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Teaching from the book of Daniel, Pastor Rick explains that when you publicly stand strong for God, it encourages other believers to stand strong too. Your courage is a powerful example to unbelievers, and your boldness encourages other Christians to be bold too.


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Teaching from the book of Daniel, Pastor Rick explains that when you publicly stand strong for God, it encourages other believers to stand strong too. Your courage is a powerful example to unbelievers, and your boldness encourages other Christians to be bold too.



*Sal Cordova: Join Fred Williams and co-host Doug McBurney as they welcome Sal Cordova, who recently published a paper on Structural Bioinformatics through Oxford University Press which relates to today's topic.  Sal also published a peer-reviewed reference chapter critical of evolutionary theory through Springer-Nature. That book can be found on secular University Library shelves. He is also presently a PhD student in Bio-molecular engineering, he holds 5 science degrees including Masters in Biology and Applied Physics from Johns Hopkins University, with Undergrads in Electrical Engineering, Mathematics, and Computer Science.  Previously He was a Senior Engineer and Scientist in the Aerospace and Defense Industry working for MITRE (Massachusetts Institute of Technology Research and Engineering) and Fort Belvoir Army Night Vision Labs.  He is a graduate of Dulles Aviation Flight school and is a licensed pilot.  Prior to all this he studied concert level classical piano.

*Somebody Call Me a Doctor: Here Dr. Daniel Stern Cardinale confirm "atheist" Aron Ra's confession that evolutionary biologists are well aware of the fact that proteins share no common evolutionary ancestor.

*The Nature of Things: Hear how Sal Got to give his testimony in an issue of Nature magazine, and how the design evident in God's creation helped rescue his faith!

*An Apostasy of Cowardice: Sal and your hosts discuss the battle creationists, home-schoolers, (and their kids) are in! against not just the principalities and powers in the world, but the "Christian" leaders who are ashamed of the creationist truth that undergirds the Gospel!

*Darwin & The Problem of Evil: Hear how genetic decay, information science, Shannon's noisy channel coding theorem, music and  literature, and the observed optimization of biological performance destroy Darwinian evolutionary theory, and are all evidence for the truth of the fall and reveal the problem of evil as it is being solved by the creator God, and his Son Jesus Christ the Savior of the World.

*For the Birds: The Arctic Tern can fly from the North to the South Pole because they appear to sense quantum fluctuations in Earth's magnetic field. When compared to radar and GPS, hear how the bird's eye view proves that man can do engineering good. But God can do it better, (even very good)!


The Gospels are chock full of the messages and miracles Jesus ministered to the multitudes, but He was never too busy to drop everything to minister to just one hurting heart or sick body. When the multitudes pressed Him, the disciples sought to keep them at bay, but Jesus often went out of His way to deliver one captive from his/her prison of pain or shame.

Never was this so poignantly illustrated then when He He went to Samaria to change the life of one sinful woman. When He had uncovered all her shameful past and revealed her secret sin, she ran into the city with great joy to tell everyone Jesus is the Messiah. There is no greater pulpit than a changed life!

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Today, Pastor Jack teaches that a Christian woman has a depth of passion that is nothing less than remarkable. She is full of life, because only a Christian woman can truly know who she is in Christ. It’s in her heart to bring peace and rest to those around her, and her love for serving others is just what we need in this world.

The post Life And Bible: Being A Christian While Being A Woman – C first appeared on Pastor Jack Hibbs.


Solomon’s plea to God prompts this study of materialism to achieve balance in life of neither poverty nor riches, but trusting on God for our provisions.

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Because of her bold stance for Jesus Christ in communist Romania, Virginia Prodan was kidnapped, beaten, tortured, and placed under house arrest. On today’s edition of Family Talk, Dr. James Dobson concludes his insightful interview with Virginia about her unashamed stance for the gospel. She shares that a hit was put on her life, and you won’t believe what happened when the assassin came to kill her.

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Pastor Rick talks about ways to fight fear, and how you benefit every time you stand for God. Daniel’s life shows how God can give you victory over fear.


And unto the angel of the church in Sardis write, These things saith he that has the seven spirits of God and the seven stars. I know your works that you have a name that you live, and are dead.

Revelation 3:1

This is from the great Book of Revelation. The speaker, the one who has the seven spirits of God, and holds the seven stars in his right hand is nobody else but the risen Christ. The letter is the fifth of seven letters written to seven churches in Asia Minor, that place you and I call Turkey, late in the first century. They are a part of a vision given to the apostle John who was told to write down everything he saw and heard, and to send this writing, this letter, to these seven churches. They were real churches in real time. They were composed of real people with real problems. They had real lives, they had real names, they knew one another. So if the name of a person was mentioned in a letter, you could kind of look at that person and they would be there right in church with you on this day. But these seven churches were also symbolic of something else.

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