We are glad you could join us today for the Concepts of Faith broadcast. This program is dedicated to teach you how to put the Word of God to work so that it will make a positive difference in the everyday circumstances of your life. And now, here’s Charles Capps.
See, Jesus has made unto us wisdom, righteousness, sanctification and redemption, the Apostle Paul said. But we have to learn how to receive the direction of God by the Spirit of God, the Spirit of man, the Human Spirit is the light that God uses to enlighten you. This is the way God’s going to give you direction in life.
It may not come as a flash of light or a bolt of lightning. It may just come by impression in your spirit. So we need to learn how to hear the voice of our spirit.
We’re here in I Corinthians, the second chapter. We’re talking about the human spirit. Now let’s read from verse 10 again.
But God, well, now let’s read verse 9 and down through here, because I want to get this ingrafted into your thinking. Because you that are in business, the decisions you need to make, they’ll come by the Spirit of God if you’ll allow yourself to be trained to hear the voice of the Spirit, and allow these things to come forth within you. Now notice in verse 9, he says, but as it is written, I have not seen nor ear heard, neither have it entered into the heart of man, the things which God hath prepared for them that love him, but God has revealed them to us by his Spirit.
In other words, he said, this is the way God revealed it. He revealed it by his Spirit to the human spirit. For the Spirit, that is the human spirit, searcheth all things, yea, the deep things of God.
For what man knoweth the things of a man, save the Spirit of man, which is in him. In other words, the Spirit of man knows all about him. Even so, the things of God knoweth no man, but the Spirit of God.
Now, I made a statement, and I want to show you that it’s qualified right here. That in verse 10, where it says, for the Spirit searcheth all things, ye the deep things of God, it does not mean Holy Spirit. It means the human spirit.
Now, this verse 11 will qualify it, where it says, even so, the things of God knoweth no man, but the Spirit of God. In other words, it says, the Spirit of God knows all about God. Then that proves that the Holy Spirit would not have to search the deep things of God.
He already knows them. Can you see that? Now, we have received not the Spirit of the world.
I’m glad I didn’t receive the Spirit of the world, aren’t you? But we have received the Spirit which is of God. Now, what’s the Apostle Paul referring to here?
He’s referring again to the human spirit. We have not received the human spirit from the world. Now, he’s also, by law of double reference, he’s talking about the spirit, the renewed spirit within us, the born again human spirit.
Now, let me just stop here long enough to show you something or bring to remember some things that will help you. In Genesis, the first chapter, it says, God said, let us make man in our image after our likeness and let them have dominion over the fish of the sea, the fowl of the air, over the cattle, over all the earth. God created man in his own image and in his own likeness.
When I say man, I don’t talk about mankind. God is a spirit. They that worship him, Jesus said, they that worship him must worship him in spirit and in truth.
So God is a spirit. Now, when he created man in his image and in his likeness, what he did, he created man in exact duplication of God’s kind. Now, let me qualify that because sometimes people say, oh, well, you’re getting too far out.
You’re saying we’re God’s, no, no. We’re created in the likeness of God in his image and his likeness. The word likeness in the original Hebrew meant an exact duplication of kind.
Now, what kind is God? God is a spirit. And man was created in the image and likeness of God.
Now, you can see it if you open your Bibles there to Genesis, the second chapter, verse seven. It says, The Lord God formed man out of the dust of the ground. Now, that is not the creation of man.
He formed man out of something that already existed. That’s not a creation. You see, he had already created the earth, so he took the earth, which he’s already created, and he forms man’s body.
Now, that’s not the creation. He made his body out of the dust of the ground. And then it says, he breathed into his nostrils the breath of life, and man became a living soul, or the amplifier says, he breathed into his nostrils the spirit of life.
Now, if God breathed spirit life into Adam, what kind of spirit was it? The spirit of God, wasn’t it? Now, there’s the creation of man right there.
That is the creation of man. You see, the real man is the human spirit. Now, this is what Paul is referring to here, when he says, now we have not received the spirit of the world, but the spirit which is of God.
God breathed his own spirit into man, and man became an exact duplication of God’s kind. It was the same spirit that God was that was in man. The human spirit was a part of God that he breathed into him.
Now, the word spirit is breath, or wind, air. It was the very breath and life of God that he breathed into Adam. And Adam was an exact duplication of God’s kind.
He was capable of operating in faith like God did. He was capable of subduing the earth and having dominion over it. Every creeping thing that creepeth on the earth.
And you know, that’s good news, just know you have dominion over creeps, isn’t it? Glory be to God. Everything that creepeth.
Now, God gave Adam dominion over the earth. He was capable of subduing the earth or God wouldn’t have told him to do it if he hadn’t have been capable of doing it. Now, he was going to do it the same way God did it, is by speaking words of faith.
But now, back to 1 Corinthians here, verse 12, Paul says, Now we have received not the spirit of the world, but the spirit which is of God, that we might know the things that are freely given to us of God. Now, he tells you why he created you in his image and in his likeness, so you would know the things that were given to us of God. Now, get this, this is important, and it’s all here in these verses we’ve read, but the spirit which is of God, we have the spirit which is of God, why?
That we might know the things that are freely given to us of God. This is the only way we’ll know the things that are of God, is by the spirit. Can you see that?
He breathed into man a spirit. It was the spirit of God, so that God’s spirit could bear witness with the human spirit. You see, spirits communicate with spirits.
Spirits don’t communicate with bodies. They communicate with spirits. So God’s spirit then could bear witness with man’s spirit and do exactly what the Apostle Paul said.
Eye hasn’t seen, ear has not heard, neither has it entered into the heart of man by the natural realm, by studying books and all of this. But he said God has revealed it by his spirit. Isn’t it good that we have insight by the spirit of God?
God reveals things. Now, the spirit of man is the candle of the Lord. That just simply means it’s the light that God is gonna use to enlighten your pathway.
It’s the light that God is gonna use to cause it to be a lamp unto your feet or light unto your feet and a light upon your path. When you don’t know what to do, when you don’t know which way to turn, you don’t know what decision to make, don’t go around saying, Dear God, I don’t know what to do. I’ll always make the wrong decision.
Every time I get under pressure, I’ll always make the wrong decision. You’re planting seeds. You know what you’re doing?
You’re binding that wisdom of God that can come through the human spirit. You know what Jesus said? See, we talked about it a while ago.
Jesus said, I have many things to say to you, but you can’t bear them now. And that’s talking to the disciples. Now, the reason they couldn’t bear them because he could speak it, but they couldn’t understand it.
Now, you know why they couldn’t understand it? Because they were yet carnal. They had not been born again.
See, it is the rebirth of the human spirit that causes the human spirit to come alive to the things the power charge has put back in the human spirit. And the human spirit begins to receive communication from God’s spirit. So, Jesus said, I’ve got a lot of things I’d like to tell you, but you can’t bury them now.
And that was very obvious they couldn’t, because he’d been telling them all the time, he said, I’ve got to go to the cross and die and be abused and spit on and crucified. And they was over there arguing about who’s going to be the greatest when you set up your kingdom here in Jerusalem. One of them wanted to sit on his right hand, the other on his left.
And he kept telling them he’s going to have to die and be gone. And finally, Peter rebuked him over it. And Jesus finally turned around and said, get thee behind me, Satan.
Now here’s a man, Peter, that was sincere, all right, but you see, he was walking in the carnal nature. And Jesus was giving him great truths, but he couldn’t receive it. You know why?
Because his spirit didn’t have the Holy Spirit in it, the teacher and the guide. And he said, I got a lot of things to tell you, but he said, you can’t receive them now. How be it when the spirit of truth has come, he will teach you all things and guide you into all truths.
Now he said, I can get them to you a lot easier when I’m gone and reveal them into your spirit that I can stand here and tell you now and you’ll go away and never know what I said. And he did many times, told them exactly what was gonna happen and they didn’t believe a word of it. Went in one ear and out the other.
Well, God wants us to be sensitive to the spirit of God and he is telling us how to receive of the spirit of God. I have good news for you. God reveals things to the human spirit.
And when you learn and train the human spirit to hear the voice of the Spirit of God, then God will direct you and you will no longer have to walk in darkness in making decisions. Isn’t that good news? Praise God.
Thank you so much for joining us for the Concepts of Faith broadcast today. Now, all of this week we have a book and CD offer, number 7517. The book is entitled The Light of Life in the Spirit of Man.
It’s a 59-page paperback. And the single CD, it’s entitled How God Will Light Your Candle. It’s for $15 plus $4 postage and handling.
You get the book and the CD, a total of $19. You know, it’s the entrance of God’s Word that brings light to you. And Proverbs 20, 27 says the Spirit of Man is the candle of the Lord, or we could say it today is the light bulb that God uses to enlighten you.
So you receive revelation in your spirit, and it enlightens you. Now, remember the Word said, in the beginning was the Word, the Word was with God, the Word was God, the Word was made flash and dwelled among us. Well, Jesus was the light of the world.
He brought life and light to the world, and redeemed mankind. And David said, the entrance of the Word bringeth light. Then in Psalms 18 says, For thou will light my candle, the Lord my God will enlighten my darkness.
In other words, the scripture says, if you seek, you’ll find. If you knock, it will be open unto you. And the Word of God is where the light is.
You remember, Jesus said, the words that I speak unto you, their spirit, their life. In other words, God’s Word is spirit life. And words are spirit.
And I’ll tell you, the Word of God will get in your spirit. And once you get it in your spirit, it will affect things. It first affects you.
It will enlighten you. It will give you revelation and insight. And the anointing of God is upon His Word.
That’s Book and CD, offer number 7517, for a total price of $19. We have a toll-free order line, 1-877-396-9400, 1-877-396-9400. Until tomorrow, this is Charles Capps reminding you that the enemy is defeated, God is exalted, and Jesus is coming soon.
To order the product offered today, call 1-877-396-9400, or write Charles Capps, PO. Box 69, England, Arkansas, 72046. A complete list of CDs, books and DVDs are available online at charlescapps.com.
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