Liz talks with Mike Thompson, prophet and author, about his new book titled “Third Heaven Authority.” Jesus gave Mike Thompson a tall assignment: “Teach people third-heaven authority.” Jesus continues to take him to heaven and talk to him about authority and spiritual warfare. In this book, Mike shares his incredible story so that others can be encouraged and equipped for the good fight of faith. With a degree in Bible theology from International Seminary, Mike Thompson did graduate work in Christian counseling and has a certificate from Rhema Bible Training Center. He functions as a prophet to the body
This is Liz Renzel with Crawford Media Group and today our guest is Mike Thompson. Author and profit to the body of Christ with over 40 years of full-time ministry experience. We’ll be talking about his new book titled Third Heaven Authority and how to pray from Heaven’s perspective. Welcome to our program Mike. Well thank you very much Leos. I’m just excited to be here. I was love to talk about Jesus. Amen. Mike I’ve had the privilege of watching you on Elijah Streams and I’m almost done reading your book which is so enlightening but Mike you had an an amazing experience happened to you in 2010. Tell us about that before we talk about your book. Sure. I actually at that particular point was in a city where there were holding a big evangelistic crusade and my wife and I had gone there as church leaders and we were helping the host pastor. We had a prayer meeting the night before and during that prayer meeting I experienced the vision that the book is based on. I’ve experienced so many different visions and words from the Lord, dreams etc. But in this one it was very impacting the life changing because the Lord just caught me to heaven. I went up through the atmosphere and saw a bunch of spiritual demonic beings and atmosphere that over the city went right on up into heaven itself, third heaven and I would found myself standing there looking around this room. That was absolutely amazing. And right in front of me there was a throne and it was Jesus who was seated on the throne and there were all these rainbow colors swirling masses of colors that made up the room. There were sounds of heaven. There were a lot of angels on both sides of the throne and it was just just absolutely awesome breathtaking at the time. And when I had that experience, Liz, what I wanted to share with your listeners is that the very first thing that I felt, I’m talking about in my being. Now this was this was a kind of a could we say an out-of-body experience? This is a vision you’re having. I’m going to say yes. Okay. And of course that scriptural with so many passages confirm those kind. But I did not know. I was unaware of it until after it was all over because I was in a room full of about 50 people. We were all under seating for that evangelistic crusade. Nobody noticed I was gone. So that’s the only reason I say it must have been spiritually out of body. Okay. But I wanted people to understand that the very first thing that I felt was looking at Jesus was a complete absence of any kind of fear. You know all the things that we struggle with here on earth just being human beings even though we’re saved. We have to deal with the flesh and all of the hooks and the pressures and the things here. And all of those were just stripped away and I felt completely loved, accepted and valued in him. And I learned through this experience that God has the ability by the presence of the spirit of God within us to give us that same experience here. That through the spiritual realm that we can actually rise up in our own lives and I tell people in the book quite a bit about that and how to accomplish it. Where we just know who we are in the Lord Jesus Christ and that’s preeminent. But the second thing that I felt in heaven is that during the encounter he turned me around and he had me to look down a portal and this portal went all the way down to the earth. And I could see below me those demonic spirits that were in the atmosphere. They were low-level demons. There was quite a number of them. And I could see the prayer group down below continuing to pray from their perspective below on the earth kind of in the spiritual realm and looking up. But I saw something they couldn’t see. Up above them between the lower-level demons of myself, I saw a large demon that the Lord said was a general. He was commanding the others. So like the principalities of the air, right? All that’s it. Exactly. And quite a bit, scripture is full of those things, particularly like in Ephesians 6, where it talks about the principalities, powers and all the wicked spirits, brewing spirits in heavenly places, etc. Right? And so he told me, “Launch your warfare from here.” And that’s a key. The first key was feeling complete in Jesus. Love except and valued. The second key was in the authority. But within that second key was perspective. Perspective is so important, everything that we do as believers. And so my perspective, unlike the prayer group down below looking up, was from me in heaven looking down. My perspective was heaven’s viewpoint. And through this whole encounter lives, I walk the people in my book through the process of learning how to allow the spirit of God to raise us up and give us that perspective, even though somebody may not have the kind of encounter that I did and actually be in heaven. The Holy Spirit is within each and every one of us, allowing us to have that perspective, because we are seated with Christ in heavenly places. And one of the things that the Lord told me toward the end of the vision, that encounter, because I was there, he said, “I want you to teach my people third heaven authority.” I never heard that phrase before. It came from the lips of Jesus. Teach him third heaven authority. And he said, “Remember, this is 2010.” He said, “From this point forward, there is going to be an increase in supernatural encounters.” Those people in the body of Christ, they’re going to have more visions and dreams. And you know, gifts of the spirit, miracles, all kinds of encounters. They said, “Also, it’s going to happen in a negative side, you know, among fatements, new ages, and just the world, all of those things.” And so it’s important for us to learn how to navigate these experiences, how to understand what the Holy Spirit is doing, and how to walk in complete authority in that tremendous. Yeah, you know, reading in your book, when you were talking about this, praying from the throne room and being seated, you say, actually visualize yourself being seated next to the Father and Jesus. And I’ve read about that, and I’ve actually done that a little bit, but reading your book has me doing it more. And I have to tell you, it brings such confidence in my prayers when I visualize when I, because I am all about spiritual warfare and binding and breaking powers in this and that. And so when I do that, knowing that I’m, you know, visually, and we are, the Bible says, we are seated next to them. And we rule from that place. And I have to say that it brings such confidence knowing, and in my mind, seeing me sitting next to Jesus and the Father, as I’m commanding, I’m, are binding demons doing this or that. And it really does make a difference in my prayer life. And I want to thank you for that. So I actually want you to go into explaining our authority and how to walk in it. Just a little bit, I know we don’t have that much time, but for you to just touch on that a little bit. Let’s do. Well, you know, in God, we have power and authority. Power is the ability to act, and authority is the right to act, the permission to do so from God. And that’s all in him. There are, and I teach in the book that there are four levels of authority. The authority of man is that dominion on the earth that God gave to Adam and Eve, that we have dominion here, authority. The second type of authority is what we call the Believer’s authority or spiritual authority. Now through Jesus Christ and His sacrifice, He now has given a spiritual authority, go into all the world, preach the gospel. You know, bind demons, cast them out, lands on the sick, all of those things, that’s spiritual authority. And there’s authority of position, which is just God’s responsibility. You know, a pastor has authority, a husband, a wife, you know, bosses, different things, different levels of authority. And the last one is what I call authority in the glory, and that authority in the glory is that when you have an encounter like I did, encounters from God when He touches us in whatever form always leaves us with an assignment. And that assignment carries by grace the authority to go and fulfill whatever it is that God gave to you. The writing this book was a fulfilling of that for me. And so every Believer has those senses of authority and Liz, I’ll make this quick because I know the time, is that third heaven authority is about perspective, which is praying from heavens view point down with heavens understanding wisdom and enlightenment and empowerment. But it also invades every area of our life. It’s attached to everything we do. And people who learn to walk in third heaven authority, it changes everything about them. How they approach their relationships, how they love their children, how they do their job, if they’re business owners, how they administrate that business, how they move in their own gifts and annoyance and ministries. It affects everything and lifts it up to a plane. They become the most effective that they’ve ever been in their lives. And it’s true. I absolutely agree, you know, your book and your book you talk about the activities of angels and their involvement in our daily affairs and how they actually help us in spiritual warfare against demonic spirits and influences. And we have a little bit of time if you want to talk about that. Yeah. Well, you know what’s interesting to me. I’ve been a minister for a lot of years over four decades. And in my perspective, I see that there are more books that are written about the origin and operation of demons than about the operation of angels. And so the Lord’s catching that up at this point. He’s teaching the body of Christ that the angels are there as ministers for us. And they actually help us. They work in line with the Holy Spirit who is in charge of all of these things. And what they do is they can strengthen, they can empower. But spiritual warfare, the Lord said, he told me at that point, I want you to learn and to see about how the angels do spiritual warfare for you. So when we pray, if we rebuked demon or we’re in prayer about a situation in our life or someone else’s, how that the angels respond to the word of God and to faith commands that come forth from our mouths. And they harken unto the word that is coming through us. And how that they’re the ones that literally drive away demons and change circumstances as well as the Holy Spirit moving. I love that. We’ve been visiting with Mike Thompson, author and prophet to the body of Christ with over 40 years of full-time ministry experience. And we’ve been talking about his new book titled Third Heaven Authority, Teaching Us How to Pray from Heaven’s Perspective. Mike, where can our listeners go to learn more about your ministry and more importantly get this book? Well, I would encourage them to go to Mike Thompson and there they can find out a bit about me and of course a link to the book. But the book that Amazon any place that books are sold, they can certainly find my book. Well, I encourage all of our listeners to get Third Heaven Authority and start your journey of walking in the authority that God gave you. Mike, thank you so much for joining us today. Appreciate it so much, Liz.