the way you get born again. That's offer number 7210. It's entitled God's Creative Power. Two CDs for $15 plus $4 postage and handling, a total of $19. We have a toll-free order line, 1-877-396-9400, 1-877-396-9400. Until tomorrow, this is Charles Capps reminding you, the enemy is defeated, God is exalted, and Jesus is coming soon.
To order the product offered today, call 1-877-396-9400 or write Charles Capps, P.O. Box 69, England, Arkansas, 72046. A complete list of CDs, books, and DVDs are available online at Through the website, you can listen to this radio program again and subscribe to our podcast. This broadcast is sponsored by Charles Capps Ministries and our listeners in this area.
Explore the profound impact of Christ's incarnation on earthly dominion. We unravel why Jesus, the Son of God, had to inhabit a physical body to exercise authority on Earth and destroy the works of the devil. With references to Genesis and Galatians, we illuminate the significance of being united in one body, under one promise, and how that empowers believers today with the authority and the anointing needed for spiritual warfare.
We're glad you could join us today for the Concepts of Faith broadcast. This program is dedicated to teach you how to put the Word of God to work so that it will make a positive difference in the everyday circumstances of your life. And now, here's Charles Capps.
Now, we're continuing on the subject of authority, and we're going to go deeper into it in this session. We're going to be particularly talking about the authority of the body. Now, I'm excited about this because the authority that your physical body gives you in this earth is the authority that you need and is necessary to destroy the works of the devil. Now, we'll get into it in some greater detail. But first of all, let me go back. Let's go back and just review briefly some of the things that we've covered to kind of bring this thing together today. as we start into this. I want to read Genesis, the 17th chapter, verse 7 again, what God said concerning Abraham and this covenant that he established with Abraham. God said, I will establish my covenant between me and thee and thy seed after thee. Now this is the thing I want you to get a hold of here, is the fact that this seed that he's referring to is seed as one, not seeds as many. Now let's read it again. I will establish my covenant between me and thee and thy seed after thee in their generation for an everlasting covenant to be a God unto thee and to thy seed after thee. Then let's go to Galatians, the third chapter. We'll start with verse 13, Galatians 3, 13. Christ hath redeemed us from the curse of the law, being made a curse for us. For it is written, Cursed is every one that hangeth on a tree, that the blessing of Abraham might come upon the Gentiles through Jesus Christ, that we might receive the promise of the Spirit through faith. Now notice that we might receive the promise of the Spirit through faith. Now there's many that say this refers to the promise of the Holy Spirit. But I'm convinced he's referring to the promise that the Holy Spirit made to Abraham here that he would establish this covenant with him. Now notice what he says. That the blessing of Abraham might come on the Gentiles through Jesus Christ. Now follow this on down to verse 16. Now to Abraham and his seed. Now see this refers to Abraham and his seed which directly connects it with Genesis 17 chapter verse 7. Where he said, I will establish my covenant between me and thee and thy seed after thee in their generation. So it was an everlasting covenant. Now to Abraham and his seed were the promises made. He saith not to seeds as many, but as of one, and of thy seed which is Christ. In other words, he's saying here that when God said this to Abraham, the seed he is referring to specifically is Christ. That is the seed. Now, by law of double reference and the fact that many scriptures have double meanings to them, certainly we're involved there because this promise is to us. It is an everlasting promise. Now, to Abraham and his seed was the promise made. All right, let's notice then as we come over to the 29th verse. And Paul says, if ye be Christ, then are ye Abraham's seed and heirs according to the promise. What promise? This promise here that God gave to Abraham in Genesis 17, verse 7, that this would be an everlasting covenant. This covenant was established between God and Abraham and his seed. Now, the seed specifically was Christ, but the seed also means us. Seed as one, not seeds as many. There are not many of us. We are all one body. And this is what Paul is referring to in Corinthians when he says that now you are the body of Christ and members in particular. They're members in particular, but we're all of one body. God sees us all as one body. We are in unity with Christ. So it is of seed as one, not seeds as many, but yet there are many of us that are the seed of Not seeds, but seed. We are one as far as God is concerned with Christ. Then we talked about the fact that the miraculous conception came because Mary conceived the Word of God. She received it into her spirit. She received God's Word concerning Christ. the miraculous conception, she said, be it unto me according to thy word. She received it in her spirit, and the word of God was manifest in her physical body. And the embryo that was in Mary's womb was the word of God. The word says in John 1, 14, the word was made flesh. And that's exactly what happened. The word became flesh. The word she conceived. It is referred to in Genesis, the third chapter, as the seed of the woman. The seed that the woman conceived was the incorruptible seed, which was the word of God that liveth and abideth forever. Now, in all of this, I'm reviewing this and bringing you to this point so you can see the fact that God intended to bring His Son, His life, into this earth in a physical flesh, blood, and bone body because it was necessary that He have a physical body. to do anything in this earth and to have authority here. Now, there are certain things, of course, that God can do in the earth. I don't mean to leave the impression that God just can't do anything in the earth, but there are certain things that God cannot do in the earth legally unless He can get you as an individual or someone with a body or the body of Christ to cooperate with God and the Spirit of God. Now, this brings us to where we are today. Let's notice the authority of the body. Now, let's start with the scripture reading in Luke, the third chapter. We find that Jesus is 30 years of age. He is about to be baptized. We'll begin with verse 21. Now, when all the people were baptized, it came to pass that Jesus, also being baptized and praying, the heavens were opened. And the Holy Ghost descended in a bodily shape like a dove upon him, and a voice came from heaven which said, Thou art my beloved Son, in thee I am well pleased. I want you to notice here is the voice from heaven that says, This is my Son, and I am well pleased. Now up to this point, I'm not so sure that Satan even knew who the seed of the woman that was going to bruise his head was. But if there was ever any doubt, after this was spoken from heaven, Satan knew who the seed was that was going to bruise his head. Now notice in verse 23, And Jesus himself began to be about thirty years of age, being as once supposed the son of Joseph. Well, we know he wasn't the son of Joseph. He was the son of God. But yet he was born in this earth with a physical flesh, blood, and bone body. He lived here for 30 years. And during that 30 years, we have no record where he ever healed the sick, where he ever raised any dead people, or where he did any miracles at all. Until he was baptized in the River Jordan. Now, I know there's religious tradition and ideas, preconceived ideas, that many people have. They say, well, you know, Jesus healed the sick because he was the Son of God. Well, certainly he was the Son of God, but that was not the reason that Jesus sealed. I may have to finish this in tongues. I almost said it again. I said this one time when I was ministering in a church, that Jesus sealed the sick, but he didn't heal the sick. Now, Jesus healed the sick because he was anointed with the Holy Ghost and healing power. Now, the reason he could, the reason he had authority to do that, we're going to find out as we get into these scriptures, is because he had a physical flesh, blood, and bone body. He took on him the nature of man. He did not take on him the nature of angels. He took on him the nature of man. He took on him the seed of Abraham. He looked like a man. He walked like a man. He talked like a man. He ate like a man. He got tired like a man because he was a man. It was necessary that God get his word in this earth with a physical body where he could destroy the works of the devil. 1 John 3, 8, the latter part of the verse says, "...for this purpose was the Son of God manifested, that he might destroy the works of the devil." Well, now, that's what Jesus came to this earth to do, was to destroy the works of the devil. But now, according to the Genesis account, where God gave man dominion, then it would have been illegal for God to come in the earth in his divine Godhead powers and destroy the works of the devil. Now, see, this will explain to you why there's so many people today, they're agnostics, they're atheists today, that say, well, if there was a God, all these things wouldn't happen. All the children being born blind and crippled and all of the wars and things. But you see, they fail to understand that God was limited by His Word. Now, that's what limits God, is His Word. God limited Himself when He said, give man dominion, over all the earth. Now, whether it was wicked man or whatever, God gave that dominion to Adam and Adam turned it over to Satan. Satan became the illegitimate stepfather of all mankind. And then God had to send his son Jesus into this earth, had to get his word back into this earth, so that he could establish some things, and he had to come here in flesh form. It was necessary. It was absolutely necessary that Jesus have a physical body. Because without it, he wouldn't have authority on this planet. Now, as we see, he's been baptized. The Holy Ghost descended upon him. And unto this point, we have not found in the Scriptures where Jesus did any miracles. But after the Holy Ghost descended upon him. His fame went out through all the regions round about as we get over into the fourth chapter of Luke. God bless you. I do appreciate you joining us for the Concepts of Faith broadcast today. Now, before I leave the broadcast, I want to remind you that all of this week we have a CD offer number 7108. That's 7108, Authority, Faith, and the Anointing. It's a single CD for $8 plus $3 postage and handling, a total of $11.00. Now in this we talk about the fact that Jesus operated in the authority of a man. He was born with a physical flesh, blood, and bone body. He had to have a body to have authority on this planet, because when you read Genesis chapter 1, God said, Let us make man in our image, and let them have dominion over the fish of the sea, the fowl there, over the cattle, over all the earth, over every creeping thing, Psalms 8 says. over all the work of his hands. So God gave mankind authority over this planet. Now Jesus, when he came, the Scriptures prophesied that a body thou hast prepared me. You have to have a body to have authority on this planet. Any spirit being on this planet that doesn't have a physical flesh, blood, and bone body is severely limited in what they can do. So Jesus had the body of a man, gave him authority to destroy the works of the devil, but he had to have the anointing so that he could destroy the works of the devil. You'll notice that Jesus never healed a single person until after he was baptized in the River Jordan, and the anointing of God came upon him. The Holy Spirit descended upon him, and after that he began to do great and mighty miracles. So this is offer number 7108, authority, faith, and the anointing. It not only takes authority, it takes faith and the anointing to destroy the works of the devil. It's a single CD for $8 plus $3 postage and handling, a total of $11. The toll-free order line is 1-877-396-9400. Until tomorrow, this is Charles Capps reminding you that the enemy is defeated, God is exalted, and Jesus is coming soon.
To order the product offered today, call 1-877-396-9400 or write Charles Capps, P.O. Box 69, England, Arkansas, 72046. A complete list of CDs, books, and DVDs are available online at Through the website, you can listen to this radio program again and subscribe to our podcast. This broadcast is sponsored by Charles Capps Ministries and our listeners in this area.
No matter on the surface.
In this episode of the Concepts of Faith broadcast, Charles Capps delves into the transformative power of God's Word in our lives. He emphasizes the importance of making confessions based on scripture to bring about positive changes in everyday circumstances. Through compelling testimonies, we learn how decrees grounded in faith have healed illnesses, saved lives, and delivered people from financial crises. Tune in to discover how your words can align with Biblical promises to unlock God's power in your life.
We are glad you could join us today for the Concepts of Faith broadcast. This program is dedicated to teach you how to put the Word of God to work so that it will make a positive difference in the everyday circumstances of your life. And now, here's Charles Capps.
Now we're talking about how to get it to work for you. I want us to get into this here in this little booklet, God's Creative Power. That's what we're teaching from, and it's the booklet on page 14. Now, I've kind of rambled through the rest of it and skipped a lot of it and said a lot of stuff that wasn't in there. But let's notice now, it makes a difference why you're decreeing certain things. Now, if somebody said, well, I'm just going to say I'm going to be a millionaire because I just want to be a millionaire. What are you basing that on? Well, I'm just basing it on my desires. Well, you're probably going to go bankrupt. Somebody said, what are you basing all your confessions on? Oh, well, nothing in particular. Well, that's probably what you're going to get. Nothing in particular. See, you've got to have God's Word for it. Now, this is why the Lord instructed me several years ago to take, see, this little booklet, God's Creative Power, came from the tongue of creative forces, excerpts from that book. And the Lord said to me, put it into a mini book form so they can stick it in their shirt pocket, put it in their purse. And I never imagined in all my wildest imagination that there'd be 4,200,000 of them in print. That's how many is in print right now. Testimonies from all over the world that they've been delivered from financial crisis in all kinds of situations, healed of cancer and everything else from confessing God's Word. Now, out of all the mail that I've got on this, I have seen two letters saying, that did not like this book, thought it was the most blasphemous book they ever read in their whole life. They said, you must thank your God. One guy said, you just thank your God. You're just saying all those things that's in the Bible and taking it out of context and said you did the greatest job I've ever seen of taking scriptures out of context. And he underlined and circled every place that it says I. I am the body of Christ. He circled that eye. You just struck on yourself, he said. Now, dear God, here's a guy that is spiritually illiterate. He don't even know how to read. But the same day, I got a letter from a lady that said, I want to tell you how much this little booklet meant to me. Isn't that amazing? The same day now, I got a letter from another lady, and she said, I want to tell you, your booklet, this confessing the Word of God saved my son's life. Said he was, I think, four years old. Said we found him floating face down in the swimming pool the other morning. And said we had been confessing that every day over him, that in my pathway's life there is no death in all the confession scriptures. And the little boy just confessed it every day. And they confessed it over him. Said my husband drug him out, pumped the water out of him, confessed the word of God over him. And said in 20 minutes he's up running around. Now what would have happened if it had been the other guy that said, that's the most blasphemous book I ever heard in my life. They'd have had a funeral the next day. Because, you see, he doesn't understand the principles of God. Now, let's go through some of these. We'll not take time to go through all of these, of course, but I want to show you what the Word of God is designed to do. I am the body of Christ, and Satan had no power over me because I overcome evil with good. Now, see, that's nothing but Scripture. That's what God said in His Word about us, 1 Corinthians 12, 27. Paul said, we're the body of Christ. I am the body of Christ, and Satan had no power over me. The Scripture of Romans 12, 21 says we overcome evil with good. So we just hook those two scriptures up together and make a confession out of it. That I'm the body of Christ. That Satan had no power over me. Overcome evil with good. I am of God and have overcome Satan. For greater is he that's in me than he that's in the world. I will fear no evil for thou art with me. Your word and your spirit, they comfort me. I will fear no evil. See, fear brings oppression. Now, we can learn some things from the book of Job about fear. See, Job in the third chapter, verse 25 and 26, Job said, The thing I was afraid of has come unto me. Now notice, he greatly feared. He didn't just fear, he was highly developed in his fears. Now you want to know what he was highly developed in? Let's look at it. The book of Job, chapter 3. Verse 25 and 26, For the thing which I greatly feared is come upon me, and that which I was afraid of is come unto me. You will always attract the thing you are afraid of. You will draw it like a magnet. Faith will repel things from you that would normally come to you in the way of destructive forces. It'll repel it, but fear will bring it to you. It'll come to you when it comes to nobody else if you fear. Now look at what he said in verse 26. I was not in safety, neither had I rest, neither was I quiet, yet trouble came. I guess so. That's the formula for trouble and defeat. He was not in safety. Now let's judge him by what the Word says. The very indictment that Satan brought against God was that you've hedged Job about on every side and I can't get to him. I can just see God standing there grinning and say, yeah, I did. Yeah, I did. And I didn't say that in the Bible, but he did. He had him hedged about. But Job said, I was not in safety. See, he saw himself. He didn't believe he was in safety. Even though God had him hedged about, he was in fear. He was afraid. You know what he was afraid of? Something was going to happen to his children, to his cattle, to all his possessions. And when it happened, it happened quickly. He was highly developed in it. Neither had I rest. He couldn't rest in the Lord. The Bible said, rest in the Lord. See, we can learn some things from this. Neither was I quiet, yet trouble came. So what you fear will eventually come upon you. So don't allow fear to rule your life. That's why these confessions of God's Word will build faith in you. I am far from oppression. Fear does not come nigh me. I am far from oppression. Somebody said, well, how in the world could somebody that has oppression say that? It's easy. Just open your mouth and start saying it. And read the Scripture, see. That's what the Word says about us in Isaiah 54, verse 14. Thou shalt be far from oppression, for thou shalt not fear. See, fear brings oppression. So if you're under oppression, start saying, I am far from oppression. Fear does not come nigh me. You proclaim it. Somebody said, you're lying. No, I'm decreeing what God said about me. I'm releasing my faith in what God said. I'm not going to release my faith in what I have. I'm not going to proclaim what I have. I'm not denying what I have. I just don't decree it. I just don't establish it. Do you understand what I'm saying? We're not talking about denying what exists. We're talking about affirming and decreeing what God said. No weapon formed against me shall prosper, for my righteousness is of the Lord, and whatever I do will prosper, for I'm like a tree planted by the rivers of water. That's what God said about me. How in the world could that be a lie when God said it? And I just decree it. Now, if you'll decree it, God will cause light to shine upon your path so you'll know how to cause that to come to pass. See, it's not always a miraculous working of the power of God that just zaps you with a miracle. It's that God gives you an idea sometimes. He can give you an idea in an instant of time that would cause the manifestation of a financial miracle in your life. I mean, just one little thought. And see, if you decree a thing, light shall shine upon your path. Now, when I saw this and got involved in activating the promises of God in my life, I've never been one to just, you know, jump whole hog at anything until I tried it out. I mean, prove things. You prove things that they'll work. I knew it was the Word of God. And I thought, well, I'll just try it in little things. See, it'll work the same in small things. See, some people make a mistake. There's a lot of people trying to build a third story on a vacant lot. They're trying to get up there first, you know. There's people trying to believe God for healing for cancer that never has developed themselves to believe God to find a parking place or to get rid of a headache. See, they're going out and beyond probably where they're developed to. So I started in the smaller thing. And I started saying, thank God, because of the Word here, I'm just going to start saying, no weapon formed against me will prosper, and my righteousness is the Lord, whatever I do will prosper. If no weapon formed against you prospers, and whatever you do prospers, how long would it take you to get prosperous? It wouldn't take long, would it? If nothing would work against you. So when I'd go fishing, I'd just confess the word. I'd say, thank God I'm fishing today and the word says whatever I do will prosper. So I take dominion over the bass of this lake. I mean, I got to fish in the freezer to prove that it works. You activate the promise. You believe God in whatever area you're talking about and you confess the word of God. I'm delivered from the evils of this present world for it is the will of God. How many of you know it's the will of God to be delivered from the evil of this present world? Jesus came to deliver us from the evil of this present world. Thank God, I believe He did. Don't you? Now, we may not have full manifestation of it yet, but we have the full promise of it. So let's decree the promise, decree what God said, and believe for God to let light shine upon our path to have the manifestation of it. Glory to God. God's power, His creative power, will work for you if you'll put it to work. But now, these things are not going to happen to you just because they're in the Bible. Now, I've heard people say this, and you have too. They say, well, now, if it's God's will for me to prosper, then God will just send it to me. If it's God's will for me to be healed, I'll be healed, I guess. If it's not, well, I won't. So they pray, Lord, if it be Thy will. Now, the prayer of faith shall save the sick, and the Lord shall raise them up. If you don't know what God's will is, how could you release any faith? There is no faith released in a prayer, a petition that says, Lord, if it be thy will. When it comes to a prayer petition, you must know the will of God. There is no better way of knowing God's will than to confess His promises. God bless you. I do appreciate you joining us for the Concepts of Faith broadcast. Trust you've been with us all this week. We've been talking about God's creative power and how it'll work for you. Now, this is the last day for CD offer number 7413. It's entitled, Why Confession Works. It's four CDs for $29 plus $5 postage and handling. a total of $34. Now in this series, Why Confession Works, we talk about six reasons why confession works for you. First of all, it sets the law of faith in motion. Jesus said, Whosoever shall say, believe, doubt not in his heart, believe what he is saying will come to pass, he shall have whatsoever he saith. Now this is the way the law of faith works. In Luke 17, Jesus said, if you had faith as a mustard seed, you would say unto the sycamine tree, to whatever's given you problems, you would say to it, be plucked up, be planted in the sea, and it should obey you. Didn't say to pray to God to move it. Said set the law of faith in motion, in other words, and it will obey you. When you speak God's word after him, there's power there. You're giving voice to what God said. And then, you see, you set the law of faith in motion by saying. And someone said, well, all you got to do is say it. No, there's more to it than saying it. But saying it is involved in setting the law of faith in motion. And then it changes the heart. What you speak gets in your heart. Paul said the word is nigh you. It is in your mouth. In other words, first it's in your mouth. Then it gets in your heart. And that's where faith works in the heart. It won't work in your head. Paul said the carnal mind is enmity against God, not subject to the law of God. Neither indeed can be. But it works in the heart. Faith works in the heart. And this series will give you a clear understanding of how to put God's creative power to work for you. That's offer number 7413 for a total price of $34. We have a toll-free order line. 877-396-9400. Until Monday, this is Charles Capps reminding you that the enemy is defeated, God is exalted, and Jesus is coming soon.
To order the product offered today, call 1-877-396-9400 or write Charles Capps, P.O. Box 69, England, Arkansas, 72046. A complete list of CDs, books, and DVDs are available online at Through the website, you can listen to this radio program again and subscribe to our podcast. This broadcast is sponsored by Charles Capps Ministries and our listeners in this area.
In this episode, we delve deep into the essence of faith as described in the scriptures. Charles Capps takes us on a journey to understanding how faith can profoundly change our lives. By aligning our words with God's promises, we learn to harness a powerful tool for positive change, dispelling fear, and affirming our faith. Through his personal anecdotes, Charles demonstrates how aligning our words with the Word of God can bring light and direction on our path. Learn the principles of decreeing with faith and see how powerful confessions can transform your circumstances. Charles Capps discusses practical steps from the Bible, enhancing our understanding of the spiritual laws at play. For those looking to strengthen their spiritual foundations, this episode emphasizes the importance of consistency in confession and faith for leading a life reflective of God's abundance. This insightful program also includes an opportunity to explore, in more detail, the mechanisms behind confessional power with an exclusive offer for a set of CDs, 'Why Confession Works.' Join us as we explore the dynamics of faith in action and make strides toward a life full of God's promises.
We are glad you could join us today for the Concepts of Faith broadcast. This program is dedicated to teach you how to put the Word of God to work so that it will make a positive difference in the everyday circumstances of your life. And now, here's Charles Capps.
Faith is the substance of things that God has already given us. God's already given us some things. 2 Peter chapter 1 tells you about it. God has given unto us all things that pertain to life and godliness. He's already done it. He's not going to one of these days. God's already done it. They already belong to us. If God has given them, they belong to us, don't they? So faith is a substance of the things that God's already given to us. Faith is the substance of things desired. Now, that being true, if faith is a substance of the thing that you desire, then there's an opposite to that or reciprocal to that truth, and that is that fear, being an opposite of faith, fear is the substance of things not desired, the same as faith is the substance of the thing desired. So if hearing the Word of God brings faith, hearing the Word of the devil brings fear. Fear is faith in the devil. Faith in reverse. See, when you fear the thing the devil says, that's faith in the devil. Can you see that? So what we need to do is understand that God's power, His creative power, is in His Word to work for us. It'll work for you if you're diligent to apply the spiritual law that's there. God's Word is spiritual law. There's some laws involved here. And when you'll abide by them and do what the Word says, you'll get the results that the Word said you could have. But now if we don't do what the Word says, then we can't expect to get the results the Word said we could have. The Apostle Paul said it this way. In the 10th chapter of Romans there, verse 6, he said, "...the righteousness which is of faith says..." speaks. See, righteousness speaks. And it says, Say not, Who shall ascend into heaven? That is, to bring Christ down from above. Who shall descend into the deep? That is, to bring Christ up from the dead. But what saith it? The righteousness which is of faith says, The word is nigh thee, even in thy mouth. Where? In your mouth, and then in your heart. See, people talk about getting the Word down in your heart. You've got to get it down in your heart. And they point here to the physical heart. I'm not talking about the physical heart. I'm talking about the Spirit. How do you get the Word in your heart? You put it in your mouth first. That's the way you get God's Word in your heart. Proverbs says, write these things upon the table of your heart. How are you going to do that? David figured it out when he said, my tongue is as the pen of a ready writer. That's how you do it. You write it on your heart with the words of your mouth. You take God's Word and you speak it. Now, turn to the 22nd chapter of Job, the statement that was made here that's powerful. And if you'll learn to do this, it'll happen in your life like the Word of God says, because David said the interest of the Word bring light. Job 22, verse 28. In fact, let's read verse 27 with him. Thou shalt make a prayer unto him, and he shall hear thee, and thou shalt pay thy vows. Thou shalt also decree a thing, and it shall be established unto thee. Now let's stop right there and let's examine this for a minute. Thou shalt decree a thing, and it shall be established unto you. Somebody says, why do you have to just keep confessing the Word of God? You're decreeing what God said. Now see, we've decreed long enough what the devil said. Did you know what worry is? Worry is usually establishing the words of the devil, something the devil's told you. It's really a form of calling things that were not as though they were, only it's on the negative side, not on the positive side. And that's what worry is. But here, this fellow says, what's his name, Eliphaz? He makes this statement. Now, of all the things he said, I think this is probably the most accurate thing he's said. Thou shalt decree a thing, and it shall be established unto thee, and light shall shine upon thy way. When you decree what God says, you establish it unto you. Not just by saying it once. You begin to decree what God said about you. What He said in His Word. For instance, He said, Give, and it shall be given unto you. Somebody said, Yeah, but I gave, and it wasn't given unto me. Nothing ever given unto me. Isn't that amazing? You said it wasn't and it wasn't. You decreed a thing, but you decreed it against God's Word. You decreed in agreement with the devil. Now see, you're going to have to decree and say what God said when it looked like all hell broke loose and nothing worked. I remember years ago when I was using the confession of God's Word to program my spirit. I was in bad financial situation. I didn't know whether I'd be able to borrow enough money to farm another year or not. And I was proclaiming, thank God I've given and it's given unto me. Good measure pressed down, shaken together, running over me and given to my bosom. I have abundance, no lack of so bountifully. I reap bountifully and my God's made all grace abound toward me. And I just got to feeling like I was lying. And I stopped one day and I just said, Lord, you know I feel like I'm lying about this. The Spirit of God come upon me and the Lord said this to me. He said, son, how could you lie saying what I said? Now that's like saying sick them to a bulldog. I started confessing what God said. And regardless of what was or what looked like or what seemed to be, I continued to say what God said in His Word. And I want you to know over a period of weeks and months, it changed my attitude, it changed my thinking. I got to thinking like God thinks. Because I got to talking like God talks. I acted like the Bible was true. And I began to see the manifestation. Now, it didn't come overnight. And this is the thing I want to stress to you. This is not something to just say it today and it happens in the morning. This is a way of life. This is a way of life. You live it day in and day out. You learn to speak only the things that you believe will come to pass. Now let me show you how fickle and how wishy-washy and swayable our language and stuff is. If Jesus Christ were to walk in here this morning, and you knew beyond a shadow of a doubt it was him. I mean, you could see the nail holes in his hands. And he said, now I'm going to walk down these aisles, I'm going to lay my hands on you, every one of you. And it will come to pass after I lay my hands on you, every word that you speak will happen exactly like you said it. Would it change your vocabulary? In some churches, you'd be two weeks buried in the dead. Half of them would jump up and say, whoo, it tickles me to death. But you see, we must learn to release faith in our words and believe what we say will come to pass. Now, if we're going to release faith in every word, see, it's not just what we said to the mountain that counts. It's what we said in all the other things of life that day. The things that we said to our neighbor, the things that we said about this and that. We've got to believe those things which he saith shall come to pass. Now, that's where the power is in releasing faith in the Word. You see, it's not just the words. See, it won't happen just because you say it. But saying it is involved in making it happen. Now, to decree a thing, you decree it. And the Word says here, that light shall shine upon thy path. Now, when you decree... Let me show you how it works. I know how it's worked in my life. Now, I don't tell examples to get you to follow my example. I tell you examples of how it's worked so that you can more readily relate to how it would work in a given situation. I began to proclaim that my God has met my need according to his riches in glory. I have abundance, no lack. And I'm thinking, dear God, I don't know where it's coming from. But light began to shine upon my path. And I tell you, when nobody could rent land, that's back when I was farming, it seemed like every good farm that came loose, I ended up renting. It just came to me, mysteriously almost, you know. I knew what was happening. But as a lot of people said, I tell you that Charles Capp is the luckiest guy that ever lived. I had 1,800 acres of land that run two miles from England south and a mile and a half east, right down the highway, and the best location in the whole country for a farm and the best land in the country. And nobody could figure out how I'm getting it. Light shined upon my path when I decreed a thing. See, God revealed the wisdom of how to cause the manifestation of what the promise said. Now, that's not a mystery, is it? That God could reveal to you how to cause the promise to come to pass in your life that you're speaking and quoting and saying. It's not that you're making God do anything. You're just activating the promise of God. And you decree a thing. You decree it when it looks like all hell's broke loose and nothing will work. And you're wanting to say, dear God, we're going bankrupt, sure as the world. You just want to say it's bad? Don't dare say it. There's been a lot of people went bankrupt for that very reason. There's been a lot of people bankrupt all but just, you know, saying it. And dear God, they just kept holding on to the Word of God. Brother Don Bosher is sitting back here. Just a few years ago was in a situation where all he liked being bankrupt was just admitting it. But because he acted and he confessed the Word of God and he decreed the decree and light shined upon his path and God showed him. And I'll tell you now, he's in a better situation than he's ever been in his whole life. And I'm telling you, it's because of God's Word. It's not because of anything in particular smart that he did. I think he'll admit that. It's because the light of God shined on his path. See, when you decree a thing by faith in the Word of God, now it makes a difference why you're decreeing certain things. Now, if somebody said, well, I'm just going to say I'm going to be a millionaire because I just want to be a millionaire. What are you basing that on? Well, I'm just basing it on my desires. well, you're probably going to go bankrupt. Somebody said, what are you basing all your confessions on? Oh, well, nothing in particular. Well, that's probably what you're going to get. Nothing in particular. See, you've got to have God's Word for it. God bless you. We appreciate you joining us for the Concepts of Faith broadcast. We've been talking about God's creative power. God's Word is His creative power. It's available to you to use today concerning the promises of God. What God has spoken is just as powerful as it was the day that He spoke it, the day that He inspired the writers to write it, and the promises of God belong to you. In Hebrews, the 10th chapter, verse 23, says, "...let us hold fast to our profession of faith," now the word profession here, It's translated in other places confession. So let us hold fast to their confession of faith without wavering, for he is faithful that is promised. Hold fast to it. Now, why would you want to hold fast to your confession? So you don't lose it. So you don't let it slip from you. Now, if there was no possibility of losing your confession of faith, then why would there be any need to hold fast to it? In other words, you need to be reminded of what you believe based on the authority of the Word of God, and it comes more profoundly when you hear it coming out of your mouth. Why confession works. It's four CDs. for $29 plus $5 postage and handling, a total of $34. In these, we share with you about six reasons why confession works. First of all, it sets the law of faith in motion. The law of faith is set in motion. Jesus says, by whosoever shall say, believe, doubt not at his heart, believe what he's saying will come to pass. He shall have whatsoever he sayeth. Now, you understand that's based on the authority of the Word of God, not just saying something that you pulled out of the air somewhere, but based on the authority of the Word. This is the way you set the law of faith in motion. So when you're confessing the Word of God, you're setting the law of faith in motion. That's offer number 7413. Four CDs for $29 plus $5 postage and handling. Total of $34. It's entitled, Why Confession Works. We have a toll-free order line, 1-877-396-9400. 1-877-396-9400. 396-9400. Until tomorrow, this is Charles Keft reminding you the enemy is defeated, God is exalted, and Jesus is coming soon.
To order the product offered today, call 1-877-396-9400 or write Charles Capps, P.O. Box 69, England, Arkansas 72046. A complete list of CDs, books, and DVDs are available online at Through the website, you can listen to this radio program again and subscribe to our podcast. This broadcast is sponsored by Charles Capps Ministries and our listeners in this area.
Join us in this enlightening episode as we explore the transformative power of God's creative energy and how it can be activated in our lives. Learn how confessing God's promises can manifest change and abundance in the face of life's challenges. Through engaging discussions and personal anecdotes, Charles Capps illustrates the importance of faith-filled speech and the pitfalls of contradictory language.
We are glad you could join us today for the Concepts of Faith broadcast. This program is dedicated to teach you how to put the Word of God to work so that it will make a positive difference in the everyday circumstances of your life. And now, here's Charles Capps.
We're talking about the creative power of God and how to activate it in our lives, how to use it to bring forth a manifestation of what God's promised. Now, we're not talking about using it to gain something that God doesn't want you to have. That's not what we're talking about at all. Now, many people think that's what you do when you confess the promises of God. You're trying to get something that God doesn't want you to have. Why would God promise you something and then not want you to have it? How could it be wrong to believe God and confess what God said in His Word about His promises and the manifestation of those in your life? How could that be wrong when God promised it to you? We need to learn to confess victory in the face of apparent defeat, confess abundance in the face of lack, to learn to do what God's Word says to do, to proclaim what God said. I remember in 1973, I was in Hickory, North Carolina. The Lord spoke something to me when I was teaching on Mark 11, 23, that you can have what you say. If you believe, doubt not in your heart. Believe what you say will come to pass. He shall have whatsoever he saith. Now see, there's more to it than just saying that. It won't work just because you say it. But saying it is involved in working it. Can you see that? See, a lot of people get a formula, but they never get the principle behind it. Well, I'll just say it. Well, it won't work just because you say it, but yet the saying it is involved in working it. So don't release all your faith in just the saying it. You've got to develop yourself in it. Now, that's why I'm hitting so hard on speaking the things desired instead of what you don't want to happen. Speak what the Word promised you. Speak it. Now, I was teaching on this, and the Lord said to me right in my spirit, and I've never forgotten it. He said, I've told my people they can have what they say. Of course, if they believe and doubt not in their heart and believe what they say will come to pass. He said, I've told them they can have what they say, but he said the problem is my people are saying what they have. I just want to let that hang there a little bit, and then I'm going to say it again. He said, I told them they could have what they said, but he said the problem is they're saying what they have. When you say what you have, you have what you say because you have what you say when you say what you have. Now see, that's like having something and ordering the very same thing again. That's like a farmer having trouble with Johnson grass and planting Johnson grass and wondering why he's getting more Johnson grass. I just don't understand why this Johnson grass keeps coming up. Well, what are you planting? Well, I'm planting Johnson grass. Well, what do you expect? So when you say what you have, you have what you say, because you have what you say when you say what you have. But you see, Jesus said, Whosoever shall say to the mountain, the mountain of adversity, it may be a physical problem, it may be a financial problem, it may be a social problem, it may be a marriage problem, say to the mountain, be removed, be cast into the sea. You'll not hinder me any longer, I'm telling you now. You're defeated, you're gone, disappear in the name of Jesus. Somebody said, how could you say that when it's still there? That's all the more reason to say it. Why would you want to tell a mountain to be removed when it was gone? The only time you want to speak to it, the only time it would be necessary, let's say it that way, the only time it would be necessary to speak to the mountain is when it's there. There would be no need to talk to it when it's gone. So how in the world would you ever get anything from the principle of Mark 11, 23 if you didn't say it before it came to pass? Whosoever shall say, believe, doubt not in his heart, and believe that those things, those things, those things which he saith, not just what he said to the mountain. See, now that's where we missed it right there. Nobody said, well, I'm just believing what I'm saying about this certain thing going to come to pass. Well, did you believe what you said about your grandmother going to come to pass? When they called and said, is your grandmother sick? She's probably going to die this time for sure. Yeah, she probably will. I guess she nearly died last time. See, do you release faith in everything you say? Wasn't it cold today when it was 99 degrees? Did you release faith in that? See, you can't just decide, I'm going to turn this thing on and off when I want to. So I'm just going to talk all this foolishness about the cat and the dog. Ooh, isn't that a big dog when it's a little bitty one? Boy, isn't that a wild cat when the thing just lays there and sleeps all day? See, perverse speech. Speaking the opposite of what you mean. You know what it does? It destroys your ability to release faith in your words. Now see, I'm talking about something that's practical. And this is why that many people can't figure out why it is that they can't get this to work over here. Check up on what you've been saying over here. Because you just don't turn the word of faith on and off. You either learn to release faith in every word you speak, or you release fear and doubt in words, or you don't release anything. But most of the time, you're going to release either fear or faith, one of the two. So it's a matter of doing what the Word says to do and acting on the Word of God. The Apostle Paul says it this way, that faith cometh by hearing. Now, Romans the 10th chapter, you know that this is the great chapter on the Word of faith. And Paul says in verse 17, So then faith cometh by hearing, and hearing by the Word of God. Now that is a truth and not the truth. Now listen to what I'm saying. There is not just one way you can get faith, but it seems to be, that's what Paul said, but that was not what he said. He said, faith in God, and now he's talking about in God and His Word, comes from hearing the Word of God. See, he's not talking about faith, that the only way that anybody could ever get any faith is by hearing what God said. Because you could have faith in me by hearing what I said. If what I said was true every time you heard me say it, you found out it's true, you say, you can have faith in what that old boy said. See, you can have faith in what the guy tells you about your car if you know he's a good mechanic. He says, I can fix the car. You can have faith in him. So that didn't have a thing to do with the Word of God, did it? So what Paul is trying to get over to us in the 10th chapter of Romans is that faith in God and His Word comes by hearing the Word of God. Now see, that's a truth. That's not the whole complete truth. A more correct way to give you the whole truth is that faith cometh by hearing. Faith cometh by hearing. More specifically, to be more specific about it, faith cometh by hearing yourself speak and say. Whatever it is, whether it's God's Word or the words of the devil, faith will come. If faith in God comes by hearing the Word of God, faith will come in the devil by hearing the words of the devil. Can you see that? Faith cometh by hearing. Now that's why we've got so many Christians that are so mixed up about the faith and confession message is that they speak doubt and unbelief in the things that the devil says. I've had so many Christians say to me, Brother Capps, you know what the devil told me. And oh, they just tune up and bawl. I said, well, rejoice. Why am I going to rejoice? I said, the devil's a liar. If he said it, you know it's not true. Now, Why in the world would we want to listen and quote what the devil said? Now some of these same people just don't understand why you're always saying what God said. Faith cometh by hearing. The more you quote the devil, the more you say what the devil said, the more faith you'll have in the devil to make you sick, steal your finances, and keep you down. The more you speak what God said and His promises, the more faith you'll have in God to deliver you and set you free and heal your body. You can't walk in health and talk sickness and disease. It's an impossibility. It can't be done for very long. Sickness will fasten its ugly claws upon you. But if you talk God's Word and speak God's Word, faith will come in that. Now, you take the scripture there in Hebrews 11, verse 1. Now, faith is the substance of things hoped for. It's the evidence of things not seen. Faith is the substance of things. What things is faith the substance of? Faith is the substance of things that God has already given us. God's already given us some things. 2 Peter chapter 1 tells you about it. God has given unto us, or the implication there that it is God, didn't say the word God, but He hath given unto us all things, how many things? All things that pertain to life and godliness. He's already done it. He's not going to one of these days. God's already done it. They already belong to us. If God has given them, they belong to us, don't they? So faith is a substance of the things that God's already given to us. Faith is the substance of things desired. Now, that being true, if faith is a substance of the thing that you desire, then there's an opposite to that or reciprocal to that truth, and that is that fear, being an opposite of faith, fear is the substance of things not desired, the same as faith is the substance of the thing desired. So if hearing the Word of God brings faith, hearing the Word of the devil brings fear. Fear is faith in the devil. Faith in reverse. See, when you fear the thing the devil says, that's faith in the devil. Can you see that? So what we need to do is understand that God's power, His creative power, is in His Word to work for us. It'll work for you if you're diligent to apply the spiritual law that's there. God's Word is spiritual law. There's some laws involved here. And when you'll abide by them and do what the Word says, you'll get the results that the Word said you could have. But now if we don't do what the Word says, then we can't expect to get the results the Word said we could have. The Apostle Paul said it this way. In the 10th chapter of Romans there, verse 6. He said, The righteousness which is of faith says. See, righteousness speaks. And it says, Say not, Who shall ascend into heaven? That is to bring Christ down from above. Who shall descend into the deep? That is to bring Christ up from the dead. But what saith it? The righteousness which is of faith says, The word is nigh thee, even in thy mouth, and then in your heart. I appreciate so much you joining us for the Concepts of Faith broadcast today. Now, before I leave the broadcast, let me remind you that all of this week, our offer is CD offer number 7413. Four CDs for $29 plus $5 postage and handling. It's entitled, Why Confession Works. Did you know that the confession of God's Word will work for you? I mean, God's Word has not lost any of its power. It's just as powerful as it was the day that God spoke it. But the Lord said to me one time, he said, my word has not lost any of its power. But he said, my people won't voice what I said. They won't give voice to my word. When you give voice to the word of God by confessing the word of God, that means saying the same thing that God said, you're really hearing the audible voice of God. When you speak what God said, you're giving God's Word voice. It may be the only audible voice of God's you'll ever hear. Confessing what God said about you, the promises of God. For instance, 2 Peter chapter 1 says, God hath given unto us all things that pertain to life and godliness. through the knowledge of him that has called us to glory and virtue, and here is the way he did it. By this means, through the exceeding great and precious promises, that you might be partakers of the divine nature. Now the promises of God have already gone into effect. When Jesus died, he set the new covenant into effect. You don't have to wait until you die to get in on these promises of God. Now, there are some things you won't enter into the afterlife, but you understand the promises of God, what God has given in His Word is already yours, the same way that the promised land was Israel's when God gave it to them, but they never did possess it until 40 years later. That's offer number 7413, Why Confession Works. It's four CDs for $29 plus $5 postage and handling, a total of $34. We have a toll-free order line, 1-877-396-9400. Until tomorrow, this is Charles Capps reminding you that the enemy is defeated, God is exalted, and Jesus is coming soon.
To order the product offered today, call 1-877-396-9400 or write Charles Capps, P.O. Box 69, England, Arkansas, 72046. A complete list of CDs, books, and DVDs are available online at Through the website, you can listen to this radio program again and subscribe to our podcast. This broadcast is sponsored by Charles Capps Ministries and our listeners in this area.
In this enlightening episode, we dive deep into the transformative power of language through a faithful lens. Join us as we explore how neglecting negative speech and embracing faith-filled words can alter our spiritual reality and everyday lives. With insights on how to harness divine energy through God's promises, this discussion is a call to re-evaluate the words we speak and align them with a higher purpose.
We are glad you could join us today for the Concepts of Faith broadcast. This program is dedicated to teach you how to put the Word of God to work so that it will make a positive difference in the everyday circumstances of your life. And now, here's Charles Capps.
Now, we're talking about the creative power of God and how this power can work in your everyday life and how you can put it to work for you. Just stop and ask yourself this question. Do I really want all the negative things that I confess and speak from day to day? When you go to thinking about it, some of the things that we say. And the devil programmed our language to say these things because it'll cause you to not have any faith in your faith if you talk all the negative things. You see, creative power is by speaking faith-filled words. Now, when you're speaking words that God has spoken in faith, the promises of God, of course, you're speaking God's word after him. Therefore, you're speaking a word that's filled with faith. Now, if you speak that word over and over, that faith will get inside you. In fact, I like to say it this way, that God's word is filled with faith because if it wasn't filled with faith, you couldn't get any faith to speak in God's word. Or you couldn't get any faith by hearing God's Word. It's like a bucket. Somebody said, I'm going to pick up the bucket and pour water out of it. Well, if there's water in it, you can. But if there's no water in it, you're not going to pour any water out of it. So if there's no faith in the Word of God, you can't get any faith by hearing it. But faith is in God's Word. God's Word is filled with faith. Now, the promises of God that God has given us, they're promises. That means if you do certain things, they'll come to pass in your life. But now you see, that's future tense if we haven't entered into it. But now those promises are filled with the faith of God. Now the faith of God is the divine energy of God. Now you need to get this. I want to say that again. God's faith is His divine energy. And God's Word is so filled with the divine energy of God that there's enough divine energy in every promise in the New Covenant to cause the manifestation of it in the life of every believer on the face of the earth and still be as much faith in it as it was when it started. It is self-energizing, self-reproducing power, the divine energy of God. It's capable of causing the manifestation of the promise of God in your life and the life of everyone that will believe it and confess it. But now you see, people say, well, this is just, they've called it the occult, they've called it the prosperity cult. Well, I can say one thing about it. It's much better than a poverty cult. No, it's not a cult. It is the Word of the living God. Now, you see, there's a lot of dear people, bless their confused hearts, that think if you say anything other than what's already in manifestation in your life, then you'd just be lying. Well, now, if you were to go around only confessing what is in manifestation, you would never enter into the promises of God. And some of those dear people will never enter into God's provision that He's made for them. If they could just understand that that's the way they entered into salvation is by confessing something that was not in reality before it came. They stood there and said, I confess that Jesus is the Lord of my life. When they said that, the devil was the Lord of their life. But because they spoke it in faith and honored God's Word, because God said, If you will confess with your mouth the Lord Jesus, believe in thy heart, God raised Him from the dead, thou shalt be saved. They believed that Word and they acted on it. And because they believed it and acted on it, then they spoke it into existence. Now you can believe, you can believe with your heart and be born again. I understand that. But if you want to get into deliverance, preservation, healing, and all the other provisions that are provided there, we must begin to speak what God said about it. You will never enter into God's provision by denying or confessing opposite or speaking contrary to what God says. You'll never get anything from God talking against what He said. So we really don't want all the negative things that we've said in life. You know, the devil has us to If you don't watch, he's got your conversation going all kinds of ways. Well, tickle me to death. Laughed, I thought I'd die. Just dying to go. Going to die if I don't. Well, now, see, you know why the devil has programmed our language that way? To keep you from releasing faith in your words. See, if you're saying that, you better not be releasing faith in your words. You're not going to die because you said tickle me to death. You're not going to have all the bad things that you confess just because you said it once. But if you continue to proclaim those things and decree the things the devil has said, faith cometh by hearing. See, the reason they don't come to pass when you say them is because you don't believe them. And they just don't come to pass that quick. The devil's got enough sense to know that if somebody stood up and said, Ooh, that tickles me to death, and they fell over dead. And about four or five people said, boy, I just dined to go and they fell over dead. Somebody would say, you know, what they said might have had something to do with this. But by the time they set that in motion, and it comes to pass somewhere down the road 20 years from now, nobody ever thought anything they said had anything to do with it. Because it doesn't happen just because you say it. It happens because you say it till you get to believe in it. And then faith is a substance of things. So if we are to ever enter into the provision God made in His Word, we're going to have to believe His Word and we're going to have to confess what His Word says. The Bible says that we can bind. He said, I give you the keys. Jesus said in 16th chapter of Matthew, verse 19, I give you the keys of the kingdom. Whatever you bind on earth is bound in heaven. Whatever you loose on earth is loosed in heaven. And then one translation says, Whatever you have authority to bind is what's already bound out of heaven. Now stop and ask yourself, what's bound out of heaven? Is any sickness up there? Is any disease up there? Is any poverty up there? Then that's bound out of heaven, isn't it? Then in essence, Jesus is saying we have authority to bind it here off the earth. Now not off the whole earth, but off the part you're walking on. If you get developed in it. Now, that doesn't mean that you're just going to say, well, I bind everything and it'll just all go away. No, but you take what God's Word said and begin to come against and resist the devil and his sickness. I've heard people say, well, you know, I believe I'm going to be so sick I can't go to church. And I got to church and looked. Sure enough, they wasn't there. They believed for it. They confessed it. They decreed it. And it came to pass. I was in the barbershop getting my hair styled. And there was a... Well, what are you laughing about? Now, I know I've got a different stylist than Phil Dristel, but this guy come in, coughing and sneezing, and he said, he said, I've been trying to take the flu for three weeks. Now, dear Lord, if he's been trying to take it that long, he ought to have it. Anybody that's spent three weeks trying to take the flu, you know there's something wrong upstairs. If he'd have spent two days resisting the devil and taking healing, he'd have been in good shape. Do you realize how the devil has programmed us? You see, we're going to have to learn to think different. Tickle me to death. That's unscriptural. The Bible says a merry heart doeth good like a medicine. If it does, then it tickle me to life. Anybody in here taking medicine to die? What if the doctor filled your prescription and wrote on the bottle, take three of these a day until they kill you? You throw that thing just as far as you could throw it. Why, who in his right mind would take three a day until they killed him? So laughter, if it doeth good like a medicine, thank God it tickled me to life and I laughed till I knew I'd live forever. Now that's scriptural talk, see. But you see, you say tickle me to death and nobody laughs. They don't even think it's a joke. I was in a little restaurant there in Arkansas. I was eating a hamburger one day and this lady came in and she said, How's so-and-so doing? She had her foot operation. Well, said she's just doing fine. Said she got her foot operated on and said she just don't have any pain at all. She's just tickled to death. And she went on talking and said, oh yeah, she's just tickled to death. And they said that about five times. I'm sitting there thinking, I wonder what they'd say if I said, isn't that a shame? She got her foot healed and now she's dead. Well, they would have said, of course, what in the world are you talking about? They had no idea what they had said. Now, I don't mean that you're going to die because you said tickle me to death. But what I'm pointing out to you and stressing upon is this, that the devil has programmed our language to keep us from believing what we say will come to pass. And that's the way it does it, gets you to talk doubt, fear, and unbelief, and all the things that are negative. See, if you believed all those things to come to pass, you wouldn't say them. You need to learn to release faith in every word. Now that's why that many of you, when it comes time to speak the word of faith over a situation, there's no power there, there's no faith there, is because we've talked doubt, fear, and sickness, disease, and tickle me to death, and isn't that a big dog when it's a little bitty chihuahua? Until you got your spirit confused, it will not release any faith in anything that you say. Wasn't it cold today when it was 99 degrees? Did you release faith in that? See, you can't just decide, I'm going to turn this thing on and off when I want to. So I'm just going to talk all this foolishness about the cat and the dog. Ooh, isn't that a big dog when it's a little bitty one? Boy, isn't that a wild cat when the thing just lays there and sleeps all day? See, perverse speech. Speaking the opposite of what you mean. You know what it does? It destroys your ability to release faith in your words. God bless you. We appreciate you joining us for the Concepts of Faith broadcast. We've been talking about God's creative power. God's Word is His creative power. It's available to you to use today concerning the promises of God. What God has spoken is just as powerful as it was the day that He spoke it, the day that He inspired the writers to write it. And the promises of God belong to you. In Hebrews, the 10th chapter, verse 23 says, Let us hold fast to our profession of faith. Now, the word profession here is translated in other places confession. So let us hold fast to our confession of faith without wavering, for he is faithful that is promised. Hold fast to it. Now, why would you want to hold fast to your confession? So you don't lose it. So you don't let it slip from you. Now, if there was no possibility of losing your confession of faith, then why would there be any need to hold fast to it? In other words, you need to be reminded of what you believe based on the authority of the Word of God, and it comes more profoundly when you hear it coming out of your mouth. Why confession works. It's four CDs for $29 plus $5 postage and handling, total of $34. In these, we share with you about six reasons why confession works. First of all, it sets the law of faith in motion. the law of faith is set in motion, Jesus says, by whosoever shall say, believe, doubt not at his heart, believe what he's saying will come to pass, he shall have whatsoever he sayeth. Now you understand that's based on the authority of the Word of God, not just saying something that you pulled out of the air somewhere, but based on the authority of the Word. This is the way you set the law of faith in motion. So when you're confessing the Word of God, you're setting the law of faith in motion. That's offer number 7413. Four CDs for $29 plus $5 postage and handling. Total of $34. It's entitled, Why Confession Works. We have a toll-free order line, 1-877-396-9400. 1-877-396-9400. 396-9400. Until tomorrow, this is Charles Keft reminding you, the enemy is defeated, God is exalted, and Jesus is coming soon.
To order the product offered today, call 1-877-396-9400 or write Charles Capps, P.O. Box 69, England, Arkansas 72046. A complete list of CDs, books, and DVDs are available online at Through the website, you can listen to this radio program again and subscribe to our podcast. This broadcast is sponsored by Charles Capps Ministries and our listeners in this area.
Word is working mightily in me.
Join us on this enlightening episode of Concepts of Faith, where Charles Capps delves into the profound subject of harnessing God's creative power through the spoken word. Explore how the practice of confession and speaking faith-filled words can change your life by aligning with the teachings of God. Discover the story of creation and God's unique way of making the universe through His word, and learn how we can follow in these divine footsteps as we strive to manifest positive change in our own lives.
We're glad you could join us today for the Concepts of Faith broadcast. This program is dedicated to teach you how to put the Word of God to work so that it will make a positive difference in the everyday circumstances of your life. And now, here's Charles Capps.
Now, we're going to talk about God's creative power and how to get it to work for you. Now, when you start talking about this many times, there's people that would say, oh, now you're going to get on confession and just trying to make God do things by using His Word. Somebody said one time, why, you're just trying to use God's Word. Well, yeah, there's nothing wrong with that, you know. I use God's Word. God sent His Word for us to use. to build our spirits, to program ourselves to believe like God believes. Is anything wrong with believing like God believes? Now, sometimes people say this, Well, now, Brother Capps, you're just confessing all these promises in the Word of God, and you're just trying to act like God. Well, now, let's say it this way. If I'm acting like God, saying what God says, then who are you acting like when you say what the devil says? Now that ought to kind of jerk the slack out of you. Because there's a lot of people out there, and some of you doing it, been doing it, been saying the things the devil said, and then criticizing somebody for saying what God said. Somebody said, how in the world can you say that your needs are met according to His riches in glory by Christ Jesus when the rent's due and you don't have the money? How in the world can you say that? It's easy, just open your mouth and say, thank God because I've given, it's given unto me and I have abundance and all that. Somebody said, well, you're just lying. No, no, I'm saying what God said about me. Now see, this is what we're going to talk about when we're talking about how to put God's creative power to work for you. God's creative power is His Word. God's Word is His creative power. How did God create the universe? He created it with the spoken Word. The Bible says He framed the world with His words. Jesus was the creator of all things. Now Jesus was the Word of God. The Word of God personified. God's Word created all things. Say all things. All things. There was nothing created without the Word. Not one single thing, not one. Not one thing was created without the Word of God. Now, let's go to Genesis, the first chapter you find there. You can just go there mentally or turn to it in your Bible if you want to. God looked out and He saw darkness that covered the earth and water was over the earth and all of that. God saw the darkness, but you know what He said? He said, "...light." Now, see, if there'd been some folks I know there, they'd have said, God, you can't say that because it's dark out there. Now, wouldn't that have been something if God looked out there and said, whoo, it's dark out here. I don't think it'll ever get light. Now, see, creative power was through God's Word. Now, God knew that he could have what he said. He spoke it into existence. When he saw darkness, he saw the opposite of what he wanted. He spoke the thing desired. But now most people will say, well, I can understand that, but you see, he was God. That was God. Well, if you can understand that much, you can probably understand a little further when you get down to the 26th verse. He said, let us make man in our image, in our likeness, and let them, let them have dominion. Now, how was them going to have dominion? The same way that him had dominion. If he created man in his image and in his likeness, then the man was going to have dominion the same way God had dominion. Have you ever thought about it, how that Adam was going to subdue the earth and have dominion over it? God told him, subdue the earth and have dominion over it. In other words, if it gets out of line, you put it back in line. Now, I can understand how he could get the jackrabbit out of the cabbage, but what happens when the elephant's trampling down the pole means? I mean, he's not going to pick him up by the tail and throw him out of the garden. He's got to have dominion. And it came through words. God intended for Adam to have total dominion over this planet with the power of positive, faith-filled words. Now, God gives us an example. all through the Word of God from Genesis to Revelation, how that creative power was used. In Genesis 1, ten times, I believe it is, in Genesis 1, the phrase is found, and God said, And God said, now you notice in Genesis the first chapter, the verse 2 and 3 there, that the Spirit of God moved up over the waters and out there in the darkness, the Spirit of God was hovering out there. But there was no creation took place. There was no manifestation until God spoke. There had to be some speaking before there was anything created or changed. Now, if God created us in His image and in His likeness, then He expects us to follow after His example. In fact, Ephesians 5.1 tells us that Paul said, Be ye followers of God as dear children. Now, the word follower there in the Greek is the same Greek word we get our word imitate from. Imitate God. Now, if you're going to imitate somebody, you're going to walk like them, you're going to talk like them, you're going to try to act like them. And that's what it means to mimic or imitate someone. So if we're going to imitate God, we're going to have to learn how God operates. And we have to learn to think like God and act like God. I know we were fishing the other day, and I don't know who it was with me. I said, now you throw right over there by that cypress knee, there's a fish over there. They threw over there and they caught a fish. I believe it was in there. She caught a fish. And she said, I believe you think like a fish. When you learn to think like one, you can catch them, you know. You know where a fish would get. So when you begin to think like God, you act like God. That doesn't mean you're trying to be God, but you act as God would act in this certain situation that you find yourself in. We're talking about God's creative power, and Christianity is called the great confession. But many people are defeated in life because they confess and believe the wrong things. And I'm talking about many Christian people. They confess and believe the wrong things. Now, see, what we're talking about here is a practical side. Some people think that the gospel is just not practical today. Well, now, that's why I chose to deal with this subject because this is something that's practical. I could have taught something that would inspire you. You know, you can get people pumped up sometimes until you get their feet off the ground. They can't even touch the ground. They get so heavenly minded, they're no earthly good. But what I want to do is give you something that's practical that you can use in your everyday life, in everyday situation. When we confess and believe the wrong things, we're going to fail in life. Faith-filled words will put you over in life. Fear-filled words will put you under. Man is a spirit being and he's capable of operating on the same level of faith with God. Now, when God created man in His image and in His likeness, that's what it means, that we're capable of operating on the same level of faith with God. Now, just hang on. Don't run off. It'll all turn out all right. Sometimes people feel like, well, that's blasphemy to say we can operate on the same level of faith with God. Well, read Mark 9, chapter verse 23. Jesus said unto him, If thou canst believe, all things are possible to him that believeth. Now, another place He said all things are possible with God. Well, if all things are possible with God, I'm with God. And then Jesus made it stronger. He said, all things, how many things? All things are possible to him that believeth. Well, thank God I'm one of the hims that believeth. If you believe, all things are possible. Now, doesn't that put you capable? It didn't say that you were there. It makes you capable in your spirit of operating on this level of faith. And that's the same level of faith that God operates on. And we're talking about God's Word and the power of it to change the situation. God never does anything without first saying it. Did you notice that in the Word of God? He never did anything without saying it first. In fact, the power to bring it into manifestation was in the saying of it. Did you realize that when God was ready, it was the fullness of time, it was time for God to bring Jesus into the earth? In fact, 750 years before Jesus was born of a virgin, he prophesied it through his prophet Isaiah. He had a man to say, a virgin shall be with child. Now there's something that we've never understood about the prophecies of the Old Testament, I think, and not only the Old Testament, even modern day prophecy of the true prophet. Some of these things would never have come to pass if somebody didn't have the faith to prophesy. Because God had to have a man in the earth with the authority to proclaim and decree what God said. And he had to have the faith to do it. If he didn't do it, it wasn't going to come to pass. Because the power to bring it to pass was in the Word itself. That was the creative power. That's what brought the universe into existence. All things were made by Him. Him who? Him, the Word of God. Jesus, the Word of God. So the creative power of God is released in Word form. And that's why it's so important that we understand this. All through the New Testament and the Old Testament, you find that God spoke things before they came to pass. And he revealed it to his servants and to his prophets. And when they prophesied it, they released it in the earth. And I think that's something the church needs to understand. There's things that will never come to pass unless some man, through faith, prophesies it with the Spirit of God. You see, creative power is by speaking faith-filled words. Now, when you're speaking words that God has spoken in faith, the promises of God... Of course, you're speaking God's Word after Him. Therefore, you're speaking a Word that's filled with faith. Now, if you speak that Word over and over, that faith will get inside you. I appreciate so much you joining us for the Concepts of Faith broadcast today. Now, before I leave the broadcast, let me remind you that all of this week, our offer is CD offer number 7413. four CDs for $29 plus $5 postage and handling. It's entitled, Why Confession Works. Did you know that the confession of God's Word will work for you? I mean, God's Word has not lost any of its power. It's just as powerful as it was the day that God spoke it. But the Lord said to me one time, He said, My Word has not lost any of its power. But He said, My people won't voice what I said. They won't give voice to My Word. When you give voice to the Word of God by confessing the Word of God, that means saying the same thing that God said, you're really hearing the audible voice of God. When you speak what God said, you're giving God's Word voice. It may be the only audible voice of God you'll ever hear. Confessing what God said about you, the promises of God, For instance, 2 Peter 1 says, God hath given unto us all things that pertain to life and godliness, through the knowledge of him that has called us to glory and virtue. And here is the way he did it. By this means, through the exceeding great and precious promises, that ye might be partakers of the divine nature. Now the promises of God have already gone into effect. When Jesus died, he set the new covenant into effect. You don't have to wait until you die to get in on these promises of God. Now, there are some things you won't enter into the afterlife, but you understand the promises of God, what God has given in His Word is already yours, the same way that the promised land was Israel's when God gave it to them, but they never did possess it until 40 years later. That's offer number 7413, Why Confession Works. It's four CDs for $29 plus $5 postage and handling, a total of $34. We have a toll-free order line, 1-877-396-9400. Until tomorrow, this is Charles Capps reminding you that the enemy is defeated, God is exalted, and Jesus is coming soon.
To order the product offered today, call 1-877-396-9400 or write Charles Capps, P.O. Box 69, England, Arkansas 72046. A complete list of CDs, books, and DVDs are available online at Through the website you can listen to this radio program again and subscribe to our podcast. This broadcast is sponsored by Charles Capps Ministries and our listeners in this area.