In this episode, Rabbi Schneider emphasizes the importance of maintaining faith and striving for spiritual renewal. He illustrates that breakthrough is possible, yet it requires understanding the opposition we face and the idols we unconsciously harbor. Through biblical examples and personal anecdotes, Rabbi Schneider encourages listeners to confront their fears, trust in God’s promises, and develop strategies tailored for diverse spiritual battles. Prepare to be inspired to seek freedom and strength in faith, ensuring that every trial becomes an opportunity for divine victory.
Happy New Year and welcome to this edition of Discovering the Jewish Jesus. I’m your host, Dustin Roberts, and today Rabbi Schneider shares a crucial message about continuing to overcome through spiritual breakthrough. It can be easy to think that just because we’ve accepted Jesus, all of our problems are going to go away, that the enemy is going to now leave us alone. But that’s really not the truth. So today, Rabbi Schneider is going to reveal why believers often find themselves in the enemy’s crosshairs and aren’t even aware of it. And also, when we face trials that seem unbearable, there’s a promise we need to remember. God has not forgotten us. He’ll never leave us nor forsake us. Now let’s get started. Here’s Rabbi Schneider.
I don’t know about you, but I have a driving motivation in me to continue to enter in to more and more of God’s presence. And each time we’re being changed, each time we enter into something new, we are in effect experiencing breakthrough. Think about your own life. Can you sense how you’ve changed over the years? How old part of your nature, that part of your old man, those things that used to control you in the past, maybe it was your anger, maybe it was an addictive habit that you had. Those things have fallen away for many of you. And now you’re walking in a new place, a new place of peace, perhaps, a greater ability to love, a greater ability to restrain from certain sins that you once were in bondage to. Why is that? It’s because you’ve experienced breakthrough. The power for breakthrough resides in each one of us. And the reason I say that, beloved one, to you is this. Jesus lives in you. And Jesus is the God of breakthrough. Think about it. He was put to death. His heart stopped beating. His blood stopped pumping. He was in the grave. And yet the spirit of the living God quickened him, caused him to come back to life, lifted him out of that grave, and he caused him to ascend all the way to the right hand of the Father. Incredible breakthrough. He conquered the grave. He conquered death. He conquered every principality and every power, openly triumphing over all of them. And now he’s seated again. at the right hand of the Father. That is ultimate spiritual breakthrough. And the spirit of the winner, the spirit of King Yeshua lives in you and I. What this tells us is that our life is gonna be made up of a series of remarkable breakthroughs, if in fact we have the heart for breakthrough in us, if we have a passion for breakthrough, if we’re not gonna be satisfied until we’re free indeed. You see, Jesus said, if the Son sets you free, you shall be free indeed and if you continue in my word then you’re truly disciples of mine and you shall know the truth and the truth shall set you free don’t you want to be free well if you truly in your heart have an aching passion that you’re not going to be satisfied until you’re free there’s going to be something that’s going to be driving you to press forward and to push on to ascend in the spirit so that you will continue to experience more breakthrough in your life, and the last day of your life will be your best, just like Jesus saved the good wine to last, his first miracle, because you’ll continually, as you age, be experiencing breakthrough. Yes, your outer man will decay, But the Bible says though the outer man is decaying, the inner man, the true man, the real man is being renewed day by day. You were created for breakthrough. Your destiny is breakthrough. You’re gonna get better as you age. You’re gonna become more free as you age. You’re gonna have more peace of mind as you age. You’re gonna have more love as you age. You’re gonna have a greater perception of reality as you age. Why? Because you’re gonna continue to get breakthrough in the realm of the Spirit. You see, the Bible says we’re being changed from glory to glory, from faith to faith, from grace to grace. And so breakthrough is a topic that’s always appropriate. Those of us that are alive are changing, we’re growing. Now, David, who is our template for understanding breakthrough and has been in this series, experienced great breakthrough in his life after he was anointed king of Israel and was attacked by the Philistines because the Philistines, when they saw he was anointed and heard he was anointed, they resisted it. They wanted to stop it. And of course, as I’ve been teaching, This is a spiritual prototype for us to understand that as we’re moving forward in the anointing, the enemy is going to resist us and try to stop us. This is just the way it is. So David defeated the enemy when the enemy attacked him after the enemy saw that he was anointed. But I want you to notice something in the 22nd verse. Now the Philistines came up once again. Get the picture here. The Philistines, David’s anointed, the Philistines want to stop it. They want to snuff out the anointing. The power of darkness wants to snuff out the glory of God in your life. In this particular account in 2 Samuel 5, after the Philistines attacked David, David defeated them in Rephaim. But what happened sometime later, after David defeated them, The Philistines came up once again. Listen once again to verse number 22. Now the Philistines came up once again and spread themselves out in the Valley of Raphaim. The point is that the enemy is not gonna forever leave you alone. Even with Jesus, when Yeshua was in the wilderness, He defeated the devil after 40 days. And the scripture concludes by saying the devil left him after the 40 days after Yeshua defeated him. to look for a more opportune time. In other words, the devil couldn’t defeat Jesus in the wilderness, and so eventually he gave up and left. To come back, the scripture says, he was gonna look for a more opportune time. In other words, the power of darkness were gonna look to come against Jesus again. They were gonna try to find Jesus in a vulnerable moment. They were gonna try to find Jesus at a place where they thought they could get leverage over him. The point is, beloved, We are gonna be in a battle. I know some of you aren’t gonna wanna hear this. We’re gonna be in a battle our entire lives. We’re the victors. Greater is he that’s in us than he that’s in the world. We’re the victors. The scripture says we triumph over everything that we’re more than conquerors, but the battle’s not gonna go away. We’re gonna have to fight as long as we’re in this world. It was only when Paul was about to breathe his last that he said, I fought the fight. I’ve run the race. And now there’s laid up for me a crown of righteousness. The point that I’m trying to lay in your heart is we need to establish within ourself a soldier’s mentality. A lot of us are spending so much energy trying to flee the fight, trying to avoid the fight, trying to pretend the battle isn’t there, that we’re missing the whole point. It’s like we’re trying to create some kind of false illusion or reality, thinking that we can escape the fight, but the truth is, beloved, you can never escape the fight. Because wherever you go, there you are, and wherever you are, the powers of darkness are there looking for some way to attack. We have to get a soldier’s mentality. We have to develop the mentality of the Marines. We have to always be prepared. We have to recognize the enemy is not going to go away. And the only way to live in victory is to recognize the presence of the enemy all around us, continually exercising our spiritual impulse in the Lord to remain on top of him. I want us to understand that even as David was in a fight here and he defeated the enemy, but then the enemy came back, so too, you and I may defeat the enemy on this front, but just because we defeated the enemy on this front doesn’t mean that the enemy is gonna leave us alone forever. or that he’s not going to try to come back another way.
You’re listening to Discovering the Jewish Jesus. And before Rabbi Schneider continues his teaching, he has a special message to share with all of us.
Greetings in Messiah on this new year. You know, January comes, we think about things in our life that we want to change. One thing that perhaps some of you have thought about but never taken action on is creating or updating your will or trust. I want to encourage you, go to our website. We have a free tool there. Just hit wills and estates and we can help you update or create your will or estate trust gift. Listen, God bless you. I love you. Many of us have honored the Lord while we’re living with our finances. Let’s carry that over and remember the Lord with our finances when we pass by creating a will and a state so that finances can go to the work of the kingdom.
What a meaningful way to honor God with our finances this year. And if you feel the Lord leading you to create a free will, visit us at It’s free for you whether you support us or not. Now, let’s return to Rabbi as he continues his teaching.
One of the primary ways the enemy attacks is through fear. Because remember, the enemy, he’s the prince of the power of the air. Now, the air is not physical, it’s something spiritual. And thoughts are spiritual things. So when you think about fear, fear is made up of thought and thoughts come from the air, from the spiritual powers of the air. And so we recognize that the thoughts that we have in our mind, they’re oftentimes not just the result of a chemical process, the thoughts in our mind are spiritual. They’re either thoughts of light or thoughts of darkness. And so we oftentimes are under attack from the enemy through fear. We need to recognize sometimes that the fear that we’re having is not logical, but it’s an attack from the enemy. So I’m trying to make the point that when we defeat the enemy in one area like David did, it doesn’t mean that the enemy will not try to come around a different way and attack us in another area. And if you think about this in relationship to fears that you’ve had, perhaps you can better understand what I’m trying to illustrate here. For example, in my life, I used to be afraid of the devil. Before I knew Jesus, I was very, very afraid of the devil. I remember, unfortunately, as a young boy, not knowing God, I went to see the movie, The Exorcist. It’s terrible even to say it. It was such a terrible movie. I was just turning 16 years old. After seeing the movie, The Exorcist, even though no one ever told me about the devil, I was not taught in the temple I was bar mitzvahed in about the reality of the devil. I never thought about the devil, but after I saw that movie, somehow deep inside, I knew that movie, in order for it to exist, there had to be a devil. And after seeing that movie, I was so afraid I literally came home, went into my bedroom terrified, and I waited for my parents to fall asleep so I could crawl into their bedroom and sleep in their bedroom next to their bed on the floor because I was so afraid. And that fear lasted for months. Well, now I’m not afraid of the devil because I have the word of God. I have scripture. I have the assurance of Jesus. But does that mean that the devil won’t try to come at me with other fears? No. He tries to come at me with other fears. Fear for my health or fear for the health of my loved ones or fear of getting in a car accident or fear of my loved ones getting in a car accident. So what do I have to do now? I have to once again fight and close the door to the powers of darkness against those fears in order to get breakthrough once again over those fears. And Baruch Hashem, by the grace of God, I am. And so I’m trying to help you to understand, my friend, that the sooner we realize we’re in a fight and that the fight cannot be avoided, the more equipped we are, the more we’re ready for battle and the more effective we’re gonna be in defeating the powers of darkness and keeping ourselves in the battle. Which brings me to point out to you here, verse number 21. When David defeated the Philistines, the Bible says here, they abandoned their idols there. So David and his men carried them away. And what this means is that the Philistines, they brought their idols onto the battlefield thinking that their idols would help them to fight. And they were so terrified, the Philistines, when Israel was overcoming them and defeating them, they fleed the battlefield, leaving their idols on the battlefield. And then the men of Israel carried them away and burned them. Well, the concept I want to point out here is this, that when breakthrough happens, idols are destroyed, right? When breakthrough happens, idols are destroyed. If you’re gonna get freedom in your life, if you’re gonna get breakthrough in your life, along with that breakthrough is gonna be the destroying of things in your heart that are idols. In other words, the reason that we oftentimes have fear is because there’s an idol in our heart in which we’re not putting God first. Think, for example, of our health, something that causes fear for many. If you think about it, the Lord says, fear nothing, fear no one but me. If we fear nothing but God, if our only concern was to please God, Would we still be afraid about our health? No, we wouldn’t. We’d be so concerned with loving God, with pleasing Him and not being afraid of anything because He commanded us not to be afraid, that we wouldn’t be fearing our health. You see, many of the things that we end up fearing, we fear because we’ve made those things an idol. We fear losing our money. Why? Because we’re not trusting God and we’ve made money an idol. We fear the death of our loved ones. Why? Because we’ve made them an idol. We put them before God. I know what I’m saying is harsh. And I know that there’s some balance to all this. But the truth is, is that anything that we place in our life over God becomes an idol. And because we can’t control the loss of those things that we’ve attached ourselves to, we fear losing them, which creates fear. But the reason we fear losing them so much is because they’re an idol. So in order for fear to be destroyed, in order for there to be breakthrough, the idols in our life need to be destroyed. Whenever there’s breakthrough that happens, idols are destroyed. And so I want to ask you a question right now. What in your life is causing you fear? Is the thing that you’re afraid of, has it somehow become an idol? Has it somehow become more important to you than God? Maybe someone today is afraid of losing their job and you’re anxious about it all the time, but why? Is it because your job has become God in your heart? You’re not trusting God first. You’re not, first of all, just concerned with pleasing him and letting your life take you whatever direction he takes you. But for some reason, you’re hanging onto that job and you’re hanging onto it so tightly that you’re fearing losing it rather than trusting God and being like Abraham that left everything he knew to follow the Lord to a place that he didn’t even know where that was going to be. He didn’t know where God was going to lead him. Do you see what I’m saying? Idols are destroyed when we are entering into a deeper realm in the spirit, when we enter in, beloved, to break through. And I also notice here as I’m looking at the text that when the Philistines came up to come against David the second time, David used a second strategy. In other words, God gave David a strategy to defeat the enemy the first time the enemy came. But when the enemy came the second time, God didn’t tell David to use the same strategy. He gave him a new strategy. So look at verse number 23. When David inquired of the Lord, he said, David’s inquiring of the Lord as to, shall I go up against the Philistines? How shall I defeat the Philistines? How shall I defeat the enemy? And the Lord spoke back to him. When David inquired of the Lord, he said, God said, you shall not go directly up, which he did last time, last time David went up directly. Instead, the Lord said, circle around behind them and come at them in front of the balsam trees. This is important because different attacks of the enemy require different strategies. I remember a friend of mine, he was having these tormenting thoughts, these defiled, perverted thoughts. And he kept on coming against these thoughts. He kept on attacking these thoughts. When the thought would come to him, my friend kept on trying to take authority over the thought and it made him afraid that he was having these thoughts. So he tried to take authority over the thought and renounce the thought. And he came to me, he said, I keep on having these thoughts, these terrible, vile, defiled thoughts. I said to him, listen, Next time the thoughts come, don’t respond to them. Just ignore them. Just don’t worry about them. Just ignore them. And you know what? That strategy set him free. When he just began to not pay attention to the thoughts, when he was not afraid of the thoughts, when he just ignored the thoughts and didn’t respond to them, you know what? They went away. You see, sometimes we have to come directly against the powers of darkness, directly against certain fears, quoting the Word of God, stamping them under our feet with the Word. Sometimes thoughts come to our mind, you know what? We just ignore them. We’re aware that they’re there. We don’t give them the time of day. We don’t allow them to cause us to respond. We just ignore them and they lose their hold and they have no power. You see, each different attack requires a different response. And that’s what we see here. David inquired of the Lord, He depended on God, and as he depended on God, as he truly pulled the reservoirs of heaven into his soul through cleaving to the Holy Spirit and the Word, God downloaded a unique strategy to give David victory in every attack. Beloved, breakthrough is important. Father, I speak right now over every soul that is open under the sound of my voice. I speak breakthrough and power into each one. Father, I ask you to strengthen us in our inner man by the written word of God and by the Holy Spirit. Father, I ask you to cause us to arise in the anointing of King Jesus. I ask you to impart the same power onto each one or to the sound of my voice with the same power that raised Yeshua HaMashiach, the King of Kings and Lord of Lords from the dead. Father, I thank you that you’ve called us to breakthrough. Father, we thank you and praise you for the victory of King Jesus that’s in our life. And we thank you, Father, that every enemy that we face, we will defeat in the mighty and glorious name of King Jesus, King of Kings and Lord. Well, we’ve entered the new year, and you know what? If you’re like many people, when you enter a new year, you’re asking yourself, what could I do better? We know many people, they want to eat better, they want to exercise more. Well, you know what? There’s things that we can do in our spiritual lives to improve. And there’s disciplines that we can apply to our lives that will help us go to a deeper place in our walk with God. And one of those spiritual disciplines, beloved, is to be faithful to the Lord with our finances. God promises a blessing to those that tithe unto him. And we should honor God and his kingdom with our resources. It’s an ancient principle that goes all the way back to the book of Genesis. I want to encourage you, my beloved friends, if you’re not being faithful to the Lord with your ties, with your finances, make a commitment to do it this year. You will be blessed. The Lord promised it will come back to us running over into our lap. Thank you, beloved, for your love and financial support.
Amen. And you can give a special New Year’s gift to support Discovering the Jewish Jesus by visiting or give a gift on the phone. Call us at 800-777-7835. And you can also give by mail. The address is 777 Blissfield, Michigan, 49228. And you know, there’s a lot of New Year’s resolutions being made right now. So I wanna encourage you, if you’re looking for breakthrough in your life and feel like you need some encouragement, you might wanna pick up Rabbi’s book called, Called to Breakthrough. It’s Rabbi’s individual and personal biography from being in an isolated Jewish upbringing where Jesus was never mentioned to literally becoming a worldwide messenger of Jesus the Messiah who’s teaching on the radio to us today. And we believe that his story will really encourage you. There’s things in there like him getting kidnapped, him hitchhiking across the country, how he met his wife, Cynthia. It’s amazing. And I believe when you hear another person’s breakthrough, it inspires you to achieve breakthrough in your life. So you can purchase a copy if you’d like at And while you’re there, you can also give to support the ministry. Thanks so much. And now here’s Rabbi with this year’s first Aaronic Blessing.
In the book of Numbers chapter six, the Lord gave instructions to Moses and Aaron to speak this blessing over his people. And the Lord said, when you speak these words over my people, I will place my name on them and bless them. Receive the impartations of the Lord’s blessings.
Yevarechei Yahweh vayishmarecha Ya’er Yahweh, P’navei Lecha, Vichu Ne’echa Yissa Yahweh, P’navei Lecha, Ve’asem Lecha
The Lord bless you and keep you. The Lord make his face shine on you and be gracious to you. The Lord lift you up with his countenance. And the Lord give you, beloved one, his peace. God bless you and shalom.
This program is produced and sponsored by Discovering the Jewish Jesus. And I’m your host, Dustin Roberts. Join us again tomorrow as Rabbi Schneider begins a new series helping us understand the book of Revelation. That’s Thursday on Discovering the Jewish Jesus.