Explore the various ways believers can respond to divine silence, from questioning God respectfully to embracing the opportunity for deeper intimacy through trust and anticipation. Stanley encourages listeners to continue unwavering in their prayers and interactions with God, emphasizing that such quiet times can lead to personal and spiritual growth. Find guidance and comfort as you learn to respect God’s timing and plans, opening the way to a more profound relationship.
Welcome to the InTouch Podcast with Charles Stanley for Tuesday, January 28th. How do you feel when the Lord is quiet and seems so far away? Today’s podcast reminds you that even when God is silent, He’s still faithful.
God is sometimes very silent, and it’s difficult for us to accept it, especially when we are hurting. I think that’s the most painful time if you’re physically hurting and And nothing’s going on. It’s very, very discouraging. Well, does He have a purpose for it? Yes, He does. Is there a certain way you and I ought to respond? There is a better way. And so, how do you respond? Do you take advantage of it? Do you learn something from it? Or you just let it go by and say, well, you know, I went through one of these circumstances and God didn’t answer my prayer. He just ignored me. Now, somebody says, well, you know, I want to know about God speaking to me, not being quiet to me. But there’s a whole aspect of God’s silence that is very, very good. And what causes us to be perturbed sometimes and impatient and wonder why and question a lot of things about God, I want you to see that His silence is very, very good. So, how do we respond when He’s quiet? Now, everybody doesn’t respond the same way. But so, how do you respond when you’re talking to Him and God is silent, you come to Him with some request and you don’t hear anything? Do you just get up if you kneel and pray? And you know, when I think about this, and that’s just my own personal opinion, so I’m giving you that. A person who never kneels before God has a problem. You can’t kneel before holy God. who’s the creator of the universe, the sovereign of all things, you can’t kneel before Him? Is that pride? I think it is. That’s my personal opinion. But I think if you’ll search the Scriptures, and I think if you’ll think about who it is that you’re before, you’re before Almighty God, and you can’t kneel, there’s something wrong with that. So, how do we respond? Well, sometimes we are very disappointed. Well, God, I, here’s the verse I, here’s the verse You gave me, Lord, and here’s what it says, and I’m taking it Your Word and nothing’s happening. Another reaction is we get discouraged. Well, why should I pray? God isn’t answering my prayer. And remember what we said, when you don’t feel like He’s listening, don’t stop. That’s the key. Don’t stop praying and talking to God because you think He’s silent, not listening. Remember what we said. Because He’s silent doesn’t mean He’s not listening. And so, there’s a very specific reason. So, sometimes it’s discouragement. Then, of course, one of the things that happens is this, that people get confused. They say, well, now wait a minute. Here’s what God says and I’m praying and He’s not answering my prayer. And then sometimes a person begins to doubt. Well, I wonder, where is God? And I’ll tell you what happened to me this weekend. I went to see a doctor about my foot. And so, I got to talking to him a little bit and got him into a conversation. And I said, well, tell me what’s going on in your life. And he began to tell me what’s happening in the past. He’s down in the dumps and things weren’t working. He said, I was driving along and I just said, I don’t know if anybody’s out there, but if you are, do something. Well, now here’s a desperate cry of a man who was empty, was not a Christian, didn’t know what to do, didn’t know where to turn. He just cried out, if there’s anybody out there, do something. Show up. The next day, something happened in his life that was just wonderful, and from that point on, Now, after we chatted and I came back the second time we got to talking, he started talking about how God was doing thus and so in his life. I can’t wait to go back and see him again. Because already he was so open. But I think about a person being so totally out there, away from the things of God, and not knowing what to think or how to feel. And his prayer was, if there’s anybody out there, Do you realize how blessed you are that you know Jesus Christ as your Savior? How blessed you are that you know God? And so, people respond different ways. And then, of course, a lot of people, if God’s silent, they feel guilty. Now watch this. God didn’t answer my prayer? Must have done something wrong. God must be displeased with me. You see, listen to this. Every time God’s silent doesn’t mean you’ve sinned. Every time He’s silent doesn’t mean you’re guilty. Every time He’s silent doesn’t mean He’s just shut heaven up, not going to pay any attention to you. And so, sometimes a person feels very guilty. And then, of course, there’s the feeling of being angry. God, here’s what’s happened. I asked you to fix this and you haven’t done it. And so then one of those feelings that people get sometime is being very separated from God. He’s distant. That’s a bad feeling. You ever felt that? God’s distant. He’s out yonder somewhere. You know He’s there, but He’s distant. You don’t feel that warmth, that intimacy that you felt before. And then I think one of the reactions is this, and that’s fear. Has God deserted me? Has God just left me? Have I committed, and this is what I hear, have I committed some unpardonable sin? And the answer to that is no. Why am I not getting through? And so there are all different kinds of responses that people have, but the question is this, and that is, how should you and I respond when God is silent? So let’s think about some ways we should respond, and the first one is this. We should ask Him why. Somebody says, well, you should never question God. Oh, yes, you can. And let me just say this, when you question God, God does not get upset. He’s not going to punish you. If you need any evidence at all, what about what Jesus said on the cross? My God, my God, why have You forsaken Me? That gives us the privilege and the pattern. You and I have the right to question God about anything. Because remember this. It doesn’t bother Him. It doesn’t antagonize Him. It doesn’t get Him upset. And it doesn’t cause Him to feel bad toward us. Remember this, He understands us perfectly. He knows what motivates us to question Him. He knows why. And so, one of the first and right responses that you and I can ask Him why and not expect any punishment. The second one is this, that as we said, His silence doesn’t mean that He’s inactive. In other words, if you come to Him and ask Him about something and ask Him to show you His will for your life, what usually happens at the end of that period of silence is exactly what you were concerned about is exactly what He does. But it has to be in His timing. You see, when you think about how you should respond, you should remember that His silence does not mean He’s inactive and that He’s doing something good in our life. A third thing is this, and that is, We should respond by trusting Him. And if you go to the forty-sixth Psalm, for example, and here’s a verse that’s translated a little different in different passages. But you and I probably know it best by, Be still and know that I’m God. And in the American Standard Version, that verse says, cease striving and know that I am God, which is the same thing. It’s just a different way of saying it. Cease striving and know that I’m God. How am I to respond? How am I to respond? I’m to respond not with anger and doubt and fear and frustration and anxiety and all the rest, but I’m to respond by being quiet and trusting Him and knowing that in His silence He is working something good for my life. And at the proper time, the appropriate time, that whatever I’m concerned about, He is going to deal with because He promised to do it. He says He will, watch this, He will perfect what concerns us. God is personally interested in our life, and so we just have to wait and bide our time with Him. And I think about in this passage here with Lazarus and Jesus and Mary and Martha, what happened? What happened was this. And that is, Jesus had a schedule. Mary and Martha’s schedule was hurry on over to Bethany because Lazarus is very sick. Jesus’ schedule was a few days later. He’d been dead four days. Well, where were you? Why didn’t you show up? When you come to our house, we feed you. You say you love us. We spend time together. And the most critical moment in my life, Jesus, you don’t show up. And sometimes that’s very, very difficult, that when He’s silent, that my right response is I’m to trust Him. But that’s one of the reasons He’s silent to us, in order to teach us when we don’t see our way clear, we don’t know what’s going on, and you’re like you’re in a capsule. And you can’t correct the situation. You can’t fix it yourself. And you’re having to trust Him. Watch this. We don’t like someone else controlling us, not even God sometimes. We don’t like that. Unless God’s controlling us and we’re just happy as a lark doing. In other words, if everything’s going our way and God’s in control, praise the Lord. But when things aren’t going our way and He’s controlling us, we’re not all that excited about it. He, watch this, and I’m saying some things over and over and over again. One of the primary reasons is His desire to build an intimate relationship with Him that is not based on what He gives us and whether He’s on our schedule or not, but simply the fact of who He is loving us His way in His time. Well, so I’m to respond by trusting. And then, of course, I’m to respond by anticipating. Listen, anticipating a more intimate relationship with Him. In other words, I should expect that. I anticipate. In other words, if He’s silent, God not only wants to do something good in my life, but He wants to draw me into a much more intimate relationship with Him than I’ve ever had. And our relationship to Jesus Christ should be and can be and will be as intimate and as satisfying as we’re willing for Him to work in our life His way and His time. So, how should we respond? Anticipating that. Then of course, respect the right of God to be silent. In other words, He’s not under any obligation to us at all. And so, I respect the right of God to be silent when He chooses to be silent. I don’t have to know why, really. I will ask Him why. I will look at myself and see if there’s something He wants to deal with. But God has the right to be silent. Well, we should respond in that fashion, recognize that. Then, of course, there are two things. One of the best ways when God is silent. It’s to just get in the Word of God and start reading. Read where? It doesn’t make any difference where. Wherever you choose to read. A good place to read, if you’re not too familiar with some passages, is to start reading the Psalms. Start with number one, sixty-two, thirty-seven, thirty-four, thirty-five, you know, whatever it might be. Just start reading the Psalms and just say, God, I don’t know what’s going on, but I’m available, watch this, I’m available to listen, Lord. When you begin to read the Word of God, remember this carefully. The Holy Spirit who lives inside of you, who knows exactly what your need is, who knows exactly what’s going on in your life, He is on the inside. And here’s what happens. While you may not be hearing God say anything, the Holy Spirit is interpreting His Word to your heart. Now, I want to tell you just one other thing, and this is a real key. When God is silent to you, keep talking and keep praying. Keep talking and listen. Keep praying to Him. And look, keep reading His Word. Keep reading the Word, keep talking to Him, keep praying to Him, because here’s what happens. Haven’t you been praying and you felt like this wall was between the two of you? You know how to get the wall down? You don’t get the wall down by saying, God, what’s going on? You get the wall down, but you just keep talking. You just keep praying. You begin to read His Word. And what happens? You say, well, is it going to come down immediately? Not necessarily. But here’s what I’ve learned a long time ago. You break through the silence sometimes when God has a purpose in mind. You break through by continually trusting Him in His silence, continually reading His Word, seeing what, how did God work in David’s life and Moses’ life and Daniel’s life and Jesus’ life. How did the Father work in all these lives? And I want to say one last thing. You know what He’s up to? He’s up to a personal healing. intimate relationship with you that’ll set your Christian life on a level that’s so far, far, far above what people think about as being a Christian. It isn’t just going to church, reading the Bible and praying and giving money, or being kind or even witnessing to others. All those things are important. What He’s after is that intimacy with you. That genuine love that comes from your life toward Him, that spirit of obedience. You see, intimacy implies what? A sense of oneness. The two of you are one. And I want to encourage you to make as your goal, set it as a priority, a fresh, new, intimate relationship with Almighty God through His Son, Jesus Christ. And that’s the way it all begins. And you may say, well, I’m not a Christian. How does that work? I’ll tell you how it works. Nothing works. Until you ask the Lord Jesus Christ to forgive you of your sins and tell Him that you’re surrendering your life to Him and you’re trusting in His forgiveness based on what He did at the cross of Calvary. You may not understand it all, but you know, He died and paid your sin, debt, and fool, and you’re asking to forgive Him. The moment you ask Him sincerely, He’s going to forgive you and give you wisdom and direction in your life. And here’s what happens. Then He begins to open your heart to understand what we are talking about. But if you are a believer, I want to challenge you to do something. I want to challenge you that before the day is over, to get by yourself. And I want to challenge you to humble yourself before Almighty God. And get on your knees and acknowledge His Lordship in your life. And tell Him that you just want to be quiet. You want to be silent. And that He can say anything He wants to. Or He doesn’t have to say anything. But you want to offer yourself to Him in silence. That whatever He may choose to say, you want to hear Him carefully. If you will practice silence before Him, listen carefully. Watch this. Anxiety, fretting, fuming, worrying, and all kind of other things is going to disappear. You know why? Because He’s going to place something in you you can’t buy. No doctor can give it to you. Nobody else can do it for you. He’s going to give you a sense of Himself. that satisfies the deepest longing of your heart. It’s yours for the asking. And Father, how grateful we are for Your love for us, and that You love us enough to want a personal relationship with us which is almost beyond our comprehension, because we are so unworthy of that. And yet when You saved us, You gave us a position that we could have that kind of relationship. And that is my prayer for every person who hears this message. Place a hunger in every heart for yourself. Not for what you have to give, but for just yourself. And I know that you’ll satisfy that hunger. In Jesus’ name, amen.
Thank you for listening to part two of When God is Silent. If you’d like to know more about Charles Stanley or InTouch Ministries, stop by InTouch.org. This podcast is a presentation of InTouch Ministries, Atlanta, Georgia.