In this transformative episode of Discovering the Jewish Jesus, Rabbi Schneider delves into his God-given vision for witnessing without fear. Through a compelling dream, Rabbi Schneider was shown a unique approach to share faith authentically and effectively, emphasizing the importance of personal connection and divine security in our lives. Join him as he recounts this heavenly encounter and shares insights that promise to revolutionize your approach to faith-sharing. Learn how to adopt a secure and confident stance in your faith journey, and discover how to ask the ultimate question that cuts through pretense: “What do you think of Jesus?”
Hello, and welcome to Discovering the Jewish Jesus. I’m your host, Dustin Roberts, and today Rabbi Schneider reveals the secret to witnessing without fear. Every single one of us has felt uncertainty when it comes to sharing our faith. We wonder if we’ll say the wrong thing or if the other person will reject us. And that’s why Rabbi Schneider today, he wants to give us some natural and authentic ways that we can transform the way we witness to the world. And you can learn more about Rabbi Schneider and this ministry by visiting And right now, let’s begin our message on sharing our faith with prayer. Here’s Rabbi.
Father, we ask you to come today, Father, that you’ll move through this broadcast with power, God. Let your word, Abba, run swiftly, we pray in Yeshua’s name, in Jesus’ name. Amen and amen. Beloved, we’re in the midst of a series entitled Sharing Your Faith. This is part number four. I’m not going to go back and review. This has been a very exclusive series, very important. I really encourage you to get it and study it. We’re talking about how to share our faith. Today, beloved, I’m going to talk to you about a subject that I’ve spoke on before, but I want to bring it up afresh and anew on this series. I want to talk about the specific strategy I am talking about the divine cutting edge strategy that’s come to me directly from heaven that the Holy Spirit has given me in terms of how to share our faith. Beloved, there are many good ways to share our faith, but I am about to tell you that the Holy Spirit came to me and spoke to me verbally a specific question teaching me to share my faith in a specific way and encouraging me in doing so to teach others to do it in this same way. I believe you’ll find it extremely effective because what I’m about to share with you, beloved, it’s not from me. It came from God. Here’s how it happened. Early this year, the Lord spoke to me in a dream. In the first phase of this dream, I found myself in a room. The room was shaped like a rectangle. I don’t know exactly how big the room was. It wasn’t a real big room. In the room, there was a couch. The coloring in the room was darkish grayish. It wasn’t like the windows were open and a lot of sun was coming in, but it wasn’t totally black either. It was just kind of a darkish grayish color in the room, but you could still see in the room. And I go onto the couch and there’s a lady sitting on the couch. Next to the lady on the far end of the couch, so I’m at one end of the couch, and then on the other end of the couch, there’s a man sitting. He looked to be about maybe 50 years old. The dream opens. My head is kind of leaning on this lady’s shoulder. It was just like there was kind of like a mother or something like that. It was just kind of a comfort thing. You know, David said in one of his writings, he said that he had stilled his soul like a child at rest leaning against his mother. I believe it just meant that I was secure. And then this man is sitting at the other end of the couch. And I asked the man, beloved, in this dream, this specific question. What? Do you think of Jesus?” Immediately after this phase of the dream, the dream rolled into a second dream that was connected to it. And it was this second phase of the dream that made me absolutely sure, beloved, that I was having a dream from God. In the second part of the dream, I find myself in a room almost identical to the room that I was in in the first dream, about the same size. Again, there’s a couch. Again, it’s kind of gray in terms of the coloring of the room. There’s not a lot of light in there, but you can still see it’s not totally dark either. I believe that represents the spiritual climate of the world right now. And we can still see, but it’s dark right now. Morality is dark. Hopelessness is pervading. Things are becoming more and more chaotic. Jesus described this world as a place where Satan dwelled. And so I’m in this room, the second phase of the dream. I’m on the couch and a young girl is in the room. She’s standing in the center of the room. She looked to be about 20 years old. And I asked her in the dream, listen, beloved, the same exact question, what do you think of Jesus? And when I asked her the question, this is what she said. She said, well, I know he said a lot to the church, But he never said anything to me like about being boyfriend, girlfriend. And as soon as she said that, the dream was over. And I knew that I was having a dream from God because her statement was so unique and so profound. And it said volumes. This is what she was meaning, beloved, that she had heard maybe some preaching before. Maybe she was raised in church or had sat in church at some points in her life. But she never said, heard and understood that Jesus loved her. And I knew through this dream that the Lord was telling me several things. He was first of all telling me that my people need to be secure. This was communicated to me, beloved, in the dream when I found myself as the dream opened with my head leaning on that lady’s shoulder, like David said, like a child leaning on his mother. It represented security, that you and I need to break off the lie of insecurity because we are secure in Jesus. Insecurity is part of our old life. We need to step out of it. We need to break it. We need to confess, I am secure in Jesus. My father is with me. Jesus is with me. His presence is all around me. He’s going to provide for all my needs. It doesn’t matter what anybody else thinks about me. It only matters what he thinks about me. So I will be secure. Part of being secure, beloved, is a decision. So the Lord was communicating that if my people are going to be obedient to me, ensuring their faith, they’re going to have to step out of insecurity and into security. And beloved, that is a choice that you need to make. Remember when Jesus gave out the talents and when he called those he had given the talents to, to return and to show them the investment that they had made on the talents and how their talents had multiplied. Remember the one said, Lord, you gave me 10 and now here’s 20. And the other one came and said, Lord, you gave me five talents, now here’s ten talents. And then Jesus called the one that he had given one talent to. And the man came to Jesus with his one talent and he said, sir, you gave me one talent and here’s your one talent back, for I knew you to be a hard man. He had a wrong concept of God. And because of that, he was insecure and fearful. And Jesus rebuked him. He was displeased. And beloved, you and I need to make a decision that we’re going to obey God, because God has not given us a spirit of fear or timidity, but of love and of power and of a sound mind. So the first thing that you and I need to know, beloved, is we need to break off insecurity and fear and step into security and boldness and confidence. That was what the Lord showed me by showing me with my head leaning against that woman’s shoulder. Then the next thing was that the man was sitting on the couch. And I asked him the question, what do you think of Jesus? And beloved, he was kind of a macho looking man. And I believe the Lord was communicating, you don’t bow down to asking anybody this question. Don’t fear being intimidated. Don’t be afraid of what someone’s going to think about you. Don’t be concerned that someone’s going to think you’re weak because you’re talking about my son. I want you to ask the world the question, what? do you think of Jesus?” And then, as I indicated, as the dream shifted, I found myself in the room, once again, similar room with the young lady, 20 years old. I asked her the same question, beloved, what do you think of Jesus? And she said to me, I know he said a lot to the church, but he didn’t say anything to me like about being boyfriend, girlfriend. And what the Lord was communicating to me here was that people need to not just be presented with the doctrine of the Bible. They don’t just need to hear that God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son. What we need to be communicating, beloved, to people as we’re witnessing to them is that God loves them. individually, personally, that God knows the number of hairs on their head, that God knows where they work. He knows what their phone number is. God says, when you share me with people, I want you to communicate to them how much I love and care about them as individual people. that I care about them in their work, that I care about what happens to them in their future, that I care about their relationship with their husband or wife, that I care and I’m concerned with them and I want to be involved in every detail of their life.
You’re listening to Discovering the Jewish Jesus and Rabbi will be right back in a moment. It’s our prayer that today’s message has been a blessing to you so far and we hope that it enriches your walk with Yeshua. If you have a prayer request, we invite you to submit it online at Our team lifts up every individual request before the Lord and it would be our pleasure, privilege and honor to pray for you and your family. At Discovering the Jewish Jesus, we are looking for like-minded people who are ready to partner with us. If you’re sensing the Lord leading you to offer a financial gift of support, would you please contact us today? Become a monthly partner. Go to or to give a gift of any amount today, just call 800-777-7835. That’s 800-777-7835. And now here’s Rabbi Schneider with the rest of today’s message. And so God shared with me, beloved, this strategy
when we’re out there witnessing for him to be asking people the question, beloved, what do you think of Jesus? You see, when you ask somebody that question, we’re not even asking them, what do you think about Jesus? Because if we ask them, what do you think about Jesus, that can get to be kind of a heady question. But when we ask them, what do you think of Jesus, that’s a hard question. And when they respond to us, we can know when somebody responds where they’re at in their walk with God. And then hearing their response, we can know how to proceed, beloved, to present the love of God to them. This is the time for the church to get bold like never before. I’m not talking to just a few. I’m talking to all of us and to begin to share our faith, beloved, like never before. I want to encourage you. Don’t be afraid of somebody getting mad at you. People will get mad at you. But you know, sometimes when someone gets mad at you, that’s the first step to them coming to faith. Oftentimes, beloved, someone gets really mad, but they get mad because they’re being faced with something that’s really disturbing them and upsetting them. And this is the beginning with them wrestling with the issue. And God may use you to do it so the outcome is not based on whether they got mad or not. The outcome may be that they got mad, but six weeks later they received Jesus. And it had to do with you boldly presenting the gospel to them. What do you think of Jesus? And also when we’re sharing with people, we want to be humble. And one of the best ways to do that is not to place ourselves above them, but to share with them what Jesus has done for us. making ourselves voluntarily weak. In other words, saying, oh, it wouldn’t have been for Jesus. And everything that we say, we say, praise Jesus. It’s a good God. We’re making ourselves voluntarily weak. So we’re showing them that we need Jesus just like they do so that they don’t think that we’re condescending. Also, beloved, I want to encourage you. To be prepared. The more prepared you are, and I’m not telling you you have to know the Bible backwards and forwards. No, I’m not telling you that. But I’m saying be as prepared as you can be. And don’t wait till you’re prepared perfectly to start. Start right now. But it’s like this. As you learn some of the strategies that I’ve shared in this broadcast, and as you continue to read the Bible on a daily basis, beloved, Even if it’s just a chapter a day, you’re going to get more and more prepared to be able to respond to people and to be able to bring up Scripture, because the Scripture itself has life and power in it. See, the Word of God is living and active and sharper than a two-edged sword. It’s able to pierce between the division of soul and spirit. So when you know the Word of God, you can bring it to the table. It’s kind of like a carpenter. A carpenter can do almost any job. Why? Because he’s got the tools. And so the more prepared you are, the more tools you’ll have. But I don’t want anybody to wait until they’re more prepared. Start right now. God will train you as you go. Some of you have heard it said before, God can’t steer a parked car. Just start and God will teach you and train you along the way. And again, don’t be thrown when people get defensive. Don’t let it throw you. Just be convinced in your heart, beloved, that the message that you bring is real. You need to be convinced that Jesus is the only way. If you have a mindset that simply says, well, Jesus is good for me. but, you know, this person doesn’t believe in Jesus, so God bless them, that’s fine too. A lot of people that call themselves Christians are like that. It’s like they claim that Jesus is the only way. They sing praises to God in church that Jesus is the only way. But when it comes to the way that they relate with other people, it’s evident by the way they relate to other people that they really don’t believe that. Because they’ve got all these people that they know that they’re in relationship with, and they know these people aren’t believers in Jesus, and yet they don’t tell them about Jesus. If you and I were really convinced that those people were going to hell, we would be telling them about Jesus. Jesus said, unless you believe that I am he, you’ll die in your sins. We must be convinced that people need Jesus, that he is who he said he was, that Jesus said there’s no other name under heaven by which men can be saved but the name of Yeshua HaMashiach. Be convinced, beloved, that people need him. And don’t be afraid, beloved, that someone’s going to know more than you know. No, beloved, the Bible tells us that we shouldn’t be afraid because the Holy Spirit, the Scripture says, will give us what we need in the hour thereof. one of the secrets to becoming free and fluent and powerful in the abundant life of God. It’s stepping out and trusting him. We have a supernatural God. And one of the things that our supernatural God does for us is he anoints us by the Holy Spirit to witness. So don’t worry about having to think everything through that you’re going to know exactly what you need to say in every situation. He’ll give you the words Jesus taught us in the hour thereof. Now, a few practical things. Try to avoid words that people won’t relate to. In other words, when Paul was on Mars Hill in the book of Acts, these people didn’t know the Torah. They didn’t know the scriptures. So Paul didn’t start out talking to them about the Torah. But rather what Paul did is he started relating to them where they were at in life. He says, I see you have many statues here where you’re worshiping an unknown God. And so Paul began by meeting them where they were at, and then he began to move from there, teaching them that this unknown God, that his name was the God of Israel and his son’s name was Yeshua. And so we need to have that same mindset when we’re speaking to a secular world and we’re speaking to people that don’t know the Lord. We want to avoid kind of Christian jargon that we might know what it means, but to them, they might not understand what we’re saying. And so we need to be trying to communicate with them, beloved, in a language Hallelujah, that they can understand. Well, we began, beloved, at the beginning of this broadcast talking about how to approach the atheist. And I shared with you early on that the scripture tells us that deep inside everybody that’s ever been born into the world knows there’s a God. The scripture tells us that it’s evident within them. And not only is it evident within them, Not only is their conscience bearing witness with them that there is a God, but when they look at creation and they see the sky that goes on forever and the beauty and the colors, deep inside they know there’s a God. So when we come across an atheist, don’t be intimidated and don’t let the strength of their personality or their hostility or their condescending attitude throw you. Deep inside, every man knows there’s a God. I talked about three ways to respond to the atheist. I talked about the argument of intelligent design, that in creation, beloved, we have intelligence. In other words, intelligence is built in to creation so that the body, beloved, when it begins to overheat, it automatically perspires to bring the temperature back down to normal. When we get sick, our body automatically begins to create antibodies to combat the sickness. And we could go on and on. There’s intelligence in creation. Beloved, intelligence could not be in creation if there wasn’t an intelligent designer behind it. So the first argument that we have for the atheist is the argument of intelligent design. The second argument, beloved, for responding to the atheist is the law of absolute morality, that deep down inside, all over the world, mankind at the most basic level has a sense of right and wrong. Now, the atheist will say he doesn’t believe in moral absolutes, that there’s no such thing, he’ll say, as absolute right or wrong. But rather, he says, morality is relative, that morality is culturally defined, that morality isn’t defined by a god, but they say instead, morality is defined individually. But you take that same atheist and somebody steals something from them, and what do they want? They want God. justice and so deep inside the atheist when he’s wrong automatically now they revert back into a position of morality and then the third response beloved to the atheist is the response of first cause all the other theories beloved of the existence of life all the other theories of evolution have to do with beloved something that began in other words you begin with many evolution theories with what a big bang But the most obvious question when you begin to talk about a Big Bang is, well where did the Big Bang come from? What caused the Big Bang? And the only answer to this dilemma, beloved, is that there had to be a first cause that was without cause. God, by nature of who He is, has always been, He has no first cause, and that is the only possible explanation that one can come up with for the existence of life. There had to be something in the very beginning that was without cause, that has always been, and that is God. That’s why God is beloved eternity. We talk about the exclusive claim of Jesus. Jesus said, I am the way, the truth and the life. No man comes to God but through me. So what we do now is we bring a person to the place of having to face making a decision about Jesus. And here’s what we say. If I can show you that Jesus is who He said He was, will you receive Him and will you receive His truth? We want to get them in a position that they’re getting ready to have to make a decision. And then what we do, beloved, is we explain the historical accuracy of the Bible that I’ve covered in my earlier broadcast, why we can trust the Bible as being a historically accurate document, recording accurately the claims of Messiah. And finally, beloved, I talked about on this broadcast, we need to be asking people the question, what do you think of Jesus? I don’t know about you, but for me, it seems like time keeps on going faster and faster and faster. Remember when we were little kids and it seemed like a summer was endless, like a whole lifetime was enveloped in a summer? Well, the older we get, it just seems like the years fly by. And so here we are, another year is coming to an end. As we come to the end of 2024, can I ask you humbly to give your very best love offering to the Lord through Discovering the Jewish Jesus? Because of you, beloved ones, millions of people are being reached through this ministry. In fact, I just received a testimony recently of a Jewish man that came to faith directly as a result of discovering the Jewish Jesus, and he’s just one of many Jewish people that are coming to the Lord. And not just Jews, but people from all over the world are coming to the Lord, beloved, because of your sowing financially into this ministry. Thank you for your love. Would you give your best offering right now? Thank you, I love you, and shalom.
Amen. That testimony from the Jewish man was so encouraging to receive. And like Rabbi said, we’re at the end of the year, so there’s not a lot of chances left to give an end of your offering. So if God is leading you to financially support discovering the Jewish Jesus with a special end of your gift of any amount, then please reach out to us today. You can call us at 800-777-7835. That’s 800-777-7835. You can also send your financial gift in the mail. Our address is Discovering the Jewish Jesus, P.O. Box 777, Blissfield, Michigan 49228. And as a token of our appreciation back to you when you give, we want to send you our insightful newsletter. We’ll make sure that it arrives at your door each month. This resource, it’s a great way to keep track of what’s happening here at the ministry. It also includes exclusive teaching from Rabbi, a letter from his wife, Cynthia, and also testimonies from people who’ve been touched because of listeners like you who financially support us. I get it myself every month, and I am definitely encouraged seeing all the testimonies. So if you want to be connected with this ministry in a greater way, please give today. Visit Thanks so much for your support. Now here’s Rabbi with the Aaronic Blessing.
In the book of Numbers, chapter six, we find a personal blessing from God our Father. This blessing should touch our hearts because it’s so personal. Father God wants to intimately bless you, so receive his blessing into your life today with gladness and an open heart.
Yevarechecha Yahweh, vayishmarecha Ya’er Yahweh, P’navei Lecha, Vichu Ne’echa Yissa Yahweh, P’navei Lecha, Ve’asem Lecha
The Lord bless you and keep you. The Lord make his face shine on you and be gracious to you. The Lord lift you up with his countenance. And the Lord give you, beloved one, his peace. God bless you and shalom.
I’m Dustin Roberts, and this program is produced and sponsored by Discovering the Jewish Jesus. Join us again next time when Rabbi Schneider explains how you can prepare for spiritual breakthrough. Learn more Friday on Discovering the Jewish Jesus.