On Air
Washington Watch
· Anytime someone or a group of people make a move towards God or help others do likewise, our enemy seeks to disrupt and even kill that movement. (John 10:10) He hates God and will do everything possible to rob God of His glory and to rob us of the joy of being in fellowship with God and one another.
· We know that “apart from Christ we can do nothing,” (John 15:4-5) and the spiritual fruit we desire is only possible through the work of the Holy Spirit and abiding in Christ.
· We know this is a spiritual battle and as such we need to put on the full armor of God. (Ephesians 6:10-17) If we keep reading, Eph, 6:18-20, Paul encourages us to pray on all occasions, for all the Lord’s people (current and not yet! 😀) with the goal of making the Gospel clear and that the Gospel is declared fearlessly! That’s our goal in every gathering!
· With this in mind, please be part of the prayer covering and join us this Wednesday morning at CO Coffee to spend time together PRAYING over FATF and what God is doing in our community. We will meet at 9:00 a.m. I understand the weather is going to be nice so we may be praying outside of CO Coffee so bring your coat in case we are praying outside.