Join us on Discovering the Jewish Jesus as Rabbi Schneider unpacks the mysteries of prayer through the life of Moses. Delve into the transformative power that prayer holds in shaping our spiritual journey. Learn how Moses’ intimate conversations with God can guide us on the path to receiving divine favor and experiencing the abundance of life promised in the scriptures. With captivating insights and relatable teachings, Rabbi Schneider invites you to discover the depth of God’s love and how you can witness His glory in your life today.
Hello, and welcome to Discovering the Jewish Jesus. I’m your host, Dustin Roberts. And today, Rabbi Schneider, he’s going to present a message from our series, Prayers That Resonate with God. Moses had some really amazing experiences with God and sometimes they started because of an active and intimate prayer life. And we’ll see this in the book of Exodus chapter 33 today as Moses prays and asks to know God’s ways and that the Lord would go before him. So friends, if you want to know God the way Moses did, what should our prayers look like? And is there a way that we can experience God’s abundance each and every day? Well, today, Rabbi Schneider, he’s going to help us discover the truth about God’s glory. This message is titled, Show Me Your Glory. Let’s get started. Here’s Rabbi.
God bless you and shalom, beloved ones. This is such an important series because it shows us the hearts of those people that were walking in close intimacy with the Father and how when they spoke to God, when they prayed to God, God heard their prayer and answered them. To me, this is so foundational to my walk with the Lord because when I know that the things that I’m asking the Father for are things that He’s happy that I’m asking Him for, things that He’s gonna answer because He’s pleased that I’m asking Him for these things, it gives me great confidence in my prayers and that they’re being answered. In other words, we know that some prayers pleased the Father more than other prayers. Think, for example, of Solomon. Remember when Solomon became king and the Lord said to Solomon, ask me what you will. And Solomon prayed for wisdom and the Father responded to him, Solomon, because you asked me for wisdom and not for riches and some of these other things, I’m so pleased with that that I’m gonna give you wisdom unlike any wisdom anybody’s ever known on the earth before. And the Lord said, I’m gonna give you everything else too. But the point is that God said to Solomon, the thing that you asked me for, this prayer for wisdom, Solomon, it really pleased my heart. And it was so much more of an important matter to me that you asked me for that than it would have been if you would have asked me for riches and honor. And so there are some things that really resonate with God. And we want to find out what those things are. Because when we make important to ourselves the things that are important to God, and when we, beloved, ask God for those things first that are primarily important to Him, we’re going to move in deep power in the Spirit in our relationship with the Lord. And we’re going to experience the fullness of abundant life that Jesus purchased for us by His own blood. So there’s great value in examining the prayers that we find in the Bible from men and women that walk closely with God, seeing how God answered their prayers, and knowing then that those same types of things that they prayed for, we can pray for in our own lives, and it’s gonna change us in what we’re experiencing in the dimension of the Spirit. Because prayer changes what you experience. Your prayer life will determine the spiritual atmosphere that you live in. In other words, you are responsible for determining the increase of the anointing that will surround your life. If you’re passive and don’t pray much, little is going to happen. That’s why Jesus said, you have not because you ask not. Jesus said, up until this time, you’ve asked me for nothing. But he said, ask not. that your joy may be made full.” In other words, Jesus is saying, when you ask, when you focus on your prayer life with me, your joy is going to be made full. It’s going to change your spiritual environment. It’s going to change your experience. And so you are responsible in the Lord for determining the level of anointing that you’re experiencing and walking in in your life, and much of this determination of the spiritual atmosphere that surrounds you is determined by your prayer life. And so this is serious business for those of us that truly believe that we can lay a hold of everything that God has intended for us in Jesus. Jacob got in a wrestling match with God and said to him, I’m not gonna let go until you bless me. Jacob knew he could have the thing that was in God to give him, but it took faith and a spiritual desperation to receive it. The same is true for you. So with that said, we’re gonna continue now, and we’re gonna look at one of the most famous prayers in the Hebrew Bible. In the book of Exodus, chapter 33, verse number 12 and 13, and then number 15 and 16. Hear the word of God. Then Moses said to the Lord, See, you say to me, bring them this people. But you yourself have not let me know whom you will send with me. Moreover, you have said, I have known you by name, and you have also found favor in my sight. Now therefore, I pray you, if I have found favor in your sight, let me know your ways that I might know you, so that I might find favor in your sight. Consider too that this nation is your people, Then he said to him, if your presence does not go with us, do not lead us up from here. For how then can it be known that I have found favor in your sight, I in your people? Is it not by your going with us so that we, I in your people, may be distinguished from all the other people who are on the face of the earth? Then in verse 18, then Moses said, I pray you, show me your glory. so let’s take this apart verse by verse here because there are so many applications that can help us in our prayer life first of all who was moses well we know that moses was the great deliverer of israel that god raised up moses to be the deliverer that would lead israel out of egypt so moses is one of the greatest figures in the entire hebrew bible in fact if you ask most jewish people Who’s the most outstanding figure in the Old Testament, in the Hebrew Bible that we call the Tanakh? Most of them will tell you, Moses. Remember when Jesus appeared on the Mount of Transfiguration with his three apostles? He appeared on the Mount of Transfiguration, get it now, with Moses and Elijah. Moses and Elijah are the two primary figures in the Hebrew Bible. God said about Moses that when he speaks to a prophet, the Lord said, He speaks in a vision or a dream. But the Lord said, not so about Moses. When I speak to Moses, the Lord said, I speak face to face, even as a man speaketh to a friend. I mean, you think about that intimate language. The Lord called Moses his friend Moses we call the one that God spoke to, get it now, face to face. The Lord also said about Moses that he was the humblest man on all the earth. So we need to take very seriously the walk that Moses had with God. We want to see what was in Moses’ heart. We want to see what was it that Moses desired from God. what was it that moses prayed for because moses is one of the most outstanding figures in the entire word of god and by studying him and by emulating him it’s going to help us beloved to go deeper in our experience in our communion with the lord jesus christ let’s continue on now that we have that brief introduction as to who moses was moses says to the lord there You have commissioned me to bring this people out of Egypt. Listen to verse number 12. Then Moses said to the Lord, see you say to me, bring up this people. But you yourself have not let me know whom you will send with me. Moreover, you have said, I have known you by name and you have found favor in my sight. I just want to consider these two phrases that Moses said to the Lord. He said to the Lord, Lord, you said to me that you know me by name and And you said to me that I have found favor in your sight. I just want to stress those two concepts to you for a second. Because if we’re going to move mountains in our prayer life with God, we have to be convinced, first of all, beloved, that he knows us. You have to be convinced that God knows you, that he loves you, and that his favor’s on you. Moses said, you have said to me, I have known you by name. Did you know that Jesus said that God knows you and I, get this now, by name? David said that while we were yet in the womb, He knew us while we’re still even unformed. God knows you and loves you, beloved, specifically and uniquely. He designed you just for Himself. I want you to know God loves you and knows you by your name. He’s got a specific destiny and plan for your life. Be confident in that right now. You’re in the womb of the Father’s love. And then Moses was convinced of this, that God’s favor was on him. Listen to what Moses said next. you have said to me I have known you by name and then Moses said and you also said that I have found favor in your sight listen again I have known you by name and you have also found favor in my sight I want you to know God wants you to be convinced that his favor is on your life some of us are still trapped in a spirit of dread We’re trapped in a spirit of gloom. We’re afraid of the future. You know why? Because we’re not confident that God’s favor is on our life. We’re not confident that goodness and mercy are going to follow us all the days of our life. We’re not confident that God has a good plan for us. We’re not confident that we exist in the protection of His love. You and I need to believe, beloved, that His favor is on our life right now. I speak over you. God’s favor is on your life. God loves you. Receive his shalom. Receive his love. Receive the knowledge of his favor. You know what Moses does? He said, Lord, help me to become more convinced of this. You have said it, Moses prayed. Help me to realize it more. So Moses continues in verse number 13. He says this. Now therefore, I pray you, if I have found favor in your sight, let me know your ways that I might know you, that I might find favor in your sight. It’s kind of interesting. First of all, Moses said, you have said to me that you know me and that you found favor in my sight. Now Moses is saying to the Lord, if I have found favor in your sight. So it’s interesting that Moses knows that God already told him that his favor’s on him, and yet Moses is asking for reassurance. Sometimes there’s nothing wrong to ask the Father, to ask Jesus, to be reassured. Remember the man prayed, Lord, I believe, help thou my unbelief. So let’s pray right now, even as Moses prayed, help me to know in a greater way, Father, the abundance of your love. and favor that’s on my life. So Father, right now in Jesus’ name, I want to thank you for your love for your children, that your favor is on the life of the beloved ones that Jesus died for. So, Jesus, we want to thank you today that God said to us, if he did not spare his only begotten son for us, will he not also with him freely give us all things? We receive now, Jesus, the confidence of your favor on our life. We are confident in your love. Amen and amen.
You’ve been listening to Discovering the Jewish Jesus with Rabbi Schneider, and he’ll be right back. But first, I want to let you know that these teachings, they’re available for you to watch on Roku TV, and it’s completely free. You can watch full TV episodes of Discovering the Jewish Jesus from the comfort of your home or on the go. See Rabbi on screen as he brings biblical truths to life and deepens your understanding of Jesus the Messiah. Just search for Discovering the Jewish Jesus on Roku today. When you give to Discovering the Jewish Jesus, it allows us to spend more time focusing on what really matters. And for us, that means getting God’s word out to as many people as possible. And right now, at this very moment, there is someone who needs to hear Rabbi’s practical biblical teaching. And your financial gift is what makes that possible. To donate, go online to Now to conclude today’s message, here’s Rabbi Schneider.
Thank you, Jesus, for saturating our hearts with the love of God. Moses said in Exodus 33, 15, if your presence does not go with us, do not lead us up from here. This speaks of Moses’ humility. Moses was not presumptuous. He said to the Father, if you don’t go with me, if your presence isn’t going before me, let us not go. This, again, really tells us the type of attitude that Moses had, how he was afraid to get out there relying on his own strength. I wonder how many of us this speaks to today. I wonder how many of us are falling and failing, how we’re making decisions that are resulting in failure, how we’re taking actions that result in a lack of fruitfulness because we don’t have the type of attitude and prayer life that Moses displayed when he said to the Father, Father, if you don’t go with us, If your presence doesn’t go with us, I’m not gonna go. But for some of us, instead of walking in that type of a posture, in that type of humility, many of us were walking what I’m calling presumptuously. We’re not relying on the Father, We’re not afraid of relying on our own strength. We’re not afraid of relying on our own abilities. We just rush out there like a bulldog doing all these things without doing it in a way that’s humbly relying on the Father, without realizing that unless He blesses us, we’re very vulnerable and in a place of danger. And so the second powerful prayer dynamic that I want to derive from Exodus 33 for us today, beloved ones, is that we need to come to a place of humility in our life that we recognize that unless God goes before us every day, Unless we’re relying him to go before us every day, we’re in a place of danger and putting ourselves in a posture of failing. In other words, we can’t just assume that things are going to go well for our family, but rather we assume that independency on God. We can be confident that we’re safe. We can be confident that the Lord is blessing our family. We can be confident that the Lord is giving us wisdom. We can be confident that the Lord is leading us and guiding us. But before that, we have to put ourselves in the posture that Moses put his heart in when he said, unless you go with me, unless your presence goes with me, I’m not going to go. So I want to ask you right now. See, the Bible says the Word of God is living and active and sharper than a two-edged sword, dividing the soul from the spirit. And I wonder if right now this word that I’m preaching is cutting some of us between the division of soul and spirit. And you’re recognizing that a lot of the life that you’re leading is a life of self-sufficiency that you haven’t yet been brought to your knees like Moses was when he said, unless you go with me, I will not fail. Go. So if that’s you right now, if you just recognize, Lord, I’ve been living in self-sufficiency. I’ve been living relying on myself. And because of it, I’m not being fruitful in my life. If you recognize that now, you know what I want to ask you to do? We’re going to ask the Lord to help us and to forgive us and to sanctify us. So Father, as we examine the great man of God, Moses, we can see, Lord, why you called him the humblest man on the earth. How he, Father God, didn’t dare just walk presumptuously, just assuming that everything would go well. But he recognized that things would go well as you went before him. And Father, we repent right now. for being self-sufficient, for being self-reliant, for walking in presumption and for assuming without starting each day, depending on you, humbling ourselves before you, asking you to lead us and guide us, being led by your spirit. Father God, we want to be like Moses right now. We ask you to bring our hearts into this posture of humility so that we can experience, Father God, the type of blessing and increase that we see was on Moses’ life as you used him to lead forward this great army of God from the promised land. Father, thank you for this great example, and we take it to heart in Jesus’ name. You see, beloved ones, the Bible tells us that the Hebrew Bible, the Old Testament, was written for us, upon whom the end of the ages has come. There’s much that we can learn from this today. Well, as we continue, we get to the close of Moses’ prayer, and he finally says to the Lord in verse number 18, show me your glory. Show me your glory. What an awesome prayer. Isn’t it an awesome thing to know that you can experience and I can experience the glory of God? Did you know that Jesus prayed for us? That the glory that He had with the Father, we would experience? That Jesus said the glory that’s His, He’s imparted to you? That it’s God’s purpose for you to dwell with Him forever and ever in His glory? The Bible says, whom He foreknew, He also did predestinate to be conformed to the image of His Son. and whom he foreknew he called, whom he called he justified, get this now, and whom he justified, get it now, he glorified. Your destiny and my destiny is one of glory, but beyond that, God is the glorious one. And as we seek his face for him, as we keep knocking, as we keep asking, as we keep seeking, and as we pray what Moses prayed, Father God, Lord Jesus, show me your glory. Reveal your glory to me. Impart your glory to me. Let me see how beautiful you are. Let me see your power. Let me know your divine intelligence. Let me experience your divine creativity within me. Let me know your genius, Lord. Show me how marvelous you are. Show me how wondrous you are. Oh, God, show me your glory. Show me your glory. Show me your glory. Reveal yourself to me. Pour forth your spirit upon me. Pour forth your love on me. Pour forth your joy on me. Pour forth your power on me. Oh, God, I want to discover you. Jesus, you said if I would knock, you’d open the door. If I would seek, I’d find. If I would ask, I’d receive. So, Father God, thank you that you love me. And I pray now what Moses prayed. Father, show me your glory. Thank you, Jesus, for purchasing this for me by your own blood. And now I ask and I seek and I knock. Show me your glory. Show me your glory. Show me your glory, Father God. Thank you. I believe I’m receiving it. And then you’re unfolding it to me in Jesus name and for Jesus fame. God bless you, beloved one. You know what? I never decided that I was gonna be a pastor or a messianic rabbi. My ministry is simply an overflow of my own walk with God. In fact, when I did decide to pursue biblical education, the biggest thing that I was desiring was to get ahold of God for myself. And what happened is the Lord raised me up because my overflow has become the ministry to you. In other words, my ministry is an overflow of my own walk with God. But now that the Lord has raised me up to preach the gospel all over the world, I need your financial help because without you, beloved ones, I can’t do it. I want you to know when you sow into this ministry, become a partner with us, you’re going to have a reward for all the souls that are being changed through this ministry. So if the Holy Spirit’s leading you, I just encourage you, be obedient immediately and you’re going to be blessed for it when Jesus returns. Thank you and Shalom.
Thank you, Rabbi. And friends, if God is calling you to support Discovering the Jewish Jesus with the gift of any amount, would you please give us a call today? You can reach us at 800-777-7835. You can also give online when you visit our website. You’ll find us at And this year, if you’re seeking a further connection with our ministry, I want to invite you to join our community on X. you’ll not only be able to join in on discussions on our page, but you’ll also be able to see Rabbi and experience his teaching in a new way as our videos are there. And you can put a face to the voice that you love and cherish. Our content, stories, and posts They authentically bring Rabbi’s message to you in a short and an engaging way. Once again, you can explore all that we offer and join our growing family of supporters just by searching for us on X. I really love the shorts on there. All you have to do is search for Rabbi Schneider, or you can also find us by going to our website, We also have other links to our other social media platforms there as well. And I want to remind you, while you’re on our website, consider helping us keep this program to continue airing all around the world. Your donation of any amount really makes a difference. That’s And right now, here is Rabbi with a special blessing. And it’s our hope that this special moment each and every day becomes a highlight for you where you can feel loved and connected to the Father. Amen. Rabbi.
In the book of Numbers chapter 6, the Lord gave instructions to Moses and Aaron to speak this blessing over his people. And the Lord said, When you speak these words over my people, I will place my name on them and bless them. Receive the impartations of the Lord’s blessings.
Yevarechecha Yahweh vayishmarecha Ya’er Yahweh panavelecha vihunecha Yissa Yahweh, penavei lecha ve’asem lecha. Shalom.
The Lord bless you and keep you. The Lord make His face shine on you and be gracious to you. The Lord lift you up with His countenance. And the Lord give you, beloved one, His peace. God bless you and shalom.
This program is produced and sponsored by Discovering the Jewish Jesus. And I’m Dustin Roberts. Make sure to come back next week. Rabbi Schneider is going to continue to explain special wisdom, find prayers that resonate with God. That’s coming up Monday on Discovering the Jewish Jesus.