For over a quarter century Bob Enyart has studied God's Word praying for the wisdom to share the truth of Scripture with a lost and dying world. Now you can benefit from this very exciting Bible study. The two Revelation albums address matters of eternal consequence head on. Before listening to these tapes, Bob strongly urges that you read The Plot book or listen to The Plot album that will introduce you to the overview of the Bible. Available on MP3-CD or download.
BEL SUBSCRIPTIONS: Please consider one of our monthly subscriptions that will not only help support BEL, but they also promote better understanding of the Bible and may equip you to more effectively reach those around you.
Monthly Audio & Video Downloads: Now you can subscribe to monthly sermons, Bible studies or topical videos in download form.
Monthly Sermons: Enjoy all of Bob's sermons from the month on Sermon Video DVD, great also to watch with the family. Or, get these on Sermon Audio CDs which are standard audio Compact Discs that will play on any CD player including the one in your car. Or get them on a single Sermon MP3-CD which will play on an MP3 player, in a DVD player, or in your computer.
Monthly Bible Studies: Enjoy the Scriptures with Bob's Monthly Bible Study DVDs, great too for a small group Bible study. Or get these teachings on a single Monthly Bible Study Audio MP3- CD which will play on an MP3 player, in a DVD player, or in your computer.
Monthly Topical Videos: Coming to your mailbox, you'll get a Monthly Topical DVD to enjoy one of Bob's great videos specially selected to be entertaining and to teach about life from a biblical worldview.
Monthly Best of Bob Shows: Every month our crew selects the eight best BEL shows of the month and for the folks who might have missed some of them, we mail them out on the Best of Bob MP3-CD.
Monthly BEL TV Classics: Enjoy Bob Enyart's timeless, popular TV show delivered to your home on the Monthly BEL TV Classics DVDs with great audio and video clarity thanks to our state-of-the-art mastering from the studio-quality Sony beta tapes to DVD!
Monthly Donation: For folks who just want to make sure that Bob Enyart Live stays on the air, please consider making a pledge in the form of a Monthly Donation.
Daily conservative talk show hosted by American's most popular, self-proclaimed right-wing, religious fanatic.
For over a quarter century Bob Enyart has studied God's Word praying for the wisdom to share the truth of Scripture with a lost and dying world. Now you can benefit from this very exciting Bible study. The two Revelation albums address matters of eternal consequence head on. Before listening to these tapes, Bob strongly urges that you read The Plot book or listen to The Plot album that will introduce you to the overview of the Bible. Available on MP3-CD or download.
BEL SUBSCRIPTIONS: Please consider one of our monthly subscriptions that will not only help support BEL, but they also promote better understanding of the Bible and may equip you to more effectively reach those around you.
Monthly Audio & Video Downloads: Now you can subscribe to monthly sermons, Bible studies or topical videos in download form.
Monthly Sermons: Enjoy all of Bob's sermons from the month on Sermon Video DVD, great also to watch with the family. Or, get these on Sermon Audio CDs which are standard audio Compact Discs that will play on any CD player including the one in your car. Or get them on a single Sermon MP3-CD which will play on an MP3 player, in a DVD player, or in your computer.
Monthly Bible Studies: Enjoy the Scriptures with Bob's Monthly Bible Study DVDs, great too for a small group Bible study. Or get these teachings on a single Monthly Bible Study Audio MP3- CD which will play on an MP3 player, in a DVD player, or in your computer.
Monthly Topical Videos: Coming to your mailbox, you'll get a Monthly Topical DVD to enjoy one of Bob's great videos specially selected to be entertaining and to teach about life from a biblical worldview.
Monthly Best of Bob Shows: Every month our crew selects the eight best BEL shows of the month and for the folks who might have missed some of them, we mail them out on the Best of Bob MP3-CD.
Monthly BEL TV Classics: Enjoy Bob Enyart's timeless, popular TV show delivered to your home on the Monthly BEL TV Classics DVDs with great audio and video clarity thanks to our state-of-the-art mastering from the studio-quality Sony beta tapes to DVD!
Monthly Donation: For folks who just want to make sure that Bob Enyart Live stays on the air, please consider making a pledge in the form of a Monthly Donation.
*Sal Cordova: Join Fred Williams and co-host Doug McBurney as they welcome Sal Cordova, who recently published a paper on Structural Bioinformatics through Oxford University Press which relates to today's topic. Sal also published a peer-reviewed reference chapter critical of evolutionary theory through Springer-Nature. That book can be found on secular University Library shelves. He is also presently a PhD student in Bio-molecular engineering, he holds 5 science degrees including Masters in Biology and Applied Physics from Johns Hopkins University, with Undergrads in Electrical Engineering, Mathematics, and Computer Science. Previously He was a Senior Engineer and Scientist in the Aerospace and Defense Industry working for MITRE (Massachusetts Institute of Technology Research and Engineering) and Fort Belvoir Army Night Vision Labs. He is a graduate of Dulles Aviation Flight school and is a licensed pilot. Prior to all this he studied concert level classical piano.
*Somebody Call Me a Doctor: Here Dr. Daniel Stern Cardinale confirm "atheist" Aron Ra's confession that evolutionary biologists are well aware of the fact that proteins share no common evolutionary ancestor.
*The Nature of Things: Hear how Sal Got to give his testimony in an issue of Nature magazine, and how the design evident in God's creation helped rescue his faith!
*An Apostasy of Cowardice: Sal and your hosts discuss the battle creationists, home-schoolers, (and their kids) are in! against not just the principalities and powers in the world, but the "Christian" leaders who are ashamed of the creationist truth that undergirds the Gospel!
*Darwin & The Problem of Evil: Hear how genetic decay, information science, Shannon's noisy channel coding theorem, music and literature, and the observed optimization of biological performance destroy Darwinian evolutionary theory, and are all evidence for the truth of the fall and reveal the problem of evil as it is being solved by the creator God, and his Son Jesus Christ the Savior of the World.
*For the Birds: The Arctic Tern can fly from the North to the South Pole because they appear to sense quantum fluctuations in Earth's magnetic field. When compared to radar and GPS, hear how the bird's eye view proves that man can do engineering good. But God can do it better, (even very good)!
* First Corinthians: Join Bob as you hear Paul demanding intolerance of sexual immorality within the church. Then ponder Paul's insistence that we judge all things, great and small. And for those who believe that Christians are no longer under the law, how do they explain Paul's command to flee immorality? Then hear the surprises that come with the New Testament's most thorough discussion of marriage and divorce, celibacy and intimacy. What caused Paul to give his converts hints on how to interact with Peter's converts? Also, considering that the Jerusalem Council explicitly reinforced the Mosaic Law's prohibition on the eating of meat sacrificed to idols, why would Paul give permission to Christians to eat a meal in a restaurant located inside an idol's temple? Finally in this material, Paul instructs his converts to win those under law, if need be, by willingly submitting to the law.
For over a quarter century Bob Enyart has studied God's Word praying for the wisdom to share the truth of Scripture with a lost and dying world. Now you can benefit from this very exciting Bible study. The two Revelation albums address matters of eternal consequence head on. Before listening to these tapes, Bob strongly urges that you read The Plot book or listen to The Plot album that will introduce you to the overview of the Bible. Available on MP3-CD or download.
BEL SUBSCRIPTIONS: Please consider one of our monthly subscriptions that will not only help support BEL, but they also promote better understanding of the Bible and may equip you to more effectively reach those around you.
Monthly Audio & Video Downloads: Now you can subscribe to monthly sermons, Bible studies or topical videos in download form.
Monthly Sermons: Enjoy all of Bob's sermons from the month on Sermon Video DVD, great also to watch with the family. Or, get these on Sermon Audio CDs which are standard audio Compact Discs that will play on any CD player including the one in your car. Or get them on a single Sermon MP3-CD which will play on an MP3 player, in a DVD player, or in your computer.
Monthly Bible Studies: Enjoy the Scriptures with Bob's Monthly Bible Study DVDs, great too for a small group Bible study. Or get these teachings on a single Monthly Bible Study Audio MP3- CD which will play on an MP3 player, in a DVD player, or in your computer.
Monthly Topical Videos: Coming to your mailbox, you'll get a Monthly Topical DVD to enjoy one of Bob's great videos specially selected to be entertaining and to teach about life from a biblical worldview.
Monthly Best of Bob Shows: Every month our crew selects the eight best BEL shows of the month and for the folks who might have missed some of them, we mail them out on the Best of Bob MP3-CD.
Monthly BEL TV Classics: Enjoy Bob Enyart's timeless, popular TV show delivered to your home on the Monthly BEL TV Classics DVDs with great audio and video clarity thanks to our state-of-the-art mastering from the studio-quality Sony beta tapes to DVD!
Monthly Donation: For folks who just want to make sure that Bob Enyart Live stays on the air, please consider making a pledge in the form of a Monthly Donation.
Bob reports on the large number of contractors this week working on building exteriors and brings attention to one particular job site. In the second half of the program the pastor of Denver Bible Church turns to the Scriptures to see what they say about the election.
*Sal Cordova: Join Fred Williams and co-host Doug McBurney as they welcome Sal Cordova, who recently published a paper on Structural Bioinformatics through Oxford University Press which relates to today's topic. Sal also published a peer-reviewed reference chapter critical of evolutionary theory through Springer-Nature. That book can be found on secular University Library shelves. He is also presently a PhD student in Bio-molecular engineering, he holds 5 science degrees including Masters in Biology and Applied Physics from Johns Hopkins University, with Undergrads in Electrical Engineering, Mathematics, and Computer Science. Previously He was a Senior Engineer and Scientist in the Aerospace and Defense Industry working for MITRE (Massachusetts Institute of Technology Research and Engineering) and Fort Belvoir Army Night Vision Labs. He is a graduate of Dulles Aviation Flight school and is a licensed pilot. Prior to all this he studied concert level classical piano.
*Peak Darwin? Listen in as Sal recounts the Richard Sternberg scandal, and quotes darwinist after darwinist acquitting Sternberg and departing from Darwin.
*Evolutionary Evangelism: Sal compares the theoretical foundations of electromagnetism with evolutionary theory, and reveals that no legitimate scientific application requires evolutionary theory to advance, (not biology, not embryology, not even underwater basket-weaving), meaning Darwinism barely qualifies as a false religion.
*Dissent from Darwin? It's not just RSR and Sal who are over the hump on "Peak Darwin" - Check out the list of Scientists Doubting Darwin!
*Have a Heart: Hear about the research and products of Dr. Robert Metheny (and others) who practice regenerative medicine from a Chriatian Creationist worldview.
* First Corinthians: Join Bob as you hear Paul demanding intolerance of sexual immorality within the church. Then ponder Paul's insistence that we judge all things, great and small. And for those who believe that Christians are no longer under the law, how do they explain Paul's command to flee immorality? Then hear the surprises that come with the New Testament's most thorough discussion of marriage and divorce, celibacy and intimacy. What caused Paul to give his converts hints on how to interact with Peter's converts? Also, considering that the Jerusalem Council explicitly reinforced the Mosaic Law's prohibition on the eating of meat sacrificed to idols, why would Paul give permission to Christians to eat a meal in a restaurant located inside an idol's temple? Finally in this material, Paul instructs his converts to win those under law, if need be, by willingly submitting to the law.
For over a quarter century Bob Enyart has studied God's Word praying for the wisdom to share the truth of Scripture with a lost and dying world. Now you can benefit from this very exciting Bible study. The two Revelation albums address matters of eternal consequence head on. Before listening to these tapes, Bob strongly urges that you read The Plot book or listen to The Plot album that will introduce you to the overview of the Bible. Available on MP3-CD or download.
BEL SUBSCRIPTIONS: Please consider one of our monthly subscriptions that will not only help support BEL, but they also promote better understanding of the Bible and may equip you to more effectively reach those around you.
Monthly Audio & Video Downloads: Now you can subscribe to monthly sermons, Bible studies or topical videos in download form.
Monthly Sermons: Enjoy all of Bob's sermons from the month on Sermon Video DVD, great also to watch with the family. Or, get these on Sermon Audio CDs which are standard audio Compact Discs that will play on any CD player including the one in your car. Or get them on a single Sermon MP3-CD which will play on an MP3 player, in a DVD player, or in your computer.
Monthly Bible Studies: Enjoy the Scriptures with Bob's Monthly Bible Study DVDs, great too for a small group Bible study. Or get these teachings on a single Monthly Bible Study Audio MP3- CD which will play on an MP3 player, in a DVD player, or in your computer.
Monthly Topical Videos: Coming to your mailbox, you'll get a Monthly Topical DVD to enjoy one of Bob's great videos specially selected to be entertaining and to teach about life from a biblical worldview.
Monthly Best of Bob Shows: Every month our crew selects the eight best BEL shows of the month and for the folks who might have missed some of them, we mail them out on the Best of Bob MP3-CD.
Monthly BEL TV Classics: Enjoy Bob Enyart's timeless, popular TV show delivered to your home on the Monthly BEL TV Classics DVDs with great audio and video clarity thanks to our state-of-the-art mastering from the studio-quality Sony beta tapes to DVD!
Monthly Donation: For folks who just want to make sure that Bob Enyart Live stays on the air, please consider making a pledge in the form of a Monthly Donation.
Christ spoke often of the Father. Still, He preached an egocentric message. Jesus said: follow Me · believe in Me · abide in Me · do all for My sake · confess Me · love Me · come to Me · keep My commandments · receive Me · seek Me · I bear witness of Myself · I am the truth · I am the life. Should a created being direct most attention to the Father, or focus upon himself? Bible teachers use a handful of verses to establish Christ's identity. As is his style, Bob Enyart starts with a sweeping overview of the Bible to address the deity of Christ. This study stuns and delights, respectively, those disputing and affirming His divinity.
* The Deity of Christ -- Another Approach
For centuries, as affirmed at the Council of Nicea, Christians have used a wonderful list of Bible verses to demonstrate from God's Word the deity of Jesus Christ. Here though is another avenue, similar to the "Big Picture View" approach that we use in Bob Enyart's life's work, The Plot: An Overview of the Bible:
Thus Saith the Lord: If we count how many times the Old Testament prophets said, “Thus says the Lord” we find them using that phrase, in the New King James Version of the Bible, about 420 times. The New Testament on the other hand, never once records that phrase. Jesus Christ, with all the red ink devoted to recording His words, never once used that ubiquitous phrase, “Thus saith the Lord.” Rather, Jesus proclaims, “I say to you,” in the Gospels! Not a single “Thus says the Lord,” but rather, “I say to you,” 135 times. The following chart demonstrates biblically that these two phrases, Thus saith the Lord, and I say unto you, indicate the same thing, that God is speaking. For Jesus Christ made it clear that He Himself was at the heart of His teaching. Unlike the righteous priests and kings, prophets and the apostles, the Lord focused His message on Himself;
See more...
Today's Resource: The Gospel of John!
The Gospel of John Vol. I: Christ spoke often of the Father. Still, He preached an egocentric message. Jesus said: follow Me · believe in Me · abide in Me · do all for My sake · confess Me · love Me · come to Me · keep My commandments · receive Me · seek Me · I bear witness of Myself · I am the truth · I am the life. Should a created being direct most attention to the Father, or focus upon himself? Bible teachers use a handful of verses to establish Christ's identity. As is his style, Bob Enyart starts with a sweeping overview of the Bible to address the deity of Christ. This study stuns and delights, respectively, those disputing and affirming His divinity.
The Gospel of John Vol. II: Relive Jesus feeding five thousand, walking on water, and being so offensive that even some of his own followers rejected Him, as did His own siblings. Hear Jesus command men to "judge with righteous judgment." Envision officers sent to apprehend Jesus failing to fulfill their mission as Christ thwarts the religious leaders who wanted to kill Him. The Pharisee Nicodemus risked all by defending Jesus; Christ forgave the woman caught in adultery; and He proclaimed, "before Abraham was, I AM." Then Jesus was condemned for healing a man born blind. Finally, Jesus blesses friends and enrages enemies by resurrecting Lazarus.
The Gospel of John Vol. III: This climatic third volume concludes John's Gospel. Six days before the crucifixion, Mary of Bethany anointed Christ's head and feet. The next day the people of Jerusalem hail Him as King. By week's end, Jesus would be betrayed to His enemies and rejected by the crowd. The powerful father-and-son-in-law team of Annas and Caiaphas put Him on trial as did Pontius Pilate also. He died on a Roman cross in the place of a murderer named Barabbas, in the place of a sinner named Adam, and in the place of a Christian named...
Enjoy these or any of Bob's studies, made available by book title or by topic, or you can subscribe or donate online or by calling 1-800-8Enyart (303-463-7789).
TELETHON MONTH: We've got an exciting new announcement! With October being our telethon month, we're looking for 50 new sign ups for Bob Enyart Subscriptions. These are the best of the best available only at ENYART.SHOP! Please do whatever you can to help us reach our telethon goal of 50 new sign ups to keep the ministry alive and well!
* First Samuel: Eli and Saul, introduces you to three important people. Eli - the high priest of Israel, Saul of the tribe of Benjamin - Israel's first king, and Samuel himself, whose lifespan bridged two periods of Israel's history. This pivotal prophet connected the time of the Judges with that of the Kings. Learn why this seer held such a prominent place that Peter would ignore the preceding prophets saying, "Yes, and all the prophets, from Samuel and those who follow" (Acts 3:24).
For over a quarter century Bob Enyart has studied God's Word praying for the wisdom to share the truth of Scripture with a lost and dying world. Now you can benefit from this very exciting Bible study. The two Revelation albums address matters of eternal consequence head on. Before listening to these tapes, Bob strongly urges that you read The Plot book or listen to The Plot album that will introduce you to the overview of the Bible. Available on MP3-CD or download.
BEL SUBSCRIPTIONS: Please consider one of our monthly subscriptions that will not only help support BEL, but they also promote better understanding of the Bible and may equip you to more effectively reach those around you.
Monthly Audio & Video Downloads: Now you can subscribe to monthly sermons, Bible studies or topical videos in download form.
Monthly Sermons: Enjoy all of Bob's sermons from the month on Sermon Video DVD, great also to watch with the family. Or, get these on Sermon Audio CDs which are standard audio Compact Discs that will play on any CD player including the one in your car. Or get them on a single Sermon MP3-CD which will play on an MP3 player, in a DVD player, or in your computer.
Monthly Bible Studies: Enjoy the Scriptures with Bob's Monthly Bible Study DVDs, great too for a small group Bible study. Or get these teachings on a single Monthly Bible Study Audio MP3- CD which will play on an MP3 player, in a DVD player, or in your computer.
Monthly Topical Videos: Coming to your mailbox, you'll get a Monthly Topical DVD to enjoy one of Bob's great videos specially selected to be entertaining and to teach about life from a biblical worldview.
Monthly Best of Bob Shows: Every month our crew selects the eight best BEL shows of the month and for the folks who might have missed some of them, we mail them out on the Best of Bob MP3-CD.
Monthly BEL TV Classics: Enjoy Bob Enyart's timeless, popular TV show delivered to your home on the Monthly BEL TV Classics DVDs with great audio and video clarity thanks to our state-of-the-art mastering from the studio-quality Sony beta tapes to DVD!
Monthly Donation: For folks who just want to make sure that Bob Enyart Live stays on the air, please consider making a pledge in the form of a Monthly Donation.
In today's show, I explain why Calvinism has earned such a controversial reputation and why I strongly oppose it. We dive deep into the dark origin story of Calvinism, exploring how much of its foundation comes from the philosophies of men like Augustine and Plato rather than the Bible. From John Calvin’s troubling actions in Geneva to the disturbing theological implications of immutability, you’ll see why Calvinism, in my view, not only distorts the nature of God but also leads to a dangerous misrepresentation of Christianity. Watch to learn why Calvin’s harsh treatment of heretics and his unbiblical reliance on pagan philosophy still affects the Calvinist worldview today.
📖Want access to Over 2,000 hours of Bob Enyart Bible Studies from an Anti-Calvinist, Open Theist perspective? Sign up today by clicking here!
This is for our telethon month, and we are currently at 20 signups out of our 30 sign up goal. Thanks and God Bless!