Ep. 1511 - The Good News with Angie Austin - Jim Stovall, What is Stealing Your Time / Matt Blashaw
A collection of podcasts from our wonderful programs and hosts that specifically discuss Anger. How to navigate it when it happens, and what Jesus says about it. These messages are not meant to replace any psychological assistance you might need, however they might help you gain valuable perspective. If you're in need of prayer for your or someone else's anger, or any other needs, please reach out to us using the form below, or you can call us at 303.481.1800 and we will pray with you over your issue or need. We are in this life together and Jesus wants us to love one another. Let us help.
Ep. 1511 - The Good News with Angie Austin - Jim Stovall, What is Stealing Your Time / Matt Blashaw
Welcome to Grace in Focus radio. Today, Bob Wilkin and Ken Yates are looking at Matthew 7:21-23. Who are the “workers of iniquity” or “lawlessness” in this passage? Why are they called this? What is being communicated in this passage? Listen and be challenged by today’s episode of the Grace in Focus podcast!
The following is a listener-supported ministry from the Grace Evangelical Society.
Toward the end of Jesus' Sermon on the Mount in Matthew chapter 7, he calls some people workers of iniquity or workers of lawlessness. Why did he call them this? And what is being communicated in this passage?
We will look at it straight ahead here on Grace in Focus. Thank you for joining us today, friend. This is the radio broadcast and podcast ministry of the Grace Evangelical Society.
We are located in North Texas, and we have a website, faithalone.org, where you can find out many things about us. You can read our articles. There are hundreds of them there.
And you can find out about our national conference and our regional conferences. That is faithalone.org. Now with today's question and answer discussion, here are Bob Wilkin and Ken Yates.
Bob, we got a question from one of our listeners. And this is from John.
And I know who this John is. And he said, hey, thanks about the mention on your previous podcast about the eternal rewards account. That was me.
That is him.
And I got that from him. You know, he talked about IRAs.
People thought it was the Equal Rights Amendment. No, it's the eternal rewards account.
That's right. We have IRAs here. Well, in the kingdom...
IRAs in the kingdom.
In the kingdom. And I told John, when he gave me that illustration, I said, well, I'm going to tell you right now, I'm going to steal it. I'm going to use it.
But evidently, we did give him credit. So I guess I'm not as bad as I thought. But anyway, he has another question, and it's on the end of the Sermon on the Mount in Matthew 7.
And I know we've discussed this on here before, but he had a... he has a question about it that I don't think we can ask.
Matthew 7, 21, not everyone who says to me, Lord, Lord, Lord of the Kingdom, but he who does the will of my father.
But he's not asking about that part. He's asking about the end part where he says, depart from me, you who what?
Well, in the King James version, it says you who practice lawlessness.
And I think he says in his version, he's quoting, you workers of iniquity.
Well, you workers of lawlessness.
Workers of lawlessness.
Yeah. In this passage, as you know, Bob, what's going on is that at the judgment, people are going to say, Lord, the great white throne judgment, there's going to be people who say, well, didn't we do all these great works? In your name, in your name, you know, and cast out demons, you know, whatever.
We would say, speak in tongues, heal the sick, you know, or evangelize or whatever.
You know, you can. And we can imagine there's going to be lots of people like that.
Well, from within Christianity.
Yeah. Mormons, Jehovah Witness, even within evangelical churches where people believe they have to do good works in order to enter into the kingdom of God.
And that's what these people are saying.
What do you mean we're not going to be in the kingdom? Didn't we do this, this, this, this, this? And every one of our listeners has people in mind who says, yeah, yeah, you know, people who believe in work, salvation, that's all they've ever believed in, and they're working their way to heaven, they're going to be cast out.
Yeah, we're concerned about those people.
And we could actually use Matthew 7, 21 to 23 to help them see that their works aren't going to get them in.
Right. And GES and other Free Grace people have pointed out that this is one of the main emphases here is that Jesus is showing that our works cannot gain us entrance into the kingdom of heaven.
Now the funny thing is Lordship Salvation people like to use this very passage to say that good works are required, and that the problem here is they didn't have sufficient works.
There's just not enough.
Right. And they go to the part about you workers of lawlessness or your workers of iniquity or you who practice iniquity, however you translate that. And they say, see, he's saying that they're sinners, not that they're righteous in their behavior.
And so that's how they pointed out. But that's not the point at all, is it?
Right. And that's John's question. He goes, why does if they do all these great works, why does Jesus call them workers of iniquity, or workers of lawlessness, or you who practice lawlessness?
Okay, well the first question is, do they do these good works? And I would think they probably did, because at the Great White Throne judgment, you're not likely going to be making stuff up, because certainly the Lord Jesus can play the tape. He's got video of everything.
And so he can show your life. So they, I believe, are convinced they've done these things.
Yeah, isn't that interesting, though, the things that they claim to have done?
Prophesied, cast out demons and done wonders in your name. And so, as Bob points out, obviously, there's some people who do these things who know they're charlatans, you know, the guys on TV who, you know, have the microphone or the earpiece in, and they're getting the information and all that other stuff from somebody in a back room.
But some people actually believe they're healing people. They believe they're casting out demons. They may even believe they're raising the debt.
Yeah, and they believe that they're prophesying. I mean, you hear people all the time, you know, God told me this in cults, you know, but even in Christendom at large, you hear it all the time.
I have a friend who taught people how to prophesy.
He said, Look, if you have the gift of prophecy, that doesn't mean you have it fully. So you need to learn how to get better at it.
Right. And so these people are sincere. I agree with you at the Great White Throne Judgment.
You know, didn't we do all these things?
And Jesus doesn't say, No, you didn't do it.
What Jesus says is, Your workers of iniquity depart from me. Well, why does he say depart from me? Now, John doesn't ask about that.
And John would agree with us, because I know him and his position is, the reason he says that is because they didn't believe in him for what he promises, which is everlasting life. And so they think they're working their way to heaven. Right.
That's their problem. But his question is, why are they called workers of lawlessness, if they're doing good works? Yeah.
Well, I think the answer is, we're all workers of lawlessness, or we're all those who do, I don't like the King James translation, practice. It's like we're going out practicing iniquity, like we want to get better at it. No, we're all those who do iniquity.
We're all sinners. He's basically saying, you're sinners.
Yeah, they're coming before him saying, we're righteous. We deserve to be in the kingdom because we've done all these righteous deeds. Right.
Implicitly, aren't they claiming sinlessness?
And Jesus says, no, you're workers of iniquity.
Now, maybe they're not claiming sinlessness. Maybe what they're claiming is, our good works far exceed our bad works.
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The point I think that Jesus is making here is the only way you would have a claim on the kingdom based on your works is if your works were absolutely perfect.
Which they're not.
Right. Now, a lot of people in Christianity don't agree with this, but you remember Jesus said when he was asked by some of the lawyers and some of the religious leaders, and he said, do this and you will live, because they had brought up one of the greatest commandments. And so he said, love the Lord with all your heart, soul, mind, and strength, and love your neighbors yourself.
And so they said, great. And he said, do this and you will live. Well, what does that mean?
Well, in the Old Testament, it meant if you do these things, you're going to have fullness of life now. But they were asking about what they needed to do. At least the reason for them asking about the greatest commandments is they wanted to get into the kingdom that way.
And so he's saying, okay, do that and you'll live. And what he meant was perfectly. Well, since there's not a single person on earth, there's nobody who goes from conception to the grave without sin.
Without a whole bunch of sin. Right.
Therefore, when they stand before the Lord at the great white throne judgment, they can't claim that they were sinless. Now, they can point to some good works they did, but that doesn't mean they're also not sinners. So John's question is a good one.
You can be a person who's done good works and be a sinner. And by the way, isn't that all of us?
Everybody at the Judgment Seat of Christ is going to be like... None of us at the Judgment Seat of Christ are going to be saying, wait a minute, we should get into the kingdom because we did X, Y or Z. Even if we died out of fellowship with God, and even if we died now believing in work salvation, right?
Let's say we fall away and we believe in work salvation, we die that way. The moment we die, we're like, oops, I realize I was wrong. It's just by faith in Christ, and we're going to know that we're corrected, and we have the right thinking at that point.
And this is also related to me, the rich young ruler who comes to Jesus, and Jesus says, well, you know the commandments, and the guy goes, oh, yeah, I've done all those.
And he only gives him, by the way, the second half of the Ten Commandments, the Decalogue, and he doesn't mention the Tenth Commandment, which is, you shall not covet.
And that's when the Lord says, okay, give it all away.
And so here's a guy that we don't know if he became a believer or not, but let's assume...
Who are we talking about? The rich young ruler?
The rich young ruler. Let's suppose somebody...
Yeah, he went away sad, but he could have come to faith.
Yeah, if he came to faith, great.
In fact, I think it's quite possible.
I do too, because the Lord was reaching out to him and loved him. And so, okay, but what if he didn't? He's the kind of guy who would be one of these guys and say...
Because he's deceived, but he thinks he keeps all the commandments, or at least those are the five that Jesus gave. Well, didn't I do all these things?
Yeah, well, like, wouldn't the Apostle Paul be that way? He said before he came to Christ, he was blameless according to the law. Now, of course, that's blameless in terms of the pharisaical interpretation, not blameless in the sense of Matthew 7, 21 to 23, because there's no such person.
And so, to answer John's question, the workers of iniquity are the workers of lawlessness here. One of the points that Jesus is making is you've deceived yourself, thinking that you are righteous enough, through your righteousness, to get into the kingdom, when in actuality, you're not. You're a worker of lawlessness.
And by the way, at the Great White Throne Judgment, the books are opened.
Revelation 20, 11 to 15. There are books and a book. So the book is what book?
The book is the book of life.
And what does the book of life contain?
The names of those who have believed in Jesus for eternal life.
Okay. So if you're not in the book, where are you going according to Revelation 20, 15?
The lake of fire.
Yeah. Anyone not found written in the book of life was cast into the lake of fire. But the books are not the same as the book of life.
The books contain what?
The works of the people that are there.
The works of the deeds. And so the Lord's going to examine all this. Now, what we don't get in the Great White Throne judgment is an explanation of why the books are opened at all.
Why not just open the book of life and that's it? I think the reason is, number one, you have to show these people that they indeed are sinners. Because if there was a person there that was perfect, they could get in on the basis of, I didn't need the blood of Christ.
I didn't need to believe in Jesus.
I don't need to be in the book of life.
I don't need to be in the book of life because I never sinned. But there's a second reason why, and that is because do not be deceived, God does not mock whatever a man sows that we also reap, Galatians 6,7. And so there has to be accountability at the Great White Throne judgment.
The more light people rejected, the worse their torment will be. The worse their deeds were, the worse their torment will be. So some people are going to have a better experience in the Lake of Fire, some worse, but it's all going to be torment.
Right. And so these books are going to show that they are indeed, even though they deceive themselves, workers of lawlessness.
Right. They'll see it there. And I'm convinced that Matthew 7, 21 to 23 is the Great White Throne judgment.
Well, John, we appreciate the question, and if I steal anything else from you in the future, I may or may not give you credit for it. So thanks for the question. And in the meantime, everyone.
Keep grace in focus. It's free by emailing your name and snail mail address to ges at faithalone.org. That's faithalone.org.
Maybe you've got a question or comment or feedback. If so, please send us a message. Here's our email address.
It's radio at faithalone.org. That's radio at faithalone.org. And when you do, please make sure your question is as succinct and clear as possible.
That would be a great big help. On our next episode, Who were the people and why that followed Jesus? Please join us, and until then, let's keep Grace in Focus.
The preceding has been a listener-supported ministry from the Grace Evangelical Society.
This is Pastor Rick Warren's Daily Hope. If you're new, we're so glad you found us. And if you're a daily, daily hoper, welcome back.
Today, we're going to continue with our series called 40 Days of Prayer. Such a great series because Rick is going to help you cultivate a powerful prayer life so you can experience breakthroughs. Breakthroughs in your relationships, breakthroughs in finances, health, and really every area of your life.
So don't miss a day of this life-changing series. I'm so excited about today's message, so let's get started as Pastor Rick brings the final part of a message called, Who Do You Think You're Talking To?
Sometimes we ask things we don't really know what we're asking about. One time, the mother of James and John, who were two of the disciples that Jesus picked, the 12 guys who traveled with him, she comes to him like a good mom. She's proud of her boys.
They're traveling with Jesus. She goes up to the Lord and says, Lord, when you get to your kingdom in heaven, can my boys sit on either side of you? I could just see a mom doing this.
And John's going, no, mom, come on. And Jesus, in Matthew 20 verse 22, Jesus replied, you don't realize what you're asking for. You have a limited perspective.
You don't see the whole picture. You don't realize, ma'am, what you're asking for. Many times, God has wanted to say that to you.
You don't realize what you're asking for. You don't really want that. What you want is something different.
And so I'm not going to give you this because you think you want this, but it's not really what you need. It's not good for you. It's not really even what you want.
You don't realize what you're asking for. And in that point, when God says no, you need to just go, I trust a good, good father than I do my own judgment. Because I think this would be good for me, but God, you got the bigger picture.
And you can see my whole life in front of me. You don't know where this turn is going to take me. I don't know, but you do.
And if you say no to that job, or no to that engagement, or no to whatever I've asked for, I'm just going to trust that you are a good father. Because you can see what I can't see, and I don't realize even what I'm asking for. As Garth Brooks said, thank God for some unanswered prayers.
Now let's just be honest. It's easy to trust God's goodness when things are going good. No sweat.
Everything's going good in my life. God is a good God. The test is can you say that when everything's bad in your life, when things aren't working out, when you're not seeing the changes, when you're not getting the answers, when it seems dark, when you feel alone or afraid, when things are not going good in your life, can you still say, you're a good, good father, it's who you are, it's who you are, it's who you are?
That is the ultimate test of your faith. And God is going to test your faith thousands of times in life. Do you trust your feelings?
It's easy to feel good when God is good, when things are good. Or do I trust the faith that God is good even when I can't see it? That the sun is still shining when I can't see it?
The test of your faith is not how high you jump in praise, singing a song, when things are going good in your life. The test of faith is how straight you walk when everything sucks.
And you're still going straight. I'm still trusting in the goodness of God. I did not get that job.
I just got fired. I'm trusting in the goodness of God. His plans for my life are good plans.
God, I trust you. I don't see it, but I trust you. Ultimately, I'm going to trust you.
When things don't work out. When my wife got breast cancer, the month we launched the peace plan, I'm going, come on, Lord, we're trying to do something serious here. This is for you.
And the Lord's going, Rick, don't you think I know that? And I don't know if my wife's going to die, and I'm praying for a healing. I don't care if it's by miracle or medicine.
Doesn't matter to me, just for healing. Don't want to lose my wife. And month after month, I'm holding the bedpan while she vomits into it, and she's going through all this radiation and chemo and surgery.
Is God a good father when your wife's got cancer?
Yeah. When I have two prayers in my life that I've prayed every day for over 40 years and I'm still waiting for the answer, is God a good father? Yeah.
Yeah, he's still good. When my youngest son lost his life long battle with mental illness that I had prayed every day, God would take away. And he takes his own life, and he makes a permanent solution to a temporary mood.
Is God a good father when your son commits suicide?
He's still good. Not everything that happens in the world is good. Not everything that happens in the world is God's will.
There are a lot of things God doesn't want to happen, but he's given us a free choice. It's your greatest gift, and it's your greatest curse. Because he's not gonna force you to love him.
Is God a good God in that moment? Yeah. The moment of ultimate test of your faith is when you can say, like Job, when you've lost everything, all your family, all your crops, all your business, all your health.
You've lost everything. And Job says, you give and take away, you give and take away, but my heart will choose to say, Lord, bless it, be the name. You're a good, good father.
Even when I've lost it all, I trust you. That is maturity. That's where God wants to take you.
That you do not live your life based on your feelings, but you live your life based on the truth. God has a plan, and if I'll follow that plan, it's a good plan, and even the bad things that happened, God said, I'll fit that into the plan, too. You know, a lot of times, when you pray for stuff, it doesn't happen.
Let's just get real honest here, okay? Let's talk about this. Most or many of your prayers, you have not seen the answers to.
You know, this week, on Wednesday, I got a terrible stomach ache. I mean, it was bowl over in a fetal position, and then you can't handle it kind of pain. And I'm laying there, bowl over in pain, and I cried out to God, God, take away this pain.
You know what happened? He didn't take it away. Anybody ever been there on that one?
He didn't take it away. And actually, the pain lasted several hours longer. It eventually subsided, but he didn't take it away.
Now, what does that tell me about prayer? That prayer doesn't work? No, I've seen it work too many times.
That God isn't good? No, God is good whether I'm in pain or not. That God doesn't care?
Of course, God cares. That I should give up on prayer because I don't get everything I selfishly ask for every time? No.
God is not a vending machine. He's not a genie. I said that.
And prayer is not a painkiller. It is not a painkiller that takes away all of your pain. God has not guaranteed a pain free life to you.
That's called heaven, but not here on earth. Nowhere in the Bible does it say God wants you to live pain free. Actually, pain keeps us from many times getting into worse situations.
Nowhere in the Bible does it say that God said prayer will make every single moment of your life easy. It is not God's job to make every moment of your life easy. You'd never grow up.
You'd be immature. You'd be spoiled. You'd be incredibly self-centered.
It just doesn't say that. So when I'm in pain and I pray and I don't see the answer, should I give up?
My job is to keep praying, to keep trusting God with the answer, because I know that everything he does and everything he allows in my life, he will use for good. And so I accept a no or a slow or a grow or a go, because I know that God is a good, good father, even when I'm in pain. If a doctor does a surgery on you and cuts you open, that's going to cause some pain.
But if that surgery saves your life, it's a life-saving surgery, and you are in pain in the surgery, and then you're in pain in the recovery, you say, that's a bad, bad doctor? No, he just saved your life.
When God doesn't immediately end your pain, as he didn't mine, he was just saying to me in that moment, my grace is sufficient for you. Rick, you can handle a little pain in your life. You can handle a lot of pain in your life.
I've had a lot of pain in my life. In fact, almost everything I've learned in life, I learned through pain. I've learned nothing from pleasure.
Zero, zip, nada. I learned very little from success, but I learned boatloads through pain. And God is more interested in making me a man of God than he is in making me comfortable.
God is more interested in making you a man of God than making you comfortable. He's got us more interested in making you a woman of God than making you comfortable. Comfort's gonna go on for trillions and trillions of years in heaven.
But right now, you're in the grow up stage. And so not everything you ask for, you're gonna get. Otherwise, that's like Midas Touch.
Everything turns to gold. If you never had any pain or difficulty in your life, how strong, how mature would you be? Not very.
You don't know God is all you need until God is all you got. And then you realize that God does everything for good. Isaiah 55, verse eight and nine, God says, my thoughts are completely different from yours.
Which is why he doesn't answer the way I want them too many times. And my ways are far beyond anything you could imagine. For just as the heavens are higher than the earth, so are my ways higher than your ways, and my thoughts higher than your thoughts.
And Rick, you're praying at one level, and I'm thinking about your life at another level, because I want good for your life even more than you do. Will I trust him? Number five, last one.
Finally, because God is always good, he invites us to live with him forever. God wants to show you his goodness, not just while you're here on earth. God is going to show you his goodness forever and ever and ever and ever and ever and ever for all of eternity.
Wow. Because God is always good, he invites us to live with him forever. Two verses, and I'll close.
Second Thessalonians. Our Lord Jesus Christ, and God our Father, who loves us, has given us, by his grace, his goodness, an everlasting encouragement. I'd say so, heaven's called an everlasting encouragement, because it never ends.
And a good hope, there's that word good, and a good hope that will last forever. Forever, circle that, forever. Now he says, may this encourage your heart, even when you're in pain, that no matter how much pain you're in, it's not gonna last forever, but heaven's gonna last forever, joy's gonna last forever, hope's gonna last forever.
May this encourage your heart, and give you strength for every good thing, there's that word good, that you do and say. When God is good to us, he wants us to be good to other people. We did that entire series on Psalm 23, and the last verse, Psalm 23, says this, surely goodness, surely goodness, God's goodness and love will follow me all the days of my life.
That's good, but then he adds this in. And, then, I will dwell in the house of the Lord forever. That's a good plan.
Why am I saying this? Because until you're absolutely convinced that God is a good God, and that he's always good, and that he never does bad in your life, if until you understand the goodness of God, your prayers are gonna be powerless, and passionless, and pointless.
On the other hand, when you realize, no matter how I feel, and no matter what it looks like, God is for me. He's not against me. God is a good God, and he wants what's good for me more than I even want it myself.
And he knows what will make me happy more than I know it myself. God is a good God. And that's the foundation of all your prayers.
Now, your prayers become passionate and purposeful, and they've got to point to them. You have power in your prayers. So let me ask you this.
What do you want to see happen in your life the next 40 days? I want you to commit the next 40 days to learning how to pray. I'm going to teach you in the weeks ahead, both in small group and here, how to pray effectively.
But it starts with the goodness of God. Nothing's more important in your life than you learn how to pray effectively, friend. It's the way you tap into God's power, God's presence, God's peace, God's purpose, God's plan.
It's the way you tap into all of that. So what do you want to see in the next 40 days? Start thinking about that.
You have not because you ask not. The Bible says Satan is not afraid of your plans. Satan is not afraid of your schemes.
Satan is not afraid of your budget or your strategy. Satan is not afraid of your programs. But he's scared to death of your prayers.
Because that's where you tap into God. And he knows that anytime God wants to do something really cool, really great in your life or in your family or in your job or in your community or in your church or in our nation, he starts by motivating you to pray. So if you're going to commit to praying and learning how to pray the next 40 days, buckle up.
Get ready for the adventure of your lifetime. Our nation needs a spiritual awakening. Our nation needs revival.
Our nation needs God.
Things happen when people start praying together. These last two verses on your outline, Psalm 119. I want you to pray this this week, this verse.
Pray it every day. Verse 37 and 40. Lord, keep me from paying attention to what's worthless.
You might write out next to that cable TV. From social media. Lord, keep me, if you spend as much time checking in with God in prayer as you do checking your Facebook, you'd be a whole lot stronger.
Lord, keep me from paying attention to what's worthless. Instead, let me live by your word. You need to get in a small group, or you're gonna learn the word.
I want to obey your principles. Please renew my life with your goodness. And then make this your prayer.
Lamentation 521. Bring this back to you, God. You can pray this every day.
Bring this back to you, God. We're ready to come back. Give us a fresh start.
And as your pastor, I'm asking you to pray three things every day this week. Lord, revive my heart, revive my small group, and revive our church family. Father, you are a good, good father.
There are many people here in pain. You're still a good, good father. We've all had prayers that weren't answered the way we want them to be answered.
You're still a good, good father. Help us to remember that your plan for our lives is always good, so we choose your plan, not ours. Help us to remember that you always give us what we need, not what we deserve.
Thanks for that. And thank you that you not only forgive us, but you pour your goodness into us. Thank you that you're not mad at us, that you're mad about us.
Thank you that you amazingly put our good above your own good. And you did that through the cross by dying for the sheep. You didn't spare your own son, so you certainly give us what else we need.
And Lord, even though we don't always understand it, we thank you that you don't say yes, go to every prayer request. Your goal is not to make our lives easy, but to grow us up. We realize that your thoughts are not ours, your ways are higher than ours, and a lot of stuff we don't understand and we won't understand till we're with you in eternity.
And thank you that you have invited us to live with you forever in heaven. If you've never opened your life to Christ, say, Jesus Christ, I want to accept your gift of heaven. I want to accept your gift of forgiveness.
I want to accept your gift of a new life, Jesus Christ. I want a relationship with you. I want to put my trust in you.
I pray, Lord, that in the next 40 days together, you will revive my heart and all of our hearts. You will revive our small groups, all of them. You will revive our church family.
Only changed people can change the world. I pray this blessing in the name of the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit, and everybody said, Amen.
Hey, if you've just prayed along with Rick to accept Jesus in your life, Rick would love to hear from you. Just email rick at pastorrick.com. We'll send you free tools to help start your relationship with Jesus.
And now here's Pastor Rick with a letter from one of our listeners.
You know, we get letters and emails from people all around the world and from all ages. And here's one that I got from a listener in Indonesia. His name is Stephen and he's 12 years old.
He wrote, Dear Pastor Rick, thank you for the powerful way that you've impacted my life. I'm just a 12 year old schoolboy in Jakarta, Indonesia. But I listen to the broadcast every morning on the way to school.
My life has changed completely this year. I'm at a new school and my family's just about recovered from some financial problems. But I'm still having to learn a whole new way of life.
Some days I really feel bad, and I ask God to help me. But then the Daily Hope broadcast comes on the radio, and you always say something that helps me feel better. And I know that at that moment, God is trying to speak directly to me through you.
So thank you ever so much. Well, thank you ever so much, Stephen. I love hearing from people like you literally all around the world, who have been impacted through Daily Hope.
You know, by the way, I want to thank all of those of you who support us regularly with your financial gifts every month. We can't do this without you. But because of you, we're able to minister to people like this 12-year-old boy, Stephen, in Jakarta, Indonesia.
You're never going to know this side of heaven, the number of lives that you have impacted because of your gifts to Daily Hope. Thank you, thank you, thank you. When we get to heaven, we're all going to rejoice and see the results there.
If you'd like to help support Pastor Rick and this ministry with convenient automated monthly giving, you just go to pastorrick.com or text the word HOPE to 70309. And when you do, we'll send you a special welcome gift to say thanks. Again, that's pastorrick.com or text the word HOPE to 70309.
And we can't tell you how much we appreciate your support. Thank you. We hope you'll join us next time as we look into God's Word for our Daily Hope.
This program is sponsored by Pastor Rick's Daily Hope and your generous financial support.
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Greetings, friends and new listeners, and welcome to The Sound of Faith. I'm Sharon Knotts thanking you for joining us today because we know faith comes by hearing and hearing by the Word of God. I believe you or someone you know needs to hear today's message, Defeating Self Doubt.
While there is a need for preaching against the pitfall of pride that snares many in the church and ministry, at the other end of the spectrum are those who grapple with a false sense of inferiority and worthlessness. They need this word of the Lord, Defeating Self Doubt.
Now there is a story, I haven't told it for a very long time, I'm going to tell it again today. And in this story, I don't know when it took place, I'm assuming maybe back during World War II era, I don't know. But there was an American military person, I don't know what branch of the military he was in, but he was stationed in Japan.
And he had a three-week leave. And so he rented a boat, and he sailed to an island that was part of a island group, a whole bunch of islands all close together in the South Pacific. And he sailed to an island called Keniwata.
And he stayed at the guest house on the island. And the thing about it, the guest house was managed by an American from Chicago. I'll call him the manager, going forward.
And I'm going to call this other man, I'm going to call him a sailor, because he got a boat, okay? So the manager used to give the islanders American nicknames. And so there was one person on the island that he named Johnny Lingo.
Johnny Lingo. And so one day they were all just, you know, shooting the breeze and talking, sitting around talking, and the manager, the American manager, began to tell the American sailor about this guy, Johnny Lingo. And he said Johnny was the brightest, smartest, quickest, strongest man in all the islands.
He was kind of like a legend among the people. He was the best trader in the islands. He had many connections and he was very rich.
He had actually built a five-room house for his family on another island. And that was considered there an extreme luxury. He said, if you want to go fishing, Johnny Lingo knows the best places to fish.
If you want fresh vegetables, he's got the best gardens in all the islands. If you want to buy jewelry, island jewelry like pearls, he'll get you the best deals. But, you know, the sailor noticed that even while the manager was bragging on Johnny Lingo, he still was kind of like stickering a little bit.
And everyone else that was sitting around the other islanders, they were snickering. It was even a little kid sitting there laughing in a mocking way. And so he picked up on it.
And he asked, you know, I noticed that you all were kind of like snickering and sort of making fun of Johnny Lingo. And he says, why? So the manager explained to him, he says, five months ago, Johnny Lingo came here to Kinewata to get a wife.
And he paid her father eight cows for her. This happens in places over there like that. Amen.
And he paid eight cows for her. He says, now this was a ridiculous price. You could get a very good wife for four or five cows.
At the most, maybe six. But yet he paid eight cows for her. And so the sailor said, wow, she must be a beauty.
And the manager said, well, to call Sarita a beauty would be kind. To call her plain would be kind. He said, she's very skinny.
And not only that, she walks around with her shoulders hunched over, looking down. And so he said, she's scared of her own shadow. So the sailor said, well, then how do you explain the eight cows that Johnny Lingo paid for her?
And the manager said, well, that's the thing. We don't, we don't get it. And that's why the villagers always laugh whenever we talk about Johnny, because I mean, he's the sharpest person in all the islands.
Yet he was tricked by her father to pay eight cows for her, to be his wife. And he's a dull old man. Well, you know, this really got the sailors mind turning and he decided, I've got to meet this Johnny.
So the next day he sailed to the island where Johnny lived, to his home. And he was greeted and they went in and they sat down and they were talking. And while they were talking, in walked Sarita.
The sailor said she was the most beautiful woman he had ever seen. She walked regally. Her shoulders were erect and she carried herself regally.
And her chin was up. And her eyes were beautiful. They just dazzled with light.
He could not believe it.
How beautiful she was. So when she left the room, he said to Johnny Lingo, he said, I don't get it. I don't understand.
She's glorious. And yet all the villagers on the other islands, they're laughing at you. And they said she was homely.
And they make fun of you because you got cheated by her father. And Johnny Lingo said, well, do you think eight cows was too much? And the sailor answered, oh, no, no.
But how do you explain the difference between what they said and what I just saw?
And here's what Johnny answered.
He said, do you know what it would mean to a woman to know that her husband bought her for the lowest possible price that could be paid to get a wife? Do you understand how that would make her feel? And then later on, when all the women of all the villages got together and yacked and talked like women do, and they began to talk about their husbands, and this one said, well, my husband paid four cows for me.
And someone else said, well, my husband paid five. And someone said, well, my husband paid six. But Sarita could know that her husband paid more for her than any other woman on all those islands.
He paid eight cows for her. And so the sailor said, oh, so you did it to make her happy. He answered, Johnny answered and said, yes, but there's more to it than that.
You say she's different. Yes, she's different. It's true.
She's different and many things, many things can change a woman, but nothing so much as what she thinks about herself. What a woman thinks about herself. How many know we can take this in the spirit now for us?
What she thinks about herself. Sarita believed that she was worth nothing. And now she knows she's worth more than any other woman in all the islands.
He said, I wanted to marry her. I wanted Sarita. I love her.
I wanted her. I didn't want any other woman to be my wife, but I also wanted an eight-cal wife.
And you know what?
He got her because it changed what she acknowledged about herself. Amen. It changed how she felt about herself.
And this shows why what we read in Philemon, to acknowledge the good stuff, the good things that are in you. Stop saying, I can't do this. Stop saying that's too hard for me.
Well, I'm not as smart as that one. Well, I can't do what you do. I'm not as smart as you.
I'm not as capable. Stop saying the negative things about yourself. Stop saying, well, I'm not a good reader.
I can't read the Bible because I'm not a very good reader. I can't study because I don't know how to study. I'm just not good at that.
Stop saying that about yourself and any of the negative things you say about yourself. I can tell you about myself years and years ago. This is when I was in my twenties.
I got a job at General Index in Cherry Hill, and they actually were a manufacturer who manufactured office supplies. And I was hired as a secretary. Fine, I could handle it.
I could do it.
I'd already done that at the church. But then they started asking me, before you leave today, can you do this and can you do that? And it was getting to be harder and harder, the things they were giving me to do, because it was involving more and more math.
And all my life, I never liked math. I hated math. I loved English and French and language and history and all those wonderful things.
And math was like, ugh, do what you got to do to get your credits and move on. Well, one day, the boss asked me to come in on a Saturday. I really didn't want to do it.
I was a young mother. I had two little boys. I was so busy, but I wanted to make points with the boss, so I agreed to come in.
And he gave me this work involving inventory. Now I can count inventory. But what I want you to understand, it was more complex than that.
You not only had to say, we've got so much pieces of cardboard that went into this particular product, but you had to say how much you paid for each piece of cardboard, how much it cost to print on it, how much the metal was on it, how much the tape was that went on it, and then how much the labor. And you had to do this for all of these different things. And it was a lot of decimal points.
Nothing was just like ten cents. No, it had to be points, something, something, something. I worked for two hours.
I had a headache like you would not believe. Finally, I finished. I went in there and I put it on the boss's desk, and he picked it up and he looked at it.
He said, it's all wrong. I could have cried right there on the spot. And now you've got to remember, this is way back in the days of chauvinism.
You wouldn't say this today. He looked at me and he says, don't worry. I've never met a woman yet.
He knows what to do with a decimal point. He's trying to make me feel better. That was his way of trying to make me feel better.
But here's to his credit. To his credit, he sat me down. Now he had degree in accounting.
He sat me down and he taught me. I opened my mind up. I was astounded at how easily I was learning it.
I was learning it and I was like excited because all of a sudden I could do it. And after that, he would just go off and just leave stuff for me to do. And it got to the point he wouldn't even have to check it because I learned it.
And I thought to myself, Sharon, you are not dumb in math. You may never love it. It may never be your favorite subject, but you're not dumb in math.
You can do it. And I can do all the math I need to do to handle all the bookkeeping I do. And you know, if I want to go to the store and figure out how many yards of carpet I need, I can figure it out.
Amen. I'm not just saying Google it. I mean, figure it out.
So I had to learn, stop saying you're dumb in math because you're not. Now, if you want to be an engineer or something like that, then you're going to have to be great in math. But you see, I had to stop communicating that to myself.
And getting back to Philemon 1,6, he says that the communication of your faith may become effectual by the acknowledging of every good thing in you. Now, I want you to tell me that's in you in Christ Jesus. Put the first part of the verse back up on the screen.
I want you to look at that. And I want you to tell me what is the verb in that sentence. Which word is the verb?
Anybody want to tell me what the verb is in that sentence? Acknowledging. Acknowledging is the verb.
The communication of your faith, communication is a noun. Of your faith is a prepositional phrase, just describing the noun. But the action, what is the action in that verse?
The action is you've got to do something. The verb is an action word. What do you got to do if you want to have the effectual communication?
You've got to acknowledge. You've got to acknowledge. What are we acknowledging?
The good things that are in us. Amen. And if we will acknowledge the good things in us, then our communication will be effective.
We will have an effective testimony. Instead of sabotaging ourselves all the time, well, I don't know. I just don't see how I'm going to get through this test.
This is too hard for me. You sabotage yourself. Your test is going to get longer and harder.
You've got to acknowledge the good things in you. Remember, we always put ourselves in Christ Jesus. God has dealt to every one of us the measure of faith that we need to exercise the gifts and the talents that He's given us.
And there's always grace upon grace upon grace available to us. So that we can be effectual. And our Christian service can be effectual.
The word effectual means just what it says, effective, productive, fruitful, profitable. The Greek word is enegero. I've told you before, enegero comes straight into the English as energy.
God wants to energize. Oh, he wants to energize the good things in us. He wants to energize the gifts in us.
He wants to energize the anointing in us. But we can sabotage it if we're always going around speaking negative things about ourselves. We've got to speak the positive things.
Amen. Here's another illustration. I don't know if it's a good one, but it's the only one I could think of.
OK, so you have an automobile. We're going to make it a new fancy, expensive automobile. It could even be a V8.
It's got all the bells and all the whistles. It's got everything. It's got a full tank of gas.
And it's sitting in your driveway. And it will sit there. That engine will be a cold hunk of steel in your driveway.
And even though it possesses extraordinary power, it could go 100 miles per hour, maybe higher. Even so, nothing but nothing is going to happen till somebody puts the key in the ignition in terms that are now pushes the button. It will sit there forever until someone activates the power with the key in the ignition.
And then that will spark the engine. And then you can get going. And in the same way God has placed in every one of us power, power to be effective, we read it, he gives us wisdom, righteousness, sanctification, redemption.
Amen. We got a sound mind, we got a spirit of power. All of this is so we can energize our gifts and then bring glory to God.
But without the key to put in the ignition, we'll never go anywhere in God. We'll stall out, we'll stall out, we'll stall out. We've got to have the right key to unlock the power.
And we got to use it. So what is the key? Anybody want to know what the key is?
How are we going to turn it on? What is the key that's going to turn it on? By the acknowledging of every good thing in you.
The word acknowledge, let me give you the Greek word, because it's two words, epinosis. You've heard of gnosis because you've heard, preached through the years, gnosis means knowledge. How many know gnosis means knowledge?
You've heard of Gnostics. They think they got superior knowledge. Okay, you've got the ordinary word knowledge, but then you turn around and you put epi on it, E-P-I.
And it's a preposition. It means upon. So you put upon knowledge.
What does that mean? When you put that on there, it intensifies it. It means you not only have knowledge, but you have full understanding.
You completely know and understand. It's someone who is sure of their information. And certain of their facts.
And they don't hesitate to communicate what they know about this particular subject, because they know this subject. How many know if you know that you're fully schooled on a subject, you're not afraid to speak about it? Now if they ask you about something you don't know anything about, you'll sit there with your lips zipped.
But when you were in school, and the teacher asked a question that you knew that you do, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh. Amen? And when they got on other things, you're looking down in the floor, see if you drop something.
How many can see we can take all of these things and bring it in the spirit? So we have the acknowledging, we are fully aware of who we are in Christ and who He is in us. We are fully persuaded of it.
You cannot talk me out of it. I said, you will not talk me out of it. Now tell the devil, you will not talk me out of it.
I know who I am in Christ and who He is in me. You're not going to heap doubt on me. I'm going to stop self-doubting.
I'm not going to do the devil's work for him. Amen? I know who I am in Christ.
I'm an expert in this knowledge. I know who it is. Amen?
And that's how I turn that key. I turn that key by speaking, confessing, boldly declaring who I am in Christ and who He is in me. And it gives me unshakable confidence.
Even when the devil comes and I got pain in my body, I'm feeling bad, I'm really down, and you know, the coward that he is, that's when he comes. He always waits till you're in pain or this is happening. That's when he jumps on you.
And it's easy then to give in to those feelings. But oh, no, no, no, that's when you've got to turn the key in the ignition. Amen?
Knowing, possessing is not enough. You got to turn the key. Amen.
So how do we turn it on? Well, it's pretty common to see what we would do. We speak it out.
We declare the good things that God has put in us. Amen. That means speaking sometimes out loud to yourself.
How many ever do that? Let me tell you something that's a good idea.
And I do it.
I not only will speak out loud, because I do that a lot.
I talk a lot.
I'll go so far as to say this. The person who speaks to me the most in my entire life, the person who would come in first place for speaking to me the most, would be my husband Benny. Because in the morning we talk, when we're having coffee, he goes to work, he comes home, we talk, we eat dinner, we talk.
All evening long, we talk. We talk all the time. The number two person who speaks to me after Benny more than anybody, is Sharon.
I talk to Sharon all the time. And I not only say, you need to stop doing that. I'm not going to do that anymore.
No, that's not right. Okay, but if I do this, you know what I even do? I'll say, Sharon, I will use my name.
Sharon, you need to stop it. I've even said this. Sharon, you're getting on my last nerve.
I don't know, by saying Sharon, it's like I'm talking to you, or you, or you. I like I would talk to a friend. So I'm going to talk to myself, like I would be talking to somebody else, instead of just saying, oh, you're mumble, mumble, mumble, mumble.
Sharon, stop it right now. You know the Lord's going to work it out. You know that this is going to pass.
I do it all the time. I think you should do that. That's how you acknowledge.
That's how you turn the key in the ignition. Amen. We've got this treasure in our earthen vessel.
It's the excellent power of God. 2 Corinthians 4, 7. We have the treasure in our earthen vessel.
The excellent power of God is of him and not of us. And we release it by speaking out loud and using that key. Most of the time, the key is going to be a specific scripture or scriptures that pertain to your problem at the time.
The specific scripture, that's why you've got to be in the word. In fact, the Holy Spirit will bring it up in your spirit. Then you speak it out, and that's how you turn the key in the ignition.
Amen. It turns it on and you open your mouth. There's a very powerful verse, Hebrews 4.2.
And Hebrews 4.2 is talking about the saints that were out there in the wilderness for the 40 years. And listen to what it says in 4.2. For unto us was the gospel preached as well as unto them.
Don't ever forget that. It says that the gospel was preached to the wilderness saints. But look what happened.
But the word preach did not profit them not being mixed with faith in them that heard it. I think that's remarkable information that they heard the same gospel ahead of time. But they did not believe it.
It didn't profit them because they did not mix it with faith. There's nothing wrong with the gospel. The problem was they didn't mix it with faith.
So how do you mix the word with faith? What is the mixer? Everybody stick out your tongue.
That's the mixer. That's how you mix your faith with the word of God. You speak it.
You speak it. And faith comes by hearing the word of God. Last verse, 2 Corinthians 4.13.
I believed, therefore I have spoken. I believed, therefore I have spoken. It's possible to speak the word of God without faith.
You can speak the word of God and have no faith. Just blah, blah, blah, blah, blah. But it's impossible to have faith and not speak the word of God.
Amen. When you've got faith, you're going to open your mouth and you're going to speak it. Amen.
And when you stop saying negative things about yourself and you start saying what God's word says about yourself, you're going to have an exciting communication to share with others. Amen. It's going to be credible.
It's going to be powerful. It's going to be effectual in Jesus' name. Amen.
Amen, what a bondage-breaking word of the Lord, Defeating Self Doubt. I have observed that the primary tactic Satan uses to snare Christians, especially those in ministry, is pride. I mean, after all, it's what caused him to fall.
But on the extreme opposite are Christians who struggle with their worthiness in Christ and in life in general. They are handicapped by self doubt that holds them back from being what God designed them to and steals their joy in Christ. They have not learned how to acknowledge every good thing that is in them in Christ, as Paul wrote to Philemon.
Knowing who we are and what our value is in God's mind is vital to be able to stand when we face satanic attacks against our minds and emotions. Defeating self doubt is a word that will lift the clouds of doubt, worthlessness and despair, open one's eyes to our value and worth in Christ, accepted in the Beloved. It can be ordered on CD for a love gift to the radio ministry of $10 or more.
Request offer SK222. Please consider an extra love gift to help with rising postage costs. Mail to soundoffaithpobox1744BALTAMORMARILAND21203 or go online to our e-store on soundoffaith.org where it is available on MP3s.
But to order by mail, send your minimum love gift of $10 to PO. Box 1744BALTAMORMARILAND21203 and request SK222. Till next time, this is Sharon Knotts singing Maranatha.
God's intervention into the lives of His children is intentional, unexpected, and always in harmony with the Bible.
Welcome to the In Touch Podcast with Charles Stanley for Wednesday, September 18th. God makes no promises to give us prior notification before interrupting our lives. Let's continue the series on the ways of God to see how he often makes himself known through surprise visits.
Do you like surprise visits? Well, somebody says, well, it depends on who it is. I do understand that.
Well, some people don't like surprise visits for the simple reason it makes them a little nervous and they feel a little bit insecure and they want time to clean up the house and clean up themselves. They want everything to be just right. Well, life is just not that away and sometimes people just drop in.
Now, it depends on who it is. If it's your friends or your family, for example, that's fine, a surprise visit. But if it's a stranger or somebody you don't know, then you don't feel quite as comfortable.
Or some surprise visits could be frightening and harmful. The kind of surprise visit I want to talk about today, it's not like any of that. And this is one of the messages in the series, The Ways of God.
We've been talking about how God thinks, why. He does what. He does, what.
His motivations are, all the things that are more than just. His actions. We sort of see what.
He does. But look behind that and beyond that to see what is God up to? Why does.
He do what. He does? And what's.
His motive? What's His purpose? What's His goal?
God has a purpose for everything. He does in your life and mine. He has certain goals for us.
He has plans for us. He has a will for us. And sometimes those things hit us as surprises in our life.
So, when we talk about surprise visits, what I want to talk about in this message is God's surprise visits, because one of the ways of God is this. He visits us as a surprise. That is, it's a very surprise that suddenly we are aware of the presence of Almighty God.
I want to take you through the Scriptures to show you how God has given surprise visits to people beginning in the very first family of the Bible. Remember the third chapter of Genesis, the Scripture says that Adam and Eve had sinned against God, and God comes walking in the day, in the cool of the day. And He asks this question, Where art thou?
This first, listen, this first personal encounter with. Him that we read in the Scripture is a surprise. Adam and Eve sinned against God, and all of a sudden, here God shows up.
And He shows up for the purpose of confronting them with their sinfulness. It was a surprise visit, and they were hiding. I want you to turn, if you will, to the twenty-second chapter of Genesis for a moment.
And if you will notice, in this twenty-second chapter is when God pays a surprise visit to one of. His choice servants, and that's Abraham. I'm sure it was a surprise when.
He called him and told him, He wanted to leave his family and his country and go to a place that he was showing. But this was a shocking surprise visit. When God said to him, Abraham, I want you to take Isaac, your son whom you love, take him to Mount Moriah, and I want you to sacrifice him to me.
This had to be a shocking visit. This had to be a visitation that. He would have avoided at all cost.
But God said to him, this is what I want you to do. And so Abraham did exactly what God asked him to do. And you recall the story, he was about to kill his son when God stopped him in the process.
But God had a purpose for all of that. And so in each one of these incidences, he has a purpose, he has a plan. God is showing up in a surprising way in different forms and fashions in order to accomplish.
His purpose. Then, of course, Exodus the third chapter, when he surprisingly comes to Moses. Remember that Moses has been on backside of the desert for forty long years.
He was a shepherd. One day, he's just doing what shepherds do, that is, tending his sheep and going hither and yon, and watching over and protecting them. And all of a sudden, he sees this burning bush.
Now, the interesting thing about this burning bush was not that it was burning, because all of us have seen things that burned and were consumed. The difference is, this one burns and burns and burns, and it's not consumed. And when he goes over to look at it, he hears the voice of God.
This is an awesomely surprising visit from God, because forty long years have passed since he was in Egypt. And remember, he had to flee for his life. And when he approaches the bush, he hears this voice that says, Moses, Moses, take off your sandals for your own holy ground.
Can you imagine the kind of response he had? He knew that he was in the presence of Almighty God. He'd never seen anything like that before.
He knew he was listening to the voice of God. An awesome surprise. Well, why was he calling Moses?
He said, I'm calling you to a lifetime ministry. I'm calling you, first of all, to be the deliverer of my people in bondage, the Hebrew children. I'm calling you to take them across the Red Sea into the Promised Land.
He didn't tell him all that to begin with. He told him enough that would have scared any man. And that is you to walk in to the supreme authority over all of Egypt with a stick in your hand and tell him what I said when he doesn't have any idea who I am.
And so God called him. One of the reasons that God made such an awesome spectacle of this in the eyes of Moses was he was calling him to do something that would test everything in Moses' life. And I want you to remember this as we go through these.
God always has a purpose. And sometime the more dramatic this visitation from God, it's because of the awesome task that. He's calling him for.
Then if you will go to the fifth chapter of Joshua, here's what you'll find. Joshua is now looking over the city of Jericho, and he knows what his responsibility is. He knows there's going to be a war.
And in the process of doing so, God is getting them ready. He told Joshua what to do for the nation. And then before, he gave him the strategy for destroying Jericho.
Here's what happened. He's up there looking over the situation and probably evaluating how he was going to go about it. And then because of what God was going to do and how he was going to do it, all of a sudden the Scripture says that as he's standing there, he, in this thirteenth verse, the fifth chapter, he says, Now it came about when Joshua was by Jericho that he lifted up his eyes and looked, and behold, a man was standing opposite him with his sword drawn in his hand.
And Joshua went to him and said to him, Are you for us or are you our adversary? He said, No, rather I indeed come now as captain of the host of the Lord. And Joshua fell on his face to the earth and bowed down, and he said to him, What has my Lord to say to his servant?
Look at that. Are you listening? Say amen.
That's always the right answer. What do you have to say to me, Father? And listen to what happened.
The captain of the Lord's host said to Joshua, Remove your sandals from your feet, for the place where you're standing is holy, and Joshua did so. Do you think it took him more than a half a second to start taking those sandals off? For the simple reason Moses told him how he got his calling.
And in that visitation, that surprise visit from God, God called him to be the Redeemer of the nation of Israel. And now here's Joshua experiencing the same thing, only this time it isn't the burning bush. It's somebody, it is the Angel of the Lord.
And now he's saying to him, take off your sandals, this is holy ground. Can you imagine the response, the emotional response that either of these men had when they knew they stood in the presence of Holy God? The awesome, the awesome presence of Holy God.
Now why did he do it? He did it for a purpose. God was getting him ready.
One of the reasons God makes those surprise visits in our life is to prepare us not only for what. He's going to have us do, but also oftentimes because of the way it's going to happen. Now, when we say surprise visit, do we mean that God shows up?
Physical, touch, feel? No. Well, can you see.
Him? No. Touch Him?
No. Hear Him speak audibly? No.
Then, what's a surprise visit? Well, let me just say this, and I want to be careful how I say this, because I don't ever want anybody to get the idea that I'm saying that I've had all these holy experiences with God. No, I'm just a man like every other man.
But I'll tell you this. When God makes a surprise visit in your life, there's some things that are very clear and very definite. Number one, it is a surprise.
And there is that awesome awareness that you're standing in the presence of Holy God. You can't really grasp it. You can't really describe it.
You don't want to say anything. You don't know what to say. You may break out crying and weep and weep and weep.
It may be that you just want to praise. Him and thank. Him.
You may stand, you may sit, you may fall on your knees, you may fall on your face. You just know that suddenly there's the awareness of the presence of Holy God. Not because you prayed, not because you're even thinking about God, not because of some plan that you had.
It's just that God shows up in. His awesome way for. His own divine purpose in your life.
You can't even grasp it. When you try to explain it to someone else, they don't get it. And it's not for someone else.
It's because God has something in mind. Sometimes in those times, He will speak to you and tell you exactly what's going on. At other times, God is silent.
So, what is. He up to? It just may be that in that instant what.
He's up to is this, is making you aware of. His holiness, that. He loves you enough to do something very special in your life.
You didn't plan it. You can't manipulate it. It isn't anything that you had in mind.
You just know when that period of time, which more than likely will be brief, God came to you for some specific reason to speak to you or to make you aware of. His presence. When you look through all these characters that we talked about, God had a word for them, something.
He wanted to say, something. He wanted to do. Does He always do that?
Not necessarily. Because you see, when God makes a surprise visit in your life, if the only thing that happens is that you recognize what it is and who it is, if. He says nothing, it's worth every single moment of it.
Because you're left slightly startled, sometimes maybe a little fearful, wondering what's coming next. What is. He up to?
Why do I feel this? Why do I sense this? I didn't expect it.
I didn't anticipate it. God hasn't given me any warning. What is this all about?
I would never tell anyone else how God may visit you in a special way, to speak to your heart. Because God speaks to each one of us individually. One thing you can tell for sure, that.
He will never say anything in that visit that contradicts. His blessed Word. Not a thing.
What it may be, it may be that. He's calling you to something, as. He did to Joshua or to Moses.
It may be one of a number of things. For example, it may be that. He wants to inform you of something that you need to know.
It may be that. He wants to reveal something that is going to happen in your life or what. He's going to do in your life.
It just may be that God wants to warn you about something that's going to happen. It may be that. He wants to encourage you.
It could be that. He wants to comfort you about something. It may be that.
He wants to meet a specific need in your life. It could be that. He simply just wants to humble you and help you to recognize that He's God.
And you and I are really nothing apart from. Him. But that.
He loves us enough to save us. It may be that. He wants to give us instruction about something, whatever it might be.
But He always has a purpose. And remember, it cannot be manipulated. You can't go around saying, Okay, God, I want you to speak to me now.
I'm watching for you. I'm listening. I just need a personal visit.
He doesn't operate that way. He meets needs, no doubt. And He'll give us the comfort and assurance.
He may, it may be because. He wants to use you in a certain way, and. He's getting you ready for that.
It could be that there's going to be pain and suffering and heartache or persecution, disappointment in your life. And He's getting you ready for it by reminding you that. He loves you, that.
He's present with you, and that. He will walk with you whatever you're going to face. More than likely, He's not going to tell you what it is.
He just wants you to know what. He said. I'll be with you every step of the way.
We don't always know why God makes those visits, but. He makes them. And when I think about in my own life, and I won't give you details, but just simply to say, I can remember on one occasion, not a lot of occasions, because God just doesn't do this a lot of times.
One occasion when. He knew that I absolutely had to hear, desperately needed to hear from. Him, because everything in me said that isn't logical, that isn't the right thing to do.
This timing is ridiculous. Everything in me was heading in the other direction. And one night on my knees, I had this awesome visitation, so crystal clear, I could never be convinced by anybody under any circumstance that it wasn't God saying to me, so crystal clear, in a visible form, not visible of.
Him, but something. He showed me. I can remember on one occasion, probably a lot of occasions that I've fussed with the Lord about something because I didn't want to do it.
Most of the time, He just ignored it and went on anyway. But every once in a while, there's this awesome sense of the presence of God. I can think upon one occasion when I was very much afraid because of my circumstance.
And I was in the prayer room one day. I didn't know what I was afraid of. But God made it so crystal clear, it's like.
He just, there. He was saying, here's what's going to happen, be very careful. Less than a week went by when I experienced exactly what.
He showed me. He didn't name anybody. He didn't tell me exactly what it was going to be like.
Be very, very careful. Be sensitive. Listen to me.
God is so willing. I can think of another occasion when I had a big need, a major need that I could do absolutely nothing about. No warning.
Hadn't really been praying about it. Said, said, God, I don't know what to do. And all of a sudden, here's God with the answer.
All of a sudden, this man walked up to me, like an angel from heaven, to say, Here's what I'm going to do for you. And he walked away. Don't underestimate what God will do in your life.
And you see, the more, listen, the more desperate you and I are oftentimes, to know the truth and to know what. He's up to, or to get us ready. He knows how weak and frail we are, and how easily we are to be thrown off course.
When God decides that. He wants to do something in your life, He knows that it is necessary for you to walk in that with absolute unquestionable, undeniable assurance, whereby your feelings have no longer anything to do with it. You know that you've heard from God.
You know that. He's spoken to you very clearly. You know that it's like a visitation from.
Him, directed toward a specific incident. He'll do it. Now, here's the principle.
The more difficult what lies in your future, the more important it is to God for what. He wants to do and to accomplish, the more likely. He's going to visit you in a surprise.
See Him? No. Hear Him?
Not really, as far as the audible is concerned. Definite yes. Clear yes.
Unmistakably clear yes. There's also, in a sense, not some religious feeling. And not something that you've been praying about, nor something, it's not you walking around shouting and praising God.
I think in every single one of these instances, every single person was awed by the incident. Not running out to tell someone, awed by the simple presence of God. And here's what I want you to see in this.
God is so interested in you and your relationship to. This personal relationship that most people don't have, for the simple reason they don't expect it, they don't anticipate it, they don't even know that you can have an intimate relationship with. Him.
God wants you to know. Him above everything else in life.
Thank you for listening to God's Surprise Visits. If you'd like to know more about Charles Stanley or In Touch Ministries, stop by intouch.org. This podcast is a presentation of In Touch Ministries, Atlanta, Georgia.
Today, we’ll learn that in Christianity, death is a necessary part of our process. Just as our bodies die so that we can live again eternally in Heaven, we need to die to ourselves while we are living on this earth.
The post What Are You Wearing? – A first appeared on Pastor Jack Hibbs.
Today, on Real Life Radio.
Paul said, I'll stick around for your sakes that you might learn more Bible, but I want to go home. Think of that. How can he be so bold?
Because he knows what he's talking about. How can he know what he's talking about? Because there's a scriptural biblical witness and there's a natural witness.
This is Real Life. Welcome to Real Life Radio with Pastor Jack Hibbs. I'm David Jay thanking you for joining us today as we listen, learn, and are challenged by God's Word, the Bible.
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On today's edition of Real Life Radio, Pastor Jack now continues his series called First Corinthians with the message titled, What Are You Wearing? First Corinthians was written by the Apostle Paul to the Church of God in Corinth, and he shares with us about getting rid of our old clothes. You see, we need to be dressed for eternity.
Just like we have a natural body here on earth having clothes that will fade and tear, we'll have a spiritual body in heaven having a white robe that never wears out. So today we'll learn that in Christianity, death is a necessary part of our process. Just as our bodies die so that we can live eternally in heaven, we need to die to ourselves while living here on earth.
Now, with his message called What Are You Wearing? Here's pastor and Bible teacher, Jack Hibbs.
When we look around at what we wear, in most cases, you pick out something to wear. Now, tomorrow is supposed to be my day off. Normally, I would roll out of bed, put on my bathing suit or board shorts, whatever, and an old crummy t-shirt because that's what I wear on my day off.
You say, Pastor, I can't see you in that. It doesn't matter. You're not supposed to see me on my day off, I guess, anyway, but that's what I like.
It's comfortable. Are you with me? Okay.
And it's for the day. It's for that. And so, when you think about eternity, the Bible makes it very clear throughout scripture that we are to be dressed for eternity.
Just like you and I put clothes on, we are to have a certain garment on regarding eternity. The Bible tells us. For example, in the Book of Revelation, over and over again, there are those Old Testament saints, like David, like Jonah, or Daniel.
The Bible says they will be given white robes for eternity. They'll be wearing white robes. The Bible talks about the Tribulation saints, those believers who are yet in the future, who during the seven year horrific peril on earth, who will come to put their faith in Christ, the Bible says they will be granted white robes.
And of course, the church, you, right now for the last 2,000 years, you who believe in Christ, the Bible says you are given fine white linen. The Book of Revelation says, which are the righteous acts of the saints? That's you, it's amazing.
Eternity, and the question is, what are you wearing or are you dressed for eternity? In 1 Corinthians 15, 35, Paul is gonna take on the skeptics. Now watch this, this is fun.
Imagine right now, we're going now for the home stretch. He's gonna push now hard in the closing end of chapter 15. He's gonna glide to a beautiful finish in chapter 16.
But he right now today is winding up a pitch and he's delivering a fastball. Listen, it's not a curve ball. It's not a slider.
It's not a spit ball. He's delivering a fastball right down the middle because he's not afraid of the truth. And that ball is flying over the home plate.
And listen, he is intending everyone to take a swing at it. It's perfect pitch. You got to hit it.
And Paul is thinking like that regarding some skeptics in Corinth who do not believe in the resurrection. And Paul is going to use words that you would not want me to use in church, but today I'm going to use them. Paul uses them and I'm going to use them.
So I'm biblical. So, oh, my goodness, what is that? What is that?
Just hang on. It's so powerful. Follow along with me, if you would.
Verse 35, but someone will say, how are the dead raised up? And with what body do they come or come forth? Verse 36, foolish one, what you sow is not made alive unless it dies.
And what you sow, you do not sow that body that shall be, but mere grain, perhaps wheat or some other grain. But God gives a body as he pleases to each seed its own body. That's a law, by the way, of nature.
It's awesome. Verse 39, all flesh is not the same flesh, but there is one kind of flesh of man or mankind, another flesh of animals, another flesh of fish or of birds. There are also celestial bodies, be it angelic or the heavens above, or, and terrestrial bodies, those things of this world.
But the glory of the celestial is one, and the glory of the terrestrial, this world, is another. There is one glory of the sun, another glory of the moon, another glory of the stars, for one star differs from another star in glory. So, also is the resurrection of the dead.
The body is sown in corruption. It is raised in incorruption. It is sown in dishonor.
It is raised in glory. It is sown, or buried, in weakness. It is raised in power.
It is sown a natural body. Go ahead and pinch yourself. That's what that word means.
Your worldly body for this world. It is raised a spiritual body, not a ghost. The word means a body fit for eternity.
There is a natural body, and there is a spiritual body. And so it is written, the first man, Adam, became a living being. You're gonna wanna hang around to wait and find out what that means.
And the last Adam became a life-giving spirit. Verse 46. However, the spirit is not first, but the natural.
In other words, you're born into this world before you're born again. And afterward, the spiritual. The first man was of the earth, made of dust.
The second man is the Lord from heaven. As was the man of dust, so also are those who are made of dust. And as is the heavenly man, so also are those who are heavenly.
And as we have borne the image of the man of dust, Adam is our dad, we shall also bear the image of the heavenly man. What an amazing thing. I could say amen and we could go home now.
That is so plain, crystal clear if apparently from this passage, you're thinking. That's a huge assumption. Are you thinking?
You say, pastor, you're insulting me. Just wait. It hasn't even begun yet.
I'm serious. Paul is saying this. You skeptics and Corinth in the church, you are saying in a mocking tone and manner, that's what's implied in verse 35, you're asking two questions and you think you're so clever in asking these questions.
You are saying, how are the dead raised up? And what body do they come forth with? That question or those questions creates a response from Paul, which is awesome.
Church, get ready. Dressing for eternity. What are you wearing?
Number one, verses 35 to 38, is that we need to get rid of some old clothes. We need to get rid of some clothes as it were regarding our lives, regarding faith and regarding our real existence, getting rid of our old clothes. And I'm not talking about setting stuff in a pink bag out at the curb for someone to come pick up.
We do do that. And we don't even think about why we're doing that. But in the same token, I want you to think about what you take out to the curb and leave for someone to take away.
God wants you as a human being to take something out to the curb as it were and leave it and live a brand new life. And there's a great reason for it. Number one, verses 35 to 36 is this, getting rid of our old clothes and getting dressed for eternity means that we're gonna be using our knowledge wisely.
I want you to write that down. Use your head. Watch what he says.
Someone's gonna ask, how are the dead raised up? It's a sarcastic question. The way it's structured, it's sarcasm.
Someone's gonna say to Paul, either someone has said to Paul, they wrote him a letter, or this is what's rumored around the city of Corinth. Oh yeah, how are the dead raised up? How can this possibly be?
We're Greeks, we know everything. We'll give you Paul resurrection of the spirit life because the flesh is evil, the flesh is wicked, and it should die. Let it rot.
We've seen what happens to a dead body, turns into dust, and the wind blows it away, and that's the end of it. How in the world can that live again? Now that actually, if you don't know what the Bible has to say, that is a fair question to ask.
But if you're really honestly asking the question, friend, if you're in this building today and you're asking that question about what Christians believe and what the Bible teaches, you would say today, that's ridiculous. Everybody knows that either through cremation or the grave, what happens in 30 years or 30 minutes via cremation, it's all dust. Are you trying to tell me that God will reassemble that?
The answer to that is absolutely yes. It all matters on how big your God is. On the scientific side, why should that rock your world?
Because just because you extract all the moisture out of a human being's existence, you've got this molecular dust pile. That doesn't change. It's there.
And I want you to be thinking about that. Use your knowledge wisely. Verse 36, hang on to your seats.
He says, foolish one, what you sow is not made alive unless it dies. That sounds like a ridiculous statement, but it's so true and everybody knows it. You say, are you crazy, pastor?
I know what I'm talking about. First of all, circle the word foolish. Are you ready?
Mark it down. The Greek word is ephron. You walk up to somebody in Greece and you say, you ephron you, and you know what?
You're probably going to get beat up. Why? Do you want to know what it means?
The word means you stupid, empty headed, egotistical, egocentric, unbelieving, unwise person. Couldn't you just see Paul? This little Hebrew guy coming up there, comes up and he says, what is it you don't believe in?
You don't believe in the resurrection? Ephron. Man, I'd love to see this.
You empty-headed person. The word means you're not thinking. And listen, he lays it out before a human audience.
Use your head. We use the same word, use your head. We say things like, what were you thinking?
What's up there anyway? Excuse me, we say things so sweet and so nice. We say things like, the lights are on, but nobody's home.
It's the exact same meaning. Wow. You don't know what you're talking about, Paul is saying.
You're listening to Real Life with Pastor Jack Hibbs. You know, to hear more episodes and maybe catch up in the series, just go to jackhibbs.com. That's jackhibbs.com.
And for now, let's get back to our teaching. Once again, here's Pastor Jack.
He is announcing that for biblical theology and for Christian theology, which is biblical theology, death is not the end. Death is a necessity in our lives that serves a purpose. Death.
How can I say that? Because the Bible says that God has conquered death. The Bible says that the Lord Jesus in his death and resurrection has taken away the sting and the power of the grave.
God's conquered death. We are so gripped by this temporal view of life, and we fear death. Let me tell you something.
If you're a Christian, as you guys all know, the Bible says to be absent from the body, that means you die. It's to be present with the Lord. What could be better than that?
Paul says, I've got an issue in my life. You guys need me to stay and teach the Bible, he says to them, but I would rather and far better be out of here and with the Lord. Paul said, I'll stick around for your sakes that you might learn more Bible, but I wanna go home.
Think of that. How can he be so bold? Cuz he knows what he's talking about.
How can he know what he's talking about? Because there's a scriptural biblical witness and there's a natural witness. And we've often said in this pulpit that the God of nature is the God of salvation, the God of the Bible.
And that display of nature and the Bible will never contradict each other. The author's the same. But you gotta use your knowledge wisely.
And Paul brings forth an argument that is simply, and I mean that simply, brilliant. It is awesome. Because he's introducing to the thinking of those skeptics, death is a liberator to the Christian.
Death. Listen, the Bible tells us in John's Gospel, chapter 12, verse 24. Listen to this.
And listen, before I read it, John 12, 24, Jesus, what occupation was Jesus? Carpenter. How did he know?
This verse I'm gonna read you, how did he know this? He said, well, he's God. I know, I know, I'm just settin you up.
But John 12, 24, most assuredly I say to you, unless a grain of wheat falls into the ground and it dies, it remains alone or all by itself. But if it dies, it produces much grain. Mark this down, would ya?
This is amazing. You see this? Look what I got right here.
What is that? Corn. By the way, the way our crops are going in the Midwest right now, I'm gonna hang on to this.
It could get pretty rare here come this fall. Can you see the kernels right here? If I take one of these right here, I have no idea.
Maybe some of you botanist, maybe you know. I don't know how many corn kernels are on an ear of corn, and I don't know how many ears of corn are on a stalk of corn. But I know where it came from.
It came from one of these little guys right here. Inside here is locked information that is genius. Did you know that?
And let me tell you a little bit about it. If you were to take this out and let it dry in the sun, and leave it, you can leave it out, you can leave it out for 500 years. Isn't it weird?
And take it and put it in the ground. When you put it in the ground, it dies. You say, what?
When you put it in the ground, the chemicals from the earth cause it to die. At the moment of its death, it shoots out a microscopic little root, and it begins to grow. In its death, it's buried, it begins to grow.
Every day, do you know this? The God is so amazing. In my hand right here, I have the power right here to feed the entire world forever.
Mathematically, did you know that? There should be no starvation in the globe. One kernel of corn can produce an entire stock which produces ears of corn, and I don't know how many kernels are on each ear, and if you plant those, my friends, you cover the earth in corn, there should be no starvation.
The only reason why there's starvation, by the way, if you look around the world, is because of political reasons. Go figure that one out. It's not the environment.
God has done his part. Man's doing everything possible to mess it up. One kernel falls under the ground and dies and brings forth this.
And that's exactly what Jesus said. Unless you die, you live or you exist by yourself. But the moment, think about this, the moment you're put into the ground, this happens.
Now, you see, you just went from corn to us. Well, I spiritualized it this way in the sense that when a believer dies and the Gospels preached at their funeral, I've seen non-believers get saved and fruit is produced from that dead person's life. Actually, their body's the only thing that's dead, isn't it?
Think about that for a moment. I think that's very encouraging. But he's talking, Paul is saying, listen, you guys, you're a skeptic, aren't you hoping for a harvest?
Aren't you hoping this summer or fall for some corn? And everybody would say, even a godless person would say, yeah, man, I'm looking forward to a harvest. Every time you and I pluck an apple from the tree, a tomato from the plant, corn from the stock, we should be thinking God is showing us over and over and over again, the power of his resurrection.
The power, he's put it in nature. He's screaming at us that when the caterpillar goes up the side of your house and spins the chrysalis and then flies away, he was re-it, the caterpillar was reconstituted. Can you imagine flying, I don't know what they think.
I don't know, I have no idea. Can you imagine, this is awesome. Oh my goodness, no more earthbound.
This is great. The corn is corn. If I plucked off a kernel and said, what is this?
You'd say corn. If I held the stock up, you'd say corn. And if I showed you Kansas covered in this, you would say, it's corn.
But it's different every time you look at it, isn't it? And that's exactly what Paul is arguing about the resurrected life. Your body will be raised from the dead.
There'll be a vacancy where you once were, but you'll be reconstituted by the power of God. Resurrection, not reincarnation. Resurrection, not resuscitation.
Resurrection. And we need to remember that. It is an awesome thing to think.
Next, verse 37 is applying what you and I already know. He says, what you sow, what you put in the ground, you do not sow that body that shall be. We just heard how that changes.
But mere grain, perhaps wheat or some other grain. In the book of Acts, Paul was in Athens, Greece at this time, of Acts 26, and he says, why should you think it incredible that God should raise the dead? Isn't that a great statement?
Isn't that a great question? How big's your God? Can your God raise the dead?
And I love that challenge. He's so bold, because the evidence is overwhelming. God, in a sense, in nature, announces, I raise the dead every day.
Isn't that fun? I raise the dead every day. It's a great, great, beautiful picture that he gives us.
Applying what you already know. Listen, I'm gonna move on from this, but it's just a simple challenge. Look around.
If you're a skeptic, look around and ask yourself, is there reproduction taking place in the world in which I live in? How does it come about? How is it happening?
What's the science to it? And you'll be applying what you already know, but we so often fly over the things that are so simple, but in reality, they explain so much. And Paul is saying, some of you at Corinth, you think you're so smart, and you've never even figured this out, that God raises the dead, and it's easy for him.
That resurrection is coming to all those. Some to eternal life, yes, the Bible says, some to eternal destruction, but resurrection is coming. The third thing is this, is recognizing the design of God.
Look at verse 38, to recognize God's amazing engineering. It says in verse 38, but God gives a body as he pleases. Circle the word pleases.
The word implies engineering or engineered. God gives a body as he's engineered to each seed its own body. And this is a scientific fact.
Everything reproduces after its own kind. You all know that, we know that. If you plant grape seed in the ground, you are not gonna get an oak tree.
You say, that's so dumb. I can't believe that. The Bible says everything produces after its own kind.
And that is a scientific fact. So, watch what he says. It pleases God to engineer as he sees fit, and he has seen fit to be ordered, reasonable and logical.
I want you to think of this. God's design, recognizing it. The Bible says in Genesis 1, 27 and 28, that God made us after his own image, says the Bible.
Verse 28 says in Genesis 1 that God blessed them. And by the way, the Bible says, listen, God said, God said, be fruitful and multiply, fill the earth, subdue it, have dominion over it. That word means use it to your joy.
Use the earth to your joy. Should we take care of the planet? Yes.
Should we worship it? No. According to the Bible, should we be fruitful and multiplying?
Yes. That should be a theme for a marriage retreat. Be fruitful and multiply.
Anyway, okay, I'm getting off the... Fill the earth and subdue it. Have dominion over the fish of the sea, over the birds of the air, and over every living thing that moves on the earth.
Why? Because God takes care of the balance. Should we be wise?
Yes. Use your brain. No one should be a better custodian of the earth's environment than a Christian.
Why? Because our God made it.
Pastor and Bible teacher, Jack Hibbs, here on Real Life Radio with his message called, What Are You Wearing? So glad you could be with us today. You know, this message is part of Pastor Jack's series called, First Corinthians.
It's a series on the Corinthian Church and the Apostle Paul's bold call for purity. And we'll continue on the next edition of Real Life Radio. What if the rapture happened tomorrow?
Are you prepared? In Dr. Charles C. Rirey's enlightening book called, What You Need to Know About the Rapture, you'll dive into the profound truths that unravel the mysteries about this pivotal event.
This September, Pastor Jack Hibbs invites you to explore this month's featured resource and gain a deeper understanding of the end times. In this insightful book, Dr. Rirey addresses key questions about the timing, the significance, and the surrounding events of the rapture, offering clear and straightforward explanations that really simplify complex topics. Whether you're a seasoned student of prophecy or just beginning that journey, this book is an invaluable resource.
This book will help clarify the confusion that surrounds the doctrine of the rapture. You know Jesus taught it? The Bible teaches it?
But do you know it? Get a copy for yourself.
What you need to know about the rapture by Charles Rirey, it's available for a gift of any amount at jackhibbs.com/realradio, jackhibbs.com/realradio.
This program is made possible by the generous contributions of you, our listeners. Visit us at jackhibbs.com, that's jackhibbs.com. Until next time, Pastor Jack Hibbs and all of us here at Real Life Radio wish for you solid and steady growth in Christ and in His Word.
We'll see you next time here on Real Life Radio.
Sermon Overview
Scripture Reference: Nehemiah 4
Anyone who does something in the name of the Lord will face spiritual warfare. This is why a steadfast church is bound to be attacked by the enemy.
Our enemy is very methodical. But the Holy Spirit is our ally. Not only can we know the enemy’s methods, but we can also stand against them.
In the Book of Nehemiah, the walls of Jerusalem were rebuilt, despite spiritual opposition. We can clearly see the enemy’s tactics at work in Nehemiah 4.
First, he tries derision.
He mocked Nehemiah and his team, calling them feeble, futile, and foolish. The devil will try to laugh us away from our purpose.
If that doesn’t work, he’ll try discouragement.
About halfway through any big task, we’ll find we are discouraged by fatigue or frustration. This is on purpose; we must stay on track.
Next, the devil tries dismay.
He will use physical intimidation to scare us. But when threatened, Nehemiah and his team remembered the Lord and resisted the enemy; they continued to build and stood ready to battle at the same time. (See Nehemiah 4:18.)
The devil will also attack with discord and division.
We cannot let Satan drive a wedge in our fellowship. Whenever we stand for things within the church body, they must be for the right purpose, in the right spirit, at the right time.
Adrian Rogers says, “If you are wise, you’ll always be a part of the solution, never a part of the problem.”
Next, he tries to distract us.
Satan’s motivation never changes; if he seems to be reasoning with us, it’s a diversion tactic. He is not our friend; we must keep our eyes on the Lord and continue serving Him.
Finally, as he did with Nehemiah, the enemy will defame us among our peers and criticize our motives.
When we live for Jesus, we will be slandered. We must never listen to any slander about another child of God. It is all garbage.
Isaiah 54:17 says, “’No weapon formed against you shall prosper, and every tongue which rises against you in judgment You shall condemn. This is the heritage of the servants of the Lord, and their righteousness is from Me,’ says the Lord.”
Apply it to your life
Christians: don’t be afraid of the enemy’s attacks. Commit to doing good work—a child of God is always building and battling at the same time.
“Known for his unique ability to simplify profound truth so that it can be applied to everyday life, Adrian Rogers was one of the most effective preachers, respected Bible teachers, and Christian leaders of our time. Thanks for joining us for this message. Here's Adrian Rogers.
Take God's word, turn to Nehemiah chapter 4. I want to talk about a steadfast church. Because you see, this church will be under attack.
Now, that ought not surprise you. It's very clear that we will be under attack. The door to the room of opportunity, swings on the hinges of opposition.
Now, when you try to say, we're going to do something in the name of the Lord, you're going to raise up the ir of the devil. This church has an enemy. He is the devil.
Bible calls him a deceiver, a liar, a murderer, an accuser, a tempter, the destroyer, the evil one. All of these speak of the same person. He like any criminal, he has many aliases.
But he has one purpose, that is to come against you, your family, and corporately to come against this church. And he's very good at it. The Bible speaks of his[…]”
From Love Worth Finding | Audio Program: A Steadfast Church, Sep 16, 2024
This material may be protected by copyright.
Our thoughts are connected to our emotions, which can change just like the wind. Today, Joyce shares ways God's Word can help you stay in control of your emotions.
[Music] Welcome to Call to Freedom with Barbar Carmac. This is Jimmy Lakey and I'm delighted that you are joining us for this half hour. You can reach Call to Freedom at box 370-367 Denver, Colorado, 802-37 or by going to the website at www.freedomstreet.org. If you want to leave a message or order a word-powered daily reading Bible guide or a Freedom Street Express newsletter, you can call us toll-free at 1-877-917-7256 and leave your name and address including your zip code. If you want to talk to Barbara right now, she is expecting your call. You may call that same toll-free number 1-877-917-7256 to speak to her. And now, let's join Barbara in the studio. Welcome to Call to Freedom. I want to remind you that it's 9/11 and we will never forget 9/11, 2001. Because it was for Freedom that Jesus set you free. Jesus died almost 2,000 years ago for you and these men and women who gave their lives almost 3,000 people. It was for Freedom, my friend. So remember that. Never forget that people have died, that you might have freedom. By day the Lord directs His love at night. His song is with me, a prayer to the God of my life. Last night I went out to bed and maybe you felt like this at the end of the day. I was just a little saddened of heart. And it's like immediately Holy Spirit was there and He said, "I want to surround you with the joy of God." And in your presence is fullness of joy and at your right hand are pleasures forever. More Barbara and that's how we can edify ourselves and build up our spirits even if there is sadness in our day, sadness in the hours that we have seen go by and haven't accomplished what we wanted to accomplish. Oh, the joy of knowing God and the hope there is in knowing Him, my friend. I hope you do. I hope you know Jesus. All you need to say right now is, "Lord Jesus, I admit I'm a sinner. I've never given you the time of day. I have not given my attention to you, but I want to make you my Savior and my Lord. I want to give you myself, my heart, my soul, my strength." So I say, "Lord, God, give me a new heart and a fresh start." And in that little prayer, He will make you a new creation according to 2 Corinthians 5, 17. So remember that. Oh, you are blessed to dispense. For in Him you live and move and have your meeting and have your move and live and move and have your being. I'm sorry. Oh, I still thinking of that freedom thing. Praise the Lord. I just want to announce the meeting before Kimberly comes on this Saturday, September the 14th. I'm looking forward to seeing you and having fellowship with you as we join in on the singing the praise songs and discuss the Bible at 10 o'clock. I love discussing the Bible and we'll have lunch on the patio. It's going to be a beautiful day. We're going to have a summer salad Saturday. Yes, summer salad Saturday to celebrate the end of summer, 2024. And feel free to bring your favorite dessert if you'd like that instead. There will be not only great fellowship, but delicious food around the tables on the patio. Call me at 1-877-917-7256. I look forward to seeing you on Saturday, September the 14th. God bless you and welcome to call the freedom Kimberly. I know you're 750 miles away, but you're always you're always close to us. Yes. Oh, I'm so thankful for that. Yes. Yes. I'm so thankful for technology. And I really loved how you were introducing in him. We live and move and have our meeting because you're having a meeting at this Saturday. I thought that was very appropriate. Thank you. Thank you. For overcoming a stumble there. Oh, yeah. Sometimes it's really not a stumble. I love to look at things like that in life where we think we've made these horrendous mistakes. And God works them all for good, even the smallest thing. The smallest thing that we get twisted in our sentences. He works them for good. He did. And I love that. Amen. Yesterday, I just want to stay in the same spirit of yesterday. I love the name of the program that you put on the website. It's called First Things First, right? Is that what you called it? It was the song that consumed by fire sing at the end of the program. Yes. Yes. Love that. And I loved it so much when John called in from "Loveland." If you're listening today, John, we just love you. Yes. You have an amazingly transparent heart that is a great help to the body of Christ. Yes. So I just want to say thank you for calling in with willingness to talk about the hard things in this life. Yes. And right before this program, just now, I heard someone say how important it is to tell our stories. And to hear other stories so we won't forget. And that's what I love. Yesterday, John, you called in and you're telling your story. And I love to tell my stories too. And mom, when you asked them, "How are you?" That first thing that he said is, "I stick to 2 Timothy 1,7." God has not given you a spirit of fear, but of power and of love and of self-control. And it's a spirit of self-control. And that's how he started the whole conversation. Yes. I just love that. I know. And he starts it with the Word of God. Yes. He's memorized more scripture than any other power partner I've known in the last 25 years. And he just really does memorize. He writes down on the little insert card that he returns with his donation. He's always, "I memorized." And he goes on with the scriptures and writes them out. That's just beautiful. Yes. Oh, I love it. Yeah. There were a couple of things that really stood out to me about that conversation. And one, it was just a real small thing. Maybe he doesn't even remember saying it. But he said, "It seems like the listeners all know what they're doing." And isn't that the truth? We think that everyone else has it all figured out. We just have a tendency as human beings. We look at other people's lives and their careers and their families and their homes and their cart. And we just think, "Wow, they've got it all figured out, don't they?" Yeah. Yeah. And then we're even harder on ourselves thinking that we don't have it figured out when really all of us are just confused. It's just the truth. We don't have it figured out. And the other thing he said was, "I lean on the verse that says," and he was quoting Isaiah 35-4. "I've been spending a lot of time in Isaiah just falling in love with it all over again." So I love this. He said, "I lean on the verse that says, 'Say unto those who have a fearful heart, be strong, fear not.' My God comes with vengeance, even with recompense to save us." Oh, yes. I love that. And it's so true. Our God does come with vengeance and recompense to save us. He does not hold our sins against us. He's so full of compassion, full of forgiveness, full of mercy. And he watches us go through consequences of our own and their consequences because we're not really following him closely. We get ourselves into situations in life that are painful, that are heart, that are confusing, that feel compromising. And we get ourselves into that because we haven't followed really closely, but that's not really talking about following all the rules. It's talking about relationship and constantly leaning on the Lord. And I just, John's transparency and vulnerability yesterday were just so inspiring and healing. How wonderful to see someone walking out exactly what God has planned for us humans, recognizing our weaknesses, and then wishing we didn't have them, but we don't want those weaknesses. And then finally, asking God to do the work to change us. That's the key though. It's asking him because we can't change ourselves. John even said that. I heard him bring that up because we can't have self control. We can't do it on our own. Even Paul says in Romans 7, "The good that I wish I do not do, but I practice the very evil that I do not wish." And he says, "Oh, wretched man that I am, who will set me free from this body of death?" And then he in the 25th verse of chapter 7 of Romans, he says, "Thanks be to God through Jesus Christ our Lord, so then on the one hand I myself with my mind am serving the law, but on the other with my flesh the law of sin." Then he goes right into chapter 8 of Romans. There is therefore now no condemnation. That's exactly what you're talking about, Kimberly. Yes. Over, over, coming all those feelings. Oh. Yes. Yes. For the law of this, I don't even have it in front of me, but I think I can say, for the law of the spirit of life in Christ Jesus has set me free from the law of sin and death. Yes. My hands are just up in the air right now. Yes. Amen. Hallelujah. It's so good to remember that it's relationship with him. It's not how well we can walk it out or even end up with our own self control. It's asking and keep on asking, like Luke 11, 9 tells us. And Matthew 7, 2, the Sikh, 1st, the kingdom of God, that section right there is Sikh and keep on seeking. It's asking, keep on asking. It's a continual relationship, not just a one time thing, so that we've achieved and now we feel really good about ourselves. You know? Yes. So it's continuous, which is revealing that we need relationship and we need communication with our Lord all day, every day. Yes. And that is what is most important. It's not just achieving what we think is necessary for change. That's not actually important. What's important is cultivating the intimate relationship with him, where he's always on your mind and you're always talking to him. Yes. We all have our pits that we fall into and thank you John for sharing yours yesterday. We all need help getting out of them and it's not other human beings that help us out. It's God Himself who helps us and eventually helps us avoid them all together. Yes. So, you know, remaining in the spirit of transparency, because I truly believe that's where we find our help. Last week, I was letting you all know about my struggles with the choir members that wanted our band to just change the key with the snap, you know? Not realizing what they were asking for and it made me so upset. I was really angry and I chose to worship. It became an act of worship. It became a sacrifice of praise because I was choosing the worship over my feelings. Yes. I was really, really upset. You know, and thank you God, I'm not upset this week. I can go to choir and hug my friends and not be mad. And I'm so grateful for the opportunity to get past the feelings. We have to even get past our feelings, the feelings so dark and feeling so sinful. Because God doesn't look at us and see us as sinful and dark. He sees us as precious. He is the one who actually created darkness in the first place. If we go, you know, Genesis 1 in the Tanakh, it starts out when God began to create heaven and earth, the earth being unformed and void with darkness over the surface of the deep. And a wind from God sweeping over the water. God said, let there be light. I love that. Knowing that there was no darkness until God created that darkness and that void. When he began creating, it included the darkness, the confusion, the chaos, the void. And he spoke over that. His words are precious. And when we hear those words and respond to those words, then we are coming into relationship with him. Yes. Psalm 107, you brought this up earlier and I just, I love this song so much. It describes a lot of different pits that we all fall into. In Psalm 107 verse 4, it says, some of us once wandered, wandered wandering around, confused in the wilderness, like desert nomads, with no true direction or dwelling place. Starving, thirsting, staggering, we became desperate and filled with despair. And then we cried out, Lord help us. Rescue us. And he did. And he did. Yes. He led us right into a place of safety and abundance, a suitable city to dwell in. I love that. When we cry out to him, he answers. When we stay in communication with him and realize it's not in our own efforts that we can avoid these pits that we fall into, that we can avoid the wilderness, that we can avoid the desert. That's not what that's all about. That's not what it's teaching us. It's not about avoiding. It's about communicating, calling out to him. He hears when we call out to him. And he satisfies our souls in verse 9 of Psalm 107, how he satisfies the souls of thirsty ones and fills the hungry with all that is good. Yes. Here's another group of people in verse 10. Some of us once sat in darkness, living in the dark shadows of death. We were prisoners to our pain, change to our regrets. We rebelled against God's word, rejected his wise counsel. So he humbled us through our circumstances. Those are our consequences. That's right. There are just natural laws that God put in place here. And it's our own consequences. And he allows those consequences to humble us. And he watches us as we stumble. Oh, you have to know that he doesn't watch us stumble thinking, yep, good for them. They really needed that. That's right. Oh, that's not our God. We all have stumbled. We've all fallen short of God's glory. We've all stumbled. How dare we? So how dare we? Yes. Blame him or even our brothers and sisters for things that have happened that we have allowed to happen. Yes, you're so right, Kimberly. Then he heard us. He saved us. Yes. And when he's watching us, he's so full of compassion. You know, it's just like when you watch one of your friends or one of your family members, making decisions that you really don't want them to make because you know it's going to cause them harm. And it's going to make them struggle even harder. You really don't want that for them. And it's so hard for you to watch them. You might try and try and try to tell them. Don't do this, you know. And you want to be that voice crying out saying, avoid that pit. And especially parents with children, I don't want them growing up to how I grew up. So I'm going to give them everything, give them the better things in life. And boom, they still make those decisions that require God's presence, Kimberly. Right. But as much as it hurts us to watch it, that's how it hurts our Heavenly Father to watch us stumbling in the dark. And he can see that there's nothing that's going to help us until we call out to him and revive our relationship with him and our communication with him. And then we cried out in verse 13, Lord help us rescue us and he did. And he did. He made all of Louis XIV his light broke through the darkness and led us out in freedom from death's dark shadow and snapped every one of our chains. I love it. He's so willing to just meet us there and and set us free from the bondage and pull us up and out of the pit and bind up our broken hearts. In the verse 17, it's talking about another group, another group of people, another, this group, he's calling fools. Some of us were such fools bringing on ourselves sorrow and suffering all because of our sins. Sick and feeble, unable to stand to the side of food, we drew nearer to the gates of death itself. And then we cried out, Lord help us revive us and rescue us and he did. He spoke the words, be healed and we were healed and delivered us from death's door. It's hard to speak out and ask him to rescue you when you're mad at him. Oh, that's so good. So you might need to forgive him and then call out to him. He does come to our rescue. He does revive us and restore us. He does heal us. And then we start recognizing, oh, wow, I got myself there in that own set of consequences, in that own pit. It wasn't him that put me there. I ended up there because of my choices. Yes. There's another group of people in verse 23. It says, some of us set sail upon the sea to far away ports, transporting our goods from ship to shore. We were witnesses of God's power out in the ocean deep. You know, I just think of these people as being so arrogant because wow, look what I'm doing. I am moving things around. I have stuff. Yeah, or I'm going on a cruise, you know, forget the life here. I'm just going to take some time off. Go on a cruise and forget my life back home. Yeah, they take off on the sea. Then a storm comes. Tell you what, my pride and arrogance has has stirred up a storm before. Yep, a storm comes, doesn't it? Lifting high the waves with hurricane winds, ships were tossed by swelling sea, then dropping down to depths, really like drunkards, spinning like tops everyone at their wits end until even experienced sailors despaired of life, cringing in terror. And here it is again, verse 28, then we cried out, Lord help us rescue us. And he did. And he did. God stills the storms. He calms the waves. He hushes the hurricane winds to only a whisper. And we are so relieved, so glad as he guides us safely to harbor in a quiet haven. Psalm 107, it's so good. It takes some time to read it. It is wonderful. It reminds me of the time that Jesus was asleep in the boat on the sea of Galilee. And you've seen the sea of Galilee. So and the disciples, the storm is raging. It's the, I mean, the waves are lapping up at the side of the boat. They come to Jesus, wake him up. Lord, it's storm. We're going to drown. Here's the Son of God whom they have seen miracles performed by his hand. And they still say we're going to drown. He's right there in their presence. And all it takes is relationship. Lord help. Lord help. And you know, just reading through all these different pits that we humans can fall into reminds us of how gentle, how kind, how loving and merciful and generous our God is to always rescue us when we call on him. And I believe Manasseh King Manasseh is just one of the best examples of that. A wicked king. And he was wicked for 50 years wicked. And then taken into captivity into Babylon and God rescued him from there because he cried out to the Lord and repented. And the Lord rescued him and put him back on his throne back in Jerusalem. That's amazing. I know. A lot of people say if Hezekiah wouldn't pray, have prayed for more years when he was sick and the Lord gave him more years to live, he wouldn't have had Manasseh. So here we have a wicked king, but you're looking at it in a different light, Kimberly. I am. Yes, that we all find ourselves falling short. We all find ourselves in the pit. And we've got to we cry out to the counselors, to the lawyers, to everybody in this world. And we've got to cry out to God. Yes. And that's what he's looking for. That's the point of this whole life. He created us to be a perfect partner to him, to be his best friend. Best friends stay in touch with each other. And he is looking for us to call on him, not fix it all ourselves. Yes. We can't fix it ourselves. And yesterday you said something, Mom, and you spoke truth. When you said that self-control is the last in the list of the fruits of the Holy Spirit, because it's the last one that we achieve as believers. That's right. And I think it's the last one we achieve because it's absolutely impossible. It really is. Self-control is impossible. Only God can control these selfish beings, us human beings. Only God can control this self with His love. Maybe we should translate that instead of self-control as the last fruit of Holy Spirit, God control. Just list that as God control because it's no longer self. That's right. No longer self. Yes. I believe Jesus is the one who showed us that the beauty of that, teaching us how to pray, thy kingdom come. Thy will be done. Not my kingdom. I don't want my kingdom anymore. I want yours. I don't want my will. I want my will anymore. I want yours. And even the struggle in the Garden of Gesemony, Jesus was showing us that He really wanted a different path. He wanted a different cup to drink. Let this one pass from me. I really don't want this one, please. Yes. Nevertheless, not my will. But yours be done, O Lord. Yes, that's right. And when we let that happen, that's truly God control over us instead of our self-controlling us. It's Him controlling us. Yes. That's beautiful. It is. It's beautiful. As I was praying, I was telling you a while ago that the Lord told me, so many times we have a new year. And it's the year of breakthrough. It's the year of victory. It's the year of overcoming. It's the year everything is just ongoing. I'm going to crush the enemy. And I said, Lord, what has this year been? And He says, it's the year of yielding. Why? I-E-L-D-L-Y. Yealding yourself. And we don't want to hear those words, surrender, yielding. We don't want to hear those words. We want to hear the overcoming words. Well, I can't believe it. Yeah, we need to lay down our lives just as Jesus did. Take up our crosses. Lay down our lives, surrender it all to Him. Yes. That's so true. Because self-control, it's not possible on our own. And only our God can do the impossible with His love. Yes. Oh, this has been so good. I'm inviting you back tomorrow because you've got a little addition that you're working on. And I know the listeners are going to need what you are going to be expounding on. And it's something that we need to realize in this life in order to be followers of Jesus. And the very last word in Isaiah 42 is that this is the key Kimberly. God wants to hold you by the hand and watch over you. And that's what I want to give to the listeners today. God wants to take you by the hand and watch over you. That's how much He loves you. Well, thank you. That's so good. We all be able to just walk in that for the rest of the day. Yes. Amen. Remember the meeting on Saturday, September the 14th. Call me at 1-877-917-7256. And thank you again, Kimberly. And Lord willing, we will talk tomorrow. Thank you for listening to Call to Freedom with Barbara Carmack. You may get in touch with Barbara at Call to Freedom. Box 370-367 Denver, Colorado 80237. Or you may leave your message at 1-877-917-7256. Call to Freedom is a listener supported radio ministry. Barbara and her power partners invite you to come on board with us and become a network of hands holding up Call to Freedom Ministry. Power partner support Call to Freedom with Prayer and Monthly Financial Support. You will be blessed supernaturally. We invite you to visit Call to Freedom's website, www.freedomstreet.org, where you can hear Barbara's daily radio broadcast 24 hours a day or order materials. You may share your phrase reports in heart prize by mailing them to Call to Freedom. Box 370-367 Denver, Colorado 80237. Or you may email us at barbracarmac@freedomstreet.org. Until next time, remember Jesus loves you, Barbara loves you, and take joy. [Music] [Music]
Sermon Overview
Scripture Passage: Acts 23
If you are criticized for standing for the Lord Jesus Christ, the Bible says, “Rejoice and be exceeding glad. Great is your reward in heaven.” (Matthew 5:12) This may seem easier said than done, however.
Scripture tells us that we will be criticized if we live for Jesus. How can we cope with criticism and have peace in times of persecution? Consider the apostle Paul, who was criticized for following the Lord Jesus Christ, and yet he went through it triumphantly.
First, he had a righteous life that came out of a good conscience.
Acts 23:1 says, “I have lived in all good conscience before God until this day…” Our conscience is that inner voice that accuses us or excuses us for our actions. It doesn’t make us good or bad, it simply defines for us what we truly believe is good or bad. However, if our conscience bothers us, then criticism will bother us. We must ensure that our conscience is free from defilement, searing, and evil. If we ever let our conscience get warped or burnt out, we will not be able to cope with criticism in a sound, biblical way.
The second thing that enabled Paul to stand as he did was his message of a resurrected Lord.
There is tension in the Gospel: the Son of God was crucified, killed, and rose from the dead three days later. When you truly preach the resurrection of Jesus Christ, it is a disturbing and dividing truth. Either Jesus rose from the grave, or He didn’t. Which side are you on?
Adrian Rogers says, “When you take a stand for truth you’re going to have a head-on collision with error.” This truth that disturbed and divided others is what delivered Paul. God gave him a reassuring lift, with a word of courage, commendation, and confidence in his time of need.
If we are morally clean and theologically pure, we will be spiritually close to Jesus in times of suffering.
When this happens, not only will we cope with criticism, we might just rejoice in it.
Apply it to your life
Have you been facing criticism for following the Lord Jesus Christ? Use the example of Paul in Acts 23 to face it triumphantly.