Join Bob Enyart and Fred Williams in this intriguing episode of Real Science Radio as they delve into the evidence supporting the reality of the global flood described in the Bible. Amidst common skepticism, our hosts present compelling arguments and authenticated scientific findings that challenge mainstream thoughts on the global flood. From sedimentary layers spread across continents to the fossil records’ hidden testimonies, this episode is packed with enlightening details that reinforce the Biblical accounts of history. As they navigate through evidence tailored for both materialists and Christians, Bob and Fred discuss the presence of marine fossils on mountain
Greetings to the brightest audience in the country, and welcome to Bob and Your Life. Today, we are going back to an episode of Real Science Radio, and this is evidence for the global flood, the global flood that wasn’t just some allegorical tale. That was true history, the history of the Bible, the history of reality. The Bible, the Genesis, it is a literal telling of history. It is not just allegorical. We can trust the Word of God. And here is scientific evidence for the global flood in the Word of God.
Scholars can’t explain it all away.
Get ready to be awed by the handiwork of God. Tune into Real Science Radio.
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Greetings to the brightest audience in the country. Welcome to Real Science Radio. I’m Bob Enyart. And I’m Fred Williams, creation speaker and software engineer. Well, this is RSR’s list of evidence for the global flood.
But wait, Bob. There is no evidence for a global flood. There is no evidence. I mean, if I could count the number of times. If I was given a dollar for every time I heard that through my life.
There’s no evidence for a global flood. Speaking on creation. It’s so funny. Mars, NASA says maybe Mars had a global flood. or hemisphere, it’s bone dry up there. I mean, there’s some water, but it’s like a desert. Yeah, it’s amazing how they can find a global flood there, but not on Earth. Earth is covered like 70% of average of two miles deep in water, and no, it’s impossible for there to be a global flood on Earth. So, Fred, this will be so fun, and this show is a long time coming. We should have done this years ago. Could you believe we have never done a show…
A list of the evidence for the global flood. Of all our list shows, that is amazing. And this is a really long and it’s a really fun list. So you’ll find that we’ve divided this show into two sections. Evidence for materialists and evidence for Christians. And the reason is because the folks in each of these camps, they tend to want to consider different kinds of evidence.
Yeah, that’s true. The New Testament… says that faith is the evidence of things not seen. That’s such a cool teaching. It is really cool.
So many people think faith is blind, and it’s not. The Bible defines faith as evidence.
And so later, as we get to the second half of the list, Fred, you said the evidence for Christians, then let’s talk a bit about the use of of evidence for God’s existence, right? There’s the whole presuppositional versus evidentialist debate. So let’s talk about that as compared to presupposing God’s existence. But this, of course, is not theism. This is evidence for the global flood. And they say there’s no evidence that So we’re going to have a fun list of no evidence. That’s right. A field day. So to begin with our evidence for the materialist, Fred, across the world, when you look at the continents, there is an average of a mile deep of sedimentary layers on the continents. Sedimentary layers. These are rock layers where the sediments, they were laid down by water. Laid down by water and they’re a mile thick everywhere. All over the earth. So you have hundreds of different layers. They add up to an average of a mile on the continents all over the earth. And many of those sedimentary layers are regional in extent. It’s all over the continents. Yeah. Have you heard of the Grand Canyon? Yeah. Have you been there? A dozen times. Oh, wow. Rafting, camping, researching. Fred, we have June is Grand Canyon Month at Real Science Radio coming up in just a couple weeks. It’s going to be the greatest month. Oh, that’s awesome.
Yes. But yeah, the Grand Canyon has millions of years of layers.
Yeah, that’s right. Right? So those layers are a huge extent. They go through a major region. of the continental U.S. So that’s our first piece of evidence for a global flood, that there’s an average of a mile deep of sedimentary layers on the continents, and they’re massive. Some of them are 500 feet or thicker in thickness. Many of them have great purity. And their boundaries are often flat. Maybe we’ll talk about that later. Yep, flat gaps. And they’re regional in extent. So all over the world, mile deep, sedimentary layers. That’s exhibit number one entered into evidence for the prosecution.
That’s right. And this next one is a famous statement coined by none other than Ken Ham of billions of dead things buried in rock layers laid down by water in strata all over the earth.
Yeah, the fossil record. And when he says billions of dead things buried in rock layers laid down by water, yeah, that’s right, billions. And then, of course, there’s the microorganisms. Yeah, there are billions of fossils. And the way fossils form, it’s not just an organism keels over dead and then turns into rock. No, typically it’s something that happens naturally. very fast, and there’s often fossil graveyards where there’s thousands or millions of dead organisms all broken up and jumbled up all together.
Yeah, and not only that, many of them are buried alive. We have evidence for that that we can talk about later.
Oh, so many. It’s so typical. You’ve got fish that were fossilized in the process of eating other fish. Yep. And fish fossilized in the process of giving birth. Now, that’s rough. That is. That’s a tough one. Yep. Right? So, yeah, the fossil record is evidence of catastrophism. And of rapidity. Something happened very quickly to billions of organisms to turn them into stone. Yeah.
Clams are in the closed position often. And, you know, those things in my fish tank, they’re alive when they’re closed. If they’re open, that’s not good because that means they’re dead and other fish have eaten them.
So when they die, the clams open. They do. Yeah. And there’s got to be billions of clams in the fossil record, just clams. Oh, yeah. And the Dinosaur National Monument in Colorado out to the west of our studios here in the foothills of the Rockies, we call that Clam National Monument because there are way more clams than there are dinosaurs. So, yeah, you’ve got a mixture of marine and land organisms in fossil graveyards and where you find fossils all over the earth. Yep. You can find them at Home Depot in the gravel. Wow. And then our third piece of evidence. A documented extinction, they call it the Permian extinction, an extinction event that that destroyed 90% of all the species that lived in the oceans.
Now, they say the extinction event lasted a long period of time, but they say it was a single event. They say everything lasted a long period of time.
Yeah, long ages is their rescue device, their hero, the hero of the plot, as they call it.
Yes, it’s their knee-jerk reaction. Like, how long does it take for opals to form? Oh, 100,000 years, maybe a million years. Then they actually find out how they formed. Oh, we were wrong. It takes about six or seven weeks. It takes a couple months, and you’ve got opals, a never-ending supply because they’re made by microorganisms with wet sand on a couple beaches in Australia. So you go from a million years to six or seven weeks. Wow. And that’s because of their knee-jerk reaction. Everything is millions of years. But the point here is that the Permian extinction is recognized by scientists around the world as an event that occurred in the oceans that destroyed 90% of all the species in existence. And so if there’s a global flood, With all that turmoil of their ecosystem, all the upheaval, it’s not surprising that 90% of all marine species have gone extinct in a single event.
They have. They’re documented extinction. They call it Permian extinction.
We call it the history of the global flood as documented in the Bible. Right. In Genesis, God’s word, it’s the global flood in the days of Noah. Yep. When he built the ark, as Jesus said, as Peter said, the Apostle Peter, as is affirmed in the New Testament. Yep.
This next one. Do you know that there’s sufficient water in our two mile deep oceans to cover the entire earth? Whoa. Yeah.
People say, where’s the water for the global flood? Well, those who say there’s not enough water on Earth, it is funny. In fact, we’ll link to NASA and their Noacon Epoch, where they say on Mars, Mars was once flooded. And they say it’s a hemisphere flood. Like hemisphere, like maybe half the planet, maybe more, was flooded. And it is bone dry. It’s a desert up there. I mean, they found water on Mars a thousand times. Yeah. It’s not the kind of water that you go jet ski in. Exactly. Right. So NASA, and that means pretty much all the secular scientists, they’re like sheeple. They believe that there could have been a global or a near global flood on Mars that but there’s not enough water on earth for a global flood. So the global flood model is that in the pre-flood world, the mountains were not as high as the mountains are today because the Bible says that the mountains rose up and the valley sunk down. In a day, this happened as a result of the global flood. So when the mountains were more modest in the initial creation, when everything was perfect… then there’s plenty of water on the surface of the earth today to flood the pre-flood mountains.
Yeah, if you took the mountains and collapsed everything, the water would cover the whole earth.
Yes, exactly. And you could still have relatively high mountains, just not like today.
That’s right. And I think all you could do is jet ski. You certainly couldn’t play a lot of football, you know, a lot of land sports. Wait a minute. Oh, during the flood? No, if you shrunk all the mountains and just flattened the earth.
Oh, yeah. Well, then water would cover everything. It would. Right. If you leveled out the surface of the earth, yeah, then it would all be covered by water. Exactly. So, Fred, our fifth piece of evidence, all major mountain ranges have marine fossils on their summits. Now, there are major mountains all over the world, and they have clams up on the tops of the mountains.
Buried alive, by the way.
Buried alive. And not buried on volcanoes, obviously. Oh, yeah. We’re not talking about volcanic mountain ranges, obviously. Yeah. We’re talking about where the earth compressed and the mountains were raised up. And so, in fact, there’s a documentary showing just like this month called Everest. And they point out that on the very summit of Mount Everest, the tallest mountain in the world, Now, not if you go from the center of the earth. If you go from sea level. Yeah, from sea level. If you go from the center of the earth, what is it? It’s in South America because of how the earth bulges near the equator. Maybe it’s in Columbia. But from sea level, the tallest mountain on earth, Mount Everest, has in this documentary. It’s so fun. They’re like, here’s these marine fossils on the very summit, on the very top of Mount Everest.
I think this is a good time, Bob, to remind our audience that there is no evidence for a global flood. There’s no evidence. So we find fossils close… Buried alive on all the major mountain ranges, excluding volcanoes, on Mount Everest, on Mount Longs Peak, Hikes Peak, you name it. We find fossils, marine fossils that are buried on these mountains, and yet there’s no evidence for a global flood.
No evidence for a global flood. The average mile-deep sedimentary layers on the continents, no evidence for a global flood. Billions of dead things buried in rock layers laid down by water all over the Earth, no evidence for a global flood. 90% of all the species in the oceans going extinct in a single event, no evidence for a global flood. Two mile-deep oceans that could cover the Earth, no evidence for a global flood. All the major mountain ranges have marine fossils on their summits. No evidence for a global flood.
And number six, no evidence for a global flood is dinosaur soft tissue. I think we’ve talked about that one before.
Oh, yeah. That’s so much fun, right? That when they break open dinosaur bones and so many other species, kinds of animals, they Dozens of different kinds of creatures. They’re finding soft tissue that still exists. It’s still, for example, with the T-Rex, they have T-Rex blood cells. Yeah, it’s not fully fossilized. Right. Tyrannosaurus Rex blood vessels they have. Original material. A dozen different proteins from a dozen kinds of dinosaurs and countless other organisms that They find it in skin. They find it in feathers. They find it in embryos, fossil embryos. And we have documented all this, slash dinosaur. And when you go there, the very first link goes to a Google spreadsheet, a Google Docs spreadsheet. Fred, we’re up to now about 100, 100. Wow. Wow. 1.8 billion years old, it’s like, come on. Yeah. Cut us a break. Yep. These soft tissue fossils, original biomaterial fossils, they’re not millions of years old. They’re more equivalent to the soft tissue that’s still in mummies. If you take Egyptian mummies, break open their bones, you’ll find little bits of DNA. You’ll find proteins, little bits here and there. It’s not all decomposed. Well, dinosaur bones and all the rest of the fossils, it’s very similar to the amount of decomposition you get from Egyptian mummies. I mean, this soft tissue is all documented in the world’s leading science journals. That’s right. And the ones who deny it are disappearing. Almost no one any longer denies dinosaur soft tissue.
It’s like when Mary Schweitzer asked this one guy, well, what would convince you, you know, when all this stuff first came out? And he said nothing. No matter what, his mind was made up. Dinosaurs are millions of years old. There’s no way this is original biological material. Nothing will convince him. Exactly. Exactly.
So, anyway, that’s our sixth piece of evidence. And, you know, you mentioned DNA. Yeah.
You know, I know one thing that’s kind of becoming a fossil in itself is Rational Wiki. It should be called Irrational Wiki. Yeah. I guarantee you they still… The eight-piece website. Yeah. They still say that there’s no DNA been found in dinosaur bones. And if there was, it would be evidence for…
A young Earth. And now we have DNA from a hadrosaur and a T-Rex. So they provided a test. Great. A scientific test.
We could falsify or confirm the theory.
You know, we have that link to Rational Wiki, whatever the atheist website. On our website, slash STDs. Oh, yeah. STDS. Because soft tissue deniers, and they’re science deniers, right? Yeah. Soft tissue deniers. Okay. Next piece of evidence. anthropological cataloging of hundreds of cultures. Fred, I used to say 100 cultures. It’s now hundreds of cultures with an ancient corporate recollection of a flood that
And their accounts have so many similarities. It really is truly amazing. I mean, I really like the Chinese account. Their varied language, the characters in their language, because their language is, you know, those pictograms. Oh, yeah. And you break them apart, and then you get the meanings of words.
So they have one pictograph, which is… The number eight and mouth. Eight mouths to feed. And that’s their symbol for a vessel, for a ship. Eight mouths to feed. Because on Noah’s Ark, there were eight people. So the pictograph in the ancient Chinese pictographs for a ship is the number eight, the symbol for mouth, eight mouths to feed, and a vessel. It could be a vessel like a bowl or something. So eight mouths to feed in a vessel, that’s how they wrote ship, boat. Yeah. And that comes right out of Genesis.
Oh, yeah. It was so interesting about that is I presented that evidence once to a class at church when I was going through some creation stuff. And a lady there who had been to China, she’s not from China, she’s American, but spent like 10 years there, definitely an older. There was definitely skeptical of some of the things I was saying. She immediately said, oh, that’s not the number eight. I know Chinese very well.
The Chinese symbol. Yes. She said, that’s not the number eight.
I’m fluent in Chinese. And I’m like, okay. I was like, I’ll look into this. Yeah. You know, I feel like my source is reliable, but definitely I’ll look into this and I’ll get back to you. Well, at that time, I just started working at Trimble. And my manager was a PhD scientist from China. Yeah, that’s awesome. This lady named Kuang Yi Chin. And I asked her, I said, Kuang Yi, you know, I have this issue. I just want to ask you about the number eight. And I showed her the symbol. And she goes – and I told her, you know, this lady said that that’s not the number eight. And she goes, well, no, it’s not. And I’m like, oh. You know, I’m kind of like, oh. It’s scary. But she goes, but it used to be. Oh, right, right. It used to be. It was the ancient version of the number eight. Just like how our language deteriorates over time or changes over time.
It’s like the King James. There’s so much you can’t read out of there because, you know, our languages, you know, change.
Exactly. In language – is the greatest monument to a culture. The fact that there’s a book called Discovery in Genesis, and there’s been a lot of research since that book was published, but so many of the significant words in ancient Chinese came from the first 11 chapters of the book of Genesis, right up to the dispersion at Babel.
Yeah, it’s truly amazing.
So Fred, of these hundreds of cultures with an ancient corporate recollection of the flood, they have so many similar details. Like there was a flood that would be so bad that it would kill all the animals and you had to have a vessel that saved some people and some of the animals. Some of the accounts like the ancient Babylonians, the guy who was their Noah released a bird And waited for the bird to come back to see if they could get out of the boat. And the similarities all over the world are stunning. There’s a worldwide recollection of a global flood that has been documented not by creationists. but by secular anthropologists in their own texts. That’s right.
And what’s so cool about the biblical account, it’s the only one of all of these accounts that when it describes Noah’s Ark, it’s scientifically accurate. It actually is a boat that can float. In fact, it’s built for stability. Shipmakers will tell you that. The dimensions for the ark are perfect for stability. Whereas I think the Babylonian account, it’s a cube-shaped
Right. I mean, you were very unstable. The animals inside a wave comes. Everybody’s going 90 degrees over.
You better have lots of motion sickness.
They’re going to start rolling. Yeah. You’re on your head, on your feet, on your head, on your feet. So, right. The Bible’s account is the most matter of fact account of all these accounts. And it’s scientifically plausible. So now we’re up to our eighth piece of evidence for the global flood.
And that is the extent of stratigraphic layers of regional and continental scope.
Yes, and I mentioned this earlier, Fred, but you’ve got layers, strata, that will go for thousands of square miles. And so if the old earther, the uniformitarian, wants to say that this was the result of a local flood… So you have at the Grand Canyon, the red wall limestone covers thousands of square miles. It’s 500 to 800 feet thick. And it’s part of an unbroken series of all these other strata with no erosion between the strata. And it goes for thousands of square miles.
Yeah, it’s amazing.
What kind of a local flood is this that has regional and continental-wide stratigraphic layers? That’s some local flood.
Lots of huge local floods.
It just doesn’t work. It’s a global flood. And so our next piece of evidence, and it’s related, and here we focus on the flat gaps. And we could talk about as it’s exposed in the Grand Canyon, but this is true in sedimentary strata layers. Characteristically, in places all over the earth, they show no evidence of what should be millions of years of relentless erosion. But instead, the boundaries are flat gaps. They’re flat gaps.
And we’ve talked before about how water is the universal solvent.
Yes. Right. And we’ve talked about cavitation. Oh, brother, all the things that water can do, right, to rocks. And, in fact, what I’d like to embed in this show summary, Fred, is a photo of the Grand Canyon with an arrow pointing down. to one of the layers. You know, you could throw a dart at any of the layers, and the boundaries are flat for as far as the eye can see. But one of them in particular, the USGS, the National Park Service, indeed pretty much all old earth geologists, they say right at that boundary, perfectly flat, like a laminated piece of wood, or like a layer cake, right at that boundary… There’s 100 million years missing. Now, it looks just like all the other boundaries, flat gap, no evidence of erosion, no evidence of deposition, flat. But they look at the fossils that are below that boundary and the fossils above it, and they say, well, we know that there was 100 million years of evolution, but there’s no evidence for it here. So they say the entire Ordovician and Silurian periods are just missing. With what? With no erosion? Yeah. Come on.
Erosion is relentless. I like what Dr. Ariel Roth said on this. Now, he’s like so many scientists, you know, they were brainwashed into believing evolution. He’s got a PhD from Michigan in biology. Well, he’s a creationist now. And this is what he said about these flat gaps that you find all over the place and really fascinating. cool in the Grand Canyon. You have a great picture of him there. He said this, in fact, according to average erosion rates, many or all of the layers should be gone. Since they are there and flat, this indicates that the millions of years postulated for these gaps never occurred. These flat gaps are so common that they pretty much challenge the validity of the whole geologic time scale.
Yes, just the fact that they’re flat gaps means Now, geologists, they might rarely call them flat gaps, but what they call them is paraconformities. They’re paraconformities. You could look it up on the internet, look it on Wikipedia. Don’t trust Wikipedia, but you could look on Wikipedia if it’s sourced correctly. But these are parallel strata with no erosion. There’s no evidence of erosion. Fred, if you travel… We have gone studying the Bible to Europe. We’ve gone to Italy, Greece, Turkey, Israel. And you’ll find cities that today are desolate, including in Egypt. We did our evidence for the Exodus. Cities that are gone in one major reason is because of the change of the terrain. Erosion has decimated cultures. And we’re talking about in 1,000 or 2,000 years. Imagine a million years of erosion.
Then 100 million leaving no trace.
And just everywhere where we see how solvent water is, how powerful water is, how it can cut through rock like – knife through butter and that depends on the circumstances but it certainly erodes rock well here i had to there’s a quote from nature magazine about this cavitation that collapsed bubble temps can rise as high as 27 000 fahrenheit which is as hot as the surface of a bright star that’s the power of water people don’t realize that right and that’s when there’s
For example, if there’s a natural dam that breaches and there’s a flood and you get cavitation, those tiny, almost microscopic bubbles that burst.
With all of them going. Right. And because of their surface area and. Yeah, the physics of erosion with water, water destroys things. It doesn’t leave layers of soft rock because these sedimentary layers are mostly soft rock, perfectly undisturbed for millions of years.
Yeah, I liked your analogy of layered cake. I mean, that’s what these sedimentary layers are like.
Yes. It’s really pretty. Yeah, and I’ll put an image in also of laminated wood. That’s what the Grand Canyon looks like. It looks like flat, laminated layers. When I stand on the South Rim or the North Rim, and I love to talk to tourists. I get addicted to it. I talk to the guides, the rangers. I talk to the park employees. And I’ll ask them, look across the Grand Canyon. You’re looking 10, 20 miles away. Look at that wall one mile deep. Look at all the flat boundaries between them. For as far as the eye could see, why is there no erosion? Why are they not all irregular? And their eyes get real wide. And they say, why? As soon as you bring it up, it’s obvious it should all be irregular. So these layers at the Grand Canyon were laid down rapidly. Now, Fred, a tangent on this, maybe we should make this like our 10th piece of evidence. In that red wall limestone at the Grand Canyon, I did my own calculation to see how quickly an inch of that stuff would form because they don’t like to talk about that. They’ll tell you the age of the layer below the red wall and the age of the layer right above the red wall. Well, when you take that, subtract one from the other, you get that it took like 38 million years for the red wall limestone to be deposited.
Stop the tape, stop the tape. Hey, we are out of time. If you want to catch the rest of this broadcast, you can find it online by going to RSR, that stands for Real Science Radio, slash flood. Again, that’s slash flood to get the rest of this broadcast. Hey, may God bless you guys.