Join us as we unravel the profound yet often misunderstood concept of the 'old man' in Christian theology. By examining Paul’s teachings in Romans, we uncover the distinction between our natural humanity and the spiritual life offered through faith in Christ. This episode challenges common misconceptions and emphasizes the freedom and common sense that comes with understanding the sacrifice of Jesus as our divine representative.
So here we are in Romans chapter 6, and we're at verse 6, where Paul says, Knowing this, that our old man was crucified with him that the body of sin might be done away with, that we should no longer be slaves to sin. Now, this is very interesting. It's strange as well. And, you know, I'm not sure how I can explain it to you, but I see the book of Romans in a very different way now from how I saw it when I first started teaching this book decades ago. I still saw the gospel in it decades ago, but I see it with a difference now. You see, I thought Paul was simply talking atomistically, shall I say, and that is his own personal experience. And he was simply talking about his having been, let's see, how does it say, that his old man had been crucified with Christ. What I didn't understand then, and I do now, I think, is that Paul is talking about the whole of humanity. Paul is talking about humanity in a personal way so that we get it personally, but it applies to all humanity. Well, let's go on, and then we'll perhaps see that more. Knowing this... What do we know? That's what you and I have to ask ourselves as Christians. Because, you see, we live in a fallen world, and we are part of that fallen world. We have a broken-down human nature, a sinful human nature. a nature that is corrupted. And so the inclination of our hearts and our minds is downward. It's towards sin. It's towards misery. It's towards evil, towards other people and to ourselves and before God, because we are in a state of suppression, as Paul says in chapter 1 of Romans verse 18. But now we've seen Jesus Christ. Christ has revealed himself to us. God sent his Son to reveal himself to the world and to reveal the Father to the world through his Son. And so something has happened to some of us, not all of us at this point. You see, Paul is talking with two voices. He is reminding us that as one man brought sin and death into the world, Adam, so one man brings righteousness and life to the world, Christ. As one man brings about death to everyone, so one man brings life to everyone. That's the good news that we're looking at here, you see. So, in general terms, he's talking about all the world, but then he gets specific about himself and about Christians who know something. What is it we know? That our old man was crucified with him. Now, what is this old man? Well, it's our human nature. It's the whole of us. It is this humanity that is all broken down, that goes in the wrong direction when we want it to go in another direction. This humanity... that would not naturally lift its heart up to God, but naturally go down into the ways of Satan, that humanity of ours, that's what we are, was crucified with him. Well, you say, that sounds weird, ridiculous. I wasn't there even. We're talking about 2,000 years ago at the cross. How could I be crucified with him? And this is where you have to understand the background that Paul is talking about Jesus as a representative for the whole of humanity. Now look, we have recently seen, or today, we have seen the inauguration of a new president. That president represents now the country. Whether we like him or not, that's not the issue. I'm not being political here. I'm simply saying that a person represents the whole. Many, many times we know this. You may have a favorite football team, and you say, we won. And you say, we? Well, we weren't on the football field, were we? But we won because our team represented us. This is what it means when we talk about Jesus as being the representative. What Jesus did for the world was to take the judgment of the world upon himself. And that means that you and I, by faith, are no longer under that judgment. It's as if our natural humanity had already been executed. You see, Jesus' death was not simply the death of a natural death. Obviously it wasn't. It was a crucifixion. But it was an execution. It was an execution for crime. We are the criminals. We are the ones who have suppressed the image of God in us, and we have gone our own way and followed idols, and ultimately that means the dehumanization of every human being. That's what our problem is, and that's what our old man is. That old man then is now counted as if it had been executed because Jesus, the representative of the human race, the sort of spiritual president of all humanity, was executed on our behalf. Now there are some people who turn this into insanity, because what they do is to say, oh well, there's an old man and there's a new man in me, and the old man now is crucified. Well, it's supposed to be anyway, they say, but I haven't succeeded in crucifying it yet, but if I keep working at it, I'll be able to finally kill it off. and they go into all kinds of spiritual insanity. This is what I call religious neurosis. And they try to kill off their old man. And they go on fasts, and they go into rituals, and they go into extensive meditation. And what they're trying to do is eliminate that old man that exists in them. You can see, can't you, how absolutely erroneous that is. Paul is not talking about an old man in us, like a part of us, while we have the new man also in us, that other part. He's not talking about a divided humanity. The old man is our human nature, our humanity. and it is crucified, but not in itself. It is crucified in Christ who represents us before the Father. So this, you see, is Paul identifying by faith with Jesus Christ. This is one of the most amazing and intimate verses you will find anywhere in the Bible. Because this is Paul feeling or knowing that he is so close to Jesus, rather more accurately, Jesus is so close to him that Jesus is identifying with Paul. Now look, you and I need to say, Jesus is identifying with me. I'm not simply identifying with Jesus, because that would be an eternity's work, and I may not be able to do it in this world totally, and I certainly will not be able to do it to identify totally with him. There are people who try to do this. There are crazy people in the Philippines, for instance, I mentioned this the other day, who actually get on a cross and nail themselves to it during the Easter season. It's insanity. It is utterly false religion. They try to identify with Jesus. The faith life is that Jesus identifies with me. You say, well, Colin, how could he identify with me? I'm a sinner. But that's precisely the point. That's why he died. He died a sinner. And this gives you and me the courage to go forward. We are faced every day with our utter corruption. Well, if you're in reality, you're faced with your corruption. If you're in delusion, you think you're an angel about to go to heaven if you don't overshoot. But the truth is, that Jesus has said, I know how messed up you are, Colin, and I am going to identify with you and take all the judgment that you deserve, and I'm going to take it upon myself. And that is how and why Jesus died on the cross. So you and I, on a daily basis, lift up our heart before God and we say, Jesus, thank you so much for identifying with me to the extent that you took my judgment. Thank you that I'm free from judgment, even though I'm a sinner still. You see then, that your old man that is crucified with him, that's not a psychological reality, because if you think it is that, then you're going to go into this religious neurosis where you're trying to spiritually kill yourself. and it is absolutely sick. Don't try it. But when you, by faith, lift up your heart, and you say, oh Jesus, thank you so much, that the burden of guilt, the sense of judgment that I feel I should take, is not upon me anymore. You took it. And as you speak this way to God, you begin to experience a freedom in your spirit that enables you to move forward with some common sense. You understand what I mean by common sense. Common sense only comes to people of faith because men and women without faith are ridden with guilt and shame. And if you're ridden with guilt and shame, you can never think in a common sense way. You're always evaluating the world and how you look before people and how other people look before you with loads of guilt and shame. You're thinking, how do I look? What do they think of me? Whatever will they think of me if they knew what I do? Or you are evaluating them. They're no good. They're stupid. They're useless. And you're contemptuous of other people because guilt and shame are floating around in your mind and heart, and you're evaluating yourself that way, and so you have no common sense at all. But when it comes to faith, we then can look at ourselves and say, I know I'm a sinner, but my Savior Jesus has taken my judgment. And so my old man, the natural humanity that I am in, is finished. It's condemned, and it has been executed. Now, you notice that Paul uses the word old man. Don't use the word old in the sense of time. Well, that was my old man a year ago when I was converted, but now I no longer have an old man because I'm converted. No, the old man is simply your natural humanity in one way of looking at it, in one sphere of existence. But you are now resurrected with Christ. And so you have a new humanity. And that humanity is the way you look at things through the eyes of Jesus Christ. So don't get bowled over by false teaching about, I was this years ago, but now I'm this now. Rather, I'm in myself, an old man, but that's not reckoned against me anymore because I'm crucified in him. And now I'm in Christ, and I have a new humanity. Thanks for listening today. Colin Cook here. You can hear this program on your smartphone any time of the day or night. Simply download a free app, or and key in how it happens with Colin Cook when you get there. Thanks so much for all your support and I'll see you next time. Cheerio and God bless.
A collection of podcasts from our wonderful programs and hosts that specifically discuss Anger. How to navigate it when it happens, and what Jesus says about it. These messages are not meant to replace any psychological assistance you might need, however they might help you gain valuable perspective. If you're in need of prayer for your or someone else's anger, or any other needs, please reach out to us using the form below, or you can call us at 303.481.1800 and we will pray with you over your issue or need. We are in this life together and Jesus wants us to love one another. Let us help.
Join us as we unravel the profound yet often misunderstood concept of the 'old man' in Christian theology. By examining Paul’s teachings in Romans, we uncover the distinction between our natural humanity and the spiritual life offered through faith in Christ. This episode challenges common misconceptions and emphasizes the freedom and common sense that comes with understanding the sacrifice of Jesus as our divine representative.
So here we are in Romans chapter 6, and we're at verse 6, where Paul says, Knowing this, that our old man was crucified with him that the body of sin might be done away with, that we should no longer be slaves to sin. Now, this is very interesting. It's strange as well. And, you know, I'm not sure how I can explain it to you, but I see the book of Romans in a very different way now from how I saw it when I first started teaching this book decades ago. I still saw the gospel in it decades ago, but I see it with a difference now. You see, I thought Paul was simply talking atomistically, shall I say, and that is his own personal experience. And he was simply talking about his having been, let's see, how does it say, that his old man had been crucified with Christ. What I didn't understand then, and I do now, I think, is that Paul is talking about the whole of humanity. Paul is talking about humanity in a personal way so that we get it personally, but it applies to all humanity. Well, let's go on, and then we'll perhaps see that more. Knowing this... What do we know? That's what you and I have to ask ourselves as Christians. Because, you see, we live in a fallen world, and we are part of that fallen world. We have a broken-down human nature, a sinful human nature. a nature that is corrupted. And so the inclination of our hearts and our minds is downward. It's towards sin. It's towards misery. It's towards evil, towards other people and to ourselves and before God, because we are in a state of suppression, as Paul says in chapter 1 of Romans verse 18. But now we've seen Jesus Christ. Christ has revealed himself to us. God sent his Son to reveal himself to the world and to reveal the Father to the world through his Son. And so something has happened to some of us, not all of us at this point. You see, Paul is talking with two voices. He is reminding us that as one man brought sin and death into the world, Adam, so one man brings righteousness and life to the world, Christ. As one man brings about death to everyone, so one man brings life to everyone. That's the good news that we're looking at here, you see. So, in general terms, he's talking about all the world, but then he gets specific about himself and about Christians who know something. What is it we know? That our old man was crucified with him. Now, what is this old man? Well, it's our human nature. It's the whole of us. It is this humanity that is all broken down, that goes in the wrong direction when we want it to go in another direction. This humanity... that would not naturally lift its heart up to God, but naturally go down into the ways of Satan, that humanity of ours, that's what we are, was crucified with him. Well, you say, that sounds weird, ridiculous. I wasn't there even. We're talking about 2,000 years ago at the cross. How could I be crucified with him? And this is where you have to understand the background that Paul is talking about Jesus as a representative for the whole of humanity. Now look, we have recently seen, or today, we have seen the inauguration of a new president. That president represents now the country. Whether we like him or not, that's not the issue. I'm not being political here. I'm simply saying that a person represents the whole. Many, many times we know this. You may have a favorite football team, and you say, we won. And you say, we? Well, we weren't on the football field, were we? But we won because our team represented us. This is what it means when we talk about Jesus as being the representative. What Jesus did for the world was to take the judgment of the world upon himself. And that means that you and I, by faith, are no longer under that judgment. It's as if our natural humanity had already been executed. You see, Jesus' death was not simply the death of a natural death. Obviously it wasn't. It was a crucifixion. But it was an execution. It was an execution for crime. We are the criminals. We are the ones who have suppressed the image of God in us, and we have gone our own way and followed idols, and ultimately that means the dehumanization of every human being. That's what our problem is, and that's what our old man is. That old man then is now counted as if it had been executed because Jesus, the representative of the human race, the sort of spiritual president of all humanity, was executed on our behalf. Now there are some people who turn this into insanity, because what they do is to say, oh well, there's an old man and there's a new man in me, and the old man now is crucified. Well, it's supposed to be anyway, they say, but I haven't succeeded in crucifying it yet, but if I keep working at it, I'll be able to finally kill it off. and they go into all kinds of spiritual insanity. This is what I call religious neurosis. And they try to kill off their old man. And they go on fasts, and they go into rituals, and they go into extensive meditation. And what they're trying to do is eliminate that old man that exists in them. You can see, can't you, how absolutely erroneous that is. Paul is not talking about an old man in us, like a part of us, while we have the new man also in us, that other part. He's not talking about a divided humanity. The old man is our human nature, our humanity. and it is crucified, but not in itself. It is crucified in Christ who represents us before the Father. So this, you see, is Paul identifying by faith with Jesus Christ. This is one of the most amazing and intimate verses you will find anywhere in the Bible. Because this is Paul feeling or knowing that he is so close to Jesus, rather more accurately, Jesus is so close to him that Jesus is identifying with Paul. Now look, you and I need to say, Jesus is identifying with me. I'm not simply identifying with Jesus, because that would be an eternity's work, and I may not be able to do it in this world totally, and I certainly will not be able to do it to identify totally with him. There are people who try to do this. There are crazy people in the Philippines, for instance, I mentioned this the other day, who actually get on a cross and nail themselves to it during the Easter season. It's insanity. It is utterly false religion. They try to identify with Jesus. The faith life is that Jesus identifies with me. You say, well, Colin, how could he identify with me? I'm a sinner. But that's precisely the point. That's why he died. He died a sinner. And this gives you and me the courage to go forward. We are faced every day with our utter corruption. Well, if you're in reality, you're faced with your corruption. If you're in delusion, you think you're an angel about to go to heaven if you don't overshoot. But the truth is, that Jesus has said, I know how messed up you are, Colin, and I am going to identify with you and take all the judgment that you deserve, and I'm going to take it upon myself. And that is how and why Jesus died on the cross. So you and I, on a daily basis, lift up our heart before God and we say, Jesus, thank you so much for identifying with me to the extent that you took my judgment. Thank you that I'm free from judgment, even though I'm a sinner still. You see then, that your old man that is crucified with him, that's not a psychological reality, because if you think it is that, then you're going to go into this religious neurosis where you're trying to spiritually kill yourself. and it is absolutely sick. Don't try it. But when you, by faith, lift up your heart, and you say, oh Jesus, thank you so much, that the burden of guilt, the sense of judgment that I feel I should take, is not upon me anymore. You took it. And as you speak this way to God, you begin to experience a freedom in your spirit that enables you to move forward with some common sense. You understand what I mean by common sense. Common sense only comes to people of faith because men and women without faith are ridden with guilt and shame. And if you're ridden with guilt and shame, you can never think in a common sense way. You're always evaluating the world and how you look before people and how other people look before you with loads of guilt and shame. You're thinking, how do I look? What do they think of me? Whatever will they think of me if they knew what I do? Or you are evaluating them. They're no good. They're stupid. They're useless. And you're contemptuous of other people because guilt and shame are floating around in your mind and heart, and you're evaluating yourself that way, and so you have no common sense at all. But when it comes to faith, we then can look at ourselves and say, I know I'm a sinner, but my Savior Jesus has taken my judgment. And so my old man, the natural humanity that I am in, is finished. It's condemned, and it has been executed. Now, you notice that Paul uses the word old man. Don't use the word old in the sense of time. Well, that was my old man a year ago when I was converted, but now I no longer have an old man because I'm converted. No, the old man is simply your natural humanity in one way of looking at it, in one sphere of existence. But you are now resurrected with Christ. And so you have a new humanity. And that humanity is the way you look at things through the eyes of Jesus Christ. So don't get bowled over by false teaching about, I was this years ago, but now I'm this now. Rather, I'm in myself, an old man, but that's not reckoned against me anymore because I'm crucified in him. And now I'm in Christ, and I have a new humanity. Thanks for listening today. Colin Cook here. You can hear this program on your smartphone any time of the day or night. Simply download a free app, or and key in how it happens with Colin Cook when you get there. Thanks so much for all your support and I'll see you next time. Cheerio and God bless.
Join Charles Stanley in this enlightening episode as he uncovers the depth of living each moment in the awareness of God's constant presence. Throughout life's daily activities, from waking up to resting at night, understanding that we are encompassed by divine love provides an unparalleled peace. Explore how this awareness transforms our lives and leads us to find ultimate security and joy in God's companionship.
Welcome to the In Touch Podcast with Charles Stanley for Wednesday, December 18th. God hasn't left us alone, but are you aware that He is with you? Today, we are reminded to open our eyes and ears and develop our awareness of God's presence.
Now, when you think about it for a moment, you are aware of lots of things. There are a lot of things going on that you're unconscious of, but today, right now, you are aware of where you are. What about, in your mind, where is God? Are you aware of His presence? Are you aware that when you awakened, that you were awakened in the presence of God? Will you be aware that you're driving in the presence of God? That you'll be laboring all day in the presence of God? And that you'll be laboring among your fellow laborers in the presence of God? That you'll come home in the presence of God? That you'll be with your family in the presence of God in the evening? And whatever you do throughout the night, you're going to do it in the presence of God. Why? Because there is no better way. to go to bed at night, then they go to bed in the awareness of the Son of God living within you, who's your friend, your companion, your Savior, your Lord, your Master, your Helper, your Provider, your Healer, you name it. He's all of that. You wake up in the morning, before I'd get out of bed, thank You, Lord Jesus, for a good night's rest. Or maybe I didn't rest so good. Maybe sometimes I can't sleep or whatever it is for a while. I'm going to get up in the morning and just thank You, Jesus. Thank You that You woke me up this morning. Hallelujah. For the simple reason, we have a relationship. And, listen, He can stop you faster than you can bat your eye if He wants to. Look how long He's put up with all of us. And you know what He wants most of all? He wants you to be aware that He's your heavenly Father, that He loves you and that He's the source of everything in your life that's good. But if I get too busy? I don't have time for the Word of God." Or, I'm distracted by other things in life, and the truth is there are many distractions that we're not even aware of. Don't have time to think about our Lord because we are attracted to or distracted by something else. Now, what I'd like for it to do for a moment is to give you a few statements. These are things that are true. You're living in the awareness of His presence, and the first one is this. He's continually in your thoughts, your conscious and your subconscious. It doesn't mean you just think, God, God, God. It means that He's so real to you. Listen, you don't have to think. In other words, just that quick, He has your attention. And you don't have to say, well, I'll get the Bible and see what the Bible says. I need to call so and so. No. Living in the awareness of His presence means that instantaneously Whatever's going on, I am, listen, I am conscious of His presence as something He may be doing. And so, if you're walking and living in His awareness of His presence, that'll be true. Secondly, you're continually seeking His guidance. Listen, if you're living in the awareness of His presence and you have a decision to make, You don't have to go around asking somebody else. It doesn't mean you shouldn't ask for information when necessary. But when you're living in the awareness of His presence, you know what? You have the ultimate director in your life at that moment to tell you exactly what to do. He may tell you to go to someone else for information or whatever it might be. But living in the awareness of His presence, you are never at a loss for the simple reason that He will direct your life and show you exactly what you should do next. Likewise, you will view Him as a constant companion. And in other words, many people say, where is God? He's in heaven. Well, is that my relationship to Him? Is that the way I see God? No. God, through the Holy Spirit, is in my heart, in my life, in my conscience, my subconscious. He's here. And the more aware you are of His presence, it'll begin to express itself in many ways. You'll see Him as a constant companion. In other words, you don't have to go somewhere to pray. You don't have to go somewhere to confess your sin. Listen, if you're saved by His grace, He's living within you. And He's always there. And remember this, He doesn't turn a deaf ear to one of His children. So you don't have to say, oh, I hope God will hear me this morning. What you want to be able to do is to live the kind of relationship with Him that whatever the issue is, you know He's there. He has the answer. He's not going to mislead you. What an awesome sense of security we have in knowing we have that kind of relationship with Him. Then, of course, you're going to have peace in your heart. Listen, when you're living in the awareness of His presence in your life, no matter what happens, There will be an overwhelming sense of peace that will cover you. Well, because listen, the peacemaker is on the inside, the One who has all power to change your circumstances. He's within you doing what? Living out His life through you. So, there's going to be a sense of peace when there are storms. And I think most all of us have been in storms of life where everything around us was stormy and dark, and there didn't seem to be any hope. But when you set your attention upon Him, all the darkness disappeared. All the insecurities disappeared because, listen, when you are aware that you are in the presence of holy God, you're in the presence of omnipotence, of absolute indescribable love that has no, it has no circumference, it has no measurements whatsoever. That's the kind of God He is. And that's the kind of relationship He wants with every single one of us. There are many people who are saved. who go to church, they've been baptized, all the things that have happened to you, but you don't live in the awareness of His presence. So, what are you living for? Where are you headed? What do you want to accomplish in life? How are you going to get it done? If you're not walking in His presence and fulfilling His will, then what are you doing? Here's what's happening. Time is going by. And you may be accomplishing this or failing at that. But what's the purpose of it all? The awareness of His presence keeps us focused on where God wants us to go, what He wants us to do, and how He wants us to do it. And He, listen, He's continually focusing us on the ways in which He operates in our life so that we don't have to fear. We don't have to be afraid. We don't have to be wondering what we're going to do when the storms come in our life. And we're going to have a sense of joy in our life and a consciousness of the good things that He's doing. When you live in the awareness of His presence, everything changes for good, no matter how tough it can be. Because listen, you have holy God, so to speak, on your side in your life. And listen, He is absolutely committed, watch this, He is so committed for not only our salvation, He's so committed to revealing His will to us. And to God is to discover that will. Look at the cross for a moment. That was the ultimate expression of the ultimate love that could ever be expressed by anybody, that being the case. And I am aware of His presence in my life. I can always look at what's going on in my life, whatever it is, I know that there is a love that's beyond my comprehension. There is a love I don't fully understand. In other words, if He loved me enough to die for me, And He loved me enough to indwell me. And He loved me enough to write my name in the Lamb's Book of Life. And He loved me enough to seal me forever as a child of God. I don't want to live without the awareness of His presence. Because every single solitary thing we need, He makes available. What does He want? He wants relationship. The awareness of His presence. Why? Because that intimate awareness just absolutely fulfills every desire that a person can have. And that's what He wants for us. See, I want you to be aware. That I'm here. I want you to be aware that I love you. I want you to be aware that I'm looking out for you. I'm going to protect you. I'm going to take you through this deep, dark valley, but I want you to be aware. It's dark. You can't see two feet in front of you. You don't know what's happening, but I want you to be aware of this. You are walking through the darkness in my awesome light. I see all the way to the end, and you're going to be okay. You know what? Riches can't give you that. You can't buy that. Only God by His grace and love and mercy can give you that. And when I think about all the things that come to us as a result of the awareness of His presence, sift all of our decisions through Him, wake up every morning to a brand new day. Listen, a brand new day with the same Jesus who started out with us in the very beginning. And think about this, that the person who indwells you, the Holy Spirit, before you were ever born, He knew all about you. In other words, think about this. God has these awesome goals and He's going to bring them to pass. And out there somewhere in life, we have to make a choice. Am I going to believe God? Am I going to trust Jesus? Or am I going to do it on my own? And so many people have decided they don't need God in their life. It is the most, watch this carefully, it is the most foolish. It is the most damaging. It is the most eternal, destructive decision you'll ever make to decide you're going to live without God. It's the worst decision you could possibly make. And you say, I'll get by. No, you won't. You cannot get by a God. created you with a purpose and loves you, went to the cross for you, and who has a sense of direction for your life and all the good things that He can provide for your life, when you absolutely, purposely refuse Him, ignore Him, shut Him out, defame Him, you're making a mistake that'll cost you your eternity. He wants us to live in the awareness of His awesome loving, joyful, peaceful, providing. You can just get the dictionary out or send them a book and go through all the words that you possibly can and you'll never be able to fulfill all that He is to us. That's who He is. And remember this, God's not dependent upon us. We're dependent upon Him. Watch this. We don't have a thing He needs. We need everything He has. To live in the awareness of His presence is to acknowledge who I am really, creation of God. It's to acknowledge that He knows the best for my life. It's to acknowledge that He knows what His purpose is. And He is willing to show you if you'll trust Him, if you'll surrender your life to Him. He's not going to let you just hang out in life. He'll give you a sense of purpose. Why? Because this is what He's all about. He's all about not just creating us, but creating us for fellowship. And as we saw in the very beginning in Genesis, let us make man in our own image. Why? So that God could express His love and His power in your life and mine. But if I neglect Him, if I refuse to acknowledge it, then I will pay a price. And so, what happens is when a person begins to get a glimpse of, now what does the awareness of His presence mean in my life? It means that while I'm sitting in church and listening to somebody else's voice, I'm walking out with the truth of holy God in my mind and heart. It means that I want to walk in such a way that the Holy Spirit has freedom to express to me, in me and through me and for me, the will and purpose and plan of God. I want to be able to walk out and know that the next decision I have to make, He's going to help me make it. Watch this. Why does He want this relationship? God doesn't need it. Here's the reason He wants it. Because He desires to express in you, to you, through you, for you who He is. He desires to express His love for you, His provision, He wants for us, He desires for us because He, listen, He says, let us make man in our image. He didn't need that, but He desired it. And He created you ultimately, listen, to do what? To reflect Himself. What did Paul say in Romans? He says, God predestined. That means before the time, before the time ever started, God did something. What did He do? He predetermined beforehand that you and I would be conformed to the likeness of His Son, that the very life of Jesus would be evident to other people. And the more you and I walk in the awareness of His presence, the more of who He is is going to be seen in our life. God is everywhere. And so, you and I have the privilege of living every day in the awareness of His presence. When the Spirit of God is able to get to your mind and heart and soul and spirit, and you begin to realize that God, who cannot be fully described and cannot be contained, He's this awesome God of ours. When you begin to realize that He is your Creator and your heavenly Father, and your joy and your peace and your future and your happiness and your everything, when you begin to be aware of that, your whole life's going to change. You know why? Because you'll not be able to think up anything God does not desire to provide for you when you surrender your life to Him. The awareness of His presence. When I'm asleep, I know He's there. When I'm awake, I know He's there. When I'm reading the Word, I know He's there. When you are living in the awareness of His presence, He's always there. Well, He's there, He's here. Whatever you're thinking, whatever's going on in your life, He's there. What He wants is this. It's almost like He's saying, I'm here. Just listen to me, I'm here. Look, I'm right here. I'm going to provide whatever's necessary in your life. He could not give us a greater gift following His Son coming into our life than the privilege of living in the awareness of His presence. It's all there. Now, you say, well, I'm not a Christian, so what's that mean to me? It means if you continue to live like you're living, you'll stand before God one day and give an account for a wasted life. A life that rejected. Well, look and think about it. That rejected the love of God. Think about this. When you reject Jesus, you reject the Father. And to reject Him, to reject God the Father, God the Son, God the Holy Spirit, is to reject life. And you reject that which has absolutely no substitute. And my prayer is that you But ask the Lord Jesus Christ to give you a little glimpse of your life, that you'd be willing to confess the sin that He's going to show you. Ask Him to forgive you, that you don't deserve it, but that you know that the Bible teaches, because you've heard it over and over again, maybe it's the first time you ever heard it, that He sent Jesus, His Son, into the world primarily for the purpose, not only of revealing God to us in a whole different perspective, but to die and to shed His blood on the cross, which was God's way of, listen, fulfilling that debt of sin we owe. He paid the price for our sins, His life. And now He forgives you of your sin, writes your name in the Lamb's Book of Life, you become a child of God. And then you begin this awesome journey that many of us have walked a long time. You can't win without Him, and you can't lose with Him. That's the choice we have. And I pray you'll make that wise choice, allowing Him to come into your life and begin to start living, really living, for the first time. And Father, how grateful we are for your patience. And I pray that You'll just sink these simple truths. You can take one thought here and one thought there and vice versa, whatever it might be, and drive them home in different ways to different people's hearts. But Lord, most of all, to see that You love us and that You desire that we live in the awareness of Your presence, which is a presence of awesome, indescribable love and goodness and mercy and kindness. Thank you for loving us like that. It's our prayer in Jesus' name. Amen.
Thank you for listening to part two of Developing Our Awareness. If you'd like to know more about Charles Stanley or InTouch Ministries, stop by This podcast is a presentation of InTouch Ministries, Atlanta, Georgia.
Today, Pastor Jack teaches being a Christian means we no longer belong to ourselves. Marriage is a covenant with God, putting Him first, and then our spouse. Marriage is designed by God to bring depth to our ministry, and is worthy of being protected, and fought for.
The post Life And Bible: Being A Christian And Avoiding Divorce – B first appeared on Pastor Jack Hibbs.
Dive deeper into God's promises and how they relate to humility.
Today, Pastor Jack teaches us that divorce causes so much pain and heartache. It creates a lot of emotional turmoil and can rip a family apart. That’s why a follower of Christ must avoid the traps and pitfalls that can lead to this kind of marital conflict.
The post Life And Bible: Being A Christian And Avoiding Divorce – A first appeared on Pastor Jack Hibbs.
Discover how to keep the peace within your heart.
Do you find it hard to be happy? Is it difficult for you to cultivate gratitude and thankfulness in life? In today's episode find the encouragement you need to change your outlook on life. Discover how changing your perspective can benefit you and your walk with God.
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On today’s edition of Family Talk, Dr. James Dobson concludes his awe-inspiring discussion with Joni Eareckson Tada about her latest book, The Practice of the Presence of Jesus. Joni shares the trials and difficulties she has endured throughout her life, and explains how God took her pain and transformed it into a place of resurrection and hope. 2 Corinthians 4:11 says, For we who are alive are always being given over to death for Jesus’ sake, so that His life may also be revealed in our mortal body.
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In this heartfelt episode of Call to Freedom, Kimberly reflects on the Advent season and the powerful metaphor of making room for Jesus as the ultimate “roommate” in our lives. Through personal stories, scriptural insights, and worship, she challenges us to evaluate how much space we give to Christ in our hearts and minds. Discover the joy and transformation that comes when we prioritize Him and embrace His presence in every area of our lives.
Welcome to call to freedom with Barbara.
00:00:12 Jimmy Lakey
This is Jimmy Lakey and I'm delighted that you are joining us for this half hour. You can reach call to freedom at Box 370367, Denver, Co 802 three, seven or by going to the website at www.freedom St. dot.
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If you want to leave a message or order a word powered daily by.
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Guide or a Freedom St. Express newsletter.
00:00:38 Jimmy Lakey
You can call us toll free at 1-877-917-7256 and leave your name and address, including your ZIP code. If you want to talk to Barbara right now, she is expecting your call.
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You may call that same toll free number 1-877-917-7256. To speak to her.
00:01:00 Jimmy Lakey
And now, let's join Barbara in the studio.
00:01:04 Jimmy Lakey
00:01:05 Kimberly
Welcome to call to freedom.
00:01:07 Kimberly
This is Kimberly once again sitting in for Barbara.
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She is traveling back to Denver right now as we speak, and I just called her 10 minutes ago, she said. She was in the lowlands just right outside Denver.
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I'm thinking she might be seeing Denver International Airport.
00:01:24 Kimberly
That right? Hi, mom.
00:01:26 Kimberly
Say that because she's.
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She's close enough that she can get the station loud.
00:01:30 Kimberly
Clear so.
00:01:31 Kimberly
We've been praying for your your safe journey and wow, look at you.
00:01:35 Kimberly
You almost made it in time to be.
00:01:37 Kimberly
The air.
00:01:37 Kimberly
00:01:38 Kimberly
And I love that.
00:01:40 Kimberly
Wow, there's just one bit of business that I want to mention before I start into what's on my heart for today, and that is the Christmas meeting for call to freedom.
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Coming up December 14th.
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That's a Saturday, Saturday morning.
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We would love to see you if you can come and join us for that Christmas meeting.
00:02:01 Kimberly
You give us a.
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Give us your RSVP. I'm actually going to be the one doing the traveling next week.
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And I'll be there, Lord willing. And if he tarries, I will be there for that Christmas meeting on December 14th.
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So let us know if you can make it. Call that number 877-917-7256.
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And let us know that you are going to be.
00:02:26 Kimberly
We'd love to see you. And I know I'm doing this a couple weeks early, but I'm kind of doing that selfishly.
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Getting really excited about this Christmas season.
00:02:35 Kimberly
We were.
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To drive around the Tulsa and Broken Arrow area.
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Last night.
00:02:42 Kimberly
And there are already so many Christmas lights, maybe even more than we've ever seen before. And right now, as I'm on the air with you, I've got somebody on my roof putting up Christmas lights on my house too, so.
00:02:57 Kimberly
It is just.
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Season of excitement and as we were looking at all the Christmas lights.
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Lights we just mentioned to one another isn't this.
00:03:05 Kimberly
There's there's this excitement in the air and I don't think it's just the political season that that we just came out of.
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I think there's something really moving.
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God is moving on the hearts of his people and causing us to to expect with a with a hopeful expectancy, and I we're praying that over all of you, I am so excited about Christmas and.
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Fellowship and meeting together to worship.
00:03:35 Kimberly
Come, let us adore.
00:03:38 Kimberly
Oh, come let us come together and adore him.
00:03:42 Kimberly
So we're looking forward to.
00:03:44 Kimberly
Again, that's December 14th on Saturday. So Mark your calendar and plan to join.
00:03:49 Kimberly
We would love to see you and as we are moving into this Advent season, I'm looking at Luke Chapter 2.
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And in verse 7 it says she gave birth to her first born son and she wrapped him in cloth and laid him in a Manger because there was no room for him in the inn.
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It says there was no room for them in the inn.
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But I took that really personally about Jesus.
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Harry is the Lord has come.
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And there's no room for him.
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00:04:25 Kimberly
I have some some people on my mind lately. My son is one of them.
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He has a new roommate and he's been living in his own space for a few months and thoroughly enjoying that. But now he's adjusting to having someone else in his space.
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I also have a friend who's currently sharing her home with her daughter, her son-in-law, their toddler and their dog.
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And that's just a whole new dynamic. When you invite others to live with you, it can take quite a bit of adjustment.
00:05:02 Kimberly
So I'm thinking about roommates and I'm thinking about Christmas, Advent and I'm.
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You know, I'm just looking at how we try to hold on to our boundaries when we're.
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We're asking someone else to do things our way, or they're asking us if they can do it their way, whether it's taking care of the home, cleaning the kitchen, the bathrooms.
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Or how much time you take in a bathroom.
00:05:30 Kimberly
So all of those things can cause some tension and conflict.
00:05:36 Kimberly
But let me tie this in with Advent now, because we have a new roommate, right?
00:05:42 Kimberly
His name is Jesus and it made me wonder about Jesus moving in when Jesus moves into our hearts. You know, how do we accept him?
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What kind of a roommate are we?
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He is so kind and he is such a gentleman that he actually takes the lowest room in our home and that's what the word of God tells us.
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Taking this story of him.
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Appearing to the world.
00:06:12 Kimberly
Because it says there was number room available, no space for him to stay in the upper rooms in the guest rooms in the Nice places.
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He was actually laid in a feeding through.
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Where the animals gather, it's a place that when Matthew and I visited, we saw it's carved out of.
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It's usually underneath the homes, it's down under and it's where they would keep the frail animals or the animals that were young or.
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Weak or vulnerable to enemies, so they would keep those animals in there, and I imagine it did not smell very good at all.
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That is the place that Jesus chooses to move into.
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That's where he first appears is in the lowest place, the darkest place in the feeding through.
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And he is so kind and so generous that he doesn't demand being moved up to a higher place.
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He stays there and he waits for us to notice him.
00:07:18 Kimberly
I've been wondering about what kind of a roommate I have been for. Jesus.
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Have I made more room for him since he first moved in, or am I still tightly holding onto my boundaries and my desires, my agendas, my comforts?
00:07:35 Kimberly
I had a roommate over three decades ago.
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Was so thoughtful.
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Choosing styles of decorating that suited me and colours that I liked.
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It was really very kind, but I was too immature and too entitled at the time.
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Maybe spoiled would be a good word to even recognize how blessed I was to have a roommate like that.
00:07:58 Kimberly
Now of course I realize.
00:08:00 Kimberly
And I wonder, you know, wow, what kind of a roommate was I?
00:08:06 Kimberly
I was.
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Very good to them, I'm sure.
00:08:09 Kimberly
What if we were all like this other roommate of?
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What if we were all thinking of others before we think of ourselves?
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This is exactly what Jesus emulated when he came to this realm. He was thinking of us.
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And moving into a place where everyone could visit him.
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The lowest of shepherds and the highest of.
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They were all allowed to go into that place, that low place where he was.
00:08:38 Kimberly
You may have heard me talking this year.
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About how I've attempted to fast my thoughts at the beginning of this year.
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I realized everything that I think in my mind is being shared and I know that it doesn't really make much sense to fast our thoughts.
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Do we do that?
00:09:00 Kimberly
We're just constantly thinking there's always something in our mind.
00:09:04 Kimberly
But I think I've just been more aware than ever that I'm sharing this space, that I call me.
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I am not my own.
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I belong to someone else and this space is actually his.
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He doesn't have to give me the free will to try all my own ways, and he certainly doesn't have to pay the price when I lead myself into ******* or into rough places. But that's exactly what he did.
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Moved in to.
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His face.
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I'm his. He created me.
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And then he gave me free will to make all the choices about how I'm going to host him.
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Oh, I don't ever want to forget that he has paid such a high price and he's so kind and generous and loving that he'll just stay on the sidelines and let me make all the decisions.
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I want to start remembering that he gets to make decisions too.
00:10:05 Kimberly
Do you know anyone else?
00:10:08 Kimberly
Is so good.
00:10:10 Kimberly
Anyone else that is so kind as him, so generous as him.
00:10:15 Kimberly
Anyone else who would take the lowest place in your life and lay his own life on the line?
00:10:23 Kimberly
I've been listening and meditating to a worship song and it's called sure been good to me.
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And I just want to focus on that for a little while. How good Jesus is.
00:10:35 Kimberly
Listen to that now.
00:11:01 Speaker 3
00:11:03 Speaker 3
00:11:14 Speaker 3
00:11:20 Speaker 3
But you love me like I.
00:11:32 Speaker 3
One of the spaces on the tree.
00:11:34 Speaker 3
'Ve always.
00:11:38 Speaker 3
Nobody else is going.
00:11:42 Speaker 3
00:11:43 Speaker 3
00:11:45 Speaker 3
Nobody else would lay the life down.
00:11:51 Speaker 3
On the life.
00:11:53 Speaker 3
Nobody else could do.
00:11:57 Speaker 3
Even if they tried.
00:12:01 Speaker 3
Nobody else could bomb and save.
00:12:06 Speaker 3
Every time.
00:12:08 Speaker 3
But you've.
00:12:09 Speaker 3
00:12:10 Speaker 3
00:12:13 Speaker 3
00:12:13 Speaker 3
You're good to me.
00:12:16 Speaker 3
00:12:17 Speaker 3
And offend yourself.
00:12:20 Speaker 3
Good to.
00:12:20 Speaker 3
Look, we know your love. We know.
00:13:00 Speaker 3
Making me into.
00:13:18 Speaker 3
00:13:22 Speaker 3
Spacing between.
00:13:44 Speaker 3
Span's right?
00:13:52 Speaker 3
Nobody else can run.
00:13:59 Speaker 3
00:14:23 Speaker 3
Oh, my God. You sure name girl?
00:14:46 Speaker 3
Do you have to take my son?
00:14:49 Speaker 3
His people and our.
00:14:51 Speaker 3
To get it, if you have to call me.
00:15:10 Speaker 3
Save my soul.
00:15:12 Speaker 3
00:15:16 Speaker 3
You didn't.
00:15:17 Speaker 3
To take my shame.
00:15:22 Speaker 3
00:15:28 Speaker 3
00:15:28 Speaker 3
00:15:29 Speaker 3
00:15:55 Speaker 3
Told me.
00:16:12 Speaker 3
00:16:21 Speaker 3
00:16:50 Speaker 3
00:16:55 Speaker 3
00:17:28 Speaker 3
00:17:43 Speaker 3
Wonder like I.
00:17:48 Speaker 3
Filling up the space is over three you always spend.
00:17:56 Kimberly
That song has just turned into one of my favorites.
00:17:59 Kimberly
I just keep it on repeat and if you are just tuning in, this is called a freedom and we're talking about the goodness of God.
00:18:06 Kimberly
What kind of a roommate he is to us and what kind of a roommate we are for him?
00:18:13 Kimberly
His love is so great.
00:18:16 Kimberly
So kind when he moves into our lives, he treats us with the utmost patience.
00:18:23 Kimberly
And he does exceedingly more from behind the scenes from the lowest places in our apartment complex of our body and mind.
00:18:33 Kimberly
The kind of roommate that doesn't leave me like I was.
00:18:38 Kimberly
And he always knew there was a better meat that he always knew there's a better place to stay in me, but just loves me like I was filling up all the spaces in between.
00:18:50 Kimberly
He is always enough.
00:18:52 Kimberly
That is the kind of roommate that everybody would long for.
00:18:56 Kimberly
And do we make room for that roommate?
00:19:01 Kimberly
What would happen if we gave him the presidential suite of our minds and our?
00:19:07 Kimberly
What if we gave him all of our choices that are swirling around in our minds and can give him control of all the emotional waves? I know that he would make us into the best.
00:19:20 Kimberly
Surfers I would be a really good surfer, you know, on top of all those waves, I we would be the most amazing wave walkers. We could just walk on top of the water.
00:19:32 Kimberly
He is the reason that we can have any joy at all and he is the only one who can hold that title of Prince of Peace.
00:19:43 Kimberly
If you're feeling lost or stuck, he is the wonderful counselor and in the middle of impossible situations he is mighty God. His arm is not short.
00:19:57 Kimberly
And any lack or any need that you may have can be brought to him because he is the everlasting father.
00:20:07 Kimberly
The Hebrew words in that part of Isaiah 9 that calls him wonderful Counselor, Prince of Peace, Mighty God, Everlasting Father. Let me tell you where it says, Everlasting father.
00:20:22 Kimberly
It's been.
00:20:23 Kimberly
Translated that way in the English, the Hebrew is literally the possessor of eternity. He is the owner of it all. On every space of the timeline, outside of the time line. He puts us at all.
00:20:41 Kimberly
So he can fill everyone of those spaces in our lives.
00:20:46 Kimberly
What do those spaces look like?
00:20:49 Kimberly
Are those spaces loneliness?
00:20:52 Kimberly
Is it just feeling really lost?
00:20:56 Kimberly
Is it needing control over something?
00:20:59 Kimberly
What about lack financially?
00:21:02 Kimberly
It could be weakness.
00:21:04 Kimberly
In our bodies, in our minds.
00:21:07 Kimberly
Yet he feels all the spaces of our lives with himself.
00:21:12 Kimberly
He is more than enough.
00:21:15 Kimberly
He wants to fill those spaces as as the very best roommate.
00:21:20 Kimberly
The planet.
00:21:21 Kimberly
And again, I'm getting this idea from Luke Chapter 2 and verse 7 where it says that she gave birth to her first born son.
00:21:32 Kimberly
And after wrapping the newborn baby in strips of cloth, they laid him in a feeding through.
00:21:39 Kimberly
Because there was no room available, no room.
00:21:44 Kimberly
I want to make sure that I am making room for him in my heart and in my mind, and as we are in the month of December and looking forward to Christmas with so much excitement in the air so much.
00:21:59 Kimberly
Energy and life and light, including Christmas lights. We see it all over.
00:22:06 Kimberly
I just want to encourage each one of you to make room for him.
00:22:10 Kimberly
There was no room, but we make room every.
00:22:13 Kimberly
We are making decisions and those decisions lead us to more and more of him.
00:22:22 Kimberly
And that's that's the one part that we do have some control.
00:22:27 Kimberly
We get to decide what we're going to do with the emotions, with the loneliness, with the pain, the suffering, the weakness in our body. We get to decide what we're going.
00:22:39 Kimberly
Do with it.
00:22:40 Kimberly
Are we going to sulk and give in to anger?
00:22:44 Kimberly
Give in to self pity, maybe even unforgiveness, bitterness, resentment.
00:22:52 Kimberly
Or will we recognize the best roommate in the universe and realize how kind he is, how good he is that he has been doing exceedingly more behind the scenes than we ever could think or hope for?
00:23:08 Kimberly
Or imagine.
00:23:10 Kimberly
He didn't have to take that messy room that we gave him at the very bottom of our life in a feeding through, he didn't have to take it, but he took that place.
00:23:22 Kimberly
And he was happy to take that place any space at all.
00:23:25 Kimberly
That's what he is happy to take and as he moves into that messy place, he's willing to take our shame and our pain and our sin.
00:23:37 Kimberly
And he didn't have to do it.
00:23:39 Kimberly
He did not have to call you friend.
00:23:43 Kimberly
But that is just how good of a God he is.
00:23:46 Kimberly
Calls you friend and he didn't leave.
00:23:49 Kimberly
Never moved out.
00:23:51 Kimberly
He is Emmanuel.
00:23:54 Kimberly
Do you know what Emmanuel?
00:23:56 Kimberly
God with us.
00:23:58 Kimberly
In every space in any space that we might provide.
00:24:02 Kimberly
Right. I just want to be encouraging each one of us to choose to give him higher space and higher place, meaning higher priority.
00:24:13 Kimberly
Make him first in your life.
00:24:16 Kimberly
Give him that top priority. Kind of like on the cell towers. You know, each of us are vying for that top spot because.
00:24:24 Kimberly
All want the.
00:24:26 Kimberly
We all want to be heard.
00:24:28 Kimberly
How much more so? The one who made us for himself.
00:24:33 Kimberly
Let him be heard in your mind and in your heart.
00:24:37 Kimberly
Let him be heard in your emotions instead of justice. Letting those emotions and those thoughts take over.
00:24:46 Kimberly
Give him first place.
00:24:47 Kimberly
Them to him.
00:24:49 Kimberly
Ask him what he wants to do with it. Because guess what.
00:24:52 Kimberly
Is your roommate.
00:24:53 Kimberly
00:24:54 Kimberly
He's experiencing it all with you anyway.
00:24:58 Kimberly
Let him help you make the very best decision with what you are in the middle of.
00:25:05 Kimberly
Because he is working all things together for good.
00:25:09 Kimberly
And that is something that we can count on that he's doing exceedingly more than we could ever hope for than we could ever imagine.
00:25:19 Kimberly
And we can give him our gratitude and our.
00:25:22 Kimberly
We're just coming off of a a week of Thanksgiving, a day of Thanksgiving, and wow, I was just so aware of how much I can eat and maybe forget to keep giving thanks to keep.
00:25:37 Kimberly
00:25:37 Kimberly
Just stop what I'm doing and say thank you.
00:25:40 Kimberly
Thank you for this.
00:25:42 Kimberly
Don't let me hurt myself with all of these gifts you've given me and all of this food you've given me, God.
00:25:48 Kimberly
Keep me grateful.
00:25:51 Kimberly
Keep me thankful.
00:25:52 Kimberly
Help me always be thinking of you at every moment.
00:25:56 Kimberly
I remember my dad telling me at one point that he had heard John Wesley had mentioned. I believe that's who he was talking about, and I'm going to have to look this up, but.
00:26:08 Kimberly
One of the Wesley's I believe mentioned that he wanted to keep God so present in his thoughts that he would cause himself to think of the Lord to think on Jesus.
00:26:19 Kimberly
Every minute of every day.
00:26:22 Kimberly
And that seemed like a really impossible goal for me.
00:26:25 Kimberly
That's why I started.
00:26:27 Kimberly
00:26:28 Kimberly
Trying to fast my thoughts so I could include him in every thought and give him the highest place in my mind and my emotions as we enter this season of Advent. We encourage you all to think about what kind of a roommate you are.
00:26:45 Kimberly
For Jesus, make room for the one who was and who is and who is to come because he deserves the highest place in our lives.
00:26:58 Kimberly
And we will have so much greater joy giving him the place that he deserves.
00:27:05 Kimberly
Thank you for joining me for this half hour.
00:27:08 Kimberly
I bless your day and look forward to talking with you again soon.
00:27:13 Kimberly
Take joy.
00:27:20 Jimmy Lakey
Thank you for listening to call to freedom with Barbara Carmack.
00:27:23 Jimmy Lakey
You may get in touch with Barbara at call to freedom Box, 370367 Denver, Co 802 three 7.
00:27:27 Speaker 3
00:27:33 Jimmy Lakey
Or you may leave your message at 1-877-917-7256. Call to freedom is a listener supported Radio ministry. Barbara and her power partners invite you to come on board with us and become a network of hands holding up call to.
00:27:45 Speaker 3
00:27:50 Jimmy Lakey
00:27:52 Jimmy Lakey
Power partner support call to freedom with prayer and monthly financial support.
00:27:56 Jimmy Lakey
You will be.
00:27:57 Jimmy Lakey
Supernaturally. We invite you to visit. Call to Freedom's website www.freedomstorg, where you can hear Barbara's daily radio broadcast 24 hours a day or order materials.
00:28:01 Speaker 3
00:28:07 Speaker 3
00:28:11 Jimmy Lakey
You may share your praise reports and heart cries by mailing them to call to freedom box 370367.
00:28:16 Speaker 3
00:28:19 Jimmy Lakey
Denver, Co 802 three, seven or you may e-mail us at Barbara Carmichael at
00:28:29 Jimmy Lakey
Until next time, remember, Jesus loves you. Barbara loves you.
00:28:34 Jimmy Lakey
And take joy.
For air 12/02/2024
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