Liz talks with John Ramirez, internationally known evangelist, author, and highly sought‐after speaker who teaches believers around the globe how to defeat the enemy. A former high‐ranking satanic priest, John talks about his new book “Exposing the Devils Playbook.” Many believers are not victorious and not living lives of purpose and destiny because they don’t understand the schemes and wiles of the devil. Using powerful teachings, this book will unveil and expose the devil and his kingdom to the very core of his ministry, strategies, and weapons he uses against the church today.
This is Liz Frenzel with Crawford Media Group and today our guest is John Ramirez, internationally known evangelist, author and highly sought after speaker who teaches how to defeat the enemy. We’ll be talking about his testimony and his new book titled “Exposing the Devil’s Playbook in this Part 1” segment of our interview. Welcome to our program, John. Thank you so much to having me, the blessing to be on your platform and we’re going to bring truth and revelation to the hyp listeners to know how to fight the good fight of faith. Amen. God always said, “All these disciples, all the men and powerful women of God, they always said we fought the good fight.” Amen. And from Esther to David Moses, we told Madame the Lord to the disciples, Paul, everybody fought the good fight. So it’s time that we fight the good fight. Amen. Amen. John, you have quite a testimony that I want you to share with our listeners before we talk about your book. Tell us about being a former high ranking satanic priest. Well, you know, it’s amazing because sometimes I pinch myself because the last thing I thought really would say about me and I don’t say this in a harsh way, I never wanted to be a Christian. I didn’t mean Christian, it was weak, it was silly, it was ignorance, it was for people that didn’t know better, they want to hold on to a fantasy. But one thing about God, He can prove He wrong any given time and 25 years of my life. Quarter of a century of my life, I was in the satanic realm under Kingdom of Devil completely and fully. Not just a wannabe, I was in Wayne, a little rock t-shirt painting my nails black. That’s a wannabe satanic of a worship. But the ones they show up at the state capital and they addressed up with the little costumes and painted the nails black and those are wannabes. I was in the highest archival at the Dysentanic Kingdom of Darkness, Dirt Herm ranked them a worship in New York City, from New York City to Miami, Cuba, Haiti and back. And I was in the realm of the spirit of the highest second heaven which is the principality for heaven and down Territory Spirits, Marie Spirits were spirits. I had contract with the Monarchs Spirits as cemetery. They had to do a premature death. I had a satanic wedding and on Halloween. I remember the ranks, my father was a war lot from the highest levels of witchcraft. We bought the witchcraft immigrated from Puerto Rico to the Bronx. We immigrated from the United States. We knew people that were not right, double worshipers from different realms of culture and nationalities that we were connected with. We had demon church. I grew up in that, from the age of 7 and a half years old. At first in Conte with the Docks, I was a necklace that fell from the sky. I was in a yard, well I was in a, we call it a playground. But it was an empty broken, a lot that was a building with that one time and it took it down in the 70s and the soft Bronx of New York City and the necklace, fell from the ground. I was there with buddy of mine breaking windows from the empty buildings. That was a hobby we had. The necklace fell down to the ground and just to sum up the whole opportunity because of time. The necklace fell from the demonic dark powers of the dark side. I took the necklace, put it in my pocket. I remember my mother called my name. I told my friend I got to go. My mother’s call on me. I took off. It was a familiar spirit because it was too far distance to him. My mom yelling my name. I put the necklace on my neck at the age of eight. I was in a witch house getting my first demonic ceremony initiated to the dark side. It was a, I did all the demonic ceremonies on my body. I actually projecting rituals of animal blood, rituals of human blood, rituals of learning how to go to demotry from seven in the evening to five in the morning, being trained by a warlock in which is marrying Halloween, move up the ranks to the third level of witchcraft of the demonic worlds of the highest archaed, the kingdom of darkness from hardship projecting, leaving my body, curses and ringes, curses and neighborhoods putting witchcraft on people. In 1999, I had an encounter where I heard the voice of craft for the first time. He said, “My son, I’m coming soon when he will do it himself.” And it was such a revelation. I know the voice of the devil. I sat with the devil for 25 years, talked to him, communicated with him, had contracts with demonic forces of every aspect of the spirit around the dark side from Marie spirit, water spirits, feminist spirits, territorial spirits, abstract projectors spirit, principal personalities, the devil himself. I was in and dated in the dark side in 1999. I went to bed, died, went to hell, met the cross of Jesus Christ and the devil showed up to and how. So they convinced me not to leave him to stay in the occult, which is called the religion. And when he went to grab me and hell, the cross of Jesus Christ appeared in hell between him and I, which means intercession. And when he went to grab me to cross, he made contact with the cross that he fell on, he fell on the floor like a piece of paper. But the amazing thing was that when I died, I ended up in a train going so fast. There was people in the train. The train was crowded with people, but you couldn’t see the faces. The people had no faces. But they knew the terror on this train that was going fast and then pie the speed of sound. People in the train, they were going somewhere that there was a coming back. And when the train hit hell, there was an explosion. And when I got out, the train went to hell. I stepped on the ground and hell. And it felt like you stepped in on marshmallows and in Paris, like a human person. The ground is alive, nothing on the earth, you can compare it to. And then when you step to hell, the fear is not like the one on the earth that you can, you get fear for a minute or two or you shake it off. This one wraps around your life a pie song. And it’s alive. It breathes on your life a human person every time it’s easier and don’t mention it. As I was going to the point of how the devil showed up and he was saying, “I loved you. I had you, my son. I gave birth to you from the age of age virtually. I loved you. I protected you. I gave everything you wanted while you were leaving me now.” And I was so confused that I know where I was at. And I was trying to talk to him. He was talking in the monotunks. And I was talking back to him. And then when he went to grab me to destroy me, the cross appeared. Twice in hell. And then the second, the twice in hell, it doesn’t. And then I ran into the port of hell. And then I ran to the port of hell. The second time the devil came out, he came out with his true identity. The wings, the horns, the tail, everything. I mean, this thing was probably about 20 feet tall or bigger. And he had stains on his body because he fell from grace and his car was stained. And as he went to grab me again, the cross appeared. The wooden cross, the cover appeared. I never read the Bible. I didn’t have no clue. I didn’t have no idea what the Bible was. The Bible told me what the fantasy was. A fake book. A book that people would hold onto it because they have known it better to do. The Bible told me it was just nonsense. And I never read, I may have heard about Jesus being crucified, read it all the time. But I never knew a cross. I never knew the details of the crucifixion. I never knew that I saw. I know Jesus rose again. I heard the rumors, but I never actually knew the details of what took place because I never read the Bible. I had no interest in reading the Bible. So, telling people can read the Bible, we read the Bible, we get punished by the devil. They even punished it upon a death. If I were to step into a church at the devil’s worshiper, without asking the devil permission, then I’d be dead the next day. It’s just the way it is. You cannot step into a church without the devil’s permission. And you cannot pick up a Bible without the devil’s permission because punishment is death and it demonic Kingdom of darkness. So as I, he went to grab me again, I put him from hell. I was put back into my body like a lightning bolt. And it felt like I would be in an ICU and I would do an electrical paddles in my chest to bring me back to life. That’s the best way I can describe it. When I came back into my body, I knew that I was my only opportunity to be born again a believer and I gave my life to the Lord. And at a hundred thousand out of which Christ of my house, human bones, everything you can imagine my house from a hundred thousand out of which Christ of my home. And I threw all that stuff out and I left a daddy that I was able to see which was the devil for 25 years to follow a daddy that I couldn’t see. I knew that he loved me and I knew he had a plan for my life and I left the dark side and I came to the other side of the cross to follow Jesus. How did you know it was the voice of God? You know why I knew it was the voice of God? This is the priority and the relation of the voice of God for me. I know the voice of the devil. I know the voice of principalities. I know the voice of territorial spirits, marine spirits, water spirits. I know the voice of all these demons. 25 years of this, it’s like you living in a country for 25 years. I mean, you’ve got to know the language of the country, of the country wherever country, whether you in Japan, you’re in China or you in South America. You don’t learn the language after 25 years. So I don’t talk much of spiritual language at the demon side. I know it. Like the back of my hand. But the voice of God, it is, let me just describe the voice of God. I was watching Jeremy Springer. I came back from a nightclub recording people from the dark side, putting witchcraft spells on people in clubs. So I will go like three or four clubs a night to put witchcraft spells on people and record people to the dark side because that was the devil’s playground. The nightclub’s of New York City or any nightclub is the devil’s playground. I mean, to the music, the activity that goes on the club, the drinking, the people don’t cocaine in the bathroom. That’s the devil’s playground. So they were in the devil’s playground and I was the ruler in the devil’s playground, cursing the people that were coming to the clubs. So I came back from the club. I got up that morning. I put on Jeremy Springer to show. That was so like addicted, not addicted, but so always watching that show, which is ridiculous. At the time, it was fun, but this thing is just garbage. But yeah, I heard the voice of God. He said, “My son, I’m coming soon. What are you planning to do with your life?” You knew that that voice, if you wanted to shake the universe, it could shake the universe. But I had a gentle sound to it at the same time. You can’t even mimic that voice. The voice of the devil and the demons and the principalities and the spirits, the demonic spirits. The voice of the devil is so funny and empty when I talk to you. But the voice of the Lord Jesus Christ has a command and authority that can shake the world upside down. But also, you can hear the love of that voice like a stream you’re standing by the broken water. That’s the voice of God. We’ve been visiting with John Romero’s former high ranking satanic priest, now born again, internationally known evangelist, author and highly sought after speaker, who teaches how to defeat the enemy. And we’ve been talking about how he went from a powerful advocate for the Kingdom of Darkness to a powerful warrior in the Kingdom of God. John, where can our listeners go to learn more about your ministry and get your book, which we will talk about in part two? Well, you know, I was, you know, my ministry’s in install at John That’s my website and I’d love to hear from minister. I’d love to hear from brother and sister, so I love daily. And I might book, if you put John Romero’s an Amazon, all the books are there that I’ve written to help believers fight to fight how to deal with spiritual warfare, how to deal with that enemy, how to deal with stronghold bondages, besetting sins, how to deal with generational curses, bloodline curses, how to deal with social oppression and depression, how to deal with sickness. Sickness is a devil. It’s a curse of the enemy to bring sickness to your body, sickness to your mind. I teach people how to break these things. They’re strong. I’m uproot of living in the victory side. The law Jesus Christ asked for you. Nothing missing, nothing broken. Yeah, you’re going to have battles. Yeah, you’re going to have fights, spiritual warfare. Yes, but you’re going to have Jesus and you’re going to be victorious always. What an eye-opening talk we’ve had. I encourage all of our listeners to look for part two on our website. John, thank you for joining us today. Thank you so much. Blessings to you and I’m blessed to be here with you today. Amen. [Music]