* 2 Corinthians: Paul constructed Second Corinthians as a key for understanding all of the Pauline Epistles, especially for the Christians who doubt the unique teaching that Jesus revealed through this Apostle.
To undergird his controversial Gospel of Grace (Rom. 4:5; 11:13; 1 Cor. 3:10; 15:1; Gal. 2:7; Eph. 2:8-9; etc.), the Apostle Paul realized that he must defend his own unique authority against his critics and against negative comparisons to the other apostles. He does this more aggressively when writing to the Galatians, but in greater length when writing to the Corinthians, beginning with his initial letter (1 Cor.
“Greetings to the brightest audience in the country, and welcome to Theology Thursday. I’m Nicole McBurney. Every weekday, we bring you the news of the day, the culture, and science from a Christian worldview.
But today, join me and Pastor Bob Enyart as we explore the source of our Christian worldview, the Bible.
To minister to those who I love, to those whom the Lord loves, that is more important. So even though it’s difficult, even though there is suffering involved, Lord, help me to serve you and love my neighbor to the very end of my life here on this earth. By the way, when Adam and Eve sinned, they became aware of their failure before God, and they were ashamed.
They were ashamed of themselves. So before they sinned, God had created them, and they were naked, and they felt no need of a covering. They felt no need.
They had no shame. But then when they did sin, they hid themselves, and they took leaves, and they covered themselves. And then God came into the garden, and He took an animal, and He performed a blood sacrifice, and He took the skin of the animal, and He[…]”
From Bob Enyart Live: ThThurs: 2 Corinthians Pt. 11, Sep 12, 2024
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