Join us on this special edition of Discovering the Jewish Jesus as we dive into the profound truths of scripture with Rabbi Schneider. Discover the courage to face the future with faith, embrace healing, and experience rest in God’s promises. This episode is a balm for the soul, inviting listeners to live fearlessly and abundantly through divine guidance and love.
Welcome to this special Seize My Word edition of Discovering the Jewish Jesus. Rabbi Schneider is going to share some powerful scripture affirmations along with special music. We hope that you’re refreshed in the presence of the Lord. Jesus, you are my Savior.
I will act on your words.
I knock and you are opening doors. I am seeking you and I am finding you.
I am asking and you are showering me with gifts.
I will stand no matter what happens to me in my life.
I can face whatever the future holds in store for me. I have received your courage, Lord.
I am confident. It is done for me according to my faith.
I believe because I believe I’m seeing your glory being manifested in my life.
Yeshua, you have made me well. You have made me whole.
I am healed.
You are granting me my desires when I pray.
I am receiving from you what I’ve asked for according to my faith. The kingdom of heaven is here.
The kingdom of heaven is upon me. Your kingdom is in me.
Father, you know the number of hairs on my head. You know everything about me. You understand everything that is going on in my life.
I have nothing to fear.
I will not fear.
I have found rest in you, Lord. You have removed oppressive pressure from my life. My life has become easy. My burden is now light. I have found rest.
You have blessed my ears and I hear. You have blessed my eyes and I see.
I know the mysteries of the kingdom of God. I am bearing abundant fruit in you, Lord Jesus. I am blessed and I am a blessing. You have revealed yourself to me, God, as my Father. I walk above the circumstances in my life. I have supernatural victory over my surroundings. I lead a supernatural life by faith in you Yeshua. I will not fear my circumstances or surroundings.
I have victory.
Satan, you are crushed behind me. I am a child of God. I am humble. I will act humbly.
I will serve
I have the power to bind and loose in your name, Lord Jesus. All things I’m asking you for in prayer believing, I am receiving. I have faith All things are possible in you, Lord. Anything can happen. I am expectant. I will not be bound by fear or unbelief.
I will believe. I will take courage.
I am experiencing your glory at work in my life, my Father. Lawlessness is increasing. But I will abide in your love. I will not let the world extinguish my fire. I am looking for your second coming, King Jesus. I am ready for your second coming, Lord. I am chosen. I have responded to your call, my God. I will use my talents to serve you I am worshiping you in my spirit. I am worshiping you in truth.
I am born from above by your spirit, O God.
Your living water is quenching my thirst.
Father, my food is to do your will. You are satisfying my longings and hunger.
I am continually letting you in. You are living in me and through me.
I am alive with your life.
Father, you have given me your Son. I am doing your will and know your reality.
I am walking your light, Yeshua.
Lord Jesus, I am your disciple. I am doing the same works that you did on earth, Yeshua. I’m laying my hands on the sick and they are recovering. I’m setting people free from the power of the enemy in your name, Lord. I know the truth.
I shall never die.
I have eternal life residing in me. God, your spirit is in me. I have an abundance. I am leading an abundant life. Jesus, you speak to me. Holy Spirit, I hear your voice. Father, you hear me. People see you in me, Jesus. I am salt on the earth. I am your light in this world.
You have made me shrewd and innocent.
I will be anxious for nothing You provide for the lilies of the field You will provide for all my needs You have supernaturally provided for me. I am removing the mountains in my life by faith in you, Lord Jesus. Nothing is impossible. I will love my neighbors as myself.
I will give. I will love.
I am a lover.
Father God, you will keep on blessing me. I want your will to be done in and through my life, my Father.
I will drink the cup that you have given me
I will believe in you without doubting. Your presence and power are being manifest through my life. Lord Jesus, you will not condemn me.
You love me. Father, you’re my deliverer.
Father, you sanctify me. I will not seek the things of this world.
I will treat others how I want to be treated. I am not afraid of tomorrow. It only matters that I know you, God, and that you’re my Father. It doesn’t matter what others say about me. I will humble myself and you will exalt me. I will confess you before men, Lord Jesus.
You are the living one. You hold the keys.
You are coming again in power and glory. I will be faithful to you until the end.
I am going to receive the crown of life. I have overcome.
I will worship you, my God. Lord, you are always with me.
You are here to stay. Nothing can separate me from your love.
I am now and forever will be safe in you. Jesus, you are my Savior. John 10.9
I will act on your words, Matthew 7.24. I knock and you open doors, Matthew 7.8. I seek you and I am finding you, Matthew 7.8. I ask and you shower me with good gifts, Lord, Matthew 7.11. I will stand no matter what happens to me in my life. I can face whatever the future holds in store for me. I receive your courage, Lord. I am confident. It is done for me according to my faith. Matthew 8.13 I believe. Matthew 8.13 Because I believe, I see your glory being manifested in my life. John 11.40 Jesus, you have made me well. Matthew 9.22 Jesus, you have made me whole. Matthew 9.22 I am healed. Matthew 9.22 You grant me the desires of my heart when I pray. Matthew 9.29 I receive what I ask for according to my faith. Matthew 9.29 The kingdom of heaven is here. Matthew 10.7 The kingdom of heaven is upon me. Matthew 10.7 The kingdom of heaven is in me. Matthew 10.7 Lord, you know the number of hairs that are on my head. Matthew 10.30 You know everything about me. Matthew 10.30 You understand everything that is going on in me. Matthew 10.30 I have nothing to fear. Matthew 10.31 I will not fear. Matthew 10.31 I have rest in you, Lord Jesus. Matthew 11.29 You have removed oppressive pressure from my life. Matthew 11.30 My life has become easy . My burden is now light . I have found rest . You have blessed my ears and I hear . You have blessed my eyes and I see . I know the mysteries of the kingdom of God . I will bear abundant fruit . I am blessed . You have revealed yourself to me, God my Father. matthew 16 17 i will walk above the circumstances of my life matthew 14 29 i have supernatural victory over my surroundings matthew 14 29 i lead a supernatural life by faith in you jesus matthew 14 29 i will not fear my circumstances or surroundings Matthew 14 29 I will have victory through the course of my life. John 16 33 Satan, you are crushed behind me. Matthew 16 23 I am like a child, Father God. Matthew 18 3 I am humble. Matthew 18 4 I will act humbly. Matthew 18.4 I will serve. Matthew 20.28 I have power to bind and loose in your name, Jesus. Matthew 18.18 All things I ask in prayer believing, I am receiving. Matthew 21.22 I have faith. Luke 8 25 All things are possible in you, Lord. Matthew 19 26 Anything can happen. Matthew 19 26 I am expectant. Matthew 19 26 I will not be bound by fear or unbelief . I will believe . I will take courage . I see your glory at work in my life, God . Lawlessness in this world is increasing, but I will abide in your love, God . I will not let the world extinguish my fire. Matthew 24.12 I am looking for your second coming, Lord Jesus. Matthew 24.44 I am ready for your second coming, Jesus. Matthew 24.44 I am chosen. Matthew 22.14 I have responded to your call, God. Matthew 22 14 I will use the talents you’ve given me to serve you. Matthew 25 20 I worship you in my spirit. John 4 24 I will worship you in truth. John 4 24 I am born again. John 3 3 I have living water that quenches my thirst. John 4.10 My food is to do your will, O God. John 4.34 You satisfy my longings and hungers. John 6.35 I continually let you in. Revelation 3.20 You are living in me and through me. John 6.57 I am alive with your life. John 6.57 Father, you have given me your Son. John 6.57 I will do your will and know your reality. I walk in your light, Lord Jesus. I am your disciple, Jesus. John 8.31 I do the same works that you did on earth, Lord Jesus. John 14.12 I lay my hands on the sick in your name and they recover. Mark 16.18 I am breaking the power of the enemy. Mark 16.17 I know the truth. John 8.32 I shall never die. John 10.28, I have eternal life residing in me. John 10.28, God, your spirit is in me. John 14.17 I have an abundance. John 10.10 I lead an abundant life. John 10.10 Yeshua, you speak to me. John 10.27 I hear you. John 10.27 You hear me. John 11, 42. People see you in me, Jesus. Matthew 5, 16. I am salt on the earth. Matthew 5.13 I am light in this world. Matthew 5.14 I am shrewd and innocent. Matthew 10.16 I will be anxious for nothing. Matthew 6.31 You provide for the lilies of the field. Matthew 6.30 You will provide for all my needs. Matthew 6.32 You supernaturally provide for me. Matthew 17.27 I remove the mountains in my life by faith. Mark 11.23 Nothing is impossible. Matthew 19.26 I will love my neighbors as myself. Matthew 22.39 I will give… Luke 6.38 I will love. John 13.34 I am a lover. John 13.34 You will keep blessing me, my Father. Matthew 25.29 Not my will, but thy will be done, my Father. Matthew 26, 39. I will drink the cup you have given me. Matthew 26, 42. I will believe in you without doubting. John 6, 29. Your presence and power are being manifest through my life. Luke 24, 49. Jesus, you did not condemn me. John 8, 11. Jesus, you love me. Father, you’re my deliverer. You sanctify me. I will not seek the things of this world. I will treat others how I want to be treated. Matthew 7, 12. I am not concerned about what tomorrow will bring. Matthew 6, 34. It only matters that I know, God, that you’re my Father. Luke 23, 46. It matters not what others say about me. Luke 23, 34. I will humble myself, and you will exalt me, Father. Matthew 23, 12. I will confess you before men, Lord Jesus. Matthew 10, 32. You are the living one. Revelation 1, 18. You hold the keys. Revelation 1, 18. You are coming again in power and glory. Revelation 22, 20. I’ll be faithful to you until the end. Revelation 2, 10. I am going to receive the crown of life. Revelation 2.10 I have overcome. Revelation 2.7 I will worship you only, Lord God. Matthew 4.10 Lord, you are always with me now. Matthew 28 20 You are here to stay. Matthew 28 20 Nothing can separate me from you. John 10 29 I am now safe in you. John 10 28