Today, Pastor Jack teaches that Christ’s resurrection is the proof for us personally that He is alive, the most wonderful and awesome reality that could ever be imagined.
The post One New Man Please – A first appeared on Pastor Jack Hibbs.
today on Real Life Radio. – Many of us in this room today are now living a life that has been given to us by Jesus Christ and your decision process in the life that you’re now living confirms it. You are either living for and through and under the life of Adam or you are living through or by or under the authority of Jesus. – This is Real Life. Welcome to Real Life Radio with Pastor Jack Hips. I’m David J. Thanking you for joining us today as we listen, learn, and are challenged by God’s word, the Bible. – There are a lot of voices out there shouting this and that, spreading lies, personal agendas, and deceitful have truths. But when we fill our minds and hearts with the word of God and have a quiet time with the Lord, those voices are silenced. You see, the Lord speaks with a still small voice, but his words are powerful and true. So if you haven’t started a devotional time or just need some direction, we’d like to help. Pastor Jack has weekly devotions on his website that includes a Bible verse and a conversation with him that relates to that verse. Simply go to and click on the Devotions tab. There are also previous devotions that you can enjoy every day of the week. You can even email us if you’ve been blessed and want to share your experience. Again, it’s on our website at That’s On today’s edition of Real Life Radio, Pastor Jack continues his series called First Corinthians with a message called One New Man Please. First Corinthians was written by the Apostle Paul to the Church of God and Corinth, and he shares with us how the last enemy that will be destroyed is death. You see, the first human Adam was truly free until he stepped outside the submission of God and all of us were plunged into the bondage of sin. But the last Adam, who is Jesus Christ, reached into death and hell and overcame it. So today Pastor Jack teaches that the resurrection of Jesus Christ is the proof for us personally that he is alive, the most wonderful and awesome reality that could ever be imagined. Now with his message called One New Man Please. Here’s Pastor and Bible teacher, Jack Hips. – One new man, please. As a church, I’m speaking to you this morning by saying One New Man Please in that tone. What am I talking about? I’m talking about as we get into First Corinthians 15 and more of the doctrine of the resurrection of Jesus Christ and the benefits of what Christ has brought to us by him not only dying on the cross, listen, he died on the cross for the atonement of our sins. That’s tremendous, but if Jesus would have been left in the grave, then he would have been the most famous martyr of all time. But on Sunday morning, resurrection Sunday morning, nearly 2,000 years ago Jesus Christ was risen from the dead and because of that and according to the scriptures, he is the one who justifies us. Listen Jesus died on the cross to atone for us, but he rose again from the grave to justify us. You can’t have one without the other regarding salvation. You’ve got to have the atoning death of Christ in your place and in my place and then his resurrection for the empowerment of our salvation. If you could wrap it up in a culminating declaration, how is it that the unrighteous are made righteous? Answer by the death of Christ on the cross. And how are the righteous promised eternal life? Justification. Answer by his resurrection from the dead. 1 Corinthians 15, verse 21 says, “For since by man that is Adam came death, by man that is Christ also came the resurrection of the dead. For as in Adam all die, even so in Christ, all shall be made alive. But to each one in his own order, Christ the first few fruits afterwards those who are Christ at his coming. Then comes the end. When he delivers the kingdom of God, the Father, when he puts an end to all rule and all authority and power, we’re gonna come to love that in a moment. Let me tell you. For he must reign till he has put all enemies under his feet. The last enemy that will be destroyed is death. Can somebody say, man, that’s gonna be a great day. For he has put all things under his feet. But when he says all things put under him, it is evident that he who put all things under him is accepted or we could say today exempted, more than that in a moment. Now when all things are made subject to him, then the Son himself will also be subject to him who put all things under him. Notice the capital H is on the word him. It’s gonna be awesome as we discover this. That God may be all in all. Church listen. As we consider what it means to be one new man. As Christians, that’s what the Bible declares about who we are, mark this down in your minds. And again, you guys know the nature of how God has programmed me. I love to speak to a group of people, believers. But I also keep in mind that there are those who in the group of believers are non-believers or they’re religious people. They’ve not come to faith in Christ. They may be religious or they may have some sort of liturgical mindset. Well, you know, this is what I’ve always done on Sunday. So I guess I’m here, but that will not get you into heaven. I always wanna make sure that when I’m speaking to someone at all, that we take into consideration that there are believers and non-believers in the house. There’s the saved in the unsaid. Why do I say that this morning? Because our lives, your life, my life, are all made up of decisions. Will we agree on that? Your life’s made up of decisions. Think about it. Tens of thousands, maybe millions of decisions that you and I make in our lifetime. Your life is made up of the results of decisions that you make, that I make. And that’s quite serious. Peel the swallows early in the morning. I am the weight that I am currently by a portion of that being my DNA code written in, bone structure, height, things like that. And then there’s things that I can decide to either add to that or subtract from that. You know what I’m talking about? And if I base my decision making for what I eat on my taste buds, I will weigh three to four hundred pounds. But if I decide to eat healthy because I want to be used by God and live as long as God’s giving me days in a healthy manner, I want to be usable than that stands as a meter. Does that make sense? I want to be usable. I don’t want to spend the rest of my days in a hospital bed by God’s grace. I want to be used by Him until I see Him. Why are how? That comes based upon decision. You have a certain career based upon a decision. You have a certain lifestyle based upon decision. You have certain results going on in your life based upon decisions of the past that now dictate your future. The Bible says that as a man thinks in his heart, so is he. That’s a profound statement. Because as you begin to think and as you begin to ponder your decisions matter. Why? Because man, listen, man kind, you and I, everything that you and I experience in life all begins somewhere. And for man, it begins with his thoughts. You say, where are you going with this? Exactly where the text is leading us. Jesus said that you can judge what a man’s heart is like by what comes out of his mouth. Wow. By what comes out of a man’s mouth, Jesus says you can know his heart. His heart is made up of his thoughts, what he meditates on, what he takes in, what you take in will come out. That’s a law of life. Isn’t it interesting that you and I right here right now are confronted with one of two men being the leader of our lives? Just one of two men. I’m talking about Adam and Jesus. This is the key. Because as you and I look, you and I are here, listen, skeptic, unbelieving friend, check it out. You right now today are living a life that was handed to you by none other than Adam in your decision process confirms it. Many of us in this room today are now living a life that has been given to us by Jesus Christ and your decision process in the life that you’re now living confirms it. You are either living for and through and under the life of Adam or you are living through or by or under the authority of Jesus. It’s one of two camps. And listen, for starters, you and I were born into the life of Adam. That’s why you don’t have to teach little kids at a sin. They know how to, they know instinctively. Isn’t it horrible? They know instinctively how to lie, how to steal, how to disobey. Yesterday, look, you’re looking at a man whose heart is broken. Yesterday, for the first time, our two-year-old granddaughter, I said, good, don’t go over there, don’t do that. She looked at me. Her papa. The most wonderful man in her life. Don’t tell that to her dad. She looks at me, acknowledging she heard with a little smile. And I knew that’s a weird look. I thought to myself, strange look on her face. She goes, she’s two years old. She goes and goes right up to the edge, looks back. Smile and steps right into the forbidden zone. Two years old 28 pounds sand, come on. I’m taking you on, authoritative figure in my life. Do you have what it takes to tell me what to do? Where does it come from? She is a daughter of Eve, a daughter of Adam. And listen, we need to always pray for the souls of our children always. They may be cute and beautiful, but you know what? They’re daughters and sons of Adam and Eve. And you will have to teach them how to tell the truth. You’ll have to teach them how to do the right thing. You’ll have to teach them not to steal. Isn’t it amazing? That alone screams to us. One new man, please. Point number one, verses 21 to 23 is this, new man, jot it down, new man living. New man living, verse 21, “For since by man came death, by man also came the resurrection of the dead.” And verse 21, we see this, that a new man living as a Christian, as a believer, comes by way of conveyance. Will you write that down? It’s a cool word. It’s a French word. It’s a powerful word, conveyance. Mark it down. Most of you who are in real estate, things like that, you know our land ownership, you know all about conveyance. Or maybe you work for AAA. And there’s a conveyance of title. That’s a good word. It means to transfer, as it were, authority or ownership or a prerogative. Look, you and I become a new man as a Christian in Jesus Christ, escaping the grip of Adam’s hold on us. Number one, by conveyance. Some transaction must take place. It’s a powerful statement. Look a little bit backwards at verse 20. Look at 1 Corinthians 15, 20. Paul makes a glorious declaration there. Verse 20 says, “But now Christ is risen from the dead and has become the first fruits of those who have died or fallen asleep.” His resurrection, the resurrection of Christ is proof. It’s the standard. It’s the first meaning Christ Jesus was the first one to ever be resurrected. Others have been brought back from the dead, but none have been resurrected as Christ. The word means forerunner prototype for us personally as human beings. Jesus Christ is the first resurrected human. That’s awesome. It took God coming from heaven to earth to put on a human suit to live this life, to be killed at the cross, to be resurrected in a glorified body. Listen, I’m going to let you in a little dualism. It’s kind of cool. Follow this. You guys with me? Okay, good. Listen to this. When it says, “Force since by man, circle that in your Bible,” right in your Bible. If you’ve never written in your Bible, start today. Right in your Bible. Circle the word man off to the side, say Adam. Okay? “By Adam came death.” “By man,” circle that put Jesus. Also came the resurrection of the dead. “Every day you and I live in the invisible world of conveyance, transactions.” Did you know that? Of course you know that. How many of you have an ATM card or a credit card? Resurring if you have a credit card, some husbands are not admitting that they don’t want their wife to see they’ve got one or whatever. Have you ever paid for something online? Have you ever done a transaction like that? Isn’t it amazing that you watch? You experienced a physical benefit. How do you not watch? How do you know if you bought something online? I’m laughing. You guys, I’ve made my first online transaction the other day on eBay. I’ve never done it before in my life. I’ve never done it. You see, why are you confessing this? Because I feel so odd about it. Why? Because please forgive me. Only the men in here will understand this. But I grew up playing in my dad’s garage on a snap-on-tool creeper. You know what the creepers are guys? Now I found some guy in Tennessee selling a 43-year-old snap-on-tool creeper. Why did I buy this thing? It was 71 donors. Why did I buy this antique? Because I grew up laying on that thing and scooting myself around and down the driveway of our house growing up in Orange County. Because listen, I have a grandchild and I have another grandchild coming. And I’m going to put him on that thing. And we’re going to go under cars and stuff with it. And that’s what it was made for to look under cars guys. You don’t have to arm out. Guys say amen. And it’s very cool. You can look at grease and stuff and everything and go down there and look around. And listen, how am I going to obtain it? In fact, it’s supposed to arrive tomorrow according to the tracking things. It’s supposed to arrive tomorrow. Okay? How do I know? Because I entered into an act of conveyance. I filled out the thing and I made the bid it was accepted or whatever, how that thing means. And it says it’s been accepted. Okay? It says accepted. But I’m not sure until it arrives. It’s, I got a confirmation number. I got a confirmation number. I’m waiting for the whole transaction to take place. I’m waiting for the total conveyance to happen. It’s mine. It’s in route. It’s got my name on it. It’s saved. The creeper is saved. This creep got saved. And the ultimate is when the conveyance takes place. A new man, the Bible says, is you and I, born again, but ultimately resurrection must take place. And that is absolutely important. Here’s the deal about this dualism. The reason of Jesus will turn out to be the most terrible, horrific reality that could ever have been imagined by some people. The very same act, his resurrection, is that the resurrection of Jesus will turn out to be the most wonderful, awesome reality that could have ever been imagined by many of us in here today. Your decision, your choice, you must choose. You’re listening to Real Life with Pastor Jack Hibbs. You know to hear more episodes and maybe catch up in the series, just go to That’s And for now let’s get back to our teaching. Once again, here’s Pastor Jack. The Bible says in Romans 5.19, “For as by one man’s disobedience, many were made sinners.” That’s Adam. So also by one man’s obedience, many will be made righteous. Can someone say, “Man, oh my goodness, are you kidding me? This and conveyance, Adam, conveyed to me how to sin.” Once you’ve committed that sin and you live that sin and listen, ladies and gentlemen, church, family, visitors, believers and non-believers alike, understand this. You and I, you and I do not become sinners. We do not become sinners. Do you understand that? Remember it’s in us. People don’t like to hear this. Especially if you haven’t had a cup of coffee, it’s kind of freakish to hear this. But the reason why we do sin is because we are sinners. We don’t become sinners. We sin because we are. Okay, when a man, listen, if a man were to steal a car, he’s not a car thief when he steals the car. Now he breaks the law and then the law goes after him. Why? He broke the law. But according to God, when was he a car thief? Long before he stole the car. Because it was in his heart. Lions in our heart. And the conveyance needs to happen. A change needs to take place. But in the same token, if I inherited this from Adam, you might say this morning, “Come on, man, I wasn’t even there.” That was a long time ago. Can’t God just look the other way? He could if he was not holy. But because he is holy and everything is before him, we need a new Adam. We need another Adam. We need the last, if we had a first Adam, we need a last Adam. We need a perfect man to not make the mistake that Adam did. We need a perfect man to make the right decision. And who is that last Adam? None other than Jesus himself. By the same way you and I inherited sin, you weren’t there, but it’s been passed down through us. It’s our nature. Jesus Christ gives us a new nature by making us new men. Ladies, you know what I’m talking about by men? I’m talking about mankind. This is not some sexist race, not racist. It’s a sexist, showvinistic church. Jesus died for the sins of mankind. Think of that. It was Adam’s nature that was passed down to us. Just like in our lives, it’s amazing when a husband and wife get together and more ways than one, right? They get together and outcomes. A little Jackson James. He’s got a little bit of dad, a little bit of mom and features and as he grows, “Oh look, he’s got his dad’s nose. Oh look, he’s got his mom’s eyes.” These things happen, why it’s been passed down through the code. You know what? We inherited a spiritual DNA. It’s called SIN from Adam, dog on it. Thank you Adam, but it’s very, very clear when you understand that. The next thing is this, not only by conveyance, he makes us a new man, but look by placement. Look at verse 22, “For as in Adam all die, is that not true? Are people dying?” This is awesome. This is incredible. Listen up. The Bible says, “There was no death in the world until Adam’s sin.” Question. Is there death in the world? Yes. Proof of Adam’s existence. Proof of Adam’s sin. Watch what happens with this. For as in Adam all die, the Bible says, “Even so in Christ, all shall be made alive.” You see the word N, I N. Circle that word and write near it, the Greek word, E N. That’s the Greek word for N. N. E N replaces I N in English. Why? It’s the same exact word that is used for the Holy Spirit coming to dwell within a believer and making him a new man or a new woman. E N. In dwelling of the Spirit. As in Adam all die, that is in Adam we’ve got this inside of us, the Bible gloriously announces that now for the believer in us now because of Christ in us we will live. And that’s good news. In 1 Corinthians 15, 45, skip ahead a little bit. Look up there, verse 45. It says, “So it was written, the first Adam became a living being. God spoke Adam into existence.” The last Adam, circle the word last please, we’re going to find out who your Bible publisher is in a moment. We’ve all got different Bible publishers. The last Adam became a life-giving spirit. Ten Dales, Zonderven, Baker, they all published Bibles and they all have their sway in where they pick up or how far they go back in Bible translation. I hope your Bible does not say the first Adam became a living being and the second Adam became a life-giving spirit because that’s not how it appears in the original scripture. You want to know why those of you who have had debate or logic classes in school, this is very important. Play along with me, out loud please. The first Adam became a living being and if I were to say the second Adam became a life-giving spirit, what does that say to you among some things, other things? One thing it says to us, we’ve got a problem regarding Jesus Christ. You want to know why? Because if you can have a first, you can have a second. If you can have a second, you can have a… How long does that logic go on for? Forever. You see how careful you need to study your Bible. You can only have a first and that first is only the first according to scripture as long as you have a last. Jesus is the last Adam. Meaning, press restart, reboot, control, alt, restart. Jesus comes in and does with human skin what Adam failed to do. Remember that as we go through our study. Jesus submitted himself… Hello, listen, Jesus submitted himself like Adam was supposed to do. Jesus’ ministry was not lesser than God, somehow subservient to God. Jesus who is God says, “I will step in because there is no man able to save humanity.” So then I will become a man and I will live the life that Adam was supposed to live. I will fulfill the demands and by the way pay the debt that Adam ran up. I will pay that debt and in doing so my sinlessness will be imputed to him and his generations. The fact that I am God will guarantee their eternity. And so I will take care of it. But here is the amazing thing. Jesus in his submission for us, listen, for you and I to be saved forever. Christ must remain forever a man. This morning at the right hand of God the Father is Jesus Christ the God-Man. Pastron Bible teacher Jack Hibbs here on Real Life Radio with his message called “One new man please.” Thanks for being with us today. You know this message is part of Pastor Jack’s series called “First Corinthians.” It’s a series on the Corinthian Church and the Apostle Paul’s bold call for purity. And we will continue on the next edition of Real Life Radio. Download the Real Life mobile app for on-the-go access to all that Pastor Jack has to offer. Did you know that along with the radio program Pastor Jack Balsow has a TV show with more of the Pastor Jack Hibbs content that you like is called Real Life TV. If you enjoy Pastor Jack on the radio you’re going to love him on TV. So check out your local listings or visit and catch the latest episodes that’s This program is made possible by the generous contributions of you, our listeners. Visit us at that’s Until next time Pastor Jack Hibbs and all of us here at Real Life Radio wish for you, solid and steady growth in Christ and in his word. We’ll see you next time here on Real Life Radio. [Music]