Join us in this enlightening episode as Rabbi Schneider delivers a powerful message on the essence of spiritual breakthroughs. He challenges the conventional focus on outer circumstances and instead directs our gaze toward internal spiritual growth. Using personal anecdotes and Scripture, the Rabbi takes listeners on a reflective journey from outward achievements to realizing the true power and anointing within. Listeners are encouraged to listen to the softest whispers within their soul, understanding that the essence of their spiritual journey is already complete through the presence of Yeshua. Rabbi Schneider skillfully explores how spiritual breakthroughs are catalyzed by faith
Welcome to Discovering the Jewish Jesus. I’m your host, Dustin Roberts. And today, Rabbi Schneider explains the details of the greatest breakthrough that we’ll ever have. We’re all looking to break through that glass ceiling and succeed in life in a special way, whether it’s getting a big promotion at work or earning another trade certificate or college degree, maybe even leading a local parenting group or Bible study. We have our breakthroughs we’re looking for, but there’s something even better that happens when we break through in the spiritual realm. Today, that’s what Rabbi’s talking about. He’s going to show us how to move into the places that God is calling us to go by having a significant spiritual breakthrough. Now, here’s Rabbi. Let’s get started.
I have a special anointing on my life for breakthrough. I don’t say that lightly. There is something that the Lord has placed upon me, which has propelled me to enter into places that others have not yet entered into. And I believe that the anointing that’s on me can be imparted in some way into your life. Now, when we speak of spiritual breakthrough, we can look at it from two different perspectives. We can look at it, number one, circumstantially. Sometimes we’re looking for breakthrough in our lives, in our circumstances. And this is important, obviously. Maybe you’re wanting to get a breakthrough in your career or in your job. You’re wanting a promotion. Maybe you’re wanting a breakthrough with your finances. Maybe you’re wanting a breakthrough in your relationship with your mom or dad or in-laws. So many different things. types of breakthroughs that we’re contending for or desiring to have happen in our life. Maybe you’ve been trying to buy a home and haven’t been able to purchase one. You’re looking for a breakthrough. Whatever it might be, breakthrough in our circumstances is legitimate and important. And we should obviously be looking to the Lord and contending for Him to be at work in our life so that we can be propelled forward in His Spirit to get breakthrough in our circumstances. Some of you may be looking for a breakthrough in your ministry that he’s called you into, and you’re looking for him to open doors or to connect you with the right people, with the right relationships, so that the gift and the anointing that’s on your life can enter a deeper way into the earth. You’re looking for a breakthrough, perhaps, in your ministry. There’s another type of breakthrough that at the end of the day, beloved, is more important than even these first two. And that is spiritual breakthrough. What I mean by that is that at the end of the day, our circumstances are always changing. Nothing we know is constant in our circumstances. For example, let’s say that you were looking for a breakthrough in your career. Let’s say that you’re going to law school right now and you flunked the LSATs, which are the tests that attorneys or prospective attorneys take in order to get their license to practice law, and you failed the LSAT the first time, and you’re looking for breakthrough to be able to pass the second time. All these things are important, but think about this using that example that I want to make applicable for all of us today. Let’s say you’re that attorney. You want to get your license to practice law. You took the bar exam to become an attorney the first time. You flunked. Now you’re going back the second time. You’re praying for breakthrough that you’ll pass it. Baruch Hashem, let’s say you pass it. Praise God. But what will happen when you’re 65 or 70 years old and no longer are you able to practice potentially law anymore? Maybe your health won’t permit it. Maybe you’re just too tired to do it anymore. Maybe you’ve lost the appetite for it. Then what? Where are you then? The point is that our circumstances are always changing. And if we’re only looking for breakthrough in circumstances, at the end of the day, we’re going to come up empty because at the end of the day, every circumstance fades away. You know, the Lord recently showed me that I should view my circumstances, those things that are going on outside me, The same way that I would observe furniture in a room that I was sitting in. Now imagine for a second with me, you’re sitting in a room. You’ve got a room at home and you’re sitting in that room. You’re sitting on a couch or on a chair. And you look around the room and there’s different pieces of furniture in that room you’re sitting in. Maybe there’s a couch, maybe there’s a chair, maybe there’s a table, whatever it is. Let me ask you, as you’re observing those pieces of furniture as you’re sitting in that room, What do those pieces of furniture mean to you? I mean, very little. I mean, you may like the furniture. They may have good practical purposes. But at the end of the day, those pieces of furniture are not what can fill your soul. Those pieces of furniture that you’re observing, they’re outside of you. You can look at them. You can appreciate them. You may like the aesthetic appearance of them. They may serve a functional purpose. Those pieces of furniture, beloved one, mean very little in terms of how much your soul is satisfied in its center, in its core. They don’t mean anything. I remember years ago when I was going through a very difficult time in my life. I graduated high school, so I’m going back many, many years now. And as some of you know that I was a very, very committed athlete in school. I wrestled all through school, got a small scholarship to wrestle in college. But wrestling to me was everything. It was my identity. It was all I thought about. I didn’t see beyond it. And when I graduated high school and I walked off that wrestling mat for the last time, realizing that as I looked into the future, now entering into adulthood, leaving my parents home, having to get ready for some type of career, which I had no idea what that would be. I didn’t know Yeshua yet. That wrestling no longer meant anything to me. It was so important to me for so many years. And now all of a sudden, when I was graduating high school, I realized it didn’t mean a hill of beans. And I remember when that happened to me, I was so lost. I was so depressed. I was so hopeless. I lacked purpose. I lacked destiny. I was confused. And I remember in that state, sitting in my family room, I’m living in my parents’ house at the time, sitting in my family room one day, looking out the back window of that family room. We lived in a pretty nice home. So I remember sitting in that family room, sitting on a couch there in this depressed, confused state. Wrestling was over. My purpose was gone. The circumstances changed. My identity disappeared with it. And I was looking out the back windows of this family room. And when I say the back windows, it was all one window. In other words, the entire back wall of that family room was one big window. It had a sliding glass door and you could look totally outside into the backyard. I looked outside into the beautiful nature. But you know what? No matter how beautiful it was, as I looked out that family room window and even looked at all the beautiful furniture in that big family room, you know what? At the end of the day, as I was sitting there, none of those things could do anything for me. Looking outside didn’t help me. Looking at the beautiful family room and the furniture in it, it didn’t help me because my soul was lost. and confused, I lack purpose and direction, and everything outside of me, the family room and that which was outside of it, none of it could change what was in my soul. What I’m stressing, beloved one, is that our circumstances are like furniture in a room. They can’t really do anything for us. We may get temporary enjoyment out of circumstances. And Baruch Hashem, praise God for great circumstances. I’m not putting it down. When we’re talking about spiritual breakthrough, the thing that we should be thinking most about is how can we get breakthrough in the Spirit? How can we get breakthrough into the light? How can we gain momentum in terms of being engaged in our soul with the power of the Ruach HaKadosh? How can we enter into empowerment? How can we come out of not seeing clearly to be able to see clearly in the Spirit. How can we get breakthrough? How can we get breakthrough so that we’re able to break off our lives all self-accusation? How can we get breakthrough so that we can break off us all wrong self-images? How can we get breakthrough so that we can better see who God is, so that we can better understand His love, so that we can better know Him and His nature through the person of Yeshua? I want to encourage you today to contend with me for spiritual breakthrough. too many of us are putting all the emphasis on the outside we think if we shout something loud enough it gives us more power we think if we can change this circumstance in our life we’ll be happy again outer circumstances are important but we don’t have many of us a sense that the real reality is internal that’s why yeshua said The spirit of the Lord, he said, is outside you, but he will be in you. The mystery of the gospel Paul told us is Christ, the anointed one in us, the hope of glory.
You’re listening to Discovering the Jewish Jesus and Rabbi will be right back. So please keep listening. Did you know that you can connect with Rabbi right on your phone? The Rabbi Schneider app is packed with resources, videos, and a daily devotional that are designed to help jumpstart your day. The Rabbi Schneider app is free, bringing you inspiration and encouragement to 24 hours a day and seven days a week. Simply search for Rabbi Schneider in your phone’s app store and download the app today. We are so thankful for everyone who gives a financial gift of support to this ministry. And perhaps today is the day that you decide that you would like to deepen your commitment to discovering the Jewish Jesus. The best way to do that is to sign up to become a monthly partner at Or you can call us at 800-777-7835. Together, we can help others prepare for Jesus’ return. And now let’s get back into the second half of today’s message.
So as we talk about spiritual breakthrough today, I want to encourage you to begin to withdraw your energy so that you’re not so focused on what is outside of you, so that you’re not projecting your thoughts, thinking that the answer to your happiness is outside of you. but so that you begin to bring yourself back into your soul, where the Spirit of the Lord is if you’ve received Jesus, and begin to learn how to function from the inside out. You see, people that are not in touch with this, if they’re wanting to have breakthrough in the spiritual realm, they shout. And they think if they yell loud enough, it will create breakthrough. Or they keep on, Jesus said, don’t be like these people that don’t know God, that keep on repeating the same things over and over and over and over again, thinking that God is going to move because of their repetition. Now, what Jesus was teaching was that power is not in the external. It’s not in how loud you shout. It’s not in how many times you repeat a prayer. Many of that is just fear-based anyway. Rather, true spiritual power resides on the inside, and it begins, beloved ones, listen to me, with knowing that you’ve already got it. Let me say it again. Spiritual breakthrough begins… by knowing that He’s already in you and you’ve already got it. So you begin to move out of what you’ve already have rather than moving out of a deficit trying to make something happen that you don’t have. The Bible says, in Him we are complete. You see, when we begin our Christian walk, when we begin our walk in the Spirit, it’s important to have spiritual disciplines that are outward based. It’s important, for example, to have a regimented format in which we’re studying Scripture and specific things that we’re doing in spiritual disciplines. that we’ve built into our life. Those things are important and they need to happen at the elementary levels. It begins by practicing spiritual disciplines that are based on the outside. Bible study, prayers, all these different things that can help us in our faith. But the problem is if we continue only to focus on outward things without recognizing that there’s a deeper level that’s internal. This is why right before Yeshua raised Lazarus from the dead, he prayed and he said, Father, I thank you that you hear me. I know you hear me always, but I’m saying it that the people around would know that you hear me.” You see, Jesus had developed that inward sense of knowing that God heard his softest whisper. When he prayed, he didn’t have to pray out loud. He knew that God heard him. The slightest impulse of his heart, it’s as if it was already done. Jesus knew that God heard him. Sometimes we think God doesn’t hear us unless we say it out loud, unless we pray it loud enough that the devil won’t respond unless we scream it. But beloved, when we know that we’ve got it, When we know that God hears our softest whisper, we can retreat to dwelling within. And when we’re able to comprehend that He’s already in us and that we’ve already got it, we’ll truly have spiritual breakthrough and walk in power. This is why the Lord said in the Tanakh, the day will come that I will answer them before they ask. What did God mean when He said, I will answer them before they ask? Well, if he’s answering, the need or the desire must already be within us. Otherwise, he wouldn’t have to answer. What God was saying there is they’re going to become aware that I answer them before they can even get it out of their mouths. That’s how close he is. In other words, now we think sometimes unless we say it out loud, enough times God won’t hear us and He won’t answer. But God wants us to realize that He hears us even if we don’t say it out loud, even if we don’t shout it, and He wants us to come to the place where we know He hears and answers the slightest impulse of our heart that’s directed to Him when we’re walking with Him. No good thing does He withhold. to those who love him and so beloved i want us as we’re speaking of spiritual breakthrough what i’m trying to do is to help us understand that we’re not just referring to those things that we’re desiring to see god do that are on the outside I’m wanting you to understand that the greatest breakthroughs of all happen when we become empowered through knowing that we’re already complete in Him, that He’s already in us, and that we’re already walking in fellowship with Him. On the previous broadcast, I was in the book of 2 Samuel, chapter 5, verse 17 through 25, and the corresponding scripture in 1 Chronicles, chapter 14. And in this section of scripture, we study the life of David and how he got breakthrough against his enemies. So let me just read by way of review today, beginning once again in 2 Samuel, chapter 5, beginning in verse number 17. When the Philistines heard that they had anointed David king over Israel, all the Philistines went up to seek out David. And when David heard of it, he went down to the stronghold. I covered all this in my first two broadcasts. The point was the enemy attacked when David was anointed. And so you need to understand as you’re pressing forward in the Lord, As God has begun to work in your life, as God is moving you into greater victory and power, the enemy is going to respond to you. He’s going to try to blow you back, even as the Philistines came against David as soon as David was anointed. It’s a spiritual law. The enemy responds. Listen, people with supernatural anointings should expect to receive a supernatural attack. Now, this shouldn’t scare you. It’s just the dynamics of the kingdom. You see, God uses all things to work together for good. And it’s through enduring the attack of the enemy, clinging to God as David did, warfaring in him through it, that we’re confirmed in the Lord, that his anointing gets solidified in us. That’s why, as I’ve been mentioning, the first thing that Yeshua did after he was baptized in the river by John is, was go into the wilderness where he did battle against the devil for 40 days. Why? Because God was perfecting him for his ministry. Jesus wasn’t afraid of the attack. In fact, the Bible says it was the Spirit of the Lord that led Yeshua into the wilderness to do battle against the devil. So God matures you and I as his sons and daughters, by teaching us how to resist, how to defend ourselves, and how to exercise authority from within over the enemy. And so to tie all this back around now, the way we exercise authority over the enemy is by knowing we’ve already got it. We come to a place where we’re so confident, he can’t even harass us. We don’t even pay attention. We don’t take the bait anymore. He already is subjected to us. And so having authority over the enemy begins by knowing that we already have dominion over him because greater is he that’s in you. than he that is in the world. He that’s born of God overcomes the world. Hear the word of God, verse 18. Now the Philistines came and spread themselves out in the valley of Rephaim. The enemy doesn’t just respond one time and in one way to our anointing. but he seeks to come in from multiple angles. But I want you to know you are more than a conqueror and you will triumph through everything as you keep your eyes set on the Lord. And as you continue to put one foot in front of the other in his anointing, God is going to perfect you in his peace and God’s peace within you will crush Satan under your feet. Be strong, be courageous, press on. God loves you and he’s got a destiny for you that’s greater than anything than you have ever imagined. I don’t know about you, but for me, it seems like time keeps on going faster and faster and faster. Remember when we were little kids and it seemed like a summer was endless, like a whole lifetime was enveloped in a summer? Well, the older we get, it just seems like the years fly by, and so here we are, another year is coming to an end. As we come to the end of 2024, can I ask you humbly to give your very best love offering to the Lord through Discovering the Jewish Jesus? Because of you, beloved ones, millions of people are being reached through this ministry. In fact, I just received a testimony recently of a Jewish man that came to faith directly as a result of discovering the Jewish Jesus. And he’s just one of many Jewish people that are coming to the Lord. And not just Jews, but people from all over the world are coming to the Lord, beloved, because of your sowing financially into this ministry. Thank you for your love. Would you give your best offering right now? Thank you. I love you and Shalom.
You can respond to Rabbi right now with your special end of year offering. Visit us online at And you can also give by calling us at 800-777-7835. Or you can send your end of year offering in the mail to Discovering the Jewish Jesus, P.O. Box 777, Blissfield, Michigan 49228. And then before we wrap up our program, I want to ask you this question. Have you ever imagined being part of a community that shares your passion for learning more about the Jewish roots of our faith? Well, that’s exactly what you’ll find when you connect with us on X. By following us there, you’ll unlock a world of carefully curated content tailored just for listeners like you. We post our TV schedules so that you can catch Rabbi and also see him teaching, and our Hebrew words and names of God, and even special moments of encouragement. So I want to invite you to join the conversation, share your thoughts, and discover a whole new perspective on who Jesus is and what the Old Testament means for you today with like-minded people by following Rabbi Schneider on X. And you can learn more by visiting us online at And you know, these resources, they’re absolutely free to you, but they’re not free to produce and maintain. So I want to encourage you, if you’re being blessed, Give a gift today by calling us at 800-777-7835. And now let’s wrap up today’s message on spiritual breakthrough with a special blessing from Rabbi.
What I love about the Aaronic blessing is that it did not originate with man. The words actually proceeded from the very essence of God himself. The blessing comes from the book of Numbers chapter six. So listen to these words and receive the blessing of the Lord into your life today.
Yevarechech Yahweh, vayishmarecha. Ya’er Yahweh, panavelecha, vihunecha. Yissa Yahweh penavei lecha ve’asem lecha Shalom
The Lord bless you and keep you. The Lord make His face shine on you and be gracious to you. The Lord lift you up with His countenance. And the Lord give you, beloved one, His peace. God bless you and shalom.
This program is produced and sponsored by Discovering the Jewish Jesus. And I’m your host, Dustin Roberts. Next time, Rabbi Schneider, he’s going to share a Christmas message on the fulfillment of Messianic prophecy. That’s Wednesday on Discovering the Jewish Jesus.