In this enlightening episode, explore the intersections of faith and practicality with Charles Capps. Understand the role of faith as a seed, and discover how the act of speaking to your challenges can bring about change. Charles shares compelling stories of his journey, using faith to navigate and overcome real-life obstacles while providing insights into how you can do the same.
We are glad you could join us today for the Concepts of Faith broadcast. This program is dedicated to teach you how to put the Word of God to work so that it will make a positive difference in the everyday circumstances of your life. And now, here's Charles Capps.
Now, I spoke to the house. It didn't sell overnight, but it did sell. In fact, I went out there one day and I said, now Lord, I've done what you said to do. And I'm sitting there thinking, and my carnal mind got a hold of it. It said, now what are you going to do? I said, I know what I'll do. So I went out there, and I drove down the street, and I rolled the window down. It was cold that day, and I just stuck my head out. And I said, ha, ha, ha, ha. Went down and laughed at the other and went home. Learn to laugh at your problems. Now the reason I did that, the Spirit of God spoke this in one of our meetings. He said, learn to release your faith in laughter. Tears of self-pity and sorrow never release faith. They only release oppression and fear. So learn to release your faith in laughter. So I just simply did what I heard the Spirit of God say. I laughed at the house. Now the house sold. Not only did the houses sell. But I sold the whole project to one man. Not only that, I sold all the land behind the project that was not developed. And the notes were paid. Now somebody said, you're the luckiest guy that ever lived. Oh no, I don't even believe in luck. I believe in doing the sayings of Jesus. Now it may seem foolish to you. But if you'll do what Jesus said to do, you can have what Jesus said you'd have. Now, it's very simple to take God's Word and apply it to the natural things of life. But the church, so many times, has separated the two. Now, we had a piece of property right next door to our office building there. And we thought we might want to expand the office sometime. So it was put up for sale. So we decided to buy it. And I went out and walked around the property. Talk to the property. Now see, we're doing the sayings of Jesus. Jesus said, Whosoever shall say to the mountain, to the problem. See, he's not talking about literal rock mountains. He's talking about problem areas in your life. He's not talking about literal trees when he said the sycamine trees. He's talking about obstacles that are keeping you from what you know God wants. Speak to it. If you had faith as a seed, you would say to the sycamine tree. Now the reason many people don't speak to it, they don't have faith as a seed. You know how a seed works? A seed calls things that are not. Did you know that? When a farmer plants corn, he can take a bushel of corn, And he can go out and plant that bushel of corn. He doesn't want a bushel of corn. He wants 200 bushels of corn. So what is his seed doing? Calling things that are not. They're not there, but it's calling them because he planted them. Now Jesus said this, Luke 17, verse 5 and 6. He said, if you had faith as a seed, you would say. The way you plant the seed is to say it. So if you don't say to the sycamine tree, if you don't say to your problem... be plucked up and be removed and tell it where to go. It's because you don't believe or have faith as a seed. You may have faith alright. You may have faith that God's going to do it sometime. But it may never happen. The time may never come. Because you've never established anything for sure. Just sometime. If I came to this town, you know, and called up pastor here and said, well, now, you know, I'm in town and we need to get together. He said, well, all right, where? Oh, just anywhere. Well, when? Oh, just anytime. And just hung up the phone. How long do you think it'd take us to get together? You're never going to get together. So, you see, doing the things of Jesus is a practical thing. You do it because Jesus said to do it. You study, you meditate the Word, and you apply these things in the natural things of life. Now somebody said, I tried it and it didn't work. It won't work if you try it. It only works when you do it. Now let me show you the difference in a trier and a doer. A trier tries it for a little while, and when it didn't work, he quits in a week or two. He quits. That stuff doesn't work. But a doer just says, thank God Jesus said it worked, and he just keeps doing it until he gets the results. Now when I started doing these things, actually it never occurred to me that it might not work. Because I was firmly convinced and fully persuaded that what Jesus said was true. Now if it never did happen, then I missed it somewhere. But I saw it happen. I talked to this piece of property next door. Then I made an offer on it. I walked around that property. I said, listen to me, I'm talking to you. I'm calling you into the ministry. You come to me in Jesus' name. Then I made the offer on the property. They turned it down. So I just went on. Thank God I've done what the Word said to do. Now, a few months later, they got a big sign sitting up out there on the property. It said, Future Home of the Production Credit Association. And my head gave me trouble over that. And I said to my wife, I said, You reckon I better go talk to them about that. And I was sitting there thinking about it, and it just kept bugging me. And one morning, I'm walking down the hall, and my carnal mind said, He says, now what you going to do? And I just got tired of it. Finally, I just hollered out loud. I said, I know what I'll do. Nothing. Jesus said it would obey me. So I just went on. Put it out of my mind. Wouldn't even touch it in my thought life. Now, a few days, weeks later. I was down at the fishing camp there where we do some fishing. I was down there having a dominion seminar over the fish of the lake. And I called home and my wife said, the real estate lady wants you to call her right away. So I called her and she said, are you still interested in that piece of property out there? Yeah, I sure am. Well, you still give what you offered for it. I said, yes, I guess I would. Well, she said, you know, it's funny. She said, they've decided they're not going to build there. They're going to build over on this other street. I said, I don't doubt it. See, Jesus said, you're going to fail if you don't do my sayings. Now, don't go blaming God if you didn't do his sayings and things didn't work out. Now, it may not always work out that day, that week, that year even. But if you continue to do the sayings of Jesus, you're going to get the results Jesus said you could have. This is why I say it won't work for triers. You've got to be doers of the word. Now you see, when he said speak to things, I used this in the area of farming. See, I farmed for nearly 30 years. And I'd even read the Bible to my crops. I'd spray them with Malachi 3.11. Somebody said, that must be a new poison. No, but it's a good fertilizer. Now, I did use fertilizer. I had an individual come to me one time and said, two guys came over to Mississippi and they said, we came to this meeting just to ask you. We're farmers. We want to ask you, do you use fertilizer on your farm? Being a faith man. Well, because you're a faith man doesn't make you throw away all good business practices. See, some people get things all squirreled up. And they think if you were a faith man, well, you wouldn't even brush your teeth, you know. Or you wouldn't put fertilizer. I said, yeah, I put fertilizer on my farm. Do you put gas in your car? But you see, if you don't know the answer to a question, no question is stupid if you don't know the answer. So I'm not really putting them down, but I'm just saying that certainly I use fertilizer. But I talk to the farm. I talk to my crops. I spoke to wheat one time. We had some wheat we had planted, and it just looked like it didn't enough come up to leave. In fact, I'd already told the guys, you plow it up. When I'm leaving, going on a meeting, I said, it gets dry enough, plow it up. And... It had rained after I left and they didn't get to plow it up. So when we got back home, it was looking a little better. It had turned warm and it was greening up. My wife kept saying, let's just confess the word over it. I said, well, you've got to have something to confess over first. But finally, she talked me into it. So we go out there and we confess the word of God over it and talk to that wheat. We walked around out there and talked to it and said, listen to me, I'm talking to you. Jesus said, you would obey me. Now see, wheat will stool out, and from one seed it'll put out another shoot, and it may have 15 or 20 shoots from one seed. And so I started talking to it and telling it what to do. So we went ahead and fertilized it and did the things necessary for it, and we cut 50 bushel of wheat to the acre off of that wheat I was going to plow up. And it was just simply by doing what Jesus said to do. Now, you know, to just sit down and tell you exactly how that wheat could understand what I said, I don't know. I just know what Jesus said. And he said, if you come to me and hear my sayings and do them. Now, let me tell you some other things Jesus said to do. Jesus said, if your enemy is thirsty, give him drink. Well, maybe it was Paul that said that, but Jesus said, pray for your enemies. Do good to them that curse you. Now, that's doing the sayings of Jesus. You've got to do the thing that He said to do. Now, let me show you why you're to be good to your enemy and to pray for your enemy. Do good for them. And Paul says, if he's hungry, give him something to eat. If he's thirsty, give him drink. Now, in doing that, you're calling him your friend. Isn't that right? Isn't that right? You're calling things that are not. You're calling him your friend when you feed him. Anybody knows you don't feed your enemy. So you do it to your enemy to call him your friend. Everything produces after its kind. Start calling things that are not. Call it the way you want it. Call it the way the Word says it. Don't call it the way it is. When you do that, you only establish what is. But when you begin to call things that are not as though they were, then you're simply doing the sayings of Jesus. I appreciate so much you joining us for the Concepts of Faith broadcast today. I trust you've been blessed and been with us all this week as we minister the Word of God. This is the last day for CD offer number 7403. It's four CDs for $29 plus $5 postage and handling. a total of $34. It's entitled, Doing the Sayings of Jesus. When we talk about doing the sayings of Jesus, we're talking about doing the things that he taught. And of course, Mark 11, 23, here's the principle of faith and how it works. Whosoever shall say, believe, doubt not in his heart, believe what he is saying will come to pass. He shall have whatsoever he saith. Well, what have you been saying about your business or your house you have for sale or your property you've put up for sale? Are you saying nobody will ever buy it? I had a fellow tell me one time, he said, you know, we bought a piece of property. It was in a low area. We were going to let people dump field dirt in there, and we was going to eventually sell it and make money on it. But he said we got to needing to sell it and said we hadn't got much dirt in it and said we started saying nobody will ever buy this mud hole. We'll be paying for it the rest of our lives. And he said nobody was interested in it. Then he heard me teaching on this subject, and they decided to just do what Jesus said, to say to the sycamine tree or to the problem area or to the mountain, you will not hinder me anymore. You will be sold in Jesus' name. We call you sold. So they went out there on Monday morning. On Sunday night, I taught in his church. They went out there on Monday morning, and they talked to the property people. Now, on Wednesday, they called and said, someone bought that piece of property today. Now, it had been up for sale for two years. No one had bought it. But when they began to do what Jesus said to do, and to speak to inanimate objects, and say what the Word said to say, say what you want done with it, then it happened. Now, these are things that will happen to you if you'll just simply do what Jesus said to do. That's offer number 7403, Doing the Sayings of Jesus, for a total of $34. We have a toll-free order line, 1-877-396-9400. Until Monday, this is Charles Capps reminding you, the enemy is defeated, God is exalted, and Jesus is coming soon.
To order the product offered today, call 1-877-396-9400 or write Charles Capps, P.O. Box 69, England, Arkansas 72046. A complete list of CDs, books, and DVDs are available online at Through the website, you can listen to this radio program again and subscribe to our podcast. This broadcast is sponsored by Charles Capps Ministries and our listeners in this area.
For over 35 years Charles Capps taught on the importance of faith and confession of Gods Word. Scriptural keys to unlocking the abundant life are revealed from his practical teaching that will enable you to act upon the Word of God and change the circumstances of your life. Capps Ministries continues broadcasting these teachings over radio, podcast, television, and streaming devices today, including new programs featuring Charles' daughter, Annette Capps.
In this enlightening episode, explore the intersections of faith and practicality with Charles Capps. Understand the role of faith as a seed, and discover how the act of speaking to your challenges can bring about change. Charles shares compelling stories of his journey, using faith to navigate and overcome real-life obstacles while providing insights into how you can do the same.
We are glad you could join us today for the Concepts of Faith broadcast. This program is dedicated to teach you how to put the Word of God to work so that it will make a positive difference in the everyday circumstances of your life. And now, here's Charles Capps.
Now, I spoke to the house. It didn't sell overnight, but it did sell. In fact, I went out there one day and I said, now Lord, I've done what you said to do. And I'm sitting there thinking, and my carnal mind got a hold of it. It said, now what are you going to do? I said, I know what I'll do. So I went out there, and I drove down the street, and I rolled the window down. It was cold that day, and I just stuck my head out. And I said, ha, ha, ha, ha. Went down and laughed at the other and went home. Learn to laugh at your problems. Now the reason I did that, the Spirit of God spoke this in one of our meetings. He said, learn to release your faith in laughter. Tears of self-pity and sorrow never release faith. They only release oppression and fear. So learn to release your faith in laughter. So I just simply did what I heard the Spirit of God say. I laughed at the house. Now the house sold. Not only did the houses sell. But I sold the whole project to one man. Not only that, I sold all the land behind the project that was not developed. And the notes were paid. Now somebody said, you're the luckiest guy that ever lived. Oh no, I don't even believe in luck. I believe in doing the sayings of Jesus. Now it may seem foolish to you. But if you'll do what Jesus said to do, you can have what Jesus said you'd have. Now, it's very simple to take God's Word and apply it to the natural things of life. But the church, so many times, has separated the two. Now, we had a piece of property right next door to our office building there. And we thought we might want to expand the office sometime. So it was put up for sale. So we decided to buy it. And I went out and walked around the property. Talk to the property. Now see, we're doing the sayings of Jesus. Jesus said, Whosoever shall say to the mountain, to the problem. See, he's not talking about literal rock mountains. He's talking about problem areas in your life. He's not talking about literal trees when he said the sycamine trees. He's talking about obstacles that are keeping you from what you know God wants. Speak to it. If you had faith as a seed, you would say to the sycamine tree. Now the reason many people don't speak to it, they don't have faith as a seed. You know how a seed works? A seed calls things that are not. Did you know that? When a farmer plants corn, he can take a bushel of corn, And he can go out and plant that bushel of corn. He doesn't want a bushel of corn. He wants 200 bushels of corn. So what is his seed doing? Calling things that are not. They're not there, but it's calling them because he planted them. Now Jesus said this, Luke 17, verse 5 and 6. He said, if you had faith as a seed, you would say. The way you plant the seed is to say it. So if you don't say to the sycamine tree, if you don't say to your problem... be plucked up and be removed and tell it where to go. It's because you don't believe or have faith as a seed. You may have faith alright. You may have faith that God's going to do it sometime. But it may never happen. The time may never come. Because you've never established anything for sure. Just sometime. If I came to this town, you know, and called up pastor here and said, well, now, you know, I'm in town and we need to get together. He said, well, all right, where? Oh, just anywhere. Well, when? Oh, just anytime. And just hung up the phone. How long do you think it'd take us to get together? You're never going to get together. So, you see, doing the things of Jesus is a practical thing. You do it because Jesus said to do it. You study, you meditate the Word, and you apply these things in the natural things of life. Now somebody said, I tried it and it didn't work. It won't work if you try it. It only works when you do it. Now let me show you the difference in a trier and a doer. A trier tries it for a little while, and when it didn't work, he quits in a week or two. He quits. That stuff doesn't work. But a doer just says, thank God Jesus said it worked, and he just keeps doing it until he gets the results. Now when I started doing these things, actually it never occurred to me that it might not work. Because I was firmly convinced and fully persuaded that what Jesus said was true. Now if it never did happen, then I missed it somewhere. But I saw it happen. I talked to this piece of property next door. Then I made an offer on it. I walked around that property. I said, listen to me, I'm talking to you. I'm calling you into the ministry. You come to me in Jesus' name. Then I made the offer on the property. They turned it down. So I just went on. Thank God I've done what the Word said to do. Now, a few months later, they got a big sign sitting up out there on the property. It said, Future Home of the Production Credit Association. And my head gave me trouble over that. And I said to my wife, I said, You reckon I better go talk to them about that. And I was sitting there thinking about it, and it just kept bugging me. And one morning, I'm walking down the hall, and my carnal mind said, He says, now what you going to do? And I just got tired of it. Finally, I just hollered out loud. I said, I know what I'll do. Nothing. Jesus said it would obey me. So I just went on. Put it out of my mind. Wouldn't even touch it in my thought life. Now, a few days, weeks later. I was down at the fishing camp there where we do some fishing. I was down there having a dominion seminar over the fish of the lake. And I called home and my wife said, the real estate lady wants you to call her right away. So I called her and she said, are you still interested in that piece of property out there? Yeah, I sure am. Well, you still give what you offered for it. I said, yes, I guess I would. Well, she said, you know, it's funny. She said, they've decided they're not going to build there. They're going to build over on this other street. I said, I don't doubt it. See, Jesus said, you're going to fail if you don't do my sayings. Now, don't go blaming God if you didn't do his sayings and things didn't work out. Now, it may not always work out that day, that week, that year even. But if you continue to do the sayings of Jesus, you're going to get the results Jesus said you could have. This is why I say it won't work for triers. You've got to be doers of the word. Now you see, when he said speak to things, I used this in the area of farming. See, I farmed for nearly 30 years. And I'd even read the Bible to my crops. I'd spray them with Malachi 3.11. Somebody said, that must be a new poison. No, but it's a good fertilizer. Now, I did use fertilizer. I had an individual come to me one time and said, two guys came over to Mississippi and they said, we came to this meeting just to ask you. We're farmers. We want to ask you, do you use fertilizer on your farm? Being a faith man. Well, because you're a faith man doesn't make you throw away all good business practices. See, some people get things all squirreled up. And they think if you were a faith man, well, you wouldn't even brush your teeth, you know. Or you wouldn't put fertilizer. I said, yeah, I put fertilizer on my farm. Do you put gas in your car? But you see, if you don't know the answer to a question, no question is stupid if you don't know the answer. So I'm not really putting them down, but I'm just saying that certainly I use fertilizer. But I talk to the farm. I talk to my crops. I spoke to wheat one time. We had some wheat we had planted, and it just looked like it didn't enough come up to leave. In fact, I'd already told the guys, you plow it up. When I'm leaving, going on a meeting, I said, it gets dry enough, plow it up. And... It had rained after I left and they didn't get to plow it up. So when we got back home, it was looking a little better. It had turned warm and it was greening up. My wife kept saying, let's just confess the word over it. I said, well, you've got to have something to confess over first. But finally, she talked me into it. So we go out there and we confess the word of God over it and talk to that wheat. We walked around out there and talked to it and said, listen to me, I'm talking to you. Jesus said, you would obey me. Now see, wheat will stool out, and from one seed it'll put out another shoot, and it may have 15 or 20 shoots from one seed. And so I started talking to it and telling it what to do. So we went ahead and fertilized it and did the things necessary for it, and we cut 50 bushel of wheat to the acre off of that wheat I was going to plow up. And it was just simply by doing what Jesus said to do. Now, you know, to just sit down and tell you exactly how that wheat could understand what I said, I don't know. I just know what Jesus said. And he said, if you come to me and hear my sayings and do them. Now, let me tell you some other things Jesus said to do. Jesus said, if your enemy is thirsty, give him drink. Well, maybe it was Paul that said that, but Jesus said, pray for your enemies. Do good to them that curse you. Now, that's doing the sayings of Jesus. You've got to do the thing that He said to do. Now, let me show you why you're to be good to your enemy and to pray for your enemy. Do good for them. And Paul says, if he's hungry, give him something to eat. If he's thirsty, give him drink. Now, in doing that, you're calling him your friend. Isn't that right? Isn't that right? You're calling things that are not. You're calling him your friend when you feed him. Anybody knows you don't feed your enemy. So you do it to your enemy to call him your friend. Everything produces after its kind. Start calling things that are not. Call it the way you want it. Call it the way the Word says it. Don't call it the way it is. When you do that, you only establish what is. But when you begin to call things that are not as though they were, then you're simply doing the sayings of Jesus. I appreciate so much you joining us for the Concepts of Faith broadcast today. I trust you've been blessed and been with us all this week as we minister the Word of God. This is the last day for CD offer number 7403. It's four CDs for $29 plus $5 postage and handling. a total of $34. It's entitled, Doing the Sayings of Jesus. When we talk about doing the sayings of Jesus, we're talking about doing the things that he taught. And of course, Mark 11, 23, here's the principle of faith and how it works. Whosoever shall say, believe, doubt not in his heart, believe what he is saying will come to pass. He shall have whatsoever he saith. Well, what have you been saying about your business or your house you have for sale or your property you've put up for sale? Are you saying nobody will ever buy it? I had a fellow tell me one time, he said, you know, we bought a piece of property. It was in a low area. We were going to let people dump field dirt in there, and we was going to eventually sell it and make money on it. But he said we got to needing to sell it and said we hadn't got much dirt in it and said we started saying nobody will ever buy this mud hole. We'll be paying for it the rest of our lives. And he said nobody was interested in it. Then he heard me teaching on this subject, and they decided to just do what Jesus said, to say to the sycamine tree or to the problem area or to the mountain, you will not hinder me anymore. You will be sold in Jesus' name. We call you sold. So they went out there on Monday morning. On Sunday night, I taught in his church. They went out there on Monday morning, and they talked to the property people. Now, on Wednesday, they called and said, someone bought that piece of property today. Now, it had been up for sale for two years. No one had bought it. But when they began to do what Jesus said to do, and to speak to inanimate objects, and say what the Word said to say, say what you want done with it, then it happened. Now, these are things that will happen to you if you'll just simply do what Jesus said to do. That's offer number 7403, Doing the Sayings of Jesus, for a total of $34. We have a toll-free order line, 1-877-396-9400. Until Monday, this is Charles Capps reminding you, the enemy is defeated, God is exalted, and Jesus is coming soon.
To order the product offered today, call 1-877-396-9400 or write Charles Capps, P.O. Box 69, England, Arkansas 72046. A complete list of CDs, books, and DVDs are available online at Through the website, you can listen to this radio program again and subscribe to our podcast. This broadcast is sponsored by Charles Capps Ministries and our listeners in this area.
Join Charles Capps on an enlightening journey of faith in action as he shares dynamic principles that empower believers to command their reality through positive declarations. This episode focuses on the synergy between belief and spoken words, offering myriad testimonies that highlight the tangible results of faith in action. Through real-life examples, Charles demonstrates how disciplined speech and faith-led proclamations have helped individuals overcome financial hurdles, sell real estate smoothly, and achieve goals that once seemed unattainable. He stresses not only on the importance of believing the words you profess but also on fine-tuning your language to reflect unwavering faith. By integrating biblical teachings with contemporary experiences, Charles provides a powerful resource for incorporating faith into the practical areas of everyday life. Discover the essential steps to achieve harmony between your faith and your finances, relationships, and personal development in this thought-provoking discussion.
We are glad you could join us today for the Concepts of Faith broadcast. This program is dedicated to teach you how to put the Word of God to work so that it will make a positive difference in the everyday circumstances of your life. And now, here's Charles Capps.
Remembered what Jesus said about the sycamine tree? Whosoever shall say to it, said it would obey you. So I just went in there and got all my mortgages out. Had three or four of them. Laid them on the table. Called my daughter Annette. She was in the bedroom. I said, come out here. I want you to be a witness to what I'm going to do. My wife was gone somewhere. So I got her out there. And she's standing there. And I said, I'm going to do what Jesus said to do. Because he said I'm going to fail if I don't. So I backed off about six feet. And I started talking to these notes. I said, listen to me, I'm talking to you. Jesus said you would obey me. In the name of the Lord Jesus Christ, I command you, I say to you, be paid in full, dematerialize, depart, be gone, in Jesus' name, and you will obey me. I turned around and walked off. And my daughter's standing there blinking her eyes. She had seen me do a few strange things, but nothing this strange before. See, I come to the point that I'm going to do what Jesus says to do. Now somebody said, didn't you feel a little silly doing that? No, no, no. I felt a whole lot silly. But what does that have to do with it? Jesus said I was going to fail if I didn't. So I just did what he said to do. When you do what Jesus says to do, expect to get the results that Jesus said you would have. Now, he said, when the stream beats vehemently against this fellow that does my sayings, it could not shake him. Now, boy, I tell you, I've been in some places financially where there was no hope financially for me. Natural hope I'm talking about. See, like Abraham was. When there was no hope, I made a decision to believe in supernatural hope. Now that's what you have to do. Some of you may be that way financially. See, God's gospel is a practical thing. But when you tend to spiritualize everything that Jesus said, you miss the fundamental things that will work for you in your everyday life. If you're just going to tell me a bunch of Bible stories about David killing Goliath and Joshua defeating the giants, and don't teach me the principles that he used, then you haven't done anything for me. And I was raised in a full gospel church for years where that's what they taught. They taught you what they did, but never did apply any of these things to the natural circumstances of life that we face. The gospel is a practical gospel. So I learned something from that. I spoke to the notes. Now I had two houses sitting out there on this property that I'd built. I had built three and sold one of them. And I had already prayed about them. Lord, send me a buyer for these houses. And I'm driving around out there one day and I said, now Lord, why haven't these houses sold? He spoke right into my spirit and said, because you didn't do what I said to do. Well, I said, Lord, I've already prayed. He said, why don't you do what you've been teaching people to do? I said, you mean speak to them? See, I began to teach that at this time. I saw it and I did it and then I began to teach it. I said, all right. So I drove by the houses and got out and stood in the yard and talked to them. I said, listen to me, I'm talking to you. And I looked down the street this way and I looked that way. To make sure that there wasn't anybody there. And I said, somebody's impressed with you. Oh, they really like the color of your brick. I went inside and I talked to it. I said, I'm calling you sold in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ of Nazareth. And Jesus said, you would obey me. Be sold in Jesus' name. I went down and talked to the other one. Now somebody said, how in the world is that going to change anything? I don't know other than what Jesus said. At the time I didn't understand it all. I understand it better now. I'm just doing what Jesus said to do. He said I'm going to fail if I don't. Now I talked about this in Minneapolis, Minnesota. I was teaching and there was a lady in the congregation. She came to me after the service. And she said, oh Brother Capps, I can't wait to get home. Because she said, I've got a house that I've been trying to sell for eight months, haven't had one single offer on it. Ooh, she said, I'm going home and talk to my house. Well, she did talk to her house. In fact, she told me, she said, I'm going to send you the tithes off the profit that I make on the house when I sell it. Now, I was home two weeks and I got a check in the mail to the ministry. She sold her house in two weeks that she'd been eight months trying to sell because she did what Jesus said to do. She talked to him. You may not understand all that. You don't have to understand it all, but you do have to believe it. If Jesus said it, you're required to believe it. Now, if you'll believe it and act on it. Now, let me stop and say this, because sometimes it's the things we live unsaid that discourages people. It won't just happen overnight that you'll believe everything you say will come to pass. That's why it's necessary to control your vocabulary. Begin to speak only what you desire to come to pass. Don't talk foolishness day in and day out and expect to be able to talk to a house and get it to obey you. You say, whoo, isn't that a big dog when it's a little bit of chihuahua? Boy, isn't it hot today when it's 20 below outside. See, what you do, you weaken the inner man. You train the inner man not to release any faith in what you're saying. And therefore, you don't release faith when you begin to speak. See, when it comes time to speak the word of faith, there is no power there. That's why Jesus and Paul said, let your yea be yea and your nay nay. Anything more than that cometh of evil. That's a serious thing when you read what Jesus said in the 12th chapter of Matthew. He said, by thy words thou shalt be justified, by thy words thou shalt be condemned. Man will give account of every idle word that he speaks, non-working word. Any word you speak that doesn't work for you, you'll give account for it in the day of judgment. Now that doesn't mean that you'll go to hell because you didn't speak working words for you. it means you'll lose reward. Because there'll be many things you'll never attain in this life unless you learn how to speak the word of faith and release faith in every word you speak. Now, when you get highly developed in that, now, it takes weeks and months and sometimes even years to get highly developed in speaking the word of faith. You have to determine that you're going to speak what you believe and believe what you speak in everything. Now, if you're going to tell a joke and if you're going to be facetious about something, say, this man said this happened or this is a joke. Don't tell it on yourself as being true, even jokes. Are you listening? Because you see, it weakens the inner man. You get to the point that you don't release faith in the words you say. Now, the more highly developed you get in believing what you say will come to pass, the quicker the manifestation will come. That's why I'm people that are highly developed in the negative thing and speaking unbelief and talking all the doubt and fear and all the negative things. Laughed, I thought I'd die. I guess I'll be in a wheelchair before I'm 40 years old. My arthritis is getting worse every day. See, you're developing yourself highly in that fear or that negative form of faith. He shall have whatsoever he saith. If he believe, if he doubt not in his heart, if he believe what he says will come to pass. Now, it didn't happen just because he said it once. Because you know what? The devil's smart enough to know that if you was to say, whoo, tickle me to death, and you fell over dead. After about three people did that, somebody would say, maybe it was what he said that had something to do with it. But you see, it doesn't work that fast because you've got to believe what you say and it'll come to pass. But there's things that people speak about their finances that they don't really mean when they first say it, but they keep saying it long enough, you go to believe in it, and when you go to believe in it, you deceive your heart. If any man seemeth to be religious, bridleth not his tongue, he deceiveth his own heart. You deceive your heart into believing that you want to go bankrupt. You watch and see. Nobody can make a living out of this business. It's going down the tube. We're going bankrupt. Sure as a world. That's what you call hard-heartedness or poor-mouthing. You know what it means to poor mouth? When you first start saying it, you didn't really believe it. You say it long enough, you go to believing it. Now when it gets in your heart, you've deceived your heart, your heart will lead you, your spirit will lead you to the things that will cause you to fail. Absolutely will. The Bible bears that out. Because the kingdom of God is if a man casts the seed into the ground. The seed is the word of God. Or the words that he speaks. It could either be the word of God or the words of the devil. Now, I spoke to the house. It didn't sell overnight. But it did sell. In fact, I went out there one day and I said, Now, Lord, I've done what you said to do. And I'm sitting there thinking, and my carnal mind got a hold of it. It said, Now, what are you going to do? I said, I know what I'll do. So I went out there and I drove down the street and I rolled the window down. It was cold that day and I just stuck my head out. And I said, Ha, ha, ha, ha. Went down and laughed at the other and went home. Learn to laugh at your problems. Now the reason I did that, the Spirit of God spoke this in one of our meetings. He said, learn to release your faith in laughter. Tears of self-pity and sorrow never release faith. They only release oppression and fear. So learn to release your faith in laughter. So I just simply did what I heard the Spirit of God say. I laughed at the house. Now the house sold. Not only did the houses sell. But I sold the whole project to one man. Not only that, I sold all the land behind the project that was not developed. And the notes were paid. Now somebody said, you're the luckiest guy that ever lived. Oh no, I don't even believe in luck. I believe in doing the sayings of Jesus. Now it may seem foolish to you. But if you'll do what Jesus said to do, you can have what Jesus said you'd have. I'm glad you could join us for the Concepts of Faith broadcast today. Now before we leave the broadcast, let me remind you that all of this week's CD offer number 7403 is our offer. It's entitled, Doing the Sayings of Jesus. That's four CDs for $29 plus $5 postage and handling, a total of $34. I get so excited when I start talking about this series because we have so many testimonies of how that people have put these principles to work in their life, to sell property, to sell their house. And I'm talking about people that had their house up for sale for two years, not one offer. The lady said to me, I'm so glad I came to the seminar tonight. This was back in 1980. And she said, I've had my house up for sale for two years, not one offer. I'm going home and talk to it. See, we talk about doing the sayings of Jesus. What did Jesus say to do? Whosoever shall say to the mountain, to the problem, be removed, be cast in the sea, shall not doubt his heart, but believe what he's saying, or come to pass, he shall have whatsoever he saith. So she said, I'm going home and talk to my house. And she did. In less than a week, it sold. Now, these are things you can apply in your everyday life. So many people think, well, now, you know, these things just work in spiritual things. These are things that will work in everyday life. I had a fellow that sent me a large offering for about three months in a row. I finally called him and said, I want to tell you how much I appreciate you sending this large donation to the ministry. He said, oh, I wanted to talk to you. He said, what happened? I had a piece of property. And I got to listening to your tapes on doing the sayings of Jesus. And I went out and talked to that piece of property and called it sold and began to confess the word of God over it. And it sold. And it sold for the price that he wanted. And he said, that's the reason I'm sending you this offering. Now, there's other people that every time I'd tell one of these stories, I'd get two or three more. This will be a blessing to you. It's offer number 7403. That's four CDs for a total of $34, doing the sayings of Jesus. We have a toll-free order line, 1-877-396-9400. Until tomorrow, this is Charles Capps reminding you that the enemy is defeated, God is exalted, and Jesus reigns.
is coming soon to order the product offered today call 1-877-396-9400 or write charles caps p.o box 69 england arkansas 72046 a complete list of cds books and dvds are available online at Through the website, you can listen to this radio program again and subscribe to our podcast. This broadcast is sponsored by Charles Capps Ministries and our listeners in this area.
Join us on this episode as Charles Capps delves into the importance of establishing a strong foundation in life based on the teachings of Jesus. You'll learn how applying the Word of God can influence your day-to-day circumstances, turning challenges into opportunities for growth and resilience. Drawing on biblical stories, Charles explores the need for a practical approach to faith, encouraging listeners to actively engage with Jesus' teachings and use them as a cornerstone for their lives. The discussion also covers personal testimonies and lessons on overcoming financial struggles with supernatural hope, as Charles shares his own journey of faith in building a successful ministry. He stresses the importance of not only hearing the Word but living it, providing insights on common misconceptions and demonstrating the power of faith through real-life applications. Whether you're facing storms or calm seas, this episode will equip you with the principles needed to stand strong and victorious.
We are glad you could join us today for the Concepts of Faith broadcast. This program is dedicated to teach you how to put the Word of God to work so that it will make a positive difference in the everyday circumstances of your life. And now, here's Charles Capps.
Now what we realize is that when we do what Jesus said to do, we'll get the results that Jesus said we'd have. But now how many of you know that you don't just hear this and operate in it perfectly overnight? You have to develop yourself in it. Now he said when the stream beats vehemently against this fellow that does my sayings, it could not shake him. Now boy, I tell you, I've been in some places financially where there was no hope. financially for me, natural hope I'm talking about. See, I was like Abraham was. When there was no hope, I made a decision to believe in supernatural hope. Now that's what you have to do. Some of you may be that way financially. The gospel is a practical thing. But when you tend to spiritualize everything that Jesus said, you miss the fundamental things that will work for you in your everyday life. All right, now let's take a look back over here again at Luke's Gospel, the sixth chapter. Jesus said, He cometh to me, heareth my sayings, and doeth them, I will show you who is like. But if he doesn't, then immediately his house fell. Let's read verse 49. But he that heareth and doeth not is like a man without foundation, without a foundation. The foundation, remember now, is doing what Jesus said to do. The rock that he talked about in the previous verses is the Word of God, or Jesus, or the Word of God. So the man based his doings on what Jesus said. He did the sayings, but he based it on the Word of God. So without foundation... He built a house on the earth against which the stream beat vehemently, and immediately it fell, and the ruin of that house was great. Now you have people that'll say, well, now you know, God always sends you through the wilderness. The wilderness experience will make you stronger. Now I hear people say that from time to time, but you better check up on the wilderness experience. The children of Israel spent 40 years there. It was not God's will for them to spend 40 years in the wilderness. He wanted to lead them through that wilderness to the promised land. See, the wilderness was between them and the promised land. It was not His will that they spend 48 years there. Somebody said, oh, it'll make your faith stronger. Check and see if it'd make their faith stronger. No, it didn't. It killed them. Killed all the doubters. And if you stay in the wilderness long enough, it'll kill you. Now, ask yourself this about this verse 49. If it was God testing and trying this fellow's faith when the flood and the stream beat vehemently against it, if it was God that was doing that, then it seemed like God was a partner to his failure. Now stop and look at it. Think about this for a minute. Ask yourself, who caused the flood and the stream to beat vehemently against it? And then ask yourself this question. What caused one house to fall or one life to fail and the other not to fail? Your first thought is it was the stream, it was the flood. No, it came against both of them. What caused one to fail was that he didn't do what Jesus said to do. Now they could have both been saved and filled with the Holy Ghost and gone to church every Sunday. Because I tell you, I was in that situation one time. Went to church every Sunday, did everything I knew to do, but I was sick in body, head over heels in debt. I was supernaturally in debt. You couldn't get that way naturally. Man, I got so poor I couldn't pay attention. Because there were some things I didn't know to do. But now let's look at this for a minute. If it were true that this is God trying this fellow. then it should read this way, if it was true that the problems of life, the wilderness experience, the negative things that come against you in life make you stronger, then this verse 49 should read this way, "...He that heareth and doeth not is like a man that without foundation built his house upon the earth, which the stream did beat vehemently, and it tore the porch off, knocked the blocks out from under it, and the window lights fell out, washed part of the house away." But then when the flood rose up and continued to beat upon it, the house began to come back together. And when it settled down, it settled on a firm foundation and was stronger. Sounds good, don't it? But that was not what Jesus said. And that's just about how foolish it is to say that the things the devil brings against you is to really make you more like Jesus. No, the devil brings these things to destroy you. Satan brought this stream and flood against this house. You remember the storm that Jesus was in the boat. He said, let us go to the other side. And they start over to the other side and things are going great. Jesus went to sleep in the back of the boat. And the waves, then the wind, the storm wind came on the lake. Who started that storm? It had to be the devil because it's trying to destroy Jesus. Not only that, but they came back and told Jesus, woke him up and said, you know what the devil said? Now, you don't read that in your Bible, but that's actually what they did. They told Jesus what the devil said. See, Jesus said, we're going to the other side. They let his word slip. They come back and woke Jesus up and said, you know, we're going to all drown. You know what Jesus did? He got up. I can just see him walk up to the bow of that boat, put his foot on the front of it. He looked out there and he said, Peace! Be still. Now wait a minute. There's not any peace out there. There's a storm out there. What's he doing? He's calling things that are not. He's doing his own sayings. He's showing you how it works. He spoke to the wind. And he stopped the cause of the waves before he stopped the waves. Now, if you're not careful, you'll get it backwards and start talking to the waves. If he'd have talked to the waves and got them stopped and hadn't got the wind stopped, you'd have had another storm in just a few minutes. Isn't that right? See, sometimes we do that. We treat the symptoms instead of the problem. You get mad at the person instead of the spirit that's driving the individuals. You've got to go to the spirit that's driving the individual that's causing the problems in your life. Don't get mad at the individual. They may not even know why they're doing what they're doing. They're causing the problems for you. And that'll help you. But Jesus destroyed the storm, didn't he? Didn't he destroy the storm? Now, the Bible says that Jesus came to destroy the works of the devil. Now, if the storm there was to try their faith and it was sin of God, then Jesus ended up destroying the works of his Father. Can you see that? It couldn't be that God sent the storm. And you hear this all the time. Well, you know, God sent a tornado to our town the other night. No, it might have been your God, but it wasn't my God. That's a perversion of nature. It is the work of the devil. Now what we realize is that when we do what Jesus said to do, we'll get the results that Jesus said we'd have. But now how many of you know that you don't just hear this and operate in it perfectly overnight? You have to develop yourself in it. Now here's the way that the Lord began to deal with me about this. I read Luke the 6th chapter from verse 46 down through the end of the chapter there. Now at the time I read that several years ago, I had started a housing project north of England there, England, Arkansas that is. And I had spent a lot of money putting in sewer, water lines, and getting it ready to build on and we'd start building some houses. Now, that's about the time the ministry, the teaching ministry, began to flourish, and the Lord began to open doors, and I got to where I had so many invitations. I didn't have time to do all this other stuff. So I'm sitting there one day thinking, I sure wish I could get these notes paid off. I borrowed the money at the bank, you know, to put in these facilities. And I read this, and I was reading one morning, meditating on this, and I saw this. It was illuminated in my spirit. If you don't do my sayings, you're going to fail. So I said, well, Jesus was a prophet. He prophesied I'm going to fail if I don't do what he said. And I said, now, what did Jesus say? See, if you'll ask yourself questions, you'll learn some things because yourself knows more than you do. That's the truth. See, ask yourself. Yourself is the real you, the spirit man on the inside. Then it came right up out of my spirit. Jesus said, whosoever shall say to the mountains, Well, immediately I connected the mountain with the notes, the mortgage at the bank. That's what I wanted to get rid of. It's what was before me, keeping me from being able to do the things I wanted to do in the teaching ministry and being free to travel and do what I wanted to do. So I read that and then I remembered what Jesus said about the sycamine tree. Whosoever shall say to it, said it would obey you. So I just went in there and got all my mortgages out. Had three or four of them, laid them on the tables. I called my daughter Annette. She was in the bedroom. I said, come out here. I want you to be a witness to what I'm going to do. My wife was gone somewhere, so I got her out there. She's standing there and I said, I'm going to do what Jesus said to do. Because he said I'm going to fail if I don't. So I backed off about six feet and I started talking to these notes. I said, listen to me, I'm talking to you. Jesus said you would obey me. In the name of the Lord Jesus Christ, I command you, I say to you, be paid in full, dematerialize, depart, be gone, in Jesus' name, and you will obey me. I turned around and walked off. And my daughter's standing there blinking her eyes. She had seen me do a few strange things, but nothing this strange before. See, I come to the point that I'm going to do what Jesus says to do. Now somebody said, didn't you feel a little silly doing that? No, no, no. I felt a whole lot silly. But what does that have to do with it? Jesus said I was going to fail if I didn't. So I just did what he said to do. Thank you so much for joining us for the Concepts of Faith broadcast today as we've been talking about doing the sayings of Jesus. Now, all of this week we have a CD offer number 7403. It's entitled, Doing the Sayings of Jesus. It's four CDs for $29 plus $5 postage and handling, a total of $34. In this series, we deal extensively of how to put the principles of God in operation in your everyday life. In the parable that Jesus talked about in the sixth chapter of Luke, he says, Whosoever cometh to me, and heareth my sayings, and doeth them, I will show you who he is like. Now, he's talking about three things here. First, you come to Jesus, you hear what he said, and you do them. Now, he said, if you do that, you're like a man that built his house. He digged deep, and he laid the foundation on the rock. When the stream beat vehemently against it, it could not shake it. Now, he didn't say it didn't shake it. He said it couldn't shake it. It's impossible to, because he laid the foundation on the rock. Now, what is the foundation here? The foundation is doing the sayings of Jesus, and the Word of God, or Christ Jesus, is the rock. So he laid the the foundation on the rock. In other words, everything that the man did was based on the authority of the Word of God. But then he tells about a man that came to him and heard his sayings and didn't do them. And when the stream beat the Himalaya upon him, immediately his house fell, and the ruin of that house was great. Now, you know he's not talking about a housing project here. He's talking about individual lives. And he's telling you there's three simple things that you do, that if you do them, you'll not fail in life. Come to Jesus, hear his saying, then start doing what Jesus said. Now, this series will actually carry you into an area where you can see how to operate in the principles of God. That is offer number 7403 for a total of $34.00. We have a toll-free order line, 1-877-396-9400. Until tomorrow, this is Charles Capps reminding you that the enemy is defeated, God is exalted, and Jesus is coming soon.
To order the product offered today, call 1-877-396-9400 or write Charles Capps, P.O. Box 69, England, Arkansas 72046. A complete list of CDs, books, and DVDs are available online at Through the website, you can listen to this radio program again and subscribe to our podcast. This broadcast is sponsored by Charles Capps Ministries and our listeners in this area.
Join Charles Capps as he unravels the profound impact of words in shaping faith and its manifestations in life. This episode covers the power of confession, the dangers of negative speech, and the principle that aligns our actions with divine truth. Drawing from the book of James and other scriptures, Capps underscores the necessity of being doers of the Word, ensuring that belief is matched by action for a fortified spiritual journey.
We're glad you could join us today for the Concepts of Faith broadcast. This program is dedicated to teach you how to put the Word of God to work so that it will make a positive difference in the everyday circumstances of your life. And now, here's Charles Capps.
Now we're going to talk about doing the sayings of Jesus. I want us to go to Luke, the sixth chapter. And let's read... Again, some foundation scriptures here. Luke chapter 6, verse 46. Jesus is speaking. And he says, Why call ye me, Lord, Lord, and do not the things which I say? Whosoever cometh to me, heareth my sayings, and doeth them, I will show you to whom he is like. He is like a man which built a house, digged deep, laid the foundation on a rock. And when the flood arose and stream beat vehemently upon that house and could not shake it, for it was founded on a rock. But he that heareth and doeth not is like a man that without foundation built his house upon the earth against which the stream did beat vehemently. Immediately it fell and the ruin of that house was great. Now, what you see here is the Lord Jesus Christ's illustration of an individual, two individuals. Now, you know he's not talking about a housing project. You know how Jesus talked? He used the natural things of earth that you could understand to reveal spiritual truths and understanding of how the kingdom of God worked. He said the man dig deep and he laid the foundation. Now, one of the fellows was building his house or his life without digging deep. He's probably one of the guys that was saying, oh, come on, I've already got the roof on my house and you're still digging the foundation. But the guy is still digging. He wants to know why he's doing these things. See, it makes a difference when you know why you do something. Now, you don't always have to know why, but it makes a difference when you do know why. That you're doing certain things. See, the problem is with a lot of people concerning the message of faith and confessing the Word of God is that they want to build a third story on a vacant lot. Just think about it a minute. You've got to start at the bottom. You can't build a third story. Until you get the first story and the second story built. He digged deep and he laid the foundation. Now, the foundation is doing the sayings of Jesus. Notice, both of these individuals came to Jesus, heard his sayings. Both of them did the same thing. Now, we could even call this, you know, you could call it about anything you wanted to, I suppose. We could call it how to succeed when others failed. Because you remember the Bible says Jesus was a prophet. He prophesies here, if you don't do my sayings, if you don't come to me, hear my sayings and do them, you're going to fail in life. Now that's important that we understand that he is telling you this so you won't fail in life. So that your house won't be swept down the stream in the floods of life. How many of you know that the streams of life and the troubles and the problems of life are going to come? There's no doubt about that. I mean, you live in a world where you have problems and troubles. Now, just because you got turned on to faith or born again doesn't mean your trouble just dissolved and disappeared. See, sometimes people get the idea that if you get saved, everything will be fine. Or if you get turned on to faith. But if you read in the 11th chapter of Hebrews, it talked about Cain and Abel. See, Abel, through faith, offered a more excellent sacrifice than Cain. Well, his faith got him killed. He did it by faith, didn't he? So it brought some problems on. If you don't know how to handle the situations that come to you in life, then you're going to fail. Just because you know a few things about the Word, see, we need to know the whole Word of God. And we need to know how to use the things that we learn about faith concerning the practical things of life. Now, the Word of God tells us in Hebrews, I believe it's the fourth chapter, verse 12, said, The Word of God is quick and powerful, sharper than any two-edged sword, to the dividing us under the soul and spirit, joints to the marrow, as a discerner of the thoughts and intents of the heart. God's Word is quick, alive, it is more powerful than any two-edged sword. Now the two-edged sword that he's referring to is the tongue. It is more powerful than anyone's tongue. It is more powerful than all the negative things that people speak against you. But if we don't understand the fact that people, especially Christian people, are the most dangerous people in the world with their tongue. You know why? Because if they believe what they're saying, if they develop themselves to believe what they're saying will come to pass, and they go to speaking negative things, well, you just watch. That old boy's going to lose everything he invests in that. I just know, I know he's going to lose. You watch and see. Now, if he gets 50 people to agreeing with him, brother, you are in trouble. Unless you know how to use God's Word to put down the negative things of life. The Word of God is quick and powerful, sharper than any two-edged sword. Now, I know because I got in a situation like that one time. And I didn't know it until after that I'd lost everything I put in the deal. Then my friends told me, well, I told so-and-so, you watch and see, he'll lose every dime he puts in that. But see, I didn't know to use the word of God to combat that and stop that. God's word is more powerful than what they spoke. Now see, they didn't realize what they were doing. They didn't know they were putting a curse on me. Now that's the way witchcraft works. We need to realize something that we are being used at times of the devil by speaking negative things against people. Have you ever heard somebody say, well, yeah, they'll get saved and never revival. But you watch, they'll go right back into sin. Now you become a partner of them going back into sin. You're putting a curse on them. Wasn't that what the Bible said about Jesus when he spoke negative things to the fig tree? Said he put a curse on, he cursed it. We need to realize that there is blessing and there is cursing. You see, that's what happened to Adam in the garden when he ate. He and Eve ate of the tree of the knowledge of blessing and calamity. He already had the knowledge of blessing. He learned how to produce calamity by the words of his mouth. But the thing that Satan failed to tell him is that the day you eat of the fruit, it'll poison your tongue and then you won't be able to control the tongue. It'll be set on fire of hell. Now certainly God didn't set it on fire of hell. See, James says it's set on fire of hell. Well, you can't tame the tongue with the natural means, but thank God the Holy Ghost can. The Word of God is quick and powerful, sharper than any two-edged sword. So if you speak God's Word concerning the situations, the circumstances of life, then God's Word will overrule that. Your words will draw the spirit life from the word of God and cause the manifestation of the thing you're speaking. Somebody says, you watch and see, he's going to fail. But if I'm confessing, thank God, whatever I do will prosper. No weapon formed against me will prosper. I'm like a tree planted by the rivers of water. I'm delivered from the evils of this present world. Thank God I'm confessing the word of God. Whatever I do will prosper. Now, that's God's Word. I have given, it's given unto me. Now, I can take God's Word, see, by being a doer of the Word of God, not just a hearer. I can put to naught the things that are spoken against me. Now, you notice here, in this situation, he digged deep, he laid the foundation. The foundation is doing the sayings of Jesus. Now, turn with me to James, the second chapter. James, the brother of Jesus... gained great insight into these things because he spent so much time with Jesus. He learned some things. If we would zero in, actually it's the first chapter of James, James chapter 1. Let's begin with verse 21. Wherefore lay apart all filthiness, superfluity of naughtiness, receive with meekness the engrafted word, which is able to save your souls. The engrafted word, word that becomes a part of you. Be ye doers of the word, and not hearers only, deceiving your own selves. In other words, if you're hearers only, you're deceiving your own self. You've got to be doers of the word. Now, wasn't that what Jesus was saying there when he said, Come to me, hear my sayings, and do them? Be a doer of the words of Jesus. Do you remember in John, I believe it's the second chapter, where Jesus was at the marriage of Cain of Galilee, They needed wine. They were out of wine. And the mother of Jesus said, whatsoever he saith unto you, do it. Now, if you want a miracle, that's the way to get it. Whatever Jesus saith unto you, do it. The problem is sometimes we just make up our own rules as we go. Well, now, here's the way I believe it. I had an individual say that to me one time. Well now, Brother Capps, here's the way I believe it. I said, yes, but here's what the Word says. Well, I know that's what the Word says, but here's the way I believe it. Well now, if your believing don't line up with the Word of God, guess who's going to have to change? God changeth not. So if you're incompatible with God or His Word, you're going to have to do the changing. He's not going to change. He changeth not. Can you see that? Now here in James, the first chapter, he said, Be ye doers of the Word, and not hearers only, because if you're hearers only, you'll deceive your own self. Down to verse 24. For he beholdeth himself, goeth his way, straightway forgetteth what manner of man he was, but whosoever looketh into the perfect law of liberty, continueth therein, he being not a forgetful here, but a doer of the work, this man shall be blessed in his deeds. If any man among you seemeth to be religious and bridleth not his tongue, but deceiveth his own heart, this man's religion is in vain. Thank you so much for joining us for the Concepts of Faith broadcast today as we've been talking about doing the sayings of Jesus. Now, all of this week we have a CD offer number 7403. That's CD offer number 7403. It's entitled, Doing the Sayings of Jesus. It's four CDs for $29 plus $5 postage and handling, a total of $34. In this series, we deal extensively of how to put the principles of God in operation in your life, in your everyday life. In the parable that Jesus talked about in the sixth chapter of Luke, He says, Whosoever cometh to me, and heareth my sayings, and doeth them, I will show you who he is like. Now, he's talking about three things here. First, you come to Jesus, you hear what he said, and you do them. Now, he said, If you do that, you're like a man that built his house. He digged deep, and he laid the foundation on the rock. When the stream beat vehemently against it, it could not shake it. Now, he didn't say it didn't shake it. He said it couldn't shake it. It's impossible to, because he laid the foundation on the rock. Now, what is the foundation here? The foundation is doing the sayings of Jesus, and the Word of God, or Christ Jesus, is the rock. So he laid the foundation on the rock. In other words, everything that the man did was based on the authority of the Word of God. But then he tells about a man that came to him and heard his sayings and didn't do them. And when the stream beat vehemently upon him, immediately his house fell, and the ruin of that house was great. Now, you know he's not talking about a housing project here. He's talking about individual lives. And he's telling you there's three simple things that you do, that if you do them, you'll not fail in life. Come to Jesus, hear His saying, then start doing what Jesus said. Now, this series will actually carry you into an area where you can see how to operate in the principles of God. That is offer number 7403 for a total of $34. We have a toll-free order line, 1-877-396-9400. 1-877-396-9400. Until tomorrow, this is Charles Capps reminding you that the enemy is defeated, God is exalted, and Jesus is coming soon.
To order the product offered today, call 1-877-396-9400 or write Charles Capps, P.O. Box 69, England, Arkansas 72046. A complete list of CDs, books, and DVDs are available online at Through the website, you can listen to this radio program again and subscribe to our podcast. This broadcast is sponsored by Charles Capps Ministries and our listeners in this area.
Join Charles Capps as he delves into the transformative power of God's Word in overcoming life's challenges. With engaging narratives from his own experiences and lessons from scripture, he provides valuable insights into the art of maintaining faith in the face of adversity. Discover how disciplined faith and the conscious confession of God's promises can help you rise above fear and despair. The episode highlights how our spoken words hold the power to shape life’s outcomes. By consciously choosing words of faith, believers can rewrite their reality and align it with divine purpose. Tune in for an enlightening discourse that teaches how faith, when practiced diligently, can lead to a victorious life.
We're glad you could join us today for the Concepts of Faith broadcast. This program is dedicated to teach you how to put the Word of God to work so that it will make a positive difference in the everyday circumstances of your life. And now, here's Charles Capps.
So you see what the problem is then when it comes to fear and faith. If you're doing something that seems to be beyond your ability or what you've learned, then fear comes. And fear is the substance of things not desired. Now, if you were walking across the Grand Canyon on a two before, the thing that you don't desire is to fall off, right? Job said, the thing that I greatly feared came upon me. What produced it? The fear. The fear produced it. Faith will put you over in life. Fear will cause the manifestation of the thing that you don't desire. Just the same as faith will cause the manifestation of the thing that you do desire. Now, sometimes we get sidetracked because we have not disciplined ourselves. Another thing that I was thinking about, my cousin, that we were going to fly down to his house, you know, when we got our wings to work it. That boy had more fear of a little old footlock. We had a little footlock built. It was, oh, and the board across the bow there was probably 12 inches wide. But it had no banisters, nothing to hold to. Little old bow was not very wide. When we would go across there, everybody else would walk it. He'd get down on his hands and knees and crawl across it. Now notice, he could walk it if he put it out on the ground. But over the little stream there, he'd get out on his hands and knees and he'd hold that board and he'd crawl on his knees across it. But now one day he got inspired. We're over on the other side of the bayou and my brother is climbing a tree. He's in the top of one of these big trees. And he stepped on a rotten limb. The limb broke and here he comes just thrashing down through the limbs. It's funny now, it wasn't funny then. But he fell out of that tree and he hung, I guess probably what saved him, he hung his chin on a six-foot barbed wire fence. And it cut a big gash in his chin, but it slowed him down before he hit the ground. Now he's laying there, and Billy Joel, my cousin that's afraid of this foot log, he ran across that foot log, didn't hit the board but about three times, and he's crossed the foot log, hollering, Rex fell out of the tree and killed himself. Isn't it amazing how bad news inspires some people to have faith in the negative? Never gave a thought to the footlong. See, it makes a difference how bad you want over on the other side. He wanted to be the first to tell them the bad news. He didn't even wait to see if he was conscious. He just went over and told them he fell out of the tree and killed himself. You know, that'll create some excitement. That'll wake your day up. Well, it didn't kill him, of course. It took three or four stitches to sew him up, but he was all right. But the point I'm getting to is the fact that, you see, it depends on how bad you want to walk the footlong or how bad you want to do what God's Word says. You get inspired, but it takes discipline, see. It's like Peter. You know, when Peter was called out of the boat to walk on the water. Now, there's something about that I think we miss sometimes. The fact that Peter looked out there and he saw Jesus. He's in this storm. There's a storm raging. And they see Jesus walking on the water. He said, Lord, if it be you, bid me come. You know what Jesus said? He just said, come. And boy, I mean, Peter is inspired. He jumps out of the boat. He did walk on the water, didn't he? Now, you can't be too hard on the fellow because he did walk on the water. But now notice what happened. As he began to walk on the water, he saw the wind boisterous and the waves so high. And the Bible says, fearing, he began to sink. Who was it? Winston Churchill that said to people in England over there during World War II when they were bombing. He said, the only thing we have to fear is fear itself. Because fear is a destroyer. Fear will bring the very thing you're afraid of. It has a way of attracting and producing the very thing that you're afraid of. That's why we should resist fear like we resist the devil. Now, I'm not talking about a reverential fear. We should fear God a reverential fear. There are some natural things that we should have some caution about. But I'm talking about unbridled fear that Satan puts in us at times. Telling you you're going to fail. It's not going to work for you. You know, I found out something. You can learn things from the devil. Did you know that? Somebody said, well, the devil told me so and so. I said, well, rejoice. He's a liar. You know, if he said it, it's the other way. Peter jumped out of the boat before he was ready. Now notice what happened. He got out of the boat. He's walking on the water. Everything is going very well. But then he began to look at the circumstances. And as he looked at the circumstances, fear came. And the Bible says, fearing, he began to sink. I heard Jerry Savelle say this, and it really got in me. You never saw anybody step off in a pool of water and say, look, he's beginning to sink. He's up to his knees, now he's up to his waist, now he's up to his shoulders. No, when he steps in, he went chugging. He'd gone, man. But Peter didn't do that. He lost his faith by degrees. Now, you know what caused him to lose his faith? He had waterwalking faith. Is there any doubt about that? There couldn't be, because he did walk on the water. He had waterwalking faith, but he had not learned and disciplined himself to the point that he could overcome the fear of the circumstances. Now, let me show you what actually happened. See, I asked the Lord one time, I said, Lord, why did you call Peter out of the boat when he was not really ready for waterwalking faith? Because he was not disciplined to the point that he could get rid of the circumstantial evidence. And the Lord said to me, I didn't do it. And I'm sitting there thinking, well, I know you did. And did you ever argue with the Lord? Am I the only one who ever argued with the Lord? I said, well, I know you did. He said, turn to it and read it. I turned there and read it. He said, see there, you said come. He said, read the previous part of it. See, this is where we jump to conclusions sometimes. And we assume certain things that didn't happen at all. Why, I would have bet a man a horse if I'd have been betting man that Jesus called him out of the boat. But he didn't. You know what he did? He answered Peter's question. Peter said, if it is you, bid me come. The Lord said to me, what was I going to say? No, it's not me, Peter. He said, I'd been lying if I'd have said anything except what I said. Can you see what he did? Now see, we've done that a lot. Many of you have done that to the Lord many times. Let me show you what happened. Peter painted himself in a corner, so to speak. Lord, if that is really you, bid me to come. Have you ever said, now Lord, if you want me to do this, you allow this to happen. And it was God's will for you to do this, but it wasn't the Lord's will for this to happen. You paint yourself in the corner. Now when Peter stepped out on that water, it worked. You know why it worked? Because there was enough faith in the word come to give him the ability to walk on water. Faith is the divine energy of God. Faith cometh by hearing the word of God. God's word is filled with faith. There was enough faith and power in that one word that Jesus spoke to cause him to be victorious over that sea. But fearing, he began to sink. It came by degrees. And he cried out, save me. And the Lord reached down and got him by the hand. Well, you know, I don't know how far he was from him. But when a guy starts going down, he don't have time to talk. He might have got out S and blub, blub, blub if he hadn't have begun to sing. Now the point is that when you begin to observe the circumstances of life that are contrary to what the Word has said, and allow them to rule over you, you begin to lose your faith in the Word of God. Now, what's the remedy for that? The remedy for that is to confess and say and speak what God says and keep our eyes on what the Word says. Keep God's Word within us. Don't let it depart from you. Jesus said, If ye abide in me and my words abide in you, ask what you will and it shall be done. Now notice he said, ask what you will and it shall be done if it abides in you. But you see, if you cast it out, it won't work. So God's word works when we work it. It'll work every time you work it. But if we're not disciplined into keeping God's word within us, And, you know, Proverbs says, write these things on the table of your heart. The only way that you can write God's Word on your heart is by speaking it. David tapped into it when he said, my tongue is as the pen of a ready writer. That's the way you write it on your heart, is by speaking. That's a very simple thing. Mark 11, 23 says that whosoever shall say. Now, somebody said, well, now, who will this work for? Who could move the mountain with this method? Somebody said, well, whosoever. No, there's a lot of whosoevers that wouldn't say. Some people just don't want to say anything in faith. Just don't want to speak anything. Now, let's just put this in practice right now. I want you to think of the mountain of adversity or whatever the biggest problem to you today that seems to be looming before you. And let's speak to it. Say it with me. Mountain. I'm talking to you. Jesus said... You would obey me. I command you. Be gone. Disappear. Be annihilated. You'll not hinder me any longer. Because Jesus said, You would obey me. Now you be obedient to the words of Jesus. I am free for whom the Son has set free. Is free indeed. Is free indeed. And the Word has set me free. And the Word has set me free. Now praise God for that. Hallelujah. God bless you. We do appreciate you joining us for the Concepts of Faith broadcast today. We trust you've been blessed by the broadcast. There'll be some of you who miss parts of it. And you'd like to have this whole teaching. It's available to you. It's offer number 7120. It's a single CD for $8 plus $3 postage and handling, a total of $11, entitled, A Merry Heart Doeth Good Like a Medicine. You know, Proverbs 17.22 says, A merry heart doeth good like a medicine, but a broken spirit drieth the bones. Well, there's certain kinds of cancer that dries the bones. And I'm telling you, Jesus and God put these things in the Word of God. You know, Jesus said, A man will have whatsoever he saith, if he believe and doubt not his heart, believe what he say, and have come to pass. And you hear some people saying things like, You know, when I got 40 years old, I just started coming unglued. And there is a medical condition today where the cells come unglued. Now, I would be careful about saying something about that, because Jesus said you can have what you say. So James said, James chapter 3, he said, if a man can control his words, he won't have any trouble with his body. He said, we put bits in a horse's mouth and we turn about the whole horse. Now, bits to a horse's mouth just puts pressure on his mouth. Don't say the negative things. Don't talk about the things. They may not be lovely and of good report, so don't spend time meditating on it because it creates images in you. The things that happen to you in life is not what defeats you in life. It's what you think about what happened to you. And people get the idea, well, you know, God just sent this my way. Well, the thing that came your way won't defeat you in life. But if you believe God sent it, it may very well defeat you because you're going to have high expectation based on wrong information. You're going to have things all squirreled up in your mind and thinking that God is your problem and not the answer. That's CD offer number 7120. It's a single CD for $8 plus $3 postage and handling, total of $11. It's entitled, A Merry Heart Doeth Good Like a Medicine. We have a toll-free order line, 1-877-396-9400. Until tomorrow, this Charles Capps reminding you, the enemy is defeated, God is exalted, and Jesus is coming soon.
To order the product offered today, call 1-877-396-9400 or write Charles Capps, P.O. Box 69, England, Arkansas, 72046. A complete list of CDs, books, and DVDs are available online at Through the website, you can listen to this radio program again and subscribe to our podcast. This broadcast is sponsored by Charles Capps Ministries and our listeners in this area.
In this engaging broadcast, Charles Capps discusses the interplay between faith and fear, urging listeners to cultivate positive imagery through God’s Word. By replacing visions of fear with faith, it's possible to traverse the 'Grand Canyons' of life. Through simple illustrations, Capps points out how fear is ingrained by words, and how a shift in perspective can alter one's spiritual and physical outcomes. The episode culminates in the power of laughter, revealing it as an effective medicine. Tune in to discover the practical steps to harness laughter as a tool for well-being, proving that indeed a merry heart does good like a medicine.
We are glad you could join us today for the Concepts of Faith broadcast. This program is dedicated to teach you how to put the Word of God to work so that it will make a positive difference in the everyday circumstances of your life. And now, here's Charles Capps.
See, it's one thing to just say it, and it's another thing to believe and doubt not in your heart and believe what you're saying. Believe what you're saying. Now, to continually believe what you're saying, you're going to have to develop yourself in that, and it just doesn't come overnight. It takes discipline. So, if we're going to operate in the principles of God... There are formulas in the Scripture, and yet there are principles. And if you try to operate a formula without the principle, then you've got problems on your hands. Now, the problem is that sometimes and many times we jump to conclusions about things in the Bible. It's like someone said, the only exercise some people get is jumping to conclusions and running down their neighbors. Laughter You know, from some of the things we say, sometimes I wonder how that a child ever grows up, you know, in our home and ever understands anything we're talking about. Because of some of the things we say, you know. Now, my daughter, Annette, she's here with us in this meeting. She's helping us at the book table. When she's about three years old, see, I was always going fishing and hunting, and I'd come in with squirrels and clean them, you know, and Peggy would cook them. We'd have squirrels. We'd have catfish. I'd go fishing, catch catfish, and come in. So we're sitting down eating catfish one night, and we had hushpuppies. Now, we're eating there, and she heard us talking about the hushpuppies, and she looked over at me and said, Daddy, where'd you kill these hushpuppies? So it's easy to misunderstand some things sometimes. I know that even grown people at times misunderstand things like that. I know I was out in the northwest part of the country, a friend of mine out there that I was holding a meeting. We went fishing, deep sea fishing out there, or went out salmon fishing. We caught some fish, and I said, I don't know why they don't fry salmon. I don't understand it. I've never been anywhere where they fry salmon. I said, if you loan me your kitchen tonight, we're going to have fried salmon. Well, he said, all right. So we're over there. We've cut up this fish, and I'm rolling them in cornmeal and frying them like you do bass in Arkansas. One of his church members called and said, my wife, she'd fix hush puppies. And she's got them cooking. And he had just eaten one of them. And he was just thrilled by it. The guy said, what are you all doing? He said, well, we're cooking, we're frying salmon. He said, nobody fries salmon. He said, well, we are. He said, say, have you ever had any hush puppies? Oh, yeah. He said, I used to have a pair of them. See, we get visions. It's just like Brother Copeland was talking about. Words produce visions or images sometimes. You know, I got to thinking about these things the other day. And some of the funniest things in life are true. When we were right there by that barn where I tried to fly off of it, we were fishing one day. I always go out there and go fishing. I'd bake my hook with a piece of bacon or something. And I'm fishing in this little pond. I'm catfishing, and when I pull my hook out to see how it's doing, I laid it down. We had about an eight-pound tomcat, and this tomcat come running up there and grabbed that piece of bacon. When he did, I jerked to get away from him. I caught the cat all right. Right in the lip. You talk about a struggle. You've got an eight-pound cat walking around on the ground on the end of a hook. It scared me, and I'm hollering, you know, and mother comes out to see what's going on, and she sees I've caught the cat. She says, wait a minute. She runs back in the house. She comes out with a butcher knife about this long. Now, I had visions. I thought she's going to clean the cat, you know. And I started crying and screaming. I didn't hear a word she said for what I saw. She's going to cut the hook out of the cat's mouth. But I thought we're going to have a dead cat, you know. So words produce images inside you as an individual. And that's what God's Word is designed to do, is to produce an image inside you. Now let me show you how this works. When I was probably 12 years old, my dad had bought me a little, oh, I think we called it a James cycle or something. And I'd been riding that thing, and we had a 2x6 laying out there on the ground. It was, I guess, 15, 20 foot long. And I'd ride that thing down that 2x6. And I decided, you know, I'll just stretch this 2x6 across this big ditch out here. And I'll just ride it across there. I told Dad what I was going to do, and he said, you better not do that. Well, I said, there's no reason I can't do it. I'm riding it fine right here. He said, you better not do that. You'll get in trouble. Well, he went on off, and I drug that tube six across that ditch. And I back off, and here I'm going. Me, James Sackle, and all went off in that ditch. Now, somebody said, what's the difference? The difference is the image that you have. Now, let me show you something. If we laid a 2x4 out here, there's probably no one in this building that could not walk that 2x4 on this carpet. Probably no one. But now let's raise the 2x4 10 foot high. How many can walk it? Quite a few of them. Now let's raise it 20 foot high. You've lost about half of them. Now let's put it across the Grand Canyon. Now what happened? You lost them all. Why? Same two before, but the difference is the image they have. You know, when the two before is there on the ground, you see yourself walking it. You see yourself walking it. When you raise it, some of you start seeing yourself falling off. When you get it across the Grand Canyon, you have visions of disaster. Hmm? Hmm? Now, see, I'm talking about some practical things. That until you get the Word of God engrafted into your spirit and practice God's principles, when the devil comes with all of the deep ditches you fall in, you know, there's just no way across them. Because you have visions of failure. That's why we have to learn to think like God thinks. And talk like God talks. Because you know what produces those images? You know what produces fear in a child? About height. Don't get on that. You'll fall off and hurt yourself. Have you noticed that a little boy... I mean, we've got a little grandson. He wasn't but about a year old. He was climbing everything he could get on. And I don't know that he ever fell off anything and got hurt. But he probably got told that. I mean... Well, I don't know whether my daughter did or not because we learned some things in the last several years. See, fear is engrafted into a child many times by the words that are spoken to them. And that's where you get your fears. Many times that's where your fear comes from. Fear of failure comes from what the devil said about what you're doing. I'm amazed at the people that will say, you know, the devil said to me so-and-so. The devil said this to me. The devil said that to me. When they get through telling you all, the devil said, they said, Brother Capps, do you have a word for me from the Lord? I said, yes. I have a word for you from the Lord. Quit listening to the devil. It's easier. It's easier to hear God than it is the devil. But you see, if you get trained to listening to the devil. Now let me show you something. The Bible says, faith cometh behearing, right? Faith in God comes behearing the word of God. Now that being true, there's an opposite end to that truth. You see, there's a reciprocal to every truth. If faith in God and his word comes behearing the word of God, then where do you suppose faith in the devil comes from? Now faith in the devil is fear, right? Actually, that's what it is. It's fear. It's perverted faith. So if faith in God's Word comes by hearing what God said, the more you hear what the devil said, you'll have faith in the devil, or fear. Now, if faith is a substance of things hoped for, or things desired, then fear, being an opposite force, is diametrically opposed to faith. Then that fear is the substance of things not desired. So the difference in walking a two-by-four on this floor and one over the Grand Canyon is one thing, the image that you have. That's the reason that a guy that walks a tightrope or a cable, you know, in high places and the guys, what do they call them, that do these big buildings, they walk 30 and 40 stories high on these buildings on a little piece of iron like that. And they have no fear of that. Why? Because they've learned... Their ability. They've learned to discount height. They've learned that if they can walk it on the ground, eventually they can walk it up there. But the difference is practice. The difference is discipline of the mind. They begin to see themselves doing it. Instead of seeing themselves fall. Now can you see that? It's as easy actually to stay on that two before. If you stretched a curtain under that two before and made it look like grass, everybody could walk it across the Grand Canyon. So you see what the problem is then when it comes to fear and faith. If you're doing something that seems to be... beyond your ability or what you've learned, then fear comes. And fear is the substance of things not desired. Now, if you were walking across the Grand Canyon on a two before, the thing that you don't desire is to fall off, right? Job said, the thing that I greatly feared came upon me. What produced it? The fear. The fear produced it. Faith will put you over in line. Fear will cause the manifestation of the thing that you don't desire. Just the same as faith will cause the manifestation of the thing that you do desire. God bless you. I do appreciate you joining us for the Concepts of Faith broadcast today. Now, before I leave the broadcast, I want to remind you that all of this week we have CD offer number 7120. That's CD offer number 7120, A Merry Heart Doeth Good Like a Medicine. A single CD for $8 plus $3 postage and handling, a total of $11. Now, when we talk about A Merry Heart Doeth Good, we're talking about laughter doeth good like a medicine. And I know that you realize this, that laughter is much cheaper than medicine today. I saw a cartoon the other day where this guy said to the pharmacist, said, what are the side effects of this medicine? And he said, poverty. Well, that's the way it is in some things today. But there's something about laughter that releases the endorphins within your body and causes you to feel good, causes your body to work better. Laughter doeth good like a medicine. And you need to realize that God didn't have these things put in the Bible just to fill up the pages of the Bible. These are truths that will actually affect your life. A merry heart doeth good like a medicine. Now, in this, we talk about the fact that people many times speak things they don't mean to just be facetious or funny or just to speak contrary speech. You know, people get the idea, well, I'm going to say it opposite from what it is, and that's funny. Well, they call it a little bitty dog when it's a great big dog, or a great big dog when it's a little bitty chihuahua. Well, that's crooked speech, and it has effect on you. Now, the Bible teaches us that we should release faith in our words. Whosoever shall say, believe, doubt not his heart, believe what he saith, and it will come to pass. The Scripture says he shall have whatsoever he saith. Well, we've got to say what the Word says if we're going to believe in it and release faith in every word. That's offer number 7120. for a total of $11. We have a toll-free order line, 1-877-396-9400. That's 1-877-396-9400. Until tomorrow, this is Charles Capps reminding you, the enemy is defeated, God is exalted, and Jesus is coming soon.
To order the product offered today, call 1-877-396-9400 or write Charles Capps, P.O. Box 69, England, Arkansas 72046. A complete list of CDs, books, and DVDs are available online at Through the website, you can listen to this radio program again and subscribe to our podcast. This broadcast is sponsored by Charles Capps Ministries and our listeners in this area.
Join us in this episode of Concepts of Faith as we explore the intricacies of applying faith in everyday life. Charles Capps delves into the difference between the formulaic application of faith and understanding its deeper principles. Through humor and real-world examples, we learn how shallow interpretations can lead to missed opportunities and how a grounded faith can transform one’s life.
We are glad you could join us today for the Concepts of Faith broadcast. This program is dedicated to teach you how to put the Word of God to work so that it will make a positive difference in the everyday circumstances of your life. And now, here's Charles Capps.
Now let's talk about that for a minute. See, you can misjudge things from just a little understanding of it. It's like the story I heard about the Cajun. He was sitting down on one of those bayous down in Louisiana, and you know, he's fishing. And there's a guy come by there, and he said, is there any way for me to get across this bayou? He said, yeah. I said, it's no problem. The guy had on knee boots. He said, if you go right down there, right where that willow limb is hanging out over the water, he said, you can walk right across there with no problem at all. The guy goes down there, and he steps off of that bank, and he just went ka-chug. I mean, floated his hat off his head. He'd come out of there spitting and sputtering and come back up there and said, I thought you told me that was shallow down there. Well, he said, I don't understand that. He said, there was a little duck a while ago that didn't have legs but about four inches long. Walked right across that. Now, would you say that he misjudged the situation? He just didn't think far enough, see. Now that's a little humorous, but you laugh about that. If you're not careful, you'll do the same thing in some of the things the Bible says. Now see Mark 11, 23 says, Whosoever shall say to the mountain, Be removed, be cast into the sea, shall not doubt in his heart, but shall believe those things which he says shall come to pass. He shall have whatever he saith. Now, see, this guy that said to my friend why that stuff doesn't work, because I said 300 times in one day I had a car, but I didn't get it. Well, you see, he got a hold of the formula, but he didn't get the principle. The principle is you believe, you doubt not in your heart, you believe the things you're saying will come to pass. There's a lot involved in that. I like to say it this way. It won't work just because you say it, but saying it is involved in working it. You see, you could have the formula but not be involved with the principle and you're going to bomb out somewhere. You're going to end up in the ditch either on the right hand or on the left hand side of the road. So we need to study the scriptures and know. I know for a fact that when I got a hold of that and began to see it and began to confess the word of God. Started studying that. The Lord said to me one day, said, you need to study that scripture some more. I thought, I've heard Brother Hagin teach on it. I've heard Brother Copeland teach on it. I believe I've got everything that is in there. And he said, you better read it some more. And you know, I read it, and I read it, and I read it, and I read it, and I thought, and I dwelt on it, and I stopped, and I'd think about it. See, on the surface, sometimes you miss something. And he said, believe those things which he saith. And the word those things just stood out to me when I thought on it. See, not just what he said to the mountain, but what he's been saying about everything. See, to learn to release faith in every word you say. Say the things that you believe come to pass. Don't talk the foolishness like, I laughed, I thought I'd die. Just die and go. I'm going to die if I don't. You better not believe that or you're in trouble. Now let me give you an illustration of the difference in a formula and a principle. When I was about, I'm trying to think, I think I was about four years old, maybe, and my brother was about seven. Now, we're standing out there on the farm one day, and we're watching these birds jump off the barn. They lied on top of the barn, and they'd sit there a while, and they'd jump, and they'd flop their wings, and they'd just fly off into the wild blue yonder. My brother, being older than I was, he got to looking at that, and he said, you know, if we had wings, we could fly. He said, I'll tell you what, I'll just make us a set of wings. And said, we'll fly down to our cousin's house, down to Junior's house. Billy Joe and Junior was kind of our favorite cousin, you know. They lived about five miles away. So he went in the house and he engineered a set of wings. Now they looked like perfectly good wings to me. To a four-year-old boy, you know, I mean. So he gets those wings. And he climbs up on the barn. Now the edge of the eave of the barn is only about six or eight foot high. It was a pretty steep pitch, so on the sides it came down pretty close to about six foot high. He first started to climb all the way up to the top, but he decided, no, I'll try it on the lower level first. So he got up there. Now here's a seven-year-old boy. It's got a set of wings strapped on his arms now. Now they were perfectly good wings as far as we were concerned. They were two shoebox lids tied on with a string. And he got up there and he jumped. And he just went cathod and he hit the ground, man. And you talk about somebody disappointed. I'm disappointed. I'm disappointed. I run over there, you know, and I look down at him. I say, buddy, why didn't you flop your wings? He's laying there on his back. He says, I didn't have time. I said, well, give them to me. I know I can do it. There's no doubt I can fly. You know, I mean, I could see his problem was he didn't flop his wings. And it's very plain to see that that's all the birds are doing. They jump and they flop their wings. They sail off into the wild blue yonder. No reason we can't do it. We've got the wings, so he helps me up on the barn. Now let me tell you, for a four-year-old boy... Now, see, I told this somewhere else, and he saw it on satellite, and he said, you made me look foolish. You said I was nine years old. He said, I wasn't nine years old. But anyway, for a four-year-old boy and a seven-year-old boy to get on a barn and to jump off a six-foot barn, they've got to believe in what they're doing. Now, see, there wasn't a thing wrong with what we're believing. I mean, faith is there. There was something wrong with what we were believing, but there was nothing wrong with our believing in what we were doing. We had faith, no doubt about that. The problem was it was based on the wrong assumption. Now, when you do something based on the wrong assumption or on the wrong principle, you're headed for trouble, man. Well, anyway, help me up on this barn. Now, I'm standing up there, and I've got a pair of overalls on, brand new overalls. They're about three inches too long. And I'm getting ready for my solo flight. Now, see, the thing about this that I didn't realize, in fact, I didn't realize this until I started talking about this and telling these stories, was that when I was small, I always wanted to fly. The proverb says, when desire cometh, it is a tree of life. Now, I didn't know anything about the principles of the Word of God at four years old. I did go to Sunday school, all right, but I don't think they taught Mark 11, 23 where I went. But now you see, I had a desire. When desire cometh. Now that doesn't mean when the thing you desired comes, it becomes a tree of life. It means when desire is in you, it becomes a tree of life. The reason is it'll lead you to the means to cause the thing you desire to come to pass. That's why our desire should be given of God. Delight yourself in the Lord and he'll give you the desires of your heart. Not everything you desired, but he'll give you the desire that should be in your heart. Now, from that time, I started confessing and saying that I'm going to fly one of these days. Every time an airplane would come over, I'm going to fly one of those one of these days. I didn't know what I was doing. But it programmed me and put a desire in me to fly an airplane. And eventually I made it, but I had to get a better set of wings. Now, I'm standing on the barn and I got the shoebox lid strapped on my arms. So I jumped, and when I jumped, my britch's leg hung on a nail in the top of that barn that was holding, you know, they had those old square nails in those things, and it worked up about a half an inch, and my britch's leg being long hung on that when I jumped, and I had plenty of time to flop. I mean, I was flopping the wings. Inverted. And I flopped, and I flopped, and I flopped, and I flopped my wings, but I didn't fly. Now there was nothing wrong with my believing because I was believing all right. The thing I was believing was wrong. Can you see what I'm saying? Now you laugh about that, but some of you have been doing the same thing. You've been operating on the wrong assumption. And God's Word is very explicit in the things that we must do. See, if we're going to take Mark 11, 23. Mark 11, 23 says, Whosoever shall say to the mountain, Be removed, be cast into the sea. Doubt not his heart. Believe what he says will come to pass. He shall have, he shall have. Eventually he shall have. What's there he saith? If he believe, if he doubt not his heart. If he believe what he's saying will come to pass. But if you're not believing what you're saying. See, a lot of people say the right things. A lot of people are saying and making the right noises, but they don't believe, they don't have any faith in their words because they've talked foolishness, doubt, and unbelief, and laughed till I thought I'd die. Dying to go, going to die of a doubt. There is no faith released in their words. See, it's one thing to just say it, and it's another thing to believe and doubt not in your heart and believe what you're saying. Believe what you're saying. Now, to continually believe what you're saying, you're going to have to develop yourself in that, and it just doesn't come overnight. It takes discipline. So, if we're going to operate in the principles of God... There are formulas in the Scripture, and yet there are principles. And if you try to operate a formula without the principle, then you've got problems on your hands. Now, the problem is that sometimes and many times we jump to conclusions about things in the Bible. It's like someone said, the only exercise some people get is jumping to conclusions and running down their neighbors. Laughter
God bless you. We do appreciate you joining us for the Concepts of Faith broadcast today. We trust you've been blessed by the broadcast. Now, some of you I know have heard parts of the broadcast. There'll be some of you who miss parts of it. And you'd like to have this whole teaching. It's available to you. It's offer number 7120. It's a single CD for $8 plus $3 postage and handling. A total of $11. Entitled, A Merry Heart Doeth Good Like a Medicine. You know, Proverbs 17.22 says, A merry heart doeth good like a medicine, but a broken spirit dryeth the bones. Well, there's certain kinds of cancer that dries the bones. And I'm telling you, Jesus and God put these things in the Word of God. You know, Jesus said, A man will have whatsoever he saith, if he believe and doubt not his heart, believe what he sayeth, and have come to pass. And you hear some people saying things like, You know, when I got 40 years old, I just started coming unglued. And there is a medical condition today where the cells come unglued. Now, I would be careful about saying something about that because Jesus said you can have what you say. So James said, James chapter 3, he said, if a man can control his words, he won't have any trouble with his body. He said, we put bits in a horse's mouth and we turn about the whole horse. Now, bits to a horse's mouth just puts pressure on his mouth. Don't say the negative things. Don't talk about the things. They may not be lovely and of good report, so don't spend time meditating on it because it creates images in you. The things that happen to you in life is not what defeats you in life. It's what you think about what happened to you. And people get the idea, well, you know, God just sent this my way. Well, the thing that came your way won't defeat you in life. But if you believe God sent it, it may very well defeat you because you're going to have high expectation based on wrong information. You're going to have things all squirreled up in your mind and thinking that God is your problem and not the answer. That's CD offer number 7120. It's a single CD for $8 plus $3 postage and handling, total of $11. It's entitled, A Merry Heart Doeth Good Like a Medicine. We have a toll-free order line, 1-877-396-9400. Until tomorrow, this Charles Capps reminding you, the enemy is defeated, God is exalted, and Jesus is coming soon.
To order the product offered today, call 1-877-396-9400 or write Charles Capps, P.O. Box 69, England, Arkansas, 72046. A complete list of CDs, books, and DVDs are available online at Through the website, you can listen to this radio program again and subscribe to our podcast. This broadcast is sponsored by Charles Capps Ministries and our listeners in this area.
Discover how the perception of events can shape your reality in this enlightening episode of Concepts of Faith. Through stories and biblical references, Charles Capps highlights the difference between formulas and principles in faith teachings, urging listeners to align their speech with God's Word. Tune in to rethink how you approach everyday language and how it affects not just your spirit but your life's outcome.
We're glad you could join us today for the Concepts of Faith broadcast. This program is dedicated to teach you how to put the Word of God to work so that it will make a positive difference in the everyday circumstances of your life. And now, here's Charles Capps.
I want you to open your Bibles with me to Proverbs, the 17th chapter. I want to share some things with you today It may be a little bit humorous, some of the things. It's not just to entertain you. But Brother Copeland said something in the morning service that sparked this within me because the Lord had already been dealing with me about it for some time. And that was the fact that laughter or a merry heart doeth good like a medicine. And I'll tell you, laughter is much, much cheaper than medicine. Amen. And the Word of God has a lot to say about it. I want us to read from Proverbs chapter 17. And let's read verse 22. A merry heart doeth good like a medicine, but a broken spirit dryeth the bones. Now, you don't want dry bones, do you? A merry heart doeth good like a medicine. Now, you know, that being true, we ought to take heed to the things that we say in life. Because words are important, and not only that, words are powerful. Jesus said they're spirit, they're life, and they're giving life to the things that you speak. So if a merry heart doeth good like a medicine, then why would we say, tickle me to death? Now you hear people say that all the time, and they don't realize what they're saying. Some of them don't. They just say it because it just seems like the thing to say, you know, in the situation. But you know, Proverbs also makes a statement that there is a way that seemeth right unto man, but the end thereof are the ways of death. Now, I was in a little restaurant there in Arkansas. Actually, it's just five bar stools in a little old town there where I live. And I was sitting there eating a hamburger one day, and the lady said to the lady that was sitting there on the stool eating a hamburger, said, Do you know, so-and-so says she got her foot operated on, and you know, she's just tickled to death. And I'm sitting there listening to this, you know, and she said, Yeah, I know. I talked to her and said she don't have any pain at all. She's just tickled to death with her operation. And I'm sitting there thinking, you know, if I said, isn't that a shame? She got her foot healed and now she's dead. If I'd have said that, they wouldn't have known what in the world are you talking about? Because you see, most people don't even think about what they've said. But the devil has used the vocabulary to confuse situations and confuse things and to get us in a situation where we don't really believe what we're saying will come to pass. And see, that's the thing that Jesus tried to get over to us in the Word of God. The thing that James, the brother of Jesus, tried to get over to us. That if you could control your words, you wouldn't have any trouble with your body. He said it's like bits in a horse's mouth. You know what a bit does to a horse's mouth? It puts pressure on his tongue. If you put pressure on your tongue, you can control your body. Somebody said, well, yeah, you know, I just love pie. I just can't eat without pie. I guess I'll get big as a barn. You probably will. We've trained ourselves that way, you see. So if a merry heart doeth good like a medicine, then we ought to say, thank God it tickled me to life. Anybody here taking medicine to die? What would you do if your doctor gave you a prescription, said take three of these a day until they kill you? I know what you'd do with it. You'd throw it as far as you could. But you see, some of the things we say are programmed to defeat us in life, not put us over, to bring the death law into motion. We need to realize that when God says something in his word, you know, he wasn't just putting us in here to fill in pages in the Bible. There's something else we need to realize. Is that the things that Jesus said, they're not that way just because he said them. But he said them because they were that way. And if we can understand that, we can enter into some things. Now, you hear some people say, well, you know, that just blows my mind. Well, it don't blow my mind. My mind's put together better than that. You know, I just come unglued every time something like that happens, somebody says. Well, you're not put together good enough if you come in unglued. You better try some super glue. God's word will get you on the right track. And it'll keep you from entering into some of these things that'll get you in trouble. Now, there's some other scriptures here in Proverbs. I want us to look at chapter 15, verse 13. A merry heart maketh a cheerful countenance, but by sorrow of the heart the spirit is broken. Now look at verse 15 there in the same chapter. All the days of the afflicted are evil, but he that is of a merry heart hath a continual feast. Hath a continual feast. Now look at verse 23. A man hath joy by the answer of his mouth, or by the words of his mouth. And that's the reason some people don't have any joy. Have you ever noticed when you go to murmuring, complaining, how the negative just keeps adding to negative and it just gets worse? You have to continually work on that. So laughter doeth good like a medicine. We need to learn to think things through before we just enter into them. Things sometimes are easy to be misunderstood. And sometimes because people misunderstand things, there's a different reaction to it. There's a lady that's one of our prayer partners with the ministry. She was in a service one time. She's standing up in this full gospel church, you know, and they've been sitting there and the preacher's been preaching. I don't know what all was going on. Been there for quite some time. They had them all stand when she stood up, her leg had gone to sleep. She fell out in the aisle. And they had a Jericho march and started a revival in that church. Because of what they thought happened, see. They thought she fell out in the spirit. In all the world it was. She just had her leg go to sleep. So you see, it's not so much as what happened. Sometimes it's what you thought happened. Now, the things that happen to you in life do not defeat you or put you over in life. Many times it's what you think about what happened to you. I want you to remember that because it's important. A failure never did cause anybody to be a failure. Neither did prosperity ever make anyone successful. You see, just because you failed once doesn't mean that you're a failure. And just because that you prospered does not mean you're a success. But many times it depends on what you think about what happened to you. The fellow that believes that, well, what happened to me must have been God's will for me the side of negative our failure in life then he becomes defeated in life because of his own thinking wrong thinking misunderstanding situations and circumstances that you face in life and then if we would begin to think like God thinks study the Word of God and act on God's Word the way God has told us to act on it you know some things are simple in life they really are But simple things are not always easy and easy things are not always simple. I remember a friend of mine that used to go fishing with me quite often and he was always a comic kind of cutting up. We was flying one day going down to the White River to go fishing and he's sitting there and all of a sudden he started acting like he was afraid. He started looking out the window of that airplane. He started looking around. He said, listen, he said, what would happen if you was to have a heart attack while I'm flying in this plane with you? I said, well, that's simple. You probably have one too. Some things are very simple, you know. But it's also easy to misunderstand some things and misappropriate things and misjudge a situation, even the Word of God and things of the Bible, you see. Take a fellow out in California that said to a friend of mine, He said, you know, this faith stuff doesn't work. It doesn't work at all. He said, oh, is that right? He said, yeah, that's right. Well, he said, why do you say that? Well, he said, I said 300 times one day I had a new car and I didn't get it. Why don't you take folks like that? You wonder when they get up in the morning how they find the floor. You think maybe they jump off on the wall and they slide down the wall or something, you know. See, he had misunderstood the whole thing. And certainly, sometimes maybe we've left some things unsaid. But he had a formula and he didn't have the principle. It's the principle that makes the formula work. It's not the formula that makes the principle work. Can you see that? Now let's talk about that for a minute. See, you can misjudge things from just a little understanding of it. It's like the story I heard about the Cajun. He was sitting down on one of those bayous down in Louisiana, and you know, he's fishing. And there's a guy come by there, and he said, is there any way for me to get across this bayou? He said, yeah. I said, there's no problem. The guy had on knee boots. He said, if you go right down there, right where that willow limb is hanging out over the water, he said, you can walk right across there with no problem at all. The guy goes down there, and he steps off of that bank, and he just went ka-chug. I mean, floated his hat off his head. He come out of there spitting and sputtering and come back up there and said, I thought you told me that was shallow down there. Well, he said, I don't understand that. He said, there was a little duck a while ago that didn't have legs but about four inches long. Walked right across that. Now, would you say that he misjudged the situation? He just didn't think far enough, see. Now that's a little humorous, but you laugh about that. If you're not careful, you'll do the same thing in some of the things the Bible says. God bless you. I do appreciate you joining us for the Concepts of Faith broadcast today. Now before I leave the broadcast, I want to remind you that all of this week we have CD offer number 7120. That's CD offer number 7120. A merry heart doeth good like a medicine. A single CD for $8 plus $3 postage and handling, a total of $11. Now, when we talk about a merry heart doeth good, we're talking about laughter doeth good like a medicine. And I know that you realize this, that laughter is much cheaper than medicine today. I saw a cartoon the other day where this guy said to the pharmacist, said, what are the side effects of this medicine? And he said, poverty. Well, that's the way it is in some things today. But there's something about laughter that releases the endorphins within your body and causes you to feel good, causes your body to work better. Laughter doeth good like a medicine. And you need to realize that God didn't have these things put in the Bible just to fill up the pages of the Bible. These are truths that will actually affect your life. A merry heart doeth good like a medicine. Now in this, we talk about the fact that people many times speak things they don't mean to just be facetious or funny or just to speak contrary speech. You know, people get the idea, well, I'm going to say it opposite from what it is, and that's funny. Well, they call it a little bitty dog when it's a great big dog, or a great big dog when it's a little bitty chihuahua. Well, that's crooked speech, and it has effect on you. Now, the Bible teaches us that we should release faith in our words. Whosoever shall say, believe, doubt not his heart, believe what he saith, and it will come to pass. The Scripture says he shall have whatsoever he saith. Well, we've got to say what the Word says if we're going to believe in it and release faith in every word. That's offer number 7120. for a total of $11. We have a toll-free order line, 1-877-396-9400. That's 1-877-396-9400. Until tomorrow, this is Charles Capp reminding you, the enemy is defeated, God is exalted, and Jesus is coming soon.
To order the product offered today, call 1-877-396-9400 or write Charles Capps, P.O. Box 69, England, Arkansas, 72046. A complete list of CDs, books, and DVDs are available online at Through the website, you can listen to this radio program again and subscribe to our podcast. This broadcast is sponsored by Charles Capps Ministries and our listeners in this area.
Explore the importance of confessing God's Word and embracing His authority in your life. Charles Capps illustrates the transformative power of Scripture, encouraging listeners to build a positive mindset through biblical confessions. Learn how to activate spiritual authority and overcome life's challenges by aligning your speech with God's Word and harnessing His creative power for everyday victories.
We are glad you could join us today for the Concepts of Faith broadcast. This program is dedicated to teach you how to put the Word of God to work so that it will make a positive difference in the everyday circumstances of your life. And now, here's Charles Capps.
See, we're talking about the creative power of God, how it'll work for you. When you start talking about this scripture, 2 Corinthians 8 and 9, people will say, oh, but Brother Capps, that scripture is talking about spiritually. But I beg your pardon. Read chapter 8. Read chapter 9 of 2 Corinthians. Two whole chapters is talking about nothing but finances. Money. Say money. Money. Sometimes people get embarrassed about talking about money in church. It takes money to preach the gospel. Now listen to what it says. And bless their darling confused hearts. There's a lot of people that'll say, Oh, this prosperity message won't work anywhere but here in the Western world. Listen, this will work in the middle of the Sahara Desert. If you can just find a grain of sand to polish up and give to somebody. Terry Mize, a friend of mine, missionary, he said down in Mexico and some of these other places he goes, Guatemala, he said those people down there can double their financial status in one year by giving. Now you take a man here in the United States that's got a $100 million business. If he ends up next year with $200 million, I'd say that's pretty good prosperity, isn't it? All right, now let me show you the same kind of prosperity in the jungles of Guatemala. A man has three chickens. He gives one to the pastor. Next year he has six chickens. That's the same amount of prosperity as the man that got $200 million over here. Tell me it won't work in the other world. It'll work the same everywhere on the face of this earth. Hallelujah. See, what they do, they get their heads mixed up about Cadillacs and different things. They say, well, what would a guy in Guatemala do with a Cadillac? He don't need a Cadillac. What he needs is four more chickens. And that's the way you get them. It's by giving. And I tell you, it'll work anywhere in the world. That you'll believe God and activate it. Now listen to this. You know the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ that though he was rich, yet for your sakes he became poor. People say, well now Jesus was poor. He didn't have anything here on earth. And we're supposed to follow Jesus. Oh, I beg your pardon. Now wait a minute, wait a minute. Let's analyze that a minute. The curse of the law was threefold. Poverty, sickness, and spiritual death. Jesus redeemed us from the curse. How did he do it? By suffering the curse of the law. He did it for us. You know the grace or the willingness of the Lord Jesus, though he was rich with God in heaven, he stripped himself, he came to this earth, became poverty stricken, far as God was concerned, far as he was concerned. He's poverty stricken on this earth that you, through his poverty, might have abundance. In other words, the reason he suffered poverty on this earth was so you wouldn't have to. He redeemed you from the curse. Now let me ask you something. He redeemed us from sin, didn't he? You're no more redeemed from sin than you are poverty. Now here's what people say. Well, now if he redeemed us from poverty, there'd be no poverty. Let me ask you something. Did he redeem us from sin? Is there any sin? Yeah, you can sin if you want to. You can still sin if you want to. But you see, Jesus suffered it. His intention was to redeem us from it so that we could enter into the abundant life. Now that doesn't mean that everybody will have a million dollars. In fact, prosperity has to do with money, but that's a very small part of it. Prosperity is physically, spiritually, socially, in all the areas of life. Being able to meet your needs and meet the needs of others. Whether it's in a spiritual manner or physical healing or whatever. To minister to the needs of others. That's prosperity. But Jesus suffered poverty that we through his poverty might be made rich. Now the word rich means abundance. So if we can ever get it settled in our minds that Jesus wants us to have abundance. He came that you might have the abundance. Romans 5, 17 says, Having received the abundance of grace and the gift of righteousness, we do reign as kings in life by one Jesus Christ. The Amplified says reign as kings in life. They that receive the abundance of grace. You know there's a lot of people though that won't receive the abundance of grace. You know what grace is? Grace is God's willingness to use His power and His ability on your behalf even though you don't deserve it. Paul said, be strong in grace. You see, in Pentecostal circles, you don't have any trouble with people believing that God's able. But you really have trouble getting people to believe that God's willing and He'll do it now. See, everybody believes God's able. The devil even believes that. He's not going to get anything. But you've got to believe that He's able and He's willing and He'll do it now. If we'll confess His Word, if we'll go with the manner that He gave us. The Lord hath pleasure in the prosperity of His servant, and Abraham's blessings are mine. Psalms 35, 27 and Galatians 3, 14. Then for guidance and for wisdom, here's a confession that the Lord said to me several years ago. He said, Son, if you will confess these scriptures daily, you'll never have any trouble hearing my voice and knowing what I direct you to do. John 16, chapter, verse 13, and James 1, 5. And from that I've formed this confession, the spirit of truth that abideth within me. He teaches me all things. He guides me into all truths. Therefore, I confess, I have perfect knowledge of every situation, every circumstance that I come up against. I have the wisdom of God. Then John 10, 4 and 5, from that I got this confession. I do follow the good shepherd. I know his voice and the voice of a stranger I will not follow. Now see, I caught myself one day saying to the Lord, Lord, I know your word said that your sheep hear your voice, but I don't. You know what the Lord kept saying to me? But I said you do. I said, no, you said that, but I don't. He said, but I said you do. Can you imagine a guy arguing with the Lord, talking with him all the time and saying you don't hear him? He said, but I said you do. Finally, it got over to me. I was saying I didn't and he said I did. He said, son, confess these scriptures that the spirit of truth abides in you and he teaches you all things. He guides you into all truths and you do hear the voice of the good shepherd and the voice of a stranger you will not follow. And he said, if you continually do that, build it into your spirit, you'll never have any trouble hearing from me and knowing what I said. But you see, when you get lax on these things. Now that's why it's necessary to continually confess the Scriptures and the Word of God. You don't ever get to the point that you can just quit confessing the Word of God. You've got to stay at it. If you don't, you'll turn negative on some things. Now whether you've noticed or not, this world's in a negative stream. And it'll carry you down the primrose path to destruction if you get in it. Have you noticed that any old dead fish can float downstream? But it takes a live one to go upstream. So when you start confessing the positive things of life, there's going to be a lot of people think that there's something wrong with you. They want to know what's got into you. Well, just tell them nothing but the Word of God. I'm filled with the knowledge of the Lord's will and all wisdom and spiritual understanding. Somebody said, why, you sound like you're conceited. No, I'm confessing the Word of God from Colossians 1, 9, the prayer that Paul prayed, that they would be filled with the knowledge of the Lord's will. See, we can enter into that. It is available to us. But you see, Jesus is not going to come back from the dead to make that happen to us. And it's not going to happen just because it's in the Bible. It's going to happen when we call for it. We have to call for these things. I put off the old man, I put on the new man, which is renewed in the knowledge after the image of him that created me. I've received the spirit of wisdom and revelation and the knowledge of him, the eyes of my understanding being enlightened. I'm not conformed to the world, but I'm transformed by the renewing of my mind. My mind is renewed by the word of God. Now there's something about God's Word that will get into your spirit and change your attitude, change your direction in life, change the way you think. It'll change the way you talk when you begin to say these things. But it's up to you to do it. I'm increasing in the knowledge of God. I'm strengthened with all might according to His glorious power. Colossians 1, 10 and 11. These things are available to us. We confess it. We speak it. We proclaim it. The joy of the Lord is my strength. The Lord is the strength of my life. God is on my side. God is in me now. Who can be against me? He hath given to me all things that pertain to life and godliness. For I am a partaker of the divine nature. See, that comes from 2 Corinthians 6, 16. John 10, 10. 2 Peter 1, 3 and 4. And Romans 8, 31. It's the power of God. The Apostle Paul said, I'm not ashamed of the gospel, for it is the power of God unto salvation to everyone that believeth. Now, the last one I want to talk about here. Jesus gave me authority to use his name. Now, this is based on Matthew, the 16th chapter, verse 19. John 16, verse 23 and 24, and Ephesians 6, 12. Jesus gave me authority to use his name. That which I bind on earth is bound in heaven. That which I loose on earth is loosed in heaven. Therefore, in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ, I bind the principalities, the powers, the rulers of the darkness of this world. I bind and cast down spiritual wickedness in high places, render them harmless and ineffective against me, against my business, against my property, against my ministry, against my family. And in the name of Jesus, I loose the spirit and the power and the wisdom of God to lead us and direct us and guide us in the wisdom of God. the reason I can bind the principalities and powers and cast them down, render them harmless and ineffective. By faith and the power of the name of Jesus, I have authority to use it because I have a physical flesh, blood, and bone body and I have the faith of God in me from the Word of God. Can you say amen? Thank you so much for joining us for the Concepts of Faith broadcast today. Trust you've been with us all this week. We have a CD offer number 7210. It's two CDs for $15 plus $4 posted and handling a total of $19. It's entitled, God's Creative Power Will Work for You. God's Word is creative power. You can use God's Word to overcome the circumstances of life if you know how to do it. But you have to learn to think like God thinks. And we do that by saying what God said about us. If you say what God says about you long enough, you will get it on the inside of you. And when it abides in you, then, Jesus said, ask what you will. He said, if you abide in me, my word is about you. Ask what you will, and it shall be done. This is the practical side of using God's Word to enter into the promises of God. Now, we're not talking about trying to get something God doesn't want you to have. You know, the Word of God is the will of God. Now, in the book of Psalms, it says, If you delight yourself in the Lord, he'll give you the desires of your heart. Now, I take that to mean, and I believe this is in the context, if you delight yourself in the Lord, you delight yourself in the Word of God, and then that Word creates the desires of God in your heart. Then your desires are of God. So it keeps you in line with the Word of God and the will of God, and then faith cometh by hearing. As long as you speak what the enemy says and talk your problems and your failures, you're going to have great faith in problems and failures and no faith in God to deliver you. But if you will confess what God said, greater is he that's in you than he that's in the world. The enemy had no power over me, overcome evil with good. Keep God's word in your mouth. God's word is established in heaven. What are you going to establish on earth? Blessing or curses? So many people do that. and they don't realize they're establishing the curses. That's offer number 7210. It's two CDs for $15 plus $4 posted and handling a total of $19. We have a toll-free order line, 1-877-396-9400. Until Monday, this is Charles Capps reminding you the enemy is defeated, God is exalted, and Jesus is coming soon.
To order the product offered today, call 1-877-396-9400 or write Charles Capps, P.O. Box 69, England, Arkansas 72046. A complete list of CDs, books, and DVDs are available online at Through the website, you can listen to this radio program again and subscribe to our podcast. This broadcast is sponsored by Charles Capps Ministries and our listeners in this area.
In this thought-provoking episode of Concepts of Faith, Charles Capps explores the misconceptions surrounding the will of God and the pursuit of happiness. Through biblical principles and real-life testimonies, learn how delighting in God and His Word can naturally align your desires with His plans. Charles breaks down how resisting the devil and proclaiming God’s promises can open doors to God-given desires and abundant life. Understand the importance of financial giving and how it can lead to blessings that mirror the riches of heaven. Through practical examples and spiritual insights, listeners will be encouraged to stop speaking problems and start confessing solutions, unlocking a faith-filled life where God’s creative power brings dreams to fruition.
We're glad you could join us today for the Concepts of Faith broadcast. This program is dedicated to teach you how to put the Word of God to work so that it will make a positive difference in the everyday circumstances of your life. And now, here's Charles Capps.
That's what I want to point out to you. That these things don't happen to you just because it's in the Bible, just because the Scripture says that we're redeemed from the curse. That doesn't mean that none of the curses are going to come to you. They're going to all come to you if you don't resist them. With the Word of God. Can you see that? So we have a responsibility to be a doer of the Word of God and to do what God tells us to do. Submit yourself to God. Resist the devil and he will flee from you. Now the Bible didn't say flee from God. It says he'll flee from you. There's no place in the Scripture that says pray for God to get the devil off you. So we begin to confess God's Word. Now here's a good one. On page 17 of this little booklet, if overweight, take these gospel capsules before meals three times a day. Now listen to this. You may think, now that's a foolish thing. I do not desire to eat so much I become overweight. I present my body to God. Now see, the apostle Paul said, present your body to God. I present my body to God. Somebody said, yeah, but I do desire to eat so much I become overweight. I'd be lying if I said that. No, no, you're changing your desires by your words, see. You want to know why you get in situations sometimes, especially when it comes to eating habits. You hear people say, well, I'll tell you, I just can't eat without pie. I guess I'll get big as a barn. They probably will. Then you always got these faith folks that says, glory to God, I'm going to cast the calories out of this pie. You fixing to get fat. Now, I can tell you how to get the calories out of the pie all right. It works every time. Eat it. You'll get every one of them. But now you begin to say, I do not desire. What you're doing, you're changing your desire. The Bible says you can have what you say if you believe, if you doubt not in your heart, and you believe what you say and it will come to pass. I do not desire to eat so much and become overweight. I present my body to God. My body is the temple of the Holy Ghost which dwelleth in me. I'm not my own. I'm bought with a price. In the name of Jesus, I refuse to overeat. Body, settle down. And in the name of Jesus, conform to the Word of the living God. I mortify. Notice, it's something I do. I confess it. Then I mortify, put to death the deeds and desires of the body and command it to come into line with the Word of God. Now, I had a man tell me, where was this, honey, that this fellow told me the other day, just a few days ago? It was in Dallas, Texas. He said, I lost over 100 pounds. And he said, I eat all I want. But what he said I did, I took this confession thing and I confessed it until it killed my desire for food. He lost over 100 pounds. He's still 100 pounds overweight. But he weighed over 400 pounds. And he said, lost 100 pounds. And he said, I eat as much as I want. He said, I just don't want as much. Now see, this is the key to it. And this is what makes it so easy. When you do it God's method, see, this is calling things that are not. See, the thing that's not is, somebody might say, well, I do desire to eat so much that I become overweight. Well, you're calling for the thing that's not there. You don't have the desire not to eat, so call for it. See, take it scripturally and call for it. You call it the way the Word says it ought to be. Not the way it is. Don't establish present circumstances. And I've had several people write me and tell me how that one man told me he lost 30 pounds in I forget how many days, 60 or 90 days. And he said, he told me the same thing. He said, I eat just as much as I want. But he said, I found out I didn't want as much after I started confessing the word. After about three months, he said it began to curtail my appetite. Amen. Now you can call it mind over matter if you want to, but it's not. It's faith in God and His Word over matter and bringing your body under control. We better get off of that. Let's move on over here to some of these other confessions. I delight myself in the Lord and He gives me the desires of my heart. Now let's look at that for a minute. That's in Psalms 37 and 4. Delight yourself in the Lord, he'll give you the desires of your heart. Now, so many times we take that and we say, Oh, glory to God, I delight myself in the Lord, and he'll give me a new Cadillac and a new house and all this. Well, now that possibly might be included in there somewhere down the line, but that's not really what he's saying here. Delight yourself in the Lord is to delight yourself in the Word of God. Now, when you delight yourself in the Word of God, God will put the desires in your heart that are of God. Do you see what I'm saying? The desires then that are in you will be of God. That's why that when you delight yourself in the Lord, you'll lose your appetite for food and some things that used to just run you wild. You're just like that commercial on television. You just come flying through the house and run up against the cheesecake in the refrigerator. You can change those things with the Word of God and your confession and by resisting the devil. You can change it. So if you delight yourself in the Lord, He'll put the desires that are of God in your heart. Now I'll tell you quite frankly, finding the will of God, some people really struggle with it. Because they say, if I sell out to God, He'll make me go to Africa, sure as the world. But now listen to what he said. If you delight yourself in the Lord, he'll give you the desires of your heart. If you delight yourself in the Lord and in his word, if he wants you to go to Africa, he'll put a burning desire in your heart to go to Africa. I'm convinced God will never make you go anywhere you don't want to go if you're fully submitted to God. Amen. In fact, it's what the Apostle James called the perfect law of liberty. You do exactly what you want to do, and you're in the perfect will of God. Now, you've got to be careful with that. Now, listen to me. You've got to be totally sold out, willing to do what God wants you to do, and then He'll put the desires that are of God in your heart. Then you end up getting to do exactly what you have the greatest desire to do, and you're in the perfect will of God. Isn't that right, Tom? You move time back 12 years and Tom would have fainted if he could see what he's doing right now. Fainted dead out. I mean, you couldn't have convinced him in a million years that he'd be pastor of church. Even teaching a Sunday school class, he would have fainted at that. But now he's doing exactly what's the desire of his heart. Same thing with me. I hated to teach a Sunday school class. They forced me into it. Till God gave me a teaching gift. And I delighted myself in the Lord. And then it got to where, man, just show me a couple of folks I can teach and I'll go teach them. I just couldn't wait, man. teaching prayer groups, and boy, just anywhere they'd give me audience, man, I'd go teach them something. Why? Because I delighted myself in God, and He changed the desires in my heart. Then I got to do just exactly what I wanted to do, and I was in the perfect will of God. Now, brother, you can't get it any better than that. I mean, you can't beat that with a stick, as a fellow says. I have given, it is given unto me, good measure, pressed down, shaken together, running over. Jesus 638. I know some call it Luke 638. I call it Jesus 638. Because that's what Jesus said. Now notice, that's a future tense promise. In other words, if you give, it will be given unto you. Good measure, pressed down, shaken together, running over. But now, notice. If you give, once you give, it's not future tense anymore. Once I've given, since you gave in the offering tonight, you quit saying it shall be given. You start saying, now it is given unto me. Good measure, pressed down, shaken together, running over. Thank God, men given to my bosom. I sow bountifully, I reap bountifully. My God meets my need according to his riches in glory by Christ Jesus. Now, everybody wants Philippians 4.19 to work for them. My God shall supply all your need according to His riches in glory by Christ Jesus. But Philippians 4.19 is not for everybody. Just for those that gave the way the Philippian church gave to Paul once and again to his necessity, even sacrificially to Paul's need. And that's why Paul could say, And my God shall supply all your need. according to his riches in glory. You know what it means to supply your need according to his riches in glory? That's to supply your need here on earth like you was already up there. Ooh, that's abundance, isn't it? Now, let's follow it on over a little bit here in this booklet. There is no lack. My God supplies my need according to his riches in glory. Now, see, you've got to activate that promise by your giving. You've got to do it. The Lord is my shepherd and I do not want because Jesus was made poor that I through his poverty might be made rich. He came that I might have life and have it more abundantly. Now see, this confession is taken from several scriptures. From Psalms 23, 1, 2 Corinthians 8, 9. 2 Corinthians 8, 9 says, You know the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ, though He was rich, yet for your sakes He became poor, that ye through His poverty might be made rich. In other words, He suffered poverty that you might have abundance. But Jesus suffered poverty that we through His poverty might be made rich. Now the word rich means abundance. So if we can ever get it settled in our minds that Jesus wants us to have abundance. He came that you might have an abundant life. Thank you so much for joining us for the Concepts of Faith broadcast today. And before I leave the broadcast, I'll remind you that all of this week we have CD offer number 7210. It's entitled God's Creative Power. Two CDs for $15 plus $4 postage and handling. A total of $19. I take the God's Creative Power booklet, the little mini book, and go through these confessions explaining why we use these and why we confess these things. It sets the law of faith in motion. It causes faith to come. It changes the heart. And it keeps the answer before you. You know, some of you, you're keeping the problem before you. You talk your problem. You think your problem. You wake up in the night thinking about the problem. You sleep the problem. You eat the problem. You've got a problem. And the problem is what you're saying because faith cometh by hearing. Paul said the word is nigh you. It is in your mouth and in your heart. You see, you never solve a problem by talking the problem. You solve the problem by talking the answer. Go to the word of God and see what God's answer to it is and say what God said about it. If you have lack, he said, give, and it shall be given unto you good measure. Press down, shake it together. Running over shall men give unto your bosom. God said it. Jesus said it. It is a fact. It is the truth, whether you ever do it or not. But when you proclaim what God said and get your mind renewed to the Word of God, then you go to thinking like God thinks. Renewing your mind is like putting a pencil in a glass of water. You start stirring it, first of all, it's just cutting water. But you keep stirring it, it'll get the water to fall in the pencil, pull the pencil out, and the water keeps circling the glass. That's what happens when you say what God said in His Word concerning you. When you say it long enough, you go to thinking like God thinks. That's called renewing your mind to the Word of God. God's creative power is just as powerful as it was when he spoke the word, but if you don't confess it, it may never work for you. That's God's creative power. CD offer number 7210. Two CDs for $15 plus $4 postage and handling. A total of $19. We have a toll-free order line, 1-877-396-9400. Until tomorrow, this Charles Capps reminding you, the enemy is defeated, God is exalted, and Jesus is coming soon.
To order the product offered today, call 1-877-396-9400 or write Charles Capps, P.O. Box 69, England, Arkansas 72046. A complete list of CDs, books, and DVDs are available online at Through the website, you can listen to this radio program again and subscribe to our podcast. This broadcast is sponsored by Charles Capps Ministries and our listeners in this area.