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Is God in control of everything? Does the Devil have any real power? In today's episode, find out the answers to these questions and learn how you can find true peace and security.

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Is God in control of everything? Does the Devil have any real power? In today's episode, find out the answers to these questions and learn how you can find true peace and security.

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Pride and arrogance are counter culture to the Kingdom of God.  In today's episode Rabbi teaches us how to position our hearts against pride.

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Whether you’re talking about relationships at home or at work—or anywhere—this truth applies: Hurt people hurt people. Pastor Rick teaches in this message how looking for the hurt underneath the anger leads to understanding and reconciliation.


There is the long time saying, “There are none so blind as those who will not see.” Sadly, this is true in matters of things that are spiritual. The Bible warns us of such blindness so that we can see.

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Sermon Overview


Scripture Passage: Acts 20:35-38


The world often measures a man by his intelligence, strength, or wealth. However, the world often forgets that when we pass away, we leave behind all that we have and take with us all that we are. What will you take with you? What truly matters in a man?


Consider what the Apostle Paul took with him. Acts 20:19 says, “Serving the Lord with all humility of mind, and with many tears, and temptations…”


A man’s life will be measured by his manner.


We must live a life of humility, and the mark of humility is service. Adrian Rogers says, “Humility is an honest estimation of yourself… based on what God says about you. It results primarily in serving others.”


Our manner of life should be marked by heartache.


"Serving the Lord... with many tears." The apostle Paul was a compassionate man. He knew how to weep. He knew how to enter into the sorrows and the hurts of other people.


Our manner of life must also include hardship.


There is no way to live a life that counts and make an impression on this world without making some enemies. That didn’t scare Paul, and it shouldn’t scare us.


A man's life will also be measured by his message.


We will be known for something when we are gone. Our lives will bear a message for others to remember when they think about us. Paul’s life message revolved around repentance toward God and faith in Jesus Christ.


Finally, a man’s life is measured by his motto.


Every man has a life motto; something that motivates, drives, and constrains him. Paul's life motto was: "Remembering the words of Jesus, it is more blessed to give than to receive.” (Acts 20:35) Paul spent his life, not primarily as a receiver, but as a giver. This motto freed Paul from covetousness, idleness, and selfishness. Therefore, his life was blessed.


There is no easy way to have a great life. But if we remember that a man’s life is measured by the manner, the message, and the motto of his life, we will find a life worth living.



Apply it to your life


If you based your life on Paul’s testimony in Acts 20:19, how would you measure up? When we pass away, we leave behind all that we have and take with us all that we are. What will you take with you?


Is there an ongoing competition between good and evil?  Is God in a power struggle with the Devil? Find out in today's episode.

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