*The CIA, Zapruder & Geraldo Rivera: Join Fred Williams and co-host Doug McBurney as they examine the evidence for a lone gunman versus a conspiracy to assassinate JFK. (And First of all, let’s be clear! the CIA says they didn’t do it).
*Primary Evidence: Hear about how the police found the rifle, the shell casings and other evidence tying Lee Harvey Oswald to the assassination in the immediate aftermath.
*The Warren Commission & The Bipartisan House Select Committee on Assassinations: Hear about the scientific studies that the governing officials commissioned and referred to form their opinions, and other studies, articles, and reports that either support or refute the commission’s findings.
*The Acoustics & the Wounds: Acoustic anomalies, and disputes over the nature of President Kennedy’s gunshot wounds have also been extensively modelled and reviewed.
*Oswald Fits
*The CIA, Zapruder & Geraldo Rivera: Join Fred Williams and co-host Doug McBurney as they examine the evidence for a lone gunman versus a conspiracy to assassinate JFK. (And First of all, let’s be clear! the CIA says they didn’t do it).
*Primary Evidence: Hear about how the police found the rifle, the shell casings and other evidence tying Lee Harvey Oswald to the assassination in the immediate aftermath.
*The Warren Commission & The Bipartisan House Select Committee on Assassinations: Hear about the scientific studies that the governing officials commissioned and referred to form their opinions, and other studies, articles, and reports that either support or refute the commission’s findings.
*The Acoustics & the Wounds: Acoustic anomalies, and disputes over the nature of President Kennedy’s gunshot wounds have also been extensively modelled and reviewed.
*Oswald Fits the Pattern: of politically deranged, relatively young, mostly male, social misfits, (some involved in conspiracies, and some not) who’ve shot, (and shot at) presidents of the United States from Abraham Lincoln, to William McKinley, (who’s assassin was convicted, and executed by the State of New York in under 2 months!) to Teddy Roosevelt, to JFK, to Jerry Ford (twice!), to Ronald Reagan, and right on up the the two mental cases who most recently tried to assassinate President Trump!
*Jack Ruby Just Doesn’t Seem to Fit: The low level, but certainly mobbed up night-club owner who killed Lee Harvey Oswald is the most difficult character to reconcile with a lone gunman theory, which, (along with the Federal government’s persistent refusal to declassify all the documents associated with the Kennedy assassination investigation) is one more reason many suspect Oswald was likely involved in a wider conspiracy of some sort.