Liz continues part 2 of her talk with John Ramirez, internationally known evangelist, author, and highly sought‐after speaker who teaches believers around the globe how to defeat the enemy. A former high‐ranking satanic priest, John talks about his new book “Exposing the Devils Playbook.” Many believers are not victorious and not living lives of purpose and destiny because they don’t understand the schemes and wiles of the devil. Using powerful teachings, this book will unveil and expose the devil and his kingdom to the very core of his ministry, strategies, and weapons he uses against the church today.
This is Liz Franzell with Crawford Media Group and we’re continuing with part two of our interview with John Ramirez, former high ranking satanic priest who is now an internationally known evangelist, author and highly sought after speaker who teaches how to defeat the enemy. We’ll be talking about his new book titled Exposing the Devil’s Playbook, a powerful spiritual warfare strategies to equip you for battle. Welcome to our program, John. I appreciate your thank you so much for having me. I’m excited. I think we’re going to do some damage to the kingdom of darkness and equip the same thing given the revelation and what they need to fight to go fight. Amen. John, in part one, we talked about your experience as a satanic priest and touched on some of the devil’s tactics to steal, kill and destroy. Tell us about your book and what inspired you to write in. I think that what really my heart, Exposing the Devil’s Playbook is a powerful spiritual warfare strategy to equip you for battle. I think that a lot of believers are going to battle and we don’t fight if we fight, we don’t fight spiritual warfare. The church at large has been in denial to the believers to how we deal with, I’ve heard church say when people have mental breakdowns, go to the doctor and take medication. When people have sickness, go to the doctors and yes, we go to the doctors and we have many things that we need to have physical checkup. What about the spiritual side? What about the things that we need to destroy, the things that we need to fight to destroy and the attacks of the devil that’s coming upon the church today, flagging us, tormenting us, eliminating us and the devil brings us into confinement of limitations of who we are Christ. We don’t have to fight through that and the best thing we got is we wait on God. One of the things I’ve learned in the spiritual warfare in my life and a lot of believers that I helped do at conference and meetings and events that I have been part of, to share, to equip the saints to fight the good fight. God always told me, John, I will always do my part, but God is faithful. He will always do his part, but he will never do yours. You have to come in agreement with God, just call on agreement, you need to come in agreement and we’re in covenant with the Lord to fight the good fight in spiritual warfare. Why is it that today we downplay spiritual warfare or we think we think that if we don’t do nothing, it’s going to go away. Nothing is going to go away unless you go into the battlefield and let the enemy know that he picked the wrong house to mess with. You know, the Bible does say, my people perish for lack of knowledge in Josef 4.6 and I think Christians are under attack without even knowing it. What would you agree? I think it’s going to be a great challenge. I think it’s going to be a great challenge. I think it’s going to be a great challenge. What do you say to people who think the devil isn’t something to be concerned about or that they are fine because they’re born again and Jesus took care of it all at the cross? Jesus took everything at the cross, but still we have to fight. Jesus told the Israelites, I gave you a promise land, we’re not going to honey. And God told them, but you guys are going there fight for it. Think about it. Every land, every territory they stepped in in the natural. They had to fight. They had to battle. So now in the New Testament we battle spiritually and we don’t battle flesh and blood. Thank God we don’t do that. And the Old Testament, everything was physical. Spiritual warfare was the first time. Spiritual warfare was the first time. Spiritual warfare was the first time. He was in a battle. They have battles, battles, battles, weapons, to conquer, to win, to bring glory to God. How much battles we have in the spare routes? Today in the New Testament everything is in the spare route. So we have to fight to fight the battles in the spare routes. So if you’re not concerned about the devil, you’re not concerned about your Christianity because if you consider it as something to be a believer, follow Christ, the closer you get to the cross, the more battles you’re going to have. I mean if you look around Christian and you have one foot in the world and you have one foot in church and you’re not concerned about your spiritual walk of God, you’re not concerned about your purpose and destiny. And you know the devil ain’t going to do nothing to you because the devil say, you know what, you’re already my pocket. I already got you my pocket. I’m going to chase after the real believers and trip them up. That’s the truth. So in part one, you talked about your powerful testimony as a high-raking priest and some of the things that you did for the devil’s camp. Can God’s plans be blocked by the enemy? I know. I think we block our own plans. God can never be blocked. I mean there’s no one like the Lord Jesus Christ. I mean I did 25 years of devil worshiping. I mean there was no way in the world, no way in the planet that I will ever come to this other side of the cross. If it wasn’t for God there is bigger and more powerful than the devil to set me free from the demonic kingdom after 25 years serving the devil. I was in the front line of the demonic kingdom for 25 years. The highest archived. Now I’m in the front line of Jesus kingdom fighting to go fight against the enemy and the entrapments and the setups and the walls and the schemes and whether it’s sickness, whether it’s tormenting spirits, whether it’s witchcraft, whether it’s a situation to have to do with fragmented. This Christian walked around fragmented. This is fragmented. Into this whole system of the enemy, never seen breakthrough, never seen victory, never seen healing, never seen restoration, never seen restitution. Because then the cycle that they grow up spiritually. I pray for people in Japan a couple of years ago. I pray for the Lord Japanese for 12 years old girl. She got a spirit of trauma because they’re only here in school. She speaks for like six months. She lost a voice. When you lose your voice, you lose your identity. You lose your purpose. You lose your destiny. And the little girl came into the meeting. I pray for her the first night. Nothing happened. We know God was working behind the scenes. This is not what you see with your natural eyes. The day of night, the border in my life, I pray for her. I pray for the young girl. That was great. That was great. I multiple men. Only she was 18, 20 years old. They’re border in with a blanket from the mental hospital. They’re border into the meeting. She spit me right in the face. She said, we I hate men. She spit me right in my face. My wife was with me. My wife, I fought my face. I pray for her. I broke that spirit of rape and trauma and abandoned men on her. I never got such a big hug from the young girl. Give me a big hug because Jesus showed up and said her free. I see people be free and believers. These are believers. These are not even worldly people from the world. These are believers just because you save a gift to the gain to fight the spirit of warfare fights. The church had greenwash people and I said this last thing to make them believe that once you save everything falls off. Amen. You don’t have to do things on the on you on candy land, you on ice cream and everything going to be good. No, once you save, you better put on your armor. Jesus said that he gave us the authority. Is that what you’re talking about is one of our tools that we can fight the enemy? We have the Word of God. We have the authority. We have the anointing. We have the power of the Holy Spirit. But we don’t know how to use these. We don’t know how to because we never been trained. We never been disciple. You know, it’s a baseball. You can have the fastest pitch in all baseball. But if you don’t know how to control it, if you don’t know how to use it, then what’s the sense of having God has given us authority. God has given us the anointing. God has given us the Holy Spirit. God has given us the Word. The Word of God has given us the book exposed in the devil’s playbook. I mean, all my book has been handwritten by the Holy Spirit to teach and train and equip the saints. If you go to Amazon, you put John Romero’s, read the testimonies of all five-star writings on these books from people from all walks of life of Christian, whether it’s international or domestic. Listen to the stories of what they have to say about the book that had touched and transformed their life because someone put a weapon in their hand to beat the devil down and break the strongholds and break the boundaries of break generation of curses and break. I had generation of curses in my family from alcohol, cancer. These things need to be broken. You need to confront the enemy and break these things. God giving you the authority. God has given you the anointing. God has given you the Holy Spirit. God has given you His Word. It’s time to fight the Christ. I think it’s a preaching right now, a fantasy. I mean, a fantasy. How to win this? How to win that? How to walk 12 ways here? Four ways today? I mean, done the nonsense. And I said it for the broken heart because I might hit a criticize or I might hit a… I might hit a cheap shot to any church. I think we better rise up and be the church, a spiritual world for a church that God called us to be. You know, it’s amazing that the devil doesn’t care if you go to church. The devil don’t care if you sing and acquire. The devil doesn’t care if you go in any ministry. The devil doesn’t care. If you were to line up my sister, if you were to line up 10 believers right now and you ask them, what do you do? I go to church. I do, I do love what the things that they do, but the none loved what the person who do it for. We have lost our way. And the one more thing I share, the church in general, the church in general, it’s having lost their prayer closet. The disciples told Jesus, “Teach us how to sing.” No, “Teach us how to hang out.” No, “Teach us how to do a cookie committee.” No, “Teach us how to pray.” And in Jesus even said, “My father house should be a house of what?” Prayer. And today, the Christians don’t know how to pray. Christians don’t have a prayer life. The devil can sing. The devil don’t care if you dance, the devil doesn’t care if you play the piano, the devil doesn’t care. Whatever you preach, the devil is afraid of the believer and knows how to pray. Amen. We’ve been visiting with John Ramirez, former high-ranking, satanic priest. Now born again, internationally known evangelist, author and highly sought after speaker, who teaches how to defeat the enemy. And we’ve been talking about his new book titled “Exposing the Devil’s Playbook.” And how to be victorious against his attacks. John, what is one takeaway you’d like to leave our listeners with today? One thing I say to believers, if the devil has a book on you, right? If the devil is trying to read you, the devil is trying to bring endurance, delay and blockages to your walk with God, your purpose and destiny, then if the devil has a book on you, then you should have a book on the devil. If the devil is supposed to be in the devil’s playbook, there’s a strategy of how the devil thinks, how he acts, how he strategize, how he plots, how he schemes, and how he brings the money, activity into your life. If you know the devil’s playbook, then you know how to win. You know how to have victory, you know how to have your upper hand leveraged over the kingdom of darkness. It’s time to confront the enemy. Stop letting the devil confront you. We need to rise up and get the victory and know how the devil is eating up the fruits of the church. It’s time to expose the devil. And his book is from the teacher, how it’s going to train you, it’s from the equipment, and it’s going to give you the victory. I know it all my heart, I have demonic attacks and levels in my life, the other Christian with a committed suicide, but because I’ve known, I know God, and I know my relationship, and I know my prayer life, and I know the strategy to the kingdom of darkness. The devil can’t say, “Check me on me. It’s the other way around. Check me on him.” John, where should our listeners go to learn more about your ministry and get your book? I think you can go to my website, you can go to That will be a blessing to you. You go to Amazon. You just type in “John Remorice” and you get to expose in those playbooks. I encourage all of our listeners to go back and listen to part one on our website to hear John’s powerful testimony and definitely get his book so you can learn how to defeat the enemy. John, thank you for joining us today. Thank you so much for listening to you on your audience and God bless you all and Jesus’ name. I pray and open heaven over your life. Amen.